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Ojokuku, Beatrice Yemisi (CLN)
Department of Library and Information Science, Federal Polytechnic Ede, Osun state
[email protected] 0803 3415123
Emeahara Evelyn Nkechi (CLN)
Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of Ibadan
[email protected] 08035015467
Aboyade, Modupe A. (CLN)
Department of Library and Information Science, Federal Polytechnic Ede, Osun state
[email protected] 08038306406
Chris-Israel, Helen O. (CLN)
Department of Library and Information Science, Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State
[email protected] 08063310785
This study examines the influence of Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme on Professional
Development of Library and Information Science Students in South-West, Nigeria. Descriptive
research design was adopted for the study and total enumeration sampling technique was used to
select 277 respondents covering three institutions; Adeleke University, Ede Osun state, University
of Ibadan, Ibadan and Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu Ode, Ogun state. The
respondents are students who have gone through student industrial experience scheme.
Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Data collected was analysed using
descriptive statistics and simple percentages. Findings revealed that majority of LIS students
understudied had their trainings in the libraries. The facilities available at the places of training
included: computer laboratories, internet services, e-libraries and audio-visuals. Computer
laboratory and internet facilities had the greatest frequencies 207(93.7%) each These accounted
for the students’ perceptions that SIWES influences professional development positively with
response rate of 216 (97.7%) agreement, and that SIWES exposed them to new work methods also
with response rate of 216 (97.7%) agreement. It was also discovered that SIWES provides avenue
for technical skill development with response rate of 208(94.1%) in agreement. Noticeable
challenges facing SIWES include finance, students’ placements as a result of non acceptance of
students by some employers into their establishments, inadequate supervision of trainees as well
as irregularity in academic calendar of institutions among others. It was recommended that
institutions and other stakeholders should look keenly into the modalities and operations of the
scheme to allow the scheme achieve its stated objectives.
KEY WORDS: SIWES, ITF, Institution, Students, Professional development, Theory, Practice,
Training, Work.
Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a skill development programme
established by Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in 1973 with the headquarters in Jos Nigeria. It is
meant to enable students in tertiary institutions in Nigeria acquire technical skills and experience
for professional development in their course of study as it bridges the gap between theory and
practice. It is the accepted skills training programme in institutions of higher learning in Nigerian
that forms part of the approved academic requirement in various degree programmes. It is a three-
credit unit course, which must be met by students before graduation. As stated by Nse (2012), the
scheme is a planned, supervised training and intervention programme based on stated and specific
learning and career objectives, leading to the development of occupational competencies of the
participants. It is also to expose and prepare students in institutions of higher learning for the
industrial work situations which they are to meet after graduation. The scheme equally helps to
familiarize students with work methods and expose them to the necessary experience to hand
equipment and machinery that are not available in their institutions.
SIWES is also an effort to bridge the existing gap between theory and practice and expose
students to necessary skills for smooth transition from the classroom to the world of work. It
enables students to acquire technical skills and experience for professional development in their
study. Before the inception of the Scheme, there was a growing concern among Nigerian
industrialists that graduates of institutions of higher learning lacked adequate practical background
experience necessary for employment. So, employers were of the opinion that the theoretical
education provided by higher institutions was did not meet nor satisfy the needs of the economy. It
was against this background that the Fund during its formative years, introduced SIWES to provide
students with the opportunity of exposure to handle equipment and machinery in Industry to enable
them acquire prerequisite practical knowledge and skills. (ITF and UNIJOS, 2011). These skills
aimed at exposing students to professional work methods as the scheme (SIWES) acts as a catalyst
for industrial growth and productivity through professional development.
