Grandparents Day Plans and Permission Form
Upper Elementary, 2019
Dear Parents,
We are looking forward to Grandparents Day 2019! So that we can best accommodate our visitors on this day,
we would like to know approximately how many grandparents will be joining us. To help with our planning
and safety, students must return this form to their homeroom teacher by Friday, September 27
. As
Grandparents Day is a half-day of school, with dismissal at 11:30 a.m., students are permitted to leave with their
grandparents by indicating that information on the lines below. We are looking forward to a GRAND day of
community and family bonding!
Homeroom Teacher:______________________________________________ Grade: ______________
Student Name: _____________________________________________________________
Name of Grandparents or Grand-Friends Visiting ____________________________________________
My child will not be hosting a grandparent or grand-friend on October 4, 2019.
My child has my permission to leave CHCA Upper Elementary School on
Friday, October 4, 2019 with ________________________________________________.
(Grandparent/special friend’s name)
I realize that there will not be bus transportation on October 4th and have made arrangements for my
child to get home.
Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________
Please return this form to your child’s homeroom teacher by September 27th.