Southern Union State Community College
Distance Education Student Policy and Procedures Manual
Welcome 1
Purpose of Distance Education 1
Definitions of Course Delivery Types 1
Degrees and Certificates that are Available 100% Online 1
Required Computer Skills and Technology 2
Canvas on Mobile Devices 4
Facts to Consider About Distance Education 5
General Information and Policies 6
How to Register for Distance Education Classes 7
How to Complete Distance Education Coursework 7
Electronic Security 9
Identity Confirmation 9
Academic Integrity 9
Attendance in Distance Education Classes 9
Financial Aid Attendance Verification 10
Hardware/Software Requirements 11
Communication in Distance Education Courses 12
Testing Policies in Distance Education 14
Student Responsibilities in Distance Education 15
Student Services 16
College Policies 17
Privacy and Digital Security 19
Policy for Protecting the Privacy of Students Enrolled in Distance Education Courses 19
Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright Policies 21
Thank you for considering Distance Education at Southern Union as a part of your educational plans.
Rest assured that the online, hybrid, and virtual courses offered at Southern Union are the same in
quality, are taught by instructors with the same academic qualifications, have the same learning outcomes
and objectives, are equally transferable to other institutions, and are the same in credit hours and tuition
cost as our traditional classes. The difference is in the delivery method.
Purpose of Distance Education
Southern Union is committed to offering quality education that is affordable, accessible, equitable, and
responsive to the diverse needs of its students. We meet this part of our college mission by offering
courses that are conveniently available through online, virtual, and hybrid delivery. Southern Union now
provides more than 175 courses through distance education.
These courses are transferable to other accredited colleges and universities exactly like the traditional
classroom courses. If you are interested in finding out more about transferability of Southern Union
courses, make an academic advising appointment.
Definitions of Course Delivery Types
Distance education courses are classified as either online, virtual, or hybrid. The College has adopted the
following definitions:
Online Course: The entirety of the course content is delivered electronically through the College’s
learning management system (LMS). There are no required on-campus meetings. Tests are proctored
remotely using a variety of digital means, which may include a lockdown browser, use of monitoring with a
webcam and microphone, and use of an online proctoring service for the final examination.
Virtual Course: Virtual courses are also delivered electronically through the College’s learning
management system. In addition, video conferencing software, such as Zoom, Canvas Conferences, or
Google Meet, is used to allow students and instructors to hold class meetings virtually and in real time
(synchronously). Attendance at class meetings is not optional. Tests are proctored remotely using a
variety of digital means which may include a lockdown browser, use of monitoring with a webcam and
microphone, and use of an online proctoring service for the final examination.
Hybrid/Blended Course: A hybrid course (also called a blended course) is a combination of an online
and classroom-based course, with a majority of the course content being delivered electronically. Testing
may be required on campus or proctored remotely using a variety of digital means. These may include a
lockdown browser, use of monitoring with a webcam and microphone, and use of an online proctoring
service for the final examination.
Degrees and Certificates that are Available 100% Online
At Southern Union, one degree and one short certificate may be earned entirely through distance
education. These are the Associate in Science Degree, a 60-64 credit hour associate degree consisting of
general education core courses, and the General Education Short Certificate that requires a minimum of
29 credit hours of coursework. Curriculum guides for these options are available at www.suscc.edu by
clicking on the Programs of Study link. Other degree and certificate options may be partially completed
through distance education.
Required Computer Skills and Technology
Technical Skills
If you enroll in a distance education course, you are responsible for having adequate computer skills to
accomplish required tasks. Instructors do not have time to teach these skills within the course. If you do
not possess the following skills, you may want to take a computer class to increase your computer
knowledge before attempting a distance education class.
If you are registered for a distance education course, you must have a basic knowledge of computer
operations and Internet use to be successful in that course. Here are some key skills required:
Knowledge of computer terminology, such as browser, operating system, application, software,
files, documents, icon, etc.
Understanding of basic computer hardware and software, with the ability to perform computer
operations, such as:
o Using a keyboard and mouse
o Managing files and folders: save, name, copy, move, backup, rename, delete, check
o Software installation, security and virus protection
o Using software applications, such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel, email
o Knowledge of copying and pasting, spell-checking, saving files in different formats
o Uploading and downloading attachments
Internet skills (connecting, accessing sites, using browsers)
Ability to use online communication tools, such as email (create, send, receive, reply, print,
send/receive attachments), discussion boards (read, search, post, reply, follow threads), chats,
and messengers
Perform online research using various search engines and library databases
Create online accounts
Technology Requirements
If you are taking distance education courses at SUSCC, you MUST have
certain technologies available to access your course materials. You may use
computers in the open computer labs in each campus library (LRC); however,
access may be limited since computer availability is on a first-come basis
during regular library operating hours. Therefore, it is not recommended that
you rely solely on access to online content through the LRC. Additionally,
some students may plan to use computers at their worksite, but should be aware that some classes may
require the download of additional software that may not be allowed by your employer.
For online, virtual, or hybrid classes, you must have access to the following technology:
Computer (phones and tablets are not recommended. Mobile applications are available for
Canvas, but many features are not available for use with a mobile device.)
Operational microphone and webcam (these can be combined or included with computer
hardware such as in a laptop or all-in-one computer)
Speakers or headphones for listening to audio and video content
High-speed and reliable Internet connection
Some courses require additional software, such as publisher tools, to be downloaded on your
computer. This information and instructions will be stated in the course syllabus or the Canvas
course modules. It is your responsibility to obtain the necessary software required for your
If you cannot fulfill these requirements, then you should not enroll in a distance education course (or if
already registered, you should withdraw from it during the drop/add period).
Loss of Personal Computer Use
The College is not responsible for the possible loss of use of your personal computer through any mishap
or misfortune. If such happens, you are required to alert your instructor, and seek alternative access to a
reliable computer with an internet connection as soon as possible. Many instructors won’t consider
technology issues an excuse for missing activity deadlines. In almost every case, you have access to a
variety of on-campus computer labs in Opelika, Wadley, and Valley for use with your distance education
courses. You may also request to borrow a laptop from the College for the remainder of the semester.
