Colton Joint Unified School District Course of Study
High School Course Description for Honors Chemistry w/Lab
Secondary Curriculum Council Approved: May, 2013 Board approved: August 13, 2013 Page 1 of 20
Course Title: Honors Chemistry w/Lab
Curricular Area: Science
Course Number: TBD
Length: One year
Grade Level: 11-12
1 year of Algebra w/ B or better
Geometry w/ B or better or taking Geometry
1 year of Biology and/or Earth Science w/B or
Meets a UC a-g Requirement: Yes
Meets NCAA Requirement: Yes
Meets High School Graduation Requirement for:
Laboratory Physical Science
Course Description
Honors Chemistry is an in-depth investigation of matter, structures, reactions and changes designed to prepare the
students to continue their studies in science in AP Chemistry and at the college level.. From the basics of atomic
structure to a deeper understanding of the matter-energy relationships associated with a wide range of physical and
chemical changes, students will use many tools to gain an understanding of the chemical world. Honors Chemistry is
an inquiry-based course in which laboratory work, observational skills, critical thinking, the writing of arguments
related to specific chemistry content, and clearly-written explanations of technical processes and experiments are
developed and honed by building an excellent foundation for further science exploration.
Students should possess curiosity, the ability to follow instructions, a respect for safety while dealing with
chemicals, and knowledge of fundamental mathematics.
Lab activities will include the use of data collection devices and utilization of computer analysis of data. Formal
lab reports will include pre-lab requirements for researching each topic, answering questions to ensure the
understanding of the topics under investigation, as well as, a formal presentation of the results of the experiment, an
analysis of the results, and logical conclusions based on theory and actual results.
This course meets the UC a - g entrance requirements, and is aligned with the Science Content Standards for
California Public Schools Grades Nine through TwelveChemistry. It is also based on the Next Generation
Science Standards (NGSS) to reflect a deeper inquiry approach to chemistry. Each semester, students will complete
a project that addresses the following NGSS scientific and engineering practices that students should engage in
throughout their K-12 education.
1. Asking questions and defining problems
2. Developing and using models
3. Planning and carrying out Investigations
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
5. Using mathematics, information and computer technology, and computational thinking
6. Construction explanations and designing solutions
7. Engaging in argument from evidence and
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.
Alignment with Common Core Standards for Literacy in Science: This course is created to meet these
requirements. Quarterly projects requiring research projects and writing over an extended time frame to allow
summarizing research, reflecting on the implications of the topics and revision of the written document will be
completed. The key concepts of these standards that students will need to meet are:
Reading Standards for Literacy in Science:
Colton Joint Unified School District Course of Study
High School Course Description for Honors Chemistry w/Lab
Secondary Curriculum Council Approved: May, 2013 Board approved: August 13, 2013 Page 2 of 20
Key Ideas and Details
1. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions
the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account.
2. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information
presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms.
3. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or
performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text.
Craft and Structure
4. Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a
specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 1112 texts and topics.
5. Analyze how the text structures information or ideas into categories or hierarchies, demonstrating understanding
of the information or ideas.
6. Analyze the author’s purpose in providing an explanation, describing a procedure, or discussing an experiment in
a text, identifying important issues that remain unresolved.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
7. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative
data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
8. Evaluate the hypotheses, data, analysis, and conclusions in a science or technical text, verifying the data when
possible and corroborating or challenging conclusions with other sources of information.
9. Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into acoherent
understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible
science/technical texts in the grades 11CCR text
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
10. By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend science/technical texts in the grades 11CCR text complexity band
independently and proficiently.
Writing Standards for Literacy in Science, and Technical Subjects 612
Text Types and Purposes
1. Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
a. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the
claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences the
claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly and thoroughly, supplying the most relevant data and evidence
for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims in a
discipline-appropriate form that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level, concerns, values, and
possible biases.
c. Use words, phrases, and clauses as well as varied syntax to link the major sections of the text, create
cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and
between claim(s) and counterclaims.
d. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of
the discipline in which they are writing.
e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from or supports the argument presented.
2. Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/
experiments, or technical processes.
Colton Joint Unified School District Course of Study
High School Course Description for Honors Chemistry w/Lab
Secondary Curriculum Council Approved: May, 2013 Board approved: August 13, 2013 Page 3 of 20
a. Introduce a topic and organize complex ideas, concepts, and information so that each new element builds
on that which precedes it to create a unified whole; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g.,
figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
b. Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions,
concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge
of the topic.
c. Use varied transitions and sentence structures to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and
clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts.
d. Use precise language, domain-specific vocabulary and techniques such as metaphor, simile, and analogy
to manage the complexity of the topic; convey a knowledgeable stance in a style that responds to the
discipline and context as well as to the expertise of likely readers.
e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation
provided (e.g., articulating implications or the significance of the topic).
