Victoria Forms is enhancing the processing efficiencies for UK Local Authorities with our unique integrated
electronic forms solution. The eForms System for Licensing includes a library of 75+ ready-to-use template
eForms branded to your Authority, giving you an immediate return on investment and maximising customer self-
service for legally prescribed Licensing applications and notifications.
This proven system is already in use at The Licensing Partnership (Maidstone Borough, Sevenoaks District,
Tunbridge Wells Borough Councils and London Borough of Bexley), Wycombe District, Chiltern District,
Westminster City, Uttlesford District and Ryedale District Councils.
For more informaon, do not hesitate to contact us:
Telephone: 01284 701000
Above: Chiltern District Council Temporary Event Notice on the Desktop / Tablet Viewer
Left: City of Westminster Pre Application Advice in our Smartphone Viewer
Victoria Forms
Online Licence Applicaon Soluon
Live with rst forms in September 2015
Staggered go live with numerous forms
throughout the duraon of the project
Payments through Xpay
Integraon into Idox Uniform, including
Use of House in Mulple Occupaon applicaon
and renewal forms.
Developed a wide range of new forms with
Victoria Forms including Street Trading and
Marriage Venue Licences
Other Features
eForm saving, forwarding, prinng, PDF and TIFF
• Oine / Mobile eForms module, auto-syncing
when reconnected
• Evidence aachment to eForms for scanned or
photographed documents
Detailed reporng with the Stascs module at
eForm and queson levels
• eForms and Viewer styled to your preference, in
line with your website
Further eForm Libraries / Technologies
Corporate eForms for Authority-wide funcons
Custom design of any eForms; eForms design
soware also available for your use
Easy, User-Friendly and Reliable EForms
Unique eForms technology; intelligent in-form
guidance and validaons on elds such as email
address and Naonal Insurance number
Full form loaded in-browser prior to use for opmal
compleon even if the internet connecon is
Licensing eForms designed to match naonally
prescribed formats where possible
Mulform data-switching - pre-populang customer
data into other eForms
eForms load in any standard web browser (no add-
ons required). Denitely no Adobe Reader required!
In-built Help at queson (below), page and form
level, including customisable informaon
Keeping Control, Automatically
eForms management, including workow, eForm
roung and Audit Trail
Integral eForm error checking, providing error-free
eForm submissions
Management interface with individual sta user/
group login conguraon
E-Signature, checkbox signature or print and sign
declaraon opons
Straighorward conguraon sengs for each
Advanced Processing Add-On -
Integration with Back-Office System
Integration and more
Removal of the me-intensive re-keying of customer
Integraon with IDOX UNIFORM Back Oce System
(27 processes integrated) and willing to invesgate
the development of integraons with Civica Flare and
Northgate M3
Integrated payment processing with your Back-Oce
payment system
Integraon with Council CRMs and Customer Portals
Bank account, address (below), and previous licence
nders; SMS and other external data connecons
Advanced Payment Integration
Victoria Forms oers payment integraon with a range of
third party systems - including Xpay, Capita, Worldpay, Civica
and proprietary soware. The user is guided through the
payment process directly from the form. All forms that
require payment automacally calculate the amount required,
dependent on the data entered into the form.
The user is then required to submit payment through an
online payment page, which is opened automacally when
the user reaches the end of the form. The form transfers the
user’s name, email address, the licence type, and the amount
of payment required straight into the payment page, saving
me and eort for the user.
On compleon of the payment, the user is transferred back to
the form, with the transacon conrmaon details integrated
into the form data. Forms can be congured so that a user
cannot submit their applicaon without providing payment.
Payment integraon cuts down on the amount of me it takes
for a user to fully submit an applicaon, by linking directly to
the payment page and prelling informaon. It also saves
sta me, by ensuring that payment is captured before an
applicaon can be submied, removing the costly re-keying of
data by your team.
Online applicaons are checked for errors and omissions
before submission, reducing your administraon costs and
providing a secure, reliable soluon that will deliver proven
eciencies to your Authority.
The Licensing Partnership
Key Facts
Live in February 2014
London Borough of Bexley joined the
partnership October 2016
Over 1,000 Temporary Event Noce
eForms submied annually
86% of the Temporary Event Noces
received are submied using our online
applicaon form
Use over 40 Forms, including Taxi Licences
Integrated directly into Idox Uniform with
23 forms
Payments through own proprietary
Developed a wide range of new forms with
Victoria Forms including Boang Licences
and Taxi Driver Licences
Above: Sevenoaks Temporary Event Noce
“Victoria Forms have been a key part in the
transformaon of the processes for the
Licensing Partnership. Not only has it
provided customers with an improved
service that is available 24 hours a day, 7
days a week but it has been instrumental in
reducing our processing mes.”
Claire Perry
Licensing Partnership Manager
Please contact us for reference details
For more informaon please contact us on 01284 701000 or