PharmaSUG 2024 - Paper AD- 218
Potentials and Caveats When Using ChatGPT for Enhanced SAS Macro Writing
Xinran (Flora) Luo, Weijie Yang, Everest Clinical Research
AI language like ChatGPT has impressed and even intimidated programmers. There are discussions of
ChatGPT with examples of simple SAS steps and there are descriptions of various usages of ChatGPT
without examples, but few papers discuss the use of ChatGPT in SAS macro development with
This paper explores the utility of ChatGPT in enhancing the process of writing SAS macros from scratch,
using an example of checking SAS log in batch on Windows and comparing the procedure of using
conventional search engines. The focus is not only on utilizing ChatGPT's capabilities to provide
programmers with initial ideas of program structure when they encounter unusual work request but also
on demonstrating its application in developing a robust macro by showing key steps of the conversations
between programmers and ChatGPT.
Although ChatGPT proves invaluable in offering insights and suggestions, it's imperative to acknowledge
certain caveats. Not all responses provided by ChatGPT are infallible, especially in the context of
technical domains like SAS programming. Emphasizing the importance of independent verification, this
paper underscores the need for users, especially new learners of SAS, to scrutinize and validate the
suggestions before implementation.
This paper aims to empower SAS practitioners by showcasing how ChatGPT can complement their
macro-writing endeavors. By highlighting both the potentials and limitations of leveraging AI language
models like ChatGPT, this paper contributes to fostering a balanced and discerning approach towards
utilizing AI-driven assistance in SAS programming and macro development.
Writing SAS macros can present several challenges, requiring careful attention to syntax, logic, and
efficiency. One common challenge is ensuring that the macro generates correct code for different
scenarios and handles unexpected inputs gracefully. Additionally, debugging macros can be challenging
due to limited error messages and the need to understand macro processing in SAS. Furthermore,
documenting macros effectively is crucial for ensuring their usability and maintainability over time. Overall,
mastering SAS macro writing involves navigating these challenges while balancing flexibility, efficiency,
and reliability in macro design and implementation.
ChatGPT is an advanced natural language processing model developed by OpenAI. It's capable of
understanding and generating human-like text based on the input it receives. With its vast knowledge and
language understanding capabilities, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for various applications, including
SAS programming. ChatGPT can assist SAS programmers by providing suggestions, explanations, and
examples related to SAS syntax, procedures, and functions. In terms of SAS macro development,
ChatGPT can help generate template code, suggesting macro variables, and offering ideas for macro
logic. This can be particularly helpful for beginners who are learning to write macros or for experienced
programmers seeking inspiration for new macro solutions.
The existing papers only demonstrate how to use ChatGPT to search for simple, single questions or
commands in SAS. Writing a macro involves multiple small questions, and the continuous conversational
search approach of ChatGPT is well-suited for brainstorming and divergent thinking. Additionally,
breaking down the versatile functionalities that the macro needs to achieve into clear and concise
questions is beneficial, even without ChatGPT. This approach of breaking down the big goal into smaller
objectives, clearly expressing our requirements/questions, and tackling them one by one is very useful.
Again, ChatGPT's conversational approach is more inspiring than regular searches because it provides
tailored responses that are custom-made to address our questions, rather than searching through SAS
SUPPORT. Furthermore, the code is replicable, and there are comments explaining each step of the
process. These comments generated by ChatGPT help with the maintenance of SAS macros and provide
users with a better understanding.
In this paper, a specific SAS macro will be used as an example to illustrate the entire process of using
ChatGPT to assist in writing the macro, and to introduce key steps to the audience. The paper will also
compare conventional search engines with ChatGPT, highlighting the latter's characteristics. However,
ChatGPT also has its limitations, and users need to carefully discern and test the code before formally
adopting it.
One way to check code or perform quality control (QC) is to examine the log files for errors or warnings.
The task is to develop a SAS macro from scratch to check SAS log in batch on Windows by searching
multiple log files for specific messages or keywords of interest, such as "overwritten," "uninitialized," or
"values have been converted." This eliminates the need to manually open each log file for inspection.
