Summer Session 2023
How to Hire Summer Session Instructors:
Faculty, Lecturers, and Recall Appointees
Please refer to the Division of Graduate Education
and Postdoctoral Affairs Presentation for details on
hiring graduate students to teach as Associates-In.
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 2
Welcome to Summer Session 2023 3
Summer Session Annual Workflow 4
Summer Session Funding to Academic Units 5
Instructor Eligibility 5
How Instructor Compensation Works 7
Special Bonus Compensation 11
How to Hire Instructors 12
Organize Your Instructors into 5 Groups 13
Hiring Process Workflows By Faculty Type/Group 14
Hiring Tasks Summary by Faculty Type 19
2023 Hiring Deadlines for Academic Units 19
How to Submit Appointment Files 20
Summer Session Sends Appointment Letters 22
How to Enter Positions in UCPath 23
APPENDIX A. Interfolio Job Aid 25
APPENDIX B. Sample Appointment File Documents 28
APPENDIX C. Appointment Letter Process 37
APPENDIX D. Excerpts from Academic Personnel Manual 40
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 3
Welcome to Summer Session 2023
The Faculty Appointment Process is Different for Summer Session
Summer procedures for hiring and approving faculty to teach differ slightly from the academic year.
Faculty are hired “by agreement”. Open recruitment is not required for Summer Session appointments.
An appointment letter is created by Summer Session or the IA System after appointments are approved
and confirmed to align with campus policy. To verify that an instructor is eligible to teach, please refer to
the UCOP Academic Personnel Manual and the UC San Diego Policy & Procedure Manual (APM-600,
APM-661, APM-662, APM-205, and PPM 230-243.)
Faculty Appointment Goal: To get instructor names listed on the Schedule of Classes by
Historical data shows that students are hesitant to enroll in Summer Session if they don’t know who is
teaching a course. Summer Session wants to avoid canceling courses due to low enrollment, so getting
instructors assigned to the Schedule of Classes as soon as possible is important. Summer Session cannot
add a visiting lecturer to the Schedule of Classes until they accept their Appointment Letter and their
appointment is active in ISIS. We need your help to make that happen.
Using this Handbook
The information provided in this handbook includes sample appointment documentation, as well as
guidelines and procedures outlined in the 2023 Summer Session Guidebook. Both this handbook and the
2023 Summer Session Guidebook can be found at the Summer Session website under the tab “Staff and
Faculty Resources” at
Thank YOU for Making Summer Session a Success!
The success of Summer Session depends on academic departments, colleges and programs hiring a
balanced combination of UC San Diego faculty, Associates-In, and visiting instructors. We appreciate your
spirit of teamwork to make Summer Session 2023 a success.
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 4
Summer Session Annual Workflow
Audit & Reconciliation
Call for Course
Course Proposals Due
Advisory Committee
Courses approved
Preview of Classes
Approved courses set-
up in system
Faculty appointment
letters begin
Class scheduling,
Classrooms assigned
Courses available on
Students begin
Goal Have instructor
names on Schedule of
management of
Student Fees assessed
Student fees due
Session 1 Classes Begin
Students add/drop
Session 2 classes begin
Session 1 - Faculty pay
Fees Due
Sessions end
Session 2 Faculty pay
Reporting begins
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 5
Summer Session Funding to Academic Units
Summer Session provides academic departments with 3 types of funding:
1. Instructor Payroll
Actual instructor payroll expenses are paid by Summer Session.
2. Instructional Support - Teaching Assistant (TA) Allocation
Departments will continue to receive block funding for TA/Reader/Tutor instructional
support. Please see the Summer Session Guidebook for details regarding the TA
Allocation formula.
3. Administrative Services 2023 Incentive Pilot Program (pending for 2023)
Summer Session funds academic units for their work supporting the Summer Session
program. The Incentive Pilot Program is continuing for Summer Session 2023. The
Incentive Pilot Program was created to incentivize academic units to offer more Summer
Session courses and achieve higher student enrollments. The overall goal is to help more
students use Summer Session to improve their time-to-degree. See the Summer Session
Guidebook for details.
