Study Companion
The Praxis
Study Companion
Table of Contents
Biology (5236) .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Test at a Glance ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
About The Test ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Content Topics ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Discussion Questions ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Science and Engineering Practices ...................................................................................................................... 17
Tasks of Teaching Science ................................................................................................................................... 21
Biology (5236) Sample Test Questions .............................................................................................. 23
Biology (5236) Answers ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Understanding Question Types .......................................................................................................... 49
Understanding Selected-Response and Numeric-Entry Questions ..................................................................... 49
Understanding Constructed-Response Questions .............................................................................................. 50
General Assistance For The Test ........................................................................................................ 52
Praxi s
Interactive Practice Test .......................................................................................................................... 52
Doing Your Best ................................................................................................................................................... 52
Helpful Links ........................................................................................................................................................ 52
The Praxis
Study Companion
Biology (5236)
Test at a Glance
The Praxis
Biology test is designed to measure knowledge and competencies important for
safe and effective beginning practice as a teacher of biology. Test takers have typically
completed a bachelor’s degree program with appropriate coursework in biology and education.
Test Name B
Test Code 5236
Time 2.5 hours
Number of Questions 150 selected-response questions
The test consists of a variety of selected-response questions,
where you select one or more answer choices, and other types
of questions. You can review the possible question types in
Understanding Question Types.
Test Delivery Computer Delivered
Content Categories
Number of
I. Nature and Impact of
Science and Engineering
19 13%
II. Cell Biology: Cell Structure
and Function
33 22%
III. Genetics and Evolution
39 26%
IV. Diversity of Life and
Organismal Biology
30 20%
V. Ecology: Organisms and
29 19%
All questions assess content from the above Biology domains.
More than 40 percent of questions integrate a Science and
Engineering Practice, and approximately 25 percent of questions
assess content applied to a Task of Teaching Science.
The Praxis
Study Companion
About The Test
On the Biology test, content topics span the biology curriculum, including content related to
(I) Nature and Impact of Science and Engineering, (II) Cell Biology: Cell Structure and Function,
(III) Genetics and Evolution, (IV) Diversity of Life and Organismal Biology, (V) Ecology: Organisms
and Environments.
The assessment is designed and developed through work with practicing biology teachers,
teacher educators, and higher education biology specialists to reflect the science knowledge
teachers need to teach the biology curriculum and to reflect state and national standards,
including the National Science Teaching Association Preparation Standards for biology. Content
and practices measured reflect the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) and Science and Engineering
Practices (SEPs) established by the National Research Council in A Framework for K-12 Science
Education and included in the Next Generation Science Standards.
The 150 selected-response questions measure concepts, terms, phenomena, methods,
applications, data analysis, and problem solving in science. A full list of the topics covered is
provided in Content Topics.
Test takers can expect 40 percent or more of the questions on the test to integrate biology
content knowledge with one or more of the SEPs, listed under Science and Engineering
Test takers will also find that approximately 25 percent of questions call for application of
biology content and processes within a teaching scenario or an instructional task. Such
questions—designed to measure applications of biology knowledge to the kinds of decisions
and evaluations a teacher must make during work with students, curriculum, and instruction
situate biology content questions in tasks critical for teaching. Below, in Tasks of Teaching
Science, is a list of tasks that are a routine part of biology instruction. These tasks, identified
based on research on science instruction, have been confirmed by a national committee of
teachers and teacher educators as important for effective teaching of secondary science.
This test may contain some questions that will not count toward your score.
The Praxis
Study Companion
Content Topics
This list details the topics that may be
included on the test. All test questions cover
one or more of these topics.
Discussion Questions
In this section, discussion questions are
open-ended questions or statements
intended to help test your knowledge of
fundamental concepts and your ability to
apply those concepts to classroom or real-
world situations. We do not provide
answers for the discussion questions but
thinking about the answers will help
improve your understanding of
fundamental concepts and may help you
answer a broad range of questions on the
test. Most of the questions require you to
combine several pieces of knowledge to
formulate an integrated understanding and
response. They are written to help you gain
increased understanding and facility with
the test’s subject matter. You may want to
discuss these questions with a teacher or
I. Nature and Impact of Science and
A. Nature of Science
1. Nature of scientific knowledge
a. Observations and experiments
provide evidence
b. Understanding develops and
changes over time in light of new
c. Science is interdisciplinary in
nature (e.g., principles of chemistry
and physics and earth science in
d. Scientific methodologies
e. Scientific skills include observing,
categorizing, comparing,
generalizing, inferring, and
f. Distinguish between scientific laws,
and scientific theories, and
g. Models are developed, revised,
and applied to explain natural
2. Experimental design, data collection,
and analysis
a. Standard units of measurement,
dimensional analysis, and unit
b. Scientific notation and use of
significant figures
c. Experimental design, including
hypothesis development,
identifying variables, and planning
data collection
d. Processing, organizing, and
reporting of quantitative and
qualitative data
e. Error analysis, including identifying
the sources and effects of error
f. Interpreting, extrapolating, and
drawing valid conclusions from
3. Laboratory procedures
a. Preparation of materials for
classroom or field use
b. Appropriate and safe use, storage,
and disposal of chemicals and
biological materials
c. Appropriate and safe use and care
of laboratory equipment
d. Safety and emergency procedures
for science laboratories
The Praxis
Study Companion
B. Science, Engineering, Technology,
Society, and the Environment
1. Engineering design and the
interdependence of science,
engineering, and technology
a. Defining problems, including
identifying the success criteria and
the constraints
b. Designing solutions, including
proposing and evaluating in terms
of criteria, constraints, and
c. Optimizing the design, including
systematic modification and
d. Engineering advances lead to
important discoveries in science
e. Science and technology drive each
other forward
2. Impacts of science, technology,
human activity, and natural
phenomena on society and the
a. Sources of air and water pollution
b. Sources of greenhouse gases and
impacts of global climate change
c. Production, use, disposal, and
recycling of consumer products
d. Consequences of natural disasters,
resource extraction, and industrial
e. Forestry, agriculture, wildlife, and
fisheries practices
f. Ocean, estuary, freshwater, and
wetland degradation
g. Conservation, including species
protection and habitat
preservation and restoration
h. Renewable or sustainable use of
energy and resource management
3. Applications of science in public
health, medicine, and agriculture
a. Epidemiology, disease, and
medicine (e.g.,
epidemics/pandemics, HIV/AIDS,
pathogens, vaccines)
b. Biotechnology (e.g., genetic
engineering, GMOs)
c. Medical technologies for disease
diagnosis and treatment (e.g.,
medical imaging, X-rays, radiation
d. Ethical research concerns (e.g., use
of stem cells and toxic chemicals)
e. Ethical use of technology, genetic
information, organisms, and
Discussion Questions: Nature and
Impact of Science and Engineering
What is the most effective way to
compare information obtained from
television, a newspaper article, a
Web site, and a scientific journal for
accuracy? For understandability? For
use in the classroom setting?
A scientist studying nutrient
requirements for a particular type of
bacteria inoculates three flasks of
culture medium with an equal
number of bacteria. Extra glucose is
added to one of the flasks, and extra
lactose is added to another. The
number of bacteria per milliliter is
determined every two hours for a
period of 12 hours. What type of
graph is best used to represent the
Describe how to prepare 1 liter of an
0.85% sodium chloride solution.
The Praxis
Study Companion
If a solution is to be used to culture
living cells, is it important to include
a buffer in the solution? Explain.
Name some of the most likely
reasons for the increased number of
emerging infectious diseases
affecting humans in recent years.
Why do many infectious diseases
spread rapidly through temporary
settlements established after an
area is devastated by war or a
natural disaster?
Name a disease transmitted by
aerosol spray of a sneeze, a disease
transmitted through drinking water,
and a disease transmitted by an
insect or arthropod vector.
What is the relationship between the
materials of which many plastics are
produced and nonrenewable
A significant threat to marine turtles
is incidental capture, injury, or death
as a result of commercial fishing
practices. What procedure has been
implemented to protect marine
turtles that are caught in nets, and
what government agencies have
been involved in implementing the
turtle protection?
