TD Ameritrade
to Schwab
For direct integrators
*Updated July 2023
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Table of Contents
Page Topic Sub-topic
3 Overview Conversion overview
4 Key considerations
5 Schwab integration platform
7 Data Files Data file conversion checklist
8 Data file conversion timeline
9 How the Schwab data file offer/process differs from TDAI
10 TDAI/Schwab file type mapping
11 Cross-reference files Working with cross-reference files
Cross-reference file examples
13 Residual transactions Residuals overview
14 Residual types and processing
15 Accounts How accounts will be migrated and how to manage
16 Historical data How historical data will be migrated (statements, files, cost basis)
17 Key questions Key questions to consider
19 APIs/SSO API/SSO conversion checklist
20 API/SSO conversion timeline
21 How the Schwab API offer/process differs from TDAI
22 How the Schwab SSO offer/process differs from TDAI
23 List of Schwab APIs
26 Account statements Schwab-only integration offer
27 Schwab Provider Listings
Schwab-only fintech promotional website
28 Contact us/resources Email contact points, useful URLs
Updated pages
marked with this icon
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade Institutional Veo One
Veo Open Access
to Schwab
The Schwab and TD Ameritrade Institutional (TDAI) integration offerings are very similar, and
we’re in the process of combining the best of both platforms. By adding key TDAI integration
components to the current Schwab integration infrastructure, we can minimize loss of
functionality for our mutual clients prior to their accounts and firms converting to the
Schwab platform (“Account Conversion”). Account Conversion is scheduled to take place
over Labor Day weekend, September 24, 2023.
This guide helps you plan a seamless integration experience. It’s organized by integration
offering and is intended to walk you through Account Conversion, including specific
checklists for converting data files and application programming interface (API)/single sign-
on (SSO) integrations.
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Conversion Guide: TDAI to Schwab
Key considerations
Over conversion weekend (September 24, 2023), if you store these data points within your systems, you must convert
account numbers, rep codes, and select security identifiers from the TDAI to Schwab format, as well as manage residual
transactions originating from the TDAI platform for up to 90 days post conversion. Transfers out of the TDAI accounts and
transfers into the Schwab accounts will not be included in the daily data feeds so that account histories remain intact. We
will provide cross-reference files to assist with the required conversion of account numbers, rep codes, and security
identifiers. Starting September 5, 2023, you will solely leverage the Schwab file feeds and APIs for all integration needs.
All Veo One direct integrations will no longer function after Account Conversion except for data files containing trailing
(“residual”) transactions, which will remain functional for up to 90 days. In addition, to align with freezes of certain account
functions on the Veo One platform, several Veo One APIs will cease to function prior to Account Conversion, meaning they
will fail when launched from your platform, including:
August 18 at 5:00pm ET: Account Wizard, Account Number Generate, and Account Create APIs
September 1 at 4:00pm ET: Cash Management, Trading, and Management Fee APIs
Any TDAI retail accounts included in your Veo One daily file feed will no longer be included in your new file feed coming
from the Schwab platform, only advised accounts will be included.
All existing direct integrations with Veo One must be rearchitected on the Schwab platform. We have teams in place ready
to assist you with this process.
Activation of API integrations are managed differently between Schwab and TDAI:
Schwab API integrations are activated by the advisor through your third-party platform
TDAI API integrations are activated by the TDAI Tech Services team via a (Release of Information (ROI) form
Migration of current TDAI file feeds, as well as authorization and activation of new Schwab data file feeds will depend on
you signing the Schwab Master Data Access Agreement
Budgeting time to plan and implement these new integrations well ahead of Account Conversion is critical. Careful review of
the details in this guide will help.
If you have not already evaluated how your integrations to Veo One will translate to Schwab Advisor Center
, please reach
out to our team now regarding these conversations.
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Schwab integration options largely mirror TDAIs
Daily data files
and statements
API integration Single sign-on Trading integration
End-of-day bulk
balances, positions,
and more via flat file
Account statements
via SFTP
The most robust set of
data available
Deep, high-quality,
real-time integration
with select providers
Initiate digital workflows
with single sign-on (SSO)
and data loading
Seamless connection
from your system to
Schwab Advisor Center
Industry standard
SAML 2.0 format
Submit trades from order
management systems to
the Schwab platform
Multiple connection
options, including FIX,
Master Data Access
Agreement (MDAA)
Advisor authorization
also required
Due diligence review
Contract required
Due diligence review
Contract required
Due diligence review
Contract required
(Leveraging an approved Order Routing
Network allows third-party vendors to
bypass the due diligence review and
contract requirements.)
