Your Policy Document
Eective from 1 July 2019
Important - Please Read!
Thank you for choosing International Student travel
insurance. We want You to have a safe and pleasant
time in New Zealand and to be confident knowing
what You are covered for if the unexpected happens.
This Policy only provides cover for Unexpected
Events affecting Your Journey. We want to be able to
pay Your claim in the event of a qualifying loss, so it is
important that You understand Your obligations and
the limitations of cover under this Policy. Please take
the time to read this Policy wording.
About Southern Cross Travel Insurance Page 3
Understanding Your Policy Page 4
Other Important Information Page 8
Schedule of Benefits Page 10
Definitions Page 12
General Conditions of this Policy Applying to All Sections Page 16
General Exclusions of this Policy Applying to All Sections Page 20
Section 1 Medical & Evacuation Page 23
Section 2 Changes to Your Journey Page 28
Section 3 Personal Accident Page 31
Section 4 Personal Liability Page 32
Section 5 Rental Vehicle Excess Page 33
Section 6 Cash & Travel Documents Page 33
Section 7 Baggage & Personal Items Page 34
About Southern Cross
Travel Insurance
Southern Cross Benefits Limited, trading as Southern Cross Travel
Insurance (SCTI), is the insurer of this Policy. Any reference to ‘We’, ‘Us’ or
‘Our’ in this Policy wording, means SCTI.
Financial strength rating
Southern Cross Benefits Limited has an A (Strong) financial strength rating
given by Standard & Poor’s (Australia) Pty Ltd.
AAA (Extremely Strong)
AA (Very Strong)
A (Strong)
BBB (Good)
BB (Marginal)
B (Weak)
CCC (Very Weak)
CC (Extremely Weak)
SD or D (Selective Default or
R (Regulatory Supervision)
NR (Not Rated)
Ratings from ‘AA’ to ‘CCC’ may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or
minus (-) sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories.
Full details of the rating scale are available at
Standard and Poor’s (Australia) Pty Ltd is an approved agency under the
Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act 2010.
Complaints & Disputes
SCTI is a registered financial service provider and a member of the
Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO) Scheme, which is an
approved dispute resolution scheme.
If You have a complaint or dispute about the services We provide You,
please follow Our Internal Disputes Resolution (IDR) process.
If Your complaint or dispute is not satisfactorily resolved, You can then
follow Our External Disputes Resolution (EDR) process and refer the matter
to the IFSO.
For more information or to access the free and independent IFSO process
please call 0800 888 202, or visit
. Please go to Our website to
view Our IDR and EDR processes.
How you can reach us
Email us: [email protected].nz
Call us from New Zealand: 0800 784 691
Call us from overseas: +64 9 979 6597
Call Southern Cross Emergency Assistance: +64 9 359 1602
Understanding Your Policy
This Policy wording contains information on this Policy’s main benefits and
features and is designed to help You decide if this travel insurance is right
for You.
This Policy wording outlines the Policys features, benefits, terms, conditions and
exclusions. Please ensure You read and understand the Policy wording, including:
Schedule of Benefits’ (page 10) which states the section limits and sub
limits for the Policy and cover type You select.
‘Definitions’ (page 12) which sets out the definitions of certain words
that appear throughout the Policy wording. Words which are defined
begin with capital letters and have specific meanings.
‘General Conditions of this Policy Applying to All Sections’
(page 16).
‘General Exclusions of this Policy Applying to All Sections
(page 20).
In relation to any claim made under any section of this Policy, the maximum
amount We will pay, subject to any applicable sub limit, is the section limit
specified in the Schedule of Benefits.
To be eligible to apply for and to receive cover under this Policy, You must:
(a) hold, or intend to hold, a current New Zealand student visa for the
duration of the time that You are studying in New Zealand (or a visitor visa
if studying for no more than three months); and
(b) be enrolled at a New Zealand education provider and, at Our request, be
able to provide confirmation to Us that You were regularly attending the
classes for which You enrolled up until the time You submitted a claim.
You are not eligible for this Policy if You:
(c) are travelling to New Zealand with the intention of obtaining medical or
dental treatment, cosmetic surgery, or related advice; or
(d) have been advised by a registered medical practitioner that You are not fit
to travel.
Please refer to general condition 22 (page 18).
How To Apply
You can buy an International Student Policy online at or by
completing an application through Your Designated Agent.
A requirement of this Policy is that You must have access to a valid email
address in order for SCTI to communicate with You on all matters relating to
Your Policy, and a New Zealand bank account to receive any claim payment
relating to Your Policy. Please refer to general condition 7 (page 16).
If We accept Your application for insurance, We provide confirmation of this
by emailing You:
a copy of the Policy document; and
Your Certificate of Insurance, which sets out details of Your Policy
including Your premium, cover type, Start Date of Journey, End Date of
Insurance, and any conditions applying to Your Policy; and
if applicable, written confirmation of cover for specified items and/or
Covered Conditions.
Together, these documents set out the terms and conditions of Your Policy.
Cover Types
There are two cover types available:
Individual’: applies to one person who is named on the Certificate of
Family’: applies to either:
(a) one person and any of their Dependent Children; or
(b) one person, their Spouse and any of their Dependent Children;
all of whom are named on the Certificate of Insurance and are travelling
together on the same itinerary.
Please refer to general condition 23 (page 18).
Your Premium
When You apply for Your Policy, You will be advised of the premium. The
premium is based on a number of factors, including the cover type, number
and age of people covered, length of Journey and specified items. Your total
premium will include government taxes, including Goods and Services Tax
(GST) if applicable.
Cooling-Off Period
If You are not completely satisfied with Your Policy, You have cooling-off rights
and may be entitled to a refund of Your premium. Please refer to general
condition 35 (page 19).
Limits On Cover
You need to be aware that cover under this Policy contains limits. A summary
of some of the key limits is set out in this Policy wording. Full details of Your
cover are set out in this Policy wording. Some examples are:
If You are thinking about living permanently in New Zealand, We would
strongly recommend that You review Your Policy and its suitability for
Your circumstances. Once You are a permanent resident of New Zealand,
You are no longer eligible for cover under this Policy.
If You return to Your Home Country on a temporary basis, for a period of
no more than 90 days, You will receive cover in accordance with the terms
of the Policy, up to a maximum of $20,000 per Policy. You must hold a
return ticket to New Zealand at all times and You must intend to return to
New Zealand.
Some limits under this Policy are applied ‘per year.’ This means that in
the twelve months following the Start Date of Insurance of Your first
International Student Policy, You can only claim up to the maximum
amount for that benefit. This is regardless of whether or not You have
purchased more than one International Student Policy during that year.
Where a particular benefit has no sub limit specified, the section limit set
out in the Schedule of Benefits on page 10 is the maximum amount We
will pay for all claims under that section.
Pre-Existing Medical Conditions
Unless accepted by Us first in writing, Your Pre-Existing Medical Conditions
are excluded under this Policy.
We consider any medical or physical conditions, symptoms or circumstances
which You are aware of, or a reasonable person in Your circumstances ought
to have been aware of, prior to Your Start Date of Insurance to be Pre-Existing
Medical Conditions. This is regardless of whether or not a diagnosis has been
made. If Your Pre-Existing Medical Conditions are undiagnosed, We are
unable to assess them and they will remain excluded under Your Policy.
To seek cover for Your Pre-Existing Medical Conditions please call Us on
0800 784 691 (within New Zealand) or +64 9 979 6597 (outside New
Zealand) within 31 days of purchasing Your Policy to complete a medical
assessment, and We will advise whether We can offer cover for Your
Pre-Existing Medical Condition(s).
Any Pre-Existing Medical Conditions that We exclude from cover, You choose
not to seek cover for, or do not tell Us about, will remain excluded under Your
There are also some conditions that We are unable to offer cover for, even
if they manifest during Your Period of Insurance. These are listed under
‘General Exclusions of this Policy Applying to All Sections.
Please refer to general exclusions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (page 20) and the
‘Pre- Existing Medical Condition’ definition (page 14).
Covered Conditions
A Covered Condition is:
(a) a medical or physical condition that You disclosed to Us at the time of
completing Your application, for which We have confirmed cover in
writing; or
(b) an Illness or Injury that first manifests itself after Your Start Date of
Insurance but prior to Your Start Date of Journey, for which You have
notified Us and We have confirmed cover in writing.
Please refer to the ‘Covered Condition’ definition (page 12).
Your Obligations After Your Start Date of Insurance but Prior to
Your Start Date of Journey
You must notify Us at [email protected] of any Illness or Injury, or change in Your
Covered Condition, that arises after Your Start Date of Insurance but prior to
Your Start Date of Journey.
Unless We have confirmed cover in writing, We will not pay any claims arising
directly or indirectly from Your Illness or Injury, or the change in Your Covered
Condition, other than where You qualify for cover under and in accordance
with Section 2.1 Changes to Your Journey.
Any further deposits or payments made in relation to Your Journey after
You become aware of Your Illness or Injury, or the change in Your Covered
Condition, are at Your own risk, and will not be covered should You need to
make a claim.
Please refer to general condition 2 (page 16).
Medical Cover
Private hospital treatment is not automatically covered under this Policy so
You must first seek public hospital treatment.
Please refer to ‘Losses We Do Not Cover Under Section 1’ (a) (page 27).
