Homewood Schools
Policy for Graduate Student Probation,
Funding Withdrawal, and Dismissal
(Revised Fall 2018)
The Krieger School of Arts and Sciences(“KSAS”) and the Whiting School of Engineering(“WSE”) full
time programs,
centers, and institutes establish the following policy regarding the procedures and consequences of graduate student
underperformance, including probation and dismissal. This policy applies to all new and continuing WSE/KSAS graduate
students but does not apply to AAP or EP graduate students.
If it is determined that a graduate student has failed to meet performance requirements as dictated by their
program and/or their Advisor, they may be placed on probation by their home department/program. An
advisor cannot put a student on probation on their own; but in most cases are crucial in advising and guiding
a student’s program on the decision to place a student on probation and in determining corrective measures
for probations.
There are several typical types of graduate student probation:
1. Coursework Probation
2. Research Probation
3. Teaching Assistantship Probation
4. Multiple Issue Probation (e.g. (e.g. coursework and research, teaching and research, coursework and
Timing of Probation
A graduate student may be placed on probation at any time, but if a probation can be resolved with
coursework, the student should be notified before the first day of classes in a particular semester.
Notification of Probation
Students must be notified in writing through a probation letter (or official email) from their home
department/program and there should be an offer by the student’s program to have a meeting between the
student and either their advisor, program Chair/Head, or other program designee to discuss the probation.
Students may elect to not engage in the process, but the probation process will continue per this policy.
A probation letter should:
o clearly outline the student’s performance shortcomings; noting the type of probation;
o indicate solid corrective measures
necessary to remain in the program (this should include concrete
o state the length of the student’s probationary period;
May be commonly referred to as ‘terms’ in many probation letters
o indicate clearly (when appropriate) that any funding support in place before the start of the
probationary period will remain in place for the length of the probation period (unless there is a
voluntary change of enrollment status that affects funding support
o set a date at the midway mark of the probation period to review (in a meeting, if possible) the
student’s progress and provide feedback;
o set a second date at the end of the initial probation period to review (in a meeting, if possible) the
student’s progress and to determine next steps
Programs are encouraged to consult with their respective Office of Graduate Academic Affairs in the
preparation of probation letters, both for letter templates and policy guidance.
A copy of the written probation notice should be forwarded via email to the program’s respective Office of
Graduate Academic Affairs
Student Status While on Probation
While on probation, students retain whatever enrollment status they were in at the time of the probation, and
their visa status and any funding/benefits will not be affected through the probation period (unless there is a
voluntary change of enrollment status that affects funding, visa, and/or benefits).
If a student needs to take a Leave of Absence (LOA) while they are on probation, their probation is paused
for the duration of the approved LOA period. Upon the student's return from LOA, their probation is
reactivated with the same terms, but the clock for the probation is reset from the date of return to the longer
of (1) the minimum time period dictated by the policy for the appropriate category as noted on the student's
original probation letter (such as research, coursework, etc.), or (2) the remainder of the student's
probationary period as noted in the student's original probation letter. http://e-catalog.jhu.edu/grad-
Length of Probation
1. Coursework probation: students will have until the end of the semester.
2. Research probation: students will be given at least 8 weeks.
3. Teaching Assistantship probation: students will be given at least 4 weeks.
4. If the probation is related to multiple aspects of the student’s work (e.g. coursework and research,
teaching and research, coursework and teaching) the appropriate timing applies for each individual
component, independent of the other component(s).
Note that programs are at liberty to provide longer probationary periods.
Appeal Process for Initial Probation
A student may appeal their program’s decision to place them on probation in writing within ten university
business days to the program Chair/Head, stating why they feel the decision is unmerited. The program must
For example, a student switches to part-time or nonresident status in the middle of a probationary period.
to the Vice Dean for Science and Research and the Director of Graduate and Postdoctoral Academic and Student
Affairs in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, or to the Vice Dean for Graduate Education and the Assistant
Dean for Graduate and Postdoctoral Academic Affairs in the Whiting School of Engineering
For example, a student switches to part-time or nonresident status in the middle of a probationary period.
render a decision on the appeal in writing within ten university business days. The student may then appeal
that decision in writing within ten university business days to their respective graduate affairs Dean, again,
stating the reasons for why they feel the decision is unmerited. The cognizant Dean (or designee) will render a
decision in a timely manner (typically within ten university business days).
An appeal of probation does
not pause the start of a probationary period.
The decision of the cognizant dean is final and there are no
additional avenues for appeal under this policy.
