6 Minimum System Requirements
7 Installation (Mac OSX)
7 Installation (PC)
8 Starting the Software
9 Software Overview
11 Adding les to the Serato DJ Intro library
11 External Hard Drives
11 Showing your iTunes library
12 How to get music from CDs into Serato DJ Intro
12 Supported File Types
12 About Corrupt Files
13 Ofine Player
13 Master Gain
13 Analyzing Files
13 How To Analyze Files
13 Re-Analyze Files
14 Set Auto BPM
14 BPM Range
14 Lock Tracks
14 Track Analyze on Deck Load
16 Mouse and Keyboard Navigation
16 Hardware Navigation
17 Prepare
18 Organizing Your Library
18 Crates
18 Subcrates
18 Setting up Columns
19 Editing ID3 Tags
19 Library Auto -Backup
19 Rescan ID3 Tags
19 Serato ITCH / Scratch Live Compatibility
20 Display Modes
21 Virtual Deck
21 Deck Capability
21 Track Display
22 Tap Tempo
22 Track Overview Display
22 Main Waveform Display
23 Tempo Matching Display
23 Beat Matching Display
23 Example Of Using The Visual Aids To Beat Match
24 Mixing & Playback
24 Finding the Next Track
24 Loading it to the Deck
24 Continuous Autoplay
24 Adjusting Track’s Pitch / Speed
24 Getting The Tracks In Time
25 Add/Delete Cue Point
25 Trigger Cue Point
25 Cue Point Keyboard Shortcuts
25 Visual Aid: Cue Point Status
26 Temporary Cue
27 Manual Looping
27 Auto Looping
28 Relative Pitch & Pitch Control
28 Average BPM and Changing Tempos
29 Sample Player
29 Sample Player Overview
29 Loading Music To The Sample Player
29 Playing Samples
29 Sample Player ‘Play From’ Selector
30 Sample Player Track Overviews
30 Sample Player Volume
31 DJ-FX
31 Beats Multiplier
31 Tempo Source
32 Setup Screen
32 Anonymous Usage Data
33 Playback Keys use Shift
33 Instant Doubles
33 Output
33 Use Auto Gain
33 Show iTunes Library
33 Check for updates
34 Keyboard Shortcuts
Welcome to the Serato DJ Intro 1.2.8 software manual.
Serato DJ Intro is an integrated software and hardware system, designed to give music selectors
and DJs new kinds of control.
Using the Serato DJ Intro software you can DJ music on your computer with accurate control
from a range of supported hardware. Simply connect your hardware to your computer, connect to
your sound system and you’re in action.
This manual offers generic Serato DJ Intro Software information.
For hardware setup, control or troubleshooting information please see your hardware manual.
Minimum System Requirements
Before software installation, please ensure your computer meets the minimum system requirements
for the hardware controller you are using. You can nd the minimum specications by checking
your hardware manual or your hardware manufacturers website.
NOTE: To see the minimum system requirements for running Serato DJ Intro, please check the
System Requirements tab on the Serato DJ Intro downloads page: https://serato.com/dj/intro/
downloads . For best performance and for use in professional situations we recommend you use
that exceeds the minimum requirements.
USB Buffer Size (Latency)
Serato DJ Intro processes audio data in small chunks. When smaller chunks are used, the
movement of the platter is translated into audio more often, which results in a lower overall
system latency. However, this requires more processing power and therefore a higher CPU load,
so lower buffer size settings require a more powerful computer to produce uninterrupted audio.
If you want tighter control, you should try decreasing this setting, on the other hand, if you
experience audio dropouts, you need to increase this setting (or use a more powerful computer).
Installation (Mac OSX)
Before installing, we recommend you download and install the latest Serato DJ Intro version from the
To install Serato DJ Intro:
Browse using Finder to the location where the Serato DJ Intro download was saved.
Double click the Serato DJ Intro .dmg le to mount the installer.
Accept the end user license agreement
Then, double click the .dmg le to mount the image on your system, and browse to that volume
Drag the le named, “Serato DJ Intro” to the Applications folder alias located in the Disc Image.
You can now run Serato DJ Intro from your Applications folder, or drag the application to your
dock for quick access.
Installation (PC)
Before installing, we recommend you download and install the latest Serato DJ Intro version from the
To install Serato DJ Intro:
Browse using Windows Explorer to the location where the Serato DJ Intro download installer
was saved, unpack the Serato DJ Intro.zip le and browse to the extracted contents.
Double click the le called”SeratoDJIntro_installer.exe”
The Setup Wizard will appear. Click Next.
Accept the License Agreement and then click Next.
Choose the location you want to install to and click Next.
Select additional tasks to be performed during installation.
Click Install to begin the installation process.
Serato DJ Intro will now be installed.
A conrmation screen will appear when the install is complete.
Starting the Software
Mac OS X
Serato DJ Intro will be installed to your applications folder.
Double click the Serato DJ Intro icon in the applications folder to launch. For easy launching you
can click and drag this icon to the dock.