Chronic Injury or Illness
If, during Your Journey, You suffer a Chronic Injury or Illness, We will reimburse You
(a) actual and reasonable Medical Expenses incurred in New Zealand
during the 12 month period from the date We confirm in writing that You have
a Chronic Injury or Illness; and
(b) costs to repatriate You to Your Home Country at the end of the 12
month period.
Cover for Your Chronic Injury or Illness will cease at the end of the 12 month
period, or on Your final return to Your Home Country, whichever occurs first.
If Your Policy expires before the end of the 12 month period, Your Period of
Insurance will be extended at no charge until the end of the 12 month period or
Your final return to Your Home Country, whichever occurs first.
Please refer to Section 1 Medical & Evacuation (page 23).
Changes to Your Journey Relating to an Immediate
Family Member
Cover under Section 2 Changes to Your Journey is only available for Unexpected
Events that directly relate to You, or an Immediate Family member located in Your
Home Country or New Zealand.
It is important to consider the health of Your Immediate Family when You arrange
travel insurance. There are limits on when and what cover is available where a
claim involves an Existing Condition of an Immediate Family Member. Please refer
to the ‘Existing Condition of an Immediate Family Member’ definition (page 12)
and ‘Conditions Applying to Section 2’ (page 29).
Cover for Your Personal Items
If Your personal items are lost, stolen or damaged, We are entitled to choose
between repairing the item, reinstating the item, issuing a store credit at a supplier
of Our choice, or paying You in accordance with the benefit under Section 7.1
Lost, Stolen & Damaged Items (page 34).
There is limited cover for high value items under this Policy. If You are taking high
value items with You on Your Journey and You would like these items covered at
their current value, You must specify them during the application process and We
will confirm in writing if We are willing to offer cover for the specified items .
An additional premium will be payable for this additional cover and You must
provide Us with the brand and model of the specified item(s).
For specified items, there are specific proof of ownership and value requirements
under this Policy. If You cannot meet these requirements, this Policy may not be
right for You.
Please refer to the ‘Schedule of Benefits’ (page 10), Section 7 Baggage & Personal
Items (page 34) and ‘Conditions Applying to Sections 6 & 7’ (page 35).
When & Where Cover Starts & Ends
Cover commences under Section 2.1 Changes to Your Journey on Your Start Date
of Insurance. Cover under all other sections of the Policy commences on Your
Start Date of Journey and You are covered:
(a) while in New Zealand; and
(b) departing Your Home Country travelling to New Zealand (inclusive of transit
stops) for up to 10 days; and
(c) departing New Zealand travelling to Your Home Country (inclusive of transit
stops) for up to 10 days; and
(d) for multiple leisure holidays from New Zealand to Australia and the South
Pacific and returning to New Zealand, for up to 31 days.
While on a visit to Your Home Country You are covered in accordance with the
terms of the Policy, up to a maximum of $20,000 per Policy, provided:
(a) You depart from New Zealand on a temporary basis for no more than 90
days; and
(b) You hold a return ticket to New Zealand at all times; and
(c) You intend to return to New Zealand.
Your cover ceases when You have been outside New Zealand on a temporary
basis for more than 90 days or on Your End Date of Insurance, whichever
occurs earlier.
Please refer to the ‘Start Date of Insurance’ definition (page 15), ‘Start Date of
Journey’ definition (page 15), ‘End Date of Insurance’ definition (page 12) and
general condition 24 (page 18).
Emergency Assistance
If You need emergency assistance, contact Southern Cross Emergency
Assistance on +64 9 359 1602, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This number
should be used for emergencies only, and not for general queries or
claims queries.
Under some circumstances, You are required to contact Southern Cross
Emergency Assistance. Please refer to general condition 8 (page 16).
Other Important Information
Claims must be submitted to Us as soon as reasonably possible after
the Unexpected Event giving rise to the claim. If We require additional
information, We will advise You of this. You must provide all reasonable
assistance, information and co-operation requested by Us, including any and
all necessary documents that We reasonably request. Please refer to general
conditions 3 and 4 (page 16) and general condition 8 (page 16).
All telephone calls to and from Us and Southern Cross Emergency Assistance
are recorded and kept secure. We do this for training purposes and to ensure
that any information exchanged over the telephone can be easily verified.
Duty of Disclosure
When You apply for or amend a Policy with Us, We will ask You a series of
questions. When You answer these questions You must declare everything
You know, or which a reasonable person in the circumstances would be
expected to know, for Us to decide:
whether We will insure You;
the amount We will charge You; and
whether any special conditions will apply to Your Policy.
Everyone who is insured under the Policy must comply with this duty of
disclosure. If You provide information about another insured, You are
responsible for the accuracy and completeness of that information.
Policy Cancellation
You may cancel this Policy in accordance with the cooling-off period set out in
general condition 35 (page 19).
If at any time You have:
failed to comply with Your ‘Duty of Disclosure’;
made a misrepresentation to Us;
given us false information, documentation or statements;
defrauded or attempted to defraud Us;
failed to comply with a relevant provision of the Policy; or
failed to notify Us of matters as required by the Policy;
We may:
avoid the Policy from the beginning or cancel the Policy; and/or
reduce Our liability to You for any claim.
If We avoid or cancel the Policy for any of these reasons, We will do so by giving
You notice by email, and:
We will not pay claims;
We may retain any premium paid; and
Your cover and the cover of all insureds listed on Your Certificate of
Insurance will end.
If You purchased the Policy via an issuing agent and We avoid or cancel Your
Policy, then We will notify Your issuing agent.
Please refer to `Duty of Disclosure’ and `Policy Cancellation’ (page 8).
We collect, hold, use and disclose Your personal and health information in
accordance with Our privacy statement. A summary of the key terms of Our
privacy statement is set out below. You can find the full privacy statement on
Our website
The information We collect and hold about You will be used to consider
Your eligibility for this Policy, to provide You with services that You request
and for other purposes set out in Our privacy statement. This may include
insurance services such as managing, assessing and investigating claims.
We may be required to collect personal information about You from third
parties. Further details can be found in Our privacy statement.
Your personal information may be disclosed to third parties in New
Zealand or overseas who are involved in the purposes set out in Our
privacy statement. These third parties may include other insurers,
reinsurers, claims investigators, police, medical and health service
providers, legal and other professional advisers. Please see Our privacy
statement for full details on when and to whom We may disclose Your
personal information.
If You would like to access or correct personal information that We hold
about You, please email Us at [email protected].
If You do not provide Us with the correct and complete personal
information We request for all individuals on the Policy, We may not be
able to process Your application for insurance, process Your claims, or
provide You with Our services.
We may change and update Our privacy statement from time to time.
The current version can be accessed at
Notices & Contact
In relation to any aspect of the Policy including for claims purposes, We may:
(a) contact You as the main policyholder. If We do contact You this
constitutes notice on all of the persons named on the Certificate of
Insurance; or
(b) contact any other persons named on the Certificate of Insurance.
Any contact, correspondence or information of any kind received by Us
from the main policyholder is made on behalf of all persons named on the
Certificate of Insurance, and the main policyholder is responsible for the
accuracy and completeness of that contact, correspondence or information.
Schedule of Benefits
Sub Limits
Some of the sections have sub limits for particular types of claims.
These are set out on page 11 opposite. Where a particular type of claim
has no sub limit, the section limits set out above apply.
Section Limits
The maximum cover for the Maximum cover per
following sections in NZ$ person, per year in NZ$
Section 1
Medical & Evacuation UNLIMITED
Section 2
Changes to Your Journey $50,000
Section 3
Personal Accident $50,000
Section 4
Personal Liability $500,000
Section 5
Rental Vehicle Excess $1,500
Section 6
Cash & Travel Documents $1,000
($100 Excess applies per Unexpected Event)
Section 7
Baggage & Personal Items $25,000
($200 Excess applies per Unexpected Event and
$500 Excess for each laptop, personal computer
or tablet computer)
Sub Limits
Section 1
Medical & Evacuation
Optometrist Consultations $50 per visit, up to
$250 per person, per year
Lenses $100 per person, per year
Ancillary Services $200 per person, per year
Mental Health $20,000 per person, per year
Terrorism $100,000 per Policy
Emergency Dental Treatment $500 per person, per year
Cash Allowance While in Hospital $100 per complete 24 hour
period, up to $5,000 per
person, per year
Extra Travel & Accommodation $5,000 per Unexpected Event
Accompanying Person $15,000 per Policy
Funeral Expenses or Return of $25,000 per deceased person
Mortal Remains
Search & Rescue $10,000 per person, per year
Section 2
Changes to Your Journey
Travel Delay $250 per 12 hour period, up to
$2,000 per Unexpected Event
Claims due to an Existing Condition of $2,500 per person,
an Immediate Family Member $5,000 per Policy
Section 4
Personal Liability
Legal Costs Relating to False Arrest or $10,000 per person, per year
Wrongful Detention
Section 7
Baggage & Personal Items
Unspecified Computers and Cameras $2,500 per item
Maximum Total Unspecified Electronic items $5,000 per Unexpected Event
Maximum Total Unspecified Jewellery $5,000 per Unexpected Event
Other Unspecified Items $1,500 per item
Specified Items $5,000 per item
Maximum Total Specified Items $15,000 per Policy
Baggage Delay (after 12 hours delay) $500 per Unexpected Event
All sections
In Your Home Country
While on a visit to Your Home Country, up to a maximum of $20,000
You are covered in accordance with the per Policy
terms of the Policy
Wherever the following words appear in this Policy wording starting with
capital letters, such words mean:
We’, ‘Us, ‘Our’: Southern Cross Benefits Limited (trading as Southern
Cross Travel Insurance, or SCTI), the insurer of this Policy.
