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Enduring Security Framework
December 2023
Securing the Software Supply Chain:
Recommended Practices for Managing
Open-Source Software
and Software Bill of Materials
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs ii
Executive Summary
Cyberattacks target an enterprise’s use of cyberspace to disrupt, disable, destroy, or maliciously
control a computing environment or infrastructure, destroy the integrity of the data, or steal
controlled information.
Cyberattacks such as those executed against SolarWinds and its customersand the exploits that
take advantage of vulnerabilities such as Log4jhighlight weaknesses within software supply
chains. This issue spans both commercial and open-source software and impacts private and
government enterprises. Accordingly, there is an increased need for software supply chain security
awareness and cognizance regarding the potential for software supply chains to be weaponized by
nation-state adversaries using similar tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).
In response, the White House released an Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity
(EO 14028)
that established new requirements to secure the federal government’s software supply
chain. The Enduring Security Framework (ESF)
, led by a collaborative partnership across private
industry, academia and government, established the Software Supply Chain Working Panel, which
released a three-part Recommended Practices Guide series to serve as a compendium of suggested
practices to help ensure a more secure software supply chain for developers, suppliers, and
customer stakeholders.
Similarly, the ESF Software Supply Chain Working Panel established this second phase of guidance
to provide further details for several of the Phase I Recommended Practices Guide activities. This
guidance may be used to describe, assess, and measure security practices relative to the software
lifecycle. Additionally, the suggested practices listed herein may be applied across a software
supply chain’s acquisition, deployment, and operational phases.
The software supplier is responsible for liaising between the customer and software developer.
Accordingly, vendor responsibilities include ensuring the integrity and security of software via
contractual agreements, software releases and updates, notifications, and the mitigation of
vulnerabilities. This guidance contains recommended best practices and standards to aid customers
in these tasks.
This document aligns with industry best practices and principles that software developers and
software suppliers can reference. These principles include managing open-source software and
software bills of materials to maintain and provide awareness about software security.
Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS)
ESF is a cross-sector working group that operates under the auspices of Critical Infrastructure
Partnership Advisory Council (CIPAC) to address threats and risks to the security and stability of
U.S. national security systems. It is comprised of experts from the U.S. government as well as
representatives from the Information Technology, Communications, and the Defense Industrial
Base sectors. The ESF is charged with bringing together representatives from private and public
sectors to work on intelligence-driven, shared cybersecurity challenges.
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs iii
This document was written for general informational purposes only. References to any specific
commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, do
not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States
Government. This document is intended to apply to a variety of factual circumstances and industry
stakeholders, and the information provided herein is advisory in nature. The guidance in this
document is provided “as is.” Once published, the information within may not constitute the most
up-to-date guidance or technical information. Accordingly, the document does not, and is not
intended to, constitute compliance or legal advice. Readers should confer with their respective
advisors and subject matter experts to obtain advice based on their individual circumstances. In no
event shall the United States Government be liable for any damages arising in any way out of the
use of or reliance on this guidance.
The National Security Agency (NSA), the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), and
the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) developed this document in
furtherance of their respective cybersecurity missions, including their responsibility to develop and
issue cybersecurity recommendations and mitigation strategies. This information may be shared
broadly to reach all appropriate stakeholders.
Client Requirements / Inquiries: Enduring Security Framework n[email protected]
Media Inquiries / Press Desk:
NSA Media Relations, 443-634-0721, MediaRelation[email protected]
ODNI Media Relations, [email protected]ov
CISA Media Relations, 703-235-2010, CISAMedia@cisa.dhs.gov
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs iv
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................................................ ii
DISCLAIMER ............................................................................................................................................................................. iii
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Document Overview............................................................................................................................................ 2
2 Open-Source Software Management ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Primary Considerations with the use of Open-Source Software ...................................................... 4
2.2 Licensing .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
License Compliance ................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Export Controls ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Software Bill of Materials Overview ............................................................................................................. 6
3 Creating and Maintaining a Company Internal Secure Open-Source Repository ............................... 7
3.1 Open-Source Software Adoption Process .................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Vulnerability and Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................ 11
4 Open-Source Software Maintenance, Support and Crisis Management ................................................ 13
4.1 Maintaining Open-Source Software ............................................................................................................ 13
4.2 Crisis Management ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Crisis Definition ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Crisis Response Concept of Operations ........................................................................................... 15
On-Premise Versus SaaS ........................................................................................................................ 18
4.3 Code Signing and Secure Software Delivery ........................................................................................... 18
Secure Code Signing Requirements .................................................................................................. 18
Secure Software Update Delivery ...................................................................................................... 20
5 Software Bill of Materials Creation, Validation, and Artifacts ................................................................... 21
5.1 Software Bill of Materials Background ...................................................................................................... 22
Software Management and SBOMs ................................................................................................... 25
Software Bill of Materials Generation Tools and Training ...................................................... 27
Software Composition Analysis and the VEX Format ................................................................ 29
License and Export Control .................................................................................................................. 31
Software Bill of Materials Validation ................................................................................................ 33
5.2 Supplier Activities .............................................................................................................................................. 33
Software Bill of Materials Validation and Verification Tools ................................................. 34
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs v
Appendix A: Ongoing Efforts ............................................................................................................................................. 35
Appendix B: Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F) ........................................................... 37
Appendix C: References ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
Appendix D: Acronym List ................................................................................................................................................. 43
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 1
1 Introduction
Unmitigated vulnerabilities in the software supply chain continue to pose a significant risk to
organizations and our nation. This paper builds on the previously released Recommended Practices
Guide for a software supply chain’s development, production and distribution, and management
processes, to further increase the resiliency of these processes against compromise. This guidance
also builds on and supports the Office of Management and Budget memorandum on Enhancing the
Security of the Software Supply Chain through Secure Software Development Practices (M-23-16)
All organizations, whether they are a single developer or a large industry company, have an
ongoing responsibility to maintain software supply chain security practices in order to mitigate
risks, but the organization’s role as a developer, supplier or customer of software in the software
supply chain lifecycle will continue to determine the shape and scope of this responsibility. The
information contained in this guidance supports development activities of a single developer as
well as activities of large industry companies. Activities should be planned for and acted upon one
at a time, solidifying the new technique in the process before adding the next to be successful.
Because the considerations for securing the software supply chain vary, this document which
focuses on the management of Open-Source Software (OSS) and Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs)
will help continue to foster communication between the different roles and among cybersecurity
professionals that may facilitate increased resiliency and security in the software supply chain
Organizations that include OSS in the development of their products are encouraged to proactively
manage OSS risks as a part of evolving secure software development practices. It is recommended
that software development and supplier organizations read and implement the strategies described
here. Recent high profile software supply chain incidents have prompted acquisition organizations
to assign supply chain risk assessments to their buying decisions. Software developers and
suppliers should improve their processes, and reduce the risk of harm, not just to employees and
shareholders, but also to those affected by the use of their software.
To help achieve this, this document recommends seven areas of improvement related to software
development and OSS. These areas are designed to allow an organization to mature their software
development process and although there are many tools that can be used, no tool will be promoted
over another. The seven areas are:
Open-Source Selection Criteria,
Risk assessment,
Export control,
Vulnerability response, and
Secure Software and SBOM Delivery.
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 2
1.1 Background
Common methods of compromise used against software supply chains continue to include
exploitation of software design flaws, incorporation of vulnerable third-party components into a
software product, infiltration of the supplier’s software development lifecycle with malicious code
prior to the final software product being delivered, and injection of malicious software that is built
and then deployed by the customer.
Stakeholders should continually mitigate security concerns specific to their area of responsibility.
However, other concerns may require a mitigation approach that dictates a dependency on another
stakeholder or a shared responsibility by multiple stakeholders. Dependencies that are
inadequately communicated or addressed may lead to vulnerabilities and the potential for
compromise. Transparency into the software supply chain is necessary to manage that risk.
1.2 Document Overview
The four sections of this document and the associated activities of the Secure Software
Development Framework (SSDF)
they implement are identified in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Associated SSDF Activities
SSDF Activity(ies) Implemented
2. Open-Source Software Management
Prepare the Organization (PO)
3. Creating and Maintaining a Company
Internal Secure Open-source Repository
Protect the Software (PS)
Produce Well-Secured Software (PW)
Respond to Vulnerabilities (RV)
4. Maintenance, Support and Crisis
Protect the Software (PS)
Respond to Vulnerabilities (RV)
5. SBOM Creation, Validation and Artifacts
Protect the Software (PS)
Produce Well-Secured Software (PW)
Respond to Vulnerabilities (RV)
The guidelines and specifications identified within this document are evolving, refer to the
following resources for the latest recommendations and updates:
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Software Bill of Materials
CISA, Software Bill of Materials, https://www.cisa.gov/SBOM
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 3
This document also contains the following appendices:
Appendix A: Ongoing Efforts
Appendix B: Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F)
Appendix C: References
Appendix D: Acronym List
2 Open-Source Software Management
This document is a continuation of the work released in Securing the Software Supply Chain,
Recommended Practices Guide For Developers
and “Securing the Software Supply Chain
Recommended Practices Guide For Suppliers.
The previous work included an examination of how
OSS is incorporated into the development, build and release environments. In this work, we go into
more detail on OSS adoption and the things to consider when evaluating and deploying an open-
source component into an existing product development environment. OSS components may have
downstream dependencies that contain embedded vulnerabilities. Therefore, we pay particularly
close attention to how these modules are used and bundled with the software at release. This
section describes the overall OSS acceptance process, to include its composition, the process and
procedures used when adopting open-source software, and the management, tracking and
distribution of approved software components using an SBOM. The roles of the developer and
supplier are defined as:
Developer - The developer, an employee of the supplier, is the originator of the source
code for a product who identifies the need for OSS and/or third-party components to
meet the specific need of a product. Once identified, they obtain the OSS, check for license
and vulnerability issues, integrate it into the product, and create an SBOM.
Supplier - The supplier is the vendor of a software product or library. They validate that
the product, as developed, meets all development requirements, as well as licensing,
export control and vulnerability assessments guidelines defined as shipping criteria for
use of the product.
Both Developer and Supplier - In small organizations, these tasks may be performed by
the same team.
