A ministry of the Southern Baptist Convention, under the direction
of the Council of Seminary Presidents of the six Southern Baptist
seminaries, equipping God’s people for Christian ministry around
the world since 1951
FALL 2024-SPRING 2025
Seminary Extension
901 Commerce St., Suite 500, Nashville, TN 37203
Phone (615) 242-2453, Fax (615) 782-4822
Toll-free: 1-800-229-4612
E-mail: se@seminaryextension.org
Catalog effective dates: August 2024 thru July 2025
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................... 2
THEC ............................................................................................. 3
SEMINARY EXTENSION MISSION STATEMENT .............................. 3
OUR FAITH STATEMENT ................................................................ 3
OUR GOVERNANCE AND GUIDANCE ............................................ 4
FACULTY ........................................................................................ 4
BUILDING AND FACILITIES ............................................................ 4
HIGH QUALITYLOW COST .......................................................... 5
TRADITION OF SERVICE ................................................................. 7
A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR .................................................... 8
SEMINARY EXTENSION COURSES .................................................. 9
METHODS OF STUDY .................................................................... 10
GROUP (LOCAL OPPORTUNITIES) ....................................10
INDIVIDUAL STUDY (CORRESPONDENCE) ..........................10
SEMINARY EXTENSION PROGRAMS .............................................. 10
CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS ...............................................11
DIPLOMA PROGRAMS ...................................................13
GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF CURRICULUM AREAS ........................... 19
INDIVIDUAL COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ............................................ 20
BIBLICAL STUDIES CURRICULUM .....................................20
PRACTICAL MINISTRY CURRICULUM ................................33
FEES AND CHARGES ...................................................................... 39
SEMINARY EXTENSION POLICIES................................................... 41
ADMISSION ................................................................41
ATTENDANCE POLICY ...................................................41
CALENDAR .................................................................41
INSTITUTIONAL ENROLLMENT PERIOD ..............................41
GRADING ...................................................................42
TEXTBOOKS ................................................................43
GRIEVANCE ................................................................43
PLACEMENT SERVICES ..................................................43
REQUESTING A TRANSCRIPT ...........................................44
CREDIT FROM OTHER SOURCES ......................................44
STUDYING WITH SEMINARY EXTENSION ............................45
STUDENT CONDUCT .....................................................47
STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT ...................................................... 48
CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY........................................... 49
Seminary Extension is authorized by the Tennessee Higher
Education Commission. This authorization must be renewed each
year and is based on an evaluation by minimum standards
concerning quality of education, ethical business practices, and
fiscal responsibility.
In order to view detailed job placement and graduation information
on Seminary Extension programs, please visit www.state.tn.us/thec
and click on the Authorized Institutions Data button.
Under its current procedures, the Tennessee Higher Education
Commission at each quarterly meeting shall consider
recommendations from the Commission staff and/or Postsecondary
Education Institution Committee regarding all authorizations,
awarding educational credentials (including authority to grant
degrees) and any other matter at the request of the Commission’s
Executive Director.
No institution may solicit, recruit, award credentials or operate as a
postsecondary educational institution until such authorization is
granted by affirmative vote of the Commission.
Seminary Extension Mission Statement
The mission of Seminary Extension is to provide theological
education and ministry training of excellent quality to church
leaders and members where they live.
Our Faith Statement
The doctrinal/theological principles under which Seminary
Extension operates are those set forth in the 2000 Baptist Faith and
Message. You may access a copy of this statement at sbc.net.
Should a different view be expressed in textbooks used with our
courses, please know that it may not always reflect our doctrinal
Our Governance and Guidance
Seminary Extension is a ministry of the Southern Baptist
Convention under the governance of the Council of Seminary
Presidents, which is a board comprised of the six presidents of the
Southern Baptist Convention Seminaries.
Dr. Daniel L. Akin, Southeastern Baptist Seminary
Dr. Jason K. Allen, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Dr. James K Dew, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Dr. David S. Dockery, Southwestern Baptist Theological
Dr. Adam Groza, Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist
Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., The Southern Baptist Theological
Seminary Extension is very pleased to have instructors that are
academically qualified and that have years of experience in the field
of study.
Dr. Randal A. Williams has his Ph.D. in Preaching, New
Testament Literature and Theology and his M.Div. in
Theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
and his B.A. in Theology from the Baptist College of Florida.
He also serves as the director of Seminary Extension
Mr. Vertis Butler has his M.Div. in Theology from
Southwestern Theological Seminary, his M.A. in New
Testament studies from Wheaten College and his B.S. in
Secondary Education from Tennessee Technological
Building and Facilities
Seminary Extension is in the Southern Baptist Convention Building
in Nashville. The Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives
is incorporated with us under the Council of Seminary Presidents.
Seminary Extension is a distance educator and our address is 901
Commerce Street, Suite 500, Nashville, TN 37203.
High QualityLow Cost
Seminary Extension is completely self-supporting. By holding our
expenses to the bare essentials, Seminary Extension is able to offer
high quality courses at a low cost. We are committed to keeping our
cost low so that cost does not become an insurmountable obstacle to
individuals seeking theological education and ministry training.
History and Tradition of Seminary Extension
In the years following World War II, Southern Baptists became
aware that many of their pastors had only limited formal education
for ministry. A denominational study committee reported in 1949
that less than one-third of Southern Baptist ministers had both
college and seminary training. At that time, another third had not
gone past high school. One of several recommendations from that
committee called for the creation of a plan to benefit those “who
cannot or, for any reason, do not attend some regular institution of
learning.” The presidents of Southern, Southwestern, and New
Orleans seminaries responded in December 1950 by voting to
establish the Seminary Extension Department.
R. Lee Gallman, an Alabama pastor, was elected the first director of
the program. Seminary Extension officially began operation in the
Mississippi Baptist Building on June 15, 1951. Developing
seminary type courses was Gallman’s first task. Among those first
courses were some on the Old and New Testaments, homiletics, and
Christian doctrine. The first students were enrolled for
correspondence study. Extension centers were set up within the first
year, however, and by the fall of 1952 they were operating in at
least six states. By the time Gallman resigned in 1960, more than
3,000 students were enrolled.
Although not a part of the Southern Baptist Seminaries themselves,
Seminary Extension has the support of our Seminaries. In its early
years more than 90 percent of its operating budget came from the
seminaries. Seminary Extension no longer receives monetary
support from the seminaries. However, their support is still present
in other ways. The six presidents of the Southern Baptist
Convention seminaries constitute Seminary Extension’s governing
board, and their chief academic officers make up its academic
council. Faculty members from the seminaries have written, and
continue to write, Seminary Extension courses.
North Carolina pastor Ralph A. Herring became director in 1961,
serving until 1968. Under his leadership the number of course
offerings continued to expand, and in 1963 the offices were moved
from Jackson, Mississippi to Nashville, Tennessee, to the Southern
Baptist Convention Building. Seminary Extension experienced
continuous growth through the decade of the 1970s.
Raymond M. Rigdon became director in 1969. He concentrated on
upgrading the quality of the courses while continuing to expand the
curriculum. A major step during his administration was gaining
accreditation for the correspondence program through the National
Home Study Council. We are no longer associated with DETC, but
we continue to benefit from our former relationship with them.
From 1981 to 1990, Seminary Extension was part of the Seminary
External Education Division. A new Seminary Studies Department
offered master’s level courses at up to seven sites around the
country. Those off-campus programs were placed under the
administration of individual seminaries in 1990, and the new
department and division were dissolved.
Doran C. McCarty, a former faculty member at Midwestern
Seminary, The Southern Baptist Seminary, and Golden Gate Baptist
Theological Seminary, served as executive director of Seminary
Extension from August 1, 1988 through December 31, 1996. Under
his leadership, Seminary Extension expanded to about 450 centers
and served over 6,000 students in the United States and abroad.
W. Edward Thiele, a professor from New Orleans Seminary,
assumed the role of executive director on January 1, 1997. Under
his leadership, Seminary Extension embraced a new millennium,
and its fiftieth anniversary, by revising its methodologies, strategies,
and delivery systems.
