U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Office for Victims of Crime
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
810 Seventh Street NW.
Washington, DC 20531
Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Attorney General
Laurie O. Robinson
Assistant Attorney General
Joye E. Frost
Acting Director, Office for Victims of Crime
Office of Justice Programs
nnovation • Partnerships • Safer Neighborhoods
Office for Victims of Crime
Preparation of this publication was supported by grant number
2005–VF–GX–4001, awarded by the Office for Victims of
Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this document are those of the author and do not
necessarily represent the official position or policies of the
U.S. Department of Justice.
NCJ 231171
The Office of Justice Programs (OJP), headed by Assistant
Attorney General Laurie O. Robinson, provides federal
leadership in developing the Nation’s capacity to prevent
and control crime, administer justice, and assist victims.
OJP has seven components: the Bureau of Justice Assistance;
the Bureau of Justice Statistics; the National Institute of
Justice; the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention; the Office for Victims of Crime; the Community
Capacity Development Office; and the Office of Sex
Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending,
Registering, and Tracking. More information about OJP can
be found at http://www.ojp.gov.
National Sheriffs’ Association
July 2010 NCJ 231171
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) wishes to acknowledge the
National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) for initiating development of
this guidebook and Timothy O. Woods, J.D., M.A., LL.M., Director
of Research, Development & Grants at NSA, for writing it.
Recognition is also due to the many individuals who generously
contributed their professional expertise and personal experiences in
support of this project—or the earlier First Response to Victims of
Crime handbooks on which this project builds—and without whose
encouragement and extensive support the project could never have
been undertaken, much less completed. Accordingly, OVC and NSA
extend special thanks to the following persons: Nora J. Baladerian,
Ph.D., Disability, Abuse and Personal Rights Project; Imelda Bun-
cab, Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking; Florrie Burke,
Anti-Trafficking Program, Safe Horizon; Gail Burns-Smith, Connecti-
cut Sexual Assault Crisis Services; Betsy Cantrell, Consultant;
Nancy Chandler, National Children’s Alliance; Marc P. Charmatz,
J.D., National Association of the Deaf Law and Advocacy Center;
Doreen M. Croser, American Association on Intellectual and Devel-
opmental Disabilities; Leigh Ann Davis, The Arc of the United
States; Marcie H. Deitch, formerly International Association of
Chiefs of Police; Sharon D’Eusanio, Division of Victim Services and
Criminal Justice Programs, Office of the Florida Attorney General;
Robin F. Finegan, Finegan, Flannigan & Associates; Krista R.
Flannigan, J.D., Finegan, Flannigan & Associates; Maria Jose
Fletcher, J.D., Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center; Stephanie
Frogge, formerly Mothers Against Drunk Driving, National Office;
Xu Gao, LL.M., Law Office of Susan Gao; Laura Germino, Coalition
of Immokalee Workers; Brian Hance, formerly Alzheimer’s Associa-
tion; Candace J. Heisler, J.D., Heisler and Associates; Terri J. Hicks,
NSA; Ronald S. Honberg, J.D., National Alliance on Mental Illness;
Catherine H. Hoog, Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services; Jeri
Houchins, Back to Life; Donna M. Hughes, Ph.D., Women’s Studies
Program, University of Rhode Island; Ann Hutchison, formerly
Disaster/Terrorism Center for Victim Assistance, Texas Office of
First Response to Victims of Crime
Emergency Management; Ann Jordan, J.D., Initiative Against Trafficking in
Persons, Global Rights; Angela M. Kaufman, Department on Disability, City of
Los Angeles; Alan Ping-Lun Lai, Crime Victims Program, Chinese Information
and Service Center; Gerald Landsberg, D.S.W., School of Social Work, New
York University; Linda E. Ledray, Ph.D., Sexual Assault Resource Service; Gail
London, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center; Margaret MacDonnell,
Migration & Refugee Services, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops; Candace
Matthews, English for Academic Purposes Program, The George Washington
University; Christine A. Mayman, formerly Court Appointed Special Advo-
cates of the Eastern Panhandle; Chuck McCormick, Federal Bureau of Investi-
gation (retired); Nicole McGee, formerly National MultiCultural Institute;
Nyssa Mestas, Migration & Refugee Services, U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops; Heather Moore, Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking; Lisa
Nerenberg, Consultant; Steve Otto, formerly Civilian Police Programs, U.S.
Department of State; Catherine Pierce, Office to Monitor and Combat Traffick-
ing in Persons, U.S. Department of State; Peggie Reyna, Peace Over Violence;
Nancy Ruhe, National Organization of Parents Of Murdered Children; Sgt.
Doreen Russo, formerly Sexual Battery and Child Abuse Unit, City of Miami
Police Department; Elizabeth Salett, National MultiCultural Institute; Marilyn
J. Smith, Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services; Vickie Smith, National
Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence; Deborah Spungen, Anti-Violence
Partnership of Philadelphia; Kavitha Sreeharsha, J.D., Asian Pacific Islander
Legal Outreach; John H. Stein, J.D., formerly National Organization for Victim
Assistance; D.J. Stemmler, Center for Assistive Technology, University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center; Randolph Thomas, formerly Criminal Justice
Academy, South Carolina Department of Public Safety; Deborah D. Tucker,
National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence; Nancy Turner, Law En-
forcement Leadership Initiative on Violence Against Women, International
Association of Chiefs of Police; Cheryl G. Tyiska, formerly National Organiza-
tion for Victim Assistance; Victor Vieth, J.D., formerly National Center for the
Prosecution of Child Abuse, American Prosecutors Research Institute; Chris-
tina Walsh, National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence; Juliet Walters,
formerly National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence; Kimberly Wisse-
man, Disability Services, SafePlace; James A. Wright, formerly NSA; and
Mary T. Zdanowicz, J.D., formerly Treatment Advocacy Center.
NSA also wishes to especially acknowledge and express its appreciation to
Meg Morrow, of OVC, for her guidance, leadership, and forbearance in
shepherding this project to completion.
Finally, gratitude is extended to the many victim services and law enforce-
ment practitioners who used the earlier First Response to Victims of Crime
handbooks and called or wrote the author and OVC with their recommenda-
tions for improvements or enhancements to any future publications.
Message From the Director .......................................................ix
I. Basic Guidelines on First Response to Victims of Crime ....... 1
General Tips on Responding to Victims’ Three Major Needs .... 2
II. First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims ........... 7
Older Victims ....................................................................... 7
Child Victims .......................................................................10
Victims Who Have a Disability ............................................ 13
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ..................... 17
Victims Who Have Alzheimer’s Disease ............................... 18
Victims Who Have a Mental Illness .......................................21
Victims With Mental Retardation ......................................... 25
Victims With Blindness or Vision Impairment ...................... 28
Victims Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing ............................ 30
Victims With a Disability Affecting Physical Mobility ............ 35
Immigrant Victims .............................................................. 37
III. First Response to Specific Types of Criminal
Victimization ..................................................................... 43
Victims of Sexual Assault .................................................... 43
Victims of Domestic Violence .............................................. 47
Victims of Drunk Driving Crashes ........................................ 50
Survivors of Homicide Victims ............................................. 53
Victims of Human Trafficking .............................................. 57
Victims of Mass Casualty Crimes ......................................... 65
IV. Directory of National Service Providers ............................. 71
V. Endnotes ........................................................................... 81
Whenever a crime is committed, law enforcement officers are
usually the first to arrive on the scene and to interact with victims.
Law enforcement officers have more contact with crime victims
than any other criminal justice professional. This makes their role
critical and puts them in a unique position to assist victims immedi-
ately after the crime and encourage and facilitate victim participa-
tion in the criminal justice system. The initial response to a victim
will have a long-lasting impact on that individual’s view of the
justice system and participation in the investigation and prosecution
of the crime. The first response also is a key factor in whether or
not a victim ultimately accesses needed services and assistance,
such as crisis intervention, counseling, financial compensation,
information, referrals to community programs, and help in navigat-
ing the justice process.
In 2000, the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) published First
Response to Victims of Crime, a handbook for law enforcement
officers to help them better understand and meet the needs of
victims of crime. It offered basic guidelines for approaching and
interacting with older victims, sexual assault victims, child victims,
domestic violence victims, and survivors of homicide victims. In
2001, OVC published an updated handbook that included an
additional section on responding to victims of alcohol-related
driving crashes. Over the years, First Response to Victims of Crime
has been one of the most requested resources produced by OVC.
In 2002, OVC released a companion handbook entitled First Re-
sponse to Victims of Crime Who Have a Disability. With that
handbook, OVC aimed to further increase the capacity of law
enforcement to respond to particular populations of crime victims
in a sensitive and effective manner, recognizing the unique needs of
certain individuals. The handbook specifically offered guidance and
First Response to Victims of Crime
tips on approaching and interacting with victims who have Alzheimer’s
disease, mental illness, mental retardation, or who are blind, vision impaired,
deaf, or hard of hearing.
Over the past few years, new issues have emerged with the changing demo-
graphics in the United States, the occurrence of a number of high-profile mass
casualty crimes, and a growing awareness of the prevalence of the crime of
human trafficking. It became clear that a new, updated, expanded guidebook
for law enforcement was needed. This new guidebook consolidates and
updates the information in the earlier handbooks and expands the informa-
tion with additional sections on responding to immigrant victims, victims
with a disability affecting physical mobility, victims of human trafficking, and
victims of mass casualty crimes.
In one resource, this guidebook offers valuable, user-friendly information for
law enforcement on how to respond to a wide range of victims. The guide-
book is not intended to be a training manual and does not claim to offer
guidance on responding in every possible situation. It attempts, however, to
highlight the most salient issues involved for victims of certain crimes and for
certain populations of victims.
An introductory section contains general guidelines and tips, and individual
sections include information on responding to victims of particular crimes
and to specific populations of victims. Additionally, the guidebook includes a
section on federal laws that prohibit discrimination against individuals with
disabilities and a directory of resources, including organizations representing
the interests of the victim populations addressed in the guidebook.
The updated guidebook is being released with a companion video entitled
First Response to Victims of Crime which highlights and amplifies several of
the topics covered in the guidebook. It will complement the guidebook and
enhance its instructional messages, offering an alternative means for convey-
ing information in the guidebook to law enforcement officers and other first
responders. It accomplishes this through interviews with victims, survivors,
law enforcement officers, and victim advocates. OVC hopes the guidebook
and video will serve as useful resources in a variety of law enforcement
training settings, such as inservice trainings, roll calls, and recertification
Message from the Director
Assistance from law enforcement makes a significant difference for victims.
Victims consistently express tremendous gratitude and appreciation for the
reassurance and help received from the responding officer. First Response to
Victims of Crime serves as a reminder that all crime victims deserve to be
treated with compassion, sensitivity, and respect. A response encompassing
all those qualities undoubtedly will serve to increase the effectiveness of the
entire criminal justice system.
The way people cope as victims of crime depends largely on their
experiences and on how others treat them immediately after the
crime. As a law enforcement officer, you are usually the first official
to interact with victims. For this reason, you are in a unique
position to help victims cope with the immediate trauma of the
crime as well as to help them regain a sense of security and control
over their lives.
The circumstances of a crime frequently dictate when and how
responding officers first address victims and their needs. You may
have to delay fully attending to victims as you juggle many tasks,
such as determining what other emergency services are needed and
calling for them, evacuating people from the site, securing the crime
scene, or advising other public safety personnel upon their arrival.
As soon as the responding officer’s most urgent tasks have been
completed, however, attention can be focused on victims and their
needs. At that point, how you approach and relate to victims,
explain your various law enforcement responsibilities, and work
with victims is crucial to their recovery.
Moreover, the responding officer’s awareness of the needs of
victims, the many dimensions and consequences of crime for
victims, common responses to victimization, and the particular
needs of distinct victim populations can help the officer avoid a
revictimization of victims. Conversely, inadvertently making
comments or asking questions that are hurtful to victims, seemingly
implying that victims are partially responsible for their own victim-
ization, forgetting to return property taken from victims as evi-
dence, or in any other way unknowingly being insensitive to
victims can inflict a second victimization on them.
First Response to Victims of Crime
By approaching victims in a respectful and supportive manner, officers can
gain their trust and cooperation. Victims may then be more willing to provide
detailed information about the crime to officers and later to investigators and
prosecutors, which, in turn, will lead to the conviction of more criminals. But
always remember that you are there for the victim; crime victims are not just
witnesses who are there to assist you with your duties. In other words, put
victims first!
You can better respond to individual types of crime victims and specific types
of criminal victimizations by first understanding the three major needs most
victims have after a crime has been committed: the need to feel safe, the need
to express their emotions, and the need to know “what comes next.” (Note,
the general tips provided here and throughout this guidebook are advisory
only and should be considered in conjunction with your agency’s own
specific protocols on responding to victims of crime.)
General Tips on Responding to Victims’
Three Major Needs
Victims’ Need To Feel Safe
People often feel helpless, vulnerable, and frightened by the trauma of their
victimization. As a first responder, you can address victims’ need to feel safe
by following these guidelines:
n Introduce yourself to victims by your name and title. Briefly explain
your role and duties.
n Reassure victims of their safety and of your concern for them by being
attentive to your own words, posture, mannerisms, and tone of voice.
Although this may seem to go without saying, it can easily be forgotten
in the heat or distractions of the moment. Say to victims, “You’re safe
now” or “I’m here now.” Also, use body language to show concern,
such as nodding your head, using natural eye contact, placing yourself
at the victims’ level rather than standing over victims who are seated,
keeping an open stance rather than crossing your arms, and speaking in
a calm, empathetic tone of voice.
Basic Guidelines on First Response to Victims of Crime
n Ask victims to tell you in just a sentence or two what happened. Let
victims know that you will conduct a full interview soon. Ask if they
have any physical injuries. Take care of victims’ medical needs first.
n Offer to contact a family member or friend; your agency’s victim ser-
vices unit, if such a unit exists; or a crisis counselor for victims.
n Be mindful of victims’ privacy during your interview. Conduct the
interview in a place where victims feel comfortable and secure.
n Ask simple questions that allow victims to make decisions, assert
themselves, and regain control over their lives. Examples: “Would you
like anything to drink?”; “May I come inside and talk with you?”; and
“How would you like me to address you?”
n Ask victims about any special concerns, accommodations, or needs they
may have.
n Provide a “safety net” for victims before leaving them. Make telephone
calls and pull together personal and professional support for victims.
Develop and give victims a pamphlet that explains “victims’ rights” and
lists resources available for further help or information. This pamphlet
should include contact information such as your agency’s victim ser-
vices unit, if one exists; local crisis intervention centers and support
groups; the prosecutor’s and victim-witness assistance offices; the state
crime victim compensation program; and other nationwide services,
including toll free hotlines listed in this guidebook’s Directory of National
Service Providers section. Urge victims to contact and utilize these
services for help.
n Give victims—in writing—your name and information on how to reach
you. Encourage them to contact you if they have any questions or if you
can be of further help.
Victims’ Need To Express Their Emotions
Victims need to air their emotions and tell their story after the trauma of the
crime. They need to have their feelings accepted and their story heard by a
First Response to Victims of Crime
nonjudgmental listener. In addition to fear, victims may have feelings of
self-blame, anger, shame, sadness, or denial. Their most common response is
“I can’t believe this happened to me.” Emotional distress may surface in
seemingly peculiar ways, such as laughter or an expressionless face. Some-
times victims feel rage at the sudden, unexpected, and uncontrollable threat
to their safety and lives. This rage can even be directed at the people who are
trying to help them—including law enforcement officers, for not arriving at
the scene of the crime sooner. You can facilitate victims’ need to express their
emotions by following these guidelines:
n Do not interrupt or try to cut short victims’ expression of their emotions.
