Praise for The Invention of the White Race
“A powerful and polemic study.” Times Literary
“A monumental study of the birth of racism in the
American South which makes truly new and convincing
points about one of the most critical problems in U.S.
history a highly original and seminal work.” David
Roediger, author of The Wages of Whiteness
“A must read for all social justice activists, teachers, and
scholars.” Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, author of Red Dirt:
Growing Up Okie
“Allen transforms the readers understanding of race and
racial oppression from what mainstream history often
portrays as an unfortunate sideshow in U.S. history, to a
central feature in the construction of U.S. (and indeed
global) capitalism. Allen destroys any notion that ‘race’ is
a biological category but instead locates it in the realm of
a construction aimed at oppression and social control.
This is more than a look at history; it is a foundation for a
path toward social justice.” Bill Fletcher Jr., coauthor of
Solidarity Divided
“Decades before people made careers undoing racism,’
Ted Allen was working on this trailblazing study, which
has become required reading.” Noel Ignatiev, coeditor of
Race Traitor, author of How the Irish Became White
“A real tour de force, a welcome return to empiricism in
the subfield of race studies, and a timely reintroduction of
class into the discourse on American exceptionalism.”
Times Higher Education Supplement
“As magisterial and comprehensive as the day it was first
published, Theodore Allens The Invention of the White
Race continues to set the intellectual, analytical and
rhetorical standard when it comes to understanding the
real roots of white supremacy, its intrinsic connection to
the class system, and the way in which persons committed
to justice and equity might move society to a different
reality.” Tim Wise, author of White Like Me: Reflections
on Race from a Privileged Son
“One of the most important books of U.S. history ever
written. It illuminates the origins of the largest single
obstacle to progressive change and working-class power
in the U.S.: racism and white supremacy.” Joe Berry,
author of Reclaiming the Ivory Tower
“As organizers of workers, we cannot effectively counter
the depth of white racism in the U.S. if we dont
understand its origin and mechanisms. Ted has figured
something out that can guide our work its
groundbreaking and its eye-opening.” Gene Bruskin, U.S.
Labor Against the War
“An intriguing book that will be cited in all future
discussions about the origins of racism and slavery in
America.” Labor Studies Journal
“A must read for educators, scholars and social change
activists now more than ever! Ted Allens writings
illuminate the centrality of how white supremacy continues
to work in maintaining a powerless American working
class.” Tami Gold, director of RFK in the Land of
Apartheid and My Country Occupied
“If one wants to understand the current, often
contradictory, system of racial oppression in the United
States and its historical origins there is only one place
to start: Theodore Allens brilliant, illuminating, The
Invention of the White Race.” Michael Goldfield, author
o f The Color of Politics: Race and the Mainspring of
American Politics
“An outstanding, insightful original work with profound
implications.” Gwendolyn Midlo Hall, author of Social
Control in Slave Plantation Societies
“Few books are capable of carrying the profound weight
of being deemed to be a classic – this is surely one.
Indeed, if one has to read one book to provide a
foundation for understanding the contemporary U.S. – read
this one.” Gerald Horne, author of Negro Comrades of the
“A richly researched and highly suggestive
analysis Indispensable for readers interested in the
disposition of power in Ireland, in the genesis of racial
oppression in the U.S., or in the fluidity of race and the
historic vicissitudes ofwhiteness.’Choice
The Invention of the White Races contributions to the
debates on notions of a white race are unquestionable
and its relevance not simply for scholars of American
history but for those interested in notions of race and class
in any historical and geographical setting is beyond
doubt.” Labour History Review
“Theodore W. Allen has enlisted me as a devoted reader.”
Metro Times Literary Quarterly
“The most important book on the origin of racism in what
was to become the United States and more important
now perhaps than when it was first released in the mid
nineties.” Gregory Meyerson, coeditor of Cultural Logic
“This modern classic’ presents an essential
reconstruction of concepts necessary to any understanding
of the Western heritage in the context of World history.”
Wilson J. Moses, author of The Golden Age of Black
“Truly original, and worthy of renewed engagement.”
Bruce Nelson, author of Irish Nationalists and the
Making of the Irish Race
The Invention of the White Race is an important work
for its meticulously researched materials and its insights
into colonial history. Its themes and perspectives should
be made available to all scholars A classic without
which no future American history will be written.” Audrey
Smedley, author of Race in North America: Origin and
Evolution of a Worldview
“The most comprehensive and meticulously documented
presentation of the historical, or as he calls it,
sociogenic’ theory of racial oppression.” Freedom Road
This edition published by Verso 2012
First published by Verso 1997
© Theodore W. Allen 1997
Introduction to the second edition and appendices G and H
© Jeffrey B. Perry 2012
All rights reserved
The moral rights of the authors have been asserted
UK: 6 Meard Street, London W1F 0EG
US: 20 Jay Street, Suite 1010, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Verso is the imprint of New Left Books
eBook ISBN: 978-1-84467-844-0
Trade Paperback ISBN: 978-1-84467-770-2
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress
“There is a sacred veil to be drawn over the
beginnings of all government.” (Edmund Burke, 16
February 1788, on the impeachment trial of Warren
Hastings for maladministration of British rule in
“The origin of states gets lost in a myth, in which one
may believe, but which one may not discuss.” (Karl
Marx, The Civil War in France, 1848–1850)
Title Page
Lists of Figures and Tables and a Note on Dates
Introduction to the Second Edition
PART ONE Labor Problems of the European Colonizing
1 The Labor Supply Problem: England a Special Case
2 English Background, with Anglo-American
Variations Noted
3 Euro-Indian Relations and the Problem of Social
PART TWO The Plantation of Bondage
4 The Fateful Addiction to “Present Profit
5 The Massacre of the Tenantry
6 Bricks without Straw: Bondage, but No Intermediate
PART THREE Road to Rebellion
7 Bond-labor: Enduring
8 … and Resisting
9 The Insubstantiality of the Intermediate Stratum
10 The Status of African-Americans
PART FOUR Rebellion and Reaction
11 Rebellion – and Its Aftermath
12 The Abortion of the “White Race” Social Control
System in the Anglo-Caribbean
13 The Invention of the White Race – and the Ordeal of
List of Figures
1 Map of the Chesapeake region, circa 1700
2 List of governors of Colonial Virginia
3 Virginia counties, and dates of their formation
List of Tables
4.1 Shipments of persons to Virginia by the Virginia
Company and by separate planters, 1619–21
4.2 Comparative day wages in Virginia, January 1622,
and in Rutland County, England, in 1610–34
5.1 Approximate number of English emigrants to
Virginia and the death rate among them in the
Company period 76
9.1 Increase in concentration of landholdings in Virginia,
1626–1704 167
10.1 African-American and European-American
landholding in the entire state of Virginia in 1860
and in Northampton County in 1666 185
A Note on Dates
Prior to 1750, the legal year began on 25 March.
Therefore, dates from 1 January through 24 March are
often rendered with a double-year notation. For example,
24 March 1749 would be written as 24 March 1748/9, but
the next day would be given as 25 March 1749. But a year
later the dates for those March days would be, in the
normal modern way, 24 March 1750 and 25 March 1750.
Where one year only is indicated, it is to be understood to
accord with the modern calendar.
Introduction to the Second Edition
“When the first Africans arrived in Virginia in 1619, there
were no white’ people there; nor, according to the
colonial records, would there be for another sixty years.”
That arresting statement, printed on the back cover of the
first volume of The Invention of the White Race by
Theodore W. Allen, first published in 1994, reflected the
fact that, after twenty-plus years of studying Virginia’s
colonial records, he found no instance of the official use
of the word “white” as a symbol of social status prior to
its appearance in a 1691 law. As he explained, Others
living in the colony at that time were English; they had
been English when they left England, and naturally they
and their Virginia-born children were English, they were
not white.’ White identity had to be taught, and it would
be another six decades until the word “would appear as a
synonym for European-American.”
In this second volume of The Invention of the White
Race, Allen elaborates on his findings in order to develop
the groundbreaking thesis that the ruling class invented the
“white raceas a social-control mechanism in response to
the labor solidarity manifested in the later, civil-war
stages of Bacons Rebellion (1676–77). To this he adds
two important corollaries: 1) the ruling elite deliberately
instituted a system of racial privileges in order to define
and establish the white race”; and 2) the consequences
were not only ruinous to the interests of African-
Americans, they were also disastrous” for European-
American workers, whose class interests differed
fundamentally from those of the ruling elite.
In Volume I, subtitled Racial Oppression and Social
Control, Allen prepared the conceptual groundwork for
Volume II to be free of what he calls the White
Blindspot.” He offered a critical examination of the two
main historiographical positions on the slavery and racism
debate: the psycho-cultural approach, which he strongly
criticized, and the socioeconomic approach, which he
sought to free from certain theoretical weaknesses. He
then proceeded, using the mirror of Irish history, to
develop a definition of racial oppression in terms of
social control, a definition free of the absurdities of
“phenotype,” or classification by complexion. The volume
offered compelling analogies between the oppression of
the Irish in Ireland (under Anglo-Norman rule and under
“Protestant Ascendancy) and white supremacist
oppression of African-Americans and Indians. Allen
showed the relativity of race by examining how Irish
opponents of racial oppression in Ireland were
transformed into “white American” defenders of racial
oppression. He also examined the difference between
national and racial oppression through a comparison of
“Catholic Emancipation outside of Ulster and “Negro
Emancipation” in America.
In this volume, The Origin of Racial Oppression in
Anglo-America, Allen tells the story of the invention of the
“white race” in the late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-
century Anglo-American plantation colonies. His primary
focus lies with the pattern-setting Virginia colony, and he
pays special attention to how the majority-English labor
force was reduced from tenants and wage-laborers to
chattel bond-servants in the 1620s. In this qualitative
break from long-established English labor laws, Allen
finds an essential precondition for the emergence of the
lifetime hereditary chattel bond-servitude imposed upon
African-American laborers under the system of white
supremacy and racial slavery. He also documents many
significant instances of labor solidarity and unrest,
especially during the 1660s and 1670s, most spectacularly
during the civil-war stage of Bacons Rebellion, when
“foure hundred English and Negroes in Arms fought
together to secure freedom from bondage.
It was in the period after Bacons Rebellion that the
“white racewas invented as a ruling-class social-control
formation. Allen describes systematic ruling-class
policies that conferred privileges on European-American
laborers and bond-servants while blocking normal class
mobility and imposing or extending harsh disabilities on
African-Americans. Eventually, these policies culminated
in a system of racial slavery, a form of racial oppression
that also imposed severe proscriptions on free African-
Americans. Allen emphasizes that, in 1735, when African-
Americans in Virginia were deprived of their long-held
right to vote with the aim, in the words of Governor
William Gooch, “to fix a perpetual Brand upon Free
Negros & Mulattos”it was not an “unthinking decision.”
Rather, it was a deliberate step in the process of
establishing a system of racial oppression by the
plantation bourgeoisie, even though it entailed repealing a
law that had existed in Virginia for more than a century.
The key to understanding racial oppression, Allen
argues, can be found in the formation of the intermediate
social-control buffer stratum, which serves the interests of
the ruling class. In the case of racial oppression in
Virginia, any persons of discernible non-European
ancestry after Bacons Rebellion were denied a role in the
social-control buffer group, the bulk of which was made
up of laboring-class “whites.” In the Anglo-Caribbean, by
contrast, under a similar Anglo ruling elite, “mulattos
were included in the social-control group and often
promoted to middle-class status. For Allen, this was the
key to understanding the difference between Virginia’s
ruling-class policy of fixing “a perpetual Brand” on
African-Americans and the West Indian planters’ policy of
formally recognizing the middle-class status of “colored”
descendants who earned special merit through their
service to the regime. Here, the difference between racial
oppression and national oppression can be explained by
the fact that in the West Indies there were “too fewpoor
and laboring-class Europeans to create an adequate petit
bourgeoisie, while in the continental colonies there were
“too many laborers to extend social mobility to all of
The references to an “unthinking decision and “too
few” poor and laboring class Europeans are consistent
with Allens repeated efforts to challenge what he
considered to be the two main arguments that undermine
and disarm the struggle against white supremacy in the
working class: 1) white supremacism is innate, and it is
therefore useless to challenge it, and 2) European-
American workers benefit from “white race” privileges.
These two arguments, opposed by Allen, are related to
two master historical narratives rooted in writings on the
colonial period. The first argument is associated with the
“unthinking decisionexplanation for the development of
racial slavery offered by historian Winthrop D. Jordan in
his influential work White Over Black. The second
argument is associated with historian Edmund S. Morgan’s
similarly influential American Slavery, American
Freedom, which maintains that, as racial slavery
developed, “there were too few free poor [European-
Americans] on hand to matter.” Allens work directly
challenges both Jordans theory of the “unthinking
decision” and Morgan’s theory oftoo few free poor.”
Allen convincingly argues that the racial privileges
conferred by the ruling class upon European-American
workers not only work against the interests of the direct
victims of white supremacy, they also work against the
workers’ interests. He further argues that these “white-
skin privileges” are “the incubus that for three centuries
has paralyzed” the will of European-Americans in
defense of their class interests vis-à-vis those of the ruling
With its meticulous primary research, its equalitarian
motif, its emphasis on the dimension of class struggle in
history, and its groundbreaking analysis, Allens The
Invention of the White Race is now widely recognized as
a scholarly classic. It has profound implications for
American history, African-American history, labor
history, American studies, and “whiteness” studies, as
well as important insights in the areas of Caribbean
history, Irish history, and African Diaspora studies. Its
influence will only continue to grow in the twenty-first
In an effort to assist readers and encourage meaningful
engagement with Allens work, this new edition of
Volume II of The Invention of the White Race: The
Origin of Racial Oppression in Anglo-America includes a
few minor corrections, many based on Allens notes.
There are also two new appendices, “A Guide to The
Invention of the White Race, Volume II (drawn in part
from Allens unpublished Synoptic Table of Contents”)
and a select bibliography. In addition, you will find a new,
expanded index at the end of this volume.
Jeffrey B. Perry
Labor Problems of the European
Colonizing Powers
The Labor Supply Problem: England
a Special Case
In 1497, within half a decade of Columbuss first return to
Spain from America, the Anglo-Italian Giovanni Caboto,
o r John Cabot as he was known in his adopted country,
made a discovery of North America, and claimed it for
King Henry VII, the first Tudor monarch of England. The
English westering impulse, after then lying dormant for
half a century, gradually revived in a variety of projects,
schemes and false starts. By the first decade of the
seventeenth century, an interval of peace with Spain
having arrived with the accession of James I to the throne,
English colonization was an idea whose time had come.
In 1607 the first permanent English settlement in America
was founded at Jamestown, Virginia. By the end of the
first third of the century four more permanent Anglo-
American colonies had been established: Somers Islands
(the Bermudas), 1612; Plymouth (Massachusetts), 1620;
Barbados, 1627; and Maryland, 1634.
The English were confronted with the common twofold
problem crucial to success in the Americas: (1) how to
secure an adequate supply of labor; and (2) how to
establish and maintain the degree of social control
necessary to assure the rapid and continuous expansion of
their capital by the exploitation of that labor. In each of
these respects, however, the English case differed from
those of other European colonizing powers in the
Americas, in ways that have a decisive bearing on the
origin of the “peculiar institution white racial
oppression, most particularly racial slavery in
continental Anglo-America.
European Continental Powers and the
Colonial Labor Supply
The continental European colonizing powers, for
economic, military and political reasons, and in some
cases because of access to external sources, did not
employ Europeans as basic plantation laborers.
Spain and Portugal
The accession in 1516 of Francis I of France and in 1517
of Charles I of Spain, and the installation of the latter as
Charles V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, in 1519,
set off a round of warring that would involve almost every
country in Europe, from Sweden to Portugal, from the Low
Countries to Hungary, for a century and a quarter. The
Spanish-headed Holy Roman Empire was at the same time
heavily engaged in war with the Ottoman Turks until after
the defeat of the latter in the Mediterranean naval battle of
Lepanto in 1571. Portugal, with a population of fewer than
1.4 million,
was involved in protecting its world-circling
empire against opposition from both Christian and
Moslem rivals. France was Spains main adversary in the
struggle over Italy, the Netherlands and smaller European
These wars imposed great manpower demands on every
one of the continental governments seeking at the same
time to establish colonial ventures. Belligerents who
could afford them sought to hire soldiers from other
countries. The bulk of Spains armies, for example, were
made up of foreign mercenaries.
Portugal, however,
lacking Spains access to American silver and gold to
maintain armies of foreign mercenaries, had to rely on its
own resources.
So critical was the resulting manpower
situation in 1648 that Antonio Vieira, the chief adviser to
King John IV, felt obliged to advocate the temporary
surrender of Brazil to Protestant Holland as the best way
out of the sea of troubles besetting the Portuguese interest
in Africa, Asia, America, and, indeed, vis-à-vis Portugal’s
Iberian neighbor. Portugal was so depleted of men for
defense, he said, that every alarmtook “laborers from
the plough.”
Even if, despite this circumstance, a
ploughman did manage to get to Brazil, he was not to be
expected to do any manual labor there: the Portuguese
who emigrated to Brazil, even if they were peasants from
the tail of the plough, had no intention of doing any manual
Bartolomé de Las Casas, concerned with the genocidal
exploitation of the native population by the Christian
colonizers in the West Indies, suggested that, “If
necessary, white and black slaves be brought from Castile
[Spain] to keep herds, build sugar mills, wash gold,” and
otherwise be of service to the colonists. In 1518, Las
Casas briefly secured favorable consideration from King
Carlos for a detailed proposal designed to recruit quiet
peasantsin Spain for emigration to the West Indies. The
emigrants were to be transported free of charge from their
Spanish homes to the colonies. Once there, they were to be
“provided with land, animals, and farming tools, and also
granted a years supply of food from the royal granaries.”
But, again, these emigrant peasants were not expected to
do much labor. Rather they were to be provided with
slaves from Spain. It was specified that any emigrant who
offered to build a sugar mill in the Indies was to be
licensed to take twenty Negro slaves with him. With his
assistants, Las Casas toured Spain on behalf of the plan
and received a favorable response from the peasants he
wanted to recruit for the project. But as a result mainly of
the opposition of great landowners who feared the loss of
their tenants in such a venture, the plan was quickly
Thus was defined official emigration policy; it
assured that Spaniards going to the American colonies
were not to be laborers, but such as lawyers and clerks,
and men (women emigrants were extremely few) of the
nobility or knighthood, who were “forbidden by force of
custom even to think of industry or commerce.”
A few
Spanish and Portuguese convicts, presumably of
satisfactory Christian ancestry, were transported to the
colonies early on, but they were not intended and
themselves did not intend to serve in the basic colonial
labor force.
The single instance in which basic plantation labor
needs were supplied from the Iberian population occurred
in 1493. In that year, two thousand Jewish children, eight
years old and younger, were taken from their parents,
baptized as Christians, and shipped to the newly founded
Portuguese island sugar colony of São Tomé, where fewer
than one-third were to be counted thirteen years later.
In Spain, seven years of plague and famine from 1596 to
1602, followed by the expulsion of 275,000 Christianized
Moors in a six-year period beginning in 1602,
the population by 600,000 or 700,000, one-tenth of all the
Thus began a course of absolute population
decline that lasted throughout the seventeenth century.
it had been with the Jews before, the expelled moriscos
were officially ineligible for emigration to the Americas,
since émigrés were required to prove several generations
of Catholic ancestry.
For the better part of a century up to the 1660s, Holland, in
the process of winning her independence from Spain in the
Eighty Years’ War (1568–1648), was the leading
commercial and trading country of Europe. Holland’s
10,000 ships exceeded the total number held by the rest of
northern Europe combined.
On this basis the new Dutch
Republic developed a thriving and expanding internal
economy. Large areas were diked and drained to increase
the amount of cultivable land.
Up until 1622, Dutch
cities grew, some at a phenomenal rate; in that year, half
of Holland’s population lived in cities of more than
10,000 inhabitants.
The population of Amsterdam alone
had grown to 105,000, three and a half times its size in
These cities were expanding not from an influx of
displaced Dutch peasants, but because urban needs were
growing faster than those of rural areas,
and because
Holland’s “obvious prosperity acted as a lodestar to
the unemployed and the underemployed of neighboring
Although the casual laborer in Holland was frequently
out of work, “unemployment … was never sufficiently
severe to induce industrial and agricultural workers to
emigrate on an adequate scale to the overseas possessions
of the Dutch East and West India Companies.”
who did decide to emigrate to find work “preferred to
seek their fortune in countries nearer home.”
Plans for
enlisting Dutch peasant families for colonizing purposes
came to little, outside of the small settlement at the Cape
of Good Hope, which in the seventeenth century was
mainly a way station for ships passing to and from the
Dutch East Indies.
As far as the East Indies were
concerned, it was never contemplated “that the European
peasant should cultivate the soil himself.” Rather, he
would supervise the labor of others.
In seventeenth-century France the great majority of the
peasants were holders of small plots scarcely large
enough to provide the minimum essentials for survival.
The almost interminable religious wars that culminated in
the Thirty Years’ War (1618–48) had ravaged much of the
country, and epidemic disease had greatly reduced the
But while French poor peasants groaned
under the burden of feudal exactions, they were still bound
by feudal ties to the land;
they had not been “surplussed”
by sheep, as many peasants had been in Spain and
The first successful French colonization efforts were
undertaken on the Bay of Fundy (1604) and at Quebec
(1608). The laborers for the colonys upbuilding and
development were to be wage workers, transported at the
expense of the French government or other sponsoring
entity, and employed under three to five year contracts.
But New France was not destined to become a plantation
colony, indeed not even a primarily agricultural colony.
A century after these first Canadian settlements were
established, their population was only ten thousand,
including a few persons representing a soon-abandoned
notion of supplying the labor needs of Canadian colonies
from African sources.
Some time before the end of the
seventeenth century, the French government turned to the
idea of Christianizing and Gallicizing the Indians as a
means of peopling New France and developing a labor
force for it; that plan also failed, however, because the
Indians did not perceive sufficient advantage in such a
change in their way of living,
and they had the resources
and abilities to be able to fend off French pressure on the
tribal order. Indeed, until the establishment of the
Louisiana colony early in the eighteenth century, the entire
question of supplying labor for French agricultural
undertakings became irrelevant for North America.
French participation in the development of plantation
colonies was to occur in the West Indies and, as
mentioned, in Louisiana. Having begun with Martinique
and Guadeloupe in 1635, in 1697 the French capped a
series of Caribbean acquisitions by taking control from
Spain of the previously French-invested western half of
Hispaniola under the terms of the Treaty of Ryswick.
the beginning, wage laborers called engagés, hired under
three-year contracts at rates four or five times those
prevailing in France, were shipped to serve the labor
needs of these colonies.
The supply of labor in this form
seems to have reached its peak, however, well before
1697. Although the total number of engagés is not known,
some 5,200 were shipped from La Rochelle, the chief
embarkation point, in the period 1660–1710, a rate of
around one hundred per year.
This was numerically
miniscule compared to the total number of imported
laborers, which was running at a rate of 25,000 to 30,000
per year in the latter half of this period.
The reasons for the relegation of engagé labor to
economic insignificance were both economic and
The mortality rate among plantation laborers
on St Domingue, whatever their nativity, was such that
most did not survive three years.
However, the
obligation to pay relatively high wages to the engagés, be
their numbers large or small, coupled with the fact that the
French colonies had ready access to African labor
supplies, first through the Dutch and later from French
businessmen, made engagé labor relatively less
profitable, provided that the costs of social control of the
laboring population drawn from African sources could be
kept satisfactorily low.
Moreover, the need to recruit large French armies for
the wars first with Spain and then with England, and the
drain on revenues entailed in their support, rendered
politically inappropriate the export of engagés to the
French West Indies. Louis XIV finally forbade even the
forcible transportation of indigent persons to the American
colonies. His chief minister from 1661 to 1683, Jean
Baptiste Colbert, declared that he had no intention of
depopulating France in order to populate the colonies.
Other sources of labor
The Spanish and the Portuguese first looked to the native
populations to solve their colonial labor problem. The
Spanish did so with such spirit that, in the course of a
century and a half from 1503 to 1660, they tripled
Europes silver resources and added one-fifth to Europes
supply of gold.
In the process, the fire-armed and steel-
bladed Conquistadors almost completely destroyed the
indigenous population by introducing exotic diseases, and
by the merciless imposition of forced labor in gold mining
and in the fields. The native population of Hispaniola was
thus reduced from 1 million in 1492 to around twenty-six
thousand in 1514, and to virtual extinction by the end of
the sixteenth century.
The same genocidal labor regime
in mines and fields simultaneously destroyed the native
population of Cuba at a comparable rate.
Epidemic European diseases smallpox, measles, and
typhus and forced labor under a system of encomienda
a nd repartimiento
reduced the population of central
Mexico from 13.9 million in 1492 to 1.1 million in
The impact of disease and of the mita,
equivalent of the Mexican repartimiento, was equally
devastating to the Indian population of Peru, which was
reduced from 9 million to 670,000 in 1620.
In Brazil, the Portuguese (and the Dutch as well, during
the life of the New Holland colony, 1630–54) also sought
to recruit their labor force from the native population.
However, they found that, while the people “were
prepared to work intermittently for such tools and trinkets
as they fancied,” they were unwilling to work for them as
long-term agricultural laborers, or as bound-servants.
the test of wills that lasted until late in the seventeenth
century, the indigenous population was largely successful
in avoiding reduction to slavery.
Thus for two opposite reasons the accessibility of a
native labor force that eventually led to its destruction,
and the inaccessibility due to resistance by the native
population ensconced in dense continental forests the
Iberians turned to Africa as a source of labor for colonial
America. This was a labor reserve with which they, as
part of medieval Europe and as colonizers of Atlantic
islands, were already somewhat familiar.
Europe secured its slaves by trade with southern Russia,
Turkey, the Levant and the eastern coast of the Adriatic
Sea (the ethnic name Slav is the root of the various
Western European variations of the word “slave”), as
well as by purchasing Negroes supplied by North African
Arab merchants.
Spain enslaved Moslem “Moors” in
border regions during the “reconquista” wars against the
Arab regime on the Iberian peninsula.
In the middle of
the fifteenth century, the Portuguese established direct
access to African labor sources by successfully executing
a maritime end run around the North African Arabs.
the end of that century Portuguese enterprise, with papal
had supplied twenty-five thousand Africans as
unpaid laborers to Europe, plus one thousand to São
Tomé, and seven and a half thousand to islands in the
In the sixteenth century the African proportion
of the slave population increased in Portugal and Spain. In
Lisbon, a city of 100,000 people in 1551, there were
9,950 slaves, most of them Africans. In Seville (1565),
Cadiz (1616), and Madrid (up to about 1660), the slave
population included Turks and Moors, but the largest
number were Africans.
During the very early days of
American colonization, a number of American Indians
were shipped to be sold at a profit in Spain.
In 1518, King Charles I of Spain, acting with papal
sanction, authorized the supply to Spanish America of four
thousand Africans as bond-laborers, for which project he
awarded the contract to a favorite of his.
This was the
origin of the infamous Asiento de negros (or simply
Asiento, as it came generally to be called), a license
giving the holder the exclusive right to supply African
laborers to Spanish colonies in the Americas (and to
Portuguese Brazil as well during the sixty years, 1580–
1640, when Portugal was united with Spain in a single
kingdom). At various times it was directly awarded by the
Spanish crown to individuals or to governments by state
treaty. The Asiento was the object of fierce competition
among European powers, especially in the last half of the
seventeenth century. Allowing for brief periods of
suspension, it was held successively by Portugal, Holland,
and France, and passed finally to Britain as a part of the
spoils of the War of Spanish Succession (1702–14).
Asiento was finally ransomed from Britain for £100,000
in 1750.
Scholars’ estimates of the total number of Africans
shipped for bond-servitude in the Americas under the
Asiento and otherwise range from 11 to 15 million.
the 2,966,000 who disembarked in Anglo-America,
2,443,000 went to the British West Indies and 523,000 to
continental Anglo-America (including the United States).
Two other aspects of the matter seem to have been
slighted in previous scholarship: first, the significance of
this movement of labor in the “peoplingof the Americas;
and, second, the implications to be found in the story of
this massive transplantation of laborers for the history of
class struggle and social control in general in the
I am not qualified to treat these subjects in any
comprehensive way, but I venture to comment briefly,
prompted by an observation made by James A. Rawley,
whose work I have cited a number of times:
The Atlantic slave trade was a great migration long ignored by historians.
Euro-centered, historians have lavished attention upon the transplanting of
Europeans. Every European ethnic group has had an abundance of
historians investigating its roots and manner of migration. The transplanting
of Africans is another matter … [that] belongs to the future.
As to the first of the questions the African migration and
the “peopling of the Americas it is to be hoped that
among subjects that belong to the future historiography
invoked by Rawley, emphasis may be given to the degree
to which the migration (forced though it was) of 10 or 11
million Africans shaped the demographics of the Americas
as a whole. It is certain that more Africans than Europeans
came to the Americas between 1500 and 1800.
It would
seem that such a demographic assessment might add
strength to arguments that place the African-American and
the Indian in the center of the economic history of the
hemisphere, and in so doing sustain and promote the cause
of the dignity of labor in general. Such a demographic
assessment might be of service in responding to the cry for
justice for the Indians from Chiapas (from Las Casas to
Subcómmandante Marcos), or to an African-American
demand for reparations for unpaid bond-servitude; or in
assessing the claim of the Unknown Proletarian,” in a
possibly wider sense than even he intended:
We have fed you all for a thousand years
For that was our doom you know,
From the days when you chained us in your fields
To the strike of a week ago
You have taken our lives, and our babies and wives,
And we’re told it’s your legal share;
But if blood be the price of your lawful wealth,
Good God! We have bought it fair.
Second, with regard to the class struggle and social
control in general in the Americas, attention will need to
be given to the resistance and rebellion practiced by the
African bond-laborers and their descendants, from the
moment of embarkation from the shores of Africa
to the
years of maroon defiance in the mountains and forests of
from the quarrys first start of alarm
to the
merger of the emancipation struggle with movements for
national independence and democracy four hundred years
Historically most significant of all was the Haitian
Revolution an abolition and a national liberation rolled
into one: it was the destruction of French rule in Haiti that
convinced Emperor Napoleon to see and cede the
Louisiana territory (encompassing roughly all the territory
between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains)
to the United States, without which there would have been
no United States west of the Mississippi. By defeating
Napoleons plan to keep St Domingue in sugar plantation
slavery, the Haitian Revolution ushered in an era of
emancipation that in eighty-five years broke forever the
chains of chattel bondage in the Western Hemisphere
from the British West Indies (1833–48), to the United
States (1865), to Cuba (1868–78), to Brazil (1871–78). It
was in Haiti that the Great Liberator, Simon Bolivar,
twice found refuge and assistance when he had been
driven from Venezuela. Pledging to the Haitian president,
Pétion, that he would fight to abolish slavery, Bolivar
sailed from Haiti at the end of 1816 to break the colonial
rule of Spain in Latin America.
