Treasury and Trade Solutions
Site User Guide
Non-cardholder End-to-End User Guide
December 2021
GSA SmartPay
CitiManager Site User Guide | Table of Contents
Table of Contents
User Guide Overview .............................................................................2
Document Scope ............................................................................2
Your Access May Vary ..................................................................2
A Note About Navigation .............................................................2
1. Getting Started in the CitiManager Site .......................................3
What is CitiManager? ....................................................................3
Basic Navigation .............................................................................3
Choose Your Language ............................................................... 6
Self-Register as a Non-cardholder ........................................... 6
Log In to the CitiManager Site .................................................... 7
Log Out of the CitiManager Site ............................................... 8
Retrieve Forgotten Username ................................................... 9
Reset Forgotten Password ........................................................10
View a Different Company (Agency/Organization) .............. 11
2. My Profile ........................................................................................... 12
My Profile Overview .................................................................... 12
Update Contact Information ..................................................... 13
View User Roles and Hierarchy ................................................ 13
View Entitlements ........................................................................ 14
Update User Preferences ........................................................... 15
Change Your Password ..............................................................15
Reset Challenge Questions .......................................................16
Merge Usernames ........................................................................ 17
Change Primary Company (Agency/Organization) ............18
Link a Card Account .................................................................... 19
Unlink a Card Account ...............................................................20
Apply for a New Card .................................................................. 21
Set/Remove Out of Office Backup ......................................... 22
View CitiManager Log In History ............................................ 23
3. Manage Users .................................................................................. 24
View Card Accounts ...................................................................24
View Account Information ........................................................ 25
View Disputes ............................................................................... 26
View/Transfer Cardholder Hierarchy (Single) ..................... 27
Update Alerts for a Cardholder...............................................28
Emulate Cardholder ...................................................................30
View and Attach Account Documents ................................... 32
View and Download Recent Transactions ............................34
View and Download Statements ............................................. 36
View Authorizations ................................................................... 37
Dispute a Transaction ................................................................ 38
View/Upload/Delete Attachments .......................................... 41
Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/Damaged Card ......43
Perform Account Maintenance ...............................................48
Update Multiple Accounts .........................................................50
Manage Application and Maintenance Requests
(View Requests) ........................................................................... 51
Search for User and View Details ...........................................54
Reset Registration Details ........................................................ 56
Reset a User’s Password ...........................................................57
Activate/Deactivate User .........................................................58
Update User — Personal and Contact Details,
User Roles, Hierarchy and Entitlements ............................... 59
Assign/Unassign Companies (Agency/Organizations) ...... 61
Assign/Unassign CitiManager — Reporting ..........................63
Print Multiple Statements .........................................................65
Notify Citi of Lost or Stolen Card ...........................................65
4. Manage Card Program ..................................................................66
Create New Account Application ............................................66
Run Reports .................................................................................66
Set Passcode and Pre-fill Application Form Data ............... 67
Transfer Hierarchy (Single and Bulk) .....................................69
Download/Upload Bulk Online Applications (BOLA) ......... 70
Download/Upload Bulk Online Maintenance (BOLM)
Requests ...................................................................................... 77
Download/Upload the Supervisor List .................................. 82
View Your Hierarchy ..................................................................83
Set Alerts for a Specific Hierarchy ......................................... 84
Manage MCCG Templates .........................................................85
Create New Hierarchy Unit .......................................................87
View Additional Requests .........................................................88
Create New Corporate Account .............................................88
Maintain Corporate Account .................................................... 89
5. Resources .........................................................................................90
View and Post Messages ........................................................... 90
Upload and Download Documents Using Library ................91
Search for Non-cardholders .................................................... 93
View Frequently Asked Questions .......................................... 93
Access Links and Help ...............................................................94
6. Web Tools ..........................................................................................95
Access Web Tools
(Transaction Management, Reporting) .................................95
Access the Learning Center .....................................................95
7. Alerts .................................................................................................. 97
Set Your Personal Alert Subscriptions .................................97
View Alert Audit Log .................................................................. 98
View On-Demand Mobile Alert Commands .......................... 98
CitiManager Site User Guide | User Guide Overview
User Guide Overview
Document Scope
The CitiManager
Site End-to-End User Guide for Non-cardholders provides detailed step-by-
step instructions for all CitiManager Site functions available to Non-cardholders.
Screen captures in this guide contain dummy data for personal information and it is used for
illustrative purposes only.
For a consolidated user guide, refer to the CitiManager Quick Start Guide for Non-cardholders.
Your Access May Vary
The functions to which you have access are based on your role and entitlements. You may not
have entitlements for all the functions described in this User Guide. Some fields are defined at the
agency/organization level so there may be variances in what is described in this User Guide based
on your agency/organization’s setup.
A Note About Navigation
Most step-by-step instructions in this user guide assume you are already logged into the
CitiManager Site. Refer to the Log In to the CitiManager Site topic for the steps required to log in.
Unless otherwise noted, the step-by-step instructions begin from the CitiManager Site Home screen.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 1. Getting Started in the CitiManager Site
1. Getting Started in the CitiManager Site
What is CitiManager?
The CitiManager Site is a powerful online tool that allows Non-cardholders to efficiently manage
their card programs. Depending on your agency/organization’s setup, you will be able to:
View accounts, statements, balances and transactions
Dispute transactions
View authorizations/declines
View, approve or reject application and maintenance requests
Perform account maintenance
Activate and deactivate users
Assign applications and agency/organization
Set passcodes
Manage alerts
Manage your profile
Access on-demand training resources in the Learning Center
Basic Navigation
After you log in to the CitiManager Site, the Home screen displays. The Home screen acts as a
dashboard and displays a high level metric summary of your program — including outstanding
requests, accounts overdue, total credit remaining, number of unactivated cards and recent activity
at your hierarchy level. You can also view a list of application and maintenance requests.
Use the navigation options from the header and the side navigation bar as well as quick links to
navigate to additional program information and preferences.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 1. Getting Started in the CitiManager Site
Home Screen — Basic Navigation
Screen Descriptions
Home Screen
Header Section
1. Click the Chat With Us icon to open a chat
window with a Helpdesk representative.
2. Click the Contact Helpdesk link to contact the
Helpdesk for assistance.
3. If you have both Cardholder and Non-
cardholder access to the CitiManager Site, you
can toggle between both accounts using the
drop-down list that displays in the top-right
corner of the screen.
4. Your agency/organization name displays at
the top of the screen. If you have access to
more than one agency/organization, you may
select another one using the drop-down list.
5. Click the My Profile link to access or modify
your profile details.
6. Click the Sign Out link to log out of the
CitiManager Site.
7. The Envelope icon allows you to view the
Message Board.
Screen Components Section
8. From the search field, you may perform a
search by typing a name or card account
number, and then select an action from the
drop-down list such as Card Accounts, View
Requests or User Search.
9. The Outstanding Requests dashboard tile
displays the number of requests that are
pending approval when an approval workflow
is used by your agency/organization. This
includes any application or maintenance
10. The Accounts Overdue dashboard tile displays
the number of accounts that are currently
past due. The number of accounts displayed is
recent from the previous cycle. This applies to
individually billed programs only.
11. The Total Credit Remaining dashboard tile
displays the total remaining credit for the
hierarchy assigned to you.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 1. Getting Started in the CitiManager Site
Screen Descriptions
Home Screen
12. The Unactivated Cards dashboard tile
displays the number of cards that have not
been activated. The total includes both open
and closed individual accounts. This is not a
real-time total — the total displayed is from the
previous day.
13. The Total Recent Activity dashboard tile
displays the total amount of activity in the
current billing cycle. This is not a real-time total
— the total displayed is from the previous day.
14. Use the quick links displayed in the middle of the
screen to create a user, apply for a new card, set
your personal alerts and set a passcode.
15. In the Application Requests section, you can
view a list of pending Application Requests
that are waiting for your review.
16. In the Maintenance Requests section, you
may view a list of pending Maintenance
Requests that are waiting for your review.
Side Navigation Bar
17. Click the Home icon to return to the Home screen.
18. Click the Manage Users icon to view card
account details, view recent and billed
statements, perform account maintenance,
view requests, view refund history, perform a
user search, print multiple statements, view
disputes, view hierarchy, create a user and
assign/unassign applications.
19. Click the Manage Card Program icon
to complete tasks such as creating new
account applications, running reports,
setting passcodes, or performing document
management activities (e.g. bulk online
maintenance). The functions available are
based on your agency/organizations setup.
20. Click the Resources icon to view messages,
access the Library, search for users, view
Frequently Asked Questions and access Links
and Help.
21. Click the Tools icon to navigate to various
online tools such as Reporting, Transaction
Management and Expense Management
if you have the entitlements. You can also
access the Learning Center.
22. Click the Alerts icon to manage your alert
subscriptions, view the audit log, and the view
on-demand mobile alert information.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 1. Getting Started in the CitiManager Site
Choose Your Language
Key Concepts
The CitiManager Site is available in 28 languages. You can change the language in which the
CitiManager Site displays by selecting it from the Login screen before you log in to the site.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
Navigate to
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
2. From the Choose Language drop-down list that displays in the CitiManager Site
header, select the desired language.
CitiManager Site text displays in the selected language.
Self-Register as a Non-cardholder
Key Concepts
As a Non-cardholder it’s possible to self-register for the CitiManager Site so you can manage your
card program.
In order to self-register, an A/OPC must set up a profile first which will generate a Registration ID
and a Registration Passcode.
Citi will send one e-mail with your Registration ID and another with your Registration Passcode.
These e-mails are required during the registration process.
Once you receive your registration details, you must register within 60 days or your details will
expire. You will be reminded every 15 days until your registration is complete.
The Registration ID and Passcode can be re-sent by another A/OPC.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
Navigate to
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
2. From the New Users section click the Self Registration for Non-cardholders link.
The Registration ID/Passcode screen displays.
3. In the Registration ID field, type the Registration ID supplied in the e-mail sent from
the CitiManager Site.
4. In the Registration Passcode field, type the Registration Passcode supplied in the
e-mail sent from the CitiManager Site.
5. Click the Continue button.
The Sign-on Details screen displays.
6. In the Username field, type your desired username.
Note: The username requirements display in a window as you type. A checkmark
displays when each requirement is fulfilled.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 1. Getting Started in the CitiManager Site
Step Action
7. In the Password field, type and confirm a password that meets the requirements.
Note: The password requirements display in a window as you type your password.
A checkmark displays when each requirement is fulfilled.
8. In the Confirm Password field, re-type the password.
9. Verify the information in the Zip/Postal Code, Contact Number and User Profile
E-mail Address fields and update if necessary.
10. From the Helpdesk Verification Question drop-down list, select a question that will
be used to verify your identity should you need to contact the Helpdesk to reset your
password or retrieve your username.
11. From the Helpdesk Verification Answer field, type an answer to the Helpdesk
verification question you selected.
12. Click the Continue button.
The Confirm screen displays.
13. Review the details and click the Confirm button.
A confirmation message displays indicating registration was successful and a
confirmation e-mail is sent to the address entered during the registration process.
14. Click the OK button.
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays. When you log in for the first time, you will
be prompted to select and answer three challenge questions.
15. Type your username and password and click the Sign In button.
The Reset Challenge Questions and Answers screen displays.
Note: As an extra security measure, each time you log in you are required to answer
one of the challenge questions.
16. Select and answer three challenge questions.
Note: To confirm the challenge question answers, you will be asked to answer the
questions twice during the set-up process.
1 7. Click the Save button.
The CitiManager Site Home screen displays.
Log In to the CitiManager Site
Key Concepts
In order to access your account information in the CitiManager Site, you must log in to the
application using a valid username and password and then answer a challenge question.
You can only have one session of CitiManager open at a time.
As an additional layer of security, you may be required to enter a one-time (OTP) during the log
in process. If prompted, select a receipt option from the available options. The available options
are based on your profile, and may include text message, call office or call mobile phone. Once
you enter the OTP, the CitiManager Site Home screen displays and you will not need to answer a
challenge question.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 1. Getting Started in the CitiManager Site
If you cannot remember your username or password, refer to the Retrieve Forgotten Username
or Reset Forgotten Password topics in this User Guide.
If you need additional information about CitiManager Site self-registration, refer to the Self-
register as a Non-cardholder topic in this User Guide.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
Navigate to
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
2. In the Username field, type your username.
3. In the Password field, type your password.
4. Click the Sign In button.
The Challenge Question or One-Time Passcode receipt options screen displays.
Note: When you log in to the CitiManager Site for the first time you must select and
answer three challenge questions. Each time you log in, you may be asked to answer
one of the challenge questions.
Depending on your agency/organization set-up, the One-time Passcode receipt option
screen may display. Select how you would like to receive your one-time passcode
and click the Continue button. When the eight-digit code is received, enter it on the
One-time Passcode screen in the CitiManager Site and click the Continue button. The
one-time passcode expires after five minutes (300 seconds). If you enter a OTP, you
will not be prompted to answer a challenge question and the CitiManager Site Home
screen displays.
5. If necessary, answer the challenge question and click the Continue button.
The CitiManager Site Home screen displays.
Note: You have three attempts to answer the challenge question correctly.
Log Out of the CitiManager Site
Key Concepts
When logging out of the CitiManager Site, be sure to use the Sign Out link so the system closes all
your current session information properly.
Do not close the CitiManager Site by clicking the browser or tab Close [X] button. Even though the
browser/tab closes, your session remains open. You will either need to clear your cache or close
your browser completely to end the session.
You will be automatically logged out of the CitiManager Site after 15 minutes of inactivity. If you
receive an expiration warning message, you can click the OK button to keep your session open.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the Sign Out link.
The screen refreshes and the CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 1. Getting Started in the CitiManager Site
Retrieve Forgotten Username
Key Concepts
If you forget your username, you will need to retrieve it in order to log in to the CitiManager Site.
When you are finished submitting the request, your username will be sent to your e-mail address.
To retrieve your username, the following information is required:
Your first and last name
Your country
Your contact phone number
The zip code/postal code associated with your user profile
The e-mail address associated with your user profile
Your Helpdesk verification answer
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
Navigate to
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
2. From the Existing Users section, click the Forgot username? link.
The Forgot Sign On — Username screen displays.
3. Select the Non-cardholder/Card Applicant role radio button and click the
Continue button.
The Enter Details screen displays.
4. In the First Name field, type your first name.
5. In the Last Name field, type your last name.
6. From the Country drop-down list, select your country.
7. In the Contact Number field, type your contact phone number.
Note: Only numeric values are allowed in this field.
8. In the Zip/Postal code field, type the zip code associated with your user profile.
9. In the E-mail Address field, type the e-mail address associated with your user profile.
10. In the Confirm E-mail Address field, re-type the e-mail address that is associated with
your user profile.
11. Click the Continue button.
The Helpdesk Verification screen displays.
12. In the Helpdesk Verification Answer field, type the answer to the verification
question and click the Continue button.
The OTP Details screen displays.
13. From the OTP Details screen, select the appropriate contact option and click the
Continue button.
A passcode is sent via text message or phone call depending on the option you
have selected.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 1. Getting Started in the CitiManager Site
Step Action
14. From the One-Time Passcode field, type the passcode you were provided and click the
Continue button.
A confirmation message displays.
15. Click the OK button.
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays and the system sends your username to
the e-mail address on file.
Reset Forgotten Password
Key Concepts
If you forget your password, you will need to reset it in order to sign in to the CitiManager Site.
To reset your password, the following information is required:
A valid username
The zip/postal code associated with your profile
The e-mail address associated with your profile
Your Helpdesk verification answer
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
Navigate to
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
2. Click the Forgot password? link.
The Forgot Password — Select Role screen displays.
3. Select the Non-cardholder/Card Applicant role radio button and click the Continue button.
The Forgot Password — Enter Details screen displays.
4. In the Username field, type your username.
5. In the Zip/Postal Code field, type the zip code associated with your user profile.
6. In the E-mail Address field, type the e-mail address associated with your user profile.
7. In the Confirm E-mail Address field, re-type the e-mail address associated with your
user profile.
8. To validate the information entered, click the Continue button.
The Helpdesk Verification screen displays.
9. In the Helpdesk Verification Answer field, type the answer to the verification
question and click the Continue button.