Serato DJ Intro will be installed in the following locations:
Start Menu > All Programs > Serato > Serato DJ -> Serato DJ Intro. To start Serato DJ Intro on
Windows simply double click on the shortcut icon on your desktop, or browse your start menu
and click the Serato DJ Intro.exe icon.
NOTE: Connect your hardware before you open Serato DJ Intro. When Serato DJ Intro launches it
will automatically detect your hardware. Successful detection will result in you seeing this screen
with “virtual decks”.
Software Overview
The following chart provides an overview of the Serato DJ Intro main screen. Each point is
covered in more detail, later in the manual.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Horizontal Mode Changes Display Mode to show horizontal waveforms.
2 Vertical Mode Changes Display Mode to show vertical waveforms.
3 Playhead Shows playhead position on the waveform overview of the track.
4 Key Displays the track’s “key” ID3 tag (if available).
5 Pitch Applied pitch offset as a percentage (%) (determined by the position
of the PITCH FADER).
6 BPM Field Displays track’s BPM. You can click this eld to “tap” out a time,
from which the software will approximate and save a new BPM. If
there is no BPM for the track, it will display “Tap” to prompt you to
tap out a suggested tempo.
7 Virtual Deck Rotates during playback.
8 Beat-Matching
Shows “transients” (usually the drum hits) to aid beat-matching.
9 Tempo-Matching
Displays tempos of both Decks to help the mixing process.
10 Tool Tips Enables or disables Tool Tip Display, which provides a dialog box
with a description of a software feature when you place your mouse
over it.
11 Setup Shows the software Setup screen.
12 Master Output
Use the Master Output knob to adjust the volume of the master
output of Serato DJ Intro
13 Limiter Illuminates when Limiter is engaged
14 Track Overview An overview of the currently loaded track’s entire waveform.
15 CPU Meter Shows the CPU percentage in use.
16 Track Time Display Displays the current position of the Audio Pointer in the track. Click to
switch between Time Elapsed to Time Remaining.
17 Search Searches your Library for the text entered in this eld.
18 Prepare Displays the Prepare Panel containing tracks you have pre-selected for
your set.
19 Files Displays the Files Panel, which enables you to search for tracks on
your hard drive.
20 Status Bar Displays the status of the currently selected item.
21 Add New Crate Adds a new Crate.
22 Album Art Opens/closes the Album Art panel, which displays the album art of
the currently selected le in your library (if available).
23 Library Displays the songs available in your current library location.
24 Crates Displays the list of Crates and Sub-Crates available.
25 DJ-FX Opens/closes the DJ-FX panel.
26 Samples Opens / closes the Sample Player tab.
27 Waveform Waveform of the currently loaded track.
28 Keylock Toggles Keylock On and Off.
29 Playback Mode Toggles between “Single” and “Continuous” Playback Modes. Single
Playback Mode plays only one track, stopping when it is nished.
Continuous Playback Mode will automatically play the next track in
the Crate when one track ends. Whenever a new track is loaded, this
setting will remain the same.
30 Artist Name “Artist” tag for the current track.
31 Track Name “Title” tag for the current track.
Importing Music
Adding les to the Serato DJ Intro library
The easiest way to load music into your library is by using the Files button.
1 Click on the FILES button to open the les panel. The left side of this window displays various
locations on your computer hard drive (and external drives if you connected one). Click on these
locations to navigate your computer and nd your music. By default, your music will usually be
found in either “Music”(Mac) or “My Music”(Windows).
2 Once you have located your music, drag the folder or les you want to import onto the “All...
crate. This is located to the left of your screen at the top of the crates and playlist window. If
you wish to import all of your music, just drag your whole music folder onto the “All...” crate. This
will import any compatible le contained in this master folder from your hard drive into the Serato
DJ Intro Library.
TIP You can also import by dragging les and folders directly from Windows Explorer (PC version)
or Finder (Mac version) into the Serato DJ Intro library.
Load a le to either deck from the les panel will automatically add it to your library.
TIP Dragging a folder into the crates view will instantly create a crate.
External Hard Drives
Any external hard drive connected to your computer will show in the les panel. You can add les
to your library from an external drive just like you would do when importing from the internal hard
drive of your computer.
If the external hard drive is not connected when you run Serato DJ Intro any les added from this
drive will not display in your library.
The library information for les on your external drive is stored on the external drive itself. This
means if you add tracks on an external drive to your library and then plug that external drive into
another machine running Serato DJ Intro, the crates and tracks will automatically be visible in the
other machine’s library.
Showing your iTunes library
Serato DJ Intro can import your iTunesTM library allowing you to play your iTunes music and
access playlists. To enable this feature go to the setup screen, open the library tab and check the
show iTunes library box.
NOTE: The iTunes library can now be minimized by pressing the small triangle in the blue iTunes
folder icon.
Older music bought from the Apple Store can be DRM protected and will not play in Serato
Software or anything other than iTunes. You can upgrade most music to remove the DRM
protection using the iTunes Plus service form the Apple Store.