William E. Vinson, a professor at Southwestern Seminary and its
Director of Undergraduate and Lay Theological Studies, became the
director in August 2001. He placed Seminary Extension on a sound
financial footing and then used the vehicle to extend sound
theological education around the world.
With the retirement of Dr. William Vinson in May 2007, the
Council of Seminary Presidents chose Randal A. Williams. His goal
is to continue the tradition of offering excellent theological
education and ministry training to Southern Baptists where they
live. To reach this goal, Seminary Extension has revised and
repackaged its curriculum and now uses an ongoing editing process
as it prints materials on demand.
Tradition of Service
Seminary Extension’s learning resources are rooted in a deep
reverence for the Bible as the divinely inspired Word of God and
the authoritative guide for human conduct. Seminary Extension’s
interpretation of God’s Word is in keeping with the 2000 Baptist
Faith and Message. Its curriculum and resources grow out of the
conviction that God expects Christians to search the Scriptures with
open and inquiring minds in order to know and follow God’s will.
Therefore, Seminary Extension designs its courses to assist
Christians in the serious academic study of the Bible and its
teachings in order that they may become effective in Christian
A Letter from the Director
We live in an ever changing world.
Nevertheless, the challenges we face
today are not unlike those faced by first
century believers. The message
proclaimed by the world then and now is
that we had better enjoy everything we
can now because life is short. But that
message denies the eternity, fails to
explain how eternal life with God is possible, and incorrectly
defines abundant life now. Like then, people come from many
different walks of life. Some are from cultures where the God of the
Bible is recognized as the only true and living God. Others believe
in a, or in some cases many, different gods. Still others are unsure
saying that if god does exist then god’s existence may be revealed
in many different ways to different people or people groups.
As Christians, these differences should not surprise us. As Paul
reminds us, God’s way of salvation is not based on human ideas and
living for God will never make worldly sense (1 Cor. 1:18-25).
So how do we figure out God’s ways? The New Testament Church
figured them out through the careful and deliberate study of the
Bible, God’s word. The need for this kind of study was important
regardless of their background. Acts provides us with a great
example of a religious, flamboyant, capable, and by all human
accounts godly man named Apollos that needed such study in order
to get things right.
In Luke’s description of Apollos in Acts 18, we see that he was
gifted and on fire for God. The problem was that he lacked a right
or more complete understanding of God’s ways. So God used
Priscilla and Aquila to help him to better understand His ways.
A search of the book of Acts before this event reveals that Paul had
spent time with Pricilla and Aquila training them. Don’t forget,
however, that Paul had also needed some training, part of which
came from Barnabas. As I study the Bible, it is obvious to me that
God has used similar chains of training to equip godly men and
women who then train/mentor other men and women for the work
to which He has called them.
In 1949 the Southern Baptist Convention recognized the need to
make theological education and ministerial training available to
more Southern Baptists. After that study, they also noted that it was
simply not possible for everyone to go to a Seminary. So in 1951
the SBC started the Seminary Extension program. Since that time,
Seminary Extension has provided an affordable and effective
vehicle for delivering off-campus theological education and
ministry training opportunities for “pastors” and volunteers alike.
In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul reminded Timothy and, by implication,
believers of all ages that we are to study God’s word so that it may
be rightly applied to our lives. Study and application of this kind
means that believers must do more than simply read God’s word.
They must drink deeply from it for life, refreshment, and service.
Commitment to the in-depth study of God’s word is strengthened
when men and women are encouraged and guided by gifted
If the Church today is going to effectively refute the world’s
answers to life’s deepest questions, then the Church had better know
what God says.
With these truths in mind, Seminary Extension provides an
opportunity for biblically accurate theological education and
ministry training to every interested believer. We do not seek to
replace a seminary education, but instead focus on those who cannot
attend a seminary. Our courses are biblical and they reflect the
values and theology of the Southern Baptist Convention, as they are
stated in the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.
Seminary Extension Courses
Seminary Extension offers more than fifty courses. Our courses are
ideally suited for persons who have completed high school or their
GED. Individuals may enroll in our courses without providing us
with their high school transcript or GED transcript. However, an
official transcript MUST be in our files before these courses can be
used to complete a Seminary Extension certificate/diploma.
Students who want to transfer these courses to another institution
must provide us with an official high school transcript or GED
transcript. (See the section entitled “SE Policies, Transcripts”.)
Although many institutions accept credits earned through Seminary
Extension, we must inform you that no institution is required to do
so. If you intend to transfer Seminary Extension credits to another
institution, you should contact the institution to which you intend to
transfer credit before enrolling in a Seminary Extension course.
Seminary Extension courses provide an excellent learning
opportunity for all church members, including volunteer or
laypersons, bivocational ministers, fully-compensated ministers,
and individuals who are simply interested in personal spiritual
growth. So it does not matter if you are just starting in your
Christian walk or you are a seminary graduate, you will find these
courses helpful as you seek to minister as a part of God’s church.
Methods of Study
For your convenience, Seminary Extension offers two methods of
study: Group study and Self-directed Independent study.
Group (Local Opportunities)
Many SBC state and local associational offices recognize the value
of Seminary Extension training and offer to help students in their
areas by providing a place for students to meet and study Seminary
Extension courses. In this option, students study with friends and
neighbors under the guidance of a mentor from their area that has
been approved by Seminary Extension using Seminary Extension
materials. Call us for locations and contact information in your area.
Individual Study (Correspondence)
This method is the foundation for all Seminary Extension courses.
In this method, students simply study in their own setting via
correspondence with a qualified instructor. Once you order your
course, we send you the materials and you simply study at your own
pace. The minimum length for a course is 6 weeks, but students
may take up to 6 months to complete each course. Students may
enroll in a maximum of two courses at a time.
Seminary Extension Programs
Seminary Extension currently has seven active programs. However,
Seminary Extension is more than a program-centered educational
organization. We promote the concept that Christians should be life-
long learners. Therefore, students are not required to enter a
program in order to take our courses and they are encouraged to
take as many individual courses as they can for as long as they can.
Students that do choose to enter a program often do so because they
want to work toward a specific goal, giving them a well-rounded
educational experience in a particular area of ministry. Others enter
Seminary Extension programs because they believe our programs
can help to equip them for positions of service in the local church.
As Southern Baptists, we do not believe that any program or degree
is required to serve in the kingdom of God. However, we at
Seminary Extension believe that completing a program of study
shows evidence of a desire to be better servants through the study of
biblical, theological and practical ministry courses.
Certificate Programs
We designed our certificates to enhance the biblical, theological and
practical knowledge of our students while emphasizing immediate,
practical, and active application. Whether our students complete one
course or a program of courses, we believe that their lives and
ministries will be enriched through the process. In order to
encourage our students along the way, Seminary Extension offers
certificate programs in the following areas: Bivocational Ministry;
Lay Ministry Training; and Women’s Ministry. Program
requirements for each are listed below. You will find the course
descriptions and costs for the courses listed in the next section of
the catalog entitled “Individual Course Descriptions”.
Certificate in Bivocational Ministry Studies
This certificate is designed for individuals currently serving as or
thinking about serving as a small church or bivocational ministers.
Students may complete this certificate program by completing the
requirements below. The recommended length of this program is 18
months and the expected total cost should not exceed Tuition of
$792.00 + Other fees of $925.00 = Total of $1717.00.
Students must complete the following 6 core courses:
BB 3100 How to Understand the Bible
OT 3103 Old Testament Survey, Part 1
OT 3104 Old Testament Survey, Part 2
NT 3166 New Testament Survey, Part 1
NT 3167 New Testament Survey, Part 2
TH 3200 Systematic Theology
Students must choose 2 courses from the following list:
CA 3281 Principles of Church Administration
CE 2232 Marriage and Family
GM 2500 Formation for Ministry
GM 2501 Disciplines of Discipleship
GM 2565 The Bivocational Pastor
PM 2254 Public Worship
PM 2255 Evangelism
PM 2258 Pastoral Leadership in a Small Church
PM 3257 Contemporary Christian Preaching
PM 3259 Pastoral Ministry
PM 3351 Pastoral Care
Certificate in Lay Ministry Training
This certificate is designed for individuals currently serving as or
thinking about serving in lay or volunteer ministry positions.