Probation Outcome Communication Procedures
Students must be notified in writing through a probation outcome/decision letter (or email) from their home
department/program and there should be an offer by the student’s program to have a meeting between the
student and either their advisor, program Chair/Head, or other program designee to discuss the outcome.
If the probation outcome/decision is either dismissal from the degree program or a withdrawal of funding, a
meeting is required
, and any information regarding readmissions procedures should be included in the letter
and discussion if deemed appropriate. Students may elect to not engage but it will neither pause nor affect
the probation outcome and any associated timelines.
All probation outcome notifications should be copied/forwarded (electronically) to the student’s Office of
Graduate Affairs.
1. Coursework Probation
If the probation was based on coursework performance, then as soon as possible, but no later than one
following the conclusion of the stated probationary period, the program must inform the student of
their status based on whether or not the student met the terms of the probation. The options are as follows:
(a) Remove the student from probation with no conditions
(b) Extend the probationary period
(c) Remove the student from probation but withdraw funding if applicable (this is not an option for
WSE PhD Students)
(d) Dismiss the student from the program
2. Research Probation
If the probation was based on research performance, then within ten university business days following the
conclusion of the stated probationary period, the program must inform the student in writing of their status
based on whether or not the student met the terms of the probation. The options are as follows:
See note about students’ right to not engage; in the case of dismissals or withdrawals of funding, the
department/program must show in writing a documented effort to schedule a meeting with the student. If the
student does not engage, despite repeated efforts by the department/program, then the requirement will still have
been deemed to have been met.
to the Vice Dean for Science and Research and the Director of Graduate and Postdoctoral Academic and Student
Affairs in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, or to the Vice Dean for Graduate Education and the Assistant
Dean for Graduate and Postdoctoral Academic Affairs in the Whiting School of Engineering
Or, if all relevant grades have not been posted by a month, as soon as possible after all grades have posted so that
an assessment may be made.
(a) Remove the student from probation with no conditions
(b) Remove the student from probation but withdraw funding if applicable (this is not an option for
WSE PhD students)
(c) Extend the probationary period
(d) Dismiss the student from the program
If the decision is (d) to dismiss the student from the program, they should be permitted to complete the
semester if enrolled in coursework, but any stipend can be stopped at the time of the program dismissal. Any
health insurance premium and/or tuition support should not be reversed for the duration of the semester.
Note that any dismissal decisions must be made by the student’s home department.
3. Teaching Assistantship Probation
If the probation was based on teaching assistantship performance, then within ten university business days
following the conclusion of the stated probationary period, the program must inform the student in writing
of their status based on whether or not the student met the terms of the probation. The options are as
(a) Remove the student from probation with no conditions
(b) Extend the probationary period
(c) Withdraw TA funding
4. Multiple Issue Probation (e.g. (e.g. coursework and research, teaching and research, coursework and
If the probation was related to multiple aspects of a student’s performance, then the appropriate decision
timeline and possible ramification for each individual component applies, independent of the other
component(s). The final, cumulative, outcome decision will be at the student’s home department’s/program’s
discretion in balancing the outcomes from each component*. The options are as follows:
(a) Remove the student from probation with no conditions
(b) Extend the probationary period
(c) Remove the student from probation but withdraw funding if applicable (this is not an option
for WSE PhD Students)
(d) Dismiss the student from the program
*for example, in the case of a student on an 8-week research probation and a semester-long coursework probation- if after 8
weeks the advisor wanted to remove the student from the research probation they could. If the decision was to dismiss the student
from the program after the 8-week research probation- they could be dismissed from the degree program effective immediately, but
then given the opportunity to complete that semester’s coursework. Programs are encouraged to discuss nuanced situations with
their respective office of graduate affairs,
General Dismissal Guidelines
In all cases, if the outcome decision is to dismiss the student from the program or withdraw funding, the
action may be made effective immediately (with no proration) once the student has been informed of
the decision. However, departments/programs are strongly encouraged to provide a grace period.
WSE Programs should consult with the Office of Graduate Affairs before making this decision to discuss how to
handle TA funding when it is being used to help meet the fully funded PhD student mandate.
While not required, academic dismissal may be noted a student’s transcript at the request of the
program and with approval from the cognizant Dean (or designee).
A student may appeal the probation outcome decision in writing within ten university business days to
the program Chair/Head, stating why they feel the decision is unmerited. The program must render a
decision on the appeal in writing within ten university business days. The student may then appeal that
decision in writing within ten university business days to their respective graduate affairs Dean, again,
stating the reasons for why they feel the decision is unmerited. The cognizant Dean (or designee) will
render a decision in a timely manner (typically also within ten university business days).
