FINRA is publishing this Notice to reiterate the supervisory obligations of
member firms regarding associated persons with a history of past misconduct
that may pose a risk to investors. FINRA Rule 3110 (Supervision) requires
member firms to establish and maintain a system to supervise the activities
of each associated person that is reasonably designed to achieve compliance
with applicable securities laws and FINRA rules. An effective supervisory
system plays an essential role in the prevention of sales abuses, and thus,
enhances investor protection and market integrity. As such, FINRA has long
emphasized that member firms have a fundamental obligation to implement
a supervisory system that is tailored specifically to the member firm’s
business and addresses the activities of all its associated persons. This Notice
highlights particular instances where heightened supervision of an associated
person may be appropriate. Firms are encouraged to adopt the practices that
are outlined in this Notice to strengthen their own supervisory procedures, as
appropriate to their business.
This Notice is one of several FINRA initiatives focused on associated persons
with a history of past misconduct that pose a risk to investors and the firms
that employ them. These initiatives are designed to strengthen oversight
of such associated persons and firms through a combination of guidance,
rule changes, and FINRA examination and surveillance programs. FINRA
also is simultaneously issuing Regulatory Notice 18-16 seeking comment on
proposed rule amendments to further efforts to protect investors.
Questions concerning this Notice should be directed to Kosha Dalal, Associate
Vice President and Associate General Counsel, Office of General Counsel
(OGC), at (202) 728-6903 or [email protected].
Regulatory Notice 18-15
April 30, 2018
Notice Type
Suggested Routing
Registered Representatives
Senior Management
Key Topics
Heightened Supervision
Referenced Rules & Notices
FINRA Rule 3110
Notice to Members 97-19
Notice to Members 98-38
Regulatory Notice 18-16
Heightened Supervision
Guidance on Implementing Effective Heightened
Supervisory Procedures for Associated Persons With
a History of Past Misconduct
Background & Discussion
FINRA administers comprehensive regulatory programs designed to help our members
maintain trust in the financial markets. These programs serve multiple purposes in
advancing FINRA’s mission of protecting investors and market integrity—including
promoting compliance with applicable rules, creating a level playing field, and enhancing
transparency and access to information. One of their most important purposes is to
protect investors from bad actors: those who seek to evade regulatory requirements and
harm investors for their own personal gain. FINRA continues to evaluate and augment its
regulatory programs to better identify and supervise potential bad actors.
Member firms also have a key role to play in protecting investors from bad actors. While
FINRA believes that the vast majority of registered representatives seek to serve their
clients in accordance with all applicable regulatory requirements, ongoing vigilance by
member firms is critical. Member firms should be reviewing and updating their supervisory
systems and procedures for hiring practices, monitoring brokers and investigating red
flags suggestive of misconduct. FINRA requires member firms to establish and maintain
supervisory systems for each of their associated persons and to test and verify annually
that they have established reasonable procedures, including procedures for heightened
supervision of associated persons, where necessary. FINRA and the SEC have emphasized
the need for heightened supervision when a member firm associates with persons who
have a history of industry or regulatory-related incidents.
These heightened supervisory
procedures are a critical element in a member firm’s supervisory system. As such, it
is essential that firms monitor the histories of their associated persons and establish
heightened measures to supervise the activities of those associated persons with greater
potential of creating customer harm.
FINRA previously issued guidance regarding the application of heightened supervisory
plans for associated persons with a history of industry or regulatory-related incidents.
For example, a firm that hires an associated person with a recent history of customer
complaints, disciplinary actions involving sales practice abuse or other customer harm,
or adverse arbitration decisions should determine whether it needs special supervisory
procedures for that associated person, or whether its existing supervisory procedures are
sufficient to address the circumstances.
Firms also should make this determination where
an associated person, during his or her employment with the firm, develops a history of
Member firms often serve as the first line of defense against customer harm through
establishing and maintaining effective supervisory systems, particularly with regard to
associated persons who may pose higher risks of causing customer harm. In order to
provide additional guidance to firms, FINRA has identified certain circumstances under
which firms are encouraged to consider implementing heightened supervisory procedures
for an associated person.
Implementation of the suggested recommendations may
2 Regulatory Notice
April 30, 2018
help to reduce future customer harm by brokers; however, the recommendations below
are not intended to be an exhaustive list of circumstances firms should consider when
determining whether to implement heightened supervisory procedures. Moreover, a firm’s
implementation of the recommendations in and of themselves would not necessarily
satisfy its obligations under Rule 3110(a) to establish and maintain a supervisory system
reasonably designed to achieve compliance with applicable securities laws and applicable
FINRA rules or other obligations that may arise under FINRA rules.