Students may complete this certificate program by completing the
requirements below. The recommended length of this program is 18
months and the expected total cost should not exceed Tuition of
$792.00 + Other fees of $925.00 = Total of $1717.00.
Students must complete the following 6 core courses:
BB 3100 How to Understand the Bible
NT 3166 New Testament Survey, Part 1
NT 3167 New Testament Survey, Part 2
OT 3103 Old Testament Survey, Part 1
OT 3104 Old Testament Survey, Part 2
TH 3200 Systematic Theology
Students must choose 2 courses from the following list:
CA 3281 Principles of Church Administration
CE 2232 Marriage and Family
CE 2233 Women Leading Women (course for women)
GM 2500 Formation for Ministry
GM 2501 Disciplines of Discipleship
PM 2254 Public Worship
PM 2255 Evangelism
PM 3351 Pastoral Care
RE 2265 Working with Youth in the Church
RE 3260 Educational Ministry in the Church
RE 3264 Dynamics of Teaching
Certificate in Women’s Ministry
This certificate is designed for individuals currently serving as or
thinking about serving in positions of women’s leadership or
ministry. Students may complete this certificate program by
completing the requirements below. The recommended length of
this program is 18 months and the expected total cost should not
exceed Tuition of $756.00 + Other fees of $1,000.00 = Total of
Students must complete the following 3 core courses:
BB 3100 How to Understand the Bible
CE 2233 Women Leading Women
TH 3200 Systematic Theology
Students must choose 2 courses from the following list:
NT 3166 New Testament Survey, Part 1
NT 3167 New Testament Survey, Part 2
OT 3103 Old Testament Survey, Part 1
OT 3104 Old Testament Survey, Part 2
Students must choose 3 courses from the following list:
CA 3281 Principles of Church Administration
CE 2232 Marriage and Family
CM 2271 Leading a Music Ministry in a Small Church
GM 2500 Formation for Ministry
GM 2501 Disciplines of Discipleship
PM 2254 Public Worship
PM 2255 Evangelism
RE 2265 Working with Youth in the Church
RE 2262 Childhood Education in the Church
RE 3260 Educational Ministry in the Church
RE 3264 Dynamics of Teaching
Diploma Programs
Seminary Extension Diploma programs are our primary programs.
They require the greatest commitment, offer the greatest amount of
flexibility, and are said by our students to offer the greatest
satisfaction. Students who complete these programs are well-
rounded and well-prepared for service in the local church.
Students who enroll in these programs are seeking in-depth
theological and specialized ministry training by taking Level Two
courses. These programs require a 16 course commitment, but allow
some flexibility in that each program includes a variety of options.
Seminary Extension currently offers four diploma programs.
Students may complete the following diploma programs based on
the requirements listed below. You will find the course descriptions
and costs for the courses listed in the next section of the catalog
entitled “Individual Course Descriptions”.
Diploma in Biblical Studies
The Diploma in Biblical Studies provides an opportunity of in-depth
study for individuals seeking to fulfill their call to Christian
ministry where biblical study is their main focus, whether
vocational or avocational. The recommended length of this program
is 36 months and the expected total cost should not exceed Tuition
of $1332.00 + Other fees of $1730.00 = Total of $3062.00.
Students must take the following 5 core courses:
BB 3100 How to Understand the Bible
NT 3166 New Testament Survey, Part 1
NT 3167 New Testament Survey, Part 2
OT 3103 Old Testament Survey, Part 1
OT 3104 Old Testament Survey, Part 2
Students must choose 7 from the following list:
BB 2102 Biblical Backgrounds
NT 2171 Mark
NT 2175 Romans
NT 2176 1 Corinthians
NT 2177 Galatians
NT 2179 Philippians, Colossians & Philemon
NT 2181 1 & 2 Thessalonians
NT 2182 1 & 2 Timothy
NT 2185 Hebrews
NT 2187 James
NT 2189 1, 2, & 3 John
NT 2190 Revelation
NT 2270 Matthew
NT 2273 John
NT 2274 Acts
NT 3172 Luke
OT 2133 Nehemiah
OT 2206 Genesis, Part 1
OT 3125 Isaiah
OT 3132 Amos
OT 3207 Exodus
OT 3226 Jeremiah
Students must choose 4 courses from the following list:
CA 3281 Principles of Church Administration
CE 2232 Marriage and Family
CE 2233 Women Leading Women (course for women)
CE 3231 Introduction to Christian Ethics
CH 2313 Southern Baptist Heritage
CH 3211 History of Christianity
CH 3212 History of Christian Thought
GM 2500 Formation for Ministry
GM 2501 Disciplines of Discipleship
GM 2565 The Bivocational Pastor
MS 2222 Survey of Baptist Missions
MS 3223 Contemporary World Religions
PM 2254 Public Worship
PM 2255 Evangelism
PM 2258 Pastoral Leadership in a Small Church
PM 3257 Contemporary Christian Preaching
PM 3259 Pastoral Ministry
PM 3351 Pastoral Care
RE 2262 Childhood Education in the Church
RE 2265 Working with Youth in the Church
RE 3260 Educational Ministry in the Church
RE 3264 Dynamics of Teaching
TH 3200 Systematic Theology
TH 3201 New Testament Theology
Diploma in Educational Ministries
The Diploma in Educational Ministries provides an opportunity of
in-depth study for individuals seeking to fulfill their call to
educational church ministry, whether vocational or avocational. The
recommended length of this program is 36 months and the expected
total cost should not exceed Tuition of $1332.00 + Other fees of
$1910.00 = Total of $3242.00.
Students must take the following 8 core courses:
BB 3100 How to Understand the Bible
CH 3211 History of Christianity
GM 2500 Formation for Ministry
RE 2262 Childhood Education in the Church
RE 2265 Working with Youth in the Church
RE 3260 Educational Ministry in the Church
RE 3264 Dynamics of Teaching
TH 3200 Systematic Theology
Students must choose 5 courses from the following list:
BB 2102 Biblical Backgrounds
NT 2171 Mark
NT 2175 Romans
NT 2176 1 Corinthians
NT 2177 Galatians
NT 2179 Philippians, Colossians & Philemon
NT 2181 1 & 2 Thessalonians
NT 2182 1 & 2 Timothy
NT 2185 Hebrews
NT 2187 James
NT 2189 1, 2, & 3 John
NT 2190 Revelation
NT 2270 Matthew
NT 2273 John
NT 2274 Acts
NT 3166 New Testament Survey, Part 1
NT 3167 New Testament Survey, Part 2
NT 3172 Luke
OT 2133 Nehemiah
OT 2206 Genesis, Part 1
OT 3103 Old Testament Survey, Part 1
OT 3104 Old Testament Survey, Part 2
OT 3125 Isaiah
OT 3132 Amos
OT 3207 Exodus
OT 3226 Jeremiah
Students must choose 3 courses from the following list:
CA 3281 Principles of Church Administration
CE 2232 Marriage and Family
CE 2233 Women Leading Women (course for women)
CE 3231 Introduction to Christian Ethics
CH 2313 Southern Baptist Heritage
CH 3212 History of Christian Thought
GM 2501 Disciplines of Discipleship
GM 2565 The Bivocational Pastor
MS 2222 Southern Baptist Missions
MS 3223 Contemporary World Religions
PM 2254 Public Worship
PM 2255 Evangelism
PM 3351 Pastoral Care
TH 3201 New Testament Theology
Diploma in Ministries/Pastoral Education
The Diploma in Ministries/Pastoral Education provides an
opportunity of in-depth study for individuals seeking to fulfill their
call to Pastoral ministry, whether full-time, bivocational or as an
avocational volunteer. The recommended length of this program is
36 months and the expected total cost should not exceed Tuition of
$1260.00 + Other fees of $1790.00 = Total of $3050.00.