The OTP Details screen displays.
10. From the OTP Details screen, select the appropriate contact option and click the
Continue button.
A passcode is sent via text message or phone call depending on the option you
have selected.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 1. Getting Started in the CitiManager Site
Step Action
11. From the One-Time Passcode field, type the passcode you were provided and click the
Continue button.
A confirmation message displays indicating a temporary message has been created
and sent to your e-mail address.
12. Click the OK button.
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
View a Different Company (Agency/Organization)
Key Concepts
Each Level 1 Hierarchy entity is referred to as a separate agency/organization. As a Non-
cardholder, you may have access to accounts in different agencies/organizations if your
organization has more than one. For example, you may manage multiple travel programs or a
travel program and a purchase program.
When logging in to the CitiManager Site, your view defaults to an agency/organization which has
been set as your primary agency/organization.
You can use the Company (Agency/Organization) drop-down list that displays in the header of
any CitiManager Site screen to toggle between them. If the Company (Agency/Organization)
drop-down list is not available, you only have access to one agency/organization.
To change the agency/organization that displays as the default, refer to the Change Primary
Company (Agency/Organization) in this User Guide.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the Company (Agency/Organization) drop-
down arrow and select the desired agency/organization name.
The agency/organization name displayed in the header changes to the one selected.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 2. My Profile
2. My Profile
My Profile Overview
The My Profile screen is used to access links that are used to view your user role, hierarchy and entitlements. Additionally, you may
update the following depending on your entitlements:
CitiManager Site contact details
User role and hierarchy information
View entitlements
User preferences such as language, date and time format and currency
Change your password
Reset challenge questions
Merge CitiManager Site user names if you have more than one
Change your primary agency/organization if you are assigned more than one
Link/Unlink another card account
Apply for a new card
Set an out-of-office backup
CitiManager Site log in history
My Profile Screen — Navigation
Screen Descriptions
My Profile Screen
1. Click the My Profile link from the
header to access the My Profile
screen and links used to view your
profile information.
2. Click the desired link displayed on
the left-side of the screen which
allows you to view and maintain
your profile information such as
role, hierarchy, entitlements and
CitiManager Site User Guide | 2. My Profile
Update Contact Information
Key Concepts
There are times when it may be necessary to update the contact information associated with your
CitiManager Site user profile. The following profile information can be updated:
First name and last name
Mobile phone number
Phone number/contact number
Fax number
User profile e-mail address
Alternate e-mail address
To update the contact information and the address associated with your card/statement, refer to
the Perform Card Maintenance topic in this User Guide.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Update the necessary contact details associated with your CitiManager Site profile.
Note: An asterisk (*) indicates a required field. The Mobile Phone Number field is a
required field. If you choose not to provide your mobile phone number, you must select
the opt out checkbox. Otherwise, you will not be able to save your changes.
3. When you are finished, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the Save
Changes button.
A confirmation message displays indicating your profile has been successfully updated.
View User Roles and Hierarchy
Key Concepts
Each user is assigned a specific hierarchy which defines the information they can access in the
CitiManager Site.
Users are also assigned user roles which identify the functions a user can perform in CitiManager
Site. In some instances, users are assigned more than one role in the CitiManager Site.
In the CitiManager Site the Cardholder, Non-cardholder and Supervisor roles are available. The
Supervisor role is only used if you have that role in your online application workflow.
You can only view the roles and hierarchies you have been assigned. Any changes must be
completed by another administrator.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 2. My Profile
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under
your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the User Role and Hierarchy link.
The User Role and Hierarchy screen displays. The roles and hierarchies you have been
assigned display.
3. Click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy tree as necessary.
The hierarchy tree expands.
View Entitlements
Key Concepts
CitiManager is an entitlement-based application. Entitlements define which features and functions
users have access to in the CitiManager Site.
You can view the entitlements and tools assigned to you based on your role. Changes to your
entitlements must be completed by another A/OPC.
Examples of entitlements that may be assigned to you include:
Card maintenance
Activate/deactivate users
View authorizations
Approve requests
Pending user requests
Update user
Set alerts
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under
your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Entitlements link.
The Entitlements screen displays. All the entitlements you have been assigned display.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 2. My Profile
Update User Preferences
Key Concepts
It is possible to update the following CitiManager Site user preferences:
Helpdesk verification question and answer
Preferred language (for correspondence)
Hierarchy Sorting (Unit name or number)
Date Format
Time Format
Time Zone
Currency Format
The Helpdesk verification question/answer may be used to confirm your status with Citi when
you call the Helpdesk for assistance. It is also used for self-service password resets and username
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under
your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the User Preferences link.
The User Preferences screen displays.
3. Make any necessary changes to your user preferences.
Note: An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
4. When you are finished, click the Save Changes button.
A confirmation message displays indicating your preferences have been updated
Change Your Password
Key Concepts
CitiManager Site passwords remain active for 90 days. You will be prompted to change your
password 15 days prior to the expiration date.
If you feel your password has been compromised or at any time you need to change your
password, you can use the Change Password function from My Profile.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under
your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Change Password link.
The Change Password screen displays.
3. In the Your Current Password field, type your current password.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 2. My Profile
Step Action
4. In the Create Your New Password field, type your new password.
Note: The password requirements display in a window as you type. A checkmark
displays when each requirement is fulfilled.
5. In the Confirm Your New Password field, re-type your new password.
6. Click the Change Password button.
A confirmation message displays indicating your password has been changed.
Reset Challenge Questions
Key Concepts
Since the CitiManager Site requires dual authentication you may need to answer an additional
security question after you enter your username and password during the log in process.
You must select and answer three challenge questions when initially registering for the
CitiManager Site and when you reset your existing challenge questions.
You may change your challenge questions and/or their answers at any time. Once you submit the
request to reset your challenge questions, you will need to log in to the CitiManager Site and when
prompted select and answer your new challenge questions.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Reset Challenge Questions link.
The Reset Challenge Questions screen displays prompting you to answer one of your
existing challenge questions.
3. Type the answer to the existing challenge question displayed.
4. Click the Confirm button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen indicating your challenge
questions have been reset. The next time you log in to the CitiManager Site, you will
be prompted to select and answer three new challenge questions.
5. From the CitiManager Site Login screen, type your username and password and then
click the Sign In button.
The challenge question screen displays.
6. Select your three challenge questions from the drop-down list and then type the
answer for each.
Note: You must select and answer three different questions. The answer for each
question must be unique and have at least three characters. If you enter inaccurate
information, click the Clear button before saving. To confirm the challenge question
answers, you will be asked to answer the questions twice during the set-up process.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 2. My Profile
Step Action
7. Click the Save button.
The CitiManager Site Home screen displays and your new challenge questions and
answers become effective.
Merge Usernames
Key Concepts
As a CitiManager Site user you may have more than one username based on your role or
responsibilities. For example, you may have a Non-cardholder username and a Cardholder
username. If this is the case, you can merge the Cardholder username with your Non-cardholder
username, eliminating the need to log in separately to each account and manage each separately.
Be sure to merge any usernames for which you have fewer permissions into the one that has the
most permissions. This will ensure that you have all the permissions you are entitled to under one
Before you merge your usernames, be sure you are logged in to the CitiManager Site using the
username you wish to keep. This username will be kept as the primary username. After the merge
is complete, the alternate username (the one being merged) will be deactivated.
You can only merge two usernames at a time. You must repeat the merge process to add
additional accounts.
If you don’t already have a card or are applying for a new card, refer to the Apply for a Card topic
in this User Guide.
If you already have a card account but have not registered it in the CitiManager Site, you can link
it to your existing CitiManager username without creating another login, username and password.
Refer to the Link a Card Account topic in this User Guide.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under
your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Merge Usernames link.
The Merge Usernames screen displays.
3. Click the Start Merge button.
The Disclaimer screen displays.
4. Read the disclaimer information displayed and when finished click the Continue
The Login screen displays.
Note: By clicking the Continue button, you are acknowledging that you have read and
understand the conditions for merging your usernames.
5. In the Alternate Username field, type your alternate username.
6. In the Password field, type the password for the alternate username.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 2. My Profile
Step Action
7. Click the Continue button.
The Challenge Question screen displays and you are prompted to answer one of the
challenge questions associated with the alternate username you are merging.
8. In the challenge question field, type the answer to the challenge question.
9. Click the Complete button.
You are logged out of system and returned to the CitiManager Log In screen.
10. Log back in to the CitiManager Site using the primary username and all of your
permissions will be available from that username.
Change Primary Company (Agency/Organization)
Key Concepts
Each Level 1 Hierarchy entity is referred to as a separate agency/organization. As a Non-
cardholder, you may have access to accounts in different agencies/organizations if your
organization has more than one. For example, you may manage multiple travel programs or a
travel program and a purchase program.
When logging in to the CitiManager Site, your view defaults to one of those accounts which have
been set as your primary agency/organization.
While you can toggle between agencies/organizations using the drop-down list that displays in
the header of the CitiManager Site, you can also change the default so when you log in to the
CitiManager Site the preferred agency/organization displays by default.
You cannot change your primary agency/organization if only one agency/organization is assigned
to you.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under
your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Change Primary Company (Agency/Organization) link.
The Change Primary Company screen displays a list of agencies/organizations
managed by you.
3. Select the radio button for the agency/organization you wish to set as your default.
4. Click the Save button.
The default agency/organization is saved and a confirmation message displays at the
top of the screen.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 2. My Profile
Link a Card Account
Key Concepts
If you already have a card account but have not registered it in the CitiManager Site, you can link
it to your existing CitiManager username without creating another login, username and password.
You can only link your own account, not another Cardholder’s.
If you don’t already have a card or are applying for a new card, refer to the Apply for Card topic in
this User Guide.
If you have more than one CitiManager username (for example, a Cardholder and Non-cardholder
username) and you would like to merge them so you don’t have to login separately to each, refer
to the Merge Usernames topic in this User Guide.
There are two possible self-registration options. The option used is based on your agency/
organization’s setup. You will use one of the following options:
Registration ID and Passcode — If your agency/organization uses this option, Citi will send two
e-mails once a transaction has posted to your account. You will receive one e-mail with your
Registration ID and another with your Registration Passcode. These e-mails are required during the
registration process. Once you receive your registration details, you must register within 60 days
or your details will expire. You will be reminded every 15 days until your registration is complete.
Card Details — Use the details from your card account. You will need your card number, account
name and address. The account name, address and zip code must match what appears on your
billing statement exactly.
Depending on your agency/organization’s setup, these options may not display and the Enter Your
Card Information screen automatically displays.
If you need to unlink an account, you must toggle to your Cardholder account and unlink it from
My Profile. Refer to the Unlink a Card Account topic in this User Guide.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Link a Card Account Using a Registration ID and Passcode
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under
your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Link Card Account link.
The Link Card Account screen displays.
3. Select the Registration ID/Passcode radio button and click the Continue button.
The Registration ID/Passcode screen displays.
4. In the Registration ID field, type the Registration ID sent in the e-mail sent from Citi.
5. In the Registration Passcode field, type the Registration Passcode sent in the e-mail
from Citi.
6. Click the Continue button.
A confirmation message and the Card Account screen display. The card account you
just linked is now listed.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 2. My Profile
Link a Card Account Using Card Details
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under
your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Link Card Account link.
The Link Card Account screen displays.
3. Select the Enter Your Card Information radio button and click the Continue button.
The Enter Your Card Information screen displays.
4. From the Card Details section, in the Card Number field, type your card number
exactly as it appears on your billing statement, no spaces or dashes.
5. In the Name on Card field, type the account name exactly as it appears on your
billing statement.
6. In the Contact Details section, type the billing address for your card exactly as it
appears on your billing statement. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
Note: If your zip code is nine digits, then enter all nine digits. If your zip code is only
five digits, then only enter five digits.
7. Click the Continue button.
A confirmation message and the Card Account screen display. The card account you
just linked is now listed.
Unlink a Card Account
Key Concepts
If you linked additional card accounts to your user profile, you can remove them when they have
been closed, reported as lost-stolen and a new card has been issued.
You must unlink the card account from your Cardholder role.
If you have any issues unlinking a card account, contact the Helpdesk for assistance.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the role drop-down list that displays in the upper-right hand corner of the
screen, select your Cardholder role.
A confirmation message displays confirming you want to switch roles.
2. Click the OK button.
The CitiManager Site refreshes and you are logged in to your Cardholder account.
3. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under
your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
4. Click the Link/Unlink Card Account link.
The Card Details screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 2. My Profile
Step Action
5. Click the Unlink Card Account link.
Note: If you have more than one account linked, click the radio button for the account
you wish to remove from your user profile.
The confirmation screen displays.
6. Verify you have selected the correct account and click the Confirm button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
Apply for a New Card
Key Concepts
If as a Non-cardholder, you need to apply for your own card for yourself, an Invitation Passcode
and the Inviter’s E-mail address are required. Both are obtained from your administrator.
You will receive a confirmation message when the necessary approvals have been received, either
from a Supervisor and/or Non-cardholder.
Once your card application is approved, the account will be linked to your CitiManager Site
username and password that were created during the application process.
Only use the Apply for a New Card procedure if you don’t already have a card or are applying for
a new card.
If you already have a card account but have not registered it in the CitiManager Site, you can link
it to your existing CitiManager username without creating another login, username and password.
Refer to the Link a Card Account topic in this User Guide.
If you have more than one CitiManager username (for example, a Cardholder and Non-cardholder
username) and you would like to merge them so you don’t have to login separately to each, refer
to the Merge Usernames topic in this User Guide.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under
your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
Note: You can also click the Apply for New Card link that displays on the CitiManager
Login Screen. If you click this link, proceed to Step 4.
2. Click the Apply for New Card link.
The Apply for New Card screen displays.
3. Click the Begin button.
The Apply for New Card — Passcode Verification screen displays.
4. In the Invitation Passcode field, type the Invitation Passcode that was sent to you by
your administrator.
5. In the Invitation E-mail Address field, type the inviter’s e-mail address that was sent
to you by your administrator.
6. Click the Continue button.
The Country screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 2. My Profile
Step Action
7. Select the country of the currency where the card will be billed from the drop-down list.
Note: The countries displayed from the drop-down list are based on your agency/
organization’s setup.
8. Click the Continue button.
The card application form displays.
9. Complete the required fields on the application.
Note: If you are unable to complete the required fields, you can also save the
application as a draft and return to it later. For individually billed accounts, a physical
address is required for the primary address of the card. P.O. boxes are not allowed.
10. Click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen indicating the application
has been submitted for processing.
Set/Remove Out of Office Backup
Key Concepts
When you are scheduled to be out of the office for a period of time, it is possible assign someone
to act as your backup for a specified timeframe. When the out of office feature is turned on, all
CitiManager Site generated e-mails, for example, application and maintenance requests, will be
sent to the selected backup. When you no longer require a backup, you can remove them manually
or they will be removed automatically after a specified date.
The backup you select must be a Non-cardholder and they must be assigned to your hierarchy at
the same level or above. They must also have the entitlements to approve requests.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Set an Out of Office Backup
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under
your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Set Out of Office link.
The Set Out of Office screen displays.
3. Click the Select Backup button.
The Select Backup Program Administrator (A/OPC) search screen displays.
Note: If a backup was previously assigned, their information displays.
4. To search for the person who you wish to assign as your backup, type your search
criteria and click the Search button.
Note: You can search by Last Name, First Name or Username. To search for users
in a specific hierarchy, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If necessary, click the (+) plus
sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox for the desired hierarchy and
click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 2. My Profile
Step Action
5. From the Username column, click the link for the Non-cardholder you wish to assign
as your backup.
The Set Out of Office from/to date screen displays.
6. In the From Date and To Date fields, select the timeframe you wish to assign your
backup and click the Set Out of Office button.
Note: The start date of the out of office cannot be set more than 90 days from
today’s date.
The screen refreshes and the name of the backup assigned and the date range
selected displays.
Remove Out of Office Backup
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under
your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Set Out of Office link.
The Backup PA Details screen displays the current out of office information.
Note: The information displayed includes the Full Name, Hierarchy name, Role and
the User Profile E-mails Address of the backup and the date range that was set.
3. Click the Remove Current Out of Office button.
The screen refreshes and a confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
The out of office assignment is removed.