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 4
Recommended activities for open-source adoption by developers and suppliers include:
o Identify potential OSS solutions for consideration.
o Create an internal secure repository which is maintained using the guidelines in
section 4.1 “Maintain Open-Source Software.
o Integrate OSS into the secure build process of the product using the same
guidelines as with the in-house developed components.
o Track updates to OSS or third-party components.
o Produce updates of the product to specifically address changes to the OSS.
o Monitor for license change issues and vulnerabilities of the OSS included in any
third-party software.
o Manage updates of the product that specifically address changes to the OSS. The
use of an SBOM tracking mechanism is strongly recommended to aid in ensuring
the ongoing integrity of the product.
2.1 Primary Considerations with the use of Open-Source Software
The primary considerations with the use of open source in a product or service offering are
Selection, Risk assessment, Licensing, Export control, Maintenance, Vulnerability response and
Secure Software Delivery. Even before the adoption process outlined in section 3.1 Open-Source
Software Adoption Process” is initiated, the software should first be evaluated using precursory
analysis such as the use of the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) to determine whether the
software should be considered for selection. Once selected, additional analysis as defined in section
3.2 “Vulnerability and Risk Assessment is used to fully understand the risk associated with the
software. If acceptable, the software is integrated within the development process defined in
Creating and Maintaining a Company Internal Secure Open-Source Repository. When products are
released, they follow the guidelines for maintenance and vulnerability response described in
section 4 Maintenance, Support and Crisis Management. The process to securely deliver software
and SBOMs is outlined in section 5 "SBOM Creation, Validation and Artifacts." Additional
considerations for licensing and export control are covered in section 2.2 Licensing” and section
2.3 “Export Controls.
2.2 Licensing
Licensing considerations should be applied when considering OSS for adoption. An OSS license
governs the use, modification, and distribution of open source. OSS licenses can impose obligations
and constraints which may have an impact on software distribution.
Suppliers, preferably working with legal assistance, determine and make known to their
developers, any restrictions of use, and provide the language that should be displayed and agreed to
by the customer obtaining the product.
Scanning with a tool designed to identify open source within a product is useful, however the best
practice is to independently track the OSS used in your products (with the applicable OSS name,
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 5
version, and download location). OSS in third-party software used in your products should be
and approved. If OSS incorporates other OSS (which is sometimes called a dependency or
transitive dependency), this incorporated OSS should also be scanned and approved.
License Compliance
Developers are expected to be aware of and adhere to OSS license requirements
such as
stipulations for the use of credit banners and the presentation of the acceptance of usage during
initial installation of the product. Developers and suppliers should also ensure that:
Their organization has the necessary legal rights to use the OSS you select,
Their use of OSS may not taint or encumber their proprietary code with code sharing
obligations or otherwise negatively affect intellectual property rights
; and
They have read and agree to comply with the associated license policy as well as the
terms of the licenses for all OSS you use.
While this may be a lot for individual programmers to track, organizations can provide tools to
make this consideration easy or transparent for the humans at keyboards. The Open-Source
provides detailed information about the various license types and associated usage
conditions (for tools that can help scan for license compliance see section 5.1.4 “License and Export
Control” for further information).
2.3 Export Controls
Some countries have export regulations that may require anyone incorporating open-source
content into their products ensure the included open-source project meets those regulations. In the
US, they are the Export Administration Regulations
(EAR). The European Union
(EU) and other
jurisdictions have a similar set of regulations.
Legal guidance for export control concerns is necessary to include in your OSS process. However, it
should be noted that anything, including an OSS item, may be added to the EAR’s Commerce Control
at any time regardless of the terms of a license agreement between commercial parties
or if someone posts it online with an open-source agreement. Thus, it will always be prudent to
verify a specific package is not on the CCL.
In summary, for many of those in the US who wish to include open source software in a product or
service should (1) take steps to ensure that the open source software is indeed publicly available
without restriction and, (2) if it includes non-standard encryption or is related to neural computing,
See section 5.1.3 “Software Composition Analysis and the VEX Format of this document.
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 6
advise the government as directed in the EAR. Those in other countries should consult with their
When adopting OSS, developers should extract export-related information such as cryptographic
algorithms used in the OSS and any other cryptographic dependencies the OSS requires. During the
development of the product, developers may determine the best way to adhere to the export
requirements defined by policies set forth by suppliers and may determine that a second, distinct
product having a subset of capabilities may be required as the final deliverable for some customers.
Developers may also be required to make known the use of Personally Identifiable Information
(PII) that may be used within the OSS.
Suppliers may provide export guidance to include implementation criteria of the product under
development. Once packaged, suppliers validate the process and policies defined have been
adhered to during the development of the product. Suppliers may use automated tools to perform
product package export validation, and the validation process may vary depending on where the
product is being sold and used. Suppliers understand where and when export controls need to be
considered and handle the distribution of the product based on those criteria.
2.4 Software Bill of Materials Overview
A SBOM is used to define all aspects of a product to include open source and commercial third-party
software. SBOMs often include licensing data for components. There are two primary widely used
data formats that express the syntax of an SBOM:
is “an open standard for communicating software bill of material information,
including components, licenses, copyrights, and security references. It originated with
the Linux Foundation and is an international open standard (International Organization
for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC 5962:2021
is a full-stack SBOM standard designed for use in application security
contexts and supply chain component analysis.” It originated within the Open Web
Application Security Project (OWASP)
community. CycloneDX has expanded to include
a wide range of other, related use cases, including software-as-a-service BOM
Software Identification (SWID) Tagging
is an international standard [ISO/IEC 19770-2:2015
that originated from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
NIST Software Identification (SWID) Tagging, https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/Software-Identification-SWID
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 7
It provides descriptive information about a specific release of a software product or component but
currently does not provide a dependency graph
. SWID tags may be incorporated into both SPDX
and CyloneDX SBOM documents to allow an easy transition between formats.
Care should be taken to ensure SBOMs are provided in a format that can be processed by their
consumers without the loss of integrity and that the generated SBOM meets the minimum element
requirements documented in the 2021 National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (NTIA) The Minimum Elements For a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM).
While translation tools are available to convert between formats, digitally signed component
documents that are transformed outside the boundaries of the supplier may lose the proof of
authenticity provided by the originating author. For information on how licensing and export
control information is created and shared, refer to section 5.1.4 License and Export Control.
3 Creating and Maintaining a Company Internal Secure Open-Source
An internal repository can help automate key processes around OSS usage, including security
testing, policy enforcement, integrity verification, and auditing. This section describes the process
used to create and maintain open-source software that has been approved for use within a
company. It describes the mechanisms used to create an internal secure repository which is made
available to multiple product development groups/organizations and how this repository and the
third-party components are shared, maintained and continually checked for vulnerabilities (see
Figure 1).
See David Waltermire et al., Guidelines for the Creation of Interoperable Software Identification (SWID) Tags
(2016) (NIST Internal Report 8060), http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/NIST.IR.8060
NTIA The Minimum Elements For a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 8
Figure 1: Maintaining Secure Open-Source Repository
Organizations may need to select, acquire, and deploy package repository software or services to
host their internal secure open-source package repository such as GitHub Packages, jFrog
Artifactory and Sonatype Nexus Repository. They may already have one if they are building and
publishing packages internally, and if so, they should evaluate whether this existing software or
service can also meet their needs for open-source software. The main factors in selecting a package
repository may be support for the types of open-source packages used by the organization (such as
Maven, Node Package Manager (npm), or Docker images), as well as specific features desired by the
organization (such as integration with the organization’s Identity and Access Management (IAM)
When implementing a package repository solution for an organization to use in open-source
management, it is critical to properly define and enforce the processes for adding packages and
consuming them. For organizations with extensive open-source use, these processes can have a
significant impact on agility and developer satisfaction. Choosing the appropriate level of
assessment for each stage of development and automating these processes can minimize this
To ensure that developers can confidently consume open-source from the package repositories,
appropriate controls should be put in place so packages cannot be added outside of the approved
processes. These controls may include access control restrictions or policies that prevent the
consumption of packages that don’t meet certain criteria. To balance developer agility with risk,
organizations may use multiple package repositories with differing policies. For example, one that
can be used from developer local workstations and continuous integration (CI) systems (with less
restrictions), and another used for more restrictive build systems used for product released (with
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 9
more restrictions). These mitigations are aligned with emerging industry frameworks such as the
Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F)
. The S2C2F provides high-level practices
and detailed requirements to improve how developers securely consume open-source components
and organizes them into a maturity model to enable development teams and organizations to
prioritize effectively (see Appendix B: Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F)).
3.1 Open-Source Software Adoption Process
There are various levels of maturity of an Open-Source Software management process. For smaller
organizations, the process may involve the management of a single repository where adopted third-
party software is integrated after passing all risk and vulnerability assessment that may be
performed manually or with tool support. The first step in the open-source adoption process (see
sections 2.2 and 2.3 of the Securing the Software Supply Chain for Developers
) is the identification
by the developer for the need of a specific open-source component based on product and design
requirements. The adoption takes into consideration the quality of the open-source component, its
adoption by others, license type, vulnerability history and the benefits of the adoption as related to
time and development cost. The developer determines the delivery format of the component based
on formats available, binary or source and the ability to incorporate the OSS available into the
secure build environment. Source is preferred for better integration into the secure build practices
of the product into which it is being adopted. The developer performs the initial vulnerability
assessment by first running any security analysis tools that are available prior to download, such as
Software Composition Analysis (SCA), virus scans and fuzz testing. Developers then download the
component to an isolated secure environment where additional composition and security analysis
is performed (refer to section 3.2 and section 5.2.1 on how to perform this analysis). Based on the
size and structure of the organization, the results of the OSS vulnerability scan are provided to the
suppliers and developers for further review if these groups don’t already have access to the results.
A Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX)
document associated with the software may also be
an important input into the decision process. During this process, the developer also evaluates the
component under consideration to ensure it provides the desired features while maintaining
security and weighs the cost of integration. Once the initial evaluation is performed and the decision
is made to move forward with the adoption process, larger organizations may require a formal
request be generated to the development management team to complete the approval process.
For both large and small organizations, once approved, an ingestion process allows the developer to
upload all required materials to a secure, protected environment, with the component being stored
in an intermediate secured repository. The documents collected outline the requirements met by
the component adopted, as well as artifacts that may have been obtained that describe associated
information on security analysis results, risk, licensing, and export considerations.
