California State University, Long Beach
School of Social Work
Strategic Plan 2020-2023
Academic Excellence, Diversity and Inclusion
in Pursuit of Social Justice
California State University Long Beach, School of Social Work
Strategic Plan 2020-2023
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Table of Contents
Introduction from Strategic Planning Committee ··················································· 2
Brief History of the School of Social Work ··························································· 3
Key Accomplishments from Preceding Strategic Plan 2015-2020 ····························· 4
Strategic Planning Process ··············································································· 8
Situation Analysis ····························································· 10
Direction Setting ······························································· 12
Alignment, Implementation and Evaluation ····························· 17
Strategic Plan: Priorities, Goals and Objectives, Timelines, and Indicators ················19
Academic Excellence ························································· 19
Research and Development ················································ 23
Community Partnerships ···················································· 26
Organizational Culture ························································ 29
References ··································································································32
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Strategic Plan 2020-2023
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Introduction from the Strategic Planning Committee
We are pleased to share the School of Social Work’s Strategic Plan for FY 2020-2023.
This plan builds on the work and success of the strategic plan created for 2015-2018,
which was extended through 2020 first to coincide with the School’s accreditation, and
second to parallel the university-wide vision and strategic planning process, “BEACH
2030.” This 2020-2023 Plan provides the direction and sets the stage for the future
development of the School of Social Work, marked by an ongoing and inclusive
planning process. The Committee was committed to ensuring that strategic initiatives
and goals set forth in the Plan support the School’s Vision, Mission and Core Values,
and are responsive to stakeholder feedback.
Our School of Social Work addresses community challenges related to child welfare,
mental health, health care, substance use, poverty, homelessness, education,
community and interpersonal violence, a growing elder population, and social change.
Through an advanced generalist curriculum, we educate students for micro, mezzo, and
macro practice in government agencies, non-profit organizations, schools, and non-
traditional settings. As we plan to meet the emerging challenges facing populations that
are vulnerable and oppressed, we are also refining our internal infrastructure to build
additional supports within our School.
Our Plan serves as a parallel process for reaccreditation, which next occurs in 2025.
This document is evolving and, over time, will involve additional stakeholders, but is
currently designed to set the School’s broad strategic directions. Although there are
many important activities at the School, this planning document focuses on four areas of
strategic priorities. Detailed work-plans and longer term goals were developed in
collaboration with the individuals or groups responsible for implementing each priority
and will be revised as benchmarks are met. Although specific individuals or groups are
attached to each priority, all faculty and staff were included in the planning process.
An additional purpose of the Plan is to document the School’s alignment of resources
that support the achievement of University priorities. Since our Plan links directly to the
University’s and College’s strategic plan and priorities, its successful implementation will
strengthen the School of Social Work, the College of Health and Human Services, and
the California State University, Long Beach.
The Strategic Planning Committee would like to extend its thanks to all of the students,
alumni, staff, field instructors, and faculty who participated in the development of the
Plan. It is strengthened by the input of key stakeholders who are committed to ensuring
the excellent reputation of the School of Social Work is maintained and enhanced.
Julie O’Donnell (Chair), Phaedra Allen, Mercedes Anderson, James Ferreira, Mimi Kim,
Saana Polk, and Suzie Weng.
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Brief History of the School of Social Work
The School of Social Work started as an undergraduate program; however, social work
courses were part of the University since it was founded in 1949. In 1958, a Social
Welfare major began and, in 1970, Social Welfare became a separate department. The
professional BASW program was started in September 1975, and the first students
graduated in June 1977. CSWE awarded accreditation to the program retroactive to
July 1, 1975. In spring 1979, the program name was changed to Social Work, although
the degree title remained Bachelor of Arts in Social Welfare until 1986, when the degree
name was changed to Bachelor of Arts in Social Work. The BASW program became
impacted in 1993, which means the program has limited enrollment because more
students wish to enroll than can be accommodated.
The Master of Social Work Program began in 1985. The MSW program was accredited
retroactively from 1985, and the first class graduated in 1987. Within five years, the
program had grown to be one of the largest graduate programs on campus. In 2010,
the Department became the School of Social Work.
The MSW program currently has four program models: Advanced Standing, 2-year, 3-
year, and Distance Education. The program has three specializations: Child and Family
Wellbeing, Integrated Health and Adulthood and Aging.
In academic year 2019-2020, the School of Social Work served 790 students; 555
graduate students, 139 continuing undergraduates and 96 new and transfer
Social Work
from Dept. of
Welfare to
Social Work
School of
Social Work
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Key Accomplishments from Preceding Strategic Plan 2015-2020
Strategic Priority #1a: Academic Excellence Admissions
Goal achievementAttracted, recruited, and retained an outstanding and
diverse body of MSW and BASW students.
