Sam Thornton, Guy Edward Gallasch
Land Division
Defence Science and Technology Group
Edinburgh, South Australia, Australia
Abstract Last-mile delivery in a military context can often
be dangerous, putting personnel and the supplies they carry at
risk. The emergence of aerial ‘delivery drones’ from the
commercial delivery sector highlights the possibilities of
uncrewed vehicles being used in last-mile delivery. However,
demonstrations of such technology have been limited to single
vehicle deliveries, where only small portions of supplies can be
delivered at once. This paper explores the concept of low-cost,
uncrewed vehicle swarming for tactical last-mile delivery in a
deployed setting. The benefits of uncrewed swarming systems
over conventional methods of resupply are discussed, as well as
the vulnerabilities and challenges faced by such systems.
KeywordsLast-mile Logistics, Swarming, Drone Delivery
Last-mile delivery (LMD) in a military context is the
distribution of supplies from the last point of bulk
disaggregation to dispersed forces located in the area of
operations. It is a critical Combat Service Support (CSS)
process. The last-mile is not actually reference to a fixed
distance, but it is generally within a range of 30km [1]. While
there is scepticism of the potential for swarming to be applied
to LMD, it has many potential benefits over conventional
methods of resupply, most notably its scalability, flexibility,
and robustness against single point failure. The use of
uncrewed delivery vehicles also reduces risks to personnel
transporting supplies in contested environments, and can
provide extended delivery capabilities to locations inaccessible
by humans. This paper explores the concept, including
strengths and weaknesses, of using swarms of low-cost,
uncrewed platforms for last-mile military resupply.
Swarming can be defined as the collective physical
behaviour (often emergent and complex) of a group or swarm
of physical agents, where each agent’s own behaviour is based
on simple rules for interaction with other agents within the
swarm, and the environment. Biological examples of swarming
can be seen in social insects such as ants and honey bees, in
birds (‘flocking’), fish (‘schooling’), and many other organisms
[2]. Swarming can occur both with and without the use of
explicit communication between agents, making it an attractive
concept to explore for technological operations in
electromagnetically contested and degraded environments [2].
A. Military versus Civilian Contexts
LMD in a military context differs greatly from that of a
civilian context. Supply delivery to the tactical edge in
contested environments poses the threat of delivery systems
being disrupted by adversaries. Whether this is to hijack
provisions, or to simply stem the flow of supply, military
delivery systems can often be considered ‘soft’ targets and
require appropriate countermeasures for protection. The result
is the need for increased complexity of delivery platform
design and delivery planning, and/or the necessity of security
escort units. Additionally, military environments tend to be less
structured that civilian environments, and can change
throughout the course of an operation. High bandwidth
connectivity is also problematic close to the tactical edge.
B. Changing Nature of the Battlespace
The call for new LMD methods originates in part from the
nature of modern warfare. The ‘front lines’ of the battlespace
have evolved from describing the literal front lines of opposing
forces (such as trench warfare in the First World War), to
forces fighting in more dispersed and highly mobile tactical
groups. This in turn has forced (and will continue to force)
LMD methods to become more versatile and precise. As stated
in [3]: “Supplying widely dispersed units without traditional
CSS battalions present is a difficult problem that will probably
need to be addressed by a package of fixes” (p. 71).
C. Current Last-mile Delivery Methods
Current modes of direct delivery in military operations
primarily involve the use of crewed supply vehicles and air
drops. Due to the increasingly dispersed nature of modern
warfighting, delivery vehicles are required to undertake multi-
stop routes for distribution of supplies to ever more widely
dispersed forces. This is an inefficient way of operation, as
supplies after the first delivery are not transported directly to
their delivery points. The result of this indirect delivery is
increased delivery times and wasted resources. Air drop
methods such as the Joint Precision Air Drop System (JPADS)
can be expensive, requiring recovery on delivery by the
receiver so that they can be returned and reused [4]. Air drops
systems also need to be taken up to altitude before they can be
deployed, further increasing delivery times, and requiring
crewed cargo aircraft to fly over potentially contested areas.
