New York State
Testing Program
Educator Guide to
the 2022 Grades 3–8
English Language Arts Tests
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Regents of The University
LESTER W. YOUNG, JR., Chancellor, B.S., M.S., Ed.D. . .............................................................. Beechhurst
JOSEPHINE VICTORIA FINN, Vice Chancellor, B.A., J.D. ......................................................... Monticello
ROGER TILLES, B.A., J.D. .............................................................................................................. Manhasset
CHRISTINE D. CEA, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. . ....................................................................................... Staten Island
WADE S. NORWOOD, B.A. ........................................................................................................... Rochester
KATHLEEN M. CASHIN, B.S., M.S., Ed.D. ................................................................................. Brooklyn
JAMES E. COTTRELL, B.S., M.D. .................................................................................................. New York
JUDITH CHIN, B.S., M.S. in Ed. .................................................................................................... Little Neck
BEVERLY L. OUDERKIRK, B.S. in Ed., M.S. in Ed. .................................................................... Morristown
CATHERINE COLLINS, R.N., N.P., B.S., M.S. in Ed., Ed.D. ..................................................... Bualo
NAN EILEEN MEAD, B.A., M.A. ................................................................................................. Manhattan
ELIZABETH S. HAKANSON, A.S., B.A., M.S., C.A.S. ............................................................... Syracuse
LUIS O. REYES, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. ................................................................................................. New York
SUSAN W. MITTLER, B.S., M.S. .................................................................................................... Ithaca
FRANCES G. WILLS, B.A., M.A., M.Ed., C.A.S., Ph.D .............................................................. Ossining
RUTH B. TURNER, BSW, LCSW, M.Ed. ........................................................................................ Rochester
ARAMINA VEGA FERRER, B.A., M.S. in Ed., Ph.D. .................................................................. Bronx
Commissioner of Education and President of the University
Betty A. RosA, B.A., M.s. in ed., M.s. in ed., M.ed., ed.d.
Senior Deputy Commissioner, Oce of Education Policy
JAMes n. BAldwin
Deputy Commissioner, Oce of P12 Instructional Services
KiMBeRly young wilKins
Assistant Commissioner, Oce of State Assessment
steven e. KAtz
Director, Oce of State Assessment
zAchARy wARneR
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2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Table of Contents
2022 English Language Arts Tests ............................................................................................1
Learning Standards for English Language Arts
Grades 3–5
Grades 6–8
Grades 3–5
Grades 6–8
Grades 3–5
Grades 6–8
Speaking and Listening
Grades 3–5
Grades 6–8
Assessing the Learning Standards for English Language Arts
Reading, Writing, and Language
Speaking and Listening
What It Means to Use Authentic Texts
Text Selection
Range of Informational Texts
The 2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests
Testing Sessions
When Students Have Completed Their Tests.................................................................10
Test Blueprint
Grades 3–5
Grades 6–8
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Question Formats ...........................................................................................................13
Multiple-Choice Questions ................................................................................14
Short-Response Questions .................................................................................14
Sample Responses ..............................................................................................14
Extended-Response Questions ...........................................................................15
Sample Responses ..............................................................................................15
Released Questions ........................................................................................................15
English Language Arts Rubrics .....................................................................................16
Short-Response (2-Point) Holistic Rubric .........................................................16
2-Point Rubric—Short Response .......................................................................16
Extended-Response (4-Point) Holistic Rubric ...................................................17
New York State Grade 3 Writing Evaluation Rubric .........................................18
New York State Grades 4–5 Writing Evaluation Rubric ....................................19
New York State Grades 6–8 Writing Evaluation Rubric ....................................20
Appendix A ...............................................................................................................................21
Guidance on Constructed-Response Questions ............................................................21
Responses to Short-Response Questions ...........................................................21
Responses to Extended-Response Questions .....................................................21
Sample Response to a 2018 Grade 3 Short-Response Question ........................22
Sample Response to a 2018 Grade 6 Short-Response Question ........................23
Sample Response to a 2018 Grade 4 Extended-Response Question .................24
Sample Response to a 2018 Grade 6 Extended-Response Question .................26
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
2022 English Language Arts Tests
New York State Educators Involvement in Test Development
While teachers have always been included in the Grades 3–8 Test Development Process, since 2016 NYSED
has expanded the number of opportunities for New York State educators to become more involved. New York
State educators provide the critical input necessary to ensure that the tests are fair, valid, and appropriate for
students through their participation in many test development activities.
This process includes the review and approval of passages, the development of items for those passages,
the construction of eld and operational test forms, rangending (setting scores for eld test constructed
responses), nal approval of test forms prior to administration, and the development of scoring materials.
NYSED remains committed to improving the quality of the State’s assessments and the experiences that
students have taking these tests. For more information on opportunities to participate in the test development
process, please visit the Test Development Participation Opportunities website (
Option for Schools to Administer the English Language Arts Tests on Computer
Beginning in 2017, schools have had the option to administer the Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests
on computer or paper. More information about this option is available at the NYSED computer-based testing
(CBT) Support website (
Reduction in the Number of Test Sessions
In June 2017, the Board of Regents decided to reduce the number of days of student testing on the
Grades 3–8 English Language Arts and Mathematics Tests from three sessions for each test to two. This
change took effect beginning with the tests that were administered in 2018. In addition to reducing the
number of sessions, the Board’s decision also reduced scoring time for teachers and may help enable more
schools to transition sooner to CBT.
