Entry Level
Police Officer Examination
This booklet must be returned to the test administrator at the close of the
examination. The test administrator will announce when you are to start and
when you are to stop working on the examination.
Work on each examination part according to the instructions provided. Do not
answer any question until you have read it carefully. To receive credit, you
must mark your answers on the Answer Sheet. Do not make any marks in
this booklet.
Any examinee who talks with or attempts to talk with another or who
copies or aids another in copying during the course of the examination
will be disqualified.
Content of the Examination
Accuracy of Observation 40 questions
Written Communication Skills 40 questions
Reading with Understanding 35 questions
Biodata 54 questions
Total 169 questions
Do not turn this page until to ld to do so.
Booklet Number ______
© 2004 DELPOE Copyright reserved. Darany and Associates, Version D, Form B.
General Instructions
The following instructions are to be followed in answering the questions in this
To mark your answers on the answer sheet, you are to blacken the space for one,
and only one, of the letters to indicate your answer to each question. Before you
answer each question, be sure that the number of the answer space you mark is the
same as the number of the question you are answering.
If you mark an answer and then wish to change it, be sure you completely erase
your first choice before you mark your new choice. Use only a soft lead pencil to
record your answers.
Multiple-Choice Instructions: When you are given a multiple-choice question,
select the ONE BEST ANSWER of the choices given. Then blacken the space for
the correct letter on the answer sheet.
Multiple-Choice Example:
Sample Answer Sheet
1. The capital of the United States is:
A. Washington, D.C.
B. Los Angeles.
C. New York.
D. Chicago.
Scoring Formula
All questions in this booklet will be scored on the basis of the number of correct
answers. It is to your advantage to use your best judgment and attempt to answer
all of the questions.
Time Limit
You will have two (2) hours to respond to the 169 questions in this examination. If
you use your time effectively, you should be able to answer all of the questions.
Do not turn the page until told to do so.
(40 questions)
This part of the examination consists of a picture and forty questions to test your
observation and memory abilities. When the test administrator tells you to begin,
you will turn the page and have TWO (2) minutes to study the picture. You are not
allowed to take notes.
When time is called, you must turn the page and stop studying the picture. Under
no circumstances are you to ever look at the picture again.
The questions in this part of the examination will refer to the picture. Read each
statement about the picture carefully and decide which alternative answer is the best
choice. Then record your answer on the answer sheet.
Do not turn the page until told to do so.
(40 questions)
Read each of the following statements about the picture carefully and decide
whether it is true or false. Then use the key below to record your answer on the
answer sheet.
A = The statement is true.
B = The statement is false.
1. The time of the accident was approximately 10:00 o'clock.
2. There is a stop sign on the corner nearest the accident.
3. There were passengers on the bus.
4. Both the bus driver and the policeman wore moustaches.
Turn the page and continue working.
Use the following special instructions to answer questions 26 through 40. Each of
these questions is an object or person that may or may not have been shown in the
picture that you just studied. Use the key below to indicate whether or not the
numbered item was in the picture. If only part of the object was shown, you are to
consider it as being present in the picture.
A = Yes, it was in the picture.
B = No, it was not in the picture.
26. Doctor's office
27. Fire hydrant
28. Drug store
29. Telephone booth
Turn the page and continue working.
(40 questions)
This part of the test consists of written sentences. Some of these sentences are
grammatically correct and others are incorrect. You are to read each sentence and
decide whether it is correct or incorrect. Then use the answer key below to record
your answer on the answer sheet.
A = The sentence is grammatically correct.
B = The sentence is grammatically incorrect.
The kinds of errors that you will find include incomplete sentences, incorrect word
usage, and subject/verb disagreements. There are no intentional errors in spelling,
punctuation, or capitalization. However, word usage errors that you should be alert
to may include the use of the incorrect form of a word that has more than one form
or spelling. For example, a sentence may include the word "to" when the word
should have been "two".
Look at the sample sentences below to see some of the kinds of errors that you
should be looking for and note how the response to each numbered sentence is
marked on the Sample Answer Sheet.
Sample Sentences
1. The accident in the busy intersection required to officers to direct traffic.
2. Is a favorite spot for homeless persons to spend the night.
3. The smaller boys plays in the fenced yard.
4. Shop owners expect officers to handle incidents in the mall.
Sample Answer Sheet
The first sample sentence is incorrect because it has the word "to" where the word
"two" should have been used. Therefore, the letter "B" has been marked on the
Sample Answer Sheet for question number 1 to indicate that sentence number 1 is
The second sample sentence is incorrect because it is an incomplete sentence. It
does not tell us what it is that is a favorite spot for homeless persons. Therefore, the
letter "B' has been marked on the Sample Answer Sheet for question number 2 to
indicate that sentence number 2 is incorrect.
The third sample sentence is incorrect because it has a subject/verb disagreement.
The plural subject "boys" should be used with the verb "play", not the verb "plays".
Therefore, the letter "B" has been marked on the Sample Answer Sheet for question
number 3 to indicate that sentence number 3 is incorrect.
The fourth sample sentence is correct. Therefore, the letter "A" has been marked
on the Sample Answer Sheet for question number 4 to indicate that sentence
number 4 is correct.