What are some potentially beneficial
uses of embryonic stem cells? Why
do some people object to the use of
these cells in research and
II. Cell Biology: Cell Structure and
A. Basic biochemistry and metabolism
of living organisms
1. Chemical structures and properties of
biologically important molecules
a. Atomic and molecular structures
b. Chemical bonding
c. Organic versus inorganic
d. Properties of water based on
structure and bonding
e. Major macromolecules, including
nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and
2. Dependency of biological processes
on chemical principles developmental
and content domains
a. Chemical and physical gradients,
and factors that influence the
b. Laws of thermodynamics
c. Anabolic and catabolic reactions in
d. Reduction-oxidation reactions in
3. Structure and function of enzymes
and the factors that influence their
a. Active site structure and substrate
b. Energy profile of a reaction in the
presence or absence of an enzyme
c. Reaction kinetics, including the
effects of temperature, pH,
concentrations, and other
molecules, including inhibitors
The Praxis
Study Companion
d. Regulation, including cooperative
binding and feedback inhibition
4. Major biochemical pathways and
energy flow within an organism
a. Cellular locations of biochemical
b. Structure and function of ATP
c. Photosynthesis, including
photosystems, electron transport,
Calvin-Benson cycle
d. Processes associated with aerobic
and anaerobic cellular respiration
and fermentation, including
glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and
oxidative phosphorylation
e. Chemosynthesis as an alternative
to photosynthesis
B. Structure and function of cells and
the mechanisms of basic cellular
1. Characteristics of living versus
nonliving things
a. Cell theory
b. Obtaining and transforming energy
c. Growth and development
d. Homeostasis: regulation and
responses to the environment
e. Reproduction
2. Structure and function of cells and
a. Prokaryotic versus eukaryotic cells,
including organelles, cell walls, and
b. Plant cells versus animal cells
c. Plasma/cell membranes
d. Membrane-bound organelles and
e. Cytoskeleton and extracellular
3. How cells maintain their internal
environment and respond to external
a. Selective permeability, including
structure and function of
phospholipid bilayer
b. Active and passive transport
c. Water movement, including
osmolarity and water potential
d. Cell surface proteins, cell
communication, signal molecules,
and signal transduction
e. Exocytosis and endocytosis
f. Negative-feedback and positive-
feedback mechanisms
4. Eukaryotic cell division, the cell cycle,
and regulation of the processes
a. Cell cycle stages and checkpoints
b. Mitosis, including functions, stages,
and results
c. Cytokinesis, including differences
between animals and plants
d. Cancer (e.g., unregulated
checkpoints and cell proliferation)
Discussion Questions: Cell Biology:
Cell Structure and Function
What are the four most abundant
elements in the human body?
What are functional groups of
organic molecules? How do the
differing charges of functional
groups influence the behavior of the
functional groups, the structure of
molecules bearing the functional
groups, and the interactions of the
molecules with water?
Why are fats insoluble in water?
The Praxis
Study Companion
Describe the structural and
functional differences between
starch and cellulose.
What factors influence the rate at
which an ion diffuses across a cell
How is ATP involved in the transfer
of usable energy between
How do temperature, pH, and
competitive or noncompetitive
inhibitors influence enzyme activity?
State some similarities and
differences between aerobic and
anaerobic respiration.
Explain the benefit, at the cellular
level, of producing ATP aerobically.
After strenuous activity, one may
feel a burning sensation in some
muscles. What is responsible for the
How does the consumption of too
many carbohydrates lead to an
increase in body fat?
A rock is found with patches of an
unfamiliar orange-colored flakey
material on the surface. What
possible features of the orange-
colored material would indicate that
the material is alive?
What structures are likely to be
found in a plant cell but not in an
animal cell?
What structures are likely to be
found in an animal cell but not in a
What organelles are likely to be
present in greater abundance in a
cell that is secreting a large amount
of protein than in a cell secreting
very little protein?
Describe the difference between
active and passive transport.
Compare simple diffusion, osmosis,
and facilitated diffusion.
If an individual is stranded in a
lifeboat on an ocean, why is drinking
seawater more harmful to the
individual than drinking no water at
Compare mitosis and meiosis: the
stages, genetic makeup of daughter
cells, unique features. Name the
three cell cycle checkpoints. What
criteria must be met at each of the
checkpoints for a cell to progress
through the cell cycle?
In addition to killing many types of
cancer cells, why does
chemotherapy treatment cause side
effects such as anemia,
gastrointestinal distress, and hair
III. Genetics and Evolution
A. Mechanisms of molecular biology
and genetic transmission
1. Structure of nucleic acids and
a. Sugar-phosphate backbone and
complementary base pairing
b. DNA versus RNA
c. Chromosome structure, including
nucleosomes and telomeres
2. Transfer of genetic information
a. Central dogma of molecular
b. Process of DNA replication
c. The process of RNA transcription
d. Pre-mRNA processing in
The Praxis
Study Companion
e. The process of translation,
including the role of mRNA, tRNA,
rRNA and ribosomes
f. Gene regulation (e.g., promoters,
enhancers, transcription factors,
and posttranslational regulation)
g. Utilization of a genetic code chart
h. Protein synthesis in eukaryotes
versus prokaryotes
3. Nature of mutations
a. Causes of mutations, including
recombination and mutagens
b. Types of mutations, including
substitution, deletion, insertion,
inversion, and translocation
c. Disorders resulting from point
mutations, frameshift mutations,
changes in chromosome structure,
and changes in chromosome
d. Significance of somatic versus
germ-line mutations
4. Laboratory techniques
a. Microscopy
b. Gel electrophoresis
c. Spectrophotometry
d. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
e. Genome sequencing
f. Gene therapy
g. Protein sequence analysis
h. Genetically engineered cells and
transgenic organisms
i. Chromosome analysis
5. Mendelian genetics
a. Dominant and recessive alleles
b. The law of independent
assortment and the role of meiosis
c. The law of segregation and the role
of meiosis
d. Monohybrid and dihybrid crosses
e. Pedigree analysis
6. Non-Mendelian inheritance
a. Gene linkage and mapping by
recombination analysis
b. Sex-linked inheritance
c. Multiple alleles, codominance, and
incomplete dominance
d. Polygenic inheritance, epistasis,
and pleiotropy
e. Extranuclear inheritance, including
mitochondrial and chloroplast
f. Environmental influences,
including epigenetics
g. Pedigree analysis
B. Mechanisms of evolution as a
consequence of genetic variation and
factors affecting evolution
1. Sources of genetic variation
a. Mutation
b. Sexual reproduction, including
crossing-over, random fertilization,
segregation and independent
c. Horizontal genetic exchange,
including conjugation,
transformation, and transduction
2. Mechanisms of evolution
a. Darwin-Wallace theories of
reproductive fitness and natural
b. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium:
calculations and factors that may
alter the equilibrium
The Praxis
Study Companion
c. Effects of mutations, gene flow,
genetic drift (including bottleneck
and founder effects), and
nonrandom mating (including
sexual selection)
d. Artificial selection
e. Macroevolution versus
f. Patterns of evolution: convergent,
divergent, coevolution, parallel
evolution, adaptive radiation
g. Gradualism versus punctuated
h. Mechanisms of speciation,
including reproductive isolation
and allopatric and sympatric
3. Evidence supporting evolution
a. Fossil record
b. Biogeographical similarities
c. Biodiversity over geological time
d. Endosymbiosis
e. Structural and developmental
evidence, including homology,
embryology and vestigial
f. Molecular evidence, including
universal genetic code, DNA, RNA,
and amino acid sequence
g. Direct observation of evolution
(e.g., antibiotic resistance)
4. Models of evolution
a. Molecular clock (mitochondrial
b. Phylogenetic relationships,
including cladograms and
phylogenetic trees
5. Scientific explanations for the origin
and early evolution of life on Earth
a. Abiotic synthesis of organic
compounds (e.g., the Miller-Urey
b. Development of self-replicating
molecules, including the RNA-first
c. Biological influences on
atmospheric composition,
including the role of
6. Factors that lead to the extinction of
a. Lack of genetic diversity
b. Interspecific competition
c. Meteorite impacts and the effects
of geological processes, including
tectonic plate movement and
d. Human-caused environmental
pressures, including climate and
habitat change
Discussion Questions: Genetics and
Compare the structure of DNA and
RNA: number of strands, flexibility,
molecular composition.
During DNA synthesis at a
replication fork, why is one new
strand of DNA synthesized in a
continuous fashion and the other
new strand synthesized in a
discontinuous fashion?
What is the signal for the start site of
transcription? What is the signal for
the start site of translation?
What causes human liver cells to be
structurally and functionally
different from human muscle cells?
The Praxis
Study Companion
In what types of cells must a
mutation be found for the mutation
to be passed on to offspring?
Mutations in what types of cells are
not inherited by offspring?
What types of molecules are
typically separated by gel
electrophoresis? Where are the
largest molecules in a sample
typically found with respect to the
wells in which the samples are
loaded onto the gel?
What type of microscope is typically
used to examine live, anaesthetized
fruit flies? What type of microscope
is typically used to examine thin
sections of cells?
What are the roles of plasmids and
restriction endonucleases in DNA
How are viruses used in gene
To determine whether a plant with
purple flowers is homozygous or
heterozygous with respect to flower
color, the plant should be crossed
with another pea plant with what
genotype and phenotype?
Name a genetic disorder that is
most commonly caused by fusion of
a gamete with a normal
chromosome number with another
gamete that contains two copies of a
particular chromosome. What is the
most likely cause of the abnormal
chromosome number in the
Describe the relationship between
DNA mutation, skin cancer, and
prolonged exposure to the sun.
A particular genetic trait is inherited
in an autosomal recessive fashion. If
one out of every 400 individuals has
the trait, what percent of the
population are expected to be
carriers of the trait?
A particular population exhibits
variation in certain traits. For natural
selection to act on the variations,
what two requirements must be met
by the variations?
As a result of habitat fragmentation,
a small population of leopards
becomes isolated from the larger
original population. As time
progresses, are allele frequencies
and genetic variation expected to
differ between the original
population and the isolated
population? If so, describe how and
why they will differ.
What structural and functional
characteristics of mitochondria and
chloroplasts provide evidence to
support the theory of
Horses and donkeys can mate and
produce viable offspring, but horses
and donkeys are considered to be
separate species. Explain why this is
What organic compounds were
produced in the Miller-Urey
experiment? How did the design of
the experiment support the
hypothesis that organic compounds
are likely to have arisen from abiotic
materials present in the atmosphere
of early Earth?
