Sun Life
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2021 Public Accountability Statement
2021 Public Accountability Statement
This report is filed as the consolidated Public Accountability Statement (PAS) for Sun Life Financial
Inc., Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada and Sun Life Insurance (Canada) Limited as declarants
(collectively, the “Declarants”), pursuant to the PAS regulations of the Canadian federal government
(Insurance Companies Act (Canada), section 489.1(1) and Trust and Loan Company Act section 444.2(1)
as applicable). It contains information regarding our subsidiaries and pertains to our most recent
fiscal year (January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021). Unless otherwise noted, all dollar amounts are
expressed in Canadian currency. In this document, unless the context requires otherwise, references
to “we,” “our,” “us,” “the Company,” “Sun Life,” and “Sun Life Financial” mean Sun Life Financial Inc. and
where applicable, its subsidiaries; and references to “employees and advisors” refer to those of Sun Life
Financial Inc. and its subsidiaries.
Community development and philanthropic activity 03
Access to financial services 08
Employees 10
Taxes paid 11
Debt financing 12
Affiliates 13
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2021 Public Accountability Statement
Community development and
philanthropic activity
Sun Life and JDRF
Sun Life is the title sponsor of JDRF’s two major
national fundraising events, Sun Life Walk to
Cure Diabetes for JDRF and Sun Life Ride to
Defeat Diabetes for JDRF. Due to the ongoing
pandemic, both events were once again
converted to virtual formats in 2021. The two
Sun Life has a long-standing focus on
unity health and wellness and invests
in partnerships which encourage healthy
and active living. Through our donations and
sponsorships in 2021, we continued to actively
support the communities in which we live and
work, with the goal of building a healthier,
brighter future for our Clients, employees,
advisors, shareholders and communities.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,
y of our c
ommunity partners continued
to face challenges from staff reductions,
event suspensions or cancellations, and lower
fundraising activity. In 2021, we maintained
our financial commitments and loosened our
funding criteria to help our partners respond to
more immediate needs. We also provided over
$1 million in funding for communities hardest
hit by the pandemic.
Sun Life’s Purpose is to help Clients achieve
etime financial sec
urity and live healthier lives.
Our philanthropic support is one way we are
bringing our Purpose to life. With a focus on
driving measurable social impact, we are making
investments that encourage healthy behaviours
and supporting those that are most in need
including at risk, underserved, low income or
underrepresented communities. Since 2012,
diabetes prevention, awareness and care has
been Sun Life’s global philanthropic cause. To
date, we have contributed $42.7 million globally
towards slowing the advance of diabetes and its
related complications.
In this section, unless otherwise stated, references to “employees and advisors” excludes individuals from Sepulveda Funding and Massachusetts Financial
Services (“MFS”) and BentallGreenOak (“BGO”) companies listed on page 13.
Includes donations made by individual business units.
In addition to our philanthropic work supporting
the prevention of diabetes, in Canada we are
also focused on improving the mental health of
youth, particularly those from marginalized and
underserved communities.
In 2021, across all programs, Sun Life donated
a t
otal of $15.3 million t
o community
organizations across Canada, the U.S., the UK,
and countries in Asia. Our principal subsidiaries
contributed an additional $5.6 million to
support community organizations globally. In
Canada, in 2021, Sun Life’s charitable donations
supporting community organizations coast to
coast totaled $8.3 million
Sun Life’s corporate philanthropic work is
ered by its employees and advisors who
generously volunteer, donate to and participate
in causes that they are passionate about. In this
way, employees and advisors further contribute
to the communities where they live and work.
Below are a few examples of our 2021 global
donations and sponsorships.
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2021 Public Accountability Statement
events encouraged Canadians as well as Sun Life
employees and advisors across Canada to stay
physically active while also raising awareness
and funds to help find a cure for type 1 diabetes.
Right to Play
We continued to support the health pillar of
Right to Play’s Promoting Life Skills in Aboriginal
Youth (PLAY) program. In 2021, Sun Life’s
funding directly supported 3,500 Indigenous
children and youth in making positive,
long-lasting healthy lifestyle choices in 36
communities across British Columbia, Yukon,
Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick and
Labrador. Participants reported making positive
choices after completing the program: 88%
reported they now try to be physically active
each day and 83% said they now try to eat
healthy snacks and meals at home.
Team Up Against Diabetes
grant program
Each year, Sun Life U.S. runs a national grant
program, which provides programmatic support
through grants of up to US$100,000 each
to registered charities in the U.S. focused on
diabetes awareness, prevention, education and
care. The program was developed to meet
the needs of grassroots organizations that are
seeking funding for diabetes programming in
their local communities. Since the program
began in 2016, Sun Life has donated over
US$1.3 million in funding to communities
throughout the U.S.