How to get music from CDs into Serato DJ Intro
Serato DJ Intro does not have a CD ripping function. We suggest you use a 3rd party application
to convert your audio CDs into a suitable le type for Serato DJ Intro. We recommend 320 kbps
MP3 les for a good balance of audio quality and le size.
NOTE: We recommend ripping your CDs rather than playing from them directly.
Supported File Types
Fixed and variable bit rate (VBR) les are both supported.
Tracks protected by DRM are not compatible with Serato DJ Intro.
About Corrupt Files
If you have a corrupt le in your library, hover your mouse over the status icon for information on
what type of corruption was found.
Ofine Player
The ofine player is a useful tool for preparing crates, auditioning tracks, and setting cue points.
The ofine player is available when your hardware is not connected, and outputs through the
current default audio device.
Load a track to the ofine player by dragging and dropping onto the ofine player or by pressing
shift+left arrow. If the end of the loaded track is reached, the next track in the current playlist will
automatically play next.
Master Gain
Use the master output knob to adjust the volume of master output of Serato DJ Intro in the
Ofine Player.
Analyzing Files
The analyze les function processes the tracks in your library to detect le corruption, prepare the
waveform overviews, and if enabled calculate BPM values. It is recommended that users analyze
their les before playing them in Serato DJ Intro.
NOTE: When hardware is connected, Auto BPM is in effect. Keep this checked if you wish to
have new tracks analyzed with these values when dragging les to a deck.
How To Analyze Files
To analyze your les open Serato DJ Intro with your hardware disconnected. You will see the
analyze les button, click this to automatically analyze all the tracks in your library.
TIP You can also drag and drop individual folders, crates and les onto the button to analyze
small or specic groups of les at a time.
Re-Analyze Files
Previously analyzed tracks can be re-analyzed by dragging the track, selection of tracks or entire
Crate to the Analyze Files button.
To force Serato DJ Intro to re-analyze ALL les in your library, hold ctrl while clicking on the
analyze les button.
NOTE: The Analyze Files rules apply with Set Auto BPM.
Set Auto BPM
If this option is checked, Serato DJ Intro will calculate the BPM and add the value to your le
during the analyze les process.
Set Auto BPM is part of the analyzing le process, it will not apply to any les that have already
been analyzed unless the following:
You force analyze a track, or group of tracks and you select a different BPM range.
You force analyze a track, or group of tracks and the calculate BPM value differs from the
current BPM.
BPM Range
The range drop down allows you to specify the BPM range of your tracks. Selecting an correct
range will help to avoid half or double BPM values being calculated when using Set Auto BPM.
For example: You have a selection of house tracks, that you guess are in the 120 - 130 BPM
range. Set the drop down range to 68-135 BPM, setting the lower and upper limits. That way,
when Serato DJ Intro runs into a 120 BPM le, it will know for sure that it is 120 BPM, and not a
half value of 60 BPM (60 BPM is lower than the set threshold of 68 BPM).
NOTE If you nd tracks with BPM values that are incorrect, check the BPM Range is correct in
the Ofine Player.
Lock Tracks
If a track displays a Lock Track symbol in the Status column, then the le information for the
track itself cannot be changed.
You will not be able to change any of the tracks information permanently in Serato DJ Intro. This
includes BPM, waveforms, cuepoints, or other metadata information. However, you may be able to
adjust information for the track when in a session, but this information will not be saved (written)
to the le’s meta tags where this information is kept.
The le may be locked because you are using the wrong formatted hard drive (ie. a NTFS
drive formatted on a Windows PC and trying to use this on a Mac which can only Read this
Or it could be the le itself is locked. To nd out if a track is locked, highlight the track in Serato
DJ Intro, and press CTRL+R to ‘reveal’ the le location on your hard drive.
Then press either Command+I (‘Get Info’ for Mac) or ALT+Enter (‘Properties’ for WIndows). Then
see if the track is Read Only, or that you have the permissions to write to the le.
Track Analyze on Deck Load
Loading an un-analyzed track will follow the Analyze Files rules. Having Set Auto BPM checked in
the Ofine Player will also set the BPM when you load a track to a virtual deck or sample slot in
Serato DJ Intro.
Loading a previously analyzed track will not set a BPM if the track has none already.
NOTE: Make sure these options are checked in the Ofine Player if you wish to have this
functionality when performing.
Library Navigation
The library contains all the music that you have added to Serato DJ Intro. By using browse and
search you can easily narrow down your selection to nd the track you want.
Mouse and Keyboard Navigation
You can use the cursor keys and mouse to navigate the library. The cursor keys work as UP,
Hardware Navigation
You can use the hardware controls to navigate the library.
Serato DJ Intro includes a search function to help you nd tracks quickly and easily. Just enter
text into the search box and Serato DJ Intro will automatically nd as you type.
