A basic vocabulary
Union Mundial pro Interlingua
Original edition: British Interlingua Society, 1979
This edition is a reprint of the original edition, except for a few printing
ISBN 978-2-36607-057-6
© 2019 Union Mundial pro Interlingua | www.interlingua.com
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This list has been issued to serve new users of Interlingua who need a basic English-
Interlingua vocabulary. Although it has only just over 2000 entries, they represent
the most frequently employed meanings of the most commonly used words, the core
vocabulary of the English language. The Interlingua translations help beginners by
deliberately omitting unwanted synonyms and are based on current usage both in
Interlingua and its control languages.
Abbreviations and grammatical notes are kept to a minimum. When an
English word has just one common meaning it appears in bold letters and its Inter-
lingua equivalent in normal letters, e.g. aeroplane avion. If it has one meaning but
we have given more than one possible Interlingua equivalent, these are separated by
a comma, e.g. ugly fede, repulsive. If the Interlingua words are not in alphabetical
order, the first is the more commonly used. If the English word has two or more
different meanings, each with a separate Interlingua translation, they are separated
by a semicolon and clues to the meanings, unless obviously superfluous, are given
within curved brackets. An example is trunk (of tree) trunco; (= box) coffro.
Many English words are capable of use in more than one grammatical
category. For instance, milk can be an attributive noun in milkman, a noun in a
bottle of milk, and a verb in can I milk the cow? In this vocabulary such uses are
separated by the semicolon and preceded by a grammatical abbreviation, in Italic: a
means adjective or attributive noun, n means noun, v = verb, adv = adverb, conj =
conjunction, int = interjection (=exclamation), prep = preposition and pron = pro-
noun. Not all adverbs are given as so many of them can be made from adjectives by
addition of the suffix -mente, e.g. since free is “libere”, then freely will be “libere-
mente”. Verbs constitute a special case as some are transitive (marked vt), others
intransitive (marked vi) or can be either (marked vt/vi). The categories are not
marked if the English and the Interlingua verbs are both transitive or both intransi-
tive. A few examples will clarify the method. There is no mark for happen because
happen and its Interlingua equivalent “evenir” are both intransitive (= do not take
an object): you cannot “happen” anything: Similarly kick has no mark because both
it and “calcar” always take an object and are therefore transitive. Then look at grow.
If you feed a boy he will grow (intransitive = crescer); roses grow (intransitive =
vegetar); but to grow carrots uses grow in a transitive sense (object: carrots) and
the translation for this is “cultivar”. Often, when an English verb can be used either
transitively or intransitively, Interlingua uses the reflexive for the English
intransitive. This is indicated in the vocabulary by se in curved brackets, e.g. melt
funder (se). This simply means the same as meet vt funder; vi funder se, so that we
melt the wax is “nos funde le cera”, but the wax melts is “le cera se funde”. Simi-
larly, Tom meets Dick = “Tom incontra Dick”, but Tom and Dick meet = “Tom e
Dick se incontra”.
Care should be taken to distinguish the English word used as adverb, con-
junction and preposition. Adverbs answer the question how, where, and when; con-
junctions link phrases, and prepositions govern nouns and pronouns. For instance,
he came before uses before as an adverb (translate using antea). He stands before
me uses it as a preposition (translate by ante) and He died before I was born uses it
as a conjunction (translate ante que).
In sub-headings the main English word is not repeated but replaced with a
~. An asterisk indicates a word not included in the Interlingua-English Dictionary
but correctly extracted from the control languages by the official rules for the forma-
tion of vocabulary. Feminine designations ending in “-a” are omitted, as they can be
formed by substitution from the masculine and general forms ending in “-o”, e.g.
B. C. Sexton, Sheffield 6/78
a adjective; attributive
adv adverb
anat anatomy
arith arithmetic
biol biology
com commerce
elec electricitate
f female
fig figurative
fin finance
gen general
geog geographical
hist history
indust industry
int interjection
jur juridical
m male
med medicine
mil military
mus music
n noun
parl parliament
prep prepositions
pron pronounce
rel religion
rly railways
theat theatre
v verb
vi intransitive verb
vt transitive verb
vt/vi verb used both
transitively and
(Note that in Interlingua the comma takes the place of the decimal point)
acre 0,405 hectares
foot 0,3048 metros
gallon 4,546 litros; (U.S.) 3,785 litros
horse power 0,750 kilowatts
hundredweight 50,8 kilogrammas; (U.S.) 45,36 kilogrammas
inch 25,4 millimetros
mile 1,609 kilometros
ounce 28,35 grammas
pint 0,57 litros; (U.S.) 0,473 litros
pound 0,453 kilogrammas
quart 1,136 litros; (U.S.) 0,946 litros
ton 1,016 tonnas; (U.S.) 0,907 tonnas
yard 0,9144 metros
a un; (= per) per
ability capacitate, habilitate
able capace, habile; be ~ poter
about adv approximativemente, circa;
prep (= around) circa; (= concerning)
de, in re, relative a, super
above adv/prep super
abroad al estraniero
absence absentia
absent absente
absolutely absolutemente
accept acceptar
accident accidente
according to secundo
accordingly in consequentia
account n (= report) conto, reporto; (in
bank) conto; (= bill) factura; ~ for dar
conto de; on ~ of a causa de
accuse accusar
accustom accostumar, habituar
across trans
act n acto; v ager; (theat.) jocar,
action action
active active
activity activitate
actor actor
actress actrice
actual effective
actually effectivemente, realmente
add adder; ~ up additionar
address n adresse; v adressar (un
adjective adjective
admiration admiration
admire admirar
admission admission
admit admitter
adopt adoptar
advance n avantiamento; v avantiar;
in ~ anticipatemente
advantage avantage
adventure aventura
advertise annunciar
advertisement annuncio
advertising publicitate
advice aviso, consilio
advise consiliar
aeroplane avion
affair affaire, cosa
afford (= give) dar; we cannot ~ nos
non pote tolerar le expensa de
afraid, be timer, haber timor
Africa Africa
African a african; n africano
after adv postea; conj post que; prep
afternoon postmeridie
again de nove
against contra
age n etate; (hist.) epocha
agency agentia
agent agente
ago retro
agree consentir, esser de accordo
agreeable agradabile
agreement accordo
agriculture agricultura
ahead avante
aim n scopo; v aspirar (a); (gun)
air aere
airport aeroporto
alike a simile; adv similemente
alive vive
all a omne, tote; n toto; pron omnes,
totes; at all del toto
allow permitter
almost quasi
alone sol
along preter
aloud a alte voce
already jam
also anque
although ben que
altogether (= quite) completemente
always semper
ambition ambition
America America
American a american; n americano
among inter
amount n amonta, quantitate; v
amontar (a)
amuse amusar
ancient antique
and e; (arith.) plus
angle angulo
angry irate
animal animal
annoy irritar
another (additional) ancora un;
(different) un altere
answer n (=reply) responsa; (to a
problem) solution; v responder (a)
anxiety anxietate
anxious anxie
any alicun; (emphatic) qualcunque;
anybody alicuno
anything alique
apart a parte
appear apparer; (= seem) parer
appearance apparentia
apple pomo
apply applicar; ~ for sollicitar
appoint appunctar
approve approbar
April april
arch arco
are es; (optional plural) son
argue (= offer reasons) arguer; (=
dispute) disputar
argument (= reasoning) argumento; (=
dispute) disputa
arise provenir
arm bracio; (weapon) arma
army armea
around circa
arrange arrangiar
arrangement arrangiamento
arrest n arresto; v arrestar
arrival arrivata
arrive arrivar (a un loco)
arrow flecha
art arte
artist artista
article articulo
artificial artificial
as adv como; conj (= since) pois que,
proque; ~ white as snow si/tanto
blanc como le nive
ash cinere
ashamed, be haber vergonia
Asia Asia
Asian a asiatic; n asiatico
aside a parte, al latere
ask demandar
asleep, fall addormir se
association association
astonish stupefacer
at a; ~ the al
Atlantic n Atlantico
attack n attacco; v attaccar
attempt n essayo, proba; v essayar,
attend (meeting) assister a; (task)
prestar attention a
attract attraher
audience auditorio
August n augusto
aunt amita
Australia Australia
Australian a australian; n australiano
Austria Austria
Austrian a austriac; n austriaco
Autumn autumno
avenue avenue
average a medie; n media
avoid evitar
awake vigile
away foras
baby baby, neonato
back adv retro; n dorso
bad, badly mal
bag sacco
balance n balancia; (fin.) saldo; v
equilibrar (se)
ball balla; (large) ballon; (dance) ballo
band banda
bank (river) ripa; (fin.) banca
bar n barra: (for drink) bar; (chocolate,
soap) tabletta
bargain n (= agreement) contracto; (=
purchase) acquisition a bon mercato;
v negotiar
barrel barril
base n base
basin bassino
basket corbe
bath banio; ~ room camera de banio;
have a ~ baniar se
battle battalia
bay baia
be esser; (commands) esse, sia
bear v (= carry) porter; (= stand)
beard barba
beat v batter; (= defeat) vincer
beautiful belle
beauty beltate
because proque; ~ of a causa de
become devenir
bed lecto; ~ room camera a dormir
beer bira
before adv antea; conj ante que; prep
beg (= entreat) peter, precar
begin vt/vi comenciar