Production and Distribution of Writing
3. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
4. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach,
focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.
5. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in
response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information.
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
6. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated
question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the
subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
7. Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches
effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the specific task, purpose, and audience;
integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance
on any one source and following a standard format for citation..
8. Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Range of Writing
9. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single
sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Colton Joint Unified School District Course of Study
High School Course Description for Honors Chemistry w/Lab
Secondary Curriculum Council Approved: May, 2013 Board approved: August 13, 2013 Page 4 of 20
Instructional Materials
Required Textbook(s)
1. Holt Chemistry. Meyers,
Oldham and Tocci. Holt,
Reinhart and Wilson
ISBN: 0-03-092204-6
Supplemental Materials
1. Holt Modern Chemistry.
Davis, Frey, Sarquis and
2. Instructor’s resource Center
on DVD
3. Vernier Chemistry Labs
4. Class set subscription to
ChemMatters and teacher’s
subscription to Chemical
Education, both ACS
Web Sites: Web sites will be
identified and utilized to offer
opportunities outside of class to
explore topics in greater detail
and greater depth. The following
represent several options.
Grading Criteria
Activities Percentage
Homework/Class work ........................................................ 15%
Research papers and projects .............................................. 15%
Laboratory activities ......................................................... 30%*
Benchmark Tests/ Quizzes ................................................ 30%*
Final Examination ............................................................... 10%
Total: 100%
* Grading will be more heavily weighted toward Labs/projects and Tests/Quizzes to prepare the students for
the focus of the AP course which requires students to perform in a test environment.
Development Team: This course of study was written and updated by Rodger Golgart, GTHS. Materials were
reviewed by Michael Gill, BHS, and Armando Ponce, CHS.
Colton Joint Unified School District Course of Study
Instructional Guide for Honors Chemistry w/Lab
Secondary Curriculum Council Approved: Board approved: Page 5 of 20
Learning Experiences and Instruction:
Teachers utilize the Direct Interactive Instruction model to introduce new skills and concepts that are essential to the
grade level content standards, then reinforce and develop those skills each quarter with the goal of bringing students to
mastery by the end of the fourth quarter. All instruction will be based on the “I do, We do, You do” scaffolding model
with an emphasis on individual differentiation as needed. Teachers will use a variety of the following:
Inquiry-based learning
Engaged reading
Reciprocal teaching
Cloze reading & writing
Guided reading &
Cognitive modeling
Questioning strategies
Student-led groups
Peer pairing
Support for English Language Learners:
Extra time or modified versions of assignments will be given. The District will provide a language assistant. Additional
strategies will be developed through the Response to Intervention plans such as:
SDAIE strategies
Texts/materials in first
Flexible grouping
Structured engagement
Peer pairing
Academic vocabulary
Stretching the Lesson for GATE Students:
Differentiated curriculum will be provided to challenge the student and provide the student with opportunities to develop
their identified talent. Teachers will use a variety of the following:
Independent study
supplemented with
Depth & Complexity
Modified texts
Modified assignments
Flexible grouping
Inquiry-based Learning
Colton Joint Unified School District Course of Study
High School Pacing Guide for Honors Chemistry w/Lab
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Semester 1Quarter 1
Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 1
The Science of Chemistry
Topics: Mass, volume, density, units, conversions,
molecules, compounds, mixtures
Key Assignments
- Lab
o Procedures & Safety
o Density Lab
- Interactive notebook
- Project Commitments for S-1 project
Chemical Bonds
2d. Students know the atoms and molecules in liquids
move in a random pattern relative to one another because
the intermolecular forces are too weak to hold the atoms
or molecules in a solid form.
Chemical Thermodynamics
7b. Students know chemical processes can either release
(exothermic) or absorb (endothermic) thermal energy.
To be able to:
Distinguish between physical and chemical
Classify changes of matter as physical or chemical
Identify four observations that suggest a chemical
change has taken place.
Explain gas, liquid and solid particles in terms of
Distinguish between a mixture and a pure substance.
Learn the names and symbols and masses of key
Be able to list the characteristics of metals,
metalloids, and nonmetals.
Chapter 2
Matter and Energy
Topics: Temperature, heat, energy, conservation of
energy, scientific notation, sig figs, precision,
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o Specific Heat Capacity
- Interactive notebook
- Enthalpy problems
- Project presentations (see chapter 1)
4e. Students know how to convert between the Celsius
and Kelvin temperature scales.