The Praxis
Study Companion
IV. Diversity of Life and Organismal
A. Diversity of Life
1. Biological classification of organisms
a. Taxonomic hierarchy, including
domains and kingdoms
b. Binomial nomenclature
2. Defining characteristics of viruses,
eubacteria, archaea, protists, fungi,
plants, and animals
a. Structural characteristics of
viruses, eubacteria, archaea,
protists, fungi, plants, and animals
b. Cellular organization, including
unicellular versus multicellular
c. Modes of nutrition, including
autotrophic versus heterotrophic
d. Modes of reproduction/replication
3. Organizational hierarchy
a. Cells
b. Tissues
c. Organs
d. Organ systems
4. Cell differentiation and specialization
a. Differential gene expression
b. Stem cells, including characteristics
and sources
B. Animal Biology
1. Characteristics of animals
a. Major evolutionary trends,
including body plans, body cavities,
cephalization and multicellularity
b. Modes of reproduction (sexual
versus asexual)
c. Modes of temperature regulation
(endotherm versus ectotherm)
2. Structure and function of major
human organ systems
a. Cardiovascular and respiratory
b. Digestive and excretory
c. Immune
d. Musculoskeletal
e. Nervous and endocrine
f. Reproductive
3. How homeostasis is maintained in
a. Role of organs or tissues, such as
the kidney, adrenals, and
hypothalamus, and pituitary
b. Role of hormones, such as insulin,
antidiuretic hormone, and sex
c. Feedback mechanisms, including
negative and positive
d. Role of behaviors, including
diurnal, nocturnal, hibernation,
and basking
4. Reproduction, development, and
growth in organisms
a. Gamete formation, including the
stages of meiosis and changes in
chromosome number
b. Fertilization, including internal
versus external
c. Embryonic development
d. Patterns of growth and
development, including
5. Behavior
a. Innate versus learned behaviors
b. Territoriality
c. Group versus individual
d. Social behavior (e.g., hunting,
flocking, migration, altruism)
The Praxis
Study Companion
C. Plant Biology
1. Characteristics of plants
a. Vascular versus nonvascular plants
b. Angiosperms versus gymnosperms
c. Tissues, including dermal, ground,
and vascular (xylem and phloem)
d. Structure of organs, including
flowers, stems, leaves, and roots
2. How plants obtain, transport, and
store materials
a. Roles of roots, stems, and leaves
b. Water and nutrient transport,
including xylem and transpiration
through stomata
c. Production, transport, and storage
of products of photosynthesis,
including simple and complex
carbohydrates, phloem transport,
and storage structures
3. Reproduction, growth and
a. Gametogenesis
b. Alternation of generations,
including gametophyte and
c. Pollination/fertilization strategies
and seed/spore propagation
d. Germination and growth
4. How plants respond to the
a. Plant tropisms
b. Plant defenses, including physical
and chemical
c. Major plant hormones, including
auxin, gibberellins, ethylene, and
Discussion Questions: Diversity of Life
and Organismal Biology
Compare the structure of
chromosomes in eukaryotes,
bacteria, and archaea.
Carl Woese based his phylogenetic
classification on analyses of what
macromolecule? As a result of
Woese’s analyses, how was the tree
of life revised from that based on
morphological similarities?
What are the sources of carbon
dioxide, oxygen, and water used by
a plant in photosynthesis or cellular
respiration? Through what
structures and by what processes do
these molecules enter and exit a
Describe the characteristics of
mushrooms that distinguish them as
fungi rather than viruses, bacteria,
protists, plants, or animals.
Give an example of an animal with
radial symmetry and one with
bilateral symmetry. Is cephalization
likely to be a feature of either one of
these forms of symmetry? If so, of
Describe the features of body
cavities by which triploblastic
animals can be distinguished as
coelomates, pseudocoelomates, or
acoelomates. Give an example of an
animal that is a coelomate, one that
is a pseudocoelomate, and one that
is an acoelomate.
Trace the flow of a drop of blood
from the right atrium of the heart as
the blood passes through the heart,
the lungs, and one complete circuit
of the human circulatory system.
The Praxis
Study Companion
Describe the two ways in which
ventilation in birds is particularly
efficient in comparison to ventilation
in most mammals.
Describe the digestion of proteins in
the human digestive system,
specifically the enzymes involved,
the location of the cells that produce
the enzymes, and the organs in
which the digestion occurs.
Name two ways by which the skin
plays a role in thermoregulation in
Name four features of monocots
that can frequently (although not
always) be used to distinguish
monocots from eudicots.
What materials are transported in
the xylem? What materials are
transported in the phloem? In which
direction does material flow in each
type of vessel?
In what root tissue are new root
cells produced? Name four
important functions of plant roots.
Under what circumstance are
stomata typically closed? Describe
the mechanism by which ion flow
and osmosis regulate the opening
and closing of guard cells.
Prairie dogs typically live in large
colonies and dig extensive
underground systems of burrows. If
a predator approaches a colony, a
prairie dog who spots the predator
will sound a loud alarm that alerts
the other members of the colony,
most of whom will dive into the
burrows and hide. The prairie dog
that sounds the alarm is, however,
drawing attention to itself and may
be attacked by the predator. Explain
why this behavior is often
considered to be an example of
altruism in animals.
V. Ecology: Organisms and
A. Biosphere organization and factors
affecting organism interactions and
population size
1. Hierarchical structure of the
a. Biomes
b. Ecosystems
c. Communities
d. Populations
e. Organisms
2. Relationships within and between
a. Symbiotic relationships including
mutualism, parasitism,
b. Predator prey relationship,
including evolutionary adaptations
c. Competition
d. Keystone species
3. Relationships among reproductive
strategies, demographics, and
population growth
a. Sexual versus asexual
b. r-strategists versus K-strategists
c. Exponential growth
d. Logistic growth and carrying
e. Population demographics
4. Influence of biotic and abiotic
components on community structure
a. Limiting factors
The Praxis
Study Companion
b. Habitat and niche
c. Competition and predation
d. Density-dependent versus density-
independent factors
5. Human impacts on ecosystems
a. Habitat destruction (e.g.,
deforestation, fragmentation,
urbanization and agriculture)
b. Pollution (e.g., plastics, acid
precipitation, ozone layer
destruction (CFCs))
c. Climate change, including
greenhouse gases and ocean
d. Introduced and reintroduced
species and invasive species
e. Overconsumption of resources
f. Remediation (e.g., reforestation,
movement corridors, captive
breeding programs, and
B. Characteristics of biomes, energy
flow in ecosystems, and major
biogeochemical cycles
1. Ecological succession
a. Primary versus secondary
b. Biomass, diversity, productivity,
and habitat changes during
c. Temporal and spatial disturbances
(e.g., climate, fire, and disease)
2. Types of biomes and energy flow in
the biomes
a. Characteristics of aquatic and
terrestrial biomes
b. Trophic levels, including pyramids
of numbers, biomass, and energy
c. Food chains and food webs and
trophic cascades
d. Flow of energy versus cycling of
matter, including biomagnification
3. Biogeochemical cycles, including
biotic and abiotic components
a. Water cycle
b. Carbon cycle
c. Nitrogen cycle
d. Phosphorus cycle
Discussion Questions: Ecology:
Organisms and Environment
Vegetable crops growing on a
commercial farm are damaged by
an unknown disease or pest with a
70 to 90 percent mortality rate. The
farmer claims that he has not
changed his procedures for watering
and fertilizer application. Formulate
a hypothesis about the causative
agent, given the observations above.
What type of experiments should be
used to help support or falsify the
Distinguish between a population of
organisms and a community of
Name the two most common
limiting factors to primary
production in aquatic ecosystems.
Draw the predicted growth curve for
a population introduced into a new
environment in which resources are
initially unlimited. How will the
shape of the curve change as the
population reaches carrying
capacity? What factors might
determine the carrying capacity?
Compare primary and secondary
succession. Is soil initially present in
The Praxis
Study Companion
the environments where each type
of succession occurs? What are the
first organisms that typically
colonize the environment where
each type of succession occurs?
What types of natural disturbances
are most likely to lead to primary
ecological succession?
What kind of natural disturbances
are most likely to lead to secondary
succession? In the immediate
aftermath of a disturbance, what will
be the most likely effect on
biodiversity of the region?
Why is the density of water
important to freshwater pond
ecosystems in temperate regions?
Why is the air temperature along the
coast generally higher than the air
temperature of inland areas in the
same regions? How does this
influence the types of organisms
present in each region?
A large percent of the mice in a
particular population are infected by
a virus that is usually fatal. What is
the relationship between the virus
and the mice? How will the viral
infection most likely ultimately affect
other members of the ecosystem
such as grasses and owls?
What is meant by acid precipitation,
and how is it harmful? How do
human activities contribute to acid
How do lawn and agricultural
fertilizers get into the natural water
system? Why are the fertilizers
harmful to many aquatic and semi-
aquatic organisms or to any
organisms that depend on the water
What are the major reservoirs of
carbon in the biosphere?
What is the major natural route by
which nitrogen enters an
What are the major biotic and
abiotic processes that drive the
water cycle?
