2005-07-16 IEEE 802.16-06/038
IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access
Dr. Roger B. Marks
NextWave Broadband, Inc.
4040 Montview Blvd.
Denver, CO 80207 USA
16 July 2006
Dear IEEE-SA RevCom:
This submittal is an application for approval of IEEE P802.16-Conformance04/D7 (“Draft Standard for
Conformance to IEEE 802.16 - Part 4: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma for
Frequencies below 11 GHz”).
The single 15-day recirculation closed on 13 April. The final ballot report shows two remaining Disapprove
votes, and I have reported that in my submittal form. However, as noted on the following page, both of those
voters have informed me that they wish to be considered as voting Approve.
Attached to this letter, please find the following:
Page 2-3: Statements of conversion of Disapprove to Approve votes
Page 4-6: IEEE-SA Standards Board Form for Submittal of Proposed Standards
Page 7: Signature Page
Page 8-10: PAR
Roger B. Marks
Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access
2005-07-16 IEEE 802.16-06/038
Vote change documentation
From: Sean Cai
Subject: Re: **** IEEE P802.16/Conformance04-1 Sponsor Ballot Recirc
Date: April 29, 2006 09:08:36 AM PDT
I was on vacation. Sorry, I missed your reminder email. However, I sent you email after last
meeting to indicate that I was satisfied with the resolution and would like to change my vote to
Sean Cai
ZTE San Diego, Inc.
10105 Pacific Heights Blvd.
Suite 250
San Diego, CA 92121
2005-07-16 IEEE 802.16-06/038
From: Rainer Ullmann
Subject: Re: Comment #07 on services in the 802.16c-Conformance04 st
Date: May 3, 2006 06:19:37 AM PDT
To: Herbert Ruck
Dear Herbert,
I apologize that I wasn’t able to participate in the recent recirculation process due to business
travel and personal absence.
I also had an off site meeting yesterday because of which I missed both your phone calls. Anyhow,
you recalled our conversation in Denver absolutely correct – but here it is in writing:
My preferred solution for #7 is:
Section p.24, line 17 (section A. Uplink scheduling services, Table A.28 )
Below the table add sentence:
At least one of the above scheduling services must be supported.
Section p.44, line 17, (section A. Uplink scheduling services, Table A.72)
Below the table add sentence:
At least one of the above scheduling services must be supported
The above line numbers, etc refer to IEEE P802.16/Conformance04/D7.
I am not sure whether this is possible at this point but I would like to officially
change my vote from “Disapprove” to “Approve”, with comment #7 remaining as
“Editorial” only. This reflects that the changes that were already implemented in D7 (i.e all
service types optional) were satisfying even if not absolutely complete w.r.t. to our discussion
about this issue. I hope this resolves your problem in bringing this project to a closing. If not
please feel free to contact me again to instruct me how to do so. I will not be attending the Tel
Aviv meeting and therefore would like to thank you at this point for doing this thorough job - Good
work !
Best regards,
Rainer Ullmann, Ph.D
Product Line Manager
Wavesat Inc.
1. PROJECT NUMBER: P802.16-Conformance04 2. DATE: 2006-07-16
3. TITLE: Standard for Conformance to IEEE 802.16 - Part 4: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
Proforma for Frequencies below 11 GHz
4. SPONSOR (Full name of society/committee): Computer Society/LMSC + Microwave Theory & Techniques Society
5. BALLOTING COMMITTEE: IEEE 802.16 Working Group + Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
6. NAME OF WORKING GROUP: IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access
Roger Marks
NextWav e Broadband, Inc.
4040 Montview Blvd
Denver, CO 80207
United States
Telephone: 1 303 725 4626 Fax: E-Mail: r.b[email protected]
8. DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT (Check one from each column.)
X New X Standard X Full Use (5-year life cycle)
Revision Recommended Practice Trial Use (2-year life cycle)
Reaffirmation Guide
Withdrawal Amendment/Corrigenda to an existing
standard (Indicate number and year)
8A. REAFFIRMATION ONLY: The Sponsor confirms that the balloting group agrees that this standard
continues to be useful in its current form and contains no significant
obsolete or erroneous information.
Yes No
SPID 180402993.12036 IEEE-SA Standards Board Approved Revision 7 December 2000
List the interest categories of eligible balloters only. Refer to the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual and the
Working Guide for Submittal of Proposed Standards for the rules of balloting committee classification.
Interest Category No. Interest Category No. Interest Category No. Interest Category No.