England and the Colonial Labor Supply
English colonialists were to share the motives and
aspirations felt by their counterparts looking westward
from the European continent: the search for uncontested
access to the fabled treasures of the East; the hope of
finding rich gold and silver mines; an eagerness to find
alternate sources of more mundane products such as hides,
timber, fish and salt; and the furtherance of strategic
interests vis-à-vis rival military and commercial powers
in the development of this new field of activity.
would be said and proposed also in the name of the
defense of one Christian faith (of the Protestant variety in
the English case of course). But all endeavors, holy and
profane, were to be held in orbit by the gravitational field
of capital accumulation.
In regard to the problem of a colonial labor supply,
however, the situation of the English bourgeoisie was
unique; this was as a result of developments that are so
familiar to students of English history that a brief summary
will suffice in the present context. With the end of the
Wars of the Roses (1450–85), a convergence of
circumstances – some old, some new – launched the cloth-
making industry into its historic role as the transformer of
English economic life to the capitalist basis.
among these circumstances were: (1) the emergence of a
strong monarchy; (2) England’s relative isolation,
compared to the countries of continental Europe;
improved means of navigation, especially benefiting the
coastal shipping so well suited to the needs of an island
nation; (4) improved and extended use of water power for
cloth-fulling mills, and for other industrial purposes; and
(5) the rural setting of the cloth industry, outside the range
of the regulations of the urban-centred guilds.
The price of wool rose faster than the price of grain,
and the rent on pasture rose to several times the rent on
crop land.
The owners increased the proportion of
pasture at the expense of arable land. One shepherd and
flock occupied as much land as a dozen or score of
peasants could cultivate with the plough. Ploughmen were
therefore replaced by sheep and hired shepherds; peasants
were deprived of their copyhold and common-land rights,
while laborers on the lords’ demesne lands found their
services in reduced demand. Rack-rents and
impoverishing leasehold entry fees were imposed with
increasing severity on laboring peasants competing with
sheep for land. At the beginning of the sixteenth century,
somewhere between one sixth and one third of all the land
in England belonged to abbeys, monasteries, nunneries and
other church enterprises. In the process of the dissolution
of the monasteries, most of the estimated 44,000 religious
and lay persons attached to these institutions were cast
adrift among the growing unemployed, homeless
As these lands were expropriated, under
Henry VIII the process of conversion to pasture was
promoted more vigorously than it had been by their former
Henry VIIIs return of 48,000 English soldiers
in 1546 from a two-year turn in Boulogne tended further to
the creation of a surplus proletariat.
The effect was only
partially offset by the participation of regular and
volunteer English soldiers in the Dutch war for the
independence of Holland from Spain later in the century,
and by the Tyrone War in Ireland.
Generally speaking,
the sixteenth century was relatively free of war and
The population of England is estimated to have
grown by 1.3 million in the last six decades of the
sixteenth century, to 4.1 million, but by only another 0.9
million in the entire seventeenth century.
Occurring at a
time when employment in cultivation was being reduced
more rapidly than it was being increased in sheep raising
and industry, this demographic factor added substantially
to the swelling surplus of the semi-proletarian and vagrant
During the early decades of the seventeenth
century, the oppressive effects of this catastrophic general
tendency to increasing unemployment and vagrancy were
exacerbated by purely political and cyclical factors, and
by market disruptions occasioned by continental wars. In
1614–17, James I enticed by Alderman Cockaynes
scheme whereby the Crown coffers were to be enriched
by five shillings on each of 36,000 pieces of finished and
dyed cloth to be exported annually imposed extremely
strict limitations on the export of unfinished cloth.
effect was a serious dislocation of trade, and mass
unemployment in the cloth industry. English cloth exports
fell until in 1620 they were only half the pre-1614 level.
The man who had been serving for some time as
treasurer and chief officer of the Virginia Company,
Edwin Sandys, urged the colonys cause by pointing out
that in Britain, Looms are laid down. Every loom
maintains forty persons. The farmer is not able to pay his
rent. The fairs and markets stand still …”
Recovery was
slow. In 1624, an investigating committee of the House of
Commons reported that there were still twelve thousand
unemployed cloth workers.
A modern scholar has
concluded that the next decade did not mark much
improvement, noting that the proportion of the people
receiving poor relief was greater in the 1631–40 period
than at any other time before or since.
East Anglia, the
native region of most of the emigrants to Anglo-America
in those years, was at that time especially hard hit by a
depression in the cloth trade.
The English case for colonization came thus to be
distinguished from those of Spain, Portugal, France, and
Holland in its advocacy of colonization as a means of
“ventingthe nations surplus of “necessitous people” into
New World plantations.
Francis Bacon (1561–1626)
favored colonization as a way to disburthen the land of
such inhabitants as may well be spared.” Just who those
were who could be spared had been identified some time
before by the premier advocate of overseas exploration
and settlement, Richard Hakluyt (1552?-1616): it was the
surplus proletarians who should be sent. Contrasting
England with the continental countries interminably
devouring their manpower in wars and their train of
disease and pestilence, Hakluyt pointed out that “[t]hrough
our long peace and seldom sickness wee are growen more
populous (and) there are of every arte and science so
many, that they can hardly lyve by one another.” Richard
Johnson, in his promotional pamphlet Nova Britannia,
noted that England abounded with swarmes of idle
persons having no meanes of labour to releeve their
misery.” He went on to prescribe that there be provided
“some waies for their forreine employment as English
colonists in America.
Commenting on the peasant
uprising in the English Midlands in 1607, the House of
Lords expressed the belief that unless war or colonization
“vent the daily increase of the population, “there must
break out yearly tumours and impostures as did of late.”
The English Variation and thePeculiar
The conjunction of the matured colonizing impulse, the
momentarily favorable geopolitical constellation of
powers, the English surplus of unemployed and
underemployed labor, coupled with the particular native
demographic and social factors as the English found them
in Virginia, and the lack of direct English access to
African labor sources, produced that most portentous and
distinctive factor of English colonialism: of all the
European colonizing powers in the Americas, only
England used European workers as basic plantation
workers. This truly “unthinking decision,”
or, more
properly, historical accident, was of incidental importance
in the ultimate deliberate Anglo-American ruling class
option for racial oppression. Except for this peculiarity,
racial slavery as it was finally and fully established in
continental America, with all of its tragic historical
consequences, would never have been brought into being.
Essential as this variation in the English plantation
labor supply proved to be for the emergence of the Anglo-
American system of racial slavery, however, it was not
the cause of racial oppression in Anglo-America. The
peculiarity of the “peculiar institution did not derive from
the fact that the labor needs of Anglo-American plantation
colonies came to the colonies in the chattel-labor form.
Nor did it inhere in the fact that the supply of lifetime,
hereditary bond-laborers was made up of non-Europeans
exclusively. These were common characteristics
throughout the plantation Americas.
The peculiarity of thepeculiar institution derived,
rather, from the control aspect; yet not merely in its
reliance upon the support of the free non-owners of bond-
labor, as buffer and enforcer against the unfree proletariat;
for that again was a general characteristic of plantation
societies in America.
The peculiarity of the system of social control which
came to be established in continental Anglo-America lay
in the following two characteristics: (1) all persons of any
degree of non-European ancestry were excluded from the
buffer social control stratum; and (2) a major,
indispensable, and decisive factor of the buffer social
control stratum maintained against the unfree proletarians
was that it was itself made up of free proletarians and
How did this monstrous social mutation begin, evolve,
survive and finally prevail in continental Anglo-America?
That is the question to be examined in the chapters that
English Background, with Anglo-
American Variations Noted
The same economic, social, and technological
developments in sixteenth-century England that supplied
the material means for the final overthrow of Celtic
Ireland in the Tyrone War (1594–1603) provided the
impetus that launched England on its career as a world
colonial power. The capitalist overthrow of the English
peasantry in the first half of the sixteenth century was the
forerunner of the destruction of the Celtic tribal system in
the seventeenth. The expropriated and uprooted sixteenth-
century English copyholders had their counterparts in the
“kin-wrecked” remnants of broken Irish tribes reduced to
tenantry-at-will and made aliens in their own country.
But while the adventitious factor of the English
Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century was a
decisive condition for the seventeenth-century English
option for racial oppression in Ireland, it was not the force
that shaped the events that culminated in the establishment
of racial oppression in continental Anglo-America.
Rather, the system of class relations and social control
that emerged in the colonies in the seventeenth century
rested on the rejection in fundamental respects of the
pattern established in England in the sixteenth century.
With few exceptions, historians of the origin of racial
slavery have generally ignored, or inferentially denied, the
significance of this oceanic disjunction in social patterns.
The “social control” approach which the present work
takes to the origin and nature of “the peculiar institution
makes it necessary to revisit the epoch of English history
that produced the founders of Jamestown.
On the Matter of Transitions”
Many economic historians, taking the long view, have
agreed with Adam Smith that the transition to capitalist
agriculture in England in the sixteenth century was “a
revolution of the greatest importance to public
At the threshold of the sixteenth century,
however, the English copyholder, plowing the same land
that his grandfather had plowed with the same plow,
little feeling for “transitions.” If it had been given to him
to speak in such terms, he might well have made his case
on historical grounds. It was the laboring people the
copyholders, freeholders, serfs, artisans and wage earners
and not the bourgeoisie, who had swept away the feudal
system. Out of the workings of the general fall in
agricultural prices in the period between the third quarters
of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries as a result of
which landlords preferred to get cash rents rather than
rents in produce; out of the shortage of labor induced by
the worst-ever onset of plague in England, which, within a
space of sixteen months in 1349–50 carried off from one-
fifth to one-half of the population;
out of the constant
round of bloody and treacherous baronial wars for state
hegemony (ended only with the Wars of the Roses, 1450–
85), and the desultory Hundred Years’ War with France,
1336–1453; and, above all, out of the Peasant Revolt of
1381, Wat Tylers Rebellion,
which drew a line in the
ancient soil beyond which feudal claims would never be
reasserted thus had been wrought the end of the feudal
order in England. And so occurred the English peasants
Golden Age,
wherein the self-employed laboring peasant,
as freeholder, leaseholder, or copyholder, held
ascendancy in English agriculture.
Our copyholder might then go on to say that now the
bourgeoisie, burgesses, landlords, merchants and such
were apparently attempting to destroy the peasantry; and if
that was what was meant by transition to capitalism, the
price was too high.
And he would conclude with a
reminder and a warning: he his kith and kin had fought
once, and would fight again, to maintain their place on the
land and in it.
Fight they did. Between 1500 and 1650, “hardly a
generation … elapsed without a peasant uprising.” In local
fence-destroying escapades, in large riots, and in
rebellions of armed forces of thousands which “at
intervals between 1530 and 1560 set half the counties of
England in a blaze,”
the English “commons” fought. In
some cases they were allies of the anti-Reformation,
sensing the connection between the Reformation and the
agrarian changes that threatened the majority of the
peasantry. Even then, the peasants still forwarded their
own demands regarding land ownership and use,
enclosures, rack-rents, etc. Years that their revolts have
made memorable include 1536, 1549, 1554, 1569 and
In these struggles the peasants made clear their sense of
the great heart of the matter; in the words of Tawney:
Reduced to its elements their complaint is a very simple one, very ancient
and very modern. It is that their property is being taken away from
them [and] to them it seems that all the trouble arises because the rich
have been stealing the property of the poor.
For this they fought in the northern rebellion of 1536,
known as the Pilgrimage of Grace.
This revolt, set off by
Henry VIIIs suppression of monasteries, confronted that
king with the greatest crisis of his reign.
ecclesiastical issues united the movement, “the first
demands of the peasants were social and not religious”;
for them it was a class struggle “of the poor against the
rich,” and their demands “against raised rents and
enclosures were included in the program of the
The peasants fought again in 1549, climaxing a three-
year period of “the greatest popular outcry against
In that year, peasant revolts spread to more
than half the counties of England. Led by Robert Ket,
himself a landowner, a rebel army of sixteen thousand
peasants captured Norwich, England’s second-largest city.
They set up their “court” on Mousehold Heath outside the
city, where they maintained their cause for six weeks.
They demanded that “lords, knights, esquires, and
gentlemen be stopped from commercial stock-raising,
and rent-gouging, and from privatizing common lands. We
can agree with Bindoff that this was “a radical
programme, indeed, which would have clipped the wings
of rural capitalism.”
The peasants fought also in 1607, the very year of the
founding of Jamestown. These were the peasants of the
Midland counties. Thousands, armed with bows and
arrows, with pikes and bills, and with stones, sought
justice by their own direct action. The later use of the term
“Levellers,” though more figurative, still was socially
congruent with the literal sense in which these Midland
rebels applied it to themselves as levellers” of fences
and hedges set up by the landlords to bar peasants from
their ancient rights of common land. To the royal demand
that they disperse, they defiantly replied that they would
do so only if the king “wolde promis to reforme those
The peasants fought, but in the end they could not stop
the “rich … stealing the property of the poor.” Small
landholders constituted the majority of the laboring
population in English agriculture at the end of the fifteenth
but by the end of the seventeenth century more
than four-fifths of the land was held by capitalist
employers of wage-labor.
Well before that time, the
majority of the English people were no longer self-
employed peasants but laborers dependent upon wages.
Not only were they to be dependent upon wages, making
crops and cloth that they would never own, but at wages
lower than they had ever been. In the course of the
sixteenth century the real wages of English laborers fell
into an abyss from which they would not emerge until the
end of the nineteenth century.
As a typical peasant, “Day
labourer was now [his or her] full description and the
poor cottager[s] could expect only seasonal employment at
a wage fixed by the justice of the peace.”
One-fourth of
the people of England in the 1640s were but “housed
beggars,” the term used by Francis Bacon to distinguish
them from wandering roadside mendicants.
Why No Upheaval?
“Why did it not cause an upheaval?” That is a logically
compelling question which some historians have posed in
light of their findings regarding the general deterioration
wrought upon the lives of the laboring population during
the “long sixteenth century, 1500–1640.
The same
question, but in a form more particularly suited to this
present study, is, How did the English bourgeoisie
maintain social control?”
In establishing its dominance over the pillaged and
outraged peasantry, the English bourgeoisie did, of course,
meet rebellion with armed repression (generally after
deceitful negotiations” designed to divide the opposition
and to buy time for the mobilization of government
military forces). Having traditionally no standing army, the
government employed German and Italian mercenaries on
some occasions, along with men recruited from the
personal retinues of the nobility. But foreign mercenaries,
however important they might have been in certain critical
moments, for fiscal and political reasons could not supply
the basic control functions on a regular basis. And the very
economic transformation that brought the laboring masses
of the countryside to revolt was simultaneously reducing
the ranks of the retainers whom the nobility might
profitably maintain for such ongoing repressive services.
Saving a portion of the yeomanry
The solution was found by deliberately fostering a lower-
middle-class stratum. It was in the nature of the capitalist
Agrarian Revolution that non-aristocrats rose out of the
ranks of the bourgeoisie into the highest councils and
organs of power, to serve side by side with the
increasingly bourgeoisified old-line aristocrats. Likewise,
lower and local functions at the shire level were filled by
men from the ranks of the lesser bourgeois country
gentlemen and exceptionally upwardly mobile peasants
turned capitalist farmers, who might buy into a knighthood.
But yet another layer was needed, which would be of
sufficient number to stand steadfast between the gentry and
the peasants and laborers.
But the juggernaut of the Agrarian Revolution threatened
the land titles of the laboring peasants of all categories,
from those with hereditary freeholds through all the
gradations of tenants to the “customary tenant-at-will.
The state therefore made a political decision to preserve a
sufficient proportion of peasants preference going
naturally, but not exclusively, to hereditary freehold
tenants as a petit bourgeois yeomanry (typified by the
classic “forty-shilling freeholder
) to serve in militia
and police functions.
The case has not been better understood or stated than it
was by Francis Bacon, looking back at close range in
1625 to write his History of the Reign of King Henry VII
Another statute was made for the soldiery and militar[y] forces of the
realm.That all houses of husbandry, that were used with twenty acres of
ground and upwards, should be maintained and kept up for ever; together
with a competent proportion of land to be used and occupied by them; and in
no wise severed from them (as by another statute in his successors [Henry
VIII’s] time was more fully declared).This did wonderfully concern the
might and mannerhood of the kingdom, to have farms of a standard,
sufficient to maintain an able body out of penury, and did in effect amortise
a great part of the lands of the kingdom unto the hold and occupation of the
yeomanry or middle people, of a condition between gentlemen and cottagers
or peasants. For to make good infantry, it requireth men bred not in a
servile or indigent fashion, but in some free and plentiful manner. Therefore
if a state run most to noblemen and gentlemen, and that the husbandmen and
ploughmen be but as their work folks and labourers, or else mere cottagers
(which are but housed beggars), you may have a good cavalry, but never
good stable bands of foot [soldiers].… Thus did the King secretly sow
Hydras teeth whereupon (according to the poet’s fiction) should rise up
armed men for the service of this kingdom.
Bacon likened the process of expropriation of the peasants
to the necessary thinning of a stand of timber, whereby all
but a few trees are cleared away to allow sound growth of
the rest for future needs. By this policy, he said, England
would escape certain ills besetting the governments of
other countries such as France and Italy
[w]here in effect all is noblesse or peasantry (I speak of people out of
towns), and therefore no middle people; and therefore no good forces of
foot; in so much as they are enforced to employ mercenary bands of
Switzers and the like for their foot [soldiers].
Here was the recognition of the curbs that policy must
sometimes impose on blind economic forces, restraining
“the invisible hand” in order to avoid promoting “an end
which was no part of [the] intentionof the ruling class.
It was in the nature of the transformation powered by the
capitalist Agrarian Revolution that the non-aristocratic
bourgeois gentry should move increasingly into the control
of affairs. On the other hand, the deliberate preservation of
a portion of economically independent self-employed and
laboring small property-owners was not an economic
necessity but rather a first derivative of the economic
necessities, a political necessity for the maintenance of
bourgeois social control, upon which the conduct of the
normal process of capitalist accumulation depended.
(Even so, it was not a total loss economically, since the
yeoman was a self-provider and a principal source of tax
The inner conflicts of the bourgeoisie, the conflicts with
self in its own various parts now the governors of a
strife-torn nation among striving nations; and, again, as
land-grabbing, rack-renting landlords, gentry, merchants,
squires, and occasional interloping peasant upstarts, like
tame hawks for their master, and like wild hawks for
themselves,” as Bacon put it
caused this basic policy
to evolve by vicissitudes. But the center held: the same
guiding principle obtained when Bacon wrote his history
of Henry VIIs reign that been in force more than a century
The successful day-to-day operation of the social order
of the newly ascendant bourgeoisie depended upon the
supervisory and enforcement functions performed at the
parish level by yeoman constables, church wardens,
Overseers of the Poor, jailers, directors of houses of
correction, etc.
They were charged with serving legal
orders and enforcing warrants issued by magistrates or
higher courts. They arrested vagrants, administered the
prescribed whippings on these vagrants naked backs, and
conveyed them to the boundary of the next parish,
enforcing their return to their home parishes. As Overseers
of the Poor, they ordered unemployed men and women to
the workhouses and apprenticed poor children without
their parents leave. Trial juries were generally composed
of yeomen, and they largely constituted the foot soldiery of
the militia, the so-called “trained bands.” They discharged
most of these unpaid obligations unenthusiastically, but
with a sense of duty appropriate to their social station.
Nevertheless, prior to the Great Rebellion and Civil War
of the mid-seventeenth century, yeomen militiamen
showed themselves less than reliable for major armed
clashes with peasants. In Kets Rebellion they were left
behind when the final assault was made by the kings
forces of cavalry and one thousand foreign mercenaries.
And, on account of the “great backwardness in the trained
bands,” the kings commanders were constrained to rely
exclusively on the gentlemen cavalry and their own
personal employees in the battle against one thousand
peasant rebels at Newton in the Midlands in 1607.
Yeomen did enjoy certain special privileges. For one,
they were entitled to vote for their shire’s member of
Parliament. Of far more substantial importance was their
right to apprentice their sons to lucrative trades and
commerce, and to send their sons to schools and
But like the civic duties to which they were
assigned, these privileges were theirs because, and only
because, of their property status. It never occurred to the
ruling classes of England that they could enlist such a
cheap yet effective social control force from the ranks of
the propertyless classes, the housed beggars, laborers and
cottagers, or the vagabonds. That notion would await the
coming of the Anglo-American continental colonies.
TheLabor Question”: Conflict and
The ruling class effected the same balance of class policy
and the blind instinctual drive for maximum immediate
profits by its individual parts in regard to the costs of
employment of propertyless laborers.
In the century and a half, 1350–1500, following the
great plague, it had been seen that no amount of legislation
could keep down labor costs where labor was in short
supply. Laws designed to prevent laborers from moving
about in search of higher wages, and laws fixing penalties
for paying or receiving wages in excess of statutory
maximums, were equally ineffective in restraining wages.
Half a dozen such laws were passed in that period,
by its end the laborers real wage was nearly thrice what
it had been at its beginning.
The objective might have
been accomplished if it had been possible to reimpose
serfdom, but the landlord class no longer had the power to
do so.
But the emergence of a massive labor surplus in the
early decades of the sixteenth century presented the
employing classes with an opportunity which they were
quick to exploit for regulating labor costs. At a certain
point it occurred to the government to redress the
imbalance by instituting slave labor. Parliament
accordingly in 1547 enacted a law, 1 Edw. VI 3, which
would have had the effect of creating a marginal, yet
substantial, body of unpaid bond-labor, to serve as an
anchor on the costs of paid labor. Refusing to recognize
the legitimacy of the offspring of their own agrarian
revolution, the ruling class presumed that every
unemployed person was merely another vagabond,”
willfully refusing to work and thus frustrating the proper
establishment of fair wages. The 1547 law sought remedy
along the following lines:
who so ever man or woman [being able-bodied and not provided with the
prescribed property income exemption] shall either like a serving man
wanting [lacking] a maister or lyke a Begger or after anny other such sorte
be lurking in anny howse or howses or loytringe or Idelye wander[ing] by
the high waies syde or in stretes, not applying them self to soem honnest and
allowed art, Scyence, service or Labour, and so do contynew by the space
of three dayes or more to gither and offer them self to Labour with anny
that will take them according to their facultie, And yf no man otherwise will
take them, doe not offer themself to work for meate and drynk shall be
taken for a Vagabonde
Any person found to be transgressing the provisions of the
law, upon information provided to a magistrate by any
man, was upon conviction to be formally declared a
“vagabond,” branded with a V, and made a slave for a
period of two years to the informant. The slave was to be
fed only bread and water and, at the owners discretion,
such scraps as the owner might choose to throw to the
slave. The law specified that the slave was to be driven to
work by beating, and held to the task by chaining, no
matter how vile the work assignment might be. Such a
two-year slave who failed in a runaway attempt was to be
branded with an S and made a slave for life to the same
owner from whom he or she had tried to escape. A second
unsuccessful attempt to escape was to be punished by
This was not just one of the many anti-vagabond laws
enacted by the English Parliament in the sixteenth
it was distinguished from others by three
features: (1) the definition of “vagrancy was extended to
cover any unemployed worker refusing to work for mere
board; (2) the beneficiary of the penalty was not the state
in any of its parts, but private individual owners of those
who were enslaved; (3) the enslaved persons were
reduced to chattels of the owners, like cattle or sheep, and
as such they could be bought, sold, rented, given away,
and inherited (“as any other movable goodes or
With this 1547 law, the quest for wage
control had passed its limits in a double sense, by going to
zero wages, and by exceeding the limits of practicability.
In 1550, Parliament repealed the law, citing as a reason
the fact that “the good and wholesome laws of the realm
have not been put in execution because of the extremity of
some of them.”
Many contemporary observers perceived the causal
connection of the officially deplored depopulating
enclosures of arable land and the growth of vagrancy, and
they viewed the case of the displaced peasants and
laborers with sympathy. “Whither shall they go? asked
one anguished commentary. “Forth from shire to shire, and
to be scattered thus abroad and for lack of masters, by
compulsion driven, some of them to beg and to steal.”
During the life of the slave law, bold, honest preacher
Bernard Gilpin made the point in a sermon in the presence
of Edward VI himself: “Thousands in England beg now
from door to door who have kept honest houses.”
There were those who considered such facts a
justification for slavery as a means of saving these victims
of expropriation from running further risks to their very
souls, by the sin of idleness. But a widespread reluctance
to attempt slavery as the answer seems to have had much
to do with the paralysis of the will that kept the law from
beingput in execution.”
The interval between the passage and the repeal of this
slave law was also the period of “the greatest popular
outcry against enclosing,”
which, as we have noted, took
the form of mass peasant revolts, culminating in Ket’s
Rebellion. John Cheke, scholar, member of Parliament and
former tutor of Edward VI, lectured the Norfolk rebels on
“The Hurt of Sedition,” linking their contumacy with the
spirit of lawless vagabondage plaguing the country.
Certainly the rebels were as aware as anyone else of the
connection between the threat they were facing, that of
depopulating enclosures, and the rise of vagrancy. But
there seem to be no reports as to the attitude, if any, that
the rebels may have held towards vagrancy in general, or
toward the slave law of 1547 in particular. Perhaps we
may agree with Davies in seeing this fact as evidence that
the law was effectively defunct in 1549.
In any case, the
Ket rebels evinced no disposition to clear their skirts of
the splatters of John Cheke’s vagabond-baiting.
What they did say, touching bondage, was this: “We
pray that all bondmen may be made free, for God hath
made all free with his precious bloodshedding.”
has been some conjecture about the significance of the
inclusion of this demand in the program issued from
Mousehold Heath.
Whatever scholars may finally
conclude on the point, it was a demand that sounded in
sharp dissonance to the cruel clanking of chains in the
1547 slave law. The rebels were, furthermore, voicing the
main moral scruple which contributed so much to the
nullification of the law: namely that it was wrong “to have
any Christen man bound to another.”
“Doubtless, moral scruples could have been
overcome,” Davies says, if slavery had been practical
and profitable.”
He explains that dealing with a single
slave or a small number … slavery would have been
utterly uneconomic; the constant driving, the continuous
need to check into the work done, the ease of flight, the
difficulty of recapture, easily outweigh any advantage
which might have accrued from ‘cheap labor.’ He then
takes note of a fact that is of particular relevance for the
understanding of racial slavery and social control. He
contrasts the situation as it would have obtained under the
1547 law in England and the slavery system in continental
Anglo-America, which was operable only because half
the population of the South [was] employed in seeing that
the other half do their work.”
The maintenance of such a
system of social control was neither an economically
valid option nor a necessary resort of bourgeois social
control in sixteenth-century England. In this attempt to turn
“anti-vagabondism into a paying proposition by
enslaving laborers, the bourgeoisie found that its reach
exceeded its grasp. When in 1558–59 diehards proposed
that the old slave law be reinstated, even with amendments
to lessen its “extremity,” the idea failed of adoption.
Wages had to be paid, low though they were
The slave-law experiment had revealed to the English
employing classes a limit beyond which they could not go,
but they were not disposed to miss the opportunity to
validate their prerogative to control labor costs by state
The result was the Statute of Artificers,
which was made law on 10 April 1563.
Whether the aim
of controlling labor costs was achieved by this act, and, if
so to what degree, is a subject beyond the concern of this
present work.
What is significant is that it remained the
basic English master-servant law for more than two and a
half centuries until its repeal in 1813.
It represented the
achievement of an historic equilibrium after two
centuries of class struggle, blow and counter-blow
between high wages and unpaid bondage, between
freedom and compulsion, in the disposition of alienable
labor power.
English historians of the liberal, labor and socialist
tendencies have correctly emphasized the compulsion
aspect of the Statute of Artificers.
This emphasis would
seem to be altogether appropriate for the study of the
continuum of English national development. But when one
comes to consider Anglo-American history, particularly
during the crucial seventeenth century, special concern
needs to be directed to the limits of compulsion under the
Statute of Artificers, to that counter-balancing residue of
freedom of labor which experience had shown to be
necessary for the maintenance of social control in England
in order that the process of normal capitalist accumulation
might go forward. Consider briefly the relevant provisions
of the Statute of Artificers in terms of a compulsion-
versus-freedom analysis.
Any unpropertied, unemployed, unapprenticed man
between the ages of twelve and sixty was obliged to work
at farm labor by the year in his locality for any farmer
requiring his services. But he had to be paid the
established wages. Equally significant, recalling the law
of 1547, the 1563 Statute of Artificers put the onus on the
employers to offer employment, rather than on the workers
to find employment, before the penalties of vagrancy could
be imposed upon the worker.
Workers who entered into contract to perform specific
works were compelled to continue in them, without
leaving to seek other employment, until that job was
finished, on penalty of a month in jail and, in some cases,
being liable to a suit (in Action of Debt”) by the
employer for damages amounting to five pounds sterling.
But the punishment entailed no extension of service to the
private employer, and the employer had no further
recourse than the debt action.
Workers bound to serve by the year were subject to a
penalty of thirty days in jail for leaving their employers’
service before the completion of their terms. But they
could terminate their employment legally by giving three
months’ notice prior to the scheduled completion of their
terms. If a person wished to go outside his own parish or
town to take a job, he had first to secure from the
authorities a formal written testimonial from the town
authorities. If such a worker failed to present such a
testimonial when taking a job outside his own town or
parish, he was to be given twenty-one days to obtain the
needed testimonial, being held in jail the while. Upon
failure to secure the testimonial within that time, he was
“to be whipped and used as a Vagabond.”
Male youths were indentured as apprentices to
employers, usually for seven years, but sometimes for
longer periods. No person might, without prohibitive
penalty, practice any trade without having completed the
appropriate apprenticeship. Therefore, the more lucrative
the prospective trade, the greater was the incentive and the
less the compulsion involved in the recruitment of
apprentices. In the more remunerative occupations,
apprenticeship was restricted to sons of men already in the
trade, or to owners of property yielding an annual revenue
of two or three pounds. For more common trades, there
were no property or family qualifications, but the number
of apprentices might be limited to a quota of one
apprentice to one journeyman, after an initial quota of
three to one. For “Apprenticeship to Husbandry
[farming],” however, there were no restrictions except as
to age, and it had generally more the aspect of
impressment than selection of a career. Under a policy
conceived for the better Advancement of Husbandry and
Tillage,” any male between the ages of ten and eighteen
and “fitfor such employment was obliged to enter into an
“indenture” to serve as a “husbandry apprentice to any
farmer who required him for that purpose, for a term
lasting until the youth reached twenty-one years of age at
least, and possibly until he was twenty-four, depending
upon the terms of the individual arrangement.