In 2021, Sun Life awarded US$350,000 in
unding via Sun Life’s Team Up Against Diabetes
grant program to six charities, including:
Appetite for Change, Healthy Meal Box
ery Program, Minneapolis:
Appetite for Change is a community-led
non-profit that uses food as a tool to build
health, wealth and social change. As a
Black-led organization, their programs are
based around a goal of creating health
equity and eliminating health disparities in
North Minneapolis which is comprised of
75% people of colour. The organization also
aims to serve as a model to engage and
elevate Black communities. Sun Life’s grant
will support Appetite for Change’s meal box
program, which began at the onset of the
COVID-19 pandemic. Soon after, it became
a collaborative effort with local organizations
to support the economic stability of small
and mid-sized farms run by farmers from
underrepresented communities. In a
six-month span, the organization has
delivered over 117,000 healthy meals to
more than 800 families in the region.
Shepherd’s Clinic: Diabetes Self-Management
rogram, Baltimore: Shepherd’s Clinic (the
“Clinic”) provides comprehensive health care
for uninsured/underinsured adults in the
Baltimore region. Sun Life’s grant will help
support their Diabetes Self-Management
Program, a unique approach to educate,
treat, support and manage patients with
pre-diabetes or diabetes. In addition to
providing self-management education,
medications, testing strips, nutrition/food
assistance and helping participants set goals,
the program also provides advanced training
to their staff members on the impact of
structural racism experiences on health. As
part of the program, the Clinic will screen for
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2021 Public Accountability Statement
racism experiences to better tailor patient
care plans and to increase the Clinic’s ability
to address the behavioral health barriers
that might mitigate remission rates of
diabetes. In addition, Sun Life’s support will
provide patient incentives for accomplishing
individual health goals. Incentives include
transportation cost coverage, food boxes and
gift cards.
SunPIOLOgy Fun Run
In the Philippines, we held the annual
SunPIOLOgy Fun Run to support the health,
wellness and education of Filipinos. The run
raised P4.2 million (Philippine Pesos), for health
and education advocacy and programs. The
funding helped send kids to school via the
Hebreo Foundation and raised awareness about
diabetes in partnership with the Institute for
Studies on Diabetes Foundation.
Pan-Mass Challenge
MFS has been a corporate sponsor of the
Pan-Mass Challenge (“PMC”), a bike-a-thon
held in Massachusetts, for 24 years. PMC raises
millions of dollars for cancer research and
treatments for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
(“Dana-Farber”). In 2021, MFS helped raise
more than US$1.2 million of the PMC’s US$64
million gift to Dana-Farber.
Built to Lead
BentallGreenOak (“BGO”) launched BGO
Built to Lead in 2021 to help students from
underrepresented communities embark on early
pathways to a meaningful career in commercial
real estat
e. The program features several
initiatives in Canada and the U.S., ranging from
academic scholarships, student internships and
sponsored mentorship opportunities.
One program where BGO has been particularly
e is P
roject Destined. It’s an immersive
learning program and business case study
competition. Through donations from BGO’s
philanthropy program in 2020 and 2021,
sponsored teams of university undergraduate
students from Morehouse College, Spellman
College, Georgetown University and New York
University came together to compete in a global
program featuring live deal making. Backed by
mentors from BGO’s U.S. offices, Team BGO
students placed first in the U.S. The experience
eventually led to employment opportunities for
many of the participants.
Arts and culture
Sun Life Musical Instrument
Lending Library program
In 2021, we continued to support the
award-winning Sun Life Musical Instrument
Lending Library program. The program is putting
instruments into the hands of individuals,
families and communities across Canada by
offering anyone with a valid library card the
ability to borrow a variety of instruments free
of charge. Thanks to the Sun Life Musical
Instrument Lending Library program, over three
million library cardholders across Canada now
have access to musical instruments.
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2021 Public Accountability Statement
We are extremely proud of our employee and
advisor volunteers who work hard to make
life brighter for others in their communities.
In Canada, in 2021, employees and advisors
volunteered thousands of hours and donated
to their favorite charities and organizations.
Together, we donated nearly $3.3 million –
the largest sum donated in the history of
our employee giving program – for over
1,700 charities.
In 2021, Sun Life refreshed its You Give We
e program (its North American employee
giving program) to provide greater flexibility to
employees and advisors.
Our Matching Gifts program
In Canada, You Give We Give now provides up
to $1,250 of matched donations each year,
per employee and advisor, to their charities of
choice. Employees and advisors can contribute
through any combination of financial donation,
volunteering or event participation.