The remainder of this handbook details the process that academic units will follow to hire
Summer Session instructors.
Instructor Eligibility
Departments are required to verify eligibility for each proposed instructor. Please review
Academic Personnel Manual, APM-661 and APM-662
Annual Salary on June 30, 2023
Even though Summer Session courses are taught July-September, all Summer Session instructors
are paid based on their annual salary on June 30, 2023. (Spring Quarter compensation continues
for summer.)
Visiting Instructors
Summer Session must pay visiting instructors an annual salary that aligns with UC San Diego
faculty in the academic department with comparable experience.
Departments recommend an annual salary that aligns with UC San Diego salary scales and is
consistent with other department faculty with similar experience and degrees. The pay rates in
effect as of June 30, 2023 must be used.
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 6
Summer Session Lecturer (1550): Use the Unit 18 Salary Scale (Table 15), 7/1/22.
Visiting Professor: Use the Ladder-Ranks-Professor Salary Scales, 10/1/22.
Additional academic salary scales are located here.
FERPA Training for Instructors
Summer Session faculty with access to student records must comply with the Federal
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) by taking an online FERPA course.
This includes visiting Summer Session instructors. The FERPA course is offered via UC
Learning Center, takes about 30 minutes to complete, and is valid for 3 years.
More details about the FERPA training requirement are at:
Fiscal Year Employees Cannot Exceed 100% Appointment
Fiscal year academic and staff employees may teach in Summer Session by exception only. An
exception memo must state how the employee’s primary appointment will be adjusted so that
the Summer Session course(s) do not cause him/her to exceed 100% appointment.
Two options are:
1. Use vacation days
2. Reduce current fiscal year appointment to 50% during the course dates.
Fiscal year appointees may earn a maximum of 1/12
additional compensation to teach
Summer Session. (See APM 600.)
Reducing a fiscal year appointment will impact an employee’s retirement and benefit accruals.
Summer Session recommends consulting with HR to understand the consequences of reducing a
fiscal year appointment before accepting a Summer Session teaching appointment.
International Instructors
Please consult with the International Faculty & Scholars Office before proposing an International
instructor. International visiting instructors must hold appropriate visa status to be eligible for
payment. All offers of appointment are contingent upon documentation of employment
eligibility in compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. An instructor
cannot teach on a tourist visa. Please note that late visa applications sometimes result in the
instructor not being able to teach in Summer Session.
Note: Visiting instructors are encouraged to initiate their visa applications well in
advance of the start of Summer Session, preferably as soon as their course has been
approved. Please contact the UCSD Scholar’s Office at 858-246-1448 for more
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 7
Postdocs or Project Scientists who are hired on H-1B, TN, or E-3 visas are not eligible to teach
Summer Session courses. These types of visas are job-specific, which teaching a Summer Session
course would require amending the terms of the visa at significant cost to UC San Diego. Please
consult with the International Faculty & Scholars Office before submitting an appointment file
for an international postdoc or project scientist.
How Instructor Compensation Works
Course Salary
Instructors receive 1 fixed payment per course
1 class 50% appointment
2 classes 100% appointment
Maximum courses allowed:
2 classes maximum per Session
4 classes maximum for the entire Summer Session period.
How Course Salary is Calculated
Full Salary
8.5% annual salary 4 Unit Course
4.25% annual salary 1-2 Unit Course
17% annual salary 8+ Unit course
Use salary as of 6/30/23
(Summer Session 2023 is the end of 2022-2023 AY.)
Measure Enrollment Once
About a month before class starts, Summer Session will contact departments about classes with
fewer than 15 students enrolled. Determine if the courses will be canceled.
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 8
2023 Snapshot Dates & Pay Dates
5 Week Sessions
Low Enrollment
Pay Date
Session 1
Session 2
8/7/23 - 9/9/23
Special Sessions
Low Enrollment
Pay Date
3 Weeks
7/24/23 – 8/12/23
8 Weeks
7/3/22 8/26/23
10 Weeks
7/3/23 9/9/23 6/5/23 8/1/23
15 Weeks
6/19/23 9/22/23 Contact Summer
Deadlines set
Contact Summer
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 9
xample - How Compensation is Calculated
Lecturer Teaching 2 Courses in Session 2
Lecturer Annual Salary: $64,329
Course Salary = 8.5% of $64,329 = $5,468
1 ice cream cone per Position per Session
1 payment of $10,936 will be entered into UCPath for the 8/1/23 – 8/31/23 pay period.