Objectives completed
o Reinstituted Faculty Admissions committee to provide support to Admissions
o Revised all admissions materials (made accessible on-line) and faculty rating
o Improved admissions processing for more timely decisions and reduced
Performance indicators
o Latinx MSW students increased from just under 50% to over 60% of the total
MSW student population from 2013 to 2018.
o Asian American/Pacific Islander BASW students increased from just over 6%
to almost 12% of the total BASW student population from 2013 to 2018.
o Faculty raters were trained on new forms at faculty meetings and used
discussion to create a more shared understanding of each rating category.
o An increasing trend line in the MSW Admit Yieldtranslated to decreased
attrition of high-quality incoming students.
o Admissions processing of recent cohorts were completed earlier in the
admissions cycle. Since Fall 2017, admissions of incoming cohorts of MSW
and BASW students have been completed in late March/early-April. Previous
years’ admissions processing often continued into June.
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MSW Admissions
Admit Rate
Admit Yield
* Includes Distance Education, which is a three-year part-time model. A
Distance Education cohort is admitted every three years.
Fall 2013* Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016* Fall 2017 Fall 2018
MSW Admit Yield
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Strategic Priority #1b: Academic Excellence Curriculum
Goal AchievementStrengthened implementation of BASW and MSW curricula
that is relevant to ever evolving societal demands, practice needs, and student needs.
Objectives completed
o Completed a comprehensive review and revised the MSW program structure
and developed three new advanced year specializations.
o Reviewed and revised all BASW courses.
o Aligned all MSW and BASW syllabi with newly implemented competency-
based 2015 Council on Social Work Educational Policy and Accreditation
o Restructured faculty committees along revised curriculum.
Performance indicators
o MSW program accreditation reaffirmation for eight years received November
16, 2018.
o BASW program accreditation reaffirmation for eight years received December
3, 2018.
o Generalist curriculum identified as a key strength among alumni and students;
field education program identified as a key strength among field instructors
and students; and 32% of respondents in alumni survey identified the
School’s “academic program” as a strength, second behind “knowledgeable
Strategic Priority #2: Research and Development
Goal achievementIncreased awareness of faculty research projects and
Objectives completed
o Developed a Research Task Force to assume primary responsibility for this
strategic priority.
o Posted faculty articles in School breezeway.
o Implemented consistent faculty research presentations at faculty meetings.
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Strategic Priority #3: Community Partnerships
Goal achievement - Become more productively partnered with our local
community through advocacy, service, and research projects.
Objectives completed
o Created the yearly Collaborative Community & Research MSW Student
Poster presentation which highlights the partnerships and research
accomplishments of our Applied Research Projects and thesis students for
the university and community.
Strategic Priority #4: Organizational Culture
Goal achievementEnhanced sense of pride and commitment to the School
among faculty and staff.
Objectives completed
o Implemented annual School Climate Survey.
o Established School Diversity ad hoc committee.
Performance indicators
o Between 2013 and 2018, significantly increased full-time faculty ratings on the
school climate survey areas of communication adequacy, participation &
involvement, commitment, morale, external reputation, ethics, performance
recognition, goal alignment, and leadership (Director/Administrative Team).
o Increased number of cultural diversity trainings and discussions at faculty
o Increasingly positive feedback was reported in surveys related to faculty/staff
preferences in and satisfaction with diversity training.
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Strategic Planning ProcessMoving Forward to 2023
Although every strategic planning process is different for every academic unit, the
strategic planning process used by the School is modeled on the cycle below where the
steps included:
1. Situation Analysis Where are we now?
2. Direction Setting Where do we want to be?
3. Alignment – How will we get there?
4. Implementation Who does what?
5. Evaluation – How are we doing? What will we monitor?
As highlighted in the figure below, steps one and two were completed in 2018-2019.
Steps three, four, and determining performance indicators of step five were completed
in 2019-2020, and the balance of step five is ongoing during the life of the Plan.
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Strategic Planning ProcessSchool of Social Work
Step 1: Situation
Analysis - Where
are we now?
Internal Issues -
Strengths and
External Issues -
and Threats
Key Drivers of
Social Work
Step 2: Direction -
Where do we want
to be?
Values - What's
important to us
Vision - What
we want to be
Mission - Why
we exist
Linked to
Step 3: Alignment -
How will we get
Key Initiatives
Goals &
Step 4:
Implementation -
Who does what?
Action Plans
Step 5: Evaluation -
How are we doing?
What is monitored?
Adaptations or
(Surveys and
focus groups)
Faculty & Staff
Field Instructors
Academy of
Social Work and
Social Welfare
US Dept. of
Labor /CA EDD
Projections for
Social Work
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Situation Analysis - Where are we now?
