Service Level Agreement Assurance in Cloud
Computing: A Trust Issue
S.B.Dash*, H.Saini **, T.C.Panda*, A. Mishra***
*Department of Information Technology, Orissa Engineering College,
**Department of Computer Science & engineering, Jaypee University of Information Technology,
***Department of Mathematics, CUTM,
Abstract --Most of the organizations are running their
applications in cloud due to reliability, scalability, high
performance, low band width and trust on cloud service
provider(CSP). The cloud service providers provide the
services to the registered cloud users on payment basic across
the glove. The cloud services are basically categorized as SaaS,
PaaS, and IaaS . The services are available to the users
depending on cloud deployment and the SLA(service level
agreements) between the service providers and the users.
SLAs gives a transparent view to the cloud users which
includes the delivery ability of a service provider, the
performance target of the user’s requirement, the scope of
guaranteed availability of the cloud services The main
objective of this paper is to provide a clear idea about the
cloud service level agreements and the cloud computing
Keywords: Service Level Agreement(SLA), Cloud computing
models, Cloud service providers
I. A
Cloud computing is a next generation computing platform
that helps the users to share the resources through
communication mediums. According to National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) one of the most
accepted definition of cloud computing is “Cloud
computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient,
on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable
computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and
released with minimal management effort or service
provider interaction”.[1] European Community for
Software and Software Services (ECSS) defines “cloud
computing as the delivery of computational resources from
a location other than your current one”.[1,2,3] So cloud
computing is a distributed computing environment that
provides a virtualized environment to the cloud users for
accessing and exchanging their applications and data
through internet.[4,5] The figure-1 shown below gives a
clear idea regarding the infrastructure requirements for
cloud deployment.
Figure-1 Infrastructure requirements for cloud deployment.
A. Broad Network Access.
The cloud services are provided to the requested users
through web based applications. The users will access
these services by using various heterogeneous
platforms like desktop computers, laptops, mobiles
from anywhere across the glove.
B. Scalability Of Infrastructure.
Changing in physical infrastructure i.e adding of new
cloud nodes and deleting the nodes can be easily
managed by the cloud service providers. So to use
these infrastructure by the cloud users is simple and
can be scaled according to the users requirements.[6]
C. Flexibility/Elasticity.
Users can access computing resources as and when
needed, without the knowledge of technical
infrastructure and human interaction. The capabilities
will be managed by the service providers.
D. Unlimited Storage space.
Due to advancement in cloud data center architecture
and virtualization technique all most unlimited storage
will be provided to the registered users. So the cloud
users will not have to be worried about the limited
storage spaces.
E. Easy Access to Information.
Once registered in the cloud environment any one can
access the information from any location provided,
there is an Internet connection.
S.B.Dash et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (3) , 2014, 2899-2906
F. Location Independence.
Cloud interfaces are location independent and they can
be accessed by well established interfaces such as Web
services and Web browsers, so that no knowledge
about exact location of the user is required. It gives a
high level of abstraction to the user’s data.
G. Economy And Cost Effectiveness.
The economy and cost effectiveness of the cloud
environment depends upon the uses of service models
and the deployment models. No physical
infrastructures and software are required to run the
user’s applications. Everything will be provided by the
service providers. So if larger numbers of cloud
deployment models are implemented, then that will be
advantageous for service providers as well as the cloud
users. The users will use the services on subscription
H. Reliability
Due to the high reliability and trust worthiness most of
the organizations are using cloud to deploy their
applications and data. Use of multiple access is one of
the advantages of cloud computing.
I. Sustainability
Cloud computing platform provides an efficient source
utilization mechanism that makes the cloud
environment sustainable and more popular among the
cloud users.
J. Backup and Recovery.
All the user’s applications and data are stored in cloud
data centers. Providing security to the user’s data is the
responsibilities of the service providers. The backup
and the recovery mechanism are handled to recover the
information and the data. The replication and
migration techniques are used for virtualization of
data centers.[6]
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract document
or a formal negotiated agreement based upon the purpose
and objectives that exists between the Cloud Service
Providers and the cloud users. It includes the brief terms
and conditions upon which the services being provided by
the service providers. SLAs gives a transparent view to the
cloud users for understanding about the cloud
environment, which includes the advantages and
disadvantages of the cloud, cloud services, cloud
deployment and security issues ,responsibilities,
guarantees and warranties of the services. [8,9,10,11] The
figure-2 shown below gives clear idea about the SLA.
