March 2024
Plain Writing Compliance Report
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Table of Contents
The 2023 Plain Writing Compliance Report .............................................................................1
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Our Commitment............................................................................................................................. 1
Our Accomplishments..................................................................................................................... 2
How We Carry Out Our Implementation Plan ........................................................................... 3
Oversight .................................................................................................................................... 3
Plain Writing Resources ............................................................................................................. 3
Editing Tools ............................................................................................................................... 4
Supporting Activities ................................................................................................................... 4
How We Measure Performance and Get Public Feedback ...................................................... 4
Compliance Report ..................................................................................................................... 5
Examples of Policy and Legal Documents Using Plain Writing Principles ......................5
Office of Analytics, Review & Oversight (OARO) .......................................................................... 5
Office of Budget, Finance and Management (OBFM) ................................................................... 6
Office of Human Resources (OHR)................................................................................................ 6
Office of Retirement and Disability Policy (ORDP) ........................................................................ 7
Examples of Mailed Materials Using Plain Writing Principles .............................................7
Office of General Counsel .............................................................................................................. 7
Example of a Form or Publication Using Plain Writing Principles .....................................8
Office of Communications (OCOMM) ............................................................................................ 8
Examples of Short Brochures Using Plain Writing Principles ............................................8
Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity.................................................................................. 8
Examples of Long Brochures Using Plain Writing Principles.............................................9
Office of the Chief Actuary.............................................................................................................. 9
Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity................................................................................ 10
Office of Retirement and Disability Policy (ORDP) ...................................................................... 10
Office of Budget, Finance and Management ............................................................................... 10
Examples of Newsletters & Reports Using Plain Writing Principles .............................. 11
Office of Analytics, Review & Oversight....................................................................................... 11
Office of Human Resources ......................................................................................................... 11
Examples of Blog Posts & Summaries Using Plain Writing Principles ......................... 12
Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity................................................................................ 12
Office of Retirement and Disability Policy (ORDP) ...................................................................... 12
Example of a Public Inquiry Reply Using Plain Writing Principles ................................. 13
Office of Budget, Finance and Management ............................................................................... 13
Examples of Webpages Using Plain Writing Principles .................................................... 13
Page ii
Office of the Chief Actuary............................................................................................................ 13
Office of General Counsel ............................................................................................................ 14
Office of Communications (OCOMM) .......................................................................................... 15
Office of Hearing Operations ........................................................................................................ 17
Office of Operations ...................................................................................................................... 18
Training on Plain Writing Principles ...................................................................................... 19
Office of Human Resources/Office of Strategy, Learning, and Workforce Development: ......... 19
Agency-wide Training (Online Courses & Classroom Training Writing and General
Knowledge) ............................................................................................................................... 19
Headquarters Component Training .............................................................................................. 20
Office of Analytics, Review, and Oversight ............................................................................. 20
Office of Operations ................................................................................................................. 20
Office of Communications ........................................................................................................ 21
Agency Activities and Accomplishments ............................................................................. 22
Team Accomplishments ............................................................................................................... 22
Moving Forward .......................................................................................................................... 23
Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Appendix A: Plain Writing Examples ..................................................................................... 25
Appendix B: Plain Writing Links ............................................................................................. 26
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Social Security Administration
The 2023 Plain Writing Compliance Report
Social Security communicates with plain language that is clear, concise, and easy to
understand. We are leaders in the federal government when it comes to effective use of plain
languagethough don’t take our word for it; the results speak for themselves.
Since 2013, we have consistently received high marks on the Center for Plain Language
Federal Report Card, often the highest-scoring agency. On the most recent Plain Language
Federal Report Card, issued in 2022, we received an “A+” for organizational compliance and an
“A” for writing quality. In addition to high grades, we were featured in the Center for Plain
Language’s announcement:An excellent model to follow is the Social Security Administration’s
“Contact Uspage, the only one to earn an A+.” The Center went on to write,The web page is
clear in its intended purpose to provide information readers seek. The page has clear and
concise language and the reader is addressed directly.The center also noted “excellent use of
links, colors, fonts, sizing, bolding, bullets, and imagery to highlight important information.
Plain language is easy to read, yet it can be a challenge to write, especially for an agency with
the complex subject matters that Social Security faces. Why do we work so hard on easy-to-
understand writing? Not only is it the law, it’s also good customer service. Our goal is to provide
the people who depend on us with information they can read, understand, and use.
