1218 LeFrak Hall 7251 Preinkert Dr. University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
University of California, Los Angeles October 2017
Ph.D. in Statistics
Dissertation: Population Size Estimation using Multiple Respondent-Driven Samples
I develop a model for estimating the size of a hard-to-reach population (e.g. people at high risk for HIV) using
respondent-driven sampling (RDS) data, applying capture-recapture concepts and using the respondents’
personal network size and ordered nature of RDS data.
Amherst College June 2012
B.A. in Mathematics & Philosophy
Graduated with Honors in Mathematics
Respondent-Driven Sampling
Population Size Estimation: Capture-Recapture and Multiple List methods
Social Network Analysis
Network Sampling Methods
Machine Learning with Survey Data
Data Science Education
Assistant Research Professor 8/20 - Present
Lecturer 10/17 - 8/20
Joint Program in Survey Methodology
University of Maryland, College Park
Managed and oversaw the development and day-to-day operations of a ten-day data analytics training course
at the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) at the National Science Foundation
Provided guidance as a facilitator with the Applied Data Analytics (ADA) program for teaching data analytics
(including record linkage, text analysis, network analysis, and machine learning) to working professionals in
public policy.
Developed and taught introductory statistics material for both undergraduate and graduate students, utilizing
both traditional and flipped classroom formats in online and in-person settings.
Wrote, edited, and maintained an online textbook on Introductory Python and SQL with executable code to
be used in various classes.
Statistical Consultant 5/14 - 6/16
Institute for Digital Research and Education
University of California, Los Angeles
Assisted clients in cleaning, merging, and preparing data for analysis.
Helped graduate students and professors with their dissertations, publications, and other projects using
methods such as mixed modeling, PCA, simulation, and more using a variety of statistical software.
Kim, Brian J., McLaughlin, K., Johnston, L., Grigoryan, T., Papoyan, A., and Grigoryan, S. (Submitted)
Hidden Population Size Estimation and Diagnostics using Capture-Recapture from Respondent-Driven Samples
in Armenia. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C.
Kim, Brian J. and Henke, G. (Conditional Accept) Easy-to-Use Cloud Computing for Teaching Data Science.
Journal of Statistics Education
Kreuter, F., Barkay, N., Bilinski, A., Bradford, A., Chiu, S., Eliat, R., Fan, J., Galili, T., Haimovich, D., Kim, B.,
LaRocca, S., Li, Y., Morris, K., Presser, S., Sarig, T., Salomon, J. A., Stewart, K., Stuart, E. A., & Tibshirani, R.
(2020). Partnering with a global platform to inform research and public policy making. Survey Research Methods,
14(2), 159-163.
Kim, Brian J., Ogwal, M., Sande, E., Kiyingi, H., Serwadda, D., and Hladik, W. (2020) Using Geograph-
ical Data and Rolling Statistics for Diagnostics of Respondent-Driven Sampling. Social Networks. https:
Kim, Brian J. and Handcock, M. (2019) Population Size Estimation Using Multiple Respondent-Driven Sam-
pling Surveys. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology.
Kim, Brian J. (August 2020) Machine Learning Model Selection for Complex Sample Survey Data. Presented
at the Symposium on Data Science and Statistics.
Kim, Brian J. and Handcock, M. (August 2019) Population Size Estimation Using Multiple Respondent-Driven
Sampling Surveys. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, CO.
Kim, Brian J. and Henke, G. (May 2019) Teaching Data Science Using Jupyter Notebooks and Binder Presented
at the Symposium on Data Science and Statistics, Bellevue, WA.
Kim, Brian J., Ogwal, M., Sande, E., Kiyingi, H., Serwadda, D., and Hladik, W. (November 2018) Assessing
Respondent-Driven Sampling Using Geographical Data. Presented at the North American Social Network Con-
ference, Washington, D.C.
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
Journal of Statistical Software
Public Opinion Quarterly
Chair, Search Committee for Executive Director of the Center for Advances in Data and Measurement.
Chair, Committee for Social Data Science Major.
University of Maryland 10/17 - Present
SURV 699U: Machine Learning for Social Sciences (Fall 2020)
SURV 673: Introduction to Python & SQL (Fall 2020)
SURV 673: Introduction to Python & SQL (Summer 2020)
SURV 699M: Review of Statistical Concepts (Summer 2020)
SURV 622: Fundamentals of Data Collection (Spring 2020)
BSOS 233: Data Science for Social Sciences (Spring 2020)
BSOS 233: Data Science for Social Sciences (Fall 2019)
SURV 673: Introduction to Python & SQL (Fall 2019)
SURV 673: Introduction to Python & SQL (Summer 2019)
SURV 699M: Review of Statistical Concepts (Summer 2019)
SURV 699C: Introduction to Python & SQL (Summer 2018)
SURV 699C: Introduction to Python & SQL (Spring 2019)
INST 354: Decision Making for Information Science (Spring 2019)
INST 314: Statistics for Information Science (Fall 2018)
SURV 699C: Introduction to Python & SQL (Fall 2018)
SURV 699M: Review of Statistical Concepts (Summer 2018)
University of Maryland 3/18
Teaching Assistant
SURV 751: Big Data and Machine Learning (Spring 2018)
University of California, Los Angeles 1/17 - 3/17
Stat 98T: Six Degrees of Separation: Studying the World Through Social Networks (Winter 2017)
University of California, Los Angeles 9/13 - 6/16
Teaching Assistant
Stat 10: Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (Spring 2016)
Stat 10: Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (Winter 2016)
Stat 10: Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (Fall 2015)
Stat 10: Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (Spring 2015)
Stat 10: Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (Winter 2015)
Stat 10: Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (Fall 2014)
Stat 10: Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (Spring 2014)
Stat 10: Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (Winter 2014)
Stat 10: Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (Fall 2013)
Applied Data Analytics Program 10/17 - Present
Coleridge Initiative
National Science Foundation, NCSES BAA 9/20 - 8/21
Modernizing NCSES Data Collection Approaches (co-PI)
National Science Foundation, ECR: 1956114 ($401,716) 5/20 - 5/25
Collaborative Research: Impacts of Hard/Soft Skills on STEM Workforce Trajectories (co-PI)
Teaching Innovations Grant ($18,000) 6/20 - 8/20
Teaching Innovations Grant ($5,000) 6/20 - 8/20
Year of Data Science ($17,500) 7/19 - 5/20
Developing a New Course in Data Science: Introduction
to Data Science for Social Sciences (PI)
Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention ($30,000) 12/18 - 7/19
Feasibility Testing of a Respondent-Driven Sampling Approach to
Recruit Human Trafficking Victims
Dissertation Year Fellowship 9/16-6/17
Collegium of University Teaching Fellows 9/16-6/17
Graduate Dean’s Scholar Award 6/12-9/14
Statistical Software Highly skilled in R, including integrating C++ with R using Rcpp, and in the use
of SQL and Python.
Statistics Highly skilled in a variety of methods, including but not limited to hypothesis test-
ing, regression, mixed models, clustering analysis, social network analysis, social
network models, network sampling methods, Monte Carlo simulation, Bayesian
models, Machine Learning, and more.
Other Software Skilled or proficient in the use of many other programs, including, but not limited
to, Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint; LaTeX.