When faced with such an unusual request and lacking direction, consulting ChatGPT becomes
Figure 1 shows the desired output of log summary. There will be 2 columns for program names and log
messages respectively. Additionally, each message has a hyperlink to the corresponding log file and the
program name in the other column has a hyperlink to the corresponding program, so that users can check
codes in detail.
Figure 1. Desired Outputs by PC SAS
Our goal is to use PC SAS to extract the log messages we care about and store them in a log summary
rtf file by simply inputting the path to the program and log files as parameters to the SAS macro (Figure
Figure 2. Desired Macro Parameters
When working on the SAS macro, questions were asked using Google and ChatGPT (Question 1,
Question 2). ChatGPT gave the correct answer the first time it was asked. Google can also find answers,
but it requires opening several web pages, reading other people's questions to confirm if they match one's
own, and then searching between the lines of potentially lengthy responses because the answers from a
Google search might contain more than just the solution to one specific question.
Please see the comparison of search results between Google and ChatGPT (Table 1).
Question 1. How to make `pipe` work when there are spaces in the directory?
Question 2. How to extract keywords from log files?
Table 1. Comparison between Google and ChatGPT
In the process of conversing with ChatGPT to complete this SAS macro, several tips were summarized on
how to have an effective conversation with ChatGPT. These tips will be interspersed with the steps of this
SAS macro as examples.
When you have no clear direction, you ask several core questions regarding the main functionalities that
the SAS macro needs to achieve, in this example, including how to extract keywords and how to read
multiple files. Once you have an overall idea, you can gradually break down the goals into smaller
objectives and tackle them one by one. In this example, these are the steps you follow to develop this
macro, and also the questions you ask ChatGPT (Table 2). The details or follow-up questions are shown
in black on the right (Table 2), while the errors generated by the code provided by ChatGPT are
highlighted in red.
Table 2. Break Down the Task into Steps
You start with asking ChatGPT a rather general question. After seeing the answers given, you start to
revise and flesh out your questions by adding constraints and limitations, such as the characteristics of
input data, the file type of the output, and the specific layout of the output. The below 4 sequential
questions are an example. At first, ChatGPT only provided an `index` statement to identify a single log
file. However, as the questions became more specific, the code it provided became more complex,
including `pipe`, `prxparse` and ODS statements for reading multiple files, identifying multiple keywords,
and displaying the output, respectively.
Figure 3. Set Limitations and Constraints
After using `prxparse` to extract key words, there are additional conditions that need to be included in the
macro. For instance, ignore case sensitivity and identify multiple keywords instead of one. Unlike Google
searches, search results from ChatGPT will link to previously asked questions so you just need to ask the
single question and don’t have to explain the background again.
Sometimes, even if you have an overall idea, you may still be unsure about how to write the code
1. extract file names
2. extract key words
How to ignore case when identifying
key words
3. Identify multiple key
syntax error: eof uninitialized
4. “no unusual message is
syntax error: catsx
5. Add links
specifically or where to start. It could be just a vague outline at this point. In such cases, you can seek
guidance from ChatGPT. Your task is to clearly express your questions, including what you aim to
achieve and the specific steps you want to implement. These steps are best described as clear, small,
and manageable tasks rather than broad, general tasks. This way, ChatGPT can provide you with the
answers you are looking for. In this example, after extracting multiple file names, you need to store them
in a macro variable and use a do loop for each file name for subsequent steps (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Do Loop
While ChatGPT can provide seemingly correct and well-written answers with explanatory comments,
always remember to verify each answer. You can think of ChatGPT as a highly intelligent child who can
respond fluently to many questions, but it can also provide inaccurate answers. In such situations, it
needs feedback, such as corrections, providing the correct answer, or giving a thumbs down (Figure 5) to
its response. It helps us learn and improve work efficiency, and it also needs our help to gradually refine
and improve. In general, if we already know the correct answer and intentionally ask ChatGPT, we can
directly correct it when ChatGPT provides an inaccurate answer. However, when developing SAS
macros, the answers are exploratory and there may be multiple correct solutions. Fortunately, SAS itself
is a tool that can directly validate ChatGPT code. This requires users to have a certain level of SAS
knowledge, and for beginners, at least having a functional SAS environment to run the code and validate
the answers provided by ChatGPT is necessary. The most direct way is to input the first error or warning
generated by the ChatGPT code into the dialog box for validation. ChatGPT will then apologize and try to
give another answer. During the development of this SAS macro, two ways of modifying answers were
encountered: one is to switch to a completely different answer, and the other is to make corrections
based on the existing answer. Please see the below examples (Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 9)
Figure 5. Feedback for ChatGPT
Example of an Alternative Answer
In this SAS macro example, the last step was about adding hyperlinks that could connect to the SAS
program and log file corresponding to each message. ChatGPT provided an answer containing a code
snippet that included a somewhat unfamiliar function called `catsx` (Figure 6).