Plain language breaks down systemic barriers for people who have difficulty understanding
complicated language and formatting. Plain and simple, plain language is good customer
The Plain Writing Act of 2010 (the Act) requires federal agencies to apply plain writing principles
to written communication. The Act states that all government agencies should write in a way the
public can easily understand and use.
We are pleased to present our 2023 Plain Writing Compliance Report, which highlights our
accomplishments in compliance with the Act. The report also includes specific details about our
efforts along with samples of effective plain language.
Our Commitment
We take our responsibility seriously to provide clear and concise messages in our written
communication to current and future recipients. In 2023, about 68 million Americans received a
total of about 1.5 trillion dollars in Social Security benefits, and about 182 million workers were
covered under Social Security. We strive to explain our complex programs in easy-to-
understand language.
When we apply plain writing principles, we successfully deliver information to the public that is
useful, easy for anyone to access, and simple to comprehend. We do this in letters, notices,
publications, emails, policy documents, and web pages.
Page 2
In addition to the public, we communicate daily with state and local government agencies, third-
party groups and organizations, Congressional offices, and White House staff members. Clear
and concise communication is vital to providing outstanding customer service to these offices
and organizations.
We provide the following plain writing resources to all employees:
Plain Writing website
Commissioner’s Writing Center
Quality Initiative for Commissioner’s Correspondence (QUICC) Handbook
Plain Language Hub
Additionally, we:
Use editing software tools to evaluate our written products.
Train employees about the Act, plain writing best practices, and the use of available
Keep our employees informed and trained, encouraging a commitment to plain language.
Review written materials from other components across the agency to make sure they
adhere to plain language principles.
Maintain a plain writing mailbox, monitored by staff who respond to emails from our
employees and the public.
Our content is compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Section 508 requires all
federal agencies to provide communication methods that people with disabilities can access
using assistive technologies.
Our daily dedication to plain writing principles means we are committed to providing clear,
concise, and easy-to-understand messages to everyone who interacts with us.
We encourage employees and the public to submit feedback about our written communications
and plain writing efforts to
Our Accomplishments
We strive to comply with the Plain Writing Act. To accomplish this, we met basic and advanced
We developed and followed our Plain Writing Implementation Plan for 2023 to help us monitor
how offices throughout the agency apply plain writing guidelines to their written materials.
In addition, we:
Launched an internal Plain Language Hub a centralized location for plain language
Created two educational plain language videos for employees.
Page 3
Established a mandatory plain language review for any updated or new Social Security
Continued to update Social Security’s website to apply plain language principles
Continued to research tools that can be used to assist employees in developing content
in plain language.
Provided plain language training for over 2,000 agency employees.
Hosted a successful two-day “Plain Language Writing for Government Employees event.
Attended “How to Get Started with the First International Plain Language Standard
hosted by the Center for Plain Language.
Maintained both a Plain Language internet and intranet webpage.
How We Carry Out Our Implementation Plan
Our Plain Language Implementation Team (Team) provides oversight and implementation of
the Plain Writing Act to ensure written communications are clear, easy to understand, and useful
to the audience.
The Team meets a minimum of every two weeks to discuss plain language matters and more
frequently in sub-groups focused on specific efforts, such as notice language reviews and Plain
Language Hub resource development. Our team of volunteers have skills in writing, editing,
leadership, organization, administration, and management.
Our Plain Writing Compliance Board meets to plan, coordinate, and carry out the Plain
Writing Implementation Plan and related activities.
The Board members represent each component within the agency. These board members
prepare reports, monitor usage of software editing tools, and promote plain writing principles
within their components. We rotate board members to encourage new ideas and input.
Social Security’s Senior Agency Official for Plain Language is Dr. Susan Camarena,
Associate Commissioner for the Office of Public Inquiries and Communications Support in the
Office of Communications. The Plain Writing Compliance Board consists of the designated
Senior Agency Official, members of the Team, and representatives from the Office of the
Commissioner and 11 deputy commissioner-level components. In addition, Regional
Communication Directors in our 10 regions serve as plain writing contacts and are a resource to
the public for plain writing information.
Plain Writing Resources
The Commissioner’s Writing Center promotes techniques to improve grammar and writing style
preferences to ensure agency correspondence is clear to the public. It also provides a link to the
Quality Initiative for Commissioner’s Correspondence Handbook (Handbook). The Handbook
includes guidelines to prepare, review, and submit correspondence for signatures of the
Page 4
Commissioner and other executives, with examples of proper formatting for letters and
The Office of Strategy, Learning, and Workforce Development website is available to all
employees. The site offers plain writing training opportunities, such as Video on Demand (VOD),
online lessons, instructor-led courses, books, and additional plain language resource materials.