beginning comenciamento
behaviour conducta
behind post
being n esser
Belgian a belge; n (both sexes) belga
Belgium Belgica
believe creder
bell campana
belong pertiner
below adv in basso, infra; prep sub
belt cinctura; (fig. ) zona
bend n curva; v curvar (se), flecter se
bench banco
beneath adv infra; prep sub, infra
beside al latere de
besides de plus
best a le melior; adv le melio
betray trair
better a melior; adv melio
between inter
beyond extra, ultra
Bible Biblia
bicycle n bicycletta; v bicyclar
big grande
bill (= account) factura; (parl.) projecto
de lege
bind ligar
bird ave
birth nascentia
birthday anniversario
bit pecietta; a ~ un pauco
bite n morsura; v morder
bitter amar
black a/n nigre
blade lamina
blame n blasmo; v blasmar
bless benedicer
blind cec
block n bloco; v blocar, obstruer
blood sanguine
blow n colpo; v sufflar
blue a/n blau
board planca; (= committee) consilio
boast vantar se
boat barca
body corpore; (dead) cadavere
boil vi bullir; vt facer bullir; cocer in
bold hardite
bone osso
book libro
border bordo; (= frontier) frontiera
born nascite; be ~ nascer
borrow facer prestar se
both ambe; both ... and e ... e
bottle bottilia
bottom basso, fundo; (anat.) culo
boundary limite
bow n arco; v inclinar (se)
box cassa
boy puero
brain cerebro
branch branca; (office, etc) succursal
brave brave
Brazil Brasil
Brazilian a brasilian; n brasiliano
bread pan
break vt/vi rumper
breakfast n jentaculo; have ~ jentar
breath sufflo
breathe respirar
brick bricca
bridge ponte
bright brillante
bring apportar; ~ about effectuar; ~
back reportar; ~ up educar
Britain Grande Britannia
British a britannic; the ~ le britannos
broad large
brother fratre
brown a/n brun
brush n brossa
build construer
building construction, edificio
burn vt/vi arder
burst vt/vi rumper
bury interrar
bus autobus
bush arbusto
business affaires, commercio
businessman commerciante,
busy occupate
but ma; (= except) excepte, salvo
butter butyro
button button
buy comptar
by per; (= before) ante; (= near) apud
cake torta
calculate calcular
call n appello; v appellar; (= summon)
calm a calme
camp n campo; v campar
can n cassa de latta; v present tense pote
Canada Canada
Canadian a canadian; n canadiano
canal canal
cap bonetto
cape (geog.) capo
capital a/n capital
captain capitano
car automobile
card carta
care n attention, cura, sollicitude; v
prestar attention; (= worry) inquietar
se; ~ for curar
careful attentive
careless negligente
carpet tapete
carriage carro; (= transport charges)
carry portar; ~ out exequer
case caso; (= suitcase) valise
castle castello
cat catto
catch v capturar; (a train) prender
cattle bestial
cause n causa; v causar
cent cento; per ~ per cento
centimetre centimetro
centre centro
century seculo
ceremony ceremonia
certain (both senses) certe
certainly certo
chain catena
chair sede
chairman presidente
chance fortuna; opportunitate
change n cambio, vt/vi cambiar
character (= person) persona; (other
senses) character
charge n carga; (price) precio; v cargar
charm charme
cheap a incostose; adv a bon mercato
check verificar
cheer acclamar; ~ up allegrar
cheese caseo
cheque cheque
chest (anat.) pectore; (= box) coffro
chief a principal; n chef
child infante
China porcellana; (country) China
Chinese chinese
choice n selection
choose seliger
Christmas Natal, Noel
church ecclesia
cigar cigarro
cigarette cigarretta
circle circulo
circular circular
city citate
citizen citatano
civilization civilisation
claim n pretension; reclamation; v (=
assert) pretender; (= demand as due)
class classe
clay argilla
clean munde; v mundar
clear a clar, libere; v liberar; ~ away
portar via; ~ off fugir; (as order) foras
de hic!; ~ out vacuar; ~ up (a
mystery) elucidar; (= tidy) regular
clerk commisso
clever habile, intelligente
cliff precipitio
climb montar
clock horologio
close a clause; adv/prep presso; v
clauder (se)
cloth drappo; (piece of) panno
clothe vestir
clothes vestimentos
cloud nube
club (= society) club
coal carbon
coast costa
coat mantello; (=jacket) jachetta
coffee caffe
coin numisma
cold a frigide; n frigido; (illness)
rheuma; feel ~ haber frigido
collect colliger
college collegio; universitate
colony colonia
colour n color, v colorar
comb n pectine; v pectinar; ~ one’s
hair pectinar se
combine combinar (se)
come venir; ~ in entrar
comfort n conforto; v consolar
comfortable confortabile
comma virgula
command v commandar
commerce commercio
committee committee
common commun
companion companion
company compania
compare comparar
comparison comparation
compete concurrer
competition concurso; (com.)
complain planger se (de)
complaint querela; (= illness) maladia
complete a complete; v compler
complicated complicate
compose componer
composed calme, tranquille
concern n (= firm) interprisa; (=
worry) anxietate; v concerner
concerning concernente, de
condition condition
conference conferentia
confess confessar
confidence confidentia
confuse confunder
connect vt connecter; vi junger se
connection connexion; (rly.)
conquer conquirer
conquest conquesta
conscience conscientia
conscious consciente
consciousness conscientia
consider considerar; reguardar
considerable satis grande
consideration consideration
contain continer
container receptaculo
content a contente
contents contento
continue vt/vi continuar
continuous continue
control n controlo; v diriger, governar;
(= check) controlar
convenient commode
conversation conversation
cook n coco; v cocer
cool fresc
copper cupro
copy n copia; (of book, etc) exemplar; v
corn cereales; (= maize) mais
corner angulo
correct a correcte; v corriger
cost n costo; v costar
cottage cabana
cotton coton
council consilio
count n computo; (nobleman) conte; v
country pais; (= opposite of town)
courage corage
course curso; (of meal) platto; of ~
court corte
cousin cosino
cover n copertura; (= lid) coperculo; v
cow vacca
crack n fissura; v finder
crash n collision; (sound) fracasso;
ruina; v crepar; collider; (fin.) faller
cream crema
creature creatura
creep reper
crime crimine
criminal a/n criminal
critic critico
critical critic
criticism critica
crop (plants, etc) recolta
cross n cruce; v transir; ~ out
crowd n turba; v affluer
crown corona
cruel cruel
crush v applattar, tunder; (= beat)
cry n crito; v critar; (sweep) plorar
cultivate cultivar
cup (for tea, etc) tassa
cure n remedio; v curar, sanar
curious curiose
curl n bucla; v buclar
current a/n currente; ~ events
curse n malediction; v maledicer; (=
swear) blasphemar
curve n curva; v curvar (se)
cushion cossino
custom costume
customer cliente
cut n incision, sectura; (=wound)
vulnere; (in prices) reduction; v secar;
~ off excider
daily quotidian
damage n damno, injuria; v damni-
ficar, guastar
dance n dansa; (= ball) ballo; v dansar
danger periculo
dangerous periculose
dare osar
dark obscur
darkness obscuritate
date data; (fruit) dactylo; v datar
daughter filia
day die
dead morte
deal v tractar (de); commerciar; a
great ~ multo
dear (both senses) car
death morte
debt debita
decay n decadentia; v decader
deceive deciper
December decembre
decide decider
decision decision
declare declarar
decrease diminuer
deed facto
deep profunde
defeat n disfacta; v disfacer, vincer
defence defensa
defend defender
degree grado
delay n retardo; v retardar
delicate delicate
delight n delecto; v delectar (se)
delightful delectabile
deliver (= free) liberar; (goods) livrar;
(speech) pronunciar
demand n exigentia; (com.) demanda;
v exiger
Denmark Danmark
depart partir
department departimento, section; ~
store grande magazin
departure partita
defend depender (de)
descend descender
describe describer
description description
desert n deserto; v desertar
deserve meritar
desire n desiro; v desirar
despair n despero; v desperar
destroy destruer
destruction destruction
detail detalio
determine vt determinar; vi decider,
determinar se
determined determinate, resolute
develop developpar (se)
development developpamento
devil diabolo
diamond diamante
dictionary dictionario
die morir
difference differentia
different differente
difficult difficile
difficulty difficultate
dig excavar, fossar
dining-room camera a mangiar
dinner dinar
direct a directe; v diriger
direction direction; (= way) senso
director director
dirt immunditias
dirty immunde
disappear disparer
disappoint disappunctar
discipline disciplina
discontented discontente
discover discoperir
discovery discoperta
discuss discuter
discussion discussion
disease maladia, morbo
disgust disgustar
dish platto
distance distantia
distinguish distinguer
district districto
disturb disturbar, perturbar
disturbance perturbation, tumulto
divide divider (se)
division division
do facer; (= finish) finir; (= suffice)
bastar, sufficer; (in questions and
negative sentences) (omit)
doctor (gen.) doctor; (= physician)
dog can
dollar dollar
door porta
double a duple; v duplar
doubt n dubita; v dubitar
doubtless sin dubita
down a basso; (= below) in basso; (a
street) per
dozen dozena
drag tirar, trainar
draw (= pull) tirar; (art) designar
dream n sonio; v soniar
dress n roba; v vestir
drink bibita; v biber
drive v pulsar; (a car) guidar; ~ back
drop n (= globule) gutta; (= fall) cadita;
vt lassar cader; vi cader
drown necar (se)
drunken inebriate
dry a sic; v siccar
due a debite; ~ to a causa de
dull pauco brillante; stupide; (sound)
surde; (= boring) enoiose
during durante
dust pulvere
Dutch hollandese
duty carga, deber
each a cata; pron cata uno; le un le
eager alacre
eagerly con ardor
ear aure
early a precoce; (= first) prime; adv de
bon hora, tosto
earn ganiar
earnest serie
earth terra
ease facilitate; at ~ in reposo