Refusal to serve as an apprentice was punishable by
commitment to jail until the culprit was placed under bond
to assure compliance. An apprentice was forbidden to
marry without the employers consent. He was a member
of the employers household and was obliged to obey the
employer in any legal command.
It would seem therefore that, observing the limits of the
law of 1547, the English bourgeoisie had decided as far
as male workers were concerned – to venture no further in
that direction than the terms prescribed for Apprenticeship
to Husbandry. Whatever the apprentices infractions of the
terms of the apprenticeship, his punishment for them
entailed no extension of his time of service. If the proper
authorities approved, in special circumstances and if the
apprentice consented, he might be assigned to another
The apprentice could be freed from his service
before the end of his term upon a validated complaint
made to the authorities (magistrates, mayors, etc.) of ill-
treatment or of misuse, including failure to provide
instruction in the trade as agreed upon in the indenture.
Finally, any woman of the laboring class, between the
ages of twelve and forty, being unmarried and forth of
work (unemployed) was compellable to serve by the
year, week, or day in any “reasonable” sort of work and at
such wage rates as any two magistrates or aldermen, or the
mayor, having local jurisdiction might assign for her.
Upon refusal so to serve, the woman was to be held in jail
“until she shall be bounded to serve.” Even if impressed
for labor, she was to be paid wages. At least as far as this
law was concerned, there was no impediment to her
marrying and chancing thereby whatever better escape
such a course might afford.
The oppressive intent of the Statute of Artificers was
obvious on the face of it. In a situation made especially
difficult by the oversupply of labor, workers were
compelled to work for whatever the employing class,
through the magistrates, chose to offer, and to forgo any
improvement through individual or collective bargaining.
By both its general and its apprenticeship provisions, the
statute consigned the generality of the wage-earning
population to agricultural labor. Women workers were
excluded from apprenticeship and made to serve in the
lowest-paid drudgery. The severest censures of the anti-
vagabond laws were threatened against the worker who
sought to move from one place to another to improve his
lot, unless he bore the magistrate’s certificate of
permission. Yet oppressive as that law was, neither its
contrivers nor its victims would have believed that within
several short generations, in a New Albion,”
workers would be worked as unpaid chattel bondmen and
bondwomen, bought and sold from hand to hand for long
terms of years, subject, for infraction, to extensions of that
servitude for private owners; denied the right to marry,
their children “bastards” by definition – and that such
would be the common lot (not a real apprentice in a
hundred) under “the custom of the country!
The Poor Law as Social Control
A third major problem of social controlafter the peasant
revolts and labor relations arose out of the mass
pauperization wrought by the Agrarian Revolution. The
presence of a set of persons having no fixed abode was
not a new phenomenon in England. But prior to the
sixteenth century it was more likely to be associated with
a shortage of labor, leading laborers to slip their villein
bonds to take better offers from new employers. The
vagrancy problem of the sixteenth century, by contrast,
was associated with a protracted general decline of
wages, and with a stubborn struggle by laboring people to
maintain their rights to stay on their land.
The extent of this “structural unemployment,” as it
would be called today, is not statistically verifiable,
it cannot be doubted that its appearance presented the state
with serious difficulties. It was fundamental; a by-product
of the vitality of ascendant capitalism. It was intimately
linked with the resistance of the copyholders to
expropriation of their lands. In the words of Queen
Elizabeths chief adviser, Lord Burghley, the problem
arose from “the depopulating of whole towns and
keeping of a shepherd only, whereby many subjects are
turned without habitation and fill the country with rogues
and idle persons.”
The repeal of the 1547 slave law (1 Edw. VI 3), after
three years of ineffectualness, marked the first glimmer of
official acknowledgement that unemployment was not
synonymous with willful idleness, vagabondage and
roguery. A series of laws still sought to draw a significant
distinction between the impotent poor,” who were to be
relieved, and the sturdy beggars.”
The former were to
be certified and provided for by propertied persons of
their parishes. But the “sturdy beggars were still to be
subject to whipping, to transportation to their home
parishes, and, in some cases, to exile or hanging as felons.
But the threat to the orderly transaction of affairs
continued. “All parts of this realm of England and Wales,”
said Parliament in 1572, “be presently with rogues,
vagabonds, and sturdy beggars exceedingly pestered to
the great annoyance of the common weal.”
They had
become so emboldened by their desperate plight that in
1580 they even pressed their clamor upon the Queen
personally “one evening as she was riding abroad to take
the air.”
“Many thousands of idle persons are within this realm,”
warned Hakluyt in 1584, “which, haveing no way to be
sett on worke, be either mutinous and seeke alteration in
the state, or at least [are] very burthensome to the
Two years later, another observer
expressed fear that a surfeit of paupers must lead to
“divers kinds of wrongs, mutinies, sedition, commotion, &
A royal decree of 1593 demanded stricter enforcement
of the laws against the multitudes of rootless people who
were wandering the highways, begging and extorting relief
from the more prosperous persons they encountered. It
was said that many of the predators were military and
naval veterans “exacting money on pretense of service in
the wars.”
In time the government came to see, as Nicholls, the
pre-eminent student of the Poor Law, puts it, that “severe
punishment loses its terrors in the presence of actual want
that a man will beg, or steal, or resort to violence rather
than starve; and that it was not wise to force the
unemployed into that hard choice.
In 1601 Parliament
accordingly made the law (43 Eliz. 2) that was to govern
English poor relief for more than three centuries.
provided for a system of guaranteed work to be
maintained under the supervision of the Overseers of the
Poor of each parish, comprised of the church wardens and
from two to four other property owners. In central
locations, called workhouses, or in their own abodes, the
otherwise unemployed persons were to be set to work on
materials such as hemp, wool, iron and thread. The
proceeds from their products were to defray the costs
incurred and to provide for payment for the workers
“according to the desert of their work.” Refusal to work
on such terms was a legal offense, punishable by a term in
the house of correction or common jail. Funds needed for
furtherance of work and relief programs were to be raised
by the Poor Rate, a regular tax periodically assessed
against the property holders of each parish.
In practice this formal relief was supplemented by
illegal or semi-legal resort by the pauperized population
to unauthorized infiltration into supposedly guild-
protected trades, or by “squatting on wastelands to eke
out enough of an existence to escape the ministrations of
the Overseers of the Poor.
But to the extent that such
diversions were attempted, they were but supplementary
to the workings of 43 Eliz. 2, the Poor Law, the ultimate
monumental attempt on the part of the powerful Tudor
state to prevent the social disorder caused by economic
changes, which in spite of its efforts it had not been strong
enough to control.”
Notorious as the operation of the English system of
Poor Relief was ever to be for its parsimony and
sanctimony, the right of workers to be paid wages for the
work done under its program, and the right to leave that
employment if and when a turn of fortune a legacy, a
good apprenticeship opportunity, a decent job, or, for a
woman, a marriage prospect – occurred, were matters
never questioned by those who first established the system
in 1601. Yet within a few decades, irreducible rights and
privileges of the most condemned ward of the parish were
to be denied to the general run of English workers
performing the most essential labor in Anglo-America. To
those contrivers of the Poor Rate, it would have seemed
unthinkable that the support of the poor might, even in the
slightest degree, be derived from impositions on other
propertyless laborers.
Oppression of Women
The social transformation wrought by the Agrarian
Revolution and the rise of capitalism in England was
indeed great. But the class coming to power found no need
to amend common or statute law with regard to the
subordination of women; it found male domination to be
no less congenial to the functioning of the new order than
it had been to the old.
Given the absence of a womens rights movement the
first concerted cries for justice would not be heard for
another two centuries; and, given the quick bourgeois
appetite for wealth accumulation, making their historical
ruling-class antecedents dilettantes by comparison the
brutal treatment of women in the new era proceeded
As it was in mans record of the beginning, and had
since been, the non-person civil status of women should
ever be, so far as the bourgeoisie of England was
Classed with children in matters of civil
rights, women continued to be classed with heretics when
punishment for treason was prescribed; only women were
to be burned at the stake for that offense.
And, like
servants who killed their masters, women who killed their
husbands were guilty of petty treason. By law, persons
convicted of a felony were subject to the death penalty.
But priests so convicted could be pardoned for the first
offense by claiming “benefit of clergy,” a relic of a former
time when cleric felons were dealt with by ecclesiastical
courts. (Persons granted this privilege were to be branded
in the meat of the thumb to prevent their claiming that right
a second time.) From the eve of the sixteenth century
onwards, increasing categories of non-clerical men were
admitted to this privilege. But women, barred by gender
from being priests, were excluded from this mercy. They
were granted full access to the benefit-of-clergy plea only
in 1692.
The men of the ruling classes had immemorially
exercised sex-class privileges at the expense of the
women of the laboring classes. In feudal times in England
the custom said to have been most hated by the serfs was
that of “merchet,” which required payment in kind or in
money by the serf to the lord when the serfs daughter was
to be married.
This was considered the most degrading
and certain mark of servile status, since it forced the serfs
to acknowledge possessory claims of one degree or
another by the lord to every female virgin among his
“family of dependants.” The same theme was evident in
the fact that a woman serf who married a free man and
was later divorced by him again became a serf of her
former lord. On the other hand, a woman who had
originally been free but who married a serf herself, fell to
the status of serfdom, which she could not escape by being
divorced; instead she remained a serf, at least during the
lifetime of her husband. The widow of a serf was
designated by the special term “widewe,” meaning the
lord’s widow.
She was obliged to guarantee production
sufficient to meet the lord’s due. Failing in that, a woman
was required to surrender her holding, or else to make
arrangements (with the lord’s sanction) for the proper
performance of her duties, as the ward of some man.
In the new order, women of the propertied classes
continued to be hostages to the property to which they
were linked through inheritance laws. As before, the cult
of female chastity, with all its concomitant social and
legal repression and sanctions imposed on women,
remained an essential of the process of fortune-building
through inheritances and marriage portions.
When the
most important decisions were to be made concerning a
womans life, her personal interests or preferences
carried less weight than the property and power interests
of the men with whom her life was involved.
As of old,
but with possibly greater cynicism, fatherless under-age
daughters were, as “wards,” dealt about like commodities.
A man well regarded by the Court of Wards stood to gain
when such a girl or woman was made his ward, for that
brought him control of her property with all the
opportunity for self-advancement it might make possible
for him.
There was to be for women no reformation in the
Reformation. The notorious 1547 slave law, even in its
general extremity, found a special disability to impose on
the woman. If a man slave, by coming into an inheritance
or otherwise, secured a “convenient livinghe was to be
freed. If, for instance, such a possibility presented itself in
the form of marriage, a male slave had the unimpeded right
to free himself by that course. But the female slave, if she
were under twenty years of age, could avail herself of
such an opportunity only if she could secure the
permission of her owner to do so.
And, as we have seen,
the Statute of Artificers of 1563 assigned unmarried,
unpropertied women to the lowest labor status. If they
were unemployed and between the ages of twelve and
forty, they could be compelled to serve in any employment
to which the magistrates might assign them. Furthermore,
their wages were set at only about half of those paid to
men doing comparable services.
Above all, there were the reasons of state. The ancient
rights and liberties” of the small-propertied and
propertyless classes were, as noted, subject to heavy
assault in the sixteenth century. But the new order brought
no threat to their rights and liberties as English men vis-à-
vis English women.
Sir Francis Bacon voiced official sanction of this
limitation on interference with traditional ways, saying
that male domination and patriarchy were “natural and
more ancient than the law.” Addressing “The Lord
Chancellor and all the Judges of England” in his capacity
as Solicitor-General in 1608, Bacon set forth the premise
that monarchy was the best form of rule because its
authority was first of all based on the “platformof male
domination and patriarchy.
The first [platform], he submitted, is that of a father or chief of a family;
who governing over his wife by prerogative of sex, over his children by
prerogative of age, and because he is author to them of being, and over his
servants by prerogative of virtue and providence (for he that is able of body
and improvident of mind is natura servus), is the very model of a king.
But before the king is every man, every man must be a
In feudal England, in the exercise of male
domination over the wife, the serfs claims had priority
over those of the feudal lord. The wife was a feme
covert,” against whom the lord had no process of claim
except through the husband. And in the new day, after the
repression of the Pilgrimage of Grace, Henry VIII did not
venture to pursue vengeance against the persons of a
number of women who had been active rebels. The
definitive work on this event explains that royal discretion
as follows:
Henry knew that in the excited state of public opinion it would be dangerous
to meddle with them. His reign was not by any means the age of chivalry,
but there still remained a good deal of the old tribal feeling about women,
that they were the most valuable possessions of the clan, and that if any
stranger, even the King, touched them all the men were disgraced.
In the “new age”, a mans home was still to be his
castle and, if the matter were forced to an issue, a
womans prison. Men could divorce women; women
could not divorce men. Some time late in the sixteenth
century, Joan Wynstone ran away from her husband John, a
man of humble station.
Taken up as a vagrant, she was
sentenced under the law to work as a servant of the
husband she had fled. Finding that life intolerable, Joan
again escaped, but she was again recaptured. For this
second offense she was hanged on the gallows.
The poor and laboring people of England might not
prevail over their kings, or their queens, or their lords and
masters, but the man of these classes could be king and
lord and master to his wife. Male domination in this way
served as a link between the beaten-down peasants and
proletarians and the very authority that was beating them
down. As such it operated as another instrument of ruling-
class social control, disguised as the natural outcome of
the sexual differentiation occurring in the population.
No English man of that day, from Lord Chancellor
Francis Bacon to lowly John Wynstone, would have
imagined that propertyless, yet non-apprenticed, English
men would ever be so degraded (as they would have
considered it) that under the law they might not have their
own castles” and the male privileges appertaining to
their gender status.
Nor would Bacon or Wynstone have
thought to find in “nature” an apology for the assertion of a
general sexual privilege by one set of men propertied
and unpropertied over all women of another set of the
propertyless population. Yet the first of these
inconceivable ideas would not only be thought of, it would
become an essential operating principle of the Anglo-
American plantation economy.
And, more amazing, the
second, thought of and instituted, would become an
indispensable element in the maintenance of bourgeois
social control in continental plantation Anglo-America.
Euro-Indian Relations and the
Problem of Social Control
For all the talk of using colonies as vents for proletarian
discontent, the first group of English to arrive in Virginia
in 1607 included a disproportionate number of aristocrats
and gentlemen, and their personal attendants, for whom
productive labor was as unthinkable as it was for any
Spanish hidalgo bound for New Spain.
Like Cortés, they
were prepared to find ready access to gold and silver
rather than to start cultivation of the soil.
By 1622,
however, the Virginia Company investors, realizing that
Virginia was to be no El Dorado, rationalized their
abandonment of dreams of emulating the treasure hunts of
the Spanish in Mexico and Peru. “[T]o thinke that Gold
and Silver mynes in a Country [Virginia] (otherwise most
rich and fruitful) the greatest wealth of a Plantation is but
popular error,” wrote Edward Waterhouse in a long letter
of advice to fellow members of the Virginia Company. He
now saw the Spanish case in a different light. The law of
diminishing returns had set in for silver and gold mining in
Spanish America, he said, and Spain had turned to
agricultural products, such as sugar, cotton, indigo, and
brazil wood, to offset the decline of mining output.
left no doubt that, in his opinion, the future prosperity of
the Virginia plantation likewise lay in exploiting the
countrys natural potential for commodity production.
Why, he thought, could not the English do as the Spanish
had done and recruit a labor force from the native
population for that purpose? True, the colony was
intended as a vent for the “troublesome poorof England,
but why should they not serve in the English plantation as
an intermediate stratum, as overseers and tradesmen, such
as had been formed by a certain portion of Spanish
immigrants and Spanish creoles in Mexico and Peru?
Why should not the Virginia Indians be
compelled to servitude and drudgery, and supply the roome of men that
labour, whereby even the meanest [Englishmen] of the Plantation may
imploy themselves more entirely in their Arts and Occupations, which are
more generous, whilest Savages performe their inferior workes of digging in
mynes and the like, of whom also some may be sent for the service of the
Sommer Hands [Bermuda Islands].
Old planter John Martin likewise suggested that the
Indians be “brought into subjection,” they being “apter for
worke then yet our English are … and fitt to rowe in
Gallies & friggetts and many other pregnant uses.”
Captain John Smith (1580–1631), the most famous leader
of the early Jamestown settlers, retrospectively regretted
that the English had not from the beginning done as the
Spanish had done, namely “forced the [Indians] to do
all manner of drudgery worke and slavery for them,
themselves [the Spanish] living like Souldiers upon the
fruit of their [the Indians’] labours.”
The Spanish option
was not to be dismissed out of hand. Indeed Captain John
Smith reasoned that, vis-à-vis the respective native
populations, the English in Virginia and New England
were better situated than the Spanish had been in the West
Indies. The Spanish, outnumbered by the West Indies
Indians by fifty or more to one, had “no other remedy but
mass extermination of the natives. “Ours,” said Smith,
referring possessively to Virginia and New England
Indians, were “such a few, and so dispersed, it were
nothing in a short time to bring them to labour and
If the English had subdued and forced “their Indians
into drudgery and slavery,” they would have had to
confront, as the Iberians had had to do, the problem of
establishing a system of social control over the native
population that would be, as the phrase is nowadays,
Social Control: Haiti (Hispaniola), Cuba and
Puerto Rico
When European colonization of the so-called New World
began in Hispaniola in 1492, the population density of that
island was about the same as that of Portugal (around 33
and 38 inhabitants per square mile, respectively), but the
society of the island was not highly stratified.
of the Indians of the West Indies, Las Casas said, “They
are very poor folk, which possess little they are
accustomed to have no more store than they ordinarily
have need of and that such as they get with little travail
[labor].” He elaborated with notations of the peoples
diet, apparel, and shelter.
There was no distinct native
social stratum that could act as a buffer between the
laboring people and the Spanish conquerors in the
administration of a normal, orderly, colony. Hence the
encomienda system, whereby the King of Spain
“commended” the natives to “the care” of individual
Spanish colonists as laborers,
was conducted “in an
irregular, uncontrolled, and highly exploitative form.
Spaniards raided Indian communities, took captives,
and, in order to prevent escape or to ensure the full
measure of work, practiced large-scale enslavement.”
The native population did not willingly submit to such
brutal administration. In Hispaniola the Maguana people
rose in revolt after the treacherous Spanish killing of the
captive Maguana chief Canaobo.
In 1511 in Puerto Rico,
the Borinqueños under the leadership of a cacique named
Guaybana mounted a major rebellion against the
imposition of the Spanish system of forced labor. A
second Borinquen uprising was led by another cacique,
Humacao, four years later.
Other Borinqueños, possibly
one-third of the population, sought refuge in remote
mountainous areas, or fled by boat to other islands.
i n Haiti (Hispaniola/Santo Domingo) and Cuba, the
Spanish advantage of overwhelming military strength
exerted without restraint, in the context of the even more
devastating toll of epidemic European diseases, resulted
in almost complete extermination of the native population.
There it was a mathematical certainty that without an
intermediate social stratum, “social control by mere
unbridled military force would be self-defeating because
it exceeded the limits that had to be observed to preserve
an exploitable labor force.
Social Control: Mexico and Peru
At the time of the Spanish invasion in 1519, the population
of central Mexico,
an area of about 200,000 square
miles, was an estimated 13.9 million,
representing a
density of almost 70 people per square mile. Of this
population, 2.5 million, concentrated more than 350 per
square mile, lived in the 8,000-square-mile area in and
near the Basin of Mexico.
Tenochitlan (Mexico City), in
the heart of this area, had a population of 300,000.
The invaders found already in place “an elaborate
system of levy providing products of all kinds, slaves, and
services for the three capitals of the so-called Aztec
Empire,” and a similar system in other large states outside
the Aztec territory. In each case it was organized to
support its central government ruling group.
Originally a
three-layered stratum,
the ruling group came to be
designated by the Spanish under the general name of
The Spanish were able to adapt this pre-existing form
of social organization to extort labor and tribute from the
Indians, even in the most rapacious manner,
“Indian office-holders at the subordinate levels of the
hierarchy for the enforcement of Spanish rules.”
In the
opinion of the well-known historian of colonial Mexico
Charles Gibson, it was “[t]he power and prestige of the
pre-Spanish states, and their continuing traditions of
popular subservience, [that] made it possible for the
Spaniards to exact labor and tribute with little
opposition.” Summarizing, Gibson writes that in both
Mexico and Peru, Spaniards took charge of an
established society, substituting themselves for the rulers
they had deposed or killed.”
But such a displacement at the top would not have been
effective in gaining the Spaniards’ purposes without the
preservation of a buffer social control function for the
socially demoted caciques.
The ease with which the first Spaniards manipulated huge numbers of native
peoples, even the ease with which the first missionaries induced huge
numbers of conversions, depended upon the intermediate position of the
caciques.… Caciques were in the vanguard in the adoption of Spanish dress,
foods, language, and styles of house construction. They were excused from
tribute and labor exactions and given special privileges, such as permission
to ride horses and carry arms.Indian caciques and Spanish corregidores
[Spanish officers in charge of local districts] joined forces to extract from
the mass of the Indian population whatever wealth it possessed over and
above the subsistence level of its economy.
Considered in terms of social control and resistance,
the story of the Spanish defeat of and rule over the Inca
civilization of Peru in the sixteenth century closely
corresponds to the pattern set in Mexico. The Inca word
for chiefs, kurakas, was by Spanish decree in 1572
changed to cacique,
appropriately enough it would
seem, since the buffer social control function of that office
in Peru was identical with its function in Mexico. The
hereditary Peruvian caciques were exempt from paying
tribute or labor service. They were the collectors of
tribute to be paid to the Spanish by Indians between the
ages of eighteen and fifty. They were responsible also for
furnishing the mita laborers for service to Spanish masters
in industries, in farming and, worst of all, in the silver and
mercury mines of Potosi and Huancavelica.
In Peru, the caciques “exercised considerable power
over Indians, even within the borders of Spanish towns.”
In 1558, supreme Inca chief Sayri Tupac struck a sort of
surrender-and-regrant “bargain with the Spanish as
ONeill and other Irish chieftains had done a few year
earlier in Ireland (see Volume One).
For at least a century and a half, the caciques of Mexico
and Peru served as the principal buffer social control
stratum in the Spanish system of social control in those
But in Mexico, the relatively class-
undifferentiated Chichimecs drew a line, and long
maintained it, beyond which the Spanish encomienda
could not be established.
In Peru, the Incas defended the
remnants of their independent state in two open rebellions.
In 1536, Inca Manco and his uncle Titu Yupanqui, taking
advantage of a momentary political and military division
among the Spanish, rose in revolt to end the desecration of
their lands and temples. Manco led a five-month siege of
Cuzco, and Titu headed a large army in an assault on
Thirty-five years later, Tupac Amaru, youngest
son of Inca Sayri Tupac, served as a rallying symbol for a
last great uprising to throw off the Spanish yoke.
The Social Control Problem in Brazil
Brazil, like Hispaniola, presented no previously
established social stratum adaptable to the colonizing
powers social control purposes, and Catholic religious
orders, most notably the Jesuits and Franciscans, largely
succeeded in substituting themselves in that function. It
was the Dominican friar Bartolomé de Las Casas,
however, who first raised the standard of battle for
“protection of the Indians” of the West Indies in the
sixteenth century, but his pleas were brushed aside by the
gold-crazed colonists. A basic factor in the genocide of
the native peoples of the West Indies in the early sixteenth
century was the difficulty of their making a mass flight by
sea. The Indians of Brazil, on the other hand, would serve
to establish a general principle of social control in
European colonies in the Americas: dominance was less
easily established and maintained over continental
colonies than over insular colonies.
In the continental expanse of Brazil, there was space,
and therefore time, for development of an effective class
struggle of the Indian laborers and the Portuguese
plantation bourgeoisie (the moradores). The Indians, as
we have noted, were successful in making the point in the
sixteenth century that they had no desire to become long-
term sugar plantation bond-laborers (see this page).
Indeed, in the sixteenth century a number of projected
areas of Portuguese settlement had to be abandoned in the
face of Indian attacks.
More generally, the Indians
resisted plantation servitude by removing themselves to
the continental interior.
The Portuguese plantation
owners countered by conducting armed expeditions
(entradas) into the interior in order to “entice or force”
Indians into Portuguese-controlled villages (aldeias),
which were located to provide easy access to a supply of
Indian plantation laborers, to be used under conditions that
were, for all practical purposes, mere slavery.
Just as
elsewhere in the plantation Americas, super-exploitation
of labor and the spread of epidemic European diseases
took a heavy toll on the indigenous labor supply in
In any case, since Indians, having the continental
advantage, “deserted their aldeias in large numbers,”
colonists were unable to solve the labor-supply problem
by resort to raw force through the entradas.
It was in the Amazon region of Brazil during the
seventeenth century that the Franciscans and then the
Jesuits, led most prominently by António Vieira, after a
campaign lasting from 1624 to 1686, were able to win a
royal decree outlawing enslavement of Indians and
bestowing custody of the aldeia Indians on the religious
orders. These Indians were then to be assigned by the
religious authorities as free laborers to plantation owners
for a limited part of each year.
In terms of social control,
the religious orders were filling in relation to a class-
undifferentiated native population a role similar to that
performed by the caciques in relation to the native class-
differentiated societies of Mexico and Peru.
In the Amazon region, Portuguese plantation owners
rebelled against the idea of non-enslavability of Indians as
government interference with free enterprise; they insisted
that the free play of market forces required slave labor.
Vieira met the objection by proposing the extension to the
Amazon region of the practice that had been in operation
in more southern coastal regions of Brazil since the
middle of the sixteenth century, namely, by the
enslavement of Angolans “of both sexes to assure their
propagation.” The principle was to be “The Negroes to
the colonists, the Indians to the Jesuits.” A suitable
religious exegetical rationale was contrived. The
Angolans, by being baptized Christians, were afforded an
opportunity to escape the everlasting torment to which they
had been certainly doomed as “pagans.” Their souls were
to be redeemed by the Calvary-like suffering of lifetime
hereditary servitude in the sugar industry. The Indians,
having been made wards of a Christian order, could not be
consigned to slavery.
For an indication of the
widespread failure of Afro-Brazilian bond-laborers to
find comfort in this thesis, see the note on the Palmares
guilombo in Appendix II-A.
The Powhatans of Virginia
Of all the Ibero-American cases, Brazil was the one that
most resembled Anglo-American Virginia with respect to
the problem of establishing that degree of social control
essential for basing the colonial economy on the forced
labor of the indigenous population. Like Brazil, Virginia
was a continental colony, not an insular one. Like the
indigenous society of Brazil,
Powhatan society exhibited
little significant stratification, lacking a strong rulership
and concomitant intermediate stratum
adaptable to the
social control purposes of the conquerors. Storage
facilities were insufficient to permit long-term
accumulation in the hands of the ruling element of products
upon which the people were dependent. There was no
wealth in the form of domesticated animals, nor did
wealth exist in any other form such as to permit
accumulations adequate for the support of a permanent
leisure class or a non-productive politico-military
bureaucracy. The people derived three-fourths of their
living from hunting, fishing and gathering, one-fourth from
cultivation. With a population density of only one or two
persons per square mile,
the Powhatan Indians for most
of the year were on the whole well-provisioned, so that
they could even share with the starving English colonists
on occasion.
There was a degree of social stratification; a chief
(Powhatan, the person himself, when the English first
arrived) lived on the tribute assessed on the people and
had privileged access to the best hunting grounds. He
received labor tribute by having his fields planted for him,
and tended by a multiplicity of women bound to him. But
social distinction was insufficient to produce a permanent
category “intermediate between rulers and ruled,”
or any
politico-military bureaucracy. Powhatan had authority to
make alliances and war, and to control trade with other
tribes and the English. But he was not always able to
enforce his will on all his subjects, nor was he always
able to enforce it upon the supposedly tributary tribes. The
result was to limit the intensity of the exploitation of the
laborers; indeed, the chief himself did productive labor at
“mens work” such as hunting and hand crafts.
Any attempt by the English plantation bourgeoisie to
subjugate the Indians to “drudgery and slavery would
have to face the Brazilian problem, but without the
agency of the Catholic religious orders; they had been
banned in the sixteenth-century English Reformation.
More immediately to the point, at the time that Smith and
others were fantasizing about emulating the Spanish
Conquistadors, the English simply did not have the
preponderance of military force such as that which the
Spanish unleashed against the indigenous peoples upon
whom they made war.
The weakness of the English
colony in the early period was such that in the three years
1620–22 the colony was dependent upon trade with
neighboring Indians to save itself from absolute
In these respects, the Powhatan social order was
essentially the same as those found among the Pequots,
Narragansetts, Wampanoags, and other peoples in New
England, and the Yamassees, Creeks, Tuscororas,
Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and other peoples
confronting the colonists of the southernmost region, the
Carolinas. With regard to establishing social control, the
Anglo-American continental bourgeoisie faced the
“Brazilian problem: a continental people without a
cacique class.
Despite their early difficulties, the English from the
beginning had a fundamental potential advantage over the
Indians due to the discrepancy in the development of
productive forces and productivity of labor. This
advantage was enhanced by the fact that the Indians could
not possibly have known what the appearance of the first
handfuls of settlers portended for the land.
Yet, even if
they had foreseen from Powhatan to Powder River, and
had been able to mobilize a united resistance to the taking
of the Trail of Tears, the Indians probably could not have
prevented eventual European colonization in North
although by such a united effort they might
have given American history a more humane course than
the one it took.
English Buying and Selling of Indian Captives
The actual strength of the English colony in relation to the
Virginia Indians changed markedly to the disadvantage of
the latter in the period between 1622 and 1644, the dates
of two concerted Indian attacks on the colony. By 1644,
the relative superiority of the forces at the disposal of the
colony was well established, and all Indian hope of
ousting the settlers from the Chesapeake region was lost.
The treaty of 1646
that ended the Indian war begun by
Opechancanough, Chief Powhatans brother and
successor, marked the beginning of Anglo-American
“Indian policy.” At first that policy contemplated only the
displacement of the Indian tribes obstructing the advance
of the Anglo-American “frontier,” but ultimately it would
challenge the legitimacy of Indian tribal society itself.
the context of this chapter, consideration is limited to the
relationship of that policy to the general labor supply and
social control problem faced by the continental colonial
bourgeoisie. The basic considerations that shaped the
policy, the optimizing of the combination of the rate of
capital accumulation and social control,
were essentially
the same in Virginia as elsewhere, although in one respect,
namely the commerce in Indian chattel bond-laborers, the
grossest development occurred in South Carolina and
secondarily in New England.