As a result of the change to a two-session test design, panels of New York State educators from across the
State were brought together to engage in a standards review process. These panels of educators established
new performance standards for each grade level. They followed a standardized, research-based process to
discuss expectations for students in each performance level, reviewed the actual test questions, and made
recommendations on the knowledge and skills required of students at each grade level. These recommendations
form the basis for the performance standards that are applied to individual student tests to make prociency
level determinations from 2018 onward.
Guidance on Constructed-Response Questions
To provide clarity as to the amount of writing that is expected, Appendix A provides examples of exemplary
student responses to 2018 English Language Arts Test questions that received full credit. Additional examples
can be referenced in the previously released editions of the English Language Arts Test Materials, which can
be found on the NYSED website (
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Learning Standards for English Language Arts
The New York State P–12 Learning Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy dene general, cross-
disciplinary literacy expectations that must be met for students (Standards) and characteristics of instruction
(“Note on range and content”). The standards are organized into four overlapping strands: Reading, Writing,
Language, and Speaking and Listening. In each of these strands, the shifts are borne out in the specic uency,
comprehension, analytic, and communication expectations stated in the standards. The Learning Standards
present an integrated model of literacy in which standards mutually inform one another and progress uidly
across grades. A successful integration of the standards will provide students with the uency, comprehension,
analytic, and communication skills necessary to be on track for college and career readiness.
As detailed in the “Note on range and content” (found alongside the Grade K–5 Anchor Standards), teaching
and learning have certain distinct characteristics. The characteristics, detailed below by strand, further
articulate what NYS means by the instructional “Shifts” demanded by these standards. The information
below is meant to provide the context and expectations to enable student success and inform teacher practice.
Grades 3–5
To build a foundation for college and career readiness, students:
must read widely and deeply from among a broad range of high-quality, increasingly challenging
literary and informational texts. Through extensive reading of stories, dramas, poems, and myths
from diverse cultures and different time periods, students gain literary and cultural knowledge as well
as familiarity with various text structures and elements (Shift 1: Balancing Informational & Literary
Text; Shift 2: Knowledge in the Disciplines; Shift 3: Staircase of Complexity).
By reading texts in history/social studies, science, and other disciplines, students:
build a foundation of knowledge in these elds that will also give them the background to be better
readers in all content areas. Students can only gain this foundation when the curriculum is intentionally
and coherently structured to develop rich content knowledge within and across grades. Students also
acquire the habits of reading independently and closely, which are essential to their future success
(Shift 1: Balancing Informational & Literary Text; Shift 2: Knowledge in the Disciplines; Shift 6:
Academic Vocabulary).
Grades 6–8
To become college and career ready, students must grapple with works of exceptional craft and thought whose
range extends across genres, cultures, and centuries. Such works offer insights into the human condition and
serve as models for students’ own thinking and writing. Along with high-quality contemporary works, these
texts should be chosen from among inuential U.S. documents, the classics of American literature, and the
timeless works from a diverse range of authors. Through wide and deep reading of literature and nonction
of steadily increasing sophistication, students gain:
a reservoir of literary and cultural knowledge, references, and images (Shift 1: Balancing Informational
& Literary Text; Shift 2: Knowledge in the Disciplines; Shift 3: Staircase of Complexity; Shift 6:
Academic Vocabulary); and
the ability to evaluate intricate arguments (Shift 1: Balancing Informational & Literary Text; Shift 2:
Knowledge in the Disciplines; Shift 5: Writing from Sources).
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Grades 3–5
To build a foundation for college and career readiness, students need to:
learn to use writing as a way of offering and supporting opinions, demonstrating an understanding
of the subjects they are studying, and conveying real and imagined experiences and events (Shift 2:
Knowledge in the Disciplines; Shift 5: Writing from Sources);
learn to appreciate that a key purpose of writing is to communicate clearly to an external, sometimes
unfamiliar audience, and begin to adapt the form and content of their writing to accomplish a particular
task and purpose (Shift 4: Text-based Answers; Shift 5: Writing from Sources); and
develop the capacity to build knowledge on a subject through research projects and to respond
analytically to literary and informational sources (Shift 2: Knowledge in the Disciplines; Shift 5:
Writing from Sources).
Grades 6–8
For students, writing is a key means of asserting and defending claims, showing what they know about a
subject, and conveying what they have experienced, imagined, thought, and felt. To become college- and
career-ready writers, students:
must take the task, purpose, and audience into careful consideration, choosing words, information
structures, and formats deliberately (Shift 5: Writing from Sources);
need to know how to combine elements of different kinds of writing—for example, to use narrative
strategies within arguments and explanations within narratives—to produce complex and nuanced
writing (Shift 4: Text-based Answers; Shift 5: Writing from Sources);
need to be able to use technology strategically when creating, rening, and collaborating on writing;
have to become adept at gathering information, evaluating sources, citing material accurately, and
reporting ndings from their research and analysis of sources in a clear and cogent manner (Shift 4:
Text-based Answers; Shift 5: Writing from Sources); and
must have the exibility, concentration, and uency to produce high-quality, rst-draft text under a
tight deadline, as well as the capacity to revisit and make improvements to a piece of writing over
multiple drafts when circumstances encourage or require it (Shift 4: Text-based Answers; Shift 5:
Writing from Sources).