Primary Data Collection and Analysis
In Spring 2018, the School launched its next cycle of the strategic
planning process, beginning with data collection efforts from BASW and
MSW students. In April 2018, the Strategic Planning Committee
conducted ten focus groups, four with BASW students and six with MSW
students to solicit feedback regarding their perceptions of strengths,
challenges, and suggestions for improvement in the School’s programs.
Student facilitators were trained to ensure that sufficient time was
available to explore each of these areas. All focus groups were
conducted during class hours, thereby, eliciting a more universal set of
perspectives than if respondents were recruited among volunteers only.
The focus group data and analysis serve as a complement to survey data
collected from BASW and MSW students in May 2018.
In May 2018, an online survey was administered to all graduating MSW students (N=73)
and BASW students (N=34). The survey gathered quantitative feedback on key
program areas and learning outcomes, and open-ended questions collected data on
strengths, challenges, and suggestions for program improvement. After the analysis
was complete, the Committee presented the information collected from students to the
faculty for discussion during the 2018-2019 academic year.
In Fall 2018, the Committee proposed the extension of the 2015-2018 strategic plan and
drafted a timeline for the development and completion of the next Plan for 2020-2023,
which was approved by the faculty.
The next set of data collected was from faculty and staff (N=36) to identify the School’s
core values. Data was also collected on strengths, areas for improvement, areas to
consider during the strategic planning process, and emerging trends/environmental
issues. This data was analyzed and discussed with the full faculty to identify our core
values and to provide direction on revising our Vision and Mission statements.
The Committee also developed online surveys to collect data from field instructors
(N=177) and alumni (N=114). The alumni survey was sent only to MSW alumni who
had graduated since the inception of the new MSW curriculum implemented in 2014.
The majority of both surveys used the Social Work Competencies from the Council on
Social Work Education’s 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards to help
evaluate how well the School was achieving its mission and the relative importance of
each standard. Open-ended questions collected information on strengths, areas for
improvement, and emerging trends/environmental issues. This data was analyzed and
presented to faculty for discussion during Spring 2019 faculty meetings.
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Secondary Data Collection and Analysis
Secondary data sources were also utilized to provide additional context to the primary
data collected from stakeholders. Secondary sources included federal and state jobs
data and information from national social work organizations, including:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor, the principal
federal agency responsible for measuring labor market activity and working
The State of California’s Employment Development Department, Labor Market
Information, the official source for California’s labor market information and
occupational profiles.
The American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, an honorific society
of distinguished scholars and practitioners dedicated to achieving excellence in
the field of social work and social welfare through high-impact work that
advances social good. The Academy’s “Grand Challenges for Social Work”
provide additional support and context to many of the emerging trends and
environmental issues facing social work.
All of this information was synthesized during Spring 2019 to identify School strengths,
challenges, opportunities, and threats. This information, along with monthly faculty
meeting discussions, was used by the Committee to identify core values and themes for
the Vision and Mission statements. Draft Vision, Mission, and Core Values were
presented to the faculty for discussion. The Committee then used this feedback to
revise and strengthen the final Vision and Mission statements and Core Values.
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Direction Setting - Where do we want to be?
California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) is a diverse, student-
centered, globally engaged public university committed to providing
highly-valued undergraduate and graduate educational opportunities
through teaching, research, creative activity and service for the people
of California and the world. CSULB envisions changing lives by
expanding educational opportunities, championing creativity, and
preparing leaders for a changing world.
CSULB is increasingly recognized as a high quality and best value
institution. The university pursues its core mission: providing excellent,
highly-valued, undergraduate and graduate educational opportunities
that make exceptional contributions to the state of California and the public good. As a
result of its commitment to its mission, CSULB provides an unusually high return on
public investment and makes a remarkable contribution to the “public good.”
The BEACH 2030 Initiative was launched at the university’s 2018 convocation as a
process to “prepare the university for the world of tomorrow by building collective
capacity for thinking about and shaping a shared future rather than simply responding to
it as it unfolds.”
BEACH 2030 integrated the campus goals of intellectual
achievement, inclusive excellence, and serving the public good through an innovative
visioning process that included the entire campus and community partners. At the
university’s 2019 convocation, the new BEACH 2030 Vision, Mission, Core Values, and
Strategic Priorities were unveiled.
School of Social Work Vision
The School’s new Vision statement approved by the faculty in Spring 2019 follows:
As a student-centered School of Social Work, we strive to enhance the lives of
populations that are vulnerable and oppressed through academic excellence, ethics,
inclusion of all forms of diversity, community partnerships and social justice.
Link to
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School of Social Work Mission
The School’s new Mission statement approved by the faculty in Spring 2019 follows:
To provide professional social work education that inspires critical thinking and lifelong
learning to students who will serve in diverse social work practice areas and roles,
engage in collaborative research to contribute to the well-being of populations that are
vulnerable and oppressed and advance social work knowledge, and strengthen our
communities through meaningful partnerships.
