Using Skype for Business
2016 for Windows
1 Using Skype for Business 2016
Table of Contents
Sign in to Skype for Business ......................................................................................................................... 3
To open Skype for Business: ..................................................................................................................... 3
Sign-in to SFB Using a Computer in the CougarNet Domain .................................................................... 3
Sign-in to SFB at Home Using a Computer Not in the CougarNet Domain ............................................... 3
The Skype for Business Windows ................................................................................................................. 4
Add a Contact ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Create a Contact Group ................................................................................................................................ 5
One-Click Calling ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Answer a Call ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Send an Instant Message .............................................................................................................................. 6
Set-up Voice Mail .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Listen to Voice Mail in Outlook ..................................................................................................................... 8
Listen to Voice Mail in Skype for Business .................................................................................................... 8
View Missed Calls in Outlook ........................................................................................................................ 9
View Missed Calls in Skype for Business ....................................................................................................... 9
Information for Skype for Business Meetings and Conference Calls .......................................................... 10
Schedule a Conference Call or Skype for Business Meeting in Outlook ..................................................... 11
Call Forwarding ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Transfer a Call ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Saved Conversations ................................................................................................................................... 15
Set a Picture ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Audio/Video Device Settings ...................................................................................................................... 17
Set Your Presence ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Change Your Personal Options ................................................................................................................... 18
Self Help ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
Advanced Skype for Business Features ....................................................................................................... 20
Start a Conference Call................................................................................................................................ 21
Dial a Long-Distance Number ..................................................................................................................... 22
Add a Long-Distance Number to a Conference Call .................................................................................... 23
Start a Video Call ......................................................................................................................................... 24
Sharing a Desktop ....................................................................................................................................... 24
Transfering a File ......................................................................................................................................... 25
2 Using Skype for Business 2016
Make a Video Recording of a Meeting........................................................................................................ 26
Federated Contact List ................................................................................................................................ 28
Administrative Work Group ........................................................................................................................ 29
Assign a Delegate ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Response Group .......................................................................................................................................... 30
Dialing 911 With Skype for Business ........................................................................................................... 32
3 Using Skype for Business 2016
To open Skype for Business:
Locate the Start menu option.
Type Skype for Business in the search bar.
Select Skype for Business.
to SFB Using a Computer in the CougarNet Domain
When a person is logged into a computer on CougarNet, upon
launch, SFB will use the CougarNet credentials of the person
logged into that computer. The sign-in to SFB is automatic as
long as you enter the sign-in address
Sign-in to SFB at Home Using a Computer Not in the CougarNet
In the Sign-in Address field, enter your
Click Sign In.
In the User Name field that appears, enter
In the Password field, enter your Cougarnet password.
Click OK.
If someone other than you is logged into the computer you are using, Skype for
Business requests your CougarNet password for verification.
Sign in to Skype for Business
4 Using Skype for Business 2016
The Skype for Business window is your gateway to all of the communication tools
that are available.
Create a Contact entry for people that you communicate with often; it makes
communicating easy. For example, a call can be placed to a Contact with one
click of a mouse.
To add a Contact:
Type a name in the Search field.
The person’s contact information appears in the area below the Search field.
Right‐click the name of the person you want to add as a Contact.
The Skype for Business Windows
Add a Contact
5 Using Skype for Business 2016
From the menu that appears, select Add to Contacts List.
Select the desired Contact group.
Create groups to help you organize your Contacts. Create as many groups as you
need for college, department, project team, students, family or friends.
To create a Contact Group:
Click the Add a Contact icon.
From the menu that appears, select
Create a New Group.
A New Group heading appears at the
bottom of the window.
Click on New Group then type the
desired name for the new group.
Create a Contact Group
6 Using Skype for Business 2016
To move or copy a Contact to a group:
From the menu that appears, right‐click a Contact and select Move or Copy.
To call a Contact with one click:
Hover your mouse over a
Contact’s picture.
Click the Handset button
that appears.
When you receive a phone call, a Call Invitation alert appears in the lower right corner of your
Choose an answering option:
Click the left Phone icon to answer the call.
Click the middle Phone icon to send the
call to voice mail or to set the status to
Set to Do Not Disturb.
Click the right Phone icon to send the
call directly to voice mail.
To send an Instant Message (IM):
Hover your mouse over a Contact’s
Click the IM button that appears.
Enter the desired message in the message input area of the IM window that
Press <ENTER> to send the message.