To meet these goals students must devote signicant time and effort to writing, producing numerous pieces
over short and extended time frames throughout the year.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Grades 3–5
To build a foundation for college and career readiness, students:
must gain control over many conventions of standard English grammar, usage, and mechanics, as
well as learn other ways to use language to convey meaning effectively;
must also be able to determine or clarify the meaning of grade-appropriate words encountered through
listening, reading, and media use (Shift 6: Academic Vocabulary); and
come to appreciate that words have non-literal meanings, shadings of meaning, and relationships
to other words, and expand their vocabulary in the course of studying content (Shift 6: Academic
Grades 6–8
To become college and career ready, students:
must have rm control over the conventions of standard English;
must come to appreciate that language is at least as much a matter of craft as of rules and be able to
choose words, syntax, and punctuation to express themselves and achieve particular functions and
rhetorical effects;
must also have extensive vocabularies built through reading and study, enabling them to comprehend
complex texts and engage in purposeful writing about and conversations around content (Shift 1:
Balancing Informational & Literary Text; Shift 2: Knowledge in the Disciplines);
need to become skilled in determining or clarifying the meaning of words and phrases they encounter,
choosing exibly from an array of strategies to aid them (Shift 6: Academic Vocabulary); and
must learn to see an individual word as part of a network of other words—words, for example, that
have similar denotations but different connotations (Shift 6: Academic Vocabulary).
Placing Language Standards in their own strand should not be taken as an indication that skills related
to conventions, effective language use, and vocabulary are unimportant to reading, writing, speaking, and
listening; indeed, they are inseparable from such contexts.
Speaking and Listening
Grades 3–5
To build a foundation for college and career readiness, students:
must have ample opportunities to take part in a variety of rich, structured conversations—as part of
a whole class, in small groups, and with a partner. To be productive members of these conversations
requires that students contribute accurate, relevant information (Shift 4: Text-based Answers);
respond to and develop what others have said; and
make comparisons and contrasts, analyzing and synthesizing a multitude of ideas in various domains
(Shift 2: Knowledge in the Disciplines).
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Grades 6–8
To become college and career ready, students:
must have ample opportunities to take part in a variety of rich, structured conversations—as part of a
whole class, in small groups, and with a partner—built around important content in various domains
(Shift 2: Knowledge in the Disciplines); and
must be able to contribute appropriately to these conversations, to make comparisons and contrasts,
and to analyze and synthesize a multitude of ideas in accordance with the standards of evidence
appropriate to a particular discipline. Whatever their intended major or career, high school graduates
will depend heavily on their ability to listen attentively to others so that they will be able to build on
others’ meritorious ideas while expressing their own ideas clearly and persuasively (Shift 4: Text-
based Answers).
For more information about Learning Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy, please refer
to the NYSED website.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Assessing the Learning Standards for English Language Arts
The 2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests will focus entirely on the Learning Standards for English
Language Arts & Literacy for each grade.
Reading, Writing, and Language
The 2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests will assess Reading, Writing, and Language Standards
using multiple-choice, short-response, and extended-response questions. All questions will be based on close
reading of informational and literary texts, including paired texts. All texts will be drawn from authentic,
grade-level works. The length of the texts on the 2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests will typically
Length of Texts
Grade 3 500–600 words
Grade 4 600–700 words
Grade 5 700–800 words
Grade 6 750–850 words
Grade 7 800–900 words
Grade 8 900–1000 words
Please see pages 7–9 for further information about authentic texts and text selection.
Reading and Language Standards will be assessed using multiple-choice questions. Short-response (2-point)
questions will primarily assess reading, but will also require writing and command of language. Extended-
response (4-point) questions will primarily assess Writing from Sources, whereby student responses will be
rated on the degree to which they can communicate a clear and coherent analysis of one or two texts.
Speaking and Listening
While Speaking and Listening Standards will NOT be assessed on the State test, they remain two of the
most important components of critical building blocks in students’ ability to read and write at grade level.
Speaking and Listening Standards provide the dialogic building blocks that directly support students in
acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge to Read to Learn.
In Grades 3–5, Speaking and Listening Standards (practiced daily in evidence-based conversations about
text) create habits, models, and developmental supports for students so that they are prepared to write from
sources, strategically and correctly citing evidence from text to make strong arguments.
In Grades 6–8, Speaking and Listening Standards (practiced daily in evidence-based conversations about
text) add to the foundation built in the early grades’ instruction by strengthening and evolving habits, models,
and developmental supports for students so that they are prepared to write from sources.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Only through rigorous, structured classroom discourse will students gain valuable experiences interrogating
texts they need in order to meet the rigors of what is required in writing. It is imperative that teachers continue
to instruct and assess the Speaking and Listening Standards in the classroom. Instructional resources and
examples of formative assessments for the Speaking and Listening Standards can be found in the Grades
3–8 curriculum materials (
For more information about Curriculum Materials, please refer to the NYSED website.
What It Means to Use Authentic Texts
State testing programs use either commissioned or authentic texts, or a combination thereof, as passages for
questions. Commissioned texts are authored by test developers or writers and are developed specically
for use in standardized tests. In contrast, authentic texts are published works that are typically encountered by
students in daily life, such as in magazines, books, or newspapers. The 2022 Grades 3–8 English Language
Arts Tests will use only authentic texts which have been reviewed and approved by NYS educators.