4f. Students know there is no temperature lower than 0
Chemical Thermodynamics
7a. Students know how to describe temperature and heat
flow in terms of the motion of molecules (or atoms).
7b. Students know chemical processes can either release
(exothermic) or absorb (endothermic) thermal energy.
Investigation and Experimentation
1a: Select and use appropriate tools and technology to
perform tests, collect data, analyze relationships and
display data
1b: Identify and communicate sources of unavoidable
experimental error
1c: Identify possible reason for inconsistent results
1d: Formulate explanations by using logic and evidence
1f: distinguish between hypothesis and theory as scientific
To be able to:
Explain chemical and physical changes in terms of
transfers of energy.
Distinguish between heat and temperature.
Be able to convert between Celsius and Kelvin
Apply the conservation of matter and energy to
chemical and physical changes.
Describe how to use the scientific method.
Understand the use of controls and dependent and
independent variables.
Explain the difference between an hypothesis, a
theory and a law.
Distinguish between accuracy and precision in
experimental results.
Calculate changes in energy to calculate specific
Use scientific notation and significant figures.
Colton Joint Unified School District Course of Study
High School Pacing Guide for Honors Chemistry w/Lab
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Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 3
Atoms and Moles
Topics: Atomic theory, structure of atoms, electron
configuration, counting atoms
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o Emission spectra of gases
- Interactive notebook
- Energy of energy level transitions calculations
- Project presentations (see chapter 1)
Investigation and Experimentation
g. Recognize the usefulness and limitations of models and
theories as scientific representations of reality.
k. Recognize the cumulative nature of scientific evidence.
Atomic and Molecular Structure
e. Students know the nucleus of the atom is much smaller
than the atom yet contains most of its mass.
h.* Students know the experimental basis for Thomson’s
discovery of the electron, Rutherford’s nuclear atom,
Millikan’s oil drop experiment, and Einstein’s explanation
of the photoelectric effect.
i.* Students know the experimental basis for the
development of the quantum theory of atomic structure
and the historical importance of the Bohr model of the
j.* Students know that spectral lines are the result of
transitions of electrons between energy levels and that
these lines correspond to photons with a frequency
related to the energy spacing between levels by using
Planck’s relationship (E=hv )
Conservation of Matter and Stoichiometry
3 b. Students know the quantity one mole is set
by defining one mole of carbon 12 atoms to have
a mass of exactly 12 grams.
c. Students know one mole equals 6.02x10
(atoms or molecules).
To be able to:
State the three laws that support existence of atoms
State the 5 principles of John Dalton’s atomic theory.
Understand the evolution of the models of the atom.
Explain how emission spectra of elemental gases
provide information about the electron energy levels.
Write the electron configuration of an atom using the
aufbau principle, Hund’s rule and the Pauli Exclusion
Describe the significance of the 4 quantum numbers.
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High School Pacing Guide for Honors Chemistry w/Lab
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Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 4
The Periodic Table
Topics: Periodic law, structure of periodic table,
trends in periodic table, origin of elements
Key Assignments
- Exercise:
o Periodicity of Aliens
- Interactive notebook
- Project presentations (see chapter 1)
- Poster for periodic trends
Atomic and Molecular Structure
1. a. Students know how to relate the position of an
element in the periodic table to its atomic number and
atomic mass. b. Students know how to use the periodic
table to identify metals, semimetals, nonmetals, and
c. Students know how to use the periodic table to identify
alkali metals, alkaline earth metals and transition metals,
trends in ionization energy, electro-negativity, and the
relative sizes of ions and atoms.
d. Students know how to use the periodic table to
determine the number of electrons available for bonding.
e. Students know the nucleus of the atom is much smaller
than the atom yet contains most of its mass.
f.* Students know how to use the periodic table to identify
the lanthanide, actinide, and transactinide elements and
know that the transuranium elements were synthesized
and identified in laboratory experiments through the use of
nuclear accelerators.
g.* Students know how to relate the position of an element
in the periodic table to its quantum electron configuration
and to its reactivity with other elements in the table.
2. g.* Students know how electronegativity and ionization
energy relate to bond formation.
To be able to:
Describe the historical development of the periodic
Describe the organization of the periodic table
according to the periodic law.
Locate the families of the main group elements,
describe their characteristic properties, and relate
these properties to their electron configuration.
Locate metals on the periodic table and relate their
properties to their electron configuration.
Describe the periodic trends in ionization energy,
electron affinity, atomic radius, electro negativity,
ionic size, and melting and boiling points.