The key that you will use to answer these questions will be reproduced on each page
so that you will not have to come back to these instructions to use the key.
Turn the page and continue working.
A = The sentence is grammatically correct.
B = The sentence is grammatically incorrect.
41. The problem started when the man in the blue hat through a beer can at a
man in the crosswalk.
42. The first officer on the scene found the store clerk on the floor behind the
43. The frightened child runned to the corner store to get help.
44. Since it was a holiday weekend and the traffic was congested.
45. The dead trees that fell during the storm was a serious hazard.
Turn the page and continue working.
(35 questions)
This part of the test contains a set of policies or procedures labeled General Orders.
You are to read each General Order and answer the questions that follow. This is
not a memory test. You may refer back to the written information as often as
you wish. You should not assume anything that is not stated in the text, nor apply
any knowledge you may have of law enforcement policies and procedures.
Turn the page and continue working.
Any City, USA
Police Department
General Order #106
Subject: Special Event Crowd Control
This policy is intended to ensure the safe operation of the recreational facilities contained within
the City during special events where large numbers of people are involved.
A. The closing of City facilities will be determined prior to the event by city officials and event
coordinators. When an officer is preparing to close a park facility, he/she will announce
the following script on the public address system of the squad car:
1. "The City Park is now closed. Please leave the area."
a. The above script will be the only words used on the public address system when
officers go through an area on the first and second sweeps, announcing that the
area is closed.
Special Circumstances
A. When the safe flow of traffic is prevented by overcrowding in a park facility, these
recommendations should be followed:
1. Closure of an area at 15 minute intervals to allow patrons to leave an area prior to
allowing additional patrons into the area.
a. The time intervals are at the discretion of the supervisor on the scene.
b. In these situations officers are reminded that the public is entitled to know why the
area is closed and approximately when they will be allowed into the area.
c. The safety of the public shall be the primary concern.
d. Officers involved in the control of traffic in these situations will wear their traffic
vests and pay close attention to ensure the safety of everyone involved.
e. When vehicles are used to assist in the control of traffic, they will be strategically
placed where they do not impede the flow of other traffic. The emergency lights of
the vehicles should be turned on for safety purposes and to reduce confusion for
the public.
This order supersedes all written and unwritten policies and directives of the City Police
Department on this subject.
By order of the Chief of Police.
81. According to General Order #106, when an officer is preparing to close a
park facility, the second sweep through the area is used to:
A. repeat the closing announcement.
B. complete a case report about the area.
C. inspect for unsafe or hazardous situations.
D. identify areas for attention by the custodial crew.
82. According to General Order #106, when overcrowding occurs in a park
facility, the officer's first consideration should be:
A. the safety of patrons.
B. the safe flow of traffic.
C. allowing patrons to leave an area prior to allowing additional patrons
into the area.
D. keeping the public informed of approximately when they will be allowed
into the area.
83. When officers are controlling traffic they will:
A. wear their traffic vests.
B. complete a case report.
C. use the public address system of the squad car.
D. notify Headquarters desk personnel via telephone.
Turn the page and continue working.
(54 questions)
General Information
The questions included in this Biodata Section ask for information about you and
your background. These kinds of questions are often asked during an oral interview.
For years, employers have been using interviews to relate personal history,
preferences, and attitude to job success. This Biodata Section attempts to do the
An interview often fails because the wrong questions are asked or different
questions are asked of each candidate. The Biodata Section includes questions that
have been shown to be related to job success. It has been found that successful
employees tend to select some answers more often than other answers, while less
successful employees tend to select different answers.
The usual employment test includes questions which have one "correct" or "best"
answer and credit is only given for that answer choice. In the scoring of the
questions in the Biodata Section, some credit is given for every answer choice.
Therefore it is important that you answer every question, because no credit is given
for questions that you do not answer. Also, no credit is given if you mark more than
one answer to a question.
You should answer the following questions using the instructions for multiple choice
questions provided previously. You may only mark one answer to each question.
It is possible that none of the answers applies well to you. However, one of the
answers will surely be more true (or less inaccurate) for you than the others. In such
a case, mark that answer.
Answer each question honestly. The credit that is assigned to each answer choice
is based on how successful employees describe themselves when honestly
responding to these questions.
Turn the page and continue working.
116. When you were a student, how would you compare yourself with others if
you had done the very best you could?
A. would have been at the top of the class.
B. would have been in the top 10 percent of the class.
C. would have been above average.
D. would have been average.
E. would have been below average.
117. How often do you like to be told how well you are doing in your job?
A. About once a week.
B. About once a month.
C. About once a quarter.
D. Only during standard performance periods.
E. Only when a major project has been completed.
118. Do you feel that the grades you received in high school were as good as
your capabilities?
A. Yes, they were about as good as I could do.
B. No, they were poorer than what I could do.
119. In what area did you have your most outstanding negative experience on
your first job?
A. Relationships with management or supervisors.
B. Relationships with my fellow workers.
C. Relationships with clients or the public.
D. Lack of enjoyment of the work itself.
E. None of the above.
120. What do you feel has been your major accomplishment outside of work?
A. Family activities.
B. Development of self.
C. Community activities.
D. Development of social activities.
E. Something else.