Many of the Reading for Information Standards require students to recognize how authors support their
opinions, to understand the authors point of view and purpose, and to be able to discern well-supported
arguments from those that are not. In order to assess these standards on the test, text passages are included that
express opinions and theories with which not all readers may agree. Students must demonstrate their ability
to determine point of view, purpose, and success of argumentation with supporting evidence in subjects that
they will encounter both in other academic classes and in their daily lives.
Using authentic texts allows for the inclusion of works of literature that are worthy of reading outside an
assessment context. The use of authentic, meaningful texts may mean that some texts are more emotionally
charged or may use language outside of a student’s particular cultural experience, including intentional and
unintentional use of incorrect grammar and spelling. While all assessments will include appropriate texts,
please be aware that authentic texts will likely prompt real responses—perhaps even strong disagreement—
among our students. Students need to be prepared to respond accordingly while engaging with the test. The
alternative would be to exclude many authors and texts that are capable of supporting the rigorous analysis
called for by the Standards
For example, selections from Roald Dahl’s The BFG or Robert Coles’ The Story of Ruby Bridges may appear
on tests even though the complete works from which they would be drawn include controversial ideas and
language that some may nd provocative. Additionally, selections from these authors may include writing
that contains incorrect grammar and spelling. Both Dahl and Coles intentionally use incorrect grammar and
spelling to develop characters, themes, and settings. However, both of these texts are foundational texts
for the grade-band. While passages from these examples do not appear on this years tests, passages drawn
from similarly great works will be read in classrooms across the State, and some of them may end up on
future tests.
The use of authentic, meaningful texts may also mean that some students have read texts included on
the 2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests prior to administration. For the very reasons that texts were
selected for use on the assessment, it is possible that teachers have selected the same texts for use in their
classrooms or students may have read the books that passages were drawn from for their personal reading.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Additionally, the use of authentic passages also means that students may encounter passages drawn from
works commonly taught at higher grades. Oftentimes, parts of larger, more complex works are perfectly
suited for younger readers.
Text Selection
During the test development process, NYS educators approve all passages for use on the NYS Grades 3–8
English Language Arts Tests. Selecting high-quality, grade-appropriate texts requires both objective text
complexity metrics and educator judgment. For the 2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests, both
qualitative and quantitative measures are used to determine the complexity of the texts. Based on research
and the guidance of nationally-recognized literacy experts
, the following ranges for quantitative measures
were used to guide text selections.
Common Scale for Grade Band Level Text Difculty Ranges
ATOS® (Renaissance Learning)
Degrees of Reading Power® (Questar)
Lexile Framework® (MetaMetrics)
Source Rater©
(Educational Testing Service)
Pearson Reading Maturity Metric©
(Pearson Education)
Text Analyzer Tool
2.75–5.14 42–54 1.98–5.34 420–820 0.05–2.48 3.53–6.13
4.97–7.03 52–60 4.51–7.73 740–1010 0.84–5.75 5.42–7.92
7.00–9.98 57–67 6.51–10.34 925–1185 4.11–10.66 7.04–9.57
9.67–12.01 62–72 8.32–12.12 1050–1335 9.02–13.93 8.41–10.81
11.20–14.10 67–74 10.34–14.20 1185–1385 12.30–14.50 9.57–12.00
For more information about passage selection, please refer to the NYSED website (http://www.nysed.
Nelson, Jessica; Perfetti, Charles; Liben, David; and Liben, Meredith, “Measures of Text Difculty: Testing Their Predictive
Value for Grade Levels and Student Performance,” 2012.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Range of Informational Texts
One of the major shifts of the Learning Standards is an emphasis on developing skills for comprehending
and analyzing informational texts. The Learning Standards for English Language Arts call for a balance
of literary and informational texts. This balance is reected in the standards, instructions, and in the texts
selected for the Grades 3–8 tests.
The 2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests will have questions on a variety of informational texts.
The array of passages selected for the tests will assess whether students can comprehend and analyze a wide
range of text types. The chart below categorizes common informational texts according to their structure.
Please note that the chart below is not specic to any grade, rather it is meant to help teachers understand the
range of informational texts that students may encounter by the end of Grade 8.
Textbooks (science)
Training Manuals (Auto) Biographies
Speeches (including
those from seated
Contracts Histories
Reports Advertisements User Guides/Manuals Correspondence
Tourism Guides Political Propaganda Legal Documents Curriculum Vitae
Product Specications Journal Articles Recipes Memoirs
News Articles
Magazine Articles Legal Documents Essays
Company Proles Tourism Guides Interviews
Legal Documents Correspondence Agendas
Agendas Essays
Correspondence Reviews
Essays Memoirs
News Articles
For more information about information texts, please refer to the NYSED website (http://www.nysed.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
The 2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests
Testing Sessions
The 2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests consist of two sessions that are administered over two
days. Students will be provided as much time as necessary within the connes of the regular school day to
complete each test session. Below is a table of the average time it will take students to complete each session
by grade.
Average Time to Complete
Session 1
Average Time to Complete
Session 2
Grade 3 60–70 Minutes 70–80 Minutes
Grade 4 60–70 Minutes 70–80 Minutes
Grade 5 80–90 Minutes 70–80 Minutes
Grade 6 80–90 Minutes 90–100 Minutes
Grade 7 80–90 Minutes 90–100 Minutes
Grade 8 80–90 Minutes 90–100 Minutes
The tests must be administered under standard conditions and the directions must be followed carefully. The
same test administration procedures must be used with all students so that valid inferences can be drawn
from the test results.
