Community Primary School
Lone Worker Policy
Date of Premises and Health & Safety Committee approval: 01.03.23
Next review date: Spring 2026
Signed: Chair of Governors Date: 01.03.23
Signed: Headteacher Date: 01.03.23
Statement of intent
1. Legal framework
2. Definitions
3. Roles and responsibilities
4. Authorisation
5. Risk assessment
6. Procedures for lone workers
7. Home visits
8. Safeguarding
9. Training
10. Safety issues
11. Monitoring and review
Appendix 1: CWAC Lone Working Risk Assessment
Statement of intent
Huntington Community Primary School recognises that some staff are required to work by themselves,
without close or direct supervision and sometimes in isolated work areas or outside of office hours.
This policy applies to all situations involving lone working arising in connection with the duties and activities
of staff. The policy outlines lone working procedures and what is expected of employees who undertake
lone working.
This policy aims to:
Increase staff awareness of safety issues relating to lone working.
Ensure that the risk of lone working is assessed in a systematic way and that safe systems and
methods of work are put in place to reduce that risk so far as is reasonably practicable.
Ensure that appropriate support and training is available to all staff that equips them to recognise
risk and provides practical advice on staying safe when working alone.
Encourage full reporting and recording of all adverse incidents relating to lone working.
Reduce the number of incidents and injuries to staff related to lone working.
Legal framework
This policy has due regard to all relevant legislation and statutory guidance including, but not limited to,
the following:
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
This policy operates in conjunction with the following school policies and documents:
Health and Safety Policy
Lone Worker Risk Assessment
Safeguarding Policy
Physical Intervention & Safe Touch Policy
Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy
Home Visit Risk Assessment
For the purpose of this policy, ‘lone working’ refers to situations where staff, in the course of their duties,
work alone either on or off the school premises and are physically isolated from colleagues, possibly
without immediate access to assistance.
Due to the possibility of buildings creating isolated areas, it is possible for a staff member to be ‘lone
working’ with other staff members in the building.
Roles and responsibilities
The headteacher is responsible for:
Ensuring that there are arrangements in place for identifying, evaluating and managing the risks
associated with lone working.
Implementing this policy.
Ensuring that there are arrangements for monitoring incidents linked to lone working.
Reviewing this policy on an annual basis.
Line managers (at present the headteacher alone) are responsible for:
Ensuring that all staff are aware of this policy.
Taking all possible steps to ensure that lone workers are at no greater risk than other employees.
Identifying situations where staff work alone and deciding whether systems can be adopted to avoid
workers carrying out tasks on their own.
Ensuring that the relevant risk assessments are carried out and reviewed regularly.
Putting procedures and safe systems of work into practice which are designed to eliminate or
reduce the risks associated with lone working.
Ensuring that staff identified as lone workers are given appropriate information, instruction and
training that is updated as necessary.
Managing the effectiveness of preventative measures through a robust system of reporting,
investigating and recording incidents.
Ensuring that appropriate support is given to staff involved in any incident.
Providing lone workers with personal safety equipment, e.g. a mobile phone, where necessary.
Lone workers are responsible for:
Taking reasonable care of themselves and others affected by their working.
Following the school’s policies and procedures for safe working.
Reporting all incidents that may affect the health and safety of themselves or others, and asking
for advice as appropriate.
Taking part in training related to lone working as required.
Reporting any dangers or potential dangers they identify or any concerns they might have in
respect of working alone.
Seeking the permission of the headteacher before working alone.
Ensuring they have the necessary equipment with them while lone working.
Adhering to all necessary policies and procedures at all times while lone working.
The headteacher, in conjunction with relevant staff members, will develop an approved list of lone working
activities, outlining situations where lone working may be authorised and the necessary precautions and
work methods to be followed.
Staff members will request authorisation from the headteacher to undertake lone working.
Subject to the completion of a risk assessment, lone working will be authorised if it is on the approved list.
If the lone working is not on the approved list, it can only be undertaken following explicit authorisation
from the headteacher.
Risk assessment
Prior to a member of staff undertaking lone working, a risk assessment will be conducted by the
The risk assessment will cover all work proposed to be undertaken alone and where risk may be increased
by the work activity itself or by the lack of available assistance should something go wrong.
Depending on the tasks the lone worker is proposing to undertake, the risk assessment will cover the
following as appropriate:
The staff member’s medical fitness and suitability to work alone
Channels of communication
Any specific risks related to the lone working activity
The risk of violence
Access and egress
Reporting and recording arrangements
The ability to trace the staff member’s whereabouts
Situational hazards
A log of known risks, including locations, individuals and tasks, will be kept, updated and regularly
reviewed. This log will be kept securely in the headteacher’s office and lone workers can request to see
parts of the log relevant to their lone working.
Any person who becomes aware of circumstances involving lone working, where the existing control
measures may not be fully effective, will inform the headteacher as soon as possible.
Procedures for lone workers
A record will be kept in the school office containing details of all staff members that undertake lone working,
including the tasks they undertake, where they undertake them and when.
During working hours, all lone workers leaving their workplace will provide written details to the school
office of where they are going and their estimated time of arrival back at the school.
If, during a trip away from the school, a lone worker’s plans change significantly, they will contact the
school office to inform the school of changes to their schedule.