You, ‘Your, ‘Yourself: the insured person(s) named on the Certificate
of Insurance.
Ancillary Services: services provided by registered: acupuncturists,
chiropractors, dermatologists, dieticians, osteopaths, physiotherapists,
podiatrists, or Chinese medicine practitioners.
Australia and the South Pacific: American Samoa, Australia, Bali,
Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Lombok, New Caledonia, Niue, Norfolk
Island, Samoa, Tahiti, Tonga and/or Vanuatu , or any combination of these
‘Certificate of Insurance: the certificate that We send to You providing
confirmation that We have issued a Policy to You and setting out details of
Your Policy.
‘Chronic Injury or Illness: in relation to each person named on Your
Certificate of Insurance, an Injury or Illness where the actual and reasonable
Medical Expenses and other associated expenses incurred by You (or
expected to be incurred by You) exceed $200,000 in total over the life of the
‘Covered Condition’: in relation to each person named on Your
Certificate of Insurance:
(a) a medical or physical condition that You disclosed to Us at the time of
completing Your application and for which We have confirmed cover in
writing; or
(b) an Illness or Injury that first manifests itself after Your Start Date of
Insurance but prior to Your Start Date of Journey, for which You have
notified Us and We have confirmed cover in writing.
‘Dependent Children’: Your unmarried children, stepchildren, foster
children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, provided:
(a) they are aged 17 years or under on Your Start Date of Insurance; and
(b) they are not in full-time employment; and
(c) they are primarily financially dependent on the adult(s) named on the
Certificate of Insurance.
‘Designated Agent’: any person or organisation who has signed a valid
agent agreement with Us.
‘End Date of Insurance’: the date specified on Your Certificate of
Insurance or the date and time of Your final return to Your Home Country,
whichever occurs first.
‘Endorsement to Your Certificate of Insurance’: a written
amendment or variation to Your existing travel insurance contract with Us
which changes the terms of the original Policy or Certificate of Insurance.
Excess’: the amount of any claim You are responsible for. This amount will
be deducted from any claim payment.
‘Existing Condition of an Immediate Family Member: in relation to
Immediate Family located in Your Home Country only, any medical or physical
conditions, symptoms or circumstances for which advice, care, treatment,
medication or medical attention has been sought, given, or recommended,
prior to Your Start Date of Insurance.
‘Financial Collapse’: any service provider (including any education
provider) You are relying on for Your Journey that:
(a) is not able to pay its debts as they fall due for payment in the ordinary
course of business; or
(b) ceases to carry on normal business operations; or
(c) has not paid another service provider whose services You are relying on;
(d) is placed in receivership or liquidation; or
(e) becomes subject to statutory management.
Home Country’: the country of origin nominated by You as being the
country in which You principally resided prior to Your Start Date of Insurance.
Illness’: a symptom, sickness or disease (whether diagnosed or
undiagnosed) which first manifests itself during Your Period of Insurance.
‘Immediate Family: Your Spouse, fiancé, fiancée, parent, sibling, child,
stepchild, foster child, niece, nephew, grandparent, grandchild, parent-in-law,
brother and sister-in-law, son and daughter-in-law.
Injury’: a bodily injury caused solely and directly by accidental, visible and
external means, that occurs during Your Period of Insurance.
‘International Student: the name of this travel insurance Policy.
Journey’: Your time away from Your Home Country, which commences on
Your Start Date of Journey, and ceases on Your End Date of Insurance. Your
Journey also includes:
(a) departing Your Home Country travelling to New Zealand (inclusive of
transit stops) for up to 10 days; and
(b) departing New Zealand travelling to Your Home Country (inclusive of
transit stops) for up to 10 days; and
(c) multiple leisure holidays from New Zealand to Australia and the South
Pacific and returning to New Zealand, for up to 31 days; and
(d) any visits to Your Home Country of not more than 90 days during Your
Period of Insurance, provided You intend to return to New Zealand and
hold a return ticket back to New Zealand at all times.
Cover is only provided under Section 2 Changes to Your Journey for domestic
Travel Arrangements in:
(a) New Zealand that involves travel to a destination which is more than
250 km from Your usual place of residence in New Zealand; or
(b) New Zealand or Your Home Country which is related to Your international
travel which has a connecting international flight within 24 hours.
‘Manual Work’: any trade, work of a physical nature, hazardous work or
work that is not undertaken in an office.
‘Medical Expenses: reasonable expenses necessarily incurred by You
during Your Journey in respect of hospital, medical, surgical, nursing home
or other remedial attention or treatment given or prescribed by a registered
medical practitioner, excluding dental treatment (except as provided under
Section 1.4 Emergency Dental Treatment). For the purpose of this definition,
‘reasonable expenses’ are the expenses incurred for the standard level
of hospital, medical, surgical, nursing home or other remedial attention or
treatment given in the country You are in.
‘Period of Insurance’: the period commencing on Your Start Date of
Insurance and ceasing on Your End Date of Insurance.
‘Policy’: means the contract of insurance between You and Us which
consists of:
a) this Policy;
b) Your latest Certificate of Insurance and any Endorsements to your
Certificate of Insurance; and
c) any special terms and conditions in writing from Us confirming any
addition or variation of Your Policy.
‘Pre-Existing Medical Condition’ or ‘Pre-Existing Condition’:
in relation to each person named on Your Certificate of Insurance, any
medical or physical conditions (including congenital conditions, anomalies
or defects but excluding congenital blindness and deafness), symptoms
or circumstances which You are aware of, or a reasonable person in Your
circumstances ought to have been aware of:
(a) for which advice, care, treatment, medication or medical attention has
been sought, given, or recommended; or
(b) for which You are awaiting test results or further investigation, specialist
treatment or specialist consultation; or
(c) which have been diagnosed as a medical condition, or indicative of a
medical condition; or
(d) which are of such a nature to require, or which potentially may require
medical attention; or
(e) which are of such a nature as would have caused a prudent, reasonable
person to seek medical attention;
prior to Your Start Date of Insurance and regardless of whether or not a
medical diagnosis has been made, and:
(f) which are not Covered Conditions; or
(g) which have been excluded during the application process; or
(h) for which You have chosen not to seek cover for, or do not tell Us about, at
the time of completing Your application.
‘Professional Sport’: sport for which participants receive payment for
their performance, as opposed to amateur sport.
‘Public Place’: any area to which the public has access (whether authorised
or not) including the foyers, balconies, grounds and common areas of any
accommodation, hotels, motels, hostels, cruise ships, ports, planes, trains,
buses, taxis, airports, railway stations, bus terminals, taxi stands, wharves,
restaurants, bars, pubs, night clubs, shops, markets, public toilets, libraries,
beaches, streets, museums, galleries, campgrounds and general access
‘Rental Vehicle’: a standard model motor vehicle or motor home designed
to carry no more than 8 people including the driver, or a moped or motorcycle
with a maximum engine capacity of 200cc, rented by You from a licensed
motor vehicle rental agency.
‘Schedule of Benefits’: the table in this Policy wording which sets out the
maximum sums insured for each section of the Policy and any sub limits that
apply to each section.
‘Scheduled Transport: air, rail, sea and/or road transport operated
by an established and licensed passenger carrying service operator,
tour operator or public transport service, in each case providing regular,
scheduled transport for fare paying passengers.
‘Southern Cross Emergency Assistance’: the organisation that
provides You with worldwide emergency assistance services.
Special Event’: a wedding, funeral, conference, concert, show, festival
or sporting event.
Spouse’: the person:
(a) to whom You are legally married; or
(b) with whom You live in a relationship equivalent to marriage (whether of
the same or opposite gender) and with whom You have continuously
cohabitated for a period of at least 3 months prior to Your Start Date of
‘Start Date of Insurance’: the date and time We issue Your Certificate
of Insurance.
‘Start Date of Journey’: either the date as specified on Your
Certificate of Insurance, or the date and time that You first depart from
Your Home Country, whichever occurs later.
‘Student Fees’: the total course costs and other financial commitments
associated with the course for which You have enrolled and which are
payable by You. This also includes (where applicable) any costs that are
paid to an education provider, where the education provider is acting as an
agent for collection of those monies for the passing to a third party.
‘Terrorism’: any act, or preparation in respect of action, designed to
influence a government or any political division in pursuit of political,
religious or ideological gain or with the purpose of intimidating the public.
‘Travel Arrangements’: Scheduled Transport, accommodation,
meals, activities and tours.
(a) not on or under the control of:
1. Your person; or
2. a member of Your Immediate Family; or
(b) left in a place where it can be taken without Your knowledge; or
(c) left at a distance where You are unable to prevent it from being
unlawfully taken e.g. items of Your luggage and personal effects left
behind or walked away from;
at the time of the loss, theft or damage.
‘Unexpected Event’: a cause or event that occurs during Your Period of
Insurance that:
(a) was sudden, unforeseeable or unintended; and
(b) was outside of Your control; and
(c) could not reasonably have been anticipated or avoided.
Any expected cause or event which has been in any national or
international media (including weather warnings or news reports) before
Your Start Date of Insurance, but hasn’t occurred yet, is not an Unexpected
Event as the cause or event was foreseeable.