NYSED devotes great attention to the security and integrity of the New York State Testing Program (NYSTP).
School administrators and teachers involved in the administration of State assessments are responsible
for understanding and adhering to the instructions set forth in the School Administrator s Manual and the
Teacher s Directions. These resources will be found on the NYSED website (
When Students Have Completed Their Tests
Students who nish their assessment should be encouraged to go back and check their work. Once the
student checks their work, or chooses not to, examination materials should be collected by the proctor. After
a student’s assessment materials are collected, or the student has submitted the test if testing on computer,
that student may be permitted to read silently. This privilege is granted at the discretion of each school. No
talking and no other schoolwork is permitted
Given that the Spring 2022 tests have no time limits, schools and districts have the discretion to create their
own approach to ensure that all students who are productively working are given the time they need within
the connes of the regular school day to continue to take the tests. If the test is administered in a large-
group setting, school administrators may prefer to allow students to hand in their test materials, or submit
the test if testing on computer, as they nish and then leave the room. If so, take care that students leave the
room as quietly as possible so as not to disturb the students who are still working on the test.
more detailed information about test administration, including proper procedures for proctoring, please refer to the
School Administrators Manual and the Teachers Directions.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Test Design
The charts below illustrate the test designs for the 2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests. These charts
detail the number of passages and the type(s) of questions in each session. Session 1 consists of passages with
multiple-choice questions only. Session 2 consists of passages with short- and extended-response questions
Also noted is the approximate number of informational and literary passages present on the 2022 tests.
Please note that embedded eld test questions and passages are included in the design. It will not be apparent
to students whether a question is an embedded eld test question that does not count toward their score or an
operational test question that does count toward their score.
2022 Grades 3–4 English Language Arts Test Design
Session 1 Session 2 Total
Reading Writing
4 3
Multiple-Choice Questions
24 0
Short-Response Questions
0 6
Extended-Response Questions
0 1
Total Number of Literary Passages 3–4
Total Number of Informational Passages 3–4
2022 Grades 5–6 English Language Arts Test Design
Session 1 Session 2 Total
Reading Writing
5 3
Multiple-Choice Questions
35 0
Short-Response Questions
0 6
Extended-Response Questions
0 1
Total Number of Literary Passages 3–5
Total Number of Informational Passages 3–5
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
2022 Grades 7–8 English Language Arts Test Design
Session 1 Session 2 Total
Reading Writing
5 3
Multiple-Choice Questions
35 0
Short-Response Questions
0 7
Extended-Response Questions
0 1
Total Number of Literary Passages 3–5
Total Number of Informational Passages 3–5
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Test Blueprint
The charts below show the percentage of points that relate to Reading, Language, and Writing Standards. When
reading these charts, it is essential to remember that most questions assess many standards simultaneously.
Additionally, Reading Standards are divided by focus (Key Ideas, Craft and Structure, and Integration of
Knowledge) to help guide instruction.
Grades 3–5
Area of Focus Approximate Percentage of Points
Reading Standards (RL and RI) 100% of points require close reading
Language and Writing Standards
Up to 50% of points require writing and
command of language
Approximate Percent of Reading Points
Key Ideas and Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Up to 65% Up to 35% Up to 30%
Grades 6–8
Area of Focus Approximate Percentage of Points
Reading Standards (RL and RI) 100% of points require close reading
Language and Writing Standards
Up to 40% of points require writing and
command of language
Approximate Percent of Reading Points
Key Ideas and Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Up to 60% Up to 40% Up to 40%
It should be noted that Standards RL3.1, RI3.1, RL4.1, RI4.1, etc., provide a foundation for all questions on
the tests, as all will require text-based responses. Likewise, Standards RL3.10, RI3.10, RL4.10, etc., form the
heart of all text-based instruction. While not assessed directly in questions, RL3.10, RI3.10, RL4.10, etc., are
present on the test in the form of rigorous, worthwhile texts.
Question Formats
The 2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests contain multiple-choice (1-point), short-response
(2-point), and extended-response (4-point) questions. For multiple-choice questions, students select the
correct response from four answer choices. For short-response and extended-response questions, students
write an answer to an open-ended question.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Multiple-Choice Questions
Multiple-choice questions are designed to assess Reading and Language Standards. They will ask students to
analyze different aspects of a given text, including central idea, style elements, character and plot development,
and vocabulary. Almost all questions, including vocabulary questions, will only be answered correctly if the
student comprehends and makes use of the whole passage.
Multiple-choice questions will assess Reading and Language Standards in a range of ways. Some will ask
students to analyze aspects of text or vocabulary. Many questions will require students to combine skills.
For example, questions may ask students to identify a segment of text that best supports the central idea. To
answer correctly, a student must rst comprehend the central idea and then show understanding of how that
idea is supported. Questions will require more than rote recall or identication. Students will also be required
to negotiate plausible, text-based distractors.
Each distractor will require students to comprehend the whole
Short-Response Questions
Short-response questions are designed to assess Reading and Language Standards. These are single questions
in which students use textual evidence to support their own answers to an inferential question. These questions
ask the student to make an inference (a claim, position, or conclusion) based on their analysis of the passage,
state it in their own words, and then provide two pieces of text-based evidence to support their answer.
The purpose of the short-response questions is to assess a student’s ability to comprehend and analyze text.
