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THIS AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made this XX Day of __________ 20XX, by and
between Beaufort County, a political subdivision of the State of South Carolina (hereinafter
referred to as “County”) and ______________, LLC. (hereinafter referred to as “Design/Builder”).
WHEREAS, the Design/Builder and the County desire to enter into an agreement to design and
construct the roads as described in RPF/RFQ/IFB XXXXXXE, subject to the terms,
specifications, conditions and provisions of the request for proposal as heretofore mentioned.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Design/Builder and the County agree to all of these terms, conditions,
specifications, provisions and the special provisions as listed below:
A. This Agreement is deemed to be under and shall be governed by and construed
according to the laws of the State of South Carolina.
B. Any litigation arising out of the Agreement shall be held only in a Circuit Court of
Beaufort County, Beaufort, South Carolina, in the Fourteenth Judicial Circuit.
C. The Design/Builder shall not sublet, assign, nor by means of a stock transfer sale
of its business, assign or transfer this Agreement without the written consent of the
D. This Agreement, including the terms, conditions, specifications and provisions
listed herein makes up the entire contract between the Design/Builder and County.
No other agreement, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this
Agreement shall be deemed to exist or bind either party hereto.
E. It is understood that this Agreement shall be considered exclusive between the
F. Any provisions of this Agreement found to be prohibited by law shall be
ineffective, to the extent of such prohibition, without invalidating the remainder of
the Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree
as follows:
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This Agreement shall consist of the terms, conditions, specifications and provisions contained in
RFP/RFQ/IFB XXXXXXE dated _______ (Exhibit “A”), the Design/Builder’s Proposal dated
____________ (Exhibit “B”) and the Approval from County Council dated _________________
(Exhibit “C”) all of which are made a part hereof and incorporated herein by reference.
In the event that there is any conflict or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this
Agreement and those of the terms and conditions of the RFP/RFQ/IFB XXXXXXE and the
responsive Bid Proposal, the terms of this Agreement shall control and govern the rights and
obligations of the Parties.
The County and Design/Builder shall not be responsible to each other for any incidental, indirect
or consequential damages incurred by either Design/Builder or County. Further, Design/Builder’s
liability to the County and any other party for any losses, injury or damages to persons or properties
or work performed arising out of/in connection with this Agreement and for any other claim,
whether the claim arises in contract, tort, statute or otherwise, shall be limited to the amount of the
total fees due to the Design/Builder from the County hereunder.
The Design/Builder does hereby agree to indemnify and save harmless the County, its officers,
agents and employees from and against any and all third party liability, claims, demands, damages,
fines, fees, expenses, penalties, suits, proceedings, actions and cost of actions, including attorney’s
fees for trial and on appeal of any kind and nature to the extent arising or growing out of or in any
way connected with the negligent performance of the Agreement, by Design/Builder, its agents,
servants or employees; provided, however that any such liability or damages shall be reduced to
the extent caused by the acts or omissions of the County.
Design/Builder shall not assign or subcontract any rights or duties of this Agreement, except to an
affiliated company, without the expressed written consent of the County, which consent shall not
be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Any assignment or subcontract without the
written consent of County shall be void and this Agreement shall terminate at the option of the
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The term of this Agreement shall begin _____________ and continue for XXX days to end on
_____________. Any request for extensions to this completion date MUST be submitted to the
County for approval.
Compensation is based on Design/Builder’s proposed fee as outlined in their proposal. The
County’s cost of this Agreement through the term of the contract shall not exceed $XXXX
(_________dollars) and will follow the fee schedule provided in the Contract proposal subject to
the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
The County and the Design/Builder agree that the Design/Builder will track the overall cost of
each task and will advise the County in writing PRIOR TO exceeding the maximum cost delineated
in this Article. This Scope of Work may be modified in the future by mutual agreement of the
County if needed to re-allocate fees among these tasks or to adjust the maximum cost not to exceed.
Work performed on this Contract will be accounted for separately by the Design/Builder.
Termination for Non-appropriation of Funds: All terms of compensation provided for herein, are
subject to the County’s procurement procedures and practices, including necessary approvals of
County Council. In the instance County Council declines to appropriate funds for compensation
under the terms provided herein, this contract shall be deemed null and void as of the end of the
then current appropriation period. Failure of County Council to appropriate funds shall not result
in any penalty nor subject the County to any liability for any claims of specific performance, writ
of mandamus, breach of contract, negligence or any other legal claim.