General Conditions of this Policy
Applying to All Sections
Your Obligations
1. You must comply with Your ‘Duty of Disclosure’. If You fail to comply
with Your ‘Duty of Disclosure’ and/or carry out certain specified acts
or omissions, We may avoid the Policy from the beginning or cancel
the Policy, and/or reduce Our liability to You for any claim. Please refer
to ‘Duty of Disclosure’ and ‘Policy Cancellation’ (page 8).
2. You must notify Us at [email protected] of any Illness or Injury, or
change in Your Covered Condition that arises after Your Start Date
of Insurance but prior to Your Start Date of Journey. Unless We have
confirmed cover in writing, We will not pay any claims arising directly
or indirectly from Your Illness or Injury, or the change in Your Covered
Condition, other than where You qualify for cover under and in
accordance with Section 2.1 Changes to Your Journey. Any further
deposits or payments made in relation to Your Journey after You
become aware of Your Illness or Injury, or Covered Condition, are at
Your own risk, and will not be covered should You need to make a claim.
3. You must provide all assistance, information and co-operation
reasonably requested by Us.
4. You must obtain and provide any and all necessary documents,
including proof of refunds, translations, repair reports and reports
from a registered medical practitioner, police, airline, travel agent or
other authority that We reasonably request.
5. You must obtain and provide all necessary documents regarding
Your Immediate Family, including reports from a registered medical
practitioner and death certificates, that We reasonably request.
It is Your obligation to obtain appropriate authorisation from Your
Immediate Family in order to obtain and provide this information to Us.
6. You must check the travel advisory ratings on the New Zealand
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade website (
immediately prior to Your Start Date of Journey. We will not pay any
claims where a travel advisory risk rating of ‘do not travel’ or ‘avoid non-
essential travel’ has been published on that website prior to Your Start
Date of Journey, except for cover provided under Section 2.1 Changes
to Your Journey if that rating was published after Your Start Date of
Insurance but prior to Your Start Date of Journey.
7. You must have access to a valid email address in order for SCTI to
communicate with You on all matters relating to Your Policy, and have
access to a New Zealand bank account to receive any claim payment
relating to Your Policy.
When the Unexpected Happens
8. You, or someone acting on Your behalf, must contact Southern Cross
Emergency Assistance under the following circumstances during Your
(a) if You require hospitalisation or surgical treatment; or
(b) in the event of Your death.
9. We are not responsible for the medical standards or services You may
receive and You acknowledge and accept that different places, countries,
facilities and tour operators may have lower medical standards and
services than in New Zealand.
10. Unless it is not reasonably practicable, loss, theft or damage must be
reported to police, security, or appropriate authorities within 24 hours of
Your discovery of the loss, theft or damage and a full written report obtained
and provided to Us, otherwise Your claim may not be paid.
11. Claims must be submitted to Us as soon as reasonably possible after
the Unexpected Event giving rise to the claim. If We require additional
information, We will advise You of this.
12. All currency mentioned in this Policy is in New Zealand dollars. All sums
insured include any applicable taxes or duties.
13. You must provide sufficient evidence:
(a) of any Unexpected Event; and
(b) as is necessary to substantiate Your claim;
to Our reasonable satisfaction, including all relevant original receipts and
documents where available. We may also require You to provide Us with such
other forms of supporting evidence as are necessary (in Our reasonable
opinion) to evidence the Unexpected Event and substantiate Your claim.
Photocopied, faxed or scanned documents will only be accepted if first
agreed to by Us.
14. We have a right of subrogation and may, at Our expense and in Your name
take any action necessary against any other party and take over and conduct
the defence and settlement of any claim against You. You must obtain Our
consent before You negotiate, settle, or make any agreement in relation to
recovering compensation for any claim. You must provide all reasonable
assistance and co-operate with Us and Our assessors, investigators,
lawyers or anyone else We appoint to assist in the making of Your claim, its
settlement and any defence of a potential claim against You or any action
against anyone else.
15. The law of New Zealand shall apply and the courts of New Zealand will have
exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any litigation in relation to this Policy.
16. Additional travelling and accommodation expenses for which You make a
claim must be of the same nature and class as originally purchased and may
not be upgraded without Our prior written approval.
17. If all or part of any valid claim is covered by another source, including any
travel, sickness, accident, health, or income protection insurance policies,
banks and/or credit card providers, or You are eligible to receive any refunds,
credits, rebates or discounts, then You must provide Us with those details
and We will only pay the difference. If You can claim against anyone else
You must claim against them first before We will consider covering the
difference. This condition does not apply to Section 3.
18. You may claim for either Your unused, prepaid costs or Your additional costs,
but not both.
19. You cannot become ‘better off’ financially due to a claim.
20. Your right to make a claim is subject to, and conditional on, You providing
all authorisations which We are required to obtain to comply with privacy
laws and codes of practice applying in New Zealand and elsewhere. These
authorisations can relate to the collection, holding, use and disclosure of
information, which We require to investigate and verify Your claim. Please see
Our privacy statement for more information.
Terms of Cover
21. You can rely on verbal statements made by a Designated Agent only
when they are consistent with this Policy. If a statement is made which is
inconsistent with this Policy, You cannot rely on it unless it is recorded in
writing by Us.
22. To be eligible to apply for and to receive cover under this Policy, You must:
(a) hold, or intend to hold, a current New Zealand student visa for the
duration of the time that You are studying in New Zealand (or a visitor
visa if studying for no more than three months); and
(b) be enrolled at a New Zealand education provider and, at Our request, be
able to provide confirmation to Us that You were regularly attending the
classes for which You enrolled up until the time You submitted a claim.
You are not eligible for this Policy if You:
(c) are travelling to New Zealand with the intention of obtaining medical or
dental treatment, cosmetic surgery, or related advice; or
(d) have been advised by a registered medical practitioner that You are not
fit to travel.
23. There are two cover types available:
‘Individual’: applies to one person who is named on the Certificate of
‘Family’: applies to either:
(a) one person and any of their Dependent Children; or
(b) one person, their Spouse and any of their Dependent Children;
all of whom are named on the Certificate of Insurance and are travelling
together on the same itinerary.
24. Cover commences under section 2.1 on Your Start Date of Insurance. Cover
under all other sections of the Policy commences on Your Start Date of
Journey and You are covered:
(a) while in New Zealand; and
(b) departing Your Home Country travelling to New Zealand (inclusive of
transit stops) for up to 10 days; and
(c) departing New Zealand travelling to Your Home Country (inclusive of
transit stops) for up to 10 days; and
(d) for multiple leisure holidays from New Zealand to Australia and South
Pacific and returning to New Zealand, for up to 31 days.
While on a visit to Your Home Country You are covered in accordance with
the terms of the Policy up to a maximum of $20,000 per Policy, provided:
(a) You return on a temporary basis for no more than 90 days; and
(b) You hold a return ticket to New Zealand at all times; and
(c) You intend to return to New Zealand.
Cover ceases on Your End Date of Insurance.
25. The issuing of an International Student Policy shall be at Our sole
discretion. We may decline to offer cover or choose to offer cover on
different terms and conditions, regardless of whether cover has been
offered previously.
26. Any special terms and conditions that You receive in writing from Us will
apply in addition to the terms and conditions contained in this Policy.
27. We may only change the terms and conditions contained in this Policy by
Our email notice to You prior to Your Start Date of Journey. If We accept
any change to Your Policy which You have requested, We will confirm the
change by email. We are not obliged to accept any changes requested by
28. If, after Your Start Date of Journey, Your return to Your Home Country is:
a) delayed due to an Unexpected Event, and
b) We have confirmed cover under this Policy,
Your Period of Insurance will be extended at no charge until You are
reasonably able to return to Your Home Country, subject to any
limitations set out in this Policy.
29. At the end of Your Policy You may apply for another Policy if You still meet
the eligibility criteria set out in general condition 22.
30. If You renew Your Policy continuously from Your original Start Date
of Insurance, any Injury or Illness suffered during Your original Period
of Insurance (provided it is not a Chronic Injury or Illness) or Covered
Condition, will not be treated as a Pre-Existing Medical Condition under
any subsequent Policy.
31. If any provision of this Policy is held by any court or administrative
body (including the IFSO) to be illegal, void or unenforceable, such
determination does not impair the enforceability of the remaining parts
of this Policy which will remain in full force.
32. The use of the words ‘includes’ or ‘including‘ in this Policy does not limit
what else is included.
33. In relation to any claim made under any section of this Policy, the
maximum amount We will pay, subject to any applicable sub limit, is the
section limit specified in the Schedule of Benefits.
34. Payment of the premium is acceptance of these Policy terms and
Cooling-Off Period
35. If You are not completely satisfied with the terms and conditions of Your
Policy, You may cancel Your Policy within 14 days of Your Start Date of
Insurance, provided no claims have been made, and receive a full refund.
If You cancel Your Policy We will not pay any claims made by You. No
premium is refundable once a claim is made (except to the extent that
You may be entitled to a refund under the Consumer Guarantees Act
General Exclusions of this Policy
Applying to All Sections
We will not pay for any claims under any section of this Policy arising directly or
indirectly from:
1. Pre-Existing Medical Conditions (may also be referred to as Pre-Existing
2. Conditions for which You require, are on a waiting list for, or are scheduled
to receive, a medical procedure (including overnight or day surgery), prior
to Your Start Date of Insurance.
3. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
4. A sexually transmitted infection (STI).
5. Mental health conditions including nervous disorders, depression, stress,
anxiety or travel exhaustion (except for cover as provided under Section
1.1, sub limit (c), ‘Mental Health’).