View CitiManager Log In History
Key Concepts
When you first log in to the CitiManager Site, a message at the top of the Home screen displays
your login history. You can also view this information from the CitiManager Log In History screen.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the CitiManager Log In History link that displays on the left-side of the screen.
The CitiManager Log In History screen displays your login history.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
3. Manage Users
View Card Accounts
Key Concepts
You only have access to those accounts within your span of control. You can search for Cardholder
accounts assigned to hierarchies you manage.
Once the search is complete, you may view:
Balance, credit limit and payment information
Links to recent transactions and previous statements
Ageing of balance information
Card contact information
The Card Details screen is also a launching point if you want to view recent transactions,
statements, account hierarchy or system alerts for a Cardholder. You can also view disputes, if
the dispute was initiated online through the CitiManager Site, or click the link to perform account
maintenance if applicable.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays the card overview including the current balance,
credit limit, payment history, links to recent and previous statements, ageing of
balance information and the card contact information.
Note: To navigate back to the Search Results screen, click the Back button that
displays at the bottom of the screen, or the Search Results link in the breadcrumbs
displayed at the top of the screen.
4. From the Card Details screen you can also navigate to the following:
Depending on your agency/organization’s setup you can View Account Information
(account communications), View Disputes, View Billing Account Information, View
Hierarchy, and Update Alerts for the account by clicking the desired link that
displays on the right-side of the screen.
To view recent transactions or previously billed transactions for the selected card
account, click the Recent icon or the desired statement date icon.
If applicable based on your set-up, to perform account maintenance on the selected
Cardholder, click the Edit link next to the Card Information header at the top of
the screen.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
View Account Information
Key Concepts
You can view account communication documents such as a guide to benefits that may be included
as a Cardholder mailing insert.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no
spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays the card overview including the current balance,
credit limit, payment history, links to recent and previous statements, ageing of
balance information and the card contact information.
4. From the right-side of the screen, click the View Account Information link.
The Account Information screen displays a list of documents available.
5. From the Title column, click the link for the communication you would like to view.
The Collateral download window displays.
6. Click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the document will be cached to your computer’s
hard drive.
7. Click the OK button.
The browser document option window displays. The location of the Save or Open
options vary based on your browser settings.
8. From the browser document option window, click the Open button.
The document opens in PDF format or the zip document window displays.
Note: If the file is zipped, you can open it from the document window. Once the
document is open, you can print it by selecting Print from the File menu.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
View Disputes
Key Concepts
Once a disputed transaction has been successfully submitted online in the CitiManager Site, you
can view the following dispute information:
Transaction Date
Posting Date
Transaction Detail
Dispute Amount/Currency
Dispute Status
Dispute Initiation Date
Disputed by Name
Reference Number
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no
spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account with the dispute
you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays.
4. Click the View Disputes link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
The View Disputes screen displays any disputes associated with the selected card account.
Note: A message displays if there are no disputes for this account.
5. To view additional transaction dispute detail, click the ellipsis (…) link that displays on
the right-side of the row you wish to expand.
The row expands and the dispute initiation date, the name of the person initiating the
dispute and reference number display.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
View/Transfer Cardholder Hierarchy (Single)
Key Concepts
You can view the hierarchies assigned to a Cardholder and if necessary transfer the account to
another hierarchy.
The following default hierarchy entitlement(s) information displays:
Company Name (Agency/Organization): Name of the agency/organization to which the
account belongs
Unit Name: Name of the hierarchy to which the account belongs
Unit Number: Number/node of the hierarchy to which the account belongs
Full Hierarchy: Complete hierarchy to which the account in associated
From the View Hierarchy screen you can also transfer the Cardholder’s hierarchy. If you need to
perform bulk hierarchy transfers, refer to the Transfer Hierarchy (Single and Bulk) topic in this
User Guide.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no
spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, select the radio button for the card account you wish
to view.
Note: To navigate back to the Search Results screen, click the Back button that
displays at the bottom of the screen or the link in the breadcrumbs displayed at the
top of the screen.
The Card Details screen displays.
4. Click the View Hierarchy link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
The View Hierarchy screen displays.
5. To expand the view of this card accounts sub-hierarchies, click the (+) plus sign icon
to expand the hierarchy.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
6. To transfer the Cardholder’s hierarchy:
a) Click the Transfer Hierarchies link.
The Transfer Hierarchies screen displays.
b) Select the radio button for the hierarchy where the Cardholder will be
transferred and click the Transfer Hierarchy button.
A confirmation message displays.
c) Click the OK button.
The Transfer Hierarchy History screen displays.
Update Alerts for a Cardholder
Key Concepts
In accordance with agency/organization policy, you can update alerts received by a Cardholder
via e-mail and/or to their mobile device when certain selected activity occurs to the account, for
example, when statements are available or when payments are received. You can only update
alerts for Cardholders who have registered for the CitiManager Site and therefore have a
username created.
A Cardholder has to have a mobile number set-up for alerts for the mobile alerts to be enabled.
Cardholders can also change their own alerts by navigating to the Alerts Subscriptions screen.
There are two types of alerts to which Cardholders can be subscribed:
Transactional Alerts — An alert is sent when a defined condition or threshold is met, for
example an alert is triggered when a payment is received or when a defined percentage of their
credit limit is met.
Account Alerts — An alert is sent when there are status changes to your account, for example
when your address is changed or when your statement is available.
It is possible to enter up to five e-mail addresses and customize when Cardholders will receive
SMS alerts based on:
Time zone
Time of day
Days of week
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no
spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
To navigate back to the Search Results screen, click the Back button that displays at the
bottom of the screen or the link in the breadcrumbs displayed at the top of the screen.
The Card Details screen displays.
4. Click the Update Alerts link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
The Update Alerts screen displays.
5. To enter/edit the e-mail address(s) where SMS alerts will be sent, click the E-mail
Addresses — Edit link and complete the following steps when the E-mail Address
Preferences window opens:
a) Type and confirm up to five e-mail addresses.
b) Click the Save button.
6. To enter/edit the mobile phone number(s) where SMS alerts will be sent, click the
Mobile Phone Number — Edit link and complete the following steps when the E-mail
Address Preferences window opens:
a) In the Country Code and Mobile Number field, type a valid mobile phone
number where you wish alerts to be sent.
Note: Only numeric values are allowed in this field. The country code
defaults based on the country associated with your profile.
b) Click in the Supported Carriers field and select the mobile carrier.
Note: Canadian users will receive a confirmation text message to enable
subscriptions due to regulations in Canada.
c) Click in the Preferred Time Zone field and select the preferred time zone.
d) Click in the From and To fields and select the time-frame in which the
Cardholder would like to receive alerts.
e) From the list of weekdays, select the days the Cardholder would like to
receive alerts.
f) Click the Save button.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
7. To subscribe to alerts, select the E-mail and/or SMS Text checkbox(es) for each of the
alerts the Cardholder will receive.
To unsubscribe to alerts, deselect the E-mail and/or SMS Text checkbox(es) for the
alerts the Cardholder will no longer receive.
Note: Some alerts may be greyed out and unavailable. Alerts that are selected and
greyed out are mandatory.
For more information about each alert, hover your mouse over the information icon
next to the alert name.
Some alerts require you to type or select a threshold setting that will trigger the alert.
For example, for the Available Credit Remaining % alert, you must select the desired
threshold from the % Remaining from the drop-down list. When the selected percent
of remaining credit level is met, the Cardholder will receive an alert.
8. When you are finished, review the terms and conditions at the bottom of the screen
and if you agree, select the checkbox.
Note: If you do not agree to the terms and conditions, you cannot set the alerts for
the Cardholder.
9. Click the Save button.
The alerts settings are saved and a confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
Emulate Cardholder
Key Concepts
The CitiManager Site allows select A/OPCs to emulate a Cardholder’s profile to view the
CitiManager Site as they do and click around as needed. You will not be able to perform
Cardholder maintenance actions, such as changing the profile or updating contact information.
However, you can assist Cardholders with navigation using this option. The Cardholder does not
need to be logged in for you to emulate them.
The Emulate Cardholder function needs to be enabled by Citi fist. Once its enabled, the Emulate
User entitlement has to be assigned to anyone who needs to emulate Cardholders.
You can only emulate Cardholders who have registered for the CitiManager Site and therefore,
have a username created.
While in Emulation Mode, the following buttons display when you click the Emulating Card drop-
down list that displays at the top of the screen:
Option Description
End Emulation Return to A/OPC role and close emulation screen.
Toggle Window Minimize the emulation screen to the bottom-left of your screen. You can
then choose to maximize the emulation again at any point during this active
Refresh Refresh the emulation mode screen, if necessary.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
Click the View Disputes link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox for
the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
Note: You are only able to emulate a Cardholder who is registered in the CitiManager
Site and has a username created. You can tell if an account has a username by
looking at the Username column.
The Card Details screen displays.
4. From the menu that displays on the right-side of the screen, click the Emulate Card
Holder link.
The confirmation agreement window displays.
5. Click the Accept button.
The Cardholder Home screen displays and the Emulating Card drop-down list displays
at the top-center of the screen.
6. To display the emulation option buttons, click the drop-arrow.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
View and Attach Account Documents
Key Concepts
You can attach documents (such as certificates of training or signed statements of understanding)
to a Cardholder account in the CitiManager Site that will stay on the Cardholders account
when they move to another location. This will assist in the tracking of training certificates and
statements of understanding.
A maximum of five attachments may be added. Each file must be 5MB or less.
The following file types are supported:
You can view, attach and delete account documents.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
Click the View Disputes link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Select Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays.
4. Click the View Account Documents link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
The View Account Documents screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
5. To view an attached document:
a) From the Document Name column, click the document you wish to view.
The document to be downloaded window displays.
b) Click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the document may be cached to your computer.
c) Click the OK button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen and the browser
open/save options window displays.
d) Click the Open button.
The document opens.
To attach a new document:
a) Click the Add Document button.
The upload window displays.
b) In the Document Name field, type the name of the document. The document
name cannot contain any special characters.
c) Click the Browse button and navigate to the document you want to attach
then click the Open button.
The upload window displays and the name of the document to be attached
displays in the Select File to Upload field.
d) Click the Upload button.
The document is attached and the name will display on the View Accounts
Documents screen.
To delete an attachment:
a) Click the Delete link for the document you wish to delete.
A confirmation message displays.
b) Click the OK button.
The document is deleted.
To download an attachment:
a) Click the Download link that displays at the top of the screen.
The format window displays.
b) Select the desired format for the download and click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the document may be cached to your computer.
c) Click the OK button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen and the browser
open/save options window displays.
d) Click the Save button.
A message displays indicating the download is complete.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
View and Download Recent Transactions
Key Concepts
Recent unbilled transactions are transactions that have posted to an account but have not yet
billed to a statement. The recent transactions that display will appear on the next statement.
The information displayed on the Recent Activity screen is not considered a final statement.
The Recent Activity screen displays a snapshot of balances, payments posted, pending
authorizations and due dates. A list of recent transactions also displays and you can expand each
to view additional detail that may have been sent to Citi from a merchant. Transaction detail will
include the original currency amount, currency exchange rate and the conversion amount that was
posted and may include items such as airline name, ticket and flight number.
You can download and print transactions for individually or centrally billed accounts. If you wish to
print recent transactions, its recommended you download the transactions in Excel format. Once
the document is open, you can print it by selecting Print from the File menu.
Step-By-Step Instructions
View Recent Transactions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no
spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays the card overview including the current balance,
credit limit, payment history, links to recent and previous statements, ageing of
balance information and the card contact information.
4. From the Statements section, click the Recent icon.
The Statements screen displays. A snapshot of the credit limits, balances and
payments display at the top of the screen. Recent transactions display at the bottom
of the screen.
5. To search for a specific transaction amount, date or description, type the search
criteria in search field that displays in the upper-right corner of the Recent Activity
section and click the Search icon. Click the Advanced Search link to access additional
search criteria.
The transactions are filtered by the search criteria entered.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
6. To view additional transaction detail, click the ellipsis (…) link that displays on the
right-side of the row you wish to expand.
The row expands and additional transaction detail displays.
Note: The More link displays when the row is expanded. When you click the More link,
the Statements Action window displays and you can initiate a dispute. For additional
information about disputes refer to the Dispute Transactions topic in this User Guide.
For additional information about attaching documents, refer to the View/Upload/
Delete Attachments topic in this User Guide.
7. To view authorizations, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the View
Authorizations link.
The View authorizations screen displays transactions and their status, including
declined and pending.
Note: If the transaction was declined, from the Status column, click the Decline link
to view additional information about the decline.
Download Recent Transactions
Step Action
1. From the Statements screen, click the Download link that displays above the Recent
Activity header.
The download options display in a new window.
2. Select the radio button for the desired download format and click the Download button.
Note: The download options are Comma Separated Value (CSV) or Excel (XLS). Excel
is the default option. If you intend to print your statement, Excel is the recommended
A download message displays indicating a file may be cached to your computer’s
hard drive.
3. Click the OK button.
A message displays at the top of the screen indicating your document is ready for
download and the browser document option window displays. The location of the Save
or Open options vary based on your browser settings.
4. From the browser document option window, click the Open button.
The document opens in the selected format.
Note: Once the document is open, you can print it by selecting Print from the
File menu.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
View and Download Statements
Key Concepts
You can view a Cardholder’s current statement or a statement from previous months. You can
also view recent transactions for a Cardholder that have posted to the account but have not yet
been billed to a statement. Transaction data will be retained for the previous 72 statements.
The Statements screen displays a snapshot balances, payments posted and due dates. A list
of transactions also displays and at the bottom the screen and you can expand each to view
additional detail that may have been sent to Citi from a merchant. Transaction detail will include
the original currency amount, currency exchange rate and the conversion amount that was posted
and may include items such as airline name, ticket and flight number.
Additionally, you can initiate a dispute if the transaction meets the requirements.
You can download and print transactions for individually or centrally billed accounts. If you wish to
print recent transactions, its recommended you download the transactions in Excel format. Once
the document is open, you can print it by selecting Print from the File menu.
Step-By-Step Instructions
View Statements and Transactions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no
spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays the card overview including the current balance,
credit limit, payment history, links to recent and previous statements, ageing of
balance information and the card contact information.
4. From the Statements section, click the icon for the statement date you wish to view.
The Statements screen displays for the month selected. Billed transactions display at
the bottom of the screen.
5. To search for a specific transaction amount, date or description, type the search
criteria in search field that displays in the upper-right corner of the Billed
Transactions section and click the Search icon. Click the Advanced Search link to
access additional search criteria.
The transactions are filtered by the search criteria entered.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
6. To view additional transaction detail, click the ellipsis (…) link that displays on the
right-side of the row you wish to expand.
The row expands and additional transaction detail displays.
Note: The More link displays when the row is expanded. When you click the More link,
the Statements Action window displays and you can initiate a dispute. For additional
information about disputes refer to the Dispute Transactions topic in this User Guide.
For additional information about attaching documents, refer to the View/Upload/
Delete Attachments topic in this User Guide.
Download Statements
Step Action
1. From the Statements screen, click the Download link that displays above the Billed
Transactions header.
The download options display in a new window.
2. Select the radio button for the desired download format and click the Download button.
Note: Download options include Comma Separated Value (CSV), Portable Document
Format (PDF) or Excel. PDF is the default option.
If you intend to print your statement, PDF is the recommended format.
A download message displays indicating a file may be cached to your computer’s
hard drive.
3. Click the OK button.
A message displays at the top of the screen indicating your document is ready for
download and the browser document option window displays. The location of the Save
or Open options vary based on your browser settings.
4. From the browser document option window, click the Open button.
The document opens in the selected format.
Note: Once the document is open, you can print it by selecting Print from the File menu.
View Authorizations
Key Concepts
You can view the previous ten days of authorization and decline information in real-time for card
accounts that reside in your hierarchies. You can view the authorization date, detail, Merchant
Category Code (MCC), transaction amount and status.
For declines you can also view the Additional Information screen, which displays the merchant
name and the decline reason code and description.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
2. To narrow your search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no
spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays the card overview including the current balance,
credit limit, payment history, links to recent and previous statements, ageing of
balance information and the card contact information.
