Service Oklahoma - Motor Vehicle Service
Family Affidavit
Important Notice Regarding This Afdavit
Pursuant to 68 OS Sec. 2103, an excise tax exemption applies to transfers of vehicle/boat/outboard motor ownership
between Husband and Wife, or Parent/Step Parent and Child/Step Child, when such transfers are made without
consideration (i.e., purchase or exchange for anything of value). The intent of this Affidavit is to confirm those qualifying
If the vehicle/boat/outboard motor was purchased, or exchanged for anything of value, the referenced exemption
does not apply and this afdavit is NOT to be completed.
Only the registered owner of the vehicle being transferred, as indicated on the certicate of title, may complete this form.
davits submitted without supporting documentation will not be accepted. False or fraudulent information on this afdavit
may result in revocation of the certicate of title in addition to civil or criminal penalties as permitted by law.
If you are not the owner of the vehicle, this afdavit is NOT to be completed.
This afdavit may NOT be used in conjunction with the Afdavit for Transfer of Ownership Following Loss of Assigned
Oklahoma Title Form 777.
Form 794
Revised 01/2023
State of Oklahoma, County of: ________________________________________________________________________
Model Year: ______________________ Make: __________________________________________________________
OK Title or VIN/Serial Number: ________________________________________________________________________
I __________________________________________________ (transferor) hereby afrm that I am the registered owner
of the above-described vehicle. In support of this afrmation, I have provided the certicate of title for the above-listed
I hereby afrm ownership of the above listed vehicle/vessel/outboard motor is being transferred without
consideration to the following: _______________________________________________________________________,
who is my (check applicable box) :
Husband Wife Parent/Step Parent Child/Step Child
Signature of Record Owner: _______________________________________________
State of _________________________ , County of ______________________________ §:
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ________ day of __________________ , _______.
My commission expires _______________ , ____________ .
_______________________________________________________ , Notary Public
Notary Seal