Employee and advisor Matching Gifts
ontributions (Canada)
Canada 2021
Employee and advisor
ontributions (number)
6,201 employees
and advisors made
71,381 donations
Employee and advisor
Company match $1,497,397
Total combined donation $3,279,874
Registered charities
ted (number)
Our volunteer program
In Canada, Sun Life’s volunteer program
recognizes the efforts of employees and
advisors who volunteer for a registered charity
or humanitarian cause. As part of our You Give
We Give program, for every hour employees
and advisors volunteer with a registered charity,
Sun Life will donate $20 to that charity. Sun Life
will also donate $20 for each charitable event
that an employee or advisor participates in. In
2021, our employees and advisors in Canada
volunteered safely from home due to the
ongoing pandemic and reported over 16,000
virtual volunteer hours with local charities
and organizations.
Employee volunteer grant contributions (Canada)
Category Amount
Employee contributions
Company donation $128,703
Registered charities
ted (number)
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2021 Public Accountability Statement
Sun Life employees in North
America participate in virtual
volunteer opportunities to help
contribute to the well-being of
their local communities
In 2021, employees from across North
America continued to participate in safe, virtual
volunteer opportunities to help their local
communities. These opportunities included
activities like mentoring, making cards or calling
people who were living alone. In Canada, for
example, a group of employees and their
families got together and made cards to help
brighten the day for seniors. The homemade
cards were distributed to care facilities across
Canada. Employees’ spirit of giving back to
those in need was stronger than ever.
Sun Life Foundation, Philippines
volunteer engagement program
The Sun Life Foundation, Philippines (the
“Foundation”), continues to encourage
employees and advisors to give back to
their local communities through a volunteer
engagement program. The program offers
volunteer and donation opportunities where
departments, branches, business units and
even individuals can participate in specific
“acts of kindness”.
Our employees and advisors engaged in many
activities thr
oughout the year, despite the
pandemic, aligned to the philanthropic priorities
of the Foundation. For example, the Foundation
hosted a week-long virtual volunteers’ fair. The
fair featured a series of workshops on topics
including education, health, environment and
arts and culture for the benefit of different
partner organizations and the vulnerable
communities they support.
Over the year, the Foundation engaged more
than 2,900 v
olunteers and touched almost
117,000 lives. This was in addition to the social
development programs run by the Foundation
which have positively impacted more than
2.9 million lives.
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2021 Public Accountability Statement
Access to financial services
We aspire to increase the lifetime financial
security of our Clients, employees and
communities. That includes improving access to
financial services for underserved groups. Below
are a few examples of initiatives undertaken in
2021 and products that support the needs of
low-income individuals, persons with disabilities
and senior citizens.
Low-income individuals
In Canada, we offer various term insurance
products for individuals looking for affordability,
flexibility and protection. One example is
SunSpectrum Term Life Insurance. The product
includes guaranteed premiums and options to
convert to lifetime protection if needs change
and provides coverage amounts beginning at
$50,000 for terms of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.
In some countries where we operate, life
ance penetration is low. Helping people
access affordable insurance represents huge
growth potential for any insurer bridging the
significant coverage gap. In 2021, we expanded
low-cost insurance options for consumers
through new strategic partnerships including
Moneygment by Togetech, and GCash in
the Philippines.
In Indonesia, we partnered with LinkAja, one
of the c
s leading financial technology
applications, and other platforms to leverage
their digital distribution channels. With these
partners, we’re expanding access to insurance
products through their digital apps, with nearly
15,000 policies sold in 2021.
We also continue to provide low-cost insurance
solutions f
or Clients through partnerships with
Lazada (Philippines) and TheBank.vn (Vietnam).
Persons with disabilities
We strive to provide products and services in a
way that respects the dignity and independence
of persons with disabilities. We are committed
to giving persons with disabilities the same
opportunity to access our products and services
so they may benefit from those same services,
in similar ways as other Clients. We are also
committed to meeting the needs of persons
with disabilities in a timely manner and continue
to meet applicable legislative requirements for
preventing and removing barriers.
Our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan and Customer
Service Policy Statement outline our approach
o establishing accessible products, services,
employment, and workplaces for persons
with disabilities. Our public websites and web
content published on those sites are WCAG 2.0,
Level AA compliant and we continue to review
new and upcoming legislation that may impact
our business.
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2021 Public Accountability Statement
Senior citizens
In Canada, we offer personal health insurance.
This insurance is an ideal solution for those
who are retiring and leaving a group benefits
plan. These types of products provide affordable
coverage for day-to-day health expenses and
unexpected medical emergencies that aren’t
covered by provincial plans. Dental benefits are
optional on some plans.