One-Click Calling
Answer a Call
Send an Instant Message
7 Using Skype for Business 2016
Click the More Options icon below the
message input area to change the font
style, size or color. Click the emoticon
(smiley face) to choose from an array of
emoticons that accurately conveys your
emotional state.
To set‐up voice mail:
Click the Keypad icon.
Click the Voice Mail options icon.
Select Set Up Voice Mail from the menu that
Note: The first time you call the Voice Mail system, you will be asked to create a Voice Mail PIN.
Set-up Voice Mail
8 Using Skype for Business 2016
When you receive a voicemail, the message the appears in your Outlook inbox
To listen to your voice mail in Outlook:
Go to your Outlook Inbox.
Open any email with Voice Mail in the subject.
Click the blue play button to listen to a message.
To listen to voice mail in Skype for Business, choose one of two options:
Click the Dial Pad. Your voice mail
appears at the bottom of the window.
Hover your mouse over the picture of
the person who recorded the
message. Click the Play button.
Type 713-743-6200 in the Search field, press
<ENTER>. Skype for Business dials the Voice
Mail system. Follow the prompts.
Listen to Voice Mail in Outlook
Listen to Voice Mail in Skype for Business
9 Using Skype for Business 2016
When you have a missed call, a missed call notification appears in your Outlook Inbox.
To view missed calls in Outlook:
Go to your Outlook Inbox.
Open any email with
Missed Call in the subject.
To view missed calls in Skype for Business:
Click the Conversations icon.
Click Calls.
View Missed Calls in Outlook
View Missed Calls in Skype for Business
10 Using Skype for Business 2016
There are four classifications for meeting participants:
Organizer the person who schedules a meeting or conference call.
Leader the first person to dial‐in to a conference call from a Skype for Business phone.
Presenter can invite others to an active meeting or conference call. During a
meeting, a Presenter can change the classification of other Presenters to an Attendee.
Only a Presenter can record a meeting, distribute files and share items, such as the
desktop, a program, whiteboard and conduct a poll. By default, all faculty and staff
members are a Presenter. If desired, the meeting Organizer can change the
permissions level of any participant from Presenter to Attendee before the Meeting
Invitation is sent. This is done using Meeting Options. For information on accessing
Meeting Options, see UIT document Conferencing Quick Reference for Windows.
Attendee can initiate instant message (IM) conversations and view items that are shared.
By default, meeting participants who dial‐in from a non‐Skype for Business must wait in
the lobby until a Leader dials‐in. The first person to dial‐in from a Skype for Business
phone becomes the Leader and anyone waiting in the lobby can be given access to the
If you want to be a Leader or need to be (for instance, if all other participants are not
affiliated with UH) and you dial‐in from a non‐Skype for Business phone, you must
enter your Dial‐in PIN to become the Leader. The Dial‐in PIN is identical to the Sign‐in
PIN for CX600 phones. If you cannot remember your Dial‐in PIN or if you never
received a Dial‐in PIN, go to to reset your PIN or obtain your first
Before sending a Meeting Invitation, the Organizer can change the Meeting Options. It
is very important to change Meeting Options before sending the Meeting Invitation
because changing the options can potentially change the meeting link and Conference
ID. The Conference ID is assigned by Skype for Business and appears in a Meeting
Invitation. Meeting options include:
Everyone waits in the lobby except the Organizer
No one waits in the lobby
Only the Organizer is a Presenter
Information for Skype for Business Meetings and Conference Calls
11 Using Skype for Business 2016
A Skype for Business add‐on is installed in Outlook that allows you to invite others
to a phone conference or Skype for Business meeting. You can even invite people
who are not affiliated with UH and are not a Skype for Business user.
To schedule a phone conference or Skype for Business
meeting in Outlook:
Open your Outlook Calendar.
Click New Skype Meeting on the toolbar.
Set the meeting date and time.
Click Send.
All attendees will receive a phone number to dial‐in and a web address. Non‐Skype for Business
users may choose one of two options to join a meeting: Skype for Business Web App or Skype
for Business Attendee. For more information, see UIT document Using Skype for Business Web
App or Using Skype for Business Attendee.
Schedule a Conference Call or Skype for Business Meeting in Outlook
12 Using Skype for Business 2016
There are three call‐forwarding
options. To access all three options,
click the Options button then click
Call Forwarding in the Options dialog
Turn off call forwarding calls will ring in Skype
for Business and your desk phone.
Forward my calls to
sends calls directly to voice
mail, another number, a
Contact, or a Delegate.
Simultaneously ring calls
will ring in Skype for Business
and your desk phone, while
also ringing at another
location that you set.
Simultaneous ring must be
selected to use the Skype for
Business Mobile App.