east a del est, oriental; n est
easy facile
eat mangiar
edge bordo
educate educar
effect n effecto; v effectuar
effective effective, efficace
effort effortio
egg ovo
eight octo
eighteen dece-octo
eighth a octave; n octavo
eighty octanta
either o le un o le altere; (= each) cata;
~ ... or o ... o; nor ... ~ ni ... non plus
elder senior
elect eliger
election election
electric electric
electricity electricitate
eleven dece-un
else altere; or ~ alteremente
elsewhere alibi
empire imperio
employ emplear
employee empleato
employer empleator
employment empleamento
empty a vacue; v vacuar
enclose includer
encourage incoragiar; (= promote)
end n fin; vt/vi finir
enemy inimico
engine motor; (= machine) machina;
(rly.) locomotiva
engineer ingeniero; (= mechanic)
engineering ingenieria
England Anglaterra
English a/n anglese
Englishman anglese
enjoy gauder de, (= have use of) fruer
enough a sufficiente; adv satis; be ~
bastar, sufficer
enquire demandar, inquirer
enter entrar (in)
entertain amusar; dar hospitalitate a;
(an idea) considerar
entire integre, tote
entirely completemente, (in) toto
entrance entrata, ingresso
envelope inveloppe
equal equal
equality equalitate
escape n escappata, evasion; v
escappar (a), evader (a)
especially particularmente
essential essential, importante
Europe Europa
european a europee; n europeo
even adv mesmo
evening vespera, vespere
event evenimento
ever (= always) sempre; (= at any time)
every omne
everyone omne personas, omnes
everything toto, omne cosa
everywhere ubique
evil a/n mal
exact exacte
exactly al puncto; exactemente
examination examine
examine examinar
example exemplo
excellent excellente
except excepte
exception exception
excess excesso
exchange n excambio; v excambiar
excite excitar
excitement excitamento
excuse n excusa; v excusar
exercise n exercitio; v exercitar (se)
exist exister
existence existentia
expect expectar
expense expensa
expensive car, dispendiose
experience experientia
experiment experimento
explain explicar
explanation explication
explosion explosion
express exprimer
expression expression
extend extender (se)
extension extension
extensive extensive
extent amplitude, extension
extraordinary extraordinari
extreme extreme
extremely multo
eye oculo
face facie; (of clock) quadrante
fact facto; in ~ de facto
factory fabrica
fade distinger (se)
fail faller
failure fallimento, insuccesso
faint debile
fair eque, juste
fairly (= enough) assatis; (= justly)
faith fide
faithful fidel
fall n cadita; (season) autumno; v cader
false false
familiar familiar
family familia
famous celebre, famose
fancy n phantasia; v imaginar; (= like)
far a distante, lontan; adv lontano; as
~ as usque a
farm a agricole; n ferma; v cultivar
farmer fermero
farther a ulterior; (comparative of
“far”) plus lontan; adv ultra
fashion (= vogue) moda, voga; (= way)
modo, maniera
fast a rapide; (=immobile) firme; adv
rapidemente; firmemente
fasten attachar, fixar
fat a corpulente; (= fatty) grasse; n
fate fato
father patre
fault defecto, falta
faulty defective
favour n favor; v favorir
favourite favorite
fear n timor; v timer
feast festa; (= banquet) banchetto
feather pluma
February februario
feed nutrir (se)
feel sentir; (with fingers) palpar; ~
well sentir se ben
feeling sensation
fellow companion; (= man) homine
female a feminin; n femina
fence barriera
fever febre
few a pauc; pron pauches
field campo
fierce feroce
fifteen dece-cinque
fifth a quinte; n quinto
fifty cinquanta
fight n combatto; v combatter (un
persona, contra un persona)
figure n figura; (= number) cifra
fill plenar (se)
film n pellicula; (cine) film; v filmar
find trovar
fine a belle; (= not coarse) fin; n
mulcta; v mulctar
finger digito
finish n conclusion, fin; vt/vi finir
fire n foco; (destructive) incendio; v
(gun) discargar; ~ engine pumpa de
firm a firme; n firma
first a prime; adv primo; ~ aid prime
fish n pisce(s); v piscar
fit a apte, convenibile; n attacco (de
apoplexia); v installar, provider;
(clothes) vader ben (a); be ~ esser in
five cinque
fix fixar
fixed fixe
flag bandiera
flame flamma
flash n fulgure; vi fulgurar
flat a plan, platte; n appartamento
flee fugir
flesh carne
float vi flottar; vt facer flottar
flood n inundation; v inundar
floor solo; (= storey) etage
flour farina
flow n fluxo; v fluer
flower flor
fly n musca; vi volar; vt pilotar
fold n plica; v plicar
follow sequer
follower adherente
food alimento
fool idiota
foolish stupide
foot (all senses) pede
football football
for conj nam; prep pro; (= during)
durante; (= since) depost
forbid prohibir
force n fortia; v fortiar
foreign estranie
foreigner estraniero
forest foreste
forget oblidar
forgive pardonar
fork furca
form n forma; (for filling in)
formulario; v formar
formal formal
former anterior; previe; (= first of two)
ille, illa, illo
formerly previemente
fortunate fortunate
fortune fortuna
forty quaranta
forward in avante
four quatro
fourteen dece-quatro
fourth a quarte; n quarto
frame quadro
framework armatura
France Francia
free a libere; (of charge) gratuite; (=
generous) liberal; adv gratis; v liberar
freedom libertate
freeze vt/vi gelar
French a/n francese
Frenchman francese
frequent frequente
fresh fresc
Friday venerdi
friend amico; (f.) amica
friendly amical
fright terror
frighten espaventar, terrer
frightening espaventabile
from de; (when “de” would be
ambiguous) ab; (= out of) ex; ~ the
front a anterior; n parte anterior,
fronte; ~ door porta principal
fruit fructo
full plen
fun divertimento(s)
funny comic, divertente; (= odd)
fur pelle; ~ coat pellicia
furnish fornir; (a room) mobilar
furniture mobiles
further a ulterior; adv ultra
future a futur; n futuro
gain n ganio; v ganiar
game joco; (= match) partita
gap apertura, brecha; (fig.) lacuna,
garden jardin
gas gas
gate porta
gather vt colliger; vi (people) reunir se;
(things) accumular
gay gai
general a/n general
generous generose
gentle dulce, suave; (breeze, etc)
gentleman senior
German a german; n germano
Germany Germania
get vt obtener; vi (= become) devenir; ~
away partir; escappar (a); ~ off
descender (de); ~ on montar;
succeder; ~ up levar se; he got it
printed ille faceva imprimer lo
gift dono
girl puera
give dar; ~ back restituer; ~ up
render, resignar
glad contente
gladly de bon voluntate
glass (both senses) vitro
glasses berillos
glory gloria
go ir, vader; (= become) devenir; (=
depart) partir; ~ down descender; ~
on proceder; ~ out exir, sortir; ~ up
god deo, Deo
gold auro
golden de auro; (in colour) aurate
good bon; ~ afternoon/morning
bon die; ~ bye a revider nos; ~ eve-
ning bon vespera; ~ night bon nocte
goodness bonitate
goods benes
govern governar
government governamento
governor governator
grace gratia
gradual gradual
grain grano
gram qramma
grammar grammatica
grand grande; grandiose, magnific
grandfather granpatre
grass herba
grave a grave; n tumba
great grande
greatly multo
green verde
greens verdura
greet salutar
grey gris
grind moler
ground n solo; (plot) terreno
group gruppo
grow vi (= become larger) crescer;
(plants) vegetar; vt cultivar
growth crescimento; augmento,
guard n guarda; v guardar
guess n conjectura; v conjecturar; (=
believe) creder
guest invitato; (at hotel) hospite
guide n guida; v guidar
guilty culpabile
gun arma de foco; (= cannon) cannon;
(= rifle) fusil; (= revolver) revolver
habit habito
hair capillo; (= head of hair) capillatura
half a medie; n medietate; ~ an hour
un medie hora
hall (= entrance) vestibulo; (= large
room) sala
hammer n martello; v martellar
hand n mano; (of clock) flecha; v dar,
handkerchief pannello (de naso)
handle n manico; (of cup, jug, etc)
ansa; v manear
hang vt suspender; vi pender
happen evenir
happy felice
harbour porto
hard a (= not soft) dur; (= not easy)
difficile; adv multo
hardly a pena
harm damno
harmless innocue
harvest n recolta; v recoltar
haste n haste; v hastar
hat cappello
hate n odio; v odiar
have haber; (= cause to be done) facer;
(something to eat or drink) prender;
he had to sell it ille debeva vender lo
he ille
head capite; (= chief) chef; ~ for
diriger se verso
headache mal de capite
headline titulo
headquarters quartiero general
heal vt sanar; vi cicatrisar
health sanitate
healthy san
heap cumulo
hear audir
heart corde
heat n calor; v calefacer
heaven celo
heavenly celeste
heavily pesantemente; (= strongly)
heavy pesante
height altitude; (= peak) culmine; (=
stature) talia
help n adjuta; (= succour) succurso; v
adjutar; succurrer
helpless inope
her a su; pron la
here hic; ~ and there hic e ibi; ~
is/are ecce
hers le sue(s)
herself se
hesitate hesitar
hide celar (se)
high a alte; n alto
highly multo
hill collina
him le
himself se
hinder impedir
hire (men) ingagiar; (things) locar,
prender in location; ~ out locar
his a su; pron le sue(s)
history historia
hit colpar; (a target) attinger; ~ back
defender se
hold tener; (= contain) continer; ~ out
vt extender; vi durar
hole (= cavity) cavo; (= perforation)
holiday (as in ”bank holiday”) die
feriate; (= vacation) ferias; be on ~
Holland Hollanda
hollow a cave; n cavo
holy sancte
home a domestic; interior; national; n
casa; (sentimentally) focar; at ~ a
casa; go ~ ir a casa
honest honeste
honesty honestitate
honour n honor; v honorar
honourable honorabile
hook croc, uncino
hope n sperantia; v sperar
hopeful plen de sperantia
hopeless desperate; (= useless) inutile
horizon horizonte
horse cavallo
hospital hospital
host (at party, etc) hospice, hoste; (at
an inn) tavernero
hot calide; feel ~ haber calor
hotel hotel
hour hora
house casa, domo; (parliament) camera
housewife *menagera
how como; ~ many quante; ~ much a
quanta; adv quanto; ~ do you do?