Computer Loans
There are a limited number of laptop computers available to currently enrolled students for
semester-by-semester loan. To take advantage of Southern Union’s laptop loan program, you can
fill out and submit the Student Technology Request form on the SU website. Laptops are loaned
on a first-come basis, as long as they are available.
Internet Connection Speed
A high-speed internet connection with speeds of 1.5 Mbps or higher is
recommended for distance education courses to ensure easy access to all of the
course materials and resources, particularly large file sizes as with streaming
Why does Internet speed matter?
Many distance education courses make use of videos. Viewing is only possible if a
certain amount of data is transferred to your computer in a timely manner. This data transfer speed is
called your "Internet speed."
Approximate speeds of common types of Internet Service:
o Dial-up internet* - 56 bps (from phone company)
o DSL internet - 768 kbps+ (from phone company)
o Cable internet - 1,000-10,000+ kbps (from cable company)
How can you determine your current Internet speed?
o Visit www.bandwidthplace.com.
*Dial-up connections cannot load the data fast enough to play video at a normal rate. This causes the
video to pause to let more data arrive. DSL and Cable connections are more than adequate to watch
most online videos.
Southern Union State Community College provides high-speed wireless Internet access for your use in
most buildings on campus. The College also maintains open computer labs with Internet access in the
Learning Resource Center (LRC) on each campus. You may use the computers in the LRC for
coursework in distance education classes (except to take proctored exams) within the LRC hours of
Internet Browser Settings
SUSCC uses the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Canvas is built using web standards, so
it runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with an
operating system that can run the latest compatible web browsers. For best
performance in Canvas, use the most current major release of Chrome, Firefox, or
Safari. Your computer operating system and preferred browser should be kept up
to date with the latest recommended security updates and upgrades.
You can verify that the browser you are currently using is up to date by using the Canvas browser checker
tool. If you experience problems with your particular browser, check out the Canvas Guide, What are the
browser and computer requirements for Canvas?, or log into Canvas and click the Help button in the blue
global navigation bar at the left of the window. You can choose to chat or call a Canvas support specialist
for help. Be sure to update your computer operating system and browser and reboot your computer
before engaging with a support specialist.
Canvas on Mobile Devices
You can access Canvas from any browser on your Android/iOS device. However, mobile browsers are not
supported, and features may not function as expected compared to viewing Canvas in a fully supported
desktop/laptop browser. Canvas offers limited support for native mobile browsers on tablet devices. For
additional details, please reference the limited-support mobile browser guidelines.
The Canvas Student app provides access to Canvas while on the go. Depending on your device, not all
Canvas features may be available on the app at this time. View Canvas Student mobile features by
version and device.
Screen Readers and Browsers
Macintosh: VoiceOver (latest version for Safari on Macintosh and iOS mobile)
PC: JAWS (latest version for Chrome/Firefox on Windows)
PC: NVDA (latest version for Chrome/Firefox on Windows)
Android: Talkback (latest version for Android mobile)
Other Required Components
Refer to the Online Services link on the SUSCC website for more information and links to download these
free components.
Adobe Reader: Adobe Reader software is the free global standard for viewing and printing PDF
Respondus LockDown Browser™ is a free secured browser used solely for taking distance
education exams and quizzes for courses at Southern Union. You must download the Respondus
Lockdown Browser from the specific link provided for SUSCC, as each school has a unique link.
If your instructor has chosen to require the Lockdown Browser for a quiz or exam, there will be a
link to download it in your Canvas course. If you don’t see the link, contact your instructor. You will
need to install it one time on the computer you will use. Some instructors may also require the
use of Respondus Monitor in addition to the Lockdown Browser. Monitor is not an additional
download. (If your instructor requires Monitor, you must have a webcam and mic installed on your
computer.) Once the browser is installed, you simply open it from the desktop shortcut, log in to
Canvas, and take your quiz.
Additional Notes:
To test on an iPad, your instructor must enable iPads the Lockdown Browser separately in
Canvas, so check with your instructor to see if testing on an iPad is allowed.
Chromebooks are not fully supported by the Lockdown Browser at this time. Students
may download the Respondus Lockdown Browser and use a Beta (preliminary) version for
testing on a Chromebook, as long as your instructor enables that for each test.
Facts to Consider About Distance Education
Now that you know what technical skills and technology you should possess before considering enrolling
in a distance education course, you need to be ready for the different style of learning that takes place
through distance education. The requirements and time commitments for distance education courses are
no less than that of any face-to-face course. Distance education is a flexible alternative that makes
earning college credit possible for students who have difficulty attending on-campus courses.
The following are some common myths and facts about courses offered through
distance education that you should consider:
Myth: Distance education courses are easier than face-to-face courses.
o Fact: Online, virtual or hybrid courses may be more difficult for
some students because they require commitment and
Myth: Distance education courses at Southern Union are self-paced.
o Fact: Students are required to complete assigned course work by the due dates
indicated within the course.
Myth: Distance education courses require no particular skills or knowledge of a computer.
o Fact: You need to know basic computer skills to use the tools for online coursework and
Myth: A smartphone or tablet is sufficient to complete all coursework.
o Fact: You will need a computer (not a smartphone or tablet) that meets the basic
technical requirements previously listed, as well as reliable internet access. Some
computer programs used in online coursework are not supported on mobile devices and
may not work correctly.
Myth: Distance education students who do not have time to read the assignments or the ability to
work online independently can just email lots of questions to the instructor.
o Fact: Instructors are available to answer questions, but cannot “teach" distance
education students individually during office hours. Students must be able to follow
directions and work independently, even without the benefit of face-to-face interaction
with an instructor or peers as in the case of a wholly online course.
Myth: Distance education coursework can be completed in less time than that required for
face-to-face courses.
o Fact: You must be willing and able to commit your time – approximately 5-7 hours of
work and study time per week, per course.
Myth: Distance education courses do not require reading skills.
o Fact: Reading and comprehension (aside from motivation) are the most important skills
required of an online student. Online coursework requires that you thoroughly read,
comprehend, and follow directions for completing course requirements.
