Adoption of this form does not constitute a conclusive defense to charges of unlawful sexual harassment. Each claim of
sexual harassment will be determined in accordance with existing legal standards, with due consideration of the particular
facts and circumstances of the claim, including but not limited to the existence of an effective anti-harassment policy and
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[Name of employer]
New York State Labor Law requires all employers to adopt a sexual harassment prevention policy that
includes a complaint form for employees to report alleged incidents of sexual harassment.
If you believe that you have been subjected to sexual harassment, you are encouraged to complete this form
and submit it to [person or office designated; contact information for designee or office; how the form can be
submitted]. Once you submit this form, your employer must follow its sexual harassment prevention policy and
investigate any claims.
If you are more comfortable reporting verbally or in another manner, your employer is still required to follow its
sexual harassment prevention policy by investigating the claims as outlined at the end of this form.
For additional resources, visit:
Home Address: Work Address:
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Job Title: Email:
Select Preferred Communication Method:
(please select one)
Immediate Supervisor’s Name:
Work Phone: Work Address:
1. Your complaint of Sexual Harassment is made against:
Name: Title:
Work Address: Work Phone:
Complaint Form For
Reporting Sexual Harassment
Adoption of this form does not constitute a conclusive defense to charges of unlawful sexual harassment. Each claim of
sexual harassment will be determined in accordance with existing legal standards, with due consideration of the particular
facts and circumstances of the claim, including but not limited to the existence of an effective anti-harassment policy and
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Relationship to you: Supervisor Subordinate Co-Worker Other
2. Please describe the conduct or incident(s) that is the basis of this complaint and your reasons for
concluding that the conduct is sexual harassment. Please use additional sheets of paper if
necessary and attach any relevant documents or evidence.
3. Date(s) sexual harassment occurred:
Is the sexual harassment continuing? Yes No
4. Please list the name and contact information of any witnesses or individuals that may have
information related to your complaint:
The last two questions are optional, but may help facilitate the investigation.
5. Have you previously complained or provided information (verbal or written) about sexual
harassment at [Name of employer]? If yes, when and to whom did you complain or provide
Employees that file complaints with their employer might have the ability to get help or file claims
with other entities including federal, state or local government agencies or in certain courts.
6. Have you filed a claim regarding this complaint with a federal, state or local government agency?
Yes No
Have you instituted a legal suit or court action regarding this complaint?
Yes No
Have you hired an attorney with respect to this complaint?
Yes No
I request that [name of employer] investigate this complaint of sexual harassment in a timely and
confidential manner as outlined below, and advise me of the results of the investigation.
Signature: __________________________ Date: __________________
Adoption of this form does not constitute a conclusive defense to charges of unlawful sexual harassment. Each claim of
sexual harassment will be determined in accordance with existing legal standards, with due consideration of the particular
facts and circumstances of the claim, including but not limited to the existence of an effective anti-harassment policy and
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Instructions for Employers
If you receive a complaint about alleged sexual harassment, you must follow your sexual
harassment prevention policy by investigating the allegations through actions such as:
Speaking with the employee
Speaking with the alleged harasser
Interviewing witnesses
Collecting and reviewing any related documents
You should create a written document of the findings of the investigation, along with any corrective
actions taken and notify the employee and the individual(s) against whom the complaint was made.
This may be done via email.