Appreciate how the elements in the universe were
and are formed.
Understand how particle accelerators are used to
create artificial elements.
Chapter 5
Ions and Ionic Compounds
Topics: Simple ions, ionic bonding and salts, naming
and writing formulas of ionic compounds
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o Tests for Fe(II)/Fe(III), Cu(I)/Cu(II)
- Interactive notebook
- Project presentations (see chapter 1)
1 d. Students know how to use the periodic table to
determine the number of electrons available for bonding.
g.* Students know how to relate the position of an element
in the periodic table to its quantum electron configuration
and to its reactivity with other elements in the table.
2a. Students know atoms combine to form molecules by
sharing electrons to form covalent or metallic bonds or by
exchanging electrons to form ionic bonds.
c. Students know salt crystals, such as NaCl, are
repeating patterns of positive and negative ions held
together by electrostatic attraction.
g.* Students know how electronegativity and ionization
energy relate to bond formation.
To be able to:
Relate ionic electron configuration to chemical
Determine an atom’s number of valence electrons
and use the octet rule to predict what stable ions are
likely to form.
Explain why ion’s properties are different than the
parent atom.
Describe the process of forming an ionic bond.
Explain how the nature of ionic bonds affects the
properties of ionic compounds.
Be able to name cations, anions and ionic
Understand the character of polyatomic ions and how
their formulas relate to their names.
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High School Pacing Guide for Honors Chemistry w/Lab
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Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 6
Covalent Compounds
Topics: Covalent bonds, drawing and naming
compounds, VSEPR theory and geometric structure.
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o Conductivity as an Indicator of Bond
- Interactive notebook
- Project presentations (see chapter 1)
1c. Students know how to use the periodic table to
identify alkali metals, alkaline earth metals and transition
metals, trends in ionization energy, electronegativity, and
the relative sizes of ions and atoms.
2 a. Students know atoms combine to form molecules by
sharing electrons to form covalent or metallic bonds or by
exchanging electrons to form ionic bonds.
b. Students know chemical bonds between atoms in
molecules such as H
, CH
, NH
, N
, Cl
, and
many large biological molecules are covalent.
e. Students know how to draw Lewis dot structures.
f.* Students know how to predict the shape of simple
molecules and their polarity from Lewis dot structures.
g.* Students know how electronegativity and ionization
energy relate to bond formation.
h.* Students know how to identify solids and liquids held
together by van der Waals
forces or hydrogen bonding and relate these forces to
volatility and boiling/ melting point temperatures
To be able to:
Explain the role and location of electrons in covalent
Distinguish between nonpolar and polar covalent
bonds and ionic bonds as a function of
electronegativity differences.
Draw Lewis structures to show the arrangement of
valence electrons in molecules and polyatomic ions.
Explain the difference between single, double and
triple bonds.
Draw resonance structures for simple molecules and
polyatomic ions and recognize when they are
Name binary inorganic covalent compounds by using
prefixes, roots and suffixes.
Predict the shape of molecules based on VSEPR
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High School Pacing Guide for Honors Chemistry w/Lab
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Semester 1Quarter 2
Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 7
The Mole and Chemical Composition
Topics: Avogadro’s number, mole conversions,
relative atomic mass, chemical formulas, percent
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o Measuring molar amount of elements
and compounds.
- Interactive notebook
- Mole calculations worksheets/problems
- Project presentations (see chapter 1)
Investigation and Experimentation
e. Solve scientific problems by using quadratic equations
and simple trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic
3 b. Students know the quantity one mole is set by
defining one mole of carbon 12 atoms to have a mass of
exactly 12 grams.
c. Students know one mole equals 6.02x10
(atoms or molecules).
d. Students know how to determine the molar mass of a
molecule from its chemical formula and a table of atomic
masses and how to convert the mass of a molecular
substance to moles, number of particles, or volume of gas
at standard temperature and pressure.
To be able to:
Use the concept of the mole as a counting unit for
particles, atoms or molecules.
Use Avogadro’s number to convert between amounts
in moles and numbers of particles atoms or
Solve problems converting between mass, amount in
moles or number of atoms or molecules using
Avogadro’s number.
Determine the molar mass of a compound from its
Infer information about a compound from its chemical
Chapter 8
Chemical Equations and Reactions
Topics: Describing Chemical reactions, balancing
chemical equations, classifying chemical reactions,
reaction types, net ionic equations.
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o Activity Series
- Interactive notebook
- Balancing Chemical equations worksheet
- Project presentations (see chapter 1)
3 a. Students know how to describe chemical reactions
by writing balanced equations.