Fourteen years after the 1646 treaty, the Virginia
General Assembly declared that if the Indians of
Northumberland County failed to pay the damages to be
assessed by the court of that county for damages done by
the Indians to a colonist there, then “soe many off them as
the court shall determine shall be apprehended and sold
into a forraigne country to satisfie the award.”
in that particular instance no legal justification was cited,
it appears to have been under the principle of lex talionis,
simple retaliation. In general, however, the Anglo-
Americans throughout the continental colonies drew on the
ancient principle that victors in “just wars who spared
the lives of “heathencaptives thereby gained the right to
hold them as slaves, which Europeans used to justify the
forced transportation of Africans to perpetual servitude in
the Americas. The Virginia Assembly gave this principle
the force of law regarding Indians during Bacons
Rebellion in 1676. It was reasserted in 1677 following the
defeat of Bacons Rebellion, and subsequently in 1679,
1682, 1711 and 1722.
Enslavement of Indian captives
children and women as well as men – was general in
Massachusetts following the Pequot War of 1636–37, and
again after King Philip’s War of 1675–76.
In Carolina
province (both before and after its division into South and
North Carolina, first called Albemarle, in 1691), the
Anglo-Americans made direct war on Indians and
enslaved the captives.
But the chief means of securing Indian bond-laborers
was by trade with Indian tribes, in the course of which
captives of intertribal warfare, along with deer skins and
beaver pelts, were exchanged for English commodities
such as firearms and ammunition, metal tools and
containers, woven fabrics and garments, mirrors and
It was English policy to foment just wars
between tribes for the particular purpose of securing
Indian captives as chattel bond-laborers.
As tribes
became increasingly dependent upon the English for trade
goods, some, out of narrow considerations of tribal
interests, made war on other tribes in order to maintain
their trade with the English.
Nash states for a certainty
that “the number [of Indians] enslaved reached into the
tens of thousands in the half-century after Carolina was
settled by Europeans.”
The Abandonment of the Native Sources of
Plantation Bond-labor
Yet the fantasy of an Anglo-America based on Indian
drudgery and slavery was not to be realized. Why not?
The standard reference work in the field is still Almon
Wheeler Laubers Indian Slavery in Colonial Times
within the Present Limits of the United States, published
more than eighty years ago.
Lauber presents four theses
to explain the decline of Indian slavery.” First,
depopulation caused by a combination of European
diseases, a declining Indian birth rate, and internecine
wars in considerable degree fomented by the English
interested in trading for the captives whom they would
then use in commercial transactions, principally with other
English colonies, most often those in the West Indies.
Second, Indians “disappeared” as a result of “the
amalgamation of red and black slaves.” Third, Indians
were “unfitted for servitude,” being “unable to endure
sustained labor,” incapable of developing to a “civilized”
social level, and bred and reared to be “opposed to all
restraint by an exterior force.” Fourth, if kept in the
capturing colony, Indian bond-laborers were possibly
even more likely than other bond-laborers to run away,
because of the Indians hope of “returning to their own
It is argued here, from a somewhat different
perspective, that the failure of the European power to
establish a plantation system based on the bond-labor of
the native population in the Anglo-American continental
colonies was analogous to that of the Portuguese
colonizers in Brazil. The decisive factors in each case
were two: each colonization was enacted on a continental
land mass, as distinct from insular areas such as those in
the West Indies; and, second, the indigenous society was
not stratified, in any case not stratified enough to produce
a separate and distinct social class of caciques,
accustomed to command and adaptable for colonialist
social control purposes, particularly as mobilizers of
forced labor for the European capitalist investors.
From those premises I venture a criticism of Laubers
first and third theses about “the decline of Indian
I take them in reverse order because the third
directly confronts the one assumption for which I crave
indulgence in the first paragraph of the Introduction to the
first volume of this work.
The “unfitness” sour-grapes rationale
Some historians whose approach to the subject is
informed with the spirit of the civil rights movement, and
whose citations of Lauber have been quite appropriate,
have perhaps thought it redundant to take note of the white-
supremacist assumptions encountered in a work conceived
in what Rayford W. Logan called the nadir of the
struggle for civil rights in the United States. One latter-day
scholar even endorses the Lauber view of this issue,
“despite the racist implications of arguments about the
relative adaptability of one people over another to
tropical labor.”
In my view, if being “constitutionally unfitted” for
servitude could explain the decline of slavery,” then it
should have led to the extinction of bond-servitude in such
places as the following:
Virginia, where for four or five early decades, not one
in five of the English chattel laborers survived the
period of indenture.” (Governor William Berkeley in
reply to queries of the Lords of Trade and Plantations,
in 1671 [Hening 2:511.])
St Domingue, where the average French engagé or
African bond-laborer survived only three years. See
note 35 of Chapter 1.
Barbados, where in 1680 an annual supply of five
thousand African laborers was required to maintain a
Negro population of forty thousand (Vincent T.
Harlow, A History of Barbados, 1625–1685 [1926;
Negro Universities reprint, 1969], this pagethis page);
where from 1680 to 1800 hundreds of thousands of
African bond-laborers arrived, but the population
increased by less than ten thousand. (David Lowenthal,
“The Population of Barbados,” Social and Economic
Studies, 6:445–501.)
The British West Indies as a whole which, between
1700 and 1780, absorbed about 850,000 African bond-
laborers, yet the Negro population increased only
350,000. (Gary B. Nash, Red, White, and Black
[Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1974] this page.)
Mexico and Peru, where in the first centuries after the
beginning of Spanish rule, the repartimiento and mita
recruitment by the caciques contributed so heavily to
the reduction of the Mexican and Peruvian native
populations. (See page 7.)
Why were the Spanish so slow to learn what the
Portuguese capitalists, with whom they shared a common
realm for much of the time, had learned: “the unfitness” of
Indians for sustained labor? Was it perhaps because they
were laughing so hard all the way to the counting house in
Seville? Or could it have been that they felt satisfied that
the total value of the gold and silver produced by the
Indians of Mexico and Peru was probably as great as, if
not greater than, that of the sugar produced by Angolans in
colonial Brazil?
Did forced labor itself exact a greater toll among
Indians than it did among Africans and their descendants?
Despite pious protestations in religious quarters and in
occasional formal governmental expressions of sympathy,
neither the encomenderos of Mexico and Peru, nor the
moradores of Brazil, nor the “planters” of Anglo-America
cared a fig about the unfitness of the labor as long as they
could be assured of an affordable functioning supply.
Time and again in the seventeenth century the Portuguese
moradores in northern Brazil rebelled against royal and
religious authority in order to keep the Indians enslaved,
driving out the religious troublemakers, who themselves
were forced to admit that “without the Indians the
inhabitants [meaning the Portuguese settlers] would die.”
In South Carolina, for fifty years, the English colonists
ridiculed and evaded the strictures of the London
proprietors against trading in captive Indian laborers, the
profits of which went to the locals rather than to London.
On the other hand, as the record shows, laborers
throughout the Americas considered forced labor “unfit
for themselves, and resisted servitude as well as they
could. In the cacique-habituated countries of Mexico and
Peru they could not prevail. But the tribal Indians in
continental situations did resist enslavement successfully,
and in the process provided the frustrated colonialists
with the sour-grapes argument about the “unfitness” of
Indians for plantation labor.
It would seem that little time needs be spent in this
post–World War Two era on Laubers notion that the
North American Indians were not enslavable because of
their inability to become “civilized.” Are we to believe
that, to paraphrase Chairman Mao, civilization grows out
of the barrel of a gun? Without that one advantage, the
work of the Anglo-American “blessings-of-civilization
trust,” as Mark Twain called it, would surely have been
brought to an end before it ever got to South Carolina. In
reacting to Laubers doubt about the capacity of the
Indian for civilization,” because “the dominant idea of
Indian life was the love of liberty,” one can only ask,
“What price civilization? Looking at the figures on the
depopulation of the indigenous Americas, one might better
ask: If “civilization is assumed to correlate with
increased well-being, did the age of colonization of the
Americas demonstrate a “capacity for civilization”?
Finally, how was it that Lauber could ignore that precisely
the opposite premise was the mainstay of slaveholder
ideology, namely that slavery was the only possible
normal basis for “civilized” people like themselves to
relate to the “uncivilized”?
Enslavement of Indian labor not a problem of supply,
but of social control
Laubers first thesis, namely that European colonization
had a devastating depopulating effect through infections of
smallpox, tuberculosis, and other exotic diseases, is
undoubtedly true. So also did the intensification of
warfare, both against the English and between Indian
tribes. These general conditions, coupled with the English
policy of trading away a disproportionate number of male
captives, would certainly tend to lower the birth rate
among the Indians. Before South Carolina came to be
chiefly a producer of rice and cotton early in the
eighteenth century, the colony was primarily dependent
upon commerce with the Indian tribes. It was in that
colonys trading sphere, therefore, that the depopulating
effect of enslavement was most in evidence. In 1708, the
Spanish governor of Florida charged that some 10,000 to
12,000 Florida Indians, chiefly Apalachee people, had
been taken as slaves by Creek and Yamassee Indians,
directed by English Carolinians; only 300 Florida Indians
survived, by finding refuge in St Augustine.
extension of slave-trading into the interior in that same
year was justified by South Carolina businessmen on the
ground that “it serves to lessen their [the Indians’] number
before the French can arm them.”
The shipment of Indian
captives from Carolina to bond-servitude in other English
colonies, particularly those in the West Indies,
while it lasted, a major cause of Indian depopulation. The
practice was also a factor in New England in the wake of
the defeat of the forces commanded by the Wampanoag
chieftain Metacom (called King Philip by the English) in
1675–76. An undetermined number of the captives were
sent as bond-laborers “to various parts,” namely the
Spanish West Indies, Spain, Portugal, Bermuda, Virginia,
and the Azores.
The Virginia colony Indian trade was
primarily for beaver pelts and deer skins in the
seventeenth century;
the labor supply was mainly
English, together with a number of other European bond-
laborers, and, to an increasing extent at the end of the
seventeenth century, Afro-Caribbean and African.
Consequently, in Virginia the employment of and trade in
Indian labor was comparatively limited.
But whatever
the degree of involvement of the respective colonies, it is
certain that depopulating wars were, paradoxically, the
necessary condition for the beginning and continuation of
Indian slavery, while it lasted, in the continental Anglo-
American colonies. I know of no study, however, which
concludes that the ending of enslavement of Indians within
the capturing colony, or for trading abroad, was the result
of the depopulating effect of that practice.
It was not the
“supply aspect, but rather the “control aspect that was
decisive in ending the labor policy of Indian enslavement
in continental Anglo-America.
It was the common rule that enslaved Indian war
captives, most particularly the men, be shipped out of the
colony, sometimes to other continental colonies, even to
England or Spain, but most commonly to England’s West
Indian sugar plantation colonies.
The proportion of
Indian bond-laborers was by far the highest in South
Carolina. There it peaked in about 1708, when 1,400
Indians (500 men, 600 women and 300 children)
constituted one-fourth of the total lifetime hereditary bond-
labor force.
Yet only a small proportion of the whole
number of Indians enslaved were kept in the [South
Carolina] colony.”
The total numbers of Indians
enslaved in the Massachusetts and Plymouth colonies was
far less, but it was policy to send male captives outside
the colonies.”
Shipping value-producing Indian labor out
of the colony was not what policy advisers to the Virginia
Company had in mind in the early 1620s. Why was it, then,
that the great majority were transported by sea to other
colonies or countries?
It was not that Indian laborers were unemployable in
plantation labor; after all, that is why they were wanted in
the West Indies. Nor was it that those colonies were
oversupplied with plantation laborers; indeed, the Indians
shipped to the West Indies were traded for Afro-
Caribbean plantation laborers to be employed in the
continental colonies.
It was not that Indians could not
learn trades; actual instances of Indian craftsmen working
within the colonies showed that they could, even as chattel
Rather, the reasons were rooted in three
intractable problems of “white race” social control: (1)
resistance by the Indian bond-laborers, principally by
running away, which merged sometimes with the same
form of resistance of African and European bond-laborers;
(2) the necessity to maintain nearby friendly, or “treaty,”
Indians in the buffer role,
in the first instance between
the Anglo-American colonies and the more remote
“hostile,” or foreign-allied, tribes; and then against the
escape of African-American bond-laborers beyond the
Anglo-American “frontier”; and (3) with the institution of
the “white race” system of social control, the key
necessity of preserving “white skin privileges of
laboring-class European-Americans vis-à-vis all non-
Indian resistance to being reduced to plantation bond-
In the absence of a cacique class
that from positions of
traditional upper-class authority could be co-opted as
recruiters of plantation bond-labor, the Anglo-American
bourgeoisie adapted the phenomenon of inter-tribal
rivalries for their purposes. This was a basic element of
the colonialist “Indian policy,” and it was made to
dovetail with the strategy according to which Indian
“allies” were to serve as a protective buffer for the colony
against the generally more remote tribes.
But if the English colonizers had the advantage of
firearms and the buffer of dependent tribes, the victim
tribes had a continental space at their backs.
“continental factor made possible Indian resistance by
migration. When the Savannah Indians of South Carolina
migrated north in 1707, “[t]he Iroquois themselves
received [them] as brothers and the Delaware called them
Sometimes migration would enable a tribe
largely to avoid the enslaving onslaught;
victim tribes retained sufficient cohesion to be able to
maintain their identity even as they migrated; and in other
cases broken remnants found refuge with other tribes into
which they were adopted.
Unlike the African bond-laborers displaced from home
by thousands of ocean miles into an utterly strange land,
those relatively few Indian captives retained in a given
colony were not so “completely broken from their tribal
and were still in at least somewhat familiar
terrain, facing a familiar enemy whom they had already
met in open battle. South Carolina Provincial policy was
focused on the constant danger of Indian bond-laborers
escaping into the woods, or conspiring with enemy tribes,
or mounting insurrections, such as the one suspected in
Colonialist concern was heightened by fears of Indians
joining with African-Americans in resistance to their
common bondage. In 1729, the French governor of
Louisiana expressed his concern that “Indian slaves being
mixed with our negroes may induce them to desert.”
same year he abandoned a mission of revenge against one
Indian tribe, the Nabanez (Natchez?), lest Choctaws and
Negroes seize the opportunity to attack New Orleans “to
free themselves from slavery.”
In South Carolina,
precautions were advised to prevent “intimacy between
Indians and Negroes, “any Intercourse between Indians
and Negroes” being seen as a threat to the colony.
In his
signal study of the relationship of the Indians and African-
Americans in the southeastern Anglo-American colonies,
William S. Willis found that “[t]he determination [on the
part of the English colonial authorities] to prevent Indian-
Negro contacts within the White settlements was a main
cause for curtailing the enslavement of Indians.”
The threat was made more acute by the constant efforts
of the Spanish in Florida and the French in Louisiana to
encourage resistance to and flight from the English
In 1716 and for some years thereafter,
Yamassees and some Creeks, as well as numbers of
Negroes, deserted English Carolina for Spanish Florida;
from there Yamassees and Negroes carried on raids
against the English colony, spreading the word to the
South Carolina Indians and Negroes that freedom was
theirs for the having in Florida.
When the English
commanded by General Oglethorpe invaded Spanish
Florida in 1740–42, they were opposed there by joint
forces of Indians, Negroes, and Spanish.
As time went on, Indian peoples grew less inclined to
engage in internecine wars simply to provide slaves for
the trade and exploitation of English “planterswho were
intruding on villages of “friendly and “hostile” Indians
This trend matured in the great Indian revolt in
1715, called the Yamassee War (see this page), which
marked the beginning of the irreversible discontinuation of
enslavement of Indians in South Carolina, the province
where it had been most extensively practiced.
The inherent ambivalence of the “buffer” role
The buffer tribes had a dual role in the English colonial
system of social control.
They served as a shield for the
English against hostile tribes, including those linked to
French and Spanish colonial rivals. Prior to 1715, South
Carolina colonial policy “sought to consolidate a double
bulwark of Indian allies in the zone of the Savannah and
Altamaha Rivers” (present-day east-central Georgia). In
the northwestern region, it was the mountain-dwelling
Overhill Cherokee who long “bore the brunt of the French
Indians.” In 1723 the South Carolina Assembly solemnly
affirmed, “The safety of this Province does, under God,
depend on the friendship of the Cherokees.”
In England
t h e Commissioners of Trade and Plantations
communicated to the King their concern that this
dependence had even wider ramifications: if the
Cherokees were to desert “your Majestys interest,” then
“not only Carolina, but Virginia likewise would be
exposed to their excursions.”
The buffer tribes were also a buffer between the
runaway African-American bond-laborer and refuge
beyond the boundaries of the Anglo-American colony.
This function was a regular provision in every treaty or
memorandum of understanding between the colonies and
their “tributary,” “friendly,” or newly “subject” tribes.
Nash notes the “persistent inclusion in Indian treaties of a
clause providing for the return of escaped slaves.”
“Most treaties,” Willis writes of the southeastern region in
the eighteenth century, “stipulated that Indians surrender
all Negroes and return all future runaways at an agreed
But the pattern had been set more than half a
century earlier in the 1646 treaty between the Virginia
colony and Necotowance, King of the Indians.”
the terms of the treaty made in 1700 between the Maryland
colonial government and the chief of the Piscataway
Indians, “[i]n case any servants or slaves runaway from
their mastersto any Piscataway town, “the Indians shall
be bound to apprehend them and bring them to the next
English Plantation,” or be subject to the penalties of
Maryland law for the harborers of fugitives.
By definition, “buffer” tribes were those located nearer
more accessible to, and, above all, economically
more dependent upon the English colonists than were other
tribes. But by the same token they were therefore more
vulnerable to the predations of colonists who were ready
to risk, to some degree, the buffers protective function. It
was precisely this sort of undermining of the buffer
understanding that led to the Westo War of 1708. For the
same reason, in the 1701–8 period the Savannah Indians
acted out their resentment by emigrating northward out of
South Carolina, much to the annoyance of the white
government, which found them useful as a bulwark against
other tribes, and what was probably more important, as
slave raiders.”
As mentioned above, the aggravation of
Indian grievances culminated in the Yamassee War
(1715–17). The fate of southeast Anglo-America hung by a
single thread, namely the loyalty of the Cherokees to the
English, and that linkage was itself gravely weakened. But
the tie held, and as a result the rebellion was defeated.
But it was, nevertheless, a historic victory over Indian
enslavement, which immediately went into decline.
“Justice to the Indians,” Crane writes, and, in particular
the suppression of the traffic in Indian slavery, these were
injunctions to successive [South Carolina Provincial]
governors and councils,” from 1680 to 1715.
In the
wake of the Yamassee War, the issue could no longer be
avoided. South Carolina was becoming a rice, cotton and
indigo plantation enterprise for which were wanted
African bond-laborers, such as many of the colony elite
had been exploiting in the Barbadian sugar plantations. In
1690 the Lords Proprietors had sent an urgent instruction
to the Carolina authorities:
We hear that Indians are still being shipped away underhand.… You will do
your best to prevent this. [W]ithout them you cannot recover runaway
Twenty-five years later, the logic of their lordships’
warning finally struck home. That logic was fundamentally
dictated by the “continental factor providing the vast
area for bond-labor escape that no army could patrol, and
no navy could surround and by the absence of an Indian
cacique class.
Indian Labor and the Invention of the White
If not by compulsion, if not as drudgesfor the English
colonists of every class, what were the possibilities of
voluntary enlistment by Indians in the work of the colony,
alongside the surplus English men and women who
were brought to Anglo-America? In the period ending in
1622, there were instances of Indians who did work
voluntarily within the Virginia colony.
In 1709 Robin,
an Indian shoemaker, was granted leave to practice his
trade among the English colonists “wherever he shall find
But in general the Indians found their
tribal life more comfortable and better supplied than the
life offered by the English community so sore beset with
starvation and disease. The English laboring people after
1622 worked as bond-laborers for terms which most of
them did not survive, for debts they should not have had to
owe for the trip to America. The Indians, as natives of the
country, could not be bound by any such “transportation
charges.” It was hardly to be expected that Indians would
submit voluntarily to the oppressive life endured by the
English bond-laborers. Nor would the English employers
be willing to spend more for Indian laborers than they had
to spend for English laborers in such plentiful supply.
Was there another way? Despite the general
inaccessibility of Indians as plantation laborers and the
continual displacement of the tribal settlements, could they
not, as groups or individuals, still have abandoned the
Indian way of life for the English way? Although by far the
greater number of the European immigrants arriving in the
southern colonies came as bond-laborers, there were some
who were able to make the trip from Europe at their own
expense, and who began their lives in Anglo-America as
independent farmers or artisans. Why might not Indians
have opted for the same sort of enterprise within the
colony? The English homeland itself was mainly a nation
of immigrants, Saxons, Angles, Danes, Normans,
Flemings, consolidating with the ancient Angles, Celts and
Scots. True, the Indians’ tribal lands were being taken
away, but might not the inducements for individual Indians
entering into the Anglo-American common economic life
well have outweighed the disinclining factors, just as it
did for some Scots-Irish, for example? Such inducements
included credit from capitalist land speculators and
freedom from taxes for as much as ten years.
access to English-made iron implements and utensils, and
other manufactured goods and supplies, the prospects
might well have persuaded enterprising Indians to take up
the life of the free yeoman farmer or artisan. Evidence of
the appeal of Anglo-American commodity culture would
become woefully evident in its ability to dissolve Indian
society. Why should not at least a few individual Indians
be successful in that culture as members of the colony?
This avenue to use of the labor of the Indian was never
taken. The policy of special inducements to independent
farmers referred to above was not developed until the
early eighteenth century. The immigrants to whom this
opportunity was opened were counted upon to provide a
barrier against external dangers from French and hostile
Indian attacks, and against the establishment of maroon
centers of freedom and resistance by African-American
bond-laborers in the Allegheny Mountains.
By that time,
by a historical transformation which is the central concern
of this volume, the bourgeoisie had drawn the color line
between freedom and slavery, and established white
supremacy as article one of the Anglo-American
constitution. Only European-Americans, as “whites,” were
thereafter to be entitled to the full rights of the free citizen,
Indians being by definition not “white.”
The presence
within the colony of free independent Indian farmers or
tenants would have been a constitutionally intolerable
The fate of the Indians under the principle of racial
slavery and white supremacy was thus in the end
controlled by twin parameters: nonenslavability and
nonassimilability. These parameters would eventually
govern Anglo-American “Indian policy throughout the
continental colonies.
The Plantation of Bondage
The Fateful Addiction to “Present
The years 1607–24 are known as “the Company period”
of Virginia history, when the affairs of the colony were
conducted under the aegis of the Virginia Company of
London, chartered by James I in 1606, successively re-
chartered in 1609 and 1612, and reformed in 1618 under
Sir Edwin Sandys. Historians have long noted that the
development of the Virginia colony during the Company
period falls naturally into three time phases.
(1) 1607 to
1610: Virginia as an experimental colony, 24 May 1607 to
the granting of a new charter in May 1609 through the
“starving time” in the winter of 1609–10. (2) 1610 to
1618: the expansion of the royal territorial grant to the
Virginia Company; the establishment of a special royal
council for the Virginia Company; the beginning of
tobacco cultivation and export, with the widening of the
Companys charter in 1612 to cover the Bermuda
(Somers) Islands, and authorization of a local Colony
Council to function as a legislative body. (3) 1619 to
1624: the installation of George Yeardley as Governor of
Virginia under the Sandys instructions (which the colony
elite called the “Great Charter”), authorizing the
establishment of an elected General Assembly “for the
happy guiding and governing of the people there
the growth of independent, non-Company,
plantations; the bankruptcy of the Virginia Company; the
devastating Indian attack on the colony in March 1622; the
revocation of its charter, and the reversion of custody of
Virginia affairs to a royal commission in June 1624.
Most historians treat the Company period primarily in
terms of the rise of the Virginia Company, its internal and
external struggles, and its eventual dissolution, rather than
in terms of the counter-revolution in labor relations that it
brought. Some among them see in those events a
confirmation of their particular strain of the “germ theory
of American history. This theory is summarized by
Alexander Brown in his First Republic as follows:
[T]his nation was not brought forth in a day.… The evolution had been going
on ever since the free air of America inspired the first petitions against a
royal form of government in 1608, to the present day [1898]. The germ is
still unfolding and so long as it remains true to the seed it will continue to put
forth to the glory of the nation and for the betterment of mankind.… The
seedling, after being fostered in England under the advanced statesmen of
that transition period, continued to grow in the political system of the new
Works of this genre interpret the history of the 1606–24
period in Virginia as an aspect of the struggle of the
English bourgeoisie in general against the absolutist
tendencies of the bourgeois monarchy, which culminated
in the English Civil War in the middle of the seventeenth
century. This, for example, is the approach taken to
consideration of the successive Virginia Company charters
of 1609 and 1612; to the instructions to the newly
designated colony governor, Francis Yeardley, in 1618,
the so-called “Great Charter”; and to the internal factional
disputes of the Virginia Company.
Since such scholars find no differences between the
contending policy-setting English parties with respect to
the status to be imposed on the laboring people, they find
it unnecessary to inquire into the anomalous character of
labor relations that evolved in the Company period. Nor
do they perceive the causal link between that
transformation and the later institution of lifetime chattel
bond-servitude as the basis of the continental plantation
colonies economy, which the final victory of the
Parliamentary bourgeoisie at home “brought forth.”
For the present work on the origin of racial slavery as a
particular form of racial oppression of African-
Americans, the Company period of Virginia history is of
crucial significance, even though only a very small number
of Africans or African-Americans were then living in
Virginia. The findings of historians of seventeenth-century
economic development in Virginia, the plantation system,
and racial slavery offer a firm foundation for this
approach. A century ago, Philip A. Bruce concluded thus:
But for the introduction of the indented servant into the Colony upon the
threshold of settlement.… [t]he unique social conditions established at a
later period would never have existed, or, indeed, if such had been the case,
only in a modified form.
James C. Ballagh made the point more explicitly:
Servitude not only preceded slavery in the logical development of the
principle of subjection, standing midway between freedom and absolute
subjection, but it was the historic base upon which slavery, by the expansion
and addition of incidents, was constructed.
Eric Williams, though centering his attention on Caribbean
history, included colonial Virginia in the generalization
that [w]hite servitude was the historic base upon which
slavery was constructed.”
Lerone Bennett Jr, looking at
colonial Virginia, found:
[W]hite servitude was the proving ground.… The plantation pass system,
the slave trade, the sexual exploitation of servant women, the whipping-post
and slave chain and branding iron, the overseer, the house servant, the
Uncle Tom: all these mechanisms were tried out and perfected on white
men and women.… [I]t is plain that nothing substantial can be said about the
mechanisms of black bondage in America except against the background
and within the perspective of white bondage in America.
Of EnglishLiberties, Franchises and
As profound as the implication of this general premise is,
it has never been confuted, although it has been ignored
and implicitly rejected by many,
and expressly
challenged by two.
But when it is accepted, attention is immediately drawn
to a basic constitutional principle that informed all of
these charters and instructions as first stated in the 1606
charter and reaffirmed in the 1609 charter, establishing the
Royal intent that all colonists
shall have and enjoy all liberties, franchises and immunities of free denizens
and natural subjects, to all intents and purposes as if they had been
abiding and born within this our Realm of England, or any other of our said
Before the social demotion of the laboring people to
chattel bond-servitude could form the basis for the
subsequent lifetime hereditary chattel bondage of African-
Americans, those “liberties, franchises and immunities
established in England had to be overthrown insofar as
they concerned the relations between employer and
employee established in the Statute of Artificers of 1563.
The parity of colonists rights with those prevailing in
England was stated again in the 1612 charter that
established a Virginia Colony Council, with authority to
legislate for the colony, provided that the law and
ordinances “be not contrary to the laws and statutes of this
our realm of England.”
So how then was it that the
plantation bourgeoisie was able to overthrow basic
English constitutional principles and reduce the laboring-
class in colonial Virginia to a general condition of chattel
bond-servitude? Following the lead of Edmund S.
Morgan, I will examine this question by emphasizing the
transformation of the relations of production, the relations
between laborer and employer.
The 16071610 Years
The conditions of life were unimaginably difficult for the
English colonists during much of the 1607–1610 period.
One statistic will suffice: nine out of ten of the emigrants
who came in that period died, an annual death rate of
almost 50 percent.
The winter of 1609–10, the “starving
time,” reduced the population of the colony from 500 to
about sixty as a result of disease, sickness, Indian arrows,
and malnutrition.”
In June 1610, Governor Thomas
Gates ordered the abandonment of the premises by a
demoralized remnant of colonists, and on 17 June the
entire company embarked for England. Much to the dismay
of the abandoners, they were intercepted by newcomers
under the command of Governor de la Warre, at whose
order the old settlers returned to Jamestown.
The records of the sufferings of these earliest of
Virginia colonists have been extensively reprinted and
discussed in the sources noted. I wish, however, to direct
special attention to two aspects of the story that are of
special relevance for the thesis I am presenting.
First, however appalling the situation was in other
regards, the labor, whatever it was, conformed to the
traditional English system; none of the laboring people
was a chattel bond-servant. In 1607, the Virginia Colony
Council complained of English sailors diverting colony
laborers from their proper work to pursue a sideline in the
sassafras trade. Referring to these men, the council said,
“they be all our waged men.”
It has been questioned
whether this use of the term “waged men should be
understood in the modern sense.
But the Colony Council
was composed of persons who were familiar with the
wages system of labor, and who had no experience at all
with chattel bond-servitude of English workers.
Furthermore, in later years, when the chattel-labor relation
of production was established for English workers in
Virginia, those workers were never referred to as
“waged” workers. Finally, in 1624 when his advice was
sought, the famous Captain John Smith, who was a
member of the Colony council from 1608 to 1610 and its
president for most of that time, firmly believed English
workers in Virginia should be “hyred good labourers and
mechanical men.” He explicitly denounced the buying and
selling of workers as an un-English practice.