TIP Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + F to jump to the search box. This keyboard shortcut will also
take you out of any crate or playlist that you might be in and into your main library, so you can nd
any track in your collection. If you then click on a crate or playlist, the search query will be cleared.
To select which elds the search function will look through, click on the left hand side of the search
box. The drop down menu shows which elds are currently being used. Press ESC or the X button
on the right of the search box to clear the search.
Library Status Icons
The column at the far left shows the status of each track, examples of these icons are below:
Serato DJ Intro has detected some corruption in the MP3 le. If possible, re-encode the
The track has been imported from the iTunes library.
The track has been imported from iTunes but it is corrupt.
The track cannot be found. Most likely the le has been renamed or moved from its
original location.
Serato DJ Intro is trying to import a track from the iTunes library, but cannot nd the le.
The track is locked.
The prepare window is an area for holding tracks, much like preparing a set by lifting records partially
out of your record bag. Click the prepare button in Serato DJ Intro to open the prepare panel.
Navigate through your library with the keyboard and use the mouse to drag tracks or crates into the
prepare window or onto the prepare tab.
These tracks will be removed from the prepare panel once they have been played. All tracks in the
prepare panel will be discarded when you exit Serato DJ Intro.
TIP Use the keyboard shortcut ctrl-p to add tracks to the prepare window.
TIP Select the contents of the Prepare window and drag them onto the new crate button (+) to save
the selection.
Organizing Your Library
Serato DJ Intro can support an unlimited number of tracks – the only limitation is the size of the hard
drive of your computer. A number of features are included to help you to keep your music organized
and nd tracks quickly and easily.
Serato DJ Intro uses digital crates for quick access to your favorite collections. There is no limit to the
number of crates you can create, and any given track can be placed in multiple crates. The crate area
is on the left hand side of the library.
For example, you could organize your tracks into the following crates, where any one track would be
led in more than one crate.
Hip Hop • Old School Hip Hop
UK Hip Hop • French Hip Hop
Hip Hop Lps • Instrumental Hip Hop
To make a new crate, click the + button. To rename a crate, double click the crate name. You can
change the order of tracks within a crate by dragging them up or down.
You can drag and drop crates into other crates to make subcrates. If you drag a crate to the very left
of the crate panel, it will stay in the top level of the crate structure. If you drag the crate a little to
the right, onto the name of another crate, it will make the crate you are dragging a sub crate of this
crate. Subcrates can be opened and collapsed, allowing you to have a large number of crates whilst
making them easy to browse.
Setting up Columns
The track information display area can be customized to display any of the columns listed below.
Added Key
Album • Label
Artist • Length
Bitrate Location
BPM • Remixer
Comment • Sample rate
Composer • Size
Filename • Track
Genre Year
Clicking on the triangle at the top right of the library will show the list so you can turn elds on and
off. You can resize columns by grabbing the edge and dragging to the width you want.
Editing ID3 Tags
Much of the information associated with each track can be edited from within Serato DJ Intro. Double
click on the eld within the main library to edit it. Filename, length, size, bit rate and sampling cannot
be edited, this information is saved in the le itself.
TIP Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + E to edit text. Hold down the ctrl key and move with the arrow
keys to change to a different eld while staying in edit mode. When you have more than one track
selected, editing tags changes all the tracks in your selection.
TIP The second column in the library is the label color for that track. Click it to bring up a color
palette, and customize the virtual deck for that track.
NOTE: Tracks that are read-only have a locked icon.
Library Auto -Backup
Serato DJ Intro will create a folder on your hard disk called Serato where it stores your library
database, crate information and other information. The Serato folder is located in the My Music folder
on Windows and in the Music folder on Mac.
Serato DJ Intro will also create a Serato folder on any external drive that you have added les from
into the library.
When you rst exit Serato DJ Intro you will be prompted to backup your library. This creates a copy
of the Serato folder on your system drive and on any connected external drives containing a Serato
folder. The backup folder is called SeratoBackup. After the initial backup, you will be prompted to
backup again if the last backup on that drive is older than a week or if no backup exists. Serato DJ
Intro will only keep ONE backup at a time, so each time you backup, Serato DJ Intro will overwrite
the previous backup.
NOTE If you have an earlier version of Serato ITCH or Scratch Live installed the library folder may be
called ‘ScratchLIVE’, not_Serato_.
Rescan ID3 Tags
The Rescan ID3 tags button is found in the Files panel and re-reads le tags for the entire library.
Use this function if you have edited or modied le tags in other software.
Serato DJ / Serato ITCH / Scratch Live Compatibility
Serato DJ Intro uses the same library as Serato DJ, ITCH and Scratch Live. If you are an existing
Serato DJ, ITCH or Scratch Live user all your music and cue points will be available in Serato DJ
Intro. If you create a library in Serato DJ Intro and then install Serato DJ, ITCH or Scratch Live
the music and cue points from Serato DJ Intro will automatically be available in Serato DJ, ITCH
or Scratch Live. Any changes made in either programs will be written to the library so if you have
existing cue points, be aware of this when moving between systems.