como sta vos?
however adv comocunque; conj
nonobstante, totevia
hullo hallo
human a human; n humano
humble humile
hundred cento; two ~ duo centos
hungry famelic; be ~ haber fame
hunt n chassa; v chassar; ~ for (=
search for) cercar
hunter chassator
hurry n haste; vt accelerar, hastar; vi
accelerar se
hurt vt (= cause pain) facer mal a; (=
harm) nocer a; (=wound) ferir; vi
doler; my head ~s le capite me dole
husband marito
hut cabana
I io
ice glacie; ~ cream gelato
idea idea
ideal a/n ideal
idle otiose; (= without work)
if si
ill a malade; n mal
illness maladia
imagine imaginar; (= suppose)
imagination imagination
imitate imitar
immediate immediate
immense immense
importance importantia
important importante
impossible impossibile
improve melior (se)
improvement melioration,
in in
include includer
increase n accrescimento; vt accrescer;
vi crescer
indeed in effecto, vermente; (with
adjective) multissime
independence independentia
independent independente
India India
Indian a indian; n indiano
indoors al interior
industrial industrial
industry industria
influence influentia
inform informar
information information
ink tinta
inner interior
inquire demandar, inquirer
inquiry inquesta
insect insecto
inside intra
instant n instante
instantly presto
instead of in loco de
instruction instruction
instrument instrumento
insult n insulto; v insultar
insurance assecurantia
intend intender
intention intention
interest n (all senses) interesse; v
interessar; be ~ed in interessar se
interesting interessante
interfere ingerer se
interference ingerentia
international international
interrupt interrumper
into in, a in
introduce introducer
introduction introduction
invent inventar
invention invention
inventor inventor
invite invitar
Ireland Irlanda
Irish a/n irlandese
iron a de ferro; n ferro
is es; ~n’t it? nonne?
island insula
it illo; (as object) lo; (impersonal) il
Italian a italian; n italiano
its a su; pron le sue(s)
itself se
jacket jachetta
january januario
Japan Japon
Japanese a/n japonese
jaw mandibula; (upper) maxilla
jewel joiel
jewellery joieles
job posto
join junger (se), unir (se); (a club) facer
se membro de
joint a juncte; n junctura; (of body)
joke n burla
journey viage
joy gaudio
judge n judice; v judicar; (= estimate)
judgement judicio
juice succo
July julio
jump n salto; v saltar
June junio
just a juste; adv justo; (time) justo
justice justitia
keep vt (gen.) tener; (= old on to)
retener; vi tener se; (= stay) restar; ~
on continuar, progressar; ~ right
tener se al dextra
keeper guardiano
key clave
kick v calcar
kill occider
kilogram kilogramma
kilometre kilometro
kind a amabile, benevole; n genere,
kindness benevolentia
king rege
kingdom regno
kiss n basio; v basiar
kitchen cocina
knee genu
kneel genicular
knife cultello
knock v colpar
knot n node; v nodar
know (facts) saper; (people and things)
knowledge cognoscentia, saper,
lack n carentia, manco; v carer, indiger
lacking, be mancar (a)
ladder scale
lady seniora
lake laco
lamp lampa
land n (opposite of sea) terra; (=
territory) pais; (soil, etc) terreno; vt
(from ship) disimbarcar; vi (plane)
landlord proprietario; (of pub)
language lingua
large grande
largely in grande parte
last a ultime; adv ultime; v durar,
permaner; ~ year le anno passate
late a tarde; (= dead) defuncte; adv in
lately recentemente
latter a iste; pron iste, ista, isto
laugh n riso; v rider; ~ at rider de
laughter riso
lavatory W.C.
law lege
lawful legal, legitime
lawyer advocato, jurista
lay poner
lazy indolente, pigre
lead n (metal) plumbo; v (= command)
diriger; (= guide) conducer, guidar
leader chef
leadership direction, suprematia
leaf folio
lean appoiar (se)
learn apprender
learned docte
learning erudition, saper
least a minor; adv minus; at ~ al
leather corio
leave n permission; (= time off)
congedo; v lassar; (= depart) partir
left a leve; n leva
leg gamba
lend prestar
length *longor
less minus
lesser minor
lesson lection
let lassar; (= may) que
letter (both senses) littera
level a plan; n nivello
liberty libertate
library bibliotheca
lie n mendacio; v (gen. and fig.) jacer;
(in bed, etc) cubar; (= tell lies) mentir
life vita
lift n ascensor; v levar (se)
light a (in weight) leve; (fig.) legier;
(colours) clar; n lumine; v accender; ~
up illuminar
like a simile; adv como; v amar
likely a verisimile; adv probabilemente
limb membro
limit n limite; v limitar
limitation limitation
limited company societate anonyme
line n linea; v (clothes) foderar
lip labio
liquid a liquide; n liquido
list n lista
listen to ascoltar
literary litterari
literature litteratura
litre litro
little a parve; adv pauco; a ~ un pauco
live a vive; v viver; (=inhabit) habitar
load n carga; v cargar
loaf pan
loan n presto; v prestar
local local
lock n serratura; v serrar
lodging *allogiamento
log bloco; (ship's) libro de bordo
lonely solitari
long a longe; for ~ appeter, desirar
longer a plus longe; adv plus
look n reguardo; (= air) aere; int ecce!;
vi parer; ~ at reguardar; ~ for cercar
loose laxe
loosen disserrar
lord senior; (as in “Lord Derby”) lord
lorry camion; ~ driver *camionero
lose perder; get lost perder se
loss perdita
lot, a multo
loud a alte; adv alto
love n amor; v amar
lovely belle
lover amante
low a basse; adv basso
lower a plus basse, inferior; v abassar
loyal fidel, loyal
loyalty fide, loyalitate
luck fortuna
lucky fortunate
machine machina
machinery machineria
mad folle; (= furious) furiose
mail a postal; n (= letters) currero;
(service) posta; v postar
main principal
make n (com.) marca; v facer; (=
compel) fortiar; (in calculations) esser;
(= manufacture) fabricar; (money)
ganiar; (a speech) pronunciar; ~
friends amicar se; ~ out
comprender, decifrar; ~ up n
cosmeticos; v fardar (se)
male a mascule; n masculo
man homine; (mil. ) soldato; (=
worker) obrero; v guarnir de homines;
(pumps) facer functionar
manage administrar, diriger; (as agent)
gerer; (= get along) arrangiar se; (=
succeed) poter
management direction, gerentia
manager gerente
mankind humanitate
manly viril
manner maniera
manners manieras
manufacture n manufactura; v
manufacturer fabricante
many a multe; pron multes
map mappa
march n marcha; (month) martio; v
mark n marca; (in school) nota; v
marcar; notar
market mercato
marriage maritage
marry (= get married) maritar se;
(=perform ceremony of marriage)
mass n massa; (rel.) missa
master maestro
mat matta
match n (for striking) flammifero;
(sport) partita; v equalar; (of colours)
assortir (se), harmonisar (se)
material a/n material; (= fabric)
stoffa; raw ~ materia prime
matter n (= business) affaire, cosa;
(substance) materia; v importar;
what’s the ~? que passa?
may (auxiliary verb indicating
possibility) qualify the main verb with
the adverb “forsan”; (indicating wish)
prefix subject with “que”; (month)
maio; ~ I smoke? pote io fumar?,
permitte vos que io fuma?