Provider Listings at
Inclusion of your product and company on the Advisor Services website,
offering third-party vendors no-cost exposure to our advisor client base
checklist and
Daily data files
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Data File Conversion Checklist
Now through September 2, 2023:
Get set up with Schwab Advisor Center credentials. You will need a username and password for the Schwab platform in order to
download files (including the cross-reference files) from Schwab, which we will deliver to you assuming you have signed the Master
Data Access Agreement.
Confirm ability to ingest the Schwab Core B/D and Cost Basis daily data files
Sample files and specs are available upon request, or by visiting the Schwab Advisor Center Technical Support page here
‘Classic’ file versions are being retired (titled beginning with CS, ERT, PC, PRI, SAF, and SCF, followed by a date (mmddyy)
and extension)
Confirm ability to convert TDAI account numbers and rep codes, by leveraging the cross-reference files (.MXR files)
Files will be delivered to you daily via your Schwab (not Veo One) data file feed
Files are scheduled to be available starting mid-July (FA master accounts), and one week later for money managers/TAMPs
(BT/SL master accounts)
File specs are available here and a sample version is available here
NOTE: You will receive an .MXR cross-reference file for each Schwab master account included in the conversion
Confirm ability to convert any required security identifier changes, by leveraging the ticker cross-reference file
Includes mostly options and a small subset of mutual funds
File and file specs available on the Schwab Advisor Center Technical Support page
Confirm your ability to process and manage residual transactions
See residual transactions pages for details
Conversion weekend: September 2-4, 2023:
Convert account numbers
Convert changing security identifiers
Convert rep codes to master accounts (if necessary)
Configure your system to download and process files for the newly created master accounts
Process residual transactions from the TDAI platform for up to 90 days post conversion (if necessary)
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Join the
Develop integration
Rep code and subaccount
TDAI to Schwab
Can take 2 months Can take 1-2 months July 2023 September 1, 2023 September 46 and after
1. Sign Master Data Access
2. Get set up with credentials
on Schwab Advisor Center
1. Review Core B/D and Cost
Basis file specs and
develop integration to
process files
2. Review sample cross-
reference file specs
(account cross-reference,
and ticker cross-
3. Create mechanism to
handle residual
4. Leverage our team
as needed to ensure
production readiness
Core B/D files all begin with CRS,
followed by a date (yyyymmdd) and
extension. “Classic” files have titles
beginning with CS, ERT, PC, PRI,
SAF, or SCF, followed by a date
(mmddyy) and an extension.
“Classic” files are being retired.
1. Receive initial iteration of
Schwab B/D data files for
migrated master accounts in
mid-July for most accounts, one
week later for money managers
and TAMPs
2. Subaccount and TDAI rep code
to Schwab master account
cross-reference information
provided via .MXR cross-
reference files:
Initial version available mid-
July for FA master accounts
BT/SL master accounts
added one week later (for
money managers and
First refresh in early August
Final refresh in late August
Dates subject to change
3. Conduct mock Account
Conversion testing, leveraging
the cross-reference files (1
month out)
4. Conduct security identifier
conversion testing, leveraging
the ticker cross-reference file
1. Receive and
process the final
pre-conversion set
of TDAI files
Note: there will be no
transactions provided in the
Schwab nor TDAI file sets
that correspond to the
actual transfer of positions
and cash from TDAI to
Residual transactions
(ones executed at TDAI but
settled at Schwab) will
continue to flow in the TDAI
file format from Veo One for
up to 90 days after
1. Convert account
numbers in your client
databases using cross-
reference files
2. Convert any applicable
security identifier
changes in your client
databases using the
current version of the
security ticker cross-
reference file
3. Configure your system to
download and process
files for the newly
created master accounts
4. Begin downloading and
processing Schwab files
(September 6, 2023, and
5. Process residual TDAI
transactions over the
trailing 90 days (through
November 2023)
Authorizes you to receive
Schwab data files for
current clients of TDAI and
any future clients working
with Schwab.
Completes development
cycle and frees you up to
focus on the conversion
Establishes TDAI-to-Schwab
subaccount mapping, and security
identifier mapping
Verifies that your conversion
process works successfully
Ensures a solid
baseline for
Conversion success!