Science and Engineering
The SEPs represent eight practices that
scientists and engineersand students and
teachersuse to investigate the world and
to design and build systems. Many test
questions will integrate one or more of
these practices.
1. Asking questions (for science) and
defining problems (for engineering)
Ask questions that arise from careful
observation of phenomena, models,
or unexpected results, to clarify
and/or seek additional information.
Ask questions that arise from
examining models or a theory, to
clarify and/or seek additional
information and relationships.
Ask questions to determine
relationships, including quantitative
relationships, between independent
and dependent variables.
Ask questions to clarify and refine a
model, an explanation, or an
engineering problem.
Ask questions that can be
investigated within the scope of the
school laboratory, research facilities,
or field (e.g., outdoor environment)
with available resources and, when
appropriate, frame a hypothesis
based on a model or theory.
The Praxis
Study Companion
Ask and/or evaluate questions that
challenge the premise(s) of an
argument, the interpretation of a
data set, or the suitability of a
Define a design problem that can be
solved through the development of
an object, tool, process or system
and includes multiple criteria and
constraints, including scientific
knowledge that may limit possible
2. Developing and using models
Evaluate merits and limitations of
two different models of the same
proposed tool, process, mechanism,
or system in order to select or revise
a model that best fits the evidence
or design criteria.
Design a test of a model to ascertain
its reliability.
Develop, revise, and/or use a model
based on evidence to illustrate
and/or predict the relationships
between systems or between
components of a system.
Develop and/or use multiple types
of models to provide mechanistic
accounts and/or predict
phenomena, and move flexibly
between model types based on
merits and limitations.
Develop a complex model that
allows for manipulation and testing
of a proposed process or system.
Develop and/or use a model
(including mathematical and
computational) to generate data to
support explanations, predict
phenomena, analyze systems,
and/or solve problems.
3. Planning and carrying out
Plan an investigation or test a design
individually and collaboratively to
produce data to serve as the basis
for evidence as part of building and
revising models, supporting
explanations for phenomena, or
testing solutions to problems.
Consider possible confounding
variables or effects and evaluate the
investigation’s design to ensure
variables are controlled.
Plan and conduct an investigation
individually and collaboratively to
produce data to serve as the basis
for evidence, and in the design:
decide on types, how much, and
accuracy of data needed to produce
reliable measurements and consider
limitations on the precision of the
data (e.g., number of trials, cost, risk,
time), and refine the design
Plan and conduct an investigation or
test a design solution in a safe and
ethical manner including
considerations of environmental,
social, and personal impacts.
Select appropriate tools to collect,
record, analyze, and evaluate data.
Make directional hypotheses that
specify what happens to a
dependent variable when an
independent variable is
Manipulate variables and collect
data about a complex model of a
proposed process or system to
identify failure points or improve
performance relative to criteria for
success or other variables.
The Praxis
Study Companion
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
Analyze data using tools,
technologies, and/or models (e.g.,
computational, mathematical) in
order to make valid and reliable
scientific claims or determine an
optimal design solution.
Apply concepts of statistics and
probability (including determining
function fits to data, slope, intercept,
and correlation coefficient for linear
fits) to scientific and engineering
questions and problems, using
digital tools when feasible.
Consider limitations of data analysis
(e.g., measurement error, sample
selection) when analyzing and
interpreting data.
Compare and contrast various types
of data sets (e.g., self-generated,
archival) to examine consistency of
measurements and observations.
Evaluate the impact of new data on
a working explanation and/or model
of a proposed process or system.
Analyze data to identify design
features or characteristics of the
components of a proposed process
or system to optimize it relative to
criteria for success.
5. Using mathematics and
computational thinking
Create and/or revise a
computational model or simulation
of a phenomenon, designed device,
process, or system.
Use mathematical, computational,
and/or algorithmic representations
of phenomena or design solutions
to describe and/or support claims
and/or explanations.
Apply techniques of algebra and
functions to represent and solve
scientific and engineering problems.
Use simple limit cases to test
mathematical expressions,
computer programs, algorithms, or
simulations of a process or system
to see if a model “makes sense” by
comparing the outcomes with what
is known about the real world.
Apply ratios, rates, percentages, and
unit conversions in the context of
complicated measurement
problems involving quantities with
derived or compound units (such as
, acre-feet, etc.).
6. Constructing explanations (for
science) and designing solutions (for
Make a quantitative and/or
qualitative claim regarding the
relationship between dependent
and independent variables.
Construct and revise an explanation
based on valid and reliable evidence
obtained from a variety of sources
(including students’ own
investigations, models, theories,
simulations, peer review) and the
assumption that theories and laws
that describe the natural world
operate today as they did in the past
and will continue to do so in the
Apply scientific ideas, principles,
and/or evidence to provide an
explanation of phenomena and
solve design problems, taking into
account possible unanticipated
The Praxis
Study Companion
Apply scientific reasoning, theory,
and/or models to link evidence to
the claims to assess the extent to
which the reasoning and data
support the explanation or
Design, evaluate, and/or refine a
solution to a complex real-world
problem, based on scientific
knowledge, student-generated
sources of evidence, prioritized
criteria, and tradeoff considerations.
7. Engaging in argument from evidence
Compare and evaluate competing
arguments or design solutions in
light of currently accepted
explanations, new evidence,
limitations (e.g., trade-offs),
constraints, and ethical issues.
Evaluate the claims, evidence,
and/or reasoning behind currently
accepted explanations or solutions
to determine the merits of
Respectfully provide and/or receive
critiques on scientific arguments by
probing reasoning and evidence and
challenging ideas and conclusions,
responding thoughtfully to diverse
perspectives, and determining what
additional information is required to
resolve contradictions.
Construct, use, and/or present an
oral and written argument or
counter-arguments based on data
and evidence.
Make and defend a claim based on
evidence about the natural world or
the effectiveness of a design
solution that reflects scientific
knowledge, and student-generated
Evaluate competing design solutions
to a real-world problem based on
scientific ideas and principles,
empirical evidence, and/or logical
arguments regarding relevant
factors (e.g., economic, societal,
environmental, ethical
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and
communicating information
Critically read scientific literature
adapted for classroom use to
determine the central ideas or
conclusions and/or to obtain
scientific and/or technical
information to summarize complex
evidence, concepts, processes, or
information presented in a text by
paraphrasing them in simpler but
still accurate terms.
Compare, integrate and evaluate
sources of information presented in
different media or formats (e.g.,
visually, quantitatively) as well as in
words in order to address a
scientific question or solve a
Gather, read, and evaluate scientific
and/or technical information from
multiple authoritative sources,
assessing the evidence and
usefulness of each source.
Evaluate the validity and reliability of
and/or synthesize multiple claims,
methods, and/or designs that
appear in scientific and technical
texts or media reports, verifying the
data when possible.
The Praxis
Study Companion
Communicate scientific and/or
technical information or ideas (e.g.,
about phenomena and/or the
process of development and the
design and performance of a
proposed process or system) in
multiple formats (including orally,
graphically, textually, and
Tasks of Teaching Science
This list includes instructional tasks that
teachers engage in that are essential for
effective General Science teaching. Many
test questions will measure content
through application to one or more of these
Scientific Instructional Goals, Big Ideas,
and Topics
1. Selecting or sequencing
appropriate instructional goals or
big ideas for a topic
2. Identifying the big idea or
instructional goal of an instructional
3. Choosing which science ideas or
instructional activities are most
closely related to a particular
instructional goal
4. Linking science ideas to one
another and to particular activities,
models, and representations within
and across units
Scientific Investigations and
5. Selecting investigations or
demonstrations, including virtual,
that facilitate understanding of
disciplinary core ideas, scientific
practices, or crosscutting concepts
6. Evaluating investigation questions
for quality (e.g., testable, empirical)
7. Determining the variables,
techniques, or tools that are
appropriate for use by students to
address a specific investigation
8. Critiquing scientific procedures,
data, observations, or results for
their quality, accuracy, or
9. Supporting students in generating
questions for investigation or
identifying patterns in data and
Scientific Resources (texts, curriculum
materials, journals, and other print and
media-based resources)
10. Evaluating instructional materials and
other resources for their ability to
address scientific concepts; engage
students with relevant phenomena;
develop and use scientific ideas;
promote students’ thinking about
phenomena, experiences, and
knowledge; take account of students’
ideas and background; and assess
student progress
11. Choosing resources that support the
selection of accurate, valid, and
appropriate goals for science learning
Student Ideas (including common
misconceptions, alternate conceptions,
and partial conceptions)
12. Analyzing student ideas for common
misconceptions regarding intended
scientific learning
13. Selecting diagnostic items and
eliciting student thinking about
scientific ideas and practices to
identify common student
The Praxis
Study Companion
misconceptions and the basis for
those misconceptions
14. Developing or selecting instructional
moves, approaches, or
representations that provide evidence
about common student
misconceptions and help students
move toward a better understanding
of the idea, concept, or practice
Scientific Language, Discourse,
Vocabulary, and Definitions
15. Selecting scientific language that is
precise, accurate, grade-appropriate,
and illustrates key scientific concepts
16. Anticipating scientific language and
vocabulary that may be difficult for
17. Modeling the use of appropriate
verbal and written scientific language
in critiquing arguments or
explanations, in describing
observations, or in using evidence to
support a claim, etc.