General Information and Policies
General Information
When you enroll in a distance education course at Southern Union State Community College, you are
expected to abide by the same guidelines that apply to traditional, face-to-face instructional courses. All
policies that appear in the student code of conduct portion of the College’s Student Handbook and
Catalog, which is available in print form from the Admissions Office and in pdf format on the College
website, apply to distance education (i.e., attendance, academic misconduct, plagiarism, cheating, and
harassment, etc.).
Admission/Readmission to the College
Now that you have determined you are ready to begin, or continue, your educational journey
through distance education, the steps to apply for admission to the College are outlined on the
Admissions webpage. Admission must be completed prior to applying for financial aid and/or
registering for courses. If you have previously attended Southern Union but have not been enrolled
for six or more semesters, you must complete a brief readmission form in the Student Portal.
Tuition Payment
Tuition payment is due at the time of registration to reserve your place in a course. Tuition for each
online and virtual course will include an additional $20 proctor fee for the final exam. Southern
Union accepts payment in the form of cash, check, credit card (American Express excluded) and
various forms of financial aid. Financial aid must be approved and awarded before schedules can
be held. You should check your SU account balance before each semester begins to ensure tuition
and fees have been completely paid, so you are not dropped because of an unpaid balance.
Financial Aid
If you expect to participate in a financial aid program, you should apply several weeks in advance of
registration. The financial aid webpage has a wealth of information to assist you in seeking tuition
assistance. Additionally, the financial aid office has a staff of experts to assist you during business
How to Register for Distance Education Classes
Advising and Registration for First-Time SU Students
New students must be cleared by the Admissions Office and the Financial Aid Office before registering.
Once cleared, you must register for your first semester at Southern Union with an academic advisor.
Dates for early and regular registration for new students are published in the College Calendar on the SU
website. During those published dates and times, advisors will be available to assist with selecting
classes appropriate for your major of study.
Advisors are located on each campus and are a great resource while enrolled at Southern Union.
Advisors can guide you on a variety of topics, including: degree planning, transfer, careers and majors,
etc. Making an appointment ensures that an advisor is available to address all your questions completely
and thoroughly; however, walk-ins are welcome as well.
Online Registration for returning students
The online registration system allows currently enrolled and returning students to register online without
the necessity of meeting with an advisor. Dates for registration are published in the academic calendar. It
is necessary to pay tuition at the time of registration so that your schedule will be held.
The registration process for distance education courses is the same as the process for traditional
courses. Detailed steps are available on the website for class registration. You can find a list of distance
education courses offered in the Dynamic Class Schedule Lookup Utility (found at www.suscc.edu/current
students), by limiting the course selection to online or hybrid.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment requirements for distance education courses are the same as the requirements for traditional
courses. In addition to meeting the requirements to enroll in the course, distance education students must
also have access to a personal computer with reliable high-speed Internet service, as well as a webcam
and microphone for use during test proctoring or other required class activities.
How to Complete Distance Education Coursework
Distance education courses at SUSCC are delivered using the Canvas Learning Management System
on the Internet. The College provides this educational platform for all courses, though traditional courses
may not rely on it as heavily as online, hybrid, and virtual courses for delivery of course content.
In order to find your distance education course(s), you will be required to log in to Canvas. Each student
will log in with their unique Southern Union email address and password (both are issued upon
acceptance to the College).
Login Credentials for Canvas
The login format for Canvas is as follows:
USERNAME: Your first name initial + complete last name + two-digit birthday + @mail.suscc.edu
PASSWORD: Eight-digit birthday (example: 08152001 for August 15, 2001 DOB)
You may wish to save a shortcut to Canvas on your computer desktop, download the app* for your mobile
device, or you can simply click on the Canvas link on the SUSCC homepage. It is important to remember
to update your Profile information in Canvas. You can add any additional email addresses for your own
notification purposes in the Settings link, but keep in mind that for security and privacy purposes all official
communication between you and school personnel must be with your Southern Union email or the
Canvas Inbox (which uses your SU email
*Note: Canvas provides an application for use on mobile devices, but you should not try to fully complete
an online course using a mobile device. Some functionality is lost when using mobile devices to access
features of the Canvas LMS.
Canvas Dashboard
Canvas refers to their home screen as your “Dashboard.” Once you successfully log in,
you will find your current semester’s courses listed on your Dashboard. To find course
materials, activities, and instructions for getting started on a course, click on the
“Course Card” on the Dashboard for that course. If you default Dashboard view is not
one that shows the course cards, you can change that by clicking the three vertical
dots in the top right of the Canvas window and choosing “card view”.
If you have questions about course content and delivery, contact your instructor. The course instructor’s
name and contact information will be on the “Front Page” of each course.
Other Learning Platforms
Although Canvas is the primary learning platform for distance education courses at the College, some
online, hybrid, virtual, and traditional courses may additionally utilize publisher-provided course
management systems such as Cengage MindTap, Pearson MyLab and Elsevier Evolve. Detailed
instructions for use of any additional platforms should be included in your Canvas course. Support contact
information will be provided by your instructor should you need technical support with publisher content.
Textbooks and/or Access Codes
As with traditional classes, most online, virtual, and hybrid courses require the purchase of textbooks
and/or third-party access codes to facilitate instruction in the course. You should consider these costs
before registering for any course. You may visit the Barnes & Noble Bookstore through the “Current
Students” link on the SUSCC website for textbook information and costs.
Student Email
Upon admission to the institution, you are issued a Google (Gmail) email account under the SUSCC
domain. SUSCC student email is the official means of communication between you and anyone at the
College. It is imperative that you check your student email frequently for important school and course
information. Student email can be accessed through the Student Email link found on the College website.
You’ll use the same login information to access your student email as that used to login to Canvas. For
security purposes, you should not use other email accounts to communicate with college personnel.
SUSCC email credentials:
USERNAME: Your first name initial + complete last name + 2-digit birthday + @mail.suscc.edu
PASSWORD: !SUSCC + 6-digit birthday (example: !SUSCC081501)
Electronic Security
Course content delivered through electronic media (Canvas, SUSCC student email, etc.) is the foundation
of distance education. Just as in traditional methods of communication, electronic messages may be
intercepted or received by individuals other than the intended recipient. Southern Union State Community
College works under the protection of secure passwords and firewalls. Therefore, it is extremely important
that login information be kept secure. Messages intercepted or received by individuals other than the
intended recipient are not the responsibility of SUSCC. Neither is the College responsible for any loss of
data or hardware damage due to computer viruses transmitted through online course interactions.