6. (a) Being under the influence or effect of alcohol, solvents or drugs
(other than a drug administered or prescribed by a registered medical
practitioner, and taken as prescribed), including any conduct
engaged in whilst under the influence or effect of alcohol, solvents or
(b) addiction to alcohol, solvents drugs; or
(c) any medical conditions where alcohol, solvent or drug use has
caused damage to the body.
7. Pregnancy, except for pregnancy up to and including the 20th week,
providing the pregnancy was without complication prior to Your Start
Date of Insurance.
Cover is for medical complications only. Common symptoms, including
breast tenderness, constipation, fatigue, frequent urination, heartburn
and nausea (morning sickness) are not covered.
8. Travelling against medical advice at any time.
9. Elective or cosmetic procedures or treatment, including any
complications that arise from any such procedure or treatment.
10. The breakdown or dissolution of any personal or family relationship.
11. Events relating to animals that belong to You or Your Immediate Family.
12. Self-harm (including suicide or attempted suicide) or any Illness or Injury
caused by such self-harm.
13. Undergoing an abortion where it is not deemed medically necessary to do
so by a registered medical practitioner.
14. Persons invited to Your accommodation or You visiting the
accommodation of persons unknown to You.
15. Participating in any prostitution (using or providing services).
16. Participating in any gambling.
17. Hitchhiking (using or providing services).
18. Consequential loss including:
(a) loss of income;
(b) loss of value;
(c) loss of use; or
(d) loss of benefits including:
1. loss arising from the use of frequent flyer points or similar loyalty
programmes (except as specifically covered under sub limits
applying to Section 2 Changes to Your Journey); or
2. as part of a prize for a promotion or an employee incentive
19. Your loss of enjoyment, amenity or other non-financial loss.
20. Services provided by a family member or friend including
accommodation or healthcare.
21. Air or sea travel except as a fare paying passenger on Scheduled
Transport services (or aboard charter vessels where crew are included,
which are operating within coastal waters, or sightseeing air tours from
one location back to that location). We consider for the purpose of
this clause that a fare paying passenger includes the utilisation of Your
‘Airpoints’, ‘Flybuys’ or similar loyalty programme, or as part of a prize for a
promotion or an employee incentive scheme.
22. Activity as an aircraft crew member. This includes anyone in control of a
device that leaves the ground.
23. Riding a moped or motorcycle (whether as driver or passenger) in any of
the following circumstances;
(a) where the engine capacity is more than 200cc; or
(b) without a helmet; or
(c) without a valid driver’s licence as required in the country You are in.
24. Participation in, or training for, the following activities:
(a) Professional Sport;
(b) individual or team sport competitions which involve monetary prizes;
(c) racing, including against time, of any sort (other than solely on foot);
(d) motor sports;
(e) hunting of any sort;
(f) rodeo;
(g) micro light flying or kite surfing;
(h) mountaineering, hiking, trekking or tramping:
1. where a reasonable person would use ropes, rock climbing
equipment or oxygen;
2. above altitudes of 3,000 metres; or
3. between altitudes of 1,500 and 3,000 metres if You are, or intend
to ascend more than 500 metres per day;
(i) base jumping;
(j) pot-holing, caving, abseiling, outdoor rock climbing, parachuting,
paragliding, parasailing, hang gliding, bungee jumping, white water
rafting, black water rafting, white water kayaking or land yachting,
unless participating in, or training for, with an operator licensed in New
(k) skiing or snowboarding:
1. outside New Zealand;
2. off-piste, outside a designated commercial ski area that is open
for use;
3. in any way that is not in accordance with any notices or
regulations the commercial ski area publishes; or
4. where You are not wearing a helmet on Your head;
(l) underwater activities involving the use of an artificial breathing
apparatus unless You hold an open water diving certificate or are
diving with a qualified instructor;
(m) touring in a remote area (being any area with limited or no
telecommunications or medical services), except as part of a
licensed organised tour; or
(n) ocean yachting 12 nautical miles or 22.2km or more away from
populated land, or in a remote area (being any area with limited or no
telecommunications or medical services).
25. Participation in, or training for a contact sport (i.e. any sport which allows
physical contact with other players, either deliberate or incidental, within the
rules of the sport) which is:
(a) competitive; or
(b) as part of a tournament,
and where the Unexpected Event occurred because of physical contact
with another player, except if You are participating in, or training for, these
activities as part of Your educational instruction in New Zealand.
26. Manual Work.
27. If You are travelling to a destination for which a travel advisory risk rating of
‘do not travel’ or ‘avoid non-essential travel’ has been issued by the New
Zealand Government Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and published on
their website ( prior to Your Start Date of Insurance.
28. Events related to a governmental or official authority directive, restriction,
prohibition, quarantine, or detention, including border closures and seizures
by government authorities.
29. Any:
(a) riot or civil commotion unless You have already left New Zealand
prior to the riot or civil commotion, and You promptly take steps to
avoid related risks;
(b) acts of foreseeable violence or involving military operations; or
(c) war, invasion or civil war, whether declared or not.
30. Acts of Terrorism (except for cover as provided under the Section 1
‘Terrorism’ sub limit).
31. The use or release or the threat of biological and/or chemical materials,
substances, compounds or the like used directly or indirectly for the
purpose to harm or to destroy human life and/or create public fear.
32. The use or release or the threat of nuclear weapons, materials or ionising
radiation or contamination of radioactivity from any nuclear waste or
from the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purpose of this exclusion
combustion shall mean any selfsustaining process of nuclear fusion or
33. Intentionally or recklessly placing Yourself in circumstances, or undertaking
activities, which pose a risk to Your personal safety (except in an attempt to
save a human life) or the safety of Your baggage or personal items.
34. Your disinclination to remain in New Zealand, or the disinclination for You
to remain in New Zealand on the part of any person upon whom Your travel
35. Your refusal to return to Your Home Country after the date when You may,
in the opinion of Our medical adviser, have safely been repatriated to Your
Home Country at Our cost.
36. Where Our/Southern Cross Emergency Assistance directions or
instructions have not been followed.
37. An Unexpected Event which resulted in an evacuation or repatriation
request after the date and time that we required Your evacuation or
repatriation if You continue Your Journey.
38. Scams or fraud perpetrated against You that could have been reasonably
anticipated or avoided.
39. Punitive damages, fines or penalties.
40. Your unlawful activity.
Section 1
Medical & Evacuation
Minor medical accounts must be paid by You, then claimed from Us.
As a visitor to New Zealand You are covered by the Accident Compensation
Corporation (ACC) if You are injured in an accident. ACC helps pay towards
the cost of Your treatment, including GP services, dental treatment and
services, physiotherapist treatment and chiropractor treatment.
If You require treatment for an Injury caused by an accident, You must first
claim through ACC. We will not accept any claim or part of any claim (i.e. ACC
top-up) unless written confirmation is provided to Us showing that ACC has
declined to pay some or all of the cost.
1.1 Medical Treatment
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event, You require medical treatment during
Your Journey, We will reimburse You for actual and reasonable Medical
Expenses incurred, or We will confirm payment for a qualifying hospital
claim. You, or someone acting on Your behalf, must contact Southern Cross
Emergency Assistance, as soon as reasonably practicable, if You require
hospitalisation or surgical treatment during Your Journey.
If, during Your Journey, You suffer a Chronic Injury or Illness, We will reimburse
You for:
(a) actual and reasonable Medical Expenses incurred in New Zealand during
the 12 month period from the date We confirm in writing that You have a
Chronic Injury or Illness; and
(b) costs to repatriate You to Your Home Country at the end of the 12 month
Cover for Your Chronic Injury or Illness will cease at the end of the 12 month
period, or on Your final return to Your Home Country, whichever occurs first.
If Your Policy expires before the end of the 12 month period, Your Period of
Insurance will be extended at no charge until the end of the 12 month period
or Your final return to Your Home Country, whichever occurs first.
Sub Limits Applying to Section 1.1
(a) ‘Optical Treatment: if Your vision changes during Your Journey requiring
prescription glasses or contact lenses or a change in Your prescription,
We will pay Your actual and reasonable costs for the following:
1. Optometrist consultations: $50 maximum per visit, up to $250
maximum per person, per year; and
2. Lenses: $100 maximum per person, per year.
Proof that Your vision has changed must be provided with Your claim.
(b) ‘Ancillary Services’: the maximum amount We will pay for Ancillary
Services is $200 per person, per year.
(c) Mental Health’: if You suffer a mental health condition, depression, stress
or anxiety, the maximum amount We will pay is $20,000 per person, per
Conditions Applying to Section 1.1
There is no cover for further medical treatment if You decline to be evacuated
or repatriated in accordance with Our instructions under Section 1.2 Medical
Evacuation Whilst Outside New Zealand and 1.3 Medical Repatriation/
Evacuation at Your Request. You will only be covered for Medical Expenses
incurred up to the date and time that We required Your evacuation or
Losses We Do Not Cover Under Section 1.1
We will not pay or reimburse You for any claims, costs or losses directly or
indirectly arising from, related to or associated with:
(a) specialist consultations, investigations or treatment without a referral from
a registered medical practitioner where reasonably practicable (except for
Ancillary Services);
(b) check-ups, self-prescribed medicine, treatment for infertility, maintenance
examinations for preventative medicine, preventative treatment (including
contraception and vaccines), and convalescence for treatment of a
condition not detrimental to Your health; or
(c) anything mentioned in Losses We Do Not Cover Under Section 1.