All lone workers should ensure they have a mobile phone with them (either their own or one provided by
school) and will be provided with personal safety equipment where necessary. Lone workers will ensure
they have all of their provided personal safety equipment with them prior to lone working, and that the
equipment is working.
Lone workers will avoid organising meetings where they will be alone with an individual or group. Where
this is unavoidable, the lone worker will obtain prior approval from their line manager who will make any
arrangements to ensure the staff member’s safety. Any appointments of this nature will be recorded.
If a staff member is required to work alone with a child, they will follow the procedures outlined in the
Safeguarding section below (Section 8).
Lone workers will have access to adequate first aid facilities and mobile workers will carry a first aid kit
suitable for treating minor injuries.
Under no circumstances should a lone worker compromise their personal safety. If a lone worker feels in
danger, they will remove themselves from the situation immediately.
The school operates abuddy’ system, whereby lone workers have a designated member of staff that will:
Be aware of the schedule and movements of the lone worker.
Have all necessary contact details of the lone worker.
Attempt to contact the lone worker if contact is not made as agreed.
Follow agreed escalation procedures and notify the headteacher of any incidents.
Contingency arrangements will be in place for a member of staff to take over the ‘buddy’ role in case the
nominated person becomes unavailable.
Where there is a genuine concern about the whereabouts or safety of a lone worker, the headteacher will
use the information held on record to try and ascertain the whereabouts of the worker. If contact cannot
be made, the headteacher will decide on the best course of action depending on the circumstances, which
could include contacting the emergency services.
Home visits
A list of home visits is kept securely in the school office. This record includes details of the following:
The address the lone worker is visiting
Details of the persons whom they are visiting
A known contact number for the lone worker and the persons they are visiting
How long the lone worker expects to be at the location
Once in place, appointment arrangements should be adhered to. The lone worker will notify the
headteacher of any changes to their schedule.
Visits deemed high risk (e.g. where there is a history of violence or the location is high risk) will not be
undertaken. In these cases, the lone worker may request a meeting in a more suitable location.
A Home Visit Risk Assessment will be undertaken where necessary.
During a home visit, the lone worker will:
Carry an ID badge and be prepared to identify themselves.
Carry out a ‘10 second risk assessment’ when they first arrive at the location. If they feel in danger,
they should have an appropriate reason to not enter the house and arrange an alternative
Be aware of any animals in the house and ask for them to be secured in a separate room.
Ensure that they shut the door behind them and make themselves familiar with the door lock, in
case an emergency exit is required.
Not position themselves in the corner of a room or in a situation where it is difficult to escape.
Remain calm and focussed at all times, and keep their possessions close to them.
Where a lone worker is required to work with pupils, physical intervention will only ever be used as a last
resort and will be conducted in line with the Physical Intervention & Safe Touch Policy.
If a lone worker is required to conduct one-to-one sessions with pupils, the following guidelines will be
adhered to:
A full and appropriate risk assessment will be undertaken prior to any sessions taking place if felt
The Safeguarding Policy will be adhered to at all times
Full and ongoing training regarding child protection, physical restraint and the use of reasonable
force will be provided to the worker, as appropriate
Meetings or sessions will never be held in remote or secluded areas
At least one other member of staff will be informed of when and where a one-to-one session is
taking place
The lone worker will not use ‘engaged’ or equivalent signs on rooms used for one-to-one session
Doors will be kept open during sessions where this is not possible, the worker will ensure both
parties are visible through a window
When holding the session, the worker will talk to the pupil with a desk between them, or otherwise
arrange the room or environment to avoid unnecessary physical contact
Both parties will sit near to the door during sessions
If a pupil becomes emotionally distressed or angry, the worker will seek assistance and a record
will be kept of the incident
Any allegations against a lone worker will be dealt with in line with the Allegations of Abuse Against Staff
All lone workers will be fully trained in safe working practices.
Lone workers will undertake additional training that is relevant to their lone working, e.g. first aid.
Safety issues
Lone workers will report incidents such as accidents, near misses and threatening situations to the
headteacher who will make a record.
Lone workers should raise any safety concerns with their line manager, who will arrange for additional
precautionary measures to be put in place.
Monitoring and review
This policy will be reviewed every three years by the Premises and Health & Safety Committee and
The next scheduled review date for this policy is Spring 2026.
Risk Assessment for: Lone Working.
Carried out by:
Any previous assessment for this activity carried out: Yes/No
at Risk
Comments / Action
Risk Rating
Medical conditions:
e.g. heart, lung, or physical
mobility conditions.
Consideration of work that
may impose additional
physical and mental burdens
on an individual.
Training may be critical to
avoid panic in unusual
situations. Lone workers need
sufficient experience and fully
Health and Safety Risk
understand the risks and
Schools should set the limits
to what can and cannot be
done while working alone.
The extent of supervision
required depends on the risks
involved and the ability of the
lone worker to identify and
handle health and safety
The higher the risk, the
greater the level of
supervision required.
Emergency Procedures.
fire, equipment failure, illness
and accidents.
Lifting objects that are too
heavy for one person.
The need for more than one
person to operate essential
controls. An example here
would be a banksman for safe
vehicle movements on a site.
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