Data File Conversion Timeline
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Daily file downloads: Advisor Services data delivery
What it is
Advisor Services data delivery provides robust, comprehensive,
and customized close-of-business data available daily for
seamless upload into technology systems in file format for many
data points across an advisor’s business, such as positions,
balances, cost basis, account information, and more.
Why we offer it
Data is vital to the smooth functioning of every modern office.
Schwab’s flexible approach lets you choose the file and delivery
methods that work best for your technology and workflow. Daily
data file integration is the quickest and easiest way to get
access to Schwab account data; it’s a simple advisor-driven
process to authorize the download and a low-overhead
technical implementation to receive and process the files into
your technology platform.
How it works
Each day a new set of files is created and made available for
downloading and processing. Files can be downloaded using the
desktop Schwab Data Delivery
tool or, for bulk download
needs, an SFTP transmittal channel (pull only) can be set up.
How it differs from the TDAI platform
You must sign a Master Data Access Agreement that will allow the
migration of file feeds from the TDAI platform to the Schwab platform.
Any new client for whom you process files will request that a file feed
be sent to you via Schwab Advisor Center, by submitting a Request for
Data Access Agreement on the Account Management page.
No retail accounts are or will be included in the Schwab data feeds
post conversion, only advised accounts will be included.
There are minor differences in the file specs and data points but most
of what you rely on in the TDAI files is already available in the Schwab
files. Any significant gaps that exist will be closed prior to Account
For firms already downloading Schwab files, please note that
converted TDAI brokerage accounts will only be sent in the current
Schwab Core Broker/Dealer (B/D) file formats and not the “classic”
Schwab formats.
TDAI groups accounts into rep codes for downloads, while Schwab
uses master accounts. Rep codes and account numbers will both
change to the Schwab format at Account Conversion. You must also
convert account numbers on existing data within your systems at the
same time to ensure a seamless transition.
There are several securities that will undergo an identifier change
when accounts get converted. These identifiers should be converted at
the same time as the account numbers. A cross-reference file to help
you convert those identifiers is available on the Technical Support page
on Schwab Advisor Center, linked here
. The final version of this file will
be made available starting August 25 via this same location.
Date of birth and Social Security number/taxpayer ID are available in
Schwab data files, but a request by the advisor to Schwab Advisor
Platform Support must be made (in June 2023 or later) to include them
for each master account. If you rely on these fields as part of the TDAI
file feeds, please let us know
ASAP if you haven’t already.
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
TDAI > Schwab file names Schwab file descriptions
TDAI to Schwab Core B/D data file mapping
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Schwab B/D Core Data Files
cross-reference files (.MXR)
Security Ticker
cross-reference file
File descriptions Daily set of files that contain all account
and security related information and daily
Mapping file(s) that link your current TDAI
account numbers and rep codes to the new
Schwab sub-account numbers and master
Mapping file that links the current TDAI
security identifiers (CUSIPS are not
changing) to the equivalent Schwab
security identifiers, where differences
exist. For options and a small number of
mutual funds only.
What is required in order to
get the file(s)?
By signing the Schwab Master Data
Access Agreement, your feeds on the TDAI
side will automatically migrate over to
Files will be included along with your Core B/D
File feed upon signing the Schwab Master Data
Access Agreement
Use your Schwab Advisor Center
credentials to login and access the file
Where will I get the file(s)
Included in your Schwab daily file feed,
which will be either the Schwab Data
Delivery tool, or via SFTP protocol
Included in your Schwab daily file feed, which
will be either the Schwab Data Delivery tool, or
via SFTP protocol
File and corresponding specs are located
on the Technical Support page within
Schwab Advisor Center, here
When can I expect to get the
Delivered daily, starting:
Mid-July First iteration will include
new FA master accounts and individual
subaccounts (no assets) that will be
converted from the TDAI platform
One week later BT/SL master
accounts and individual subaccounts
added (for money managers and
Sept 6, 2023 and after Full iteration
of files which include asset holdings
To be updated in waves, and delivered daily:
Initial version available mid-July for FA
master accounts
BT/SL master accounts added one
week later (for money managers and
First refresh in early August
Final refresh in late August just before
Dates subject to change
Available now, but the refreshed, final
version will be available starting August
At what entity level are the
files created?
