SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 1
Service Descriptions
Managed Services (HANA Enterprise Cloud and Application Management Services) Description
1. Definitions.
“Business Daymeans any days from Monday to Friday with the exception of the public holidays observed at Customer location as
specified in the applicable Order Form.
“Business Hours means business hours (8 a.m. until 6 p.m. local time) at Customer location on Business Days.
Change Requestmeans any changes in the HEC Service as described in a written document signed by the parties and referencing
the applicable Order Form.
Computing Environment” means the SAP provided data center facilities, servers, networking equipment, operating systems, and data
storage mechanisms used by SAP to provide the HEC Service for the Customer, and includes the Development Computing Environment
(DEV), the Production Computing Environment (PRD), and the Quality Assurance Computing Environment (QAS) as agreed in the Order
“DEV(Development Computing Environment) means that part of the Computing Environment which is used only for the development
and testing of new customizing or application adjustments.
“Downtime” means the total number of hours in any given month during which the Software, as applicable, is not able to respond to
end-user or inter-system interaction requests, excluding any such time resulting from the causes listed in section 6.2 below.
“HEC Service(s)means HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC) services for productive purpose (HEC Production Cloud) or for a project phase
(HEC Cloud Start) and/or Application Management Services (AMS) for HANA Enterprise Cloud Applications, which Customer has
purchased pursuant to a Scope Document and Order Form. The HEC Production Cloud Services can be based on a BYOL (Bring Your
Own License) approach or by using Subscription Software; that means there are two options: HEC Production Cloud (BYOL) or HEC
Production Cloud with Subscription Software. Any services not included in the HEC Roles and Responsibilities document shall be deemed
out of scope for the HEC Services. HEC Services shall be understood to be included in the definition of “Services” and “Cloud Services
as those terms are used in the Agreement.
“Hosted Software” means the software owned or licensed by Customer (BYOL “Bring Your Own License” approach) and which
Customer provides to SAP to be hosted as part of the HANA Enterprise Cloud for Production or HANA Enterprise Cloud for Projects
service and/or also Subscription Software as part of the HANA Enterprise Cloud for Production with Subscription Software service
purchased by Customer in an Order Form, including all SAP applications which are installed in the Computing Environment and supported
via the applicable HEC Service, any application software, whether licensed from SAP or provided from a third party (where SAP has
consented in writing to the use of such third party software), as well as all database software required to run the applications, but excluding
any Subscription Software. Applications, databases, software, tools, and components that are licensed by Customer from any third party
may only be hosted by SAP as part of the HEC Service with the prior written consent of SAP.
“Incidents” means unplanned interruptions or material reduction in service quality reported by Named Users of the Customer.
“Incident Response Time (IRT)” means the amount of time (e.g. in hours or minutes) between the time that the SAP Support
organization is notified of the Customer-reported Incident and the first action taken by an SAP support person, familiar with the Customers
environment, to repair the Incident
“Solution Time (ST)” means the amount of time (e.g. in hours or minutes) between the time the SAP Support organization is notified
of the Customer-reported Incident until the first solution will be provided to the customer (time stamp of ticket status “solution proposed
to customer (can be set exceptionally manually in case of a workaround)). The Solution Time (ST) does not include the time, when the
ticket is on customer or partner (technology or software partner of SAP) side. Solution Time (ST) will be only monitored for Incident
Management tickets and if contractually agreed.
“License Agreement” means the agreement between SAP (or an SAP SE Affiliate, or an authorized reseller of the SAP software) under
which Customer procured the license rights to use SAP software that comprises part or all of the Hosted Software.
“Customer Data” means any content, materials, data and information that Customer or its Named Users enter into the Computing
Point of Demarcation means the outbound firewall/VPN device of the Computing Environment.
PRD” (Production Computing Environment) means that part of the Computing Environment which is used exclusively for the
execution of live business transactions.
QAS” (Quality Assurance Computing Environment) means that part of the Computing Environment which is used primarily for the
execution of training exercises and/or the testing of application configuration and development.
“Subscription Softwaremeans software for which the customer received use rights and maintenance by SAP on a subscription base.
Subscription Software shall be understood to be part of the HEC Production Cloud with Subscription Software service for purposes of
the Agreement. .
“Technical Availability (TA)means a percentage calculated by dividing the Uptime by the total number of hours in the same month.
Technical Availability of the individual SAP system (PRD, QAS or DEV) in the Customer’s Computing Environment is in accordance with
Section 3 of the Order Form.
“VPNmeans a Virtual Private Network that is a secure data network that utilizes the internet to connect geographically distant offices.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 2
“Termination Date” means the effective date of a valid termination effected in accordance with terms of the Agreement.
“Uptime” means the total number of hours in any given month less the total Downtime for such month.
2. HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC) Services
2.1. General
HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC) Services means the services for operating Hosted Software in a data center facilities, servers, networking
equipment, operating systems, and data storage mechanisms used by SAP to provide the services for the Customer. The Hosted
Software can be owned / licensed by the customer (BYOL approach) or can also include Subscription Software.
The Hosted Software can include the Development (DEV), Quality Assurance (QAS) and the Production Computing Environment (PRD).
The relevant configuration is defined and agreed in the relevant Scope Document. SAP provides services to manage the Hosted Software
as further specified in Exhibit A.
- Storage management
- Management of the used operating systems including system startup/shutdown
- Data base management
- Security management
- Change control management
- System installation
- General NetWeaver and ABAP Operations
As part of the HEC Services SAP will install the Software in the Computing Environment, setup and configure relevant hardware and
software monitoring agents for the Computing Environment and the Software and introduce Customer to SAP’s support and
communications procedures. The Exhibit A includes a detailed and complete description of service items. Any services not included in
the Exhibit A shall be deemed out of scope for the HEC Service.
Additional Managed Services may be requested by the Customer via the Change Request Procedure. SAP shall have the exclusive right
to determine and manage all resources used in providing the Managed Services. SAP may subcontract some or all of the components
of the Managed Services to an SAP affiliated company or any qualified third party as SAP deems appropriate. In the event that the
Managed Services are sub contracted to a third party as provided in this paragraph, SAP shall remain liable for the acts and omissions
of that sub-contractor in its performance of those Managed Services.
If not otherwise stated in the relevant section, the descriptions of the service in section 3 to 11 shall apply to all HEC services in the same
2.2. HEC Cloud Start
HEC Cloud Start is based on the BYOL approach only, Subscription Software is not in scope of this service. The standard term of the
HEC Cloud Start service is 1 month to 1 year. The main intent of this service is to develop and create a customer specific landscape and
configuration i.e. during an implementation project which is then ready to perform the HEC services in a productive way in the next stage
(see HEC Production Cloud).
The SLA Technical Availability (see section 6.2.) is limited to 95% and the highest possible priority for any Incidents is “High.
The customer can terminate the Order Form for HEC Cloud Start for convenience before the agreed term expires by giving at least 7
days prior termination notice at any time and without any additional termination fee. HEC Cloud Start has a weekly consumption base
fee, to be invoiced monthly in arrears.
The following data bases can be supported within HEC Cloud Start: SAP HANA, Sybase ASE and also Microsoft SQL in case that neither
HANA nor ASE is compatible with the customer solution. The main restriction for HEC Cloud Start is, that the customer can use the
provided services for test or development purpose only but not for daily business operations.
2.3. HEC Production Cloud (BYOL)
HEC Production Cloud is possible on the BYOL approach and also for Subscription Software. This section describes the conditions for
HEC Production Cloud (BYOL), please notice the details for subscription in the following section.
The term of a HEC Production Cloud (BYOL) is between 36 and 60 month. SAP will operate the Hosted Software in the Computing
Environment and the customer can use the services for productive use (at least on system with PRD mode of use must be part of the
services). The SLA as described in section 6 are fully available for this service.
The customer can terminate the Order Form for HEC Production Cloud (BYOL) for convenience before the agreed term expires by at
any time but with an additional termination fee as described in Section 10. HEC Production Cloud has a monthly fee, to be invoiced
annually in advance.
The following data bases can be supported within HEC Production Cloud: SAP HANA, Sybase ASE and also Microsoft SQL in case that
neither HANA nor ASE is compatible with the customer solution. The main restriction for HEC Cloud Start is, that the customer can use
the provided services for test or development purpose only but not for daily business operations,
2.4. HEC Production Cloud with Subscription Software
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 3
This service is similar to HEC Production Cloud (BYOL) regarding the service scope but with following important differences
a) The compensation for the use rights and the SAP support (Enterprise Support) for the Subscription Software is included
in the recurring monthly fee. The customer receives no ownership to the Subscription Software.
b) The term of such HEC Production Cloud with Subscription Software can be only 36 month, longer or shorter terms are
not possible.
c) The Order Form for this HEC Production Cloud with Subscription Service cannot be terminated for convenience.
Customer’s right to access the Subscription Software ends upon the earlier of expiration of the initial term or any
applicable renewal term, or early termination of the Order Form in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
HEC Production Cloud with Subscription Software has a monthly recurring fee, to be invoiced annually in advance. The usable data bases
are the same as in HEC Production Cloud (BYOL). Also the SLA in section 6 are fully applicable for this service.
2.5. Application Management Services (AMS) for HEC
The Application Management Services (AMS) consultant(s) assigned to this engagement will assist Customer in the ongoing application
support of their SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud solution. The AMS Services for HEC to be provided by SAP hereunder are limited to the
following scope and is subject to Customer fulfilling its responsibilities described in the HEC Roles and Responsibilities document (Exhibit
All other services, systems, applications and location supported etc. are not in the scope. The Customer must select the applicable
Application Management Service in the relevant Scope Document and specify some details in the Order Form.
The following standard Application Management Services will be provided to the extent as described in the Exhibit A: Roles and
Incident Management; means Ticket acceptance from key users according to defined SLA’s, analysis and resolution of Incidents
according to defined solution scope and SLA’s, recommendations on application- and system optimization, ticket-based
documentation and if required: request involvement of 3
Level Support
Problem Management; means ticket acceptance from key users according to defined SLAs, root cause analysis and resolution of
problems according to defined solution scope, recommendations on application- and system optimization, ticket-based
documentation and if required: request involvement of 3
Level Support
Change Management; means ticket acceptance from key users according to defined SLAs, analysis of Requests for Change
according to defined solution scope and SLA’s, scope definition, commercial validation and creation of requests for change with
customer project manager; for requests for change in the scope defined in this section: ticket-based documentation, planning and
deployment of Requests for Change according to defined solution scope and SLA’s and if required: request involvement of 3
Request Fulfillment, means ticket acceptance from key users according to defined SLA’s, implementation of service request,
request for continuous operations and agreed standard change according to defined solution scope and SLA’s, ticket-based
Proactive Event Management (Monitoring), means carry out of monitoring activities as specified in the monitoring concept and
creation of incident tickets for identified issues; monitoring alerts, categorization of alerts according to criticality, and creation of
incident tickets for critical alerts, taking corrective actions by processing the incident tickets, proactive adjustment to relevant
parameter to avoid further issues, ticket-based documentation and if required: request involvement of 3rd Level Support
Proactive Services for SAP Applications, means specific service activities defined for the customer specific landscape to be
carried in proactive mode as specified in the Scope Document or Order Form.