VEX is a type of assertion allowing a supplier or other party to claim that a vulnerability does not affect a piece of
software, and that the user or downstream developer does not have to take any action. It is up to the developer
in this instance to determine whether to trust the VEX statement.
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 10
In large organizations, an Open-Source Review Board (OSRB) reviews all adoption requests using a
team consisting of representatives from development, management, security and quality assurance
teams. The team performs a security assessment identifying any known Common Vulnerabilities
and Exposures (CVE) associated with the component and augments the security scanning
previously performed by the developer using tools not easily available to developers due to cost or
other reasons. The team also evaluates the licensing and export requirements of the component
and identifies any tasks that may be required to meet those defined policies and procedures. The
evaluation considers the history of the component, as it relates to any previous version, noting how
the project is currently maintained and has been maintained over time. Third party analyses of the
component or project, such as Open-Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) scorecard
can be
considered as a part of the evaluation process, requiring the developer to verify the results and
assess risk. (Refer to Quickly Assess Open-Source Projects for Risky Practices.)
The review process can be iterative where the OSRB team may need additional information from
the developer and both the request for information and response are captured and provided as
artifacts used in the final decision. Once all information is collected, the OSRB team performs risk
assessment and determines an outcome for the request. The decision considers the security
scanning results and may outline any exceptions that have been granted to the component, such as
a known vulnerability in the component which may not be affected in the adopted product. Smaller
organizations should perform a subset of the OSRB activities based on need and organization
Once adopted, the component is integrated into a protected, read-only repository that is
continuously scanned and monitored for vulnerabilities, with incidents reported directly to the
developer groups that have adopted the component for use (see section 3.2 “Vulnerability and Risk
In mature development environments, once a third-party component is adopted, it is integrated
into the build process of the product, and the source or binary is pulled from the centralized, secure
repository, allowing multiple products the ability to use the same vetted component for all builds.
The build process may be enhanced to ensure the component is accounted for in automated
vulnerability scanning using a more sophisticated set of tools not available within the day-to-day
developer environment and also when generating a final SBOM.
Suppliers oversee the OSRB process and define the risk management process that includes the
procedure for third-party software adoption, artifacts required for collection, the types of tools,
output and formats required for SCA validation, vulnerability scanning and SBOM creation.
Suppliers also define the tracking, vulnerability assessment and reporting mechanism required for
both internal developers and external customers.
Suppliers collect and escrow artifacts and make selected artifacts available to customers, based on
legal and security sensitive considerations. When possible, documents and artifacts related to the
build process are rolled up into an SBOM describing the product and third-party components that
reside within it. An SBOM generally will meet many of the requirements needed by customers of the
product for risk assessment, validation and inventory. Suppliers and developers may maintain a list
of third-party providers based on the evaluation process identified above and used as part of their
adoption strategy. An exception process may be used to identify the third-party components which
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 11
may contain an associated risk based on security, licensing, exporting or source modification
concerns. Suppliers and developers work together to manage the response to customer requests for
the identification of third-party vulnerabilities within a product. Once the vulnerability has been
resolved, suppliers and developers manage the availability of any updated components to the
customer using a multitude of delivery mechanisms such as automatic live update, using a patch
process or by providing a complete product update. The update mechanism must provide flexibility
to allow customers the ability to work around the constraints of their specific deployed
environments and internal update process when deploying a vulnerability resolution. They may do
so using a process which may be facilitated by creating a VEX
report which the customer can
ingest and use for tracking. A VEX document is a machine-readable security advisory in a format
like the Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF), with the notable feature that it can
communicate that a vulnerability does not affect a product.
NOTE: The adoption and production of VEX is an emerging framework and ecosystem as of
the publication of this document. Developers and Suppliers of software should be aware that
the production and maintenance of VEX documents
are still under development and need to
monitor the CISA resource website for the latest information on VEX.
A better level of maturity automates the ingestion process used for the assessment and generation
of artifacts used in the review for adoption. Once adopted, the component is stored in a secure
repository where both vulnerability scanning and monitoring is regularly performed using a mix of
both manual and automatic means. Procedures for best practices within development
environments support automation and artifact generation to attest to the secure development of
the final product. This attestation includes third-party adoption, the building, scanning, and
packaging within the product. Once delivered to the customer, maintenance and response to
vulnerabilities are managed and addressed. For more information on this process and the
acceptance criteria for secure software development, refer to Securing the Software Supply Chain:
Recommended Practices Guide For Developers
section 2.1, “Secure Product Criteria and
Management, section 2.2, "Develop Secure Code," and section 2.3 "Verify Third-Party Components."
3.2 Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
This section describes the vulnerability and risk assessments that may be applied when considering
open-source software before and after adoption. The process should include identification,
provenance, and proposed use.
Note: The guidance for assessing risk of open-source components should be scaled based on the
size of the development organization. At a minimum, developers need to perform a security
assessment of software using a measurable technique that suites their environment. There are tools
available to aid in this process, such as Security Scorecards, available from OpenSSF
. This is an
https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/VEX_Use_Cases_Aprill2022.pdf ;
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 12
automated system which analyzes thousands of open-source projects for conformance to a number
of security practices. Open-source components which are chosen despite having a poor score
should be scrutinized more carefully. In some cases, developers might consider alternatives to
components with a poor score. As security issues are discovered and the adopted open-source
projects are updated, developers should be vigorous in their efforts to adopt versions with security
bugs fixed.
The first step in vulnerability and risk assessment is for developers to create an inventory of third-
party open-source components (see section 3.1 Open-Source Software Adoption Process). Once an
inventory is available, developers collect the versions of those components and verify they are up to
date or, at least, have no known vulnerabilities that affect the component. Developers and/or
suppliers identify any vulnerabilities within each component by initially and periodically checking
for known CVEs and vulnerabilities using resources such as the National Vulnerability Database
(NVD) or other community health facilities. Also addressed are third-party integration concerns
such as built-in extensions for plug-ins required in the development of the component and the code
interfaces used. Components are ranked based on relevant factors, such as the popularity and
utility of the component, both internally and externally. Components can also be prioritized based
on risk, security sensitivity, the use of encryption and community health. Maturity of the
community, number of contributors, frequency of patching and the presence of an SBOM should
also be considered. Code size and complexity are also a major factors. The language used to develop
the software should be considered, for example selecting memory safe languages
. Libraries and
components written in memory safe languages may reduce the risk of vulnerabilities present for
classes of vulnerabilities such as buffer-overflows and memory corruption exploits. Depending on
the overall assessment results from the considerations above, additional actions may be required,
such as a manual review of some components, or the in-depth review of the results from automated
scanners which report multiple levels of detections.
For each critical component, developers and/or suppliers apply security and threat modeling to
identify any vulnerabilities and weakness in these components and their 3
party dependencies.
This process should be ongoing based on the risk assessment as discussed in section 4.1
Maintaining Open-Source Software.” A manual full end-to-end review can also be used. This process
may isolate run time dependencies, within the parameters of how the component is used, for each
third-party component and uses SCAs to identify all key aspects of the component. Each critical
component is checked initially and periodically for community health and weaknesses.
Components with known vulnerabilities can check whether the vulnerable portion may be
used/called or enabled within the application. If it is, then check for any compensating controls.
Based on risk, additional vulnerability assessment may be applied by performing code reviews,
additional static code analysis, dynamic code analysis and additional security analysis using in-
house red teams, bug bounties or other third-party vulnerability detection resources. For more
resources to support third-party vulnerability detection, refer to section 5.1.3 “Software
Composition Analysis and the VEX Format.
All newly discovered vulnerabilities in the third-party component should be reported to all affected
and tracked using the company bug tracking mechanism, as well as the third-party reporting
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 13
system, such as OSVs
and/or CVEs should be registered. Developers should work with the
maintainers or internal stakeholders to prioritize vulnerabilities based on risk and schedule the
availability of patches based on this assessment. For unpatched components, they identify the risk
based on compensating controls and context of deployment. The risk ranking of the third-party
component can be based on the NIST Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) or other
frameworks such as CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog (KEV), Stakeholder-Specific
Vulnerability Categorization (SSVC)
, Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS), Mend's open
source database
, OSV, and NIST’s NVD, which are used to communicate the characteristics and
severity of software vulnerabilities based on an associated risk score. For risk beyond a certain
threshold, design an exceptions process with a defined timeline for replacing the component. The
details of a solution to vulnerabilities in a third-party component should be made available using a
VEX readable format for Supplier and Consumer consumption.
To augment your discovery process, perform ongoing monitoring and alerting of third-party
component vulnerabilities in house by rerunning the ingestion process scanning tools or by
deploying integrated re-occurring automated vulnerability scanning. Additional monitoring of
security center reports provided by both internal and external researchers should be leveraged, as
well as the use of threat intelligence bulletins from well-known entities, such as sponsored security
. Further insight can be gained from automated services that track changes in OSS
used within a product, providing notifications to the organization when updates to dependencies
are required. Pay-per service SCA scanners or other local or cloud-based application security tools
may also be leveraged where applicable. Vulnerabilities that are found should be tracked until
remediated, and results recorded.
4 Open-Source Software Maintenance, Support and Crisis Management
This section describes the process used to maintain, monitor and update open-source software that
has been approved for use within a company and incorporated into a product delivery. In this
section, we review the mechanisms used to receive vulnerability and threat reports associated with
third-party components, assess the risk of the reported vulnerability and define the type of
activities associated with a crisis management process to mitigate the threat. Using the acceptance
process described in section 3.2 “Vulnerability and Risk Assessment, an assessment may be
conducted for any updated
third-party component and then disseminate the availability of an
update when all acceptance criteria is met using a secure delivery mechanism.
4.1 Maintaining Open-Source Software
Once an open-source component is adopted following the process outlined in sections 3 and 3,1
above, the third-party source is stored in a secure repository, where a continuity plan is used to
define how vulnerabilities within OSS may be identified and addresses how inventory management
is performed. If an SBOM has been previously created for the component, it may be used to
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 14
automate the inventory process and scanned when vulnerabilities are reported. All third-party
sources are monitored for defects and linked to ongoing vulnerability assessments in both the
supplier and developer roles. Ongoing alerting and monitoring can occur in house by running the
vulnerability scanning activity used within the ingestion process, or can be provided by external
sources, such as reports from a security center, researcher, threat intelligence operations which
look for Zero Day exploits, CISA automated notifications, security bulletins, CVE database
monitoring, red teaming activities or by direct notifications from third-party source providers.