In the Philippines, our SUN Senior Care
product is specifically designed to provide
health insurance to those who are already in
their pre-retiree or retiree life stages. Benefits
include access to a wellness program that offers
preventative care services and health perks,
and coverage for 17 common advanced-age
critical illness conditions. If the insured remains
healthy and well throughout the coverage
period, they are also protected with guaranteed
life insurance.
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2021 Public Accountability Statement
Sun Life has operations in a number of markets worldwide, including Canada, the United States,
the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India, China, Australia,
Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and Bermuda. In 2021, Sun Life spent approximately $5.1 billion on
compensation and benefits globally.
Employees in Canada
Province Full-time Part-time Total
Alberta 441 5 446
British Columbia 213 1 214
Manitoba 22 0 22
New Brunswick 13 0 13
Newfoundland and Labrador 8 0 8
Nova Scotia 52 0 52
Ontario 7,436 94 7,530
Prince Edward Island 3 0 3
Québec 2,022 36 2,058
Saskatchewan 24 0 24
Total 10,234 136 10,370
As of December 31, 2021.
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2021 Public Accountability Statement
Taxes paid
The taxes we pay in Canada and around the world are another measure of the way Sun Life
contributes to the economies and communities in which we live, work and do business.
In 2021, in all jurisdictions where the Company operates, taxes paid or payable to governments
otalled $1,827 million. Of this total, $920 million was paid or payable in income taxes; $396 million in
premium taxes and investment income taxes; and $511 million in excise, property, payroll and other
taxes. In Canada, the Company’s total taxes paid or payable amounted to $766 million.
Consolidated tax expenses in Canada
(in thousands of dollars)
Type of tax Income taxes
taxes and
Total other
$150,759 $25,414 $70,314 $246,487
$6,429 $30,449 $16,673 $53,551
British Columbia
$11,309 $30,748 $14,649 $56,706
$1,695 $4,892 $235 $6,822
New Brunswick
$1,615 $4,001 $884 $6,500
Newfoundland and Labrador
$1,131 $2,726 $675 $4,532
Northwest Territories
$51 $190 $0 $241
Nova Scotia
$1,817 $4,727 $1,069 $7,613
$19 $71 $0 $90
$42,142 $125,755 $82,603 $250,500
Prince Edward Island
$491 $1,054 $234 $1,779
$15,677 $46,386 $57,727 $119,790
$2,729 $7,959 $125 $10,813
$81 $289 $0 $370
$235,945 $284,661 $245,188 $765,794
Income tax amounts are estimates based on information available for the year ended December 31, 2021.
The category ‘’Total other taxes’’ refers to $102 million in property taxes, $83 million in payroll taxes and $61 million in sales and excise taxes.
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2021 Public Accountability Statement
For Client confidentiality, provinces and territories with one exposure in the authorization levels have been classified as other provinces and territories.
Other provinces and territories comprise Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.
Authorized amount includes all new commitments for 2021.
There was no activity in New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island and Yukon or for authorization
levels $0-$24,999; $25,000-$99,999; $100,000-$249,999; $250,000-$499,999 in 2021.
Province or
$500,000 -
$1,000,000 -
$5,000,000 + Total
Authorized Amount
- - $287,005 $287,005
British Columbia Number of Clients - - 11 11
British Columbia
Authorized Amount
- $43,824 $777,157 $820,981
Alberta Number of Clients - 11 18 29
Nova Scotia Authorized Amount
- - $113,028 $113,028
British Columbia Number of Clients - - 5 5
Ontario Authorized Amount
- $18,376 $2,128,431 $2,146,807
Number of Clients - 6 61 67
provinces or
Authorized Amount
$621 $6,013 $36,923 $43,557
Number of Clients 1 2 2 5
Québec Authorized Amount
- $18,710 $223,807 $242,517
Quebec Number of Clients - 4 10 14
Total Authorized Amount
$621 $86,923 $3,566,351 $3,653,895
Total Number of Clients 1 23 107 131
Sun Life is committed to making debt financing available to businesses across Canada. In 2021,
authorized debt financing for businesses in Canada totalled over $3.6 billion.
Debt financing in Canada
(Authorized amounts are as of December 31, 2021 and are stated in thousands of dollars)
Debt financing
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2021 Public Accountability Statement
BGO Capital (Canada) Inc.
BGO US Lending Originator LLC
BGO US Lending Seller I LLC
MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc.
MFS Investment Management
Canada Limited
MFS Investment Management Company
(LUX) S.à.r.l.
Sepulveda Funding, LLC
The following is a list of affiliates of the Declarants as of December 31, 2021.
SLC Management Canadian Commercial
Mortgage Fund
SLGI Asset Management Inc.
Sun Life Capital Management (Canada) Inc.
Sun Life Financial Distributors (Canada) Inc.
Sun Life Financial Investment Services
(Canada) Inc.
Sun Life Financial Trust Inc.