Draft D6 Date Closed: 03/09/2006 Draft D7 Date Closed: 04/28/2006
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Eligible Balloters 164 100% 164 100%
Ballots Returned 128 78 133 81
Affirmatives 113 96 121 98
Total Negatives 5 N/A 2 N/A
Abstentions 10 08 10 08
Reasons for abstentions: Lack of time = Lack of expertise = Other =
All balloting group members, observers, and coordinating groups have been advised of substantive changes made with
respect to the balloted draft standard (in response to comments, in resolving negative votes, or for other reasons) and
have received copies of all unresolved negative votes with reasons from the negative voter and the rebuttal, and have been
advised that they hav e an opportunity to change their votes.
A. Have unresolved comments accompanying negative X Yes No No unresolved comments
votes been circulated? Include unresolved negative comments and rebuttal.
B. Have substantive document changes been circulated? X Yes No No substantive changes
11. COORDINATION ACTIVITY (Not required for reaffirmation)
Using the abbreviations listed below, indicate the response received from each committee/organization required for
coordination and include a copy of the response. Include documentation authorizing coordination by common membership,
if applicable.
R = Received R/C = Received with comment NR = Not received
Committee/Organization Response Committee/Organization Response
SCC10 (IEEE Dictionary) NR
SCC14 (Quantities, Units, & Letter Symbols) NR
IEEE Standards Editorial Staff R
IEEE Registration Authority Committee (RAC) NR
Indicate below any unresolved problems from coordination activities.
SPID 180402993.12036 IEEE-SA Standards Board Approved Revision 7 December 2000
A. Any patent letters of assurance (LoAs) received by the Sponsor are to be forwarded to the PatCom
Administrator [Fax: + 1 732 875 0524].
B. Is there any copyrighted material in the proposed standard? Yes X No
If yes, include copyright release(s).
C. Is the registration of objects and/or numbers a provision of Yes X No Already approved by RAC
the proposed standard? If yes, include a proposal for review
by the IEEE-SA Registration Authority Committee (RAC).
13. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ACTIVITIES (Not required for reaffirmation)
Is this document intended to be the basis of or included in an international standard? Yes (Explain) X No
14. UNIT OF MEASUREMENT (check one)
X International System of Units (SI) - Metric Inch/Pound Both Not measurement sensitive
15. Source Materials Submitted to IEEE Standards Department
A. Have electronic versions of the source documents (text and figures) X Yes No Format:
been provided?
B. Will a diskette or other online material be required to accompany the Yes X No
published standard?
16. Submission checklist (X = included in submittal package N/A = Not applicable)
Submission Package Item List URL if online
X This submittal form
N/A Ballot summary form(s) (1 per ballot cycle) See myBallot
N/A Copies of unresolved negatives & rebuttals
X PAR and PAR approval letter
N/A Coordination comments and responses
X .pdf of final balloted draft #D7
N/A Permissions & copyright releases
SPID 180402993.12036 IEEE-SA Standards Board Approved Revision 7 December 2000
This draft standard has been developed in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Sponsor and I am authorized
by those policies and procedures to make this submittal.
Signature of Submitter Title (role in Sponsor)
IEEE-SA Standards Board Chair
Signature of IEEE-SA Officer Title Date
Return to:
IEEE Standards Department
RevCom Secretary
445 Hoes Lane
PO Box 1331
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
SPID 180402993.12036 IEEE-SA Standards Board Approved Revision 7 December 2000
16 July 2006
Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group
[Roger B. Marks]
Approval Letter https://spadev.ieee.org/cgi-bin/sadb/print_par?print:1435
1 of 1 3/29/2004 8:49 AM
Email This Letter
29 March 2004
Paul Nikolich
18 Bishops Lane
Lynnfield, MA 01940
Re: P802.16/Conformance04 - Standard for Conformance to IEEE 802.16 - Part 4: Protocol Implementation
Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma for Frequencies below 11 GHz.
Dear Paul:
I am pleased to inform you that on 25 March 2004 the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved the above
referenced project until 31 December 2008. A copy of the file can be found on our website at
Now that your project has been approved, please forward a roster of participants involved in the development of
this project. This request is in accordance with the IEEE-SA Operations Manual, Clause 5.1.2i under Duties of
the Sponsor which states:
"Submit annually to the IEEE Standards Department an electronic roster of individuals participating on standards
For your convenience, an Excel spreadsheet for your use has been posted on our website at
http://standards.ieee.org/guides/par/roster.xls. Please forward this list to me via e-mail at [email protected] no
later than 23 June 2004.