Maintainers can also leverage resources such as automated notifications services and local or
cloud-based scanning technologies that are described in section 3.2, Vulnerability and Risk
When vulnerable third-party software is identified, each product is assessed both manually and
using an automated processes to determine what components are affected. A risk assessment for
each affected product is determined using the considerations defined in section 3.2 Vulnerability
and Risk Assessment.” The risk assessment takes into account the prevalence of the open-source
component and its use within the product. Once identified, vulnerable products are tracked for
remediation or exceptions granted. Remediation may take the form of a configuration change, a
source or binary change, or may require an update of a third-party component. In the case of older
sources that are no longer supported by the open-source provider, the fix may have to be
backported to older source, which is maintained in the build repository or escrow. If a product is no
longer being updated, strong consideration should be made to finding an alternative open-source
Vulnerable products are tracked for remediation and an action plan created, identifying the actions
to take and a planned timeframe for the delivery of a solution.
The plan also identifies the delivery mechanism that may be used, to include a patch, update or
security bulletin, notice or advisory that can include configuration changes required, or a manual
remediation step to mitigate the vulnerability. In some cases, the solution may require disabling a
service, function or feature by modifying a configuration setting. The solution may also require a
third-party repository update, which should use the procedures defined in the adoption process
outlined above. Any fixes to the third-party component are tested and the repository is updated. All
development groups that use the affected third-party component are notified through the
monitoring roles listed above and all associated products are updated. Changes made to third-party
components may be reflected in an updated SBOM and any associated remediation can be included
in a VEX. These changes may be incorporated automatically at the completion of a product rebuild
or referenced using an intermediate SBOM to the product component being updated. The updates
to the vulnerable product are made available.
The fix is made available to the customer using a number of delivery mechanisms such as an
automated update process, or a link to a download which can be applied at the customer’s
convenience. Updates can be provided using OS specific update package tools for example apt,
yum or a product update facility. A software update management facility can be used that allows
packaging, inventory and update management functions to be performed automatically, and the
update can be rolled out based on time, day, and other organization-based restrictions. Finally,
updates can be provided by an on premis service engineer.
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 15
4.2 Crisis Management
The reader should familiarize themselves with NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-61, Rev 2
, the
Computer Security Incident Handling Guide. We may not supersede the NIST body of work. Rather,
we may offer operational suggestions for a well-managed vulnerability response system that ties
into the delivery of SBOMs and VEX components. The result of this process is a clear and timely
response to customers regarding the status of a software issue. The creation and delivery of SBOM
and VEX information should become an integrated step in the overall software development
A Crisis Management Plan defines the following:
The nature and types of crises managed under this plan versus those managed by other
The structures that enable cross-functional information sharing, decision making, and
The individuals and teams involved in crisis response.
The roles and responsibilities of the various teams that might be engaged in the crisis
o What defines a crisis.
o Crisis Response Concept of Operations.
o Crisis Response Structure.
o Definition of Product.
o Definition of Software as a Service.
Crisis Definition
A crisis is defined as a situation that might or does compromise your company’s reputation,
products, goals, business value, ability to operate, or that of your customers. All events, even those
localized to individual products or teams are expected to follow this plan, and to keep the Crisis
Management Team (CMT) informed throughout the crisis to ensure timely response coordination,
as required.
Crisis Response Concept of Operations
A highly functional team may rely on a tiered, cross-functional team structure to achieve strategic,
crisis response efforts which includes a CMT and a Product Response Team (PRT).
At the onset of a crisis, the CMT may designate an incident manager who will own the crisis
response. The CMT incident manager then partners with and coordinates the individual response
activities of one or more PRTs to ensure a unified approach. The focus of the CMT is to facilitate
effective communication, decision-making, response actions, and status between teams and, as
needed with external teams. The secondary focus of the CMT is to provide visibility to outside
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 16
parties into progress toward resolution. The thought process used when evaluating a vulnerability
response is outlined below. The incident manager will ensure full participation of each PRT.
When a vulnerability is identified or announced, a senior technician should study the
announcement and gather an initial understanding of the issue. The output of this step is a concise
statement explaining the vulnerability and potential remediation techniques. This information is
key to ensuring a consistent means of remediation across the entire enterprise, thus minimizing the
chances of an incorrect resolution. A severity level should be assigned. This may dictate the timeline
to remediation with high/severe threats requiring immediate attention.
Figure 2: Vulnerability Response Process and Phases
40 Inventory Role in Crisis Response
Having a complete understanding of the inventory of products that your organization develops is
the foundation of a quality crisis response capability.
There are important steps to perform before an organization can properly respond to a crisis. A
ledger of each distinct product should be maintained, regardless of the delivery mechanism for each
product (e.g., on-premise versus Software as a Service (SaaS)). Each product in this inventory list
should have a current owner and security champion. This inventory list cannot be a “one-and-done”
list, it should be updated and verified routinely as employees may transfer or leave an organization
overseen by the CMT. It is also suggested that the CMT have some type of notification from Human
Resources for employees that terminate from the organization. Additionally, an email distribution
list should be established to ease the communication with PRTs.
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 17
The inventory list should be current to properly facilitate efficient crisis issue research and
customer communications for every product an organization develops.
Lastly, product teams should notify the CMT when a product reaches End of Support so the
inventory list can remain free of errors. Crisis Management Team Roles and Responsibilities
The job of a crisis team is to mobilize the workforce to assess and communicate on the status of a
vulnerability succinctly, accurately and in a timely manner. The size of your organization, and the
number of customers may dictate the sophistication of the communication. The crisis team should
stay current with emerging standards for reporting and identifying the status of issues. Emerging
standards like VEX are designed to facilitate digital communication with customers regarding the
status of a products relationship with a vulnerability announcement. The goal of VEX is to facilitate
a customer “self-service” discovery of the status of a product of interest as it relates to a
vulnerability of interest. The Crisis Management Team Process Mobilize
Each product team within an enterprise should be notified and acknowledge the call to action
within a specified timeframe. Each product team should update the control sheet with a status of
“Under Investigation” when they begin researching the issue. This communication allows the CMT
to track participation across the enterprise. The time requirement for this acknowledgement may
be dictated by the severity of the issue. As research proceeds, all teams update the control list as
their research is completed. The responses may vary per enterprise but should be consistent and
could be similar to the following:
Under Investigation
Not Affected/Not applicable
Not within execution path
Affected, in engineering
Work around available
Corrected and available version number and optional build version
The result of this step may provide the CMT a clear means of keeping customers appraised in a
transparent manner. Communication should consider moving toward VEX as that standard
matures. Resolve
If a programmatic modification is required to fix a vulnerability, care should be taken to re-deliver
the product with only the required modification. Each supported repository tree should be re-built
with only the required change that fixes the vulnerability, and all supported versions should be
built and offered separately. Organizations should refrain from delivering the fix in an existing
unreleased tree, or with components that are not already known to each customer. The patch
should follow the normal development cycle in place within an organization. A label should be
created designating the source tree as addressing the vulnerability. An SBOM should be generated
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 18
and stored within the source tree for delivery to the customer with a patch. A VEX should also be
generated and stored with the matching SBOM.
If the determination was that the software was NOT affected, the resolution is to update the VEX
and store it with the current production location within each supported source tree. There is a
possibility that a vulnerability can affect a customer environment adversely while the issue is under
investigation. There is also a possibility that a product cannot resolve an issue at all. In either case a
VEX should state affected, and a mitigation technique should be disclosed if one exists.
On-Premise Versus SaaS
Much of what was discussed above deals with the complexities of on-premise software. SaaS
offerings should still have this type of maturity, but the number of supported software versions are
likely to be considerably fewer in number. That said, there are likely to be weekly or bi-weekly
releases of SaaS offerings, with roll-back versions available should there be major issues with new
offerings. The same maturity is needed to ensure proper communication to customers.
4.3 Code Signing and Secure Software Delivery
Suppliers should perform code signing for all software and firmware in components that are
delivered to external entities including customers and partners. Any gap in code signing processes,
or in the security of the keys used in code signing operations, increases the risk of customer
exposure to damage from malicious or counterfeit components, which could harm the Supplier
entity’s brand, reputation, liability, and future business. The purpose of this section is to define
secure code signing requirements for suppliers to ensure that code signing operations and keys are
secured with appropriate safeguards.
The scope of this section is inclusive of all Suppliers that provide software and firmware code for
any components that are delivered to external entities. So, the suppliers in scope include Original
Device Manufacturers (ODMs), Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Value-Added Resellers
(VARs), Software Solution Providers, Contract Software Development Organizations, and Cloud
Service Providers (CSPs).
Secure Code Signing Requirements
This section presents requirements for secure code signing. The requirements are organized into
three activity-based security categories as follows:
Perform Code Signing
Use Proven Cryptography
Secure Code Signing Infrastructure Perform Code Signing
Supplier organizations should sign all artifacts that can be signed
and provided to external
entities. Supplier organizations should also ensure availability of a mechanism to verify those
signatures before installing or applying those components. This requirement applies to both initial
This only applies to artifacts whose signature will still in a form that may be verified by the recipient of the
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 19
installation and upgrade processes. The signature validation mechanism should be documented in a
security configuration guide.
For some products, the signing and/or signature validation
is performed by third-party
components or platforms. If a third-party signature validation mechanism
is not available, a
Supplier should provide a signature validation mechanism with any supplier proprietary code
Any implemented proprietary signature validation mechanism, other than the one provided by a
third-party component or platform, should be developed in accordance with Secure Development
Lifecycle best practices
and stored/accessed in a trusted execution environment to mitigate the
risk of tampering or sabotage of proprietary signature verification mechanisms. Use Approved Cryptography
Code signing should always use a NIST approved
digital signature algorithm (a type of public-key
cryptography, which is also known as asymmetric-key cryptography). The latest NIST guidance for
code signing provides explanations of processes, techniques, and best practices. The more detailed
specification for digital signatures is Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 186-5
which approves versions of the Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature
Algorithm (ECDSA) signature algorithms.
