Preparing for
Room 132
(502) 852-2173
University Writing Center
We serve everyone in the
UofL community, including
undergraduates, graduate
students, faculty, and staff.
We help at any point in the
writing process:
Getting started on an idea
Working on a draft in
Revising a completed draft
Copyediting and polishing a
final draft.
We can help with:
Class Assignments
Personal Statements
Thesis or Dissertation
Creative Writing
Co-op or Internship
And More!!!!!!!!
Virtual Writing Center:
Live Video Chat
Written feedback
Online resources
Live Video Chat
50 minutes
Writers: Upload or
copy/paste any
writing or files
relevant to the
Consultants: Ask
about the writers
concerns, read
through the
assignment & draft
with the writer, ask
questions, and offer
Written Feedback
50 minutes
Writers: Upload a draft,
assignment prompt, and
Consultants: Read your
draft and compose a
response that includes
questions, comments,
suggestions, praise, and
overall revision advice.
Consultants: Email
feedback to writer as a
new file.
University Writing Center:
Our Goal
We strive to both to help writers with their
current projects, and offer strategies to help
with future writing tasks. We are not an
editing service, but work to help people
become better writers.
University Writing Center:
Online Writing Resources
Writing FAQs: Responses and advice to the Frequently
Asked Questions we get about writing.
Videos: about citation styles, writing with sources, and
avoiding plagiarism.
Handouts: Online copies of the handouts we use in the
Writing Center to address issues of writing strategies,
genres, and style and usage.
University Writing Center:
How to Make an Appointment
**Go to and click on Appointments**
Chat with us on Microsoft Teams: Writing Center Virtual Front
Call us at 502-852-2173
Stop by our front desk (fall 2020).
Read through the information on our website about appointment
policies and procedures.
Our hours are M-F 9 am 5 pm
If the schedule is full, you can put your name on an electronic Waitlist
to be notified of an opening.
Two minute freewrite:
What do you know about the format and
expectations for the Praxis CASE ?
What strategies have been successful in the past
for timed writing?
What do you want to learn from todays
Praxis CASE Writing- 3 Sections
1. Selected response (40 min) questions
involving usage, sentence correction, revision
in context, & research skills
2. Argumentative Essay (30 min)
3. Source-based Essay (30 min)
Study guide:
Argumentative Essay
Draw from personal experience, observation, or reading to
support a position with specific reasons and examples”
Argue a pointagree, disagreewith convincing
Use your own words to analyze
Demonstrate critical and analytical thinking
Brief introduction & thesis statement
Example Evidence Example Evidence
Short conclusion
Argumentative Example Prompt
“Minimum wage jobs are a ticket to nowhere. They are boring
and repetitive and teach employees little or nothing of value.
Minimum-wage employers take advantage of people because
they need a job.
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with this
opinion. Support your views with specific reasons and
examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
extract information from two provided sources to identify
important concerns related to an issue”
Sort through information, identify important concepts, and
discuss importance
Synthesize identify the main point of debate.
Make connections, discuss relationships, compare, contrast
Demonstrate critical and analytical thinking
Directions: In the following section, you will have 30 minutes to
read two sort passages on a topic and then plan and write an
essay on that topic. The essay will be an informative essay
based on the two sources that are provided.
Examples of 2 sources
Read successful examples
Practice, practice, practice
Time yourself (30 minutes)
Get feedback:
Organization: What order do you present your
ideas and which ideas are grouped together?
Content: What are you actually trying to say?
Style and voice: How do present your ideas, on the
sentence level?
Writing the Essay
Read directions carefully
Use some of your 30 minutes for planning
Use words from the question in your response.
State your claim (argument) or overall synthesis (source-
based) in the first sentence.
Consider short paragraphs
Use clear transitions and connections between ideas and
paragraphs. (handout)
If you think of new ideas as you write, stop and jot it
down on your outline.
Editing & Proofreading
Use some of your time to
Strive for clarity and focus
The best word isn’t the
always the fanciest word
Help the essay evaluators
to easily read and
understand what you
Reducing Test Stress & Anxiety
Give yourself enough time to study
Get plenty of sleep the night before
Have a healthy, energy-boosting snack before (or
during) the exam. Drink plenty of water. Don’t have
Before and during the exam, take deep breaths. If
possible, stretch, close your eyes for a moment.
Bring a “good luck charm”
Use all your time
Practice: 10 minutes
Brainstorm, write a thesis, and create an outline
for the following argumentative prompt:
Parents are not playing enough of a role in schools
today. They need to be more involved in their
children’s education. That is why schools are not
doing so well today
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree
with this opinion. Support your views with specific
reasons and examples from your own experience,
observations, or reading.
Additional resources
Wise Words handout
How do I write an essay that makes an argument?
How can I revise my draft if it doesn’t seem to “flow”?
Writing With Sources: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and
Summarizing (video)
Using Sources (PDF)
Style and Usage handouts (active voice, parallelism,
commas and semicolon)
What is your main take away”
from the presentation?