The Scheme started in 1974 in 11 institutions of higher learning with 748 participants. By
1978, it has widened in scope to about 5,000 participants from 32 different institutions in the
country. In 1979 the Industrial Training Fund, withdrew from the managing the scheme due to
problems of organizational logistics and the increased financial burden as a result of rapid
expansion of SIWES (ITF; 2003). The scheme is a tripartite programme that incorporates the
students, the institutions, and the industries. In Nigeria SIWES is financed by the federal
government (through the ministry of commerce and industry) and managed by the Industrial
Training Fund (ITF) aiming at making education more relevant and also to bridge the yearning gap
between theory and practice of Engineering, Technology and other related disciplines in tertiary
institutions in Nigeria.
The bodies involved in SIWES operation are known as the stakeholders and they are; the
Federal Government of Nigeria (through the Ministry of Commerce and Industry), Industrial
Training Fund, NUC/NBTC/NCCE, the institution, the industries or employers and the students.
SIWES is a form of cooperative industrial internship programme among all its stake holders. Mafe
(2009) stated that all stakeholders are involved in the operation of SIWES but that students are
the key actors that are directly involved in its implementation, all other stakeholders have lesser
role to play in the actual training process. Mafe (2010) citing Crag (1987) stated that, SIWES is
generic because it cuts across more than 60 programmes in the universities, over 40 programmes in
the polytechnics and about 10 programmes in the colleges of education. Students who participate
in this training programme include those studying Library and Information Science, Engineering,
Vocational, Technological and related courses in higher institution of learning. Other courses
involved in SIWES include Agricultural science, Forestry, Industrial Chemistry, Microbiology,
Geology and Mineral Science, Physics and Mineral Science, Plant and Environmental Biology,
Computer Science, Tourism and Hospitality, Business Education, Industrial Engineering,
Enterprise Creation and Management.
Statement of the Problem
There is no doubt that SIWES is a laudable skills development programme, geared towards
bridging the gap between theories learnt in the class and the actual practice. However, in spite of
the importance of SIWES in professional development of students, the scheme has been hampered
by the challenges such as non-acceptance of students by some employers, non-relevance of places
of training, inadequate supervision of students by some institutions, inadequate SIWES orientation
programmes. Lack of finance for the smooth running of the scheme is also a challenge facing
SIWES. Some technical activities in the library including cataloguing, classification, indexing and
abstracting, compilation of bibliography, and book production are facing setback due to inadequate
practical experience of the LIS students as it relates to their professional development. It is against
this backdrop that this study on influence and challenges of students’ individual work experience
scheme (SIWES) on professional development of Library and information science students
become imperative.
Objectives of the Study
The main objective of this study is to examine the influence and challenges of Student
Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) on professional development of library and
information science students. The specific objectives are to:
i. determine the organizations where LIS students had their training;
ii. find out the facilities available at the places of training of LIS students;
iii. identify new work methods learnt by LIS students during their training;
iv. examine the perception of LIS students on SIWES as it influences professional
v. identify the challenges faced by LIS students during the industrial training.
Research Questions
This study sets out to provide answers to the following questions:
i What are the organisations where LIS students had their training?
ii What type of facilities are available at the places of training of LIS students?
iii What are the new work methods learnt by LIS students during SIWES training?
iv What are the perceptions of LIS students on SIWES as it influences professional
v What challenges did LIS students face during their training?
Review of Related Literature
SIWES is the acronym for Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme. It is a skill
development programme that is designed to prepare students of higher institutions of learning like
Universities, Polytechnics, Monotechnics and Colleges of Education for transition from college
environment to the world of work. Akerejola (2008) stated that the work experience is an
educational programme where students participate in work activities while still attending school.
This gives students the opportunity to be directly involved and be part of the actual work situation
outside the classroom. For instance library and information science students are able to handle
library materials and equipment physically for processing. Books will be accessioned, stamped,
catalogued and classified etc. LIS students will also be involved in other library activities like
circulation which involves charging and discharging, shelving and shelve reading etc. They will
also be part of bindery activities for book production and these will make them to be involved in
the actual work situation outside the classroom. It was specifically designed to provide students of
tertiary institutions in specific courses, with the opportunity of acquiring practical skills and
experiences on-the-job before graduation so that they can graduate as professionals.
