Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Admission criteria available at nursing.rutgers.edu
Rev. 05/22/2020Curriculum effective Fall Term 2020
Traditional Baccalaureate Program -
New Brunswick - Plan of Study
Course # Course Title Cr. Hrs.
First Year - Fall - 15 Credits
705:101 Academic & Professional Development* 2
355:101 Expository Writing 3
119:127 Anatomy & Physiology I
Anthropology/Cultural Studies 3
General Elective 3
First Year - Spring - 13 credits
355:201 Research in Disciplines 3
830:101 General Psychology 3
119:128 Anatomy & Physiology II
Humanities 3
Second Year - Fall - 16 credits
119:131 Microbiology Hlth Sci & 3
119:132 Micro-Hlth Sci Lab 1
705:255 Nutrition 3
96 0: 211 Statistics**
Literature 3
General Elective 3
Second Year - Spring - 15 credits
160:128 Chemistry of Life 3
705:229 Life Span: A Holistic Approach (Dev Psych) 3
Sociocultural Dimensions of Health 3
History/Political Science/Economics 3
General Elective 3
Course # Course Title Cr. Hrs.
Third Year - Fall - 17 credits
Physiologic & Pathologic Response to Health
& Illness
705:395 Pharmacotherapeutics 3
Health Assessment Across the Life Span 3
Nursing Care of Healthy Populations 6
Professional Nursing I 2
Third Year - Spring - 15 credits
Nursing Care of Adults & Older Adults with
Common Health Conditions
Nursing Care of Childbearing Families
Professional Nursing II 3
Fourth Year - Fall - 15 credits
Nursing of Adults & Older Adults with
Complex Health Conditions
Nursing Care of the Infant, Child, & Adolescent 6
Professional Nursing III 3
Fourth Year - Spring - 16 credits
Nursing Care of Individuals/ Populations with
Acute & Chronic Mental Health Conditions
Transition to Professional Practice 4
Population Health 3
Nursing Elective 3
Total credits =122
Credits may be granted for equivalent general education and science requirements taken at an accredited institution of higher learning
provided grades of "C" or better are earned.
All nursing courses (705) require a minimum grade of “C+” in order to achieve a satisfactory passing grade.
All non-nursing prerequisite or supporting science courses require a minimum grade of “C” in order to achieve a satisfactory passing grade.
* Required of all first year students
** Or equivalent descriptive and inferential statistics course
The Curriculum for the nursing program on each of the Newark and New Brunswick campus is identical however course names and
numbers may differ slightly.
Anatomy & Physiology requires special permission from the Biological Sciences Department for non-School of Nursing students.
The prerequisite for Statistics is pre-calculus. School of Nursing students (only) are eligible to have the prerequisite waived.