Curriculum Vitae Xenia K. Morin
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Xenia K. Morin, Ph.D.
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Office of the Executive Dean
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Martin Hall, Suite 104,
88 Lipman Drive, New Brunswick NJ 0890-8525
; (848) 932-3502
Current Position
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS), Associate Dean
and Liaison for Sponsored Research. (March 2011 August 2015)
Serve as an essential resource to grow the research funding base of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. Her principal mission will be to increase the visibility of school and
experiment station researchers and to help position them strategically to take full advantage of all large-scale,
multidisciplinary funding opportunities. In addition, her office will provide grantsmanship training and consultation,
disseminate relevant and timely information about funding opportunities and agency programmatic initiatives, sponsor
research-focused events, suggest potential internal and external collaborations, prepare researchers for funding agency
meetings, and contribute content on an as-needed basis. Assist in decanal initiatives such as agricultural sciences curriculum
development and urban farming programs and conference support. Strategic advisor to Peter Gillies, Director of the New
Jersey Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health and to Mark Miller, Director of the Rutgers Institute for Earth, Oceans and
Atmospheric Sciences.
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS), Undergraduate
Program Director for Agriculture and Food Systems Major. (Effective July 1, 2015)
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS), Senior Associate
Dean for Learning and Associate Teaching Professor of Plant Biology and Pathology. (Effective September 1, 2015).
1981-1985 B.Sc. Specialist in Biochemistry; Major in Human Physiology; Minor in Physics, School of Arts
and Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
1985-1986 Department of Agronomy, School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca,
NY. (Advisor: Peter Steponkus). Research Area: Plant cold-stress and membrane lipid structure.
1986-1992 Ph.D. Biochemistry. Department of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, School of
Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca NY. (Adviser: Richard E. McCarty;
Dissertation Committee: Andre Jagendorf; Peter Hinkle; Tom Owens). Dissertation title:
“Metabolite Transport across the Chloroplast Inner Envelope Membrane.”
Professional Research Training
1982-1984 Undergraduate summer research experience. University of Toronto, Department of Clinical
Biochemistry. Research area: kidney physiology. (Advisor: Andrew Baines).
1985 Undergraduate summer research experience. University of Toronto and Hospital for Sick
Children, Department of Biochemistry. Research area: integral membrane protein structure.
(Advisor: Charles M. Deber).
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1992-1993 Postdoctoral Training, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany.
Research area: plant membrane cell biology. (Advisor: Warner Kuhlbrandt).
1993-1996 Postdoctoral Training and Fellowship. Research Institute, Department of Cell Biology, Hospital
for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada. Main area of research: cystic fibrosis research. (Advisor:
Christine Bear).
1996-2001 Two F1 Experiments. Toronto, Canada, and Wilmington, DE.
2001-2004 Keck Postdoctoral Teacher Scholarship Fellowship. Department of Chemistry and Department of
Biology, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA. Research area: molecular biology and
biochemistry of ribosomal assembly. (Advisors: Susan White and Karen Greif).
2009 International Short Course on Agroecology and Participatory Action Research. University of
Vermont, VT, July 2009.(
Professional Teaching Training
1984-1985 Undergraduate Assistant. Introductory Biology. University of Toronto.
1986-1987 Graduate Teaching Assistant. Introductory Biochemistry and Introductory Biochemistry
Laboratory. Department of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca,
NY. (Advisors: Renee Alexander, Genia Albrecht and Jim Blankenship).
1990-1992 Co-Founder and developer of the TA Training Project (with Marty Taylor), Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY.
Employment History and Appointments
2005-2011 Lecturer, Princeton Writing Program, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.
2007-2011 Lecturer, Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.
2010-2011 Lecturer (part-time), Graduate Program, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International
Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.
2010-2011 Researcher (part-time) Cover Crops Project with Tim Searchinger, STEP Program, Woodrow
Wilson School for Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. (Grant
2010-2011 Faculty Consultant (part-time), School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers, The
State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ.
2011-2015 Research Development Professionals Network, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New
Brunswick, NJ.
2011- Associate Dean and Liaison for Sponsored Research, Office of the Executive Dean, School of
Environmental and Biological Sciences and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ.
2011- Executive Dean’s Cabinet, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ. Includes subcommittee assignments on
communications and administrative organization.
2011- Strategic Team Member for Grants, New Jersey Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health, Rutgers,
The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ.