Identity Confirmation
If you enroll in an online, virtual, or hybrid course, and receive credit for that course, you must be the
same person who participates in the course. Course participation includes all course activities,
assignments, and assessments. To ensure that this is the case, students enrolled in hybrid courses are
required to present valid photo identification (e.g. driver’s license, College ID, military ID) when attending
any on-campus meetings or while using test-proctoring software as required during the course. Any
student who cannot present such identification may not participate in the activity. Additional
technology-based identity authentication measures are required for online examinations through an online
proctoring service.
Academic Integrity
By registering in a distance education course, you commit to adhere to standards of integrity as they
relate to your coursework, instructor, and fellow students. These standards include honesty, trust,
fairness, respect, and responsibility.
You agree to:
Complete all assignments and tests solely on your own, except where instructions indicate
student cooperation is acceptable.
Under no circumstances, except instructor permission, give other students access to your work.
Properly acknowledge all external sources used in your work.
Create one user account as required and only use created or assigned login credentials,
passwords, access codes, etc., yourself.
Refrain from activities that would dishonestly alter your grade or that of another student.
Comply with all standards of academic conduct in the Southern Union Student Handbook and
Failure to comply with these standards may result in such academic penalties as are outlined in the
Student Handbook and Catalog, which include failing an assignment, failing the course, and/or referral to
the Associate Dean of Students.
Attendance in Distance Education Classes
Course Attendance
According to the College attendance policy (see the College’s Student Handbook & Catalog), students
must demonstrate a minimum level of participation to receive college credit for a course.
Weekly participation is expected in all courses. Activities and assignments required for you to
demonstrate active weekly participation are determined by the course instructor and are listed in the
course syllabus and/or Canvas modules. These may include discussion forums, chat sessions, group
projects, quizzes, homework, tutorials, or any other activity deemed important for accomplishing the
course objectives.
Withdrawal from a Course
The course syllabus will clearly state whether the instructor utilizes Administrative Withdrawals. You may
be administratively withdrawn from a course by Student Services if an instructor reports you as not
attending class, based on a published number of class meetings or activities you missed during the
semester. Whether an instructor uses this procedure may be determined individually by the instructor, or it
may be by a departmental policy.
For official records (including financial aid), the last date of attendance, if you are administratively
withdrawn from a distance education class, will be the last day you demonstrated active participation in
the course. Administrative withdrawals may affect future financial aid awards. No refunds are awarded for
administrative withdrawals.
If you officially withdraw yourself or are withdrawn from a course prior to Southern Union’s published
withdrawal date (refer to the current semester’s calendar), you will receive a grade of “W” for that course.
Financial Aid Attendance Verification
At the beginning of each semester, instructors are required by the federal government to complete an
Attendance Verification for enrolled students participating in certain tuition assistance programs. In a
distance education context, you logging into an online class is not sufficient proof to demonstrate
academic attendance. The instructor must document that you have participated in class, or were
otherwise engaged in an academically related activity, in order to be considered as attending an online
If you are reported for non-attendance in a class, you will be withdrawn by the Financial Aid Office. This
may affect any financial aid awards you have. You may ask the instructor for readmission to the course
before the deadline date assigned by the Financial Aid Office. It is the decision of the instructor whether
you will be allowed to be reinstated in the course. (See the Student Responsibilities in Distance Education
section below.)
Online Course Attendance
Classes labeled as “Online” do not have required on-campus meetings or tests. The instructor will provide
the content of the course through Canvas and the student is responsible for accessing the information
and completing assigned work by the published deadlines. It is required that the student have a computer
with internet access, working webcam and microphone. Testing will be conducted online and the
instructor may require that the student use testing security software to complete exams or quizzes.
Hybrid Course Attendance
Check your class schedule closely for any required on-campus meeting(s). Any hybrid courses you are
enrolled in will require you to attend weekly or occasional mandatory on-campus sessions. Hybrid
courses may also require additional on-campus tests, labs, or other activities as indicated in the course
syllabus. If you are enrolled in a hybrid course, you may also be required to complete an on-campus final
exam/evaluation. If you cannot appear on campus for the final exam at the required time, contact the
instructor a minimum of three (3) weeks in advance to request arrangements for an approved
alternative session. Approval is determined by the importance of the excuse and at the instructor’s
Virtual Course Attendance
Virtual courses are a mixture of online attendance at a scheduled class time and online course work.
Attendance during the scheduled class time is required. Check the schedule closely to be sure that the
meeting times for the class do not interfere with other scheduled activities.
Hardware/Software Requirements
Technical Support
The College is committed to providing you quality and timely technical support in your distance education
If you experience technical problems in a distance education course hosted on the College’s LMS, you
should first consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) module posted on the Distance Education
webpage found under the Programs of Study link at www.suscc.edu. Below are some of the more
common technical issues and solutions for online students.
Links that do not work
o For links in your course that do not work or take you to the wrong webpage, contact the
course instructor.
Canvas login
o If you experience problems logging into Canvas, you should email [email protected] or
call any campus and dial extension 5499, 5346, or 5489 during normal college business
o If you need your Canvas password reset, you should email [email protected].
Quizzes using Respondus Lockdown Browser/Monitor
o The first point of contact for a quiz issue is the course instructor. If you do not receive a
response within 24 hours, email [email protected] or call any campus and dial
extension 5499, 5346, or 5489 during normal business hours. In an emergency situation,
you may be able to take quizzes using the Lockdown Browser on the computers in the
LRC during College operating hours. It is imperative that you not wait to take a test until
the last few hours that your test is available, in case you have an unforeseen issue. Many
instructors do not give extensions due to poor planning.
Assignment submissions through Canvas
o Contact the course instructor for an issue with an assignment.
o If the problem seems to be with Canvas, search the Canvas Guides, or contact Canvas
24/7 Support by clicking the Help button in the blue global navigation bar in Canvas.
