DIB Guide: Detecting Agile BS
Version 0.4, last modified 3 Oct 2018
Agile is a buzzword of software development, and so all DoD software development projects
are, almost by default, now declared to be “agile.” The purpose of this document is to provide
guidance to DoD program executives and acquisition professionals on how to detect software
projects that are really using agile development versus those that are simply waterfall or spiral
development in agile clothing (“agile-scrum-fall”).
Principles, Values, and Tools
Experts and devotees profess certain key “values” to characterize the culture and approach of
agile development. In its work, the DIB has developed its own guiding maxims that roughly map
to these true agile values:
Agile value
DIB maxim
Individuals and interactions over processes and
“Competence trumps process”
Working software over comprehensive
“Minimize time from program launch to deployment
of simplest useful functionality
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
“Adopt a DevSecOps culture for software systems”
Responding to change over following a plan
“Software programs should start small, be iterative,
and build on success ‒ or be terminated quickly
Key flags that a project is not really agile:
Nobody on the software development team is talking with and observing the users of the
software in action; we mean the actual users of the actual code.
(The Program
Executive Office (PEO) does not count as an actual user, nor does the commanding
officer, unless she uses the code.)
Continuous feedback from users to the development team (bug reports, users
assessments) is not available. Talking once at the beginning of a program to verify
requirements doesn’t count!
Meeting requirements is treated as more important than getting something useful into
the field as quickly as possible.
Acceptable substitutes for talking to users: Observing users working, putting prototypes in front
of them for feedback, and other aspects of user research that involve less talking.
For Open Publication
Department of Defense
Oct 09, 2018
Stakeholders (development, test, ops, security, contracting, contractors, end-users,
are acting more-or-less autonomously (e.g. ‘it’s not my job.’)
End users of the software are missing-in-action throughout development; at a minimum
they should be present during Release Planning and User Acceptance Testing.
DevSecOps culture is lacking if manual processes are tolerated when such processes
can and should be automated (e.g. automated testing, continuous integration,
continuous delivery).
Some current, common tools in use by teams using agile development (these will change as
better tools become available):
Git, ClearCase, or Subversion - version control system for tracking changes to source
code. Git is the de facto open source standard for modern software development.
BitBucket or GitHub - repository hosting sites. Also provide issues tracking, continuous
integration “apps” and other productivity tools. Widely used by the open source
Jenkins, Circle CI or Travis CI - continuous integration service used to build and test
BitBucket and GitHub software projects
Chef, Ansible, or Puppet - software for writing system configuration "recipes" and
streamlining the task of configuring and maintaining a collection of servers
Docker - computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization, also known as
Kubernetes or Docker Swarm for Container orchestration
Jira or Pivotal Tracker - issues reporting, tracking, and management
Graphical version:
Dev is short for development, ops is short for operations
Tools listed/shown here are for illustration only: no endorsement implied.
Questions to Ask Programming Teams
How do you test your code? (Wrong answers: “we have a testing organization”, “OT&E
is responsible for testing”)
Advanced version: what tool suite are you using for unit tests, regression testing,
functional tests, security scans, and deployment certification?
How automated are your development, testing, security, and deployment pipelines?
Advanced version: what tool suite are you using for continuous integration (CI),
continuous deployment (CD), regression testing, program documentation; is your
infrastructure defined by code?
Who are your users and how are you interacting with them?
Advanced version: what mechanisms are you using to get direct feedback from
your users? What tool suite are you using for issue reporting and tracking? How
do you allocate issues to programming teams? How to you inform users that their
issues are being addressed and/or have been resolved?
What is your (current and future) cycle time for releases to your users?
Advanced version: what software platforms to you support? Are you using
containers? What configuration management tools do you use?
Questions for Program Management
How many programmers are part of the organizations that owns the budget and
milestones for the program? (Wrong answers: “we don’t know,” “zero,” “it depends on
how you define a programmer”)
What are your management metrics for development and operations; how are they used
to inform priorities, detect problems; how often are they accessed and used by
What have you learned in your past three sprint cycles and what did you do about it?
(Wrong answers: “what’s a sprint cycle?,” “we are waiting to get approval from
Who are the users that you deliver value to each sprint cycle? Can we talk to them?
(Wrong answers: “we don’t directly deploy our code to users”)
Questions for Customers and Users
How do you communicate with the developers? Did they observe your relevant teams
working and ask questions that indicated a deep understanding of your needs? When is
the last time they sat with you and talked about features you would like to see
How do you send in suggestions for new features or report issues or bugs in the code?
What type of feedback do you get to your requests/reports? Are you ever asked to try
prototypes of new software features and observed using them?
What is the time it takes for a requested feature to show up in the application?
Questions for Program Leadership
Are teams delivering working software to at least some subset of real users every
iteration (including the first) and gathering feedback? (alt: every two weeks)
Is there a product charter that lays out the mission and strategic goals? Do all members
of the team understand both, and are they able to see how their work contributes to
Is feedback from users turned into concrete work items for sprint teams on timelines
shorter than one month?
Are teams empowered to change the requirements based on user feedback?
Are teams empowered to change their process based on what they learn?
Is the full ecosystem of your project agile? (Agile programming teams followed by linear,
bureaucratic deployment is a failure.)
For a team working on agile, the answer to all of these questions should be “yes.”
Graphical version:
More information on some of the features of DoD software programs are included in Appendix A
(DIB Ten Commandments on Software), Appendix B (DIB Metrics for Software Development
and Appendix C (DIB Do’s and Don’ts of Software [to be linked]).