The Plain Language Implementation Team created the Plain Language Hub, which houses a
variety of resources to provide guidance that helps our employees communicate in plain
language. These resources include articles, fact sheets, videos, best practices, and links to
additional plain language sources.
The Plain Language Implementation Team provides trainings, briefings, resources, and review
services across the agency on plain language.
Editing Tools
In 2023, we continued to use Acrolinx editing software to evaluate websites, PDF files, and
Word documents. About 250 agency employees are trained to use Acrolinx, and we have
worked to expand the software’s use throughout Headquarters and Regional offices across the
country. We provide reference guides and training, including Acrolinx training VODs for
employees on our intranet and one-on-one training upon request.
In addition to Acrolinx, we measure our plain writing success using the Flesch-Kincaid
Readability Ease and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level. We have piloted other editing tools and
continue to research alternative editing software and tools to enhance our plain writing efforts.
Supporting Activities
In 2023, we continued to promote the application of plain writing principles in our communication
methods. We used internal publications, videos, and the new Plain Language Hub website to
promote plain writing and provide guidance on how to apply plain writing.
We share plain writing guidelines and tips to employees on our website, through our
Compliance Board members, in emails and other electronic delivery methods, and through
How We Measure Performance and Get Public Feedback
Our goal is to communicate with the public in a clear, organized way. We encourage members
of the public and employees to make comments and suggestions by emailing us at We normally respond to emails within one business day.
We benchmark our plain language practices against those of other agencies. We look at the
plain language practices of both the private and public sector. We seek the expertise of plain
language academia and experts and the Community of Practice.
The Federal Plain Language Report Card is an excellent measurement of success, and we
strive to make sure our written materials rise to the high standards required to earn high marks.
Page 5
We also consider awards and honorable mentions in the annual ClearMark awards to be a
measure of success.
Perhaps the best measure of success is seeing more requests from components throughout the
agency for the Team to review their written materials using the plain language lens. The result is
more of our written communications rendered in language that is easy to read, understand, and
use. We are seeing plain language awareness become part of Social Security’s culture; the
result is more of our written productsinternal and externalcomplying with plain language
best practices.
Compliance Report
Each year, we publish an annual Compliance Report. You are reading our 2023 Compliance
Report, published in March 2024.
The following are component-specific examples of communications our agency created using
plain writing principles. Although released by the specific components, many of these
documents reflect cooperation across teams and departments. Each of these examples reflects
plain writing efforts across the agency. These entries show our efforts to improve our written
communication products. Please see Appendix A for examples.
Examples of Policy and Legal Documents Using Plain
Writing Principles
Office of Analytics, Review & Oversight (OARO)
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Policy Document:
The Social Security
Hearings, Appeals,
and Litigation Law
(HALLEX) Manual
Members of the
We continue to re-write
and re-organize our
policies and instructions in
HALLEX to improve
readability and
Improved readability, clarity,
tone, and formatting of policy
Policy Document:
The Social Security
Programs Operations
Manual System
Members of the
We continue to re-write
and re-organize our
policies and instructions in
POMS to improve -
readability and
Improved readability, clarity,
tone, and formatting of policy
Page 6
Office of Budget, Finance and Management (OBFM)
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Policy Document:
Opportunities Guide
Revised the instructions in
the TRIRIGA Opportunities
Guide to make it easier to
understand the steps for
creating various
Improved readability, clarity,
tone, and formatting of policy
Policy Document:
Revised the instructions in
the TRIRIGA Reports
Guide to make it easier to
understand the steps for
creating various reports.
Improved readability, clarity,
tone, and formatting of policy
Policy Document:
Request Guide
We revised the instructions
in the TRIRIGA Central
Guide to make it easier to
understand the steps for
creating various service
Improved readability, clarity,
tone, and formatting of policy
Policy Document:
Reservation Guide
We revised the instructions
in the TRIRIGA Space
Reservation Guide to make
it easier to understand the
steps for reserving space.
Improved readability, clarity,
tone, and formatting of policy
Office of Human Resources (OHR)
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Policy Document:
Personnel Policy
Manual (PPM)
S575_4, Bar Law
License and
Continuing Legal
All eligible agency
Clarified language and
content updates using plain
writing standards.