Publisher websites to which you have been directed within the course.
o If you experience technical problems in an online course hosted on a publisher-provided
course management system such as MyLab, MindTap, Launchpad, etc., your instructor
may direct you to contact the publisher’s technical support team first. You should follow
the instructions for obtaining publisher technical support provided in the course modules
and/or the course syllabus. If you seek assistance from such a source, you must keep the
instructor informed during the process, in case the problem is not resolved immediately.
Technical problems with the Canvas LMS.
o If you experience problems with the Canvas LMS, you have 24/7 technical support
available by clicking on the Help link in the blue navigation bar on the left side of the
Canvas Dashboard. You may choose to enter a chat session with a support person or call
the technical support number listed in the menu.
o Canvas support cannot help you with login information or access to links or publisher
content within the course. Email [email protected] and provide your SUSCC email
address and student ID number for password assistance.
Final exams through ProctorU
o For computer issues while setting up a ProctorU student account, click on the ProctorU
link in the left navigation menu in your course, and chat with support using the Chatbot
tool at the bottom of the screen. Search for your issue or type “Transfer” in the Chatbot
message box to chat with a support person.
o For problems that arise during the scheduled testing time, a ProctorU technician will work
with you to try and resolve any problems that arise.
o If you miss your test appointment, first contact ProctorU to find out if there is enough time
to reschedule the test. If the deadline is near, the next person to contact is the course
instructor. This should be done immediately to improve the likelihood of being allowed to
If these resources do not provide a solution to your problem, then you should contact your course
instructor. If your course instructor is unable to help you resolve the issue, you should contact the
College’s Distance Education Department by email at [email protected] or phone at extension 5516 or
5378. Be sure to stay in contact with your instructor throughout the support process.
Southern Union State Community College does not provide hardware support or repair. If enrolled in a
distance education course, you are responsible for having a certain level of technical ability or locating
outside help when experiencing issues with hardware, software, settings, and etc. on your personal
computer. A reliable computer and Internet connection are vital to success in distance education courses.
The lack of such will not be an excuse for poor performance in a class.
Communication in Distance Education Courses
You should check the course syllabus for instructor specific policies regarding the timeline for responses
to student communication (email, discussion posts, etc.) in distance education courses. Instructors will
post office hours in each course which reflect times they will respond to student communication without
long delays. Outside of these availability hours, instructors should respond to you within 24 hours, with
the exception of holidays, weekends or college closings. In those cases, instructors may not respond until
classes resume.
Netiquette (Online Etiquette)
What does “netiquette” mean? The word netiquette is a combination of “net” (from “Internet”) and
“etiquette”. It means respecting other users’ views and displaying common courtesy in email and
when posting your views to online discussion groups.
Here are a few do's and don'ts about online communication in your courses.
Be prepared for some delays in response time, as "virtual" communication tends to be slower
than "face-to-face" communication.
Check the syllabus and course policies stated by your instructor to know what to expect about
your instructor's turnaround time for responding.
Ask questions and engage in conversations as often as possible—feel free to contact the
instructor according to their preferred method of contact.
Be patient and respectful of others and the ideas and opinions they post online.
Be courteous and precise.
Always use your instructors' proper title: Dr., Mrs., Mr., Ms. Unless specifically invited, do not refer
to them by first name.
Use professional language and grammar as you would at a job. For example, the pronoun “I”
should always be capitalized, and so should proper nouns, even though you may not do that
when texting a friend.
Refrain from personal abuse. You may politely express disagreement with what someone says,
but don't call them names or threaten them with personal violence.
Contact the instructor if you feel that you have received an inappropriate email within your online
When emailing your instructor, keep related emails in the same thread. Only begin a new email
thread for a new topic. That way you and your instructor can refer back to information earlier in
your conversation without searching for previous emails.
Proofread your message carefully for errors before sending it.
Use inappropriate language—this includes, but is not limited to, the use of profanity, sarcasm,
insults, and acronyms or terms that imply obscene, violent, or otherwise inappropriate things.
Post copyrighted material without an appropriate citation. When in doubt, check with your
Post inappropriate materials—for example, do not post pictures that are violent in nature; pictures
of scantily clad or nude people, pictures of people with alcoholic beverages, or pictures of others
without their knowledge or permission.
Post in ALL CAPS, as this is perceived as shouting.
Overuse emoticons.
Use abbreviations or informal language and grammar, such as "I'll C U L8R" or “what time am i
meeting u at southern union”
Send heated messages, even if you are provoked. Likewise, if you should happen to receive a
heated message, do not respond to it.
Send an email to the entire class.
Discussion Board Posts
When posting on the Discussion Board in your online class, you should:
Make posts that are on topic and within the scope of the course material.
Take your posts seriously, and review and edit your posts before sending.
Be as brief as possible while still making a thorough comment.
Always give proper credit when referencing or quoting another source.
Be sure to read all messages in a thread before replying.
Don’t repeat someone else’s post without adding something of your own to it.
Avoid short, generic replies such as, “I agree.” You should include why you agree or add to the
previous point.
Always be respectful of others’ opinions even when they differ from your own. Be open-minded.
When you disagree with someone, you should express your differing opinion in a respectful,
non-critical way.
Do not make personal or insulting remarks.
Proofread your posts carefully for errors before posting.
Note: Instructors will monitor student discussion posts in their classes and ensure that unsuitable posts
are removed as soon as possible. If the inappropriate post is for a graded discussion, the student will
receive a grade of 0.
Student Profiles
Your student profiles are a useful tool for promoting interaction with your classmates in distance education
courses. You are encouraged to upload a suitable photo to your student profile in Canvas and/or email.
Your photo must be a “yearbook” style image of only you (not a group photo). In other words, you photo
should be a headshot with a plain background and contain no images of alcohol, tobacco, drugs,
profanity, racial slurs, offensive slogans, or clothing that is excessively revealing. Instructors will monitor
the profiles of students in their classes and ensure that unsuitable photos are removed as soon as
Testing Policies in Distance Education
Hybrid classes
Hybrid classes require on-campus meetings and typically require some on-campus testing. Tests may be
administered and taken either online or on-campus, as required by the instructor. A special internet
browser, called the Respondus Lockdown Browser, may be required by your instructor for online tests.
This browser “locks” the computer screen to prevent access to other websites during the testing process.