Display Modes
Serato DJ Intro gives you the option of two different display modes to suit your style of performance.
The Display Mode buttons are located in the top left of the Main Screen.
The available display modes are:
Classic Horizontal Mode: The two decks are displayed on the left and right sides of the
screen with horizontal waveforms in the middle.
Classic Vertical Mode: The two decks are displayed on the left and right sides of the screen
with vertical waveforms in the middle.
4-deck Vertical Mode: This view is only available when a compatible 4-deck controller is
connected. The four decks are displayed on the left and right sides of the screen with
vertical waveforms in the middle.
Virtual Deck
The virtual deck shows the speed and position of a track. When a track is loaded to the virtual deck
it will change from black to white with a black stripe. As the track progresses, the virtual deck will
rotate. The circular progress bar around the edge is a visual representation of the position within the
track, and will begin ashing 20 seconds from the end of the track to warn you that the track is
nearing its end.
4 Deck Capability
4 deck control is available with supported controllers. If your Serato DJ Intro controller has 4 deck
capability, you can switch between displaying 2 and 4 decks when in any of the above display modes.
If you have a four deck controller, selecting a 2 deck view will display the ‘1’ and ‘2’ decks selectable
on your controller.
- Displays 4 Virtual Decks in vertical mode
Track Display
When a track is loaded, the track name, artist, length, key and pitched BPM are displayed in the track
title bar. If any of this information is not contained in the le it will not be displayed. Displayed below
this are pitch and playback.
The time and remaining time are displayed in minutes and seconds.
The pitched BPM is the recalculated BPM value of the track relative to the position of the pitch slider
on your Serato DJ Intro controller.
Pitch displays the pitch value relative to the position of the pitch slider on your Serato DJ Intro
When Key Lock is on, the key or pitch of the song stays locked at what it would be if the track
was playing at normal speed. Key Lock has scratch detection, so that it automatically turns off when
scratching for a natural scratching sound.
The Key tag for the current track is displayed (if available).
Playback allows you to select which playback mode you want. Single means once the end of the
track is reached you will hear silence. Cont means when the end of the track is reached the next
track in the playlist will be loaded and playback will continue.
Tap Tempo
If a track has no BPM information stored, the tap tempo box is displayed where the BPM is usually
displayed in the track title bar.
Pressing alt + space bar activates the tempo tapper for the left virtual deck (press alt + space bar
a second time to activate the tempo tapper on the right virtual deck). To calculate, tap the space
bar along with the beat. After you’ve tapped the rst beat, you can switch to double time tapping,
halftime, start of each bar etc. The range is set by the rst two taps, after that you can switch to any
steady rhythm you feel comfortable with – quarter notes, half note, whole notes. The esc key resets
the BPM, the enter key saves the BPM to the track. You can also use the mouse if you prefer by
clicking in the tap tempo box and clicking the mouse button in time.
NOTE: You don’t need to be at Zero on the pitch slider, Serato DJ Intro does the math for you.
Track Overview Display
This area provides a complete overview of the waveform of the track and includes a marker to show
the current position within the track. This view is useful for nding transitions within the track. The
waveform is colored according to the spectrum of the sound; red representing low frequency bass
sounds, green representing mid frequency sounds and blue representing high frequency treble sounds.
You can jump to different positions within the track by clicking on the track overview display. Grey
lines behind the overview show the length of the track; a thin grey line every minute, and a thick grey
line every 5 minutes. If you have not analyzed your les the overview will be lled when you load the
track onto a virtual deck.
TIP Analyze les before you play.
Main Waveform Display
This area provides a close-up view of the track, including color-coding to show the frequency of the
sound; red representing low frequency bass sounds, green representing mid frequency sounds and
blue representing high frequency treble sounds. Click and hold on the waveform to ‘scrub’ or make
ne adjustments to your position within the track. The main waveform is zoomed around the current
position in the track.
NOTE: The waveforms scale with the pitch slide on your Serato DJ Intro controller to make it easier to
see when beats are aligned and in time.
Tempo Matching Display
The tempo matching display area provides a helpful tool for beat matching. Serato DJ Intro detects
the beats within the track and places a row of orange peaks (for the track on the left side) above a
row of blue peaks (for the track on the right side) in the tempo matching display area. When the two
tracks are matched to the same tempo, the peaks will line up.
This display does not show the relative timing of the beats, only the tempos of the tracks. The peaks
will still line up when the tracks are playing at the same tempo, but are out of sync.
Beat Matching Display
This view shows the position of beats within the track. When beat matching, this view helps align the
downbeats of the two tracks. The markers are matched up when the two tracks are beat matched.
Example Of Using The Visual Aids To Beat Match
In this example, the track that is playing is on the left deck and the track to be mixed in is on the
right deck.
1 Start the track playing on the right deck. After a few seconds, blue peaks appear in the tempo
matching display.