Call Forwarding
13 Using Skype for Business 2016
Note: All Call Forwarding options can be accessed by clicking the Call Forward button at the
bottom of the Skype for Business window. Select the desired option from the menu.
14 Using Skype for Business 2016
To transfer a call:
In the Conversation Window,
click the Transfer button.
Select Another Person or Number
or Park the call.
Click Transfer Now.
Transfer a Call
15 Using Skype for Business 2016
If you have a UIT Exchange account, all of your IM conversations and phone logs are stored in
Outlook, in a folder named Conversation History.
To manage how your IM conversations and phone logs are stored in Outlook:
In the main Skype for Business window, click the Options button.
In the Skype for Business options dialog box, click Personal then select
the desired settings.
Click Ok.
Saved Conversations
16 Using Skype for Business 2016
Skype for Business 2016 can be used to hide a picture. To upload a picture login to
Office 365.
To hide your picture:
In the main Skype for Business window, click the Options button.
In the Options dialog box, click My Picture.
Select Hide my picture.
Click Ok.
Set a Picture
17 Using Skype for Business 2016
The Options dialog box is used to adjust audio/video settings and check audio
quality. To access audio/video device options:
In the lower‐left corner of
the Skype for Business
window, click the Select
Primary Device button, and
select Audio Device Settings
from the menu.
In the Options dialog box,
click Audio Device or Video
Select the desired settings.
Click Ok.
Audio/Video Device Settings
18 Using Skype for Business 2016
To change your status:
Click the Status field.
Select a Status from the menu.
To indicate your location:
Click the Location field.
Type your location.
Press Enter.
To change your Personal options:
Click the Options button.
In the Options dialog
box, select the options
you want to change.
Click Ok.
Set Your Presence
Change Your Personal Options
19 Using Skype for Business 2016
To access Skype for Business Help:
Click the arrow next to the Options button.
Select Help ‐> Skype for Business Help from the menu.
Self Help
20 Using Skype for Business 2016
This section covers advanced Skype for Business features. In this section, you will learn how to:
Start a Conference Call Start a Video Call
Share Your Desktop or a Program Transfer a File
Record Video
Use a Federated Contact List Assign a Delegate
Response Group Dialing 911
Advanced Skype
for Business
21 Using Skype for Business 2016
If you are on a call and you decide that you need to have a conference call that includes the person to
whom you are speaking and additional participants, this can be done in the Conversation window of the
current call.
To escalate a call to a conference call:
During a call, in the
Conversation window, click
the People button.
In the box that appears, select
Invite More People.
In the Invite by Name or Phone
Number dialog box that appears,
select a Contact or enter a phone
Click Ok.
Note: Drag and drop a Contact from the Skype for Business window to the Conversation
window is another way to create a conference call.
Start a Conference Call
22 Using Skype for Business 2016
Your long-distance authorization code must be entered using the Skype for Business
keypad. To dial a long-distance number:
In the Search field, using
your keyboard, enter a
domestic long-distance
number or 011 followed by
an international long-
distance number.
Press <ENTER>.
In the Conversation window
of the long-distance call,
click the Call Options
After the long-distance
number is dialed, one or
two beeps can be heard.
After hearing the beep(s),
enter your long-distance
authorization code using
the keypad. If you enter
your long-distance code too
soon, the call will fail.
Dial a Long-Distance Number
23 Using Skype for Business 2016
Adding a person with a long-distance number to a conference call must be done by making a
separate call and merging the two conversations together.
To add a long-distance number to a conference call:
Follow the steps in the previous section to dial a long-distance number. The
conference call is automatically put on hold.
In the Conversation window of the long-distance call, click More Options (ellipsis).
From the menu that appears, select Merge This Call Into ‐> the desired call.
Add a Long-Distance Number to a Conference Call
24 Using Skype for Business 2016
To start a video call:
Hover over the picture of a Contact.
From the icons that appear, click on Video.
To share your desktop or a specific program:
During a call, in the Conversation window, hover over the Share
From the box that appears, select Desktop.
When you are done sharing, click Stop Presenting.
Start a Video Call
Sharing a Desktop
25 Using Skype for Business 2016
To transfer a file, choose one of two options:
Using your mouse, drag and drop a file onto the Conversation
The file is sent to everyone in the conversation.
Click the Paper Clip and select a file from your hard drive.
Click Open.
The file is sent to everyone in the conversation.
Transfering a File
26 Using Skype for Business 2016
Recording a Skype for Business Meeting captures audio, video, and everything that is
shared. Any Presenter can record a meeting. The recording is saved to their computer.