Observe victims’ body language, such as their posture, facial expression,
tone of voice, gestures, eye contact, and general appearance. This can
help you understand and respond to what victims are feeling as well as
to what they are saying.
Assure victims that their emotional reactions to the crime are not
uncommon. Sympathize with victims by saying “You’ve been through
something very frightening. I’m sorry”; “What you’re feeling is com-
pletely natural”; or “This was a terrible crime. I’m sorry it happened to
Counter any self-blame by victims and tell them “You didn’t do anything
wrong. This was not your fault.”
Talk with victims as individuals. Do more than just “take a report.” Sit
down and place your notepad aside momentarily. Ask victims how they
are feeling, and listen.
Say to victims, “I want to hear the whole story, everything you can
remember, even if you don’t think it’s important.”
Ask open-ended questions. Avoid questions that can be answered with a
yes or no. Ask questions such as “Can you tell me what happened?” or
“Is there anything else you can tell me?”
Basic Guidelines on First Response to Victims of Crime
n Show that you are actively listening to victims through your facial
expressions, body language, and comments such as “Take your time; I’m
listening” and “We can take a break if you like; I’m in no hurry.”
Refrain from interrupting victims while they are telling their story.
Repeat or rephrase what you think you heard victims say. Examples:
“Let’s see if I understood you correctly. Did you say . . . ?”; “So, as I
understand it, . . . ”; or “Are you saying . . . ?”
Victims’ Need To Know “What Comes Next”
Victims often have concerns about their role in the investigation of the crime
and in the legal proceedings. They may also be concerned about issues such
as media attention on themselves and their ability to pay for medical care or
property damage. Some of their anxiety may be alleviated if victims know
what to expect in the aftermath of the crime. This information will also help
victims prepare themselves for upcoming stressful events and disruptions in
their lives related to the crime. You can respond to this need of victims to
know “what comes next” by following these guidelines:
n Explain to victims what you are doing as well as the law enforcement
procedures for tasks that are pending, such as the filing of your report,
investigation of the crime, and the arrest and arraignment of a suspect.
n Tell victims about forthcoming law enforcement interviews or other
kinds of interviews they can expect.
n Discuss the general nature of any medical forensic examinations that the
victim may be asked to undergo and the importance of these examina-
tions for law enforcement.
n Let victims know what specific information from the crime report will
be available to news organizations and the likelihood of the media
releasing any of this information.
n Counsel victims that lapses of concentration, memory losses, depres-
sion, and physical ailments are natural reactions for crime victims.
First Response to Victims of Crime
Encourage victims to reestablish regular routines as quickly as possible
to help speed their recovery.
n Develop and give to victims a pamphlet that explains “victims’ rights”
and lists resources available for help and information. This pamphlet
should include contact information such as your agency’s victim ser-
vices unit, if one exists; local crisis intervention centers and support
groups; the prosecutor’s and victim-witness assistance offices; the state
crime victim compensation program; and other nationwide services,
including toll free hotlines listed in this guidebook’s Directory of National
Service Providers section. Urge victims to contact and utilize these
services for help.
n Advise victims as to what, if anything, they need to do next.
n Ask victims if they have any questions. Provide victims—in writing—
with the incident referral number and your telephone number, and
encourage them to contact you if you can be of further assistance.
Follow up by providing victims with a free copy of the incident report as
well as any arrest reports.
Older Victims
When older people are victimized by crime, they may suffer worse
physical, psychological, and financial injuries than other age
groups. For example, when victims who are 65 years of age or older
are injured in a violent crime, they are about twice as likely to
suffer serious physical injury and to require hospitalization as any
other age group.
Because the physiological process of aging brings
with it a decreasing ability to heal after an injury, older people may
also never fully recover physically or psychologically from the
trauma of their victimization. In addition, this trauma may be
worsened by their financial situation. Many older people live on
fixed incomes and may be unable to afford the services that could
help them in the aftermath of a crime.
It is understandable, therefore, why older people are often so fearful
of crime. And this fear can be compounded by a number of other
concerns that older people may face after a crime. They may doubt
their ability to meet the expectations of law enforcement and worry
that officers will think they are incompetent. They may worry that
family members, upon learning of their victimization, will also
think they are incompetent and belong in a nursing home. They
may experience feelings of guilt for having “allowed” themselves to
be victimized. They may fear retaliation by the offender, who may
also be their caregiver, for having reported the crime. And older
victims may be anxious about their own welfare, ashamed of their
First Response to Victims of Crime
situation, and fearful of the consequences to their family member if they
report abuse by that family member. Depending on your approach as a first
responder, you can do much to reduce the fear, lower the anxiety, and restore
the confidence of older victims with these concerns, and help them to main-
tain their dignity.
Finally, while some older people experience health or disability issues, many
older people are healthy and active and do not have any physical or cognitive
limitations that will require accommodations from you. It is important,
therefore, never to assume that older people are frail or have a disability based
solely on their age. Instead, it is best to ask older victims—like all victims—
what special assistance, if any, they need from you as a first responder.
Tips on Responding to Older Victims
n Be attentive to whether victims are tired or not feeling well.
n Give victims time to collect their thoughts before your interview.
n Ask victims if they are having any difficulty understanding you. Be
sensitive to the possibility that they may have difficulty hearing or
seeing, but do not automatically assume that victims have a specific
disability. Ask victims if they have any special needs, such as eyeglasses
or hearing aids.
n Ask victims if they would like you to contact a family member, friend, or
n Be alert for signs of domestic violence, elder abuse, or neglect as victims
are sometimes abused by their spouse, children, relatives, or caregivers.
The presence of these persons could, therefore, inhibit victims from fully
describing the crime to you.
n Give victims adequate time to hear and comprehend your words during
the interview.
n Ask questions one at a time, and wait for a response before proceeding
to the next question. Repeat key words and phrases. Ask open-ended
questions to ensure that you are being understood.
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
n Try to reduce or minimize the stressors and pressures on victims. Be
patient. Give victims frequent breaks during your interview.
Consider conducting a preliminary interview initially and following up
the next day for more detailed information.
Avoid subjecting victims to multiple interviews whenever you and other
service providers can come together for a single interview.
Respect the dignity of victims by including them in all decisionmaking
conversations occurring in their presence.
Provide enhanced lighting if victims need to read or write down any-
thing. Make sure that all print in written materials is both large enough
and dark enough for victims to read.
Write down for victims—or give them printed information that explains—
important points you communicate verbally so they can refer to this
information later.
Be mindful that victims may have difficulty reading or writing.
Understand that the recollections of some older people may surface
slowly; additionally, they may have memory loss or dementia. Do not
pressure victims to recall events or details; rather, ask them to contact
you if they remember something later.
Reconnect with victims—as they may not initiate further contact with
you or other service providers—to check on their physical and psycho-
logical condition and to obtain further information about the crime.
Focus on the goals of restoring confidence to and maintaining the
dignity of older victims in all your comments and interactions with
them, their families, caregivers, and other service providers involved in
the case.
Remember, never assume that older victims have any disabilities; but,
when appropriate, refer elsewhere in this guidebook for tips on respond-
ing to victims whose needs may fall under the following sections of the
First Response to Victims of Crime
book: Victims Who Have Alzheimer’s Disease, Victims With Blindness
or Vision Impairment, Victims Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, and
Victims With a Disability Affecting Physical Mobility.
Child Victims
Approximately one out of every four victims of crime in the United States is a
and homicide is the leading cause of non-illness related death of
children under age 5.
Regardless of their race or social class, children are
victimized at higher rates than adults in both urban and rural areas.
children are especially vulnerable to victimization, including those who are
shy, lonely, and compliant; those who are labeled “bad kids”; those who are
preverbal and very young; and those who have physical, emotional, or
developmental disabilities.
When children are victimized by crime, their psychological passage through
the natural stages of growing up can be disrupted. In addition, the child—and
later the adult—may have to cope with the trauma of the victimization again
and again in each developmental stage of life.
Furthermore, child victims suffer not only the physical and emotional trauma
of their victimization but, once the crime is reported, the trauma of being
thrust into the stressful “adult” world of the criminal justice system. There,
adults who were unable to protect them in the first place are responsible for
restoring the child victims’ sense that there are safe places where they can go
and safe people to whom they can turn.
Children need to be assured that their well-being is of supreme importance to
adults. As a law enforcement officer, your age-appropriate first response to
children can be critical in how they initially experience their victimization
and may even affect whether the crime will have a minimal or chronic impact
on their life.
Tips on Responding to Child Victims
n Choose a secure, comfortable setting for interviewing child victims,
such as a child advocacy center, if available, or other “child friendly”
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
environment. Allow time for the child to establish trust and rapport with
you. The following tips are helpful when working with child victims:
qPreschool children (ages 2 through 6) are most comfortable at
home—assuming no child abuse takes place there—or in a very
familiar environment. A parent or other adult the child trusts should
be nearby.
qElementary school-age children (ages 6 through 10) are sometimes
reluctant to disclose information if they believe that they or their
parents could “get in trouble.” For this reason, the presence of a
parent is usually not recommended. However, a parent or other adult
the child trusts should be close by, such as in the next room.
qPreadolescents (ages 10 through 12 for girls and 12 through 14 for
boys) are peer oriented and often avoid parental scrutiny. They may
be more relaxed if a friend or perhaps a friend’s parent is nearby.
qAdolescents (generally ages 13 through 17) are concerned about
betraying their peers. It may be necessary to interview them in a
setting with no peers around.
Be aware that children tend to regress emotionally during times of
stress, acting younger than their age. For example, 8-year-olds may suck
their thumb.
Talk in language appropriate to victims’ ages and, especially with young
children, do not use jargon, long sentences, or a lot of pronouns that
can be confusing, like “she,” “he,” or “they.” Remember your own
childhood and try to think like the child victim, but avoid baby talk.
Assure preschool and elementary school-age victims that they have done
nothing wrong and that they are not in trouble; young children often are
afraid that they will be blamed for problems and may have been told by
the offender that they would be blamed.
Realize that children are more likely than adults to blame themselves for
abuse, particularly if the offender is someone with whom the child has a
First Response to Victims of Crime
close relationship. Also, know that most children do not make up stories
of child abuse, and false allegations are the exception. It is far more
likely that child victims will lie to conceal abuse and protect the offender.
Be consistent in the terms and language you use and repeat important
information often.
Ask open-ended questions to make sure victims understand you.
Maintain a nonjudgmental attitude and patiently empathize with
victims. Children need to communicate what happened and to have the
reality of their experiences validated.
Compliment victims frequently on their good behavior and for answer-
ing your questions, as well as for telling you when they do not under-
stand a question. Elementary school-age children are especially affected
by praise. Be careful, however, not to praise child victims on the sub-
stance of their answers. At the prosecution of a criminal defendant, such
praise could be deemed suggestive questioning by you of the child.
Be mindful of the limited attention span of children and their tendency
to disclose facts regarding traumatic events over time. Observe child
victims for signs that they are tired, restless, or cranky. When interview-
ing preschool children, consider doing a series of short interviews rather
than a single, lengthy one. Also, consider postponing the interview until
the victim has had a night’s rest. However, do not wait too long before
interviewing preschool children; victims at this age can have difficulty
separating the details of their victimization from later experiences.
Appreciate that children, like adults, find it upsetting to talk about
traumatic events. Young children particularly may “relive” their victim-
ization and feel the associated emotions again, thereby intensifying their
trauma. Thus, minimize the number of times that victims must be
Include victims, whenever possible, in decisionmaking and problem-
solving discussions. Identify and patiently answer all their questions.
Reduce victims’ anxiety by explaining the purpose of your interview and
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
by preparing them, especially elementary school-age children, for what
will happen next.
Show sensitivity in addressing sexual matters with preadolescent and
adolescent children. Because they are developing their sexual identity,
their self-consciousness and a limited vocabulary can make such conver-
sations embarrassing for them. Conversely, do not assume that victims,
especially elementary school-age children, are as knowledgeable about
sexual matters as their language or apparent sophistication might
Know that teenagers are the age group least likely to report their violent
and that they are the most likely to be victimized.
Victimization can intensify the normal adolescent insecurities of being
different from or not as “tough” as one’s peers. Respect victims and
empathize with their concerns so that these negative feelings do not
lead them to despair or to seek revenge. Also, consider providing a
referral to professional counseling.
Have compassion for victims. Children’s natural abilities to cope are
aided immensely by caring adults.
Do not neglect to comfort the nonoffending parent. Although the
immediate victim is the child, parents of the victim should be referred to
agencies that can assist them in coping and that can advise them on
what to expect and how to talk with their child about the victimization.
Victims Who Have a Disability
Anyone can be victimized by crime but people who have a disability are more
vulnerable to crime than others in society.
People with a mental disability
can be less able to recognize and avoid danger, and people with a physical
disability can be less able to protect themselves or escape harm. Furthermore,
victims of crime who have a disability can be less able to contact law enforce-
ment and—without accommodations for their disability—assist in the investi-
gation of the crime.
First Response to Victims of Crime
About one in five people in the United States has a mental or physical disabil-
and for almost half of this population the disability is severe.
disabilities come in many forms but they all affect either a person’s mental
functioning, such as the ability to reason and exercise good judgment, or a
person’s sensory or physical abilities, such as the ability to see, hear, and
One reason that the risk of criminal victimization for people with a disability
is much greater than for those without disabilities is that perpetrators specifi-
cally target this population under the assumption that victims will be unable
to escape or report the crime. In addition, people who have a disability are
often victimized repeatedly by the same perpetrators, and these perpetrators
may include their caregivers.
Although most issues confronted by crime victims who have a disability are
concerns that affect crime victims in general, there are still important differ-
ences in how to approach and help victims with a disability. The information
presented in this section provides an overview of some of these differences
and briefly illustrates how to better serve crime victims who have a disability.
General Tips on Responding to Victims Who Have a Disability
A lack of personal familiarity with individuals who have a disability may
naturally cause you to feel self-conscious and uncertain in your response to
victims of crime with disabilities. On the other hand, a person’s disability
may not be obvious, so watch victims carefully for signs of any disability. Do
not hesitate to ask victims if they have any special needs. Yet, also be sure to
appreciate that people with disabilities are not a homogeneous group, but
individuals with differing capabilities and needs. As a first responder, you can
promote effective communication and thereby better serve victims of crime
who have a disability by observing the following guidelines:
n Reflect on some of the stereotypes that exist about people who have a
disability. Negative attitudes may be the greatest impairment for people
with disabilities.
Avoid labeling or defining victims by their disability. Instead, use
“people-first” language that emphasizes the person, not a disability. For
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
example, referring to the victim as “a disabled woman” implies that she
is primarily disabled and secondarily a woman. Referring to her as “a
woman with a disability” would be preferred because this phrase
portrays an image of a female adult victim who happens to have a
disability. Similarly, saying “the man has schizophrenia” is preferable to
“the man is a schizophrenic.” In other words, the victim has a disabling
condition, not is that condition.
Use the word “disability” rather than “handicap.” A disabling condition
need not be handicapping. People who use a wheelchair, for instance,
have a disability, but they are not handicapped by stairs when a ramp is
Ask victims directly how the two of you can most effectively communi-
cate with each other, how they wish their disability to be characterized,
and how you can best assist them. Most victims would prefer to answer
these few questions upfront rather than endure your uneasiness or be
uncomfortable themselves throughout an entire interview. Your respect-
ful and sensitive questions will ensure that the language you use and
the accommodations you make are appropriate, not detrimental.