Employees can easily
understand and apply for
reimbursement of Bar Law
Licenses and associated
continuing education
Page 7
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Policy Document:
Guidance for
Shutdown Furloughs
Updated the sections on
requesting absence to allow
all employees to make
furlough requests like leave
requests and make
procedures consistent for all
Added a new set of talking
points for meetings with
groups of only excepted
employees to streamline
meetings for frontline
managers, and expanded
guidance based on
questions from managers
and new OPM guidance.
Improved readability and
clarity for target audience.
Office of Retirement and Disability Policy (ORDP)
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Policy Document:
Inclusive Language in
This POMS reference
section explains how to
write notices using inclusive
language, specifically how
to use gender-neutral
relationship terms and
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Policy Document:
Information about the
National Beneficiary
Survey (NBS)
Data collection for the
survey started in February
2023 and ended in
December 2023.
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Examples of Mailed Materials Using Plain Writing
Office of General Counsel
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Privacy Act Request
Members of the
Office of Privacy and Disclosure
maintains templates that are
used to respond to Privacy Act
We are informing
members of the public of
these requirements in
Page 8
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Records Request
requests received by the agency.
We updated the "First Party
Claims Records Request"
template to include the identity
verification requirements for a
written, mailed, or faxed request
for access to one's own records.
our response letters so
that they can resubmit a
valid records request to
the local office. The
response letter uses a
bulleted list of
requirements for ease of
Example of a Form or Publication Using Plain Writing
Office of Communications (OCOMM)
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Social Security
Changes - COLA Fact
Sheet (
Members of the
Clarified language and
content updates using plain
writing standards
Improved readability,
clarity, tone, and formatting
of policy guidance.
Examples of Short Brochures Using Plain Writing
Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Short Brochure:
Equity Based
Members of the
This guide is used to aid
consistency across
competitive grant program
funding opportunity
announcements and to
increase Historically Black
Colleges and Universities
(HBCUs) and other
Institutions Serving Students
of Color (ISSCs) awareness
of and participation in grant
Easy to read, clear, and
Page 9
Examples of Long Brochures Using Plain Writing
Office of the Chief Actuary
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Long Brochure:
2023 OASDI Trustees
U.S. lawmakers;
Members of the
The annual report presents
the latest detailed information
on the financial state of the
OASI and DI Trust Funds that
provide the financial basis for
the operation of the Social
Security program. This is by
far the Office of the Chief
Actuary’s most requested
publication, with visits to this
webpage numbering in the
thousands. Given the high
visibility and wide-ranging
audience of this report, we try
to use plain language in the
text wherever possible.
This publication is updated
every year. We
continuously try to improve
our use of Plain Writing
concepts within the
Trustees Report wherever
Long Brochure:
Trustees Report
U.S. lawmakers;
Members of the
This document, also called
"The TR Summary" is
published annually, in
conjunction with publication of
the annual OASDI and
Medicare Trustees Reports. It
presents the highlights of the
two larger technical
documents, for more general
consumption. This year The
TR Summary was edited
substantially to incorporate
Plain Writing concepts where
possible. Edits included
simplifying text, adding white
space, adding a table of
contents and a glossary,
shortening some paragraphs.
The Plain Writing edits
made to The Report
Summary are helpful at
making the publication
easier to understand and
more appealing to read.
This serves our purpose of
getting important
information out to the
intended audience more
Page 10
Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Long Brochure:
SSA Language
Access Plan
Members of the
Public and agency
The Office of Civil Rights and
Equal Opportunity (OCREO)
has worked closely with the
Department of Justice (DOJ),
Office of Communications
(OCOMM), and the Limited
English Proficiency (LEP)
Steering Committee to update
the agency’s LAP, per
Executive Order 13166,
Improving Access to Services
for Persons with Limited
English Proficiency. This plan
is the agency’s first
comprehensive LEP
policy/plan, which was a true
This policy will serve as a
guide to aid employees in
assisting customers with
Limited English and/or
Deaf/Hard of Hearing.
Office of Retirement and Disability Policy (ORDP)
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Long Brochure:
Your Payments While
You Are Outside the
United States
Claimants and
residing, or
planning to reside,
outside of the
United States
We made inclusive and plain
language improvements, and
we updated facts in the
publication to be current.
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Office of Budget, Finance and Management
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Long Brochure:
Division of Furniture
Support (DFS)
Furniture Offerings
Internal Agency
(Regional Field
Services Staff,
Facilities Staff,
The DFS Offerings provides
agency customers with a
consolidated document that
outlines and illustrates agency
standard furniture products
and services.