Figure-2 The cloud SLA.
a. It gives a clear idea about the cloud service providers.
b. It describes the list of services (SaaS, PaaS and IaaS)
the providers will provide along with complete
description of each service.
c. The purpose and objectives about the business level
policies i.e Service Level Agreement (SLA) in
transparent manner, which includes the roles of the
cloud service providers and the cloud users.
d. It is used to know about the key security and privacy
management policies for cloud environment.
e. It monitors the service quality, performance, priorities,
and responsibilities from service point of view.
f. It gives a transparent view to Know about the service
management requirements in case of cloud service
V. T
Service Level Agreement (SLA) is important for using the
cloud services, as it is a contract for business arrangements
of all types, that understood by both service providers and
the users. So based on the types of users and the services ,
SLAs are classified into 5 types.[8,11]
A. Customer-based SLA:
It is the agreement with entity personal group which
covers all services use by the users.
B. Service-based SLA:
It is a contract or agreement between the cloud service
provider and all registered users using the service.
C. Multilevel SLA:
Such SLA consist of different levels, each level shows
the situations of different customers for same service.
D. Customer level SLA:
It contains all SLA (Service Level Management)
issues relevant to group of particular users.
E. Service level SLA:
It contains all SLA (Service Level Management)
issues relevant to specific service, in relation with user
An SLA defines the delivery ability of a provider, the
performance target of the user’s requirement, the scope of
guaranteed availability of the services. A list of SLA
component descriptions are included
A. A. Business level objectives:
An organization must define why it will use the cloud
services before it can define exactly what services it
will use. This part is more organizational politics than
technical issues: Some groups may get funding cuts or
lose control of their infrastructure.
B. Responsibilities of both parties:
It is important to define the balance of responsibilities
between the Cloud service provider and the cloud user.
For example, the provider will be responsible for the
Software-as-a-Service aspects, but the users may be
S.B.Dash et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (3) , 2014, 2899-2906
mostly responsible for his VM that contains licensed
software and works with sensitive data.[15]
C. Cloud Security
This includes organizational and technical issues
related to keeping cloud services at an acceptable level
of security by ensuring the computing resources
available and usable by its authentic users. Security
threats to cloud infrastructure would affect multiple
users even if only one site is attacked.These risks can
be overcome by using encrypted file systems, security
applications, data loss software and buying security
D. Privacy in Cloud.
Privacy is the process of making sure that the user’s
data remains private, confidential and restricted from
unauthorized users. Due to data virtualization the users
data may be stored in various virtual data centers rather
than in the local computers.[15][16] So the
unauthorized users may access the private information
of the authorized users. Data authentication is one of
the most popular options of security before putting the
sensitive data into cloud.
E. Data integrity and Reliability
Using cloud computing anyone from any location can
access the data. Cloud does not differentiate between
common data and sensitive data. So an important
aspect of cloud services is availability of user’s data
with reliability. It is necessary for the cloud service
provider to ensure the integrity by making their system
capable to check over the cloud data from any
unauthorized access.
F. Performance and Bandwidth cost.
The major issues that can affect performance in cloud
based environment is due to the unethical transaction-
oriented and data access applications. So the users who
are at a long distance from cloud providers may
experience high latency and delay, this is due to the
availability bandwidth in the network. Bandwidth cost
may be low for smaller Internet-based applications,
which are not data intensive, but could significantly,
grow for data-intensive applications. The service
providers instead of saving money on hardware, they
should spend more for the bandwidth. This can deliver
intensive and complex application over the network.
G. Business continuity/disaster recovery:
The users should ensure ,the provider maintains
adequate disaster protection. Two examples come to
mind: Storing valuable data on the cloud as backup
and cloud bursting (switchover when in-house data
centers are unable to handle processing loads).
H. Redundancy:
Consider how redundant your provider's systems are.
That helps for data replications and data migration in
case of database failure.