SIWES as a form of cooperative education was described by Stadt and Gooch (1977) as a
programme of occupational education for those who through cooperative arrangement between the
institution and employers receive instruction/training by alternation of study in school with a job in
an occupational field. They stressed that two experiences must be planned and supervised by the
school and employers so that each contributes to the student’s education and professional
development. Also Mafe (2009) stated that there are two basic forms of learning; education and
training both of which are essential to the productive world of work and the functioning of the
society. Both education and training are important. For any effective education there must be some
training input and vice versa. Every productive individual in this millennium must be able to
combine and make use of the outcomes from the two forms of learning for effective professional
development. Likewise Ugwuanyi, Chijioke and Ezema, (2010) opined that training is a key factor
that enhances efficiency and expertise of the workforce.
The scheme prepares students for labour markets and has become an innovative
phenomenon in human resources development and training in Nigeria today. They further stated
that education has to with giving systematic instruction to students in a formal setting like the
schools, colleges or universities. It is that process where knowledge and information are acquired
facilitating understanding by the recipients. The recipient of education acquires knowledge and
capabilities in his/her specific area of civilization. Mafe (20004) opined that training gives the
recipient the competencies required to do a job or carry out function. It is the process where
knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes (KSAAs) required in doing a specific job or carrying out a
specific function are transferred from one person to another or to a group of persons. Although
literacy can be an advantage, it is not essential to training; hence the process of training can be
encapsulated in the four steps of “show, tell, do and check The KSAAs acquired through training
are focused at enabling the recipient or trainee to do or carry out a specific job or function after the
completion of the training programme. Training equips the recipient with the capability to do or
carry out a specific task, job or function. The terms education, training and development though
distinct, they are closely intertwined and often interchangeably used. It is generally believed that
there is a link between education and training on the one hand, and training and development on
the other while training straddle in between the two.
Furthermore Okolocha and Okolocha (2012) stated that most of Nigerian tertiary
institutions do not have the necessary equipment and facilities to equip the students with the
necessary skills and competencies, it is then necessary for schools to liaise with industries where
these modern facilities can be found for students to be exposed to real practical activities. For an
individual to effectively function in the world of work theoretical knowledge is not enough
because such an individual needs to be versatile in the application of skill to perform specific jobs.
For instance while it is possible for someone to learn and imbibe all the available information on
the processes involved in cataloguing and classifying a book in the classroom, it is unlikely that the
individual would, based on this knowledge alone, be able to process a book at the first opportunity.
On the other hand, someone else without the theoretical information on how to catalogue and
classify a book, on being told and shown what to do, followed by hands-on practice and
supervision by an instructor, would at the end of the day be able to catalogue and classify a book
successfully. Without any doubt of course as Mafe (2010) stated someone who has been exposed
to both the theoretical and practical methods and the hands-on experience would and should be
better in the real work.
In the illustration given above, the first individual had abundant education on how to
catalogue and classify a book; the second individual had received an adequate training on how to
catalogue and classify; the third individual had the advantage of being able to combine theoretical
knowledge with practical skills to become a better cataloguer and classifier. The need to combine
theoretical knowledge with practical skills in order to produce results or to be productive and be
professionally developed is the essence and rationale for industrial training. The major benefits
accruing to students who participate conscientiously in industrial training are the skills and
competencies they acquire leading to their professional development. These relevant production
skills (RPSs) remain a part of the recipients of industrial training as life-long assets which cannot
be taken away from them. This is because the knowledge and skills acquired through training are
internalized and become relevant when required to perform jobs or functions (Mafe, 2009). Several
other benefits can accrue to LIS students who participate in industrial training (SIWES). These
include the opportunity for LIS students to blend theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom
with practical hands-on application of knowledge required to perform technical works in the
library. It also includes exposure of LIS students to the environment in which they will eventually
work (libraries and information centres), thereby enabling them to see how their future professions
are organized in practice.