Students must take the following 2 core courses:
BB 3100 How to Understand the Bible
GM 2500 Formation for Ministry
Students must take 3 courses from the following list:
BB 2102 Biblical Backgrounds
NT 2171 Mark
NT 2175 Romans
NT 2176 1 Corinthians
NT 2177 Galatians
NT 2179 Philippians, Colossians & Philemon
NT 2181 1 & 2 Thessalonians
NT 2182 1 & 2 Timothy
NT 2185 Hebrews
NT 2187 James
NT 2189 1, 2, & 3 John
NT 2190 Revelation
NT 2270 Matthew
NT 2273 John
NT 2274 Acts
NT 3166 New Testament Survey, Part 1
NT 3167 New Testament Survey, Part 2
NT 3172 Luke
OT 2133 Nehemiah
OT 2206 Genesis, Part 1
OT 3103 Old Testament Survey, Part 1
OT 3104 Old Testament Survey, Part 2
OT 3125 Isaiah
OT 3132 Amos
OT 3207 Exodus
OT 3226 Jeremiah
Students must take 1 course from the following list:
CE 3231 Introduction to Christian Ethics
MS 3223 Contemporary World Religions
TH 2302 Philosophy of Religion
TH 3200 Systematic Theology
TH 3201 New Testament Theology
Students must take 1 course from the following list:
CH 2313 Southern Baptist Heritage
CH 3211 History of Christianity
CH 3212 History of Christian Thought
MS 2222 Survey of Baptist Missions
Students must take 1 course from the following list:
CA 3281 Principles of Church Administration
CE 2232 Marriage and Family
CD 2390 How to Plant a Church
RE 2262 Childhood Education in the Church
RE 2265 Working with Youth in the Church
RE 3260 Educational Ministry in the Church
RE 3264 Dynamics of Teaching
Students must take 4 courses from the following list:
GM 2501 Disciplines of Discipleship
GM 2565 The Bivocational Pastor
PM 2254 Public Worship
PM 2255 Evangelism
PM 2258 Pastoral Leadership in a Small Church
PM 3257 Contemporary Christian Preaching
PM 3259 Pastoral Ministry
PM 3351 Pastoral Care
Students must take 4 additional courses from the previously listed
courses for this program: Students are encouraged to take these
elective courses based on their particular and relevant needs.
Diploma in Theological Foundation
Seminary Extension offers this program to encourage continued
Christian education. As stated in the introduction of our programs,
Seminary Extension promotes the idea that Christians should be
life-long learners. As a part of our commitment to this idea, we
offer a program that rewards students for their continued efforts in
theological education and ministry training. In order to earn this
diploma, students must already have a diploma from Seminary
Extension or must have completed a program that is equivalent to or
greater than our diploma program. Once enrolled, students must
take 16 courses from our Level Two curriculum. These courses
should be selected in consultation with Seminary Extension staff.
The recommended length of this program is 36 months and the
expected total cost should not exceed Tuition of $1296.00 + Other
fees of $1790.00 = Total of $3086.00.
General Objectives of Curriculum Areas
We have written the overall learning objectives of our courses in
light of our purpose statement. These objectives aid curriculum
planners and writers in developing and evaluating the curriculum
design and course materials. Finally, we have organized our courses
into areas of study typically found in standard theological and
ministry curricula.
Our Level Two Curriculum is designed to challenge students with
the academics of a college course while maintaining a deliberate
focus on relevant and immediate application. Although these
courses may be used for the completion of one of our certificates or
diplomas, each is designed to stand alone.
Biblical Studies Curriculum
Studying in the Biblical Studies area will do the following:
(1) Seek with growing interest and devotion to understand God
through His Word, and to respond in faith, love, and obedience
(2) Gain increasing understanding of the facts and truths recorded in
the Bible, and then to recognize the relationship of these facts and
truths to each other in light of the total biblical revelation
(3) Develop a sound understanding of and appreciation for the
nature of the Bible and the ways in which an infinite God used finite
human beings to record His Word
(4) Develop understanding and skills needed to interpret the Bible
in the light of sound biblical scholarship
(5) Learn to select, and use effectively in Bible study, resource
materials such as lexicons, concordances, dictionaries,
encyclopedias, and commentaries
The course cost is listed two ways for each course. The first
includes all fees for independent study. The second includes all fees
for independent study, but does not include textbooks. Shipping is
provided through UPS ground US only. For special shipping, such
as outside the US, 2
day air etc., Seminary Extension charges an
additional fee. Contact us for pricing.
A study of biblical events from the time of the patriarchs of the Old
Testament to the era of the apostolic church; the world of the Bible
in its historical context; and political, social, and economic factors
which influenced the people of the Bible.
Textbook: Holman Bible Atlas, Thomas Brisco, ISBN: 978-0-8054-
9760-1, $29.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $179.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
An introduction to the doctrinal, historical, and literary nature of the
Bible and other general questions involved in reading the Bible with
understanding. The course also deals with the authority, purpose,
and message of the Bible; the history reflected in the Old
Testament; and principles of biblical interpretation.
Textbook: 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible, Robert L.
Plummer, ISBN: 978-0-8254-4666-5, $25.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books --$211.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books --$186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
OT 2133NEHEMIAH 2 hours
A course on the life and message of Nehemiah for application by
modern Christians.
Textbook: The New American Commentary: Nehemiah, Vol. 10,
Mervin Breneman, ISBN: 978-0-8054-0110-3, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $184.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
OT 2206GENESIS, PART 1 2 hours
A study of the beginning of life, sin, judgment, and redemption,
revealing a God who speaks to us and invites us to walk with Him.
Textbook: The New American Commentary: Genesis, Vol. 1A,
Kenneth A. Mathews, ISBN: 978-0-8054-0101-1, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $184.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A survey of the historical and cultural background of the Old
Testament; the books of the Pentateuch (Genesis through
Deuteronomy); and the books known as the Former Prophets
(Joshua, Judges, 1 & 2 Samuel, and 1 & 2 Kings).
Textbooks: Old Testament Survey, 2
ed., Paul R. House and Eric
Mitchell, ISBN: 978-0-8054-4036-2, $39.99
A Survey of the Old Testament, 3
. ed., Andrew E. Hill and John H.
Walton, ISBN: 978-0-310-2-8095-8, $59.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $285.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A survey of all the prophetic books of the Old Testament (Isaiah
through Malachi) as well as miscellaneous books known as the
Writings (Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes,
Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and 1 & 2
Textbooks: Old Testament Survey, 2
ed., Paul R. House and Eric
Mitchell, ISBN: 978-0-8054-4036-2, $39.99
A Survey of the Old Testament, 3
ed., Andrew E. Hill and John H.
Walton, ISBN: 978-0-310-2-8095-8, $59.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $285.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
OT 3125ISAIAH 3 hours
A study of the book of Isaiah and its authorthe prophet Isaiah.
Textbooks: Contact Seminary Extension for Textbook(s) and total
price for this course
Holman Commentary: Isaiah, Vol. 15, Trent C. Butler, ISBN: 978-
0-8054-9473-0, $19.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $205.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
OT 3132AMOS 3 hours
A study of the life and times of the prophet Amos and his message
of judgment to the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
Textbooks: Tyndale Old Testament Commentary: Joel and Amos,
Vol. 25, David Allan Hubbard, ISBN: 978-0-8308-4225-4, $25.00
The New American Commentary: Amos, Vol. 19B, Billy K. Smith
and Frank S. Page, ISBN: 978-0-8054-0142-4, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $245.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
OT 3207EXODUS 3 hours
A study of the historical, biblical, textual, canonical, and theological
details of the book of Exodus, with an emphasis on its application to
the Christian life today.
Textbooks: The New American Commentary: Exodus, Vol. 2,
Douglas Stuart, ISBN: 978-0-8054-0102-8, $34.99
Old Testament Survey, 2
ed., Paul R. House and Eric Mitchell,
ISBN: 978-0-8054-4036-2, $39.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $260.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
OT 3226JEREMIAH 3 hours
A study of Jeremiah, the prophet and book.
Textbook: The New American Commentary: Jeremiah, Vol. 16, F.
B. Huey, Jr., ISBN: 978-0-8084-0116-5, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $220.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 2171MARK 2 hours
This course provides an overview of the Gospel of Mark, focusing
on its relationship to the other gospels, its purpose, and relevance.
Textbook: The New American Commentary: Mark, Vol. 23, James
A. Brooks, ISBN: 978-0-8054-0123-3 $34.99.
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $184.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 2175ROMANS 2 hours
A study of the book of Romans in which the writer tries to put
Paul’s thoughts in language that can be more easily understood
today. The basic objective is to gain an understanding of Paul’s
exposition of salvation by faith.