Public keys used for code signing should be certified by an approved trust anchor or trust path. The
certificates and keys used to sign any code that is delivered to external entities should be issued
from a commercial Certificate Authority (CA) entity to enable seamless operating system support
for verification of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) chain-of-trust and trust anchors. Code signing
certificates and keys issued by a public CA should have a one-year lifetime and be renewed
annually. Timestamps should be applied to preserve signature validity beyond the certificate
expiration date. Self-signed certificates and keys with an extended lifetime may be used in closed or
proprietary systems or if otherwise dictated by technical requirements or functional specifications.
A future concern for most cryptographic processes, including code signing is the advent of quantum
computing. Quantum computers can perform some computations exponentially faster than classical
computers, which may put some digital signatures created with the current standard algorithms at
significant risk in the future. To address this risk, new Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC)
algorithms are being established via NIST’s Post-Quantum Standardization Project
and NIST’s
Recommendation for Stateful Hash-Based Signature Schemes
. Migration to PQC may impact code
signing operations, so suppliers should proactively establish a roadmap for adoption of PQC within
The use of non-approved cryptographic techniques, including proprietary ones, which have not been reviewed
and approved by NIST is extremely risky and unlikely to meet regulatory or interoperability requirements.
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 20
their code signing operations. The NIST Guidance document, Getting Ready for Post-Quantum
Cryptography: Exploring Challenges Associated with Adopting and Using Post-Quantum
Cryptographic Algorithms
is a useful reference which organizations may choose to leverage to
guide this adaptation effort. Secure Code Signing Infrastructure
The origin, authenticity, and integrity of production code signing key material should be verified
and maintained to ensure that code signing keys come from a trusted source and are provisioned
into a securely managed cryptographic infrastructure to support secure code signing operations.
The private keys used to perform code signing operations should be secured, for example, by using
a Hardware Security Module (HSM)
. An alternative approach for signing OCI artifacts is Sigstore,
which provides key management based on single-use keys and public transparency logs. Sigstore
can overcome some of the complexity and risks of traditional key management.
Secure Software Update Delivery
On-premises software has historically been delivered to customers in one of three methods:
Removable media
Digital download from an originator hosted service
Digital download from a third-party distributor
Regardless of the delivery method, an SBOM should accompany the software, the details for
generation described in Section 5.1.2. Furthermore, the SBOM should over time become available
for inspection prior to, and separate from, the installation procedure for the software. Additionally,
the SBOM should be signed in a manner that shows its provenance and ties it to the software
package delivered.
Before shipping the software package to customers, the developer or supplier should perform
binary composition analysis to verify the contents of the package and reproducible build validation
when possible. This process is described in “Securing the Software Supply Chain, Recommended
Practices Guide for Developers, Section 2.5.1 “Final Package Validation” and Section 5.1.3
“Software Composition Analysis (SCA) and VEX Format of this document. Binary SCA tools can
determine what is included in the final deliverables and identify potential issues in the final
packages including a range of activities from the detection of potential vulnerabilities and threats to
including Software Of Unknown Provenance (SOUP) and secrets inadvertently included in the final
packages. This process describes one of many ways of producing an SBOM containing the true
contents of the final package being delivered, allowing customers a means to evaluate the package.
For more information on the discovery, access and transporting of SBOMs refer to Software Bill of
Materials (SBOM) Sharing Lifecycle Report.
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 21
For organizations hosting a delivery service, those systems and required resources should be “right
sized” to service a flood of downloads resulting from incidents like log4j. The infrastructure for
these systems should also be designed with DDoS protections in place.
An automated pull model seems to work best for client software. Each client notifies the back end of
the product, version and build that it is running. If a new version is available, the software is
downloaded and either installed, or made ready installation. This communication should be
controlled via client and server certified mutual authentication. The client needs to be assured that
the communication was made with the authorized server. In some environments, the server also
may need to ensure the conversation is with a known client. There are several examples of man-in-
the-middle attacks that take advantage of infrastructure with insufficient security.
When automatic updates are applied to a software product, a new SBOM is required to reflect the
changes within the product. This new SBOM can be delivered automatically through a notification
process or provided to the customer using an agreed upon pre-established communication channel.
Updates are usually tested in a non-production environment before being rolled out during a
“maintenance window. The software may undergo further testing on the customers network for
more mission-critical software, including operational technology systems. This requires other
efforts to manage which versions are where. The customer software acceptance procedures should
modify the SBOM inventory repository when new software gets installed in the production
environment. If a version of a product exits the production environment, the repository needs to
reflect that fact.
Quite often, software is delivered with content other than binary executable code, such as
configuration files and data sources used in the normal operation of the system. The rampant
adoption of machine learning capabilities is a modern driving force in content delivery. The
software and the associated content should be signed and verified by the supplier delivered agent
on the endpoint or server. Updated content within a product, such as configuration files, databases
or other data resources required for the product operational environment should be reflected in an
updated SBOM.
While not related to software supply chain security, an organization should provide an update
paradigm that allows the consumer organization to control their own update schedule. The process
should be able to download new versions of software once, then have the updates disseminate to
the internal customer network as controlled by customer policy.
5 Software Bill of Materials Creation, Validation, and Artifacts
This section provides a synopsis of the SBOM creation process and its relation to the OSRB activities
covered in this document. It details information, tools, processes used, and considerations required
for creating an SBOM. Also included are the means to update and distribute secure SBOMs due to
software updates and changes, which may result from responding to vulnerabilities in third-party
components. SBOMs use information produced during the acquisition and review of open-source
components and can be used as part of vulnerability management. This section may reference
relevant sections elsewhere in this document for additional detail.
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 22
5.1 Software Bill of Materials Background
The EO 14028, Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, 12 May 2021, directed guidance in support of
software security
. Government and industry are collaboratively writing this guidance as a result
of the EO. Highlights from the EO state that organizations may be requested to provide a SBOM
directly to the purchaser or publish it on a public website and that both government and non-
government parties may be required to review the SBOM to ensure that software products comply
with the minimum elements for an SBOM. The EO also directed the Department of Commerce and
NTIA to publish The Minimum Elements For a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
which outlines
activities and data required for an SBOM as well as example formats that fulfill SBOM
and CycloneDX
are the two most widely used machine-readable SBOM
As one of the deliverables arising from the EO, the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) produced guidance
on the role of SBOMs within the broader Software Lifecycle. An SBOM
is a formal record containing the details and supply chain relationships of various components used
in building software. The goals of SBOMs are to increase software transparency and document
provenance. In the context of vulnerability management, the transparency facilitated by SBOMs
supports the identification and remediation of vulnerabilities. The existence of an SBOM may be
indicative of a developer or suppliers’ application of secure software development practices across
the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Figure 3 illustrates an example of how an SBOM may
be assembled across the SDLC.
Presidential Executive Order (10428) on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity,
SPDX, https://spdx.dev/ (last visited May 18, 2021).
CycloneDX, https://cyclonedx.org/ (last visited May 18, 2021).
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 23
Figure 3: Software Life Cycle and Bill of Materials Assembly Line
This guidance also maps SBOM-related capabilities to three maturity levels, Foundational,
Sustaining, and Enhancing. The activities for these capabilities are mapped to processes within this
document as follows:
Ensure that SBOMs conform to industry standard formats to enable the automated ingestion
and monitoring of versions. Acceptable standard formats currently include SPDX and
o Reference: 2.4 SBOM Overview
Suppliers should provide SBOMs that meet the NTIA’s Recommended Minimum Elements,
including a catalog of the supplier’s integrated open-source software and commercial
components that are detectable via scans
o Reference:
5.2 Supplier Activities
5.1.2 SBOM Generation Tools and Training
Appendix B: Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F)
Map SBOM data with other data sources about risk, such as vulnerability data, supply chain
information and additional data elements that inform the risk posture of the acquiring entity.
Additional data elements include plug-ins, hardware components, organizational controls, and
other community-provided components.
o Reference:
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 24
3.1 Open-Source Software Adoption Process
3.2 Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
Maintain vendor vulnerability disclosure report at the SBOM component level.
o Reference:
4.2 Crisis Management
5.1.3 Software Composition Analysis and the VEX Format
Finally, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published Memorandum M-23-16 (Enhancing
the Security of the Software Supply Chain through Secure Software Development Practices)
which allows Federal Agencies to:
Require SBOMs based on the criticality of software or other criteria determined by the
Require SBOMs to be in one of the formats defined in the NTIA Minimum Elements for
SBOMs or subsequent guidance from CISA.
Retain SBOMs or be able to access them from a publicly posted location.
Consider sharing of SBOMs with other Agencies.
As such, software suppliers, especially those selling software to the Federal Government, should
provide SBOMs for all components that are offered to customers. Should a supplier choose not to
offer SBOMs for certain components, that fact should be clearly communicated to all parties
creating and consuming the SBOM.
The ability to share SBOMs across organizational boundaries is crucial. Solutions such as the Digital
Bill of Materials (DBoM)
managed by the Linux Foundation provide a digital common where
SBOM and other BOM information can be stored in defined taxonomies and accessed using defined
policies. An individual DBoM
is the collection of records stored in the digital commons that are
associated with an individual artifact (a piece of software, hardware, device, virtual artifact).
More details on each of the SBOM formats listed by NIST, and the minimum elements required for
an SBOM are provided in section 2.4 “SBOM Overview.” Furthering this line of thought, the sections
below contain links to those formats’ as well as respective training and tools in the areas of SBOM
training, generation, license verification, conversion and validation.
Developers should complete a set of activities to ensure a full-spectrum coverage of SBOM which
Inventory Management (section 5.1.1) Helps understand what libraries and
components are included in a software package. It also includes the types of scanning tools
https://dbom.io/ and https://dbom-project.readthedocs.io/en/2.0.0-alpha-1/
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 25
available for both developers and suppliers to support finding vulnerabilities and
maliciously hidden insertion of components during development and when building the
product (see section 4.3.2 Secure Software Delivery).
Creating an SBOM (section 5.1.2) Lists and helps track libraries and components in a
software deliverable.
Analyzing OSS and Utilizing a VEX document (section 5.1.3) Identifies known
vulnerable libraries or components and potential mitigations to libraries or components.