Relax, and do not be embarrassed when you use common expressions
that seem related to a victim’s disability, such as saying “Do you see my
point?” to a person with a vision impairment; “I’m waiting to hear back
from her,” to a person with a hearing loss; or “I need to run over there,”
to someone who uses a wheelchair. Victims know what you mean and
should not take offense.
Recognize that the presence of someone familiar to victims or a person
knowledgeable about their disability may be extremely important for
victims and helpful during your interview. But remember that family
members, personal care attendants, and service providers could them-
selves be the offenders or be protecting the offenders. Their presence,
therefore, may inhibit victims, out of fear of retaliation, from fully
describing the crime to you.
Do not act on your curiosity about victims’ disabilities. Restrict your
questions to those necessary to accommodate victims’ needs; focus on
the issues at hand, not the disability.
First Response to Victims of Crime
n Avoid common expressions of pity such as “suffering from” Alzheimer’s
disease or “a victim of” mental illness.
Speak directly to victims, even when they are accompanied by another
person. People with disabilities are sometimes assumed to be incapable
of making decisions for themselves, and you do not want to give the
impression that you may think this way.
Listen to your tone of voice and monitor your behavior to make sure
that you are not talking down to victims, coming across in a conde-
scending manner, or treating victims as children.
Do not express admiration for the abilities or accomplishments of
victims in light of their disability.
Be mindful of the underlying painful message communicated to victims
by comments such as “I can’t believe they did this to someone like
you”; “She’s disabled and he raped her anyway”; or “To steal from a
blind man, that’s got to be the lowest.” Such phrases can send the
wrong message—that you consider people who have disabilities as “less
than” complete human beings.
Document victims’ disabilities in your incident report, as well as their
individualized communication, transportation, medication, and other
accommodation needs.
Make sure that victims are in a safe environment before you leave the
scene. Again, recognize that victims’ family members, personal care
attendants, and service providers could themselves be the offenders, and
that victims may need an alternate caregiver or shelter. Contact a victim
advocate whenever possible for immediate victim services and followup.
Never assume that people with disabilities suffer less emotional trauma
and psychological injury than other crime victims.
Familiarize yourself with your state and municipal statutes that address
crimes against persons with disabilities.
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
n Be aware that federal law requires—with few exceptions—that law
enforcement make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, and
procedures, where needed to accommodate crime victims who have a
disability, unless doing so would fundamentally alter the service,
program, or activity the agency provides. (See the section on the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabili-
tation Act of 1973 in this guidebook for more information on the federal
law and responding to victims who have a disability.)
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Two federal laws—the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973—prohibit discrimination on the
basis of a disability. Title II of the ADA applies to state and local government
entities. Section 504 applies to recipients of federal financial assistance,
including recipients of grants from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
An individual with a disability is defined by the ADA and Section 504 as a
person who (1) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits
one or more major life activities, (2) has a record of such an impairment, or
(3) is regarded as having such an impairment.
Both Title II of the ADA and Section 504 require—with few exceptions—that
first response officers provide victims of crime who have a disability with an
equal opportunity to benefit from and participate in all programs, services,
and activities of the law enforcement agency. In addition, officers must pro-
vide for equally effective communication with victims who have a disability.
Law enforcement, therefore, is required to make reasonable modifications to
policies, practices, and procedures where needed to accommodate crime
victims who have a disability, unless doing so would fundamentally alter the
service, program, or activity the agency provides.
For more information about your responsibilities under the ADA and Section
504, call DOJ’s ADA Information Line at 1–800–514–0301 or DOJ’s Office of
Justice Programs, Office for Civil Rights at 202–307–0690.
First Response to Victims of Crime
Victims Who Have Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that breaks down the connections
between nerve cells in the brain. Among older people, Alzheimer’s is the
most common form of dementia,
a progressive, irreversible condition that is
characterized by a loss of mental and cognitive abilities as well as changes in
personality and behavior. Outward signs of Alzheimer’s disease may not be
apparent in a person until the disease reaches its advanced stages. Initially,
Alzheimer’s causes people to forget recent events and familiar tasks. Gradu-
ally, the disease destroys a person’s memory and ability to reason, think
abstractly, use language to communicate, and perform daily activities.
Alzheimer’s may also cause mood disturbances, including anxiety, suspicious-
ness, agitation, delusions, and hallucinations. Eventually, people with the
disease are no longer able to care for themselves.
First responders may observe the following common symptoms in people
with Alzheimer’s disease:
n Use of nonsensical words in speaking.
Disoriented sense of time and place.
Poor judgment. For example, wearing an overcoat in the summer or a
nightgown to go shopping.
Wandering or becoming lost and not knowing where one lives.
Rapid mood swings, due to anxiety, suspiciousness, or agitation.
Blank facial expression.
Walking gait characterized by slow, sliding movements without lifting
the feet.
Be aware that Alzheimer’s disease can occur as early in age as a person’s 30s
and 40s. However, most of the estimated 5.1 million Americans with Alzheim-
are age 65 and older. Thirteen percent of persons age 65 and over,
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
nearly half of persons over 85,
have the disease. Seventy percent of people
with Alzheimer’s and other dementias live at home,
not in a caregiving
facility; and 60 percent of people with Alzheimer’s will eventually wander
and may become lost. Thus, with the rapid increase in the number of older
persons in the U.S. population that will begin in 2011—when the first of the
baby boom generation turns 65—and continue for many years thereafter,
frequency with which first responders will encounter victims who have this
disability will continue to increase.
Tips on Responding to Victims Who Have Alzheimer’s Disease
n Approach victims from the front and establish and maintain eye contact
(when you know in advance that the victim has Alzheimer’s disease).
Introduce yourself as a law enforcement officer and explain that you
have come to help. Due to their impaired short-term memory, victims
may repeatedly ask who you are. Be prepared to patiently reintroduce
yourself several times.
Request to see identification if you suspect that victims have Alzheim-
er’s disease. In addition, notice if victims have a Safe Return® bracelet,
necklace, lapel pin, key chain, or label inside their clothing collar. Safe
Return identification provides the first name of a person bearing this ID,
indicates that he or she has a memory impairment, and gives the
24-hour, toll free number for the Alzheimer’s Association Safe Return
program. This program is a nationwide participant registry that contains
the full name of the registrant, a photograph, identifying characteristics,
medical information, and emergency contact information. When you
call the program’s incident line at 1–800–572–1122, a Safe Return
clinician will contact the registrant’s caregivers.
Keep in mind that persons with Alzheimer’s disease who have wandered
are at high risk of dehydration and hypothermia. Also, many people
with Alzheimer’s have serious medical conditions and are on medica-
tions that they probably will not have with them. Provide for transport
to a hospital emergency room whenever medical attention is indicated.
Treat victims with dignity. The deterioration of their mental abilities
does not mean that victims are without feelings.
First Response to Victims of Crime
n Move victims away from crowds and other noisy areas. These environ-
ments can cause restlessness, pacing, agitation, and panic in people
who have Alzheimer’s. Also, turn off your car’s flashing lights and lower
the volume on your radio.
Establish a one-on-one dialogue with victims. Talk in a low-pitched,
reassuring tone, looking into the victim’s eyes. Alzheimer’s shortens
one’s attention span and increases mistrust. Your calm support can
make victims less agitated, less suspicious of you, and less panicky.
Speak slowly and clearly, using short, simple sentences and familiar
words. Repeat your statements. Accompany your words with gestures
when this can aid in communication, but avoid sudden movements.
Include victims in all conversations, out of respect and so you will not
arouse their mistrust and suspicion of your intentions.
Explain your intended actions prior to beginning them. If victims are
agitated or panicky, gently pat them or hold their hand, but avoid
physical contact that could seem restraining.
Anticipate difficulties in making yourself understood. Do not assume
that victims understand you or are capable of answering your questions
and complying with your instructions.
Give simple, step-by-step instructions and, whenever possible, a single
instruction. For example, “Please sit here. I’ll take care of everything.”
Avoid multiple, complex, or wordy instructions such as “Please sit here.
Don’t get up or go anywhere. I’ll take care of everything. Just wait for
me to come back.” Also, try substituting nonverbal communication for
verbal instructions. For example, if you want victims to sit down, show
them by sitting down yourself.
Ask one question at a time. Yes or no questions are better than ques-
tions that require victims to recall and recite a sequence of events. Be
prepared for answers that are confusing and that keep changing. If
victims’ words are unintelligible, ask them to point, gesture, or other-
wise physically communicate their answers.
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
n Never challenge victims’ logic or reasoning.
Do not leave victims alone; they may wander away.
Encourage victims’ family and other caregivers to contact the Safe
Return program’s nonemergency number at 1–888–572–8566 to register
victims if they are not already listed in the program’s registry. Advise
these caregivers that wandering is a life-threatening behavior.
Find emergency shelter for victims with the help of your area’s Agency
on Aging or other local social service agencies, including a local
chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, if no other caregivers can be
found. Look in the telephone book for these service providers or, to
locate an Alzheimer’s Association chapter, call the national office at
Victims Who Have a Mental Illness
Mental illness encompasses a number of distinct brain disorders—such as
manic-depressive illness, schizophrenia, major depression, and severe
anxiety—that disrupt a person’s mood balance, thought processes, memory,
sensory input, feelings, and ability to reason and relate to others. An estimat-
ed 6 percent of Americans 18 years of age and older, or 1 in 17, have a
“serious” mental illness
that diminishes their capacity to meet the ordinary
demands of life. Among children between the ages of 9 and 17, approximately
5 to 9 percent have a “serious emotional disturbance.”
Mental illness should not be confused with mental retardation. People with a
mental illness are usually of normal intelligence but may have difficulty
functioning at normal levels due to their illness.
The symptoms of mental illness vary from individual to individual depending
on the type and severity of the disorder. Many symptoms are not readily
observable from outward appearances but are noticeable in conversation.
Although a first responder cannot be expected to recognize specific types of
First Response to Victims of Crime
mental illness, the following symptoms are indicative that a victim may have
a mental illness:
n Accelerated speaking or hyperactivity.
Delusions and paranoia. For example, victims may believe, falsely, that
they are a famous person or that others are trying to harm them.
Hallucinations, such as hearing voices or seeing, feeling, or smelling
imaginary things.
Inappropriate emotional response. For example, silliness or laughter at a
serious moment.
Unintelligible conversation.
Loss of memory. Not ordinary forgetfulness, but rather an inability to
remember the day, year, or where the person is.
Catatonia, which is characterized by a marked lack of movement,
activity, or expression.
Unfounded anxiety, panic, or fright.
Anyone who is a victim of crime may be traumatized and experience the
victimization as a crisis. But for people with a mental illness, this crisis may
be experienced more profoundly. The following guidelines can assist law
enforcement in better responding to crime victims who have a mental illness.
Tips on Responding to Victims Who Have a Mental Illness
n Approach victims in a calm, nonthreatening, and reassuring manner.
Victims may be overwhelmed by delusions, paranoia, or hallucinations.
They may be afraid of you or feel threatened by you. Introduce yourself
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
personally by your name, first, then your rank and agency. Make victims
feel that they are in control of the situation.
Determine whether victims have a family member, guardian, or mental
health service provider who helps them with daily living. If they do,
contact that person immediately. But remember that these persons could
themselves be the offenders, or may try to protect the offenders.
Contact the local mental health crisis center immediately if victims are
extremely agitated, distracted, uncommunicative, or displaying inappro-
priate emotional responses. Victims may be experiencing a psychiatric
Ask victims if they are taking any medications and, if so, the types
prescribed. If they are unable to provide this information, ask their
family member, guardian, or mental health service provider. Make sure
that victims have access to water, food, and toilet facilities as side
effects of the medications can include thirst, urinary frequency, nausea,
constipation, and diarrhea.
Conduct your interview in a setting that is free of people or distractions
upsetting to victims. If possible, only one officer should interview
Keep your interview simple and brief. Be friendly and patient and offer
encouragement when speaking to victims. Understand that a logical
discussion may not be possible on some or all topics.
Remember that even victims who are experiencing delusions, paranoia,
or hallucinations may still be able to accurately provide information that
is outside of their false system of thoughts, including details related to
their victimization, as well as informed consent to medical treatment
and forensic exams.
Avoid the following conduct in your actions and behavior with victims:
qCircling, surrounding, closing in on, or standing too close to victims.
qConcealing your hands.
First Response to Victims of Crime
qSudden movements or rapid instructions and questioning.
qWhispering, joking, or laughing.
qDirect, continuous eye contact; forced conversation; or signs of
qAny touching.
qChallenges to, or agreement with, victims’ delusions, paranoia, or
qInappropriate language, such as “crazy,” “psycho,” and “nuts.”
Back off and allow victims time to calm down before intervening if they
are acting excitedly or dangerously but there is no immediate threat to
anyone’s safety. Outbursts are usually of short duration.
Break the speech pattern of victims who talk nonstop by interrupting
them with simple questions, such as their birth date or full name, to
bring compulsive talking under control.
Do not assume that victims who are unresponsive to your statements
cannot hear you. Do not ignore them or act as if they are not present. Be
sensitive to all types of response, including victims’ body language.
Acknowledge victims’ paranoia and delusions by empathizing with their
feelings; but neither agree nor agitate victims by disagreeing with their
paranoid or delusional statements. For example, if victims tell you that
someone wants to hurt them, reply with “I can see that you’re afraid.
What can I do to make you feel safer?” Be mindful, however, that
victims who say that others are trying to harm them may indeed be the
victims of stalking or other crimes.
Understand that hallucinations are frighteningly real to victims, and
never try to convince victims that their hallucinations do not exist.
Instead, reassure victims that the hallucinations will not harm them and
may disappear as their stress lessens.
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
n Assess victims’ emotional state continuously for any indications that
they may be a danger to themselves or others.
n Be honest with victims. Getting caught by victims in your well-
intentioned untruth will only increase their fear and suspicion of you.
n Arrange for victims’ care by a family member, guardian, or mental
health service provider before leaving them. But, again, remember that
these persons could themselves be the offenders, or may try to protect
the offenders.
Victims With Mental Retardation
Mental retardation is a disability affecting the brain and its ability to process
information. People with mental retardation have difficulty learning and are
below average in intelligence. They have problems with judgment and in their
abilities to focus, understand, and reason.
Between 1 and 3 percent of Americans have mental retardation.
But persons
with mental retardation appear to represent much more than 3 percent of
crime victims; they also appear to be at higher risk for victimization than
people without disabilities.
Most people with mental retardation are only mildly affected
and look no
different from anyone else, making mental retardation difficult for first
responders to recognize.
Furthermore, people with mental retardation may try to hide their disability
or pretend to have greater capabilities than they actually possess. There are,
however, questions you can ask and traits you can watch for when attempting
to determine if a crime victim has mental retardation:
n Ask victims where they live, where they work or go to school, and if
they have someone who helps them when they have a problem. Vic-
tims’ answers will let you know if they live with their parents or in a
First Response to Victims of Crime
group home, are employed in a vocational rehabilitation setting or
attend special education classes, and if they have a social worker.
n Ask victims for directions to their home and to read or write something
for you. Observe victims for any signs that they are having difficulty
understanding you; listen to whether they have a limited vocabulary;
and watch for any frustrations they may exhibit as they respond to these
simple requests.