Requires coordination when the same faculty teaches for different departments.
This will be covered in payroll training in Spring Quarter.
$5,468 for Course A in Session 2
$5,468 for Course B in Session 2
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 10
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 11
Special Bonus Compensation
Summer Success Programs Success Bonus
Campus leadership is meeting to plan Summer Success Programs for 2023. Details to follow.
Science Wet Lab Bonus - Physical Sciences Division or Division of Biological Sciences
Faculty teaching science wet lab courses (2 or more units) with enrollment of 20 or more
students may be eligible for a bonus. The Science Wet Lab Bonus is paid on a per-course basis,
and is calculated as: 87.5% of the Summer Session Course Salary (.875 × Course Salary)
In other words, total payment for teaching a wet lab with 20 or more students is 8.5% course
salary + 7.4% lab bonus = 15.9% annual salary.
Summer Graduate Teaching Scholars (SGTS) - Training Award
The Summer Graduate Teaching Scholars (SGTS) is an Academic Affairs program that provides
graduate students with faculty-mentored teaching experience and professional development
training through the Teaching + Learning Commons. Departments nominate graduate students
in November to teach the following summer. An interdisciplinary selection committee reviews
the nominations and award recipients are announced at the end of fall quarter.
Graduate students selected for the SGTS program are awarded extra compensation for their
participation in mentor sessions with a faculty mentor, the Center for Engaged Teaching, and
former SGTS scholars. SGTS faculty mentors also receive a $500 payment to their research
Project/fund. The total payments to program participants are:
SGTS Graduate Students
Faculty Mentor
1. Regular Summer Session course
salary through Department payroll
2. $1,200 award, processed through
Graduate Division
$500 transferred to a research fund NOT paid
as payroll.
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 12
How to Hire Instructors
Helpful Tips from Department AP Staff
1. Find out what courses are approved for Summer 2023 and who will be teaching.
a. Courses have already been submitted in the Instructional Scheduling Assistant (ISA)
2. Organize your instructors into groups and make a plan.
a. Which instructors need an appointment file?
b. Which instructors need a summer UCPath position & hire?
c. Who is hiring the graduate students? Make sure to involve them now.
3. Make sure you understand what documents you need for your Lecturer files vs Associate-In files.
4. Know your deadlines for the different types of files as well as onboarding deadlines for UCPath.
5. Make sure you have access to all of the systems that you need.
a. Interfolio, IA System, UCPath, Summer Session OneDrive
6. Attend the summer session training workshops & ask questions.
7. Formal open recruitment is not required. To recruit visiting lecturers and professors:
a. Ask your faculty or graduate students if they have anyone to recommend
b. Reach out to instructors who have taught for your department previously.
c. Email listservs to look for candidates
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 13
Organize Your Instructors into 5 Groups
Process & Workload Varies by Faculty Type/Group.
Instructor Group
Faculty Types
Department Tasks
Ladder-rank Faculty, Teaching
Professors (LPSOE, LSOE),
Adjunct Professors, Visiting
Professors with appointments in
the 2022-2023 AY.
Issue Additional Pay on existing position/job.
Make sure total compensation does not exceed
for July-September (1/9
per month)
Lecturers who taught least one
quarter in 2022-2023 AY
Create/Reuse a 1550 Position
Process Hire in UCPath
Enter Additional Pay on 1550 position/job
Unit 18 Lecturers, Visiting
Professors, and Recall appointees
who did not teach in the 2022-
2023 AY
Submit an appointment file in Interfolio.
Create position & process the hire in UCPath
1550 LECT in Summer Session
1700 Recall Teaching
1108/1208/1308 Visiting Prof
Enter Additional Pay on Summer Session job
Fiscal Year appointees (postdocs,
researchers, staff) & Faculty from
other UC campuses
Submit an appointment file in Interfolio.