Design/Builder does hereby covenant, agree and hereby represent to the County that it has obtained
worker’s compensation insurance, general liability and automobile liability insurance, as well as
providing coverage against potential liability arising from and in any manner relating to the
Design/Builder’s use or occupation of the premises during the course of performing the contracted
services, all in accordance with and as described in the County’s RFP/RFQ/IFB XXXXXXE.
INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Prior to commencing work/delivery hereunder,
Contractor/Vendor, at his expense, shall furnish insurance certification showing the
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certificate holder as Beaufort County, P.O. Drawer 1228, Beaufort, SC 29901-1228,
Attention: Purchasing Director and with a special notation naming Beaufort County as an
additional insured on the liability coverage. Minimum coverage shall be as follows:
(A) Worker’s Compensation Insurance - Contractor shall have and maintain, during the
life of this contract, Worker’s Compensation Insurance for his employees
connected to the work/delivery, in accordance with the Statutes of the State of
South Carolina and any applicable laws.
(B) Commercial General Liability Insurance Contractor shall have and maintain,
during the life of this contract, Commercial General Liability Insurance. Said
Commercial General liability Policy shall contain Contractual Liability and
Products/Completed Operations Liability subject to the following minimum limits:
$1,000,000 Each Occurrence/ $2,000,000 General Aggregate and $2,000,000
Products/Completed Operations Aggregate naming Beaufort County as an
additional insured.
(C) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance - The Contractor shall have and
maintain, during the life of this contract, Comprehensive Automobile Liability,
including non-owned and hired vehicle, of at least $1,000,000 COMBINED
Contractor shall have and maintain, during the life of this contract, Umbrella
Liability Insurance with a minimum limit of $2,000,000
(E) Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) The vendor shall maintain a limit no
less than $1,000,000 per occurrence.
(F) The required insurance policy at the time of issue must be written by a company
licensed to do business in the State of South Carolina and be acceptable to the
(G) The Contractor/vendor shall not cause any insurance to be canceled or permit any
insurance to lapse. All insurance policies shall contain a clause to the effect that the
policy shall not be canceled or reduced, restricted or limited until fifteen (15) days
after the County has received written notice, as evidenced by return receipt of
registered or certified letter. Certificates of
Insurance shall contain transcript from the proper office of the insurer, the location,
and the operations to which the insurance applies, the expiration date, and the
above-mentioned notice of cancellation clause.
(H) The information described above sets forth-minimum amounts and coverages and
is not to be construed in any way as a limitation on the Contractor’s liability.
In the event of default or breach of any condition of this Agreement resulting in litigation, the
prevailing party would be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees fixed by the Court. The remedies
herein given to County shall be cumulative, and the exercise of any one remedy by the County
shall not be to the exclusion of any other remedy.
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In the event that Design/Builder fails to perform (or fails to commence the cure of any breach,
which shall be diligently prosecuted in good faith) the services described within ten (10) business
days of its receipt of a written demand from the County, County may terminate the Agreement
immediately upon notice provided such notice is at least ten (10) business days following the
County’s notice of non-performance. In the event that the County breaches any of the terms of
this Agreement including, but not limited to, non-payment, and fails to cure such breach within
fifteen (15) business days of its receipt of a written demand from the Design/Builder,
Design/Builder may terminate the Agreement immediately upon notice, provided such notice is at
least fifteen (15) business days following the Design/Builder’s notice of breach. Upon such
termination, the County has the right to award a Contract to an alternate Design/Builder.
The County will be responsible to provide the Design/Builder reasonable access to County
locations when necessary, ensure cooperation of County employees in activities reasonable and
appropriate under the project, and obtain authorization for access to third party sites, if required.
Should performance of Design/Builder services be materially affected by causes beyond its
reasonable control, a Force Majeure results. Force Majeure includes, but is not restricted to, acts
of God, acts of a legislative, administrative or judicial entity, acts of Design/Builders other than
subcontractors of Design/Builder, fires, floods, labor disturbances, and unusually severe weather.
