Minutes of the School Committee
Regular Meeting
Milton High Library
April 4, 2012
Committee Present: Glenn Pavlicek, Chair; Denis Keohane, Vice Chair; Kristan
Bagley-Jones, Leroy Walker
Not Present: Mary Kelly, Lynda Lee Sheridan (arrived late)
Staff Present: Mary Gormley, Superintendent; John Phelan, Assistant Superintendent
for Curriculum & Personnel; Matthew Gillis, Assistant Superintendent for Business.
Call to Order
The Chair called the April 4th meeting of the School Committee to order at 7:02 pm
Approve Agenda
The committee approved the agenda after the deletion of Item 7b.
Citizens Speak
A Glover parent, Ms. Adrienne Sullivan, came to speak about the student assignment
policy. She was unhappy with the recent contingency budget plan to move classrooms
of students from one school to another. She requested a task force to study the student
assignment policy and would like more transparency on the curriculum differences
between the French and English classes. Next, Mr. Amar came to speak as a member
of Citizens for a Diverse Milton and urged the administration to continue to make
progress towards improving the number of faculty members of color. Chris Navin, also
from CDM, asked for a systemic view of staff diversity and asked the MHS principal
screening committee to consider diversity when making its decisions. Justin Renz, a
Milton parent, also came to speak about student assignment and the perceived
discrepancy between the French and English programs. He would like a comparison of
MCAS data between the French immersion students and the English/FLES program.
Finally, Frank Schroth, editor of MyTownMatters, came to mention the Candidates
Forum to be held at Fuller Village on April 14th at 1pm.
Superintendent's Report
Topic One: Milton High School Drama Club. Although Dr. Sheila Walsh was unable to
attend, the members of the Drama Club did attend. Their play was one of three to
advance to semi-final rounds at Weston High on March 10th. This is the first time Milton
High has made the semi-finals since the year 2000.
** Note Lynda Lee Sheridan arrived at 7:29 pm. **
Topic Two: Pierce Middle School Globe Scholastic Art Awards and Acknowledgment for
Stephanie Sherman, Winners of the Artist’s Magazine's 2012 All Media Art Competition.
Ms. Sherman introduced the Pierce students who won and displayed their artwork for
the committee. She also brought her award-winning self-portrait.
Topic Three: Milton High School Music Program (All State Festival participants and
After-School Singers) with Dr. Noreen Diamond Burdett, Fine Arts & Family/Consumer
Studies Director.) This year, Andrew Mowe has a recommendation for the Eastern US
festival. In the past 30 years, Milton High has only had four students who have gotten
to this level. In addition, the following students were congratulated for having been
selected to perform at the recent Eastern District Junior Music Festival. Milton High
School students Kristen Ingraham, Tansy Massey-Green, Christine Stafford, Monika
Cormack, Johance Liverpool, Liz O'Connor and Jackie Ruscito. Pierce Middle School
students Simon Eder, Emily Dsida, Katherine Steele, Alison Reed and Walker Stroud.
Also, as part of this presentation, the MHS After School singers gave a brief
Topic Four: Milton High Family/Consumer Studies (National Nutrition Month) with Eileen
Lovett, MHS teacher. Ms. Lovett, along with teaching assistant Latrice Coleman and Dr.
Noreen Diamond Burdett, discussed a new project for the students. During March, the
Foods I and Foods II classes worked with the Milton Food Pantry to produce a
community cookbook. At Pat Brawley's request, the students, using the computer lab,
calculated calories, etc. This cookbook will be published in June of 2012.
Topic Five: Milton High School Site Council Presentation, Led by Milton High Principal
Dr. Joseph Arangio, the Milton High School Site Council, which included Alan Cron,
Vice Principal, Vernon Nelson and Catherine Queally, Teacher Representatives, Regine
Jean-Michel and Stephanie Charlemagne, Student Representatives, Betty White, David
Taugher and Steve Shapiro, Parent Representatives, came to present the School
Improvement Plan. The ultimate goal of the plan is to boost student achievement, with
a focus on teacher performance. Speakers took turns talking about the strengths of
MHS, and noted that half of Milton High students are in either AP or Honors courses.
There was some discussion about the recent NEASC report, with an emphasis on
acquiring 21st Century Skills. Other topics were on how to motivate students, teacher
evaluation and how to find the time to institute some of these initiatives. They also
discussed the communication plan and how to keep parents, guardians and students
apprised of the goals. The Site Council presentation can be viewed here:
Topic Six: Consolidated Facilities Report with William Ritchie, Consolidated Facilities
Director. As the director of this newly-created department, Mr. Richie said he will be
giving annual updates to the school committee. He said he aims to develop a budget
and well as a short-and long-term plan to oversee resources, buildings and grounds in
the town. He gave a brief powerpoint presentation on his progress so far, as well as
pointing out optimum staffing levels. One of his next goals is to get Milton High School
certified as an Energy Star school. The presentation is posted here:
Happenings: Mr. Phelan discussed the April 11th event at MHS which will feature
music, student work and both oral and video presentations celebrating Milton’s 350th
Anniversary. He thanked Ms. Sheridan for partnering with the schools on this project.
Also, there was an update on the search for a new Milton High principal. The search
committee has been formed. Ms. Gormley talked about the success of the Best
Buddies prom and congratulated two students Emily Posse, who finished sixth in the
regional spelling bee; and Al Lenz for finishing in the top 20 in the regional geography
Health & Wellness Subcommittee
Ms. Bagley Jones gave a report on bullying prevention efforts. She cited the
outstanding effort by Rich Guarino and Lisa Veldran for their work on the BPAC
committee. She mentioned the anonymous tip line for reporting bullying and the
"bullying boxes" for reporting bullying in each school. Next, she talked about work of
the CATZ programs, which are working on student/athlete conditioning, as well as a n
early morning exercise program for MPS staff. Ms. Bagley Jones said she would like
support to implement more discussion of substance abuse and other behaviors. Mr.
Walker agreed, indicating that he would like to set aside time to talk about drug abuse
prevention. Ms. Gormley praised the work of the Health and Wellness Committee
Finance Subcommittee
Topic One: Powers and Sullivan End-of-Year Financial Report (June 30, 2011)
Because of Ms. Kelly's absence, this was postponed to a later date. Mr. Gillis noted that
this was not a comprehensive audit and said that we are in compliance with DOE
New Business: The Next School Committee meeting is scheduled for April 25th
Old Business: None
Next Meeting Agenda Items: Mr. Walker requested the committee request a report on
drug abuse prevention. He also requested that Ms. Morgan return to discuss the topic of
"pink slime" as it pertains to the Food Service program. Also, there was a request to
invite the Debate Team in for recognition.
The Chair entertained a motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of
discussing contract negotiations with ASME unit and to adjourn directly from Executive
Session and not return to Open Session.
Move: Mr. Walker
Second: Mr. Keohane
Roll Call Vote: Unanimous.
The meeting adjourned at 9:29 pm.