Please visit our website, IEEE Standards Development Online
(http://standards.ieee.org/resources/development/index.html), for tools, forms and training to assist you in the
standards development process. Also, we strongly recommend that a copy of your draft be sent to this office for
review prior to the final vote by the working group to allow for a quick review by editorial staff before sponsor
balloting begins.
If you should have any further questions, please contact me at 732-562-6367 or by email at [email protected].
Jodi Haasz
Program Manager
International Stds Programs and Governance
Standards Activities
Phone +1 732 562 6367
FAX +1 208 460 5300
PAR FORM https://spadev.ieee.org/cgi-bin/sadb/print_par?print:1435
1 of 2 3/29/2004 8:48 AM
PAR Status: New PAR
PAR Approval Date: 2004-03-25
PAR Signature Page on File: Yes
1. Assigned Project Number: 802.16/Conformance04
2. Sponsor Date of Request: 2003-11-24
3. Type of Document: Standard for
4. Title of Document:
Draft: Standard for Conformance to IEEE 802.16 - Part 4: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
Proforma for Frequencies below 11 GHz.
5. Life Cycle: Full-Use
6. Type of Project:
6a. Is this an update to an existing PAR? No
6b. The Project is a: New Standard
7. Working Group Information:
Name of Working Group: IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access
Approximate Number of Expected Working Group Members:100
8. Contact information for Working Group Chair:
Name of Working Group Chair: Roger B Marks
Telephone: 303-497-3037 FAX: 303-497-7828
9. Contact information for Co-Chair/Official Reporter, Project Editor or Document Custodian if different from the
Working Group Chair:
Name of Co-Chair/Official Reporter, Project Editor or Document Custodian:
Telephone: FAX:
10. Contact information for Sponsoring Society or Standards Coordinating Committee:
Name of Sponsoring Society and Committee: Computer Society Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
Name of Sponsoring Committee Chair: Paul Nikolich
Telephone: 857-205-0050 FAX: 781-334-2255
Name of Liaison Rep. (if different from the Sponsor Chair):
Telephone: FAX:
Name of Co-Sponsoring Society and Committee: Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
Name of Co-Sponsoring Committee Chair:
Telephone: FAX:
Name of Liaison Rep. (if different from the Sponsor Chair):
Telephone: FAX:
11. The Type of ballot is: Individual Sponsor Ballot
PAR FORM https://spadev.ieee.org/cgi-bin/sadb/print_par?print:1435
2 of 2 3/29/2004 8:48 AM
Expected Date of Submission for Initial Sponsor Ballot: 2004-07-23
12. Fill in Projected Completion Date for Submittal to RevCom: 2004-11-25
Explanation for Modified PAR that completion date is being extended past the original four-year life of the PAR:
13. Scope of Proposed Project:
This standard represents the Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma, per ISO/IEC Standard
9646-7 (1995) and ITU-T X.296, for conformance specification of base stations and subscriber stations based upon the
air interface specified in IEEE P802.16-REVd for frequencies below 11 GHz.
Is the completion of this document contingent upon the completion of another document? Yes
The standard will relate to conformance to the 2004 revision of IEEE Std 802.16. Work under the PAR can progress based
on the draft but cannot be completed until the revision is complete. However, the draft revision (P802.16-REVd) is
currently in Sponsor Ballot, and completion is expected soon.
14. Purpose of Proposed Project:
This document describes the capabilities and options within the air interface specified for frequencies below 11 GHz in
IEEE P802.16-REVd. It is to be completed by the supplier of a product claiming to implement the protocol. It indicates
which capabilities and options have been implemented. It allows a user of the product to evaluate its conformance and to
determine whether the product meets the user's requirements.
14a. Reason for the standardization project:
15. Intellectual Property:
Has the sponsor reviewed the IEEE patent policy with the working group? Yes
Is the sponsor aware of copyrights relevant to this project? Yes
Is the sponsor aware of trademarks relevant to this project? No
Is the sponsor aware of possible registration of objects or numbers due to this project? No
16. Are there other documents or projects with a similar scope? No
Similar Scope Project Information:
17. Is there potential for this document (in part or in whole) to be adopted by another national , regional or international
organization? No
If yes, please answer the following questions:
Which International Organization/Committee?
International Contact
18. If the project will result in any health, safety, or environmental guidance that affects or applies to human health or
safety, please explain in five sentences or less.
19. Additional Explanatory Notes: (Item Number and Explanation)
The standard may include access to an electronic form that will produce data transferable to another party. The standard
will include permission to print completed hard copies of the form for documentation purposes.