An instructor may also require a recording of the examination process through the use of a webcam and
mic. You can find more information about the Lockdown Browser and Monitor on the SUSCC website.
Most hybrid classes require on-campus testing for the final exam. This may occur during a published
meeting date or at a time and date announced during the semester. Please check the announcement
closely and note the building and room where the exam will be held, as most staff will not be aware of the
location of each test. Be prepared to present a photo ID for admission to the testing location.
Online and Virtual classes
Online classes do not require any on-campus meetings. All testing takes place online. The instructor may
choose to use the Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor or publisher-provided software for testing
during the semester.
The final exam in all online classes and most virtual classes will be proctored through a live online
proctoring service. Currently Southern Union uses ProctorU for online testing. The nonrefundable cost of
proctoring is charged at the time of course registration and paid by the student along with tuition. More
information about testing with ProctorU is located on the ProctorU site, which can be accessed through a
link within your Canvas course or www.proctoru.com. During the semester, your instructor will have you
schedule a final exam appointment within a certain time period with ProctorU. At the time of your
appointment, be prepared to present a government-issued photo identification to prove identity.
To take an exam with ProctorU, you are required to have a reliable high-speed internet connection, a
working webcam with a microphone, and a private testing location. Testing cannot take place in a public
location, such as a library or the SUSCC student center.
As representatives of the College with a proctoring service or any third-party service, you are expected to
be respectful, and behave professionally. Unacceptable conduct includes inappropriate language. This
and other offensive behaviors will result in loss of the privilege of registering for distance education
courses, and other possible disciplinary action.
Student Responsibilities in Distance Education
1. As a student enrolled in a distance education course at Southern Union State Community
College, you will be required to follow the same guidelines and policies that apply to students
enrolled in traditional, face-to-face instructional courses.
2. You should never share personal information through digital communication, because email
or social media messages may be easily intercepted or received by individuals other than the
intended recipient.
3. You should login to your distance education course(s) on the day classes begin for the
semester so you don’t miss important information or a deadline. You must log in to your
course within the first week of the beginning course date and complete the assignment
designated to verify attendance. If you fail to do so, the instructor will report you as not
attending, and you will be dropped from the course.
4. You are responsible for the security of your login information to email, the student web portal
(Banner), Canvas, and other electronic media used through the College which might contain
your identifying information.
5. If you do not interact with a course for a period of three weeks (consecutive or not) in spring
or fall semester, you may be administratively withdrawn from that course. For summer and
mini-terms, this period is two weeks. See your instructor’s policy for Administrative
Withdrawal in your course syllabus for more information.
6. Drop/add dates for each semester are applicable to all Southern Union State Community
College courses. Therefore, all refund and payment deadlines are applicable to distance
education courses and traditional courses alike. Refund policies can be found in the Student
Handbook and Catalog and the class schedule in Banner.
7. Courses that do not achieve minimum enrollment numbers, based on current administrative
guidelines, will be removed (cancelled) from the listing of active course offerings. If this
happens to a course you are enrolled in, you will be notified by phone and/or email. You are
responsible for checking phone and email messages. You will have a limited time at the
beginning of the semester to add a new course to replace the one that was cancelled.
8. You will be held to the requirements posted in the instructor's syllabus.
9. All course complaints should first be discussed with the instructor. If the issue is not resolved
at that level, you should request a conference with the department/division chairperson. As a
last resort, the you may file a formal academic appeal by completing the appropriate form.
Academic Appeal forms may be requested in any Instructional Dean’s office. Additional
details regarding complaints and appeals are located in the Student Handbook and College
10. Southern Union State Community College does not provide personal Internet access or
computer use to distance education students. The College does maintain computer labs on
each campus with internet access that you may use during posted hours of operation. The
College also provides wireless Internet service in almost every building on each campus.
However, the College does not hold any responsibility for interruptions in Internet or Wi-Fi
service or the loss of use of your personal computer through any mishap or misfortune.
11. You are afforded the same rights and services in distance education courses as offered by
Southern Union State Community College to students enrolled in traditional, on-campus
12. For certain courses, additional software may be required to interact with the course. These
additional requirements will be indicated in the course syllabus. Acquisition and installation of
such software is your responsibility.
13. You are responsible for maintaining up-to-date, effective virus protection software on your
own computer. Although the College takes reasonable precautions to prevent transmission of
harmful files, no computer network is impenetrable. Therefore, the College assumes no
responsibility for loss of data or other damage resulting from the transmission of computer
viruses which may occur during online course interactions.
Student Services
Access to Campus Facilities and Services
You are entitled to use all on-campus facilities, such as libraries, bookstores, tutoring labs, and
computer labs with presentation of a valid student ID. In addition, links on the College’s website
provide access to, or information on, all student resources and services, including the Student
Handbook and Catalog, registration, library/research assistance, advising, financial aid, tutoring,
and more.
Southern Union State Community College has an open-door admissions policy to assure optimal
higher educational opportunities. The College admits eligible applicants for the fall, spring, and
summer semesters. Southern Union welcomes high school graduates, GED recipients, transfer or
transient students from other colleges and universities, and former SU students. There are also
opportunities for high school students who meet SU admissions requirements to enroll in college
classes, concurrently with high school classes, to earn dual-enrollment or accelerated college
The Application for General Admission to the College may be completed online, printed and filled
out, picked up from the Admissions Office during business hours, or requested at the following
Southern Union State Community College Admissions Office
750 Roberts Street
Wadley, Alabama 36276
Directions for any of these methods can be found on the Admissions Overview page on the
SUSCC website.
Student Records
All records at the College are retained in accordance with policies established by the Alabama
Department of Archives and History and the Alabama State Board of Education.
You may obtain a copy of your SUSCC transcript by completing a transcript request form at any
Southern Union Admissions/Records Office, by mailing or faxing a request to the Records office,
or online through the mySUSCC Student Portal. You may also print an unofficial transcript from
the student portal. The Admissions and Records Office also provides letters of good standing,
insurance verifications, midterm alerts, and other specialized certifications.