Design/Builder will be granted a time extension and the parties will negotiate an adjustment to the
fee, where appropriate, based upon the effect of the Force Majeure upon Design/Builder’s
Every term or provision of this Agreement is severable from others. Notwithstanding any possible
future finding by a duly constituted authority that a particular term or provision is invalid, void, or
unenforceable, this Agreement has been made with the clear intention that the validity and
enforceability of the remaining parts, terms and provisions shall not be affected thereby.
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The Design/Builder shall be fully independent in performing the services and shall not act as an
agent or employee of the County. As such, the Design/Builder shall be solely responsible for its
employees, subcontractors, and agents and for their compensation, benefits, contributions and
taxes, if any.
The Design/Builder and the County shall notify each other of service of any notice of violation of
any law, regulation, permit or license relating to the services; initiation of any proceedings to
revoke any permits or licenses which relate to such services; revocation of any permits, licenses
or other governmental authorizations relating to such services; or commencement of any litigation
that could affect such services. Such notice shall be delivered by U. S. mail with proper postage
affixed thereto and addressed as follows:
County: Beaufort County Administrator
Attn: Ashley Jacobs
P. O. Drawer 1228
Beaufort, SC 29901-1228
Beaufort County
Attn: Beaufort County Purchasing Director
P. O. Drawer 1228
Beaufort, SC 29901-1228
Should the Scope of Work as noted in Article 1 of this Agreement change as a result of:
a) County requested changes to the approved Scope of Work, or
b) Increase in work needed to complete any approved Change Order as a result of
unexpected occurrence outside of the control of the Design/Builder, or
c) The County requests additional Change Orders from the Design/Builder,
Then the Design/Builder will prepare and submit to the County an amendment to the applicable
Change Order, or where no Change Order is in place of such additional services, the
Design/Builder will prepare a Change Order for the County’s review. No additional services will
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be undertaken by the Contactor without the approval of a Change Order or Change Order
Amendment by the County.
The Design/Builder shall make available and provide to the County if requested, true and complete
records with fifteen days notice, which support billing statements, reports, performance indices,
and all other related documentation. The Design/Builder agrees that it will keep and preserve for
at least three years all documents related to the Agreement, which are routinely prepared, collected
or compiled by the Design/Builder during the performance of this Agreement.
The right of the Design/Builder to proceed or otherwise perform this Agreement, and this
Agreement may be terminated if the County Administrator or her appointed designee determine,
in their sole discretion, that the Design/Builder or any officer, employee, agent, or other
representative whatsoever, of the Design/Builder offered or gave a gift or hospitality to a County
officer, employee, agent or Design/Builder for the purpose of influencing any decision to grant a
County Contract or to obtain favorable treatment under any County Contract.
All invoices for work done under this Agreement should be directed to the County Representative,
Andrea Atherton
Located at: Beaufort County Engineering Department
2266 Boundary Street
Beaufort, S.C. 29906
Invoices should include:
a) Period of time covered by the invoice
b) Summary of work performed for the billing period
c) Purchase order and Contract Number
d) Tax Identification Number
Unless otherwise indicated, all invoices must be timely and accurate.
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The County will issue Purchase Orders from properly executed requisitions for this Agreement
and each approved Change Order. The County shall not be responsible for invoices of $500 or
more that do not have a purchase order covering them.
The following are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement by reference:
a) RFP, Bid Response and Beaufort County Council Approval.
In the event that there is any conflict or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this
Agreement and those of the terms and conditions of the RFP/RFQ/IFB XXXXXXE and the
responsive Bid Proposal, the terms of this Agreement shall control and govern the rights and
obligations of the Parties
This Agreement constitutes the entire contract between the parties hereto. No
representations, warranties or promises pertaining to this Agreement have been made or shall be
binding upon any of the parties, except as expressly stated herein.
This Agreement shall be construed in accordance and governed by the laws of the
State of South Carolina.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the
day and year first above written.
Subdivision of the State of South Carolina
_____________________________ Signature: _________________________
Name: Ashley Jacobs,
County Administrator
P. O. Drawer 1228
Beaufort, SC 29901-1228
Phone: 843-255-2026
Fax: 843-255-9403
Date: __________________
WITNESSES: ___________________________.
_____________________________ Signature: ________________________
Name: ___________________________
Address: _________________________
_____________________________ Phone: ___________________________
Email: ___________________________
Date: _____________________________