License and Export Control (section 5.1.4) Provides information to verify software
components for license incompatibilities which can cause liability and distribution issues
for projects using OSS.
SBOM Validation (section 5.1.5) Validates the created SBOM.
Software Management and SBOMs
One of the most critical aspects of creating a comprehensive SBOM is software management.
Understanding how a product is built and what software components it is built from is essential to
producing accurate, complete, and up-to-date SBOMs. Software is complicated by the fact that a
component may, itself, contain other components. Each of the components in a product may depend
on specific versions of different components within the product.
Developers should collect all
these components, versions, and dependencies (internal and external) to produce a useful SBOM.
Many developers are familiar with the techniques (including SCA, static, runtime, and vulnerability
assessment scanners) used in the creation of an SBOM. SBOM creation tools can be incorporated at
product build time, in final packaging or after product deployment in a secure developer
environment. SBOM extraction tools can be broken down into four major categories, source, binary,
package, and runtime extractors. Each extraction type has both benefits and drawbacks with
respect to their availability, adoption, and performance. Also, many tools incorporate two or more
of the extraction techniques to enhance the fidelity of the SBOM results.
SBOM source scanners are used during the creation of the product to identify the
interdependencies between cooperating components. They provide the ability to construct
dependency trees to fully understand the relationship between a software component and each
library or other component of its dependent libraries. This information includes version
information, as well as any licensing, and cryptographic capabilities/dependencies that may be
provided within the source files. When used, configuration information such as file names and
default settings may also be made available. Since source compilation is architecture specific,
source extractors may not yield the precise dependencies for all delivered product architectures.
Also, source extractors do not reflect the runtime environment of the system the software is
deployed within, such as changes to dynamically linked libraries from system updates or other
product installations that may use the same libraries but different versions. Source scanners also
cannot identify differences in library implementations that may exist due to the use of multiple
paths for which differing versions of a library have been deployed within a system environment.
System path precedence may lead to variations in which dynamic library is being used.
A product may also have operational dependencies, such as run time libraries. These dependencies are generally
seen as beyond the scope of SBOMs. For example, the CycloneDX effort has defined an Operations Bill of
Materials (OBOM) to meet this need.
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 26
SBOM binary scanners are deployed on components or products after they have been built. In this
environment, much of the specific information about the components are available in the
executable header of each component, to include the versioning information, library dependencies
and architecture used. Binary scanners might not be able to obtain license, cryptographic and
export restrictions as readily as source and package scanners and suffer from the same deployment
fidelity as source scanners.
SBOM package scanners are used to extract information contained within an installable bundle of
software. These packages can come in the form of executables or well-known product bundles used
by system installation software or containers. Each package identifies the component information it
contains, and in many cases, the licensing, cryptographic and export control restrictions which may
apply to the component, or product. Dependencies of all components of the product, to include the
minimum versions acceptable, are generally included within the software package. However, the
actual version being used by the component cannot readily be derived unless specifically restricted
by the product, and updates to required components may happen automatically for many software
products so the deploy system may deviate from the initial SBOM. Package scanners can suffer from
the same deployment fidelity as source and binary scanners with respect to system environment
Runtime scanners can provide the best fidelity of a specific code path when being analyzed and
creating an SBOM. They run on a deployed system and can accurately detect all components and
track each dependency as it is currently deployed, with awareness to path precedence. They can
also record product default component configuration state after installation. Runtime scanners are
a more complex solution and not readily available for all environments.
Consideration on which extractor technique to use should be based on the environment the tool
may be used in. In some situations, one or more scanning techniques can be combined to ensure
that a comprehensive SBOM has been created. Then a separate tool can be used to validate the
newly created SBOM. Care should be taken to ensure false positives are not introduced within an
SBOM result due to the by-product of scanning tools that install additional packages, components
and libraries that are used solely for the creation of the SBOM and not included in the actual
product the SBOM describes.
Prior to signing an SBOM, the contents of an SBOM should be verified by either Quality Assurance or
as part of the development process to ensure malicious content has not been added. When possible,
reproducible builds can be used within a verification process to ensure the build environment has
not been compromised. Reproducible builds require the creation of two or more SBOMs, built from
segmented and secure independent build environments. The results of these builds are then
compared for consistency. For more information on reproducible builds, refer to Securing the
Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices Guide For Developers,section 2.4, and Harden the
Build Environmentas well as the Linux Foundation’s “Core Infrastructure Initiative
Reproducible Builds.
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 27
When open-source software (OSS) is being included in a product, and the OSS is accompanied by an
SBOM from the distributor of the OSS, that OSS SBOM should be validated before being bound to the
incorporating product and the product’s SBOM.
When creating an SBOM, consideration should be given on who is going to consume the SBOM and
what formats are acceptable. Many tools are capable of producing the common formats listed in
section 5.1.2 “SBOM Generation Tools and Training.” When needed, translation tools are available to
convert from one SBOM format to another, for example, SPDX to CycloneDX; this allows the correct
format to be delivered to the consumer.
Once created and validated, SBOMs are signed to provide integrity and attestation for the contents
of a product being delivered to a customer. In cases where translations are not performed by the
producer of the SBOM, the provenance of the SBOM may suffer due to the lack of signing by the
initial originator.
SBOMs and all associated artifacts created to attest to the validity of an SBOM are considered
sensitive documents and need to be treated as such and stored in a secure repository with
restricted access and version control.
An SBOM can be accompanied by additional vulnerability data, such as VEX, to provide additional
information on vulnerabilities found during vulnerability scanning of a product prior to release and
during the lifetime of the product. In many instances, these vulnerabilities are evaluated for the
associated risk to the operational requirements of the product and required to be addressed prior
to release. One means of identifying, addressing and tracking these concerns is by using a VEX,
which can describe the vulnerability and its status. See section 5.1.3 Software Composition Analysis
(SCA) and the VEX Format” for more details on VEX and how it might be applied.
Software Bill of Materials Generation Tools and Training
The information and tools listed below provide examples of the support available for the
automation of SBOMs and are used in the generation and validation of the two data formats that are
widely used for SBOM, SPDX and CycloneDX. To understand how this procedure maps into the
software life cycle, refer to Figure 3: “Software Life Cycle and Bill of Materials Assembly Line.” The
tool examples described support the verification of software components for license
incompatibilities, which can cause liability and distribution issues for projects using open-source
software (OSS). Note that the example tools themselves are OSS and so should be placed in
configuration management and tested as if they were internally developed code. Tools available for
SWID, a format used to define software products and components that may be included in SPDX and
CycloneDX SBOMS are also detailed below.
o Tools - https://spdx.dev/use/tools/
o Information and Training
OpenSSF SPDX Tutorial https://github.com/david-a-wheeler/spdx-tutorial
ISO/IEC 5962 SPDX https://www.iso.org/standard/81870.html
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 28
NTIA’s How-To Guide for SBOM Generation provides the tag format (pg. 11) and
examples (pgs. 24-31)
ISO/IEC 5230:2020(en) Information technology OpenChain Specification
NTIA’s Tooling Ecosystem working with SPDX
o Tools - https://cyclonedx.org/tool-center/
o Information and Training
OWASP https://owasp.org/www-project-cyclonedx/
OWASP CycloneDX Learning Series
NTIA Tooling Ecosystem working with CycloneDX
o Tools
NIST SWID Tools https://pages.nist.gov/swid-tools.
NTIA Tooling Ecosystem working with SWID
o Information and Training
NIST provides resources on Software Identification (SWID) tagging
and tools
to build and validate the SWID tags and post them to the NVD site such as swid-
builder, swid-maven-plugin, swidval and swid-repo-client.
NTIA’s How To Guide for SBOM Generation
SWID tag format (pg 17) and
examples (pgs. 24-25, 32-34)
DevConf Minting and Collecting SID Tags
General SBOM Information and Training
o Linux Foundation
Linux Foundation Announces Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) Industry
Standard, Research, Training, and Tools to Improve Cybersecurity Practices
Linux Foundation - Generating a Software Bill of Materials (LFC192)
NIST Software Identification (SWID) Tagging, https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/Software-Identification-SWID
NIST Software Identification (SWID) Tools, https://pages.nist.gov/swid-tools/
Linux Foundation Announces Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) Industry Standard, Research, Training, and Tools
to Improve Cybersecurity Practices https://linuxfoundation.org/press-release/linux-foundation-announces-
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 29
Overview of “Using Open-Source Code.
Top Level Open-Source Best Practices for the Enterprise.
Tools for Managing Open-Source Programs
o NTIA Software Bill of Materials listing of resources
o CISA Software Bill of Materials
o OpenChain Security Assurance Reference Guide
o OWASP Software Component Verification Standard (SCVS)
Software Composition Analysis and the VEX Format
Generating or obtaining a SBOM for your application or software package is an important step
toward improving software security. Based on recent attacks, Tenable, a well-known security
company, has stated that once a vulnerability is found and disclosed, it only takes attackers 5.5 days
to exploit it. Therefore, quickly identifying new vulnerable software components in a software
package is essential, and automation is key to doing so quickly. SBOM generation tools should be
used within automation pipelines where possible. SBOM generation tools can work with software
security tools that can intake or generate SBOMs to support software component vulnerability
analysis or custom vulnerability database mapping techniques. The type of generation tools called
SCA tools can also support pipeline automation. Depending on the tool, SCA tools will try to analyze
an application’s dependencies for vulnerabilities and open-source license violations against
software vulnerability databases, such as the NVD, public bug trackers, security advisories, and
other sources. A best practice is to store SBOMs and verify them frequently, such as in each
iteration of the build cycle (see section 2.1.2 Product Evaluation
subsection Recommended
In addition to off-the-shelf software, there are tools which may be used in specialized
environments, such as container images and applications. These tools can be used to process,
integrate, and evaluate SBOMs. For the latest information on SBOM and VEX, refer to the “Software
Bill of Materials | CISA
” webpage. The Featured Content section highlights information on
available SBOM-related concepts and their sharing lifecycle as well as information on the minimum
CISA SBOM Workstreams, https://www.cisa.gov/sbom
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 30
requirements for a VEX
. Workstreams are also available as part of this resource to assist in the
evolution and refinement of SBOM and VEX.