1.2 Medical Evacuation Whilst Outside New Zealand
If We have confirmed:
(a) We would cover Your Medical Expenses under Section 1.1 Medical
Treatment; or
(b) We would have covered Your Medical Expenses under Section 1.1 Medical
Treatment but instead this is covered under public funded services
(including where You are in a country that has a reciprocal health agreement
with Your Home Country),
but We require You to be evacuated to another location (including another
country) in order to receive medical treatment, We will cover the cost of actual
and reasonable evacuation transport expenses.
Conditions Applying to Section 1.2
(a) You must be deemed medically fit to travel by a registered medical
practitioner and Our own medical team. If there is any disparity between
Your and Our medical team, Our medical team will make the final decision
in-line with the relevant International Air Transport Association guidelines.
(b) The decision to evacuate You is made by Us.
(c) All medical evacuation transport costs are assessed under Section 1.2
Medical Evacuation Whilst Outside New Zealand, not Section 2 Changes to
Your Journey. Costs relating to other unused prepaid or additional expenses
resulting from a medical evacuation (such as accommodation, meals, tours,
flights or travel expenses not related to Your return Journey) should be
claimed under Section 2 Changes to Your Journey.
1.3 Medical Repatriation/Evacuation at Your Request
If , as a result of an Unexpected Event, You need to cut Your journey short for
medical reasons, We will cover the cost of actual and reasonable repatriation/
evacuation expenses to:
(a) repatriate You to Your Home Country; or
(b) evacuate You to New Zealand.
Conditions Applying to Section 1.3
(a) You, or someone acting on Your behalf, must contact Southern Cross
Emergency Assistance, so We can assess Your medical reasons and decide
if it is medically necessary for You to be repatriated/evacuated.
(b) If We agree that it is medically necessary to repatriate/evacuate You We
will decide:
1. whether to repatriate You to Your Home Country or evacuate You to
New Zealand; and
2. the method and route of Your repatriation, taking into account Your
original travel itinerary and medical requirements.
(c) You must be deemed medically fit to travel by a registered medical
practitioner and Our own medical team. If there is any disparity between
Your and Our medical team, Our medical team will make the final decision
in-line with the relevant International Air Transport Association guidelines.
(d) All medical repatriation/evacuation transport costs are assessed under
Section 1.3 Medical Repatriation/Evacuation at Your Request not Section
2 Changes to Your Journey. Costs relating to other unused prepaid or
additional expenses resulting from a medical repatriation/evacuation
(such as accommodation, meals, tours, flights or travel expenses not
related to Your return Journey) should be claimed under Section 2
Changes to Your Journey.
(e) If You hold a return ticket to Your Home Country or New Zealand at
the time of an Unexpected Event We will first try to re-book Your travel
using Your original return tickets. If We cannot re-book Your travel using
Your original return tickets, You must seek a refund from Your transport
provider. Any refund, up to the actual cost of repatriation/evacuation
incurred by Us, must be returned to Us as soon as practicable. Any refund
over and above the cost of repatriation/evacuation can be retained by You.
(f) If You do not hold a return ticket to Your Home Country or New Zealand at
the time of an Unexpected Event:
1. We will deduct from any claim an amount equal to Your original
carrier’s one way economy class fare for the route used for Your
return, as published on the date Your claim is finalised by Us; and
2. You must provide us Your full travel itineraries provided by Your
transport provider(s) to confirm that You do not hold a return ticket to
Your Home Country or New Zealand.
1.4 Emergency Dental Treatment
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event You require emergency dental treatment
during Your Journey, We will pay or reimburse You, for actual and reasonable
expenses, for emergency dental treatment during Your Journey that is for the
relief of sudden and acute pain:
(a) to sound and natural teeth by the application only of antibiotics,
temporary fillings or extraction; or
(b) caused by an Injury to Your teeth.
A sound and natural tooth is one that is whole or properly restored (with fillings
A temporary filling is a soft material filling designed to seal a tooth for only a
short time (about six to eight weeks).
The maximum amount We will pay is $500 per person, per year.
Conditions Applying to Section 1.4
(a) You need to obtain and provide to Us a report from the treating dentist to
certify the treatment is:
1. for the relief only of sudden and acute pain; and
2. to sound and natural teeth, when not related to an Injury.
(b) We will only cover one temporary filling per tooth per Policy.
1.5 Cash Allowance While in Hospital
If both of the following apply:
(a) We have confirmed cover for a hospitalisation claim during Your Journey;
(b) You are required to remain in hospital in a country other than Your Home
Country for more than 72 hours continuously;
We will pay You $100 for each complete 24 hour period, up to a maximum of
$5,000 per person, per year.
1.6 Extra Travel & Accommodation
If both of the following apply:
(a) We have confirmed cover for Your Medical Expenses; and
(b) Our medical advisers confirm that You are not fit to travel;
We will reimburse You for actual and reasonable additional costs necessarily
incurred for related travel, communication, accommodation and meals
for Yourself and any other person named on Your Certificate of Insurance
accompanying You, until You are fit to travel.
The maximum amount We will pay is $5,000 per Unexpected Event.
1.7 Accompanying Person
If all of the following apply:
(a) You are travelling alone; and
(b) We have confirmed cover for Your Medical Expenses; and
(c) You are hospitalised for more than 10 days in a country other than Your
Home Country;
We will pay the following costs for up to two people nominated by You:
(d) a scheduled return economy flight to travel from Your Home Country or
New Zealand to the place where You are receiving medical treatment; and
(e) actual and reasonable accommodation and meal expenses.
The maximum amount We will pay is $15,000 per Policy.
1.8 Funeral Expenses or Return of Mortal Remains
In the event of Your death during Your Journey, someone acting on Your
behalf must contact Southern Cross Emergency Assistance, as soon as
reasonably practicable, and We will pay for the actual and reasonable costs
to embalm and/or to cremate Your body and either:
(a) for funeral expenses incurred in the area where the death occurred; or
(b) to return Your remains to Your Home Country.
We will also pay for a scheduled return economy flight for an Immediate
Family member to assist with (a) or (b) above.
The maximum amount We will pay is $25,000 per deceased person.
Conditions Applying to Section 1.8
1. We do not require evidence that Your death was caused by an
Unexpected Event, however sufficient evidence of Your death will need to
be provided to Our reasonable satisfaction.
2. The ‘General Exclusions of this Policy Applying to All Sections’ (page
20) do not apply to claims made under Section 1.8 Funeral Expenses or
Return of Mortal Remains only.
1.9 Search & Rescue
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event, You become legally liable for costs
incurred in mounting a search and rescue operation to locate You, We will
reimburse You (or directly pay the provider) for actual and reasonable costs
up to a maximum of $10,000 per person, per year.
Conditions Applying to Section 1.9
(a) For a search and rescue operation occurring in New Zealand the invoice
must be raised by a member of New Zealand Land Search and Rescue
Incorporated, the New Zealand Coastguard, the New Zealand Police or
the New Zealand Defence Forces.
(b) For a search and rescue operation occurring outside of New Zealand the
invoice must be raised by the Police, the Coastguard or a member of a
legally recognised Government Defence Force.
Sub Limit Applying to Section 1
Terrorism’: the maximum amount We will pay for claims under Section 1
Medical & Evacuation that are directly or indirectly related to Terrorism is
$100,000 per Policy.
Losses We Do Not Cover Under Section 1
We will not pay for any claims arising directly or indirectly from:
(a) Private hospital or medical treatment where public funded services or
care is available, whether or not that public healthcare is available under
any reciprocal health agreement between Your Home Country and
foreign governments.
(b) Any:
1. medical or related expenses relating to Your hospital admittance or
surgical treatment; or
2. costs for funeral expenses or return of mortal remains,
that arise because of You, or someone acting on your behalf, not
contacting Southern Cross Emergency Assistance for prior approval as
soon as racticable.
(c) Any services provided by a health practitioner:
1. who does not have a current practicing certificate;
2. who is not practicing in accordance with any restrictions placed on
them by local laws; or
3. whose scope of practice is not relevant to the healthcare services
(d) Immigration health screening.
(e) Treatment required due to an Injury, unless written evidence from
the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) is provided to Us,
proving it has declined to pay some or all of the cost.
(f) First time purchase of medical equipment (including wheelchairs,
crutches and nebulisers).
(g) Medical Expenses incurred directly or indirectly due to the error or
negligence of a medical provider.
(h) Any Medical Expenses incurred relating to a Chronic Injury or Illness after
the 12 month period from the date We confirm in writing that You have
a Chronic Injury or Illness, or on Your final return to Your Home Country,
whichever occurs first.
Section 2
Changes to Your Journey
2.1 Changes to Your Journey
2.1.1 Cancellation Before You Leave
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event You have to cancel any part of Your
Travel Arrangements prior to:
(a) Your first departure from Your Home Country travelling to New Zealand or
Your final departure from New Zealand travelling to Your Home Country;
(b) departing New Zealand for a return leisure holiday to Australia and the
South Pacific; or
(c) visiting Your Home Country,
We will reimburse You the actual and reasonable, unrecoverable, unused,
prepaid travel costs. You cannot claim for both Cancellation Before You Leave
under Section 2.1.1 and Changes Before You Leave under Section 2.1.2.