18. Supporting and critiquing students’
participation in and use of verbal and
written scientific discourse and
Scientific Explanations (includes claim,
evidence, and reasoning)
19. Critiquing student-generated
explanations or descriptions for their
generalizability, accuracy, precision,
or consistency with scientific evidence
20. Selecting explanations of natural
phenomena that are accurate and
accessible to students
Scientific Models and Representations
(analogies, metaphors, simulations,
illustrations, diagrams, data tables,
performances, videos, animations,
graphs, and examples)
21. Evaluating or selecting scientific
models and representations that
predict or explain scientific
phenomena or address instructional
22. Engaging students in using,
modifying, creating, and critiquing
scientific models and representations
that are matched to an instructional
23. Evaluating student models or
representations for evidence of
scientific understanding
24. Generating or selecting diagnostic
questions to evaluate student
understanding of specific models or
25. Evaluating student ideas about what
makes for good scientific models and
The Praxis
Study Companion
Biology (5236) Sample Test Questions
The sample questions that follow represent a number of the types of questions and topics that
appear on the test. They are not, however, representative of the entire scope of the test in
either content or difficulty. Answers with explanations follow the questions.
Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by suggested
answers or completions. Select the one that is best in each case.
1. The transfer of pollen from one flower to another while a bee is collecting nectar is an
example of which of the following relationships?
(A) Commensalism
(B) Mutualism
(C) Competition
(D) Parasitism
2. Taxonomic classification of two different organisms as members of the same order
indicates that they are also members of the same
(A) family
(B) genus
(C) phylum
(D) species
3. Which of the following changes typically occurs in a eukaryotic cell as it progresses through
the S phase of the cell cycle?
(A) The nuclear membrane breaks down.
(B) The quantity of DNA in the cell doubles.
(C) The cell membrane pinches inward to form a cleavage furrow.
(D) The duplicated chromosomes line up along the equatorial plate.
The Praxis
Study Companion
4. Which TWO of the following characteristics are shared by members of the kingdom Fungi?
(A) Can perform photosynthesis
(B) Have cell walls that contain chitin
(C) Secrete digestive enzymes into the surrounding environment
(D) Have circular chromosomes that are unprotected by a nuclear membrane
5. The population of a particular mammalian species has dwindled to less than 1,000
individuals. Which of the following is most likely to cause the population to become extinct?
(A) Absence of interspecific competition
(B) Increased gene flow
(C) Presence of disruptive selection
(D) Decreased genetic diversity
6. Which of the following visual aids will best support an investigation of energy flow through
the organisms in a particular ecosystem?
(A) A cladogram
(B) A Punnett square
(C) A diagram of a food web
(D) A topographic map
7. Which of the following is a technique used to determine the three-dimensional structure of
a protein at high resolution?
(A) Flow cytometry
(B) Immunoprecipitation
(C) Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(D) X-ray crystallography
The Praxis
Study Companion
8. Which of the following terms refers to the collective evidence that links the origin of some
eukaryotic organelles to prokaryotes?
(A) Hybrid inviability
(B) Heterozygote advantage
(C) The endosymbiotic theory
(D) The germ theory of disease
9. A segmented body is a key characteristic of the members of which of the following animal
(A) Annelida
(B) Cnidaria
(C) Nematoda
(D) Porifera
10. A teacher asks students to identify a type of organism that reproduces primarily through
asexual reproduction. Which of the following is the most accurate response?
(A) A whale
(B) A shark
(C) A maple tree
(D) A bacterium
11. Students spread bacteria on several slabs of solid culture medium. Some of the slabs were
prepared from a culture medium that contained glucose, whereas the remaining slabs were
prepared from a culture medium that lacked glucose or any other simple sugar. The
students placed the inoculated slabs in an incubator overnight and recorded observations
the following day. The students found that colonies of bacteria were visible only on the
glucose-containing slabs. Which of the following ideas is most closely linked to the results of
the experiment?
(A) Living things adapt to their environment.
(B) Living things require a source of energy.
(C) Living things are sensitive and respond to stimuli.
(D) Living things can move from one location to another.
The Praxis
Study Companion
12. A teacher is preparing a lesson on how biotechnology is used in research. Which of the
following is an example of how biotechnology is used to produce transgenic organisms?
(A) Selectively breeding dogs to maximize specific behaviors
(B) Editing the DNA of rice plants to introduce specific base-pair substitutions
(C) Inserting a jellyfish gene into the genome of different strains of mice
(D) Translocating deer from a large population to a small, isolated population
13. A segment of a messenger RNA molecule has the following nucleotide sequence.
If the first codon is a start codon and the last codon is a stop codon‚ how many amino acids
are encoded in the nucleotide sequence?
(A) Three
(B) Five
(C) Six
(D) Nine
14. To link a discussion about the mechanisms of evolution to a previous lesson on molecular
biology, a teacher asks students to identify the principal mechanism by which new alleles of
a gene are produced. Which of the following is the most accurate response?
(A) Fertilization
(B) Mutation
(C) Transcription
(D) Translation
The Praxis
Study Companion
15. A teacher asks students to describe what will likely happen to a body cell when the
concentration of solutes in the extracellular fluid decreases as a result of excessive water
consumption. Which of the following student responses provides the most accurate
(A) “The extracellular fluid will become hypotonic to the cytosol‚ resulting in a net
movement of water into the cell by osmosis.
(B) “The extracellular fluid will become hypotonic to the cytosol‚ resulting in a net
movement of water out of the cell by osmosis.”
(C) “The extracellular fluid will become hypertonic to the cytosol‚ resulting in a net
movement of water into the cell by osmosis.
(D) “The extracellular fluid will become hypertonic to the cytosol‚ resulting in a net
movement of water out of the cell by osmosis.”
16. Students will isolate DNA from yeast cells that result from a genetic cross. The students will
then determine which of two different alleles of a certain gene are present in each sample
of DNA. Which THREE of the following techniques are most appropriate for the students to
use for analyzing the results of the genetic cross?
(A) Agarose gel electrophoresis
(B) Restriction digestion
(C) NMR spectroscopy
17. Students and their teacher are discussing different models that explain how concentration
gradients are established and maintained across cell membranes. The teacher tells the
students that a certain uncharged molecule has a higher concentration outside a cell than
inside the cell. The teacher then asks the students to propose a way in which the cell can
maintain the molecule’s concentration gradient. Which of the following student responses
demonstrates the most accurate reasoning?
(A) “The cell can use cytosolic enzymes to convert the molecule to a different molecule.”
(B) “The cell can activate biochemical pathways that will produce more of the molecule
inside the cell.”
(C) “The cell can turn on membrane proteins that pump the molecule from the surrounding
environment to the inside of the cell.”
(D) “The cell can open channel proteins that will allow some of the molecules to diffuse
across the plasma membrane into the cell.”
The Praxis
Study Companion
18. Students conducted a survey of the invertebrates that were present at several different
ponds. For each pond, the students recorded the different types of invertebrates that were
observed and the relative abundance of each type. Which of the following characteristics
can the students compare most directly using the data collected in the survey?
(A) Dissolved oxygen levels in the different ponds
(B) Diversity of the different communities
(C) Primary productivity of the different ecosystems
(D) Climate change at the different locations
19. A student wonders whether molecule X affects a particular enzyme-catalyzed reaction
through competitive inhibition. To investigate, the student proposes an experiment in which
the initial reaction velocity is the dependent variable. If the concentrations of molecule X
and the enzyme are held constant, then the independent variable in the student’s
experiment should be which of the following?
(A) The reaction temperature
(B) The concentration of the buffer
(C) The initial substrate concentration
(D) The pH of the reaction solution
20. Students use a computer simulation to investigate the outcome of a genetic cross between
a true-breeding line of fruit flies with sepia eyes and a true-breeding line of fruit flies with
wild-type eyes. The teacher recommends that the students allow the flies in the
generation to interbreed and produce an
generation. The teacher then asks the students
whether the results of the simulation support a claim that the sepia-eyes trait exhibits an
autosomal recessive mode of inheritance.
If the results support the claim, flies that have sepia eyes will make up approximately what
percent of the
(A) 25%
(B) 50%
(C) 75%
(D) 100%
The Praxis
Study Companion
21. A student is preparing a poster to show the proposed evolutionary relationships among
several different species. Which of the following types of representations should the
student use for the poster?
(A) A histogram
(B) A flow chart
(C) A scatterplot
(D) A phylogenetic tree
22. Recently, seasonal dead zones in low-oxygen waters have been occurring annually in the
Gulf of Mexico near the mouth of the Mississippi River. The dead zones result from the
rapid growth of photosynthetic phytoplankton and their subsequent decay by oxygen-
depleting microbes in the water column. Which of the following changes most likely triggers
the rapid growth of the photosynthetic phytoplankton?
(A) A decrease in competition from other marine phytoplankton during the summer
(B) A decrease in the light level in surface waters as day length starts to shorten after the
summer solstice
(C) An increase in predation by marine larvae and other zooplankton during the summer
(D) An increase in the influx of nutrients derived from chemical fertilizers that are high in
nitrogen and phosphorus
23. Damage to the sinoatrial node in the human heart is most likely to result in which of the
(A) Disruption of the rate and timing of cardiac muscle contractions
(B) Blockage of valve closure between the atria and the ventricles
(C) Mixing of blood in the right and left atria
(D) Decrease in blood pressure in the pulmonary artery
The Praxis
Study Companion
24. A teacher tells students that the hydrolysis of one molecule of lactose produces one
molecule of glucose and one molecule of galactose. The teacher then asks the students to
use the information to identify a term that describes a molecule of lactose. Which of the
following responses is the most accurate?