Textbook: Tyndale New Testament Commentary: Romans, F. F.
Bruce, ISBN: 978-0-8308-4236-0, $25.00
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $175.00
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 21761 CORINTHIANS 2 hours
A study of Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth.
Textbook: Tyndale New Testament Commentary: 1 Corinthians,
Thomas R. Schreiner, ISBN: 978-0-8308-4297-1, $30.00
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $180.00
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 2177GALATIANS 2 hours
An exposition of the major truths of Paul’s letter to the Galatians.
Textbook: Tyndale New Testament Commentary: Galatians, R.
Alan Cole, ISBN: 978-0-8308-4239-1, $25.00
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $175.00
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A study of Paul’s letters to the Philippian and Colossian Christians
and to Philemon.
Textbook: The New American Commentary: Philippians,
Colossians, and Philemon, Vol. 32, Richard R. Melick, Jr., ISBN:
978-0-8054-0132-5, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $184.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 21811 & 2 THESSALONIANS 2 hours
A study of Paul’s first and second epistles to the Thessalonians,
focusing on the key messages of these New Testament books.
Textbook: The New American Commentary: 1
and 2
Thessalonians, Vol. 33, D. Michael Martin, ISBN: 978-0-8054-
0133-2, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $184.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 21821 & 2 TIMOTHY 2 hours
A study of the letters Paul wrote to Timothy often called the
“Pastoral Epistles.” These letters provide tremendous insight into
the life of a man whose concern, until the day he left this earth, was
Textbook: The New American Commentary: 1
and 2
Vol. 34, Thomas D. Lea and Hayne P. Griffin, ISBN: 978-0-8054-
0134-9, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $184.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 2185 HEBREWS 2 hours
A study of the epistle of Hebrews.
Textbooks: New American Commentary: Hebrews, Vol. 35, David
L. Allen, ISBN: 978-0-8054-0135-6, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $184.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 2187JAMES 2 hours
A study of the authorship, background, and teachings of the epistle
of James in the New Testament.
Textbook: New American Commentary: James, Vol. 36, Kurt A.
Richardson, ISBN: 978-0-8054-0136-3, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $184.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 21891, 2 & 3 JOHN 2 hours
A study of the epistles of John, listing key themes of belief,
obedience, love and warnings against false teachers.
Textbook: New American Commentary: 1
, 2
, and 3
John, Vol.
38, Daniel L. Akin, ISBN: 978-0-8054-0138-7, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $184.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 2190REVELATION 2 hours
A study of the background, authorship, and teachings of the book of
Textbooks: The Book of Revelation, Robert H. Mounce, ISBN: 978-
0-8028-2537-7, $30.49
Holman New Testament Commentary, Vol. 12, Kendell H. Easley,
ISBN: 978-0-8054-0212-4, $19.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $ 200.48
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 2270MATTHEW 2 hours
An overview of the Gospel of Matthew, focusing on the purpose of
the Gospel, the major events in the life of Jesus, and the teachings
of this gospel on faith, salvation, and the Christian life.
Textbooks: Holman New Testament Commentary: Matthew, Vol. 1,
Stuart Weber, ISBN: 978-0-8054-0201-8, $19.99
The New American Commentary: Matthew, Vol. 22, Craig L.
Blomberg, ISBN: 978-0-8054-0122-6, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $204.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 2273JOHN 2 hours
A study of the Gospel of John, showing its unique approach and
themes in contrast to the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and
Textbook: Encountering John, 2
. ed., Andreas J. Kostenberger,
. Ed. ISBN: 978-0-8010-4916-3, $32.00
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $182.00
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 2274ACTS 2 hours
A study of the book of Acts, which is Luke’s account of how
Christianity overcame various obstacles to spread throughout the
Roman world during the first Christian century.
Textbook: The New American Commentary: Acts, Vol. 26, John B.
Polhill, ISBN: 978-0-8054-0126-4, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $184.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A survey of the historical and cultural background of the New
Testament, along with the life, ministry and teachings of Jesus. The
course also covers the process by which the gospels were written
and explores the similarities among the synoptic gospels and the
uniqueness of the Gospel of John. Also covered are the authorship,
purpose and content of the book of Acts.
Textbooks: The New Testament, Its Background and Message, 2
ed., Thomas D. Lea and David Alan Black, ISBN: 978-0-8054-
2632-8, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $220.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A survey of all the epistles of the New Testament, from Romans
through Revelation. Included are the general epistles of the apostle
Paul, his pastoral epistles, and the general epistles.
Textbooks: The New Testament, Its Background and Message, 2
ed., Thomas D. Lea and David Alan Black, ISBN: 978-0-8054-
2632-8, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $220.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
NT 3172LUKE 3 hours
This course focuses on the authorship, characteristics, and content
of the Gospel of Luke.
Textbooks: The New American Commentary: Luke, Vol. 24, Robert
H. Stein, ISBN: 978-0-8054-0124-0, $34.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $220.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
Ethics-History-Theology Curriculum
Objectives for courses listed in this area are listed below. These
courses will help students to:
(1) Develop a valid system of personal beliefs about God and His
relationship to mankind
(2) Gain increasing ability, with God’s help, to demonstrate in daily
life the meaning and reality of professed theological truths
(3) Express genuine Christian love for persons who have religious
beliefs different from one’s own and to gain some understanding
and appropriate appreciation for the religious beliefs of others
(4) Discover appropriate meanings and values in Christian history
(5) Understand ways in which God has worked in human history
and continues to work today
(6) Gain increasing understanding of important personalities,
events, and movements which have influenced the course of
Christian history
(7) Learn to test Christian principles and practices in the light of
past and current events
(8) Learn to evaluate contemporary problems and issues in the light
of their historical settings and biblical insights
A study of the ethical principles of the Bible and Christian
responsibility in contemporary society, focusing on such issues as
human sexuality, economics, human relations, politics, abortion,
euthanasia, world hunger, capital punishment, and medical issues.
One unit deals with ethical decision making.
Textbook: Ethics for a Brave New World, John S. Feinberg, and
Paul D. Feinberg, 2
edition, ISBN: 978-1-58134-712-8, $45.00
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $231.00
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
An overview of Baptist history, with emphasis on Southern
Baptists, and a review of important Baptist doctrines.
Textbooks: The Baptist Story by Anthony L. Chute, Nathan A.
Finn, Michael A. G. Haykin, ISBN: 978-1-4336-7375-7, $39.99
Teaching Truth, Training Hearts, Tom J. Nettles, ISBN: 978-1-
8797-3738-0, $15.00
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $204.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A study of the history of Christianity from New Testament times
until the modern era. The course focuses on the great movements
and heresies in Christian history as well as other factors which have
influenced Christianity.
Textbooks: Contact Seminary Extension for Textbook(s) and total
price for this course
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $ - - -. - -
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A survey of historical theology from the beginning of Christian
history through the English Reformation, with chief attention given
to historical documents. An amplified guide treats material from the
Baptist perspective.
Textbooks: Documents of the Christian Church, 4th ed., Henry
Bettenson and Chris Maunder, ISBN: 978-0-19-956898-7, $30.95
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $216.95
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A study of the biblical basis of missions, the history of Christian
missions, and how Baptists have worked together to confront the
challenge of world evangelization.
Textbook: A Mission People, M. Wendell Belew, ISBN: 978-0-
8054-6345-3, $19.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $ 169.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
An overview of the major world religions and their beliefs,
including Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism
and Islam. One unit focuses on key sectarian groups in the United
States, including the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the
Unification Church, the Occult, and the New Age movement.
Textbooks: Contact Seminary Extension for Textbook(s) and total
price for this course
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $ - - -. - -
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A study of the quest for truth about some of the profound questions
of life, such as the relationship of good and evil, the nature of
reality, and how we know and experience God.
Textbooks: A Handbook for Christian Philosophy, L. Russ Bush,
ISBN: 978-0-310-51821-1, $22.99
Classical Readings in Christian Apologetics, L. Russ Bush, Editor,
ISBN: 978-0-310-45641-4, $25.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books--$198.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A survey of Christian doctrines, with emphasis upon revelation, the
nature and work of God, Jesus Christ, humankind and sin, the Holy
Spirit, salvation, and last things or eschatology.