Created at the master account level
(similar to the TDAI rep code level), but
bundled together for your download
Note: Retail accounts are not available
or included in the Schwab Core B/D
file feeds
Created at the master account level (similar to
the TDAI rep code level), meaning you can
expect to get one of these .MXR files for every
Schwab master account that includes
converted TDAI accounts
Created at the custodian level, meaning
there is only one version of the file for all
use cases
Working with Schwab cross-reference files
Account Cross Reference File (.MXR)
Sample cross-reference files
Security Identifier Cross Reference File
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
TDAI residual transactions: Overview
Residuals Approach
TD Ameritrade
TDAI will process all residual transactions as normal post Account Conversion (September 5, 2023,
and after)
TDAI transaction files will be created based on those transactions
These files will be available through existing TDAI channels; Veo One, SFTP, etc.
Schwab data files will suppress the TDAI journal transfers post Account Conversion (September 6,
2023, and after)
Schwab internal systems will reflect a corresponding cash journal into the Schwab account rather
than the posted TDAI transaction
Impact to Schwab Balance and Position files to be reflected the next business day for cash-based
transactions, and up to 7 days for share-based transactions (which are updated once per week),
thereby resolving any reconciliation discrepancy
Advisors and vendors will need files from both Schwab and TDAI post Account Conversion
TDAI statement and confirmation files will be available on Veo One
If you track transaction history within your platform, you will need to be aware of residual transactions, which cover a variety of
situations where transactions continue to hit TDAI accounts after the accounts convert to the Schwab platform. These transactions
will be provided to you via Veo One transaction files for up to 90 days post conversion. Examples include trailing dividends and
accrued interest, most of which will have any resulting cash or positions swept into the Schwab account the next business day.
Because of this lag, these transactions have the potential to create a temporary reconciliation discrepancy on the Schwab side,
which you should be aware of and prepared to manage. It is recommended that you post the initial transaction sent through Veo
One directly into the new Schwab account rather than the TDAI account (by leveraging the account cross-reference files), as the
overnight sweeps and/or transfers will be suppressed and therefore not available in the Schwab data files, even though they will
appear on the Schwab website.
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Category Description of the activity type and example Impact to Schwab data files
Corporate actions
Cash dividend Dividend paid for an equity security with record
date before the account was converted
Other delayed, mandatory corporate actions Spinoff, stock split,
etc. occurring after Account Conversion but recorded before
Account Conversion
Daily Balance file will not reflect the cash transaction until
after the funds are posted in Schwab internal systems
Daily Positions file will not reflect the asset transfer until
after the assets are transferred into Schwab internal
Mutual funds
Accrual funds Bond fund that accrues interest throughout the
month. At the end of the month, accrued portion is paid through
conversion date to client’s TDAI account.
Daily Balance file will not reflect the cash transaction until
after the funds are posted in Schwab internal systems
Daily Balance or Positions file will not reflect the results of
the dividend until after the dividend is posted in Schwab
internal systems
Trade corrections (Option, Equity, Foreign, FI) Client trades for
100 shares but only intended 10; calls to get trade corrected
Trade corrections will be reflected in the Balance or
Position files the same day the corrections are applied
Cash related
Wires IN Client mistakenly sends wire to TDAI
External ACH IN Client Social Security deposit sent to TDAI
External ACH OUT Client credit card bill drawn from TDAI
Physical mail in check deposits Client mails check to TDAI for
deposit or delivers to a TDAI branch
Daily Balance file will not reflect the cash transaction until
after the funds are posted in Schwab internal systems
In-progress transfer
Client transfer in request to TDAI has not yet
finished processing prior to conversion
Daily Positions file will not reflect the asset transfer until
after the assets are transferred in Schwab internal
Residual transaction types & processing
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
TDAI account statuses that will transition:
TDAI accounts marked as CLOSED with a ZERO balance will not convert over to the Schwab platform. All other account
statuses will, including those that are open with a zero balance, as well as those closed but with a balance.
Note: there are a small number of TDAI account registration types that are not supported on the Schwab platform, all of
which will convert into frozen Keogh accounts on the Schwab platform.