Financial Aid
The College provides financial aid to students of academic promise and financial need. Part-time
employment, scholarships, grants, and loans assist students who have difficulty meeting the
financial obligations of the College. All students applying for financial aid under any of the
programs in which aid is awarded on a “need basis” must apply using the Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the Southern Union State Community College institutional
information form. Financial aid counseling is available on all campuses during business hours.
Additional information, links, and forms are available on the College website.
College Policies
Attendance Policy
Attendance policies for hybrid and virtual courses are the same as for traditional on-campus
courses. If a distance education course includes scheduled in-class or virtual sessions, you are
expected to attend each session, to arrive on time, and to remain for the entire class period.
You are required to complete course activities to be considered as participating in a distance
education class. Just logging into Canvas or entering a course is never considered valid for
attendance purposes.
Faculty will record attendance from the first day of the semester. Excessive absences, regardless
of the reason or circumstance, may interfere with your ability to successfully complete the
requirements of the course. In such cases, you should withdraw from the class before the last
date to drop with a grade of “W”. See the college calendar on the SUSCC website for this date.
Withdrawal from class may affect eligibility for federal financial aid. You should contact the
Financial Aid Office for information regarding eligibility.
Financial Aid and Attendance
If you are the recipient of Title IV funds, you must attend classes to receive aid. If you fail to
attend classes for which you are enrolled, no financial aid will be awarded for those courses, and
you will be administratively withdrawn or dropped from those classes not attended.
If you stop attending classes during the semester, you also may be reported for nonattendance
and may be administratively withdrawn or dropped from those classes. A calculation will be
performed at the time of withdrawal for all students who withdraw or are administratively
withdrawn from all of their classes prior to completion of 60% of the semester in order to
determine return of Title IV funds
Make-up Policy
You are expected to adhere to the activity deadlines set by the instructor in each class. The
instructor is not required to provide an opportunity for make-up work. The instructor’s policies
regarding make-up work should be clearly defined in the course syllabus.
Withdrawal from a Single Course
If you wish to drop a single course, you may do so online or by completing a “Drop/Add Form” from
the Records Office. Prior to the deadline date specified in the college calendar as the last day to
withdraw with a grade of “W,” you will receive a grade of “W” for any course dropped. Withdrawal
after the date specified in the calendar is permitted only under extenuating circumstances and
requires the approval of the appropriate instructional dean. After the withdrawal date, a grade of
“W” is assigned if you are doing satisfactory work and approval is given. Otherwise, a grade of “F”
is assigned. You may not drop a course in which a final grade has been earned prior to the
published date to withdraw.
Withdrawal from the College
You may withdraw from the College online by logging into the Internet through the MySUSCC
Student Portal or by obtaining a “Withdrawal Request Form” from the Admissions Office. Any
withdrawal before the deadline specified in the calendar will result in a grade of “W” in all courses.
After the date specified in the calendar, a grade of “W” (withdrawn, not failing) will be assigned,
only if you are doing satisfactory work at the time of withdrawal and extenuating circumstances
apply. A grade of “F” will be assigned if you are not doing passing work at the time of withdrawal
or if you fail to follow the above procedure.
Administrative Withdrawal
You may be dropped (withdrawn) administratively from any course for failure to attend class when
you have missed more than 20% of the total number of hours that the class meets. The number
of absences resulting in administrative withdrawal may differ in programs that lead to board
licensure or certification, but are clearly stated in the course syllabus. For online classes with no
class meetings, you may be administratively withdrawn after three weeks of non-attendance in
the fall and spring semesters or two weeks of non-attendance in the summer semester.
Administrative withdrawal from class may affect eligibility for federal financial aid. You should
contact the Financial Aid Office for more information. If you are administratively withdrawn from a
class, you will also be withdrawn from all co-requisite classes, if any. See the Student Handbook
and Catalog for more details.
Accessibility and Privacy Statements
Privacy Statements for each tool used in distance education where students are required to enter
personal information to login can be found on the Login & Technical Support page on the SUSCC
website or the Student Resources link in the Canvas Modules of any course. Please email
[email protected] if you have difficulty locating these statements.
Final Grade Reports/Midterm Alerts
At the close of each term, an individual report showing your scholastic record is accessible online
in your mySUSCC account. You may access your final course grades by logging into the
mySUSCC student web portal (Banner) using the secure login you were issued upon application
to the College. These grades are a part of your permanent record and will be recorded on your
official transcript.
At the option of each instructor, midterm progress reports may be sent to students who are in
danger of failing a course. Midterm alerts are distributed via the student’s SUSCC email account.
Complaints & Grievances
Southern Union strives to resolve all complaints in an informal manner through discussion
between the affected parties. You should first try to resolve your complaint with the staff or faculty
member involved. If the situation is unresolved, you should next speak with the appropriate
department chairperson, program director, or supervisor of the program. After that, an unresolved
issue should be presented to the appropriate dean. If there is still no resolution to the issue, you
may file a written complaint. Refer to the Student Handbook and Catalog for further instructions on
this process.
Academic Grade Appeal Procedure
The College has established a grade appeal procedure to be used if you have a valid reason to
believe that a grade you received for an examination, a written/oral presentation, a clinical, a lab,
or a project is inaccurate. This procedure will be followed for all students whether enrolled in
courses held on campus in a traditional classroom setting or courses that are delivered via
distance learning formats. Additional details regarding academic grade appeals can be found in
the Academic Policies section of the Student Handbook and Catalog on the college website.
Out of State Students
Southern Union has joined the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements
or NC-SARA. The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement is an agreement among member
states, districts and territories that establishes comparable national standards for interstate
offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs. It is intended to make it
easier for students to take distance education courses offered by postsecondary institutions
based in a state other than their home state.
For additional policies see the Student Handbook and Catalog.
Privacy and Digital Security
Policy for Protecting the Privacy of Students Enrolled in Distance Education
FERPA: Southern Union State Community College protects the privacy of all students, including
those enrolled in distance education courses/programs, through strict adherence to the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). The official FERPA statement is available
for students and public view in the Student Handbook and Catalog.
Secure Login and Password: Each distance education faculty member and student will enter
their unique SUSCC email and password to access the Canvas learning management system.
