Commercial Application
Submittal Requirements
Development Services Center 808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, WA 99201-3336 | Phone: 509.625.6300 | [email protected]
Please use the following checklists to ensure all necessary information has been provided. Failure to submit all
requirements will result in plan review delays for your project and your application for plan review may be denied
until all requirements are submitted. All requested materials to be submitted electronically.
Electronic Submittal Requirements
Completed and signed application per building, structure, or separate phase of project
omplete set of plans includes all Architectural/Construction plans, Building Elevations, Civil
(Utilities, ESC, Grading & Drainage), Landscaping
Completed Non-Residential Energy Code (NREC) Form
Critical Materials Application, List and Inventory Sheet
**For projects involving food or beverage service, separate plans will need to be delivered to Spokane Regional Health**
Supplemental Submittal Requirements
Please contact the departments identified in italics to determine which of the following may be required.
Stormwater/Drainage Report Engineering Services Reviewer (625-6300)
Geotechnical Report Engineering Services Reviewer (625-6300)
Hydraulic Analysis showing adequate fire flow & domestic service Engineering (625-6300)
Sewer Capacity Study Engineering Services Reviewer (625-6300)
Private Sewer Maintenance Agreement Engineering Services Reviewer (625-6300)
Trip Generation & Distribution Letter Transportation Reviewer (625-6447)
Shoreline/Critical Areas Checklist Planning Services (625-6300)
SEPA Information or SEPA Checklist Building Services Reviewer (625-6300)
Pre-Development Conference Notes required if there was a Pre-Dev meeting for this project
Plan Standards
1. Minimum acceptable size: 24” x 36” 4. Sheets must be sequentially labeled
2. Maximum acceptable size: 30” x 42” 5. Plans must be drawn to scale
3. All sheets must be the same size 6. Plans are to be clear and legible
Plans cannot be accepted that are marked preliminary or not for construction, that have red lines, cut and paste details or those
that have been altered after the design professionals have signed the plans.
Engineered Design Standards
Ground Snow Load: 39 pounds per square foot
Basic Wind Speed: 85 mph (3-second gust) Exposure B (urban/suburban areas)
Seismic Design Category: C
Weathering: Severe
Frost Line Depth: 24 inches
Winter Design Temperature: 4 degrees Fahrenheit ice shield underlayment is required
Air Freezing Index: 1250
Mean Annual Temperature: 47.2 degrees Fahrenheit
2 Commercial Application Submittal Requirements
Development Services Center 808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, WA 99201-3336 | Phone: 509.625.6300 | [email protected]
Architectural/Construction Drawings Minimum Requirements
Please mark each box to designate the information provided and include this checklist outlining the minimum
requirements with your application submittal.
1. Cover Sheet
a) Building Information b) Design Team Information
1. Specify model code information 1. Design professional in charge
2. Construction Type 2. Architects
3. Number of stories and total height in feet 3. Structural Engineers
4. Building square footage (per floor and total) 4. Owner
5. IBC Occupancy Type (show all types by floor and total) 5. Developer
6. Mixed-use ratio (if applicable) 6. All other Design Team members
7. Occupant load calculation (show by occupancy type and total)
8. List work to be performed under this permit
2. Floor Plan
a) Specify use of each room and/or area
b) Include occupant load calculation for every floor, room, and/or space
c) Identify ALL new, existing and eliminated exits
d) Show barrier-free information
e) Show locations of all permanent rooms, walls and shafts
f) Note uses of adjacent tenant spaces (if applicable)
g) Provide door and door hardware schedules
h) Identify location of all new walls, doors, windows, etc.
i) Provide details and assembly numbers for any fire resistive assemblies
j) Indicate all rated walls, doors, windows, and penetrations
k) Provide a legend that distinguishes existing walls, walls to be removed, and new walls
l) Show location of appliances that can generate grease vapors
m) Identify fire alarm panel and remote annunciator(s)
n) Include basement areas (whether they are to be used for this project or not)
o) Identify all fire extinguisher locations
p) Indicate location of interior refuse storage
q) Show fire sprinkler riser rooms
r) Identify location of specialty suppression systems
3. Reflected Ceiling Plan
a) Provide ceiling construction details
b) Show location of all emergency lighting and exit signage
c) Include lighting fixture schedule
4. Framing Plan & Stair Details
a) Specify size, spacing, span and wood species or metal gage for all stud walls
b) Indicate all wall, beam and floor connections
c) Include stair section showing rise, run, landings, headroom, handrail and guardrail dimensions
5. Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical Plans
a) Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical Plans are to be included with plan submittal
6. Storage Racks (if applicable)
a) Structural calculations required for seismic bracing of racks 8 feet or greater in height
b) Show the positive connection to floor and/or walls for racks 8 feet or less in height
3 Commercial Application Submittal Requirements
Development Services Center 808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, WA 99201-3336 | Phone: 509.625.6300 | [email protected]
Site Plan Sets Minimum Requirements
Please mark each box to designate the information provided and include this checklist outlining the minimum
requirements with your application submittal. Requirements from each Site Plan Sub-Set may be combined where
details will still be legible and to scale.