(A) Amino acid
(B) Disaccharide
(C) Fatty acid
(D) Nucleotide
25. Which of the following scientific disciplines resulted primarily from the development of
high-speed, low-cost methods for determining and analyzing DNA sequences?
(A) Conservation ecology
(B) Genomics
(C) Histology
(D) Plant breeding
26. A teacher asks students to explain how the presence of lignin is an adaptation that helps
plants survive in terrestrial habitats. The teacher encourages the students to provide
reasoning to support their explanations. Which of the following written responses provides
the most accurate reasoning?
(A) Lignin catalyzes the synthesis of amino acids inside cells, allowing plants to make
(B) Lignin attracts pollinators like birds and insects, allowing plants to reproduce on land.
(C) Lignin absorbs light energy, allowing plants to make sugars by the process of
(D) Lignin provides structural support, allowing plants to grow tall and compete better for
27. If 35 percent of a sample of double-stranded DNA is adenine, what percent of the DNA is
(A) 10 percent
(B) 15 percent
(C) 30 percent
(D) 70 percent
The Praxis
Study Companion
28. A teacher asks students to describe the most likely mechanism by which the seeds of a
blueberry plant will be dispersed. Which of the following written responses demonstrates
the most accurate understanding?
(A) The blueberry plant will release the seeds into the air, and the blueberry seeds will be
blown by the wind to a new location far away.
(B) The plant’s blueberries will disintegrate, and the seeds inside will fall to the ground and
later stick to the fur of an animal that walks by.
(C) The blueberries produced by the plant will be eaten by an animal, and the blueberry
seeds will be excreted in the animal’s droppings at a new location.
(D) The blueberries on the plant will ripen and build up lots of gas, and eventually the seeds
will be shot out of ripe blueberries to a location far away from the plant.
29. A teacher presents students with images of a cell. Which TWO of the following questions will
best help the students determine whether the images are of a eukaryotic cell or a
prokaryotic cell?
(A) Does the cell contain ribosomes?
(B) Does the cell contain mitochondria?
(C) Does the cell contain chromosomal DNA?
(D) Does the cell contain a membrane-enclosed nucleus?
30. Stomatal opening in plants requires an increase in the rate at which guard cells take up
which of the following?
(A) Iodine atoms
(B) Nitrogen gas
(C) Potassium ions
(D) Sucrose molecules
The Praxis
Study Companion
31. Which of the following is the most likely benefit of periodic natural wildfires in some forest
(A) The fires remove dead and decaying plant matter, reducing the risk of more intense and
destructive fires.
(B) The fires leach nutrients from the soil‚ preventing the germination of plants that might
compete with native species.
(C) The fires drive off herbivores whose plant-based diets reduce the amount of vegetation.
(D) The fires dry out the soil and decrease the chance of flooding after heavy rains.
32. Students are creating a poster of a eukaryotic cell that shows the subcellular locations of
metabolic processes associated with cellular respiration. The students should indicate on
their poster that enzymes located in the mitochondrial matrix most directly facilitate which
of the following processes?
(A) Citric acid cycle
(B) Fermentation
(C) Glycolysis
(D) Oxidative phosphorylation
33. A gas phase is generally absent from which of the following biogeochemical cycles?
(A) Water
(B) Carbon
(C) Sulfur
(D) Phosphorus
34. Hemophilia is a rare X-linked recessive disorder in which the body has a reduced ability to
form blood clots. If a woman with hemophilia has a child with a man who does not have
hemophilia, what is the chance that the child will be a carrier of the disorder?
(A) 0%
(B) 25%
(C) 50%
(D) 100%
The Praxis
Study Companion
35. Students designed an experiment for investigating how environmental conditions affect the
rate of carbon dioxide release by corn seedlings. In the experiment, the students will put
nearly identical corn seedlings into separate test tubes containing a carbon dioxide
indicator solution. The students will then seal the test tubes and place them in different
locations, as indicated in the following table. The students will determine the rates of
carbon dioxide release by monitoring changes in the indicator solutions.
Test Tube
Location of the Test Tube
Light Source
In a refrigerator
On a table in a classroom
3 In boiling water Present
Which THREE of the following suggestions will best help the students improve their
experimental design?
(A) Place a light source inside the refrigerator.
(B) Use seedlings of three different plant species.
(C) Use water maintained at
instead of boiling water.
(D) Increase the number of seedlings in each treatment group.
36. A teacher asks students whether genetic drift is more likely to occur in a large population or
a small population. The teacher specifies that the students should provide reasoning to
support their answer. Which of the following written responses demonstrates the most
accurate understanding of genetic drift?
(A) It is more likely to happen in a large population, because the population has more
alleles to be lost.
(B) It is more likely to happen in a large population, because more offspring are produced
than in a small population.
(C) It is more likely to happen in a small population, because the members of the small
population are not as healthy as are the members of the large population.
(D) It is more likely to happen in a small population, because random events can have a
greater effect on allele frequencies in a small population than in a large population.
The Praxis
Study Companion
37. A teacher asks students to describe a type of electric power generation that relies on a
nonrenewable resource. Which of the following responses demonstrates the most accurate
understanding of the term “nonrenewable resource”?
(A) Generating electric power by burning natural gas
(B) Producing electric power by allowing water to flow through a dam
(C) Converting wind energy to electric energy by using wind turbines
(D) Producing electric energy by harnessing light energy with solar panels
38. In vertebrate embryos, which of the following developmental processes most directly
results in the formation of the three primary germ layers?
(A) Neurulation
(B) Blastula formation
(C) Cleavage
(D) Gastrulation
The Praxis
Study Companion
Biology (5236) Answers
1. Option (B) is correct. Because both the bee and the flowering plant benefit from the
interaction, the ecological relationship is best described as mutualism.
V. Ecology: Organisms and Environment
A. Biosphere organization and factors affecting organism
interactions and population size
2. Option (C) is correct. A phylum is a more inclusive level of classification than an order. As
such, members of the same order are also members of the same phylum.
Task of Teaching
15. Selecting scientific language that is precise, accurate, grade-
appropriate, and illustrates key scientific concepts
IV. Diversity of Life and Organismal Biology
A. Diversity of Life
3. Option (B) is correct. During the S phase of the cell cycle, the quantity of DNA in a
eukaryotic cell doubles as a result of DNA replication. After the S phase, each of the cell’s
chromosomes is composed of two identical chromatids that will separate during cell
II. Cell Biology: Cell Structure and Function
B. Structure and function of cells and the mechanisms of basic
cellular processes
4. Options (B) and (C) are correct. Fungi are heterotrophic eukaryotes that share the
characteristics of having chitin-containing cell walls and carrying out external digestion by
secreting digestive enzymes into the surrounding environment.
IV. Diversity of Life and Organismal Biology
A. Diversity of Life
The Praxis
Study Companion
5. Option (D) is correct. As a population of organisms gets smaller, the population’s gene
pool also gets smaller, resulting in a decrease in genetic diversity. With less genetic diversity,
the population will be more vulnerable to disease, natural disasters, and extreme changes in
the environment.
III. Genetics and Evolution
B. Mechanisms of evolution as a consequence of genetic
variation and factors affecting evolution
6. Option (C) is correct. A diagram of a food web is typically used to represent the
interconnected feeding relationships in a community. Students can use diagrams of food
webs to investigate the flow of energy through the organisms of different ecosystems.
Science and
Engineering Practice
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Task of Teaching
10. Evaluating instructional materials and other resources for
their ability to address scientific concepts; engage students with
relevant phenomena; develop and use scientific ideas; promote
students’ thinking about phenomena, experiences, and
knowledge; take account of students’ ideas and background;
and assess student progress
V. Ecology: Organisms and Environment
B. Characteristics of biomes, energy flow in ecosystems, and
major biogeochemical cycles
7. Option (D) is correct. X-ray crystallography is a technique that relies on an analysis of x-ray
diffraction patterns to obtain a three-dimensional molecular structure from a crystal. If a
protein can be isolated from a biological source and crystallized, a high-resolution structure
of the protein can often be determined using x-ray crystallography.
Science and
Engineering Practice
3. Planning and carrying out investigations
I. Nature and Impact of Science and Engineering
A. Nature of Science
The Praxis
Study Companion
8. Option (C) is correct. The endosymbiotic theory proposes that some eukaryotic organelles
have a prokaryotic origin. Evidence in support of the theory includes the observation that
organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplasts, and the nucleus have a double membrane.
Also, mitochondria and chloroplasts have DNA genomes that are separate from the nuclear
DNA genome, and the organelles reproduce by a process of binary fission.
III. Genetics and Evolution
B. Mechanisms of evolution as a consequence of genetic
variation and factors affecting evolution
9. Option (A) is correct. Organisms in the phylum Annelida share the characteristic of body
segmentation. The phylum Annelida includes earthworms, as well as leeches, bristle worms,
and many other marine and freshwater species.