Sam is an undergraduate student with the University of Adelaide. He
undertook this work while on a Summer Vacation Placement with Land
Logistics Group, Land Division, over the 2017/18 vacation period.
A. Benefits of Autonomous Systems for Last-Mile Delivery
The benefits of using uncrewed swarming platforms for
tactical last-mile resupply form part of the bigger picture of
harnessing autonomous systems for CSS. The use of
autonomous systems for LMD could increase the safety of
personnel by reducing their exposure to risk. For example,
resupply convoys are often seen as ‘soft’ targets, and hence one
argument for autonomous convoys is to reduce the number of
personnel travelling in such convoys. Autonomous systems
physically integrated with human forces could also provide
faster decision making in time critical operations, such as
optimal route planning or rerouting in hostile environments [5].
The value of autonomous systems for tactical LMD comes
from not only the potential increase in the safety and wellbeing
of personnel, but also from the likely increase in LMD
efficiency. Autonomous systems do not become physically or
mentally tired from carrying out their tasks. This provides
potential for more continuous and sustained logistics
operations over longer ranges. Autonomous systems could also
be used to operate in environments considered too dangerous
or inaccessible for humans, extending current CSS capabilities.
B. Benefits of Swarming for Last-Mile Delivery
Although the use of swarming for both offensive and
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) operations
is already being explored by militaries around the world, the
benefits of using swarms in logistics operations have not been
discussed outside of autonomous (and semi-autonomous)
ground convoys, which themselves do not exhibit swarm
intelligence or emergent behaviour [6].
Coupled with low-cost, potentially expendable individual
platforms (swarm agents do not need to be highly intelligent as
individuals), swarming offers a force multiplier that is more
scalable and flexible than complex, stand-alone systems.
Efficiencies can be gained through a better match of payload to
platform payload capacity. For instance, a small quantity of
supplies could be delivered by a few smaller platforms as
opposed to a single larger vehicle which may be transporting
empty space. It may additionally be the case that some
missions could benefit from having more delivery platforms
than needed, such as a way of breaking up valuable supplies, or
having some agents act as decoys.
Having scalable delivery swarms also means that multiple
locations can be serviced both directly (avoiding the
inefficiencies of indirect delivery via milk runs) and in parallel.
This also facilitates more ‘on demand’ delivery due to
increased availability of delivery platforms. Swarming also
allows for swarm formations and tactics to be altered to suit
dynamic and unknown environments. Furthermore, dispersed
multi-robot systems can be multi-purpose, e.g. used for both
situational awareness and delivery.
As autonomous and automated uncrewed systems become
more complex, the cost of staffing required for operation, data
management and analysis of the systems also increases [5]. In
this regard, another benefit swarming brings to LMD (and
automated and autonomous systems in general) is the ability
for relatively few humans to control large numbers of
autonomous platforms, through relatively simple rules for
swarm control and organisation. Multi-robot swarming could
act to reduce operating costs, as a single operator would be able
to control a large number of platforms the operator would
likely see the swarm as a single entity, placing less investment
and attention into the individual platforms that actually make
up the swarm.
Finally, the use of decentralised and distributed multi-robot
systems increases LMD system robustness over using single, or
fewer platforms for delivery. If a single platform used to
resupply forces is destroyed or fails in its task, none of the
supplies are delivered. However if 100 platforms are used to
deliver the supplies in a distributed manner, then the failure of
a single platform, or even handful of platforms, has a much
smaller impact, as the majority of supplies will arrive. Lt. Gen.
Michael Dana, Deputy Commandant of Installations and
Logistics for the US Marine Corps, believes that drone swarms
for logistics would be especially handy in littoral or island
environments [7].
C. Air versus Ground Swarming
LMD for ground forces doesn’t need to be constrained to
ground platforms. Swarms of UAVs are likely to be the easiest
to realise, as they don’t have to adapt to changing ground
terrain, of particular significance for military environments
where there can be little or no pre-existing road infrastructure.
