God Looks at the Heart
by Sue Hart, DCE
Bible Lesson
High School/Young Adult
Bible Lesson:
God Looks at the Heart
Split group into groups of three.
Have each group find three things they have in common
(not physical – e.g., not eye color).
If they need suggestions, examples could include: favorite holiday, favorite
season of the year, hobby, a sport they enjoy, a book or video game they like,
favorite phone app, favorite movie, etc.
Have one person introduce their small group and list the things they have in
You can make it a bit silly by asking the person who does the introduction
to use a voice like a talk-show host.
Icebreaker credit to: Julie David- https://www.signupgenius.com/church/youth-group-icebreakers.cfm
Dear God our Father, You have brought us together and into Your presence to
study Your Word and grow in our faith. Fill us with Your love and move us to
love others. Help us see others the way You intended us to see them, as Your
creations. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
But the LORD said
to Samuel, “Do
not consider how
handsome or tall
he is. I have not
chosen him. The
LORD does not look
at the things people
look at. People look
at the outside of
a person. But the
LORD looks at what
is in the heart.
-1 Samuel 16:7 NIrV
Materials Needed
· Index cards, drawing utensils, activity sheet
Hand out index cards and drawing utensils.
Students may use their phones for reference if needed.
Directions: Draw at least three emojis to describe yourself.
Do these emojis really represent who you are as a person? As God’s dearly loved?
Let’s face it, emojis provide only a quick judgement or glimpse into a moment. Emojis do not
completely tell the depth of who you are to God.
Discuss in your group of three:
What emojis would those around you use to describe you today?
Are they the same as the ones you drew about yourself?
Read: 1 Samuel 16:6-13
What we know:
God sent Samuel out to anoint the new king from Jesse’s family.
Jesse had eight sons; David was the youngest.
All of Jesse’s sons were present during the first meeting except David who was tending the sheep.
Samuel passed by all the sons and anointed David.
What qualities do you look for in a good leader?
What qualities would you find in an ineffective leader?
Read and discuss the following Bible verses.
What does the Bible say about good leaders?
Matthew 20:26 Philippians 2:3
Proverbs 29:11 John 13:13-17
1 Timothy 4:12 1 Thessalonians 5:14
Reread: 1 Samuel 16:7
When choosing a leader, God said He looks at the heart. God is not concerned with how we look on
the outside, but rather who we are on the inside. Unfortunately, the world does not often see what
God sees.
Have you ever found yourself defining someone by how they look?
Has anyone ever judged you by your appearance?
If so, how does it feel to be judged by your appearance?
Think about people with disabilities. Do you think the world often judges them by their disability?
High School/Young Adult Bible Study
God Looks at the Heart
Think back to the qualities of a good leader from the Bible. Did any of the verses suggest leaders
should not have a disability?
What stood out for you in this video?
What does Chase rely on when it comes to his anxiety?
What leadership qualities did you see in Chase?
Do you see some of the same leadership qualities in yourself?
Does this video help you see life from a dierent perspective? If so, how?
How could you make a dierence for someone with a disability?
Dear God our Father, You have looked into our hearts and You call us Your children. At times, we
have looked at appearances and made snap judgements about the people around us. Forgive us
when we shut people out because of our own assumptions. Help us have eyes that see the heart of
each person we meet face to face. Help us not judge. Give us the courage to lead others to see
Your love. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
High School/Young Adult Bible Study
God Looks at the Heart
If you would like resources for disability ministry, go to BethesdaLC.org and
Resources for reference or viewing during a service or Bible class.
Nikki Celebrates Communion (2:23) https://youtu.be/O5tIHW3pXd8
Alana Celebrates Confirmation (4:25) https://youtu.be/DlXCD1ajtJc
We are Indispensable (2:19) https://youtu.be/3n0OI-WJ_98
Psalm 139 (2:18) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFGOwJmnB9Y
Psalm 46 (2:01) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC9L0DoG7e
Chase Becomes a Leader (3:49) https://youtu.be/2JKU_ej-0Sw
© Copyright, 2020, Bethesda Lutheran Communities. All rights reserved. This content is intended for educational use only. Copies may be made to support your classroom
or place of learning.
Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version®, NIrV® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998, 2014 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan.
www.zondervan.com The “NIrV” and “New International Reader’s Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™
God Looks At The Heart
Directions: Write at least three things everyone in your group has in common. (not physical—e.g., not eye color).
Examples: favorite holiday, favorite season of the year, hobby, a sport they enjoy, a book or video game they
like, favorite phone app, favorite movie, etc.
Have one person introduce their small group and list the things they have in common.