Active participation in SIWES enables LIS students to appreciate work methods and gain
experience in handling equipment and machinery which may not be available in their institutions
(like the bindery machines). It prepares them to contribute to the productivity of their employers
and national development immediately after graduation and as well creates enabling environment
where they can develop and enhance their personal attributes such as critical thinking, creativity,
initiative, resourcefulness, leadership, time management, presentation skills and interpersonal
skills, amongst others. SIWES prepares LIS students for employment and making the transition
from school to the world of work easier after graduation. Participation in SIWES enhances LIS
students’ contacts with potential employers while on training. It enables them to bridge the gap
between the knowledge acquired in institutions and the relevant production skills (RPSs) required
in work organizations. It makes them appreciate the role of their professions as information
providers and also enables students appreciate the connection between their courses of study and
other related disciplines in the production of goods and services.
Objectives of SIWES
The Industrial Training Fund’s Policy Document No.1 of 1973 (ITF, 2002) which established
SIWES outlined the objectives of the scheme as follows; to provide an avenue for students in
institutions of higher learning to acquire industrial skills and experience during their courses of
study and prepare for industrial work situations that they are likely to meet after graduation. It also
aims at exposing students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery
that may not be available in their institutions. Part of the objectives of SIWES is to make the
transition from school to the world of work easer and enhance students’ contacts for later job
placements and to provide students with the opportunities to apply their educational knowledge in
real work situations, thereby bridging the gap between theory and practice. It is also to enlist and
strengthen employers’ involvement in the entire educational process through SIWES.
It is to provide an avenue for students in institutions of higher learning to acquire industrial
skills and experience during their courses of study; It prepares students for industrial work
situations that they are likely to meet after graduation; It exposes students to work methods and
techniques in handling equipment and machinery that may not be available in their institutions; It
makes the transition from school to the world of work easier and enhance students’ contacts for
later job placements; It also provides students with the opportunities to apply their educational
knowledge in real work situations, thereby bridging the gap between theory and practice; It also
enlists and strengthen employers’ involvement in the entire educational process through SIWES.
The Place of SIWES in Librarianship
Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) plays significant role in
librarianship as regards professional development without which transition from the class room to
the world of work will be inadequate and haphazard. Without this training students will graduate
as half baked. For instance a graduate of library and information science who is unable to
catalogue and classify is half-baked. Librarianship is a profession that is concerned with the
collection, storage, processing and dissemination of recorded knowledge in the library. According
to Aina (2004), ‘The information professional is engaged in the organization, storage, management
and distribution of information’. The students of Library and Information Science (LIS) need to
undergo proper training to back up their classroom experience so as to be effective and relevant in
their profession and be well developed professionally.
All activities involved before any book or other information material finally gets to the end
user require practical experience and skillfulness without which the objectives of establishing the
library will be defeated. The processing tools such as thesaurus, subject heading lists, the
classification schemes, the reference tools, the computers and other digital equipments need
practical training to be able to use them effectively. SIWES plays significant developmental role in
preparing library and information science (LIS) students for the world of work. It provides avenue
for them to acquire skills and experience in their course of study (librarianship). Skills in the
preparation of bibliography, indexes, abstracts and also bindery work to mention just a few could
be acquired during their participation in students’ industrial work experience scheme. SIWES
therefore prepares LIS students for work method and techniques in handling equipment and
machinery that are not available in their institution. Wodi and Dokubo (2009).
SIWES is an inevitable programme to professional development of LIS students. The
intellectual work of librarians is derived from the application of scientific principles in organizing,
storing, retrieving, and disseminating information. In recent years, the library profession has been
affected by developments in ICT. Igbinosa (2007), noted that advances in ICT have changed the
paradigm of librarians work from information storage to one of access to world literature resources
using electronic databases, the internet, and other digital resources. Omekwu (2005), opined that
digital technology has revolutionized the information acquisition, storage, and retrieval processes.