Second, the sex ratio in this first period was extremely
high. The total number of women in the colony was raised
to two on the arrival of the second supply ship on about 1
October 1608. Some one hundred women were among the
four or five hundred passengers who arrived in Virginia in
the nine ships of the so-called Great Supply in 1609. But
the death toll of the following winters starving time
canceled the sex ratio as a meaningful statistic. English
women continued to arrive; still, in the middle of the
1610–1618 period, women and children together
constituted less than a one-fifth of the 351-member
Whether the scarcity of women contributed to the
demoralizing death toll that led to the aborted decision to
abandon the colony is speculative. Some of the men were
veterans of European armies, accustomed to the ready
services of women camp followers. Perhaps even then
complaints were heard like one made a decade later, that
men were dying for the lack of women to tend them in their
This attention to the sex ratio could perhaps be
omitted, if it were not for the fact that it was not a
transitory phenomenon soon to be eroded as a result of the
normal process of natural reproduction. (See this
pagethis page, below.)
The Middle Years, 16101618
The middle period, 1610–1618, began under the new
charter of 1609.
It was the interlude between the fade-
out of the “gold fever” and the beginning of the “tobacco
fever”; between the factional president-and-council
conduct of the colonys affairs and the establishment of the
Virginia Assembly under the “Great Charterof 1618. It
was a period of military dictatorship in the colony headed
by a succession of veteran officers of the wars in Ireland
and the Netherlands;
it saw the creation of the privately
organized, separate plantations and the beginning of
increasing difficulties for the Company. It ended with the
frustration of the social control efforts of the military
regime, whose attempts to enforce the progam for
balanced economic development wilted in the heat of the
“tobacco fever.”
The author of the standard study of the Virginia
Company regards this 1610–1618 period as primarily an
ebb tide in the life of the colony.
Nevertheless, it was a
time of great significance with regard to the development
of the status of labor. The English had, as noted, realized
that the Indians were not going to labor for them; therefore,
[a]fter 1609 the chief attention of all concerned was concentrated on the
task of sending a sufficient labor supply to produce in Virginia the
commodities that would find a ready and profitable market at home.
Under the new administration, production relations were
to be those of a producers cooperative type of enterprise.
The projected arrangement was outlined in the pamphlet
Nova Britannia, published in 1609:
All charges [expenses] of settling and maintaining the plantation, and of
making supplies shall be borne in a joint stock of the adventurers
[stockholders], for seven yeares after the date of our new enlargement
[1609]: during which time there shall be no adventure, nor goods returned in
private from thence, neyther by Master [ships captain], Marriner, Planter,
nor Passenger, they shall be restrained by bond and search, that as we
supplie from hence to the Planters at our own charge all necessaries for
food and apparel, for fortifying and building of houses in a joynt stock, so
they are to returne from thence the encrease and fruits of their labours, for
the use and advancement of the same joynt stocke, till the end of seven
The joint stock was made up of shares purchased by
investors, the minimum cost of one share being £12 10d. A
distinction was made between those who invested money
but stayed in England, and those who went to Virginia as
colonists. The former were called “Adventurers,” the
latter were called “Planters.” Among the colonists, the
power-structure personnel, “the extraordinarie men [as
distinguished from the ‘ordinary man or woman],
Divines, Governors, Ministers of State and Justice,
Knights, Gentlemen, Physitions, and such as be men of
worth for special services,” were not required to labor,
but were still counted as Planters and were “to be
maintained out of the common store.” At the end of seven
years a dividend was to be declared which, it was
anticipated, would amount to five hundred acres, at
least,” for each stockholder. These Adventurers and
Planters would then be free and independent Virginia
In a further quest for settlers, the Company turned its
attention to the destitute proletarians of London, charitably
described as “a swarme of unnecessary inmates a
continual cause of dearth and famine, and the very
originall cause of all the Plagues that happen in this
Kingdome.” In 1609, the Virginia Company, in a letter to
the bourgeoisie corporate of London, “The Lord Mayor,
Aldermen and Companies,” sought to stress the value of
ridding “the city and suburbs of the surplus poor by
shipping them to Virginia.
The Company proposed that
the London bourgeoisie, individually or in organized
forms, should purchase shares of Virginia Company stock.
For every share thus purchased, the Company would offer
to transport one poor London “inmate” to Virginia. Since
it was a fundamental right of English men and women that,
except by explicit order of the Crown, they might not be
sent out of the kingdom without their own consent, the
Company suggested persuasive arguments whereby the
city fathers might get that consent:
And if the inmate called before you and enjoined to remove shall alleadge
that he hath not place to remove unto, but must lye in the streets; and being
offered to go this Journey, shall demaund what may be theire present
mayntenance, what maye be their future hopes? it may please you to let
them Knowe that for the present they shall have meate, drinke and clothing,
and with an howse, orchard and garden, for the meanest [poorest] family,
and a possession of lands to them and their posterity, one hundred acres for
every man’s person that hath a trade, or a body able to endure day labour,
as much for his wife, as much for his child, that are of yeres to do service to
the Colony, with further particular reward according to theire particular
meritts and industry.
The exact terms on which these people were to “have
possessionof the allotted land was not stated; as tenants,
with future prospects of becoming
independent landowners. They certainly were not to be
chattel proletarians.
In 1614, Acting Governor Thomas Dale sought to rouse
the labor force of the colony to a more consistent effort.
Among the measures he instituted was the allotment of
three acres each to a large number of the colonists. These
persons were referred to as “farmers,” that is, tenants.
Their relation to production was described at the time as
They are not called into any service or labor belonging to the Colony, more
than one month in the year, which shall neither be in seed time, or in harvest,
for which, doing no other duty to the Colony, they are yearly to pay into the
store two barrels and a half of corn.
The rest of the workforce were to be Company
laborers. It is not known how the selection of tenants was
made, but it is a reasonable conjecture that the expatriated
proletarians were found more frequently among the
Colony laborers than among tenants. These workers were
required to labor eleven months a year for the Company in
exchange for supplies and were additionally allowed to
work one months time for their own private accounts.
Among this number some were also given a day a week,
from May to harvest time, to tend their own crops.
laborers were, like other colonists, subject to the
severities of “Lawes Divine, Morall, and Martiall.”
Offenses against the code could bring down on a worker
the harsh cruelty of the military camp, such as pillorying,
cutting off of ears, boring through of the tongue, whipping
of offenders through the town tied to a cart, banishment
from the colony to the wilderness, and inducement of the
premature birth and death of an infant by the whipping of a
pregnant woman, for offenses such as speaking ill of a
master or official, stealing food from a masters store, and
failure to complete a work task.
By way of summary of the production relationships as
they existed in the period July 1614 to March 1616, we
have John Rolfe’s account:
The general mayne body of the planters are divided into Officers;
Laborers, and Farmors
(1) the officers [soldiers, guards, etc.] have the charge and care as well
over the farmors as laborers generallie that they watch and ward for their
preservation, etc.
(2) The Laborers are of two sorts – 1st those employed only in the
generall works, who are fed and clothed out of the store. 2nd others,
specially artificers, as smiths, carpenters, shoemakers, taylors, tanners, etc.
do work in their professions for the colony, and maintayne themselves with
food and apparrell, having time permitted them to till and manure their
(3) The Farmors live at most ease yet by their good endeavors bring
yearlie much plentie to the plantation. They are bound by covenant, both for
themselves and servants, to maintaine your Majesties right and title in that
Kingdom, against all foreign and domestic enemies. To watch and ward in
the townes where they are resident. To do thirty one days service for the
colony, when they shall be called thereunto yet not at all times, but when
their own business can best spare them. To maintayne themselves and
families with food and rayment and every farmor to pay yearlie into the
magazine, for himself and every man servant, wheat [corn], which
amounteth to twelve bushells and a halfe of English measure.
There is not one laboring person in this catalogue whose
status is that of chattel bond-servant.
Even the least
favored member of this labor force was working under a
bilateral, mutually binding contract which could not
legally be dissolved except by common consent of the
laborer and the employer. The laborer was not a chattel;
the employer, whether it were the Virginia Company or an
independent farmer, could not dispose of the laborer as he
could of property. Furthermore, these laborers were
assured at least a degree of propertied status at the
completion of the terms of their contracts.
A prominent English colonist and member of the
Virginia Company returned in 1610 from a trip to the
colony and published his Newes from Virginia,”
enthusiastically setting forth the prospects of the new land.
He described the relations of production in verse:
To such as to Virginia
Do purpose to repaire;
And when that they shall hither come
Each man shall have his share,
Day wages for the laborer,
And for his more content,
A house and garden plot shall have.
In March of 1616 there were, by Colony Secretary John
Rolfes account, 81 tenants and some 140 laborers
working for the Company in Virginia, out of a total
population of 351.
Later that same spring, the servants
belonging to the group favored with extra time for tending
their own private crops were granted complete freedom
from servant status; this was in accordance with the
agreement made between them and the Company three
years before in England, prior to their signing on for
service in Virginia.
They now became tenants like those
previously mentioned or, possibly, they joined others in
the classification of artisans, or they became agricultural
laborers for farmers. A year later, in 1617, at the time of
Captain Samuel Argalls assumption of his duties as
Governor in Virginia, the number of laborers employed by
the Company was reduced to only fifty-four.
Perhaps 20
percent of the total population of the colony (after making
allowance for the death rate) was thus shifted in one year
from the status of contract wage-laborer for the Company
– not to chattel bond-servitude but upward to a status
preferable and more profitable for them.
It was during the latter part of this middle period that
the English first cultivated tobacco in Virginia.
discovery of tobacco was “by far the most momentous fact
in the history of Virginia in the seventeenth century,”
writes Bruce, declaring that it shaped the fate of the
people of Virginia absolutely.
The high profits that the
crop soon began to yield drew the labor of the colony like
a magnet. The Company and colony authorities offered
special inducements and prescribed penalties to stem the
tendency, but to no avail. By the spring of 1618, the former
food surplus had become a scarcity:
The lack of corn became so great in consequence of the exclusive attention
paid to the culture of tobacco, that there would have been ground for
anticipating a severe famine if two hundred quarters of meal had not been
imported into the magazine.
Governor Argall at first attempted to enforce limitations
on tobacco planting, and to encourage needed attention to
food production.
But he had come just at the time when
separate private plantations outside the Company were
beginning to operate, making the task of enforcing controls
on production practically impossible by the efforts of
colony officials alone. In 1616, the operation of the supply
magazine was farmed out to a separate company of
In that same year, the Virginia Company,
having no other means of paying the seven-year dividend
that was due to its stockholders, awarded land titles to the
original investors.
The initial effort at imposing minimum corn cultivation
while limiting the planting of tobacco was soon allowed
to lapse.
In June 1617, the newly arrived Governor.
Samuel Argall, proclaimed a fixed price of three shillings
per pound of tobacco. In order to secure compliance with
this regulation, he decreed a scale of penalties which
serve to throw light on the question of production
relations. Violators of the price decree were subject to a
“penalty [of] 3 years slavery to the colony.”
To protect
the colonists against profiteering by the newly privatized
magazine, the same penalty was to be exacted on those
who bought tobacco at less than three shillings. Though
Argalls interest in controlling tobacco planting
diminished sharply, his belief in slavery as punishment for
malefactors remained constant. The following year,
desiring to encourage piety among the colonists, Argall
ordered that persons failing to attend church on Sundays
and holidays should suffer corporal punishment, and be a
slave the week following 2nd offense a month 3rd, a
year and a day.”
What did Argall mean here by slavery? And what
does it tell us of the nature of the production relationships
at that time prevailing? Since this slavery was intended as
a punishment, it could not have been the normal condition
of labor as it then existed in the colony. The culprit under
punishment would be unpaid, but would receive
maintenance. It can be inferred, therefore, that workers
were normally entitled to recompense other than mere
maintenance. This penalty-servitude was imposed without
regard to the will or consent of the person subject to it. On
the other hand, the laborer under this sentence was not a
chattel, subject to purchase and sale. It appears that what
Argall meant by “slavery in this instance was a status
between that of the “waged man,” the colony laborer
working for pay under contract, and that of limited-term
unpaid servitude.
Further evidence that the typical laborer at this time
was a hired wage worker, and not one employed for “meat
and drink only,” is to be seen in the following two items.
In June 1618, Argall complained that he had personally
had to pay “sundry debts of the Company,”
“wages paydefor Company laborers.
The Company
denied knowledge of any such debts, but did not deny the
possibility of them. Furthermore, Article XIV of the
Virginia Charter of 1612 was specifically aimed at
checking the practice of workers who, “having received
wages etc. [in England] from the company, and agreed to
serve the colony, have afterwards refused to go thither,”
or who, having gone to Virginia, returned before their
contracts expired.
Argall occupied a dual position; he was the Governor
of the colony, appointed to serve by and for the Company,
and he was also the holder of a 400-acre land patent,
being therefore a private planter. As time went on, it was
said, he showed an increasing tendency to resolve any
conflict of interest in favor of his private-planter side
rather than his Company-official side. In August 1618, the
Company in London addressed a letter to Argall charging
him with peculation and other violations of trust, and
notifying him that he was to stand trial before the Company
Court in England upon his return to that country. Argall, it
was alleged, had used the Companys ships and crews for
trading for his own private profit; he had forbidden any
other person from trading with the Indians for furs, in
order that he, Argall, might have the monopoly of that
profitable commerce; he had appropriated Company-
owned corn for his own private plantation use; and he had
disposed of the Companys livestock to private planters,
including himself, in violation of explicit orders from the
One of the Companys accusations is
particularly relevant to the question of the status of the
laboring classes in the colony:
that you take the ancient Planters which ought to be free and likewise those
[colony servants] from the common garden to sett them upon your corne to
feed your own men as if the Plantacon were onely intended to serve your
Here is the first alleged instance of a worker being
treated like a chattel, in that the worker is transferred
without his prior consent from one employer (in this
instance, the Company) to another (Argall, the private
planter). Lastly, and equally significant, these alleged acts
were officially condemned as violations of the rights of
the laborers under the Virginia charter, for which the
violator would have to render account before English
In the end, Argall was able to avoid trial. His guilt or
innocence is of no particular importance today, except for
historical scholars.
What is of lasting significance is that
these charges against Argall anticipated in detail the
known course of self-aggrandizement followed by colony
governors, and by other strategically advantaged officers,
who succeeded Argall, conduct that was to have historical
Finally, in this listing of innovations in property and
production relations in the 1610–1618 period, we come to
the establishment of what would in time come to be called
the “headright principle. As has been mentioned, the
investors of 1609 were given their dividend in 1616 in the
form of land titles, this being the only form in which the
financially embarrassed Virginia Company could meet its
obligations. Having struck on this device, the Company
decided to use it for raising capital.
This new procedure was distinguished from the old in
the provisions it contained for facilitating the free flow of
capital. These features betokened not only the difficulties
facing the Company in securing capital, but also the
impending break-up of the Companys monopoly of
colonial enterprise. Under the new Company policy, the
investor, or group of investors jointly, though remaining in
England, could receive immediate title and possession of
Virginia land, at the rate of fifty acres for every £12½
sterling paid to the Company; this clearly was a more
attractive arrangement than the previous one of having to
leave the investment in the parlous environment of the
Company treasury for seven years, with dubious prospects
of profitable returns, before getting any land title. Or,
alternatively, these private investors could get land by
means of the headright,
which allowed the investors the
same portion of fifty acres for each person whose
emigration expenses were paid by the investors. No less
significant for our present focus, it was specified that this
new opening to capitalist investment in Virginia land was
to be used for “sending families to manure [work] it for
yearely rent, or for halfe the clear profits as many others
These enterprises were called “particular
plantations.” The perspective here being put forward was
that of a capitalist agriculture of the English style, with
landlord, tenants and wage laborers, distinguished only by
the fact that the landlord was an absentee.
Under this provision, by 1618 six such separate
companies had been granted patents for land in Virginia,
some of really vast extent, including one for 200,000 acres
and another for 80,000 acres.
These independent
capitalists were given, along with the land, beginning in
February 1619, legal jurisdiction over the control of their
tenants and laborers; in the words of the Companys order:
“to make Orders, Ordinances and Constitutions for the
better ordering and dyrectinge of their servants.” Yet,
significantly, they added the stipulation, provided they be
not repugnant to the Lawes of England.”
The new departure represented by the issuance of the
Virginia charter of 1609 reflected a change in perspective
for the colony; the gold fever was abated, and attention
was directed toward the establishment and development of
agriculture and of extractive enterprises of sea and stream,
of forest and mine, as well as to the trade with the Indians
for beaver skins. Virginia, under the new direction, was
expected to become a supplier of a wide variety of
products, supporting and supplementing the profit-making
processes of the home country. The author of “Newes from
Virginia” had rhapsodized on the prospects foreshadowed
in his mind by two ships he had recently seen coming into
England from the colony:
Well fraught, and in the Same
Two ships, are these commodities
Furres, sturgeon, caviare,
Black-walnut-tree, and some deal boards
With such they laden are;
Some pearl, some wainscot and clap boards,
With some sasafras wood,
And iron promis’t for ’tis true
Their mynes are very good.
As our account has indicated, these hopes were not, in
the main, to be realized. On the other hand, the colonys
success in achieving self-sufficiency in food production
and in developing commerce with the Indians no doubt
explains in large part the lowering of the annual death rate
in the 1610–1618 period to less than 9 percent, compared
with the rate of just under 50 percent in the 1607–1610
In 1616, John Rolfe, his term as Secretary of the
Colony having ended, returned temporarily to England
with his wife, the Indian princess Pocahontas, and their
infant son;
there he wrote an account of the colony, now
at peace with its neighbors. He said:
The great blessings of God have followed this peace, and it next under him,
hath bredd our plentie every man sitting under his fig tree in safety,
gathering and reaping the fruits of their labors with much joy and comfort.
But now, at the close of the 1610–1618 period, the system
of allocation of land by head-right, and the opportunity for
a freer flow of and quicker turnover of capital had cast a
shadow over the peace, the land and the laborer. It was to
be a capitalist farming system in Virginia.
But what kind
of capitalist farming the English type, or some peculiar
system? That was the question to which the next and final
phase of the Company period would give an answer.
The Final Phase, 161924: The Tobacco Price
The 1619–24 period begins with the installation of Sir
Edwin Sandys as Treasurer and chief executive of the
Virginia Company, and the entrance of George Yeardley
upon his duty as the Companys governor in Virginia, in
the spring of 1619. Basic lines of policy, however, had
been worked out in the latter part of 1618, in discussions
that sought to draw lessons from the experiences of the
past, and of the Argall regime in particular.
The program that emerged was fashioned along three
main lines: (1) the reclamation of Company lands and
stock, and the revitalization and extension of various
Company enterprises, all to be financed initially by the
sale of patents for separate plantations to be organized by
individual and group capitalists outside the Company; (2)
the promotion of a generalized economy, and avoidance of
reliance upon tobacco as the mainstay; (3) the definition
and systemization of land tenure in the colony, and the
encouragement of emigration of laboring hands to the
Integrally and separately, from the beginning the
three points of this program bore within themselves latent
contradictions which quickly matured.
As a capitalist operation, the Virginia Company was a
failure in 1619. For twelve years of effort and the outlay
of £75,000 sterling of investors’ money and credit, the
Company had nothing in Virginia to show for it but six
[The] wholl State of the publique [Company property in the Colony] was
gone and consumed, there beinge not lefte att that time to the Company
either the land or any Tennant, Servant, Rent or trybute corne [from the
Indians], cowe or salte-worke and but six Goates onely.
Paradoxically, however, the colony was beginning to
throb under the first stimulus of Americas first Boom,”
as Professor Morgan has called it.
It was the tobacco
boom, of course, and it drew into itself an increasing share
of the colonys labor. The shipment of tobacco from
Virginia to England in 1615 amounted to less than one-
third of a pound for every person in the colony. By 1619,
the figure was twenty pounds per person, and by 1622 it
had reached forty-eight pounds.
The number of separate
non-Company plantations showed a parallel growth.
Between 1616 and 1619, six patents were issued to
separate capitalist plantation groups. Between 1619 and
1623, forty-four such patents were granted by the
Conceived as a means of financing the development of a
generalized economy under Company leadership in the
colony, the policy of selling land for separate plantations
produced the opposite effect. The directors of these new
enterprises emerged increasingly as the vital force in the
direction of the economic and political affairs of the
colony, and in the ever-increasing reliance upon tobacco
Although they made some gestures toward
developing non-tobacco enterprises, they were not
interested in risking very far along a path that had proved
so costly to the Company. Their eyes were fixed on
tobacco, with its quick turnover and profits. From 1619
on, writes Craven, “the chief interest of the Virginia
planter was devoted to his tobacco crop.”
A competition developed between the Company and the
separate plantations for the supplies of labor and capital.
In 1619 and 1620, separate planters were already
accounting for the transport of 30 percent of the emigrants;
after that, the majority were supplied by the separate
This competition took its most dramatic and
sharpest form in the Argall-like practice of colony officers
diverting Company tenants from Company service to these
officers’ own private exploitation. In its instructions to the
new Governor Yeardley, the Company had endowed the
colony officers with lands to be cultivated for their
support by tenants supplied by the Company. Leading the
list was an allotment of 3,000 acres to be attached to the
office of the governor. In addition to this substantial
perquisite of office, Yeardley was granted outright a
personal plantation of 2,200 acres.
Yeardley was an
especially arrant offender among the colony officers who
appropriated tenants for “their own private Lands, not
upon land belongeth to their office,” and wasted the time
of many others by requiring personal services of them.
When he surrendered his office at the end of his three-year
term, Yeardley kept for himself all but forty-six of his
Company complement of one hundred tenants.
Company officers also betrayed their trust and advantaged
themselves by hiring out Company-supplied tenants to
private non-Company employers.
In the competition for investment capital, the Virginia
Company was also being outdone. In 1620 and 1621, the
Company was forced on this account to rely mainly on its
public lottery as its capital funds source.
By the summer
of 1621, the par £12½ sterling Virginia Company shares
were selling in London at from £2 to £2½.
The definition and systemization of land tenure was
elaborated in the instructions for Yeardley, adopted by the
Company Court in London in November 1618, prior to
Yeardleys coming to Virginia.
These instructions
represented a further development of the trend to large-
capitalist agriculture and a freer flow of capital, both of
which were established principles informing the 1616
The tenants who had been brought to Virginia
prior to mid-1616 were, upon completion of their term of
service, to receive one hundred acres “to be held by them,
their Heirs and assigns for ever,” paying only two
shillings annual rent. But persons transported at Company
expense since mid-1616 had a less attractive option. They
could remain as tenants for the Company at the completion
of their seven-year term, or be free to move where they
will,” but with no land guarantee.
Obviously the prospective creation of a permanent class
of tenants would be designed to encourage capital
investment, as would the reduction of the growth in
numbers of self-employed freehold farmers, through the
accretion of landless ex-tenants. On the other hand, this
was a policy that would increase class differentiations by
reducing social mobility from tenant to landowner, and
sharpen class contradictions. The same effects were to be
expected from the expansion of the headright principle to
provide a grant of fifty acres to any investor who would
pay for the transportation of “persons which shall go
into Virginia with intent there to inhabit, if they continue
there three years or dye after they are shipped.”
Under Sandys’s leadership the Company launched a
number of projects iron mining, processing wood for
potash and pitch, timbering, fishing, glass making and fur
trading designed to promote a generalization of the
Virginia economy, as a market for and a supplier to
England, and in the interest of the strength and stability of
the colony itself. Lacking capital of its own, the Company
farmed out a number of these efforts to subsidiary joint-
stock companies. Although one of these projects
shipping women to be sold for wives among the more
prosperous men was profitable, most of the other
endeavors were less remunerative for the investors.
the summer of 1621, writes Craven: “The company was
for all practical purposes bankrupt.”
Crisis of overproduction of tobacco
Most disastrous, however, was the outbreak of a
characteristic capitalist crisis of overproduction:
[T]he Company had not reckoned with the effect of the rapidly expanded
supply of Virginia tobacco, nor with the increasing competition from the new
British settlements in Barbados and St Christopher. Consequently, during
1620 and 1621, the adventurers who had underwritten the purchase of the
product had been compelled to sell much of it at less than they had paid in
In the hope of riding out the storm, the Sandys
administration joined, indeed put itself at the head of, the
tobacco party.
Succumbing to what one of Sandyss
opponents called the “straunge dream
of salvation
through tobacco, the Company decided to stake all on an
application for a royal grant of the monopoly of the
English tobacco import trade. They got the contract, but
the terms dictated by King James were so onerous that it
was guaranteed to fail so far as the Companys interests
were concerned.
Although the insupportable conditions
of the contract led the Company to surrender it within a
year, it was of momentous historic significance. It
expressed the choice of the Anglo-American plantation
bourgeoisie as a whole to base the development of
Virginia Colony on a monocultural, rather than on a
diversified economy. From the time of the forlornly
ambitious projects for non-tobacco products plotted by the
Virginia Company, the records of seventeenth-century
Virginia are filled with instructions, advice, appeals,
exhortations and injunctions aimed at diversifying the
economy and avoiding dependence upon tobacco.
even greater consistency the colony was fashioned at
every turn in the opposite image. In the end it was a
victory of blind instinct over articulate wisdom. But not
instinct in general: Indian society had mastered the uses of
tobacco without letting tobacco master Indian society. It
was, rather, the victory of the specifically bourgeois class
instinct for their annual rate of profit and quick turnover of
TheAdventurers” Seek Ways to Support the
Tobacco Addiction
The drop in tobacco prices fell upon the just and the
unjust, the “publique” and the separate private plantation
owners, alike. The Virginia Company passed into history
in 1624, but the price of tobacco continued a general
course of decline; by 1630 it was less than a penny a
pound in Virginia.
By the middle of the seventeenth
century, Barbados and St Christopher had been
transformed into sugar plantation colonies in the interest of
a higher rate of profit, but the price of Virginia tobacco
never again rose to even one-third of what it had been in
the day of the “straunge dream.” If the losses sustained on
other enterprises had dried up the source of capital
flowing into the Virginia Company, the decline in the price
of tobacco implied a similar effect, if it were not
somehow to be averted, upon the flow of English capital
into Virginia tobacco cultivation, whether that cultivation
were conducted by a royally chartered company or by
separate entrepreneurs operating on their own account.
The capitalists would have to find a way to counteract
the market-driven tendency of the rate of profit to fall. As
we have noted, the Company and the Virginia Assembly in
1619 had indicated their idea of a fair profit, stipulating a
limit of 25 percent mark-up on English goods brought for
sale in Virginia. Faced with falling tobacco prices in
England, the merchants accordingly discounted the
tobacco with which the Virginia people paid for English
goods. From a contentious exchange of letters between the
Virginia Company of London and the Virginia Colony
Council in Jamestown in 1623, we learn that a bushel of
meal delivered in Virginia and worth thirteen shillings
was exchanged for nine or ten pounds of tobacco,
officially rated at three shillings the pound, a discount of
55 percent.
Conceivably this deterioration of the Virginia tobacco-
sellers position could have been countered by
administrative measures. This was not a practical
possibility, however, as more than a century of subsequent
efforts at “stinting” tobacco, pegging prices, destroying
surplus stocks, etcetera, would prove.
Almost the entire cost of production in Virginia was in
payment for labor power, and since these payments were
made in tobacco, the capitalists’ cost of production
declined proportionately to the decline in the price of
Therefore, although the capitalists’ profit was
being reduced, the decline was not caused by a rise in the
absolute or relative wages of the laboring people, but by
the fall of tobacco prices. This built-in elasticity of
laborer and tenant costs served to reduce the impact of the
lowered price of tobacco upon the interests of the
capitalists, in Virginia or in England or in both places.
However, it did not protect the capitalists against a
reduction of their equity or profit rate in terms of their
pound-sterling investment. If the adventurer or planter
invested one hundred pounds sterling in Virginia tobacco
and the price of tobacco declined by half, the rate of profit
on the investment would be cut in half. The plantation
bourgeoisie accordingly sought ways to raise its share of
the net product by an attack on “entitlements,” as they
would be called by todays “Conservatives,” namely the
tenants “moiety and the laborers free-market wage
Intermediate Bond-Servitude Forms:
Convicts, Apprentices and Maids-for-wives”
For some time before 1622, the adventurers and planters
had taken measures to secure supplies of non-tenant
laborers on conditions more favorable than those provided
under the Virginia wage scale. For this purpose they
turned their attention to those segments of the English
population most vulnerable to such superexploitation,
namely prisoners, impoverished youth, and women of the
laboring classes.
In the spring of 1617, the Privy Council issued a
warrant for the transport of a number of “malefactors” then
being held in custody; the king specified that they be sent
to Virginia and nowhere else.
In October 1619, the king
supplied the Company with another one hundred divers
dissolute persons,” who were to be transported as
“servants” to Virginia. The exact terms on which they
were to serve in the colony were not specified, but it was
anticipated that the conditions would not be agreeable to
the prisoners. This feeling was, it has been said, all the
stronger on account of the fact that the group of prisoners
included a number of Irish persons captured in their own
country in the course of the brutal English plantation of
Their disaffection caused some delay in the
execution of the order for their transportation, as Edwin
Sandys explained in speaking of the intended shipment of
the first fifty of these persons:
[T]hey could not goe in lesse than fower Shipps, for feare they beinge many
together may drawe more unto them and so muteny and carry away the
Ship, which would stand [cost] the Company fowre thousand pounds.
The records of the Privy Council proceedings are
sprinkled with orders for the surrender of imprisoned
convicts to Company authorities for transportation to
Virginia as “servants,” on the condition that “they retourne
not again into England,” on pain of death.
For instance:
• 13 July 1617: Chris Potley, Roger Powell, Sapcott
Molineux and Thomas Chrouchley, prisoners at Oxford
jail; and George Harrison, convicted of stealing a
horse, prisoner at Hartford jail.
• March and November 1618: William Lambe and James
Stringer, respectively, prisoners at Newgate prison.
May 1622: Daniell Frank,
William Beare and John
Ireland, prisoners at White Lion jail in Southwark.
Also in 1622: James Wharton, convicted of picking
pockets, in Norfolk; and John Carter of London,
convicted of horse-stealing, but for whom injustice
was tempered with mercy since it was doubtful
“whether the horse was stolen or not.”
Still, as Sandys had warned in 1619, there was a critical
mass where further congregation of such deportees meant
mutiny. Therefore, whilst they might supplement the labor
supply, they were not to be the main source of it, and thus
were not the means of achieving a general reduction of
labor costs in the colony.
The “Duty boys
In the 1618–22 period, considerable effort was made to
recruit “vagrantchildren mainly, but not exclusively, in
London to work in Virginia. In autumn 1618, the London
Common Council and the Virginia Company agreed upon
the “taking up” of one hundred homeless boys and girls,
aged eight to sixteen, for shipment to Virginia.
A year
later the Company congratulated itself and the city fathers
on the successful delivery of the full one hundred, minus
“such as dyed on the waie.”
The Company then
proposed a renewal of the collaboration, with the object
of sending another one hundred youths, but this time they
were to be “twelve years old and upward.”