4. From the Statements section, click the Recent icon.
The Statements screen displays a snapshot of the credit limits, balances and payments
display at the top of the screen. Recent transactions display at the bottom of the screen.
5. To view authorizations, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the View
Authorizations link.
The View Authorizations screen displays transactions and their status.
6. If the transaction was declined, from the Status column, click the Decline link to view
additional information about the decline.
The Additional Information screen displays the decline reason code and description.
Dispute a Transaction
Key Concepts
It is possible to dispute a transaction if necessary such as when there are duplicate charges or
when there is a hotel cancellation.
To meet the processing window of the networks (MasterCard and Visa) and to ensure time for
initiation of the dispute as required in GSA SmartPay
, disputes must be submitted within 90
calendar days from the transaction date, unless otherwise specified by the Agency/Organization.
The CitiManager Site loads posted transactions daily and each transaction is available to review on
the CitiManager Mobile Application. Citibank recommends Cardholders enable transaction alerts
and review the transactions that occur daily. Should a transaction need to be disputed, please
initiate the dispute as soon as possible.
You can dispute single or multiple transactions at a time. When disputing multiple transactions,
the dispute reason must be the same for all the transactions selected. If some of the transactions
selected are not eligible to dispute, a message displays the ineligible reference numbers and the
eligible disputes will be processed. You can only select a maximum of ten disputes at a time.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
You may be required to fax or mail additional information based on the dispute reason selected.
Note: The steps in the procedure describe how to dispute a billed transaction from the
Statements screen. The procedure is the same for recent transactions.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no
spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays.
4. From the Statements section, click the icon for the statement date you wish to view.
You can choose to view recent transactions or billed transactions for a particular
statement date.
The Statements screen displays for the month selected. Billed transactions display at
the bottom of the screen.
5. To search for a specific transaction amount, date or description, type the search
criteria in search field that displays in the upper-right corner of the Billed
Transactions section and click the Search icon. Click the Advanced Search link to
access additional search criteria.
The transactions are filtered by the search criteria entered.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
6. To dispute a singe transaction:
a) Click the ellipsis (...) link that displays on the right-side of the transaction
you wish to dispute.
The row expands.
b) Click the More link.
The Statement Actions window displays.
c) Select the Dispute radio button and click the Submit button.
The Statements: Transaction Dispute — Dispute Details screen displays. If the
transaction selected does not fulfill the dispute rules, a message displays
indicating you should contact Customer Service for assistance.
To dispute multiple transactions with the same dispute reason:
a) From the Dispute column, click the checkbox for each of the transactions
you wish to dispute.
Note: A maximum of ten transactions can be disputed at a time.
b) Click Dispute button.
The Statements: Transaction Dispute — Dispute Details screen displays. If
any of the transactions selected do not fulfill the dispute rules, a message
displays listing the ineligible transactions. Click the OK button to process the
remaining transactions.
7. From the Dispute Reason section, select the dispute reason from the drop-down list.
Note: You must select a dispute reason to continue. Only one reason can be selected.
8. Based on the dispute reason selected, complete any additional fields requesting
additional information such as an amount.
9. When you are finished, select the verification checkbox to certify the information
provided is accurate.
10. Click the Continue button to validate your dispute.
If the validation is successful, the Dispute Transactions — Review screen displays.
Note: If the validation fails, the “Please fill out the required fields for the dispute
reason selected. If unable to provide detail required, please contact Customer Service
to initiate a dispute.” message displays.
11. Review the dispute details, reason code and additional information and click the
Submit button.
The Dispute Transactions — Confirmation screen displays indicating if the dispute was
successfully initiated.
12. If the dispute reason you selected indicated a requirement to fax or mail additional
dispute information, click the Download Dispute form button and follow the
instructions on the form.
Note: To return to the statement, click the Return to Statement/Recent Transactions link.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
View/Upload/Delete Attachments
Key Concepts
It’s possible to view documents that have been attached to a transaction such as receipts. You can
also upload or delete attachments. Depending on your configuration, your agency/organization
may be uploading attachments in CitiManager — Transaction Management instead of the
CitiManager Site. Attachments can only be uploaded for recent statements and the previous two
cycles of billed statements.
A maximum of five attachments may be added to a transaction. Each file must be 5MB or less.
The following file types are supported:
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To narrow your search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no
spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays the card overview including the current balance,
credit limit, payment history, links to recent and previous statements, ageing of
balance information and the card contact information.
4. From the Statements section, click the icon for the statement date you wish to view. You
can choose to view recent transactions or billed transactions for a particular statement date.
The Statements screen displays for the month selected. Billed transactions display at
the bottom of the screen.
5. To search for a specific transaction amount, date or description, type the search
criteria in search field that displays in the upper-right corner of the Billed
Transactions section and click the Search button. Click the Advanced Search link to
access additional search criteria.
The transactions are filtered by the search criteria entered.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
6. To a view, upload or delete an attachment for a transaction, click the ellipsis (…) link
that displays on the right-side of the transaction you wish to expand.
The row expands and additional transaction detail and Attach and Dispute buttons display.
7. From the expanded row, select the More link.
The Statement Actions window displays.
8. Select the Attach radio button.
9. Click the Submit button.
10. To view an attachment:
a) From the File Name column, click the link for the document you wish to open.
The attachment opens.
To delete a document:
a) From the Actions column, click the Delete link for the document you wish to delete.
A confirmation message displays.
b) Click the OK button.
The document is deleted.
To upload an attachment:
a) From the Actions column, click the Upload link.
Note: If there are already five attachments, you will not be able to upload an
additional one unless an already uploaded document is deleted first.
The upload window displays.
b) Click the Choose File button and navigate to the desired document.
c) Select the document file and click the Upload button.
The file is uploaded and displays in the Attachments list.
To delete an attachment:
a) From the Actions column, click the Delete link for the attachment you wish
to delete.
A confirmation message displays confirming you want to delete the attachment.
b) Click the Delete button.
A confirmation message displays.
To view the Deleted File Log:
a) Click the Deleted File Log link that displays at the bottom of the screen.
The log opens displaying the name of the attachments deleted, the date they
were deleted and who deleted them.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/Damaged Card
Key Concepts
When a card has been lost, stolen, never received or damaged you are able to:
Initiate a card replacement for the Cardholder in the CitiManager Site.
Choose the shipping address (either current mailing address or an alternate).
Choose a delivery method (standard or express if available based on your agency/organizations
When there is fraud, the system places a temporary block on the account, and you are asked to
call Customer Service to report the fraudulent transaction(s) and arrange for a replacement card.
You are only allowed to initiate the replacement if last card issued date has elapsed 15 days.
As an Agency/Organization Program Administrator (A/OPC) you can also access the View Fraud
and Audit Reports in CitiManager — Reporting.
The steps required for initiating a replacement card vary based on the reason for the request.
Complete the appropriate procedure based on one of the scenarios outlined below:
Initiate replacement for lost, stolen or never received card — fraudulent activity.
Initiate replacement for lost, stolen or never received card — no fraudulent activity.
Initiate replacement for damaged card.
Initiate Replacement For Lost, Stolen Or Never Received Card — Fraudulent Activity
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position the mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Cards Account link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
Click the View Disputes link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays.
4. Click the Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/Damaged Card link that displays on
the right-side of the screen.
Note: This link only displays if status of the card is Open.
The Card Details screen displays.
5. Review the information displayed in the Card Information section to verify the
correct card was selected and from the Select Reason drop-down list, select either
Lost, Stolen, or Never Received.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
6. From the Have you noticed any fraudulent transactions on your card options, select the
Yes radio button.
7. Click the Continue button.
A message displays indicating the card will be blocked immediately.
8. Click the OK button.
A confirmation window displays indicating the card has been temporarily blocked and
to contact Customer Service.
Note: Please call Customer Service to report the fraudulent transaction(s) and
arrange for a replacement card.
9. Click the OK button.
Initiate Replacement For Lost, Stolen Or Never Received Card — No Fraudulent Activity
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position the mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Cards Account link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no
spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays.
4. Click the Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/Damaged Card link that displays on
the right-side of the screen.
Note: This link only displays if status of the card is Open.
The Card Details screen displays.
5. Review the information displayed in the Card Information section to verify the
correct card was selected and from the Select Reason drop-down list, select either
Lost, Stolen, or Never Received.
6. From the Have you noticed any fraudulent transactions on your card options, select the
No radio button.
7. Click the Continue button.
Either the OTP Details or Card Delivery screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
8. If a One-time Passcode is necessary, complete the following steps. Otherwise,
continue to Step 9.
a) Select the radio button for the desired receipt option and click the
Continue button.
b) Once received, type the One-time Passcode and click the Continue button.
The Card Delivery screen displays.
9. From the Shipping Options section, select either the radio button for Current Mailing
Address or Alternate Address. If Alternate Address is selected, complete the
Address Line 1, City, State and Postal Code fields.
10. From the Delivery Method section, select the radio button for desired delivery
11. Click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays, and the card will be blocked effective immediately.
Note: If you are shipping the card to the default address and standard shipping is
selected, a message displays that the card will be delivered within 7-10 days.
If expedited shipping is selected, a message will display indicating the fee charged for
expedited services, if applicable.
If a replacement card was previously requested and a subsequent replacement
card request is being made while the first card could still be in the mail (within the
expected delivery time), a message will display indicating a card has been recently
issued on a specified date. Please allow ten business for that card to arrive. If you
still need to report the card lost or stolen please contact Customer Service. If the
expected delivery time for the replacement card has past and that card is lost, a
message displays indicating that the card has been temporarily blocked and to
contact Customer Service.
12. Click the OK button.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Initiate Replacement For Damaged Card
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position the mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Cards Account link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no
spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
3. From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays.
4. Click the Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/Damaged Card link that displays on
the right-side of the screen.
Note: This link only displays if status of the card is Open.
The Card Details screen displays.
5. Review the information displayed in the Card Information section to verify the correct
card was selected and from the Select Reason drop-down list, select Damaged/Other.
Note: Selecting Damaged/Other initiates a card replacement and retains the existing
account number.
6. Click the Continue button.
Either the OTP Details or Card Delivery screen displays.
7. If a One-time Passcode is necessary, complete the following steps. Otherwise,
continue to Step 8.
a) Select the radio button for the desired receipt option and click the
Continue button.
b) Once received, type the One-time Passcode and click the Continue button.
The Card Delivery screen displays.
8. From the Shipping Options section, select either the radio button for Current Mailing
Address or Alternate Address. If Alternate Address is selected, complete the
Address Line 1, City, State and Postal Code fields.
Note: If the card has a Bulk/Site address associated with it, the Alternate Address
field will not display. Only an A/OPC can request a card to be shipped to an alternate
9. From the Delivery Method section, select the radio button for desired delivery
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
10. Click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays.
Note: If you are shipping the card to the default address and standard shipping is
selected, a message displays that the card will be delivered within 7-10 days. The
existing card will remain active until you receive and activate your new card.
If expedited shipping is selected, a message will display indicating the fee charged for
expedited services, if applicable.
If a replacement card was previously requested and a subsequent replacement
card request is being made while the first card could still be in the mail (within the
expected delivery time), a message will display indicating a card has been recently
issued on a specified date. Please allow ten business for that card to arrive. If you
still need to report the card lost or stolen please contact Customer Service. If the
expected delivery time for the replacement card has past and that card is lost, a
message displays indicating that the card has been temporarily blocked and to
contact Customer Service.
11. Click the OK button.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Perform Account Maintenance
Key Concepts
To perform account maintenance, the Account Maintenance Form must be completed and submitted
to Citi. Account Maintenance allows the Non-cardholder to update Cardholder account information
such as card address, Employee ID, accounts status and temporary spending controls.
You can maintain information such as the address, credit limit, temporary credit limit, account
status and Merchant Category Code Groups (MCCGs).
For individuality billed accounts, an A/OPC is not permitted to perform account maintenance on
their own account.
You can close an account by selecting the appropriate account status from the Additional section.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Account Maintenance link.
The Account Maintenance — Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Select Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen including the Username, Name,
Account Number and Status. The results are based on the hierarchy selected. If no
hierarchy was selected, all users display.
3. Select the radio button for the account you wish to maintain and click the Update
Account button.
The Form Details screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
4. Complete the necessary updates to all sections of the form.
Notes: You can maintain information such as the address, credit limit, temporary
credit limit, accounts status and MCCGs.
Fields marked with the (§) symbol are not real-time fields. Fields marked with the (‡)
indicate a previous maintenance request has been submitted but not yet processed.
All un-marked fields are processed in real-time.
The Temporary Cash Advance Percentage Start Date, Temporary Credit Limit Start
Date, and Temporary Single Purchase Limit Start Date fields are real-time until 5:30 P.M.
EST. After 5:30 P.M. EST, you must enter a date that is greater than today’s date.
To add/remove an MCCG, click the Add/RemoveMCCgroups link. Select or deselect
the checkbox(es) for the desired MCCGs. If you are adding and deleting MCCGs to an
account, you must perform the additions prior to submitting the deletions. To edit
an MCCG, click the Edit link and make any necessary changes. To update the single
purchase limit, from the Single Purchase Limit for MCCG field, enter the new limit.
When you are finished, click the Update button and then the Back to Form link.
To close an account, from the Cardholder-Demographics section, from the Account
Status drop-down list, select the Closed status. The Closed Temporary Block status
is equivalent to Deactivate. The only closed status that cannot be reopened in the
CitiManager Site is Closed Deceased. There are several closed status options:
Account Status in CitiManager Account Status Code Account Reason Code
Closed CL V9
Closed Deceased CL DC
Closed Not Used/Inactivity CL DU
Closed Misuse CL V4
Closed Temporary Block CL V3
Closed No Longer Employed CL TE
Closed Too Many Cards/Duplicate CL TC
If your agency/organization uses mission critical, the Mission Critical Start Date
and Mission Critical End Dates fields display on your maintenance forms. To put the
account in mission critical, enter the dates for mission critical status. The mission
critical start date has to be greater than today’s date and only occur on business days.
If your agency/organization is using convenience checks, you are able to order
additional checks using the connivance check fields on the maintenance form. You need
to know the new starting check numbers and fill out all the necessary convenience
check fields. The account also has to have the Convenience Check Indicator set to Yes .
If you need to add comments to explain the reasons for account changes, enter them
in the Account Comments field on the maintenance form. You can enter a maximum
of 500 characters in the field. You can view previous comments by clicking the View
History button.
To order a replacement card, you may select the checkbox in the Order a Replacement
Card section. Select the address where you want the replacement card delivered. You
may also initiate a card replacement in the CitiManager Site when a card has been lost,
stolen, never received or damaged. Refer to the Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/
Damaged Card topic in the User Guide for additional information.
5. When you are finished, click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays based on the maintenance performed.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Update Multiple Accounts
Key Concepts
A maximum of 3,000 accounts can be selected for each bulk account maintenance request.
If fewer than 100 accounts are selected, then the maintenance is performed immediately.
If more than 100 accounts are selected, additional processing time is required.
Lost/Stolen accounts and accounts with a processing pending request will not be included in the
multiple accounts update.
For individuality billed accounts, an A/OPC is not permitted to perform account maintenance on
their own account.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Update Multiple Accounts link.
The Update Multiple Accounts: Select Hierarchy screen displays.
2. If necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy tree. Click the
checkbox(es) for the hierarchies of the accounts you need to maintain. When you are
finished, click the View Accounts button.
The Update Multiple Accounts Search screen displays.
Note: When selecting a hierarchy level, the lower level hierarchy levels are not
automatically included. Please ensure you have selected all of the hierarchy levels
that include accounts for maintenance.
3. To select individual card accounts, click in the checkbox for those accounts to be
included in the bulk maintenance update and click the Bulk Maintenance button.
To select all accounts displayed in the search results, click the checkbox that displays
to the left of the Card Number column header and click the Bulk Maintenance button.
The Update Multiple Accounts Form Details screen displays.
Note: To narrow the search result, enter your search criteria in the text fields that
display at the top of the screen and click the Search button.
4. Complete the necessary updates to all sections of the form that you want maintained
in a bulk.
Notes: You can maintain information such as the account status, mission critical,
MCCGs, and temporary credit limit.
To close an account, from the Account Status drop-down that displays in the
Additional section, select the appropriate Closed status.