Handling new vs existing accounts and master accounts:
It is best to not add or post the new (shell) Schwab subaccounts into your database when they are initially added to the
Schwab data files in the months leading up to conversion. You should wait to update the existing TDAI account numbers
that are already stored in your database over conversion weekend. Doing otherwise could create duplicate account
TDAI uses rep codes and Schwab uses master accounts. There are three types of master accounts, and each type is
used for different purposes: FA masters, SL masters, and BT masters.
FA (Financial Advisor) master accounts are the required primary link. All Schwab sub-accounts are linked to one,
and only one, FA master account. Firms may have multiple FA master accounts.
SL (Sub-linked) master accounts are used for viewing and trading purposes, including when an advisor wants to
provide only a subset of their book to a third-party provider. TAMPs and Outsource Agents use this type of
master account.
BT (Block Trade) master accounts are issued to Money Managers and are also used to provide data to third-
The vast majority of TDAI rep codes will convert into new Schwab FA master accounts
The majority of TAMPS will have new Schwab SL master accounts created for their TDAI rep codes
Money Managers will have their TDAI Rep Codes converted into existing Schwab BT masters (where available)
IMPORTANT: If your system automatically imports new accounts from the Schwab account (.ACC) file, you will
need to be especially cognizant of converted (shell) accounts being added to existing BT or SL masters, as they
may be brought in as new accounts which could cause duplication
How accounts will be maintained through
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Type of data at TDAI What will transfer to Schwab Advisor Center
Account Statements and
Forms 1099
10 years of history
Daily Data Files Will not be accessible via Schwab Advisor Center post conversion weekend. It is
recommended that you download any required history from Veo One before conversion
weekend if you have a need to retain historical files.
Cost Basis Unrealized Gain/Loss information will be available in the Schwab cost basis files (.UPT,
.ULT, .UPN, .ULN) starting with the September 5, 2023 file set
Realized Gain/Loss information will have a hard cutover on conversion weekend:
Realized Gain/Loss data for January 1, 2023 through September 1, 2023 will only be
available in the Veo One cost basis files. This data will not transfer over to the
Schwab cost basis files (.RLD, .RTY, .RLY, .RTU, .RLU)
Realized Gain/Loss data for September 5, 2023, and after will be available in the
Schwab cost basis files
Any corrections to Realized Gain/Loss data for trades occurring before September 1,
2023, will flow through the Veo One cost basis files only
Information included on 1099s will follow the same cutover logic. Clients will receive
a 1099 from both custodians for 2023
How historical data will be maintained through
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Key questions for you to consider
Key questions
Will the volume of your new Schwab consolidated file feed (Schwab + TDAI) be an issue?
Is there a need for you to review how your new Schwab master accounts are assigned to your
firms’ security groups on Schwab Advisor Center to ensure proper load-balancing once the newly
combined Schwab + TDAI file feeds are in place? This could be done late July through August if
Will including converted TDAI accounts in the Schwab data files ahead of conversion (in July)
cause any issues in terms of creating duplicate records in your system?
What actions will your users need to take to accommodate the change in account numbers? How
and when will you communicate those steps to them?
Do you rely on other third-party platforms for account data, and if so, are you in sync with their
approach to handling conversion?
Do other platforms rely on data from your system, and if so, are they aware and prepared to
manage these conversion changes? (Schwab/TDAI can only identify those who get data directly
from our platforms)
Will account number fields in your system be consolidated, eliminated, or just have their data
Will the newly converted TDAI account numbers be presented to the end user as new accounts
that need to be assigned to records? Or will existing records be updated?
checklist and
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
API/SSO Conversion Checklist
Now through June 30, 2023:
Sign Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA): Allows you to access API and SSO documentation to begin your
scoping and planning.
Complete due diligence review: Requires Schwab approval of supplied information about your company
before the agreement can be signed.
Sign API and/or SSO Agreement: Gives you access to the full Schwab API and SSO environments and
clears the path for you to begin development.
Completion of a Project, created via our Participant Portal (this includes development work, technical
validation, and approval to release).
We require that you complete this work by May 1, 2023, to allow adequate time to test it against
mock data.
Finalize client-facing documentation detailing steps to enable API/SSO integration to Schwab Advisor
Center from within your platform. Schwab does not have any ability nor knowledge of how to activate
integrations within your platform, like TDAI does.
Have your clients activate the integrations one month prior to account conversion.
Conversion weekend (September 24, 2023):
Ensure that all clients have activated the API/SSO integration within your platform.