Ultimately, there is often no way for the first responder to know whether a
crime victim has mental retardation. Persons with the disability can vary
widely in their capabilities and skills. If you suspect this disability, proceed as
though the victim does have mental retardation. In so doing, you can best
ensure effective communication and an optimum response to the victim’s
Tips on Responding to Victims With Mental Retardation
n Show the same level of respect to crime victims with mental retardation
that you show to all victims.
n Introduce yourself, first, as a law enforcement officer, followed by your
agency and name. People with mental retardation have usually been
taught that officers are their friends and can be trusted to keep them
safe. (However, victims of ongoing abuse are sometimes told lies by
their abusers about law enforcement and other service providers.)
n Avoid mentioning victims’ disabilities in front of them. If this is not
possible, refer to the victim as a person with mental retardation or a
cognitive disability. Never use the word “retarded.”
n Do not assume that victims are incapable of understanding or communi-
cating with you. Most people with mental retardation live independently
or semi-independently in the community, so a fairly normal conversa-
tion should be possible.
n Create a safe atmosphere, limit distractions, and establish a trusting
rapport with victims before interviewing them.
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
n Be mindful of whether or not victims are “competent” to give or
withhold consent to medical treatment and forensic examinations,
notification of next of kin, and other services; but do not assume that
victims are incompetent.
Explain written information to victims and offer to help them fill out
Ask victims if there is anyone whom they would like you to call to be
with them during your interview. But remember that family members,
service providers, and others can have a vested interest in the interview.
They could themselves be the offenders, or may try to protect the
Allow adequate time for your interview and give victims a break every
15 minutes.
Treat adult victims as adults, not as children.
Speak directly and slowly to victims, keeping your sentences short and
words simple. Listen to how victims talk and match your speech to their
vocabulary, tempo, and sentence structure.
Separate complex information into smaller parts and use gestures and
other visual props to make yourself understood. Do not overload victims
with too much information.
Recognize that victims may be eager to please you or be easily influ-
enced by you. They may say what they think you want to hear; so be
careful not to ask leading questions.
Use open-ended questions or statements that cannot be answered with a
yes or no, such as “Tell me what happened.” Let victims “lead the
interview” as they disclose information.
Help victims understand your questions by giving them points of
reference. For example, ask “What color was the man’s hair?” rather
than “What did the man look like?” and “Did the fight start before or
after lunch?” instead of “When did the fight start?”
First Response to Victims of Crime
n Give victims at least 30 seconds to respond to an instruction or ques-
tion. If they do not respond, or if they respond inappropriately, patiently
repeat yourself, using different words. Also, have victims state in their
own words what they understood you to say.
Repeat the last phrase of victims’ statements in the form of a question to
help victims stay focused during your interview and to transition them
through a sequence of events. For example, ask “He hit you?”; “You fell
down?”; and “Then you tried to run away?”
Avoid questions that can confuse victims or that require a great deal of
mental reasoning or insight. Examples of types of questions to avoid
include “Why do you think she did this to you?”; “Do you have any idea
of what was really going on?”; or “What made you do that?”
Know that resources exist to help you respond to crime victims with
mental retardation. Look in the telephone book under “social service
organizations”; contact your local United Way or local chapter of The
Arc (an organization for people with mental retardation); or call the
national office of The Arc at 1–800–433–5255 for assistance on how best
to serve victims with mental retardation.
Victims With Blindness or Vision Impairment
The ability to see exists along a wide continuum from sighted to partially
sighted to blind. Complete blindness, “legal” blindness, and vision impair-
ment affect an estimated 14 million people in the United States ages 12 and
Complete blindness is rare,
and means totally without sight. Legal
blindness denotes the condition whereby a person is unable to see at 20 feet
what someone with normal vision can see at 200 feet. And people with vision
impairment may have partial sight that allows them to get around without
much difficulty. However, they need adaptive methods to read and write
because of the impairment.
Blindness—whether complete or legal—and vision impairment become more
common with advancing age. More than two-thirds of people with this
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
disability are older than 65.
Thus, it is predicted that the number of persons
with the disability will increase substantially over the next few decades as
baby boomers enter their older years. Whatever a crime victim’s age, how-
ever, first responders can effectively meet the needs of victims with blindness
or vision impairment by following the guidelines listed below.
Tips on Responding to Victims With Blindness or
Vision Impairment
n Introduce yourself immediately as a law enforcement officer when you
approach victims and have others who are present introduce them-
selves, including children. These introductions let the victim know who
is present and where they are situated, and also help the victim recog-
nize voices during your interview. In addition, mention the presence of
a dog, cat, or other pet to protect victims from tripping over the animals
or being startled by them.
Tell victims your name, badge number, and the telephone number of
your dispatcher when responding to victims who are alone, and support
them in verifying your identity.
Describe the chair and seating arrangements when assisting victims in
sitting down; and place their hand (after obtaining permission) on the
back or arm of the chair. No further assistance is necessary.
Do not speak loudly. Most people with blindness or vision impairment
are not hard of hearing.
Identify the person to whom you are speaking when talking with a
group of people. Exactly which person you are speaking to may not be
apparent to victims who are blind or who have a vision impairment.
Let victims know when you or other persons step away (and return)
during a conversation.
Avoid lapses of conversation in your interview without first informing
victims of why you need to be silent; for example, tell victims that you
are writing. Also, project attentiveness, concern, and compassion
First Response to Victims of Crime
through your voice and choice of words. Remember that victims cannot
see your facial expressions or body language to ascertain whether you
are listening to them and interested in what they have to say.
n Offer to fill out forms and read aloud written information for victims.
Explain what printed materials you are providing and, upon request,
make the materials available in an alternative format, including large
print, audiotape, computer diskette, and braille. This provision of
materials in an alternative format is legally required, with few excep-
tions, by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
n Never separate victims from their guide dogs or pet the dogs without
permission. There is a special relationship between people who are
blind and their dogs, and the dogs are working animals that must not be
n Offer your arm, instead of holding the arm of victims, if they want you
to guide them in moving about. Let victims take your arm from behind,
just above the elbow. In this position, they can follow the motion of
your body. Walk in a relaxed manner and remember that victims will
follow at a half-step behind you so they can anticipate curbs and steps.
n Orient victims to their surroundings and give cues as to what lies ahead
when guiding them. Close doors to cabinets, rooms, and cars that
obstruct their path. Warn of hazardous objects around them. Before
going up or down stairs, come to a complete stop and inform victims
about the direction of the stairs, the approximate number of steps, and
the location of the handrail. Finally, make your warnings and directions
specific, such as “in front of you” and “to your left,” rather than giving
vague references like “at the front of the room” or “beside you.”
Victims Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
The term “deaf” is used in reference to people who are unable to hear or
understand oral communications even with the aid of an amplification device.
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
“Hard of hearing” refers to a hearing loss severe enough to necessitate the use
of such a device to effectively hear oral communications.
About 10 percent of the population in the United States has some degree of
hearing loss.
Among older persons, one in three people over age 60
half of those over 85 have a hearing loss.
Whether deaf or hard of hearing, victims of crime with this disability are fully
capable of cooperating with first responders. To effectively meet victims’
needs, however, the officer must quickly determine the method by which
victims want to communicate, and then immediately begin using it.
Tips on Responding to Victims Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
n Signal your presence to victims by waving your hand or gently—so as
not to startle—touching victims on the arm or shoulder if they do not
notice you.
n Determine how victims want to communicate by initially communicat-
ing through writing in situations where victims do not speech- or
lip-read and a sign language interpreter is not immediately available.
n Honor victims’ request for a sign language interpreter. The Americans
with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
require that the expressed request of victims for an interpreter be given
primary consideration in determining which communication aid to
provide. You must always meet a victim’s request unless your agency
can demonstrate that another effective method of communication exists.
Although the ADA does not require that interpreters be certified, they
must be qualified. The national Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, at
703–838–0030, has chapters in all 50 states that can help you locate a
qualified interpreter.
n Realize that victims may not be literate in written English but may know
American Sign Language (ASL).
First Response to Victims of Crime
n Never use a child to assist in communicating with victims except in
emergency situations or for short-term assistance in helping you to
locate an appropriate adult.
Do not assume that because victims are wearing hearing aids that they
can hear or understand you. The degree and type of hearing loss a
person may have could render hearing aids of limited value, in terms of
assistance with tones of speech.
Remember in all your interactions with victims that people who are deaf
or hard of hearing are visually oriented.
Avoid shouting or speaking very slowly to make yourself understood as
this distorts your speech, lip movements, and facial expressions, and
may make you appear upset.
Be mindful that not all people who are deaf or hard of hearing can
speech- or lip-read, and that even for the best speech readers under the
most favorable conditions, much of spoken English cannot be distin-
guished on the lips.
Use gestures, mime, and props to better communicate. For example,
motion toward a chair to offer victims a seat; mimic drinking from a
glass to ask victims if they are thirsty; and touch your clothing, face, or
hair when interviewing victims for a description of the offender.
Do not assume that victims are unable to speak or use their voices.
Never use the words “deaf mute” or “deaf and dumb.” Deaf people have
the ability to use their voice but may prefer not to speak because of the
quality of their speech.
Observe victims’ facial expressions and other physical mannerisms very
closely; much information can be gleaned by paying attention to vic-
tims’ body language.
Include victims in all conversations and describe any commotion in the
area. If you look away from victims because you overhear another
conversation, if you are distracted by a noise or other disturbance, or if
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
you turn away from victims to talk with someone else, explain to
victims exactly what you are doing or what is happening.
When interviewing victims who are hard of hearing—or who are deaf
and want to communicate by speech- or lip-reading—select a location
free of distractions, interference, and, for those victims who are hard of
hearing, any background noise, and follow the tips listed below:
qFace victims so that your eyes and mouth are clearly visible. Be
careful not to block your mouth with your hands, or to speak while
you are looking away from victims or down at your notes. Do not
chew gum.
qStand or sit between 3 and 6 feet from victims in a well-lit and
glare- and shadow-free area. Refrain from all unnecessary gesturing
and body movements as it is difficult for victims to speech- or
lip-read if you are not physically still.
qBegin speaking only after you have the victim’s attention and have
established eye contact.
qMake your questions, instructions, answers, and comments short and
qSpeak clearly, distinctly, and slightly slower than usual but not
unnaturally slow; do not exaggerate your pronunciation of words.
qTalk slightly louder than usual but never shout. Hearing aids do not
transmit extremely loud tones as well as they do normal tones, and
shouting distorts your lip movements.
qBe prepared to repeat yourself many times, but use different words in
your reiterations. Sometimes a particular group of lip movements is
difficult to read or the victim may have missed only a word or two
initially and your restatement will clarify what was missed.
qUse open-ended questions and statements that require victims to
answer with more than a yes or no to prevent misunderstandings. For
First Response to Victims of Crime
example, say “Describe the offender to me” rather than asking “Is the
offender someone you know?”
Do not rely on victims’ family members—who have probably been
emotionally affected by the crime as well—or any other person with a
potential bias to provide sign language interpreting for your interview.
When communicating through an interpreter, remember that the
interpreter is present solely to transmit information back and forth
between the victim and you, not to explain information or give opin-
ions. When using an interpreter, you should—
qStand or sit across from the victim, in a glare- and shadow-free area,
with the interpreter beside you so that the victim can easily shift his
or her gaze between you and the interpreter.
qSpeak at a normal volume and pace, and directly to the victim, not
the interpreter. Never ask “How is he feeling?” or say “Ask her how
she is feeling.” Address your questions to the victim: “How are you
qAsk the victim, not the interpreter, to repeat or clarify an answer if
you do not understand it.
qTake breaks. Interpreting (signing) and receiving information visually
can be tiring for both the victim and interpreter.
Be aware that a “Deaf culture” exists. This culture has a language—
American Sign Language (ASL)—and experiences, practices, and beliefs
about itself and its connection to the larger hearing society. Victims who
identify with the Deaf culture may live more isolated from and be less
comfortable with the hearing society, including you, than victims for
whom hearing loss is merely a physical condition.
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
Victims With a Disability Affecting
Physical Mobility
Approximately 2.2 million people in the United States use a wheelchair,
another 6.4 million use some other ambulatory aid, such as a cane, walker, or
according to U.S. Census Bureau data of persons 15 years old and
older who are not living in an institution. The number of people with a
disability affecting their physical mobility is, of course, even higher when
persons under age 15 and those living in an institution are included.
People with mobility disabilities are usually quite independent and fully
capable of cooperating with law enforcement. Crime victims with these
disabilities do, however, often require accommodations. Therefore, to effec-
tively serve this population, first responders should quickly determine what
accommodations victims may need and provide them.
Tips on Responding to Victims With a Disability Affecting
Physical Mobility
n Ask victims “May I assist you?” rather than trying to help without
asking. If victims need assistance, listen to their instructions. Victims
know best how you can be helpful and what is safest for them.
n Be careful about making assumptions that victims cannot do something.
Instead, ask how they usually do it.
n Treat assistive devices (wheelchairs, canes, walkers, crutches) as
victims’ “personal space” and valuable property. Do not lean on or rest
your feet against a victim’s wheelchair, and do not touch any assistive
device without first obtaining permission from the victim.
n Do not fall into an “up here/down there” mindset toward victims who
use a wheelchair, especially when you are talking with other persons
who are standing. Position yourself in front of victims, at eye level, but
do not kneel. If you cannot sit down, stand far enough back from
First Response to Victims of Crime
victims so that you are not towering over them and so they are not
straining their neck to see you.
Move obstacles and open/close doors so that hallways are free of
barriers and so that victims can easily and safely go forward, backward,
and turn around.
Offer to assist victims if they seem to be having trouble maneuvering in
tight spaces.
Ask victims who are using a wheelchair, or who are on a wheeled cot
(gurney), which direction they prefer to face when you are assisting
them in going up or down stairs or steep inclines. Also, use caution not
to damage the wheelchair.
Be considerate of the extra time victims may need to move about and let
them set your walking pace.
Ask victims if they have a seating preference in situations where you are
interviewing other persons at the same time. Recognize that victims may
not need a special place upfront and probably do not want a segregated
seating placement that draws attention and indicates that they are
Do not assume that victims who use a wheelchair can only sit in that
type of chair. When other seating arrangements are available, ask
victims if they would like to transfer to another chair. Always make sure
that the wheelchair is locked before helping victims to transfer.
Realize that victims can fully describe the crime, even if they are unable
to physically demonstrate it.
Never refer to victims as “crippled,” “confined” to a wheelchair,
“wheelchair-bound,” or “handicapped.”
Ask victims if their wheelchair was damaged during the crime and, if
so, assist them in getting immediate repairs or a loaner chair.
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
n Confirm with service providers that accommodations are available for
victims before making referrals. Do not assume that providers know
what architectural, transportation, and other accommodations are
needed. Ask victims about their specific needs and then tell providers of
accommodation requirements.
Assure victims that you understand their need for accommodations and
specifically inform them of the accommodations that will be provided.
Be mindful that victims’ personal attendant could be the offender or
could be protecting the offender. Furthermore, be prepared to assist
victims in locating a replacement for the attendant.
Offer to assist victims in filling out paperwork.
Present all informational materials to victims directly. Ask victims if
they would prefer that you give the materials to another person; or if
victims have a purse, backpack, or other carrying case, ask if they would
like you to place the documents there.
Immigrant Victims
As of 2003, the foreign-born population in the United States represented
almost 12 percent of the civilian noninstitutionalized U.S. population.
foreign-born population, particularly recent immigrants, can be especially
vulnerable to crime. Moreover, immigrants are less likely to report their
victimization to law enforcement, or access support services in the aftermath
of a crime, than are members of the native-born U.S. population.