As part of the engagement, SAP will provide selected services as agreed in the Scope Document and/or Order Form up to an agreed
upon number of person hours per month at the discretion of the customer. The agreed number of monthly hours is designated in the
Scope Document and/or Order Form for AMS.
As part of the engagement, SAP will provide selected services only for the SAP solution and business processes in scope as specified
in the Order Form for AMS.
The nature and type of support activities are defined in the Exhibit A: Roles and Responsibilities. Some services will require tasks to be
performed by both Customer and SAP personnel for the successful completion of the service. The specific roles and responsibilities of
SAP and Customer are specified in detail in the Service Description.
The single platform to be used to create support requests to SAP AMS will be SAP Service Market Place (SMP). The SAP Service
Market Place is SAP’s central portal for all application based support requests via creation of support tickets.
Engagement Approach for Application Management Services
SAP will provide a support structure to ensure that the resources required to provide the Application Management Services are available
and that they have the necessary industry and Customer-specific knowledge of the supported applications that will be used.
This includes in particular:
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 4
Appointing SAP Engagement Manager
Integration into the processes of SAP’s Service Desk
Expertise transfer to the SAP support team concerning the Customer -specific SAP solution.
To establish Customer-specific knowledge in the SAP support team, the expertise transfer phase will form part of the set up of the
Application Management Services. The intensity and manner of the expertise transfer depends on the Customer’s IT organization or
implementation partner of Customer, if applicable, and the complexity of Customer supported IT solution (number of systems, application
scenarios, business processes and modifications within the SAP solution, the number of non-SAP applications and interfaces, and so
The expertise transfer phase will be coordinated by the Engagement Manager for SAP with strong cooperation of Customer or the
responsible contact partner of Customer if applicable, and also with the project manager responsible for the implementation, if applicable.
The expertise transfer will focus on the business processes listed in the Service Level Agreement.
The expertise transfer will provide the SAP team with the necessary knowledge required for the provision of the services, which may, as
appropriate include information, records, documents, test scripts and data pertaining to SAP’s delivering its in-scope services to the
The main steps in the Transition phase are as follows:
Planning and
Detailed workshops between Customer and SAP (including skills requirements
gathering for staffing, knowledge transfer planning, etc.), team on-boarding (Customer
related, cultural, etc.), defining responsibility matrix and governance models.
Request and provisioning of infrastructure and application accesses and other
resources necessary to support Customer. Setting up and testing of ticketing tool.
SAP to attend expertise transfer sessions led by Customer or responsible contact
partner of Customer, if applicable, gather, update and/or prepare documentation, if
Finalize Transition
SAP to perform final Operations Readiness checks and move on to coordinate cutover
SAP to observe and assist Customer team on-site (locations to be determined) where
work is carried out.
Reverse Shadowing
SAP to perform the work while Customer team to support, as escalation contacts.
Customer’s key users will support the SAP service & support team in consolidating the expertise regarding the supported business
processes. In addition, Customer will provide access to the system landscape to be supported, the relevant engagement documentation
required for Application Management Services, and any other documents, as necessary.
A joint project plan will be drafted in detailed discussions with Customer during the initial stages of the transition and will be used to track
all deliverables throughout this phase.
The services described in chapter 2 during live operation are provided remotely by SAP and will be documented in a ticket which has to
be processed in compliance with the Event-, Incident-, Problem-, Change Management or Request Fulfillment Process.
If necessary, SAP will also provide support onsite under this agreement for up to an agreed number of days per event as designated in
the Order Form for AMS. Services provided onsite require prior notification irrespective of the priority of the issue at hand. Onsite services
can be documented in a ticket which has to be processed in compliance with the Event-, Incident-, Problem-, Change Management or
Request Fulfillment Process.
Onsite services at Customers request that exceed the given time requirements require at least one month’s notice and must be submitted
in a Change Order in accordance with the Change Order Procedure as defined in Exhibit D. SAP cannot guarantee that it will be able to
provide resources for these services.
SAP will handover all documentations and provide support to the expertise transition sessions as may be requested by the Customer
during this engagement closure phase.
2.6. Optional services
The following optional services are NOT included in HEC Services, and will NOT be provided by SAP, unless purchased by Customer
for a fee and expressly stated in an applicable Order Form or Change Request.
2.6.1. Additional HEC Exit Services.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 5
Customer may elect to purchase the following Transition Services from SAP: (a) services to transition Customer from the HEC Services
to replacement services provided by Customer or a third party chosen by Customer, and, (b) Customer Data in the backup media format
being utilized by SAP or other format as mutually agreed. SAP will provide any such Transition Services purchased by Customer upon
expiration of the term of HEC Services. The order of these services would require a new Order Form.
2.6.2. Disaster Recovery Services for HEC Productive Cloud (BYOL) and HEC Productive Cloud with Subscription
“Disaster” means an event of substantial extent causing significant disrupting the delivery of the HEC Services and may include
physical damage or destruction, to the SAP data center or Computing Environment. It can be natural disasters (such as floods,
hurricanes, tornadoes or earthquakes) and/or human-induced disasters (including hazardous material spills, infrastructure failure, and
bio-terrorism). A Disaster is typically not limited to one individual system or landscape but larger parts of an infrastructure.
“Disaster Recovery Services” (or “DR Services” or “DR”) means the disaster recovery service, process, policies and procedures
that are related to preparing for recovery or continuation of technology or infrastructure identified in the applicable Order Form as
included in the DR Services. DR is not a process to overcome outages of isolated systems due to hardware or software incidents (i.e,
DR is not a substitute or replacement for Technical Availability Service Levels described in this Agreement).
Metro DR” means a Disaster Recovery Service in which SAP provides the DR Services (with the failover systems) from a data center
<100km away from the standard data center, providing lower cost and smaller RPO but more risk regarding a local disaster impacting
both data centers.
“Regional DR” means a Disaster Recovery Service in which SAP will provide the DR Services (with the failover systems) from a data
center over 100km away from the standard data center, to minimize risk of a local disaster affecting both data centers.
“RPO” (or “Recovery Point Objective”) means the maximum tolerable period in which Customer data might be lost due to a Disaster
(i.e. time between last backup and point in time a Disaster occurred).
“RTO” (or “Recovery Time Objective”) means the duration of time in which the Hosted Software and PRD is unavailable preventing
HEC Services in Disaster case (i.e. time between a Disaster and point in time the systems are available again).
SAP provides standard DR Services with predefined parameters regarding RPO/RTO for defined system characteristics to the extent
that prerequisites and conditions are fulfilled. SAP shall be excused from its DR Services obligations to the extent (and for the duration
during which) Customer fails to achieve any of the following pre-requisites and such failure prevents SAP from performing the applicable
DR Services:
The applicable components are technically used as they are provided by SAP; any custom or 3rd party developments or
modifications affecting them are not covered (excluding development/modifications done in ABAP only systems using SAP ABAP
standard development tools, and excluding any third party products embedded in the SAP software).
The applicable systems stay within expressly agreed boundaries regarding size and layout
Interfaces in DR scope are limited to interfaces/protocols supported by SAP systems out of the box (e. g. RFC, web service calls,
Flat Files, XML and IDocs) for components located in the DC. Any interfaces that require additional solutions or components within
the HEC landscape, as well as external connectivity, are outside of the standard DR scope.
All repositories containing Customer Data that need to be replicated to the DR site are databases; otherwise, RPO times can be
substantially longer, thus does not fall under the definition of standard DR services.
The relevant parameters depend on the chosen DR layout (Metro DR/ Regional DR), the database platform used, and the adherence to
above listed conditions for standard DR services. The predefined c parameters for these standard DR services are:
Metro DR
Regional DR
Database: SAP HANA
RTO=12hrs; RPO=0hrs
RTO=12hrs; RPO=30mins
Database: Sybase ASE
RTO=12hrs; RPO=30mins**
RTO=12hrs; RPO=30mins
**Sybase ASE database replication is currently not supported in continuous mode, which would be the prerequisite for an RPO of 0. If
such feature becomes available and the respective systems are updated to that new version and successfully tested, both parties will at
that time agree on a modified RPO of 0 hours via a Change Request without additional service charge.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 6
Customer understands and agrees that performance characteristics may be reduced while operating under DR Services failover;
provided, however, that such reductions in performance shall only be excused to the extent the Disaster is also a Force Majeure Event.
Other DR Services applicable to the HEC Services beyond those listed in the “Roles and Responsibilities” document are not in the
scope of SAP’s standard DR Services. If requested by the Customer, such additional DR Services (“Additional DR Services) would need
to go through a further DR assessment based on Customer architecture and requirements. Details on the implementation of any such
Additional DR Services would be agreed upon with Customer, including revised estimated failover times and maximum data loss, and
the parties would mutually agree to the applicable RPO and RTO for such Additional DR Services as result of the implementation in a
Change Request. As part of this process, SAP would use reasonable efforts to bring RPO/RTO for the System Setup as defined in the
Order Form in a similar range as for the defined packages.
Regular DR testing
SAP offers one annual DR failover-test as part of the DR Services to test the reliability of the DR Services. SAP shall promptly re-
perform any DR recovery tests that fail to achieve the applicable standards and report any failures to Customer. For DR Service
readiness, Customer will fulfill its infrastructure and business preparation in accordance with the Roles and Responsibilities document,
and as may be further mutually agreed between the parties in a Change Request. Customer understands and agrees that the Customer
business continuity objectives may require additional Customer efforts in addition to and beyond the scope of the DR Services
2.6.3. Continuous Improvement
Along with provision of continuous operational managed services per mutual agreement SAP can help Customer to address efficiency
challenges and prepare Customers existing landscape for further improvements, redirecting capacity from operations to create
opportunity for innovation:
Assessment and benchmark of operations and scope
Design of Operations efficiency roadmap
SAP recommends to schedule recurring assessments and reviews according to this approach under the managed services
Realization of improvements will be implemented outside of the managed service engagement under an Lifecycle Management for
Operational Efficiency with the following approach:
Transition to achievement of operations efficiency
Continuous Improvement Measures for Innovation Readiness
Innovation Framework and Innovation strategy roadmap
3. Engagement Management.
Each party shall designate an Engagement Manager. SAP’s Engagement Manager shall be the assigned by the Customer Service
Management department as a dedicated resource. Customer’s Engagement Manager shall be English speaking and empowered to
make necessary decisions for Customer or bring about such decision without undue delay and shall provide a list of key Customer
contacts, contact role, title, office phone number, cell phone number, e-mail address, etc. Such Engagement Managers shall cooperate
closely with each other to administer the terms of this service description and any Order Forms. HEC Services performed by the
assigned SAP resources shall be coordinated with Customer’s Engagement Manager.