In addition to the SBOM directive, the Executive Order directed the NIST to publish the Guidelines
on Minimum Standards for Developer Verification of Software
. The minimum standards include
SCA. The NIST guidelines reference a Dependency-Check
, an SCA tool that attempts to detect
publicly disclosed vulnerabilities within a project’s dependencies. Other tools include Maven, a
build automation and management tool that can provide a Project Object Model (POM) to help
Dependency-Check identify known vulnerable software components
Syft is a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool and library for generating a SBOM. Tools such as
OWASP Dependency-Track supports SBOM continuous monitoring to include the NVD, the
Sonatype OSS Index, NPM Advisories, and VulnDB from Risk Based Security as well as the VEX
content in security advisories.
A VEX document provides a method to provide clarifying security information for components in a
specific software package’s SBOM which are marked as vulnerable. For example, if the vulnerable
part of an open-source component is inaccessible to attackers or removed and therefore cannot be
exploited, this could be listed in the VEX document that accompanies an SBOM. In this manner, VEX
provides additional context which may reduce the number of “false positive” vulnerabilities that a
vulnerability scanning tools would report against an SBOM due to the specific package instance. A
vendor could provide a package’s SBOM and VEX document online to support customer requests.
Dependency Check & Maven https://jeremylong.github.io/DependencyCheck/dependency-check-maven/check-
mojo.html ; Dependency Check & Maven https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.owasp/dependency-check-
maven ; Dependency-Check Comparison (to Dependency-Track), https://docs.dependencytrack.org/odt-odc-
NTIA, Vulnerability-Exploitability eXchange (VEX) - An Overview,
CISA, Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX) - Use Cases,
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 31
Figure 4: NTIA Framing Group Framing NTIA Software Supply Chain Transparency
Tools exist and continue to emerge that integrate data with a VEX to produce more intelligence
about the software and its risks. For example, CycloneDX and SPDX work with Dependency Check
and VEX, but the reader should be aware that feature support between various tools may vary.
The SBOM community continues to enhance and refine SBOM implementation, with innovation
from across the software ecosystem and marketplace. There are also efforts to address gaps and
offer community guidance collectively. Check the CISA website dedicated to SBOM for the latest
License and Export Control
Many of the use cases around SBOM predate security applications and were initially advocated to
better track and comply with the complexities around OSS licenses. A comprehensive and widely
used list of OSS licenses is maintained by the SPDX community, which supports machine-readability
and automation
. The information and tools listed below support automation of SBOM formats for
NTIA Framing Group Framing NTIA Software Supply Chain Transparency,
Adolus, What is VEX and What Does it Have to Do with SBOMS?, https://blog.adolus.com/what-is-vex-and-
https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-maven-plugin and https://cyclonedx.org/capabilities/vex/
CISA, Software Bill of Materials, https://www.cisa.gov/SBOM
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 32
license and export compliance assessment for projects using OSS. The Linux Foundation maintains
the OpenChain
ISO/IEC 5260 International Standard for open-source license compliance
There are several tools to help with license and export control verification for SPDX.
The Linux Foundation provides an automated license compliance tool, FOSSology
, which
itself is an open-source tool and should be managed as internally developed code.
FOSSology is a license compliance software system and toolkit for license, copyright and
export control scans. The SPDX Online Tool
validates SPDX formatted SBOM file types and
can verify licenses are compatible with an organization’s policy.
Tools such as Cybeats SBOM Studio include license verification and security assessment.
CycloneDX provides a variety of tools for managing and using CycloneDX SBOMs, including license
Cybeats SBOM Studio
NTIA, Tooling Ecosystem working with CycloneDX
CycloneDX SBOM’s can also be converted into SPDX-compatible SBOMs with the CycloneDX
and the cdx2spdx tool
so that the SPDX FOSSology
tool can automate license
The NIST provides resources on SWID tagging and tools to build and validate SWID tags such as
swid-builder, swid-maven-plugin, swidval and swid-repo-client
SWID is supported by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) who provides the Concise
Software Identification Tags guidance.
https://www.openchainproject.org ; https://www.openchainproject.org/security-guide
NTIA, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1biwYXrtoRc_LF7Pw10TO2TGIhlM6jwkDG23nc9M_RiE/edit
CycloneDX CLI https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-cli
Cdx2spdx tool https://github.com/spdx/cdx2spdx
https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/Software-Identification-SWID ; https://pages.nist.gov/swid-tools/ ;
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 33
The SPDX tool page
lists the CyberProtek tool
to convert the SWID format to SPDX. Once in the
SPDX format, the FOSSology tool
can be leveraged for automation.
The below tools will translate between SBOM formats.
SwiftBOM - SPDX (.spdx), SWID (Extensible Markup Language (.xml)), CycloneDX (.xml,
JavaScript Object Notation (.json))
o Demo at https://democert.org/sbom/
o Source code at https://github.com/CERTCC/SBOM/tree/master/sbom-demo
DecoderRing - SPDX (.spdx), SWID(.xml)
o Source code at https://github.com/DanBeard/DecoderRing
SPDX tools - SPDX (.spdx, json, yaml, rdf, xml, xls)
o Demo at https://tools.spdx.org/app/
o Source code at https://github.com/spdx/spdx-online-tools
CycloneDX CLI - CycloneDX (.xml, .json), SPDX (.spdx)
o Source code at https://github.com/CylconeDx/cyclonedx-cli
Software Bill of Materials Validation
Examples of SBOM Validation & Verification tools can be found in NTIA’s Software Suppliers
Playbook: SBOM Production and Provision guidance
(page 8):
Validation of SBOM Format
o SPDX Online Tool validates SPDX format SBOMs and converts between SPDX SBOM
file types and checks licenses - https://tools.spdx.org/app/validate/
o SWID Tools - https://pages.nist.gov/swid-tools/swidval/.
o CycloneDX CLI Tool and Web Tool validates CycloneDX format SBOMs -
5.2 Supplier Activities
Suppliers define policy and validate the integrity of the product using an SBOM that follows one of
the standard formats defined in section 2.4 “SBOM Overview above. A supplier, as defined in
section 2.0 of the Securing the Software Supply Chain for Suppliers
, provides a software package,
whether it is a development group in smaller companies, or higher-level management that oversees
development teams within a larger company, as defined in section 2 of the Securing the Software
NTIA, Software Suppliers Playbook: SBOM Production and Provision,
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 34
Supply Chain for Developers
, who delivers their own product or a repackaged product. Third-
party software information is also included, as described in section 3.1 Open-Source Software
Adoption Process,” this may include the origin of the software to include the company/organization
and possibly the country when meaningful. Additional information that may also be included within
an SBOM, but not necessarily required today, are licensing and export information. The validation
process should ensure the minimum elements, as defined in the NTIA “The Minimum Elements For a
Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)” or successor CISA documents are met. Once validated using the
techniques defined in section 5.1.5 SBOM Validation, the SBOM is made available to customers
with the shipping products using various methods listed in section 4.3.2 Secure Software Delivery.
Suppliers should continuously scan for vulnerabilities within their products which includes third-
party components. When vulnerabilities are found they should be addressed and the associated
SBOM and VEX should be updated and provided to customers, refer to section 5.1.3 “Software
Composition Analysis and the VEX Format” for more details. Suppliers also need to be aware of and
track the latest developments for open-source management and the use of SBOMs using the
guidelines given by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), refer to “Appendix
A: Ongoing Efforts.
Software Bill of Materials Validation and Verification Tools
The SBOM and its contents must be validated and verified. Validation assures that the SBOM data is
appropriately formatted and can be integrated into various tools and automation. Verification
ensures the content within the SBOM is accurately described and all components and related
information on a product for licensing and exporting are represented.
Many organizations are increasingly incorporating tools into the build and source repository
facility to automate this process and provide artifacts which can attest to the verification of the
SBOM being delivered. Both the content of the package, the executables, libraries and configuration
files, and the actual format of the SBOM, should be validated. Any open-source software
components should be verified for license or export restrictions. In some organizations, validation
is performed first by the developer during build/packing of the product and then by the
developer/supplier before customer delivery to verify the integrity of the SBOM being delivered.
For more information on the formats and tools available for validation, refer to section 5.1.5 of this
document “SBOM Validation.
A good reference on guidance for the SBOM process can be found in NTIA’s publication “Software
Suppliers Playbook: SBOM Production and Provision
It is important that developers
understand the end-user requirements for SBOM generation and how this information might be
used by both suppliers and customers. Additional process information relating to SBOMs and
acquisitions can be found in the Software Consumers Playbook: SBOM Acquisition, Management, and
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 35
Appendix A: Ongoing Efforts
Suppliers and developers should be aware of and track the latest developments for open-source
management and the use of SBOMs using the guidelines from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure
Security Agency (CISA). The NTIA’s multi-stakeholder working groups facilitated the development
of foundational SBOM-related documents, many of which are referenced in this guidance and can be
found at https://ntia.gov/SoftwareTransparency. The NTIA’s work continues through a series of
community-led workstreams facilitated by CISA focused on the following topics :
Cloud and Online Applications integrating current understanding around SBOM into
the context of online applications and modern infrastructure.
On-Ramps and Adoption promoting education and awareness to help lower the costs
and complexities of adoption, allowing newer or less mature organizations to provide,
request, and use SBOMs to secure and understand their organization’s risk.
Sharing and Exchanging concepts related to moving SBOMs, and related metadata,
across the software supply chain.
Tooling and Implementation opportunities and challenges for automating the SBOM
CISA also facilitates VEX-related discussions with the SBOM community and has published white
papers on defining VEX minimum elements, use cases, and status justifications.
Additional information, including schedules and how to participate in the workstreams and the
production of VEX white papers, visit https://www.cisa.gov/sbom.
Correspondingly, the information in this document will continually evolve due to the complexity
and urgency of securing the software supply chain for a vast number of stakeholders and
environments. Some of the areas to monitor the CISA website for updated guidance and
clarification are the following:
Validating an SBOM is complex. Developers, suppliers and consumers may not have the
same ability to generate and compare SBOMs delivered for a product. Indeed, for
complex software, the “true” SBOM may vary across the lifecycle of development, build,
deployment, and run. A base set of common criteria to include a minimum set of
elements within an SBOM, the formats used to describe information and the “definitions”
used in identifying the meaning of the elements may evolve into a more meaningful data
set as the integration of the current standards are adopted by a wide variety of
consumers and their unique environments.