Additionally, the sophistication of mechanisms required for
ground movement are also greater than that for aerial
manoeuvres, further supporting the use of UAVs [6]. Swarm
configurations and obstacle avoidance methods are also more
flexible in the air domain, due to the freedom of elevation
control. Against countermeasures, UAV swarms have the
advantage that they are more manoeuvrable and are generally
less susceptible to IEDs, land mines, or being obstructed.
UAV swarms do have some downsides, however. One is a
need for sensing in 3-dimensional space (although there are
less obstacles to avoid in the sky). Another is that UAV
swarms, if flying in open skies, may reveal troop locations
and/or be actively targeted by countermeasures. In terms of
payload, UAVs are more constrained in payload capacity,
although the use of scalable swarms somewhat makes up for
this, as supplies can be distributed across multiple platforms.
Platform cost to payload capacity also tends to be greater for
UAVs when compared to UGVs.
Uncrewed maritime vehicles (UMVs), which can be
classed as either surface or underwater vessels (or both) do not
feature as prominently in LMD for ground forces, though they
can play roles in amphibious operations and when forces
operate close to bodies of water.
D. Use of UAV Swarming in Last-mile Delivery
Due to physical constraints, UAV swarms for LMD are
likely to be constrained in the near future to lighter, smaller
items such as medical supplies, small electrical components,
and bulk commodities that can be broken down into smaller
payloads (e.g. food, water, ammunition). Swarming would
allow the overall delivery of meaningful quantities of such
items. It is conceivable that UAVs could work in teams to
collectively transport larger, heavier items, but it may be the
case that conventional delivery methods for such items are
more efficient. Scalability and flexibility of tasking provides
the capability for parallel delivery to dispersed forces, e.g.
simultaneous emergency resupply of ammunition to dispersed
fighting elements engaged in a contested urban combat setting
a time critical delivery of valuable supplies to a high risk or
denied environment. Another use case could be the delivery of
emergency medical supplies, similar to the RQ-7 Shadow UAV
demonstration of the QuickMEDS system [5]. However,
currently, we note that swarming for LMD is not
technologically feasible. We come back to this in Section VI.
E. Type of UAV
The type of UAV used for LMD swarming would depend
on the functional requirements of the swarming platforms.
There are two main variants: multi-copter (rotary wing) and
fixed-wing. We refer the reader to [8] for a more detailed
discussion of this, including Vertical Take-Off and Landing
(VTOL) platforms and gliders.
F. Size of UAV
Swarming platforms for LMD would need to be small
enough to be low-cost and expendable, but large enough to be
able to carry at least a few kilograms in payload weight
(depending on how divisible supplies are). Larger UAVs
generally have greater range capabilities, and for LMD a radius
of operation would be up to 30km. Smaller UAVs designed
with hybrid or even hydrogen fuel cell power systems (as
opposed to purely electric) could reach this target, at the cost of
greater running expenses. Smaller UAVs would be preferred
for swarming, as the decentralised functional benefits of
swarming increase with agent numbers, and smaller, cheaper
platforms would be easier to mass produce than larger ones.
Larger, less agile heavy-lift UAVs (e.g. [9]) would be more
suited to standalone deliveries. Smaller UAVs also have
increased resilience against collision due to having less
momentum [10]. The precise trade-off between effective
throughput, range, and operating costs of small vs. large UAVs
is beyond the scope of this paper.
G. Vulnerabilities
As with all uncrewed systems, data security is a
vulnerability of swarming systems. The potential for
communications jamming, spoofing and hijacking are all things
that must be considered when implementing swarming
systems, especially since the task of LMD places these systems
in contested zones. The physical protection of LMD swarms is
also an important consideration, as even though the individual
platforms may be considered expendable, the swarm as a whole
cannot be. The use of distributed control systems for swarm
interaction somewhat alleviates the risk of single point of
failure (both data-wise and physically) for entire swarms, but
the risk still exists nonetheless. Further adding to these
vulnerabilities is the fact that militaries have already begun
looking into and implementing anti-drone swarm technologies
(e.g. [6, 11]). There is also the threat that opposing weaponised
drone swarms could intercept and destroy delivery swarms.