In addition, the parties shall conduct regular executive meetings during the term of the applicable Order Form(s) (“Executive
Such Executive Meetings shall occur no less than once per quarter at times and dates mutually agreed to by the parties. The purpose
of such Executive Meetings shall be to review, discuss and mutually agree on further measures to achieve the purposes of the
applicable HEC Services based on the then current HEC Service status. Each meeting shall include a status report on the progress in
the key focus areas, including, but not limited to, the following:
An evaluation of progress under the applicable individual PE Service program compared to the agreed key focus areas, KPI’s and
individual HEC Services engagement Service and Support Plan
Identification of risks and/or delays that may jeopardize the performance of HEC Services including risk mitigation recommendations
Discussion of open issues and any change requests from either party
Relevant details regarding project organization and planning
4. Requirements for Software
4.1. HEC Cloud Start and HEC Production Cloud (BYOL).
This section 4.1 is applicable only to HEC Production Cloud (BYOL) and HEC Cloud Start, but not applicable to HEC Production Cloud
with Subscription Software:
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 7
a. Provision of Licenses: Customer is responsible for providing all Hosted Software including all necessary rights required for SAP to
run and host the Hosted Software. Customer grants to SAP the nonexclusive right to use the Hosted Software for the sole purpose
of and only to the extent necessary for SAP and its subcontractors to provide the HEC Service and to the extent as may be otherwise
stated in the applicable Order Form. Customer hereby represents and warrants that it has all rights, licenses and authorizations
necessary to grant the rights to SAP as set forth in this section.
b. Support: HEC Services do not include support or maintenance for the Hosted Software. In providing the HEC Service, SAP assumes
no obligations or liabilities for the Hosted Software including such licensing or maintenance unless expressly provided for in the
c. Currently Supported Version of Hosted Software: Customer shall use a version or release of the Hosted Software, for which software
maintenance and user support (“Software Maintenance”) are current, as provided by the software vendor as specified in the relevant
license agreement with such vendor. For SAP Hosted Software such support is provided according to the current maintenance
phases of SAP software releases as stated in Customer is responsible for obtaining and
retaining such Software Maintenance for the Hosted Software for the duration of the HEC Service. SAP strongly recommends that
Customer follows best practices for Software Lifecycle Management as published by SAP Active Global Support (“AGS”).
d. Software Modifications and Configuration: Customer is responsible for resolving source code, compatibility issues or other conflicts
that may arise from modifications permitted under the License Agreement and any patches or workarounds or other changes
provided by the software licensor of the Software. Customer will inform SAP immediately about modification or other changes to the
4.2. HANA Enterprise Cloud for Production with Subscription Software
This section 4.2 is applicable only to HANA Enterprise Cloud for Production with Subscription Software.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Software GTC, SAP grants to Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable,
limited term license to Use the Subscription Software identified in Schedule A to the Order Form and specified as being
licensed during the Term (defined as a thirty-six month period commencing upon the effective date of this agreement or a
subsequent re-newal period) solely with the Managed Services. For the purposes of this Managed Services Description
together with the relevant Order Form, Subscription Software shall be considered "Software" as defined under the License
Customer may add additional Subscription Software during a Term or any Renewal Term by executing an addendum to the
relevant Order Form. The term of each such addendum shall be co-terminus with the then-current term of the applicable
Order Form irrespective of the effective date of such addendum. The Software is deemed delivered at the start of the Initial
Term. Renewal of te applicable the applicable Order Form will be cumulative for all Subscription Software licensed hereunder
and any additional Subscription Software hereto added by addendum and the Managed Services described herein. The
length of the renewal term for all Subscription Software under the applicable Order Form or added prior to renewal shall be
the same as specified in the applicable Order Form, unless the parties agree to extend the term in the addendum. SAP
reserves the right to exclude certain client technology components from the Subscription Software and such components will
be made available to Customer for download and local installation. For the purpose of the Managed Services under the
applicable Order Form, the Subscription Software shall be des-ignated as "Hosted Software".
If Customer has an affiliated company with a separate license or support agreement for SAP Software with SAP, any SAP
affiliate or any other authorized SAP distributor, the following shall apply unless otherwise expressly agreed between
Customer and SAP: The contractual SAP Software shall not be used to run such Customer affiliate’s business operations
and such Customer affiliate shall not receive any Support services provided to Customer under the Software Agreement,
even if such separate support agreement has expired or is terminated. If Customer has licensed a runtime database from
SAP (or its affiliates or any of its respective resellers or distributors) under a the License Agreement or a separate agreement,
Customer shall comply with the l-cense restrictions for runtime databases when integrating the Subscription Software
licensed hereunder with the SAP software licensed under the License Agreement and/or such separate agreement.
Customer shall not have any right or entitlement to possess any copy of the Subscription Software for installation anywhere
other than the Computing Environment, or for archival or disaster recovery purposes, except to the extent expressly set forth
otherwise in the applicable Order Form for HEC Services. SAP shall not have any delivery obligations with regards to the
Subscription Software other than installation and hosting within the Computing Environment.
SAP will provide Enterprise Support for the Subscription Software to the extent possible with respect to the Managed
Services. SAP Enterprise Support offered by SAP is described at and made a
part of this Agreement, or the Subscription Software listed in the Order Form during the subscription term, and any applicable
renewal term. SAP Enterprise Support shall commence upon the grant of access to the Subscription Software. At SAP’s sole
discretion, SAP may adjust the applicable Enterprise Support service, including but not limited to SAP Solution Manager due
to specific requirements resulting from the scope of the Managed Services. SAP will indicate such adjustments or technical
restrictions on the SAP Service Market Place which may be updated without prior notice
to Customer. For adaptation of the scope of the SAP Enterprise Support Services, clause 10.3 of the Software GTC shall
apply. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the SAP Solution Manager application (see Part 3 of the SAP List of Prices
and Conditions SAP Software and Support Switzerland) may be used by Customer and shall be maintained in the SAP Data
Center as part of the Managed Services.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 8
Access to the Subscription Software will be provided by SAP to Customer at the SAP Data Center as described in Exhibit 4
to the applicable Order Form. Customer acknowledges that the primary location from which Customer will access the
Subscription Software ("Primary Access Location") and Customer’s failure to provide SAP with its VAT number may have
sales tax implications. If Customer does not provide a Primary Access Location, SAP will incorporate a default Primary
Access Location to Customer’s sold-to address. Customer has provided the Primary Access Location as agreed in the Order
4.3. HEC Services in General
This section 4.3 is applicable to all HEC Services. To the extent that the Computing Environment provided by SAP includes Microsoft
software products (as specified in section “System setup” in the Order Form), the Customer must ensure the compliance with the following
conditions in relationship to such Microsoft software products:
a. Customer may not remove, modify or obscure any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices that appear on the
Microsoft software products or that appear during use of the Microsoft software products;
b. Customer may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Microsoft software products, except and only to the extent that
applicable law, notwithstanding this limitation expressly permits such activity;
c. any warranties, liability for damages and remedies, if any, are provided solely by SAP and not by Microsoft or its affiliates or
d. any product support for the Microsoft software products included in the Computing Environment is provided to Customer by SAP
and is not provided by Microsoft or its affiliates or subsidiaries;
e. all title and intellectual property rights in and to the Microsoft software products are owned by Microsoft or its suppliers. Microsoft
software products are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and
treaties. Customer’s possession, access, or use of the Microsoft software products does not transfer any ownership of the Microsoft
software products or any intellectual property rights to Customer;
f. SAP may disclose Customer’s information regarding the use of Microsoft software products to Microsoft or Microsoft affiliates or
subsidiaries in case of audits;
g. Customer acknowledges that the Microsoft software products are not fault-tolerant and is not guaranteed to be error free or to
operate uninterrupted and shall not be used in any application or situation where such Microsoft software products failure could lead
to death or serious bodily injury of any person, or to severe physical or environmental damage (“High Risk Use”). Examples of High
Risk Use include: aircraft or other modes of human mass transportation, control of nuclear or chemical facilities, life support systems,
implantable medical equipment, motor vehicles, or weaponry systems. High Risk Use does not include utilization of Microsoft
software products for administrative purposes, to store configuration data, engineering and/or configuration tools, or other non-
control applications, the failure of which would not result in death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage.
5. Customer Responsibilities and Obligations regarding HEC Services
5.1. Customer is and shall remain responsible for entering its Customer Data into the Computing Environment and for the maintenance
of the Customer Data supplied by it. Customer hereby represents, and has made reasonable commercial efforts to ensure, that
the Customer Data and the Hosted Software is free of all viruses, Trojan horses, and comparable elements which could harm the
computer systems or software used by SAP or its subcontractors to provide the HEC Service. Customer agrees that it has collected
and shall maintain and handle all Customer Data in compliance with all applicable laws, including without limitation such laws, rules
and regulations regarding data privacy and protection and export/ import compliance.
5.2. Customer will change all passwords used to access the HEC Service at regular intervals, no less frequently than once every six
(6) months). If Customer learns of an unauthorized third party having obtained knowledge of a password, Customer will inform SAP
thereof without undue delay and promptly change the password.
5.3. Customer is responsible for the connection to the HEC Service, including the internet connection to the Point of Demarcation. In
no case shall SAP’s responsibility for any services extend beyond the Point of Demarcation.
5.4. SAP’s provision of the HEC Service is subject to Customer fulfilling its responsibi lities described in the HEC Roles and
Responsibilities document (Exhibit A). Customer agrees to execute prompt performance of such responsibilities and provide the
employees and resources required for the project phases in sufficient measure. As part of the HEC Service, SAP will install the
Hosted Software in the Computing Environment, setup and configure relevant hardware and software monitoring agents for the
Computing Environment and the Hosted Software, and introduce Customer to SAP’s support and communications procedures.
Customer agrees to provide the following:
Customer’s policy and procedures regarding the authorization of access to the Computing Environment. Customer agrees to
inform SAP of any changes to such policy and procedures as soon as practicable without delay.