Textbooks: Introducing Christian Doctrine 3
ed., Millard J.
Erickson, ISBN: 978-0-8010-4919-4, $42.99
The Moody Handbook of Theology, rev. and expanded, Paul Enns,
ISBN: 978-0-8024-1198-3, $44.99
Book of Charts, edited and printed by Seminary Extension, $0
(Only available from Seminary Extension w/course)
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $273.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A thematic study of the teachings of the New Testament, including
the Bible, God, humanity, sin, salvation, the church, the ordinances,
the ministry, the Christian life, the kingdom, and the ultimate goal
of history.
Textbook: New Testament Theology, Leon Morris, ISBN: 978-0-
3104-5571-4, $24.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $210.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
Practical Ministry Curriculum
The objectives of courses in this area are to help students to:
(1) Grow in understanding of the nature and meaning of the church
(2) Learn how Baptists work together in achieving Christ’s
objectives for churches
(3) Develop increasing appreciation for and appropriate pride in
Baptist institutions and other denominational structures
(4) Learn how to practice Christian ministry
A study of effective principles and methods of administering the
organization of a local church, including defining the church’s
purpose, establishing goals, planning, working with volunteers, and
managing financial and physical resources.
Textbook: Church Administration Handbook, rev. ed., Bruce P.
Powers, ISBN: 978-0-8054-4490-2, $29.99
Charles Tidwell on Church Administration, Charles Tidwell,
produced by Seminary Extension, $17.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $233.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
This course outlines practical steps in beginning and developing a
new congregation. Emphasis is on experience more than lecture.
The student works through church-planting steps in a real or
simulated situation.
Textbook: Planting, Growing Churches for Twenty-first Century: A
Comprehensive Guide for New Churches, 2
. ed., Aubrey
Malphurs, ISBN: 978-0-8010-9053-0, $29.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $179.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A study of the family from a Christian perspective, focusing on
human sexuality, dating and courtship, marriage, child-rearing,
financial matters, and various developmental stages of family life.
Textbook: Marriage and the Family, Stephen A. Grunlan, ISBN:
978-1-620-32805-7, $25.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $175.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
This course provides a study of the biblical principles for a
successful ministry to women and seeks to answer the following
questions along the way: Why have a women’s ministry? What are
the leadership principles for a biblical women’s ministry? Who
should lead a women’s ministry?
Textbook: Women Leading Women, Jaye Martin and Terri Stovall,
ISBN: 978-1433-690556, $29.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $ 179.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A study of the meaning of ministry; some spiritual, personal, and
professional requirements for ministry; and ways in which ministry
may be expressed. Major topics covered are spiritual discipline,
vocational discernment, and the theology of ministry.
Textbooks: Celebration of Discipline, Richard J. Foster, ISBN: 978-
0062-803887, $25.99
The Minister and the Ministry, Daniel O. Aleshire and George W.
Knight, produced by Seminary Extension, $17.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $193.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A study of spiritual disciplines valuable to growing Christians with
a focus on implementations of these disciplines in the Christian life.
Textbook: Fruitful Discipleship, W. Edward Thiele, ISBN: 978-0-
9145-2033-4, $19.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $169.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
An overview of the bivocational ministry, including biblical and
historical roots, trends affecting the development of
bivocationalism, the unique nature of bivocational ministry,
preparation for the work, the specific duties of ministers who serve
bivocationally, and the future of bivocationalism.
Textbooks: The Bivocational Pastor, Luther Dorr, ISBN: 978-0-
8054-2604-3, $12.99
Meeting the Challenge of Bivocational Ministry: The Bivocational
Reader, Doran C. McCarty, published by Seminary Extension,
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $184.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
An examination of worship from the perspectives of personal
experience, theology, psychology, the Bible, Christian history, and
music. Special attention is given to the various elements of a
worship service and the development of skills in planning and
conducting public worship.
Textbook: Understanding, Preparing for, and Practicing
Christian Worship, Franklin Segler, rev. 2
. ed. by Randall
Bradley, ISBN: 978-0-8054-1168-3, $24.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $ 174.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
PM 2255EVANGELISM 2 hours
A study of the biblical basis of evangelism, a church program of
evangelism, leadership in evangelism, and personal witnessing.
Textbooks: High Expectations, Thom S. Rainer, ISBN: 978-0-8054-
1266-6, $14.99
Real Evangelism, Bailey E. Smith, ISBN: 978-0-8499-3778-1,
The Effective Invitation, R. Alan Streett, ISBN: 978-0-8254-3799-1,
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $199.97
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
2 hours
A study of the unique dynamics of a small church, including
suitable styles and methods of pastoral leadership.
Textbooks: Leading the Small Church, Doran C. McCarty,
published by Seminary Extension, $14.99
Small Churches Are the Right Size, David R. Ray, ISBN: 978-0-
8298-0620-2, $15.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $180.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A study of the role of preaching and the preacher, the scope and
purpose of the sermon, and how to organize and deliver a sermon.
Attention is given to how to plan one’s preaching from week to
week and on a long-range basis.
Textbooks: The 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching., Wayne
McDill, ISBN: 978-1535-913362, $27.99
The Moment of Truth, Wayne McDill, ISBN: 978-0-8054-1827-9,
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $232.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A study of the life and work of the pastor from a historical and
biblical perspective.
Textbooks: Pastoral Ministry: How to Shepherd Biblically, John
MacArthur, ISBN: 978-1-4185-0006-1, $29.99
We Have This Ministry, Samuel D. Proctor, and Gardner C. Taylor,
ISBN: 978-0-8170-1248-9, $15.00
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $ 229.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
PM 3351PASTORAL CARE 3 hours
A study of the work of the pastor as “shepherd of the flock.”
Counseling, comforting, worship leadership, and conflict resolution
are some of the topics covered.
Textbooks: The Dynamics of Pastoral Care, David W. Wiersbe,
ISBN: 978-0-8010-9094-3, $16.00
Pastor to Pastor, Erwin Lutzer, ISBN: 978-0-8254-2947-7 $16.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $217.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A study of the developing nature and needs of children (infancy
through age eleven), how they learn, what the church teaches, and
how the church teaches through age-group workers.
Textbook: Childhood Education in the Church, revised edition,
Robert Clark, Joanne Brubaker, and Roy B. Zuck, ISBN: 978-0-
8024-1251-5, $37.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $187.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A study of the basics of youth education and how to design an
effective program of youth education in the local church.
Textbooks: Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry, Cameron Cole and
Jon Nielson, eds., Crossway, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-4335-4695-2,
Student Ministry by the Book: Biblical Foundations of Student
Ministry, Heath A. Thomas, ed., B&H Academic, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-
4627-9129-3, $19.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $187.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $150.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
An overview of educational work within a Southern Baptist church
from the standpoint of administration.
Textbooks: The Educational Ministry of a Church, 2
ed., J.
Jonathan Kim & Charles A. Tidwell, ISBN: 978-1-4627-4560-9,
Christian Education, Foundations for the Future, Robert Clark, Lin
Johnson, and Allyn K. Sloat, ISBN: 978-0-8024-1647-6, $39.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $259.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
A study of the principles and methods of teaching youth and adults,
including the relationship of the teacher to the teaching task, the
steps in lesson plan development, and the use of teaching aids.
Textbooks: The Teaching Ministry of the Church, 2
William R. Yount, Editor, Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2008,
ISBN: 978-0-8054-4737-8, $39.99.
Teaching to Change Lives, Howard Hendricks, Colorado Springs:
Multnomah, 2003, ISBN: 978-1-5905-2138-0, $14.99
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students with books -- $239.98
Course Cost for Correspondence Study Students without books -- $186.00
These prices include Shipping/Handling and Administration fees.
Registration and course fees are listed with individual courses.
Transcript fee: $10.00: A written request with signature is required.
You can access a form for this purpose on our website or contact us
and we will send you what you need by email or through the USPS.
Course Extension fee: The course extension fee is $35.00.
Correspondence study students may extend the expiration date of a
course by six months. Seminary Extension must receive the
student’s request prior to the expiration date.