2 Adjust the pitch of the right deck on your Serato DJ Intro controller until the blue peaks sit under
the orange peaks in the tempo matching display. Once they are aligned, the two tracks have the
same tempo.
3 Next align the markers in the beat matching display. Watch the color of the items passing by in the
main waveform display. Remember that a kick or bass drum will be red in color, and a snare drum
will be green or blue.
This technique will by no means guarantee perfect mixes, but may help to speed up the process of
beat matching.
Mixing & Playback
Previously we have covered nding, loading and playing tracks. Once you have a track playing,
the next step is to mix it into another track.
Finding the Next Track
First you’ll need to nd the next track to mix in. Browse your library to nd a suitable track.
TIP The library’s BPM column is useful for nding a track with a similar tempo to the current
Loading it to the Deck
Load the next track to the desired virtual deck by using the mouse or the keyboard shortcuts:
CTRL + Left Arrow to load onto the left deck
CTRL + Right Arrow to load onto the right deck
Alternatively you can use the relevant track-load button(s) on your Serato DJ Intro controller.
Continuous Autoplay
Click the CONT button inside Serato DJ Intro’s virtual deck area to enable continuous autoplay.
With this setting turned on, when one track nishes playing, the next track starts automatically.
Load from a crate to play through the songs in that crate, or from your library to play through
your library.
Adjusting Track’s Pitch / Speed
The playback speed of the track is controlled by the Pitch Slider / Dial on your hardware
controller. Moving the slider or knob will speed up or slow down the track.
You can adjust the pitch range for the pitch range controls using the relative PITCH RANGE/SHIFT
buttons on the Serato DJ Intro controller.
Getting The Tracks In Time
Moving the pitch adjust will slow the track down or speed the track up. This allows you to take
two tracks that are of different tempos and mix them together in time. The pitched BPM and the
pitch % are shown in the Serato DJ Intro track information display.
The simplest way to adjust the speed to match the other track is to move the pitch the BPM
value is the same as the track that is already playing. By repeatedly playing from the temp cue
point and ne tuning the pitch slider you can get the tracks playing at exactly the same speed.
You have 5 available cue points for each track in Serato DJ Intro. Your hardware device will determine how
many cue point you can set and trigger via hardware control.
NOTE Your cue points are saved to the le and recalled the next time it is loaded. They are not lost if
the le is moved or renamed.
Add/Delete Cue Point
You can create and trigger cue points within the software using the keyboard shortcuts. You can
also set and delete cue points within the Ofine Player.
To set a cue point in the Ofine Player, set the playhead where you want to set your cue point
and click on the +button. To delete press the “x” button for that cue point.
Hardware control for this will vary according to your specic controller.
Trigger Cue Point
Once a cue point is set, you can jump to it at any time by pressing the relevant CUE button on
your controller. If playback is paused, triggering a cue point will play from that point for as long
as the CUE button is held down, and will return to the cue point and pause when the button is
TIP If you press the PLAY/PAUSE button on your controller whilst you are holding down the ‘CUE’
button on your controller, playback will continue when you let both buttons go. This allows you to cue
a track in from pause mode and then continue playback once you know the mix is right.
Cue Point Keyboard Shortcuts
You can also jump to cue points using keyboard shortcuts:
1 through 5 for the cue points on the left deck.
6 through 0 for the cue points on the right deck.
NOTE If ‘Playback keys use shift’ option is enabled in the Setup screen, then you will need to hold
down SHIFT when pressing the relevant number keys.
Visual Aid: Cue Point Status
Notice that the stripe on the Virtual Deck jumps to the 12 o’clock position and
changes color when you set a cue point - you are at the cue point when the
stripe is one solid color and at the 12 oclock position. As the track plays on
beyond the position of the cue point, the colored stripe will shorten by a fth for
each rotation. Likewise, as you approach the cue point, the color will grow by a
fth each rotation.
Temporary Cue
The temp cue function allows you to set a temporary cue point in a track that is not saved to the
le. This is useful for nding a point in a track and then being able to easily start again from this
point as you get your mix right. While paused you can use the platter to ne tune the playhead
placement to ensure your cue point is set exactly on a downbeat.
You can set a temp cue point using the Serato DJ Intro keyboard hot keys.
CTRL + I = set cue point for left deck.
CTRL + K = set cue point for right deck.
NOTE: Play will have to be paused in order for a temp cue to be set.
Once the temp cue is set, holding the relevant temp-cue button on your controller (usually ‘CUE’)
whilst paused will play from the temp cue point. Releasing the button will pause playback and
return to the temp cue position. This is good for stuttering in the start of a track.
If you press the PLAY/PAUSE button on your controller whilst you are holding down the ‘CUE’
button on your controller, playback will continue when you let both buttons go. This allows you to
cue a track in from pause mode and then continue playback once you know the mix is right.
The ‘CUE’ button can also be pressed whilst the track is playing at any point to return to this
point and put the deck in pause. To change the location of the temp cue put the deck in pause
with the playhead at a different location and press the ‘CUE’ button again. The temp cue point is
also useful to repeatedly start from a preset point in the track. This allows you to easily drop in a
few times until you get it right.
