Centre City Tower, 7 Hill Street, Birmingham B5 4UA
21 Bloomsbury Street, London WC1B 3HF
Our Ref: OFW0019452
15 November 2018
Your complaint against Southern Water
Thank you for your letter of 15 October 2018. I am sorry to read that you disagree
with our decision not to open a case in respect of your complaint against Southern
Water Services Limited (Southern Water). I have reviewed your complaint and set
out our position below.
Our review: appeal against our decision not to open a case
We understand that you have asked us to review our decision as you do not feel that
we have considered certain points. We set out in the table below the specific points
raised in your letter and our response to these concerns.
Points raised
Ofwat’s response
Albert Road is one of the only
roads in Deal that
consistently floods whenever
there is heavy rain or
Southern Waters assets fail.
Southern Water has demonstrated to Ofwat that its
network is resilient to a 1:50 year storm event. This is in
excess of the current standard which is a 1:30 year
resilience. As outlined in the WATRS determination (made
in relation to your complaint), the January 2016 sewer
flooding affected 4 properties internally and occurred as a
result of the sewerage network reaching maximum
You consider that the
capacity during an extreme weather event. It has been
reviewer failed to address the
demonstrated that this was a 1:12 year event and could
reason for the flooding event
not be recreated as the system has already been
in January 2016.
upgraded to a 1:50 year resilience. In light of this, we
consider that we do not need to investigate the January
2016 flooding incident further.
When there is a flooding
As the sewerage system is now resilient to a 1:50 year
event, sewage discharges
weather event, it is unlikely that this will be an ongoing
from the manhole covers that
get blown off in Albert Road.
The affected part of Albert
Road is the point at which
numerous combined sewers
feed into and that there is
one 825mm sewer serving
that part of Albert Road.
Southern Water has inspected the sewers and fitted flow
meters at various points in the network to identify flow
rates. There has been no evidence to suggest that the
825mm pipe does not have sufficient capacity.
That Southern Water would
not consider bolting down
manhole covers as this may
push the problem further
Southern Water has advised that bolting down manhole
covers creates a risk of the network becoming
surcharged. It has also explained (in its letter to you of 9
July 2018) that it has invested heavily in the resilience of
the network and assets as a more appropriate action.
You requested that Ofwat
review the hydraulic
modelling provided by
Southern Water.
One of our engineers with significant experience in
hydraulic modelling has reviewed Southern Water’s model
and we consider that there is nothing in the model or the
results it produces which requires us to investigate further.
We have also sought (and been provided with) further
assurance from Southern Water that flood resilience of
Albert Road will not be affected by the connection of the
new housing estate higher up in the network.
As I explained in my letter to you 8 June 2018 Ofwat is a statutory body and our
jurisdiction is set out in the Water Industry Act 1991 (WIA91). Ofwat’s approach to
enforcement action in respect of sewer flooding complaints outlines our role in
respect of section 94 of the WIA91. Our approach has to be reasonable and
proportionate. We cannot hold sewerage companies to account for flooding which occurs
due to factors outside of its control such as severe weather conditions, for example.
In our preliminary assessment we asked Southern Water to confirm what contact it
had received from residents of Albert Road since January 2016 and more specifically
enquiries relating to sewer flooding. Southern Water provided records which
confirmed that there have been no reports of internal or external flooding from this
particular area since January 2016. Further, Southern Water has invested in
sewerage assets in and around Albert Road in order to alleviate incidents of flooding.
We understand that the upgrades done by Southern Water provide resilience to a
1:50 year weather event. From the information available, I have not seen any
evidence to suggest that Southern Water is in breach of section 94 WIA91.
I hope that you agree that we have given your complaint our full consideration and
although I sympathise with your situation my decision not to open a case remains
Yours sincerely,