School of Social Work Core Values
The School recommitted to its core values in Spring 2019 as follows:
Academic Excellence
Inclusion and Diversity
Community Engagement
Quality in Teaching
Pursuit of Social Justice
Commitment to vulnerable populations
Integrity and ethics
Linking to Institutional Priorities
Linkage and alignment planning as part of the School’s strategic planning process
ensures a strong and direct connection between the School of Social Work’s vision,
mission, and operational resources to the university’s and the College of Health and
Human Services’ core values and established priorities. The following tables cross-
reference how the School is aligned with and links with the BEACH 2030 envisioned
future, and highlights key connections between our vision and mission statements, core
values, and strategic priorities. As highlighted below, not only do the School of Social
Work’s vision, mission, and core values mirror the university’s, but the School of Social
Work’s strategic priorities are also embedded in the CSULB mission statement and
BEACH 2030 strategic priorities. As a result, the following tables facilitate the
documentation of how the successes of the School of Social Work in each of our
strategic priorities directly contribute to the success of CSULB and the achievement of
its priorities.
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Linking School of Social Work with University & CHHS Plans
School of Social Work
College of Health and Human
California State University, Long Beach
will be a force for good at the forefront of
public education in California and the
As a student-centered School of
Social Work, we strive to enhance the
lives of populations that are
vulnerable and oppressed through
academic excellence, ethics,
inclusion of all forms of diversity,
community partnerships and social
CHHS will be nationally and
internationally recognized as an
innovator and leader in community
connections, the discovery of
knowledge, and educating diverse
students in the health and human
services professions.
Core Values
Teaching and learning are at the
center of who we are and all we do.
Compassion, creativity, and
innovation characterize our culture.
Diversity is our strength
The public good is our
Core Values
Academic Excellence
Inclusion and Diversity
Community Engagement
Quality in Teaching
Pursuit of Social Justice
Commitment to vulnerable
Integrity and ethics
Core Values
Growth Mindset
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School of Social Work
College of Health and Human
California State University, Long Beach
enriches studentslives through globally
informed, high-impact educational
experiences with superior teaching,
research, creative activity, and action for
the public good.
To provide professional social work
education that inspires critical
thinking and lifelong learning to
students who will serve in diverse
social work practice areas and roles,
engage in collaborative research to
contribute to the wellbeing of
populations that are vulnerable and
oppressed, and advance social work
knowledge, and strengthen our
communities through meaningful
Connect, Discover, Educate
The School of Social Work’s strategic priorities for 2020-2023 are included here in colored font for ease of reference.
Additional details and definitions of the School’s strategic priorities follow.
Academic ExcellenceSSW strategic priority #1
Research and DevelopmentSSW strategic priority #2
Community PartnershipsSSW strategic priority #3
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CSULB Strategic Priorities
Engage All Students:
Prepare students for their
journeys to success.
Expand Access:
Commit to students
socioeconomic mobility by
removing barriers to
higher education.
Promote Intellectual
Rigor, relevance, and
impact are hallmarks of our
campus community.
Build Community:
Support a compassionate
community that is
characterized by a strong
sense of belonging and
shared governance with
shared responsibility.
Cultivate Resilience:
Implement innovative,
entrepreneurial, and
forward-looking actions to
strengthen the institution
and support the
aspirations of community
Leverage faculty, staff
and student expertise
in developing affordable,
high-impact educational
experiences that are
responsive to students
strengths, needs and
Prepare students to
think and problem-
solve creatively through
responsive, flexible,
disciplinary, and
Engage students in
robust internships,
international learning
experiences, service
learning, and hands-on
learning experiences in
and out of the
Offer curriculum and co-
curricular activities that
encompass life skills and
prepare students to
become engaged
citizens and leaders.
Expand opportunities
for teaching and
learning for both
traditional and non-
traditional student
Diversify our portfolio
of curricular offerings
to address the needs
and strengths of our
extended community of
learners and the
innovation/work force
needs of our region.
Use a rich array of
pedagogies and
solutions, and explore
new scheduling patterns
and locations.
Adapt all teaching and
learning resources to
address the unique
needs and strengths of
our students.
Stimulate collaborative
and interdisciplinary
research, scholarship,
and creative activities in
support of our values.
Use sponsored research
and creative activities as
a means to amplify
student learning.
Lead research,
innovation, and problem
solving in response to
the grand challenges in
society and culture in the
communities we serve.
Build knowledge in and
across a variety of
disciplines to advance the
university’s regional and
global engagement.
Be a model of a diverse
and respectful
community of students,
faculty, staff, alumni, and
Foster a community of
belonging where
everyone’s voice and
well-being are valued.