I. Maintenance:
One of the nicest aspects of using a cloud is that the
provider handles the maintenance. But users should
know, when providers will do maintenance tasks:
a. Will services be unavailable during that time?
b. Will services be available, but with much lower
c. Will the consumer have a chance to test their
applications against the updated service?
J. Data location:
There are regulations that certain types of data can
only be stored in certain physical locations. Providers
can respond to those requirements with a guarantee
that a user's data will be stored in certain locations only
and the ability to audit that situation.
K. Data seizure:
If law enforcement seizes a provider's equipment to
capture the data and applications belonging to a
particular registered users, that seizure is likely to
affect other users that use the same provider. Consider
a third party to provide additional backup.
L. Provider failure:
Make contingency plans that take into account the
financial health of the provider.
M. Jurisdiction:
Again, understand the local laws that apply to your
provider as well as you do the laws that apply to you.
N. Brokers and resellers:
If your provider is a broker or reseller of cloud
services, you need to understand the policies of your
provider and the actual provider. The figure-3 shown
below gives a clear idea regarding the trust based SLA
model for cloud environment
Based on the usages of data and applications cloud
computing services are broadly classified in three different
types (Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) , Platform as a
Service(PaaS), Software as a Service(SaaS)) called as
cloud service models.[17,18,19,20] A layers of cloud
computing model and their infrastructural requirements is
shown in the figure –3 and explanation about all the three is
given below.
Figure –3 (Cloud service models)
A. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is one of
the three fundamental service models of cloud computing .
S.B.Dash et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (3) , 2014, 2899-2906
In this model the users are allocated with computing
resources in order to run their applications. The computing
services are provided in a virtualized environment i.e in
cloud by using a communication network. The best known
example of IaaS is Amazon Cloud Formation, Amazon
EC2. It can be implemented by utilizing the concepts like
Enterprise infrastructure, Cloud hosting, and Virtual Data
Centers (VDC). Network as a service (NaaS) is a category
of cloud infrastructure services where the user can use the
network connectivity as a services. NaaS involves the
optimization of resource allocations and resource
computing in the network. VPN, and bandwidth on
demand are the common example of NaaS[20,21,22,23].
The advantages of IaaS are
1. Resources are available on demand as and when the
user requires it. That means the user will not have to
worry about the Infrastructure required to run the
application. so this scalable.
2. In IaaS the Infrastructure i.e the virtualized
environment is set up and maintained by the cloud
provider. So no investment in hardware for the users.
As it saves the implementation cost and time of
3. The service can be accessed on demand and the client
only pays for the resource or application used not for
the Infrastructure
4. The service can be accessed from any location 24X7
provided there is an internet connection. So IaaS is
location independent.
5. Physical security of user’s data is the responsibility of
the cloud provider. So the time required to give
security to data is saved.
6. The chance of system failure is less. Any case of
failure will be smoothly handled by the service
provider. So it is fault tolerant.
Platform as a Service(PaaS) is a category of
cloud computing service model that provides the
developers a platform to build and use applications and
services by using a communication network. PaaS services
are available in the cloud and accessed by users by using
web browsers. In this model, cloud service providers
provides a platform which includes operating system,
programming language execution environment, database,
and web server. The users can use these services to develop
and deploy their own applications. AWS Elastic Beanstalk,
Cloud Foundry, Heroku,, OrangeScape are some
examples of well known PaaS providers . In PaaS services
the user has to pay for a subscription basis and charged just
for what they use.[20,21,22,23,24]
The advantages of PaaS are
1. The user doesn’t have to invest for physical
infrastructure as it will be provided by IaaS on
demand. So this gives fully mobility to focus on the
development of applications.
2. With PaaS services application development is simple.
So anyone can develop an application with less
technical knowledge by using web browser.
3. User can have control over the applications that are
installed within their platforms and can create a
platform that suits their specific requirements. They
can ‘pick and choose’ the features they feel as
4. In PaaS applications can be changed or modified if
5. The services are not isolated, application specific or
location dependent. So users in various locations can
work together provided they are connected through a
communication medium.
6. Security of user’s data and the application is the
responsibility of the cloud provider. Data security,
backup and recovery are the major security issues.