Create position & process the hire in UCPath
1550 LECT in Summer Session
1108/1208/1308 Visiting Prof
Enter Additional Pay on Summer Session job
Special Handling is Required
Graduate Students teaching as
Refer to the Division of Graduate Education and
Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA) presentation for hiring
process details & deadlines.
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 14
Hiring Process Workflows By Faculty Type/Group
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 15
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 16
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 17
Special Handling Required
FY Appointments (Staff, Researchers, Postdocs)
Reduce FTE on current appointment to fit a 50% (or 100%) Summer Session teaching
Alternatively, accrued vacation time can be used. See the Summer Session Guidebook for
Process a 1550 Lecturer Position/Hire.
Faculty from other UC Campuses
Both UC campuses must sign a Multi-Location Agreement Form before the appointment
UCSD department processes a Position/Hire. (No longer a fund transfer between
Refer to the Job Aid: How to Manage Multi-Location Appointments
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 18
Adjunct Professors
If their existing Adjunct Professor Job is without salary, you need to change it for the Summer
Session pay, and then change it back to without salary.
Remove the UCWOS comp rate and make it a 0 FTE job.
Enter the Summer Session additional pay.
After the payment has processed, change the title/job back to UCWOS comp rate and the
correct FTE.
Teaching Remotely Outside of CA (but within the U.S.) NOT approved yet for 2023.
More information expected in January.
Taxes are different when not working in California. AP has communicated that all appointees
who are working outside of California while the campus has not resumed full on-site operations
are advised to consult with their tax professionals about income earned outside of the state.
Limited International Work Program is No Longer Available
The program allowing appointees to work internationally (with approved work agreements)
expired in December 2021 and will not be continued.
Visiting Professors
Visiting Professors are eligible to teach Summer Session on a Visiting Professor Job Code.
If they have a Visiting Professor job on campus ending 6/30/23, you must:
Extend the end date
Change the FTE to 0 (So they do not get paid from your department and Summer
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 19
Hiring Tasks Summary by Faculty Type
2023 Hiring Deadlines for Academic Units
Department Task
Target Deadline
Enter names in ISA
ISA Quick Start Guide
Organize your instructors into
groups & make a plan
Submit appointment files in
March 31st See below
Create positions in UCPath Can start now See page 22
Process Hires in UCPath
Wait until Spring Quarter (in
case course is canceled for
low enrollment)
Payroll training Spring Quarter
Enter Additional Pay in
Wait for June-August Payroll training Spring Quarter
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 20
How to Submit Appointment Files
1. Use the following chart to identify which documents are required for your candidate.
First select the appropriate faculty type and title code in Column 1. Reading from left to right, boxes with
“X” indicate the required document.
Associates-In, Job Code 1506, are not included in this chart. Refer to the Graduate Division presentation for details on processing
Associates-In Summer Session applications through the IA System.
Required Documentation for Summer Session Appointment Files.
Must be Submitted via Interfolio.
Faculty Type &
Academic Year
Title Code
Job Code
or Reference
Letter to Reduce
Appt %
and/or use
UC San Diego Faculty (Dept. Chair and Summer Session Approval Required) - APM-661
Prof AY-1100
Assoc Prof AY-1200
Asst Prof AY-1300
Prof AY BEE-1143
Assoc Prof AY BEE-1243
Asst Prof AY BEE-1343
Lect SOE
Lect AY
Teaching Current Year
Adjunct Professor AY
UC San Diego Faculty (Dept. Chair and Summer Session, and DUE Approval Required) - APM-662
Recall (Emeriti) Faculty
Teaching Only
Recall (Emeriti) Faculty
Teaching and Research,
Clinical, &/or
Administrative 1702
Fiscal Year Appointments-
3200,3210,3220 Postdocs-
Fiscal Year Appointments-
Use Underlying Prof Appt. title code as listed above - Column 2. No documents required.
Health Compensation Plan
(HCOMP) Faculty
Contact Summer Session for special consideration.