A service user (“S-User”) ID in the Computing Environment with the authorizations defined below. This S-User ID, which
is (initially) assigned to Customer by SAP in support of the License Agreement and which Customer uses to log on to SAP’s
Service Marketplace for software download and support is required by SAP’s HEC resources in order to permit SAP HEC
resources to also log on and perform software download tasks necessary to obtain the software for set-up of the Computing
Environment. Required authorizations include:
o Sending and/or creating and / or confirming and / or re-opening Customer messages
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 9
o SSCR key registration
o Processing service messages
o Opening service connections
o Software download
o Maintaining system data
o Requesting license keys
Customer hereby provides SAP with the express authorization to set up and use an S-user with these authorizations. Customer will
ensure that any authorizations that may be required for third parties or its employees will be provided promptly
5.5. Customer is responsible for maintaining Customer computer systems and access to such computer systems on the Customer side
of Point of Demarcation. SAP and Customer are further subject to the terms and conditions of the SAP Annex for Commissioned
Processing of Personal Data which permits SAP to perform its obligations pursuant to the Agreement in regards to personal
information of Customer’s employees and business partners housed in the Computing Environment, and which is incorporated into
and made part of this Agreement.
5.6. In the event that any SAP equipment is required at the Customer facility, Customer shall provide a physically secure and conditioned
environment for any such equipment provided to Customer by SAP and Customer bears all risk for damages. SAP shall not be
responsible for any damages to the extent resulting from Customer’s failure to provide a physically secure and conditioned
5.7. Customer is and will remain solely responsible for the definition, documentation and execution of its business processes including,
but not limited to, configuration of systems management and application and data security policies, batch processing requirements,
and compliance with other governmental or regulatory requirements. Customer is and will remain responsible to provide SAP
necessary and sufficient documentation of its applicable processes in order for SAP to perform its HEC Service responsibilities
under the Agreement. Customer is solely responsible for determining the suitability of the HEC Services for Customer's business
and complying with any regulations, laws, or conventions applicable to the Customer Data and Customer’s use of the HEC
5.8. If Customer elects to have any services provided by a third party, SAP will have no liability for any defect or failure of the HEC
Service or Computing Environment caused by such third-party services, and Customer will not be entitled to any reduction in fees
for the HEC Service. SAP may deny access to the HEC Service and/or Computing Environment to any third party service provider
which SAP determines in its reasonable discretion poses a security or confidentiality risk to SAP systems, data or intellectual
5.9. Customer agrees to comply with the SAP Acceptable Use Policy, a copy of which is appended to and made part of this Agreement,
in connection with Customer’s utilization of the HEC Services for the duration of the Agreement.
5.10. Reference Sites: During the term of the contract as agreed in the Order Form, Customer will use its best efforts, to host up to four
(4) hours a month of reference calls. Such reference calls will be performed after obtaining approval from Customer and will be
coordinated through the applicable SAP Engagement Manager.
6. Service Levels and Reporting
6.1. Service hours
Service Times
Service Level
HEC Managed Service
Systems with PRD Mode of Use: 00:00 to 23:59 every day (24 hours each
Systems with DEV/QAS (non PRD)
Mode of Use): 08:00 18:00 local time each at End Customer location
6.2. Technical Availability
The following table lists the Technical Availability applicable to the Customers Computing Environment. SAP shall track and report to
Customer the “Technical Availabilityin a monthly summary report. Customer must notify SAP of any claims for any Service Level Credits
within forty five (45) days after receipt of the monthly Technical Availability report.
Service Level
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 10
99.5% (PRD only)
95% (non-PRD)
TA < Service
Incident report and action plan by SAP submitted to Customer within 10
Business Days.
For all HEC Cloud Start and HEC Production Cloud (both with BYOL
approach): Each 0.1% TA below the agreed Service Level for each single
PRD system shall result in 2% Service Level Credit of the total Recurring HEC
Service Fee for the month in which the Service Level was not met for the
System Name /Tier No. identified in the System Set-Up Table in the Order
For HEC Production Cloud with Subscription Software: Each 1.0% TA below
the agreed Service Level for each single PRD system shall result in 2%
Service Level Credit of the total Recurring HEC Service Fee for the month in
which the Service Level was not met for the System Name /Tier No. identified
in the System Set-Up Table in the Order Form.
All Service Level Credits are subject to the overall cap described in section 6.7
For purposes of calculating Technical Availability, any inability of the Software or Computing Environment to respond to Named Users or
inter-system interaction requests to the extent caused by any of the following will be excluded from Downtime:
(i) Scheduled Maintenance or unscheduled downtime, as agreed upon by Customer
(ii) Customer’s failure to meet Customer’s responsibilities as set forth in the Agreement; or
(iii) Downtime of a QAS system caused by using the QAS for failover/to repair to a PRD system;
(iv) Misuse of access rights by Customer or use of the Software otherwise in violation of the License Agreement or the Agreement,
as applicable, or otherwise not in accordance with the Documentation;
(v) failure of Customer to maintain Software Maintenance for the Hosted Softwar3;
(vi) other issues outside the reasonable control of SAP including:
(a) work at the request of the Customer that requires the Computing Environment or portion thereof to be shut down (such
as a release upgrade);
(b) restore times of user data (recovery of database data from a media backup);
(c) recovery times (import of database transaction logs to recover a current database status);
(d) interruptions as a result of requirements stipulated by the manufacturers of the Hosted Software;
(e) interruptions or shutdowns of the Computing Environment (or portions thereof) resulting from the quality of the Hosted
Software provided by the Customer and/or Customer’s customizations of the Hosted Software or Computing
Environment, unless this is the responsibility of SAP;
(f) faults in the Customer’s network (ex: LAN, firewall) or failures caused by issues outside of the Point of Demarcation;
(g) power outages or shutdowns of the power supply on the Customer’s locations;
(h) non-fulfillment of Customers obligations as set forth in the Agreement .
6.3. Backup / Restore
Days/ hours during which SAP provides HEC Services are set forth in the applicable Order Form.
Computer Environment segment to
which Service Level applies
Service Levels
Backup Frequency and retention
period for Databases
Daily backup and log file generation per SAP product
standard 1 Month retention time. Backup of the
production environment will be replicated to an
alternate data center.
Weekly backup and log file generation per SAP
product standard. 14 days retention time. Backup of
the non-production environment will be replicated to
an alternate data center.
Backup Frequency and retention
period for File systems
Monthly full backup and daily incremental. 1 Months
retention time. Backup of the production environment
will be replicated to an alternate data center.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 11
Monthly full backup and daily incremental. 1 Months
retention time. Backup of the non- production
environment will be replicated to an alternate data
6.4. Incident Management
The following priority levels (Incident Priorities) apply to all Incidents (such priority to be assigned by Customer, and which may be re-
assigned by SAP based on the criteria below and acting reasonably):
Very High: A message should be categorized with the priority "Very High" if the incident reported has very serious consequences for
normal business transactions and if necessary tasks cannot be executed. In general, this is caused by a complete Computing
Environment outage or by the complete unavailability of one of the computer systems in the PRD. The message requires immediate
processing because the malfunction can cause serious losses.
High: A message should be categorized with the priority "High" if normal business transactions are seriously affected and necessary
tasks cannot be performed. This is caused by incorrect or inoperable functions in the PRD or DEV or QAS system that are immediately
required. The message must be processed as soon as possible. If the malfunction persists, the entire productive business transaction
may be seriously affected.
Medium: A message should be categorized with the priority "Medium" if normal business transactions are affected. The problem is
caused by an incorrect or inoperable function in the PRD or DEV or QAS system. The Customer orders a change to an existing critical
business process.
Low: A message should be categorized with the priority "Low" if the problem reported has few or no effects on normal business
transactions. The problem is caused by an incorrect or inoperable function of the PRD or DEV or QAS system that is not required daily
or only used very rarely or of low business criticality. This priority is also used for any other service request.
The following Initial Response Times (IRT) are agreed for the different Priorities:
IRT for Incident Management
Priority Very High
(only applicable for PRD)
20 minutes (7x24) and problem determination
action plan within 4hrs
Priority High
2 hours (7x24) for HEC Production Cloud
4 hours [local time on Business Days] for HEC
Cloud Start
Priority Medium
4 hours [local time on Business Days]
Priority Low
1 Business Day
The following section is applicable only if Solution Time SLA is agreed Application Management Services for HANA Enterprise Cloud in
the relevant Order Form:
The following Solution Times (ST) are defined and agreed for Application Management Services for HEC depending on the priorities if
ordered by the Customer in the relevant Scope Document for AMS,:
ST for Incident Management
(applicable to Application
Management Services for HEC
Priority Very High
(only applicable for PRD)
10 hours
Priority High
20 hours [local time on Business Days]
Priority Medium
30 hours [local time on Business Days]
Priority Low
100 Hours [local time on Business Days]
6.5. Service Reporting for AMS
6.5.1. Monthly Customer Report
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 12
SAP will create a monthly report providing Customer with information about the services provided in the previous month. The report will
be made available online via the AMS Reporting Dashboard for the last reporting month and as downloadable PDF document for last
12 reporting months and will include the following information for the in the respective reporting period:
Overview of the supported IT solution in scope of the services provided
Management Summary / Recommendations for continuous improvement
Total number of tickets received including break down per service category, per priority, per location, per application
Total number of completed / not completed tickets including break down per application
6.5.2. Real Time Ticket Reporting for AMS
A Real Time Ticket Reporting will be available online via the AMS Reporting Dashboard providing detailed information (including ticket
ID, priority, application, service category, status) on tickets.
6.6. Service Level Reporting for HANA Enterprise Cloud Services
In the event that one or more of the Service Levels in the Agreement are not met, the following procedure will be implemented by the
a) Either SAP will notify the Customer contact person or Customer will notify the SAP Account Manager to analyse Service Levels
metric statistics.
b) SAP will promptly (i) determine the root cause or possible root cause of the failure (if known) to meet the Service Level, and (ii)
unless failure is excused develop a corrective action plan, and submit such plan to Customer for written approval (which will not be
unreasonably withheld or delayed) and, following Customer’s written approval implement the plan in a reasonable period of time
(and in accordance with any agreed timescales).
c) If applicable, SAP will provide the specific Service Credits as described in section 6.7 below.
d) SAP will be relieved of its obligation to pay applicable Service Credits and will not be in breach of the Service Level where the root
cause analysis (as reasonably performed by SAP) indicates the failure to meet the relevant Service Level was caused by the
Customer. In the event that Customer disagrees with the root cause analysis, the parties will discuss the root cause analysis in
accordance with the escalation procedure described in section 9 of this service description.
