Sample Resume and Cover Letter
Counseling and Social Work
Job Description
These are key skills that
the employer/recruiter will
be looking for on a resume
and cover letter
Pay attention to the Job
Site, Populations Served,
Theoretical Orientations,
and Work Culture details
If you have experience in
the theoretical orientations
mentioned in a job posting,
be sure to mention it!
LPCs and LSWs are often
equivalent for job
opportunities, as well as
Because this prior
experience is "preferred,"
you can still apply if you
don't have it!
Applicant closes letter
reiterating interest in the
opportunity. You can also include
contact information here.
Cover Letter
Applicant references skills listed in the job
description in specific examples of when they
used those skills in work experiences
If applying for a position that requires a license,
you can indicate when you plan to take the
exam/receive the license in your cover letter
Applicant aligns themselves with
the job by demonstrating an
interest/passion in group work
Group work is emphasized throughout the resume
because the job opportunity is a Group Therapist
Applicant explains the goals
of therapeutic work with
clients and theoretical
Applicant can connect
this transferrable skill
to charting