24 Excerpted from
Next Step Guided Reading Assessment
Teacher’s Guide, Grades K–2 © 2013 by Jan Richardson & Maria Walther • Scholastic Inc.
Early Guided Reading Lesson Plan
In this section, we’ll walk through the Early Guided Reading Lesson
Plan; it’s a two-day plan. We recommend copying a set of these templates
(making a double-sided copy with the Early Guided Reading Anecdotal
Notes sheet on the back) to have on hand while working with your early
readers. You’ll use the same text for both days; students will finish the text
on the second day, rereading if they complete it early. Keep in mind that
while you’ve pinpointed an instructional focus in your planning, you’ll also
want to take into account what happens during the lesson when choosing
your teaching point after reading.
Day 1 LEssoN CompoNENTs
Before Reading
Sight Word Review (1 minute)
(This review is optional after Level E.)
Select from the High-Frequency Word Chart (see Appendix pages
184–185) three sight words that you have already taught. Begin by
asking learners, Are you ready for the sight word challenge for the day? Then,
dictate the words one at a time as students write them on a whiteboard.
Say, Write the word want. Think about what it looks like. Support and
scaffold writers as soon as they need help and before they write the word
incorrectly, giving prompts and visual links like:
Want is almost like went but has an a in it.
The word where has the little word here in it.
The word they has the little word the in it.
Place a check on the High-Frequency Word Chart for each word students
wrote correctly without any prompts or help. Students should have at least
six check marks for each word before it is considered a known word.
190 Next Step Guided Reading Assessment © 2013 by Jan Richardson & Maria Walther • Scholastic Inc.
Early Guided Reading Lesson Plan (Levels D–I)
Title: Level:
Instructional Focus:
Day 1 Date: Day 2 Date:
Before Reading
Sight Word Review (optional after Level E) (1 minute)
Sight Word Review (optional after Level E) (1 minute)
Book Introduction (3–4 minutes)
This book is about
New vocabulary:
Book Introduction (1 minute)
Briefly review reading from Day 1 and invite students to continue
reading the text from Day 1.
During Reading
Text Reading With Prompting (5–8 minutes) Prompt for self-monitoring, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension as needed.
Something didn’t make sense, did it?
What can you do?
Are you right? Does that make sense
and look right?
Read that sentence again, think about
the story, and what would make sense.
I noticed that you self-corrected.
That’s what readers do!
Think about the story and try something
that looks right.
You figured out that tricky word by
yourself. How did you figure that out?
Cover the ending. Is there a part you
know? Try that again and think,
“What would make sense?”
Do you know another word that looks
like this one?
Break the word into parts and think
about what would make sense.
Think about the two words that make
up that contraction.
Can you think of a word that has
the same part in it?
Look at the picture/text feature to help
you understand that word.
Reread that sentence the way the
character might say it.
Put these words together so it sounds
Tell me about what you just read. What
happened at the beginning?
How does the character feel now?
Why do you think that character did that?
What might the character do next?
After Reading
Teaching Points (1–2 minutes) From your quick observations, select a decoding, self-monitoring, fluency, vocabulary, or
comprehension strategy to quickly demonstrate and teach. See Early Guided Reading Prompts and Teaching Points Chart on page 192.
Comprehension Conversation (1–2 minutes)
Can you retell the story or recount
important facts that you learned?
Beginning-Middle-End (B-M-E)
Five-Finger Retell
Comprehension Conversation
What are you thinking? What did you notice?
Do you have any questions about what you’ve read?
What was your opinion of that book? Does anyone have a different opinion?
What kind of text is this? Have you read any other texts like this?
How are
books different from books?
How do you think (character) feels about that?
What was the big idea/central message/lesson/moral? Why do you think that?
Teach Sight Word (1–2 minutes) (optional after Level E)
Teach Sight Word (1–2 minutes) (optional after Level E)
Word Study (choose one; 5–7 minutes)
Picture sorts Sound boxes
Making words Analogy charts
Guided Writing (8–10 mi nute s)
Levels D & E: Dictated or open-ended sentence
Levels F–I: Beginning-Middle-End, or Somebody-Wanted-But-So
The Early Guided Reading Lesson Plan
found on page 190 in the Appendix is
a template you can use to plan your
lessons. Each component of the lesson
is described in detail here and appears in
brief on the template.
planninG support
& sample lesson
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25Excerpted from
Next Step Guided Reading Assessment
Teacher’s Guide, Grades K–2 © 2013 by Jan Richardson & Maria Walther • Scholastic Inc.
Book Introduction (3–4 minutes)
Gist Statement: Begin your book introduction with a focused gist
statement. For early readers, name the characters in the book and
briefly describe the problem. In an informational text, state the
main idea and what children might learn from reading the book.