Visiting Faculty (Dept. Chair and Summer Session, and DUE Approval Required)
Visiting Professor
A current CV is not required for repeat Visiting Faculty who have taught for Summer Session on a continuous basis. (You may use the CV on
file.) A current CV is required if there is a break in summer teaching or if the instructor is new and has never taught for Summer Session.
Full-time HCOMP faculty are not eligible to receive additional compensation for teaching Summer Session courses per APM-662.
If Researcher has an underlying professorial appointment, use the corresponding Summer Session Title Code from Column 2.
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 21
Rev. 12-2022
2. Download blank forms at:
3. See Appendix A. for sample completed forms.
4. Address Department Chair Memo to:
John C. Moore, Dean of Undergraduate Education
5. Create Case in Interfolio using the Summer Session Appointment template.
Job Aid can be found in Appendix A, or on the AP SharePoint site.
6. Upload your documents into the Interfolio Summer Session Appointment template as shown
in the table below.
Template Section
Forms to Include
1. Summary
Appointment Summary Form or Recall Form
2. Recommendations
Dept. Chair memo to DUE
3. Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness
CAPES or Reference Letter
4. Candidate Documents
Appointment File - Tips for Success
For Summer Session Lecturer appointments, propose annual salary that aligns with comparable
faculty & fits on the 7/1/22 Unit 18 Lecturer salary scale. (Don’t match home institution salary.)
Suggestion: If CAPES are below 70% rating with 40% response rate, propose an action plan to
increase responses.
Tips for increasing CAPE response can be found at:
Teaching CAPES are more important than TA evaluations. Two sets of CAPES are usually
sufficient you don’t need to submit all CAPES.
If proposing a first-time instructor, the letter to DUE should include the type of support that will
be provided: faculty mentor, Teaching + Learning Commons, other department support.
All Summer Session instructors are eligible for services and support from the Teaching &
Learning Commons,
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 22
Summer Session Sends Appointment Letters
1. Upon DUE approval of an appointment file, Summer Session generates an appointment
letter and emails it to the instructor, copies the department MSO, and uploads a copy to
2. Faculty are required to reply if they accept or decline the appointment by emailing summer-
3. Upon acceptance of the appointment, the instructor will be assigned to the course on the
Schedule of Classes.
a. If the instructor does not have a PID, they need to be hired in UCPath before their
name can be added to the Schedule of Classes.
4. After an overnight refresh, the instructor will have access to campus systems. An additional
overnight refresh may be required for Canvas access.
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 23
How to Enter Positions in UCPath
Refer to the UCPath Job Aids under Template Transactions:
How to Process Payments for Lecturers in Summer Session
How to Process Summer Salary for Professors, LSOE, and Recalls
Tips for Summer Session Positions & Hires
You can re-use UCPath positions from Summer Session 2022. However, be sure to change the
funding if it differs for 2023.
If creating new positions, start the position at least one month before the anticipated hire date.
Need to allow enough effective dated rows if position corrections are required.
Leave the blank Earn Code row and add a new row for the Summer Session funding. (Payment
will be issued via additional pay mass upload.)
Earn Code ACS - Ladder-rank faculty, LSOE/LPSOE, Lecturers, and Recalls
Earn Code ASN - Graduate Students
Quick Reference
Instructor Type Job Code
Recall Appointees
Hires & Additional Pay
Summer Session and Graduate Division will have another training session in Spring quarter to
talk about how to process hires and additional pay for Summer Session instructors.
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 24
Appendix A. Interfolio Job Aid
Appendix B. Sample Appointment File Documents
Appendix C. Sample Appointment Letter
Appendix D. Excerpts from APM
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 25
APPENDIX A. Interfolio Job Aid
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 26
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 27
Summer Session, LB, 12/13/22 Pg. 28
APPENDIX B. Sample Appointment File Documents
Departments are responsible for gathering the required documents. See chart on page 18 for
list of required documents based on faculty type.
Please refer to the Graduate Division presentation for details on Associates-In appointments.
The following pages contain samples of the required appointment file documents. If you have
any questions, please contact Lisa Bargabus at summer-[email protected].
