International Journal of Health Sciences & Research ( 215
Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2018
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ISSN: 2249-9571
Short Communication
Comparison of Treadmill Based and Track Based
Rockport 1 Mile Walk Test for Estimating Aerobic
Capacity in Healthy Adults Ages 30-50 Years
Rekha Chaturvedi, Sivachidambaram Kulandaivelan, Vandana Yadav
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physiotherapy, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology,
Hisar-125001. Haryana. India
Corresponding Author: Rekha Chaturvedi
The aim of the present paper was to compare the treadmill based submaximal test with the standard
field based submaximal test to estimate aerobic power in Indian middle aged population. Study type is
correlational study based on cross-sectional survey. 40 subjects aged 30-50 years were randomly
selected following specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. 1-mile walk test was conducted 3 times (2
times on treadmill and 1 time on track) with at least 4 days gap in-between the tests. Aerobic power
was calculated using standard formula. Data was analysed using IBM-SPSS software (version 21.0).
Treadmill based tests estimated higher aerobic power than track based test. There was a moderate
correlation between track based and treadmill based aerobic power estimation (r 0.640). The
relationship was excellent between the treadmill based tests (r 0.960). This study shows treadmill
based 1-mile walk test is a reproducible test in Indian middle aged population.
Key Words: Walk test, Exercise test, Oxygen consumption, Middle aged, Human
Cardiovascular endurance is an
important component of an individual
fitness and VO
max estimation is widely
considered to be an excellent indicator of
cardiorespiratory fitness.
This can be
measured in two ways: direct and indirect
methods. However, direct measurement is
the most accurate but has several drawbacks
(i.e) expensive, time consuming hence may
not be suitable for population based studies.
Moreover, direct assessment of VO
requires a maximal or near-maximal effort
from the subject, which is often difficult to
elicit from individuals with low
cardiorespiratory fitness especially middle
and older population. The need for direct
supervision by a physician when evaluating
older individuals or those with known
cardiovascular disease or associated risk
factors adds to the challenge of
administering maximal exercise tests to
assess VO
. Submaximal tests like step
tests, walk and/or run tests are useful to
measure VO2max in these individuals.
Many indirect methods of measuring
max using submaximal tests has been
but the advantages and
limitations of these tests has been reported
by Sartor et al. who highlighted the
importance of repeatability of submaximal
tests in these population to be studied.
Developed by Kline et al. Rockport
1-mile walk test is one of common method
to estimate VO2 max in different age group.
A modification of Rockport test was
suggested by Widrick et al., 1992 that
performing this test on laboratory as well as
Rekha Chaturvedi et al. Comparison of Treadmill Based Walk Test with Standard Rockport Testing
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Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2018
on field would increase its utility.
Performing Rockport 1 mile test on
treadmill would improve close subject
monitoring and allows testing when not
having access to measured miles also,
controlled lab environment would improve
the reliability and repeatability. Since it is
done in track, environmental factors could
affect the estimation which could be
prevented by treadmill based estimation.
Reliability of treadmill based 1-mile walk
test was first reported by Widrick et al.
subsequently published in Indian literature
But it has to be seen whether it can
be administered in Indian middle aged
population or not. So the purpose of this
study is to determine whether Rockport 1
mile testing on treadmill is better method of
estimating VO
max than standard method
of Rockport 1 mile walk test in Indian
Forty subjects (20 male and 20
females) age ranging from 30 years to 50
years were selected by convenient sampling
from the neighbourhood. The participants
were excluded if they had history of
cardiovascular disease; back pain from last
1 months; knee pain from last 1 month and
are on blood pressure medications and had
no history of acute or chronic medical
condition. The qualified participants were
asked to read and sign an informed consent
Each selected participant were asked
to complete 3 exercise tests: 1 mile brisk
walking on treadmill on baseline and after
rest of 4 days one mile brisk walking on the
track followed by one mile brisk walking on
treadmill again with a gap of 4 days . Time
taken to complete the distance and heart rate
(HR) at the end of tests were recorded along
with age and sex. HR was measured with a
pulseoxymeter and the time to complete the
distance was noted with a stop watch. Each
test was conducted on separate day with at
least 4 days gap in between the tests to
eliminate possible fatigue effects.