IV. Diversity of Life and Organismal Biology
B. Animal Biology
10. Option (D) is correct. Bacteria typically reproduce by a process of binary fission, which is
a type of asexual reproduction.
Task of Teaching
18. Supporting and critiquing students’ participation in and use
of verbal and written scientific discourse and argumentation
V. Ecology: Organisms and Environment
A. Biosphere organization and factors affecting organism
interactions and population size
The Praxis
Study Companion
11. Option (B) is correct. Glucose is a source of stored chemical energy that is accessible to
many types of bacteria. The observation that colonies of bacteria were visible only on the
glucose-containing slabs demonstrates that the bacteria are living things that require a
source of energy.
Science and
Engineering Practice
7. Engaging in argument from evidence
Task of Teaching
4. Linking science ideas to one another and to particular
activities, models, and representations within and across units
II. Cell Biology: Cell Structure and Function
B. Structure and function of cells and the mechanisms of basic
cellular processes
12. Option (C) is correct. A transgenic organism is an organism that contains genetic material
from an unrelated organism. The foreign genetic material is often a gene that was isolated
from the genome of one species and inserted into the genome of another species through
the use of genetic engineering techniques. Inserting a jellyfish gene into the mouse genome
is an example of using biological engineering to produce transgenic organisms.
Science and
Engineering Practice
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Task of Teaching
3. Choosing which science ideas or instructional activities are
most closely related to a particular instructional goal
I. Nature and Impact of Science and Engineering
B. Science, Engineering, Technology, Society, and the
13. Option (B) is correct. A codon consists of three adjacent nucleotides. The nucleotide
sequence has 18 nucleotides and begins with a start codon, so there are six codons in total.
Although the start codon also codes for methionine, the stop codon does not code for an
amino acid. As a result, the nucleotide sequence encodes five amino acids.
Science and
Engineering Practice
5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
III. Genetics and Evolution
A. Mechanisms of molecular biology and genetic transmission
The Praxis
Study Companion
14. Option (B) is correct. A mutation is a change in the nucleotide sequence of an organism’s
genetic material, which is typically DNA. A change in the nucleotide sequence of the RNA
genome of some viruses is also considered to be a mutation. Mutations can result in
changes to the structure of individual genes, producing new alleles of that gene.
Task of Teaching
4. Linking science ideas to one another and to particular
activities, models, and representations within and across units
III. Genetics and Evolution
B. Mechanisms of evolution as a consequence of genetic
variation and factors affecting evolution
15. Option (A) is correct. A decrease in the concentration of solutes in the fluid outside the
cell will result in the extracellular fluid becoming hypotonic with respect to the cell’s cytosol.
There will likely be a net movement of water across the cell’s plasma membrane from the
hypotonic extracellular fluid to the cytosol by the process of osmosis, which will result in an
increase in the amount of water inside the cell.
Science and
Engineering Practice
2. Developing and using models
Task of Teaching
12. Analyzing student ideas for common misconceptions
regarding intended scientific learning
II. Cell Biology: Cell Structure and Function
B. Structure and function of cells and the mechanisms of basic
cellular processes
The Praxis
Study Companion
16. Options (A), (B), and (D) are correct. The students can analyze the results of the genetic
cross using a combination of PCR, restriction digestion, and agarose gel electrophoresis. For
each DNA sample, the students can use PCR and a specific primer set to amplify the region
of the yeast genome that contains the gene of interest. If the two alleles of the gene differ by
the presence or absence of a specific restriction site, the students can treat each sample of
PCR-amplified DNA with a restriction enzyme that recognizes the specific restriction site. The
students can then use agarose gel electrophoresis to separate the DNA fragments in each
sample on the basis of size. Finally, the students can analyze the resulting patterns of
different restriction fragments to determine which of the two different alleles of the gene
are present in each DNA sample.
Science and
Engineering Practice
3. Planning and carrying out investigations
Task of Teaching
7. Determining the variables, techniques, or tools that are
appropriate for use by students to address a specific
investigation question
III. Genetics and Evolution
A. Mechanisms of molecular biology and genetic transmission
17. Option (A) is correct. Converting the molecule to a different molecule inside the cell will
decrease the molecule’s intracellular concentration, which will increase the difference
between the molecule’s extracellular concentration and its intracellular concentration.
Science and
Engineering Practice
2. Developing and using models
Task of Teaching
24. Generating or selecting diagnostic questions to evaluate
student understanding of specific models or representations
II. Cell Biology: Cell Structure and Function
A. Basic biochemistry and metabolism of living organisms
The Praxis
Study Companion
18. Option (B) is correct. Diversity refers to the number of different species in a community
and the relative abundance of each species. The data collected by the students are best
used to analyze the diversity of the community associated with each pond. The students can
then compare the diversity of the different communities.
Science and
Engineering Practice
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
Task of Teaching
9. Supporting students in generating questions for investigation
or identifying patterns in data and observations
V. Ecology: Organisms and Environment
A. Biosphere organization and factors affecting organism
interactions and population size
19. Option (C) is correct. Competitive inhibition can be overcome by increasing the initial
substrate concentration while keeping the concentrations of the inhibitor and the enzyme
constant. If molecule X affects the enzyme-catalyzed reaction through a mechanism of
competitive inhibition, the initial reaction velocity will approach the maximum reaction
velocity as the initial substrate concentration is increased.
Science and
Engineering Practice
1. Asking questions and defining problems
Task of Teaching
7. Determining the variables, techniques, or tools that are
appropriate for use by students to address a specific
investigation question
II. Cell Biology: Cell Structure and Function
A. Basic biochemistry and metabolism of living organisms
The Praxis
Study Companion
20. Option (A) is correct. All the flies in the
generation will be heterozygous at the genetic
locus associated with the sepia-eyes phenotype. If the sepia-eyes trait has an autosomal
recessive mode of inheritance, 75% of the
generation will have wild-type eyes and 25%
will have sepia eyes.
Science and
Engineering Practice
5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
Task of Teaching
18. Supporting and critiquing students’ participation in and use
of verbal and written scientific discourse and argumentation
III. Genetics and Evolution
A. Mechanisms of molecular biology and genetic transmission
21. Option (D) is correct. A phylogenetic tree is typically used to represent the proposed
evolutionary relationships among several different species.
Science and
Engineering Practice
2. Developing and using models
Task of Teaching
21. Evaluating or selecting scientific models and representations
that predict or explain scientific phenomena or address
instructional goals
III. Genetics and Evolution
B. Mechanisms of evolution as a consequence of genetic
variation and factors affecting evolution
22. Option (D) is correct. An increase in the influx of chemical fertilizers most likely triggers
the rapid growth of the photosynthetic phytoplankton. Many chemical fertilizers used to
stimulate crop growth contain high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. Rainfall can wash the
fertilizers off the fields into local waterways that drain into the Mississippi River, which
connects with the Gulf of Mexico. The fertilizer accumulation at the mouth of the river
promotes the rapid growth of photosynthetic phytoplankton. Subsequent degradation of
dead phytoplankton by bacteria depletes the water of oxygen. Organisms cannot survive in
the hypoxic waters, and terrestrial organisms that depend on the river-dwelling organisms
are also negatively affected.
V. Ecology: Organisms and Environment
A. Biosphere organization and factors affecting organism
interactions and population size
The Praxis
Study Companion
23. Option (A) is correct. The sinoatrial node is made up of a group of cells that are located in
the wall of the heart’s right atrium. The cells control cardiac muscle contractions through the
production of action potentials that propagate throughout the heart. Damage to the
sinoatrial node would likely disrupt the rate and timing of cardiac muscle contractions.
IV. Diversity of Life and Organismal Biology
B. Animal Biology
24. Option (B) is correct. Based on the information presented, lactose can be described as a
disaccharide because it is made up of two monosaccharides, glucose and galactose.
Task of Teaching
18. Supporting and critiquing students’ participation in and use
of verbal and written scientific discourse and argumentation
II. Cell Biology: Cell Structure and Function
A. Basic biochemistry and metabolism of living organisms
25. Option (B) is correct. Genomics focuses on the study and manipulation of entire
genomes. A genome is the complete set of DNA that contains all the genes and other genetic
information needed for the development, growth, and reproduction of an organism.
Advances in DNA sequencing technologies have allowed researchers to determine and
analyze the genomic DNA sequences of a wide variety of organisms, including many
different types of bacteria, plants, and animals.
Science and
Engineering Practice
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
I. Nature and Impact of Science and Engineering
B. Science, Engineering, Technology, Society, and the
The Praxis
Study Companion
26. Option (D) is correct. Lignin is a rigid component of some plant cell walls that provides
structural support to certain tissues in vascular plants. The structural support provided by
lignin allows vascular plants to grow taller than nonvascular plants, which provides an
advantage when competing for limited resources such as sunlight.
Science and
Engineering Practice
6. Constructing explanations and designing solutions
Task of Teaching
19. Critiquing student-generated explanations or descriptions
for their generalizability, accuracy, precision, or consistency
with scientific evidence
IV. Diversity of Life and Organismal Biology
C. Plant Biology
27. Option (B) is correct. Because adenine pairs with thymine, double-stranded DNA that is
35 percent adenine is also 35 percent thymine. The remaining 30 percent of the DNA is
composed of guanine-cytosine base pairs, such that 15 percent of the DNA is guanine and
15 percent is cytosine.