Create an environment
where all campus
members experience the
joy of intellectual
pursuits, purposeful work
and meaningful
opportunities for self and
Open the university
campus to collaborative
partnerships that create
new cultural, intellectual,
and economic value for
the region and beyond.
Prioritize community
health and well-being.
Build infrastructure and
adopt practices to
promote sustainability
and withstand climate
Increase financial
capacity through
legislative advocacy,
partnerships, and more
to withstand economic
Be nimble and
proactive in an ever-
changing technological
Academic Excellence Research and Development Community Partnerships Organizational Culture
SSW Strategic Priority #1 SSW Strategic Priority #2 SSW Strategic Priority #3 SSW Strategic Priority #4
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Alignment, Implementation, and Evaluation
Whereas the vision, mission, and core values provide the
direction of where the School of Social Work wants to be,
the strategic priorities, goals, and objectives offer how
the School’s resources will be aligned to get us there.
The School of Social Work has re-launched its four
strategic priorities and approaches for 2020-2023.
Establishing strategic priorities facilitates the School of
Social Work’s efforts to focus resources on what is
important and guide our individual and collective action
towards our long and short-term goals:
1. Academic Excellence
2. Research and Development
3. Community Partnerships
4. Organizational Culture
As highlighted in the previous mapping, these priorities align the School’s mission with
the university and CHHS missions and key priorities and establishes the approaches of
strategic success.
Fall 2019 Strategic Planning Retreat
On September 10, 2019, a full-day faculty retreat was held to kick-off the second half of
the strategic planning process. The goals of the day were to provide a progress report
on the planning process, share accomplishments from the current strategic plan,
approve a framework of current priorities, and continue to collect information from
faculty to identify strategic initiatives and issues. During the retreat, small group
conversations were facilitated by strategic planning committee members. Data
collected from these conversations were themed and reported back to faculty.
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The strategic planning committee members sorted themes collected from the Strategic
Planning Retreat and drafted preliminary goals, objectives, and timelines. Over the
course of the 2019-2020 academic year, these drafts were discussed in collaboration
with the individuals and groups responsible for each of the goals, were further refined in
faculty meeting discussions, and formed the basis in developing the strategies, goals
and objectives, timelines, and performance indicators of the new 2020-2023 strategic
In the strategic plan that follows, cross-references to university strategic priorities not
only provide support for the School’s strategic initiatives, but they are also included
insomuch that the School’s success contributes to the university’s achievement of key
priorities and goals. The following framework provides the basis for the School’s
collective action in carrying out the School’s mission to achieve the School’s envisioned
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Academic Excellence. Provide an inspiring educational environment that is
responsive to a changing student population and practice context to students positioned
for success as professionals and leaders.
CSULB BEACH 2030 Strategic Priority primary reference Engage All Students:
Prepare students for their journeys to success.
Leverage faculty, staff and student expertise in developing affordable, high-impact educational
experiences that are responsive to students’ strengths, needs, and aspirations.
Prepare students to think and problem-solve creatively through responsive, flexible, disciplinary,
and interdisciplinary curriculum.
Engage students in robust internships, international learning experiences, service learning, and
hands-on learning experiences in and out of the classroom.
Offer curriculum and co-curricular activities that encompass life skills and prepare students to
become engaged citizens and leaders.
CSULB’s core academic purpose is to graduate students with highly-valued degrees,
i.e., degrees that give students knowledge to succeed in specific careers, provide them
with transferable skills to adjust to new opportunities in an ever-changing market-place,
and educate them to be productive and responsible citizens of our twenty-first century
world. At CSULB this effort is called the “Highly Valued Degree Initiative” which
exemplifies the commitment to student success and high academic standards that drive
Teaching excellence is the core of the campus mission on student success; excellence
in faculty research, scholarly, and creative activities strengthens academic programs
and adds “high value” to CSULB degrees. Student involvement is the laboratory for
learning and skill building where students can apply the theories and lessons from the
classroom to real world experiences. The campus emphasizes student engagement
through undergraduate and graduate student research, artistic and creative expression,
School of Social Work Strategic Priority #1:
Academic Excellence
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academic internships, service learning, and international opportunities.
CSULB uses evidence about student learning to improve curricula and
pedagogies continuously.
Social Work’s significant contribution towards the university’s core
purposeto graduate students with highly valued degreesand top priority of
intellectual achievement and the corresponding “Highly Valued Degree Initiative” is
noteworthy. According to the United States Department of Labor, Social Work is one of
the fastest growing professions in the United States and overall employment of social
workers is projected to grow 11 percent from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the
average for all occupations. Employment growth will be driven by increased demand for
healthcare and social services, but will vary by specialization:
Employment of child, family, and school social workers is projected to grow 7%.
Employment of healthcare social workers is projected to grow 17%.
Employment of mental health and substance abuse social workers is projected to
grow 18%.