This combination of the user’s unique email and password identifies faculty members and students
to the system upon each visit. All parties accept responsibility for the security of their personal
passwords and must not share them with anyone. Student and faculty information is protected and
separated from other users within the Canvas learning/teaching environment and from outside
The Distance Education Department considers all account login information, grades, and other
student information as confidential. For additional account security, users should change the
default password in their Canvas account upon the first login. Passwords should be kept
confidential to prevent unauthorized access to coursework. Forgotten passwords must be reset
by contacting [email protected].
Additional Security of Online Coursework: Faculty members teaching online classes will
promote the security of students’ personal data and course grades by utilizing the course
management system grade book that (1) contains only students enrolled through the Student
Information System and (2) prohibits students from accessing other students’ grades. Grades will
not be posted in any manner that identifies students.
Many security features, such as those listed below, are provided within the course management
system. Instructors are encouraged to utilize as many of these as necessary to ensure the safety,
security, and integrity of student coursework:
Embedded automatic “save” mechanisms that record student answers immediately upon
entry for homework exercises and assignments to prevent accidental loss of data.
Frequent back-up of the online course and/or separate back-up of student assignment
Algorithmic generation of test and homework items that ensures each student receives a
question with a different answer [b7] than every other student attempting the same
Instructor-provided passwords for quizzes, tests, and other graded assignments.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against any qualified person
regardless of his or her disability. The College strives to create a welcoming environment and will
work in good faith to meet the needs of all populations. All reasonable and appropriate
accommodations for qualified disabled students, applicants, or employees, will be met unless to
do so would present an undue hardship to the College. To request accommodations, students
with disabilities should provide official documentation of the disability to the ADA Coordinator on
their campus. The documentation should address the specific accommodation and should be
dated within three years of the enrollment date. The ADA Coordinator will give the student
appropriate paperwork for notifying their instructors of the desired accommodations. The student
will be responsible for reviewing this paperwork with each instructor and agreeing on reasonable
and appropriate accommodations on a course-by-course basis. Students should update their
information with the ADA Coordinator on the courses for which they are seeking accommodations
each semester.
Mrs. Cydney Mathews Mrs. Carol Howell Ms. Robin Brown
Opelika Campus Wadley Campus Valley Campus
(334) 745-6437 x5488 (256) 395-2211 x5151 (334) 756-4151 x5204
Under the Federal Family Educational and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. 1232g, Southern Union State
Community College may disclose certain student information as “directory information.”
Directory information includes the names, addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, and
major fields of study of students, as well as information about students’ participation in officially
recognized activities and sports, the weight and height of members of athletic teams, the dates
of attendance by students, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous
educational agency or institution attended by a respective student. If any student has an
objection to any of the aforementioned information being released during any given term or
academic year, the student should notify the Registrar through written communication.
Notification of Student rights under FERPA - FERPA affords students certain rights with respect
to their education records.
These rights are:
1. The right to inspect and to review the student’s education records.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records to ensure that
they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or
other rights.
3. The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the
student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure
without consent.
4. The right to file with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint concerning alleged
failures by Southern Union State Community College to comply with the requirements
5. The right to obtain a copy of Southern Union State Community College’s student
records policy, which is available at the Records Office.
Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright Policies
Introduction and Definitions
Southern Union State Community College recognizes and values creativity and innovation as part of the
teaching and learning process. Similarly, the College recognizes the importance of new knowledge
generated within the College and wishes to encourage the transfer of this knowledge to the private sector
for the public good. At the same time, as a publicly funded institution, the College must be a good steward
of the public resources provided to it, and must safeguard against the use of public funds for private gain.
This policy addresses the rights to, interest in, and protection and transfer of Intellectual Property created
by the College’s faculty, staff and students.
For purposes of this policy: “Intellectual Property” means inventions, discoveries, innovations and
copyrightable works.
“Invention” means a tangible or intangible discovery, whether or not reduced to practice, and tangible
research products, whether or not patentable or copyrightable. Such research products include, but are
not limited to, computer programs, integrated circuit designs, industrial designs, databases, technical
drawings, equipment, biological materials and other technical creations.
“Copyrightable Works” mean original works of authorship fixed in tangible media of expression.
Ownership of any Intellectual Property created by a student enrolled at the College, such as written
compositions, musical scores, scriptures, sculptures, paintings, photographs, films, videotapes and
computer software, shall be vested in the student unless the student has been employed by the College
to create the Intellectual Property. Any works created by students using College resources belong to the
Use of Intellectual Property: Submitted Work as Part of Course Requirements
1. When a student submits work as a course requirement, the student retains ownership of the
work, but ownership of the physical or electronic document shall be vested in the College. The
College is granted a perpetual, royalty-free license by the submitting student to make copies of
the work for administrative and educational purposes.
2. The College and its faculty, staff, and students recognize that some Intellectual Property may
arise or be developed by students from interaction with the instructor and other students. Under
those circumstances, the Intellectual Property may not be the exclusive property of the student.
3. When a student’s work has been accepted for publication by a journal or a publisher, absent an
agreement to the contrary, the work becomes the property of the publisher.
Use of Intellectual Property: Computer Programs
When a program is developed for a course project or assignment by a student, ownership is retained by
the student, with the College having a perpetual and royalty-free license to make and distribute copies to
faculty, staff, and students for administrative and educational purposes.
Compensation for Creation of Intellectual Property
The College does not compensate students for intellectual property of any kind developed as part of the
creator’s normal course assignments.
Copyright Issues
Intellectual Property rights for Copyrightable Works are earned through ownership, which is established
according to the rules set forth earlier in this policy. Students must comply with all federal copyright laws
in the creation and use of intellectual property, whether such property is created for compensation,
created or used as part of a course requirement, or created or used as part of normal employment duties.
In particular, the College complies with Public Law 110-315 (the Higher Education Opportunity Act), which
requires the institution to take measures to combat unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials
through illegal downloading or peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing of music, photographs, videos or other
digitally stored information.
The U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) criminalizes such unlawful distribution, even when
such distribution is unintentional.
Resolution of Disputes
All complaints regarding the ownership of Intellectual Property, its use, compensation for its development,
and/or use of revenue derived from its sale shall be addressed through the College’s standard Grievance
and Appeal procedures as established in the Employee Handbook.