In responding to these questions, students will be expected to write in complete sentences. Responses should
typically require no more than three or four complete sentences. The rubric used to evaluate these types of
responses is provided on page 16. It is important to note that students who answer the question only using
details from the text will NOT receive full credit. A full-credit response is characterized by both a valid
inference and sufcient textual support.
Sample Responses
Appendix A of this document contains sample responses to previously administered ELA operational test
questions that received full credit.
distractor is an incorrect response that may appear to be a plausible correct response to a student who has not mastered the skill
or concept being assessed.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Extended-Response Questions
Extended-response questions are designed to assess Writing from Sources. They will focus primarily on
Writing Standards. In Grade 3, extended-response questions will require comprehension and analysis of an
individual text. In Grades 4–8, extended-response questions will require students to read and analyze paired
texts. Paired texts are related by theme, genre, tone, time period, or other characteristics. Many extended-
response questions will ask students to express a position and support it with text-based details. Extended-
response questions allow students to demonstrate their ability to write a coherent essay using textual evidence
to support their ideas.
Student responses will be evaluated based on the Writing Standards and a student’s command of evidence to
defend their point.
Sample Responses
Appendix A of this document contains sample responses to previously administered ELA operational test
questions that received full credit.
Released Questions
Released Questions for the Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests are available on the NYSED
website (
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
English Language Arts Rubrics
The 2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Tests will be scored using the rubrics below. Both the English
Language Arts 2-Point and 4-Point Rubrics reect the demands called for by the Learning Standards.
Short-Response (2-Point) Holistic Rubric
Short-response questions will ask students to make a claim, take a position, or draw a conclusion, and then
support it with details. This structure forms the foundation of the Learning Standards. As such, the 2-Point
Rubric focuses on both the inference and evidence a student provides. This structure allows students to have
wide latitude in responding to each prompt so long as their response is supported by the text.
Additionally, the expectation for all short responses will be complete, coherent sentences. By weaving these
elements together, the questions, responses, and scores remain rmly focused on student reading ability.
2-Point Rubric—Short Response
Response Features
2 Points
The features of a 2-point response are
Valid inferences and/or claims from the text where required by the prompt
Evidence of analysis of the text where required by the prompt
Relevant facts, denitions, concrete details, and/or other information from the text
to develop response according to the requirements of the prompt
Sufcient number of facts, denitions, concrete details, and/or other information
from the text as required by the prompt
Complete sentences where errors do not impact readability
1 Point
The features of a 1-point response are
A mostly literal recounting of events or details from the text as required by the
Some relevant facts, denitions, concrete details, and/or other information from
the text to develop response according to the requirements of the prompt
Incomplete sentences or bullets
0 Points*
The features of a 0-point response are
A response that does not address any of the requirements of the prompt or is totally
A response that is not written in English
A response that is unintelligible or indecipherable
If the prompt requires two texts and the student only references one text, the response can be scored
no higher than a 1.
* Condition Code A is applied whenever a student who is present for a test session leaves an entire constructed-
response question in that session completely blank (no response attempted).
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Extended-Response (4-Point) Holistic Rubric
Writing does not take place in a vacuum. To be college and career ready, one must be able to write for a
purpose using information from textual sources. Extended-response questions on the 2022 English Language
Arts Tests will ask students to analyze texts and address meaningful questions using strategic, textual details.
Scores for extended responses will be based on four overarching criteria:
Content and Analysis—the extent to which the essay conveys complex ideas and information clearly
and accurately in order to support claims in an analysis of topics or texts
Command of Evidence—the extent to which the essay presents evidence from the provided texts to
support analysis and reection
Coherence, Organization, and Style—the extent to which the essay logically organizes complex
ideas, concepts, and information using formal style and precise language
Control of Conventions—the extent to which the essay demonstrates command of the conventions
of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
These four characteristics combined make up the focus of the 4-point, extended-response tasks, Writing from
Sources. Whether in response to an individual text or a paired selection, a student will be asked to synthesize,
evaluate, and provide evidence for their thinking in a coherent and legible manner. Please note the holistic
4-Point Writing Evaluation Rubric in Grade 3 on page 18, Grades 4–5 on page 19, and Grades 6–8 on page 20.