Loop functionality is controlled and set using the relevant loop buttons/knobs on your Serato DJ
Intro controller.
Manual Looping
To make a loop, set the in-point by clicking the IN button on, and the out-point by clicking the
OUT button. To turn the loop on or off, click the LOOP button.
If you want the playhead to jump to the start of the loop when you enable the loop, hold the
control key and press the LOOP button.
To adjust the in-point of the loop, press and hold down the IN button and move the platter to
expand or contract the loop start. Release the IN button to keep this change. The same applies
to adjusting the out- point by holding the OUT button and adjusting the platter.
Auto Looping
Auto-looping allows you to create loops instantly. Auto-loops range from 1/8 to 8 bars. You can
use the relevant Auto-Loop controls on your hardware to select the auto-loop range.
Pressing the Auto-Loop button will create a loop start point from the nearest beat to the playhead
(within reason), and set a loop endpoint in the future. The loop is snapped to the beats in the
song detected by Serato DJ Intro so even if you press the button slightly out of time Serato DJ
Intro will still create a perfect loop for you.
Pressing auto-loop again while auto-loop is active will deactivate the loop. Adjusting the auto-loop
amount while looping is active will extend the endpoint of the current loop to the appropriate new
auto-loop length.
NOTE: Auto-loop calculates the loop from the track’s BPM value, so make sure your tracks have
been Analyzed prior to Auto-looping.
Pressing Sync will match the both the BPM values and transients of your tracks together. If you
have dropped your next track in but it’s not quite in time, by pressing sync you can perform
an automatic beat sync. Beat sync works by snapping the two closest transients together and
matching the BPM.
You can click the OFF button to the right of the Sync panel to turn this off. This will cause the
pitch to revert to the tracks absolute pitch as reected on your hardware pitch slider controls.
When you engage Sync on a deck, that deck becomes the Slave Deck while the deck it has
been synced to becomes the Master Deck. The synced BPM value will be taken from the Master
Relative Pitch & Pitch Control
Pitch slider/dial adjustments on hardware of a deck in Sync will alter the tempo for all tracks in Sync.
When a deck is in sync, altering the pitch will affect the pitch of all synced decks. This is known
as relative pitch.
Disengaging sync on a deck cause the pitch to return to its absolute pitch level as represented
on the hardware slider.
Average BPM and Changing Tempos
Analyzing a le will only calculate the average BPM and there is a chance the track’s actual tempo
may differ from the displayed BPM value. This will be the case for tracks with varying tempos (ie.
some types of music such as rock, reggae, funk, jazz or live recordings), or the BPM may vary over
time (in the case of vinyl recordings, old live recordings to tape, or poorly encoded music).
Sample Player
The Sample Player allows you to play up to four sources of audio, in addition to the tracks
playing on the Virtual Decks. Any audio le in your Serato DJ Intro library can be loaded to any
one of the four slots, allowing playback of short samples, audio loops, sound effects, or full
length tracks.
NOTE :The Sample Player is only operational when hardware is plugged in and is not operational
in the ofine player mode.
Sample Player Overview
Click on the Samples button to access the Sample Player window.
Overview: Displays the overview of each track.
Play from: Choose which position (start / cue point / loop) to begin playback for the loaded track.
Level meter: Displays the volume level for the sample slot.
Loading Music To The Sample Player
To load a track to the Sample Player, drag and drop the desired le from your library into one of
the sample slots. To eject a track, click the eject button to the right of the title display.
TIP Select and drag four tracks from your library onto the rst sample player slot to
simultaneously load four tracks across all four slots.
Playing Samples
Pressing the play button on each slot will play the loaded audio. You can hold ALT + click to
stop the playing audio.
Sample Player ‘Play From’ Selector
Use the “Play From” selector to choose where the track will play from. You can choose to play a
track from the start of the le or any one of the cue points.
When this is set to play from start, or play from a cue point, the track will play from this position.
The number of options will be dependent on the number of cue points already set in your track.
i.e. if the track loaded has no cue points set, then only “start” will be available as a “Play From”
TIP To set or adjust cue information for a track, load it to a Virtual Deck, make your adjustments, then
load it back into the sample slot.
Sample Player Track Overviews
Displays an overview of the track loaded to each sample slot. The waveform, play head position and any
cue points will all be visible.
Sample Player Volume
Use the master sample player gain knob to adjust the overall Sample Player volume.
DJ-FX gives you control of two FX units, each with three, chained effect slots per unit. FX 1 will
be applied to the left deck, while FX 2 will be applied to the right deck.
Your specic hardware device will determine your hardware FX controls.
Beats Multiplier
The Beats Multiplier is used to adjust the effect time. The effect time is set using the track’s BPM
value, but by applying the Beats Multiplier you can increase or decrease the effect time.