To be able to:
List evidence that suggests a chemical reaction has
occurred and evidence that proves a chemical
reaction has occurred.
Describe a chemical reaction by using both word and
formula equations.
Interpret notations in formula equations, such as,
states of matter, reaction conditions, etc.
Relate the concept of the conservation of mass to the
rearrangement of atoms in a chemical reaction.
Write and interpret a balanced chemical reaction.
Balance chemical equations.
Identify the 5 main types of chemical reactions.
Write total and net ionic equations to describe
reactions in aqueous solutions.
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High School Pacing Guide for Honors Chemistry w/Lab
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Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 9
Topics: Calculating quantities in reactions, limiting
reactants, percent yield
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o none
- Interactive notebook
- Stoichiometry worksheets
- Project presentations (see chapter 1)
3 e. Students know how to calculate the masses of
reactants and products in a chemical reaction from the
mass of one of the reactants or products and the relevant
atomic masses.
f.* Students know how to calculate percent yield in a
chemical reaction. g.* Students know how to identify
reactions that involve oxidation and reduction and how to
balance oxidation-reduction reactions.
To be able to:
Use proportional reasoning to determine mole ratios
from a balanced chemical equation.
Solve stoichiometric problems involving mass by
using molar masses.
Solve stoichiometric problems involving Volume by
using density.
Solve stoichiometric problems involving atoms or
molecules by using Avogadro’s number.
Identify the limiting reactant and use it to calculate
theoretical yield.
Perform calculations involving percent yield.
Chapter 12
Topics: Characteristics of gases, gas laws,
standard temperature and pressure, KMT, ideal gas
law, Stoichiometry of gas reactions
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o Pressure-Volume Relationships:
Understanding Boyle’s Law
- Interactive notebook
- Gas Law worksheets
- Project presentations (see chapter 1)
3 d. Students know how to determine the molar mass of a
molecule from its chemical formula and a table of atomic
masses and how to convert the mass of a molecular
substance to moles, number of particles, or volume of gas
at standard temperature and pressure.
4 a. Students know the random motion of molecules and
their collisions with a surface create the observable
pressure on that surface.
b. Students know the random motion of molecules
explains the diffusion of gases.
c. Students know how to apply the gas laws to relations
between the pressure, temperature, and volume of any
amount of an ideal gas or any mixture of ideal gases.
d. Students know the values and meanings of standard
temperature and pressure (STP).
g.* Students know the kinetic theory of gases relates the
absolute temperature of a gas to the average kinetic
energy of its molecules or atoms.
h.* Students know how to solve problems by using the
ideal gas law in the form PV=nRT.
i.* Students know how to apply Dalton’s law of partial
pressures to describe the composition of gases and
Graham’s law to predict diffusion of gases.
To be able to:
Describe the general properties of gases
Define pressure, give the SI unit for pressure and
convert between standard units of pressure.
Relate the kinetic molecular theory to the properties
of an ideal and a real gas.
State and be able to relate Boyle’s law, Charles’s
law, Gay-Lussac’s law, and Avogadro’s law to solve
problems involving pressure, volume, temperature
and amount of a gas.
Understand how the ideal gas law is a blending of all
4 of these laws.
Apply the concepts of reaction Stoichiometry to solve
gas Stoichiometry problems.
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Semester 2Quarter 3
Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 10
Cause of Change (Thermodynamics)
Topics: Energy transfer, enthalpy, changes in
enthalpy, exothermic, endothermic, order and
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o Constructing a Heating/Cooling Curve
section of heating curve
- Interactive notebook
- Enthalpy/Entropy/Gibbs Energy worksheets
- Project Commitments for S-2 project
7 a. Students know how to describe temperature and
heat flow in terms of the motion of molecules (or atoms).
b. Students know chemical processes can either release
(exothermic) or absorb (endothermic) thermal energy.
d. Students know how to solve problems involving heat
flow and temperature changes, using known values of
specific heat and latent heat of phase change.
e.* Students know how to apply Hess’s law to calculate
enthalpy change in a reaction.
f.* Students know how to use the Gibbs free energy
equation to determine whether a reaction would be
To be able to:
State the kinetic molecular theory and relate the
implications to the states of matter.
Define and work with the concept of Enthalpy.
Distinguish between heat and temperature.
Perform calculations using molar heat capacity.
Calculate the enthalpy change for a given
substance for a given temperature change.