Picture Walk and Introduce New Vocabulary: Before
students read the text, it is essential that you provide time
for them to “walk” through the text using the illustrations to
construct meaning and discuss what is going to happen in the
book. As children are doing this, help them notice and discuss
the following:
» Unfamiliar vocabulary and concepts. Use pictures and kid-friendly definitions to
explain what the word or concept means. To help children remember, invite them
to repeat the word.
» New words that may be difficult to decode. As students are “walking” through
the text, point out any unfamiliar words. For example, the word
appear in the text. Simply say,
I see a tricky word on this page. Point to this word
[show children in their book].
This is the word
Read it with me
children to read the word aloud].
During Reading
Text Reading With Prompting (5–8 minutes)
Invite early readers to read independently (and softly) while you prompt
and observe individual students. It is helpful for early readers to read
softly rather than silently. Reading softly enables them to monitor and
recall what they’ve read. Remember that they are reading the book
independently, not chorally or as a round-robin. As you coach
individual students, remind them of the instructional focus for the
lesson. Use the prompts on the lesson plan to encourage students to
monitor for meaning, decode unfamiliar words, and improve fluency and
comprehension. Also make note of strategies you need to bring to their
attention after reading. The goal during reading is to support students as
they read and to identify what they need to learn next.
After Reading
Teaching Points (1–2 minutes)
Once all the students have read the text at least one time, invite them to
close their books. Use your observations and notes to select a teaching
point for the group from the Early Guided Reading Prompts and
Teaching Points Chart found in the Appendix on pages 192–193.
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26 Excerpted from
Next Step Guided Reading Assessment
Teacher’s Guide, Grades K–2 © 2013 by Jan Richardson & Maria Walther • Scholastic Inc.
Retelling or Comprehension Conversation (1–2 minutes)
For early readers, you have two choices for your after-reading
conversations. You will find both of these on the Early Guided Reading
Prompts and Teaching Points Chart. (See Appendix, pages 192–193.)
The first is to focus on retelling. Per the CCSS, retelling is an essential
skill for students in grades K–2. Thus, you will want to provide time for
students to practice with the different types of retelling scaffolds provided
in the lesson plan. If students are adept at retelling, or if you want to dig
a little deeper, you may wish to use the comprehension conversation
questions provided here, which are also tied to the standards. These
questions will spark conversations about readers’ opinions and ask
readers to compare and contrast texts, think about characters, and infer
the theme or central message of a text.
Teach One Sight Word (1–2 minutes)
Note: This activity is optional after Level E. See pages 135–136 for details.
Word Study (5–7 minutes)
Early readers who are reading texts at Levels D–I are still learning how
to apply phonics skills. Therefore, it is important that you spend the last
5–7 minutes of the Day 1 guided reading lesson doing one word study
activity. The four options for word study at this level are as follows:
Picture Sorts: Readers sort pictures according to their
initial consonants, medial vowels, initial digraphs, or initial
consonant blends.
Making Words: Students use magnetic letters or letter tiles to
make words that you dictate.
Sound Boxes: Students who have difficulty hearing and
encoding or writing short-vowel sounds, digraphs, or blends
may still have poor phonemic awareness skills. Slowly
articulating a word, letter by letter, while writing each letter in
a box, helps children hear sounds in sequence. Use a Sound
Box (see example at left) and dictate three or four phonetically
regular words for students to write. Target words with short
vowels, blends, and digraphs. After you dictate the word, prompt
learners to say the sounds as they write the letters in the boxes.
Select words that are not already memorized, so the students
have to rely on hearing the sounds.
Analogy Charts: Students use a T-chart or two columns to write
and sort dictated words according to their respective spelling
patterns. You can use this activity to teach the silent-e rule, vowel
patterns, and word endings.
Example of a Sound Box
l a m p
CCSS Standards for Retelling
RL.K.2 With prompting and support,
retell familiar stories, including key
RL.1.2 Retell stories, including
key details, and demonstrate
understanding of their central message
or lesson
RL.2.2 Recount stories, including
fables and folktales from diverse
cultures, and determine their central
message, lesson, or moral
RI.K.2 With prompting and support,
identify the main topic and retell key
details of a text
RI.1.2 Identify the main topic and retell
key details of a text
RI.2.2 Identify the main topic of a
multiparagraph text as well as the
focus of specific paragraphs within the
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27Excerpted from
Next Step Guided Reading Assessment
Teacher’s Guide, Grades K–2 © 2013 by Jan Richardson & Maria Walther • Scholastic Inc.
Day 2 LEssoN CompoNENTs
Before Reading
Sight Word Review (1 minute)
This review is optional after Level E.
Book Introduction (1 minute)
Briefly reintroduce the text. Today you will read to find out more about
. Introduce any new vocabulary readers might find challenging.