While a probation outcome appeal is being reviewed, the student’s registration status (and
subsequently, their visa status) remains unchanged from what it was during the probation, and any
funding and/or support remains in place. The decision of the cognizant dean is final and there are no
additional avenues for appeal under this policy.
A student may be dismissed without a formal probation period under three circumstances:
(1) if they meet the conditions for dismissal based on coursework performance as stated by the
academic program in its department handbook or on its website;
(2) If they fail an oral or written exam (or project) for which successful completion is necessary to
continue in the degree program and whose retake options have been exhausted (as stated in the
program’s degree requirements), or if they fail to meet any condition resulting from a qualifying
or GBO/DBO exam;
(3) If they are expelled pursuant to any other Johns Hopkins University policies.
Under circumstances (1) and (2), programs are expected to follow the notification and guidance dismissal
procedures cited above. Students must be notified in writing through a probation outcome/decision letter (or
email) from their home department/program and the student’s program must offer a meeting between the
student and either their advisor, program Chair/Head, or other program designee to discuss the outcome.
Any information regarding readmissions procedures should be included in the letter and discussion if deemed
appropriate. Students may elect to not engage but it will neither pause nor affect the probation outcome and
any associated timelines.
All probation outcome notifications should be copied/forwarded (electronically) to the student’s Office of
Graduate Affairs.
Students expelled or dismissed under any other Johns Hopkins policy ((3) above) will be processed through
that policy’s procedures. The student’s department/program and cognizant Office of Graduate Affairs will be
informed by the cognizant university office and may be required to facilitate academic administrative
functions related to a student’s departure.
to the Vice Dean for Science and Research and the Director of Graduate and Postdoctoral Academic and Student
Affairs in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, or to the Vice Dean for Graduate Education and the Assistant
Dean for Graduate and Postdoctoral Academic Affairs in the Whiting School of Engineering
A student’s funding may be withdrawn without probation:
(1) If it is aligned to a program dismissal without probation (see above)
(2) If the student has been found to egregiously disregarded or neglected their research/teaching
(or as appropriate under University or Homewood Schools policy); such action requires
approval from the cognizant dean’s office.
A student may appeal the probation outcome decision in writing within ten university business days to the
program Chair/Head, stating why they feel the decision is unmerited. The program must render a decision on
the appeal in writing within ten university business days. The student may then appeal that decision in writing
within ten university business days to their respective graduate affairs Dean, again, stating the reasons for why
they feel the decision is unmerited. The cognizant Dean (or designee) will render a decision in a timely
manner (typically also within ten university business days).
While a probation outcome appeal is being reviewed, the student’s registration status (and subsequently, their
visa status) remains unchanged from what it was during the probation, and any funding and/or support
remains in place. The decision of the cognizant dean is final and there are no additional avenues for appeal
under this policy.
When a student is dismissed from the university, several consequences include:
1. The student’s home department/program will file a ‘withdrawal’ form with their cognizant Office of
Graduate Affairs and remove the student from payroll (if applicable);
2. The Office of the Registrar will then cancel the student’s registration for the next semester which
may trigger a refund of tuition to either the student or their department/program (or both);
3. The loss of an active student status will result in the loss of all student benefits and privileges;
4. Academic dismissal may be noted on a student’s transcript at the request of the program and with
approval from the cognizant Dean;
5. The Office of Financial Services will suspend any financial aid to the student as well as work study
6. The Office of International Services will perform its duties as required by federal regulations
pertaining to individuals not eligible to enroll in the university; note that this typically means that
international students will need to leave the United States within 15 days.
7. The student will be asked to return university property, including keys, data, and equipment.
For example, nonresponsive, disengaged, etc. with no discernable extenuating factors
On rare occasions, students may be presented with the option to be readmitted. The terms for readmitting a
student who has been dismissed are established by individual departments in consultation with their
respective office of graduate affairs. The readmission process should be described in the dismissal letter, if
deemed appropriate. Students who have been dismissed should discuss the readmission process with their
Graduate students involved in any actions under this policy may make an appointment with their respective
graduate affairs office at any time to discuss the policy and their situation. The GRO offers itself as a peer
resource, and the Counseling Center is a supportive and confidential resource.
Students are also encouraged to discuss any questions or concerns with their advisor, chair/head/ or the
program’s Director of Graduate Studies.
If a student feels any decision under this policy was made in an arbitraty or capricious manner, they may be
eligbile to file a grievance following the Homewood Grievance Policy. If the student filing a grievance was
dismissed and is international, immigration regulations require that the student depart the country within
fifteen days of formal dismissal in the registrar’s office. This does not preclude the student from filing a