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2014- Advisory Committee, Institute for Earth, Oceans and Atmospheric Sciences, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ.
2015- Undergraduate Program Director, Agriculture and Food Systems Major, School of Environmental
and Biological Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ
(effective July 1; 3 year appointment).
Professional Activities
Research Focus: Dr. Morin researches the debate around genetically modified food as well as the local and organic
food movement. Her research is expanding to sustainable and climate-smart agriculture as well as the connection
between nutrition and horticulture. She is a member of an educational research team looking at the role of
documentary film making in engaging non-science students in learning science. Additionally, she is involved in
grants developing training opportunities for faculty and post-graduate scientists on academic research tracks.
Teaching Focus: Beginning July 1, 2015, she will serve as the undergraduate program director for the Agriculture
and Food Systems major. Dr. Morin will be teaching the new Introduction to Agriculture and Food Systems class
(200-level) beginning Fall 2015. She has taught classes in biochemistry (lecture and lab); biology and public policy;
composition writing; thesis writing, research and proposal writing; she has also taught on topics such as
environmental studies; childhood obesity; agriculture and food systems.
Climate Change-Associated Work: Dr. Morin is the co-producer for Antarctic Edge: 7 South, a new 72 min
documentary film that has climate change as one of its themes. Dr. Morin has served as co-organizer, moderator
and host for two climate-related conferences: Symposium on Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainability and
Feeding a Hot and Hungry Planet: The Challenges of Feeding More People While Reducing Greenhouse Gas
Emissions. Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University. April 29-May 1, 2009, Princeton, NJ.
Team Building: Facilitate, develop and participate in interdisciplinary research and projects that bring together
diverse groups of researchers to tackle difficult issues where science and society intersect. My main focus is on
agriculture and food systems as well as environmental issues. Science communication to informal audiences.
Awards and Honors
1984 Undergraduate Life Sciences Summer Fellowship for Research, University of Toronto, Toronto,
1984-1985 McCleary Scholarship, University of Toronto.
1985 Lang Scholarship in Life Sciences Graduation Award, University of Toronto,
1985 A.D. Baines Graduation Award in the Life Sciences, University of Toronto,
1992 Congressional Science Fellowship, American Society of Plant Physiologists (declined).
1993 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Postdoctoral Fellowship. Heidelberg, Germany.
1994-1996 Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.
2002 Governor’s Award, Delaware State Parks, State of Delaware (awarded for work done as President
of the Friends of Bellevue State Park).
2008-2010 High Meadows Foundation Grant for Sustainable Agriculture Curriculum Development, Princeton
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2014 Dean’s Excellence Team Award for the “Strawberry Project.” School for Environmental and
Biological Sciences and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey, New Brunswick NJ.
2015 Film Festival Awards for Antarctic Edge: 70° South (Dena Seidel, director). Princeton
Environmental Film Festival, Best in Festival; International Lighthouse Film Festival, Best
Documentary Film Award (
Recent Publications and Other Products
2014 Malone, R.W., D.B. Jaynes, T.C. Kaspar, K.R. Thorp, E. Kladivko, L. Ma, D.E. James, J. Singer,
X.K. Morin, and T. Searchinger. 2014. Cover crops in the upper Midwestern United States:
Simulated effect on nitrate leaching with artificial drainage. Journal of Soil and Water
Conservation 69(4):292-305; doi:10.2489/jswc.69.4.292
Kladivko, E.J., T.C. Kaspar, D.B. Jaynes, R.W. Malone, J. Singer, X.K. Morin, and T.
Searchinger. 2014. Cover crops in the upper Midwestern United States: Potential adoption and
reduction of nitrate leaching in the Mississippi River Basin. Journal of Soil and Water
Conservation 69(4):279-291; doi:10.2489/jswc.69.4.279
Other Products:
2015 Seidel D., Ludescher R., Holloway S., Morin X.K., Linder C. Antarctic Edge: 70° South. [DVD].
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University and First Run Features; New York City, NY. August 4,
2015. 72 min. Documentary. (Also release forthcoming on iTunes (June 30, 2015) and Netflix
(June 30, 2015)).
2013 Hallman, W.K., C.L. Cuite, and X.K. Morin. 2013, Genetically Modified Foods Working Paper
2013-01. Available at:
2012 Barmeier H and X.K. Morin. 2012. Resilient Urban Community Gardening Programs in the
United States and Municipal-Third Sector ‘Adaptive Co-Governance’ in Sustainable Food
Planning: Evolving Theory and Practice, Viljoen and Wiskerke eds. Wageningen Academic
Publishers. ISBN: 978-90-8686-187-3.
