WLHS Anatomy & Physiology Name
Unit 4 / Chapter 5: The Skeletal System – STUDY GUIDE
Your study guide is not only an excellent guide to preparation for your exams, it is also a homework
assignment. Your completed study guide work will be handed in on the day of the Unit Exam.
Words to know:
Chapter 7 (Skeletal System)
Epiphysis Skull, cranium, facial bones Long bone
Articular cartilage Hyoid bone Short bone
Diaphysis Vertebral column Flat bone
Periosteum Atlas, axis Sesamoid bone
Medullary cavity Cervical, thoracic, lumbar
Irregular bone
Endosteum Sacrum, coccyx Foramen / foramina
Marrow (red and yellow) Thoracic cage Fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial
Compact bone Ribs, costal cartilages Meniscus / menisci
Spongy bone Pectoral girdle Bursa / bursae
Osteocytes Articulation *all types of synovial joints
Haversian canals / central canals Lacuna *all types of joint movements
Osteoblasts Clavicle Arthritis
Osteoclasts Fontanels Pelvic girdle
Intramembranous bones Pubis symphisis Axial skeleton
Endochondral bones Epiphyseal plate (growth plate) Appendicular skeleton
Questions to answer:
1) Provide three examples to illustrate how bones support and protect body parts.
2) Match the movements in column I with the description in column II.
1. rotation a. turning palm upward
2. supination b. decreasing angle between parts
3. extension c. moving part forward
4. eversion d. moving part around an axis
5. protraction e. turning sole of foot to face laterally
6. flexion f. increasing angle between parts
7. pronation g. lowering a part
8. abduction h. turning palm downward
9. depression i. moving part away from midline
3) Distinguish between spongy bone and compact bone. Include where in the skeleton each type of bone is
4a) Differentiate between the axial and appendicular skeletons.
4b) Indicate whether the following bones are part of the AXIAL (AX) or APPENDICULAR (AP) skeleton.
1. sternum ___
6. fibula ___
11. scapula ___
16. tarsals ___
21. scaphoid ___
2. humerus ___
7. ulna ___
12. sacrum ___
17. femur ___
22. ethmoid ____
3. tibia ___
8. atlas ___
13. carpals ___
18. ilium ___
23. occipital ___
4. ribs ___
9. phalanges ___
14. axis ___
19. zygomatic ___
24. triquetrum ___
5. radius ___
10. frontal bone ___
15. clavicle ___
20. navicular ___
25. maxilla ____
5) Matching: Match the types of synovial joints in column A with the examples in column B.
Column A Column B Answers:
1. hip joint
2. metacarpal-phalanx
3. proximal radius – ulna
4. humerus-ulna of the elbow joint
5. phalanx-phalanx
6. shoulder joint
7. tarsal-tarsal
8. carpal-metacarpal of the thumb
9. carpal-carpal
6) Name five functions of the human skeletal system.
7) Define ossification. List and explain the two types of ossification. Provide an example of a bone in the
skeleton that is formed by each type.
8) Identify as many bones as you can on the skeleton below.
Make sure to review all lecture notes, reading guides, and colorings.