Heightened Supervisory Procedures
A firm should routinely evaluate its supervisory procedures to ensure they are appropriately
tailored for each associated person and take into consideration, among other things,
the person’s activities and history of industry and regulatory-related incidents. When an
associated person of the firm has a history of industry or regulatory-related incidents, the
firm must make a reasonable determination as to whether its standard supervisory and
educational programs are adequate to address the issues such person’s history raises or
whether the firm should develop tailored heightened supervisory procedures to address
such issues. The failure to assess the adequacy of its supervisory procedures in light of an
associated person’s history of industry or regulatory-related incidents would be closely
evaluated in determining whether the firm itself should be subject to disciplinary action for
a failure to supervise should that person be the subject of a future industry or regulatory-
related incident.
A. Identifying Individuals for Heightened Supervision
In identifying which associated persons to place on heightened supervision, firms should
consider, among other things, customer-related regulatory actions; criminal matters; the
firm’s pre-registration investigation; internal investigations; firm-imposed discipline;
disciplinary actions; final, pending and settled arbitrations; past, open or settled customer
complaints; terminations for cause; and other items disclosed on the person’s uniform
registration forms.
While final adverse adjudicated matters such as disciplinary actions,
criminal matters and arbitrations clearly indicate a disciplinary problem, a pattern of
unadjudicated matters, such as unadjudicated customer complaints, also may be indicative
of a history that should be carefully reviewed.
In addition, FINRA believes that the following two circumstances raise significant investor
protection concerns, and firms should evaluate the facts and circumstances to make a
determination of whether heightened supervision would be appropriate.
Regulatory Notice 3
April 30, 2018
Heightened Supervision of Statutorily Disqualified Persons During Eligibility
Review Process
Currently, if an associated person who has an industry or regulatory-related event
that qualifies as a statutory disqualification (SD) under the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 (Exchange Act) wants to continue associating with a member firm, he or she
must undergo a FINRA eligibility proceeding.
Under FINRA’s current rules, a person
who becomes statutorily disqualified while associated with a member firm is allowed
to remain associated with that member firm during FINRA’s review process, so long
as the member firm promptly files a Form MC-400 application (SD Application). In
reviewing an SD Application, FINRA can seek to prevent the statutorily disqualified
person from associating with a member firm or can permit the statutorily disqualified
person to associate with a member firm if it is consistent with the public interest and
protection of investors. Generally, where FINRA permits the statutorily disqualified
person to associate or continue association with a member firm, FINRA will condition
the association on the establishment of certain safeguards, including the adoption and
implementation of a heightened supervisory plan by the member firm of the person’s
business activities. To further promote investor protection, member firms should
consider adopting and implementing an interim plan of heightened supervision for
any statutorily disqualified person associated with the firm once the SD Application
is filed with FINRA and to keep such heightened supervisory plan in place while the
review is pending. FINRA believes heightened supervision may be appropriate for such
persons because they have already been statutorily disqualified, and, in nearly every
case, the continued association of a statutorily disqualified person approved through a
FINRA eligibility proceeding is conditioned on the individual being subject to a robust
heightened supervision plan.
Heightened Supervision of Persons While Disciplinary Case Is On Appeal
Currently, when an associated person or member firm in a litigated disciplinary case
appeals a Hearing Panel decision to the National Adjudicatory Council (NAC), sanctions
are generally stayed pending an appeal.
In cases where the Hearing Panel has rendered
a decision making a finding of violation against the associated person and where an
appeal is filed, to further promote investor protection, firms should consider adopting
and implementing an interim plan of heightened supervision for such associated
person and keep such heightened supervisory plan in place while the appeal is pending.
FINRA believes heightened supervision may be appropriate for such persons because
they have already been found to have violated a rule.
4 Regulatory Notice
April 30, 2018
B. Developing and Implementing a Heightened Supervision Plan
Once a firm determines that heightened supervision is necessary, the firm should develop
written, tailored heightened supervisory procedures designed to address the nature of
the particular concerns the associated person’s incident history raises and the nature of
such person’s ongoing activities. When developing a heightened supervision plan, the firm
should determine the parameters of the plan on a case-by-case basis for each associated
person that the firm has identified as requiring heightened supervision.
In making this determination, a firm should consider whether the nature of the concerns
the associated person’s incident history raises involved a particular product, customer type
or activity. In any of these instances, the firm should examine the product, customer type
or activity to identify the level and type of risk it presents. The firm should then determine
what type of supervision might best control and limit this type of risk. The plan should
reflect a firm’s reasonable consideration of how to effectively supervise the individual
through tailored provisions designed to prevent and deter future incidents.
FINRA has provided a number of factors that firms should consider including in a
heightened supervision plan. Firms are cautioned that these factors are neither exhaustive
nor will they constitute a safe harbor for FINRA rules. Based on staff experience, FINRA
believes effective heightened supervision plans should include, at a minimum:
designating a principal with the appropriate training and experience to implement
and enforce the plan;
requiring appropriate additional training for the associated person subject to the
plan to address the nature of incidents resulting in the plan;
requiring the written acknowledgment of the heightened supervisory plan by the
associated person subject to the plan and the designated supervisory principal; and
periodically reviewing the heightened supervision plan to assess its effectiveness.