Course Reactivation fee: Courses that have expired may be
reactivated for $50.00, if they meet certain criteria. Correspondence
study students may reactivate an expired course if they submit a
request within one year of the registration date.
Rush Grading fee: Correspondence students may request that a test
or paper be graded within 2 business days of its receipt by Seminary
Extension for a fee of $20.00. The request and fee must be received
before the grading process is started. Seminary Extension will
return the work based on arrangement with the student. If additional
cost is expected due a student’s request for overnight delivery, the
student must also include payment for this service in advance.
Certified Group Study Application and Certification fee: $45.00
(certification for 2 years). Some Southern Baptist and other
denominational associations and churches use Seminary Extension
courses as a tool for equipping pastors, teachers and leaders in a
local setting. In order to do so, they must be certified by Seminary
Extension. This fee covers the initial application and certification.
Certified Group Study Re-Certification fee: $30.00 (for 2 years).
Re-certification is $45.00 for centers that are more than 1 year
beyond their last re-certification date.
Courses Ordered by Certified Groups: Certified Seminary
Extension groups are able to take on some of the administrative
tasks and we are able to ship courses in bulk. When courses are
order by a certified group, we charge $40.00 less per course.
However, all Seminary Extension students are expected to pay the
catalog price. The savings for the certified group is used to offset
administrative costs like additional materials, paperwork, shipping
and handling fees. Groups may charge less than the catalog price.
However, students cannot be charged more for the course than the
list price stated in this catalog unless they are notified in writing that
the additional costs is not associated with Seminary Extension fees.
Processing, Shipping and Handling fees: On bulk material orders
that are sent to certified centers, Seminary Extension charges
separately for shipping and handling. We ship all orders by UPS
ground unless otherwise requested. We add this charge to the end of
all bulk orders based on the total cost of the order. See the chart
below for determining these charges.
Minimum = $15.00
$75.00 $150.00 = $27.00
$151.00 $300.00 =$38.00
$301.00 $500.00 = 14%
$501.00 $800.00 = 12%
$801.00 $1,100.00 = 11%
$1,101.00 and above = 10%
Overnight, second day, special delivery = exact postage + $25
handling fee
Re-Stocking Fee for Extension Centers: In order to maintain an
accurate inventory and keep that inventory current, we encourage
extension centers to order conservatively. We can generally have
additional materials to you within a week of your order. We charge
a re-stocking fee of $10 plus $1 for each returnable item. Seminary
Extension will not accept materials returned after six months from
the order date. Damaged or used material cannot be returned for
Seminary Extension admits students who are 16 years old and
above. However, to earn transferable credit or enroll into a program,
students must have earned a high school diploma or GED prior to
enrolling in the class.
Attendance Policy
Since Seminary Extension course are done through distance
education, there are no minimum attendance requirements. To meet
the attendance requirement, student must simply submit all
assignments by the course end date.
Seminary Extension is a distance study educator. Therefore, a
student’s schedule has a great deal of flexibility. However, our daily
office hours, for meeting student needs, are from 7:30 AM Central
Time through 3:00 PM Central Time. Students may begin a class
during any day that our offices are open. We close our office for
major holidays and the week of the Southern Baptist Convention.
For the academic year August 1, 2024 through July 31, 2025 we are
closed: 9/2/24; 11/27/24-11/29/24; 12/23/24 through 1/1/25;
1/20/25; 4/18/25; 5/26/25; 6/9/25-6/11/25, and 7/3/25-7/4/25.
Institutional Enrollment Period
Because Seminary Extension is a distance educational institution,
we do not have set semester, course or program start dates. Our
open enrollment model allows our students to enroll at any time
during the year. Once we receive proper documentation, we enroll
students on that day, which becomes their individual course or
program start date. Students have up to 6 months to complete
individual courses. In order to allow sufficient course study time,
students must be enrolled in a class at least five weeks prior to
taking the final exam. The recommended length for completing
individual programs is listed with the program information.
Tests, reading reports, final exam, and papers for Level Two
courses are mailed to Seminary Extension. These assignments are
graded and returned to students within 2 weeks of receipt by
Seminary Extension. All assignments are weighted equally when
averaging the final grade. The grading scale for
Certificate/Diploma courses taken for credit is as follows:
A (90-100) Superior performance
B (80-89) Above average performance
C (70-79) Acceptable performance
D (60-69) Unacceptable performance
F (Below 60) Failing performance
I Incomplete Minimum course requirements were not met, but
due to special circumstances the student may extend a course within
6 months of the enrollment date. If the course is not successfully
completed within the allotted time, the grade will become an F.
W Withdrawal Student had to withdraw from the course due to
special circumstances and they did so with a passing grade to that
point. If a student did not have a passing grade at the time of
withdrawal, Seminary Extension will enter an F for the final grade.
NS Non Start Student enrolled in the course, but did not
continue beyond the third lesson.
The grading scale for Non-Certificate/Diploma courses or
courses taken for personal growth/audit is as follows:
S 70 -100 Satisfactory
U 69 or Below Unsatisfactory
All Seminary Extension courses require textbooks. Seminary
Extension stocks textbooks for all of our courses, but students are
not required to purchase them if they prefer to get them from other
sources. Textbooks are listed in the textbook section under each
course description along with their titles, authors, ISBN, and prices.
Seminary Extension will refund the purchase price of unused
textbooks purchased for a course from Seminary Extension. These
books must be returned unused, in resalable condition, and within 6
months of the enrollment date. We do not refund shipping and
handling fees.
Grievances against Seminary Extension must be submitted in
writing, and should be directed to the director, Dr. Randal A.
Williams, 901 Commerce Street, Suite 500, Nashville, TN 37203-
3631, Phone (615) 242-2453, Fax (615) 782-4822, Email:
Grievances are carefully reviewed, and will be processed promptly.
Once we have determined the best way to handle the compliant, we
will send a reply a soon as possible. In order to insure an adequate
and careful handling of grievances, the process may take several
days. However, you can expect us to postmark a reply no more than
10 days from the date we receive your letter in our office. Once
completed, all correspondence related to the grievance will become
a part of the student’s permanent record. Unsettled grievances may
be directed to the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, 404
James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, TN 37243-0830. Telephone:
Also any person claiming damage or loss as a result of any act or
practice by Seminary Extension that may be a violation of Title 49,
Chapter 7, Part 20 or Rule Chapter 1540-01-02 may file a complaint
with the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Division of
Postsecondary State Authorization. See address above.
Placement Services
Seminary Extension does not offer placement services for students
seeking employment opportunities.
Transcripts/Transferability of Credit
A number of colleges and institutions have, and continue to accept
Seminary Extension Certificate/Diploma course credits toward their
undergraduate degrees as well as their certificate and diploma
programs. However, Seminary Extension is a special purpose
institution. That purpose is to provide opportunities for theological
education and ministry training to individuals that cannot or will not
seek training from traditional institutions. Our mission does not
include preparing students for further college study. Students should
be aware that transfer of credit is always the responsibility of the
receiving institution. Whether or not credits transfer is solely up to
the receiving institution. Any student interested in transferring
credit hours should check with the receiving institution directly to
determine to what extent, if any, credit hours can be transferred.
When Seminary Extension sends a transcript, it is up to the
receiving institution to evaluate the transcript to determine how
much, if any, course credit they will accept.
In order for Seminary Extension to transcript a course with credit
hours, students must meet all the enrolment qualifications, have a
grade of 70% or better for the course, take and receive a 70% or
better grade on a monitored comprehensive final examination, and
have on file with Seminary Extension a copy of their high school
transcript or GED.
Requesting a Transcript
Seminary Extension will issue transcripts to other educational
institutions upon receipt of a signed, written request from the
student along with a $10.00 fee. Transcript requests cannot be
taken by telephone. In order to assure the timely issuance of a
transcript, you should allow at least four weeks from the time you’re
your last exam or assignment is received by Seminary Extension.