Software as a Service(SaaS)The third cloud
service model is Software as a Service which provides a
platform in which the users access the software from the
cloud. The users of SaaS will not have to worried about
managing the cloud infrastructure and platform on which
the application is running. The software installation and
operation is the responsibility of the service providers and
already available by using IaaS and PaaS. This is typically
end user applications delivered on demand over a network
on a pay per use basis. MicrosoftOffice365, Onlive, GT
Nexus, Marketo, and TradeCard, google apps are some
examples of SaaS. These applications are hosted in “the
cloud” and can be used for a wide range of tasks for both
individuals and organizations.[24,25,26,27]
The advantages of SaaS are
1. No additional infrastructure or platform required to run
the applications, as it provided by the service provider
(IaaS and PaaS).
2. Software Applications are ready to use once the user
subscribes. The user only have to pay for software not
for infrastructure or platform setup.
3. With SaaS services application development is simple.
So anyone can develop an application with less
technical knowledge any time by using web browser.
4. Software updating is automatic i.e if any updates are
available online to existing user, offered free of
5. SaaS provides mobility to the user where applications
can be accessed via any internet enabled device, which
makes it ideal for those who use a number of different
6. devices, such as internet enabled phones and tablets,
and those who don’t always use the same computer.
7. The services are not isolated, application specific or
location dependent. So users in various locations can
work together provided they as connected through a
communication medium.
8. There are no initial setup costs is required with SaaS,
as SaaS offered with other services.
According to the usages of data and applications required
by the users the cloud computing models are broadly
classified in four different types called as cloud
deployment models.[27,29-32] details Cloud deployment
models is available in table-1
S.B.Dash et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (3) , 2014, 2899-2906
A. Public Cloud(External Cloud)
The most popular model of cloud computing to many users
is the public cloud model. It provides cloud services in a
virtualized environment accessible via Web applications or
Web services through internet (Public Network). The cloud
services and cloud resources are accessed from very large
resource pools that are shared by all the end users as
depicted in figure-4. It is owned by an organization selling
cloud services. Cloud services like IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
follows the public cloud model and gives Flexibility to end
users for accessing these services from any internet enabled
Figure-4 Public Cloud(External Cloud)
B. Private Cloud(Internal Cloud)
A private cloud provides a distinct and secure cloud based
environment in which only the authentic users within an
organization can access, as depicted in figure-5 N4 acts as a
private cloud terminal. It makes the use of virtualization
within the private area. It is provided and managed by the
organization or a third party, and can be deployed
according to the requirements.
Figure-5 Private Cloud(Internal Cloud)
C. Community Cloud(Grouped Cloud)
A community cloud provides a distinct and secure
environment where organizations with similar requirements
share a common cloud infrastructure. So it is called as
generalization of a private cloud where a private cloud
infrastructure is only accessible to permissible users as
shown in the figure-6. It is provided and managed by the
organization or a third party, and can be deployed
according to the requirement.
Figure-6 Community Cloud(Grouped Cloud)
D. Hybrid Cloud(Mixed cloud)
A hybrid cloud provides an integrated environment
accessible to both private and public cloud functionalities.
For better utilization of resources an organization can
deploy public cloud services along with private cloud this
can be achieved by registering private cloud services to a
public cloud service. The figure-7 shown below is the
deployment model for hybrid cloud.
Figure-7 Hybrid Cloud(Mixed cloud)
Cloud service providers(CSP) are utility computing
provider organizations that delivers cloud computing based
services and solutions to the cloud users . The services
includes Virtual infrastructure, computing platforms and
applications software.CSP delivers cloud services through
on-demand, pay-as use systems as a service to cloud
users. Users access cloud resources through web based
applications. A user wil choose a good cloud service
provider based upon the services, platforms, Infrastructure
details and user interfaces.[28] A list of top 10 cloud
service providers is given in table-1
S.B.Dash et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (3) , 2014, 2899-2906
Name of
the Service
Contribution Services Platform
1 Amazon
Amazon is one of the best business cloud
service provider so far. Amazon offers
services like Amazon Elastic Computer
Cloud(EC2), Amazon Elastic Map
reducer(EMR), Amazon Simple Storage
Services(S3), Amazon virtual private
Infrastructure as a
as a Service
(PaaS), and
Software as a
Service (SaaS)