In addition to these minimum provisions, FINRA has seen, among other things, effective
heightened supervision plans that provide for:
heightened supervision of the associated person’s business activities, including
customer-related activities, employee personal trading accounts, outside business
activities and private securities transactions;
proximity of the supervisor to the associated person;
more frequent contact between the supervisor and the associated person;
more frequent review of the associated person’s communications, particularly with
more frequent monitoring or inspection of the associated person’s office(s); and
expediting the handling of customer complaints related to the associated person.
Regulatory Notice 5
April 30, 2018
1. See Regulatory Notice 18-16 (FINRA Requests
Comment on FINRA Rule Amendments Relating
to High-Risk Brokers and the Firms that Employ
Them) (April 2018). In connection with our
on-going efforts to address high-risk brokers,
FINRA also will be publishing revised Sanction
Guidelines shortly.
2. See, e.g., Dep’t of Enforcement v. J. Alexander
Sec., Inc., No. CAF010021, 2004 NASD Discip.
LEXIS 16, at *51 (NAC Aug. 16, 2004), aff’d sub
nom. Robert J. Prager, Exchange Act Rel. No.
51974, 2005 SEC LEXIS 1558 (July 6, 2005); Signal
Sec., Inc., Exchange Act Rel. No. 43350, 2000
SEC LEXIS 2030, at *17 (Sept. 26, 2000); James
Harvey Thornton, 53 S.E.C. 1210, 1216 (1999);
Consolidated Inv. Serv., Inc., 52 S.E.C. 582, 588-89
(1996); Notice to Members 97-19 (April 1997);
Notice to Members 98-39 (May 1998).
3. See Notice to Members 97-19 (stating that a
member firm with a registered representative
who develops a history of customer complaints,
final disciplinary actions involving sales practice
abuse or other customer harm, or adverse
arbitration decisions should consider developing
special supervisory procedures for that registered
representative); and Notice to Members 98-39
(indicating that unexpected supervisory visits
to offices with personnel who have disciplinary
records may be appropriate). See also, Robert W.
Cook, President and CEO, FINRA, Address at the
McDonough School of Business, Georgetown
University: Protecting Investors From Bad
Actors (June 12, 2017), available at www.finra.
investors-bad-actors; and FINRA 2018 Regulatory
and Examination Priorities Letter (January 8,
2018), available at
A member firm’s supervisory system is critical to protecting investors and market
integrity, particularly where persons associated with the firm have a history of industry or
regulatory-related incidents. It is essential that firms monitor the regulatory histories of
their associated persons and establish additional measures to supervise the activities of
those individuals with greater potential of creating customer harm. The implementation
of heightened supervision does not diminish the importance of a member firm’s overall
supervisory obligations. Member firms must continue to have supervisory systems
reasonably designed to ensure compliance with applicable securities laws and FINRA
rules for each type of business conducted by the firm and its associated persons.
6 Regulatory Notice
April 30, 2018
©2018. FINRA. All rights reserved. Regulatory Notices attempt to present information to readers in a format that is
easily understandable. However, please be aware that, in case of any misunderstanding, the rule language prevails.
4. See FINRA Rule 3110(e), which requires a
firm to ascertain by investigation the good
character, business reputation, qualifications
and experience of an applicant before it registers
that applicant with FINRA. Firms are advised to
consider all available information gathered in
the pre-registration process for this purpose,
including Form U4 and U5 responses, searches
of the CRD system, fingerprint results, private
background checks and communications
with previous employers. In addition, FINRA
strengthened the background check obligations
of firms by requiring firms to adopt written
procedures reasonably designed to verify the
accuracy of completeness of the information
contained in the applicant’s Form U4. See also
Notice to Members 97-19.
5. FINRA also requires heightened supervision
in some cases when a firm hires numerous
individuals from a disciplined firm. In such
cases, a firm can become a “taping firm,” and
be required to tape record all of its registered
persons’ phone calls with investors. See FINRA
Rule 3170 (Tape Recording of Registered Person
by Certain Firms).
6. See the Uniform Application for Securities
Industry Registration or Transfer (Form U4),
the Uniform Termination Notice for Securities
Industry Registration (Form U5) and the Uniform
Disciplinary Action Reporting Form (Form U6).
7. See Regulatory Notice 18-16 (April 2018), in which
FINRA is seeking, among other things, comment
on proposals to require mandatory heightened
supervision in the two instances described.
8. Events triggering statutory disqualification
include, for example, certain enumerated
misdemeanor and all felony criminal
convictions for a period of ten years from the
date of conviction; temporary and permanent
injunctions (regardless of their age) involving a
broad range of unlawful investment activities;
bars (and current suspensions) ordered by the
SEC or a self-regulatory organization (SRO); and
findings that a person willfully has made or
caused to be made false statements of a material
fact to an SRO. See Sections 3(a)(39) and 15(b)(4)
(A) of the Exchange Act; FINRA By-Laws Article III,
Section 4. Persons who are or become subject to
a statutory disqualification may seek to enter, re-
enter, or in the case of incumbents, continue in
the securities industry.
9. See FINRA Rule 9311(b).
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