2011 Tipping the Scales: Strategies for Changing How America’s Children Eat. A Report to the Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation. Graduate Policy Class Report done under the supervision of Xenia
Morin. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. January 2011.
Older Publications:
2008 Morin XK. Genetically modified food from crops: progress, pawns, and possibilities. Anal
Bioanal Chem. (2008). 392(3):333-40.
Daunert S, Deo S, Morin X, Roda A. The genetically modified foods debate: demystifying the
controversy through analytical chemistry. Anal Bioanal Chem. (2008). 392(3):327-31.
1998 Pasyk EA, Morin XK, Zeman P, Garami E, Galley K, Huan LJ, Wang Y, Bear CE. A conserved
region of the R domain of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator is important in
processing and function. J Biol Chem. 1998 Nov 27;273(48):31759-64. PubMed PMID: 9822639.
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1997 Morin XK and J. Soll. Immunogold labeling of cryosectioned pea chloroplasts and initial
characterization of proteins associated with the chloroplast import machinery. Planta. 201: 119-
1995 Morin XK, Bond TD, Loo TW, Clarke DM, Bear CE. Failure of P-glycoprotein (MDR1)
expressed in Xenopus oocytes to produce swelling-activated chloride channel activity. J Physiol.
1995 Aug 1;486 ( Pt 3):707-14. PubMed PMID: 7473231; PubMed Central PMCID:
1993 Young XK, McCarty RE. Assay of Proton-Coupled Glycolate and D-Glycerate Transport into
Chloroplast Inner Envelope Membrane Vesicles by Stopped-Flow Fluorescence. Plant Physiol.
1993 Mar; 101(3):793-799. PubMed PMID: 12231730; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC158692.
1988 Brandl CJ, Deber RB, Hsu LC, Woolley GA, Young, XK, Deber CM. Evidence for similar
function of transmembrane segments in receptor and membrane-anchored proteins. Biopolymers.
1988 Jul; 27(7):1171-28. PMID: 2850033.
1986 Deber CM, Brandl CJ, Deber RB, Hsu LC, Young XK. Amino acid composition of the membrane
and aqueous domains of integral membrane proteins. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1986 Nov 15;
251(1): 68-76.
Invited Talks/Posters
2015 X. Morin. GMOs Why or Why not?Greenhour Radio, Lambertville, NJ. Invited speaker. July
6, 2015. (
Hillman, B. and X. Morin with S. Krimsky and M. Hansen. Oxford Style Debate. “GMOs Have
an Adverse Effect on Human Health and the Environment,” 25
Anniversary Winter Conference,
Northeast Organic Farming Association- New Jersey, (NOFA-NJ), Brookdale Community
College, Lindcroft NJ. January 25, 2014. (Video:
Simon, J.E., D. Hoffman, S. Weller, R. Govindasamy, E. Van Wyk, Nyabinda Ondego, Xenia
Morin and David Byrnes. Improving Nutrition and Income of Smallholder Farmers in Eastern
Africa Using a Market Driven Approach to Enhance Value Chain Production of African
Indigenous Vegetables, 2015-2020. Presented at the annual meeting of the Horticulture Innovation
Lab, Lusaka, Zambia, June10-12, 2015. Presented by J.Simon.
2014 Cuite, C. L., Hallman, W. K., & Morin, X. Support for Labelling of Genetically Modified Foods:
How You Ask Matters. Paper presented at the 34
annual meeting of the Society for Risk
Analysis, Denver, Colorado. December 9, 2014. Invited talk presented by C. Cuite.
2012 Goodman, R. and X.K. Morin. “The Emerging Ecological Paradigm of Agriculture and
Scholarship, 2012 Karl Maramorosch Lecture, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, January
31, 2012. Invited talk.
2012 Barmeier H and X.K. Morin. “Resilient Urban Community Gardening Programs in the United
States and Municipal-Third Sector ‘Adaptive Co-Governance’” 2
AESOP Sustainable Food
Planning Conference. Brighton, UK. October 29-30, 2012. Abstract and oral presentation in the
Urban Food Governance track.
2011 Goodman, R. and X.K. Morin. “The emerging ecological paradigm for agriculture: Why is this
the time and why has it taken 200 years to get here/”1
Annual BARC-UMD Fall symposium:
Trends in Agriculture, USDA Beltsville, MD, October 20, 201. Invited talk.