During Reading
Text Reading With Prompting (5–8 minutes)
Briefly review the text that students read on Day 1, and introduce any
new vocabulary they will encounter in the next section of the text.
Children continue reading from where they left off on Day 1, as you
confer with and prompt individual students based on your observations
and focus strategy. Fast finishers can reread the book (or other books
they have read in previous guided reading lessons).
After Reading
Teaching Points (1–2 minutes)
See pages 192–193 for suggestions.
Retelling or Comprehension Conversation (1–2 minutes)
Use the retelling prompts or comprehension conversation questions to
strengthen students’ ability to summarize a story, recount facts they have
learned, and/or converse about the text they have just finished reading.
Teach Sight Word
See pages 135–136.
Guided Writing (5–7 minutes)
During guided writing, learners will write a short response to the book
they have read. Next Step guided writing helps students apply the
phonetic features you have taught during the word-study portion of the
guided reading lesson. Guided writing occurs at the guided reading table
so you can support and prompt individual students, coaching them to
apply the skills and strategies you have taught. You’ll be amazed at the
amount of teaching that you can squeeze into one guided writing session.
Depending on the ability of your students, you may choose to dictate a
few sentences about the text or let students craft their own response to
the reading. See Early Guided Writing Procedures on page 150.
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28 Excerpted from
Next Step Guided Reading Assessment
Teacher’s Guide, Grades K–2 © 2013 by Jan Richardson & Maria Walther • Scholastic Inc.
Early Guided Writing Procedures
Dictate one or two sentences about the text, or provide students the opportunity to retell or summarize
their reading. If you choose to dictate a few sentences about the text, you will want to include the
New sight word taught with the book
Other familiar sight words
If your students are reading at Levels F–I and need support in summarizing a story, teach them one of
these two options. Have them practice that one before introducing the other.
Early Guided Writing Response Options
Retelling: Beginning-Middle-End – B-M-E (fiction)
Invite learners to write on separate sticky notes, three to five key words from the story. Assist
students as they group the words in sequential order under the headings B-M-E. To write their
retelling response, children use the key words from the sticky notes.
Retelling: Somebody-Wanted-But-So
Students write a summary of the story using the following framework:
Somebody—Who is the story about?
Wanted—What did this character want?
But—But, what happened?
So—So, what happened next? How did the story end?
(Adapted from Macon, Bewell, and Vogt, 1991)
As students are writing, support them in the following ways:
If a student forgets a word, prompt the writer to reread silently what he or she has written so far to
see if he or she can remember the next word. If the student still can’t remember, dictate the entire
sentence and have the child repeat it. Avoid dictating the sentence word by word for students.
After a student has finished writing his or her own response, prompt the child to reread for meaning.
The more students get in the habit of rereading their writing, the better.
If a writer misspells a sight word, erase the wrong letters and ask, What’s missing? Provide a visual
scaffold by giving a clue such as, The word where has the word here in it. If these prompts are not
successful, write the word at the top of the page and ask the child to copy it a few times.
If a writer asks how to spell a word, remind him or her that when writers want to spell a word they
say it slowly, sound by sound, or “stretch out” the word and write the sounds they know. This
practice encourages risk taking and independence. Again, you’re promoting the “I am a writer; I
can do this myself” mind-set.
If the writer forgets conventions such as correct letter formation, capitals, and end punctuation, prompt
the child to reread and edit his or her writing. If needed, model correct letter formation at the top
of the student’s guided writing booklet.
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29Excerpted from
Next Step Guided Reading Assessment
Teacher’s Guide, Grades K–2 © 2013 by Jan Richardson & Maria Walther • Scholastic Inc.
Making the Most of the Early Guided Reading
Lesson Plan Template and Anecdotal Notes Sheet
To help you make the most of these two reproducible teacher resources, follow these tips for planning
activities and recording students’ performance over the course of two days:
Make two-sided copies, with the Lesson Plan template on one side and Anecdotal Notes sheet
on the other.
Jot down your plan notes before meeting with your early guided reading group as follows:
» Title: Write the title and level of the book you’ll be using.
» Instructional Focus: After pinpointing your instructional focus, write it on the top of the
Lesson Plan sheet, along with the date.
Before Reading
» Sight Word Review: Select three previously taught sight words from the High-Frequency Word Chart
(found in the Appendix on pages 184–185). Remember that this part of the lesson is optional after Level E.
» Book Introduction: Create a gist statement to introduce the book and preview any new vocabulary.
After Reading
» Teaching Point: Choose a strategy to model based on your observations during the reading.
Consult the Early Guided Reading Prompts and Teaching Points Chart on pages 192–193 for ideas.
» Retelling or Comprehension Conversation: Select a retelling option or comprehension conversation
question to spark a discussion.