1. Site Plan
a) Show building outline of all structures
b) Identify all exterior improvements
c) Display property lines
d) Locate all parking areas, driveways, drive-thru lanes, parking stalls and meters (existing, proposed, etc.)
e) Show all sidewalks, pedestrian walkways and other pedestrian areas
f) Show all existing and proposed signage
g) Identify location and height for all fences and walls (existing and proposed)
h) Locate all overhead utility lines, communication lines and street signs
i) Show existing street trees in the public right-of-way
j) Include signs, trees, hydrants, etc. in pedestrian areas
k) Identify how service, loading and trash collecting areas will be screened from neighboring properties
2. Landscape Plan
a) Include all information listed in the Site Plan
b) Identify the common and scientific names of all plant materials used and their sizes at the time of planting
c) Plans must be prepared and stamped by a Licensed Landscape Architect if site/parcel is over 7,000 sq ft.
** Landscape plans may not be required if there aren’t any changes or additions proposed for the outside of the building**
3. Parking Details
a) Present parking calculations showing the number of stalls required and the number of stalls to be provided
b) Identify building area in square feet for all uses on site
c) Include parking requirements for each use
d) Display bicycle parking
e) Show dimensions of parking lot including stalls and drive aisles
f) Identify parking angle
g) Display driveways and their dimensions
h) Show disabled parking spaces
4. Building/Structure Information
a) Identify building elevations
b) Include Floor-Area-Ratio calculations (FAR = Interior Floor Area divided by Site Area)
c) Show exterior lighting fixtures and shielding details
5. Utility Plan
a) Show all property lines and footprints of all structures on the site
b) Include all parking areas, driveways, drive-thru lanes, parking stalls, and meters (existing, proposed, etc.)
c) Provide location and size of all existing and proposed water service(s) identifying any services that will be
abandoned; include depth of service(s), separation from other utilities and structures; and sleeving
d) Provide location and size of all existing and proposed sewer service(s) identifying any services that will be
abandoned; include slope of services, separation from other utilities and structures; and cleanouts
e) Identify location and detail of the water meter vault include all pipe, meter and vault sizes
f) Show existing and proposed fire hydrants
g) Display locations of sewer and water crossings
h) Provide locations of existing and proposed easements
i) Provide plan and profile sheets for all proposed main extensions using Department of Engineering design and
drafting standards
4 Commercial Application Submittal Requirements
Development Services Center 808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, WA 99201-3336 | Phone: 509.625.6300 | [email protected]
6. Stormwater Plan
a) Show existing and final contours
b) Locate drainage facilities drywells, pipes, inlets, ponds, ditches, swales, etc.
c) Provide bottom dimensions of all ponds and swales
d) Identify typical sections for all ponds or swales including slopes and planting requirements
e) Show overflow route(s)
f) Identify existing and proposed easements
7. Erosion/Sediment Control Plan
a) Show existing and final contours
b) Identify type and location of proposed BMPs for temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control
c) Provide location and type of future stormwater facilities
d) Include standard notes
8. Fire Prevention Site Plan
a) Show existing and proposed fire hydrants within the immediate area of the project
b) Identify proposed locations for Fire Department Connections for fire sprinkler and standpipe systems
c) Identify Post Indicating Valves for fire services mains
d) Provide the proposed Fire Department key box location
e) Show location of tanks exceeding 60 gallons
Stormwater and Geotechnical Reports Minimum Requirements
1. Stormwater Report
a) Provide project narrative
b) Include basin map
c) Identify time of concentration and route
d) Show calculations for pipe sizing, inlets, ditches and storm modeling
e) Show calculations for stormwater treatment (GPA sizing)
f) Show calculations for stormwater disposal
g) Provide UIC (Underground Injection Control) analysis
h) Identify square footage of existing and proposed asphalt, concrete, roof (include type) and landscaping
i) Provide overflow analysis
j) Include perpetual operation and maintenance requirements and considerations
2. Geotechnical Report
a) Identify type of soils on-site (field verified by a qualified professional)
b) Show infiltration rate to be used for design including a factor of safety
c) Provide results of any field or lab tests (sieve analysis, infiltration testing, cat-ion exchange, etc.)
d) Include foundation and/or roadway recommendations
e) Provide hydraulic analysis showing adequate fire flow and domestic service
f) Include sewer capacity study
g) Include Private Sewer Maintenance Agreements as applicable