If you store account numbers and/or security symbols within your database, you will also need to
convert the account numbers to the new Schwab format to ensure that the integrations continue to have
data flow once we convert them on our platform. See Data File Conversion Checklist for details.
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
API/SSO Conversion Timeline
Join the program Develop integration Prepare for conversion Activate integrations At conversion
Can take 6 months
Now May 1, 2023 April 1 June 1, 2023 August 2023 September 24, 2023
1. Sign Nondisclosure
2. Complete due
diligence review
3. Sign API and/or SSO
1. Develop integration in
test environment
2. Validate integration
with Schwab’s team
and move to
3. Ensure that your
clients understand
the coming changes
1. Create documentation
and content
instructing clients
how the new
integration will work
and how they will
activate it
1. Have your clients
activate the
integration ahead of
conversion, ensuring
an immediate data
flow the morning of
September 5, 2023
1. Ensure your clients
activate the API
and/or SSO
integration within
your platform
2. If you store account
numbers and/or
security identifiers
within your
database, you will
also need to convert
those in order to
ensure that the
integrations continue
to have data flow
once we convert
them on our platform.
See Data File
Conversion Checklist
for details.
Gives you access to
all APIs,
documentation, and
program resources,
so you are free to
begin development
development cycle
and frees you up to
focus on Account
Prepares clients to
seamlessly change
over from Veo One
integrations to
Schwab Advisor
Center integrations
Frees up clients to
focus on other tasks
related to account
Conversion success!
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
API integration: Seamless, end-to-end workflows
What it is
API integration is end-to-end integration with essential
Schwab Advisor Center tools and data; it is available to
technology providers who want to develop deep, customized
user experiences.
Why we offer it
API integration is the most seamless and flexible integration
option, giving advisors access to real-time custody data and
workflows from the systems they already use. Schwab’s
modern API development tools and best practices can be
used to build custom experiences within technology provider
How it works
We provide comprehensive documentation and resources
via our Participant Portal, where your development team has
ongoing access to the details of each API and can track and
monitor the progress of each project. Our program also
includes a dedicated service team, who will work with your
development team throughout the project lifecycle, ensuring
that questions are answered, roadblocks are cleared, and a
secure and high-quality outcome is delivered.
How it differs from the TDAI platform
While largely equivalent, there are a handful of new APIs
being created on the Schwab platform to ensure parity
with the TDAI platform: Standing Instructions API, iRebal
APIs, and Trading API. There will be migration guides for
each API to explain the specific data point differences
between equivalent APIs on the Schwab and TDAI
The enrollment/activation process differs, as each end
user self-enrolls using their Schwab Advisor Center
credentials via an enrollment workflow that is built into
the integration code on your platform, as opposed to the
TDAI Tech Services team enrolling firms and users via a
submitted ROI form.
Account numbers will change to the Schwab format at
Account Conversion. You must also convert account
numbers and security identifiers on existing data within
your systems at the same time to ensure a seamless
A new/separate due diligence review and agreement
between you and Schwab is required before you are able
to implement APIs.
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Single sign-on (SAML 2.0)
What it is
Advisors get convenient access to Schwab Advisor Center, when and
where they need it, giving them streamlined workflows across the
platforms they use. Schwab offers an industry-standard SAML
2.0based single sign-on. End points on Schwab Advisor Center
Home Page
Management Fees
Balances & Positions
Service Request &
Forms & Applications
News & Research
Schwab Charitable
Money Movement
Why we offer it
Implementing SSO can streamline advisor workflows by enabling easy,
one-click access to key data and tools within the systems advisors
depend on. Whether implementing SSO on its own or combining it with
Schwab’s other deep integrations, completing key account management
tasks that advisors perform every day becomes easier than ever.
How it works
SAML is the link between the authentication of an advisor’s identity and
their authorization to use other websites and applications. Advisors log
into their third-party platform, then via an encrypted token are logged
into other service providers, including Schwab Advisor Center.
Leveraging SAML allows advisors to easily integrate with Schwab and
simplify the credential management process.
How it differs from the TDAI platform
The Schwab SSO offer includes all the TDAI
landing pages and more.
There is no ability to use SSO to sign into your
application from Schwab Advisor Centeronly
from your system into Schwab’s.
A new/separate due diligence review and
agreement between you and Schwab is
required before you can implement SSO.