According to the State of California’s Employment Development Department, the
occupational outlook for social workers from 2016 to 2026 is similar to federal
Employment of child, family, and school social workers is projected to grow by
Employment of healthcare social workers is projected to grow by 20.9%
Employment of mental health and substance abuse social workers is projected to
grown by 16.3%
Employment of social and community service managers is projected to increase by
School of Social Work Core Values
Academic Excellence
Quality in Teaching
Inclusion and Diversity
Integrity and Ethics
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Goals, Objectives, Timelines, and Performance Indicators
Goal 1: Prepare MSW and BASW graduates with the
knowledge and skills needed for entry into the dynamic
social work workforce.
Primary Responsibility:
Curriculum Committee
Objective: Enhance the MSW and BASW curriculum to actively
engage students in the integration and synthesis of generalist
social work practice through the application of knowledge and
skills demonstration, with an eye toward curriculum
enhancements in the following areas:
Identify and assess redundancies, gaps, currency, and
emerging social work practice trends.
Resolve redundancies, gaps, currency, and incorporate
emerging social work practice trends.
Identify and implement curriculum integration strategies
across micro, mezzo, and macro levels, including
evidence-based practices on all levels.
December 2020
May 2021
May 2023
Objective: Implement relevant learning pedagogies focused on
the principles of adult learning and engaging students in
experiential skill-building and demonstration.
May 2022
Objective: Develop opportunities to engage faculty in
discussion regarding appropriate expectations for bachelor and
master-level courses, and ensure similar expectations are
upheld across courses.
May 2023
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Goals, Objectives, Timelines, and Performance Indicators
Goal 2: Strengthen and improve the field education program.
Primary Responsibility:
Director of Field
Objective: Enhance communication with field instructors to
improve responses on problem resolution and notifications on
key field education timelines.
December 2020
Objective: Implement opportunities for deeper connections and
enhanced communication among faculty, field liaisons, and
field instructors, with an eye toward enhancements in the
following areas:
Integrate classroom content with field placement
o Clarify when and which theories are introduced in
o Identify current practice trends in the field.
Provide additional training and supports for Field
May 2022
May 2023
Objective: Implement strategies to enhance student
December 2020
Objective: Update and enhance field education tools.
December 2020
Objective: Ensure all field seminar liaisons are current on field
education policy and receive ongoing consultation and support.
May 2022
Performance Indicators:
BASW Student Exit Survey BASW perceptions of implicit curriculum.
MSW Student Exit Survey MSW perceptions of implicit curriculum.
Alumni survey findings.
Field Instructor survey findings.
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Research and Development. Enhance the scholarly profile of the School of Social
Work through continued enhancements to support faculty and student research and
creative activity.
CSULB BEACH 2030 Strategic Priority primary referencePromote Intellectual
Achievement: Rigor, relevance, and impact are hallmarks of our campus community.
Stimulate collaborative and interdisciplinary research, scholarship, and creative activities in
support of our values.
Use sponsored research and creative activities as a means to amplify student learning.
Lead research, innovation, and problem solving in response to the grand challenges in society
and culture in the communities we serve.
Build knowledge in and across a variety of disciplines to advance the university’s regional and
global engagement.
In keeping with the mission of the university, sustaining an environment and enhancing
resources that supports faculty research, scholarly, and creative activity (RSCA) is
crucial to maintaining the quality of teaching, preserving historical knowledge and
practices, generating new knowledge and practices, and preparing the next generation
of leaders. RSCA is an essential element of the evaluation of CSULB faculty members.
Faculty members who are active in RSCA create new knowledge and innovation that
advance thought and practice in their fields of expertise. Moreover, faculty members
who are active and current in RSCA enhance the quality of the classroom experience
and, thereby, the quality of the degrees our students hold at graduation. RSCA involving
undergraduate and graduate students is a hallmark of CSULB.
School of Social Work Strategic Priority #2:
Research and Development
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School of Social Work Core Values
Academic Excellence
Quality in Teaching
Commitment to Vulnerable Populations
Integrity and Ethics
Goals, Objectives, Timelines, and Performance Indicators
Goal 3: Engage in high-quality research and scholarship that
addresses regional and statewide challenges to improve the
well-being of vulnerable and oppressed populations.
Primary Responsibility:
Objective: Expand the Research Task Force and explore the
possibility of establishing a standing Research Committee.
Director, School
of Social Work
December 2020
Objective: Survey faculty to identify needed supports for
research, scholarly, and creative activities.
Research Task
May 2021
Objective: Develop supports for faculty research agenda
including a faculty mentoring program, faculty research support
initiatives, and funding streams to provide monetary support for
conferences, editors, and student research assistantships.
Director, School
of Social Work
May 2023
Objective: Regularly inventory current research and scholarly
and creative activities within the school, and share to highlight
potential collaboration opportunities.