On baseline, body weight to nearest
to 1.0 kg and height to the nearest to 1.0 cm
were measured. Participants were instructed
to take good sleep (at least 6-8 hrs) and to
avoid too much food, caffeine, tobacco
products or alcohol for 3 hours prior to
Participants were also asked to
avoid strenuous exercise 12 hrs prior to
testing.Out of the forty subjects 2 females
were not able to complete the treadmill test
on Day 1 because of exertion so were
excluded from the study.
Following a familiarization trial on
day 1 each subject was asked to walk
briskly on electromechanical flat treadmill
[Bodyfit, India] for 1-mile. On day 5, the
subjects were asked to 1-mile brisk walk on
a track and a Pedometer was used to
measure the distance. The subjects were
reminded to maintain the speed throughout
the test without running or jogging. On day
10 the subjects completed the testing after
walking on treadmill again for 1 mile.
Aerobic power was calculated using
following formula:
VO2max [
] =132.853 - 0.0769
(weight in pounds) - 0.3877 (age in years) +
6.315 (1 for male; 0 for female) - 3.2649
(time in minutes) - 0.1565 (heart rate in
Statistical Analysis
Data was analysed using IBM-SPSS
software (version 21.0). Pearson Co-relation
was used to determine the co-relation
between the variables.
Mean (standard deviation) of VO2
max on 1
time (T1) and 2
time (T2) on
treadmill was 34.68 (9.99) ml.Kg
and 35.21 (9.67) ml.Kg.min-1 respectively
suggesting no significant difference between
the readings. However, track based value for
VO2 max was significantly lower [22.29
(14.66)] than treadmill based. 4 female
participants reading were excluded as their
VO2 max was too low (negative readings).
An excellent correlation exists (r
0.960) between 1
and 2
treadmill based
value for VO2 max (Figure 1), but the level
Rekha Chaturvedi et al. Comparison of Treadmill Based Walk Test with Standard Rockport Testing
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Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2018
of correlation decreased when the values
were correlated with track based VO2 max
(r 0.640 for T1 and 0.646 for T2).
The objective of this paper was to
see whether treadmill based 1-mile walk test
is a better way of estimating VO
max than
standard track based method in middle aged
Indian population. The results showed that
there is excellent correlation between two
trails of treadmill walking whereas
moderate correlation is observed between
treadmill based and track based walking
tests. Treadmill based walking test estimates
higher VO2 max than track based walk test.
Pober et al., 2002 studied the
correlation between treadmill based 1-mile
walk test and actual VO2 max through
direct method in middle and old age
population (40-79 years).
They found
moderate correlation (r 0.80) between the
two methods. Treadmill based 1-mile walk
test value of the present study (r 0.960) is
similar to track based testing on Malaysian
youth (age 19-25 years)
and US old aged
(age 50-69 years) women.
During the testing on track it was
observed that participants took more time to
complete the distance due to varying their
pace of walking even after instructing them
to walk briskly, whereas in the treadmill
test, the speed remained constant.
Advantage of treadmill based test is that the
values of VO
max calculated were as per
standard norms for middle aged population.
We assumed that since both time and
HR are in equation for calculation of
max, intensity of effort would not
influence the VO2 max estimation as latter
has negative association with HR (i.e. if
intensity of effort high, individual would
finish short duration with higher HR). But
the results of this study suggests that
whenever the duration of completing the
distance exceeds 20 minutes, it affects the
value of VO
max greater than the end HR.
Hence while selecting the speed of
treadmill, it should be 5
at starting
point and speed should be adjusted with HR
(120 to 160 beats.min
) in this population.
If the HR is above 160 beats.min
speed of
the treadmill should be reduced and if it is
below 120 beats.min
speed of the treadmill
should be increased to get the appropriate
values of VO
max of the individual. Thus,
initial selection of speed followed by
adjusting the speed according to HR is
important for appropriate estimation of VO
Treadmill based 1 mile walk test is a
reliable method to estimate VO2 max in
middle aged Indian population. It could be
used as indirect method to assess aerobic
fitness in large scale, population based
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How to cite this article: Chaturvedi R, Kulandaivelan S, Yadav V. Comparison of Treadmill
based and Track based Rockport 1 mile walk test for estimating aerobic capacity in healthy
adults ages 30-50 years. Int J Health Sci Res. 2018; 8(1):215-218.