Figure 6. Add Link Version 1
After copying the code into SAS and running it, errors occurred. ChatGPT provided an alternative answer
of using `||` after the first error was asked (Figure 7).
Figure 7. ChatGPTs Alternative Answer
Example of a Revised Answer
In addition to identifying and displaying the messages we're monitoring, if no messages are detected, it
should generate the sentence in the log summary output: "No unusual message is found." When
ChatGPT was asked about this requirement, it provided what looks like the correct answer (Figure 8).
Figure 8. “No messages found” Version 1
However, errors occurred. But there's no need to panic. Similarly, input the first error to debug. In fact,
ChatGPT's initial response is already very close to the correct answer. At this point, it has slightly refined
the answer based on the previous response (Figure 9).
Figure 9. “No messages found” Version 2
Besides solving specific problems, ChatGPT can also serve as a learning tool. Explanations of basic
concepts or code snippets can give beginners a preliminary understanding. Learning through ChatGPT is
a convenient way because of the conversational pattern, although since ChatGPT is still in development,
for accuracy, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with the official SAS documentation. Again, when
dealing with specific code, it's important to verify extensively.
After a few rounds of debugging by inputting the errors into ChatGPT, finally the codes worked in the
macro (Figure 10).
Figure 10. Add Link Final Version
Follow-up questions can also be asked when you want to learn more about why this code works.
example, if you want to know more about why “call define” or “URL” should be used, you can ask the
below question (Figure 11).
Figure 11. Follow-up Question about `CALL DEFINE`
Through the opportunity of writing the macro, I had conversations with ChatGPT and summarized the
below takeaway insights on effective questioning and considerations when using ChatGPT for SAS
macro writing:
1. Break down functionalities of the SAS macro into a step-by-step process.
2. Include specific keywords and constraints to make the responses from ChatGPT more tailored to our
3. Clearly express the problems by addressing one clear question or requirement at a time.
4. Be cautious when using the answers. It's best to test or run the SAS code to verify its accuracy since
ChatGPT's responses may not always be reliable.
5. If encountering errors, there's no need to panic. Input the first error message into ChatGPT, and it can
potentially suggest corrections based on its previous response.
When we're unsure about a task or have some ideas but don't know how to implement them in code,
ChatGPT can be consulted. Compared to regular search engines, ChatGPT's advantage lies in providing
tailored answers with abundant practical insights. For instance, it offers relatively complete code that can
be directly used, with comments to help understanding. It serves as a valuable tool for learning and
improving work efficiency. Our role is to decompose tasks and clearly express the requirements for each
step, enabling effective questioning. However, at the same time, we shouldn't overly rely on or blindly
follow ChatGPT, especially for SAS beginners. It's advisable to test and validate the provided code before
adopting it.
Nyakundi, Hillary. “How to Communicate with ChatGPT A Guide to Prompt Engineering. Accessed
April 20, 2023. https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-communicate-with-ai-tools-prompt-
Whitney, Lance. That's Not Right: How to Tell ChatGPT When It's Wrong”. Accessed May 15, 2023.
That's Not Right: How to Tell ChatGPT When It's Wrong | PCMag.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my manager Weijie for her support, trust, and
encouragement all along.
Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Also, if you want to require the complete
codes of the SAS macro, contact the author at:
Xinran (Flora) Luo