To put the accounts in mission critical status, enter the dates for mission critical
status in the Mission Critical Start Date and Mission Critical End Date fields. The
mission critical start date has to be greater than today’s date and only occur on
business days.
To add/remove an MCCG, click the Add/RemoveMCCGroups link. Select or deselect
the checkbox(es) for the desired MCCGs. If you are adding and deleting MCCGs to an
account, you must perform the additions prior to submitting the deletions. When you
are finished, click the Update button and then the Back to Form button.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
5. When complete, click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays indicating the number of accounts to be updated.
6. Click the Confirm button.
The Update Multiple Accounts Form Details screen displays.
Manage Application and Maintenance Requests (View Requests)
Key Concepts
You can search for and view all online application and maintenance requests submitted through
the CitiManager Site. Non-cardholders can approve or reject the user requests as well as print
requests, view the audit log and add comments to a request.
From the View Request screen you can also:
View the Maintenance Audit Log
Override an approval
Delete an application request
Download applications
View account documents
The option to approve and reject a request depends on the workflow and the status of the
selected request.
To delete an online application request, a Non-cardholder must have that entitlement assigned to
them. Requests can only be deleted if it has not been approved/sent to the processor.
The Delete Application Request link is only enabled when the Select Request Type is Individual
online application and the application status is not Processed or Approved.
Request Status Descriptions
Request Status Description
Approved Request was approved by the Non-cardholder and will be processed by Citi.
Draft Request was saved but not submitted.
More Information
The application was rejected by approver and additional information is
being requested.
Pending Final Review
by Citi
Request was placed in queue for CAS to process (e.g. when two
applications were submitted with the same social security number). This
status is not updated in the CitiManager Site. Contact your CAS for the
current status of the request.
Processed Request was processed and a card will be issued.
Waiting for Approval Online Card Application request is awaiting Non-cardholder approval.
Waiting for
E-mail Consent
Request has been approved but the system is currently waiting for the
Cardholder to agree to creditworthiness check. This is only applies to
individually billed programs.
Waiting for
Supervisor Approval
Request is awaiting Supervisor approval.
Expired Request was not handled within a predefined time period.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step-By-Step Instructions
View/Approve/Reject a Request
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the View Requests link.
Note: You can also access requests by clicking the Request ID link from the Application
Request section of the Home screen. Applications will only display on the Home screen
if they are waiting for approval.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: A maximum of 1,200 requests can display in the search results. If there more
than 1,200 requests based on the search criteria entered, a message will display at
the top the screen and you will have to further refine your search.
3. To refine/sort the requests displayed in the search results:
a) From the Refine by Request Type or Refine by Status sections displayed
on the left-side of the screen, de-select the All checkbox first to activate the
sort option checkboxes.
b) Select the desired checkbox(es) in displayed on the left-side of the screen
and click the Refine Search button. You may need to scroll down to view
this button.
The requests displayed are filtered by the options selected.
c) To further sort the results by Request ID, Name, Status (e.g. Waiting for
Approval) or Request Type, click the column header name.
4. To view a request, from the Request ID column, click the link for the request you
wish to view.
The View Request screen displays.
5. Review the request details.
6. When you are finished reviewing the request, select either the Approve or Reject
radio button.
Note: If request is rejected, you are required to type a reason for the rejection in
Comments field and then click the Save comment link. By default, the Allow for
Resubmit checkbox is selected. De-select the checkbox if resubmission is not allowed.
7. When you are finished, click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
View the Maintenance Audit Log
Step Action
1. From the View Request screen, click the View Audit link displayed on the right-side of
the screen.
Note: To navigate to the View Request screen, refer to Steps 1-4 of the View/
Approve/Reject a Request topic.
The View Audit screen displays the date and time of the change, who made the
change, which field was changed, the old value and the new value.
2. To navigate back to the request, click the Back button.
Download Applications
Step Action
1. From the View Request screen, click the Download link displayed on the right-side of
the screen.
Note: To navigate to the View Request screen, refer to Steps 1-4 of the View/
Approve/Reject a Request topic.
A message displays indicating the download file may have been cached locally to
your computer.
2. Click the OK button.
The browser document options window displays. The location of the Save or Open
options vary based on your browser settings.
3. From the browser document option window, click the Open button.
The document opens in the selected format.
Note: Once the document is open, you can print it by selecting Print from the File menu.
Override an Approval
Note: This functionality allows you to override an approval if your agency/organization is using
Supervisor workflow with online applications. This function is only available if you have been
entitled to override approvals.
Step Action
1. From the View Request screen, click the Override Approval link displayed on the
right-side of the screen.
Note: To navigate to the View Request screen, refer to Steps 1-4 of the View/
Approve/Reject a Request topic.
The Override Approval screen displays the request details.
2. Scroll down to the Override Information section and select Approve from the
drop-down list.
If you need to select a new approver, select Define new approver(s) from the drop-
down list and then type the e-mail address in the text field that displays.
Notes: If rejecting, type a reason for the override in the Comments field.
By default, the Allow for Resubmit checkbox is selected. De-select the checkbox if
resubmission is not allowed.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
3. Click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays.
4. Click the OK button.
A confirmation message displays indicating the override has been submitted successfully.
Delete Application Request
Note: This function is only available if you have been entitled to delete application requests. You
can only delete requests if they have not been sent to the processor.
Step Action
1. From the View Request screen, click the Delete Application Request link displayed
on the right-side of the screen.
Note: To navigate to the View Request screen, refer to Steps 1-4 of the View/Approve/
Reject a Request topic. For additional information about how to view account
documents, refer to the View and Attach Account Documents topic in this User Guide.
The comments window displays.
2. In the comments field, type a reason for deleting the request and click the Confirm button.
Note: You must enter comments in order to delete the request. There is a 2000
character limit.
A confirmation message displays indicating the request has been deleted. No e-mail or
SMS message will be sent to acknowledge the deletion of the online application.
Search for User and View Details
Key Concepts
You can search for users (Cardholder and Non-cardholder) and then view their account details such as:
Card details
Contact details
User roles
User entitlements
Hierarchy details
From the User Details screen you can also use the links that display on the right-hand side to:
Reset a user’s password
Deactivate a user
Update a user
Assign/Unassign companies
Assign/Unassign applications
Note: Users are created in CitiManager — Transaction Management.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the User Search link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Username, Full Name or Email Address columns, click
the column header name.
3. From the Username column, click the link for the user you wish to view.
The User Details screen displays.
4. As necessary, click the link for the desired function that displays on the right side of
the screen.
Note: For additional information about the functions available from the User Details
screen, refer to the appropriate topic in this User Guide.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Reset Registration Details
Key Concepts
If a user has not completed the registration process and has a Pending/Expired status, you can
re-send the registration details to them.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over Manage
Users icon and click the User Search link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Username, Full Name or Email Address columns, click
the column header name.
3. From the Username column, click the Unregistered link for the user you wish to re-send
the registration details.
The User Details screen displays.
4. Click the Reset Registration Details link displayed on the right-side of the screen.
The Reset Registration Details window displays.
5. Either keep the default e-mail address, or select the Alternate Email Address radio
button and type another e-mail address.
6. Click the Save button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Reset a User’s Password
Key Concepts
You can initiate a password reset for a user’s profile. Once you initiate the reset process, an
automated message is sent to the e-mail associated with the profile that will allow the user to
reset their password.
Note: This function is only available if you have been entitled to reset passwords.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the User Search link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To narrow your search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Username, Full Name or Email Address columns, click
the column header name.
3. From the Username column, click the link for the user you wish to view.
The User Details screen displays.
4. From the right-side of the User Details screen, click the Reset Password link.
A confirmation message displays verifying you want to reset the password for that user.
5. Click the Reset button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen. An automated e-mail with
the password reset steps will be sent to the e-mail associated with the user’s profile.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Activate/Deactivate User
Key Concepts
You can activate an existing user that was deactivated due to lack of use or you can manually
deactivate an existing user if they left your organization or changed roles and no longer required
access to the CitiManager Site. The activated/deactivated status indicates if the user can log into
the CitiManager Site or not.
Usernames automatically deactivate if a user fails to log in for 100 consecutive days.
When manually activating or deactivating a user, you are required to enter the reason for
activating or deactivating the username.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the User Search link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To narrow your search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Username, Full Name or Email Address columns, click
the column header name.
3. From the Username column, click the link for the user you wish to activate or deactivate.
The User Details screen displays the Card Details, Contact Details, User Role(s) and User
Entitlements sections.
4. From the right side of the screen, click the Activate User or Deactivate User link.
Name: The name of the link displayed is dependent on the status of the user (activated
or deactivated).
The Activate or Deactivate screen displays.
5. In the Reason for activation/deactivation text entry field, type the reason for the
6. Click the Activate or Deactivate button.
Note: If the user’s current status is Activated, the Deactivate button displays. If the
user’s current status is Deactivated, the Activate button displays.
The maintenance activity is logged in the Activate/Deactivate history table that
displays at the bottom of the screen. Click the Download in CSV Format link to
download the history in text format.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Update User — Personal and Contact Details, User Roles, Hierarchy and Entitlements
Key Concepts
It is possible to update a user’s personal details, contact details, their roles, hierarchy and the
entitlements assigned to them. Details that can be updated include:
Personal Details — Username, first and last name
Contact Details — Address, phone number, e-mail address
User Roles and Hierarchy — Roles such as Cardholder and Non-cardholder and hierarchy
assigned to the role.
Entitlements — Entitlements assigned to the user
You can only assign additional entitlements to another user if you are already entitled yourself.
You cannot change your own entitlements.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the User Search link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To narrow a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Username, Full Name or Email Address columns, click
the column header name.
3. From the Username column, click the link for the user you wish to update.
The User Details screen displays the card details, contact details, user roles, and user
4. Click the Update User link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
The Update User screen displays the Personal Details, Contact Details, User Role(s) and
Hierarchy and Entitlements.
5. To change personal details:
a) If necessary, from the Personal Details section header, click the (+) plus sign
icon to expand the section.
b) Maintain the username as necessary.
6. To change contact details:
a) From the Contact Details section header, click the (+) plus sign icon to
expand the section.
b) Maintain the address, phone numbers and e-mail address as necessary.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
7. To change the user’s role or hierarchy:
a) From the User Role(s) and Hierarchy section header, click the (+) plus sign
icon to expand the section.
b) Click the Change Role link to unlock the role checkboxes and then select/
deselect the checkboxes to change the user’s role.
c) Click the Set Hierarchy link to update the user’s hierarchy.
The Set Hierarchy Screen displays.
d) Click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy tree. Click the checkboxes
for the hierarchies you wish to assign to the user. When you are finished, click
the Select button.
The Update User screen displays.
8. To change the user’s entitlements:
a) From the Entitlements section header, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand
the section.
b) Select or deselect the entitlements you would like to assign or unassign the user.
9. When you are finished making all changes, click the Continue button that displays at
the bottom of the screen.
The Confirm Details screen displays.
10. Verify your changes and click the Save button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
11. Click the OK button.
The Search for Users screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Assign/Unassign Companies (Agency/Organizations)
Key Concepts
You can assign a user to another agency/organization so they can manage accounts that reside in
another hierarchy that is not currently attached to their username.
You can only assign agencies/organizations for existing or pending users and for agencies/
organizations you are entitled to.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Assign an Agency/Organization
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the User Search link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Username, Full Name or Email Address columns click
the column header name.
3. From the Username column, click the link for the user you wish to assign an agency/
The User Details screen displays Card Details, Contact Details, User Role(s) and User
Entitlements sections.
4. Click the Assign/Unassign Companies (Agency/Organization) link that displays on the
right-side of the screen.
The Assign/Unassign Companies (Agency/Organization) screen displays.
5. Click the Assign Company (Agency/Organization) button.
The Assign Companies (Agency/Organization) screen displays.
6. From the Company (Agency/Organization), User Role(s) and Hierarchy section drop-
down list, select the agency/organization you would like to assign this user.
7. Click the Set Hierarchy link that displays to the right of the drop-down list.
The Select Hierarchy screen displays.
8. Click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Click the checkbox(es) for the
hierarchy or hierarchies you wish to assign to the user. When you are finished, click
the Select button.
The Assign Companies (Agency/Organization) screen displays.
9. From the Role column, select the checkbox next to the desired role.
10. On the far right-side of the Entitlements section header, click the (+) plus sign icon to
review and edit entitlements for this user.
Note: This section header will not expand until a role is selected.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
11. Select the checkbox(es) for all the entitlements you wish to assign this user for the
assigned agency/organization.
Note: Click the Select All or Deselect All link that displays under the (+) plus sign
icon to select all or deselect all entitlements.
12. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the Continue button.
The Confirm Details screen displays.
13. Review the details screen and scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the Assign
Company (Agency/Organization) button to grant this account access to the selected
agency/organization with the assigned entitlements.
A confirmation message displays indicating the agency/organization is successfully
assigned to the user.
14. Click the OK button.
You are returned to the User Details screen.
Unassign a Company (Agency/Organization)
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the User Search link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Username, Full Name or Email Address columns click
the column header name.
3. From the Username column, click the link for the user you wish to unassign
an agency/organization.
The User Details screen displays the card overview including balance and payment
history, links to recent and previous statements, ageing of balance information and the
card contact details.
4. Click the Assign/Unassign Companies (Agencies/Organizations) link that displays on
the right-side of the screen.
The Assign/Unassign Companies (Agencies/Organizations) screen displays.
5. Select the checkbox next to the agency/organization you wish to unassign this user.
6. Click the Unassign Company (Agency/Organization) button.
A confirmation message displays verifying you want to unassign the agency/organization.
Note: If the user only has one agency/organization assigned, it cannot be unassigned.
7. Click the OK button.
A confirmation message displays indicating the agency/organization has been
successfully unassigned.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
8. Click the OK button.
You are returned to the User Details screen.
Assign/Unassign CitiManager — Reporting
Key Concepts
It is possible to assign and unassign CitiManager — Reporting (Reporting) to a user’s access.
You can only assign Reporting to another user if you are already entitled yourself. Access to
Reporting will be available to the user within 24 hours.
When assigning Reporting, you will have three different roles to from which to assign. These roles
determine the type of access the user will have for the Organizational Shared folders.
Read Only — The user will be able to run any report templates from Shared Reports and save
report templates as their own. However, they do not have access to save the report as a shared
Read/Write — The user will be able to run any report template from Shared Reports and save
report templates as their own or shared with other A/OPCs.
Read/Write/Delete — The user will be able to run any report template from Shared Reports and
save report templates as their own or shared with other A/OPCs. In addition, they can delete
shared report templates from the Organizational Shared folders.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the User Search link.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Username, Full Name, Email Address columns, click
the column header name.
3. From the Username column, click the link for the account you wish to assign Reporting.
The User Details screen displays contact information for the user, as well as their role
and any reporting access. It also displays a list of entitlements the user is granted.
4. Click the Assign/Unassign Applications link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
The Assign/Unassign Applications screen displays.
5. From the left-side of the Assign Additional Application section header, select the
radio button for Citibank Custom Reporting System.
6. From the Assign New Hierarchy section header, click the Set Hierarchy link.
7. Select the checkbox for the desired hierarchy and click the Save button.
Note: Click the (+) plus sign if you need to expand the hierarchy to access lower levels.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Step Action
8. Click the Save button.
Note: If you want to prevent the user from accessing certain attributes such as full
account number, you can click the Update Deny Attributes link prior to saving and
selecting the desired attributes to deny to the user.
9. Click the Save button.
A confirmation message displays.
10. Click the OK button.
The User Details screen displays.
Unassign CitiManager — Reporting
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the User Search link.
The Search for Users screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Username, Full Name, Email Address columns, click
the column header name.
3. From the Username column, click the link for the account you wish to unassign Reporting.
The User Details screen displays contact information for the user, as well as their role
and any reporting access. It also displays a list of entitlements the user is granted.
4. Click the Assign/Unassign Applications link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
The Assign/Unassign Applications screen displays.
5. From the Unassign Current Application Assignments section header, click the (+)
plus sign icon to expand the section.
6. Select the Citibank Custom Reporting System checkbox.
7. Select the checkbox for the hierarchy to be unassigned.
8. Click the Save button.
A confirmation message displays indicating the application was successfully unassigned.