The program encountered opposition on the part of the
youth who were its objects. Two months after the second
plan was proposed, it was discovered “that among that
number there are divers unwilling to be carryed thither [to
Virginia].” Special care was taken that the
“troublemakers” who sought to obstruct the program were
included among those selected for transport, but they were
to be taken to jail for punishment before their departure.
Fifty such young persons were delivered in Virginia in
May of 1620 on board the ship Duty; thereafter,
apprentices brought on the same sort of program were
called “Duty boys.”
From the standpoint of labor costs, the apprentice role
for which these “Duty boys” were destined had obvious
advantages for the plantation bourgeoisie. Apprentices
were bound to serve seven years, the common apprentice
term in England. The cost of getting them to Virginia was
“Three pounds a peece for the Transportation and forty
shillings a peece for their apparrell.”
In addition to this
outlay, the expenditure for their equipment and food for the
first year of the term was not likely to amount to more than
another £5 sterling, since their own labor provided their
own food and most of their other necessities, except
clothing, bedding, metal products and other manufactured
goods supplied from England. The cost of maintaining the
apprentice declined to practically nothing in subsequent
years of the term.
The apprentice received no wages
except his board and keep; thus the cost of the apprentice’s
labor, assuming the worker survived for the full term,
came to less than thirty shillings per year.
The annual output of the apprentice in the period 1619–
23 averaged 712 pounds of tobacco,
which would yield
£44 10s., at 15d.,
in Virginia and £106 16s., at 36d.,
in London. The Virginia “planter” would thus get for his
tobacco in one year thirty times its annualized labor cost.
The use of apprentice youth as a labor supply, however,
involved certain negative features. The planters expressed
a preference for men such as have been brought up to
labor & those between 20 & 30 yeres of age”
than inexperienced and less muscular teenagers such as the
apprentices mostly were.
Yet each of these drawbacks carried its own partial
offset. If the youthful apprentice was not so strong as a
mature adult, he was perhaps more tractable for that
reason. If the apprentice died before the end of his term,
then at least he would not be around to raise the cost of
labor by becoming first a tenant-at-halves and then a free
farm owner.
There remained one unmitigated handicap in the
apprentice arrangement, so far as the needs of the
capitalist plantation development in Virginia was
concerned. Under English custom and law, even the parish
or country apprentice was bound to one particular
employer in a one-to-one relationship. It was a
relationship equally binding on each party and the
apprentice could not be sold to or bought from another
A new opportunity for venture capital: “maids-
A third direct and indirect source of labor power that was
unpaid was sought by the importation of women. As early
as 1618, enterprising men were specializing in this labor
supply service. This was revealed in two arrests made in
the fall of that year. One man, Owen Evans,
who was a
messenger for the king, ranged over three counties of
southeastern England “pressing maidens” for “His
Majestys service for the Bermudas and Virginia.” Paying
four shillings to one man, five to another, twelve pence to
third, and threatening them with hanging for refusal to
comply (so they testified), Evans ordered women to be
taken up in the kings name and delivered to him at
Sherborne in Dorset. He bore a badge of authority from
the Kings Chamber which, it was later said, was validly
his, but which he used illegally in this business. As many
as forty women were said to have fled the one parish of
Ottery in Devon to escape this frightful form of class and
sex oppression. They must have had to flee to points far
distant, because young women from adjoining parishes
were also taking flight in terror. Jacob Crystie of Ottery
sold his daughter to Evans for twelve pence. A member of
the local establishment paid Evans ten shillings to
dissuade him from further oppression of the Ottery parish.
Evans was finally arrested and sent back to London, being
treated in due course with the deference reserved for
personal agents of the king. What if anything in the way of
punishment was given to Evans for this crime, our
historians do not tell us.
Another man, named Robinson, forged a commission for
himself and used it “to take up rich Yeomens daughters to
serve his majesty for breeders in Virginia” unless they
were ransomed by their parents and friends. He was
apprehended, tried, hanged, drawn and quartered for
counterfeiting the Great Seal.
Subsequently, bourgeois gentlemen and aristocrats
made the trade respectable and profitable: respectable, on
the ground of making of the men feel at home in
and profitable, by operating it as a Virginia
Company monopoly. Of 650 persons sent by the Company
to Virginia between August 1619 and April 1620 (see
Table 4.1), ninety were “Young maids to make wives for
so many of the former tenants.”
This item is included in
a “Noate of Shipping, Men and Provisions Sent to
Virginia”; women, it seems, were counted as
“provisions.” The Company in June 1620 projected a plan
for sending one hundred more “maids-for-wives,” in a
total of eight hundred emigrants.
On 20 December 1621,
the Warwick arrived in Virginia with a cargo that the
Companys accompanying letter advertized as an
extraordinary choice lot of thirty-eight maids for
Investors were apparently encouraged by this
bright aspect of an otherwise not very promising general
business outlook. In November 1621, a subsidiary joint
stock for trading in “maids-for-wives” to Virginia was
established in the amount of £800 sterling. Virginia
Company leaders Edwin Sandys and the Earl of
Southampton patriotically headed the list of investors with
subscriptions of £200 each.
The shipment of “one widow and eleven maids for
wives on board the George in the late summer of 1621
was accompanied by a Company letter to the Colony
Council regarding the disposal of the cargo.
That letter,
when considered together with other records of the time,
helps to outline the economic aspects of this branch of
business, as well as to suggest inferences regarding the
life of the women traded. The George women were to be
sold at “120 lb waight of the best leafe Tobacco.” The
price of the Warwick women who arrived in Virginia a
month later was increased to 150 pounds of tobacco,
partially on the grounds of the declining price of tobacco
in England.
It was provided that the total payment on the
Georges twelve would have to be equal to 12 times 120
pounds of tobacco, and that, therefore, “if any of them dye
(before sale was made) that proportion must be advanced
to make it uppon those that survive.”
Some of the
business had to be done on credit, judging by an order of
the Virginia General Court of 2 May 1625 requiring
“Debtors for Maidsto pay up or face punitive action by
the Court.
Such problems arose despite the effort made to limit the
purchasing rights to men of substance. While allowing
love its dominion, the Company authorities directed that it
operate within the limits of sound business practice.
Accordingly, the Company kept one eye on the
improvement of prospects; it promised the women that
they would not be married off to poor men, “for we would
have their condition so much better as multitudes will be
allured thereby to come unto you.”
Therefore, a line
was drawn on eligible men for wiving: the Company
would “not have those maides deterred and married to
servants but only to such freemen or tenants as have
meanes to maintain them.”
There is evidence of resentment on the part of poor men
on account of the deprivation they had to endure because
of this pounds-shillings-and-pence approach to the woman
question. Thomas Niccolls expressed indignation at this
discrimination in a letter he sent to England.
were so “well sold,” he said, that a poor man could never
get possession of one. Poor tenants, he wrote, desperately
needed wives, for “they depart this world in their own
dung for want of help in their sickness.” Furthermore,
Niccolls could not see why women should not
be bound to serve the Company for a certain number of years whether they
married or not, [since] all the multitude of women [do is] nothing but to
devour the food of the land without doing any days deed whereby any
benefit [may] arise wither to the company or the Country.
To speed the turnover of their capital, the stockholders
offered a special inducement to prospective customers:
“you may assure such men as marry those women that the
first servants sent over by the Company shall be consigned
to them.”
Niccollss comment and Company promises to the
contrary notwithstanding, these women were not
absolutely insured against becoming “servants.” In its
instructions, the Company said that they might be
servants … in case of extremetie.” Extremity of what exact
sort is left to our own inferences. Several years later, a
case came before the Virginia General Court concerning a
woman who had been brought over to the colony to serve
as a wife. But the marriage plan had aborted “because of
some dislike between them,” and “it was agreed” that the
woman was to be a servant to her former fianfor two
The Virginia census of 1624–25 showed that of
the 222 English women in the colony, forty-six were
propertyless workers. How many of this unmarried group
had originally come to be sold as wives, and how many
came as girl apprentices, or by some other particular
arrangement, is not known.
The same census showed that there were 107 Virginia-
born English children in Virginia. This statistic points up
the special contribution to be had from the importation of
women in connection with the reduction of labor costs, but
Virginia births were not to furnish the quick solution
sought by the tobacco plantation bourgeoisie. In fact, there
was a contradiction between the womans role as child-
bearer and as laborer. Her pregnancy, child-bearing and
childcare responsibilities entailed an uncompensated
expense and loss of labor time for the employer. The child
would not reach working age during the mothers term of
service, and in any case the child was born free and not
under any contractual obligation to the mothers employer.
For that reason, severe penalties were imposed upon
servant women who became pregnant, or who risked
becoming pregnant, and upon men (except the particular
employer) who were thus involved with servant
On the other hand, if a landholder wanted to
establish an ongoing estate, male heirs must be produced
of undoubted paternity. In those cases, one particular
woman in the capacity of wife and mother was
indispensable, in spite of the added expense at a time of
rising labor costs, it being understood that this particular
woman would not be available for common labor as a
general rule.
A man could buy a wife, but he could not sell her. Once
the investment was made, it dropped forever out of the
sphere of circulation of capital, by the law of coverture.
The investment could not be restored to its original money
form by a return to the market; nor could it be used to
settle outstanding debts or as collateral to meet needs for
credit. This form of “property,” whatever the benefits to
its possessor, clearly inhibited the free flow of capital.
For these several reasons, therefore, the importation of
women was not a means for reducing the general cost of
labor to any degree commensurate with the fall in tobacco
prices, which by 1622 was already a critical problem.
Sex Ratio and Economic Base: Virginia and
New England
The maids-for-wives program may have contributed to a
reduction of the sex ratio, but in the colony census of
1624–25 the sex ratio among adults was still nearly four
men to one woman.
Although it is not surprising to learn
that the ratio of men to women in the earliest colonial
settlements was high, the ratio in Virginia was
significantly higher than it was in New England. In the
four-year period 1620 to 1623, 212 persons left England
for New England. Among the 203 identified by sex, the
sex ratio was just over two to one.
Among the adults on
the first of these ships, the Mayflower, there were 56 men,
26 women, and 19 children.
The contrast would prove to be more than momentary.
In the years 1634 and 1635, among passengers embarking
for Virginia, males outnumbered females by more than six
to one. A similarly derived index for English emigrants
going to New England in the years 1620 to 1638 indicated
a rough ratio of 150, 60 men to 40 women.
A tabulation
by Russell R. Menard of eleven selected quantifying
items, yields a weighted sex ratio of 338 for European
immigrants to Maryland and Virginia for the period 1634
to 1707.
This contrast with New England was a function of the
differing relations of production in the two regions. Of the
5,190 bond-laborers shipped for continental Anglo-
America from the port of Bristol between 1654 and 1686,
New England took only 165, while Virginia took 4,924.
The relatively insignificant proportion of bond-labor in
New England reflected the fact that there the relations of
production originally developed in the matrix of the family
kinship group.
In Virginia, where bond-servitude was
the status of the great majority of European immigrants,
family formation was inhibited because the laborers, being
chattels, were legally barred from marrying. The retarding
effect on family formation due to the bond-labor system is
seen in the fact that in seventeenth-century Chesapeake the
average age of female European immigrants, who were
mainly bond-laborers, was 24.9 years at the time of the
first marriage; the corresponding figure for native-born
European-American women was 16.8 years.
Tenantry, Wage Labor and Captain Nuces
The laboring people in Virginia in the beginning of 1622
were predominately tenants, not convicts, wives, or
apprentice youth. This is a fact of obvious importance in
any effort to investigate the beginnings of the system of
chattel bond-servitude as the basic form of labor in the
Anglo-American plantation colonies. Since it deserves
greater attention than most historians of the period have
given to it, the matter merits some documentation here.
Prior to 1622, most emigrants to Virginia were
transported by the Virginia Company.
The proportion of
tenants among those sent by the Virginia Company in the
1619–21 period, and for whom we have a categorization
in the records, was about 60 percent, that is, 860 out of
1,450 (see Table 4.1). If the 190 “maids for wives” are
left out of the account, or if they are counted in the
category into which they were inducted by marriage, the
tenant proportion among these Company emigrants would
amount to around 70 percent.
There is much evidence in the records to indicate that in
this period the proportion of tenants was as high, or
possibly higher, among emigrants dispatched from
England by separate, non-Company, enterprisers. The best
and most complete, if not the only, substantial record of a
non-Company plantation which has come down from that
time is that of Berkeley Hundred, in the form of the papers
of John Smyth of Nibley, one of the four incorporators of
that enterprise.
These documents present a picture of the
employment relation of those engaged for service in
Berkeley Hundred. The terms of employment are written,
specific for each individual (or family), and they are
formalized before the emigrant leaves England. The
contracted arrangement is mutually binding on both
parties; the person employed is bound to service to this
employer only; his or her contract is not “assignable” to
another employer.
The list includes thirty-four men sent to Berkeley
Hundred in September 1619 to serve under plantation
manager John Woodleefe, apparently as tenants, excepting
two men sent apparently to serve only in their trade of
Beside each tenants name is the term to be
served, in years. The shortest term is three years; all of the
“assistants to Woodleefe are in that category, and that
term is most common (nine cases) among the other twenty-
eight tenants. There was one serving the longest term, of
eight years. Four of Woodleefe’s five assistants were
assigned 50 acres each; the fifth, one of the two non-
tenants, was a skilled artisan (one of the two joiners), who
was to receive a percentage of the business. Of the twenty-
eight rank-and-file tenants, eighteen were assigned 30
acres each, two were assigned 40 acres each, and the
single smallest allotment was 15 acres. Five of these
persons were put on a supplemental wage (in some cases
paid in whole or part in advance, in England), apparently
in consideration of special expected services in trades
such as sawyer, cooper, gunsmith, etcetera. Thirteen of
these men, including five who were tradesmen, were paid
individual earnest money and promised family
maintenance money before leaving England. They were
engaged as tenants for from three to seven years, and were
assigned land, most commonly 30 acres.
Table 4.1 Shipments of persons to Virginia by the Virginia
Company and by separate planters, 1619–21
Total Tenants Servants
Apprentices Maids
Sent by
for own
use 1,060 860 100 - 100
for former
390 - 100 200 90
Sent by
Source: Records of the Virginia Company of London (4 vols. edited by
Susan Myra Kingsbury [Washington, DC, 190635]), 3: 313.
a. The Company records distinguish between tenants and servants among
those shipped by the Company, but not in the case of those shipped for the
separate plantations.
b. The Company figures include some persons who were to have gone, but did
not; and others who died en route. Yet a comparison with Alexander
Brown’s figures (The First Republic in America [Boston and New York,
1898], this page, this page, this page, this page) shows the proportion sent by
the Company and by the separate planters to have been as presented in this
c. In the 1619–20 period, of the 611 sent to private plantations 221 were
transported by the Company.
d. The ratio of privately shipped to Company-shipped persons remained
constant at about 45 per cent during this period. (See Wesley Frank Craven,
The Dissolution of the Virginia Company [New York, 1932], this page.)
For the 800 shipped by the Company in 162021, 360 thus would have been
shipped for private planters. This number plus the 390 sent by separate
planters in 1619–20 equals 750.
A year later, in September 1620, seven persons entered
into a contract to go to Berkeley Hundred as tenants.
This agreement is remarkable in that there is no time set
for the expiration of the agreement; indeed, reference is
made to a continued arrangement of the “heireson both
sides. Still, two things are clear: (1) these tenants are to
have two-thirds of the corn and wheat they raise, and half
of everything else they produce; and (2) there is no
provision for a “setting over,” “assigning,” or selling of
the tenants to another employer.
These papers show the employers as paying the cost of
the transportation of the employees; the laboring emigrants
are not obligated to “pay back this expenditure by
servitude or otherwise. The contract agreed to by Robert
Coopy, a smith, carpenter and turner, in September 1619
is seen by A. E. Smith as the “first genuine servants
But Coopys arrangement was obviously
quite different from that of the “indentured servant that
was to be. Although the only recompense appears to have
beento maintayne him with convenient [appropriate] diet
and apparell meet for such a servant,” it is equally
provided that, at the end of his three-year term, he is to be
given 30 acres of land, and is “to enjoy all the freedomes
and privileges of a free man”; that is to say, within three
years Coopy would be a self-employed owner of a 30-
acre farm.
More fundamental, Coopy was not a chattel,
alienable to any person to whom his employer might
“assignhim; and his right to a land grant was written into
the contract.
The significant aspect of the Robert Coopy document is
that it is the earliest evidence in the record that
rationalizes transferring the burden of a transatlantic
transportation costs from the employer to the laborer. It is
perhaps also worth noting that Robert Coopy did not
actually come to Virginia, but stayed in England.
Whether or not he reneged on the arrangement on account
of the obnoxious uniqueness of its wageless feature is not
revealed in the record.
While the documentation presented here is not
exhaustive, there is nothing in the record, or in the
argumentation based on it, to negate its clear implication.
The typical form of labor in Virginia at the beginning of
1622 was that of the tenant, the planters being,” as
Alderman Johnson said in reviewing the period 1619–22,
“most of them Tenants at halves.”
A new proposal for getting “hands at Cheaper rates”
The relationship of tenant-at-halves interposed limits to
the recoupment of profits by the reduction of labor costs.
The tenant relationship also involved a relatively
important and less reducible cost of the initial installation
in Virginia. Tenants transported by the Virginia Company,
for instance, were to be provided with “Apparell,
Victuall, Armes, Tooles and Household Implements,” the
cost of which, delivered with the tenants in Virginia, came
to a total of £20 sterling, of which only £6 sterling
represented the cost of the transportation of the person, the
remainder being for the purchase and freight of the
equipment and supplies.
A wage worker, on the other hand, was provided only
with transportation, a cost amounting, as in the case of the
person of the tenant, to £6 sterling.
But once in Virginia,
the wage worker was entitled to wages set by the Colony
Council several times as great as those of England (see
Table 4.2). Even as the Colony Council was establishing
that schedule of wages, in January 1621/2, it was telling
London that the advancement of the work was hindered by
a lack of hands at so Cheape a rate as cannot yett
possibly bee.”
Although Captain Thomas Nuce was one
of the council members who signed their names to the
proclamation of wages that January, four months later he
was moving for a reconsideration.
He had been sent to
the colony to superintend the revival of the Companys
enterprises, but he found the prevailing wage rates an
obstacle. With patriotic discretion, Nuce chose for
illustrative contrast not the wage scale of the Mother
Country, but that of Catholic lands. Virginia, he said,
where wee pay iii s [three shillings] a day for the labor
of a man who hath no other waie but to digg and dealve,”
must not be confused with Italie, Spain, or ffraunce:
countries plentiful and prosperous: where are thousands of
women and children and such ydle people to be hyred for i
d [a penny] or ii d [two pence] a day.”
Table 4.2 Comparative day wages in Virginia, January
1622, and in Rutland County, England, in 1610–1634
with meals without meals
Virginia England
Virginia England
Master carpenter 3s.
8d. 4s. 14d.
2s. 3d
4d. 3s. 6d.
Master bricklayer 3s. 5d. 4s. 9d.
Helper 2s. 3d. 3d. 3s. 7d.
Master sawyer 3s. 6d. 4s. 12d.
Helper 2s. 3d. - 3s. -
Master mason 3s. 8d. 4s. 12d.
Helper 2s. 3d. - 3s. -
Master joiner 4s. 6d. 5s. 12d.
Helper 3s. 4d. 3s. 9d. 8d.
Master tailor 2s. 4d. 3s. 8d.
Helper 1s. 6d. - 2s. 9d. -
Farm laborer 2s. [40s./year] 3s. 8d.
a. English wages are for spring and summer; fall and winter wages were one-
fourth to one-third less.
b. 1s. equals 12d.
c.Helper” is intended here as a generic for “apprentice (England) and
labourer in husbandry” (Virginia).
d. The Virginia helpers wage was set at one-fourth less than that of the
respective master tradesman.
Sources: For England: James E. Thorold Rogers, History of Agriculture and
Prices in England, 7 vols. in 8 (London, 18861902), 6:6913. For Virginia:
Virginia Colony Council, Settlement of the Wages of Tradesmen in Virginia,
14 January, 1621/22, (Records of the Virginia Company of London [4
vols. edited by Susan Myra Kingsbury, Washington, DC, 190635], 3: 589
90). See also wages of farm laborers paid by the year, in G. E. Russell, ed.,
Robert Loder’s Farm Accounts, 16101620, Camden Society
Publications, 3rd ser., vol. 53 (London, 1936), pp. xxviii-xxix.
Two things were obvious: first, the decisive element in
the cost of labor in the colony at that time was the tenant.
Second, given the irrevocability of the bourgeois
commitment to the tobacco plantation monoculture in the
situation of everlastingly low tobacco prices, wage labor
was not to be the alternative to the tenant.
In the course of discussions within the Virginia
Assembly on the problem of how “yettto get “hands at so
Cheape a rate” as would satisfy the employers, Captain
Thomas Nuce, having these two above-mentioned
imperatives in mind, advanced a plan that received
enthusiastic endorsement. In January, 1622, the Governor
and Council forwarded that proposal to London:
Wee have heerin closed sent you a project of Capt newces which if you
shalbe pleased to take likinge of, it is thought here will yeelde you, a more
certain proffitt then [than] your Tenantes to halfes, which beinge proposed
to the generall Assemblie, was by them well approved of.
In reply the Company promised to give careful
consideration to the “project of Capt Newce concerning
the altering of the Condicons with our Tenants,” especially
because it was recommended by the Virginia Assembly.
A few months later the Company returned to the subject,
and assured the colony officials that the Company was
more than prepared to send Virginia employers “servants
instead of tenants” and to do so “in a manner very
advantageable to you.”
A year after the Virginia
Governor and Council had initiated the proposal in the
interest of “a more certain profitt,” the Virginia Council
urged the question again:
Wee conceave that if you would be pleased to Chaunge the Conditione of
Tenants into servants for future Supplies, your revenues might be greatly
In the spring of 1623 Alderman Johnson declared that the
Colony officers had all desired to reduce their tenants to
The Massacre of the Tenantry
English historical experience had shown that the reduction
of non-proletarian laboring people to proletarians, and the
creation of a large surplus of labor were the conditions
necessary for bringing about a general lowering of labor
costs. The essence of the matter was shown to be the
placing of the laborers in a position of great and growing
dependency upon capitalist employment under conditions
in which many workers compete for relatively few jobs.
The English bourgeoisie had accomplished both these
steps in one operation, the enclosures, during the late
fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. In Virginia in the
1620s the starting point was to be the destruction of
tenancy. But whereas the enclosures involved the
replacement of one hundred peasant tillers of the soil with
one shepherd, the mere transformation of tenants into non-
tenants did not involve any increase in labor productivity.
Therefore, the Anglo-American plantation bourgeoisie,
unable to create a labor surplus above labor demand,
sought by other means to achieve a condition of extreme
dependency of the laboring people.
The first requisite for the successful completion of the
general offensive against the rights of the laboring classes
that reduced them to chattels in Virginia was the
maintenance of social control. The Anglo-American
bourgeoisie did not need to be told that they were dealing
with people who were not to be taken for granted in such a
matter. The rebellious resistance of the English freehold
and copyhold tenants in the sixteenth century had produced
a large peasant revolt in the Midlands in the very year
Jamestown was founded. Fresher in the minds of the rulers
was the meltdown of the regime of Lawes Divine, Morall
and Martiall in the face of colonists determined to defy
attempts to restrict the planting of tobacco.
Open military dictatorship was over; the colony was
now governed by the newly created General Assembly,
the Colony Council and General Court. Reliance would
still be placed on English mercenary veterans of wars in
Ireland and the Netherlands, not only to command in
warfare against the native population but also for the
maintenance of social control in the interest of the tobacco
bourgeoisie. The fulfillment of this social control function
was favored by four special conditions prevailing in the
colony at this time.
Four Special Conditions
First of these was the appalling death rate. The record is
filled with testimony of the dying, the doomed and the
fearful, about the insufficiency of food, clothing and
housing; and about the perils of the period of “seasoning,”
the first year of acclimatization. Half of the six hundred
colonists living in Virginia at the beginning of 1619 were
still living in March 1625. But only one out of every six of
the new immigrants who came during that period was
alive at the end of it. An influx of nearly five thousand
persons increased the population by less than five hundred
(see Table 5.1). By modern standards, the death rate in
England in these years was very high, being about 2.7
percent per year;
but it was not such as to interfere with
the continuity of the social pattern, as happened at the time
of the great plague of the fourteenth century. In the Virginia
colony, however, the death rate in this period was seven
times that of England. In such a small, far-distant colony,
the sheer physical annihilation of property owners implicit
in these figures inevitably overwhelmed the orderly
procedures of property transfers and afforded exceptional
opportunities for illegal expropriations, including the
“expropriation of laboring people.
From the standpoint
of social control, mere survival in these circumstances
became the overriding concern for many of the working
people, and the question of rebellion or social rights came
to be of lesser concern for the moment.
The second special condition affecting the
bourgeoisies ability to maintain social control was the
external contradiction represented by the Indians
resistance to massive, rapid and aggressive English
encroachment upon the land. On the one hand, this
contradiction made ruling-class social control more
difficult, since it presented the laboring people of the
colony with a means of frustrating the bourgeois pressure
on their living standards and social rights, by abandoning
the colony and joining one or the other of the nearby Indian
communities. This was more than an abstract possibility.
Instances of English colonists fleeing to the Indians are
found throughout the records of the early colonial period.
They went despite the fact that recapture could mean death
“by hanginge, shootinge and breakinge uppon the
The death penalty was not always imposed,
however, as the following entries in the record for 20
October 1617 seem to show:
Table 5.1 Approximate number of English emigrants to
Virginia and the death rate among them in the Company
period (omitting May 1618 to November 1619)
Shipped from England 640 1,125 5,009
Survivors in Virginia 65 900
Total in Virginia, start of
1,191 5,909
Alive at end of period 65 600 1,218
Dead en route or in Virginia 575 591 4,691
Death toll 90% 45% 80%
Annual death rate 49.5% 8.2% 26.4%
Death rate in England 2.5% 2.6% 2.1%
Sources: Alexander Brown, The First Republic in America (Boston and New
York, 1898). pp. 129, 285, 612; Charles E. Hatch, The First Seventeen
Years: Virginia, 16071624 (Williamsburg, 1957), pp. 3, 7, 5; Irene W. D.
Hecht, ‘The Virginia Muster of 1624/5 as a Source for Demographic
History,William and Mary Quarterly 30:65–92 (1973), p. 70; E. A.
Wrigley and R. S. Schofield, The Population History of England, 1541
1871, (Cambridge, MA, 1981), p.532. Cf. Evarts B. Greene and Virginia D.
Harrington, American Population Before the Federal Census of 1790
(New York, 1932), pp. 1346.
a. December 1606 to prior to May 23, 1610, 3.42 years.
b. May 1610 to May 1618, 8 years.
c. November 1619 to February 1624/25, 5.17 years.
Geo White pardoned [by Governor Argall] for running away to the Indians
with his arms & ammunition which facts deserve death according to the
express articles & laws of this colony in that case provided and established
and for which offenses he stands liable to censure of a marchalls Court.
Henry Potter for Stealing a Calf & running to Indians death [blank space in
On the other hand, the increase of immigration worked to
the advantage of the plantation bourgeoisie in dealing with
the flight of laborers. Expansion of the colony permitted
the development of an English institutional superstructure
as an inhibitor to self-banishment in a strange country. A
second factor was more immediate. While the Indians had
been able to absorb a score or so of English left at
Roanoke in 1587, the level of development of the
productive forces among the Indians, and the need to avoid
the strange epidemic diseases of the English, set rather
close limits on the numbers of English defectors who
could be absorbed into the Indian settlements. English
national consciousness aside, the great inpouring of
colonists made impossible a general resort to escape from
bourgeois oppression by going to the Indians.
Third among these special conditions facilitating the
attack by the Anglo-American plantation bourgeoisie
against the social status of the laboring people in the
colony was the intensified economic pressure on the
laboring people in England that occurred just at this time,
and that might be assumed to predispose more workers to
consider emigration than would have been the case at
other times. As I have previously noted,
in England real
wages had pursued a generally downward course since the
close of the fifteenth century. The situation became
particularlay acute with the onset of the severe depression
in England’s chief industry, cloth making, in the period
1620–25. In 1624 there were still twelve thousand cloth
workers out of work in England.
Finally, there was the fact of the complete and utter
dependence of the colony upon England for supplies,
especially of clothing and metal products but also, to a
considerable extent, of food and beverages. Not a nail, let
alone a plow or a saw, but had to be brought a long sea
voyage from England. Not a requested ball of yarn, let
alone a coat, a shirt, or a bit of bedding, not a hoe, axe or
pail, but must be waited for for six months at least to come
from England. This was a major factor in the maintenance
of social control, even when the greatest provocation to
revolt was being brought to bear on the working people. If
they were to succeed, the situation would not be as in
England, where there were means of production to be
taken over in the form of manufacturing facilities. This
dependence upon English supplies enhanced the power of
the bourgeoisie, the governor and Colony Council
members, the plantation owners, the Cape Merchant in
charge of the Companys magazine,” and free-trading
ship captains relative to the “dependent classes.”
The Emergent Colony Elite
The basis for the rise of an elite of rich Virginia planters
was laid at the very outset of the Edwin Sandys regime, in
1619; it is seen outlined in the famous “Instructions”
issued to George Yeardley upon his appointment as
Governor of Virginia that April.
For every £12½ share of
Virginia stock, separate planter” capitalists were granted
free title to one hundred acres of land, and when that land
was “sufficiently peopled,” an additional amount was to
be given to the stockholder equal to the original amount.
The term sufficiently peopled” is not defined. The four
incorporators of Berkeley Hundred, for example, jointly
purchased forty-five shares and were given a patent for
4,500 acres of Virginia land, the price being equivalent to
shillings per acre.
Furthermore, the separate planters
were to benefit from the headright principle under
which they were to be compensated for transporting
laboring people to Virginia at the rate of fifty acres per
“head.” Later, when the next sections of land were
surveyed, the planters were to receive an equal additional
amount, provided they had sufficiently peopled the first
grant. The capitalist was entitled to the headright land
even if the person whose passage he had paid died before
the ship ever reached Virginia, or starved or died of
disease in Virginia, as most of them did before their three-
year term was completed. Such a provision would seem
designed to exacerbate the shortage of food and other
supplies in the colony. Six pounds sterling invested in
supplies and the freight for them to be used by laborers in
Virginia could yield a return only if the laborers lived and
produced commodities for the capitalist, which were then
sold at a profit. But the same amount invested in getting a
laborer on board a ship bound for Virginia brought the
capitalist a patent on fifty acres of Virginia land. Of
course, land needed laborers, and laborers needed
provisions, and there was a point beyond which a stinting
of supplies would prove counterproductive. But the
“headright privilege tended to push the contradiction to
the limit in terms of maximum profit for the capitalist and
minimum provisions for the laboring people.