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Morin, X.K. Food Portfolios, Resilient Food Systems and Food Security. Genomics Network,
University of Edinburg, Scotland, May 4, 2011. Invited talk.
Morin, X.K. Panel Discussion on Food Access, Northeast Farming Association-New Jersey,
Annual Winter Meeting, Princeton University, January 30, 2011. Invited talk.
2010 Morin, X.K. “Hunger in America and Around the World” Princeton Hunger and Homelessness
Awareness Student Group, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, November 16, 2010.Invited talk.
Morin, X.K. “Cover Crops Workshop: Background” (Oct 21, 2010), and “Long-term Ideas and
Strategies for Increasing Cover Crops Use” (Oct 22, 2010). Cover Crops Meeting, Princeton NJ,
October 21-22, 2010. Invited talks.
Morin, X.K. “Georgic Ethics: Food, Work and the Knowledge of the Land” Princeton
Environmental Affairs Forum, March 23, 2010. Invited Talk.
2009 Morin, X.K. “The Future of Food: In Search of Sustainable Systems”, for D&R Greenways and
Land Trust in collaboration with PEI, Princeton, NJ. October 15, 2009.
“Strategies for Improving School Lunches Gardens. A CBLI Project within ENV307 with Pam
Florey, Henry Barmeier and Holly McGarvie. (X.K. Morin, instructor). The Eleventh Annual
Community-University Luncheon (CBLI), Princeton University, Princeton Public Library,
Princeton NJ, April 3, 2009. Invited talk.
2007 Morin, X.K. Using A Freshman Composition Course to Introduce Students to the Future of Food.
American Society of Plant Biology, Chicago, IL, July 7-11, 2007. (poster abstract #517).
2006 Morin, X.K. From Teaching Science to Teaching Writing: Using the Genetically Modified Food
Debate as a Teaching Tool. Protein Society Meeting, San Diego, CA, August 5-8, 2006 (poster
2003 Morin, X.K., J. Fukui, S.A. White. Cloning Ribosomal Protein L30 from Arabidopsis thaliana. First
Annual Plant Biology Symposium, University of Massachusetts, held at Smith College, October 3, 2003
Morin, X.K. Panel Discussion. First Annual National Postdoctoral Association Meeting, Berkeley, CA,
March 14-13, 2003. Invited Speaker.
Research Funding, Current and Recent
2015-2020 Simon, J.E. (PI), D. Hoffman, R. Govindaswamy, and S.Weller (Purdue) (co-PIs). Improving
Income and Nutrition of Smallholder Farmers in Eastern Africa using a Market Driven Approach
to Enhance Value Chain Production of African Indigenous Vegetables. UC Horticultural
Innovations Lab (USAID). $2,000,000. 01/02/2015 to 06/30/2020 (5% effort). Role: X.K. Morin,
Collaborator investigator.
2015-2018 Schwartz, N (PI; U Chicago), Cox, A.(Co-PI; CIC). National Research Mentoring Network
(NRMN) Committee on Institutional Collaboration Academic Network (NRMN-CAN). Rutgers
Subcontractor. (5% effort). $250,000. 07/01/15-06/30/18. Role: X.K. Morin, key
2015-2016 Rutgers University Research Development Professionals. Preparation for Research Excellence
Program (PREP).” Funding from the Strategic Initiatives Program, Provosts Office, Rutgers-New
Brunswick. $100,000. 06/01/15-6/30/16. (5% effort). Role: X.K. Morin, key personnel.
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2012-2015 Schofield, O. (PI) Seidel, D. (co-PI). CRPA: Antarctic Quest Racing to Understand a Changing
Ocean. National Science Foundation (NSF Award 1241413):$149,479. 10/15/2012-10/31/2105.
(5% effort). Role: X. K. Morin, key personnel.
Recently completed:
2012-2015 Pray, C. (PI). Assessing Barriers to GM Food Crop Production and Innovation in China, India and
Africa, John Templeton Foundation. Award 29148. $249,000. Role: Key personnel.
2015 Schwartz , N. (PI) and Cox, A. (PI)(U Chicago). National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN)-
CIC Academic Network. National Institutes of Health. Rutgers subcontractor (Erenrich, E.
Rutgers PI). Role: X. K. Morin, key personnel, for faculty training. (2% effort).
