Reinstatement Cost Assessment
Northern Ireland
May 2022
Reinstatement Cost
Assessment Services
Northern Ireland
May 2022
Published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
Parliament Square
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Reinstatement Cost Assessment Services – Northern Ireland
Reinstatement Cost Assessment Services ........................................................................ 1
1 Statutory compliance .............................................................................................................. 1
2 Building inspection and collecting information ................................................................... 1
3 Net rebuilding cost of the building(s) or property ............................................................... 2
4 Report presentation ................................................................................................................ 2
5 Report delivery ........................................................................................................................ 2
6 Bespoke Additional Services .................................................................................................. 2
Appendix A: Schedule of meetings to be attended by the Consultant .........................3
Reinstatement Cost Assessment Services – Northern Ireland
Reinstatement Cost Assessment
For use with the RICS Short Form of Consultant’s Appointment for Designated Services
Additional notes
These Services should be completed by inserting a ‘tick’ in the box next to the Service to
be provided. For further information, please refer to the RICS Short Form of Consultant’s
Appointment for Designated Services explanatory notes.
All other Services that are not ticked shall be deemed to be Additional Services under the terms
of this Appointment.
Any bespoke Additional Services agreed between the Client and the Consultant should be
inserted in Section 6.
A schedule of ‘typical’ meetings is included with these Services in the Appendix. Completion of
this schedule is also recommended.
Refer to the current edition of the RICS guidance note Reinstatement cost assessments of buildings.
1 Statutory compliance
1.1 Ascertain whether the property is listed
and whether the listed status of the building
applies to the whole or part of the building or
within the curtilage of the property.
1.2 Ascertain whether the building or
property is in a conservation area, and what
restrictions may apply.
1.3 Provide indicative advice as to whether
the building(s) or property complies with
relevant legislation and provide comments
and advice. (Note: This is not a full access
1.4 Provide indicative advice as to the
standard of accessibility provided by the
building(s) or property for relevant legislation.
(Note: This is not a full access audit).
2 Building inspection and
collecting information
2.1 Undertake inspection of the building(s) or
property to ascertain relevant information and
prepare a report that includes:
2.1.1 an assessment of environmental
hazards such as deleterious materials,
ooding, exposure to electromagnetic and
microwave radiation, invasive vegetation,
vermin/protected species, seismic activity and
other relevant factors
2.1.2 an assessment of the age of the building
2.1.3 a consideration as to whether there are
any restrictions to demolition and rebuilding
of the building(s) or property that will result
from the surrounding environment
2.1.4 an assessment as to whether the
building(s) or property is likely to have
materials normally considered as potentially
hazardous to health incorporated into its
Reinstatement Cost Assessment Services – Northern Ireland
2.1.5 a summary of subleases and alteration
licences and
2.1.6 sucient notes, photographs,
measurements and sketches where
2.2 Inspect the external elevations from
ground level, accessible roofs and other
suitable vantage points using binoculars and/
or an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), and
provide a report as to the observations made.
2.3 Advise as to any special factors that may
inuence the cost of reinstatement.
3 Net rebuilding cost of the
building(s) or property
3.1 Prepare the nal assessment gure that will
comprise the total cost of completely rebuilding
the building(s) or property to be insured,
3.1.1 demolition and debris removal
3.1.2 other enabling works
3.1.3 construction and/or renovation works
3.1.4 professional and statutory fees.
3.2 Determine the gross internal area of
the building using existing drawings made
available by the Client.
3.3 Determine the gross internal area by
undertaking an on-site measured survey of
the building(s) or property.
3.4 Prepare an indicative estimate using
the latest Building Cost Information Service
published rates and indices, construction
price books or other in-house costings for
similar type projects.
4 Report presentation
4.1 Provide a reinstatement cost estimate
in accordance with the RICS guidance note
Reinstatement cost assessments of buildings,
3rd edition.
4.2 Provide a reinstatement cost estimate
in accordance with communicated Client
dened parameters.
4.3 Provide schedule of repairs with costings.
Take all necessary approximate quantities
and provide a budget cost estimate for repair
works required to remedy defects with the
building structure and fabric identied at the
time of inspection.
4.4 Provide a budget cost estimate for repair
works required to remedy defects with the
building structure and fabric identied at the
time of inspection.
5 Report delivery
5.1 Conrm by telephone and/or brief email,
within 48 hours of inspection, the main
ndings of the Consultant and summarise in
a draft executive summary document.
5.2 Provide [ 2 ]* hard copies of nal version
of report.
* Number in brackets is the default unless other
number is inserted and initialled by both parties.
6 Bespoke Additional Services
6.1 Enter or attach bespoke Additional
Services agreed with the Client.
Reinstatement Cost Assessment Services – Northern Ireland
Appendix A: Schedule of meetings
to be attended by the Consultant
1 Client meetings
Attendance: Partner Director Associate Project surveyor
Other (please specify) ______________________________________
Frequency: Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly
No attendance required Other
Please specify requirements: _________________________________________________________________
2 Design team meetings
Attendance: Partner Director Associate Project surveyor
Other (please specify) ______________________________________
Frequency: Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly
No attendance required Other
Please specify requirements: _________________________________________________________________
3 Project team meetings
Attendance: Partner Director Associate Project surveyor
Other (please specify) ______________________________________
Frequency: Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly
No attendance required Other
Please specify requirements: _________________________________________________________________
Reinstatement Cost Assessment Services – Northern Ireland
4 Site meetings
Attendance: Partner Director Associate Project surveyor
Other (please specify) ______________________________________
Frequency: Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly
No attendance required Other
Please specify requirements: _________________________________________________________________
5 (Other) meetings
Attendance: Partner Director Associate Project surveyor
Other (please specify) ______________________________________
Frequency: Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly
No attendance required Other
Please specify requirements: _________________________________________________________________
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