The frequency of SBOM updates and the life cycle of an SBOM is evolving over time.
While it is envisioned that SBOMs may be used to evaluate the risk associated with a
product as input to future adoption decisions, it is also envisioned that they may provide
valuable threat management capabilities over the life cycle of the products they describe.
The frequency of SBOM updates needs to be considered in this discussion as cloud and
automated product update procedures may change product composition and these
changes need to be reflected in “updated” SBOMs. Many modern organizations have daily
or hourly builds. The update paradigm of both the software update process and its
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 36
associated SBOM needs to be clearly understood, specifically by the customers who may
receive them. How component modifications are reflected in an SBOM, and whether
these changes are reflected by supplying a completely new, all-inclusive SBOM or just a
partial SBOM update for the component modified needs to be clearly understood. In
addition, a means to determine the differences between two or more SBOMs may be
required to allow the ability to calculate the risk associated with the specific changes
within a product due to the update, if any.
Care should be taken to ensure SBOMs are created that reflect the composition of the
product they describe. Depending on the environment the SBOM is created in, for
example a software appliance, the necessary tools required to automatically generate an
SBOM may require additional packages to be installed to perform this operation.
Packages and tools used solely for the support of SBOM creation, should only be reflected
in the document creation section of an SBOM, but not included as contents/package
information in the final SBOM produced. In addition, the SBOM tools incorporated and
used within a product environment should undergo the same risk assessment and
adoption process as detailed for OSS components.
Finally, strategies outlined in the SSDF should be used to manage identity and access
control with respect to the generation, signing, updating and distribution of SBOMS for
specific products. Some of the key considerations identified are:
o Implement Roles and Responsibilities (PO.2)
o Implement and Maintain Secure Environments for Software Development (PO.5)
o Protect All Forms of Code from Unauthorized Access and Tampering (PS.1)
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 37
Appendix B: Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F)
A Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F) is a threat-based risk reduction
framework that is focused on securing how developers consume open-source software into the
developer’s workflow. Microsoft has been implementing the framework since 2019 and continues
to lead the S2C2F SIG within the OpenSSF (https://github.com/ossf/s2c2f).
S2C2F Requirements
Below is a table of the requirements mapped to the 8 different S2C2F practices. Two of the
requirements have prerequisites identified that are outside the scope of the S2C2F.
Requirement Title
Ingest it
Use package managers
trusted by your
Your organization benefits
from the inherent security
provided by the package
Use an OSS binary
repository manager
Caches a local copy of the OSS
artifact and protects against
left-pad incidents, enabling
developers to continue to
build even if upstream
resources are unavailable
Have a Deny List
capability to block
known malicious OSS
from being consumed
Prevents ingestion of known
malware by blocking
ingestion as soon as a
critically vulnerable OSS
component is identified, such
as colors v 1.4.1, or if an OSS
component is deemed
Mirror a copy of all OSS
source code to an
internal location
Supports Business Continuity
and Disaster Recovery
(BCDR) scenarios. Also
enables proactive security
scanning, fix it scenarios, and
the ability to rebuild OSS in a
trusted build environment
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 38
Requirement Title
Scan It
Scan OSS for known
vulnerabilities (i.e., CVEs,
GitHub Advisories, etc.)
Able to update OSS to reduce
Scan OSS for licenses
Ensures your organization
remains in compliance with
the software license
Scan OSS to determine if
its end-of-life
For security purposes, no
organization should take a
dependency on software that
is no longer receiving
Scan OSS for malware
Able to prevent ingestion of
malware into your CI/CD
Perform proactive
security review of OSS
Identify zero-day
vulnerabilities and
confidentially contribute fixes
back to the upstream
Maintain an automated
inventory of all OSS used
in development
Able to respond to incidents
by knowing who is using
what OSS where. This can
also be accomplished by
generating SBOMs for your
Have an OSS Incident
Response Plan
This is a defined, repeatable
process that enables your
organization to quickly
respond to reported OSS
Update It
Update vulnerable OSS
Ability to resolve
Enable automated OSS
Improve MTTR to patch
faster than adversaries can
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 39
Requirement Title
Display OSS
vulnerabilities as
comments in Pull
Requests (PRs)
Prerequisite: Two-
person PR reviews
are enforced.
PR reviewer doesn’t want to
approve knowing that there
are unaddressed
Audit It
Verify the provenance of
your OSS
Able to track that a given OSS
package traces back to a repo
Audit that developers are
consuming OSS through
the approved ingestion
Detect when developers
consume OSS that isn’t
detected by your inventory or
scan tools
Validate integrity of the
OSS that you consume
into your build
Validate digital signature or
hash match for each
Validate SBOMs of OSS
that you consume into
your build
Validate SBOM for
provenance data,
dependencies, and its digital
signature for SBOM integrity
Enforce It
Securely configure your
package source files (i.e.,
nuget.config, npmrc,
pip.conf, pom.xml, etc.)
By using NuGet package
source mapping, or a single
upstream feed, or using
version pinning and lock files,
you can protect yourself from
race conditions and
Dependency Confusion
Enforce usage of a
curated OSS feed that
enhances the trust of
your OSS
Curated OSS feeds can be
systems that scan OSS for
malware, validate claims-
metadata about the
component, or systems that
enforce an allow/deny list.
Developers should not be
allowed to consume OSS
outside of the curated OSS
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 40
Requirement Title
Rebuild It
Rebuild the OSS in a
trusted build
environment, or validate
that it is reproducibly
Sufficient build
integrity measures
are in place to
establish a trusted
build environment
Mitigates against build-time
attacks such as those seen on
CCleaner and SolarWinds.
Open-Source developers
could introduce scripts or
code that aren’t present in
the repository into the build
process or be building in a
compromised environment
Digitally sign the OSS you
Protects the integrity of the
OSS you use
Generate SBOMs for OSS
that you rebuild
Captures the supply chain
information for each package
to enable you to better
maintain your dependencies,
auditability, and blast radius
Digitally sign the SBOMs
you produce
Ensures that consumers of
your SBOMs can trust that the
contents have not been
tampered with
Fix It +
Implement a change in
the code to address a
zero-day vulnerability,
rebuild, deploy to your
organization, and
confidentially contribute
the fix to the upstream
To be used only in extreme
circumstances when the risk
is too great and to be used
temporarily until the
upstream maintainer issues a
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 41
Appendix C: References
1. Presidential Executive Order (10428) on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity,
2. NTIA The Minimum Elements For a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
3. SPDX, https://spdx.dev/ (last visited May 18, 2021).
4. CycloneDX, https://cyclonedx.org/ (last visited May 18, 2021).
5. See David Waltermire et al., Guidelines for the Creation of Interoperable Software Identification
(SWID) Tags (2016) (Nat’l Inst. of Standards & Tech. Internal Rep. 8060),
http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/NIST.IR.8060 (SWID tags are defined by ISO/IEC 197702:2015).
6. Linux Foundation Announces Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) Industry Standard, Research,
Training, and Tools to Improve Cybersecurity Practices https://linuxfoundation.org/press-
7. https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/generating-a-software-bill-of-materials-SBOM-
8. Linux Foundation, Overview of “Using Open Source Code”,
9. Linux Foundation, Top Level - “Open Source Best Practices for the Enterprise”,
10. Linux Foundation, Tools for Managing Open Source Programs -
11. NTIA, Software Suppliers Playbook: SBOM Production and Provision,
12. Software Consumers Playbook: SBOM Acquisition, Management, and Use,
13. Tenable, https://www.wsj.com/articles/cyber-matters-heed-the-window-of-opportunity-
14. NIST Guidelines on Minimum Standards for Developer Verification of Software
15. OWASP, Dependency Check - https://owasp.org/www-project-dependency-check/
16. Dependency Check & Maven https://jeremylong.github.io/DependencyCheck/dependency-
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 42
17. Dependency Check & Maven https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.owasp/dependency-
18. Dependency-Check Comparison (to Dependency-Track), https://docs.dependencytrack.org/odt-
19. NTIA, Vulnerability-Exploitability eXchange (VEX) - An Overview,
20. CISA, Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX) - Use Cases,
21. NTIA Framing Group Framing NTIA Software Supply Chain Transparency,
22. Digital Bill of Materials (DBoM) Consortium is a Linux Foundation project that maintains a
digital common place where SBOM and other BOM information can be stored in defined
taxonomies and accessed using defined policies. https://dbom.io/
23. CISA, Software Bill of Materials, https://www.cisa.gov/SBOM
24. NIST Security Considerations for Code Signing, https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/white-
25. CA Security Code Signing Whitepaper, https://casecurity.org/wp-
26. Linux Foundation, 2022. “Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F).” Available at
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 43
Appendix D: Acronym List
Certificate Authority
Commercial Control List
Continuous Integration
Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Command-Line Interface
Crisis Management Team
Committee on National Security Systems
Common Security Advisory Framework
Cloud Service Provider
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
Common Vulnerability Scoring System
Digital Bill of Materials
Export Administration Regulations
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
Executive Order
Exploit Prediction Scoring System
Enduring Security Framework
European Union
Federal Information Processing Standards
Hardware Security Module
Identity and Access Management
Internet Engineering Task Force
International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical
JavaScript Object Notation
Known Exploited Vulnerabilities
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Node Package Manager
National Security Agency
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 44
National Vulnerability Database
Original Device Manufacturers
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Original Equipment Manufacturers
Office of the National Cyber Director
Office of Management and Budget
Open-Source Security Foundation
Open-Source Review Board
Open-Source Software
Open Web Application Security Project
Personally Identifiable Information
Public Key Infrastructure
Prepare the Organization
Project Object Model
Post Quantum Cryptography
Product Response Team
Protect the Software
Produce Well-Secured Software
Respond to Vulnerabilities
Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework
Static Analysis
Software as a Service
Software as a Service Bill of Materials
Software Bill of Materials
Software Composition Analysis
Software Development Life Cycle
Software of Unknown Provenance
Special Publication
Secure Software Development Framework
Specific Vulnerability Categorization
Software Identification
Tactics, Techniques, And Procedures
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Managing OSS and SBOMs 45
United States
Value-Added Reseller
Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange
Extensible Markup Language