UAV LMD is a relatively new area that has only recently
gained prominence in the civilian and military logistics.
Because of this, there is little material in the open literature
around the idea of applying swarming to UAV LMD. The
UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (dstl) are
currently holding an Accelerator competition to challenge
private organisations to develop and demonstrate autonomous
last-mile resupply systems. Winners of the competition’s first
phase included Marble Aerospace, with their proposed project
titled “Swarm of high speed and small payload UAS with
robotic hangars, for high speed long range resupply of small
size item”, although details of the project have not been
publicly released [12]. Similarly, two first phase winners, 2iC
and Blue Bear Systems Research, have partnered for the
second phase of the competition to deliver “Autonomous UAV
swarm operation”, with Blue Bear Systems Research focusing
on developing modular UAVs for a “fractionated” last-mile
resupply system [13,14].
DARPA funded research firm Otherlab have taken to
exploring LMD through the use of small (about a metre
wingspan) GPS-driven gliders named APSARA Aerial
Platform Supporting Autonomous Resupply/Actions that can
travel up to 150 kilometres (when deployed from 35000 feet)
and have a 10 metre landing accuracy (presumably in ideal
conditions) [15]. The gliders are capable of delivering a one
kilogram payload. Their structures are made from cardboard,
allowing recipients to leave the airframes to degrade once the
gliders have landed (including their electronics). Although
these gliders do not display swarm intelligence, they are
intended to be deployed in large groups (up to hundreds). The
US Naval Research Lab has also developed small GPS-driven
gliders intended to be dropped in groups from aircraft [16]. The
Close-In Covert Autonomous Disposable Aircraft (CICADA)
gliders have 3D printed fuselages, and wings and tail fins
constituting of printed circuit boards for on-board avionics.
Currently, the gliders are designed to only carry sensory and
communications payloads, being able to transmit data back to
their launching planes using the gliders for delivery of
supplies is yet to be explored.
There are numerous technological challenges to overcome
before swarming is viable for meaningful LMD in a military
context, beyond the usual Space, Weight and Power constraints
forcing a trade-off between range/endurance, payload capacity,
size, and cost (in this case largely centred around energy
density of batteries or other fuels). Many of these challenges
are also applicable to swarming for other purposes.
A. Whole-of-Swarm Positioning
Reliance on positioning systems such as GPS for swarm
coordination is a clear weakness when operating in a contested
environment where GPS can often be blocked or spoofed, or
where satellite coverage isn’t sufficient. This will need to be
accounted for through the use of inbuilt maps combined with
other localisation and positioning techniques including the use
of dead reckoning, inertial navigation, and optical-flow.
B. Internal Swarm Localisation
There are numerous methods for localisation of individual
agents within a swarm and for the detection of neighbours,
both active and passive, and each with their own pros and cons.
A more detailed discussion is presented in [8], but in brief,
these include wireless networking technologies, camera vision,
laser rangefinding (3D lidar), infrared sensors, ultrasonic
sensors, radar, and audio. From a signature management
perspective, passive methods are preferred, however such
methods (e.g. vision) are too financially and computationally
expensive to be viable for low-cost, small UAVs at the current
level of technology maturity (although this is expected to
improve rapidly). Furthermore, unless carefully designed, the
active sensors of many robots swarming in close formation
may interfere with each other in unwanted ways, e.g. the
sensors from one platform pick up the transmitted signals from
another platform instead of their own reflected signals [17].
C. Signature Management
Adding to the problem, any vehicles operating in warzones
should ideally have sufficiently low signatures (radio
frequency, acoustic, thermal, visual etc.) to avoid detection by
adversaries, limiting the number of sensory technologies and
acceptable communications bandwidth than can be used.
