This printed copy is only valid for 2018/05/24
Effective Date: 26 May 2016
POL 114
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RBM Social Media Policy
Compiled by: Advisor Communication and Media
1. Purpose
1.1. This policy aims to assist all those who fall within the scope of this policy to make appropriate
decisions with regard to the use of social media, particularly pertaining to RBM-owned and
operated social media platforms.
1.1. This policy outlines the standards we require those within the scope of the policy to adhere to,
the circumstances in which we will monitor the use of social media and the actions which
could be taken in respect of any breach of this policy.
2. Scope
2.1. This policy shall apply to all directors, officers, permanent, temporary or contracted
employees, learners, interns, third party contractors and/or agents of RBM.
3. Responsibility
3.1. The Communications Department is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the operation of
this policy, making sure that it is consistently applied and making recommendations for
changes to minimise risk to the business.
3.2. All employees should take the time to read and understand this policy and are responsible for
their own compliance with this policy.
3.3. This policy document will be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect any changes in
company policy and to take into account usage patterns.
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4. Definition
4.1. Social media are websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or
to participate in social networking. Social media could include blogs, podcasts, forums,
message boards, wikis and social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and
4.2. RBM has an official corporate online presence through its internet site and a sanctioned
presence on social networking sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
4.3. The internal Rio Tinto Yammer networking tool is not a public social network, however, the
use of Yammer is similar principles of use, disciplinary consequences, monitoring and
reporting as mandated in the relevant sections of this policy.
5. Using social media
5.1. Unless specifically designated, RBM employees are not allowed to access Facebook or other
social media at the workplace or from any RBM computer. This restriction is primarily due to
technical and operational considerations.
5.2. Only the Communications Department is permitted to post material on a company-owned and
operated social media platform or in the name of and/or on behalf of the company.
5.3. This policy and all other related RBM and Rio Tinto policies should govern the use of the
Internet and social media platforms.
6. Policy statement
6.1. Social media offers an important platform for RBM to engage and converse with our vast and
diverse range of stakeholders, such as shareholders, clients, government, communities and
the general public, across a number of channels. We encourage the expression of opinion
and open discussions on RBM's social media sites, while taking cognisance of the fact that
these are family-friendly forums dedicated to sharing information about the company.
6.2. Employees and contracted third parties may participate in these conversations subject to the
principles as specified below:
6.2.1. Adhere to RBM’s code of conduct and corporate values, business rules and
operational practices
6.2.2. Be mindful of the impact your contribution might make to people's perceptions of the
6.2.3. You are personally responsible for the content that you publish on social media
platforms. Be aware that what you publish could have consequences and will be
public for many years to come
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6.2.4. You should not represent or suggest in any postings that you are authorised to
speak on behalf of RBM unless actually authorised to do so
6.2.5. Do not violate copyright
6.2.6. Do not cite or reference a client or any third party in a business-related matter
without their approval
6.2.7. Do not deliberately disrupt discussion
6.2.8. Promotion of products and services (even when free) is not permitted
6.2.9. Do not advertise RBM job vacancies or recruitment campaigns unless authorised to
do so
6.2.10. Do not post spam (Spam is defined as repetitive or duplicate posts; spam also
includes posting commercial comments in discussions when such comments have
nothing to do with the discussion)
6.2.11. Do not link to your own online destination without the express permission of the page
6.2.12. Make sure that your online activities do not interfere with performing your job, your
responsibilities or commitments to customers
6.2.13. Do not contravene Facebook’s Terms of Use (
6.3. If employees or third parties post on an RBM site, they do so as individuals and not as
representatives of RBM. RBM will not endorse any opinions expressed by users, nor accept
responsibility or liability for the comments, statements or claims of users on our pages and
7. Disciplinary action
7.1. Uploading, posting, forwarding or uploading a link to any of the following types of material on
a social media platform/site, whether in a professional or personal capacity, will amount to
gross misconduct and will be addressed under the Disciplinary Procedure. In addition, RBM
reserves the right to remove the following content from company-owned and operated social
media platforms:
7.1.1. Pornographic material (that is writing, pictures or video clips of a sexually explicit
7.1.2. A false or defamatory statement about an individual, a group of people or an
7.1.3. Material which is offensive, obscene, criminal, discriminatory, derogatory, hateful or
may cause embarrassment to us, or any of our stakeholders
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7.1.4. Confidential information about the company, or any employees, clients or partners,
including but not limited to financial or commercial information, which you do not
have authority to disseminate
7.1.5. Material in breach of copyright, or other intellectual property rights, or which invades
the privacy of any person
7.1.6. Material that contains viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or
programmes that may damage the operation of another’s applications or computer.
7.1.7. Any attempt to defraud any person or organisation
7.1.8. Any statement which is likely to create a liability (whether civil or criminal)
7.2. You are personally responsible for the content you publish online. You acknowledge that RBM
need not prove actual damages, but only potential harm before taking action.
7.3. Should any employee be found deviating from this policy in any way, RBM reserves the right
to take both civil action and the appropriate disciplinary measures against that employee,
which could ultimately result in dismissal.
8. Monitoring social media usage
8.1. Misuse of social media sites can in certain circumstances give rise to legal liability against you
or the company, and may also cause embarrassment to us and our partners, clients,
shareholders and other stakeholders as well as damage the RBM brand.
8.2. Employees should be aware that we regularly moderate company-owned and operated social
media sites and we closely monitor any reference to the company, its officers, employees and
business activities on all social media platforms, whether company-related or not.
8.3. RBM reserves the right to remove posts on company-owned and operated sites that do not
adhere to our social media policy and to block anyone who violates this policy.
9. Reporting channels
9.1. We encourage employees to assist us by flagging content that is inappropriate and in breach
of the Social Media Policy. Your complaint will remain confidential and your details will not be
shared without your express permission.
9.2. If you are aware of any violation of this policy, even if you are not involved, you must report it
to your line manager, or e-mail, or contact the Communications
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This printed copy is only valid for 2018/05/24
POL . 114
Rev 0
26 May 2016
New policy
General Manager:
Fundi Dlamini