Improved communication
and reference material
available for supported
Page 11
Examples of Newsletters & Reports Using Plain Writing
Office of Analytics, Review & Oversight
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Executive Director's
Broadcast (Office of
Appellate Operations
(OAO) Newsletter)
Office of Appellate
We continue to use plain
writing principles in our
monthly component
newsletter, which remind
employees about policy
updates, provides information
and summaries about training,
and share best practices in
drafting Appeals Council
documents for the public.
Improved readability,
clarity, tone, and formatting
of Appeals Council notices,
orders, decisions, and
internal deliberative
Office of Human Resources
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Holiday Early Close
Content and plain language
To ensure employees
understand the procedure to
submit timesheets during a
holiday and to make sure
they are paid on time.
2023 National Work
and Family Month
Content and plain language
Provide information on
work/life programs that are
available to assist
Page 12
Examples of Blog Posts & Summaries Using Plain Writing
Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Center for
Prevention Webpage
New site created to support
the establishment of the
Center for Harassment
Employees can find the
agency's policy on
harassment and how to
report an allegation of
harassment. Additionally,
employees can find
information on civility in the
workplace, including tips
that can be applied to daily
Center for Compliance
Created to support the
establishment of the Center
for Compliance Management
Employees can identify the
appropriate forms the
public should use to report
allegations of
discrimination as well as
the agency's policies on the
Office of Retirement and Disability Policy (ORDP)
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Blog Post:
Making the Most of
Your Ticket: Work with
Your State VR Agency
and An Employment
Members of the
This is a new blog post that
explains Partnership Plus
and how two former
beneficiaries used it to
extend the employment
support services they
received, which led to them
exiting the disability rolls.
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Blog Post:
Mental Health Support
on the Job:
Members of the
This is a new blog post that
explains what reasonable
job accommodations are
and how specific ones, such
as having a job coach and
requesting a flexible
schedule, may assist
workers with mental health
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Page 13
Example of a Public Inquiry Reply Using Plain Writing
Office of Budget, Finance and Management
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Public Inquiry Reply:
FY 2023 Agency
Financial Report-
Message from the
Acting Commissioner
public, other
Each year we work to
ensure that the Message
from the Acting
Commissioner follows the
QUICC Handbook, adheres
to Plain Language
principles, and presents a
well-rounded and candid
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Public Inquiry Reply:
FY 2024 Budget
Members of the
We updated graphics and
added more language in
plain writing explaining our
budget request.
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Public Inquiry reply:
FY 2022-2024 Annual
Performance Plan and
Members of the
We updated graphics and
added more language in
plain writing explaining our
performance plan.
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Examples of Webpages Using Plain Writing Principles
The following examples demonstrate improvements to webpages used mostly by the public and
other external stakeholders. Please see Appendix A for examples.
Office of the Chief Actuary
Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Solvency Provisions
U.S. Congress;
Members of the
This site provides information
on the actuarial effects
expected to result from
changes to individual policy
factors governing the Social
Security program. We strive to
present this information clearly
and understandably, to a
possibly non-technical
audience, using plain
We update these pages
regularly, always trying to
improve our outreach
using plain language
whenever possible.
Page 14
Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
The 2023 OASDI
Trustees Report
U.S. Congress;
Members of the
We use plain language in the
text wherever possible.
We improved our use of
plain writing concepts
within the Trustees
Solvency Proposals
U.S. Congress;
Organizations that
request legislative
affecting Social
This site provides actuarial
analysis of legislative
proposals to affect Social
Security, brought by
Congressional or related
entities. While analytical results
are necessarily technical, we
are mindful that part of our duty
is to explain actuarial concepts
and analytical results in terms
understandable to non-
actuaries. Thus, we strive to
use plain language in our write-
up of the results as much as
We strive to improve
clarity and outreach using
plain language concepts
in our response to
requests from non-
Office of General Counsel
Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Electronic Request for
Consent to Disclose
Members of the
The agency implemented
webform SSA-3288-OP1,
Consent for Disclosure of
Records Protected Under
the Privacy Act, in July
2023. To provide the public
with information about how
they can use the webform,
we added the "Electronic
Request for Consent to
Disclose" page to the public
Privacy Program webpage.
We made the public aware of
the new webform SSA-3288-
OP1 and provided the public
with the link to access to the
webform. We note that OPD
is currently working on
updates to this specific
webpage to make it more
customer friendly.