6.7. Service Level Credits
Subject to section 6.2, where SAP fails to meet this Service Level, SAP will be liable to Customer for the corresponding Service Credit
as set out in this section. The Service Level Credit is calculated as the sum of the Service Level Credits for both DEV/QAS and PRD for
the TA Service Level defined in section 6.2 above. SAP will deduct the amount of any Service Credits owed to Customer from the next
invoice (or, if there is no such invoice, by bank transfer to such bank account as Customer may specify in writing).
Customer agrees that under no circumstances will the total maximum Service Level Credits: (i) for any one month, exceed 100% of the
Recurring HEC Service Fee for that month; and, (ii) for any given contract year, exceed in the aggregate an amount equal to one-third of
the annual Recurring HEC Service Fee charged for the contract year (or one third of the total Recurring HEC Service Fee charged if the
Term as defined in the applicable Order Form is less than one (1) year). Customer acknowledges that the Service Level Credits defined
hereunder are the sole remedy for SAP’s failure to meet the specified Service Level.
6.8. Changes to Service Levels
SAP may, at its sole discretion, modify the Service Level terms set forth in sections 6.1 through 6.4 above upon notice to Customer,
provided that SAP shall not materially diminish the Service Levels, Service Level Credits, or any other Service Level provision during the
term of the Order Form.
7. SAP Security for HEC Services
7.1. HEC Security Framework
SAP will comply with SAP’s HEC Security Framework (attached as Exhibit J), hereby incorporated and made part of this Agreement, or
its equivalent during the term of the Order Form between Customer and SAP for HEC Services, provided that SAP retains the right to
revise and/or update the HEC Security Framework at SAP’s sole discretion, provided that SAP does not lower the overall level of
security provided.
7.2. HEC Security Audits
During the term of the Order Form between Customer and SAP for HEC Services, SAP shall maintain, at its own expense an audit
certification by a nationally recognized outside audit firm conforming with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Statement on Standards for Attest Engagements No. 16 (SSAE 16), or its equivalent, and shall provide or make available to Customer,
at Customer’s request, a copy of each of its SOC 1 or SOC 2 reports, which shall be updated at least annually.
Ii addition SAP is and will remain entitled to monitor Customer’s use of the HEC Services to ensure Customer’s compliance with this
Agreement and, subject to all other confidentiality provisions set forth in the Agreement, SAP may utilize the information concerning
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 13
Customer’s use of the HEC Service to improve SAP products and services and to provide Customer with reports on its use of the HEC
8. Monitoring.
SAP is and will remain entitled to monitor Customer’s use of the HEC Services to ensure Customer’s compliance with this service
description and, subject to all other confidentiality provisions set forth in the service description and scope document for the service, SAP
may utilize the information concerning Customer’s use of the HEC Service to improve SAP products and services and to provide
Customer with reports on its use of the HEC Service.
9. Dispute Resolution.
Each party will nominate a representative who will be the other party's prime point of contact with respect to the performance of the HEC
Services. Each party will further nominate a representative who will serve as a decision-making authority in case of any dispute or
escalation that cannot be settled between the primary points of contact within a reasonable period of time.
10. Termination
10.1. Termination for convenience
i. If the parties agreed to HEC Cloud Start, the Customer is entitled to terminate the relevant Order Form for convenience before the
agreed term expires by giving at least 7 days prior termination notice. In order for a termination for convenience notice to be
considered given, Customer must include with the notice, payment for all fees due and owing through the termination date
ii. If the parties agreed to HEC Production Cloud (BYOL), the Customer is entitled to terminate the relevant Order Form for
convenience before the agreed term expires by giving at least three months’ notice. In the case of such early termination, Customer
shall pay an Early Termination Fee of nine point nine percent (9.9%) of the total fees applicable to the relevant Order Form. In
addition the Customer shall have the one time right to terminate these GTCs for convenience effective on the last day of the twelfth
month of the Term (“Agreed Termination for Convenience”) without any termination fee. The notice period for Agreed Terminatio n
for Convenience shall be also at least three (3) months.
iii. If the parties agreed to HEC Production Cloud with Subscription Software, the Customer has not right to terminate the relevant
Order Form for convenience before the agreed term expires.
10.2. Termination for Cause
Either party may terminate for cause:
I. upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice of the other party’s material breach of any provision of the Agreement (either of these
GTCs or of an Order Form, as applicable), including more than thirty (30) days’ delinquency in Customer’s payment of any
money due hereunder or in any Order Form, unless the party has cured such breach during such thirty day period; or
II. immediately if the other party files for bankruptcy, becomes insolvent, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or
otherwise materially breaches its obligations for confidentiality or regarding any assignment.
III. A delinquency of more than thirty (30) days in payment of any money due hereunder, in which case SAP may, at its sole
discretion, terminate only the Order Form for which payment was delinquent.
10.3. Termination for Service Level Failure
Customer may terminate the applicable Order Form with 30 day’s termination notice in writing to SAP, if SAP misses a Service Level
as specified in this Agreement for three (3) months in sequence. Customer may exercise this termination right only within thirty (30)
days after receipt of the respective Service Level Reporting that documents the applicable Service Level failure.
10.4. Duties upon Termination
SAP will cease to perform the Managed Services as of the termination date as specified in the termination notice and the Customer shall
pay SAP for all amounts due as of the termination date. Both parties agree to treat the underlying reason of any termination as Confidential
Information (for clarity, parties may use such Confidential Information in a legal proceeding to enforce its rights).
After the Agreement has expired, SAP will reasonably cooperate, subject to mutual written agreement and payment of the applicable
fees at SAP’s then-current rates, transition from the Managed Services to management of comparable services by Customer or another
vendor chosen by Customer; and provide to Customer, Customer Data in the backup media format being utilized by SAP or format as
mutually agreed (“Transition Assistance”).
Customer’s access to the Managed Services shall be terminated upon the effective date of expiration or termination of the Managed
Services. In the event of a termination pursuant to this section as a result of the breach of an Order Form provision, including any
Exhibit of the Order Form (but no breach of the GTCs), then terminating party may terminate only the Order Form that was subject to
the uncured breach.
11. Customer Data
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 14
11.1. SAP acknowledges that Customer Data and all rights of whatever nature in and/or in relation to it shall at all times be and remain
the sole property of Customer, subject only to the limited rights expressly granted in this Agreement.
11.2. SAP shall (i) not delete or remove any proprietary notices or other notices contained within or relating to Customer Data; (ii) not
alter, store, copy, disclose or use Customer Data, except as necessary for the performance by SAP of its obligations under this
Agreement or as otherwise expressly authorised by this Agreement in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement; (iii) take
reasonable steps to prevent any loss, corruption, disclosure, theft, manipulation or interception of Customer Data; and (iv) notify
Customer as soon as reasonably possible on becoming aware that any Customer Data has been lost, stolen, intercepted, or
becomes corrupted, damaged or is deleted accidentally.
11.3. To the extent that any Customer Data is held or processed by SAP or any Sub-contractor, SAP shall, or (where applicable) shall
procure that its sub-contractor shall, supply such Customer Data to Customer as may be requested by Customer from time to time
in the reasonable format specified by Customer, or delete the same if Customer so requests through the Change Request
Procedure. Customer shall at all times be entitled to extract and or delete Customer Data hosted by or on behalf of SAP pursuant
to this Agreement.
11.4. Customer shall ensure that any Customer Data entered into the Hosted Software or Computing Environment by Customer, a
Customer Affiliate, any named user or any other person authorised by Customer to access the Customer Data or by any person
using of any of the foregoing’s access credentials is not corrupted.
Exhibit A: Managed Services Roles and Responsibilities see also
Exhibit B: Acceptable Use Policy
Exhibit C: Annex for Commissioned Processing of Personal Data
Exhibit D: Change Request Procedure
Exhibit E: Glossary and Definitions for Application Management Services for HEC
Exhibit F: Application Management Services - Engagement Approach
Exhibit G Template for Acceptance Protocol
Exhibit J: HEC Security Framework
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 15
Exhibit B: Acceptable Use Policy
Customer expressly acknowledges and agrees that (1) neither SAP or any of its subcontractors have any responsibility for any
files, pages, data, works, information and/or materials on, within, stored, displayed, linked, distributed or transmitted to, from
or by Customer or its Affiliated companies (“Customer Content”) and (2) neither SAP or its subcontractors exercise any direct
supervision or control of the Customer Content stored, displayed or transmitted on or over the Network. Network means web
servers, database servers and application servers, and LAN and WAN. Customer acknowledges and agrees that, if Customer
violates or is alleged to be violating the Acceptable Use Policy and Customer has not cured such violation within a ten (10)
day cure period commencing with receipt of written notice from SAP of such violation, SAP may: (1) suspend or terminate the
HEC Services to the limited extent necessary to end such violation (including, if reasonably necessary, removing Customer
Content stored on the Computing Environment), (2) pursue any other legal, equitable and contractual remedies available to
SAP and (3) cooperate fully with any civil or criminal investigations or legal actions relating to Customer access to or use of
the HEC Services.
Customer shall not:
1. Resell, sub-host or otherwise provide the HEC Services to third parties (other than Named Users) except as otherwise
agreed in writing by the Parties hereto; or
2. Use the HEC Services or permit the HEC Services to be used in any manner (including, without limitation, transmission,
distribution or storage) for any purpose that is or is likely to be illegal or violative of any governmental law, regulation, rule,
court order, treaty or tariff, fraudulent or misleading,
3. Be violative of SAP or any third party rights or otherwise damaging to SAP or any third party,
4. Be obscene, harassing or distressing,
5. Be disruptive of, harmful to or that otherwise abuses or misuses network resources or the Internet or any connected
resources, or
6. Be of unauthorized use, access or monitoring of any host, any network or other network or any component or device,
authentication system, data, web site facility, passcode, account or any other breach of any security measure.