The new governor, Yeardley, who had served as Acting
Governor in 1616–17 and was already, before his
appointment, the owner of two hundred acres by virtue of
his two Company shares, was granted two thousand more
acres in appreciation of his “long and faithful service.”
Those lands were to be held by him, his heirs and assigns
forever. Three thousand acres, to be called the
Governors Land,” were set aside “in the best and most
convenient place,” and one-fourth of the produce of them
was to belong to the Governor in his official capacity. A
similar one-fourth share of the output on twelve thousand
acres, called Company lands,” was to be apportioned
among four or five other colony officers,
such as the
Treasurer, the Secretary, and the Vice-Admiral, and for
payments to lesser functionaries. One-twentieth of the total
product of the Company lands was to be provided for the
services of overseers of the Company tenants and other
laboring people, and for compensating those who were
responsible for dividing the product according to the
proper shares.
While concentration of land ownership at this time was
less than it would become by the end of the seventeenth
it was still significant. The land patent rolls for
the year 1626 in Virginia show that 20 percent of the
patents, comprising those of two hundred acres and more,
accounted for 50 percent of the patented acreage. More
than half the patents were for one hundred acres or less,
but they accounted for only one-fourth of the total acreage.
This phenomenon was by no means merely the working
out of the natural processes of capitalist competition
whereby the advantage generally accrues to those who are
operating with the largest resources of capital, or who
benefit from the development of new techniques or
instruments of labor. Those favorably placed in the colony
government used their legal authority to secure special
advantages for themselves.
They were able to succeed
each other in various high offices, including that of
Governor; acting as the Colony Council, they determined
the local laws and controlled the public stores of food,
arms and gunpowder. They also commanded the special
bodies of armed men who enforced order,” and they
controlled the colonys relations with the mother country
and with the Indians. Acting as the Virginia General Court,
Colony Council members dispensed judgments as harsh as
they pleased.
In these ways, the special difficulties of
colonial life, coupled with the crass partiality of the
Colony Council and the Virginia General Court, placed the
tenants at an extreme disadvantage in contending with the
bourgeois attack upon their rights and status.
Renting Out of Tenants
The operative principle for using the shortage of supplies,
whether absolute or relative, to undermine the position of
the tenants is perfectly exemplified by the cases of the one
hundred tenants sent at the Companys expense on the
Bona Nova, who arrived in Virginia on 4 November 1619
to work under the Comand” of Captain Weldon and
Lieutenant Whitaker. The terms under which these men had
been engaged to come to Virginia as tenants were
explicitly and emphatically published by the Kings
Council for Virginia:
Every man transported into Virginia, with intent there to inhabit, as Tenants
to the Common land of the Company, or to the publike land, shall be freely
landed there at the charge of the Company: And shall be furnished with
provisions of victual for one whole year next after his arrival, as also of
Cattle: And with apparell, weapons, tooles and implements, both of house
and labour, for his necessary use. He shall enjoy the ratable moytie [half] of
all the profits that shall be raised of the land on which he shall be Planted, as
well Corne and Cattle, as other commodities whatsoever: the other halfe
being due to the Owners of the land.
But a week after their arrival in Virginia, the Governor
and Colony Council wrote the authorities in London of a
different arrangement that had been made:
It was thought expedient by the governor and Counsell to advise the said
two gentlemen [Weldon and Whitaker] to rent out the greatest part of their
people to some honest and sufficient men of the Colonie till Christmas Come
twelve month for iij [three] barrels of Indian Corne and 55 [pounds] waight
of tobacco a man.
This manner of proceeding occasioned, as Weldon
reported, “no small discontent among my whole Company
[of tenants].
Not only did it involve the chattel-like
transfer of tenants from one employer to another without
the consent of the persons transferred, it also carried with
it a drastic reduction of their prospective income from that
which they had been promised as tenants-at-halves.
According to contemporary authorities,
these tenants
might normally be expected to produce by the end of that
year of service from twelve to thirty-two barrels of corn
and 250 to 1,000 pounds of tobacco, of which they would
be entitled to a half-share. To be required to labor the full
year for three barrels of corn and 55 pounds of tobacco
was clearly oppressive.
As to who the lucky “sufficient menwere who were to
have the services of these tenants assigned to them, there
is no doubt that colony officials were prime beneficiaries
of the policy, and of similar appropriations of tenants
subsequently. John Rolfe, writing to England,
attention to the
many complaints against the Governors, Captaines and Officers in Virginia:
for buying and selling or to be set over from one to another for yearly rent,
was held in England a thing most intolerable, or that tenants or servants
should be put from their places, or abridged their Covenants, was so odious
that the very report thereof brought a great scandall to the generall action.
The colony authorities justified the renting out of the
tenants on the ground that they had come ill-provisioned,
having only meal for food, and of that only enough for five
and a half months, possibly less.
Captain Weldon
defended his compliance with the arrangement on the same
grounds, inadequate food supplies, and added that instead
of the promised three suits of apparel for each of his
tenants, there were only two, of which one was
unserviceable for winter wear.
Furthermore, he said,
there were only “5 iron pots & 1 small kettle for 50 men.”
Of “butter Cheese rice oatmeale or any other English
victuall” there was none at all.
Yet, the record shows that there was no shortage of
food in Virginia in that year. Colony Secretary John Pory
wrote to Sir Dudley Carleton in September 1619 that
Virginia was enjoying “a marvelous plenty, suche as hath
not bene since our first coming into the land.”
ground was so fertile, he said, that with less cultivation
than was required in Europe, we shall produce miracles
out of this earth.” Cattle, hogs and goats, he said, grew
larger in Virginia than in England, and they multiplied
rapidly. He spoke of the general prosperity based on
tobacco, noting that Governor Yeardley was the most
prosperous person of all. The labor of the tenants, Pory
said, was the most valuable asset of the colony, but he
noted that the employer had to pay for the tenants “armes,
apparell, & bedding; and for their transportation, and
casuall both at sea & for their first year comonly at lande
In an exchange of charge and countercharge with
Captain Weldon two years later, the Virginia Company in
London condemned the captain for his renting outof the
tenants, and said that contrary to the claims of Weldon and
the colony authorities, the Bona Nova invoices showed
that the tenants had been supplied with one pound of meat
a day for the first year.
John Rolfe, who had preceded Pory as Colony
Secretary, remained an active correspondent with persons
in England specially interested in Virginia affairs. In
January 1620 he reported to Edwin Sandys that toward the
end of the previous August, Yeardley had exchanged
victuals for 20 and odd” African laborers, men and
women, who had been brought to Virginia in a “Dutch man
of Warr.”
The readiness to trade victuals for these
workers, as Professor Morgan first pointed out, cannot be
squared with the plea of a food shortage being advanced
by the Governor and Colony Council, but it would be
consistent with a policy of reducing labor costs by
inducing an oversupply of laborers relative to the amount
of food that would be available to them.
Great significance attaches to the reaction of the
Company to this renting out of its tenants, the violation
of their contract rights, and their consequent
impoverishment and deprivation of status. In order to
appreciate that significance, it is helpful to contrast the
Companys reaction in 1618 when Governor Argall
expropriated Company tenants to his own private use, and
committed other abuses of authority. The very violations
of public trust for private gain that the company charged
against Argall were practiced on a greatly expanded scale
by the governors and Council of Virginia in the 1619–24
period. They included appropriating “the Indian trade to
using the Company boats and sailors to
conduct private affairs; taking tenants from Company
service, and using them for private plantations of colony
The message sent to Argall regarding his alleged
peculations ended with the stern promise that he would be
called to account: “either you must think highly of
yourselfe or very meanely of us to do what you list
[wish] without being called to account.”
They then
acted; they dispatched a special set of instructions to the
Governor designate, Lord Delaware, then en route to
Virginia, to “cause him [Argall] to be shipped home in this
ship … to satisfy the Adventurers by answering everything
as shall be layde to his chardge.” Furthermore, to secure
their interest in these proceedings, the Company instructed
Delaware to “ceaze upon his [Argalls] goods, as
Tobacko and Furrs, whereof it is reported he hath gotten
together great stoare to the Colonies prejudice, and so
sendinge them to us to be in deposite till all matters be
The Company had the same authority to recall Governor
Yeardley or his successor, Francis Wyatt, or any of the
other “Captaines and Officers” denounced by Rolfe for
violating tenants contracts. The grounds for such action
were certainly present. Captain Weldon, however, was
merely reprimanded for his complicity in the matter. He
continued his Virginia career, being granted a large land
patent there in 1622.
Yeardley and the members of the
Colony Council who had forced the transfer of the tenants
were the recipients of no more rebuke than might be
gleaned from the following paragraph in a letter from the
Company to the Governor and Council, dated 25 July
We cannot conceale from youe, that it is heare reported that contrary to the
public faith given, not the sicke but the ablest men are lett out to hire and
theire provisions converted to private uses. And where it is pretended this
planting them with old planters is for theire health, they are so unmercifully
used that it is the greatest cause of our tennants discontent; and though we
hope this is not in all parts true, yet we cannot conceive such unwillingness
to proceed in this worke should they not have some other grounds than is
alledged: lett it therefore be your worke at the first general session of the
Counsell to effect this business, and it shall be our care to provide for the
well orderinge and furnishinge of them.
As that letter was being delivered to the Virginia
colony, George Yeardleys term in office was coming to
an end. As Governor, Yeardley had had one hundred
tenants assigned to him. When his successor, Wyatt,
counted the tenants turned over to him, he could find only
forty-six. The Colony Council inquired about the other
fifty-four. Yeardley coolly declined to supply the missing
To have done so would have required him
either to return those he had taken or else to pay for the
installation of a new supply from England. Seizure of
Argalls property had been ordered in a similar situation,
but now things were different. In reporting on the Yeardley
matter in January 1622, the Colony Council showed no
disposition to press the issue. “Sir George Yeardley
denieth to make them good,” it wrote to London, “[and]
we have foreborne to Compell him thereunto, until we
Receave your further directiones therein.”
these were not forthcoming. Yeardley remained a member
of the Colony Council, restored no tenants to the Company,
and continued to thrive in fortune and honors. Having
come to the colony in 1610 with nothing but his sword, he
lived sumptuously, and died in the second year of his
second term as governor, possessed of a very large
In the contrasting treatment of Argall and Yeardley, we
can see measured the progress of the Companys
conversion to the cause of tobacco monoculture, to the
liquidation of its own productive enterprises in the colony,
and to its own transmutation into merely a monopolist of
English tobacco imports. It further reveals the essential
concord that had been reached by the Anglo-American
plantation bourgeoisie for the overthrow of the tenantry.
Another way of bringing pressure on the Company
tenant was found in the restriction of tobacco planting.
Although official policy was generally ineffective and
pursued with steadily diminished vigor,
it none the less
presented the employing class with opportunities for
increasing the tenants dependency and making tenants
more vulnerable to degradation of their status.
When Captain Weldon informed his tenants, those
remaining to him after the “renting out” of half their
original number, that their tobacco planting was to be
restricted, they denounced the policy. They well
understood that, completely dependent upon supplies from
England as they were, a lack of the medium of exchange,
tobacco, would render them destitute. In a report to
London, Captain Weldon described the angry mood of
these tenants:
[T]hey will with no patience endure to heare of it bitterly Complayninge that
they have no other meanes to furnish themselves with aparell for the
insuinge yeare but are likely as they say (and for ought I Cann see) to be
starved if they be debarred of it.
As a result of the tenants strong resistance, the Governor
consented to an easing of the restriction, although not to its
outright and formal revocation.
When Yeardley was succeeded by Francis Wyatt as
governor in 1621, the policy of restricting tobacco
planting was officially continued, with output to be limited
to 112 pounds per year per laboring hand.
To the extent
that such a policy was effective, the burden fell with much
greater impact upon the laboring tenants than upon the
land-owning employer of a number of tenants; the tenant
had only one half-share, but the employer would receive
as many half-shares as he had tenants. The employer had
an additional advantage since he, not the tenant, had the
dividing of the product into the employers and the
tenants shares.
An altercation, involving corn not tobacco, occurred
between tenant William Moch (variously spelled) and
John Harvey, later to be governor, who was sent by the
king and Privy Council to conduct an inquiry into Virginia
affairs in 1624–25. Harvey summoned Moch and
demanded to see his covenant papers, that is, the
agreement under which Moch had been engaged as a
tenant. The court minutes continue:
To which he [Moch] replyed, first lett me see my Corne[.] Capt. Harvey
told him he scorned to keep back his Corne, Mutch replyed againe he would
have his corne before he should see them. Then Capt. Harvey told him he
was an idle knave, and that he could find in his heart to Cudgell his Coate.
To which Mutch answered scornefully, alas Sir it is not in you.
Although according to testimony Harvey then struck
Moch a blow across the head with a truncheon, Moch
continued to “give other provoking speechesto the kings
appointed commissioner. Tenant Moch appears to have
been a man of courage, and the record shows that he could
have drawn strength from knowing that his stand
represented the basic sentiments of the tenants generally.
The majority of the colonists were tenants, and,
although they too were as hooked on tobacco as anyone
else, they were determined to have their “moietyof the
crop, whatever the particular crop happened to be, and not
to be “set overfrom one landlord to another without their
consent, nor to have their tenant status degraded to one of
servitude. Like Captain Weldons tenants they would
“with no patience endure to hear of it.” The tradition of
Tyler and Ket was bred in their bones, and they had a
deep sense of chartered “liberties, rights, and immunities
as their English birthright. Like tenant Moch in his retort to
Commissioner Harvey, they could not believe that the
landowners had the power to “cudgel the Coates” of the
tenantry in a land where labor was destined to be in short
supply for a long time to come.
Making One Crisis Serve Another
It was the external contradiction that precipitated the
consummating crisis.
On 22 March 1622, the Indians of
the Powhatan Confederacy mounted what was to be in
relative terms the strongest effort ever made after the
founding of Virginia to halt the Anglo-American
occupation of Indian lands, with the possible exception of
the Yamassee War of 1715 in South Carolina. Powhatan
had died in 1618, on the eve of the period of accelerated
English colonization.
His kinsman and successor
Opechancanough watched the inpouring of immigrants
more in the next four years than had come during the four
decades of Powhatans time. Yet the Indian guests who
had accompanied the ill-fated Pocahontas to England had
found the natives too numerous to count.
Opechancanough saw them come and die like fish out of
water; yet in greater numbers than ever they came, in ships
carried by the winds. Tobacco had made them mad. They
had guns and they took the land.
We cannot, of course, know the terms in which the
discussion was carried on that united thirty-two tribes,
but clearly there was much discussion of
[T]he dayly feare that posseste them that in time (the English)
by growing continually upon them, would dispossess them of this
Country, as they had been formerly of the West Indies by the Spaniards.
As Powhatan had succeeded in doing at Roanoke forty
years before, and as O’Donnell and ONeill had tried to
do in the Tyrone War (1594–1603), Opechancanough and
the Powhatan allies would strike to root out the English
The strategy against this enemy armed with guns and
with cannon-bearing ships was to be that of the single
massive blow and subsequent attrition. The English would
later congratulate themselves on the partiality of their
Divine Providence which, they said, stayed the hands of
the Indian attackers;
but limited success may simply have
been the most that Opechancanough or any other general
could have achieved in the circumstances. Even his
enemies’ historians would concede that the attack was
“planned by a master mind.”
To hold together the
alliance of thirty-two tribes for a long war against English
firepower and the barrage of cheap commodities
was an
improbable prospect. On the other hand, the obvious
ineptitude of the English colonists gave reasonable
grounds to expect that from the single catastrophe they
might be moved to abandon the colony
and merge with
the people of the country, as those of Roanoke had done,
and a number of frequent defectors had done since the
founding of the colony.
The blow would be aimed at the colonys most
vulnerable point, its food supply. It was the time for
planting corn, not harvesting it. Even when they had
planted corn, the colonists had begrudged each acre and
day taken from their darling tobacco.”
Close observers
perhaps saw the corn shortage as a particular, rather than a
general, one, with the haves exploiting the have-nots by
virtue of the haves’ access to corn among the Indians.
so, the situation presented an opportunity to take advantage
of class divisions within the colony. Finally, the day
chosen for the attack was, as English preachers and
defectors had informed them, the most solemn moment of
the Christian calendar, when perhaps their mountainous
guilts would sit most heavily on their English souls the
day they called Good Friday.
Viewed from historys elevated ground, the strategy
seems to have been foredoomed as far as the achievement
of its maximum objective was concerned, even had the
English not (as they claimed) received a last-minute
warning from a Christianized Indian.
The difference in
the level of development of productive forces would give
the English the ultimate, fundamental advantage. It seems
probable, too, that Opechancanough underestimated the
persistence of the English promoters of colonization, who
scrupled not at a 25 percent death rate if a 25 percent
profit could be made in the process.
Whatever may have
been the possibilities of strategic victory, the attack dealt
the death blow to the Virginia Company, although the
Companys charter was not formally revoked until 1624.
More important was the fact that the attack struck to the
very foundation of the life of the colony. It intensified to an
extreme degree the uncertainties of existence that resulted
from economic dislocation, epidemic disease, the heavy
assignments of watching and warding, the dependence
upon trans-ocean supplies, and the vulnerability of
property and production relations.
Four hundred English colonists died on that day, one-
third of the total population.
All but a few of the
settlements were abandoned, a major portion of the
livestock was lost, and there was little prospect of
growing corn in the colony during the remainder of the
year. Only one-third of the survivors were men fit for
work, and a large part of that potential labor was diverted
to “watching and warding.” The colony authorities
forbade the planting of corn near dwellings on the grounds
that it provided a lurking place for hostile Indians. They
added that, even if corn were planted, it was liable to be
cut down or harvested by Indians.
A similar problem
was cited as a reason for forbidding individual colonists
to hunt wild game in the woods; the hunter, it was claimed,
would risk death or capture by Indians.
However, the
colony officials were equally concerned with preventing
hungry and overworked English laborers from fleeing the
colony to join the Indians. In March 1623, George Sandys
reported on a group of eleven Company tenants for whom
the Company had no provisions. Seven were sold or
relocated. Of the disposition of the other four, Sandys
wrote: two of these ran away (I am afraide to the
Indians) and no doubt the other two would have consorted
with their companions if sickness had not fettered them.”
Without food supplies from the outside, the colony would
Widespread undernourishment rendered many
colonists especially susceptible to the diseases brought
from England by the eight hundred immigrants who came
to Virginia in the year following the attack of 22 March
1622. According to the Company, six hundred of the
emigrants themselves died in Virginia before the year was
The dependence upon English supplies was made even
more critical under these deprived circumstances. The
record is filled with urgent, even anguished, appeals,
public and private, for food to be sent from the Mother
country. In their first letter to England after the Indian
attack, the Virginia Governor and Colony Council asked
for enough grain to sustain the colony for a year.
Wyatt, wife of the Governor, despite her favored position
was not above writing to her sister in England requesting a
bit of butter, bacon, cheese and malt, explaining that
“since we & the Indians fell out we dare not send a
hunting but with so many men as it is not worth their
We may assume that the means and opportunity for
writing letters to England describing the sufferings of the
colonists, and appealing for assistance, were inversely
proportional to the actual privations of the individual
letter writers, and directly proportional to their prospects
for special assistance from England. Letters by members
of the laboring population of the colony are much more
rare in the record than those written by members of the
owning classes. The great majority of the laboring people
could not write; and even if they could have written and
had the means and opportunity to do so, they had no
friends of substance in England to whom they might have
appealed. Laboring people whose letters have been
preserved seem to have been persons of “respectable
backgrounds, with significant connections in the middle
class of the home country. Yet it is to these latter that we
are indebted for what we have of an “inside” picture of
the conditions of life as they pressed down on the laboring
people of the colony. Frequent citations from these letters
have given their authors a sort of immortality, which they
doubtless would have traded for a little cheese had the
choice been offered.
If the frequency of these letters in the record is
indicative, the spring of 1623 was especially hard for the
working people of the colony. Richard Frethorne was one
of a group of men who arrived as laborers in Virginia
about Christmas 1622.
Young Frethorne had been sent
under an arrangement concluded between his father and
Robert Bateman, London merchant, member of Parliament,
and prominent member of the Virginia Company.
What Richard Frethorne wished for more than anything
else was just about what Opechancanough wanted for him
a swift return to England. Even an utterly incapacitated
person, begging from door to door, was better off in
England, said Frethorne, than a plantation laborer in
Virginia. And this, he wrote, was the feeling of all his
fellow workers. What with the Indians hostility, the
pervasive despondency, the scurvy and the “bloody fluxe,”
the population of Martins Hundred, he said, had been
reduced from 140 to only 22 in the past year. The
surviving laborers were subsisting on one-third of a pint
of meal per day.
It was only ten weeks after his arrival
in Virginia, and he was writing to Bateman asking to “be
freed out of this Egypt.” Frethorne seemed to sense that his
“right worshipfull merchant sponsor might be unable to
find it in his purse simply to pay for his immediate release
from Virginia service and return passage to England. He
sought, therefore, to appeal to Batemans business
instincts. In lieu of immediate deliverance, Frethorne
would be satisfied, he said, if Bateman could send him
some beef, cheese, butter or other victuals, which
Frethorne could sell for a profit. Frethorne would send all
the profit back to Bateman to cover the costs of
termination of his contract and his return home. Frethorne
suggested further that the people of his parish in England
might be willing to contribute toward the cost.
In his letter to Bateman, the young plantation worker
discreetly refrained from complaints about the oppressive
conditions of labor. But to his mother and father he spoke
more freely. He had eaten more in a day in England than
he had in Virginia in a week, he said. There were wild
fowl in the woods, he wrote, but “We are not allowed to
goe and get it, but must Worke hard both earlie and late for
a messe of water gruell, and a mouthfull of bread and
biefe.” A part of his time was spent in hauling the
employers goods from ships anchored at Jamestown, ten
miles from Martins Hundred. On those occasions, he had
to work until midnight, loading, rowing and unloading. He
had had to sleep in an open boat, even on rainy nights,
when on this duty, until a gunsmith named Jackson
befriended him and built a cabin in which Richard could
shelter when in Jamestown at night. There was only three
weeks’ supply of meal remaining on their plantation.
Frethorne speculated with dread on the approaching day
when:My Masteris not able to keepe us all, then wee
shalbe turned up to the land and eat barkes of trees, or
mouldes of the Ground.” Richard Frethorne’s last
recorded words have become familiar by quotation: “I
thought no head had been able to hold so much water as
hath and doth dailie flow from my eyes.”
Another laboring man, Henry Brigg, wrote to his
brother, a merchant at the Customs House in London, in
that April of 1623, to lett you understand how I live it is
very miserable, for here we have but a wyne quart of
Corne for a day and nothing else but Water, and worke
hard from Sun rising to Sun sett at felling of Trees and we
have not victuall not past xx [20] dayes.”
He asked the
London brother to send him provisions for a year, and a
gun with ammunition “for I goe in danger of my life every
day for lack of one.”
Brigg also had a business proposition to make. If his
brother would care to invest in a stock of trade goods,
Henry would undertake to secure for him a clear profit of
100 percent. The list of items he thought might move well
is especially interesting as evidence of the degree of
dependence of the colonists upon English manufactured
and processed supplies. Understandably, it was made up
mainly of food and apparel: oatmeal, peas, butter, cheese,
oil, vinegar, aquavita, linen or woolen cloth or apparel for
men or women, shoes, stockings, metal-tipped laces,
gloves, and garters. Knives and other metal utensils were
also recommended.
Thomas Nicolls wrote to England in March and April,
saying that each laborer should be allowed “a pound of
butter and a pound of cheese weekly, as there was no food
in sickness or health but oatmeal and pease, and bread and
water.” Nineteen men had been captured by the Indians, he
said, and conflict, disease and starvation had in the last
eighteen months reduced the complement of men on one
plantation from fifty-six to fourteen, and from ninety-seven
to twenty on another.
Perhaps nothing symbolized more clearly the colonys
extreme dependence upon supplies of English
commodities than did the waiting for the Seaflower in the
spring and early summer of 1623. A ship of 140 tons,
Seaflower left England around 1 January that year,
Virginia-bound, with a cargo of meal and other provisions
valued at £500 sterling,
to relieve the famine there, at the
usual rate of 25 percent profit for the investors in the
Governor Wyatt and chief councillor George Yeardley
told the colonists “that except the Seaflower come in,” or
they could get corn from the Indians, more than half the
colony would starve to death.
The people watched the
sea, and wrote those letters; Colony Treasurer George
Sandys, Colony Secretary Christopher Davison, plantation
servant Richard Frethorne all prayed with small planter
and silk-raiser Peter Arundell for the speedie arrivall of
the Seaflower.”
Even as they prayed, the Seaflower lay
at the bottom of a Bermuda harbor, sunk en route by the
explosion of its powder magazine.
Two ships did come
into Jamestown in April, but they lacked even adequate
provisions for the people they brought with them.
would be five months before the Companys next supply
would arrive on the ninety-ton Bonnie Bess in
The Seaflower sank, and the colonists starved, sickened
and died. In self-defense against Company censure,
George Sandys begged for understanding in England:
“[W]ho is ignorant,” he asked, “how the heavie hand of
God hath suppressed us? The lyveying being hardlie able
to bury the dead.”
The annual March census was not sent
to England, or, if sent, was concealed from public
Captain Nathaniel Butler had come from Bermuda and
made an investigation of the conditions in Virginia in the
winter of 1622–23. At the kings request, Butler wrote a
report which came to be known popularly as “The
Unmasking of Virginia.”
The dominion of death was so
established in Virginia, he reported, that people “are not
onely seen dying under hedges and in the woods, but
beinge dead ly some of them for many dayes unregarded
and unburied.”
Not until 1625 would the population of
the colony regain the level it had attained in March
The difference in the suffering of the owning and the
laboring classes apparent in Virginia at this time was, to a
degree, normal for a society based on class exploitation.
The same phenomenon was observable in England. But the
special conditions of colony life presented unusual
opportunities for profiteering by the merchant and planter
As I have noted, the Virginia Company of London
expected investors to make a 25 percent profit on the food
that was sent to the starving colony. Because of the
continuing decline in the price of the overproduced
this profit margin was a constant point of
contention between the colony buyers and the Company,
and in turn between the Company and the king in the
tobacco contract negotiations. English colony tobacco,
which had sold in England at from 3 to shillings, and
more, the pound in 1619, was selling for 18 to 20 pence in
March 1622/3.
A year later, it had fallen further to 18 d.
or less per pound.
In April 1624, a group representing
“the poore Planters in Virginia” petitioned for a reduction
of the combined 12d. per pound royal impost and import
custom on tobacco. The price of tobacco in England was
at that time so low, it was said, that such charges left
insufficient return to continue production.
In January
1626, the Virginia Colony authorities reported that their
efforts to maintain tobacco at 18d. had failed, and that it
was then selling at less than 12d. per pound in the
Profit-making pressure on the colonists was intensified
by the presence of the trading ships that anchored at
Jamestown. They were laden with cargoes of delectable
English commodities and they conducted their offshore
business with colonists able and willing to give tobacco
for wines, liquors, cider, salad oil, vinegar, butter,
candies, cheese and Canadian fish.
Trading was so
heavy, it was said, that almost the entire 60,000-pound
crop of Virginia tobacco produced in 1622 was taken by
these private traders.
Business was brisk despite the
increasingly “excessive and unconscionable” rates of
profit extorted by the merchants.
The customers were people who had some tobacco
above what they might have needed for purchasing corn.
Undoubtedly, they were in the main the poor but free
planters, such as constituted something less than half the
population of the colony.
This aspect of profiteering
must have impoverished many small planters and reduced
some to proletarians. Certainly, after dealing with the
trading ships they had little tobacco left for shipment to
England for their own accounts. As the Company stated in
March 1623:
[C]oncerning the poor Planters the quantitie of Tobacco brought home in
right of their proprietie is for the most part verie smale it beinge expended in
the Plantacons amongst the Marchantes trading thither with their several
necessarie Commodities.”
Profiteering, official and otherwise, was coupled with
outright expropriation, legal and illegal, on a grand scale,
without any color of exchange. Given the special
circumstances of colony existence, and given the
continuing supply of laborers from England, this
profiteering and expropriation were basic factors in the
reduction of colony plantation laborers to chattels.
As the remark of Wyatt and Yeardley had indicated, the
rulers of the colony had only one active policy for feeding
the colony, namely to get corn from the Indians. Two
general methods were employed to implement this policy.
One was to make war against Opechancanough and his
allies. The other was that of peaceful trade with the more
distant, friendly Indians on the eastern shore of
Chesapeake Bay.
But the main method seems to have
been the former; when in doubt, or perhaps merely low on
English trade goods,
the English would allege
“treachery against the Indians and attack them, taking
corn without payment and destroying the growing corn of
the Indians, a method of warfare that some of the English
officers in Virginia had practiced under Mountjoy in
As noted above, shortly after the Indian attack of 22
March 1622 the colony authorities ordered drastic
restrictions on the planting of corn, as a safeguard against
lurking Indian enemies it was said.
Many colonists
considered the “national defenserationale for this policy
to be spurious, and complained bitterly about it. Later they
declared that if they had been allowed to plant corn as
they wished, they could have provided for their own needs
even though little food, or none at all, was
coming from England. The restriction on corn planting was
also challenged in the meetings of the Court of the Virginia
Company of London.
Nevertheless, the policy was
enforced, although the temper of the colonists was so
unruly by April 1623 that the governor asked London to
institute martial law, as he said to terrorize the people.
The ban on hunting for food in the forests, and the
abandonment of half the plantations and the withdrawal of
the colony into a restricted perimeter, compounded the
food supply problem.
It was a recipe for famine; but it was also a recipe for
capitalist profiteering, by those equipped and opportunely
positioned to exploit the situation. Captain Nathaniel
Butler was only reporting, and in terms of understatement,
what was an open scandal, when in the spring of 1623,
regarding the hardship of the corn famines, he said:
howesoever itt lay heavy uppon the shoulders of the Generallytie itt may be
suspected not to be unaffected by some of the chiefe; for they onely
haveing the means in these extremeties to Trade for Corn w[i]th the Natives
doe hereby engrosse all into their hands and soe sell it att their owne prizes
The means for trading for corn with the Indians were boats
and small ships. Those who possessed or could secure the
use of such vessels had a monopoly of the trade, since
there was absolutely no other way of bringing corn into the
colony from the Indians of the eastern shore of Chesapeake
Bay. Having made it practically impossible for the people
to trade simply and directly with their immediate Indian
neighbors, the Colony Council and the Governor in the
winter and spring of 1622–23 issued corn-trading licenses
to owners and operators of cargo-carrying capital
equipment. Not surprisingly, George Yeardley appears a
foremost actor in this group. On 3 January, Governor
Wyatt licensed Yeardley to send Captain William Tucker,
an experienced officer and trader, on a corn-getting
voyage, using such shipps, pinnaces boates as hee the
s[ai]d Sir George shall thinke fitt to appoint unto him &
that doe in any way belong or are in service to him the
said George.”