Blank forms can be found here:
1. Academic Appointment Summary Form - Instructions & Sample
2. Department Chair Memo - Instructions & Sample
3. Reference Letter - Instructions & Sample
4. Recall Form - Instructions & Sample
Summer Session, LB, 12/6/21 Pg. 29
Appointment Summary Form - Instructions
Please complete all 5 Sections:
Section 1
Full name of faculty being proposed
Department proposing instructor
Degree information
Begin and end dates for session(s)
Section 2
Present Status
Home Institution
Annual salary and % of time
Proposed Status
Title (Lecturer in Summer Session)
Title code
Proposed annual salary and % of time (50% or 100%)
UC San Diego salary scale and session; academic or fiscal
Section 3
Signature of Department Chair (Academic Departments) or
Provost (College Programs) or
Divisional Dean (Interdisciplinary Programs)
Section 4
Previous UC Experience (List previous summer(s) if a returning Lecturer.)
Annual salary
% of time
Department (if applicable)
Section 5
Proposed Classes
Course Title
Projected enrollments and session based on prior offerings, if applicable
Tip: Summer Session enrollments are typically 1/3 the size of F/W/S courses.
Summer Session, LB, 12/6/21 Pg. 30
Appointment Summary Form - Sample
LB, 12/10/23
Pg. 31
Department Chair Memo - Instructions
Please include all applicable components:
1. Date
2. Address to: John C. Moore
Academic Affairs
Dean of Undergraduate Education (DUE)
3. Department Chair (Academic Departments), Provost (College Programs), or Divisional
Dean (Interdisciplinary Programs)/ Name of Academic Department, College
Program, or Interdisciplinary Program and email endorsement memo
4. Request must include full name of faculty being proposed, status, session
5. Department making request
6. Full name of faculty being proposed, status, session
7. Proposed annual teaching salary (noting scale, i.e. Unit 18 or Professor Series)
8. Proposed courses
9. Teaching qualifications including degrees
10. Teaching evaluation summary (i.e. CAPE) or Reference Letter
If CAPES are low, explain strategy for improvement
11. If applicable:
Fiscal Year Appointment needs exception noted
Visa needs confirmation of status with the International Center
For first-time lecturers, please recommend a Teaching + Learning
Commons consultation and assign a faculty mentor.
LB, 12/10/23 Pg. 32
Department Chair Memo - Sample
LB, 12/10/23 Pg. 33
Reference Letter - Instructions
Please include all items below:
1. Date
2. Address to:
Department Chair (Academic Departments)
Provost (College Programs)
Divisional Dean (Interdisciplinary Programs)
3. Request must include full name for faculty being proposed
4. Referee’s history and length of association with the faculty being proposed
5. Reasons and detailed qualifications for recommendation
6. Referee signature
7. Referee name, title, and department
Note: The reference letter should justify why the candidate is qualified to teach the course.
LB, 12/10/23 Pg. 34
Reference Letter - Sample
LB, 12/10/23 Pg. 35
Recall Form - Instructions
Please complete Fields as shown below:
1. Employee Information Section
Employee ID (EID)
Name of Recall (Emeriti) Faculty
Home Campus UC San Diego
Home Department
Retirement Date
2. Pre-Retirement Information Complete the gold GC/SIO section only.
Title Code/Title/Rank/Step
Retirement Annual Salary
Scale Date
Basis: AY or FY (select from dropdown)
Scale Type: Standard
3. Proposed Recall Appointment Section
Start Date – 1
day of Session 1, Session 2, or Special Session
End Date Last day of Session 1, Session 2, or Special Session
Recall Purpose Select “Teaching” box
Description of Recall Duties Teaching <course> for Summer Session 2023
Fund Source(s) Select “Core Funds” box
Funding Source Details Summer Session pays the instructor salary.
Teaching Assignments (if Applicable)
Quarter - Enter S123 or S223 or S323
Course number
Course Title
Complete the gold GC/SIO section:
Annual Salary (on current salary scale)
Scale Date
Percent time
Total Annual Compensation enter Summer Session course salary
Title Code Select “1700-Recall Teaching
4. Page 2 Signature Page
Retiree acknowledgement Signature and Date
Approval Signatures and Dates
Department Chair/College Provost
Dean of Undergraduate Education approves Summer Session teaching
recalls in lieu of the school deans.