Without limiting the foregoing, undertaking or attempting to undertake any of the conduct in the following non-exclusive list is
deemed to violate the Acceptable Use Policy:
1. Pornography;
2. Stalking;
3. Alteration of source of data (causing origination of malformed data or network traffic);
4. Pyramid or ponzi schemes;
5. Impersonation, relaying or spoofing misrepresenting identity, using a third party e-mail server to relay without express
authorization, or the altering or forging of electronic mail headers, including any portion of the IP packet header and/or
electronic mail address, sender identity, posting or any other method used to forge, disguise or conceal the user’s identity
or to cause disruption);
6. Hacking or scamming (unauthorized use of non-Customer accounts or resources, scamming, stealing or tricking the
release of passwords, etc.);
7. Distribution of harmful code such as computer viruses, worms and trap doors;
8. Overloading any shared infrastructure; or
9. Denial of service, SYN flood or other attacks by sending mass volumes of data or other abusive behavior to disrupt or
disable the recipient system.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 16
Exhibit C: Annex for Commissioned Processing of Personal Data
This Annex for Commissioned Processing of Personal Data stipulates the rights and obligations of Customer and SAP in
connection with personal data processed by SAP on behalf of Customer and its Affiliates for the Named Users under the
Agreement. This Annex shall be an integral part of the Agreement. Any capitalized terms referenced herein shall have the
meaning given to them in the Agreement.
1. Customer Obligations
1.1 Customer hereby acknowledges that the use of HEC Services represents a commissioned processing of personal data
of Named Users.
1.2 Customer acknowledges that only Customer and its respective Affiliates (each a data controller) shall be responsible
for the permissibility of the processing of personal data as well as for safeguarding the rights of the data subjects (i.e., the
Named Users).
1.3 Customer shall ensure that its Affiliates, where legally required, shall give their commissions to Customer in writing, by
facsimile or via e-mail to authorize SAP and its Affiliates to process personal data as contemplated under the Agreement.
1.4 Customer shall ensure that its Named Users make available the personal data for processing to SAP and the results of
the processing shall be transferred back by SAP to Customer by using a defined transfer procedure or in accordance with the
functionality implemented in the HEC Services.
1.5 Customer shall inform SAP without delay if Named Users detect errors or irregularities in the processing of personal
1.6 Customer shall ensure that its Affiliates authorize Customer to authorize SAP as its subcontractor for the processing of
personal data. SAP shall only adhere to the obligations set out in this Annex when processing personal data of Named Users.
2. SAP Obligations
2.1 SAP shall process the personal data and other operating data of Named Users exclusively in accordance with the data
controller’s instructions as provided to SAP by Customer, which may include (without limitation) the correction, erasure and/or
the blocking of such data if, and to the extent, the functionality of the HEC Services does not allow the Customer or Named
User to do so. The personal data shall not be used by SAP for any other purpose except to provide the HEC Services
contemplated under the Agreement. SAP shall not preserve such personal data longer than instructed by Customer. The
statutory preservation periods remain unaffected.
2.2 For processing personal data, SAP shall only use personnel who have an obligation to maintain data secrecy and
secrecy of telecommunications pursuant to the applicable data protection laws. SAP may fulfill the foregoing obligations by
requiring its personnel to sign a standard contractual template regarding such secrecy obligations..
2.3 SAP shall implement technical and organizational measures to comply with the requirements pursuant to the applicable
data protection laws. SAP takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to keep personal data secure and protect
it against unauthorized or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage. In particular, SAP regularly checks
the following protection measures:
Physical access control: SAP shall install an access control system.
Access control: SAP shall control and log access to data processing systems.
Access limitation control: SAP shall define, implement and monitor a concept for Named User rights, rules for passwords
and login procedures to remotely or physically access the HEC Services by its personnel, as required to operate, maintain,
support or secure the HEC Services.
Transmission control: SAP shall ensure personal data transmission in encrypted form or by a secure alternative procedure.
Transmissions must be logged and guidelines for personal data transmissions must be laid down in writing.
Input control: SAP shall implement a detailed logging system for input, modification and deletion or blocking of personal data
to the greatest extent supported by the HEC Services.
Job control: SAP shall define in writing and establish control mechanisms to ensure that data are processed strictly in
accordance with the instructions of the data controller as provided to SAP by Customer and as contemplated in the
Availability control. SAP shall run a backup system and define a restore operation procedure to protect personal data from
accidental destruction or loss.
Data separation: SAP shall ensure by technical means and defined organizational procedures that personal data collected
for different purposes (e.g. different customers) can be processed separately. Technical means can be separated computer
systems or logical separation in a multi-tenant architecture. Access by one SAP customer to the data of any other SAP
customer must be prevented.
Since SAP provides the HEC Services to all customers uniformly via a hosted, web-based application, all appropriate and then
current technical and organizational measures apply to SAP’s entire customer base hosted out of the same data center and
subscribed to the same HEC Services. Customer understands and agrees that the technical and organizational measures are
subject to technical progress and development. In that regard, SAP may, at its sole discretion, implement adequate alternative
measures as long as the security level of the measures is maintained. In the event of any significant changes, SAP shall
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 17
provide a notification together with any necessary documentation related thereto to Customer by email or publication on a
website easily accessible by Customer.
2.4 If the security measures implemented by SAP do not meet the legal requirements, SAP shall notify Customer without
2.5 SAP shall notify Customer if SAP considers an instruction given by Customer on behalf of the data controller to be in
violation of data protection laws. SAP shall not be obliged to perform a comprehensive legal examination.
2.6 SAP shall inform Customer promptly in case of serious disruptions of the operating process, suspected data protection
violations or other irregularities in connection with the processing of Customer’s Data.
2.7 At Customer’s written request and at Customer’s expense, SAP shall reasonably support Customer in dealing with
requests from individual data subjects and/or a supervisory authority with respect to the processing of personal data controlled
by Customer. SAP shall notify Customer about inspections and measures of a supervisory or other competent authority.
2.8 Upon expiry or termination of the Agreement for processing of data for Customer, SAP shall, in accordance with the
terms of the Agreement (or any other relevant contractual provision) and Customers instructions, either (i) return to Custom er
all Customer Data and all copies or reproductions thereof (except for backup media that is used for multiple SAP customers
and regularly overwritten); or (ii) erase and/or destroy such personal data and media on production systems and confirm the
erasure and/or destruction to Customer in writing.
2.9 The compelling provisions of the applicable data protection laws and regulations shall additionally apply. Further, to the
extent that such provisions conflict with the terms of this Annex (if they conflict at all), they shall prevail.
3. Subcontractors
SAP is authorized to engage subcontractors for the processing of personal data (each a “Subprocessor”) as long as SAP
remains responsible for any acts or omissions of its Subprocessors in the same manner as for its own acts and omissions.
SAP shall pass on to Subprocessors SAP's obligation as data processor vis-à-vis Customer as set out in this document and
obligate Subprocessors to obey all relevant data protection rules. SAP will inform Customer upon its request by email or
through the Site or otherwise about the name, address and role of each Subprocessor concerned. SAP shall see that each
Subprocessor adheres to an adequate level of data protection by law or contract with SAP not materially less protective than
the obligations applicable to SAP under the Agreement.
4. Monitoring Rights of Customer
4.1 During the term of the Agreement, Customer may request an annual written self-certification from SAP based on an
independent third party audit (e.g. a so called SSAE16-CUS II report) that scrutinizes and confirms the processing of personal
data is in accordance with the agreed to measures herein. If the Customer has reasonable ground to suspect the non-
compliance with this Annex, in particular if the audit findings expressly state so or if SAP fails to audit on time, Customer (or
an independent third party auditor on its behalf that is subject to strict confidentiality obligations) may audit SAP’s control
environment and security practices solely to the extent relevant to personal data processed hereunder once in any 12-month
period, at its own expense, with reasonable prior written notice (at least 30 days) and under reasonable time, place and manner
conditions. After notifying SAP the monitoring can be carried out, in particular, during SAP’s usual business hours on SAP’s
premises where the personal data processing is performed.
4.2 SAP shall reasonably support Customer throughout these verification processes and provide Customer with the
required access to the applicable information.
4.3 SAP shall contractually safeguard Customer's powers of disposal and monitoring rights under this Agreement vis-à-vis
SAP's Subprocessor who may come into contact with the personal data. Where applicable data protection law requires a data
controller to enter into a direct contractual relationship with SAP, SAP hereby authorizes and empowers Customer to enter
into the necessary agreement with the data controller on SAP´s behalf, but only based on a contract template which SAP will
provide to Customer upon Customer´s request.
4.4 Services rendered by SAP in connection with Customer´s monitoring rights shall be at Customer's expense.
5. Special Confidentiality Obligation
SAP undertakes to treat the personal data, known to SAP, confidential and to use such data exclusively for the commissioned
data processing in conjunction with the provision of the HEC Services as contemplated under the Agreement. SAP undertakes
to impose on its employees, who may obtain knowledge of personal data, the same confidentiality obligations as entered into
above by SAP. SAP shall use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that those employees to whom it grants access to
personal data are regularly trained on IT security and data protection.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 18
Exhibit D: Change Request Procedure
Any change in the Managed Services must be agreed to, in writing, by the parties. The following procedure will be used to
control a Change Request (“CR"), whether requested by Customer or SAP.
Summary of the Change Request Procedure:
1. All CRs must be made in writing on the CR form described below and shall be submitted to the appropriate Customer
or SAP designated point of contact (“receiving party”) for the Managed Services in order to initiate any CR.
2. Upon receipt of a CR, the receiving party will assess the requested change to the Managed Services and inform the
submitting party of the result of the assessment within a mutually agreeable period of time.
3. In the case of an affirmative response, Customer will provide SAP with a CR response specifying the effects of the
change to the Managed Services and the estimated cost of the additional Services.
4. SAP will review the CR response within a mutually agreeable period of time and either accept or reject the CR.
5. If SAP accepts the CR, the changes will be integrated into the Managed Services schedules. If rejected by SAP, SAP
will only provide the Managed Services to the extent possible which were agreed to prior to this CR.
6. neither party is under no obligation to accept any CR.
Information to be provided on the Change Request form:
1. To initiate a CR , the submitting party must provide the following information:
a. Name of contact(s) submitting and sponsoring the requested change.
b. Whether the request relates to the Managed Services under this Order From or to additional Services.
c. Description of the requested change.
2. Once the Change Request is received, SAP will conduct an impact and cost analysis. The following information will
be provided as a result of this analysis in the form of a CR response:
a. Description of the impact, if any, on existing Managed Services.
b. Description of additional deliverables, if any, required for the Change Request.
c. Proposed schedule for any additional Services being requested.
d. Estimate of the change, if any, to the Managed Services fees caused by the Change Request, including the
rationale/methodology used for this calculation.
e. Recommendation on disposition of the CR (approve, disapprove, defer).
If rejected the CR shall be returned to the submitting party with written reasons for rejection and, as appropriate, any
A CR that is approved by the parties shall constitute a Change Request and a modification to the applicable Order Form. All
approved CR’s will be incorporated into the Order Form once the CR form attached hereto is executed by Customer and SAP.