Page 15
Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA)
Members of the
We added language to our
FOIA webpage to notify the
public of changes to FOIA
Case Management
Solutions in FY 2023 and
possible delays in case
processing. We also
updated all the old case
management links with the
new link so requesters can
electronically submit FOIA
requests to SSA.
We made the public aware of
the new webform SSA-3288-
OP1 and provided the public
with the link to access to the
webform. We note that OPD
is currently working on
updates to this specific
webpage to make it more
customer friendly.
Freedom of
Information Act
(FOIA), Public Access
Link (PAL)
Members of the
The public can submit FOIA
requests electronically to
SSA via our PAL.
This is a new webpage for
this calendar year. The
agency transitioned from
FOIA online to FOIA Xpress
this year. The PAL allows the
public to submit FOIA
requests through FOIA
Office of Communications (OCOMM)
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Online Press
Olivia and Liam
Remain Most Popular
Baby Names for 2022
Members of the
Public; Media
Outlets; Agency
employees; Third-
party stakeholders
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Cost of Living Website
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Online Cost of Living
Fact Sheet
Members of the
Public; Media
Outlets; Agency
employees; Third-
party stakeholders
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Page 16
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Limited English
Proficiency (LEP)
Communications Hub,
new SharePoint site
and 800# front line
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
SSA Open Data |
Quarterly Spoken
Preferences of AAPI
RSI Initial Claims
Members of the
Public; Media
Outlets; Agency
employees; Third-
party stakeholders
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
SSA Open Data |
Quarterly Spoken
Preferences of AAPI
ESRD Medicare Initial
Members of the
Public; Media
Outlets; Agency
employees; Third-
party stakeholders
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
SSA Open Data |
Quarterly Spoken
Preferences of AAPI
SSDI Initial Claims
Members of the
Public; Media
Outlets; Agency
employees; Third-
party stakeholders
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
SSA Open Data |
Quarterly Spoken
Preferences of AAPI
SSI Aged Initial
Members of the
Public; Media
Outlets; Agency
employees; Third-
party stakeholders
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
SSA Open Data |
Quarterly Spoken
Preferences of AAPI
SSI Blind and
Disabled Initial Claims
Members of the
Public; Media
Outlets; Agency
employees; Third-
party stakeholders
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Page 17
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
SSA Open Data |
Annual Spoken
Preferences of AAPI
RSI Initial Claims
Members of the
Public; Media
Outlets; Agency
employees; Third-
party stakeholders
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
SSA Open Data |
Annual Spoken
Preferences of AAPI
ESRD Medicare Initial
Members of the
Public; Media
Outlets; Agency
employees; Third-
party stakeholders
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
SSA Open Data |
Annual Spoken
Preferences of AAPI
SSDI Initial Claims
Members of the
Public; Media
Outlets; Agency
employees; Third-
party stakeholders
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
SSA Open Data |
Annual Spoken
Preferences of AAPI
SSI Aged Initial
Members of the
Public; Media
Outlets; Agency
employees; Third-
party stakeholders
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
SSA Open Data |
Annual Spoken
Preferences of AAPI
SSI Blind and
Disabled Initial Claims
Members of the
Public; Media
Outlets; Agency
employees; Third-
party stakeholders
Applied plain language
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Office of Hearing Operations
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Online Video Hearings
at the Social Security
All SSA claimants
Simplified information.
Easier understanding and
application of the Online
Video Hearing option.
Page 18
Office of Operations
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Secure Messaging for
Message Center text
notification users
Members of the
my1099 expanded
functionality to provide
customers with access to
historical benefit statements
for any of the past 6 years
for which benefits were
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Secure Messaging for
Message Center text
notification users
Members of the
Aims to provide my Social
Security Message Center
text message users
information about text
commands such as STOP
and HELP.
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Business Services
Online Employer Page
Members of the
We aim to provide clear
instructions for the employer
community regarding filing
of wage reports and
requirements. Emergency
messages and other
pertinent information are
communicated on the web
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Emergency Message -
Instructions for
Posting Death to
Cross Referenced
Provided instructions for
technicians to post a date of
death to a cross referenced
SSN when proven. These
instructions were not
available in POMS prior to
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Emergency Message -
Updated Process to
Transfer HALE Cases
Provided instructions to
technicians to transfer
HALE requests from field
offices to OCO/CASI via
email rather than USPS or
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Page 19
Type and Name of
Communication Audience Improvements Result
Emergency Message -
Enumeration Holding
Provided instructions to field
offices and social security
card centers with an option
to use an electronic holding
file for pending enumeration
applications instead of a
paper file.