The application of ICT in libraries has widened the scope of librarianship, conferred new roles on
libraries, and has placed more demands on the ability of librarians. Karisddappa (2004), also
emphasis that society is in dear need to educate and train library employees for a lasting
professional competence, LIS programs are skill-oriented, and for any adequate skill to be
acquired, training has to occur in the appropriate environment.” LIS students therefore are
opportune to use various forms of ICT resource in industries where they are posted for SIWES.
Raimi (2015), quoting Nse (2012), averred that the quality of service rendered in the library
is a function of the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the library staff, and since Library
and Information Science students of today are the librarians of tomorrow, adequate opportunities
to acquire an all round skills should be given to them so that they can deliver effective services in
their future places of work. Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is geared
towards creating an opportunity for the industrial readiness of students through training in relevant
organizations. Ranganathan’s fifth law of library science ‘the library is a growing organism’ as
stated by Kumar, (2013) implies that librarianship is dynamic in nature, as such as the society
changes through development the profession changes along with the library as the hub of activities.
To be relevant in the society LIS students need to acquire the developmental skill through training
to enhance their professional development.
Challenges of SIWES on professional development of LIS students
There are some noticeable challenges facing students’ industrial work experience scheme
which impede the fulfillment of its objectives. These challenges include finance which affects
certain aspects of its operation like students’ supervision and payment of allowances to
participants. The issue of students’ placement is another challenge facing SIWES operation. Some
employers are not willing to accept students into their establishments due to attitudes of some
students and for not wanting to take responsibility of remuneration of students after completion of
the scheme; this is a challenge. There is also the problem of some students wanting to choose
places of attachment by themselves for reasons ranging from not wanting to be far from their
homes and wanting to use the period for enjoyment and leisure like holiday period, thereby
choosing places that are not related to their profession. An example is a library and information
science student training in an accounting firm instead of a library or an information centre; this has
defeated the objectives of the scheme because no practical experience will be acquired at the end
of the training.
Also facing SIWES operation is irregularity in academic calendar of institutions. The issue
of strike and students unrest leading to closure of institutions has a serious negative effect on
duration of the training. Library and information science students are to spend twelve weeks on
SIWES after second semester of 700 level for the post graduate students, twelve weeks after 300
level for under graduate students. The distance learning after 300 level are to spend six weeks but
this has been reduced to eight weeks in most cases for those who are to spend 12 weeks so as to
finish their course within some adjusted/specified period. The implication of this is that enough
practical experience is not obtainable by students and thereby affecting their professional
development negatively.
Descriptive research design was adopted in this research work. Questionnaire was the
instruments used for collecting data to establish the influence of Students Industrial Work
Experience Scheme (SIWES) on professional development of Library and Information Science
(LIS) students in selected Universities in South-West, Nigeria. The study used total enumeration
comprising library and information science students in the following institutions who have gone
through student industrial experience scheme. Out of all the Nigeria Universities in South-West
only the three (3) used in this study are presently offering Library and Information Science. These
(i) Adeleke University, Ede Osun state
(ii) University of Ibadan, Ibadan both at undergraduate and post graduate levels
including the distance learning students.
(iii) Tai Solarin University of Education, (TASUED) Ijebu Ode Ogun state.
These students used in these institutions are those who have gone through Student Industrial Work
Experience Scheme and by virtue of their experience gained are able to answer the questions posed
in the questionnaire.
Table. 1. Study Population
No. of Undergraduates
Adeleke University
Ede, Osun State
University of Ibadan
Ibadan, Oyo State
55 (400 level) and 29 distance
learning students
Ijebu Ode, Ogun
Overall total = 277
Structured questionnaires were used as the research instrument. A total number of two
hundred and seventy seven (277) questionnaires were administered out of which 221 copies
(79.8%) were retrieved. Total enumeration sampling technique was adopted due to the small size
of the population. This technique was also used by Shorunke, Ajayi, Ayeni and Popoola (2014).