5. Pages 3-6 Additional AP Guidelines. Please review.
LB, 12/10/23 Pg. 36
Recall Form Sample
LB, 12/10/23 Pg. 37
APPENDIX C. Appointment Letter Process
1. Upon DUE approval of an appointment file, Summer Session generates an appointment
letter and emails it to the instructor and copies the department MSO.
a. Appointment letters are uploaded to your department Summer Session OneDrive
2. Faculty are required to reply if they accept or decline the appointment by emailing summer-
3. Upon acceptance of the appointment, Summer Session will assign the instructor to the
course on the Schedule of Classes.
Note: The instructor must have an active appointment in UCPath with a PID in order to be
added to the Schedule of Classes.
4. After an overnight refresh, the instructor will have access to campus systems. An additional
overnight refresh may be required for Canvas access.
LB, 12/10/23 Pg. 38
Appointment Letter - Sample
LB, 12/10/23 Pg. 39
LB, 12/10/23 Pg. 40
APPENDIX D. Excerpts from Academic Personnel Manual
LB, 12/10/23 Pg. 41
Additional Compensation: Summer Session Teaching
661-0 Policy
Academic appointees may receive additional compensation for Summer Session
teaching. For Additional Compensation: Additional Teaching, see APM - 662 and for
Additional Compensation: University Extension (UNEX), see APM - 663.
661-14 Eligibility
Only the following academic appointees may receive additional compensation for
Summer Session teaching:
a. Academic-year appointees;
b. Appointees holding split appointments partly on an academic-year basis and partly on
a fiscal-year basis, provided the fiscal-year portion of the appointment is less than half-
time during the Summer Session period;
c. Full-time fiscal-year faculty appointees who are granted a temporary reduction in
their percentage of appointment or those who relinquish outside professional activity
days or vacation days equal to one day for every six contact or podium hours with
d. Part-time fiscal-year faculty who are granted a temporary increase in their percentage
of appointment. Fiscal-year faculty appointed less than 50 percent in a Health Sciences
Compensation Plan school cannot increase the percentage of appointment to more than
50 percent;1
e. Full-time fiscal-year non-faculty appointees who are granted the use of vacation days
or a temporary percentage reduction in their current appointment.
661-16 Restrictions
a. Compensation for academic-year appointees may not exceed three-ninths during
the summer period.
1Any appointment more than 50 percent affects a faculty member’s eligibility to participate in the Health Sciences Compensation Plan. (See APM - 670, Health
Sciences Compensation Plan.)
LB, 12/10/23 Pg. 42
Rev. 7/1/14 Page 1
Additional Compensation: Summer Session Teaching
b. Compensation for fiscal-year appointees may not exceed one-twelfth of the annual
salary per month of teaching. This is effective for appointments made July 1, 2014 or
later. Those appointed prior to July 1, 2014 to the Professor, Astronomer or
Agronomist series are eligible for payments up to one-eleventh of the annual salary
of a fiscal-year appointee.
c. These additional compensation maximums are cumulative of all concurrent sources
of additional University compensation.
d. Full-time Health Sciences Compensation Plan faculty are not eligible to receive
additional compensation for Summer Session teaching.
661-18 Salary
a. Summer Session teaching
The amount of pay is negotiated based on the teaching load. Each campus shall
determine the formula by which pay is calculated.
b. Additional compensation for Summer Session teaching shall be calculated based on
the salary rate in effect June 30 of the calendar year in which the Summer Session
c. Faculty shall inform the department chair of the home campus when teaching
Summer Session at a University campus other than the home campus to insure pay
is accurate and does not exceed policy limits.
661-24 Authority
Each Chancellor is authorized to approve additional compensation for Summer Session
teaching for eligible academic appointees.