» Teach One Sight Word: Choose the new sight word to teach. If possible, select a sight word that appears
in the text you are reading. Remember that this portion of the lesson is optional after Level E.
» Word Study: Select one activity and note the phonetic element(s) you will be targeting.
Write the names of the group members on the Anecdotal Notes sheet. Record your observations
during the lesson here, noting with a plus (+), check (
), or minus (–) how well students self-
monitor, use decoding strategies, read fluently, retell, and comprehend. There’s also space for you
to record any observations that will help you make instructional decisions for your students.
Now let’s take a look at a sample Lesson Plan template, which Maria has annotated with her thinking
about the group based on her assessment data. Evan’s assessment data is shown below; he is part of this
early guided reading group. You can see his complete Reading Record on page 106.
Evan’s assessment data from a Reading Record of a Level I text
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30 Excerpted from
Next Step Guided Reading Assessment
Teacher’s Guide, Grades K–2 © 2013 by Jan Richardson & Maria Walther • Scholastic Inc.
Putting the Three-Part Framework Into Action
Page 106 shows Maria’s analysis of Evan’s Reading Record; she transferred his data to the
Reading Assessment Conference Class Profile. Then, she grouped him with other readers
who were at a similar level and had similar needs. Now it is time to use all of the data to
plan an early guided reading lesson for Evan and his groupmates. Take a peek at Maria’s
thinking as she prepares to teach Evan’s group.
Since Evan and the other members of his group need work on fluency, I chose the Level I book
Animal Snackers
by Betsy Lewin because the book contains rhyming four-line poems that I
knew the children would enjoy reading, rereading, and possibly sharing in a readers theater
style with the class.
Some of the poems in this book had challenging vocabulary for a Level I text. Since I previewed the book before
reading it with the group, I knew I would have to introduce and discuss the words
from the poem
“Gorilla,” and
found in the poem “Ostrich.”
Knowing that Evan is relying mainly on visual cues, I know that the prompt I will be using the most often is, “Does
that make sense and look right?”
One of the CCSS standards for first grade is that children should be able to explain the differences between books
that tell stories and books that give information (RL.1.5). We’ve been having these discussions throughout the
year, but I chose this discussion question for Evan’s group about this particular text because it is not as easy to
categorize as some. The book has cartoon-like illustrations and includes rhyming poems. I thought this would give
students an opportunity to share their opinions and give evidence from the text to support those opinions.
I chose to use the Analogy Chart with Evan and his group because although Evan was relying on visual cues to
figure out words, his miscues indicated that he was mainly using the beginning sounds of the words and not
looking through words to the end. The Analogy Chart would encourage the children to look at the end of the word
to determine whether it is a short- or long-vowel/silent-
word. Also, I know from the Word Knowledge Inventory
that Evan and the other members of his group still need a little extra practice with consonant blends, so when I
was thinking of words to dictate for the Analogy Chart, I included words with consonant blends to reinforce
that skill.
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31Excerpted from
Next Step Guided Reading Assessment
Teacher’s Guide, Grades K–2 © 2013 by Jan Richardson & Maria Walther • Scholastic Inc.
Sample Early Lesson Plan
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32 Excerpted from
Next Step Guided Reading Assessment
Teacher’s Guide, Grades K–2 © 2013 by Jan Richardson & Maria Walther • Scholastic Inc.
Tracking Progress of Evan’s Group
of Early Readers
Each time this group reads and rereads the guided reading book, Maria
observes and records (with a +,
, or –) whether each child is self-
monitoring, decoding, and reading with fluency and expression. After
reading, she notes in the same fashion whether each child is able to retell
and participate in the comprehension conversation. Then, she jots down
any other observations and her next steps on the Early Guided Reading
Anecdotal Notes sheet found in Appendix on page 191. She keeps track
of their known sight words on the High-Frequency Word Chart found in
Appendix on pages 184–185. After two or three weeks, she looks over
her notes to determine whether or not the group, or a child in the group,
is ready to move to the next level of books. She considers whether or not
they are consistent (receiving a lot of plus marks) on the focus strategies
she’s taught and prompted. If she’s unsure whether or not they are ready
to move on to the next level, she can do a quick reading record before
moving them to that level.
When Do You Take Early Readers to the Next
Step—Transitional Guided Reading?
You can consider moving students to the Transitional Guided Reading
Lesson Plan when they can:
Achieve an instructional reading level of J or above
Read and write a large bank of sight words
Monitor by using meaning and visual cues
Decode new words by integrating a variety of strategies
Reread at point of difficulty to access meaning and structure
Reread for fluency, phrasing, and expression
Remember and retell what they have read
Apply phonic elements such as blends, vowel combinations,
silent-e rule, and endings to both reading and writing
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