In America’s increasingly multicultural society, situations involving cross-
cultural interaction are becoming ever more commonplace for law enforce-
ment. But still, most officers have had only minimal experience interacting
with people from other countries. Differences in cultural norms and in verbal
and nonverbal modes of expression can often result, therefore, in miscommu-
nication between first responders and immigrant victims of crime.
First Response to Victims of Crime
As new arrivals to this country, recent immigrants also face many issues—
sometimes unrecognized by law enforcement—that go well beyond the more
obvious cultural and language challenges. For example, based on negative
experiences in their native countries, immigrants may fear or distrust law
enforcement and be reluctant to call for help or cooperate with first respond-
ers trying to assist them. In addition, they may worry about their immigration
status, or that of family members, and not report crimes out of concern that
an investigating officer will turn them over to immigration authorities and
they will be deported.
Sensitivity by officers to the complexities in communication that can result
from language and cultural differences between people; empathy for the
unique concerns of immigrants; and a respectful attitude toward the foreign-
born and their native countries, are critical, therefore, to fostering law
enforcement’s rapport with immigrant victims of crime and facilitating an
effective first response.
Tips on Responding to Immigrant Victims
n Be knowledgeable about Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which
prohibits recipients of federal financial assistance, including law enforce-
ment agencies, from discriminating against people based on national ori-
gin. Discrimination occurs when, among other things, an agency fails to
provide meaningful access to its programs and activities for people who
have limited English proficiency (LEP). Written materials, for example,
that are routinely provided in English to victims must also be translated
into the languages of regularly encountered LEP victims eligible to be
served or likely to be affected by an agency’s programs or activities.
n Rethink any stereotypes—negative or positive—that you may have about
people from different cultural backgrounds; be aware that these biases
tend to reveal themselves when one is under stress or patience is
running thin.
n Appreciate that every culture has its own norms as to what are appropri-
ate communication mannerisms, such as eye contact, physical gestures,
touching, and the display of emotions; do not expect victims’ communi-
cation style to conform to your norms.
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
n Explain your role and duties as a law enforcement officer to victims, as
well as any law enforcement and court procedures relevant to their case,
including the possibility of pretrial release for the offender.
Familiarize yourself with the many varying perspectives that different
cultures have regarding male/female and youth/elderly role expecta-
tions, domestic and sexual violence, public versus private or family
matters, religion, and “saving face” for one’s self or family. Tailor your
approach to maximize your effectiveness within victims’ cultural
Admit to victims that you are not familiar with their cultural practices, if
that is the case, but do not let self-consciousness about being culturally
correct distract you from your professional duties.
Ask victims, for whom you are providing food, what they would like to
eat and drink, rather than offering specific food types with which they
may be unfamiliar or that may be culturally offensive to them.
Recognize that the ability to comprehend spoken English is a more
easily acquired skill than speaking or writing the language and, there-
fore, victims who speak with a strong foreign accent, have a limited
vocabulary, and who use incorrect English grammar, may still be able to
fully understand you.
Refrain from using token words in victims’ native languages, such as
“señor/señora” or “gracias,” to show a familiarity with their culture.
Also, do not improvise with victims’ native language or mimic incorrect
English grammar to make yourself understood, by saying, for example,
“You comprehendo, sï?” or “He no speak English either?”
Use the word “immigrant” rather than “alien” in referring to victims.
Although “alien” may be the correct legal term, it has a negative conno-
tation for some people.
Find a qualified interpreter/translator if at all possible to communicate
with victims who have limited English proficiency. A victim’s children,
parents, siblings, spouse, relatives, neighbors, or staff at a community
First Response to Victims of Crime
ethnic organization are inappropriate substitutes for a professional
interpreter. Moreover, their interests may actually be different from or in
conflict with those of the victim.
When communicating through an interpreter, remember that the
interpreter is present solely to transmit information back and forth
between victims and you, not to explain information or give opinions.
Accordingly, speak directly to victims and avoid side conversations with
the interpreter as this can cause anxiety, confusion, or mistrust in
victims. (See the section on Victims Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in
this guidebook for more tips on communicating through an interpreter.)
Follow these interviewing tips with victims who have limited English
proficiency (in the absence of a qualified interpreter), while also being
especially vigilant of what your body language is conveying to victims:
qSpeak slowly and pronounce your words clearly, avoiding slang,
jargon, and idioms, such as “Howya do’in?”; “Do you want to give a
statement or press charges?”; or “How is she holding up?”
qListen attentively and patiently.
qDo not interrupt, correct grammar, or put words in the victim’s
qRepeat your statements using different words so that you are
qUse gestures, mime, and props to visually demonstrate your words.
When possible, use words that relate to things you both can see.
qAsk open-ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer
and frequently summarize what you understood the victim to say.
qDo not pretend to understand if you are not sure that you fully
understood victims. Instead, repeat to victims what you think you
heard them say and ask for clarification.
qKeep your manner encouraging.
First Response to Individual Types of Crime Victims
qNever raise your voice in an effort to be understood.
qSay numerals for street addresses and telephone and other numbers
one at a time. For example, give your telephone number, including the
area code, as seven, zero, three, eight, three, eight, five, three, one,
seven. Do not say: seven, zero, three, eight, three, eight, fifty-three,
qAllow extra time for communication.
Empathize with the overriding but unspoken fears of some victims that
they or their offender spouse could be deported, or that they could lose
custody of their children.
Understand that victims’ immigration status may be legally tied to their
offender; i.e., the offender may be the “sponsoring” spouse or employer
for the victim’s permanent residency petition. It is essential, therefore,
that in all cases in which victims’ continued legal presence in the United
States may depend on the offender, that victims are referred to an
immigration law expert; particularly given that violence against women
is among the most common types of victimization for immigrants.
Do not neglect, even with victims who are uncooperative, to use your
interview to provide victims with information—as appropriate—on sexu-
al assault, domestic violence, trafficking in persons (see these sections
in this guidebook), and other victim-related issues, including the
applicable laws and available services. Never lose sight of the possibility
that victims may be under duress not to cooperate with you.
Try to relate to the everyday reality of victims, some of whom live in
cultural and linguistic isolation with no extended family or other
support network, and who are ineligible for or lack the ability to access
support services, or are even unaware the services exist. Never leave
victims before connecting them with a local immigrants’ rights or
refugee resettlement organization, or another social service agency that
has staff who are bilingual in English and victims’ native language.
First Response to Victims of Crime
n Recognize that victims may not understand or be able to remember the
many different types of law enforcement agencies in the United States,
such as the sheriff’s office, police department, and highway patrol. Be
sure to leave your business card with victims so that they will have
easily accessible contact information for you and, more important, for
your office.
Do not assume that victims are familiar with telephone answering
machines or voice mail. Explain these devices but also follow up with
victims, as they may be uncomfortable leaving you a voice message or
may not understand how to do so.
Share with your local immigrant social service agencies the earlier First
Response to Victims of Crime handbook (2000), which is available in
French, Japanese, and Spanish at www.ovc.gov/foreignlang/
Victims of Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is one of the most traumatic types of criminal
victimization. In addition to the trauma suffered by victims from
their physical injuries, they can also be intensely traumatized by
feelings of humiliation at their violation and by the frightful realiza-
tion that they could have been even more severely injured or killed.
The three primary responsibilities of law enforcement in sexual
assault crimes are to (1) protect, interview, and support the victim;
(2) collect and preserve evidence that can assist in the apprehen-
sion and prosecution of the offender; and (3) investigate the crime
and apprehend the offender.
In the investigation and prosecution of sexual assaults, the partici-
patory role of the victim can be even more important than in other
crimes because the victim is usually the sole witness to the crime.
However, victims are often reluctant to contact law enforcement.
They may worry that officers will not believe them, and they may
fear retaliation from the offender, particularly when the offender is
a family member or acquaintance of the victim, as is often the case.
Further complicating the first response to victims of sexual assault,
and the investigation and prosecution of this crime, is that some
offenders use alcohol, marijuana, and other memory-erasing drugs
to commit a drug-facilitated sexual assault. Whether the drugs are
First Response to Victims of Crime
taken unknowingly—after the offender slips a “date rape” drug into the
victim’s drink—or voluntarily by the victim for recreational purposes, the
drugs render the victim unable to legally consent to sexual acts. Although
alcohol is the most commonly used drug in sexual assaults, other drugs used
include antihistamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines such as Rohypnol, and
GHB. These drugs are powerful, fast-acting, central nervous system depres-
sants that can render a person physically and mentally incapacitated as well
as induce amnesia, whereby acts that occur while the drugs are in effect are
not remembered. Victims may not report the assault until days later, in part
because the drugs impair their memory and in part because they may not
recognize physical signs of the assault. Because these drugs can be detected
in a person’s body only for a short time, by the time victims notify law
enforcement of the assault, the toxicological aspects of the investigation may
already be hampered.
The potentially complicated circumstances in sexual assault crimes, and the
complexity of feelings experienced by victims, make the approach of a first
responder all the more critical. Your initial contact with victims can signifi-
cantly affect when and if they start down the road to recovery.
Tips on Responding to Victims of Sexual Assault
n Do not be surprised or confused by the nature of victims’ emotional
reaction to the assault. Be unconditionally supportive and permit
victims to express their emotions, the range of which can include crying,
angry outbursts, withdrawal and difficulty talking about the assault,
screaming, and laughing (which may be in response to stress and relief
at having survived the assault).
n Avoid interpreting a victim’s calmness or lack of emotional reaction as
indicating that a sexual assault may not have occurred or that the victim
has not been hurt or traumatized. The victim could be in shock.
n Be attentive to victims’ sense of personal dignity and make sure that
their bodies are appropriately covered and not immodestly displayed.
For example, during your interview of victims, do not lose sight of the
possibility that they may be preoccupied with their dirty face, disheveled
hair, torn clothing, or otherwise “undignified” appearance. Provide
First Response to Specific Types of Criminal Victimization
victims with covering while being careful not to compromise the
collection of any forensic evidence.
n Interact with victims in a calm, professional manner. Exhibiting your
outrage or disgust at the crime may cause victims even more trauma.
Also, do not make promises that you cannot keep by saying, “We’re
going to catch whoever did this,” or “We’ll see that he gets the longest
sentence possible.”
n Ask victims if they would like you to contact a family member or friend.
n Offer to contact a victim services or sexual assault crisis counselor. Ask
victims if they would prefer a male or female counselor. Similarly, ask
victims if they are comfortable talking with you and, if not, whether
they would prefer a male or female officer.
n Be careful not to come across as overprotective or patronizing. Empower
victims by offering your recommendations of treatment or other services
as options for victims themselves to consider and decide upon.
n Remember during your interview that it is natural for victims to want to
forget, or actually to forget, details of the crime that are difficult for
them to accept.
n Establish rapport with victims and explain in advance of your interview
that some of your questions may seem irrelevant, strange, or even as if
you are blaming them for the assault. Reassure victims that they are not
to blame and that your questions are necessary and intended only to
gather information to help in the apprehension and successful prosecu-
tion of the offender.
n Be mindful of the personal and privacy concerns of victims. They may
have a number of concerns, including the possibility that they have
been impregnated or have contracted a sexually transmitted disease
such as HIV, the virus that causes AIDS; the reactions of their spouse,
intimate partner, or parents; media publicity that may reveal their
victimization to the public; and the reactions or criticism of neighbors
and coworkers if they learn of the sexual assault.
First Response to Victims of Crime
n In cases of a suspected drug-facilitated sexual assault, ask victims if they
know what types of alcohol they drank and/or other drugs they took;
how many drinks and/or pills they ingested, as well as the drink size
(ounces) and pill dosage (milligrams); and, finally, at what times they
drank and/or took the pills. Document this information in your report.
In cases of a suspected drug-facilitated sexual assault, be aware that
drugs metabolize at different rates and some are detectable in the blood
and urine for only a few hours; thus, specimens need to be collected
from victims as soon as possible. Also, it is best for forensic screening if
the urine specimen collected is the victims’ first urination after the
ingestion of the drugs and if victims do not eat or drink anything until
after the forensic examination.
Offer to transport victims to a hospital for medical care and to be seen
by a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) or forensic medical exam-
iner. The hospital should be one that has a SANE program, where there
is one available, and should be in the same state in which the assault
occurred. Victims may be physically numb from the emotional shock of
the assault, and they need to be examined for physical injuries that may
not be easily visible. In addition to requiring treatment, the injuries may
provide evidence of the offender’s use of force. Understand that victims
may feel embarrassed and humiliated that their bodies were exposed
during the sexual assault and must be exposed again during the exami-
nation. Explain generally what will take place in the examination,
including an evaluation of the risks of having contracted a sexually
transmitted disease or becoming pregnant (and that medications exist to
prevent both); the taking of blood and urine specimens; and the collec-
tion of other physical evidence for DNA profiling, to aid in the appre-
hension and prosecution of the offender. Finally, do not enter the
examination room. Medical staff will collect the proper evidence and
maintain the chain of custody.
Notify the hospital of incoming victims/patients and request a private
waiting room. If no crisis intervention counselor or victim advocate is
available, wait at the hospital until victims are released or have hospital
staff notify you before they process the release so that you can escort
First Response to Specific Types of Criminal Victimization
victims to their final destination. Provide victims with the telephone
number and brochure of the local rape crisis center.
Interview victims with extreme sensitivity and keep to a minimum the
number of times they have to recount details of the assault. Consider
doing only a preliminary interview, and then immediately transporting
victims to the hospital for evaluation, after which you can conduct a
more thorough interview.
Ask victims to give you multiple contact names with telephone numbers
and addresses because victims may later decide to stay with relatives or
friends rather than in their own home. Also, find out who is most likely
to know victims’ whereabouts at all times and obtain permission to
contact that person, if necessary.
Offer to answer any further questions that victims may have and provide
any further assistance they may need.
Victims of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a crime, not a private or family matter, and should be
responded to as a crime by law enforcement. Between 1976 and 2004, ap-
proximately 19 percent of all homicides in the United States were committed
within families or intimate relationships.
Moreover, about one-third of
female murder victims in recent years were killed by a current or former
spouse or a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Finally, among women in a 1995–1996
national survey who reported having been raped, physically assaulted, or
stalked since they were 18 years old, 64 percent were victimized by a current
or former husband, cohabiting partner, boyfriend, or date.
The three primary responsibilities of law enforcement in domestic violence
cases are to (1) provide physical safety and security for victims; (2) assist
victims by coordinating their referral to support services; and (3) arrest the
domestic violence offender as required by law.
First Response to Victims of Crime
Unlike most other crimes, domestic violence is usually not an isolated,
sudden, and unexpected incident. It can involve years of emotional trauma,
physical injury, and threats to victims’ lives, the incidence of which can often
become more severe and frequent over time. To the officer who has respond-
ed numerous times to the same domestic violence scene, the efforts of first
responders to help the victim cope with and recover from the victimization
may seem to be of limited consequence. This is not, however, the case. Your
appropriate response can have a significant, incremental impact in the
sometimes lengthy process of victims’ recovery.
Tips on Responding to Victims of Domestic Violence
n Arrive on the scene with a partner if possible; domestic violence calls
present potential dangers to responding officers. Introduce yourselves
and briefly state that you were dispatched to this address because of a
possible injury. Request permission to enter the residence to take your
n Separate the parties involved in the domestic violence before interview-
ing them, even if there is no ongoing violence or argument when you
n Ask victims if they would like you to contact a family member or friend.
n Do not judge victims or personally comment on their situation. Abusive
relationships continue for many reasons. What may seem like good,
logical advice offered at the crime scene may actually be ill-advised
given the circumstances. For example, advising victims simply to walk
away from their situation is not good advice. Many domestic assaults
occur as victims are trying to end the relationship.
n Do reassure victims that the domestic violence is not their fault.
n Be aware that domestic violence can be perpetrated by and against both
males and females, and that it occurs in same-sex relationships, across
all socioeconomic classes, and throughout the entire lifespan, including
among older couples.