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Schwab APIs & SSO: Credentials/SSO, digital
messaging, and data mapping
Capability Definition
Enrollment (mandatory)
Required for any API integration. Provides a prompt, giving users the opportunity to enroll their user ID for access to Schwab Advisor
Center data and functionality via the APIs. Leverages OAuth authorization.
Enrollment status Checks a user’s enrollment status; unenrolls a user
User authorization
List of Schwab Advisor Center security permissions assigned to a particular user. This permissions check is required for SSO-related
calls like digital onboarding, move money, trade file upload, and management fee file upload.
Single sign-on
SAML 2.0 single sign-on provides end users with easier contextual access to Schwab Advisor Center pages and functionality by
initiating access from the consuming applicationwithout having to separately log in. End points on Schwab Advisor Center include:
Home page
Accounts > Alerts account and operationally related next steps and notifications
Accounts > Balances or Positions cash, cash equivalents, and security holdings
Accounts > Documents view statements, trade confirmations, and tax reports
Accounts > Profiles
Accounts > Service Request submit forms, documents, and requests to Schwab service teams
Accounts > Status List provides status for submitted service requests
Trading order entry and file import tabs
Money Movement
Management Fee Blotter
Account Management account opening, servicing, and maintenance forms (PDF based)
Digital Envelopes access to and status of digital workflows
Research > Markets look up information about a security (in context)
Schwab Charitable
SSO to Schwab Alliance (for account holder single sign-on)
List of all alerts for a firm in one of three views: subaccount, Master Account, or firm view. This API also provides alert details and the
ability to archive the alert.
Status Retrieve current status for in-flight requests made on Schwab Advisor Center. Pairs with most digital account maintenance APIs.
List of client IDs and key identification informationfirst name, last name, address, month/year of birthwhich is typically used for
search functions from the consuming application to select specific Schwab clients (for example, finding all accounts for “John Smith”).
Accounts List and detail information for Master Accounts and their associated subaccounts
Account synchronization
List of account details data, generally used with the data persistence API to synchronize data changes on Schwab Advisor Center
with the consuming application.
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Capability Definition
Balances Real-time cash and equivalents information for a single account or an array of accounts (for example, household)
Positions Real-time position information, including quantity and value, for a single account or an array of accounts
Transactions List of transactions for a single account and details for a single transaction once a transaction is selected
Cost basis Cost basis details for subaccounts, including realized gain, unrealized gain, and trade lot information
A set of three APIs (Account Profiles, Preferences & Authorizations, and Document Preferences) containing most account settings and
preferences. The details can be provided for a single account or an array of accounts and optionally saved and stored locally.
List of investor reports, including client monthly statements, trade confirmations, and year-end tax documents. From the list, the user of
the consuming application can open and save a single PDF or open PDFs sequentially to save and store for multiple accounts.
Digital onboarding
A set of APIs that include (1) SSO into the digital onboarding workflow, (2) loading of contact/client data from the third-party system,
and (3) status updates that can be fed back into the third-party system.
Digital address change
SSO into and preload the digital address change tool on Schwab Advisor Center with updated address information from the consuming
application. Digital status is also available.
Digital move money
SSO into and preload the move money tool on Schwab Advisor Center with client and account data from the consuming application.
Digital status is also available.
Service request
Supports the submission of a new service request on Schwab Advisor Center. Service requests are used to submit requests for service,
forms, and documents to Schwab service teams. Digital status is also available.
Trade instructions and
allocations file upload
SSO into and transmit Schwab trade files and block trade allocation files from the consuming application into the Schwab Advisor
Center Trade Blotter. Requires both the trading SSO and the file upload APIs.
fee file upload
SSO into and transmit management fee files from the consuming application into the Schwab Advisor Center Management Fee Blotter.
Requires both the Management Fee Blotter SSO and the file upload APIs.
Data delivery
(in bulk)
An API providing sub-files containing profile, position, balance, account roles, required minimum distribution (RMD), and beneficiary
data, in bulk, as of the previous business day for all accounts at the firm. The consuming application may store the data locally and use
for beginning-of-day analysis, reports, workflows, views, or any other purpose requiring a complete snapshot of all Schwab accounts
managed by the firm. After the data is retrieved, it is the responsibility of a consuming application to secure the data within the
application. Note: Consuming applications can request delta information for profile data.
New from
Standing Authorizations
iRebal APIs
Trading APIs
These APIs are currently being developed on the Schwab API platform to replace APIs that Veo One offered.