Rev. 7/1/14 Page 2
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Additional Compensation: Additional Teaching
662-0 Policy
Full-time faculty members may receive additional compensation after obtaining pre-
approval from the faculty member’s department chair for specific additional University
of California teaching activities as outlined below. For Additional Compensation:
Summer Session, see APM - 661 and for Additional Compensation: University Extension
(UNEX), see APM - 663.
662-2 Purpose
Compensation for additional teaching is a privilege that must be consistent with the
principles in APM - 025 and APM - 671 and not interfere with normal University duties.
As a prerequisite for such additional compensation, the faculty member must carry the
full approved teaching load for his or her department, even if he or she normally
teaches less. Department chairs must take special care to assure that faculty, especially
assistant professors, are able to meet expectations for all their responsibilities in
teaching, research/creative work, and University and public service.
662-8 Additional Teaching Eligible for Additional Compensation
Two kinds of teaching are eligible for additional compensation, when beyond the
assigned teaching load:
a. Teaching of matriculated students in self-supporting University degree or UNEX
courses and programs (see APM - 663 for UNEX).
b. Teaching of non-matriculated students, including those in UNEX courses and
programs (see APM - 663) and other continuing education courses and programs run
by the University.
662-9 Additional Teaching During Summer Period (other than in Summer Session)
Faculty receiving summer compensation may engage in additional teaching up to the
APM - 025 limit of one day per week inclusive of all Category I and II outside
professional activities performed.
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662-14 Eligibility
Faculty titles covered by this policy are listed in APM - 110-4-(15). Faculty participating
in the Health Sciences Compensation Plan are subject to the Plan and local campus
Implementing Procedures regarding income from additional teaching. See APM - 670,
Health Sciences Compensation Plan and APM - 671, Conflict of Commitment and
Outside Activities of Health Sciences Compensation Plan Participants, for additional
information on the Plan.
662-16 Restrictions
Teaching activities ineligible for additional compensation are:
a. Any course assigned by the department chair as part of the faculty member’s
assigned teaching load, including:
1) A course in a self-supporting degree program (funds from the self-supporting
degree program are used to pay for this portion of the faculty member’s
assigned teaching load);
2) Extra teaching duties assigned in place of research and/or service; or
3) Courses taught in less common modes or locations (e.g., online, off-site, at
another campus).
b. Extra courses that are taken on voluntarily are ineligible for additional
662-17 Limitations on Time
a. Time spent on additional teaching during the academic year or when receiving
University compensation or University summer compensation will be deducted from
the days available for outside activities provided in APM - 025, and as applicable,
under APM - 671.
b. The following rules for calculating time under APM - 025 and APM - 671 must be
used, regardless of how much time is actually spent:
1) For traditional or hybrid in-person instructional formats (lectures,
discussions), every six contact or “podium” hours spent with students equals
one day.
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2) For fully online courses, hours will ordinarily be determined under the
assumption that online courses require workloads equivalent to the same or
similar in-person course formats.
3) The Chancellor may establish types of teaching for which time calculations
may vary, e.g., field supervision, practicums, and established online courses
producing lower levels of instructor engagement.
c. Additional teaching hours count toward the limits applicable at the time the
teaching takes place. For example, teaching done during the academic year is
counted toward the limits that apply during that academic year and may not be paid
on a summer-ninths basis. For courses that span the academic year and the
beginning or end of the summer or off-duty period, the time shall be allocated in
proportion to when the work was performed.
d. Exceptions to the time limit are not allowed for faculty during any period in which
they receive part or all of their salary directly charged to contracts and grants.
662-24 Authority
The Chancellor may grant exceptions to the time limits which shall be confirmed in writing prior
to the conduct of additional teaching. Such exceptions may be granted:
a. When specific individuals teach beyond the limits, or when all individuals are
teaching in a specific additional teaching program, such as a self-supporting degree
program. Any individual who teaches beyond the time limits assumes full
responsibility for ensuring that full-time effort is devoted to regular University
b. When course assignments are reduced due to other University service, such as
serving as department chair;
c. To the general time calculation rule in APM - 662-17.
Other exceptions to this policy, such as payment for courses taught off-site or conducted in
University-sponsored for-profit programs, may be recommended for approval by the
Chancellor to the Provost and Executive Vice President.