Credit from Other Sources
Seminary Extension may accept, by transcript, a limited amount of
course credit toward a certificate in one of our eight-course
certificate programs. Based on an evaluation of the student’s official
transcript, we will accept a maximum of four courses from an
institution accredited by a Council on Higher Education
Accreditation (CHEA) approved accreditation agency. Seminary
Extension will also evaluate, on an individual basis, credits from
non-accredited schools and accept them as deemed appropriate by
the Registrar and Director.
Seminary Extension may also accept, by transcript, course credit
toward a diploma in one of our sixteen-course programs. Based on
an evaluation of your official transcript, we will accept a maximum
of eight courses from an institution accredited by a Council on
Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) approved accreditation
agency. Seminary Extension will also evaluate, on an individual
basis, credits from non-accredited schools and accept them as
deemed appropriate by the Registrar and Director.
Transcripts evaluated for transfer must be official. Therefore, they
must be sent to us from the issuing institution, must be signed by
the institution’s registrar (school official), must bear a school
seal/authentication mark, and have the date of issuance. The student
should inform Seminary Extension that the transcript is coming.
They should also indicate the Seminary Extension program in which
they are interested.
Our Relationship with Other SBC Institutions
Although Seminary Extension is incorporated under the SBC
Council of Seminary Presidents, our programs are separate from the
undergraduate programs offered by individual SBC seminaries.
Like all other undergraduate institutions, they are not required to
accept Seminary Extension credits towards their undergraduate
degrees but may choose to do so when deemed appropriate.
Therefore, students should contact the institution into which they
may wish to transfer Seminary Extension credits before enrolling.
Studying with Seminary Extension
Students may study at home through correspondence or they may
study in groups where other likeminded students gather and are
guided by a certified mentor in a local church or association. All
students must provide us with a signed course enrollment for each
course. Course enrollment forms may be printed from our website
or students may ask us to send them by mail. Our courses are based
on an open enrollment system. So start dates may be any day of the
year. Normally that means that students are enrolled into a course
on the day that we receive their enrollment or when meeting as a
group on the first day they plan to meet. Seminary Extension allows
six months from the start date to complete their course work.
During their study, student assignments such as tests and papers
graded based on standard grading keys and feedback on these
assignments are given back to the students. At the end of the course,
a proctored final exam is given. Like the other assignments, this
exam is carefully evaluated. Students must receive a grade of 70%
or above on the final and they must have an average grade for the
course of 70% or above in order for the course to be eligible for
transfer of credit or use in a Seminary Extension program.
Many of our students enjoy studying in groups, so each year
individuals such as pastors, church workers, and volunteers set up
study groups in their churches or associations. We call these
“settings” centers where churches or associations seek to help
Christians gain the biblical understanding and ministry skills to help
them in Christian service. Historically, Baptist associations have
established most of these centers. Individual local Southern Baptist
churches have also taken on the challenge of educating their
members as well as others in their area who are interested.
Seminary Extension does not own or control these sites. However,
sponsors approved by Seminary Extension must agree to operate
their centers according to the following guidelines:
Centers affiliated with Seminary Extension must maintain the
educational standards set forth by Seminary Extension
Centers must agree to use the course materials prepared and
distributed by Seminary Extension
Centers must submit the appropriate registration fees, reports,
student enrollment information, and course work to Seminary
Extension at the specified times
Students enrolled in these centers have found that group learning
experiences provide both encouragement and fellowship. Often
students learn from each other as well as from their mentors.
Regular class meetings require them to exercise a disciplined
approach to their study.
Persons interested in establishing a center to train persons in their
church, association, or ministry may request information and
assistance by contacting Seminary Extension. Seminary Extension
will assist sponsoring groups in several ways:
by recommending an effective plan for establishing and
operating an extension center
by providing excellent theological training materials
by maintaining academic records on individual students
All mentors must be approved by Seminary Extension before a class
begins. To be approved, individuals should have a master’s degree
or its equivalent from a seminary, university, or college accredited
by a nationally recognized (CHEA-affiliated) accrediting body.
All Seminary Extension mentors must agree to teach in accordance
with the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.
The total fee paid by the student is made up of three parts: (1) a
registration fee, which is the same for all students and must be paid
to Seminary Extension; (2) administrative and record keeping fees;
(3) and the cost of textbook(s) for the course. A student who already
has the prescribed textbook(s) is not required to buy additional
copies. For the exact price of textbooks, check the course
descriptions above or contact Seminary Extension. Textbook prices
are based on retail prices and are subject to change at any time. In
order to help centers that order in bulk we deduct the administrative
fees to cover part of their expenses. To help speed up the ordering
process, Seminary Extension often sends the materials used by
extension centers on consignment. Centers must send student
registration forms and payment for materials by the end of the
drop/add period (third lesson of the course). Although centers may
charge the student less than the course price stated in this catalog by
offsetting or providing part of the costs, Seminary Extension
students must not be charged more than the course price stated in
the catalog unless the center notifies them in writing that the fees
are part of the local expenses and are not associated with Seminary
Student Conduct
Seminary Extension is a ministry of the Southern Baptist
Convention. We expect our students to conduct themselves in a
manner that reflects the Convention’s high ethical and spiritual
standards. As it relates to the area of student conduct in academics,
we have set forth ten individual expectations. These expectations
are stated in the “Code of Conduct” section to follow. Students
found guilty of breaking this code will be withdrawn from courses
and their current program if enrolled. They will not be allowed to
take courses for a minimum of one year and only then by petition
from the student stating that they will not break the code of ethics in
the future. Petition to reenter shall be subject to the approval the
Seminary Extension director.
We have set forth ten individual expectations.
1. We expect our students to conduct themselves with
professionalism, courtesy and respect for others including
institution staff, faculty and other students.
2. We expect our students to be accurate and truthful when applying
for admission, registering for individual classes, and requesting
assistance or additional services.
3. We expect our students to observe the institutional policies and
rules when submitting work, taking examinations, participating
in discussions, and conducting research.
4. We expect our students to turn in work that is their own, and to
note or properly acknowledge information and ideas gained
from the work of others.
5. We expect our students to complete all assignments according to
the instructions given with them. In other words, students must
not ask for, receive, or give unauthorized help on assignments,
quizzes, or examinations.
6. We expect our students to maintain the integrity of our courses by
not sharing questions or answers to quizzes or examinations
with students who have not already completed them.
7. We expect our students to maintain the integrity of documents,
transcripts, or other student records received from Seminary
8. We expect our students to protect their usernames, student
identification numbers, and or passwords. These pieces of
information should be used only by the student, and never be
shared with others.
9. We expect our students to observe the recommended study
schedule for the program in which they are enrolled. Seminary
Extension is always willing to discuss these schedules and
student options with students.
10. We expect our students to report any violations of this Code of
Conduct to Seminary Extension staff along with any evidence
of cheating, plagiarism, or improper conduct.
Students may cancel a course and request a refund at any time by
contacting Seminary Extension. The study guide is the course, so it
must be returned to Seminary Extension as a part of the refund
process. You are not required to return any of the other materials
sent with the course kit. Please return the Study Guide regardless of
its condition. Once we have verified your information, the refund
will be applied according to the following policy.
Refunds are based on the following schedule. Refunds are available
for up to 6 months from the date of enrollment. Seminary Extension
will refund:
· 100% of the course cost to a student who has submitted
no work and cancels a course within 18 days of the
course order date.
· 75% of the course cost to a student who has submitted
work for the course but has completed 10% or less of
the course enrollment period.
· 25% of the course cost to a student who has submitted
work but has completed between 10% and 25% of the
course enrollment period.
· After the student has completed more than 25% of the
course enrollment period, the Seminary Extension shall
be entitled to retain the entire course cost.
Notes: Course cost does not include textbooks or shipping and
handling. However, we do refund the cost of textbooks purchased
from us if the student withdraws from a course and returns them
unused and they are returned in resalable condition.
The course enrollment period for each course is 6 months in length
and begins on the day in which the student enrolls.
Refund requests and returns must be received within 6 months of
the course enrollment date.
Seminary Extension does not participate in any government
assistances, loan or scholarship programs and we do not administer
or sponsor any institutional scholarship or loan programs. So all
purchases and refunds are based on the cash payment of courses at
the time of enrollment.
This policy is based on and subject to the policy requirements set
forth by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission in Rule
1540-01-02-.17, July, 2022 (Revised).