2.1.2 Changes Before You Leave
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event prior to departing You need to alter Your
Travel Arrangements relating to:
(a) Your first departure from Your Home Country travelling to New Zealand or
Your final departure from New Zealand travelling to Your Home Country;
(b) departing New Zealand for a return leisure holiday to Australia and the
South Pacific; or
(c) visiting Your Home Country,
We will pay You the actual and reasonable, additional cost of Your Travel
Arrangements less any refunds from Your original Travel Arrangements. You
cannot claim for both Cancellation Before You Leave under Section 2.1.1 and
Changes Before You Leave under Section 2.1.2.
2.1.3 Travel Delay
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event Your prepaid Scheduled Transport is
rescheduled or delayed for more than 12 hours relating to travel between:
(a) Your Home Country and New Zealand; or
(b) New Zealand and Australia and the South Pacific for a return leisure
and You remain in the same destination We will pay Your actual and
(a) accommodation;
(b) transport to and from Your accommodation; and
(c) meals,
costs up to $250 for each full, 12 hours that Your Scheduled Transport is
interrupted. The maximum amount We will pay is $2,000 per Unexpected
2.1.4 Changes Once You Have Left
If, once You have left, as a result of an Unexpected Event You cannot reach
Your next destination or connecting Scheduled Transport on time and need
to alter Your Travel Arrangements relating to travel between:
(a) Your Home Country and New Zealand; or
(b) New Zealand and Australia and the South Pacific for a return leisure
We will pay You the higher of:
(a) the unrecoverable, unused, prepaid costs; or
(b) Your actual and reasonable, additional costs less any refund for Your
original Travel Arrangements to continue Your travel,
for each of the following expenses:
(a) Scheduled Transport;
(b) accommodation;
(c) meals;
(d) activities; and
(e) tours.
2.1.5 Cutting Your Travel Short
If, due to an Unexpected Event:
(a) after arriving in New Zealand to study You need to cut Your travel short
and return to Your Home Country;
(b) You need to cut Your return leisure holiday to Australia and the South
Pacific short and return to New Zealand/Your Home Country; or
(c) after commencing Your visit to Your Home County, You have to cut Your
travel short and return to New Zealand,
We will pay You the higher of:
(a) the unrecoverable, unused, prepaid costs; or
(b) Your actual and reasonable, additional costs less any refund for Your
original Travel Arrangements to cut Your travel short,
for each of the following expenses:
(a) Scheduled Transport;
(b) accommodation;
(c) meals;
(d) activities; and
(e) tours.
2.1.6 Resumption
If , due to an Unexpected Event after arriving in New Zealand, You need to cut
Your travel short and return to Your Home Country, We will pay for Your actual
and reasonable travel costs to return to New Zealand if You wish to continue
Your studies.
2.2 Non-Recoverable Student Fees
If, due to an Unexpected Event, You are unable to continue Your studies in
New Zealand, We will pay You for the value of Your unrecoverable, unused,
prepaid Student Fees.
Conditions Applying to Section 2
1. You cannot alter the destination of Your travel.
2. If You make a claim for additional Travel Arrangement expenses, they
must be of the same nature and class as originally purchased and cannot
be upgraded without Our prior written approval.
3. If Your claim is in relation to Your return travel and You do not hold a
return ticket to New Zealand at the time of an Unexpected Event,We will
deduct from any claim an amount equal to Your original carrier’s one way
economy class fare to return You to New Zealand, as published on the
date Your claim is finalised by Us.
4. The Unexpected Event must directly relate to You, or an Immediate
Family member located in Your Home Country or New Zealand.
5. Where the Unexpected Event directly relates to an Immediate Family
member located in Your Home Country or New Zealand, the Unexpected
Event must result in that Immediate Family member’s:
(a) death;
(b) admission to a public or private hospital, or a hospital
wing of a rest home, for inpatient care relating to non-elective
(c) admission to end stage palliative care; or
(d) diagnosis of a terminal Illness or condition, or a condition
requiring radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
6. You must provide proof of refunds, or prove that Your costs are
7. All medical evacuation or repatriation transport costs are
assessed under:
(a) Section 1.2 Medical Evacuation Whilst Outside New Zealand; or
(b) Section 1.3 Medical Repatriation/Evacuation at Your Request,
not Section 2.1 Changes to Your Journey.
8. Costs relating to other unused prepaid Travel Arrangements or
additional expenses resulting from a medical evacuation/repatriation
(such as accommodation, meals, tours, flights or travel expenses) should
be claimed under Section 2.1 Changes to Your Journey.
9. You cannot claim for both:
(a) the medical evacuation or repatriation transport costs; and
(b) the cost of unused prepaid return tickets.
10. Any amount that is refunded or credited by another party will be
deducted from Your claim to calculate Your unrecoverable , unused,
prepaid costs.
Sub Limits Applying to Section 2
Where the Unexpected Event relating to an Immediate Family member
results in either (a), (b), (c) or (d) as noted in condition 5, and is directly or
indirectly related to an Existing Condition of an Immediate Family Member,
the maximum amount We will pay is $2,500 per person, up to a maximum of
$5,000 per Policy.
Losses We Do Not Cover Under Section 2
We will not pay for any claims arising directly or indirectly from:
(a) Your disinclination to travel, Your personal wishes or the disinclination to
travel on the part of any other person upon whom Your travel depends.
(b) You travelling to Your Home Country where the Unexpected Event
directly relates to an Immediate Family member located in New Zealand.
(c) Cancellations or changes to Your travel arrangements at the request or
requirement of an employer or academic provider.
(d) Your financial circumstances, work or academic related commitments, or
currency rate fluctuations.
(e) Your failure to check-in or board at the correct prescribed time for
Scheduled Transport services, or to pre-arrange and confirm that visas,
visa waivers, requirements to enter a particular destination e.g. Electronic
System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA), passports, transport tickets, or
any other bookings, were valid and correct, and carried with You.
(f) Delays and rescheduling caused by transport providers, or for which a
transport provider is responsible, where the costs are recoverable from the
transport provider or any other source.
(g) The error, default or Financial Collapse of any service provider.
(h) A pandemic illness, or the threat or perceived threat of any such pandemic
illness. Pandemic illness means an illness which has been declared,
announced or notified as a pandemic by the U.S. Center for Disease Control
and Prevention, the World Health Organisation or the Government of New
(i) You not having a confirmed seat, booking or reservation, including travelling
on standby tickets, or not complying with Your obligations to make any return
travel within the required time period stipulated in any form of open travel
(j) Payments for ceremonies or receptions, including wedding festivities and
cultural events.
(k) Your prepaid Scheduled Transport being rescheduled or delayed other than
under Section 2.1.3.
(l) Domestic Travel Arrangements in:
1. New Zealand (unless the travel is to a destination which is more than
250 km from Your usual place of residence in New Zealand); or
2. New Zealand or Your Home Country (unless the travel is related to
Your international travel which has a connecting international flight
within 24 hours).
Section 3
Personal Accident
3.1 Death During Journey
If, while on Your Journey, You suffer an Injury which directly results in Your death,
We will pay to Your estate the section limit specified in the Schedule of Benefits.
Your estate must provide medical reports and/or certificates to conclusively
prove that death arose directly as a consequence of an Injury during Your
Journey. We are entitled to arrange a post mortem examination at Our cost.
3.2 Total Permanent Disablement
If, during Your Journey, You suffer an Injury which directly results in You being
permanently and irreversibly disabled to the extent that You cannot undertake
or continue Your studies, We will pay You the section limit specified in the
Schedule of Benefits. You must provide medical reports to conclusively prove
that disablement arose directly as a consequence of an Injury during Your
Losses We Do Not Cover Under Section 3
We will not pay for any claims arising directly or indirectly from:
(a) Death if it occurs after the 90th day from the date on which the Injury first
(b) Death if You are aged 9 years or under, or 81 years or over, at Your Start Date
of Insurance.
(c) Any type of Illness or disease, even if contracted directly or indirectly as a
consequence of an Injury.
(d) Total permanent disablement (as described in Section 3.2 above) if You are
aged 81 years or over at Your Start Date of Insurance.
Section 4
Personal Liability
4.1 Negligence
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event, You become legally liable for damages,
compensation, or legal expenses as a result of Your negligence during Your
Journey, causing:
(a) bodily Injury (including death) of another person; or
(b) loss of, or damage to, property;
We will reimburse You for Your actual and reasonable costs up to the section
limit specified in the Schedule of Benefits.
4.2 False Arrest & Wrongful Detention
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event, You incur actual and reasonable legal
costs as a result of the false arrest or wrongful detention of You, by any legally
recognised Government authorities, We will pay up to a maximum of $10,000
per person, per year.
Conditions Applying to Section 4
1. You must not admit fault or liability to any other person without Our prior
written consent.
2. For Unexpected Events occurring in New Zealand resulting in a claim of
$5,000 or more, legal liability must be established in a New Zealand court.
3. For Unexpected Events occurring in New Zealand resulting in a claim of less
than $5,000, liability must be established by an independent third party
assessor satisfactory to Us, at Our sole discretion.
4. For all Unexpected Events occurring outside of New Zealand, legal liability
must be established in a court of the country in which the Unexpected
Event occurred.
Losses We Do Not Cover Under Section 4
We will not pay for any claims arising directly or indirectly from:
(a) Ownership, possession or use of mechanically and/or electrically propelled
vehicles, aerial devices (including drones) or watercraft.
(b) Ownership or occupation of land or buildings other than as a temporary
(c) The use of firearms.
