[Sample Sponsorship Letter]
123 Company Road
City, State 12345
October 1, 2022
Darden School of Business
University of Virginia
Office of Admissions
Re: Sponsorship of Mary Smith
Dear Sir or Madam:
Sample Company is pleased to sponsor Mary Smith for the [Executive MBA program / Part-
Time MBA program] at the Darden School of Business. Sample Company will allow Mary to
attend all residencies and understands the weekly time requirements to prepare coursework.
[Additional statement for applicants receiving full financial sponsorship]
Sample Company understands that as Mary attends the program, she will be learning new
information and generating new ideas that will provide immediate value to our company.
Consequently, Sample Company will pay for the full cost of the program.
[Optional: Use this space to summarize the applicant’s accomplishments and potential as a
manager and leader]
Manager/HR Director
Sample Company
cc: Mary Smith