Sample Election Forms
September 2016
Before 7 a.m. on Election Day, all election workers, including the Presiding Election Judge, must repeat aloud the oath at the top
left side of the form. This constitutes being sworn in. If other clerks arrive later (split shift) they must also do the same.
Each election worker receives their own Statement of Compensation and Oaths form. The Presiding Election Judge must sign each
Statement of Compensation and Oaths form.
In the event an election worker does not meet the eligibility requirements, the Presiding Election Judge should call us immediately
if needing our assistance in finding eligible workers to assist you.
After checking eligibility requirements, each worker must complete his/her own Statement of Compensation and Oaths form. Be
sure all information requested is provided. We cannot process payroll without a Social Security number. Please be sure to provide
your email address and telephone numbers in the event questions arise and we need to contact you.
Election Day Hours - TIME IN is when election worker begins work at the polling place on Election Day. TIME OUT is when
electionworkerendsworkatthepollingplaceonElectionDay. PleasebesuretocircleAMorPM. Do not include travel time to
the Rally Station. Delivery is paid at a flat rate. Please do not record time in military format. Meals are not reimbursable. Do
not deduct time off for meals, unless time off exceeds 1 hour.
Election Law Training (2700 Premier Street) and Online Training Programs When applicable, training compensation is
$10 per hour. Compensation for online training will not exceed the amount paid to those who attend in-person training. Please
circle “yes” or “no” in this section.
Delivery of election results and supplies - The delivery fee is $25 ($15 for primary elections). If two election workers indicate
“yes”, the delivery fee will be divided equally. Please circle “yes” or “no” in this section.
Personal Cell Phone Use - If the election judge uses their personal cell phone, reimbursement is a flat rate of $10 ($5 for primary
elections). Compensation will be given for only one cell phone per polling place. If usage exceeds $10, actual charges may be
reimbursed upon receipt of a copy of the phone charges. If you are requesting payment for cell phone, we must have your cell
number and that cell phone must be “on” from 6:00 a.m. until all of your supplies have been delivered to the designated Rally
Are you bilingual? - Please circle “yes” or “no” in this section.
Position you served in today - Please place a next to the appropriate position in which you served today.
Please do not write in the section designated for office use.
Instructions for Statement of Compensation and Oaths Form
NOTE: Before the polls open, all election officers
(Presiding Judge, Alternate Judge and Clerks)
should repeat the oath aloud with their right hand
raised. Confirm everyone is eligible to serve.
Complete this
section in full.
Payroll cannot
be processed
without a
Social Security
Be sure to
provide email
address and
Complete this section in full.
Do not write in the section designated for office
use only.
Each worker must
complete page 8 of the
Cornerstone Notice of
Network Requirements
packet only once, not
each election.
Return completed form
with Statement of
Compensation and Oaths
Pages 1 through 7 are
retained for your records.
Register of Official Seals & Proper Installation
Top Portion
Bottom Portion
Register of Official Ballots
Top Portion
Bottom Portion
Number of ballots issued per precinct
Special Circumstances:
Statement of Residence Required
voter completes Statement of
Residence BEFORE voting
Early Voted
voted early in person
Voted by Mail
voted by mail
Mail Ballot Requested
mail ballot requested, call Early
Voting to confirm status
List of Registered Voters
from Poll Book
Match the “Ballot Code” from the Combination Form to
the ballot code “Precinct ID” on the ballot
It is imperative the correct ballot code is selected!
eScan Ballot
Match the “Ballot Code” from the Combination Form to the ballot
code “Precinct ID” on the Add Voter Screen of the JBC
It is imperative the correct ballot code is selected!
eSlate Ballot
(white card)
Give a Voter Registration Application to any
unregistered person. The application may be returned
by mail or you can receive the application and return it
in Envelope 4.
(yellow card)
Give a Statement of Residence card to voters with the “Statement of
Residence” notation on the List of Registered Voters and voters who
have moved from the address on the List of Registered Voters. The
card MUST BE COMPLETED and returned to the election official before
voting. Return in Envelope # 4. NOTE: If the new address is outside
Tarrant County, the voter may only vote by provisional ballot. Have the
voter complete the card and a Voter Registration Application, which we
will forward to their new county of residence.
Important: The Poll List is
completed by the Election Judge
or clerks. The voter does NOT
enter his or her own information.
It is fine to complete multiple
copies of the Poll List
simultaneously, if using more
than one check-in table. Be sure
to combine the lists and number
them at the end of the day.
you are not required to complete
separate Poll Lists for each
precinct. One Poll List will suffice
for all precincts.
Use the number of names
entered on this form to complete
line 16 on the Register of Official
Assistance / Interpreter
It is recommended that the Presiding
Election Judge administer these
oaths aloud.
Each person who assists a voter in
marking his/her ballot or who serves
as an interpreter for a voter must
take the appropriate oath prior to
rendering assistance or interpreting.
All persons except the election judge
and clerks must take the oath each
time they render assistance or act as
an interpreter.
Use slip to ensure correct ballots are issued to voters when there
are two or more ballot styles.
Remember, each precinct has at least one ballot style.
Election clerk notes voter’s Precinct / Ballot Code on the slip
and gives slip to voter.
Voter presents slip to election clerk manning ballot table.
Slip is reviewed by clerk who directs voter to the correct stack
of ballots voter may choose from.
Processed Voter Slip
PRECINCT: 1002-002
Voter Registration Certificate
Includes the voter’s political subdivisions and districts
If a voter has
applied for and
received a
exemption to the
photo ID
requirement, their
Voter Registration
Certificate will
have an (E)
Voter’s Similar Name Correction Request Form
Provide form to voters who would like to update
their name on their voter registration record.
Provisional Envelope (front)
Voter completes the entire Affidavit of Provisional Voter (white section). Election official completes the left
green section. D
O NOT separate the two sections.
Write the Ballot Code from the Voter
Provisional Stub that’s printed on the JBC tape.
(see page 20 of this packet)
Provisional Envelope (back)
The election official must complete the left side indicating, 1) if the voter presented an acceptable form
of photo ID and 2) the “reason” the voter is casting a provisional ballot. The election official must
also date and sign the envelope. This is a critical step in processing a provisional voter.
List of Provisional
Voters - record of
the voters who vote
provisionally on
Election Day.
Processing Provisional Voters on the JBC
Ballot Code: Enter code (circled in red) on the front of the Provisional Envelope. (See page 17 of this packet)
Provisional Sign-in Sheet
Located in the back of the Poll Book
Provisional Sign-in
Sheet - voters who
vote provisionally on
Election Day must
sign this form.
Request to Cancel Application for Ballot by Mail
If the mailed ballot is not
presented by the voter,
please call Early Voting at
Post this notice on
an outside door of
the polling place;
one which a voter
will most likely use
when entering the
Notice of Total Number of Voters Who Have Voted
Voters may spoil up to two
ballots and vote a third
one. Write the voter’s
name and the serial
number of the spoiled
ballot on the Register of
Spoiled Ballots.
Each spoiled ballot is
sealed in a small white
Spoiled Ballot envelope to
ensure privacy.
The small white Spoiled
Ballot envelope is placed in
the large Spoiled Ballots
The large Spoiled Ballots
Envelope is returned in the
black eScan tub at the
close of polls.
The ballot’s serial number
is located on the front of
the ballot, on the lower
left corner.
If a ballot is spoiled, this
number will be written on
the Register of Spoiled
Ballot Serial Number