Table . 2. Questionnaire Administration and Response rate
Number of
University of Ibadan
The data gathered through the instrument were analysed using descriptive statistics of
frequency, percentages for answering the research questions.
The draft copy of the questionnaire were used to carry out a pilot study on thirty (30) library and
information science students of Kwara State University, Monlete. This group of respondents was
not part of the study but just to compare and validate the research instrument. The reliability of the
instrument was established by conducting a pilot study. The split-half approach, adjusted by
Spearman Brown Formula was applied by dividing the scale in each section into two halves, using
the odd-numbered items for one and the even-numbered for the other. Each of the two sets of the
items was treated as a separate scale for the questionnaire and then correlated with the two sub-
scales taken as a measure of reliability. Using the Spearman Brown method at r=0.88, the
correlation co-efficient obtained between the two halves was r=0.92, indicating the strength of
instrument’s reliability.
Table 3 Places of Attachment of LIS Students
185 (120) (40) (25)
24 (18) (4) (2)
No response
12 (8) (2) (2)
AD= Adeleke University
TS=Tai Solarin University of Education
UI= University of Ibadan
Places of Attachment of LIS Students
The table below revealed the institutions where the respondents had their training. Greater
percentage (83.7%) had theirs in libraries and 10.9% had theirs in non-library institutions while
5.4% were silent about their places of training.
Table 4 Facilities Available at the Place of Training
Computer laboratory
207 (148) (35) (24)
Internet services
207 (145) (37) (25)
104 (75) (18) (11)
Audio visual
168 (144) (38) (25)
No response
14 (7) (5) (3)
Facilities Available at the Place of Training
From the table 4 above the facilities available at the places of training included: computer
laboratories, internet services, e-libraries and audio-visuals. Computer laboratory and internet
facilities had the greatest frequencies 207(93.7%) each.
Table 5 Working Tools Available at the Places of Training of the Respondents
Percentage (%)
Classification schemes
207 (160) (37) (26)
Subject headings
192 (132) (36) (24)
Reference tools
197 (136) (36) (25)
197 (136) (36) (25)
No response
14 (9) (3) (2)
From table 5 above it was revealed that different types of tools were used in the libraries
where the respondent had their training. The table indicates that some libraries have more than one
tool used in performing their various activities. The availability of these tools gave LIS trainees the
opportunity of handling those tools and knowing how to use them to gain practical skill and
professional development in their field of studies. Classification scheme took the highest
frequencies and percentage of 207 (93.7%) while both reference tools and computers had equal
frequencies and percentages of 197 (89.1%). Subject heading had the least 192 (86.9%). According
to the above table 14 (6.3%) did not respond to the question.
Table 6 New Work Methods Learnt by the Respondents
New work methods
Cataloguing and classification
207 (160) (37) (26)
Shelving and shelf reading
207 (160) (37) (26)
Online cataloguing
104 (61) (25) (18)
Use of OPAC
104 (61) (25) (18)
Use of Microsoft excel catalogue
12 (7) (3) (2)
Serial tracking
4 (3) (0) (1)
Use of KOHA software
3 (3) (0) (0)
Sourcing for reference material
8 (5) (1) (2)
Database operation
41 (28) (9) (4)
207 (160) (37) (26)
Use of thesaurus
41 (28) (9) (4)
Newspaper cutting
8 (5) (1) (2)
Reference services
190 (141) (31) (18)
Image database
2 (2) (0) (0)
No response
3 (1) (2) (0)
New Work Methods Learnt by the Respondents
Table 6 illustrates the different new work methods leant by LIS students during their
training. Here there was an overlap on new work methods as majority of LIS students learnt more
than one new work method. Cataloguing and classification, shelving and shelf reading as well as
circulation were common new work methods learnt by LIS students with the same frequencies and
percentages of 207 (93.7%) for each. Reference services was the second highest new work method
learnt by majority of LIS students with frequency of 190 (86%). Online cataloguing and OPAC
were also commonly learnt by most of the LIS students with 104 (47.1%). Database operation and
use of thesaurus both had 41(18.6%) each, use of Microsoft excel catalogue 12 (5.4%) while
sourcing for reference materials, spine labeling and news paper cutting all had 8 (3.6%) each.