D. Human-Swarm Interface
Another big technological challenge for UAV swarming in
LMD, and for coordination of multi-robot systems in general is
the operational control of such systems. This not only relates to
the human-swarm interface, in which data needs to be
optimally presented to operators within human cognitive limits,
but also to the degree of autonomy each system exhibits.
Higher degrees of autonomy allow lesser needs of operator
control, but greater needs in operator analysis of autonomous
performance and decision making.
E. Communications and Networking
If wireless networks are used for both inter- and intra-
swarm communication, suitable networking protocols will need
to be developed. These networks must be scalable and adapt to
agents both entering and exiting a swarm’s network. Separating
different data into different channels of communication (e.g.
remote piloting of a swarm leader vs. intra-swarm
communications) into different channels of communication
may help to provide resilience against interference [18].
The concept of swarming enables meaningful volumes of
supplies to be delivered by low-cost, uncrewed systems. The
use of uncrewed systems for tactical last-mile delivery reduces
the exposure of CSS personnel to potentially hostile
environments. Furthermore, swarming systems allow supplies
that can be divided into smaller parts to be transported in a
distributed manner that is scalable, flexible and robust.
Swarming delivery systems suit the increasingly dispersed and
mobile nature of modern warfighting, where conventional
methods of supply delivery can be time and cost inefficient.
Military organisations have acknowledged the potential for
UAV swarms to be used in future warfare in offensive and ISR
roles, and have already begun developing countermeasures.
However, numerous technological challenges remain.
[1] Gov.uk, Competition document: autonomous last mile resupply last
accessed 22 May 2018, Available via
[2] Wikipedia, Swarm behaviour”, last accessed 22 May 2018, available
via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swarm_behaviour
[3] Edwards, S., “Swarming on the Battlefield: Past, Present, and Future”,
Monograph Report, RAND Corporation, 2000, available via
[4] Ackerman, E., “U.S. Marines Testing Disposable Delivery Drones”,
IEEE Spectrum, 17 April 2017, available via
[5] Ivanova, K., Gallasch, G. E., and Jordans, J., “Automated and
Autonomous Systems for Combat Service Support: Scoping Study and
Technology Prioritisation”, DST Group Technical Note DST-Group-
TN-1573, October 2016.
[6] Sanders, A., “Drone Swarms”, Master's Thesis, School of Advanced
Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff
College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 2017.
[7] Seck, H., Marines Want Swarming Delivery Drones for Resupply,
Disaster Relief”, Military.com, 25 July 2017, available via
[8] Thornton, S. and Gallasch, G. E., “Swarming Logistics for Tactical Last-
mile Delivery draft DST Group General Document, 21 February 2018,
[9] Aitken, R., What do China's Delivery Drones Look Like? - JD.Com
Spotlight”, UnmannedCargo.org, 26 October 2017, available via
[10] Kumar, V., The Future of Flying Robots”, last accessed 23 May 2018,
available via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge3--1hOm1s
[11] Lockheedmartin.com, Technology that Counters Drone Swarms”, last
accessed 31 January 2018, available via
drones.html .
[12] Gov.uk, “Accelerator funded contracts 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018”,
last accessed 8 December 2017, available via
[13] 2icworld.com, “News | 2iC”, last accessed 20 December 2017, available
via http://www.2icworld.com/news/11/45/UK-SMEs-partner-to-
[14] Scott, R., “Innovative modular UAS concept [DSEI17D2]”, Janes 360,
13 September 2017, available via
[15] Ackerman, E., Swarms of Disposable Drones Will Make Critical
Deliveries and Then Vanish”, IEEE Spectrum, 1 Feb. 2017, available via
[16] Ackerman, E., Naval Research Lab Tests Swarm of Stackable
CICADA Microdrones”, IEEE Spectrum, 25 July 2017, available via
[17] Turgut, A., “Self-organised flocking with a mobile robot swarm”, Ph.D
thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Middle East
Technical University, 2008.
[18] Etter, W., Martin, P., Mangharam, R., Cooperative Flight Guidance of
Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”, CPS Week Workshop on
Networks of Cooperating Objects (CONET), April 11-14, 2011.