SAP will not perform any Services under the Change Request until the CR has been fully executed by both parties.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 19
Change Request: [CR #]
Order Form for Managed Services (HANA Enterprise Cloud and Application Management Services)
SAP Reference No. <Insert Order Number>
<SAP> (“SAP”)
This document must be completed and submitted to the appropriate person to commence any change order.
1. Describe reason for requested change:
2. Describe impact, if any, on existing Managed Services:
3. State estimated fee change, if known. Provide a rationale/methodology for used to calculate any change:
4. Change Process:
5. Scheduled Date for Change:
6. Terms and Conditions:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have so agreed as of the date written above.
Accepted By:
Accepted By:
Print Name: [SAP Representative]
Print Name: [Approver]
Title: [Title]
Title: [Title]
Change Request
Sales Order
SAP Number
Invoice Text (40 char)
Full Partial
Begin Bill
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 20
Exhibit E: Glossary and Definitions for Application Management Services for HEC
1st Level Support
Level Support gathers Customer’s information on a disruption of service or on a
service request. For a disruption of service, 1
Level Support will try analyze the
issue, figure out a solution or work-around or pass it to the next level of support.
2nd Level Support
Level Support has specialized knowledge about applications, how they work
and the most common problems. 2
Level Support confirms the validity of the
issue/problem, provides in-depth help, corrects configuration and other serious
problems. Most cases should be resolved at this level of support, if not before. If
Level support cannot resolve the issue, it will escalate to 3
Level Support.
3rd Level Support
Support provided by the software product manufacturer (e.g. SAP) due to software
product errors.
Application Management
Services (AMS)
AMS provides SLA based post implementation application support for a
Customer's SAP centric landscape. This includes reactive incident- and change
management, proactive monitoring, problem management and service request
AMS Reporting
The Service Market Place is SAP’s Central portal for all application based support
requests via creation of support tickets.
In addition to Service Market Place an online AMS reporting dashboard provides
additional reporting capabilities for all AMS specific requests and services with a
customer specific view.
An Audit is an assessment of the internal controls of the entire process landscape
and fulfillment of the process requirements. It is also used to communicate new
legal requirements which lead to the implementation or change of controls.
A ticket is categorized by
Categorization Level 1: agreed service (AMS)
Categorization Level 2: appropriate process (Incident Management, Problem
Management, Change Management, Request Fulfillment, Event Management),
Categorization Level 3: type of request (e.g. Incident with/without Change,
Problem with/without Change, Request for Change, Service Request),
Ticket Categorization Level 2
Ticket Categorization Level 3
Event Management
AMS Manual Monitoring
Incident Management
AMS Incident without Change
AMS Incident with Change
Problem Management
AMS Problem without Change
AMS Problem with Change
Change Management
AMS Request for Change
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 21
Request Fulfillment
AMS Continuous Operations
AMS Standard Change
AMS Service Request
(AMS) Change
The process AMS Change Management describes the procedure to authorize,
plan and deploy a change of the business process into the productive systems.
All changes in the Customer’s system which are not caused by an Incident or
Problem or agreed as a Standard Change are considered a Request for Change.
Change Management does not only include the implementation procedure, but
the holistic process from the requirement to the deployment. Changes are
classified by their potential impact to the productive system (Regular Change and
Emergency Change). Depending on the potential impact a certain approval level
is required.
(AMS) Change
The AMS Change Implementation sub-process describes the procedure how to
control the deployment of a change into a productive system by minimizing the
risks of failure. This includes proper unit testing in the Quality Assurance System
of the Customer and another validation test done by the Customer. Finally the
import into the productive environment has to be executed as planned with the
Change Request
If during the provision of the agreed services changes are identified changes
that in Customers or SAP’s view affect the scope (by material reduction or
excess), content, methods, or schedule, they must be agreed by written
amendment or supplement to the contract. All changes must be documented and
tracked in the provided Change Request form.
Continuous Operations
The request category Continuous Operations is intended for all tickets that contain
some kind of continuous support for a longer time period. As a rule these will be
periodical / recurring tickets. They can be used to record:
Proactive support (except monitoring) based on the Customer contract or
separate agreements,
Continued consulting or minor maintenance tasks on request of the Customer
if the Customer does not want to create a separate ticket for each task.
Continuous Operations requests are processed in compliance with the Request
Fulfillment process.
See also Service Request, Standard Change
Core team
AMS Consultants who are appointed to process tickets for an AMS client. These
consultants are familiar with the client’s system landscape, business processes
and have a close collaboration with the client’s key users.
Customer Approval
See Quality Gate
Forwarding of an incoming request / ticket to the responsible AMS core team.
Effort Estimation
Quality Gate that can be agreed optionally between AMS and the Customer.
Before processing an Incident, Problem, Request for Change or Service Request,
ticket processors have to estimate how long it will take them to process and solve
the request. If this Quality Gate is agreed and as soon as the estimated effort
exceeds a limit that was once defined by Customer, the ticket processors have to
ask for the key user’s approval to continue processing this ticket. If the key user
does not give the approval, the ticket processor is not allowed to continue ticket
processing the ticket will be closed.
End User
A Customer’s employee who uses SAP software during daily business.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 22
(AMS) Engagement
The SAP Engagement Manager is an SAP project manager during
implementation of the services and during ongoing operation.
The Engagement Manager coordinates and monitors the implementation phase of
the agreed services and is responsible for managing the provision of agreed
services, so all services and change requests are carried out in accordance with
the agreed terms and conditions.
The Engagement Manager is a dedicated named person and the single point of
responsibility for the Customer for provisioning of the service and/or handling of
any escalation.
Emergency Change
An Emergency Change deals with an Incident with change and Request for
Change that has highest urgency and therefore must be imported to production
system as soon as possible meaning outside any regular release or maintenance
An Event is any automatic or manual occurrence of information with certain
(AMS) Event
Long-term monitoring of a system or system landscapes to identify critical system
states at an early stage.
The AMS Event Management process describes the procedure to identify an
event, to evaluate the relevance, and to find an appropriate reaction method. An
event can be identified by Manual Monitoring with appropriate tools. Manual
Monitoring is usually executed as defined in a monitoring concept.
Generic User
An account to log into a system. This user is used by more than one person. For
security reasons it is recommended to use only Named Users.
An Incident is the unplanned outage of parts or of a whole business process.
Incident requests are processed in compliance with the Incident Management
(AMS) Incident
The process AMS Incident Management describes the procedure to restore the
business process. An Incident can be resolved by either providing a workaround
or by finding and eliminating the root cause (Problem). Once the Incident is solved
it may be required to find the root cause (Problem) of the Incident. If such is
identified, an approach how to prevent the problem from occurring again should
be found and presented to the Customer.
Initial Reaction Time
The Initial Reaction Time (IRT) refers to the time between the receipt of a support
ticket (time stamp of ticket status “open”) and the first action taken by an SAP
support person (time stamp of ticket status “in process”), familiar with the
Customers environment, to repair an Incident or process an Service or Change
Request". The Initial Reaction Time is in accordance with the contractually agreed
support times and can only be guaranteed if the communication channels
according to the Support Concept or contract are used. If the priority of a support
ticket is being changed, the service level “Initial Response Time” restarts from this
International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) No. 3402 defines the
professional standards used by a service auditor to assess the internal controls of
a service organization and to publish a service auditor’s report.
The ISAE 3402 Quality Assurance Report consist of different parts:
One part is used by SAP AMS’s auditors to gain an understanding of the internal
controls in operation at the service organization,
Another part is available for AMS clients to check and review if the quality
assurance criteria and Quality Gates were met.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 23
The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a set of concepts and
policies for managing IT services. It encompasses Service Strategy, Design,
Transition, Operation and Continual Improvement and provides adaptable best
practice procedures.
Key Performance
Indicators (KPI)
Parameters that are used for the measurement of business.
Key User
A Customer’s contact person who has special business process and SAP
knowledge. A key user is authorized to address requests to AMS.
See also Specific Key User
Named Users
An account to log into a system. Due to security reasons, this user is used only by
one person.
Named users are also technical systems and their users that exchange
information with SAP systems.
See also Generic User
On-Call Duty
On-call duty is additional service time that is not covered by the standard delivery
support. During on-call duty, SAP AMS ensures personnel that is available and
can respond to Incidents and Problems within the agreed Initial Reaction Time
corresponding to their priority. On-call duty services are invoiced to the Customer
according to cost and expense.
A Problem is the underlying root cause of an Incident. A Problem can cause
multiple Incidents.
(AMS) Problem
The process AMS Problem Management describes the procedure to find the root
cause and to prevent the Problem from happening again.
Quality Gate (Q-Gate)
A Quality Gate is a formal step to verify the quality of a process step before the
next process step is released for execution. Quality Gates define the minimum
requirements that must be fulfilled to continue with the process. Quality Gates
usually require a customer approval to continue the processing of a request /
A request is a question or a task that is addressed to AMS. A request can be
classified as Incident, Request for Change or Service Request.
Request for Change
A Request for Change is the formal description of a desired business process
change. Requests for Change are processed in compliance with the Change
Management process.
(AMS) Request
Service requests are handled in the AMS Request Fulfillment process if they do
not match the prerequisites for any other of the predefined AMS processes (Event
Management, Incident Management, Problem Management or Change
Management). These service requests will be further separated into one of the
following categories: Standard Change, Request for Continuous Operations, or
Service Request.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 24
(AMS) Service Desk
A centralized function servicing the single point-of-entry for all AMS requests and
tickets. The AMS Service Desk handles tickets in compliance with the Service
Desk process, i.e.
Ticket acceptance / rejection (contract, SLA, key user check),
Ticket monitoring (see SLA),
Ticket dispatching to the AMS core team consultants.
The process Service Desk describes the workflow and tasks of the service desk
function, including
Request / ticket reception,
Ticket creation (received by phone),
Ticket monitoring,
Ticket dispatching and
Service Level Agreement
Service Level Agreements describe the quality (e.g. IRT) and quantity (e.g.
monthly support volume in hours) of agreed services between the Customer and
AMS as service provider.
SAP Service Market
Place (SMP)
The SAP Service Market Place (SMP) is SAP’s Central portal for all application
based support requests via creation of support tickets.
Further it provides a platform with discussion forums, blogs, Wikis for exchange
with SAP experts and offers documentation of all SAP-solutions through an online
Service Request
A Service Request is any Request which is no Request for Change and no
Incident. Service Requests are processed in compliance with the Request
Fulfillment process.
See also Standard Change, Continuous Operations
Service Time
Times in which AMS as contractor provides the Customer with the defined
services according to the defined SLA.