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Transfers and
This website, created in
June 2023, provides
Agency employees with
guidance on how to request
a hardship transfer or
reassignment. The website
provides a brief description
of the hardship and
reassignment requirements.
This website also provides
employees with a list of
forms needed to request a
transfer or reassignment.
Instructions about where to
send completed documents
is included within the
Used plain language
principles to improve
readability and
Training on Plain Writing Principles
Office of Human Resources/Office of Strategy, Learning, and
Workforce Development:
Agency-wide Training (Online Courses & Classroom Training Writing and General
Training Course
Number of
Employees Trained
Training Duration
Advanced Business Writing
92 16 hours
Business Writing and Grammar
98 16 hours
Leadership Competency Series: Written
50 26 min
Page 20
Training Course
Number of
Employees Trained Training Duration
Communicating & Interviewing Part II Oral and
Written Communication
24 1 hour 30 min
Principles of Plain Language (Operations)
27 min
Principles of Plain Language Part 1
130 19 min
Principles of Plain Language Part 2
93 32 min
Principles of Plain Language Part 3 Workshop
12 min
Audience And Purpose in Business Writing
116 29 min
Headquarters Component Training
(Any classroom training not sponsored by the Office of Strategy, Learning, and Workforce
Office of Analytics, Review, and Oversight
Training Course
Number of
Employees Trained Training Duration
OAO Supplemental Training Exchange: How to
Write Excellent Grant Review Notices & Appeals
Council Decisions
2 hours
OAO Supplemental Training Exchange: Efficient
Analysis Writing Training
2 hours
Writing Analyses
30 min
Effective Writing Skills
1 hour 30 min
AC Decision Drafting
1 hour
Drafting Denial Notices
1 hour 45 min
Drafting Remand Orders
1 hour 30 min
Office of Operations
Training Course
Number of
Employees Trained Training Duration
Effective Presentations, Written and Oral
Communication - Public Affairs Training for New
Supervisors/Managers - LE 4.2
2 hours
Critical Congressional Unit: Virtual Detailees
2 hours
Page 21
Training Course
Number of
Employees Trained Training Duration
RO Analyst Training: Introduction to Business
3 hours
Cogs and Wheels Training: Email protocols and
Correspondence/Written Communication
1 hour
TL 301/Nuts and Bolts: Written Communication
45 min
Business Writing and Grammar
1 hour
Plain Writing Presentation
1 hour
Office of Communications
Training Course
Number of
Employees Trained Training Duration
Implementing Plain Language as a strategic priority
36 hours
How to get started with the first International
Standards Organization (ISO) plain language
1.5 hours
Plain Writing for Government Employees
16 hours
Page 22
Agency Activities and Accomplishments
To help our employees communicate with the public as clearly and effectively as possible, we
offer plain writing training throughout the year. We offer online resources about plain writing to
both employees and the public. In addition, many components use Acrolinx and Microsoft’s spell
check and grammar check tools to check their internal and external documents and webpages
for compliance with plain writing guidelines.
Our agency’s plain writing activities include:
Online training, classroom training, and workshops.
Ongoing review of webpages and documents.
Access to online resources, desk guides, and VODs.
Our components are committed to communicating with the public clearly and concisely, and we
strive to create webpages and documents that are easy to understand. We continue to be
recognized by other agencies and organizations, including the Center for Plain Language, for
the clarity of our webpages and documents, and high marks on the annual Federal Plain Writing
Report Card.
Team Accomplishments
The Team oversees agencys Plain Language Program, including plain language compliance
efforts of the agency. The Team encourages plain writing for communications so that language
we use is useful and easily understood.
To this end, the team:
Worked with the Chief Business Office, website content owner, to ensure pages being
evaluated by the Center for Plain Language for the Federal Plain Language Report Card
adhered to the best plain language practices.
Received the highest grades in federal government on the most recent Federal Plain
Language Report Card:
o A+ - for Organizational Compliance.
o A - for Writing Quality.
Solicited and developed new ideas for engaging writers throughout the agency.
Maintained a Plain Language Project Plan and Work Matrix to be proactive with plain
language efforts.
Engaged with other plain language entities (such as the Center for Plain Language, Plain
Language Action & Information Network, Plain Language Community of Practice, other
government agency plain language employees, and Acrolinx) to discuss best practices
and ways to engage with writers in the agency and the broader plain language
Conducted plain language presentations for numerous agency components and events:
Office of Human Resources
Page 23
National Public Affairs Training Conference
Office of Payment and Recovery Policy
Office of Retirement and Disability Policy
Office of Systems
Reviewed and revised written communication products (such as the Statement, agency
webpages, publications, external notices, and correspondence) to ensure the language is
compliant with the Act.