9. Click the OK button.
The message closes and the Search screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 3. Manage Users
Print Multiple Statements
Key Concepts
You can download and print multiple Cardholder statements from previous months. You can
download statements for individually or centrally billed accounts.
Once the PDF document is open, you can print it by selecting Print from the File menu.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Users icon and click the Print Multiple Statement link. The maximum allowed date
range is 180 days.
The Search screen displays.
2. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no
spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
3. Select the checkboxes for the statements you wish to download and click the
Download Statements button displayed at the bottom of the screen. The maximum
allowed date range is 180 days.
It is possible to select up to 2,000 transactions for a single download request. You can
keep track of how many transactions and statements have been selected by looking
to the right of the Download Statements button.
A message displays indicating the file may be saved to your computer.
4. Click the OK button.
The browser document options window displays.
5. From the browser document option window, click the Open button.
The document opens in the PDF format.
Note: Once the document is open, you can print it by selecting Print from the
File menu.
Notify Citi of Lost or Stolen Card
Key Concepts
Lost or stolen cards may be reported to Citi Customer Service. You may also initiate a card
replacement in the CitiManager Site when a card has been lost, stolen, never received or
damaged. Refer to the Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/Damaged Card topic in the User
Guide for additional information. Please visit us online to see a full list of support numbers by card
program, region and country.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
4. Manage Card Program
Create New Account Application
Key Concepts
If your agency/organization uses the New Account Application process to initiate and process a
card application for a potential Cardholder, complete the following steps:
Assign the card account to a hierarchy in your organization.
Complete and submit the New Account Application form.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the New Account Application link.
The New Account Application: Select Hierarchy screen displays.
2. From the Select Hierarchy section, select the radio button for the hierarchy that will
be assigned. Click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy.
3. Click the Continue button.
Depending on your agency/organization set-up, either the County and Language or
Card Application Details screen displays. If the Country and Language screen displays,
continue to Step 4. If the Card Application Details screen displays, continue to Step 7.
4. From the Select Country drop-down list, select the country.
5. From the Select Language drop-down list, select the language.
6. Click the Show Form button.
The Card Application Details screen displays.
7. Complete the application details.
Note: An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
8. Click the Submit button.
Note: The Save as Draft link allows you to save your progress to finish later.
A confirmation message displays.
9. To close the message, click the OK button.
The application is sent to Citi for processing.
Run Reports
Key Concepts
Depending on your agency/organization’s setup, it is possible to run the following reports from the
CitiManager Site:
CitiManager Non-cardholder Self Registration Pending Report
CitiManager User Registration Status Detailed Report
CitiManager User Registration Status Summary Report
CitiManager Bulk Online Applications (BOLA) Portfolio Report
CitiManager Bulk Online Maintenance (BOLM) Portfolio Report
CitiManager Online Applications (OLA) Ageing Report
CitiManager Online Applications (OLA) Approved Card Report
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
CitiManager Online Maintenance (OLM) Ageing Report
CitiManager Online Maintenance (OLM) Approved Maintenance Report
CitiManager Dispute Ageing Report
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Reports link.
The Search: Reports screen displays.
2. From the report drop-down list that displays on the right-side of the screen, select the
report you wish to run.
3. If the report you are running requires a date, from the From Date and To Date fields,
select the date range for the report. You can further specify the time of day for the
date range selected by typing a timeframe in the From Time and To Time fields. Not
all reports require a date range or follow the steps below.
Notes: To run a report for a specific hierarchy, click the Select Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
When running the User Activity Report, select the sub-report option. You can enter a
16-digit account number when running the Individual Online Maintenance report for
all maintenance requests on that specific account number.
4. Click the Generate button.
A message displays indicating the download file may be cached to your computer’s
hard drive.
5. If your download doesn’t start automatically, please click the >> here link.
A confirmation message displays indicating the download may be cached to your computer.
6. Click the OK button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen and the browser document
options display. The location of the Save or Open options vary based on your browser
7. Click either the Open or Save option.
The selected document opens in Excel or the Save options window opens.
Set Passcode and Pre-fill Application Form Data
Key Concepts
Once the application criteria for your agency/organization has been determined and the
application has been created, Citi will attach the application to the appropriate card programs and
business units within your agency/organization in the CitiManager Site.
In order for applications to process, the A/OPC needs to set up a security passcode for online
applications initiated by a Cardholder. This passcode is sent to each card applicant by the Non-
cardholder. The card applicant will also be sent the inviter’s e-mail address, which is required to
access the application. The inviter’s e-mail address must be an e-mail address for a user who
has the required hierarchy level and the entitlement to approve applications. In order to approve
applications, the user must be active, have the Approve Requests entitlement and sit at or above
the hierarchy at which the application is attached.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Non-cardholders can also set pre-filled fields on the application so the data will be consistent for
all Cardholders.
Application passcodes can be created with or without an expiration date. If an expiration date
is used, a new passcode must be entered once the expiration date has been reached. The same
passcode can be reused.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Set Passcode link.
The Set Passcode and Prefill — Set/Change Hierarchy screen displays.
2. From the Select Hierarchy section, select the radio button for the hierarchy where
the passcode will be set. Click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy.
Note: Only hierarchies in your span of control display. It is possible to set different
passcodes for each hierarchy level.
3. Once the hierarchy for the passcode is selected, click the Save button.
The Set/Change Workflow screen displays.
Note: Your application workflow displays in the Workflow section. The workflow defines
who completes, submits and approves/rejects applications before they are sent to Citi
for processing.
4. In the Passcode field, type the desired passcode.
Note: The passcode is case sensitive and has a 20 character limit. Characters can be a
combination of alpha/numeric and special characters are allowed.
5. From the Passcode Expiration section, select the radio button for the desired
expiration option. If you select the Allow passcode to expire option, click in the date
field and select an expiration date from the calendar.
Note: It is recommended you select the Do Not Expire option.
6. Click the Continue button.
The Prefill Data screen displays.
7. From the Country drop-down list, select the applicable country.
8. If you want any of the application fields to default so they are consistent for all
Cardholders in a hierarchy, type the pre-fill value in the desired field(s) and click the
Save link that displays in the bottom left corner of the form.
Note: Different defaults can be set for each hierarchy level using a different passcode.
9. Click the Continue button.
The Preview and Confirm screen displays.
10. Once you are finished previewing, click the Set Passcode button.
The Passcode and form data confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
Note: To prevent the form from being locked, it’s recommended you do NOT select
the checkbox next to the hierarchy.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Transfer Hierarchy (Single and Bulk)
Key Concepts
As a Non-cardholder you can transfer Cardholder accounts (single or in bulk) from one hierarchy to
another, provided they are within your span of control. The hierarchy the Cardholder accounts are being
transferred from as well as the one they are being transferred to must be within your span of control.
When multiple Cardholder accounts are transferred from a hierarchy with the same billing date,
the accounts will be visible to the gaining unit on the next business day as long as there are no
recent transactions. Otherwise, the accounts will be visible to the gaining unit one day following
the close of the losing unit’s billing cycle.
When multiple Cardholder accounts are transferred from a hierarchy with a different billing date, the
accounts will be visible to the gaining unit one day following the close of the losing unit’s billing cycle.
For a newly created business unit, Citi must transfer at least one account into the unit before an
account can be transferred using this procedure.
You can also transfer a single Cardholder using the steps in the View/Transfer Cardholder
Hierarchy topic in this User Guide.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Bulk Hierarchy Transfer link.
The Bulk Hierarchy screen displays.
2. Select the radio button for the receiving hierarchy where the accounts will be
3. Click the Transfer Hierarchy button.
The Hierarchy Transfer — Search screen displays.
4. To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no
spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If
necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox
for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or
Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
5. From the Card Number column, select the radio button for the card account you wish
to transfer and click the Add Account for Transfer link.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen indicating the account has
been added to the list of accounts to be transferred.
6. To add additional accounts to be transferred (in bulk), repeat Step 5 for each account
to be transferred. When you are finished, continue to Step 7.
7. When all accounts have been added, click the Continue button.
The Transfer Hierarchy Recap screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Step Action
8. Verify the accounts selected for transfer, and click the Continue button.
9. Click the OK button.
The Transfer Hierarchy History screen displays.
Download/Upload Bulk Online Applications (BOLA)
Key Concepts
Bulk Online Applications (BOLA) allows A/OPCs to initiate a large number of Cardholder
Applications in bulk using a file upload process. When initiating applications in bulk, cardholders
do not need to complete their application manually through the CitiManager Site.
When uploading applications using BOLA:
Only use the BOLA Form Template downloaded from the correct hierarchy in the CitiManager
Site. Copy the hierarchy displayed in the downloaded form to all records in the BOLA Form
Template. It’s best practice to use one form per one hierarchy.
Required fields may vary depending on your agency/organizations setup.
Do not reorder or delete columns because it will cause your entire spreadsheet to fail.
You can hide columns you do not use or color code (highlight) them to suit your needs to ensure
they are completed. You do not have to make the columns visible or remove the highlights for
the spreadsheet to process.
Addresses minimally require Address Line 1, City, State and Zip Code in the United States and
Address Line 1 City, Province and Canadian Postal Code for Canadian accounts.
Country designations in North America are either USA (United States) or CAN (Canada).
Use a new BOLA Form Template for each bulk upload; do not create a new tab in the same
No more than 2,000 records can be added to the Excel spreadsheet.
BOLA files process between 8:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. EST, Monday through Friday. File cut off
times still apply because files that begin at the cut off time must be given time to complete
prior to our nightly processing. Processing time for a file is determined by file size and is
volume dependent.
Once you have completed the spreadsheet, it must be uploaded to the CitiManager Site. After it
is uploaded, monitor the status and verify if any rows were rejected.
For U.S. Federal Government clients, individual liability accounts that require an opt-out of credit
worthiness assessment, most agency/organizations are utilizing our individual Online Application
(IOLA) process through CitiManager. BOLA can be used, however, an application will not process
until the Cardholder consents to the credit-worthiness check.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Step-By-Step Instructions
Download the Bulk Online Application Form Template
Note: It is recommended you download the Bulk Online Application Form Template each time to
ensure you use the most current version.
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Document Management link.
The Document Management screen displays.
2. From the Select Function drop-down list, verify Bulk Online Application is selected. If
not, select it from the drop-down list.
3. From the Select Activity section, select the Download Bulk Online Application Form
Template radio button.
4. Click the Download button.
The Download Form Template screen displays.
5. Click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy tree. Select the hierarchy to which
you would like the card accounts to be set up and click the Download button.
The select format window displays.
6. Select the Download Excel Template or Download Text Template radio button and
click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the file may be saved to your computer’s hard drive.
7. Click the OK button.
A message displays indicating your document downloaded successfully and the
browser document option window displays. The location of the Save or Open options
vary based on your browser settings.
8. From the browser document option window, click the Open button.
The BOLA Form Template opens in selected format.
9. Complete the required fields and save the document to your computer’s hard
drive. Refer to the Complete the Bulk Online Application Form Template topic for
additional information about completing and saving the spreadsheet.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Complete the Bulk Online Application Form Template
Note: You can make formatting changes, such as hiding unneeded columns or highlighting
mandatory fields. Do not change the text in the headers or delete or move any columns.
Step Action
1. Populate the BOLA Form Template with all the required information.
Note: The PA E-mail Address is populated based on the profile of the user who
downloaded the form. The Form ID, PA E-mail and the Identifier for Card Unit/
Hierarchy are pre-filled and are mandatory for each record in the spreadsheet. Please
copy this information down to each record.
The required fields for completing bulk online applications include:
Legal name (e.g. The name on birth certificate or as subsequently changed by legal
acts, such as marriage). The first name and last name are entered in separate fields.
Both the First Name and Last Name field are required.
Address Line 1 (or an Army Post Office or Fleet Post Office box number if applicant
is in the military). U.S. Only: This cannot be a P.O. Box address if you are requesting
the card to be expedited.
Postal Code
Social Security Number (U.S. Only) Full 9-digit SSN required for Individual Liability
Accounts and last 4-digits of SSN required for Centrally/Corporate Billed Accounts
Identification number (Canada Only) such as an Alien Identification Number or
Passport Number
Home and business telephone numbers
Other fields may be required for a particular program or agency/organization
Note: Refer to row two of the form for field formatting requirements.
2. When you are finished, save the file as an Excel spreadsheet to your computer’s hard
drive. From the File menu, select Save As.
The Save As window displays.
3. Navigate to the desired folder location on your computer’s hard drive.
4. In the File name field, type the new name of the spreadsheet.
Note: The file can be saved using any standard file naming convention however each
file that is uploaded must have a unique file name to avoid uploading the same file
multiple times and to assist with troubleshooting.
The file must be saved in .xls format, not .xlsx or an error will occur.
5. Click the Save button.
The file is saved to your computer’s hard drive and is ready to be uploaded.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Upload the Completed Bulk Online Application Form
Once you have completed the Bulk Online Application Form Template, it should be uploaded to the
CitiManager Site.
Exceptions may occur during processing due to incorrect formatting of fields or the omission
of mandatory fields. View the Download Bulk Online Application History to view the errors and
download the file to remediate them.
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Document Management link.
The Document Management screen displays.
2. From the Select Function drop-down list, verify Bulk Online Application is selected. If
not, select it from the drop-down list.
3. From the Select Activity section, select the Upload Bulk Online Application Data File
radio button.
The Upload Bulk Online Application Data File section displays.
4. From the Upload Bulk Online Application Data File section, click the Browse button
and navigate to the completed Excel file (.xls not .xlsx format) saved locally to your
computer’s hard drive. Select the file and click the Open button.
The file name displays in the field to the left of the Browse button.
5. Click the Upload button.
The CitiManager Site processes the file and confirmation message displays at the top
of the screen.
Review/Remediate the Status of Records Submitted in the BOLA File
Successful Excel files will process without further action. Exceptions that occur will not generate
an e-mail and must be reviewed in the Error Description file. Any record found in the error file
has not been transmitted to Citi for processing. You can resubmit the rejected applications by
downloading the Original Error File (_ERR.xls) and using that Excel file to remediate the errors
and resubmit them. Only include the rejected applications from this file when resubmitting, not
the ones that already processed.
Only the failed Excel files display in the Original Error File column. If there is no file listed, then
there were no errors associated with that Excel file. However, in cases where the Citimanager
Site cannot process the uploaded file (e.g. BOLA uploaded under the BOLM flow or a column was
deleted or changed) the entire file will fail and this will be reflected in the Error Description File
but an Original Error File will not be generated because that template cannot be used.
Step Action
1. To review the status of the records submitted in the BOLA file, from the Select
Activity section, select the Download Bulk Online Application History radio button.
The Download Bulk Online Application History section displays the list of files
uploaded and their status.
Note: The status and the date the file was uploaded display at the bottom of the
screen. You can also view a copy of the completed BOLA file that was uploaded, a file
containing only the accounts that errored, and the error log.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Step Action
2. To view a copy of the completed BOLA file that was uploaded:
a) From the Select Activity section, verify the Download Bulk Online
Application History radio button is selected.
The Download Bulk Online Application History section displays.
b) From the Uploaded/Arrived File column, click the link for the date you wish
to view.
The Uploaded File Download window displays.
c) Click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the file may be saved to your computer’s
hard drive.
d) Click the OK button.
A message displays indicating the file has downloaded successfully and the
browser document options display.
e) Click the Open button from the browser document options.
A copy of the uploaded BOLA file opens for the selected date.
3. To view the error log file and details for the file you uploaded:
a) From the Error Description File column, click the link name of the file
you uploaded.
The Log File Download window displays.
b) Click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the file may be saved to your computer’s
hard drive.
c) Click the OK button.
A message displays indicating the file has downloaded successfully and the
browser document options display.
d) Click the Open button.
The error log file opens from the browser document options.
e) Use this file to remediate any errors and then upload it to the CitiManager
Site using the steps in the Upload the Bulk Online Application Form Template
Note: You can rename the file or keep the same name as the original. Only
upload the file with the accounts that did not process in the original file.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Step Action
4. To open a copy of the Excel file that contains errors:
Note: The successful Excel files will process without further action. Only the failed
Excel files display. If there is no file listed, then there were no errors associated with
that Excel file. However, in cases where the CitiManager Site cannot process the
uploaded file (e.g. BOLA uploaded under the BOLM flow or a column was deleted or
changed) the entire file will fail and this will be reflected in the Error Description file
but an Original Error file will not be generated because that template cannot be used.