Red Hat
Server 2003
R2, 2008 and
2008 R2.
1.7GB RAM, 160GB
local storage, 1 EC2
Compute Unit
API (Application
Command Line
Graphical User
Web Based
IBM provides cloud computing services
like IBM Blue Cloud, IBM Smart Cloud
and IBM Dynamic Infrastructure which
offers companies access to tools that
allow them to manage large scale
and database via IBM's Cloud.[21]
Infrastructure as a
as a Service
(PaaS), and
Software as a
Service (SaaS
sphere and
One Virtual 32 bit
CPUs with 1.25GHz;
2 Gb Virtual memory;
60 GB Instance
API (Application
Web Based
3 Google
Google's cloud services provides a
platform of the gaming and mobile
companies to develop their applications.
Google Drive is a service for data
Platform as a
Service (PaaS)
Mac OS X,
Linux/ Other
Based on
requirements and
existing environment
API (Application
Web Based
4 Microsoft
Microsoft provides Windows Azure, the
“cloud operating system” as PaaS . Now
a days the Azure Services Platform is
developed to run on the Windows Azure
operating systems to give organizations
access to Microsoft services like Live,
.Net, SQL, SharePoint, and Microsoft's
Dynamic CRM.
Platform as a
( PaaS)
supported by
1.6 GHz CPU, 1.75
GB RAM, 225 GB
Instance Storage,
Moderate I/O
Web Based
API (Application
Command Line
5 AT&T
AT&T provides two cloud services:
Synaptic Hosting, through which client
companies will be able to store Windows
serve, Linux client server applications
and web applications on AT&T's cloud;
and Synaptic Storage, enabling clients to
store their data on AT&T's cloud
Platform as a
Service (PaaS)
Based on
requirements and
existing environment
Web Based
6 Salesforce
SalesForce is also a key service provider
in the cloud. It was the first one to offer a
cloud service called Heroku, meant for
home grown applications
Platform as a
Service (PaaS),
and Software as a
Service (SaaS)
Supports all
.NET, Java,
1.6 GHz CPU, 1.75
GB RAM, 225 GB
Instance Storage,
Moderate I/O
API (Application
Web Based
7 Rackspace
It provides Infrastructure requirements
for the cloud implementation
Infrastructure as a
Supports all
512 MB RAM, 1
vCPU, 20GB local
storage, 20 Mbps
public network
throughput, 40 Mbps
internal network
API (Application
Web Based
It provides a plotform as Orange scape
using Cent OS
Platform as a
Service (PaaS)
Supports all
used in Cent
0.5 GB RAM,
1/2vCPU, 20 GB
SATA SAN Storage,
1 TB of data transfer
Web Based
API (Application
Interface) and
graphical user
Cisco infrastructure services provides
infrastructural requirements for cloud
Infrastructure as a
Based on
Based on
requirements and
existing environment
Web Based
ENKI is PaaS provider of personalized
cloud services. It is based on ENKI
enabled infrastructure.
Platform as a
Service (PaaS)
Supports all
.NET, Java,
Advanced Firewall
Backup Storage
Data Encryption
Frequent Data
Web Based
Panel API
Interface) and
graphical user
S.B.Dash et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (3) , 2014, 2899-2906
We have proposed a Trust based Model between
cloud providers and users. Here it is proposed that
trust can be analyzed in three major steps. When
cloud users are satisfied with the first two steps then
at third step unwords they can rely on cloud provider
and request for the cloud services. The steps shown in
Figure -8
Figure-8 ( Trust based SLA model)
Understanding the roles of the cloud service providers and
cloud users is important for the service level
agreement(SLA).Providing security and privacy in the
cloud computing environment and developing efficient and
effective solutions for it is really a difficult task for the
cloud service providers. Confidentiality, integrity,
reliability and availability are widely used terminology
based upon which the cloud users relay on the service
providers. In this paper we have discussed about the
service level agreements(SLA) and cloud computing
models in details from the service providers as well as the
cloud user point of view
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