maybe forsan
me me
meal repasto
mean a avar; v intender; (= signify)
voler dicer
meaning signification
means medio; (fin.) medios; by ~ of
per medio de
meanwhile interim
measure n mesura; v mesurar
meat carne
mechanic n mechanico
mechanical mechanic
medical medical
medicine (remedy) medicamento;
(science) medicina
meet incontrar (se); (club, etc) reunir
meeting reunion
melt funder (se)
member membro
membership (numero de) membros
memorial monumento
memory memoria
mend reparar
mention n mention; v mentionar;
don’t ~ it nulle causa
merchant mercator; ~ ship nave
mercy mercede
mere a *mer
merry allegre
message message
messenger messagero
metal metallo
metre metro
middle a medie; n medio; ~ class
milk n lacte
mill (for grinding) molino; (=factory)
millimetre millimetro
million million; two ~ duo milliones
mind n mente; v prestar attention a(l);
do you ~? es il equal a vos?
mine n mina; pron le mie(s); v minar
miner minator
mineral a/n mineral
minister ministro
minute a minute; n minuta
mirror speculo
miserable miserabile
misery miseria
misfortune infortuna
miss n senioretta; v faller attinger;
(train, etc) perder
mistake n error
mistaken, be esser in error
misunderstand comprender mal
mix v miscer (se)
mixed mixte
mixture mixtura
model modello; scale ~ modello in
moderate a moderate; v moderar
modern moderne
modest modeste
moment memento
Monday lunedi
money moneta
monkey simia
month mense
monthly mensual
moon a lunar; n luna
moral a/n moral
more a plus de; adv plus
moreover in ultra
morning matino; good ~ bon jorno
most a le major parte de; adv le plus
mostly in general, principalmente
mother matre
motion motion
motor motor
motorbike motocycletta
mountain montania
mouth bucca
move v mover (se)
movement movimento
Mr. senior
Mrs. seniora
much a multe; adv/pron multo
mud fango
multiply multiplicar (se)
murder n assassinato, homicidio; v
murderer assassino, homicida
music musica
musical musical
musician musico
must deber
my mi
myself (subject) io mesme; (object) me
mysterious mysteriose
mystery mysterio
nail n (anat.) ungue; (for nailing) clavo
name n nomine; v nominar
namely a saper
narrow stricte
nation nation
national national
native a natal; n indigena, nativo
natural natural
naturally naturalmente
nature natura
near a proxime; adv proxime (a)
nearly quasi
neat ben ordinate, elegante
necessary necessari
necessity necessitate
neck collo
need n necessitate; v haber necessitate
needle agulia
neglect v negliger
neighbour vicino
neighbourhood vicinitate
neighbouring vicin
neither ni; ~ ... nor ni ... ni
nephew nepto
nest nido
net, network rete
never nunquam
new nove
news novas
newspaper jornal
next a proxime; adv postea, le proxime
vice; ~ to juxta
nice (of persons) sympathic; (things)
niece nepta
night nocte
nine novem
nineteen dece-novem
nineteenth a dece-none; n dece-nono
ninth a none; n nono
no a nulle; adv (opposite of “yes”) no
noble (all senses) nobile
nobody nemo
noise ruito
noisy ruitose
none nulle
noon meridie
nor ni
north a del nord; n nord
nose naso
not non
note n note; v notar; take ~ of
notebook quaderno
nothing nihil
notice n attention; (=notification)
aviso; (printed, etc) annuncio; v
observar, remarcar
noun substantivo
November novembre
now nunc, ora; (with past tense) alora;
(= well) alora
nowhere in nulle parte
nuisance molestia; (person) cruce,
number n numero; v numerar; a large
~ of multe; a ~ of alicun
numerous numerose; (=many) multe
nurse n infirmera; v curar; male ~
obey obedir a
object n objecto; v objectar
objection objection
observe observar
occasion occasion
occasionally de tempore in tempore
ocean oceano
October octobre
of de; ~ the del
off adv (=away) via; (=distant) distante;
(without) sin; prep (= from) de
offence falta, offense; (= crime)
crimine, delicto; (= outrage) ultrage
offend offender
offer n offerta; v offerer (se)
office officio; (room) bureau
officer (mil.) officiero; (of society)
membro del committee
official a official; n functionario,
often frequentemente
oil n oleo
old vetule; ~-fashioned antiquate;
how ~ are you? quante annos ha tu?
omit emitter
on adv continuemente; prep super, sur;
~ the wall al muro; ~ Wednesday
le mercuridi
once adv un vice; (= formerly)
antiquemente, olim
one (numeral) un; (person) on; (as
object) uno; ~ another le un le altere
oneself se
only a sol; adv solmente, solo
open a aperte; v aperir (se); ~ air aere
opening apertura
operate vt operar; (= work) manovrar;
actionar; vi operar; (machine)
operation operation
opinion opinion
opportunity occasion, opportunitate
oppose opponer se a
opposite a opposite; adv/prep contra
or o
orange orange
order n ordine; (com.) *commanda,
ordine; v commandar, ordinar; (com.)
commandar; in ~ in ordine; in ~ to
pro; out of ~ in reparation
ordinary ordinari
organ (all senses) organo
organization organisation
organize organisar (se)
origin origine
original original
ornament ornamento
other altere
otherwise alteremente, alias
ought (v conditional) deberea
our nostre
ours le nostre(s)
ourselves nos
out adv foras; ~ of ex
outer exterior
outline n contorno, skeleto; idea
general; v contornar
output (of worker) production; (of
machine) rendimento
outside a exterior; adv foras, al
exterior; prep foras de, al exterior de
over super; (= across) trans; (=
finished) finite
overcome superar
overlook dar super; (fig.) *condonar,
non vider
owe deber
owing to a causa de, gratias e
own a proprie; v posseder
owner possessor, proprietario
Pacific n Pacifico
pack n pacco; v (esp. large items)
imballar; (small items) impacchettar
package pacchetto
page pagina
pain dolor
painful dolorose
paint n color; v pinger
painter pictor
painting pictura
pair par
pale pallide
pan (frying) patella; (= saucepan)
paper papiro; news~ jornal
parcel pacchetto
pardon v pardonar
parent parente
park n parco; v parcar
parking parcamento
part n parte; v partir
particular particular
particularly particularmente, super
partly in parte
partner partenario
party (political) partito; (social) partita
pass vt/vi passar
passage passage
passenger passagero
past a passate; n passato
path sentiero; (course) via
patience patientia
patient a/n patiente
pause n pausa; v pausar
pavement trottoir
pay n paga; v pagar; (attention) prestar
payment pagamento
peace pace
peaceful pacibile
pearl perla
peculiar peculiar
pen penna, pluma
pencil stilo
penny penny
people populo; (collectively) gente; ~
say on dice
perfect a perfecte
perform (drama) representar; (a duty)
performance representation;
perhaps forsan
permanent permanente
permission permission
permit permitter
person persona
personal personal
persuade persuader
petrol gasolina
photograph n photographia; v
pick (= choose) seliger; (= gather)
colliger; ~ up prender
picture pictura
piece pecia
pig porco
pile n cumulo; v cumular
pin spinula
pinch *pinciar
pipe tubo; (tobacco) pipa
pity n pietate; v haber pietate de
place n loco; v placiar, poner
plain a plan; simple; n plana
plan n plano; v planar
plant a vegetal; n planta; (indust.)