Actively promoted our Team’s availability to be invited to review new and revised
documents, webpages, and written communications to ensure they follow plain language
best practices.
Maintained Acrolinx licenses (editing software) for plain language writers throughout all
components of the agency.
Reviewed and responded to inquiries from the ^ mailbox.
Moving Forward
Our agency has made big strides over the past year operationalizing our plain language
activities. We see even bigger steps ahead as we strive to make plain language a part of our
agency’s cultureand a part of a wider range of communications that are distributed by Social
As we move forward, we will continue to make plain language a top priority to comply with the
law and provide the best service we can in a way that the public can easily understand. We will
continue the use of editing software tools, such as Acrolinx, to prepare and edit notices,
websites, policies, letters, external notices, and other communications. Using editing software
tools brings clarity and a consistent approach to creating and reviewing our written products.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our communications, we will continue to participate in the
Federal Plain Language Report Card and ClearMark awards processes as presented by the
Center for Plain Language. We will work with our Plain Writing Compliance Board to ensure the
distribution of our plain writing awards criteria to employees.
As we continue to use editing tools and software such as Acrolinx, we will investigate other
editing tools as well.
In support of a well-trained workforce, we will provide training resources on plain writing that
include online classes, the Commissioner’s Writing Center, and targeted classroom training.
We will continue to engage our employees and executives to put plain language principles into
practice throughout our agency’s culture and promote the use of plain writing in all our
communications, internally and externally. We will continue to engage with plain language
experts outside Social Security as we adopt best practices and aim to establish our own Plain
Language Program as the benchmark other agencies and organizations strive to emulate.
Page 24
This 2023 Plain Writing Compliance Report documents our compliance activities and
accomplishments across the agency. We achieved all the requirements of the Act. We received
an “A+” in the compliance category of the Center for Plain Language’s Report Card for federal
agencies. We received an “A” for Writing Quality based on our FOIA and Contact Us webpages.
These two grades make us the highest-scoring agency in the federal government on the most
recent Report Card issued.
This report includes information on our plain writing resources, our editing tools, and supporting
activities. We provide examples of notices, webpages, policy documents, and report the
agency’s plain writing training activities.
We receive high ratings on our websites because they are easy to read, understand, and
navigate and information is easy to find.
We are proud of our plain writing accomplishments throughout the years, and we know that it
means better service to the public. We recognize that improvements in plain writing are not a
destination, but a journey. We look forward to the next leg of that journey to provide information
in a clear, concise, and understandable way.
Page 25
Appendix A: Plain Writing Examples
1. Updated - Olivia and Liam Remain Most Popular Baby Names for 2022: Press Release
2. Updated - Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Information for 2024: Cost-of-Living
Adjustment (COLA) Information
3. Updated - Cost of Living Fact Sheet: Social Security Changes - COLA Fact Sheet
4. Updated - Solvency Provisions Webpage: Individual Changes Modifying Social Security
5. Updated - 2023 OASDI Trustees Report: The 2023 OASDI Trustees Report
6. Updated - Solvency Proposals Webpage: Proposals to Change Social Security
7. Updated - Freedom of Information Act Webpage: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) at
Social Security
8. Updated - Electronic Request for Consent to Disclose Webpage: Privacy Program
9. Updated - Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Public Access Link (PAL): PAL
10. Updated - SSA Open Data | Quarterly Spoken Language Preferences of AAPI RSI Initial
Claims: SSA Open Data | Quarterly Spoken Language Preferences of AAPI RSI Initial
11. Updated - SSA Open Data | Quarterly Spoken Language Preferences of AAPI ESRD
Medicare Initial Claims: SSA Open Data | Quarterly Spoken Language Preferences of
AAPI ESRD Medicare Initial Claims
12. Updated - SSA Open Data | Quarterly Spoken Language Preferences of AAPI ESRD
Medicare Initial Claims: SSA Open Data | Quarterly Spoken Language Preferences of
AAPI ESRD Medicare Initial Claims
Page 26
Appendix B: Plain Writing Links
This Appendix shows links to webpages and documents that support our compliance with the
1. Social Security Administration
2. Plain Writing
Plain Writing Compliance Board
3. Plain Writing Contacts
4. Plain Writing Feedback
5. 2023 Plain Writing Implementation Plan