Any record found in the error file has not been transmitted to Citi for processing.
a) From the Select Activity section, verify the Download Bulk Online
Application History radio button is selected.
The Download Bulk Online Application History section displays.
b) From the Original Error File column, click the file name link for the
desired date.
The Uploaded File Download window displays.
c) Click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the file may be saved to your computer’s
hard drive.
d) Click the OK button.
A message displays indicating the file has downloaded successfully and the
browser document options display.
e) Click the Open button from the browser document options.
A copy of the uploaded BOLA file opens for the selected date.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Step Action
5. To view the status of the BOLA requests that were successfully uploaded:
a) From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the
Manage Users icon and click the View Requests link.
The Search for Requests screen displays.
b) Enter the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
c) From the Refine By Request Type section, de-select the All checkbox and
only select the Bulk online applications checkbox. Click the Search button.
The bulk online application requests display.
d) To view the request, click the Request ID link.
The request selected displays.
Note: A unique Request ID will generate for each record that was
successfully uploaded.
The Request ID is used for reference when contacting Citi for assistance, for
example if the Cardholder does not receive their card.
For Individual Liability Programs and for International Payment Cards a
request for consent will be sent to the E-mail addresses of each applicant listed
on the BOLA form. These applications will remain in Waiting for E-mail consent
status until such time as the applicant clicks the I Agree link in the E-mail.
In the event that the consent E-mail is lost, deleted or not received, the
E-mail may be re-sent by clicking the Resend BOLA E-mail Consent button
located on the View Requests search results screen. Once consent is
received, the application will be sent for processing. The status will change to
Approved in CitiManager and any issues encountered during processing will
be communicated back to you via E-mail.
Update PA E-mail Address for Status E-mails
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Document Management link.
The Document Management screen displays.
2. From the Select Activity drop-down list, select the Update PA E-mail Address for
Status E-mails radio button.
The Update PA E-mail Address for Status E-mails section displays.
3. In the Update PA E-mail Address for Status E-mails text entry field, type the e-mail
address for the PA who will receive status e-mails.
4. Click the Save button.
A confirmation message displays indicating the PA E-mail ID has been saved
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Download/Upload Bulk Online Maintenance (BOLM) Requests
Key Concepts
Bulk Online Maintenance (BOLM) allows A/OPCs to initiate a large number of Cardholder
Maintenance requests in bulk using a file upload process.
For individuality billed accounts, an A/OPC is not permitted to perform account maintenance on
their own account.
When uploading BOLM requests:
Only use the BOLM Form Template downloaded from the correct hierarchy in the CitiManager
Site. Copy the Form ID displayed in the downloaded form to all records in the BOLM Form
Required fields include the Form ID, the 16-digit account number, Employee ID, or Social
Security number (if applicable) as well as any fields that need to be changed. Required fields are
dependent on the form.
Do not reorder or delete columns because it will cause your entire spreadsheet to fail.
You can hide columns you do not use or color code (highlight) them to suit your needs to ensure
they are completed. You do not have to make the columns visible or remove the highlights for
the spreadsheet to process.
Addresses minimally require Address Line 1, City, State and Zip Code in the United States and
Address Line 1 City, Province and Canadian Postal Code for Canadian accounts.
Country designations in North America are either USA (United States) or CAN (Canada).
Use a new BOLM Form Template for each bulk upload; do not create a new tab in the same
No more than 2000 records can be added to the Excel spreadsheet.
BOLM (and BOLA) files process between 8:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. EST, Monday through Friday.
File cut off times still apply because files that begin at the cut off time have to be given time to
complete prior to our nightly processing. Processing time for a file is determined by file size and
is volume dependent.
Once you have completed the spreadsheet, it must be uploaded to the CitiManager Site. After it
is uploaded, monitor the status and verify if any rows were rejected.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Step-By-Step Instructions
Download the Bulk Online Maintenance Form Template
Note: It is recommended you download the Bulk Online Maintenance Form Template each time to
ensure you use the most current version.
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Document Management link.
The Document Management screen displays.
2. From the Select Function drop-down list, select Bulk Online Maintenance.
3. From the Select Activity section, select the Download Bulk Online Maintenance Form
Template radio button.
4. Click the Download button.
The Download Form Template screen displays.
5. Select the checkbox for your assigned hierarchy and click the Download button.
The select format window displays.
6. Select the Download Excel Template or Download Text Template radio button and
click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the file may be saved to your computer’s hard drive.
7. Click the OK button.
A message displays indicating your document downloaded successfully and the
browser document option window displays. The location of the Save or Open options
vary based on your browser settings.
8. From the browser document option window, click the Open button.
The BOLM Form Template opens in selected format.
9. Complete the required fields and save the document to your computer’s hard drive.
Refer to the Complete the Bulk Online Maintenance Form Template topic for
additional information about completing and saving the spreadsheet.
Complete the Bulk Online Maintenance Form Template
Note: You can make formatting changes, such as hiding unneeded columns or highlighting
mandatory fields. Do not change the text in the headers or delete or move any columns.
Step Action
1. Populate the Bulk Online Maintenance Form Template with all the required
Note: Refer to row two of the form for field formatting requirements. The Form ID,
Account Number, Employee ID or SSN and the fields being maintained are required in
each row of the spreadsheet. Be careful not to insert any spaces or extra characters
into any unused fields as this will cause errors when the files are processed.
2. When you are finished, save the file as an Excel spreadsheet to your computer’s hard
drive. From the File menu, select Save As.
The Save As window displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Step Action
3. Navigate to the desired folder location on your computer’s hard drive.
4. In the File name field, type the new name of the spreadsheet.
Note: The file can be saved using any standard file naming convention however, each
file that is uploaded must have a unique file name to avoid uploading the same file
multiple times and to assist with troubleshooting.
The file must be saved in .xls format, not .xlsx or an error will occur.
5. Click the Save button.
The file is saved to your computer’s hard drive and is ready to be uploaded.
Upload the Completed Bulk Online Maintenance Form
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Document Management link.
The Document Management screen displays.
2. From the Select Function drop-down list, select Bulk Online Maintenance.
3. From the Select Activity section, select the Upload Bulk Online Maintenance Data
File radio button.
The Upload Bulk Online Maintenance Data File section displays.
4. From the Upload Bulk Online Maintenance Data File section, click the Browse button
and navigate to the completed Excel file (.xls not .xlsx format) saved locally to your
computer’s hard drive. Select the file and click the Open button.
The file name displays in the field to the left of the Browse button.
5. Click the Upload button.
The CitiManager Site processes the file and confirmation message displays at the top
of the screen.
Note: Exceptions may occur during processing due to incorrect formatting of fields
or omission of mandatory fields. Exceptions that occur during this part of the process
will not generate an e-mail and must be reviewed in the Error Description file.
6. To review the status of the records submitted in the BOLM file, from the Select
Activity section, select the Download Bulk Online Maintenance History radio button.
The Download Bulk Online Maintenance History section displays the list of files
uploaded and their status.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Step Action
7. To view a copy of the completed BOLM file that was uploaded
a) From the Select Activity section, verify the Download Bulk Online
Maintenance History radio button is selected.
The Download Bulk Online Maintenance History section displays.
b) From the Uploaded/Arrived File column, click the link for the date you wish
to view.
The Uploaded File Download window displays.
c) Click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the file may be saved to your computer’s
hard drive.
d) Click the OK button.
A message displays indicating the file has downloaded successfully and the
browser document options display.
e) Click the Open button.
A copy of the uploaded BOLM file opens for the selected date.
8. To open a copy of the Excel file that contains errors:
Note: The successful Excel records will process without further action. Only the failed
Excel records display. If there is no file listed, then there were no errors associated
with that Excel file. However, in cases where the CitiManager Site cannot process the
uploaded file (e.g. BOLA uploaded under the BOLM flow or a column was deleted or
changed) the entire file will fail and this will be reflected in the Error Description file
but an Original Error file will not be generated because that template cannot be used.
Any record found in the error file has not been transmitted to Citi for processing.
a) From the Select Activity section, verify the Download Bulk Online
Maintenance History radio button is selected.
The Download Bulk Online Maintenance History section displays.
b) From the Original Error File column, click the file name link for the
desired date.
The Uploaded File Download window displays.
c) Click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the file may be saved to your computer’s
hard drive.
d) Click the OK button.
A message displays indicating the file has downloaded successfully and the
browser document options display.
e) Click the Open button.
A copy of the uploaded BOLM file opens for the selected date.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Step Action
9. To view the error log file and details for the file you uploaded:
a) From the Error Description File column, click the link name of the file you
The Log File Download window displays.
b) Click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the file may be saved to your computer’s
hard drive.
c) Click the OK button.
A message displays indicating the file has downloaded successfully and the
browser document options display.
d) Click the Open button.
The error log file opens.
10. To view the status of the BOLM requests that were successfully uploaded:
a) From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the
Manage Users icon and click the View Requests link.
The Search for Requests screen displays.
b) Enter the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
c) From the Refine By Request Type section, de-select the All checkbox and
only select the Bulk online maintenance checkbox. Click the Search button.
The bulk online maintenance requests display.
d) To view the request, click the Request ID link.
The request selected displays.
Note: A unique Request ID will generate for each record that was
successfully uploaded.
The Request ID is used for reference when contacting Citi for assistance, for
example if there is an issue with the maintenance request.
Update (A/OPC) E-mail Address for Status E-mails
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Document Management link.
The Document Management screen displays.
2. From the Select Activity drop-down list, select the Update PA (A/OPC) E-mail
Address for Status E-mails radio button.
The Update PA (A/OPC) E-mail Address for Status E-mails section displays.
3. In the Update PA (A/OPC) E-mail Address for Status E-mails text entry field, type the
e-mail address for the A/OPC who will receive status e-mails.
4. Click the Save button.
A confirmation message indicating the A/OPC E-mail ID has been saved successfully.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Download/Upload the Supervisor List
Key Concepts
If your agency/organization requires Supervisors as a secondary approver for card applications
you can upload the list of Supervisors who are designated within your agency/organization to
approve card applications into the CitiManager Site.
The Supervisor List is available only to companies that use the Card Applicant > Supervisor >
Non-cardholder > Citi online application approval workflow.
The Supervisor List template can be downloaded from the CitiManager Site and a Non-cardholder
can update the document with the required Supervisor information. Once the Supervisor list has
been completed, the document should be saved to the Non-cardholder’s computer and then it can
be uploaded to the CitiManager Site.
Once the Supervisor List is successfully uploaded, it is immediately available in the CitiManager
Site so Card Applicants can select the approving Supervisor.
When a Supervisor is selected for the first time during the application submission process by an
applicant, the Supervisor will receive registration details from Citi. Once the Supervisor registers
in the CitiManager Site and creates a log in, they will be able to access application requests
submitted for Supervisor approval in the CitiManager Site.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Download the Supervisor List Template
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Document Management link.
The Upload Bulk Online Application File screen displays.
2. From the Select Function drop-down list, select Supervisor List.
The Download Supervisor List screen displays.
3. From the Select Activity section, select the Download file radio button.
4. Click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the file may be saved to your computer’s hard drive.
5. Click the OK button.
A message displays at the top of the screen indicating your document is ready for
download and the browser document option window displays. The location of the Save
or Open options vary based on your browser settings.
6. From the browser document option window, click the Open button.
The Supervisor List opens in Excel format.
7. Update the required fields on the Supervisor List template and save the document to
your computer.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Upload the Supervisor List Template
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Document Management link.
The Upload Bulk Online Application File screen displays.
2. From the Select Function drop-down list, select Supervisor List.
The Download Supervisor List screen displays.
3. From the Select Activity section, select the Upload File radio button.
The Upload Supervisor List screen displays.
4. From the Upload File section, click the Browse button and navigate to and select the
updated Supervisor list template you saved to your computer and then click the
Open button.
The file name displays in the field to the left of the Browse button.
5. Click the Upload button.
The file upload confirmation message displays.
Note: The uploaded file now becomes the new Supervisor List for your agency/
organization. The CitiManager Site will retain the most recent Supervisor List
uploaded to the system.
View Your Hierarchy
Key Concepts
You can view hierarchies in your span of control. The following default hierarchy entitlement(s)
information displays:
Company Name (Agency/Organization): Name of the agency/organization to which you belong
Unit Name: Name of the hierarchy to which you belong in the agency/organization
Unit Number: Number/node of the hierarchy to which you belong in the agency/organization
Full Hierarchy: Complete hierarchy to which you are associated
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the View Hierarchy link.
The View Hierarchy screen displays.
2. To expand the hierarchies, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Set Alerts for a Specific Hierarchy
Key Concepts
In accordance with agency/organization policies you can set alerts that will be available to
Cardholders in a specific hierarchy within your span of control. This does not select which alerts
Cardholders will receive, but it does change which alert options are available to Cardholders. If a
hierarchy level is selected and it has lower-level hierarchies attached to it, then all hierarchies that
fall under the higher level hierarchy will also have those alerts available.
Setting alerts is entitlement driven, so you may not have access to this functionality if the
entitlement has not been granted to you or turned on for your agency/organization.
There are two types of alerts you can set as defaults:
Transactional Alerts — An alert is sent when a defined condition or threshold is met, for
example an alert is triggered when a payment is received or when a defined percentage of the
credit limit is met.
Account Alerts — An alert is sent when there are status changes to the Cardholder account, for
example when an address is changed or when a statement is available.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Set Alerts link.
The Select Hierarchy screen displays.
2. To select the hierarchy where the alerts will be set, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand
the hierarchy.
3. Select the radio button for the desired hierarchy and click the Continue button.
The Set Alerts screen displays.
4. To subscribe to alerts, select the E-mail and/or SMS Text checkbox(es) for each of the
alerts you wish to make available to users in this hierarchy.
To unsubscribe to alerts, de-select the E-mail Alerts and/or SMS (Mobile Alerts)
checkbox(es) for the alerts you do not wish to have available for users in this hierarchy.
Note: For more information about each alert, position your mouse over the information
icon next to the alert name.
Some alerts require you to type or select a threshold setting that will trigger the alert.
For example, for the Available Credit Remaining % alert, you must select the desired
Available Credit Remaining %. When the selected percent of remaining credit level is
met, you will receive an alert.
5. When you are finished, click the Continue button.
The Preview and Confirm screen displays.
6. Review the alerts selected and if confirmed, click the Save button.
A confirmation message displays indicating the alerts have been set successfully.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Manage MCCG Templates
Key Concepts
The CitiManager Site allows select A/OPCs to view Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) in a
Merchant Category Code Group (MCCG), as well as create new MCCG templates from scratch or
create a copy from an existing MCCG template.
The ability to manage MCCG templates must be enabled by Citi first. Once enabled, the
entitlements can be assigned to anyone who needs to manage the MCCG templates.
The entitlements that can be assigned are:
Create MCCG template
Modify MCCG template
Note: Modification is specific to creating a copy of an existing MCCG, providing a new name and
updating the MCCs as required. The new MCCG needs to be attached to Cardholders who need it
to perform Account Maintenance.
Once requests are submitted, they go to Client Account Servicing (CAS) for processing which will
take approximately 48 hours to complete. If this is an urgent request, please call CAS directly.
If a MCCG template needs to be deleted or an existing MCCG template needs to be maintained
the request should be initiated through a dedicated CAS. These requests will be processed within
24-48 hours.
Step-by-Step Instructions
View a MCCG Template
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position you mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Manage MCCG Template link.
The Manage MCCG Template screen displays.
2. In the available search fields, enter your search criteria and click the Search button.
Note: For additional search options, click the More Options button. To view all MCCG
templates, you can click the Search button without entering any search criteria.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
3. Select the radio button next to the applicable MCCG template.
4. Click the View MCCG Template button.
The View MCCG Template screen displays.
5. When you are finished viewing the MCCG template, click the Back button.
The Manage MCCG Template screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Create a MCCG Template
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position you mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Manage MCCG Template link.
The Manage MCCG Template screen displays.