Research Task
May 2021
Objective: Create permanent structures and development
opportunities for students to gain research experience.
Director, School
of Social Work
May 2023
Research and
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Goals, Objectives, Timelines and Performance Indicators
Goal 4: Elevate the visibility of Social Work research,
scholarship, and creative work.
Primary Responsibility:
Objective: Develop an interactive, visible, and searchable
website that highlights faculty areas of publications,
presentations, and expertise in research.
Director, School
of Social Work
January 2021
Objective: Publicize faculty and student research and funded
grants to key stakeholders within and outside the university on
an annual basis.
Research Task
December 2021
and December
Performance Indicators:
Establishment of Research Committee as standing committee.
Updated website.
Establishment of annual RSCA inventory.
Publication of research and creative activities to internal and external
Number of faculty publications, presentations, RSCA’s, grant proposal
submissions, Mini-Grants, and Summer Stipends.
Student RSCA Engagement:
Establishment of student research structure.
Students collaborating on publications.
Students participating and presenting in professional conferences.
Students involved on research projects, creative activities, and other research
activities, e.g. ORSP Summer Student Research Stipend Program,
research assistantships, etc.
Research and
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Community Partnerships. Create and maintain community partnerships through
School of Social Work community service which strengthens communities, community
organizations, and social systems in Long Beach, its surrounding areas, and throughout
the state of California.
BEACH 2030 Strategic Priority primary reference Cultivate Resilience:
Implement innovative, entrepreneurial, and forward-looking actions to strengthen the
institution and support the aspirations of community members.
Prioritize community health and well-being.
Build infrastructure and adopt practices to promote sustainability and withstand climate uncertainty.
Increase financial capacity through legislative advocacy, corporate partnerships, and more to
withstand economic volatility.
Be nimble and proactive in an ever-changing technological landscape.
The University is an integral part of a greater community that extends beyond the
physical campus and strives to contribute to the nation’s ongoing struggle for social
justice. CSULB has been recognized as one of the top 10 universities in the nation for
moving Americans into the middle class. It has achieved national recognition for
involvement with Long Beach Unified Schools and Long Beach City College through the
Long Beach College Promise. The university has many partnerships in the greater
community with business and industry, with health care, and other organizations.
School of Social Work Strategic Priority #3:
Community Partnerships
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School of Social Work Core Values
Inclusion and Diversity
Community Engagement
Pursuit of Social Justice
Commitment to Vulnerable Populations
Goals, Objectives, Timelines, and Performance Indicators
Goal 5: Elevate the visibility of community service.
Primary Responsibility:
Objective: Establish a Community Service Task Force that
Director, School of Social Work
Director of Field Education
Faculty NASW Liaison
Chair of Alumni Relations
Other nominated faculty members
Director, School of
Social Work
December 2020
Objective: Develop an inventory of community service
activities, and establish a schedule of collection at regular
Community Service
Task Force
May 2021
Objective: Develop an interactive, visible, and searchable
website that highlights faculty areas of service.
Director, School of
Social Work
January 2021
Objective: Publicize faculty and student community service
to key stakeholders within and outside the university on an
annual basis.
Community Service
Task Force
December 2021 and
December 2022
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Goals, Objectives, Timelines, and Performance Indicators
Goal 6: Pursue and improve meaningful community
partnerships that advance the action for public good and
assist the School in achieving its mission and envisioned
Primary Responsibility:
Objective: Develop a Community Advisory Board
Determine charter, purpose, and role.
Recruit members.
Implement regular schedule of meetings.
Director, School of
Social Work;
Director of Field
Education; and
Community Service
Task Force
May 2021
Objective: Develop local partnerships with established
networks, agencies, and cities, e.g. Long Beach non-profit
partnership, Youth Services Council, City of Long Beach,
etc., that mutually achieve the partner’s and the School’s
strategic priorities.
Director, School of
Social Work;
Director of Field
Education; and
Community Service
Task Force
December 2021
Objective: Strengthen alumni and NASW relations.
Collaborate with NASW California Chapter, Region I
office to develop events and continuing education
opportunities for students, alumni and NASW
Region I members.
Strengthen relationship with NASW California
Chapter, Region I.
Chair of Alumni
Relations and
Faculty NASW
May 2022
Performance Indicators:
Establishment of Community Service Task Force.
Updated website.
Publications of community service activities to internal and external audiences.
Establishment of community service inventory.
Establishment of Community Advisory Board.
Number of CAB meetings.
Newly developed/enhanced partnerships.
Number of events in collaboration with NASW California Chapter, Region I and
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Organizational Culture. Foster a spirit of community within the School of Social Work.
BEACH 2030 Strategic Priority primary reference Build Community: Support a
compassionate community that is characterized by a strong sense of belonging and
shared governance with shared responsibility.
Be a model of a diverse and respectful community of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and administrators.