Govindasamy, R. (PI).I. Vallangany, J.E. Simon, M. Kaplan, X. Morin (Co-PIs). Climate Change
Impact on Agricultural Production and Farmer’s Adaptation in the Northeastern United States.
USDA AFRI Foundation Grant. $445,985. 09/01/2015-09/01/2017. (5% effort).
J.E. Simon (PI), Wolf, A. (Pulsepod, Co-PI). Two Concept Papers under review in second round
(Climate Smart Agriculture, USAID): (1) “Customer Discovery of Climate Smart Discovery to
Connect People and Business in Agriculture” (Rutgers, Prime and Pulsepod sub). X.K. Morin
(key personnel or Co-PI).09/01/2015-08/31/2018. Total Award request: ~$2.8 million. (2)
FarmTalk: Finding Investors for Climate Smart Agricultural Communications and Media for
Smallholder Farmers.” (Michael Goffrey, Abt Associates (PI); Rutgers Subcontractor) Role: X.K.
Morin (key personnel or Co-PI). 09/01/2015-08/31/2018. Total Award Request:~$3.1 million.
Synergistic Activities for Documentary Film
2014 Invited Film Festival Screening. Rough cut screening of Antarctica: Beyond the Ice (original title
for Antarctic Edge: 70 degrees South) and Q&A with Dena Seidel and others including Rutgers
students. Wood Hole Oceanographic Institute Film Festival, Woods Hole, MA, August 2, 2014.
Full length documentary. 72 min.
2015 Pre-release special screening. Antarctic Edge: 70° South, for NOAA and NSF staff, NOAA
Offices, Silver Spring, MD. With Dena Seidel, director. February 13, 2015. Full length
documentary. 72 min.
World Premier. Antarctic Edge: 70° South. Princeton Environmental Film Festival, Princeton, NJ.
With Dena Seidel, director, and others, including Rutgers students. March 24, 2015. Full length
documentary. 72 min.
Theatrical Premier and Q&A session. Antarctic Edge: 70° South. The Quad Cinema, New York
City, NY. With Dena Seidel, director, and others, including Rutgers students. April 17, 2015. Full
length documentary. 72 min.
Theatrical Release and Invited Q&A Session by the World Affairs Council. Antarctic Edge: 70°
South. Laemmli Music Hall, Los Angeles, CA. With Dena Seidel, director. May 15, 2015.
Participant Q&A session. Full length documentary. 72 min.
Research-Related Conferences Organized:
2014 Co-organizer and co-moderator “Genetically Modified Crops in Asia and Africa: Opportunities,
Barriers and Constraints” held at Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ on September 18-19,
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2010 Co-organizer and co-moderator for the “Cover Crops Workshop,” Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ, October 20-21, 2010.
2008-2009 Co-organizer, moderator and host for Symposium on “Agricultural Biotechnology and
Sustainability.” Princeton University. April 28, 2009, Princeton, NJ.
2008-2009 Co-organizer, moderator and host for the Princeton Environmental Institute Conference
“Feeding a Hot and Hungry Planet: The Challenges of Feeding More People While
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” Princeton University. April 29-May 1, 2009,
Princeton, NJ.
Teaching-Related Conferences Organized:
2004 Coordinator and co-host (with Dr. S. Glaizer) “Lessons Learned for Tri-College
Pedagogy Retreat on Mathematics and Science, a one-day workshop on undergraduate
education. May 2004.
Agricultural, Food and Environment-Related Conferences Attended:
2015 Global Food Security Symposium, Chicago Council for Global Affairs Conference: “Health Food
for a Healthy World: Leveraging Agriculture and Food to Improve Global Nutrition”, Global Food
Security Symposium, Washington, D.C. April 16, 2015. Attendee.
2014 “Systemic Risk in Global Agriculture” Conference, October 24, 2014, Princeton and Columbia
University, Princeton NJ. Workshop Participant, Day 1.
“Princeton Studies Food” Conference. Sustainability at Princeton, Princeton University, Princeton,
NJ. September 26, 2014. (Agenda available at:
Global Food Security Symposium, Chicago Council for Global Affairs Conference: “Advancing
Global Food Security in the Face of Volatile Weather and Climate Change” Washington, D.C.
May 22, 2014.Attendee.
2011-2015 TEDx “Changing the Way We Eat” Conferences, New York City, NY. I am a participant and, as
of 2014, a TEDx ambassador. For details see:
2010 First Annual Black Urban Farmers and Gardeners Conference. Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY.
November 20, 2010. Participant.
AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference, Brighton Univeristy, Brighton, UK. October
29-30, 2010. Invited talk and participant.
“Imagine: Sustainability” Conference. Princeton University. February 11, 2010. Participant.
Winter Conference. Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey (NOFA-NJ). Rutgers, New
Brunswick, NJ. January 30, 2010. Participant.
2008 Environmental Justice Conference, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, April 27-28, 2009, Participant.
2007 Food, Ethics & the Environment Conference, Princeton University, Nov. 16-17, 2007. Participant.
Research Administration Related Conferences Attended:
2014 National Association of University Research Administrators (NCURA). 56
Annual Meeting,
Washington, DC. August 10-13, 2015. Participant.
2010 NSF Day, Princeton University, November 3, 2010. Participant.
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Teaching Related Conferences Attended:
2015 Online and Hybrid Course Learning. Rutgers University, Hilton Conference Center, New
Brunswick, NJ. January 15 2015. Participant.
2011-2015 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey: PASS class (one semester); repeated guest lectures
(2012-2014) in courses the following departments: Philosophy (Andy Egan’s Food Ethics);
Landscape Architecture (Holly Nelson’s Junior Senior Colloquium Agricultural Landscapes;
David Tulloch’s graduate studio); Plant Biology and Pathology (Mark Robson’s Agroecology;
Albert Ayeni’s Agriculture Entrepreneurship).
New courses developed
010.020.210. Introduction to Agriculture and Food Systems . To be offered starting Fall
2015. Developed new hybrid course.
010.015.210. Agriculture and Food:A Foundation for Living. (lecture class; approved
2005-2011 Princeton University, Princeton, PA: New Freshman Writing Seminar (WRI183 and WRI184);
assisted with graduate engineering writing seminar (WRI561g); Coordinator of the Environmental
Studies Senior Thesis Seminar (ENV-ST); new Junior-level environmental studies classes:
Agriculture and Food: A Foundation for Living (ENV307); Biotech Plants and Animals:
Frankenfood or Innovation? (ENV360). Guest lectures in student initiated course: Farm to Fork:
The State of America’s Food System Today (ENV-ST01). Guest Lectures in various programs.
Collaborated with librarians.
New courses developed:
ENV360/MOL260 (Spring 2011). Biotech Plants and Animals: Frankenfood or Innovation? (12
students). Undergraduate course in Environmental Studies Program and cross-listed with
Molecular Biology that explores the science, social, and policy issues around genetically
modified plants and animals. Invited speakers (via Skype): Pamela Ronald (UC Davis); Shanthu
Shantharam (ABLE, India); Wayne Parrott, (University of Georgia); Eric Sachs (Monsanto).
WWS591g (Fall 2011). Graduate Policy Workshop on Urban Food Systems and Childhood
Obesity (10 students). Developed and directed a new course for the Masters in Public
Administration Program. Brought in speakers such as Laura Lawson (community gardens), Janet
Poppendieck (school lunches), Mark Winne (food policy councils). Organized phone meetings
with Tim Lang (food policy), Let’s Move: Faith and Community (childhood obesity project
under First Lady Michelle Obama). Oversaw policy workshop field research conducted by
students in UK, Canada and USA. Arranged for Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Childhood
Obesity Group, to be the client for the group.
ENV307 (Fall 2010). Agriculture and Food: A Foundation for Living (19 students). A cross-
disciplinary undergraduate course in the Environmental Studies Program. Course has optional
community-based learning component (CBLI). CBLI topics included developing school-garden
based lesson plans for teachers; school lunch quality survey; carbon calculation for dining
services. Field trips to Howell Living History Farm and Honey Brook Organic Farm and SCA.
Invited speakers: Peter Singer (Princeton), Tim Searchinger (Princeton), Mark Robson (Rutgers),
Brendan Fisher (Princeton), Lucia Huebner (Beechtree Farms), Joseph Heckman (Rutgers).
HUM/STC 250. (Summer 2009) Ways of Knowing”, for the Fr
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Presentation.Princeton Writing Program. With Audrey Welber. “Using RefWorks in y eshman
Scholars Institute, Princeton University,. A multi-faculty collaborative course co-developed and
taught. Developed science curriculum and taught in course.