machineria; v plantar
plate platta; (for food) platto
play n joco; (theat.) drama, spectaculo;
vt jocar (a); (mus.) sonar
player jocator
pleasant placente
please int per favor; v placer a
pleasure placer
plentiful abundante
plenty abundantia; ~ of multe, un
abundantia de
plough n aratro; v arar
plural plural
pocket tasca
poem poema
poet poeta
poetry poesia
point n puncto; (= sharp end) puncta; v
punctar; ~ of view puncto de vista
poison n veneno; v invenenar
Poland Polonia
pole palo; (elec., geog.) polo; (= Polish
national) polaco, polonese
police policia
policeman agente de policia
Polish a polac, polonese; n (wax) cera;
vt polir
political politic
politician politico
politics politica
pool stagno
poor (both senses) povre
popular popular
popularity popularitate
population population
Portugal Portugal
Portuguese a/n portugese
position position
possess posseder
possession possession
possibility possibilitate
possible possibile
post a postal; n (= pole) palo; (= job)
posto; (= mail) posta; v postar; ~
office posta
postman currero
pot (cooking) marmita; (= jar) *potto
pound (money) libra sterling
pour vt *versar; (tea) servir; vi currer
multo; ~ in vt infunder; vi entrar in
massa; ~ out vt effunder
poverty povressa
powder n pulvere
power (gen.) poter; (= strength) fortia;
(mech.) potentia; (elec.) energia; ~
station central
powerful potente
practical practic
practically quasi
practice practica
practise practicar
praise n laude; v laudar
pray precar
prayer precaria
preach predicar
precious preciose
prefer preferer
prejudice prejudicio
preparation preparation
prepare preparar
presence presentia
present a presente; n (in time)
presente; (= gift) dono; v presentar;
be ~ assistar (a)
preserve preservar; (food) conservar
president presidente
press n pressa; v premer; (= urge)
insister (super)
pressure pression
pretence pretexto, simulation
pretend finger, simular; (= claim)
pretty a belle; adv bastante; quasi
prevent evitar, impedir
prevention prevention
price precio
pride orgolio; (in a good sense) feritate
priest prestre
print v imprimer
printer imprimitor
printing impression
prison prision
prisoner prisionero
private a private
prize premio
probable probabile
problem problema
procession procession
produce v producer; (indust.) fabricar
product producto
production production
profession profession
profit n profito; v profitar (de)
programme programma
progress n progresso; v progressar
promise n promissa; v promitter
promptly tosto
pronounce pronunciar
proof prova
proper proprie
properly correctemente
property proprietate
proposal proposition
propose (= suggest) proponer; (= plan)
proponer se (de)
protect proteger
protection protection
proud orgoliose; (in a good sense) fer
prove provar
provide fornir, provider
provided that a condition que
pub taverna
public a public; n publico
publication publication
pull n tirada; v tirar
pump n pumpa; v pumpar
punish punir
punishment punition
pupil scholar
pure pur
purpose fin, intention
purposely con intention
push n pulsata; v pulsar
put poner; ~ (something) in mitter
(alique) in; ~ on (clothing) vestir
puzzle n enigma, problema; v
quality qualitate
quantity quantitate
quarrel n querela; v querelar
quarter a quarte; n quarto; (place)
quartiero; a ~ past plus un quarte; a
~ to minus un quarte
queen regina
question n question; v questionar; ~
mark puncto de interrogation
quick rapide
quickly rapidemente; (= without delay)
quiet silentiose, tranquille
quite (= entirely) toto; (= rather)
rabbit conilio
race cursa; (biol.) racia
radio radio
rail (=bar) barra; (rly.) rail
railway ferrovia
rain n pluvia; v pluver
raincoat impermeabile
raise (= lift) altiar, levar; (= breed)
elevar; (a question) sublevar; (prices)
rank rango
rapid a rapide
rare rar
rat ratto
rate rata
rather (= somewhat) bastante; (=
sooner) plus tosto
raw crude; ~ material materia prime
ray radio
razor rasorio
reach attinger
read leger
reader lector
reading lectura
ready preparate; (= willing) disposite,
real real
reality realitate
really realmente, vermente
realise (= understand) comprender; (=
make real) realisar
reason n ration; v rationar
reasonable rational; (= inexpensive)
receipt (act) reception; (document)
receive reciper
recent recente
recognition recognition
recognize recognoscer
recommend recommendar
record n registro; (grammophone)
disco; (sport) record; v registrar
red rubie
reduce vt reducer
reduction reduction
refer referer (se) (a)
reference referentia
reflect vt reflecter; vi pensar
reflection reflexion
refuse n immunditias; v refusar
regard n reguardo; v reguardar
regret n regret; v regrettar
regular regular
rejoice v gauder
relate narrar; (= refer) referer
relation (in gen.) relation
relative a relative; n cognato
relief alleviamento
relieve (pain) alleviar
religion religion
religious religiose
remark n observation; v observar
remarkable remarcabile
remedy n remedio; v remediar
remember memorar
remind rememorar (un cosa a un
rent n location; v locar
repair n reparation; v reparar
repeat v repeter
replace reimplaciar
reply n responsa; v responder
report n reporto; v reportar
represent representar
representative n representante
republic republica
reputation reputation
request n requesta; v requestar
rescue n salvamento; v salvar
reserve n reserva; v reservar
resign dimitter se (de)
resignation dimission; (state of mind)
resist resister a
resistance resistentia
respect n respecto; v respectar
responsibility responsabilitate
responsible responsabile (de)
rest n reposo; (= remainder) resto;
vt/vi reposar
restaurant restaurante
result n resultato; v resultar
retire vi retirar se; (on pension)
pensionar se
retirement retiro
return n retorno; vt/vi retornar
review n revista; (of book) recension; v
revider; (a book) recenser
reward recompensa; (= prize) premio
rich ric
rid of, get eliminar
ride v ir (a cavallo, a motocycletta)
right a juste; (= not left) dextre; adv
directemente; n (legal) derecto;
(=opposite of “left”) dextra
ring n (= circle) rondo; (of metal, etc)
anulo; vt/vi sonar
ripe matur
rise n ascension; (prices, wages)
augmento; v levar se; (mountain, tree)
elevar se; (sun) levar se
risk n risco; v riscar
rival a/n rival
river fluvio; (small) riviera
road cammino, via
roar n rugito; v rugir
roast rostir (se)
rob robar
rock petra
rod barra, virga; connecting ~ biella;
fishing ~ canna a piscar
roll n role; (of bread) panetto; vt/vi
roof n tecto
room camera; (large) sala; (= space)
root radice
rope n corda; (thick) fun
rough rude; brutal; (= not smooth)
aspere; (of figures) approximative;
(sea) grosse
round a ronde; adv (use verbal prefix:)
circum-; prep circa
row (of people, seats, etc) rango
royal royal
rub v fricar
rubber a de gumma; n gumma
rude (both senses) rude
ruin n ruina; v ruinar
rule n governamento; (= ruling) regula;
v governar, reger
ruler soverano; (for drawing lines)
run vi currer; (river) fluer; (= pass)
passar; (machine) functionar; vt
rush vi precipitar se
Russia Russia
Russian a russe; n russo
rust n ferrugine; v oxydar (se)
sacred sacre
sacrifice n sacrificio; v sacrificar
sad triste
saddle sella
safe a secur; (= unhurt) salve
safety securitate
sail n vela; vt/vi navigar
sailor marinero
sake consideration
salary salario
sale vendita; (= clearance) liquidation
salt sal
same mesme
sand sablo
satisfaction satisfaction
satisfactory satisfactori
satisfy satisfacer
Saturday sabbato
save (gen.) salvar; economisar;
(money) sparniar
say dicer
scale scala
scarce pauco commun, rar
scarcely a pena
scatter dispersar (se)
scene scena
scenery (natural) paisage; (theat.)
school schola; ~ boy scholar
(mascule); ~ girl scholar (feminin)
science scientia
scientific scientific
scientist scientista
scorn n disdigno; v disdignar
Scot scoto
Scotland Scotia
Scottish scotese
screen pannello de projection
screw n vite; v vitar
sea a marin; n mar
search n cerca; ~ for cercar
season n saison
seat n sede
seated sedite
second a secunde; n secunda
secret a secrete; n secreto
secretary secretario
see vider; (= understand) comprender
seed semine
seem parer
seize sasir
seldom rarmente
self ego; see also myself, yourself etc
selfish egoistic
sell vender (se)
seller venditor
send inviar; (= shoot) lancear; ~ away
dimitter; ~ for facer venir
sensation sensation
sense (both senses) senso; common ~
senso commun
sensible practic
sentence phrase
separate a separate; v separar
September septembre
serious seriose; (wound, etc) grave
servant domestico, servitor
serve vt/vi servir; ~ as servir de
service servicio; church ~ servicio
set n collection, serie; (china) servicio;
v poner; (sun) poner se; ~ out partir;
~ up establir
settle decider; (colony) colonisar;
(debt) pagar; (quarrel) componer; ~
down installar se
settlement colonia; (of quarrel)
settler colono
seven septe
seventeen dece-septe
seventeenth a dece-septime; n dece-
seventh a septime; n septimo
seventy septanta
several a plure; pron plures
severe sever; (weather) rigorose
sew suer
sex sexo
shade n umbra; (fig.) nuance
shadow umbra
shake vt succuter; vi tremer; ~ hands
stringer le manos
shame n vergonia
shape n forma; v formar
share n (= what you put in)
contribution, quota; (= what you get
out) parte, portion; (fin.) action; v
posseder/usar in commun; ~ in
prender parte in; ~ out distribuer,
sharp (of blade) affilate; (needle,
senses) acute; intelligente; (= distinct)
shave rasar (se)
she illa
sheep ove; (plural) oves
sheet (metal, etc) lamina; (for bed)
drappo de lecto; (paper) folio; (water)
shelf planca
shell a (gen.) scalia; (= seashell)
concha; (crab) *carapace; (mil.)