Note: You must be a Presenter to a record meeting.
To start recording an active meeting:
Click More Options and select Start Recording from the menu.
While recording, controls appear at the bottom of the window to pause, resume or
stop recording
Make a Video Recording of a Meeting
27 Using Skype for Business 2016
Click the Stop button at the bottom of the window to end recording.
Skype for Business Recording Manager appears after recording ends.
Skype for Business Recording Manager is used to play your Skype for Business recordings or to
publish recordings in MP4 format to share with others.
To access the Skype for Business Recording Manager at any time:
Click the arrow next to the Options button. From the menu,
Select Tools
Recording Manager
28 Using Skype for Business 2016
The Skype for Business federation lets you communicate faster and more
effectively with those outside of the university, such as partners, suppliers,
vendors or other universities.
Being federated allows you to:
Add a user from another organization as a Skype for Business Contact.
Send instant messages to federated contacts.
Exchange presence information.
Escalate person‐to‐person instant messages to multi‐person conferences.
UH is openly federated. You can use all of Skype for Business has unified
communication tools to communicate with someone who is at an openly federated
organization. Skype for Business supports federation with Microsoft Messenger
public instant messaging (IM). The federation makes audio calling and instant
messaging possible between Skype for Business and Skype users.
Note: At the address below, you can see which organizations are federated. Almost
5,000 organizations around the world have joined.‐microsoft‐Skype for Business ‐
federation‐ directory_0
Federated Contact List
29 Using Skype for Business 2016
A Delegate is a person with permission to receive calls, messages and schedule meetings on behalf of
another. Deans, directors and department heads commonly use a Delegate, as well as department
phones where a back‐up person is needed to answer the phone. If a phone must be answered at all
times, delegation provides a solution by routing incoming calls to multiple phones. Using Outlook,
Delegates can also have access to voice mail and missed call messages. For more information on
delegation including how to delegate an Outlook mailbox, see UIT document Delegate Access in Skype
for Business.
To set‐up a Delegate:
In the Skype for
Business window,
click the Options
In the Options dialog
box, click Call
Near the bottom of
the dialog box, click
Edit my delegate
In the Delegates
dialog box, click Add.
Select the person(s)
you want to assign
to be a Delegate.
Click Ok.
Work Group
Assign a Delegate
30 Using Skype for Business 2016
To rescind Delegate permission:
Use the steps listed above to access the Delegates dialog box.
Check the box next to the Delegate you no longer want to be a Delegate.
Click Remove.
Click Ok.
Response Group is a unified communications application that is used to create and configure
workflows. Workflows can route and queue incoming calls to designated groups. An agent group is a
collection of agents who handle incoming calls from the Response Group. When an administrator
creates an agent group, he or she can select the agents that are assigned to the group and specify
whether the group requires agents to sign in and out. A person will be considered either an informal
agent or a formal agent, depending on whether you are required to formally sign in to your agent
group to begin receiving calls.
Informal agents are agents that have been assigned to an agent group that does not require them to
sign in and out. Informal agents are automatically signed in to the group when they sign‐in to
Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2. If you are an informal agent, you can receive calls
routed to your group by using Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Attendant or Office
Communicator 2007 R2.
Formal agents are agents that have been assigned to an agent group that requires them to sign
in and out. Formal agents must be signed in to the group before they can receive calls routed to
the group.
Response Group
31 Using Skype for Business 2016
To view which Response Group, you are in:
In the Skype for Business window, click the arrow next to the Options button.
Select Tools
Response Group Settings.
Sign‐in with your CougarNet username and password.
32 Using Skype for Business 2016
Your Skype for Business hard phone and the soft phone on your computer offer an amazing
amount of flexibility. One of the most powerful features of Skype for Business is the ability to
make calls from any location through the internet via your laptop computer. Unfortunately, the
technology of the Emergency 911 system has not kept pace with Skype for Business technology,
so even though you can place work calls from home, hotels, or even a cybercafé, the 911
system will recognize the call as being placed from your office. This problem is not unique to
Skype for Business. It affects Skype, Vonage, and other IP phone service providers.
Please remember, if you place a 911 call using your Skype for Business soft phone (the Skype for
Business client), the 911 system will connect to the Houston emergency services and dispatch
responders to your office location that is associated with your phone number. If you must place a
911 call from an off‐campus location using Skype for Business, you must specifically notify the first
responder of your actual location. When possible, it would be preferable in those situations to use a
local phone or a cellular phone for 911 calls.
Dialing 911 With Skype for Business