New York State Grade 3 Wring Evaluaon Rubric
Essays at this level:
Essays at this level:
Essays at this level:
Essays at this level:
Essays at this level:
the extent to which the essay
conveys ideas and informaon
clearly and accurately in order to
support analysis of topics or text
—clearly introduce a topic
in a manner that follows
logically from the task and
comprehension and
analysis of the text
—clearly introduce a topic
in a manner that follows
from the task and purpose
comprehension of the text
—introduce a topic in
a manner that follows
generally from the task
and purpose
—demonstrate a confused
comprehension of the text
—introduce a topic in a
manner that does not
logically follow from the
task and purpose
—demonstrate lile
understanding of the text
—demonstrate a lack of
comprehension of the text
or task
the extent to which the essay
presents evidence from the
provided text to support analysis
and reecon
—develop the topic with
relevant, well-chosen
facts, denions, and
details throughout the
—develop the topic with
relevant facts, denions,
and details throughout
the essay
—parally develop the
topic of the essay with
the use of some textual
evidence, some of which
may be irrelevant
—demonstrate an
aempt to use evidence,
but only develop ideas
with minimal, occasional
evidence which is
generally invalid or
—provide no evidence or
provide evidence that is
completely irrelevant
the extent to which the essay
logically organizes complex ideas,
concepts, and informaon using
formal style and precise language
—clearly and consistently
group related informaon
—skillfully connect ideas
within categories of
informaon using linking
words and phrases
— provide a concluding
statement that follows
clearly from the topic and
informaon presented
—generally group related
informaon together
—connect ideas within
categories of informaon
using linking words and
—provide a concluding
statement that follows
from the topic and
informaon presented
—exhibit some aempt to
group related informaon
—inconsistently connect
ideas using some linking
words and phrases
—provide a concluding
statement that follows
generally from the topic
and informaon presented
—exhibit lile aempt at
—lack the use of linking
words and phrases
—provide a concluding
statement that is illogical
or unrelated to the topic
and informaon presented
—exhibit no evidence of
—do not provide a
concluding statement
the extent to which the essay
demonstrates command of the
convenons of standard English
grammar, usage, capitalizaon,
punctuaon, and spelling
—demonstrate grade-
appropriate command
of convenons, with few
—demonstrate grade-
appropriate command
of convenons, with
occasional errors that do
not hinder comprehension
—demonstrate emerging
command of convenons,
with some errors that may
hinder comprehension
—demonstrate a lack of
command of convenons,
with frequent errors that
hinder comprehension
—are minimal, making
assessment of convenons
If the student writes only a personal response and makes no reference to the text, the response can be scored no higher than a 1.
Responses totally unrelated to the topic, illegible, or incoherent should be given a 0.
A response totally copied from the text with no original student wring should be scored a 0.
* Condion Code A is applied whenever a student who is present for a test session leaves an enre constructed-response queson in that session completely blank (no response aempted).
New York State Grades 4–5 Wring Evaluaon Rubric
Essays at this level:
Essays at this level:
Essays at this level:
Essays at this level:
Essays at this level:
the extent to which the essay
conveys ideas and informaon
clearly and accurately in order to
support analysis of topics or text(s)
—clearly introduce a topic
in a manner that follows
logically from the task and
—demonstrate insighul
comprehension and analysis
of the text(s)
—clearly introduce a topic in
a manner that follows from
the task and purpose
—demonstrate grade-
appropriate comprehension
and analysis of the text(s)
—introduce a topic in
a manner that follows
generally from the task and
—demonstrate a literal
comprehension of the
—introduce a topic in a
manner that does not
logically follow from the
task and purpose
—demonstrate lile
understanding of the text(s)
—demonstrate a lack of
comprehension of the
text(s) or task
the extent to which the essay
presents evidence from the
provided text(s) to support
analysis and reecon
—develop the topic with
relevant, well-chosen
facts, denions, concrete
details, quotaons, or other
informaon and examples
from the text(s)
—sustain the use of varied,
relevant evidence
—develop the topic with
relevant facts, denions,
details, quotaons, or other
informaon and examples
from the text(s)
—sustain the use of relevant
evidence, with some lack of
—parally develop the topic
of the essay with the use
of some textual evidence,
some of which may be
—use relevant evidence
with inconsistency
—demonstrate an aempt
to use evidence, but only
develop ideas with minimal,
occasional evidence which
is generally invalid or
—provide no evidence or
provide evidence that is
completely irrelevant
the extent to which the essay
logically organizes complex ideas,
concepts, and informaon using
formal style and precise language
—exhibit clear, purposeful
—skillfully link ideas using
grade-appropriate words
and phrases
—use grade-appropriate,
styliscally sophiscated
language and domain-
specic vocabulary
—provide a concluding
statement that follows
clearly from the topic and
informaon presented
—exhibit clear organizaon
—link ideas using grade-
appropriate words and
—use grade-appropriate
precise language and
domain-specic vocabulary
—provide a concluding
statement that follows from
the topic and informaon
—exhibit some aempt at
—inconsistently link ideas
using words and phrases
—inconsistently use
appropriate language and
domain-specic vocabulary
—provide a concluding
statement that follows
generally from the topic and
informaon presented
—exhibit lile aempt at
organizaon, or aempts
to organize are irrelevant to
the task
—lack the use of linking
words and phrases
—use language that is
imprecise or inappropriate
for the text(s) and task
—provide a concluding
statement that is illogical or
unrelated to the topic and
informaon presented
—exhibit no evidence of
—exhibit no use of linking
words and phrases
—use language that is
predominantly incoherent
or copied directly from the
—do not provide a
concluding statement
the extent to which the essay
demonstrates command of the
convenons of standard English
grammar, usage, capitalizaon,
punctuaon, and spelling
—demonstrate grade-
appropriate command of
convenons, with few errors
—demonstrate grade-
appropriate command of
convenons, with occasional
errors that do not hinder
—demonstrate emerging
command of convenons,
with some errors that may
hinder comprehension
—demonstrate a lack of
command of convenons,
with frequent errors that
hinder comprehension
—are minimal, making
assessment of convenons
If the prompt requires two texts and the student only references one text, the response can be scored no higher than a 2.
If the student writes only a personal response and makes no reference to the text(s), the response can be scored no higher than a 1.
Responses totally unrelated to the topic, illegible, or incoherent should be given a 0.
A response totally copied from the text(s) with no original student wring should be scored a 0.
* Condion Code A is applied whenever a student who is present for a test session leaves an enre constructed-response queson in that session completely blank (no response aempted).