granata; (fig. ) *carcassa
shelter n refugio; v proteger (se)
shield scuto; (fig. ) protection
shine vi lucer; (sun) brillar
ship n nave; vt (= send) expedir
shipment cargo
shirt camisa
shock n choc; v choccar; electric ~
succussa electric
shocked scandalisate
shoe scarpa; ~ lace cordon de scarpas
shoot vt tirar (un balla); fusilar (un
persona); vi lancear se
shop n boteca; (= store) magazin;
(indust. ) officina
shopping, go visitar le botecas
shore bordo
short breve, curte; (= not tall) de parve
shortly in pauco
shot a fusilate; n tiro
shoulder spatula
shout n crito; v critar
show n monstra; (theat.) spectaculo; v
monstrar; (= exhibit) exponer; (=
indicate) indicar; (= prove)
shower pluvia passager; (toilet) ducha;
have a ~ duchar se
shut a clause; v clauder (se)
sick malade; be ~ esser malade; (=
vomit) vomir
side a lateral; n latere; argument, (in
argument, etc) parte
sight (= power of seeing) viso; (= thing
seen) vista; v apperciper; catch ~ of
intervider; in ~ in vista
sign n signo; (board, etc) pannello/
tabula indicator; v signar
signal n signal; v signalar
silence n silentio
silent silente; be ~ tacer
silk a de seta; n seta
silver a de argento; (colour) argentee;
n argento
simple simple; (= easy) facile
simplicity simplicitate
simply simplemente; (= quite) toto
since adv postea; conj post que; (=
because) proque; prep depost
sincere sincer
sing cantar
single sol; (= not married) celibe
sink v (gen. and fig.) declinar; (ship)
*affundar (se)
sir senior; (as in “Sir John”) sir
sister soror
sit vt/vi seder; ~ down seder se
sitting room salon
situation situation
six sex
sixteen dece-sex
sixteenth a dece-sexte; n dece-sexto
sixty sexanta
size grandor; (of garment) numero,
skilful habile
skill habilitate
skilled experte
skin n pelle; v pellar
skirt n gonna; v costear
sky celo
slave sclavo
slavery sclavitude
sleep n somno; v dormir; go to ~
addormir se
sleeper dormiente; (rly.) transversa; (=
sleeping car) wagon lectos
slide vt/vi glissar
slight legier, superficial; (= small)
slightly un pauco
slip vt/vi glissar
slippery lubric
slope n inclination; (downward)
declination; vi inclinar; declinar
slow lente; ~ down *decelerar (se)
small parve
smell n odor; vt olfacer; vi odorar
smile n surriso; v surrider
smoke n fumo; vt/vi fumar
smooth a lisie; v lisiar
snake serpente
snow n nive; v nivar
so adv (= accordingly, thus) assi;
(qualifying adjective or adverb) si,
tanto; conj (= therefore) dunque; ~ as
to a fin de; ~-called si-nominate; ~
do we anque nos; ~ many tante; ~
much a tante; adv tanto; ~ that
(purpose) a fin que; (result) de sorta
que; as ... so como ... assi
soap n sapon
social social
society societate
sock calcetta
soft molle; (= tender) tenere; stupide
soil n solo
soldier soldato
solemn solemne
solid a solide; n solido
solution (both senses) solution
solve solver
some a alicun; adv circa; pron
somehow de un modo o un altere
someone alicuno
something alique, qualcosa
sometimes de tempore in tempore
somewhat bastante
somewhere in alicun parte
son filio
song canto
soon tosto; as ~ as si tosto que; as ~
as possible al plus tosto
sore dolorose
sorrow dolo, tristessa
sorry n pardono!; be ~ doler se (de)
sort a sorta; v assortir
soul anima
sound n sono; v sonar
south a del sud; n sud
space a spatial; n spatio
Spain Espania
Spaniard espaniol
Spanish a/n espaniol
spare a disponibile; (mech.) de
*recambio; v sparniar; (= do without)
*passar se sin
speak parlar
speaker parlator; (radio, etc)
special special
speech linguage; (= oration) discurso
speed velocitate
spell orthographiar
spelling orthographia
spend dispender; (time) passar
spin vt/vi girar; (thread) filari
spirit (gen.) spirito; alcohol; energia
spite n despecto; in ~ of nonobstante
splendid splendide
split n fissura; v finder (se)
spoil v guastar (se)
spoon coclear
sport sport
spot (= mark) macula; (= dot) puncto;
(= place) localitate
spread n diffusion, extension; v
extender (se); (fig.) diffunder (se)
spring (season) primavera; (mech.)
square a quadrate; n quadrato; (in a
town) placia
staff personal
stage stadio; (theat.) scena
stairs scala
stamp n (postal) timbro; v timbrar;
(with foot) calcar; ~ out extirpar
stand vt (= bear) suffrer; (= put) poner;
vi star; ~ up levar se; ~ up to resister
standard a normal; n standard
star stella
start vt/vi comenciar; (mech.) poner
(se) in marcha
state n (both senses) state; v declarar
statement declaration
statesman homine de stato
station station
stay restar; (on holiday) sojornar
steady continue
steal furar
steam vapor
steamer (nave a) vapor
steel a de aciero; n aciero
steep precipitose
steer diriger
step n (walking) passo; (= stair) scalon;
v facer un passo
stick n baston; vi attachar; vi (mech.)
esser bloccate
stiff rigide
still a immobile; adv ancora
stock n (= provision) stock; (fin.)
actiones; v stockar
stocking calcea
stomach stomacho
stone a de petra; n petra
stop int basta!; vt/vi (= cease) cessar;
(= halt) stoppar; (= prevent) impedir;
bus ~ halto/station de autobus; pull
~ puncto
store n provision (= shop or
warehouse) magazin; v immagazinar
storm tempesta
story (= tale) conto; (narrative) historia
straight a (= not curved) recte; adv
directe; ~ ahead directemente
strange estranie
stranger estraniero
straw a de palea; n palea
strawberry fraga
stream rivo; (fig.) *jecto, torrente
street strata
strength fortia
stretch v extender (se)
strict stricte
strike n (indust.) exopero; v (= hit)
colpar; go on ~ exoperar
string corda; (= series) serie
strip n lista; v spoliar
stripe n lista, *stria
stroke n (= blow) colpo; (pen) tracto
strong forte
strongly forte
struggle n lucta; v luctar
student studente
study n (all senses) studio; v studiar
stuff n substantia; (worthless) cosalia;
v reimpler
stupid stupide
subject a subjecte; n subjecto; v
substance substantia
succeed (both senses) succeder (a)
success (bon) successo
successful succedite
successfully con (bon) successo
such a tal; adv si; ~ a un tal
sudden subite
suddenly subito
suffer suffrer
suffering n suffrentia
sugar sucro
suggest suggerer
suggestion suggestion
suit n (clothing) habito; v convenir a
suitable convenibile
Summer estate
sun sol
Sunday dominica
sunrise levar del sol
sunset poner del sol
sunshine (lumine del) sol
supper souper
supply n provision; v fornir
support n supporto; (= backing)
appoio; v supportar; (= back) appoiar
suppose supponer
sure certe, secur
surely certo, sin dubita
surface superficie
surprise n surprisa; v surprender
surround circumferer
surroundings ambiente
suspect v suspectar
suspicion suspicion
swallow v glutir
swear (solemnly) jurar; (bad language)
Swede svedese
Sweden Svedia
Swedish svedese
sweep vt scopar; vi avantiar
sweet a dulce; n bonbon; (= dessert)
swell vi tumer; vt tumefacer
swim natar
swing balanciar (se)
Swiss a switze; n switzo
Switzerland Switza
sympathy sympathia
system systema
table tabula
tail cauda
take prender; (= carry) portar; (= need)
requirer; ~ away levar, subtraher; ~
back reprender; ~ off (clothes) dis-
vestir se de; ~ place occurrer
talk n conversation; (= lecture)
discurso; v parlar
tall alte; (of a man) grande
tap n valvula; v (= hit) colpar legier-
taste n gusto; v gustar
tasty saporose
tax n taxa; v taxar
tea the
teach inseniar (un cosa a un persona)
teacher inseniante; (at school) maestro
teaching inseniamento
team equipa
tear n lacrima; (= rent) laceration; v
lacerar (se)
telegraph n telegrapho; v telegraphar
telephone n telephono; v telephonar
television television
tell (gen.) dicer, informar; (story)
contar; (= order) dicer (a un persona
de facer un cosa); (= distinguish)
distinguer; (= know) saper
temper (bon/mal) humor; lose one’s
~ inrabiar se
temperature temperatura
temple (building) templo
tend tender; (= care for) curar
tendency tendentia
tender a tenere
tent tent
tenth a decime; n decimo
term termino; (= period) periodo;
(scholastic) trimestre
terrible terribile
test n prova; (med., scholastic) test; v
prosar; (in school) examinar
text texto
textbook manual
than que
thank v regratiar; ~ you gratias; ~ you
very much multe gratias
that a ille; conj que; pron illo; relative
pron que; (= who) qui, que, le qual(es)
the le; ~ ... ~ quanto ... tanto
theatre theatro
their lor
theirs le lore(s)
them (m. and gen.) les; (f.) las; (things)
themselves (subject) (illes) mesme;
(object) se
then alora; (= next) postea
there ibi, illac; ~ is/are il ha
therefore dunque, ergo
these a iste; pron (things) istos;
(persons) istes
they (m. and gen.) illes; (f.) illas;
(things) illos; (people in general) on
thick spisse
thin tenue; (= lean) magre; (not dense)
thing cosa
think pensar; (= believe) creder; ~ of
pensar a; (= hold an opinion about)
pensar de
third a tertie; n tertio
thirst sete
thirsty, be haber sete
thirteen dece-tres
thirteenth a dece-tertie; dece-tertio
thirty trenta
this a iste; pron isto
thorough minutiose
thoroughly a fundo
those (things) illos; (persons) illes
though ben que
thought (= idea) pensata; (=thinking)
thousand mille; two ~ duo milles
thread filo
threat menacia
threaten menaciar
three tres
throat gorge
through per, a transverso de
throughout adv/prep in omne parte
throw jectar; ~ back rejectar
thumb pollice
thunder n tonitro; v fulminar
Thursday jovedi
thus assi
ticket billet (pronounce ‘bilyet’)
tide marea (alte o basse)
tie n cravata; ~ up ligar
tight stricte
till prep usque
time tempore; (as in ‘three times’) vice;
~ table horario; what’s the ~ qual
hora es il?
tin (metal) stanno; (= can) cassa de
tip n (= advice) aviso; (= money)
gratification; (= point) puncta; v
inclinar (se); avisar; gratificar
tire fatigar (se)
tired fatigate
title titulo
to a; (purpose) pro; to the al
tobacco tabaco
today hodie
toe digito (de pede)
together conjunctemente, insimul
toilet (= lavatory) W.C.; ~ paper
papiro hygienic
tomorrow deman; day after ~ post-
tongue (both senses) lingua
tonight iste vespera
tonne tonna
too (= excessively) troppo; (= also)
anque, tamben; ~ many troppe; ~
much a troppe; adv troppo; you ~
anque tu
tool utensile
tooth dente
top alto, parte superior; on ~ of super
total a/n total
touch n tocco; contacto; v toccar
touch dur, forte, *resistente
tour tour
tourist tourista
towards verso
towel toalia
tower turre
town citate, urbe; ~ hall palatio
toy joculo
track piste; (rly.) via
trade n commercio; (= occupation)
mestiero; v commerciar; ~ union
train n traino; v exercitar (se)
tram tram
tramway tramvia
transistor transistor
translate traducer
translation traduction
trap n trappa; v trappar
travel n viages; v viagiar; ~ agency
bureau de viages
treasure tresor
treasurer cassero, tresorero
treat v tractar; (med.) curar
treatment tractamento; (med.)