(d) Any work, occupation, business or profession.
(e) Employer liability or contractual liability to any member of Your Immediate
(f) Legal costs resulting from any criminal proceedings.
(g) Wilful, malicious or unlawful acts by You or any member of Your Immediate
(h) Bodily Injury to any member of Your Immediate Family ordinarily residing with
(i) Animals belonging to You or in the care, custody or control of You or any
member of Your Immediate Family.
(j) Any damages, compensation and legal expenses for which You become
liable due to the use of a Rental Vehicle, causing bodily Injury (including
death) of another person, or loss or damage to property other than Your
Rental Vehicle.
(k) Personal items, cash, bank cards or travel documents that are owned
by a person not named on Your Certificate of Insurance.
Section 5
Rental Vehicle Excess
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event, the Rental Vehicle which You hired is
stolen or damaged during Your Journey, We will reimburse You for any excess
payable to the Rental Vehicle company that is not refundable.
Cover does not apply:
(a) If You are in breach of any local driving laws or rules.
(b) If You have not hired from a licensed Rental Vehicle agency.
(c) If You have breached the terms of the Rental Vehicle agreement.
Losses We Do Not Cover Under Section 5
We will not pay for any claims arising directly or indirectly from:
(a) Loss or damage that occurs whilst driving the Rental Vehicle other than on
a formed or paved roadway or car park.
(b) Loss or damage that occurs whilst the Rental Vehicle is driven by a person
not covered on this Policy.
(c) Loss or damage that occurs whilst driving the Rental Vehicle if the person
driving is not a named driver on the Rental Vehicle agreement.
(d) Any damages, compensation and legal expenses for which You become
liable due to the use of a Rental Vehicle, causing bodily Injury (including
death) of another person, or loss or damage to property other than Your
Rental Vehicle.
Section 6
Cash & Travel Documents
6.1 Cash
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event, Your cash is lost or stolen during Your
Journey, We will reimburse You the value of this lost or stolen cash.
6.2 Bank Cards & Travel Documents
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event, Your essential bank cards, travel
documents or passports which You are carrying with You during Your Journey
are lost, stolen or damaged, We will reimburse You for actual and reasonable
costs required for their replacement.
Excess Applying to Section 6
All claims under Section 6 Cash & Travel Documents are subject to a $100
Excess deduction per Unexpected Event.
Conditions Applying to Section 6
Please refer to ‘Conditions Applying to Sections 6 & 7’ (page 35).
Losses We Do Not Cover Under Section 6
Please refer to ‘Losses We Do Not Cover Under Sections 6 & 7’ (page 35).
Section 7
Baggage & Personal Items
7.1 Lost, Stolen & Damaged Items
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event, Your personal items are lost, stolen or
damaged during Your Journey, We will pay You:
(a) For unspecified items: the original purchase price less an allowance
for depreciation, which is based on the age of the item and applied at a
reasonable rate determined by Us. Any payment will not exceed the lower
of the original purchase price of the item or the ‘Sub Limits Applying to
Section 7.1’
(b) For specified items: the current value of the item. Any payment will not
exceed the ‘Sub Limits Applying to Section 7.1. We reserve the right to
conduct an independent valuation of the specified item at Our cost. Any
claim payment may reflect this independent valuation.
We are entitled to choose between repairing the item, reinstating the item,
issuing a store credit at a supplier of Our choice, or paying You by direct credit
to a nominated New Zealand bank account.
Cover for specified items is only available where:
1. You have paid an additional premium to specify an item(s); and
2. We have confirmed cover in writing for Your specified item(s).
Sub Limits Applying to Section 7.1
(a) Unspecified laptops, personal computers, tablets and cameras (in
each case inclusive of accessories as a set of equipment items): $2,500
maximum limit per item.
(b) Unspecified electronic items: $5,000 maximum per Unexpected Event
for all unspecified electronic items.
(c) Unspecified jewellery (or pair or set of jewellery items) and watches:
$5,000 maximum limit in total for all items per Unexpected Event.
(d) Other unspecified items (or pair or set of items): $1,500 maximum limit
per item.
(e) Specified items (or a pair or set of specified items): $5,000 maximum
limit per specified item, with a $15,000 maximum limit per Policy for all
specified items.
7.2 Baggage Delay
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event, You are deprived of Your baggage by
Your Scheduled Transport provider for 12 hours or more from the time of
arrival at a destination other than Your Home Country, We will reimburse You
for the actual and reasonable cost of purchasing essential items of clothing
and personal effects, if You provide the following with Your claim:
(a) original receipts for expenses incurred (this is not a cash benefit); and
(b) a delayed baggage report.
The maximum amount We will pay is $500 per Unexpected Event. This
benefit does not apply if You are deprived of Your baggage by Your Scheduled
Transport provider on a domestic travel arrangement within New Zealand
unless it is directly related to an international travel itinerary outside New
Zealand, or on return to Your Home Country.
Excess Applying to Section 7
All claims under this section are subject to a $200 Excess deduction per
Unexpected Event. Claims for laptops, personal computers or tablet
computers (including related accessories) are subject to a $500 Excess
deduction per item claimed.
Conditions Applying to Sections 6 & 7
1. You must at all times exercise reasonable care for the safety and
security of Your personal items, cash, bank cards, travel documents
and passports, and not leave them Unattended. The degree of care that
needs to be taken must be proportionate to the value of Your items.
2. You must take all reasonable actions within Your power to recover Your
personal items.
3. Loss, theft or damage of personal items, cash, bank cards, travel
documents or passports while in the custody of any service provider,
including Scheduled Transport providers, schools, hotels, travel or tour
operators, must be immediately reported to them. A claim must be
lodged with them and a report obtained and provided to Us, otherwise
Your claim will not be paid. The loss, theft or damage of bank cards, travel
documents or passports must be reported as soon as possible to the
issuing authority, and the appropriate cancellation measures taken by
You immediately.
4. You must provide both proof of ownership and value for Your lost, stolen
or damaged personal items and cash to Our reasonable satisfaction.
For specified items, We require the following with Your claim:
(a) an original receipt dated within 12 months prior to the date You
specified the item, as proof of ownership and value; or
(b) an original receipt as proof of ownership and a current valuation
dated within 12 months prior to the date You specified the item as
proof of value.
5. A repair report must be provided with any claim for damaged personal
items, and the item itself must be retained where possible for potential
inspection by Us at Our request.
Losses We Do Not Cover Under Sections 6 & 7
We will not pay for any claims arising directly or indirectly from:
(a) The loss, theft or damage of personal items that are:
1. left Unattended in a Public Place (unless the items are inside
locked checked in luggage on a transport provider);
2. left Unattended at a Special Event (unless the items are in a
checked in ticketed cloakroom);
3. left in a vehicle overnight;
4. left in an unlocked vehicle; or
5. left in unlocked premises.
(b) The loss, theft or damage of cash, bank cards, travel documents or
passports that are:
1. left Unattended in a Public Place;
2. left Unattended at a Special Event;
3. left Unattended in a vehicle (including taxis); or
4. left in unlocked premises.
(c) The loss, theft or damage of jewellery, cash, bank cards, travel documents
or passports that are:
1. not carried on Your person when using transport providers; or
2. left in Your accommodation where a safe or locker has been provided
and You fail to use it.
(d) The loss, theft or damage of watches:
1. unless worn on Your wrist;
2. unless left in Your locked premises; or
3. left in Your accommodation where a safe or locker has been
provided and You fail to use it.
(e) The loss, theft or damage of cameras and related equipment, and
electronic devices including laptops, personal computers, tablets,
phones, navigation devices and aerial devices (including drones), that
1. packed in checked in luggage when using transport providers;
2. left Unattended when using transport providers; or
3. not placed out of sight in a locked vehicle boot or locked
compartment in a vehicle.
(f) Baggage, other items, cash, bank cards or travel documents sent by
postal or courier service.
(g) Sporting equipment, bicycles or aerial devices (including drones) or the
parts of any of these damaged whilst in use or being carried by You;
(h) Bicycles unless locked with a secure bike chain.
(i) Software or programmed data, or the electrical or mechanical breakdown
of any personal item.
(j) Household effects, breakage of glass, fragile or brittle items (except
for photographic or video equipment, binoculars or spectacles),
depreciation, moth, vermin, any process of cleaning, dyeing, repairing,
restoring, wear and tear, leakage, gradual deterioration, atmospheric or
climatic conditions, action of light or manufacturing defects.
(k) Bonds, coupons, stamps, negotiable instruments, bullion, precious
metals, deeds, manuscripts or securities of any kind, or any transactions
involving these.
(l) The devaluation of currency or shortages due to error or omission during
monetary transactions.
(m) Fraudulent use of credit cards, bank cards or mobile phones.
(n) Any goods which are intended for sale or trade or as trade samples.
(o) Mechanically and/or electrically propelled vehicles, trailers, caravans, or
watercraft, or the parts of any of these.
(p) Warranties, postage or insurance premiums paid on personal items.
(q) Personal items, cash, bank cards or travel documents that are owned
by a person not named on Your Certificate of Insurance.
(r) All eyewear (including sunglasses, prescription sunglasses, contact
lenses and prescription glasses) and related eyewear accessories.
1SXT121.11 0519
How you can reach us
If You have any questions about Your Policy,
please email or call 0800 784 691
(English line), 0800 728 721 (Chinese line) or
+64 9 979 6597, if calling from overseas.