First Response to Specific Types of Criminal Victimization
n Inquire whether there are children in the family and, if so, determine
their whereabouts. Keep in mind that children sometimes hide or are
hidden in these circumstances.
Approach children with care and kindness. Interview them away from
their parents’ sight and hearing. Look for signs of emotional trauma or
distress, and observe the children for any physical indications of abuse.
Child abuse is sometimes linked with domestic violence.
Know your state’s laws on domestic violence, including any provisions
on mandatory arrest of the “primary” or “predominant aggressor.” Also,
know the federal laws on domestic violence, including the rights of
victims and provisions on gun possession by offenders and persons
subject to a protection order.
Encourage the parties to separate at least overnight in situations where
probable cause is lacking for an arrest to be made. If the safety of the
party whom you consider to be the victim can be ensured, recommend
that the other party leave the home. Traditionally, law enforcement has
suggested that victims leave the home, but this approach serves to
empower the other party and further disrupt victims’ lives, especially
when children are involved.
Offer to temporarily hold in safekeeping any firearms and other weap-
ons at the residence—whether or not an arrest is made and where no
legal authority exists to seize the weapons—and strongly urge all parties
to voluntarily hand over any weapons to you as a precautionary measure.
Emphasize to victims that the purpose of your intervention is to help
address the problem, not to make the situation worse.
Advise victims about the criminal nature of domestic violence and the
potential for the violence to escalate.
Be sure to complete a thorough report—photographing and document-
ing any evidence of injury to victims and damage or disruption at the
scene—even if no arrest is made.
First Response to Victims of Crime
n Provide victims with referral information, in writing, on programs for
battered women or men, as well as information on domestic violence
shelters. This should be done away from offenders.
Victims of Drunk Driving Crashes
In the year 2004, 16,694 people were killed in alcohol-related driving crashes—
an average of one person killed every 31 minutes.
An estimated 248,000
persons were injured in crashes in which law enforcement reported that
alcohol was present—an average of one person injured approximately every 2
Finally, about 20 percent of all drivers involved in fatal crashes had
a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or higher,
making the act of driving
drunk a violent and criminal act, not an accident.
Drunk driving victimization is generally severe and its consequences are
Research funded by the National Institute of Mental Health
concluded that 5 years after victimization, most persons remain psychologi-
cally, physically, and financially impaired.
Twenty percent of victims feel
they will never again experience a normal life.
The law enforcement officer who is knowledgeable about the unique nature
of injury and death in drunk driving crashes will be forever remembered by
victims—or the survivors of victims—as a first responder who made a differ-
ence. Just always remember, it could have been you or your loved ones who
were killed or injured by the drunk driver. Acknowledging this reality will
give you patience, compassion, and empathy.
Tips on Responding to Victims of Drunk Driving Crashes
n Avoid comments that disregard or diminish victims’ emotional and
physical trauma. For example, do not say “You’re lucky to be alive” or
At least the driver wasn’t speeding.” Victims are probably not feeling
lucky and such comments are more likely to anger or hurt victims than
to provide comfort.
First Response to Specific Types of Criminal Victimization
n Encourage all victims to get immediate medical attention even when no
signs of injury are present. Drunk driving crashes are a leading cause of
traumatic brain injury (also known as closed head injury), in which the
brain is injured without the skull being fractured. Victims with such an
injury may show no immediate symptoms and interact normally with
first responders. Later, when consequences of the brain injury develop,
victims and doctors—in the absence of a medical examination at the
time of the crash—may not connect these health problems back to the
Make sure that your professional attitude and choice of words reflect the
fact that drunk driving is a crime—not an accident—with consequences
as devastating as those of other violent crimes.
Understand that victim-drivers may be guilt-ridden at not having
avoided the crash when passengers in their vehicles are injured or
killed. Gently urge the drivers to confront these emotions with rational
thinking. Even when the victim-drivers might possibly have avoided the
offender by a particular maneuver, explain to the drivers that their
last-second actions were only a small part of a complex sequence of
events that led up to the crash.
Be prepared for intense emotional reactions by victims and even hostil-
ity toward you. Victims may believe that law enforcement does not take
drunk driving seriously enough, and they may try to argue with you
about their views. Remain nonjudgmental, empathetic, and polite,
accepting victims’ reactions and listening attentively, no matter what
their viewpoints. Never contradict or argue with victims.
Anticipate that victim-passengers in the drunk driver’s vehicle may have
mixed feelings and make conflicting statements to you about the crash.
It can be difficult for them to blame the drunk driver, especially when
the driver is a family member or friend. In addition, passengers may be
reluctant to provide information to you that could lead to criminal
charges being brought against the drunk driver.
First Response to Victims of Crime
n Be supportive of surviving family members who want to view or be with
the body of their loved one killed in the crash. Family members often
have a strong psychological need to get to the body of their loved one as
soon as possible. Your initial inclination may be to deny access to the
body out of compassion for the family. Knowing that death from a
driving crash almost always entails violent injury to the body, you
naturally want to spare families the pain such devastating images will
cause them. However, refusing access to their loved one’s body will only
increase the suffering of surviving family members. Instead, first offer to
view the body and describe it in detail to them. If they still want to see
and be with the body, support their right to do so. Touching and holding
their loved one’s body at the scene may be the last opportunity survi-
vors will have to say goodbye while the body is still in its natural state,
i.e., before mortuary embalming. Viewing the body can also help
surviving family members begin the process of accepting the death of
their loved one.
Choose your words with care and sensitivity. For example, the distinc-
tion between “died” and “killed” can take on important significance for
surviving family members after a drunk-driving crash fatality. The word
“died” ignores the victimization. “Killed” signifies the deliberate or
reckless taking of life.
Look for and place in safekeeping any personal property of victims, such
as clothing and jewelry, found at the crash scene. In one survey on
satisfaction with the criminal justice system’s response to drunk driving
crashes, nearly two-thirds of respondents were satisfied with law
enforcement’s investigation of the case, but many felt that officers had
failed to protect the personal property of their loved ones.
This percep-
tion was a source of hurt and bitterness.
Review the next section in this guidebook, Survivors of Homicide
Victims, for additional tips on responding to the needs of survivors of
victims killed in drunk driving crashes.
First Response to Specific Types of Criminal Victimization
Survivors of Homicide Victims
Homicide is a crime with more than one victim. Survivors of homicide
victims can include parents, a spouse or intimate partner, children, siblings
and other next of kin, and sometimes friends, neighbors, and coworkers.
Nothing could ever prepare survivors for the day they are notified that their
loved one has been killed. They may go into shock upon suddenly learning of
the loss of their loved one; react in disbelief and denial; or be overcome with
anger that their loved one did not have to die. Survivors’ trust in the world,
spirituality, and beliefs about social order and justice can be devastated.
Many survivors of homicide victims say that the most traumatic incident of
their lives was when they were notified of their loved one’s death. Further-
more, an inappropriate notification by first responders can complicate and
delay survivors’ recovery and prolong their grieving process for years. Death
notifications are among the most difficult of duties that law enforcement must
perform. However, a properly conducted notification, as outlined below, can
help survivors to maintain or regain their trust and belief systems, and aid
them in rebuilding their lives.
Tips on Responding to Survivors of Homicide Victims
n Find out as much information as time permits about the survivors of the
homicide victim before making notification. Notify the appropriate
closest survivor first.
n Make notifications in person.
n Have information to confirm the homicide victim’s identity in the event
of disbelief or denial by the survivors.
n Refer to the homicide victim by name, out of respect for the victim and
survivors. Do not use terms like “the deceased” or “the victim,” and do
not refer to the victim’s body as his or her “remains.”
First Response to Victims of Crime
n Familiarize yourself with the details surrounding the homicide victim’s
death before you conduct the notification. Survivors often want to know
the exact circumstances of their loved one’s death, including specific
information about injuries to the loved one. Answer as many of the
survivors’ questions as possible, using plain and factual language. By
providing information about the victims’ injuries, you will have pre-
pared the survivors if they are later called upon to identify their loved
one’s body or if they hear these details presented in court.
Be prepared for questions from survivors regarding the whereabouts of
the perpetrator, the status of the investigation, and dangers to their own
Do not bring personal articles of the homicide victim with you to the
Conduct notifications with a law enforcement or civilian partner. You
can locate volunteers who are specially trained in death notification
through your local clergies and victim service agencies. When you know
that a survivor has a serious health condition, you should take medical
personnel with you.
Have one person take the lead in conducting notifications. The other
person should monitor survivors for reactions that may be dangerous to
themselves or others. A civilian partner trained in death notification can
be especially helpful in counseling the survivors regarding what they
may experience or encounter next, both in their personal lives and from
the criminal justice system; in sensitively responding to the survivors’
questions; and in providing emotional comfort to the survivors, includ-
ing, for example, a hug or other physical gesture that may go against
agency protocol for officers.
Conduct notifications in a private place—not on the doorstep—after you
and the survivors are seated. If a survivor does not sit down, your
partner should remain standing close by, in case the survivor collapses.
Determine if young children are present in the household or other site of
notification. Separate adult survivors (or all but one) from the children
First Response to Specific Types of Criminal Victimization
during notification. Offer to assist adult survivors in telling the children
and in getting a babysitter.
Avoid engaging in smalltalk when you arrive at the survivors’ home or
other site of notification. Do not build up slowly to the reason for your
presence or to the actual announcement of the death of the survivors’
loved one. Also, do not use euphemisms for the death, such as “She
passed away” or “We lost him.” Be compassionately direct and unam-
biguous in how you notify survivors. For example, “We’ve come here to
tell you something very terrible. Your daughter was killed around 2:30
today during a robbery in the parking lot at the Town Mart Shopping
Center. I’m so sorry.”
Be sensitive to the possibility that the homicide victim may have led a
lifestyle unbeknownst to the survivors—one that survivors might have
disapproved of. Remain strictly nonjudgmental of homicide victims in
your notification. Do not state that the homicide was drug-related or
related to any other potentially objectionable conduct by the victim.
Such comments appear to blame the victims or hold them partially
responsible for their own killing. Also, do not use phrases like “being in
the wrong place at the wrong time,” which can imply that the homicide
was accidental.
Accept survivors’ reactions—no matter how passive or intense—in a
nonjudgmental and empathetic manner. Survivors may sit quietly and
expressionless, or they may cry and scream hysterically.
Be prepared for the possibility that the survivor will be hostile toward
you as a representative of law enforcement and refrain from responding
defensively or impolitely.
Show empathy for survivors’ personal pain, but do not say “I under-
stand.” You cannot possibly know the individual dynamics of survivors’
suffering when their loved one is killed.
Ask survivors if they would like you to make in-person notification to
other close family members.
First Response to Victims of Crime
n Call the more distantly related survivors of the homicide victim at the
request of the immediate survivors. Try to arrange for someone to be
with these survivors before making your call, and tell them to sit down
before conducting your notification. When you notify people by tele-
phone, be especially attentive to your tone of voice, choice of words,
and the pace of your speech. After the notification, ask the survivors to
allow you to call a family member, friend, or victim advocate to be with
them. Tell each survivor whom you call the names of the other persons
who have been notified.
Show respect for survivors’ personal and religious or nonreligious beliefs
about death. Do not impose your beliefs by saying of the victim, for
example, “He’s in a better place now.”
Emphasize to survivors that everyone grieves differently and encourage
them to be understanding and supportive of each other.
Avoid the natural inclination to make promises to survivors that you
cannot keep by saying, “We’re going to catch whoever did this” or
“We’ll see that the perpetrator receives the longest sentence possible.”
Be sure that survivors have the location name, address, and telephone
number for where their loved one’s body is being kept and explain the
procedures for identifying a loved one’s body. Also, offer or arrange
transportation to take survivors to this location, as well as back to their
Let survivors know whom to call if they have questions and provide
telephone contacts for support services, including death scene cleanup
services, if appropriate. Due to the trauma and confusion that surround
death notification, survivors may be unable to fully comprehend or
remember much of what you say. Give them written copies of all the
information you discuss about support services.
Finally, make sure that survivors have someone who can stay with them
after you leave.
First Response to Specific Types of Criminal Victimization
Victims of Human Trafficking
Trafficking in people for prostitution and forced labor is one of the fastest
growing areas of international criminal activity.
It is a leading source of
profits for organized crime, coupled with drugs and weapons.
trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery whose perpetrators force, defraud,
or coerce their victims into labor or commercial sexual exploitation.* Accord-
ing to U.S. Government estimates, between 600,000 and 800,000 persons
about 80 percent of whom are women and girls,
and up to 50 percent of
whom are minors
—are trafficked across international borders worldwide
each year, including as many as 17,500 of whom are trafficked to the United
These numbers do not count the millions of persons trafficked within
their own national borders,
including U.S. citizens trafficked within the
United States.
Victims of human trafficking can be difficult to identify. They may look no
different from the other employed persons you may see daily, including
motel/hotel maids and private housekeepers or nannies; factory and sweat-
shop workers; office janitors; migrant farm laborers; and restaurant servers
and kitchen help. Nor at first glance will victims look different from other
suspects you may have encountered and arrested for prostitution in massage
parlors, strip clubs, and modeling, escort, and matchmaking agencies. But
trafficking victims are different. They are forced, defrauded, or coerced into
these jobs. And contrary to popular belief, victims of human trafficking can
be found in small and rural communities throughout America, not just in
big U.S. cities, coastal states, or localities with large concentrations of
*TRAFFICKING VICTIMS PROTECTION ACT OF 2000, Public Law 106-386—October 28, 2000,
forms of trafficking in persons” means— (A) sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is
induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not
attained 18 years of age; or (B) the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining
of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of
subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. (9) SEX TRAFFICKING.—
The term “sex trafficking” means the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtain-
ing of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act.
First Response to Victims of Crime
Law enforcement efforts to detect and assist victims of human trafficking can
be hampered further because victims often are unable or are afraid to report
their situation or to be truthfully responsive when interviewed by officers.
Victims may be unwilling to talk openly with you due to traffickers’ retalia-
tory threats to the victims or their families; recriminations from friends and
family for their “selfishness” in jeopardizing the chances of others to immi-
grate to and work in America; distrust of law enforcement and suspicion of
officers’ collusion with traffickers; and fear of their own imprisonment or
deportation. Individuals who have been trafficked for commercial sexual
exploitation also fear the stigma of prostitution and the potential loss of their
reputations and those of their families if the victims’ situation becomes
known. Finally, victims may have been instructed by their traffickers to act
defiantly during the interview; and, having perhaps been interviewed many
times previously by law enforcement (especially victims in the sex industry),
they may not come across as submissive or afraid. Thus, unless officers are
knowledgeable about the overall dynamics of human trafficking, victims will
not be identified and helped, and traffickers will not be caught and prosecuted.
To begin with, officers need to understand the difference between human
trafficking and smuggling. Smuggling is the procurement or transport for
profit of persons “with their consent” for illegal entry into a country. This
facilitation of entry is not, by itself, trafficking. The key distinction between
human trafficking and smuggling is that trafficking involves fraud, force, or
coercion to induce a commercial sex act or labor. Traffickers usually prey on
the desperately poor or otherwise vulnerable (including runaways and
physically or mentally challenged persons), luring their victims with fraudu-
lent promises of good jobs and better lives, and then forcing them to work
under often brutal and inhumane conditions. It is also important to note that
anyone can be a victim of traffickers, including U.S. citizens, legal immi-
grants, and even persons who consent to being smuggled into the United
States, if they are defrauded, forced, or coerced into labor or a commercial
sex act.