2. From the Search: Manage MCCG Template header, click the Create MCCG Template link.
The Create MCCG Template screen displays.
3. In the MCCG Template Name text field, type the MCCG template name.
4. Click the checkbox next to the applicable MCCs.
Note: You can also search for MCCs using the Look UP MCC Group search field.
5. Once the MCC template is complete, click the Save button.
A confirmation message displays.
6. Click the OK button.
The Manage MCCG Template screen displays.
Create a MCCG Template from Existing MCCG Template
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position you mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Manage MCCG Template link.
The Manage MCCG Template screen displays.
2. In the available search fields, enter your search criteria and click the Search button.
Note: For additional search options, click the More Options button. To view all MCCG
templates, you can click the Search button without entering any search criteria.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
3. Select the radio button next to the applicable MCCG template.
4. Click the Modify or Copy of Selected Template link.
The Modify or Copy of Selected Template screen displays.
5. In the MCCG Template Name text field, type the applicable MCCG template name.
6. Select the checkbox for the applicable MCCs.
7. Once the MCCG template is complete, click the Save button.
A confirmation message displays.
8. Click the OK button.
The Manage MCCG Template screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Create New Hierarchy Unit
Key Concepts
The CitiManager Site allows select A/OPCs to create new hierarchy units under the A/OPC’s
assigned hierarchy.
The ability to create new hierarchy sub-units must be enabled by Citi first. Once enabled, the
New Hierarchy Setup Requests entitlement can be assigned to anyone who needs to create new
hierarchy units.
Once requests are submitted, they go to Client Account Servicing (CAS) for processing which will
take approximately 48 hours to complete. If this is an urgent request, please call CAS directly. Any
hierarchy maintenance or deletion request need to go through CAS.
You can view request status on the View Additional Requests screen.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position you mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Create New Hierarchy link.
The Create New Hierarchy Unit screen displays.
2. Click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy unit. Drill down to the hierarchy
that the new sub-hierarchy will be under and select the radio button next to the
applicable hierarchy unit.
3. Click the Create New Sub-Unit button.
The Create New Hierarchy Unit Form screen displays.
4. Enter the applicable information for the new hierarchy.
5. Once all of the information is entered, click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays.
6. Click the OK button.
The View Additional Requests screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
View Additional Requests
Key Concepts
You can view the audit information for requests such as when a new corporate account or
hierarchy sub-unit is created. You can also view who created the request, the date it was last
modified and by whom.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the View Additional Requests link.
The Search: View Additional Requests screen displays.
2. In the available search fields, enter your search criteria and click the Search button.
Note: For additional search options, click the More Options button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
3. To view the audit information, from the Request ID column, click the link for the
applicable request.
To view the created by, last modified date, and modified by information, click the
ellipsis (…) link that displays on the right side of the row.
Create New Corporate Account
Key Concepts
The CitiManager Site allows select A/OPCs to create corporate accounts at their hierarchy level
and below.
The ability to create corporate accounts must be enabled by Citi first. Once enabled, the
Corporate Account Maintenance entitlement can be assigned to anyone who needs to create new
corporate accounts.
Once requests are submitted, they go to Client Account Servicing (CAS) for processing which will
take approximately 48 hours to complete. If this is an urgent request, please call CAS directly.
You can view request status on the View Additional Requests screen.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Create New Corporate Account
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position you mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Create New Corporate Account link.
The Corporate Account Setup screen displays.
2. Click the Select Hierarchy link that displays under the Hierarchy field.
3. Click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy unit. Drill down to the hierarchy
that the new sub-hierarchy will be under and select the radio button next to the
applicable hierarchy unit.
4. Enter the applicable information for the new corporate account.
5. From the MCC Groups section, click the Add/Remove MCC Groups link.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 4. Manage Card Program
Step Action
6. Select the checkbox for the applicable MCC Groups for the new corporate account and
click the Update button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
7. Click the Back link to return to the form.
8. Once all of the information is entered, click the Submit button.
The confirmation message displays.
9. Click the OK button.
The Search: View Additional Requests screen displays.
Maintain Corporate Account
Key Concepts
The CitiManager Site allows select A/OPCs to maintain existing corporate accounts under their
hierarchy level and below. Velocity limits, as well as temporary velocity limits on the corporate
account can be maintained.
The ability to maintain corporate accounts must be enabled by Citi first. Once enabled, the
Corporate Account Maintenance entitlement can be assigned to anyone who needs to create new
corporate accounts.
Once requests are submitted, they go to Client Account Servicing (CAS) for processing which will
take approximately 48 hours to complete. If this is an urgent request, please call CAS directly.
You can view request status on the View Additional Requests screen.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position you mouse over the Manage
Card Program icon and click the Corporate Account Maintenance link.
The Corporate Account Maintenance screen displays.
2. In the available search fields, enter your search criteria and click the Search button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
3. Select the radio button next to the corporate account you wish to maintain.
4. Click the Update Account button.
The Update Account screen displays.
5. Update the account as necessary.
6. Click the Submit button.
The confirmation message displays.
7. Click the Proceed button.
A confirmation message displays.
8. Click the OK button.
The Search: View Additional Requests screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 5. Resources
5. Resources
View and Post Messages
Key Concepts
Citi periodically posts system update and maintenance information. This information is posted to
the Message Board.
Additionally, it is possible to post a new message to a specific hierarchy within your span of
control. Once the message is submitted, it will be sent to the Citi Helpdesk for approval.
Step-by-Step Instructions
View Messages
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the
Resources icon and click the Messages link.
The Messages screen displays.
2. To view additional information about a message, from the Subject column, click the
desired message link.
The Messages screen displays and any messages display in the Message Board section.
3. To return to the list of messages, click the Back button.
Post a New Message
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the
Resources icon and then click the Messages link.
The Messages screen displays.
2. To post a new message, click the Post New Message link.
The Post Message screen displays.
3. Click the Select Hierarchy link.
The Select Hierarchy screen displays.
4. Click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy tree. Select the checkboxes for
the hierarchies to which you want to post the message. When you are finished, click
the Select button.
5. From the Display From and Display Till fields, select the timeframe you wish the
message to be posted.
6. From the Subject field, type the subject of the post.
7. In the Message text field, type the message.
8. Click the Post button.
The message is sent to Citi for approval.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 5. Resources
Upload and Download Documents Using Library
Key Concepts
The Library allows you to securely share files with Citi.
Folder categories may include:
Document Sharing
File Delivery
Program Reports
Reference Material
System Logs
The categories available are based on client requirements so all categories may not be visible
to you.
You can download files from all folders categories. You can only upload files if this feature has been
activated for your agency/organization and you have been granted the entitlement to upload files.
You can only upload documents to folders in the Document Sharing category.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Download a Document from the Library
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the
Resources icon and click the Library link.
The Library — Search for Folders screen displays.
2. You can choose to view folders with or without documents by selecting the desired
option from the drop-down list that displays in the upper-right corner.
3. You can perform a search to sort what displays by choosing a folder category and
arrival date or typing a folder title. When you are finished, click the Search button.
The document titles that meet the search criteria entered display.
4. Click the Folder Title name and click the file you wish to download.
The document download window displays.
Note: The download format defaults to a zip format. To download unzipped documents
de-select the zip checkbox.
5. Click the Download button.
A confirmation message displays indicating the document may be cached to your
computer’s hard drive.
6. Click the OK button.
The browser document option window displays. The location of the Save or Open
options vary based on your browser settings.
7. Click either the Save or Open button.
The selected document/zip file opens or the Save options window opens.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 5. Resources
Upload a Document to Library
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the
Resources icon and click the Library link.
The Library — Search for Folders screen displays.
2. To upload a document, click the Upload icon that displays on the right-side of the row
for the folder where you want the document to reside.
Note: You can only upload files to the Document Sharing category if it has been activated
for your agency/organization and you have been granted permission to upload files.
3. To upload a file, click the (+) plus sign icon displayed under the Upload header next to
the folder title where you want your file loaded.
The File upload window displays.
4. To select a file to be uploaded, click the Browse button.
The Choose file window displays.
Note: Search your computer to find the file to be uploaded.
5. Navigate to and select the file you wish to download from your computer.
6. To upload the file, click the Upload button.
The file is uploaded to the selected folder.
Download the Export Log
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the
Resources icon and click the Library link.
The Library — Search for Folders screen displays.
2. Click the Export List button that displays at the bottom of the screen.
The Export List zip option window option displays.
3. Choose whether you would like to download the file in zipped format or not and click
the Download button.
A message displays indicating the file may be saved to your computer.
4. Click the OK button.
The browser document option window displays. The location of the Save or Open
options vary based on your browser settings.
5. Click Open button.
The selected document opens as a text file. If you chose to download the file in zipped
format, a message displays confirming you want to open the zipped file.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 5. Resources
Search for Non-cardholders
Key Concepts
You can search for Non-cardholders and view the following information:
Hierarchy Name
Full Name
User Profile E-mail Address
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the
Resources icon and click the Search link.
The Search for Users screen displays.
2. To perform a basic search, use the First Name, Last Name or Username fields and
click the Search button.
Note: To search by Role and Hierarchy Name, click the More Options link.
The search results display based on the search criteria entered.
View Frequently Asked Questions
Key Concepts
The CitiManager Site Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) documents contain answers to some of the
most commonly asked questions. It includes information about registration, passwords, security
questions, alerts and quick tips.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the
Resources icon and click the FAQs link.
The View FAQ screen displays.
2. Click the NA CitiManager FAQ link or another available document.
A message displays indicating the downloaded file may be cached to your computer’s
hard drive.
3. Click the OK button.
The browser document option window displays. The location of the Save or Open
options vary based on your browser settings.
4. Click either the Save or Open option.
The selected document opens in Portable Document Format (PDF) or the Save options
window opens.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 5. Resources
Access Links and Help
Key Concepts
You can view additional reference material such as User Guides and access program support sites
from the Links/Help screen.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the
Resources icon and click the Links and Help link.
The Links/Help screen displays.
2. Click the link for the resource you wish to access.
A message displays indicating you will be opening an external link.
3. Click the OK button.
Depending on the type of resource selected, either the website will open or a
message displays indicating the selected document will be cached to your computer’s
hard drive.
Note: When you click on a link for an external site, a new browser opens and you will
be directed to the selected site. You will still be logged into the CitiManager Site.
4. If a document was selected, click the OK button to close the message.
The browser document options display. The location of the Save or Open options vary
based on your browser settings.
5. Click either the Open or Save option.
The selected document opens in Portable Document Format (PDF) or the Save options
window opens.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 6. Web Tools
6. Web Tools
Access Web Tools (Transaction Management, Reporting)
Key Concepts
The following tools may be accessed based on your entitlements and your agency/organization setup:
Use Transaction Management to define and manage General Ledger codes and allocate/
reallocate transactions.
Use Reporting to run reports using templates or to create custom reports.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Web
Tools icon and click the link for the tool you wish to open.
A window opens displaying the roles/programs in which you have entitlements.
2. If necessary, click the desired hierarchy sub-link.
The selected tool launches in a new window or tab.
Access the Learning Center
Key Concepts
The Learning Center is Citi’s learning management system that can be accessed from the
CitiManager Site.
The Learning Center provides on-demand, self-paced training so you can register for webinars,
instructor-led training (ILT), complete computer-based training (CBT) courses and access reference
documents 24/7. There are also complete end-to-end user guides and quick-start guides available.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Web
Tools icon and click the Learning Center link.
The Learning Center screen displays in a new window or tab.
2. To access available resources:
In the Search field, type the desired search criteria, for example, CitiManager User
Guide, and click the search arrow,
Click the desired Catalog link.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 6. Web Tools
Step Action
3. To register for and launch a course or open a user guide:
a) Select the resource from the search results and click the Register button.
b) From the Registration Process screen, verify the activity checkboxes are
selected and click the Submit button.
c) Once you have registered for a course or curriculum, click the Start button
from the Activities Details screen or your To Do list.
A reference document will launch automatically. If you are opening
a computer-based training module, the Learning Activities Details
window opens.
d) To start a computer-based training module, click the Next button.
The CBT launches in a new window.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 7. Alerts
7. Alerts
Set Your Personal Alert Subscriptions
Key Concepts
As a Non-cardholder, you can set your personal alerts so e-mail notifications are automatically
sent to you when certain selected activity occurs to Cardholder accounts in your hierarchy. For
example, you can be notified when a transaction is declined.
For certain alerts, you can register to receive alerts from specific hierarchy levels. You will receive
a copy of an alert. For the reports listed below, you will only receive the alert if the Cardholder
also has the alert enabled:
Account Over Threshold
Cancelled Card Transaction
Card Not Present at Transaction
Credit Balance on Account
Declined Transaction
Payment Due
Payment Past Due
Payment Received
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Alerts
icon and then click the Alert Subscriptions link.
The Alerts Subscription screen displays.
2. To enter/edit the e-mail address(es) where you want alerts sent, click the Edit link
from the Contact Preferences section and complete the following steps when the
E-mail Address Preferences window opens:
a) Type and confirm up to five e-mail addresses.
b) Click the Save button.
3. To subscribe to alerts, select the checkbox(es) for each of the alerts you wish to receive.
To unsubscribe alerts, de-select checkbox(es) for the alerts you no longer wish to
Note: For more information about each alert, click the information icon next to the
alert name.
For alerts that allow you to select the hierarchy level, click the Select Hierarchy link.
Click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy tree. Select the checkboxes for
the hierarchies from which you want to receive alerts. When you are finished, click the
Select button.
4. For alerts that allow you to select the hierarchy level, click the Select Hierarchy link.
Click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy tree.
5. Select all of the hierarchy levels to which you want to set that alert and click the
Select button.
Note: You must individually select each hierarchy you want to set. Selecting a higher
level does not automatically select the levels below.
CitiManager Site User Guide | 7. Alerts
Step Action
6. Click the Save button.
The alerts settings are saved and a confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
View Alert Audit Log
Key Concepts
Use the Alert Audit Log to view changes that have been made to alerts. You can view the
The date and time of the change
Who made the change
Name of the alert updated
The previous status and the current status
Indication that the alert was either an e-mail or mobile alert
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Alerts
icon and then click the Audit Log link.
The Audit Log screen displays a log of alerts that have been changed.
View On-Demand Mobile Alert Commands
Key Concepts
Once your Cardholders have registered their mobile number to receive Citi Alerts, they will have
full access to Citi’s On-Demand Mobile Alerts. With Citi’s On-Demand Mobile Alerts, they can
request and receive information from Citi right when they need it.
To receive on-demand alerts from their registered mobile device, they will text the desired
command (e.g., HELP) to GOCITI (462484). A list of available commands are available from the
CitiManager Site.
For some on-demand mobile alerts the Cardholder is required to enter the last four digits of
their account number after the command. For example, to receive account balance information,
they would text BAL1234 to GOCITI (462484) where 1234 represents the last four digits of their
account number.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Alerts
icon and click the On-Demand Mobile Alerts link.
The On-Demand Mobile Alerts screen displays the commands and a description for each.
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Citi believes that sustainability is good business practice. We work closely with our clients, peer financial institutions,
NGOs and other partners to finance solutions to climate change, develop industry standards, reduce our own
environmental footprint, and engage with stakeholders to advance shared learning and solutions. Highlights of Citi’s
unique role in promoting sustainability include: (a) releasing in 2007 a Climate Change Position Statement, the first U.S.
financial institution to do so; (b) targeting $50 billion over 10 years to address global climate change: includes significant
increases in investment and financing of renewable energy, clean technology, and other carbon-emission reduction
activities; (c) committing to an absolute reduction in GHG emissions of all Citi owned and leased properties around the
world by 10% by 2011; (d) purchasing more than 234,000 MWh of carbon neutral power for our operations over the last
three years; (e) establishing in 2008 the Carbon Principles; a framework for banks and their U.S. power clients to evaluate
and address carbon risks in the financing of electric power projects; (f) producing equity research related to climate issues
that helps to inform investors on risks and opportunities associated with the issue; and (g) engaging with a broad range of
stakeholders on the issue of climate change to help advance understanding and solutions.
Citi works with its clients in greenhouse gas intensive industries to evaluate emerging risks from climate change and,
where appropriate, to mitigate those risks.
efficiency, renewable energy & mitigation