Science and
Engineering Practice
5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
III. Genetics and Evolution
A. Mechanisms of molecular biology and genetic transmission
28. Option (C) is correct. Blueberries are typically ingested by birds and other animals, and
the seeds inside the fruit are dispersed through the feces of those animals.
Task of Teaching
19. Critiquing student-generated explanations or descriptions
for their generalizability, accuracy, precision, or consistency
with scientific evidence
IV. Diversity of Life and Organismal Biology
C. Plant Biology
The Praxis
Study Companion
29. Options (B) and (D) are correct. The presence of membrane-bound organelles, such as
mitochondria, and the presence of a membrane-enclosed nucleus are typical features of a
eukaryotic cell but not a prokaryotic cell. Ribosomes and chromosomal DNA are present in
both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
Science and
Engineering Practice
1. Asking questions and defining problems
Task of Teaching
22. Engaging students in using, modifying, creating, and
critiquing scientific models and representations that are
matched to an instructional goal
II. Cell Biology: Cell Structure and Function
B. Structure and function of cells and the mechanisms of basic
cellular processes
30. Option (C) is correct. The mechanism of stomatal opening in plants typically involves an
increase in the volume and turgor pressure of guard cells. Changes in environmental
conditions can trigger the opening of potassium ion channels in the plasma membrane of
guard cells. The accumulation of potassium ions inside the guard cells results in a net
movement of water into the cells by osmosis. The influx of water increases the volume and
turgor pressure of the guard cells, resulting in an increase in the size of the stomatal
IV. Diversity of Life and Organismal Biology
C. Plant Biology
31. Option (A) is correct. Typically, periodic natural wildfires are of relatively low intensity.
They remove dead and decaying plant matter, including dead trees, leaf litter and pine
needles, and shrubs. Without periodic wildfires, the material accumulates so that when a fire
eventually does occur, it is much greater in intensity and size and potentially very destructive
to living organisms.
V. Ecology: Organisms and Environment
B. Characteristics of biomes, energy flow in ecosystems, and
major biogeochemical cycles
The Praxis
Study Companion
32. Option (A) is correct. The enzymes that facilitate the citric acid cycle are located in the
mitochondrial matrix.
Science and
Engineering Practice
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Task of Teaching
22. Engaging students in using, modifying, creating, and
critiquing scientific models and representations that are
matched to an instructional goal
II. Cell Biology: Cell Structure and Function
A. Basic biochemistry and metabolism of living organisms
33. Option (D) is correct. A gas phase is generally absent from the phosphorus cycle. The
largest reservoir of phosphorus is in sedimentary rocks of marine origin. Most phosphorus
cycles among rocks, soil, water, and living organisms.
V. Ecology: Organisms and Environment
B. Characteristics of biomes, energy flow in ecosystems, and
major biogeochemical cycles
34. Option (C) is correct. Based on the information presented, the woman who has
hemophilia is homozygous recessive. In contrast, the man has a single X chromosome that
has the dominant allele. As a result, only a female child will be a carrier of the disorder, and
all female children of the woman and the man will be carriers. There is a 50% chance that
the child will be female.
Science and
Engineering Practice
5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
III. Genetics and Evolution
A. Mechanisms of molecular biology and genetic transmission
The Praxis
Study Companion
35. Options (A), (C), and (D) are correct. Placing a light source inside the refrigerator will help
make sure that environmental temperature is the only independent variable in the
experiment. Using warm water instead of boiling water is more likely to provide useful data,
because the environmental temperature will be more tolerable. Increasing the number of
seedlings in each treatment group will help the students to determine the reproducibility of
the experiment’s results and to analyze variation both within and between treatment
groups. Using seedlings of three different species is not recommended, because having
more than one independent variable in the experiment will make the results more difficult
to interpret.
Science and
Engineering Practice
3. Planning and carrying out investigations
Task of Teaching
8. Critiquing scientific procedures, data, observations, or results
for their quality, accuracy, or appropriateness
I. Nature and Impact of Science and Engineering
A. Nature of Science
36. Option (D) is correct. Genetic drift refers to changes in allele frequencies in a population
that occur as a result of chance and not as a result of natural selection. Changes in allele
frequencies are likely to be more significant in a small population than in a large population,
because the small population has a comparatively smaller gene pool.
Science and
Engineering Practice
6. Constructing explanations and designing solutions
Task of Teaching
19. Critiquing student-generated explanations or descriptions
for their generalizability, accuracy, precision, or consistency
with scientific evidence
III. Genetics and Evolution
B. Mechanisms of evolution as a consequence of genetic
variation and factors affecting evolution
The Praxis
Study Companion
37. Option (A) is correct. Natural gas is considered to be a nonrenewable resource because it
cannot be regenerated on a human timescale. The response that describes a type of electric
power generation that relies on the burning of natural gas demonstrates the most accurate
understanding of the term “nonrenewable resource.”
Task of Teaching
18. Supporting and critiquing students’ participation in and use
of verbal and written scientific discourse and argumentation
I. Nature and Impact of Science and Engineering
B. Science, Engineering, Technology, Society, and the
38. Option (D) is correct. During embryogenesis, after formation of the hollow ball of cells
called the blastula, one end of the embryo folds in and expands to gradually fill the space in
the blastula. This process is referred to as gastrulation and results in the formation of the
three primary germ layers: the endoderm, the mesoderm, and the ectoderm.
IV. Diversity of Life and Organismal Biology
B. Animal Biology
The Praxis
Study Companion
Understanding Question Types
The Praxis
assessments include a variety of question types: constructed response (for which
you write a response of your own); selected response, for which you select one or more
answers from a list of choices or make another kind of selection (e.g., by selecting a sentence in
a text or by selecting part of a graphic); and numeric entry, for which you enter a numeric value
in an answer field. You may be familiar with these question formats from taking other
standardized tests. If not, familiarize yourself with them so you don’t spend time during the test
figuring out how to answer them.
Understanding Selected-Response and Numeric-Entry Questions
For most questions, you respond by selecting an oval to select a single answer from a list of
answer choices.
However, interactive question types may also ask you to respond by:
Selecting more than one choice from a list of choices.
Typing in a numeric-entry box. When the answer is a number, you may be asked to
enter a numerical answer. Some questions may have more than one entry box to enter
a response. Numeric-entry questions typically appear on mathematics-related tests.
Selecting parts of a graphic. In some questions, you will select your answers by selecting
a location (or locations) on a graphic such as a map or chart, as opposed to choosing
your answer from a list.
Selecting sentences. In questions with reading passages, you may be asked to choose
your answers by selecting a sentence (or sentences) within the reading passage.
Dragging and dropping answer choices into targets on the screen. You may be asked to
select answers from a list of choices and to drag your answers to the appropriate
location in a table, paragraph of text or graphic.
Selecting answer choices from a drop-down menu. You may be asked to choose
answers by selecting choices from a drop-down menu (e.g., to complete a sentence).
Remember that with every question you will get clear instructions.
The Praxis
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Understanding Constructed-Response Questions
Some tests include constructed-response questions, which require you to demonstrate your
knowledge in a subject area by writing your own response to topics. Essays and short-answer
questions are types of constructed-response questions.
For example, an essay question might present you with a topic and ask you to discuss the
extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated. You must support your position
with specific reasons and examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
Review a few sample essay topics:
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
“We come then to the question presented: Does segregation of children in public
schools solely on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other
‘tangible’ factors may be equal, deprive the children of the minority group of equal
educational opportunities? We believe that it does.”
A. What legal doctrine or principle, established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), did the
Supreme Court reverse when it issued the 1954 ruling quoted above?
B. What was the rationale given by the justices for their 1954 ruling?
In his self-analysis, Mr. Payton says that the better-performing students say small-group work
is boring and that they learn more working alone or only with students like themselves.
Assume that Mr. Payton wants to continue using cooperative learning groups because he
believes they have value for all students.
o Describe TWO strategies he could use to address the concerns of the students
who have complained.
o Explain how each strategy suggested could provide an opportunity to improve
the functioning of cooperative learning groups. Base your response on principles
of effective instructional strategies.
“Minimum-wage jobs are a ticket to nowhere. They are boring and repetitive and teach
employees little or nothing of value. Minimum-wage employers take advantage of people
because they need a job.”
o Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with this opinion. Support
your views with specific reasons and examples from your own experience,
observations, or reading.
The Praxis
Study Companion
Keep these things in mind when you respond to a constructed-response question:
1. Answer the question accurately. Analyze what each part of the question is asking you
to do. If the question asks you to describe or discuss, you should provide more than just
a list.
2. Answer the question completely. If a question asks you to do three distinct things in
your response, you should cover all three things for the best score. Otherwise, no
matter how well you write, you will not be awarded full credit.
3. Answer the question that is asked. Do not change the question or challenge the basis
of the question. You will receive no credit or a low score if you answer another question
or if you state, for example, that there is no possible answer.
4. Give a thorough and detailed response. You must demonstrate that you have a
thorough understanding of the subject matter. However, your response should be
straightforward and not filled with unnecessary information.
5. Take notes on scratch paper so that you don’t miss any details. Then you’ll be sure to
have all the information you need to answer the question.
6. Reread your response. Check that you have written what you thought you wrote. Be
sure not to leave sentences unfinished or omit clarifying information.
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