WRI183/184 (2005-2010): Writing Seminar: “Frankenfood” (2005-2006); “Future of Food”
(2006-2010). (12 students per class; 2 classes/semester). This writing seminar used the debate
around genetically modified food to motivate student to learn the essentials of academic
composition and argument. Student input expanded the curriculum to include local and
organic food topics. (For more details, see:
Faculty Seminar:
“Your Writing Seminar and Your Work”. Workshop for Writing Program Faculty. 2010 Feb 8.
Guest Lectures:
“Food as a Means to Talk about Environmental Issues.” Special Guest of Michael Friedman in
conjunction with Princeton Atelier’s “The Great Immensity” Project, Spring 2010. (ATL 496/THR
496/ENV496) Environmental Documentary Theater).
Guest Lecturer,. “World and Urban Agriculture” for Dan Wood and Amale Andraos’ course
Arch306 “City+Food=?”, Architecture School, Princeton University, October 20, 2009.
Guest Lecturer, “Biological Control of Yields in Crops”, for Tim Searchinger’s class ENV 320
“Feeding the Planet While Saving the Planet”, Environmental Studies Program, Princeton
University, February 25, 2009.
Guest Lecturer, ”Genetically Modified Food” for ENV ST02, “Farm to Fork: America’s Food
Systems, Environmental Studies Program, Princeton University, April 3, 2007. Also assisted in
some curricular advising for this course.
2001-2005 Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA:
2005 Bio343 (Summer 2005) Intense Summer Session: Introduction to Biochemistry
2003-2004 Biology and Public Policy (Bio210), Advanced Plant Biochemistry (Chem 546; new course
developed), Special Topics in Biochemistry (Bio 354); Independent Student Research. Summer
undergraduate and graduate student research supervision.
2002-2003 Introductory Biology (Bio101), Biological Chemistry Laboratory (Chem242). Summer
undergraduate research supervision.
2001-2002 Assistant to Dr. K. Greif; occasional lecturer in Biology and Public Policy (Bio210); assistant to
Dr. S. White; occasional lecturer in Biological Chemistry Lecture (Chem242); occasional lecturer
in Biochemistry (Bio343).
Examples of Student Advising
2005-2007 Faculty Advisor to Ruthie Schwab, Princeton University, Class ’09 on her initiative to create a
student-run organic garden at Princeton University.
2007 Faculty Advisor to Kathryn Anderson, Princeton University, Class ’09 on her initiative to
implement a new student-initiated environmental studies class (ENV ST02: Farm to Fork:
America’s Food Systems” at Princeton University.
2008-2009 Senior Thesis Advisor to Candice Chow, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University,
Class ’09, on her senior thesis “Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change.”
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2009-2010. Senior Thesis Advisor to Henry Barmeier, WWS’10, on his senior thesis “Why is Government in
the Garden? Adaptive Co-governance in Community Gardens.” Rhodes Scholarship and thesis
award. (
Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University.
2009-2010 Senior Thesis Advisor to Joseph Vellone, WWS’10, on his senior thesis “Planting Seeds for an
African Green Revolution: The Millennium Villages Project and Input Subsidies Project in
Malawi.” (
Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University.
2014 Salma Omai in her role as an undergraduate F.I.G.S. educator. Rutgers, The State University of
New Jersey.
2012 PASS Class students, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Collaborators (last 3 years):
Rutgers University: Dena Seidel; Oscar Schofield; Richard Ludescher; Carl Pray; Mary Nucci; Sanjib Bhuyan,
Robert Goodman, Gal Hockman, William Hallman; Cara Cuite; Jack Rabin; Peter Nitzsche, William Hlubik, Leon
Segal, Bradley Hillman. As well as the students and producers for the Antarctica Film. A full list can be found at:
Princeton University: Kelly Caylor, Timothy Searchinger.
Others: Eileen.J. Kladivko (Purdue U), Tom C. Kaspar (USDA), Dan B. Jaynes(USDA), Rob W. Malone (USDA),
Bharat Ramaswami (India Statistical Institute, Dehli), Hu Ruifa (Bejing Institute of Technology, China), Jikun
Huang, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, China).
Current Community Service
2009- Science Fair Judge: Middle School and Elementary Schools Science, Hopewell Valley Regional
School District, NJ.
2005- Girl Scout Leader (with Karen Nyby). Girl Scouts of Central and Southern New Jersey. Grade 12
Troop (2015-16), Pennington, NJ.