Serial tracking 4 (1.8%), use of KOHA software and image data base both had 3 (1.4%). The
above table indicated that 14 (6.3%) did not state any new work method learnt.
Table 6. LIS students’ perceptions of on SIWES as it influences professional development?
In your own opinion SIWES
positively influences professional
216 (97.7%)
3 (1.4%)
SIWES is all about collecting
3 (1.4%)
43 (19.5%)
Provides avenue for technical
skill development, experience and
professional development.
10 (4.5%)
SIWES prepares students for
work after graduation
3 (1.4%)
SIWES exposes students to new
work methods
216 (97.7%)
3 (1.4%)
Makes transition from school to
work easier and enhances
professional development.
3 (1.4%)
Promotes employers involvement
in education process and prepares
students for employment
102 (46.2%)
Students Perception about SIWES on Professional Development
The above table revealed the perceptions of LIS students about SIWES on professional
development. 219(99.1%) of the respondents strongly agreed that SIWES relates professional
development while 2(0.9%) also agreed to the statement. 3(1.4%) of the respondents agreed that
SIWES is about collecting stipend while 172(77.8%) strongly disagreed, also 43(19.5%) disagreed
and 3(1.4%) were undecided. That SIWES provides avenue for technical skill, experience and
professional development, 10(4.5%) of the respondents strongly agreed, 208(94.1%) agreed and
3(1.4%) were undecided. SIWES prepares students for work after graduation, 216(97.7%) of the
respondents agreed, 3(1.4%) strongly agreed and 3(1.4%) were undecided. The opinion of LIS
students on the fact that SIWES exposes students to new work methods is given thus; 216(97.7%)
of the respondents strongly agreed, 3(1.4%) agreed while 3(1.4%) did not respond to the question.
SIWES makes transition from school to work easier and enhances professional development;
216(97.7%) agreed, 3(1.4%) strongly agreed and 3(1.4%) gave no response to this. SIWES
promotes employers’ involvement in education process and prepares students for employment;
102(46.2%) of the respondents strongly agreed, 114(51.6%) agreed while 5(2.3%) were not
Table7 Challenges faced by students during their training
Percentage (%)
180 (128) (34) (18)
120 (81) (27) (12)
184 (131) (28) (12)
Inability to secure places of IT
63 (39) (17) (7)
Early resumption at places of IT
188 (132) (35) (21)
No challenges
37 (8) (17) (12)
Table 7 revealed some of the challenges faced by LIS students during their industrial
training. The challenges encountered include the issue of non acceptance of student by employers
making it difficult for them to secure places of training. 63(28.5%) were affected, 180(81.4%) had
accommodation problem, 120(54.3%) had transportation problem. Finance was another problem
that affected many of the trainees; 184(84.3%) experienced it. The issue of early resumption at the
places of training just like the permanent staff, 188(85.1%) indicated this. Despite all these
constraints, 37(16.7%) of the respondents had no challenge at all. From the above table it showed
that many respondents had more than one challenge during the period of the training.
Discussion of the Findings
Libraries were the establishments where majority of LIS students had their trainings.
Supporting this assertion was Aina (2004) who declared that information science professionals are
engaged in organization, storage, management and dissemination of information. This implied
that LIS students need to undergo proper training to back up their class room knowledge with
practical experience so as to be effective and relevant in their profession and be well developed
professionally. This assertion was supported by Raimi 2015 who also find out in her study that
students were able to learn about development in their course of study through their participation
in SIWES that it added a good deal to their knowledge, and they were able to apply the knowledge
gained at school to the real life situation.