New York State Grades 6–8 Wring Evaluaon Rubric
Essays at this level:
Essays at this level:
Essays at this level:
Essays at this level:
Essays at this level:
the extent to which the essay
conveys ideas and informaon
clearly and accurately in order to
support analysis of topics or text(s)
—clearly introduce a topic in
a manner that is compelling
and follows logically from
the task and purpose
—demonstrate insighul
analysis of the text(s)
—clearly introduce a topic in
a manner that follows from
the task and purpose
—demonstrate grade-
appropriate analysis of the
—introduce a topic in
a manner that follows
generally from the task and
—demonstrate a literal
comprehension of the
—introduce a topic in a
manner that does not
logically follow from the
task and purpose
—demonstrate lile
understanding of the text(s)
—demonstrate a lack of
comprehension of the
text(s) or task
the extent to which the essay
presents evidence from the
provided text(s) to support
analysis and reecon
—develop the topic with
relevant, well-chosen
facts, denions, concrete
details, quotaons, or other
informaon and examples
from the text(s)
—sustain the use of varied,
relevant evidence
—develop the topic with
relevant facts, denions,
details, quotaons, or other
informaon and examples
from the text(s)
—sustain the use of relevant
evidence, with some lack of
—parally develop the topic
of the essay with the use
of some textual evidence,
some of which may be
—use relevant evidence
with inconsistency
—demonstrate an aempt
to use evidence, but only
develop ideas with minimal,
occasional evidence which
is generally invalid or
—provide no evidence or
provide evidence that is
completely irrelevant
the extent to which the essay
logically organizes complex ideas,
concepts, and informaon using
formal style and precise language
—exhibit clear organizaon,
with the skillful use of
appropriate and varied
transions to create a
unied whole and enhance
—establish and maintain a
formal style, using grade-
appropriate, styliscally
sophiscated language and
domain-specic vocabulary
with a notable sense of
—provide a concluding
statement or secon that
is compelling and follows
clearly from the topic and
informaon presented
—exhibit clear organizaon,
with the use of appropriate
transions to create a
unied whole
—establish and maintain a
formal style using precise
language and domain-
specic vocabulary
—provide a concluding
statement or secon that
follows from the topic and
informaon presented
—exhibit some aempt
at organizaon, with
inconsistent use of
—establish but fail to
maintain a formal style, with
inconsistent use of language
and domain-specic
—provide a concluding
statement or secon that
follows generally from
the topic and informaon
—exhibit lile aempt at
organizaon, or aempts
to organize are irrelevant to
the task
—lack a formal style, using
language that is imprecise
or inappropriate for the
text(s) and task
—provide a concluding
statement or secon that
is illogical or unrelated to
the topic and informaon
—exhibit no evidence of
—use language that is
predominantly incoherent
or copied directly from the
—do not provide a
concluding statement or
the extent to which the essay
demonstrates command of the
convenons of standard English
grammar, usage, capitalizaon,
punctuaon, and spelling
—demonstrate grade-
appropriate command of
convenons, with few errors
—demonstrate grade-
appropriate command of
convenons, with occasional
errors that do not hinder
—demonstrate emerging
command of convenons,
with some errors that may
hinder comprehension
—demonstrate a lack of
command of convenons,
with frequent errors that
hinder comprehension
—are minimal, making
assessment of convenons
If the prompt requires two texts and the student only references one text, the response can be scored no higher than a 2.
If the student writes only a personal response and makes no reference to the text(s), the response can be scored no higher than a 1.
Responses totally unrelated to the topic, illegible, or incoherent should be given a 0.
A response totally copied from the text(s) with no original student wring should be scored a 0.
* Condion Code A is applied whenever a student who is present for a test session leaves an enre constructed-response queson in that session completely blank (no response aempted).
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Appendix A
Guidance on Constructed-Response Questions
This section provides examples of student responses to previously administered English Language Arts
(ELA) operational test questions that received full credit. Using clear and concise writing helps a student
communicate their message effectively. Additional examples can be referenced in the previously released
editions of the English Language Arts Test Materials, which can be found on the NYSED website (https://
Responses to Short-Response Questions
Short-response questions are designed to assess a student’s ability to comprehend and analyze text. Short-
responses with a valid inference and two supporting details from the associated text receive full credit. As
such, full credit can typically be achieved in three to four sentences.
Responses to Extended-Response Questions
Extended-response questions allow students to demonstrate their ability to write a coherent essay using
textual evidence to support their ideas. Whether in response to an individual text or paired texts, a student
needs to synthesize, evaluate, and provide their thinking in a coherent and concise manner. As with short-
response questions, students are encouraged to answer in an efcient manner.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Sample Response to a 2018 Grade 3 Short-Response Question
Note that the four-sentence response below from the 2018 Grade 3 released scoring materials provided on the
NYSED website ( received full credit.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Sample Response to a 2018 Grade 6 Short-Response Question
Note that the three-sentence response below from the 2018 Grade 6 released scoring materials provided on
the NYSED website ( received full credit.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Sample Response to a 2018 Grade 4 Extended-Response Question
Note that the 2018 Grade 4 response below from the released scoring materials on the NYSED website (https:// received full credit as a coherent essay which uses
textual evidence.
See scoring information for this response on the following page.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide
Sample Response to a 2018 Grade 6 Extended-Response Question
Note that the 2018 Grade 6 response below from the released scoring materials on the NYSED website (https:// received full credit as a coherent essay which uses
textual evidence.
See scoring information for this response on the following page.
2022 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Guide