First Response to Specific Types of Criminal Victimization
Must Contain an Element of Force, The person being smuggled
Fraud, or Coercion (actual, perceived, is generally cooperating.
or implied), unless under 18 years of
age involved in commercial sex acts.
Forced Labor and/or Exploitation. There is no actual or
implied coercion.
Persons trafficked are victims. Persons smuggled are
violating the law. They are
not victims.
Enslaved, subjected to limited Persons are free to leave,
movement or isolation, or had change jobs, etc.
documents confiscated.
Need not involve the actual move- Facilitates the illegal entry
ment of the victim. of person(s) from one
country into another.
No requirement to cross an interna- Smuggling always crosses
tional border. an international border.
Person must be involved in labor/ Person must only be in the
services or commercial sex acts, i.e., country or attempting entry
must be “working.” illegally.
This chart is not intended to provide a precise legal distinction of the differences between
smuggling and trafficking. Instead, the chart illustrates general fact scenarios that are often seen
in smuggling and trafficking incidents. The specific fact scenarios in trafficking and smuggling
incidents are often complex, and in such cases expert legal advice should be sought.
Gaining the trust of suspected victims of human trafficking is essential to
identifying victims of this crime and to assisting them. Being on the lookout
for certain clues, and knowing some of the questions to ask, can also aid in
your detection of victims. A few of the clues that, taken together, may indi-
cate that you have come upon a case of human trafficking are listed below.
First Response to Victims of Crime
You should suspect human trafficking when the individual you are
n Is accompanied by another person who seems controlling (possibly the
Does not speak on his or her own behalf, or does not speak English.
Is not in personal possession of a passport or other forms of
Appears submissive, or seemingly fearful or depressed.
Shows signs of physical or psychological abuse.
Furthermore, asking questions such as those listed below—although they
should not be used as a definitive checklist—can help you determine if an
individual is a victim of trafficking:
n What type of work do you do?
n Can you leave your job or change your residence if you want to?
n Do you owe money to your employer? What would happen if you didn’t
repay that money?
n What are your working and living conditions like?
n Can you come and go as you please?
n Do you have to ask permission to eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, or
make a telephone call?
n Are there locks on your doors or windows so you cannot get out?
n Have you or your family members been threatened?
n Are you afraid of anyone? Why?
n Have your identification papers or other documents been taken from
First Response to Specific Types of Criminal Victimization
Finally, when a law enforcement agency is planning to bust a suspected
human trafficking operation, the agency’s contacts and cooperation prior to
the bust with a local, if possible, or national, nongovernmental organization
(NGO) that focuses on providing services to victims of trafficking can be very
helpful both to the victims and the first responders. Some victims report that
they were as traumatized by their arrest as criminal suspects as they were by
their trafficking experience. NGO representatives can help alleviate this
trauma by assuring victims that (1) the NGO is not the government; (2) its
staff do not arrest or deport people; (3) the first and foremost concern of the
NGO is for the safety of victims; (4) trafficking victims have legal rights; and
(5) victims who assist law enforcement may be eligible for social services and
other benefits. Such intervention by NGOs during the interview process may
persuade victims who may initially be hesitant to speak up to eventually talk
with officers.
In conclusion, it is local law enforcement and other community-based enti-
ties, rather than federal agencies, that are most likely to first encounter
victims of human trafficking. And, while trafficking in humans is largely a
hidden crime, trafficking victims are in plain sight if you, as the first
responder, know what to look for.
Tips on Responding to Victims of Human Trafficking
n Look beneath the surface. The victim you have encountered, or suspect
you are questioning regarding a criminal offense, such as prostitution,
may be a victim of human trafficking. Call the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services’ Trafficking Information and Referral
Hotline at 1–888–373–7888 to report trafficking crimes and access
supportive services if you encounter an individual who may be a
victim of traffick-ing. Operators have access to interpreters who can
speak with you and with victims in their own language.
n Keep in mind that any criminal acts committed by trafficked persons
may have been committed as a result of force, fraud, or coercion.
Undocumented persons, for example, may have come to the United
States believing their traffickers’ fraudulent promises that they would be
First Response to Victims of Crime
able to obtain legal documents once here. Or persons may have entered
the United States legally but are now illegally present because traffickers
withheld their documents and thereby allowed their visas to expire.
Go slowly, be patient, and allow for more time in your interview of
suspected trafficking victims who are immigrants. Also, review the
section in this guidebook on Immigrant Victims.
Respect a victim’s dignity in your interview. Never ask the question,
Are you a slave?” Such questions may be so humiliating that they elicit
victims’ denial of the reality of their situation. Instead, ask questions
like those provided earlier that concentrate on restrictions to the indi-
vidual’s freedom and the ability to come and go as one pleases.
Realize that victims will likely not see themselves as victims of a crime
or know that their treatment by traffickers is against the law. They may
instead see themselves as persons enduring temporary suffering and
hardship for the sake of a better life in the future; or, they may even
believe that their own actions brought about the traffickers’ abuse.
Be alert to behavior of victims that is symptomatic of the “Stockholm
Syndrome.” This syndrome is a psychological response sometimes
exhibited by hostages. The hostage victims respond to their situation by
the defense mechanism of identification with their captors. Victims can
become emotionally and sympathetically attached to their captors and
loyally defend them.
Separate suspected victims from all other persons accompanying them
before interviewing each victim individually. These other persons could
be the traffickers posing as a victim’s spouse, family member, legitimate
employer, or even coworker and fellow victim. Do not even interview
persons whom you have confirmed to be victims in front of each other.
Victims may not feel safe divulging information that puts them at risk in
front of others, even when the others are victims themselves.
Try to use a female interpreter who is not local or affiliated with law
enforcement for your interview of trafficked women. Make sure that the
First Response to Specific Types of Criminal Victimization
interpreter is qualified, has been screened for confidentiality, and is in
no way connected to the traffickers.
Do not say to victims, “Why didn’t you just leave?”
Treat trafficking victims with the same level of professionalism and
compassion as other victims of crime regardless of their immigration
status or the situation in which you find them.
Tell victims that you want them to be safe and protected from the people
who hurt them. Let victims know that the U.S. Government can help
them and may also be able to assist in the reunification of victims with
their family members.
Expect victims’ statements to change as their trust of you develops.
Be cautious of anyone’s attempt to contact suspected victims even after
they are in the “safe” custody of law enforcement. Traffickers sometimes
hire attorneys to “represent” victims arrested for prostitution, or hire
other agents from the victims’ ethnic community to intimidate them and
influence their statements.
Be aware that victims may have been drugged by traffickers and forced
into addictions that will not disappear overnight.
Facilitate medical attention for victims. All victims will have basic health
care needs and most will require emergency care for serious physical,
psychological, and possibly sexual abuse. Posttraumatic stress symp-
toms are common among victims as are intense feelings of guilt, fear,
shame, anger, depression, disorientation, betrayal, and distrust.
Explain to victims what their medical attention may involve while you
transport them to a clinic or hospital, or while you wait with them in
the emergency room. This may be the first medical examination the
victims have ever had, so explain in reassuring terms the basic proce-
dures they can expect (intake questions/medical history, physical
examination for and treatment of injuries, collection and testing of blood
and urine specimens, prescriptions for medicine).
First Response to Victims of Crime
n Understand that even after victims have been rescued from their traffick-
ers, they generally are incapable of finding support services due to the
isolation they suffered while in captivity. An extensive network of
culturally and linguistically appropriate service providers is required to
meet victims’ urgent and acute needs. This can especially affect first
responders, who may, themselves, have to initiate such support for
Connect victims as soon as possible with a local or national organiza-
tion that offers assistance services, including advocacy and legal repre-
sentation, to victims of trafficking. These organizations can educate
victims about their rights and responsibilities; assist in providing for
their basic needs; and help to reduce their anxiety and fear, particularly
toward law enforcement. See www.ovc.gov/help/traffickingmatrix.htm
for a list of organizations with programs to help victims of trafficking.
Familiarize yourself with the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act of
2000 (TVPA) and subsequent TVPA Reauthorization Acts, and with your
pertinent state trafficking laws, if any. Consider other laws, in addition
to trafficking in persons’ legislation, that may apply to a case. Under
TVPA, victims who are not U.S. citizens may be eligible for special visas
and other benefits and services, including the following: emergency
medical assistance, food and shelter, counseling, and legal and immigra-
tion advice. U.S. citizens who are trafficking victims already have access
to many federal and state benefits.
Distribute the brochure Information for Victims of Trafficking in Persons
and Forced Labor to suspected victims. This brochure, from the U.S.
Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of State, is available in
English at www.usdoj.gov/crt/crim/wetf/victimsbrochure.pdf, and in
traditional Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese at www.
ovc.gov/foreignlang/welcome.html. For service providers and other
community-based organizations, provide the companion brochure
Trafficking in Persons: A Guide for Non-Governmental Organizations at
www.usdoj.gov/crt/crim/wetf/trafficbrochure.pdf. Also, fact sheets on
issues such as sex trafficking, labor trafficking, child victims of human
trafficking, and federal efforts to assist victims are available in English,
First Response to Specific Types of Criminal Victimization
traditional Chinese, Polish, Russian, and Spanish from the U.S. Depart-
ment of Health and Human Services at www.acf.hhs.gov/trafficking.
Victims of Mass Casualty Crimes
Mass casualty crimes in the United States, whether they are acts of workplace
or school violence, domestic or international terrorism, or other acts involving
the criminal victimization of multitudes of people, are infrequent and highly
abnormal incidents. They are, however, no longer unimaginable to anyone;
nor can law enforcement afford not to anticipate and try to prepare for them.
Even more so than other crimes, a mass casualty crime presents unique
challenges for law enforcement, specific to the incident itself and its victims.
For example, the sheer number of victims can overwhelm emergency manage-
ment resources. In addition, officers may find themselves responding to
victims in horrific surroundings of human injury, death, and material destruc-
tion, and under dangerous conditions of possible further harm from known or
unknown sources. Finally, although every criminal act can have devastating
consequences for its victim, a mass casualty crime is a devastating act that
may include in its wake not only a large number of individual victims, their
families, friends, and coworkers, but also whole communities and the entire
Yet, as we have seen from past incidents of terrorism and other mass casualty
crimes, the public safety personnel involved in the first response to victims—
no matter how brief or hurried the personal interaction between responders
and victims—have the profound opportunity to reaffirm society’s faith in the
goodness of humankind while positively influencing the emotional recovery
of an individual victim.
The guidelines presented here are by no means comprehensive; nor are they
practical in, or appropriate for, every situation. They are, however, basic
considerations for officers trying to respond compassionately and most
effectively to victims amid the competing duties of securing the scene and
imposing order in the chaos of a mass casualty crime.
First Response to Victims of Crime
Tips on Responding to Victims of Mass Casualty Crimes
n Identify immediately those physically and psychologically injured
victims who need urgent medical care and/or mental health crisis
intervention. Behavioral indicators of psychological injury can include
hyperventilating; trembling or “freezing”; odd body movements; agita-
tion; emotional numbness, as evidenced by fixed staring or a marked
lack of expression and body movement; rambling speech; loud wailing;
or an inability to comprehend one’s situation and surroundings.
n Display as much calm assurance as you can to reduce panic in victims.
n Begin helping victims reorient themselves immediately after you rescue
them—they have just lost the psychological connection to the world
with which they are familiar—by identifying yourself and your role to
victims, and projecting support and compassion in your interactions
with them.
n Help victims recognize that the danger has passed by saying “It’s over
now, you’re safe”; “We’re getting you out of here now, it’s okay”; or
“You’re going to be all right, we’re taking you to safety now.”
n Give polite and kind but firm instructions to victims, who may be
stunned and immobilized by the incident—or, conversely, unproduc-
tively overactive—and not know what they should do next. Direct
victims who are able to walk, away from the site and away from
severely injured victims and any continuing danger.
n Understand that when people are confronted with life-threatening
situations, they respond with survival-mode functioning, characterized
by flight, fight, or freeze behaviors. Symptoms of the flight response are
extreme anxiety, avoidance, disbelief, denial, or regressed childlike
behaviors. Rage or aggression is symptomatic of the fight response, and
apathy, emotional numbness, or aimlessness indicates the freeze
response. For example, people in the freeze response may wander
aimlessly in the devastation of an incident, thereby placing themselves
and emergency responders in further danger. Victims exhibiting such
First Response to Specific Types of Criminal Victimization
flight, fight, or freeze behaviors need your protection until mental health
crisis intervention can be provided.
Do not be surprised by or judgmental of victims who appear joyous, full
of pride, or in high spirits. It is not uncommon for people to experience
such euphoric feelings immediately after having just survived a life-
threatening incident. However, be mindful that, for other persons at the
scene who are not knowledgeable about the mind’s psychological
defense mechanisms to overwhelming stress, these euphoric reactions
can be difficult to tolerate in surroundings of death and devastation.
Protect victims—including those being interviewed or waiting to be
interviewed—from exposure to further traumatic stimuli by locating or
devising a real or even symbolic area of safe haven for them. The fewer
traumatic stimuli victims see, hear, smell, taste, and feel, the better off
they will be.
Remind victims to breathe. When people are traumatized or frightened,
they often stop breathing normally. Have victims close their eyes and
take deep, slow breaths until they calm down.
Make sure that victims are not cold and that warm beverages and food
are offered to them and that restroom facilities are provided.
Realize that victims may have difficulty concentrating on your ques-
tions, understanding and following your instructions, and remembering
the information you provide until their basic physical and psychological
needs are met. Also, be aware that traumatic stress can have the follow-
ing effects on victims’ mental functioning: disorientation and confusion,
distorted sense of time, slowed thinking, shortened attention span and
narrowed ability to focus, indecisiveness, and memory loss.
Be attentive to victims’ dignity and comfort, and try to ensure that their
bodies are appropriately covered and not immodestly displayed. For
example, do not lose sight during your interview of victims that they
may be preoccupied with their dirty or bloody face, torn clothing, or
otherwise “undignified” appearance. Provide victims with covering and
First Response to Victims of Crime
otherwise try to protect them from any continuing indignities without
compromising the collection of forensic evidence.
Give clear and simple explanations of law enforcement and other
emergency response procedures, which are sometimes confusing and
distressing to victims.
Empathize and be extremely sensitive to victims’ shock and grief over
the possible injury to, or death of, their loved ones, friends, and cowork-
ers. Recognize that victims may need a period of silence from you so
they can reflect on and get in touch with their own feelings.
Be as factually responsive as you can to victims’ need for information
about their injuries; the condition and whereabouts of other victims; the
nature of the incident; rescue and emergency operations underway; and
whether the suspected perpetrators have been apprehended. Sharing
these informational updates with victims, and your efforts to get an-
swers to their individual questions, will help to reduce victims’ anxiety.
However, be careful about passing on rumors to victims; avoid giving
out information on the identities of other persons at the scene who were
killed; and do not tell victims about the death of, or severe injury to,
their loved ones until victims are in an appropriate setting and have
been stabilized or are under medical supervision.
Limit intrusions into victims’ privacy by onlookers and the news media.
However, facilitate communication and provide security for those
victims who want to speak with the media. Advise victims that they are
free to end an interview with media representatives at any time and for
any reason, and provide for their quick and safe escort away from the
interview site.