Use a calorimeter and calculate the heat content of
foods or the enthalpy change for a chemical
Use Hess’s law and standard enthalpies to
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Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 11
States of Matter & Intermolecular Forces
Topics: States and state changes, intermolecular
forces, energy of state changes, phase equilibrium
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o Paper Chromatography
- Interactive notebook
- S-2 project Presentations
2 d. Students know the atoms and molecules in liquids
move in a random pattern relative to one another
because the intermolecular forces are too weak to hold
the atoms or molecules in a solid form.
h.* Students know how to identify solids and liquids held
together by van der Waals
forces or hydrogen bonding and relate these forces to
volatility and boiling/ melting point temperatures.
4 a. Students know the random motion of molecules and
their collisions with a surface create the observable
pressure on that surface.
7 c. Students know energy is released when a material
condenses or freezes and is absorbed when a material
evaporates or melts.
d. Students know how to solve problems involving heat
flow and temperature changes, using known values of
specific heat and latent heat of phase change.
f.* Students know how to use the Gibbs free energy
equation to determine whether a reaction would be
9 b. Students know equilibrium is established when
forward and reverse reaction rates are equal.
To be able to:
Relate the properties of a state to the energy
content and particle arrangement of that state of
Explain the forces and energy changes involved in
changes of state.
Contrast ionic and molecular substances in terms of
their physical characteristics and the types of forces
that govern their behavior.
Describe dipole-dipole forces and relate to polar
and non-polar substances.
Understand the implications of Hydrogen bonding
and how it is responsible for many of water’s
Describe London dispersion forces and relate their
strength to other types of attractions.
Define molar enthalpy of both fusion and
vaporization and identify them for a substance
using a heating curve.
Describe enthalpy and entropy and how they relate
to the states of matter.
Predict whether a state change or reaction is likely
to occur based on Gibb’s free energy.
Calculate the melting point and boiling point of a
substance using entropy and enthalpy.
Understand boiling point in terms of vapor pressure.
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Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 13
Topics: What are solutions, concentration and
molarity, solubility, dissolving process, physical
properties of solutions
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o Effect of Temperature on Solubility of
a Salt
- Interactive notebook
- Solubility worksheets
- S-2 project Presentations
5 a. Students know the observable properties of acids,
bases, and salt solutions.
6 a. Students know the definitions of solute and solvent.
b. Students know how to describe the dissolving process
at the molecular level by using the concept of random
molecular motion.
c. Students know temperature, pressure, and surface
area affect the dissolving process.
d. Students know how to calculate the concentration of a
solute in terms of grams per liter, molarity, parts per
million, and percent composition.
e.* Students know the relationship between the molality
of a solute in a solution and the solution’s depressed
freezing point or elevated boiling point.
f.* Students know how molecules in a solution are
separated or purified by the methods of chromatography
and distillation.
IE 1a. Select and use appropriate tools and technology
(such as computer-linked probes, spreadsheets, and
graphing calculators) to perform tests, collect data,
analyze relationships, and display data.
To be able to:
Distinguish between solutions, suspensions and
Describe and apply some of the methods chemists
use to separate mixtures.
Calculate concentrations using standard units.
Define molarity and molality of a solution.
Describe the procedure for making solutions of
specific concentrations.
Use molarity in stoichiometric calculations.
Identify applications of solubility principles and
relate them to polarity and intermolecular forces.
Explain what happens, at the particle level when a
solid dissolves in a liquid.
Predict the solubility of an ionic compound using a
solubility table.
Describe solutions in terms of the degree of
Describe the factors that affect the solubility of
gases in liquids.
Distinguish between electrolytes, non-electrolytes
and weak electrolytes.
Explain how surfactants work.
Understand the implications of colligative
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Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 14
Chemical Equilibrium
Topics: Reversible reactions, systems at
equilibrium, equilibrium systems and stress,
LeChatelier’s principle
Key Assignments
- Demo:
o Color changes in solutions as
indications of shifts in equilibrium
- Interactive notebook
- Equilibrium problems/worksheets
- S-2 project Presentations
9a. Students know how to use LeChatelier’s principle to
predict the effect of changes in concentration,
temperature, and pressure.
b. Students know equilibrium is established when
forward and reverse reaction rates are equal.
c.* Students know how to write and calculate an
equilibrium constant expression for a reaction.
IE 1 m. Investigate a science-based societal issue by
researching the literature, analyzing data, and
communicating the findings. Examples of issues include
irradiation of food, cloning of animals by somatic cell
nuclear transfer, choice of energy sources, and land and
water use decisions in California.
To be able to:
Contrast reactions that go to completion with
reversible ones.
Describe chemical equilibrium.
Give examples of chemical equilibria that involve
complex ions.
Write K
expressions for reactions in equilibrium
and perform calculations with them.