Bronze Award achieved with Troop 71853: Collaboration
with D&R Greenway in building a bridge on the Pennington Loop Trail.
University Leadership and Service (before Rutgers)
Princeton University
2008-2010 Environmental Studies Program Awards Selection Committee
2008-2009 Princeton Writing Program, Assistant Director Search.
2006-2007 Princeton Writing Program, Writing in the Disciplines Initiative. Assisted in outreach and
implementation of writing initiatives outside the writing program.
2005 Princeton Writing Program Review. Assisted in gathering information on the writing of culture for the
program review.
Bryn Mawr College
2002-2003 Founding member of the Graduate (and Postdoc) Idea Forum.
Student Leadership at Cornell University
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1989-1991 Cornell University Board of Trustees, Student-elected member, 1989-91
Member of the Full Board, and the Subcommittees on Academic Affairs and Campus Life,
Buildings and Properties, and Development and Alumni Affairs. Evaluated university
policies and budgets and responsible for obtaining input from the student community and
communicating results directly to the Board of Trustees.
1989-1991 Cornell University Teaching Community
Co-creator and founder of the Cornell Graduate Teaching Assistant Development
Workshops. A program designed to provide workshops to assist graduate student gaining
teaching expertise. This program still continues to run.
1986-1991 Cornell University Graduate Student Community.
1988-91 Graduate Student Council. Vice-President, Fall 1988.
1988 National Association of Graduate and Professional Students Delegate.
1991-2. President’s Council of Cornell Women.
1986-1991. Graduate Orientation Advisor.
University Committee Work at Cornell University
1990-1991 Cornell University, Provost's Committee on Graduate Student Life
Presented recommendations to the Provost designed to improve the quality of graduate student
1988-1989 Cornell University. Member of the Committee to Evaluate the Dean of Students' Office
Presented recommendations designed to improve the function, organization and reporting nature
of the Dean of Students' Office.
Previous Community Service
2003-2007 National Postdoctoral Association, Washington, DC.
Invited speaker, First Annual National Postdoctoral Association Meeting, Berkeley CA, March 14-
15, 2003.
Member of Publications Committee; wrote Science Magazine’s Nextwave article (web content)
Publications Committee. 2004-2007. Various duties largely centered on website development and
2005-2007 Scientific Advisor to, and collaborator with, Carol Hay, Toronto screenwriter, on a six-part
television mini-series tentatively called “Double Blind.”
1999-2004. Friends of Bellevue State Park, Wilmington DE. Board Member 1999-2004; President 2000-2002.
Volunteer Award for service to Friends of Bellevue State Park and the Delaware State Park
System by Governor Ruth Ann Minner, 2002.
Run and set agenda for monthly group meetings; act as liaison for our group to the State of
Delaware's Division of Parks and Recreation; responsible for newsletter communication with
110 person membership; raised $3000 for a children's wooden train play set; spearheaded
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proposal for $120,000 fund raising campaign to improve the running/walking track at the park:
successfully raised over $50,000; launched group's web site.
1999-2001 Bellevue Manor Residence Association. Water Quality Improvement Liaison. Worked closely with
local officials on neighborhood water quality. 1999-2001.
2004-2006 Toll Gate Grammar School, Pennington NJ, 2004-2006.
2004-5.Classroom and science club volunteer.
2005. Parent Teacher Association Nominating Committee.
2006. PTO Budget Audit Committee.
Hopewell Valley Regional School District, Pennington NJ, 2007-present
2007-2014. Food Services Committee and Wellness Committee
2009-2010. Gifted and Talented Committee.
2012-2013 Homework Committee.
Soccer Coach: Concord Soccer, Wilmington, DE (2002-4); Hopewell Valley Soccer, NJ, 2005.
Girl Scouts of America, Central and Southern New Jersey Council, formerly the Delaware-Raritan Council, New
Jersey. (2005-present)
2004-2005. Parent volunteer.
2005-2014. Girl Scout Assistant Leader (with Lynne Croucher and Karen Nyby) for Troop 70191.
2005-6. Girl Scout “Thinking Day” Organizer.
Shelterwood 4-H Club, Hopewell Township, New Jersey.
2007-2008. Parent volunteer.
Lions Club of Hopewell Valley
2008 Guest Speaker “Future of Food”
2007-present. Assist with community fund raising events such as the Duck Pool at Pennington Day (May)
and Hopewell Harvest Fair (Sept.)
References available upon request.