Availability of facilities and equipment were the major reasons for the choice of SIWES
placement of LIS student these facilities in the places of training enabled LIS trainees to have
access to their use to facilitate practical skill acquisition and professional development.
Computer laboratories, internet services and e-libraries were some of the facilities available at the
places of training of LIS students. In line with this assertion was Omekwu (2003) who stressed that
emerging skill in LIS is as a result of digital technologies including computers literacy, internet
literacy, information technology and information literacy. Also supporting this statement was
Ajidahun (2007) who posited that automation and computers in libraries led to development.
Meanwhile Okolocha and Okolocha (2012) in their studies stated that it is necessary for
institutions to liaise with industries where these modern facilities are found to expose students to
real practical activities.
On the perception of LIS students about SIWES on professional development, majority of
the students posited that SIWES provided avenue for technical skill, experience and professional
development. This is in line with the study of Mafe (2009), who stated that when students
conscientiously participated in SIWES they acquire skills and competencies leading to their
professional development. This is because the skills acquired through are internalized and become
relevant when required to perform jobs or functions. Also According to Oyeniyi (2011), students’
Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) affords students the opportunity of familiarizing and
exposing themselves to the needed experience in handling industrial equipment and machinery that
are not usually available in their institutions.
The major challenges faced by LIS students during their training were accommodation,
inadequate finance and inability to secure places of training. The problem of accommodation is
supported by ITF (2006) and Mafe (2009) who reiterated that students are required to arrange for
accommodation on their own as provisions are not made for students’ accommodation during
training. On the aspect of finance, nonpayment of students’ stipends as stated by ITF (2006) that
some institutions divert students’ allowances to other use accounted for this problem. About
inability to secure places of training, ITF (2006) revealed that some employers do not accept
students into their establishments for training. Mofesola, 2012 also supported this assertion by
stating that companies/organizations should be sensitized through organization of
workshops/seminars in order to acquaint them with their expected roles towards students on
industrial training.
On supervision of the trainees, majority of LIS students asserted that supervision was
inadequate. Mafe (2006) also stated that for a scheme as large as SIWES it is imperative that
participants be monitored for effective performance. Lack of supervision of student on training
gives room for poor attendance which invariably leads to poor performance and also has a negative
impact on the achievement of the objective of the scheme.
The scheme has exposed LIS students to new work methods and experience needed in
handling equipments and facilities have not available in the school but needed to perform certain
jobs have been gained. LIS students with the help of SIWES were able to bridge the gap between
knowledge acquired in the school and the relevant practical skills required in work places (library).
However LIS students are faced with lots of challenges during their trainings which include; lack
of accommodation, nonpayment of stipends, transportation problems and inability to secure
relevant and related places of training. Hence for LIS students to be professionally and
competently trained in their course of studies, the initiators of the scheme need to develop a better
approach that will face out the challenges faced by the students during the course of their studies.
Consequent upon the findings of the study, the following recommendations are made:
1. LIS students should be well prepared for this kind of employment environment (SIWES).
They should as a matter of necessity choose functional libraries and library related
organizations for their training to acquire the necessary skills for their professional
development. Also ICT and LIS-related self-employment opportunities should be included
in the program. This could be achieved by students’ ability to choose functional libraries,
be ICT compliant and obtain necessary information and computer literacy.
2. Organized private sectors, government establishments and other related organizations
should be encouraged to accept LIS student for training in their establishments. This could
be done by establishing functional libraries where LIS students would be trained and
organizations would enjoy and maximize to the full the services of the students free of
3. Employers should also be encouraged to make provision for temporary accommodation for
students trainees during their training to eliminate the issue of accommodation problem.
4. It is also recommended that institutions should release funds for the payment of stipend to
trainees to ease off the problem of inadequate fund on students. Funds should also be
released to institutions for effective supervision of students during SIWES training.
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