Solution Time (ST)
The Solution Time (ST) means the time when processing of ticket begins (time
stamp of ticket status “in process”) until the first solution will be provided to the
Customer (time stamp of ticket status “solution proposed to customer” (can be set
exceptionally manually in case of a workaround)). The status “SAP Proposed
Solution” means SAP has provided a corrective action or a solution proposal.
The Solution Time (ST) does not include the time, when the ticket is handed over
to Customer (ticket status “customer action”) or SAP’s product support (ticket
status “Sent to SAP”) for processing.
The Solution Time SLA only applies to Incident Management tickets and if
contractually agreed.
Specific key user
A Customer’s contact person who is authorized to request, to approve or to reject
user administration related tickets (component BC-SEC).
See also End User, Key User
Standard Change
Standard Changes are low-impact changes that are pre-defined and pre-
authorized. Standard Changes are processed in compliance with the Request
Fulfillment process.
See also Service Request, Continuous Operations
A Customer’s contact person who is authorized to create, change and deactivate
Customers user (so called S-Users) for Service Market Place.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 25
User to login Service Market Place.
A ticket is the way to document any support request addressed by the Customer
to SAP. Each ticket is given a number at the point of time it is created. The ticket
number will be the single reference to the Customer’s request.
The SAP Service Market Place (SMP) is SAP’s Central portal for all application
based support requests via creation of support tickets. Any ticket has to be
created in Service Market Place only. Tickets are checked in compliance with the
AMS Service Desk process and will only be processed by AMS if they are created
in Service Market Place.
Ticket processor
AMS Consultant who is responsible for ticket handling, documentation,
processing and solving in compliance with the appropriate processes.
Ticket status
The ticket status gives on the one hand a basic overview on the ticket processing
progress and on the other hand the information by whom the next activity needs
to be carried out. The main ticket states are:
In Process,
Customer Action,
Sent to SAP,
Solution Proposed to Customer,
Confirmed by Customer,
Procedure Ended.
As soon as the ticket status Confirmed by Customer is set, any further required
activities have to be handled and documented in another new ticket.
An account to log into a system.
See Generic User, Named User.
A workaround is a temporary solution aimed at reducing or eliminating the impact
of an Incident for which a full resolution is not yet available
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 26
Exhibit F: Application Management Services Engagement Approach
Organizational Change Management Approach
Organizational Change Management includes, but is not limited to the following: business readiness for go-live, design and
roll-out of end-user training, day-to-day backfill for Customer engagement team members, SAP system management,
coordination with remote sites, and engagement communication to the company.
Customer is responsible for all organizational change management activities.
Engagement Governance
To ensure effective communication between SAP and the Customer, an SAP and Customer status meeting to clarify open
issues and questions will occur regularly as defined in the table below:
Time & Date)
and SAP
Customer SME,
Manager &
1 hour
date and time
Weekly status update
Review open items
Discuss risks & issues
and agree resolutions
Review open or
incidents/problems or
configuration requests
Face to Face
or Video
and SAP
Manager &
2 hours
date and time
Review Transition
Review financials,
timelines & deliverables
Review risks and issues
Resolve action items
Gather feedback
Face to Face
and SAP Bi-
Manager &
1 day
Date and
time TBD
Review Scope
Document timeline,
scope, service hours,
number of resources
Review SLA
Review performance
review deliverables
Face to Face
Engagement Deliverables
Customer Deliverables
The following are the engagement deliverables to be delivered by Customer:
1. Software Installed and Functioning (continuous operation)
2. Transition and Hand over
SAP Deliverables
In addition to SAP’s monthly delivery of Application Management Services the following deliverables will be delivered by
1. Initial Kick off Workshop
2. Monthly report
3. ISAE 3402 Quality Assurance Report twice a year
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 27
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 28
Engagement Assumptions
General Engagement Assumptions
Anything not specified as in-scope is deemed out-of-scope, is not part of this engagement and would require additional
consulting services through the Change Order Procedure as defined in Exhibit 2 or a separate statement of work.
No changes will be made to the system landscape operated by Customer as a result of the services provided by SAP.
SAP will document possibilities for improvement in the scope of the daily support. SAP will also analyze calls for assistance
to determine if other areas are available for improvement. This information will be discussed in communications between
Customer’s representatives and the SAP support team. When SAP has identified an area for improvement, SAP may make
a formal cost and expense assessment, and will analyze the consequences of the change on the existing landscape and
system operation. SAP will submit the recommendation to the appropriate Customer’s representative in the form of a
Request for Change. If approved by Customer the change will be implemented via the Change Order Procedure and billed
as identified in the relevant Change Order.
Customer will be fully responsible for the project management, design, scope, delivery execution, and user acceptance of
application changes. SAP’s role in enhancements will be on a staff augmentation basis by making a best efforts attempt to
staff requested resources within the functional or technical skill sets and consulting level requested.
Customer will maintain a representative who will be Customer’s primary point of contact in dealing with SAP and will have
the authority and power to make decisions with respect to any action to be taken by Customer under this schedule.
Customer’s additional responsibilities including Collaboration and cooperative duties
Customer will provide all software products and licenses required for the services to be provided including all necessary
maintenance agreements (in particular for SAP software used) for the entire contract period. Customer will use a currently
maintained release of the SAP Software in accordance with Customers End User License Agreement (Software License
Agreement) with SAP, unless the parties otherwise agree to an earlier Releases.
Customer will grant SAP nonexclusive rights to operate these software products solely for the purpose of supporting and
modifying the applications used. Any necessary changes to the software licenses or maintenance agreements will be made
by Customer at Customers expense.
Regardless of the scope of services provided under this engagement, Customer is responsible for the implementation and
the design of the overall software solution.
Customer is responsible for the definition and execution of its business processes including but not limited to application and
data security policies, Sarbanes-Oxley compliance standards and processing requirements.
Customer is responsible to provide SAP reasonable and sufficient documentation of its business processes in order for SAP
to perform its responsibilities under this Scope Document
Under this contract, a request will be processed after a ticket has been issued to SAP detailing the request. Customer must
open the ticket in Service Market Place.
Customer will ensure that SAP has access to the supported systems within Customer’s IT solution and will bear any
expenses required for this purpose.
Customer is responsible to ensure that its 3
Level Support parties reasonably cooperate in their timely receipt and handling
of queries and tickets forwarded from SAP.
Customer is responsible for all data stored into the systems. Customer is responsible for backing up its data. Except where
otherwise expressly indicated in writing by Customer, SAP is always entitled to act on the assumption that all of Customer’s
data is backed up.
Customer will ensure that the release of any new or upgrade to Customer’s software complies with the interface
requirements of the solution in scope and will notify SAP at least eight (8) weeks prior to the release of any new or upgrade
to the software.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 29
For the entire duration of the engagement Customer names and maintains a representative who will be Customers’s primary
point of contact in dealing with SAP for this engagement and will have the authority and power to make decisions with
respect to any action to be taken by Customer under this contract.
Two weeks before start of the engagement, Customer will make technical documentation, end-user documentation and
business process documentation available to SAP in English language. In case Customer fails to provide this documentation
on time or if the documentation does not have the required level of detail, the service start might be delayed and support
efforts by SAP might increase.
During the entire run time of the engagement Customer is accountable to provide SAP reasonable and sufficient
documentation of its business processes in order for SAP to perform its responsibilities.
Customer informs SAP in a timely manner, i.e. with a lead time of three (3) months about changes to the required support in
terms of volume, languages and service times.
Customer provides SAP for the semi-annual audits a user with all necessary authorizations free of charge. This is required
for all systems in which SAP has responsibility for transportation management. Customer also confirms that its transportation
management can checked for audit purposes and that information is also made available to the respective auditors. This is
only applicable if during the set up phase it is agreed that SAP will be responsible for transports to production.
During the agreed service times Customer will ensure the availability of a sufficient number of Key Users who have the
required technical-, application and business process expertise and sufficient skills to communicate with SAP’s AMS
Consultants in the agreed support language and will provide to SAP a list of the key users including name, function, phone
number, fax number and email address. Customer will ensure that all Key Users are familiar with the support process
including ticket creation and processing via the SAP Service Market Place.
Customer will designate at least one Customer user as an OSS user with the authorization to open the OSS connection to
the SAP systems and to set up messages
If Customer fails or partially fails to comply with these collaborative and cooperative duties or if Customer fails to comply with
these collaborative and cooperative duties in the right quality or if Customer fails to comply on, SAP can request adjustments
of the schedule and/ or charge additional costs resulting out of the non-compliance to Customer at the agreed daily rates
[If applicable, describe requirements we need to deliver service provisions and which services have to be provided by the
Customer, respectively.]
The engagement will be carried out requiring the efforts of both SAP and Customer. Customer will provide knowledgeable,
decision-empowered resources available to work on the engagements as part of the engagement team, and will supply SAP
with the names and contact information of all Customer and 3rd Party resources assigned to the engagement.
Customer agrees and understands that the assigned SAP AMS Consultant(s) may perform Services on the engagement
from an off-site location.
SAP reserves the right to, in its sole discretion; replace any assigned SAP AMS Consultant with an SAP AMS Consultant
with equivalent skills.
Customer and SAP will promptly replace inappropriately skilled team members or vacated team slots as deemed necessary
during the engagement.
Customer will continue to be responsible and designate at least one (1) Customer User as an OSS user with the
authorization to open the OSS connection to the SAP systems and to setup support messages (tickets).
The Customer Power users are capable of accepting the first call from the end-user community and address it internally or
understand how to route it, as necessary, to the SAP AMS Ticketing System (or SAP Service Desk).
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 30
Exhibit G Template for Acceptance Protocol
Acceptance Protocol
Engagement Name:
Working Package:
Customer Project
SAP Engagement
Order No.
Customer Name
Department or Contact Person
Street, No.
ZIP Code, City
1. Handover of Engagement Results
The subject matters of the contract subsequently specified were handed over and were defined in detail in the
following documents:
Kick off Workshop
Monthly report
ISAE 3402 Quality
Assurance Report twice
a year
Place, Date
SAP Engagement Manager
Acceptance Statement
The activity results have been generated as mutually agreed in the contract. Consequently,
the contract has been fulfilled on part of SAP to the full extent. The Customer hereby
declares his acceptance.
The activity results show defects, which do not preclude acceptance and which impair the
usefulness of the contracts goods, works and services only to an insubstantial extent.
These open issues listed below shall be rectified. The Customer hereby declares his
The activity results show substantial defects, which preclude acceptance. Acceptance is
refused. The open issues will be listed below.
SAP Service Description for Managed Services(HEC AMS) ENGLISH v.1-2015 31
Ref. to ID
Open Issue
Place, Date