Foster a community of belonging where everyone’s voice and well-being are valued.
Create an environment where all campus members experience the joy of intellectual pursuits,
purposeful work and meaningful opportunities for self and professional development.
Open the university campus to collaborative partnerships that create new cultural, intellectual, and
economic value for the region and beyond.
Inclusive Excellence. CSULB is home to a community of students and faculty who are
diverse in many dimensions: race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, ability, and
much more. The university encourages an inclusive culture of respect, collegiality, and
civility. CSULB strives always to promote respect for all, support diverse perspectives,
provide opportunities to engage in controversial issues with mutual respect, and offer
opportunities to serve others. In a healthy, safe, and supportive campus environment,
CSULB strives to provide holistic development for students.
School of Social Work Core Values
Inclusion and Diversity
Integrity and Ethics
Strategic Priority #4: Organizational Culture
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Goals, Objectives, Timelines, and Performance Indicators
Goal 7: Develop a comprehensive faculty development and
mentoring program.
Primary Responsibility:
Director, School of
Social Work
Objective: Create an ad hoc committee of professors at all
levels to develop structure and expectations for faculty
mentoring program.
December 2020
Objective: Implement faculty mentoring program.
May 2021
Objective: Create a feedback structure so that part-time and
adjunct faculty who want feedback on their teaching, research,
and service can receive consultation.
May 2022
Goal 8: Cultivate an environment that embraces differences
and encourages accountability to build an open and
inclusive learning environment that fosters equity, respect,
and understanding.
Primary Responsibility:
Diversity Committee
Faculty and Staff
Objective: Establish Diversity Committee as a standing
December 2020
Director, School
of Social Work
Objective: Advance awareness and pedagogical sensitivity
related to equity and diversity through faculty meeting
discussions and trainings.
December 2021
Objective: Engage and inform faculty about inclusive
pedagogy, classroom climate, and diverse learning styles.
May 2021
Objective: Integrate all aspects of diversity strategies at
multiple levels in the School including leadership, faculty
recruitment, admissions, class content, and student activities.
May 2023
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Goals, Objectives, Timelines, and Performance Indicators
Goal 9: Enrich relationships among faculty and staff and
sharing of accomplishments to create an environment where
everyone’s voice and well-being are valued.
Primary Responsibility:
Objective: Continue biennial Organizational Climate Survey.
Strategic Planning
and Assessment
May 2021
May 2023
Objective: Establish a staff development program:
Survey staff to identify supports, learning needs, and
development opportunities.
Design staff development program.
Implement staff development program.
Faculty and Staff
May 2020
January 2021
March 2021
Objective: Establish an annual school-wide retreat or kick-off
event to foster a spirit of community in the School to further
develop relationships, monitor school’s Strategic Plan,
prepare for accreditation, etc.
Director, School of
Social Work
September 2020
Performance Indicators:
Establishment of faculty mentoring ad hoc committee and faculty mentoring
program implementation.
Establishment of part-time/adjunct faculty feedback and consultation structure.
Establishment of Diversity Committee as a standing committee.
Diversity training Level 1 evaluation results.
School Climate survey findings.
Faculty and staff training Level 1 evaluation results.
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United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (2018). Occupational
Outlook Handbook: Social Workers.
service/social-workers.htm#tab-6. Retrieved April 16, 2019.
State of California, Employment Development Department (2019). Labor Market
Information, Occupation Profiles. Retrieved April
17, 2019.
The American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare (2019). The Grand
Challenges for Social Work. Retrieved April
17, 2019.
California State University Long Beach (2017). Strategic Priorities and Goals 2017-
pdf. Retrieved April 16, 2019.
California State University Long Beach (2018). BEACH 2030 President’s Message. Retrieved
September 13, 2018.
California State University Long Beach (2019). CSULB Mission, Vision and Values,
unveiled at Convocation 2019.
values-and-priorities Retrieved August 26, 2019.
Strategic Planning Documents
Kim, M. & Weng, S. (2019). BSW and MSW Student Perceptions of CSULB Social
Work ExperienceStrategic Planning.
O’Donnell, J. & Ferreira, J. (2018). Results of 2018 Field Instructor Survey Strategic
O’Donnell, J. & Ferreira, J. (2019). Results of 2018 Alumni Survey Strategic Planning.
Potts, M. (2018). BASW Perceptions of Implicit CurriculumProgram Assessment.
Potts, M. (2019). BASW Perceptions of Implicit Curriculum Program Assessment.
Potts, M. (2018). MSW Perceptions of Implicit CurriculumProgram Assessment.
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Potts, M. (2019). MSW Perceptions of Implicit CurriculumProgram Assessment.
Potts, M. & O’Donnell, J. (2018). Organizational Health Questionnaire Results, 2018
Strategic Planning.