Tempo Source
You can select either the deck tempo or manually set a tempo source for your effect time. To do this
click the Tempo Source button in time with your track. To get back to your deck tempo, click and
hold until this re-sets.
Setup Screen
The setup screen allows you to customize some elements of Serato DJ Intro to how you want them
to work. The Serato DJ Intro software version is displayed in the bottom left corner of the setup
Anonymous Usage Data
Help Serato improve products and support by automatically sending information about Serato DJ
Intro and how you use it. Data is completely anonymous and will not affect performance. You can
opt out by de-selecting this checkbox.
Playback Keys use Shift
With this option on, all cue point, loop, and general playback keys on the computer keyboard require shift
or caps lock to function.
Instant Doubles
Instant Doubles allows you to quickly match the playhead position of the same le on both decks.
When enabled, load a track to one virtual deck (or sample slot) that is already loaded on the other virtual
deck (it must be the same le), the playhead will jump to the position of the track playing.
NOTE This setting overrides the play from start and play from rst cue point options.
Allows you to set the audio output to Mono or Stereo.
Use Auto Gain
When checked, you can set the maximum amount of gain a track will have during playback. If a loaded
track’s gain is lower than this setting, its gain will be automatically boosted (its loudest point will match the
auto gain level).
Show iTunes Library
Check the “show iTunes library” option to show your iTunes library and playlists in the Serato DJ Intro
You can collapse your iTunes playlists by clicking on the iTunes icon.
Uncheck “show iTunes library” to remove iTunes playlists and iTunes songs from your Serato DJ
Intro library.
To add your iTunes music to your Serato DJ Intro library permanently, drag and drop tracks from
the iTunes playlists onto the word “All” (on the far left hand side of the Serato DJ Intro screen), or
into individual crates.
Any les moved to “All”, an existing crate, or a new crate will now remain in Serato DJ Intro even
when “show iTunes library” option is unchecked. Once a le has been permanently added to
Serato DJ Intro, the iTunes logo will disappear.
If your iTunes library contains a large number of tracks it may take some time for Serato DJ Intro
to read it.
Any changes made in Serato DJ Intro to the le information of tracks in your iTunes library will
not appear in iTunes until after you play the track.
Serato DJ Intro cannot play les that have been protected by Digital Rights Management
systems, such as those previously sold through the Apple iTunes Music Store. iTunes Plus les
are DRM-free.
iTunes is available for Mac and PC. To get more information, visit www.apple.com.
Check for updates
The check for updates button will launch your web browser and take you to www.serato.com to
tell you if there are updates available for your version of the Serato DJ Intro software.
NOTE You must be connected to the Internet for check for updates to work.
Keyboard Shortcuts
These actions can be accessed directly from the computer keyboard.
NOTE: Playback, cue and speed controls use Shift or Caps Lock. You can turn this off in the setup screen.
ctrl- L Locate the current track. This will highlight the track you most
recently loaded. Pressing ctrl - L again will alternate between
the tracks recently loaded on both decks.
ctrl - R Reveal - the highlighted song is opened in a le browser.
ctrl - F Find - moves the cursor to the search box.
ctrl - A Select all.
ctrl - E Edit text.
ctrl - Z Undo last track load.
ctrl - P Add tracks to the prepare window.
ctrl - O Open the track in your default MP3/WAV/OGG/AIF player.
tab Alternate focus between crates or songs.
ctrl - del and ctrl - backspace Remove track from library, remove track from crate, delete
crate (does not delete the le).
alt - del and alt - backspace Remove track from crate and from library.
Esc Clear search string if searching, or exit Scratch Live.
Tab Keyboard focus forwards between panels.
Shift – Tab Keyboard focus backwards between panels.
Space Tap BPM.
Alt – Space Tap BPM (switch between decks).
Command - Shift - R Reverse Crossfader channels
The following suggestions may help you if you are experiencing poor performance with Serato DJ
Intro. Check for software updates using the ‘Check For Updates’ button in the setup screen or by
visiting: www.serato.com.
Close all other open programs.
Make sure all les in your library are analyzed.
Disable wireless networking devices.
Disable bluetooth devices.
Disable antivirus software.
Disable screen savers.
Disable sleep mode.
Increase the USB buffer size.
Connect the Serato DJ Intro controller directly to a USB port on your computer, not via a USB hub.
Try all USB ports, some work better than others.
Unplug other USB devices.
Run your laptop connected to power supply.
For more troubleshooting help visit: www.serato.com.
When using Serato DJ Intro, you have the option to TRY Serato DJ. Clicking on TRY Serato DJ
button, will take you to Serato.com to learn more about Serato DJ and give you the opportunity
to purchase it, through the Serato Online Store.
Serato DJ offers the best feature set for your DJ Intro controller.
Great New FX powered by iZotope
Record, save and share your set
MIDI mapping to external devices made easy
Advanced loops and cues
Mix with up to 4 decks on compatible controllers • Advanced sampler
DJ with video with Serato Video bundle