Assist victims in verifying the personal safety of loved ones as well as in
locating them. Reconnect victims with their family, friends, and other
trusted people as soon as possible.
Document the identities of, and contact information for, both the injured
and non-injured victims at the scene of the crime. Their families will be
contacting law enforcement to determine their safety and whereabouts.
First Response to Specific Types of Criminal Victimization
n Provide victims with written information on resources for immediate
and long-term help, including your agency’s victim services unit, if one
exists; the prosecutor’s and victim-witness assistance offices; mental
health agencies, local crisis intervention centers, and support groups;
emergency shelters and food centers; faith-based resources; and the
state crime victim compensation program.
Remember that no matter how frantic, on-the-run, or curtailed the
interaction is between first responders and victims, responders can help
to restore victims’ sense of control over their lives when that interaction
is characterized by sensitivity, compassion, and respect.
Provide the following national resources and hotlines to victims as
Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Association
1–800–272–3900 (TDD: 312–335–8882)
Safe Return
Alzheimer’s Association
Incident Line: 1–800–572–1122 (TDD: 312–335–8882)
Nonemergency Line: 1–888–572–8566 (TDD: 312–335–8882)
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Americans with Disabilities Act Information Line
U.S. Department of Justice
1–800–514–0301 (TDD: 1–800–514–0383)
Office for Civil Rights
Office of Justice Programs
U.S. Department of Justice
202–307–0690 (TDD: 202–307–2027)
First Response to Victims of Crime
Blindness or Other Vision Impairments
American Council of the Blind
American Foundation for the Blind
Child Abuse Hotline
Bureau of Indian Affairs
U.S. Department of the Interior
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Childhelp® USA National Child Abuse Hotline
Covenant House Nineline
1–800–999–9999 (TDD: 1–800–999–9915)
(provides shelter, crisis care, and other services to homeless and
runaway youth)
Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Office of Justice Programs
U.S. Department of Justice
1–800–851–3420 (TDD: 1–877–712–9279)
Directory of National Service Providers
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
1–800–843–5678 (TDD: 1–800–826–7653)
National Children’s Alliance
National Runaway Switchboard
1–800–621–4000 (TDD: 1–800–621–0394)
Deafness or Hard of Hearing
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
1–866–337–5220 (TDD: 202–337–5221)
National Association of the Deaf
301–587–1788 (TDD: 301–587–1789)
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
National Institutes of Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
1–800–241–1044 (TDD: 1–800–241–1055)
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
703–838–0030 (TDD: 703–838–0459)
Telecommunications Relay Services
(These services enable callers with hearing and speech disabilities who use
text telephones (i.e., TTYs, TDDs) and callers who use voice telephones to
communicate with each other through third-party assistance.)
First Response to Victims of Crime
Domestic Violence
Battered Women’s Justice Project
Family Violence Department
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1–800–799–7233 (TDD: 1–800–787–3224)
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
1–800–537–2238 (TDD: 1–800–553–2508)
Drunk Driving Crashes
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Victims Helpline: 1–877–623–3435
Language Line Services
1–800–528–5888 (credit card required for emergency
interpreter/translation service)
1–877–886–3885 (general information and account setup for
long-term service)
Directory of National Service Providers
Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair
Employment Practices
Civil Rights Division
U.S. Department of Justice
1–800–255–7688 (TDD: 1–800–237–2515)
Mass Casualty Crimes
Office for Victim Assistance
Federal Bureau of Investigation
www.fbi.gov/contact/fo/fo.htm (directory of FBI offices, for locating the
nearest victim specialist)
Mental Illness
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
National Alliance on Mental Illness
1–800–950–6264 (TDD: 703–516–7227)
Mental Health America Help Desk
1–800–969–6642 (TDD: 1–800–433–5959)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1–800–273–8255 (TDD: 1–800–799–4889)
Treatment Advocacy Center
703–294–6001; 703–294–6002
First Response to Victims of Crime
Mental Retardation
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
National Down Syndrome Congress
The Arc
Older Persons
Eldercare Locator
(links older persons or their caregivers with local senior service
agencies and organizations)
Administration on Aging
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Sexual Assault
(obtain information anonymously on sexually transmitted diseases and get
referrals to clinics)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
1–800–232–4636 (TDD: 1–888–232–6348)
Directory of National Service Providers
National Sexual Assault Hotline
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
1–877–739–3895 (TDD: 717–909–0715)
Survivors of Homicide Victims
National Organization of Parents Of Murdered Children
Trafficking in Persons
Office for Victims of Crime-Funded Grantee Programs To Help
Victims of Trafficking
Trafficking Information and Referral Hotline
Administration for Children and Families
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Other National Victim Service Providers and Resources
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Office of Justice Programs
U.S. Department of Justice
First Response to Victims of Crime
COPS Office Response Center
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
U.S. Department of Justice
Families and Friends of Violent Crime Victims
1–800–346–7555 (TDD: 425–355–6962)
National Center for Victims of Crime
1–800–394–2255 (TDD: 1–800–211–7996)
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
1–800–729–6686 (Spanish: 1–877–767–8432) (TDD: 1–800–487–4889)
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
1–800–851–3420 (TDD: 1–877–712–9279)
National Fraud Information Center/Internet Fraud Watch
National Consumers League
National Organization for Victim Assistance
Office for Victims of Crime
Office of Justice Programs
U.S. Department of Justice
202–307–5983 (TDD: 202–514–7908)
Directory of National Service Providers
Office for Victims of Crime Resource Center
Office of Justice Programs
U.S. Department of Justice
1–800–851–3420 (TDD: 1–877–712–9279)
Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center
Office of Justice Programs
U.S. Department of Justice
1–866–682–8822 (TDD: 1–866–682–8880)
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Office of Justice Programs
U.S. Department of Justice
Office on Violence Against Women
U.S. Department of Justice
202–307–6026 (TDD: 202–307–2277)
Bureau of Justice Statistics. (March 1994). Elderly Crime Victims:
National Crime Victimization Survey. Washington, DC: U.S. Depart-
ment of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice
Statistics, NCJ 147002. Retrieved August 21, 2006, from www.ojp.
Office for Victims of Crime. (June 1999). Breaking the Cycle of
Violence: Recommendations to Improve the Criminal Justice Re-
sponse to Child Victims and Witnesses. (OVC Monograph). Wash-
ington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs,
Office for Victims of Crime, NCJ 176983. Retrieved August 21, 2006,
from www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/publications/factshts/monograph.htm.
Bureau of Justice Statistics. (June 2006). “Percent of Victimiza-
tions Reported to the Police, by Type of Crime and Age of Victims,”
Table 96, Personal Crimes, 2004. In Criminal Victimization in the
United States—Statistical Tables. Washington, DC: U.S. Department
of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Retrieved August 21, 2006, from www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/
cvusst.htm and www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus/current/
Bureau of Justice Statistics. (June 2006). “Victimization Rates for
Persons Age 12 and Over, by Type of Crime and Age of Victims,”
Table 3, Personal Crimes, 2004. In Criminal Victimization in the
United States—Statistical Tables. Washington, DC: U.S. Department
of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics.
First Response to Victims of Crime
Retrieved August 21, 2006, from www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus/
Marge, Dorothy K. (ed.). (2003). “Executive Summary.” In A Call to Action:
Ending Crimes of Violence Against Children and Adults with Disabilities—A
Report to the Nation, 2003. Syracuse, NY: SUNY Upstate Medical University,
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Retrieved August 21,
2006, from www.upstate.edu/pmr/marge.pdf.
Kraus, L.; Stoddard, S.; and Gilmartin, D. (1996). “Section 1: Prevalence of
Disabilities.” In Chartbook on Disability in the United States, 1996. (An
InfoUse Report). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, National
Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, H133D50017. Retrieved
August 21, 2006, from www.infouse.com/disabilitydata/disability/intro.php.
National Institute on Aging. (first published March 2002; last reviewed
January 2005). “Alzheimer’s Disease Defined.” In NIH Senior Health. Bethes-
da, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes
of Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institute on Aging.
Retrieved August 22, 2006, from www.nihseniorhealth.gov/alzheimers
Alzheimer’s Association. (2007). Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures,
2007. Chicago, IL: Alzheimer’s Association. Retrieved November 27, 2007,
from www.alz.org/national/documents/Report_2007FactsAndFigures.pdf.
Alzheimer’s Association. (2006). Wandering Behavior—Preparing for and
Preventing It (Fact Sheet). Chicago, IL: Alzheimer’s Association. Retrieved
April 16, 2007, from www.alz.org/documents/national/FSSRCaregivers.pdf.
Hobbs, Frank, and Stoops, Nicole. (November 2002). “Highlights.” In
Demographic Trends in the 20th Century (Census 2000 Special Reports). Wash-
ington, DC: U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Adminis-
tration, U.S. Census Bureau, Series CENSR-4. Retrieved August 22, 2006, from
National Institute of Mental Health. (updated June 2006). “Statistics.” In
Health Information/Mental Health Topics. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute
of Mental Health. Retrieved August 22, 2006, from www.nimh.nih.gov/
Office of the Surgeon General. (1999). “Chapter 2, The Fundamentals of
Mental Health and Mental Illness: Epidemiology of Mental Illness.” In Mental
Health: A Report of the Surgeon General. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, U.S. Public Health Service, Office of the Surgeon
General. Retrieved August 22, 2006, from www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/
The Arc. (revised October 2004). Introduction to Mental Retardation. Silver
Spring, MD: The Arc. Retrieved August 22, 2006, from www.thearc.org/faqs/
Luckasson, Ruth. (1992). “Chapter 11, People with Mental Retardation as
Victims of Crime.” In Ronald W. Conley, Ruth Luckasson, and George N.
Bouthilet. (eds.). The Criminal Justice System and Mental Retardation—
Defendants and Victims. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brooks Publishing Company.
The Arc. (revised January 1994). Employment of People with Mental
Retardation. Silver Spring, MD: The Arc. Retrieved August 22, 2006, from
National Institutes of Health. (May 2006). “Study Finds Most Americans
Have Good Vision, But 14 Million Are Visually Impaired.” NIH News. Bethes-
da, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes
of Health. Retrieved August 22, 2006, from www.nih.gov/news/pr/may2006/
First Response to Victims of Crime
Prevent Blindness America and National Eye Institute. (2002). “Section 1:
Vision Impairment & Blindness.” In Vision Problems in the U.S.—Prevalence
of Adult Vision Impairment and Age-Related Eye Disease in America. Chicago,
IL: Prevent Blindness America. Retrieved August 22, 2006, from www.nei.nih.
National Eye Institute. (modified November 2004). “Low Vision and
Blindness Rehabilitation.” In National Plan for Eye and Vision Research.
Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National
Institutes of Health, National Eye Institute. Retrieved August 22, 2006, from
The Cleveland Clinic. (reviewed March 2002). “Hearing Loss.” In Health
Information Center. Cleveland, OH: The Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved August
23, 2006, from www.clevelandclinic.org/health/health-info/docs/2700/2733.
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.
(January 2001). “Hearing Loss and Older Adults.” In Health Information.
Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National
Institutes of Health, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication
Disorders, NIH Publication No. 01-4913. Retrieved August 23, 2006, from
McNeil, Jack. (February 2001). Americans with Disabilities, 1997. (Current
Population Reports). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Commerce, Eco-
nomics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Census Bureau, P70-73. Retrieved
August 23, 2006, from www.census.gov/prod/2001pubs/p70-73.pdf.
Larsen, Luke J. (August 2004). The Foreign-Born Population in the United
States: 2003. (Current Population Reports). Washington, DC: U.S. Department
of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Census Bureau,
P20-551. Retrieved August 23, 2006, from www.census.gov/prod/2004pubs/
Office for Victims of Crime. (July 1999). Office for Victims of Crime Interna-
tional Activities. (Fact Sheet). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice,
Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime, FS000229. Retrieved
August 23, 2006, from www.ovc.gov/publications/factshts/pdftxt/interact.
Fox, James Alan, and Zawitz, Marianne W. (revised June 2006). “Intimate
Homicide.” In Homicide Trends in the United States. Washington, DC: U.S. De-
partment of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Retrieved August 23, 2006, from www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/intimates.
Tjaden, Patricia, and Thoennes, Nancy. (November 2000). “Executive
Summary.” In Full Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of
Violence Against Women: Findings from the National Violence Against Women
Survey. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Pro-
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Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center
for Injury Prevention and Control, NCJ 183781. Retrieved August 23, 2006,
from www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/183781.pdf.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a motor
vehicle crash is alcohol-related if at least one driver or nonoccupant (such as a
pedestrian or bicyclist) involved in the crash has a blood alcohol concentra-
tion (BAC) of 0.01 gram per deciliter (g/dL) or higher. Any fatality that occurs
in an alcohol-related crash is considered an alcohol-related fatality. The term
alcohol-related” does not indicate that a crash or fatality was caused by the
presence of alcohol.
As of 2004, 45 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico had created
laws making it illegal to drive with a BAC of 0.08 g/dL or higher. Of the
16,694 people who died in alcohol-related crashes in 2004, 14,409 (86 per-
cent) were killed in crashes in which at least one driver or nonoccupant had a
BAC of 0.08 g/dL or higher.
First Response to Victims of Crime
National Center for Statistics and Analysis. (2004). Alcohol. (Traffic Safety
Facts, 2004 Data). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation,
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National Center for Statistics
and Analysis, DOT HS 809 905. Retrieved August 23, 2006, from http://
Mercer, Dorothy. (1995). Drunk Driving Victim Impact Panels: Victim
Outcomes. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health. Cited by
Stephanie Frogge and Janice Lord (June 2002; updated December 2004),
“Chapter 13: Drunk Driving.” In Anne Seymour, Morna Murray, Jane Sigmon,
Melissa Hook, Christine Edmunds, Mario Gaboury, and Grace Coleman.
(eds.). (June 2002; updated July 2005). National Victim Assistance Academy
Textbook. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice
Programs, Office for Victims of Crime. Retrieved August 23, 2006, from www.
ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/assist/nvaa2002/welcome.html and www.ojp.usdoj.gov/
Sobieski, Regina. (1994). “MADD Study Finds Most Victims Satisfied with
Law Enforcement.” In MADDVOCATE. Irving, TX: Mothers Against Drunk
Driving. Cited by Stephanie Frogge and Janice Lord (June 2002; updated
December 2004), “Chapter 13: Drunk Driving.” In Anne Seymour, Morna
Murray, Jane Sigmon, Melissa Hook, Christine Edmunds, Mario Gaboury, and
Grace Coleman. (eds.). (June 2002; updated July 2005). National Victim
Assistance Academy Textbook. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice,
Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime. Retrieved August 23,
2006, from www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/assist/nvaa2002/welcome.html and
Miko, Francis T. (updated July 2006). “Summary.” In Trafficking in Persons:
The U.S. and International Response. (Congressional Research Service Report
for Congress). Washington, DC: U.S. Congress, The Library of Congress,
Congressional Research Service, Order Code RL30545. Retrieved April 16,
2007, from www.fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/70330.pdf.
Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. (June 2006). “Intro-
duction.” In Trafficking in Persons Report. Washington, DC: U.S. Department
of State, Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs, Office to Monitor
and Combat Trafficking in Persons. Retrieved November 27, 2007, from
www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/tiprpt/2006/65983.htm and www.state.gov/
Miko, Francis T. (updated July 2006).
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Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center. (January 2005). Fact Sheet:
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DC: U.S. Department of State, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Bureau for
International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Human Smuggling and
Trafficking Center. Retrieved April 16, 2007, from www.state.gov/documents/
First Response
to Victims of Crime
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