Write K
expressions for the solubility of slightly
soluble salts and perform calculations with them.
State LeChatelier’s principle.
Apply LeChatelier’s principle to determine whether
a forward or reverse reaction is favored when a
stress is applied, such as, a change in temperature,
concentration, or pressure.
Discuss the common ion effect in the context of
LeChatelier’s principle.
Discuss the practical uses of LeChatelier’s
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Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 15
Acids and Bases
Topics: Acid base theories, Ionization constant of
water, Ka, Kb, pH, pOH, titrations, neutralizations,
equilibria of weak acids and bases
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o Acid-Base Titration, or
o Household acids and bases or
o Buffer Capacity in Commercial
- Interactive notebook
- Acid-Base problem/worksheets
- S-2 project Presentations
5 a. Students know the observable properties of acids,
bases, and salt solutions.
b. Students know acids are hydrogen-ion-donating and
bases are hydrogen-ion-accepting substances.
c. Students know strong acids and bases fully dissociate
and weak acids and bases partially dissociate.
d. Students know how to use the pH scale to
characterize acid and base solutions.
e.* Students know the Arrhenius, Brønsted-Lowry, and
Lewis acidbase definitions.
f.* Students know how to calculate pH from the
hydrogen-ion concentration.
g.* Students know buffers stabilize pH in acidbase
IE 1 e. Solve scientific problems by using quadratic
equations and simple trigonometric, exponential, and
logarithmic functions.
To be able to:
Understand acid-base chemistry as a special type
of equilibrium reaction.
Describe the distinctive properties of strong and
weak acids and bases.
Compare and contrast the Arrhenius, Bronsted-
Lowry and Lewis acid-base theories.
Identify conjugate acid base pairs.
Write chemical equations that show how an
amphoteric species can behave as either and acid
or a base.
Use Kw in calculations.
Explain the relationship between pH and [H
Perform calculations using pH, pOH, [H
], [OH
and Kw.
Work with acid-base indicators.
Describe the conditions at the equivalence point of
and acid-base titration.
Perform acid-base titrations and determine the
concentration of an unknown acid or base.
Write an equilibrium expression/equation that
shows how a weak acid is in equilibrium with its
conjugate base.
Calculate the Ka for the hydronium ion
concentration of a weak acid solution.
Describe the components of a buffer solution and
explain how a buffer solution resists changes in pH.
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Semester 2Quarter 4
Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 16
Reaction Rates
Topics: Rates of reactions, what effects reaction
rates, chemical kinetics, activation energy, activated
complex, catalysis, reaction mechanisms
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o none
- Interactive notebook
- Reaction rate problems/worksheets
- S-2 project Presentations
8 a. Students know the rate of reaction is the decrease
in concentration of reactants or the increase in
concentration of products with time.
b. Students know how reaction rates depend on such
factors as concentration, temperature, and pressure.
To be able to:
Define the rate of a reaction in terms of
concentration changes over time.
Calculate the rate of a reaction from concentration
versus time data.
Explain how concentration, pressure, and
temperature affect the rate of a reaction.
Explain why, for surface reactions, surface area is
an important factor.
Write a rate law using experimental rate versus time
data from a chemical reaction.
Explain the role of activation energy and collision
orientation in a chemical reaction.
Describe the effect of catalyst on reaction rate and
how this effect occurs.
Describe the role of enzymes as catalysts in living
Chapter 18
Nuclear Chemistry
Topics: Atomic nuclei, nuclear stability, nuclear
change, radioactivity, radioactive decay, nuclear
Key Assignments
- Labette:
o Half-life with Pennies
- Interactive notebook
- Radioactive decay problems/worksheets
- S-2 project Presentations
11 a. Students know protons and neutrons in the
nucleus are held together by nuclear forces that
overcome the electromagnetic repulsion between the
b. Students know the energy release per gram of
material is much larger in nuclear fusion or fission
reactions than in chemical reactions. The change in
mass (calculated by e=mc
) is small but significant in
nuclear reactions.
c. Students know some naturally occurring isotopes of
elements are radioactive, as are isotopes formed in
nuclear reactions.
d. Students know the three most common forms of
radioactive decay (alpha, beta, and gamma) and know
how the nucleus changes in each type of decay.
e. Students know alpha, beta, and gamma radiation
produce different amounts and kinds of damage in
matter and have different penetrations.
f.* Students know how to calculate the amount of a
radioactive substance remaining after an integral
number of half-lives have passed.
To be able to:
Describe how the strong force attracts nucleons.
Relate binding energy and mass defect.