Schwab APIs & SSO: Real-time digital account
maintenance and importing
Other Schwab
SFTP statements
Provider Listings
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Schwab Advisor Center account statements
and documents: Bulk, SFTP delivery
What it is
Schwab offers SFTP delivery of various types of account-
related documents on request for third parties working with
one or more registered investment advisors (RIAs).
Why we offer it
Including account-related documents is a great way to
enhance the value of a client portal solution, and this offer
provides an easy way for third parties to import documents
for all accounts on a bulk level. More than 40 different types
of documents are available, ranging from account
statements and tax forms to Schwab Charitable
documents and Pledged Asset Line
documents. The
documents are the same as those available on Schwab
Advisor Center. With SFTP delivery, third parties can choose
the specific document types to download.
How it works
Third parties enrolled in this program are granted an SFTP
account on Schwab’s servers from where they can pull the
documents. The downloading party uses their own FTP
software to retrieve files at their convenience, typically
monthly. The files are then transmitted in a .zip file format,
which can be extracted on receipt and processed into the
advisor’s technology for client use.
How it differs from the TDAI platform
This offer is unique to the Schwab platform and does not
exist on the TDAI platform.
Signing the Master Data Access Agreement is required,
establishing you as an authorized recipient for any clients
who wish to access these statements and documents
through your system.
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
How it differs from the TDAI platform
This offer is unique to the Schwab platform and does not
exist on the TDAI platform.
Provider Listings on
What it is
The Provider Listings page on the Schwab Advisor Services
website is a public online directory of technology and
professional service providers that offer products and
services to RIAs. Within each product listing, you can
include summary information about your product and
company, multiple screenshots of your technology, full
contact and social media information, and details about how
your technology integrates with various Schwab platforms.
Why we offer it
The Provider Listings page is a resource for RIAs who are
beginning their search for new products and services. While
not intended to be a deep dive into product features, it helps
RIAs narrow their search to appropriate candidates. Creating
a profile on the page (at no cost) also provides unique
access to Schwab events, including additional sponsorship
opportunities at IMPACT
How it works
To be listed on the Provider Listings page, you sign a short
agreement, along with a Profile form, where you provide all
the information for the listing. Once you submit the forms,
the Schwab team will publish your listing. You can then
announce your participation in the program and promote
your listing via your marketing and communication channels
(per program guidelines).
Charles Schwab Digital Services
Conversion Guide: TD Ameritrade to Schwab
Please contact us at IntegrationSolutio[email protected] to:
Ensure that you are on our mailing lists, as we send additional updates about
the conversion process
Receive Schwab data file specs and sample files
Discuss how trading connections will convert
Our main portal for sharing conversion information with advisors is located here
Included on this website is the advisor Transition Planning Guide
that covers
additional details and FAQs on the overall conversion process.
For ongoing access to documents related to API and SSO migration, please visit our
Participant Portal
For FIX trading related issues, please contact [email protected]
To learn more about the providers we work with, visit
Work with us and stay connected
This presentation is for general educational purposes only, specifically for technology vendors that work with
Schwab Advisor Services.
Schwab Advisor Services
includes the custody, trading, and support services of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
(“Schwab”), a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC
, and the technology products and services of
Performance Technologies, Inc. (“PTI”). Schwab and PTI are separate companies affiliated as subsidiaries
of The Charles Schwab Corporation, but their products and services are independent of each other. PTI’s
integration solutions integrate data about accounts custodied at Schwab.
API integration is available through Schwab OpenView Gateway
, which is provided by PTI. Single sign-on is
provided by PTI. Daily data files and trading integration are available through Schwab. Schwab OpenView
Gateway and Schwab OpenView MarketSquare
are services of PTI.
References to third parties (whether such parties are vendors participating in a service of PTI or independent
advisors using a service of a participating vendor) are not an endorsement or recommendation of, or an opinion
(favorable or unfavorable) or advice about, or a referral to any product or service of any third party. Advisors are
solely responsible for evaluating, selecting, and purchasing products and services offered by third-party
vendors. Unless indicated otherwise, third parties are independent and not affiliated with PTI or its affiliates.
The mention of third-party firms is not, and should not be construed as, a recommendation, endorsement,
or sponsorship by Schwab. These firms are not affiliated with or employees of Schwab.
©2023 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. (0723-3JG0)