tree arbore
tremble tremer
trial prova, tentative; (= jur.) judicio
tribe tribe
trick n (= artifice) artificio; (= swindle)
fraude; vt dupar, *ingannar; (= hoax)
trip n (= run) cursa, percurso; (=
excursion) tour
trouble n (= distress) affliction; (=
difficulty) difficultate, pena; (= bother)
molestia; (indust.) conflicto; v
incommodar (se); (= upset) disturbar
trousers pantalones
true ver; (= faithful) fidel
truly vermente; yours ~ fidelmente
trunk (of tree) trunco; (= box) coffro
trust n confidentia; responsabilitate;
(fin.) trust; v fider se a
truth veritate
try v provar, tentar; (jur.) judicar
tube tubo; (rly.) metro
Tuesday martedi
tune melodia
turn n torno; vt tornar, girar; vi rotar,
girar; ~ into converter (se) in; ~ off
(elec.) accender; (a tap) aperir; ~
right *virar/girar al dextra
twelfth a dece-secunde; n dece-
twelve dece-duo
twenty vinti
twenty-nine vinti-novem
twist n torto; v torquer (se)
twisted torte
twisting n torquimento
two duo
type n typo; v scriber a machina
typewriter machina a scriber
ugly fede, repulsive
umbrella parapluvia
un- (negative prefix) with adjectives use
“in-”, which becomes “il-” before L,
“ir-” before R, “im-” before M and P;
with verbs, use “dis-”
uncle oncle
under sub
underground (rly. ) metro
underneath adv infra; prep sub
understand comprender
union union; trade ~ syndicato
unit unitate
unite unir (se)
United States a statounitese; n Statos
universal universal
universe n universo
university universitate
unless a minus que
until usque
up in alto
upon super, sur
upper superior
upright vertical; (morally) honeste
upset inverter; (fig.) disregular,
upwards in alto
urge vt recommendar con insistentia (a
un persona de facer un cosa); vi urger
urgent urgente
us nos
use n uso; v usar, utilisar; ~ up
exhaurir; be ~d to soler
useful utile
useless inutile
usual usual
vain van; in ~ in van
valley valle
valuable preciose
value n valor; v valutar
variety varietate
various varie
vegetable a/n vegetal
verb verbo
verse verso
very multo
vessel (= ship) vascello; (= container)
vaso, vasculo
victory victoria
view n vista; v contemplar; point of ~
puncto de vista
village village
violence violentia
violent violente
virtue virtute; by ~ of per
visit n visita; v visitar
visitor visitator
voice voce
vote n vote; v votar
voyage viage (marin)
wages page, salario
waist cinctura
wait (for) attender
waiter servitor; (shouted, to attract his
attention) garson!
wake up eveliar (se)
Wales Galles
walk n promenada; vi promenar se
wall muro; (of room) pariete
wander vagar
want n (= lack) manco; v voler
war guerra
warm calide
warmth calor
warn prevenir
wash vt lavar; have a ~ lavar se
washing n lavage
waste n perdita; v guastar (= container)
wasteful prodige
watch n (action) vigilia; (timepiece)
horologio; v observar, vigilar super;
(TV etc) spectar
water n aqua
wave n unda; vt agitar; vi undular; (to
someone) facer signos con le mano
wax cera
way via, cammino; (= manner)
maniera, methodo; ~ out exito
we nos
weak debile
weaken debilitar (se)
weakness debilitate
wealth ricchessa
wealthy ric
weapon arma
wear vt portar; vi (= last) durar; ~ out
consumer (de)
wearing vestite de
weather tempore; ~ report bulletin
weave texer
Wednesday mercuridi
week septimana
weekly septimanal
weigh vt/vi pesar
weight peso
welcome a benvenite; n *benvenita; v
dar le *benvenita a
well a san; adv ben; int alora; n puteo
Welsh a/n gallese
Welshman gallese
west a del west; n west
wet a humide; v molliar; ~ day die de
what a qual, que; pron que; (= that
which) lo que; ~ a pity qual damno!
whatever a qualcunque; pron
quecunque; ~ happens sia que sia
wheat frumento
wheel rota
when quando
whenever quandocunque
where ubi; (= whither) a ubi
whereever ubicunque
whether esque; ~ ... or sia ... sia
which a qual, que; pron que, le qual(es)
while durante que; (= although) ben
que; (= whereas) e, ma
whip flagella
whisper n susurro; v susurrar
whistle n (both senses) sibilo; v sibilar
white blanc
who qui, le qual(es)
whole a integre; n toto; the ~ of tote le
whom que; (after preposition) qui, le
whose cuje
why proque
wicked perverse
wide large, vaste; (= large) grande
widely largemente
widespread general, extense, diffuse
width largor, amplitude
widow vidua
widower viduo
wife marita
wild (animals, plants) salvage; (=
fierce) feroce; (= mad) fantastic,
will n voluntate; v (future verbal
auxiliary) va + infinitive; (= wish)
willing ben disposite, servicial
win v vincer (un battalia); (= gain)
wind n vento; vt bobinar; vi serpentar
window fenestra; (shop) vitrina
wine vino
wing (all senses) ala
Winter hiberno
wipe essugar
wire filo (metallic)
wisdom sagessa
wise sage
wish n desiro; vt desirar; (= want) voler
with con; (= by, of, from) de
within intra
without prep sin
witness n (person) teste; (= evidence)
woman femina
wonder n (object) meravilia; (feeling)
stupor, admiration; v (= marvel)
meraviliar se; (= ask oneself)
demandar se
wonderful meraviliose, stupide
wood (substance) ligno; (trees) bosco
wooden de ligno
wool lana
word parola
work a labor, travalio; (= something
produced by work) obra; vi laborar,
travaliar; (= function) functionar; vt
facer functionar, operar
workshop officina
worker obrero, travaliator
world a mundial; n mundo
worm verme; earth ~ lumbrico
worn portate; (= heavily used)
deteriorate; ~ out foras de uso
worry n anxietate, inquietude; vt
inquietar; (= bother) vexar; vi
inquietar se, perturbar se
worse a pejor; adv pejo
worship n adoration; v adorar
worst a/n (le) pejor
worth n valor; be ~ valer
wound n *ferita, vulnere; v ferir,
wrap (up) vt involver; vi coperir se
wreck n (event) naufragio; (ship)
vascello naufragate; (fig.) ruina; v
destruer, ruinar; be ~ed naufragar
wrist carpo
write scriber
wrong a (= immoral) injuste, immoral;
(= inappropriate) improprie; (=
incorrect) false, incorrecte; n (gen.)
mal, torto; be ~ haber torto; do ~
facer mal; go ~ vader mal
yard (= court) corte; (indust.) deposito
year anno
yearly annual
yellow jalne
yes si
yesterday heri
yet adv jam; conj totevia
yield n rendimento; v ceder
you vos; (familiar) tu; (as object) vos; te
young juvene
your vostre; (familiar “you”) tu
yours le vostre(s); (familiar “you”) le
yourself vos; (familiar “you”) te
yourselves vos
youth n (period of life; = young people)
juventute; (= young man) juvene; ~
hostel albergo de juventute
zero zero
zoo jardin zoologic, *zoo
Articles – The definite article is always le (for singular and plural) and the
indefinite article is always un.
Nouns – As in English, nouns have no grammatical gender. Nouns ending in a
vowel take -s in the plural and nouns ending in a consonant take -es.
Pronouns – The natural gender determines the form of the third person singular
and plural pronouns, ille(s) for males, illa(s) for females and illo(s) for things.
Subject io tu ille illa illo nos vos illes illas illos
Object me te le la lo nos vos les las los
Reflexive me te se se se nos vos se se se
(Adjective mi tu su su su nostre vostre lor lor lor)
Note: Prepositions take the object case of personal pronouns in the first and second
persons and the subject case in the third person.
Adjectives – Adjectives are invariable and usually follow the noun.
Adverbs – The adverb is formed from the adjective by adding -mente.
Verbs – The infinitive ends in -ar, -er or -ir.
The present participle replaces the infinitive -ar with -ante, -er with -ente, -ir with -
The past participle replaces the infinitive -ar with -ate, -er and -ir with -ite.
The imperative drops the -r of the infinitive. No pronoun is used.
The present tense drops the -r of the infinitive.
The future tense adds (stressed) -a to the infinitive.
The past tense replaces the -r of the infinitive with -va.
The perfect tense uses the auxiliary ha with the past participle.
The future perfect uses the auxiliary habera with the past participle.
The pluperfect tense uses the auxilary habeva with the past participle.
The conditional tense adds -ea (stressed e) to the infinitive.
The conditional perfect tense uses the auxiliary haberea with the past participle.
The passive uses the appropriate tense of the auxiliary esser with the past participle.