Predict the stability of a nucleus by considering
factors such as binding energy, and the ratio of
neutrons to protons in the nucleus.
Predict the particles and electromagnetic waves
produced by different types of radioactive decay
and write equations for nuclear decays.
Identify examples of nuclear fission, and describe
the potential benefits and hazards of its use.
Describe nuclear fusion and its potential as an
energy source.
Define the half-life of a radioactive nuclide, and
explain how it can be used to determine the half life
of an object’s age.
Compare acute and chronic exposures to radiation.
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Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 19
Carbon and Organic Chemistry
Topics: Allotropes, hydrocarbons, alkanes,
alkenes, alkynes, functional groups, isomers,
nomenclature, structure, organic reactions
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o Making Soap
- Interactive notebook
- Naming carbohydrates / functional group
- S-2 project Presentations
2 b. Students know chemical bonds between atoms in
molecules such as H
, CH
, NH
, N
, Cl
, and
many large biological molecules are covalent.
10 a. Students know large molecules (polymers), such
as proteins, nucleic acids, and starch, are formed by
repetitive combinations of simple subunits.
b. Students know the bonding characteristics of carbon
that result in the formation of a large variety of structures
ranging from simple hydrocarbons to complex polymers
and biological molecules.
d.* Students know the system for naming the ten
simplest linear hydrocarbons and isomers that contain
single bonds, simple hydrocarbons with double and triple
bonds, and simple molecules that contain a benzene
To be able to:
Explain the unique properties of carbon that make
the formation of organic molecules possible.
Relate the structure of diamond, graphite, and other
allotropes of carbon to their properties.
Describe the nature of the bonds formed by carbon
in alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic compounds,
and cyclic compounds.
Classify organic compounds such as alcohols,
esters, ketones and carboxylic acids by their
functional groups.
Explain how the structural differences between
isomers are related to the differences in their
Name simple hydrocarbons from their structural
Name branched hydrocarbons from their structural
Identify functional groups from a structural formula,
and assign names to the compounds containing
functional groups.
Draw an interpret structural formulas and skeletal
structures for common organic compounds.
Describe and distinguish between substitution and
addition reactions.
Describe and distinguish between condensation
and elimination reactions.
Star Testing
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High School Pacing Guide for Honors Chemistry w/Lab
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Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 20
Biological Chemistry
Topics: Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o none
- Interactive notebook
- S-2 project Presentations
2 b. Students know chemical bonds between atoms in
molecules such as H
, CH
, NH
, N
, Cl
, and
many large biological molecules are covalent
10 a. Students know large molecules (polymers), such
as proteins, nucleic acids, and starch, are formed by
repetitive combinations of simple subunits.
c. Students know amino acids are the building blocks of
f.* Students know the R-group structure of amino acids
and know how they combine to form the polypeptide
backbone structure of proteins.
To be able to:
Describe the structure of carbohydrates.
Relate the structure of carbohydrates to their role in
biological systems.
Identify the reactions that lead to the formation and
breakdown of carbohydrate polymers.
Describe the properties of lipids.
Describe the general amino acid structure.
Explain how amino acids form proteins through
condensation reactions.
Explain the significance of amino acid side chains
to the three dimensional structure and function of a
Describe how enzymes work and how the structure
and function of an enzyme is affected by changes
of temperature and pH.
Relate the structure of nucleic acids to their function
as carriers of genetic information.
Describe how DNA uses the genetic code too
control the synthesis of proteins.
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Topics covered
California State Standards
Chapter 17
Oxidation, Reduction and ElectroChemistry
(Optional topic if time not in CA standards)
Topics: Oxidation reduction reactions,
electrochemistry, galvanic cells, electrolytic cells,
corrosion, standard electrode potential
Key Assignments
- Lab:
o Electroplating a key
- Interactive notebook
- Redox reaction problems/worksheets
- S-2 project Presentations
To be able to:
Identify atoms that are oxidized or reduced through
electron transfer.
Assign oxidation numbers to atoms in compounds
and ions.
Identify Redox reactions by analyzing changes in
oxidation numbers for different atoms in the
Balance equations for oxidation reduction reactions
through the half reaction method.
Describe the relationship between voltage and the
movement of electrons.
Identify the parts of an electrochemical cell and
their functions.
Write electrode reactions for =cathodes and
Describe the operation of galvanic cells, including
dry cells, lead-acid batteries and fuel cells.
Identify conditions that lead to corrosion and ways
to prevent it.
Calculate cell voltages from a tale of standard
electrode potentials.
Describe how electrolytic cells work.
Describe the process of electrolysis in the
decomposition of water and in the production of
Describe the process of electro-plating