Tucker was authorized, on Yeardleys behalf, to “trade
or take by force of Armes” in order to secure the Indians’
corn. He was instructed to deliver the corn to Yeardley
“by him to be disposed as hee in his best discretion shall
thinke fitt.”
Seven corn-getting ventures were made in that same
month, by George Sandys, Colony Secretary, and by a
number of “Captains.” Four of the six men engaged in
these separate voyages in the privileged trade were
members of the Colony Council.
Yeardley was the
largest of the operators; of the four thousand bushels of
corn brought into the colony by 20 March, Yeardley, in
only one voyage, accounted for one-fourth of the total.
The oft-quoted old planter William Capps called
Yeardley “[a] worthie statesman for his owne profit,” who
was willing to prolong the colonys distress in order to
gain by it personally.
It is reasonable to infer, and it
was so implied by Nathaniel Rich, that corn profiteering
was the motive of the merchants in the Colony Council
generally, when they advised the London authorities in
January 1623 that they were “Confident there wilbe noe
cause to intreat your helpe for supplie of corne or any
other provisions,” provided incoming colonists were
accompanied by adequate food.
Under ordinary conditions, the colony at its current size
needed at least eleven thousand bushels of corn to get
through to the next harvest from planting time.
normal price of corn was s. per bushel.
normal conditions, the five largest possessors of corn in
the colony held 12 percent of the total supply.
In March 1623, there were certainly less than four
thousand bushels of corn on hand of that brought in during
the previous three or four months. Very little corn had
been harvested in 1622; the same would be true of 1623.
At the same time a group of not more than a dozen of the
colony elite held practically the entire corn supply of the
colony. The supply was not distributed according to need;
rather it was sold for the highest prices that could be
extorted. The price of corn had risen to ten, and then
fifteen, shillings a bushel in the winter of 1622. By the
spring of 1623, the price was octupled, at twenty shillings
per bushel.
And within a month after the Seaflower
went down in Bermuda, Edward Hill was writing to his
brother in England that the price of corn in Virginia had
reached thirty shillings, and that the land faced “the
greatest famine that ever was.”
As the price of corn was
rising to eight times its normal level, the price of tobacco
was falling due to overproduction. We have already noted
that the commodity-trading ships were said to have taken
almost the entire sixty-thousand-pound tobacco crop of
While that estimate may have been exaggerated
somewhat, the fact still contributed to the pressure of
indebtedness bearing down on the people as a result of
profiteering by the plantation bourgeois elite.
In 1623, the Governor and Colony Council sought to fix
the exchange rate of tobacco in Virginia at 18d. per pound
in order to discourage trade with the private ship-
This was only half the three-shilling rate that
had been set before the crisis. If the price of corn rose
eight times and the price of tobacco fell by half, then the
four thousand pounds of corn secured in the winter of
1622–23 would, even at a price of fifteen shillings the
bushel, be equal in exchange-value to forty thousand
pounds of tobacco at 18d. per pound. If the total 1622
tobacco crop of sixty thousand pounds had nearly all been
spent with the commodity-trading ships (see this page),
then the indicated indebtedness to the corn elite must have
approached something like forty thousand pounds of
tobacco. The crushing weight of such debt was enough to
drive the tenants into long-term debt servitude. The same
pressure was felt, perhaps only slightly less forcefully, by
the freemen, the rank-and-file small landholders.
The uprooting of the inhabitants of many English
settlements, combined with the extremely high death rate,
simultaneously presented the plantation bourgeoisie with
opportunities for direct capitalist expropriation of land
and labor power in the furtherance of the alteration of
labor relations to that of chattel-servitude.
In the aftermath of the 22 March 1622 attack, the
boundaries of the colony were drawn back by deliberate
decision to Jamestown and Newport-News and points on
the north side of James River, and to a few plantation
above and opposite Jamestown. In its report to London at
the end of April, the Colony Council revealed that “halfe
the people” had been uprooted and enforced to unite
with the other half, along with as much of their livestock
as could be salvaged, within the confines of an area less
than half that occupied by the colony before 22 March.
Two months later, the Colony Council advised London
that “[w]e have been forced to quitt most of our
habitations, so that many of our people are unsettled.”
One-third of the landholders had died in the attack of 22
March. Half of the surviving landholders were those who
were displaced from the outlying settlements; and half of
that number died within the ensuing year. Chaos in
property relations was the result, especially in the
common case in which there was no clearly entitled
Virginia-dwelling heir-apparent. Three years after the
attack, only twenty-eight of the seventy non-corporate
landholders were still living of those who had been
granted land patents in Charles City prior to 22 March
1622. Most revealing of the chaotic quality of the situation
is the fact that sixteen of the seventy are listed as
“probablyor “possiblydead. It was difficult enough to
straighten out the lines and portions of inheritance when
the patent holder was known to be dead; it was impossible
to do so where it was not certain that the original holder
was dead. Still, the land “lived,” and would yield tobacco
for somebody, if planted” with laborers. The corporate
group that operated under the name Southampton Hundred
was the holder of title to 100,000 acres in Charles City. In
1625, this land was still “virtually abandoned.” In
Henrico settlement, only nine of the pre-March 1622
patent holders remained alive in 1625; of these, only two
were living in Henrico.
It was a field rich with opportunity for land-
Immediately after the March 1622 attack, the
gentlemen of the Colony Council noted that in the
straitened circumstances it would be necessary for
colonists to be “contented with smale quantities of Land,”
and asked London for authority to assign planters “the
place and proportions of Land” that the Council in
Virginia should think proper.
Under cover of a
reference to the settling of new planters, the Colony
Council asked that the patent-granting authority be
transferred from the Virginia Company Court in London to
the Virginia Governor and Colony Council.
The Companys reply indicated that, in any case of
divergence of interest among claimants, control should be
unambiguously located in England. The Company
categorically rejected the suggestion of the Virginia
Colony council, immediately established a special
committee of Londonders to receive claims of Virginia
land heirs living in England, and enjoined the Virginia
authorities to process these claims as they were
forwarded, expeditiously and justly.
In November
1622, the Companys committee on Virginia land claims
declared as follows:
The Companie knoweth not what land is Due to men and every Day unjust
and false claimes are put up especially upon pretences of beinge heires to
persons [in Virginia].
Aside from the individually held lands, around thirty
thousand acres of Company lands reverted to the Crown in
to be distributed in time on its terms.
In consequence of this double process of death and
displacement, one-third, at least,
of the surviving
tenants, laborers and apprentices in the entire colony were
left without employers or means of employing themselves.
The moment had come to put into execution the proposal
of Captain Nuce, which had been so ardently embraced by
the Virginia Governor, Colony Council and House of
Burgesses in January 1622 to “turn the tenants into
The optimum conditions were conjoined for
realizing the intention of the plantation bourgeoisie to
reduce the general condition of the plantation laboring
classes to that of unpaid bond-labor, working without
wages, for board and lodging only.
As of the spring of 1622, there were five officially
recognized social classes in Virginia Colony. Two of them
were the owning classes: gentlemen (the bourgeoisie) and
the freemen, small independent farmers and self-employed
artisans (the petty bourgeoisie). The other three were the
dependent laboring classes: the tenants-at-halves, the
hired servants, and the apprentices.
In the long crisis that followed the Indian attack of
March 1622, however, the significant distinctions of status
among the three laboring-class elements were deeply
eroded by pervasive hunger and sickness, by economic
dislocation, and by the general precariousness of
Theoretically, the average tenant could, under normal
conditions, raise some five hundred or more pounds of
tobacco in a year,
half of which was his, plus the corn,
of which his share would supply him and his family (if he
had a family in Virginia) for the year ahead. But the crisis
had confronted the tenants with a far different reality. They
were forced into debt by the restriction on tobacco
planting, coupled with a fixed rate of rent. Forbidden to
plant corn, they were compelled to pay extortionate prices
for it from the corn-profiteering elite, and to the shipboard
hucksters down at the river. Alderman Johnson, a critic of
the Sandys administration in the Virginia Company, said in
June 1623: “the planters, most of them being Tenants at
halves for twelve moneths bread paye 2 years labor
and for cloths and tooles he hath not wherewith to furnish
Yet friends of the Sandys administration judged
the proportion of the tenants’ resources to be even less. In
January the Virginia Colony Council had said that tenants
could not feed themselves three months out of the year.
In March, Colony Secretary George Sandys would write
that most tenants-at-halves “die of Melancholye, the rest
running so farre in debt as keepes them still behind hand,”
and many too hungry to continue at their works or to wait
for the harvest were hunting wild game to keep from
And in April, those of Governor Wyatts
twenty-four tenants who still survived were sinking
hopelessly into debt merely for corn to get them through
the year, because their families would otherwise starve
waiting for the year-end division of the crop. Eight of
Wyatts tenants were obliged to submit to being “rented
out to private planters, who paid Wyatt one hundred
pounds of tobacco and three barrels of corns for each.
In the case of the hired laborer, what did it matter that,
even at the reduced official rate of 18d. per pound, his
wage of a pound of tobacco per day was by the numbers
equal to three times as much as the wages of a laborer in
England? Corn, the basic food, cost four or five times as
much in Virginia as grain in England.
Two-thirds of the
possible employers of hired labor had died or been
displaced from their lands in the space of a year. The
opportunities for being hired were thus cut in half, while
the number of hands available for hired labor was doubled
by the displacement of half the tenants from their holdings.
January letters from Jamestown described the laborers
situation in such terms as these:
by occasion of the last massacre every man of meaner sort, who before
lived well by their labour upon their owne land, being forced to foresake
their houses (which were very farre scattered) & to join themselves to some
great mans plantation; where having spent what before they had gotten, they
are ready to perish for want of necessaries.
The tendency to concentration of land ownership has been
noted above. But the most significant index of wealth
concentration in Virginia at that time was in numbers of
laborers; as Secretary Pory had said, our principal
wealth consisteth in servants.
Edmund S. Morgan
lists the fifteen “winners” in the servant sweepstakes,”
who by the winter of 1624–25 had accumulated a total of
302 “servants.”
That was 60 percent of all those
categorized as servants” in the Colony.
significant portion of them had been forced by sheer want
“to join great mens plantations.” The individual
holding of the grandees ranged from ten to thirty-nine
“servants.” Morgan emphasizes the extreme degree of
concentration of this engrossment of the laborers in the
hands of the colony elite by noting that contemporary
Gloucestershire in England, with a labor force nearly forty
times as great as that of Virginia Colony, had only slightly
more employers of ten or more persons than Virginias
favored fifteen.
The concentration of “servants in the
colony was guaranteed for the future by the headright
system of land acquisition and tenure; and the arrangement
of political power based on it was certain to intensify the
already apparent degree of concentration of land
ownership in Virginia.
Now completely in the labor market were such ex-
tenants as John Radish, one of the “rented-out” tenants-at-
halves, who found himself so destitute late in 1622 that he
was compelled by necessity to work for his master for
food and clothing only, or die of starvation.
Such being
the lot of the tenants-at-halves and the wage workers, what
but despair would come to the apprentices, lacking a
master, land and tools, unskilled in labor, possibly
displaced from lodging, and three thousand miles from
home? It need only be said that their situation was the most
precarious of all, and to note that in April 1622 Edwin
Sandys in England had come to the opinion that what
Virginia needed most was “multitude of apprentices.”
A time came, in June 1623, when in labor-scarce
Virginia food was proportionately even more scarce than
laborers. Writing to his brother Edward in London,
Virginia gentleman planter Robert Bennett acknowledged
recent receipt of a shipment of “19 buttes of excelent good
wyne, 700 jarse of oylle, 16 Barelles of Rysse, tooe halfe
hoghedes of Allmonds, 3 half hoghedes of wheate …, 18
hoghedes of Olives and some 5 ferkenes of butter and one
Concerning general conditions in the colony,
he added in a postscript: “Vittiles being scarce in the
countrye noe man will tacke servantes.”
Laboring Peoples Difficulty, Colony Elites
The extreme economic pressure on the laboring people
created an opportunity for the abuse of their rights that was
deliberately exploited by the official policy and actions of
the Virginia Colony Council and General Court. Men on
wages were sold after their employers died.
planter William Tyler declared that “neither the Governor
nor Counsell could or would doe any poor man right.”
Even if he were a man of means, Tyler said, he wouldnt
be a member of the Colony Council, because as such he
could not do right as his conscience would dictate, adding
that the great men all hold together.
Laborer Elizabeth
Abbot was whipped to death with 500 lashes, and Elyas
Hinton was beaten to death with a rake by his employer,
Mr Procter.
In the first recorded instance of the un-
English practice of punishing a runaway laborer by adding
years to his servitude, John Joyce was sentenced by the
General Court to thirty lashes and a total of five and a half
years extra labor service.
Henry Carman, who had
been shipped to Virginia as one of the Duty boys” in
1619, was the first laborer sentenced to an added time
(seven years) of unpaid labor for a criminal offense
Company tenants, who had been
promised promotion to landowner upon completion of
their contracts, were instead merely to serve again as
tenants of the colony authorities for “terme of yeares.”
“Duty boys who in 1626 completed their seven-year
terms, were not promoted to tenants-at-halves, but were
divided up among the Governor and members of the
Colony Council, with whom they were to “make
composition,” that is, negotiate terms from their utterly
dependent position.
Bruce’s “explanation of why the
plantation bourgeoisie reneged on the conditions under
which these laboring people were originally brought to
Virginia seems cold-bloodedly true. If they had been
granted land, he says, “the ability of the planters who had
been their masters to secure laborers in place of them
would have been diminished to a serious extent.”
For the laboring classes, it was as if Virginia had been
visited with a combination of the plague of the fourteenth
century but without the chance to walk away to higher-
paying employment and the enclosures of the sixteenth
century but without a Pilgrimage of Grace of powerful
allies, or their native Mousehold Heath to rally on. They
could not escape from Virginia. Rebellion was, at that
moment, practically impossible, even if the subjective
element for revolt had been prepared. They were
dependent upon the bourgeoisie for every peck of corn for
their starved bellies. They were thus compelled to submit
to the condition dictated by the plantation bourgeoisie: the
status of unpaid labor, that is, bond-laborers.
Yet the tenants desperate situation which had made it
possible for the employing class to reduce labor costs to
mere “vittles” would certainly end with new corn
although the price of tobacco was bound in
shallows from which it would never return to its early
high levels. How then would it be possible for the
plantation bourgeoisie to make this momentary system of
unpaid labor permanent, instead of being forced to return
to that absurd condition of tenants at halves,”
or to
paying wages higher than those paid in England?
Bricks without Straw: Bondage, but
No Intermediate Stratum
Bond-labor was not new; in surplus-producing societies,
in England and elsewhere, lifetime bondage had been the
common condition of labor prior to capitalism. But the
social structure of those times was based on production
relationships in which each person was socially,
occupationally and domestically fixed in place. Pre-
capitalist bond-labor was tied by a two-way bond: the
workers could not go away, but equally the master could
not send them away. However, this relationship, which
was essential to feudalism for instance, was inimical to
capitalism. The historical mission of the bourgeoisie was
to replace the two-way bondage of feudalism with the
two-way freedom of the capitalist relation of production.
The capitalist was free to fire the workers, and the
workers were free to quit the job. The political corollary
was that the bourgeoisie was the only propertied class
ever to find advantage in proclaiming freedom as a human
Capitalism is a system whose normal operation is
necessarily predicated upon the continuing presence of a
mass of unattached labor-power of sufficient proportions
that each capitalist can have access to exploitable labor-
power, in season and out, in city or in countryside, and at
a minimum labor cost. In newly settled territories, such a
necessary reserve army of labor, though at first absent,
would eventually be created
in the normal process of
capitalist development, as a result of: immigration induced
by higher wages caused by the shortage of wage labor;
increased productivity of labor, resulting from the use of
improved techniques and instruments of labor; the normal
process of squeezing out the small or less efficient owners
and making wage laborers of them by force of
circumstance; and the natural increase of the dependent
laboring population.
But the situation in which the Anglo-American
plantation bourgeoisie found itself in the 1620s, seeking to
preserve its profitable tobacco monoculture in the face of
the declining price of tobacco, did not permit so far as
its narrow class objectives were concerned waiting for
longer-term solutions.
Since the freedom of the capitalist to fire the workers is
predicated on the freedom of the worker to leave the
employer, the plantation bourgeoisie created a peculiar
contradiction with respect to the free flow of capital
within its system by reducing plantation laborers to
bondage. The plantations, being capitalist enterprises,
were subject to the normal crises of overproduction. As
capitalist monocultural enterprises, they were furthermore
subject in an extraordinary degree to the vagaries of the
world market. Even in times of a generally satisfactory
market, natural calamities, wars, or inimical governmental
administration inevitably brought business failures and the
abandonment or dissolution of individual enterprises in
their wake. In the normal course of capitalist events,
individual reverses of fortune require liquidation of
enterprises, and the normal procedure in such
circumstances is to let the workers go,” that is, to
discharge them. But the very purpose of bond-servitude is
to see to it that the workers are not let go”; and a system
of laws, courts, prosecutions, constabulary, punishments,
etcetera, is instituted to enforce that principle. The
plantation bourgeoisie dealt with this contradiction by
establishing a one-way bondage, in which the laborer
could not end the tie to the capitalist simply by his own
volition; but the capitalist could end the tie with the
worker. In the solution imposed by the plantation
bourgeoisie, the unpaid aspect was designed to meet the
need to lower labor costs, the long-term bondage was the
surrogate for the nonexistent unemployed labor reserve,
and the chattel aspect of the new system of labor relations
made it operable by satisfying the functional necessity for
the free flow of capital.
An Ominous New Word Appears –Assign
In attempting to fix the point in time at which the
unambiguous commitment to chattelization began, it is
helpful to take note of the first appearance of the term
“assign in relation to laborers. To “assign” means, in
law, “to make over to another; to transfer a claim, right or
property.” The appearance of this term in relation to the
change of a laborer from the service of one employer, or
master, to another betokens the chattel status of the
laborer. No longer is the contract for labor an agreement
entered into between the laborer and the employer; it is
rather a transacation between two employers, in which the
laborer transferred, “assigned,” has no more participation
than would be had by an ear-cropped hog, or a
hundredweight of tobacco, sold by one owner to another.
Between January and June 1622, the Virginia Company
established a standard patent form.
The form carried a
provision that the laborers transported under the patent
could not be appropriated by the colony authorities for any
purpose except the armed defense of the colony. What is
significant in the context of the present discussion is that
the Company guaranteed this protection not only to the
original patentee but to his heires and Assigns.” Implicit
here, and as would become explicit within less than four
years, is the formal establishment of the legal right of
masters to assign laborers, or to bequeath them.
Already, of course, as early as 1616, a system had been
established under which any private investor was entitled
to fifty acres of Virginia land for himself for every worker
whose transportation costs the investor paid.
The case of Robert Coopys indenture, dated September
1619, is the first recorded instance of a worker being
obligated to work for a specified length of time without
wages in order to pay off the cost of his transportation to
Two years later, Miles Pricket, a skilled
English tradesman, while still in England agreed with the
Virginia Company to work at his salt-making trade in
Virginia for one year without any reward at all, which is
here before paid him by his passage and apparell given
The one-year term was normal for England, but the
workers paying for his own passage was innovative.
Prickett did come to Virginia, and in March 1625 was the
holder of a 150-acre land patent in Elizabeth City.
Retrospectively, these early incidents appear as
preconditioning the reduction of laborers to chattels. But it
was not until 1622 and 1623 that this portentous custom
was established as the general condition for immigrant
workers, formalizing their status as chattels. An analysis
of a score of entries in the records of the time shows how
the chattel aspect of bond-servitude was designed to adapt
that contradictory form to capitalist categories of
commodity exchange and free flow of capital.
Saving harmless the creditors of decedent. William
Nuce, brother of Thomas Nuce and member of the Colony
Council, died in late 1623. His estate was encumbered
with debts, including one of £50 owed to George Sandys,
and another of £30 to William Capps. Both debts were
settled by the assignment of bond-laborers to the
Disposal of unclaimed estate. William Nuce left eleven
destitute laborers who had been in his charge as company
employees, some bound for 3 yeares, and few for 5, and
most upon wages.”
They were sold for two hundred
pounds of tobacco each (not counting those four with
whom George Sandys reported having such bad luck).
Avoidance of bankruptcy. Mr Atkins, in order to relieve
his straitened circumstances, sold all his bond-laborers.
Option to buy. Thomas Flower was assigned to Henry
Horner for three years. But it was stipulated by the
Virginia General Court that if Horner decided to sell the
man, John Procter would have first refusal.
Capital market operations. In the prelude to the case
cited immediately above, John Procter assured Henry
Horner that he, Procter, would procure a servant for
Horner, saying that “[H]ee [Procter] had daly Choice of
men offered him.” (Procter told Horner not to let the
servant know he had been sold until they were embarked
from England.)
In January 1625, three servants of William Gauntlett
were sold to Captain Tucker. The sale was recorded in the
Minutes of the Virginia General Court.
Velocity of circulation . Abraham Pelterre, sixteen-year-
old apprentice, arrived in Virginia in 1624; within two
years he had been sold hand to hand four times.
Contract for delivery; penalty for failure to perform.
Humphrey Rastill, merchant of London, contracted to
deliver “one boye aged about fowerteene yeers … To
serve [Captain] Basse [in Virginia] or his assignes seaven
Years,” and bound himself “in the penaltye of forfeiture of
five hundred pownd of Tobacco.” On 3 January 1626, six
weeks after the order had been due for delivery, on
Basse’s petition the Court ordered Rastill to make
delivery by 31 January or pay the forfeit.
Property loss: damages assessed. Thomas Savage, a
young servant, was drowned in consequence of negligence
on the part of a man who had use of him but was not his
owner. The culprit was ordered to pay the owner three
hundred pounds of tobacco as indemnity.
Exploiting sudden entrepreneurial opportunities. John
Robinson sailed from England in the winter of 1622–23,
bringing bond-laborers with him, to settle in Virginia. He
di ed en route. The ship’s captain seized Robinsons
property, including the bond-laborers, with the intention of
selling all for his own account.
The Privy Council in England in 1623 confirmed the gift
to Governor Yeardley, of twenty tenants and twelve boys
that had been left by the Company at its liquidation.
Yeardley was authorized to dispose of the said tenants
and boys to his best advantage and benefit.”
The Colony Council in January 1627 divided up former
Company tenants among the Council members themselves:
eighteen to Yeardley; three each to five others; two to
another; one to each of two others (including the Surveyor,
Mr Claiborne, who was given William Joyce and two
hundred pounds of tobacco).
Liquidation of an estate. George Yeardley died in
November 1627; at the time he was one of the richest men
in the country, if not the very richest.
He left a will
providing that, aside from his house and its contents,
which was to go to his wife as it stood,
the rest of my estate consisting of debts, servants [and African and African-
American bond-laborers], cattle, or any other thing or things, commodities or
profits whatsoever to me belonging or appertaining together with my
plantation of one thousand acres of land at Warwicke River all and every
part and parcell thereof [to be] sold to the best advantage for tobacco and
the same to be transported as soon as may be into England, and there to
be sold or turned into money.
Historys False Apologetics for Chattel Bond-
The bourgeoisie, of whom the investors of capital in
colonial schemes were a representative section,
have had no more real hope of imposing in England the
kind of chattel bond-servitude they were to impose on
English workers in Virginia than they had of finding the
China Sea by sailing up the Potomac River.
The matter
of labor relations was a settled question before the landing
at Jamestown. But the Anglo-American plantation
bourgeoisie seized on the devastation brought about by the
Powhatan attack of 22 March 1622 to execute a plan for
the chattelization of labor in Virginia Colony. There had
been dark prophecy, indeed, in the London Companys
response to the news of the 22 March assault on the
colony. “[T]he shedding of this blood,” the Company said,
“wilbe the Seed of the Plantation,” and it pledged for the
future instead of Tenants[,] sending you servants.”
For from that seeding came the plantation of bondage, in
the form known to history as “indentured servitude.”
Early in Chapter 4, it was argued from authority that the
monstrous social mutation in English class relations
instituted in that tiny cell of Anglo-American society was
a precondition for the subsequent variation of hereditary
chattel bond-servitude imposed on African-Americans in
Historical interpretations of the institution of
“indentured servitude” in the Virginia Company period
generally anticipate Winthrop D. Jordans “unthinking
decision theory of the origin of racial slavery.
initial imposition of chattel bond-servitude in continental
Anglo-America is justified by its apologists using three
First proposition: There was a shortage of poor laborers
in Virginia, and an abundance of them in England, so that
between English laborers, who wanted employment, and
plantation investors, who wanted to get rid of
prohibitively costly tenantry and wage labor, a quid pro
quo was agreed, according to which the employer paid the
£6 cost of transportation from England and in exchange the
worker agreed to be a chattel bond-laborer for a term of
five years or so.
Second proposition: This form of labor relations was not
a sharp disjuncture, but was merely an unreflecting
adaptation of some pre-existing form of master-servant
relations prevailing in England.
Third proposition: Quid pro quo and English precedents
aside, the imposition of chattel bond-servitude was
“indispensable” for the “Colonys progress,” a step
opposed only by the “delicate-minded.”
The “quid pro quo” rationale
The argument for shifting the cost of immigrant
transportation from the employer to the worker was in
some ways analogous to the rationale advanced by the
English ruling classes in the late fourteenth century.
Because of the plague-induced labor shortage, labor costs
rose, and the ruling feudal class and the nascent
bourgeoisie sought to recoup as much as possible of the
increased cost by introducing a poll tax and increasing
feudal dues exacted from the laboring people. Their
rationale was that laborers “will not serve unless they
receive excessive wages,” and that as a result [t]he
wealth of the nation is in the hands of the workmen and
As rationales go, this was fully as valid as
that advanced for indebting the laborers themselves for the
cost of their delivery to Virginia. The English feudal lords
in the fourteenth century used similar “logicin trying to
persuade their peopleof the impossibility of organizing
production if the serf were freed. The great difference in
the two cases was that the English laboring classes by the
Great Rebellion of 1381 showed that the “impossible
arrangement was, after all, not impossible, while in
Virgina rebellion, when it came, would fail.
Given the state of English economic and social
development as it was at the beginning of the seventeenth
century, under the Elizabethan Statute of Artificers (5 Eliz.
4), the “inevitablething would have been to employ free
labor – tenants and wage laborers – in the continental
colonies, not chattel bond-servitude. If the “inevitable
did not happen in Virginia Colony, it was because the
ruling class was favored in the seventeenth-century
Chesapeake tobacco colonies by a balance of class forces
enabling them to promote their interests in a way they
could not have done in England. And they could do so in
spite of, rather than because of, the shortage of labor in the
colonies. The “payment of passage” was simply a
convenient excuse for a policy aimed at reducing labor
costs and doing so in a way that was consistent with the
free flow of capital. Incidentally, as Abbot Smith
concluded, the “four or five years bondage was far more
than they [the laborers] justly owed for the privilege of
Indeed, producing at the average rate of
around 712 pounds of tobacco a year, priced at 18d. per
pound, even if the laborer survived only one year, he or
she would have repaid more than seven times his or her £6
transportation cost.
The real consideration was therefore
not the recovery by the employer of the cost of the
laborers transportation, but rather the fastening of a multi-
year unpaid bondage on the worker by the fiction of the
“debt” for passage.
The contrast of labor-supply situations in Holland and
England has been discussed in Chapter 1. There appears
to be an instructive corresponding contrast in the Dutch
attitude toward binding immigrant workers to long periods
of unpaid servitude for the cost of their transportation. On
10 July 1638, Hans Hansen Norman and Andreis Hudde
entered into a partnership to raise tobacco “upon the
flatland of the Island of Manhates in New Amsterdam.
Hudde was to return to Holland and from there to send to
Hudde in New Amsterdam “six or eight persons with
implements required” for their plantation. It was agreed
that the partners would share the expense of
“transportation and engaging themand of providing them
with dwellings and victuals.
Dutch ship’s captain David
Pieterzoon de Vries, who was engaged in the American
trade at that same time, despised the bond-labor trade of
the English, “a villainous people … [who] would sell
their own fathers for servants in the Islands.”
Bond-servitude was not an adaptation of English
The imposition of chattel bondage cannot be regarded as
an unreflecting adaptation of English precedents. The
oppressiveness of the social and legal conditions of the
English workers was outlined in Chapter 2 of this
But laborers were not to be made unpaid
chattels. Except for vagabonds, they had the legal
presumption of liberty, a point they themselves had made
by rebellion. Except for apprentices and the parish poor,
workers were presumed to be self-supporting and bound
by yearly contracts, with the provision for three months
notice of non-renewal. The contract was legally
enforceable by civil sanctions, including the requirement
of posting bond.
Under the bond-labor system of Virginia Colony, the
worker was presumed to be non-self-supporting; if taken
up outside his or her owners plantation without the
owners permission, the laborer, already bound to four or
five years of unpaid bondage, was returned to that master
and subjected to a further extension of his or her servitude.
Above all, the Virginia labor system repudiated the
English master-servant law by reducing laborers to
Nor can the origin of plantation chattel bond-servitude
be explained by reference to English apprenticeship.
Confirmation on this point is to be found in a opinion
(citing precedents) written in 1769 by George Mason as a
member of the Virginia General Court: “[W]herever there
was a trust it could not be transferred [as in] the case
of an apprentice.”
Under English law, “The binding was
to the man, to learn his art, and serve him and therefore
the apprentice was not assignable to a third party, not even
the executor of the will of a master who had died.
Rather than being “a natural outgrowth
of English
tradition, chattel bond-servitude in Virginia Colony was
as strange to the social order in England after the middle
of the sixteenth century as Nicotiniana tabacum was to the
soil of England before that time;
and as inimical to
democratic development in continental Anglo-America as
smoking tobacco is to the healthy human organism.
Was it inevitable? Was it progress?
Just as historians of the eighteenth century have chosen to
see the hereditary chattel bondage of African-Americans
as a paradoxical requisite for the emergence of the United
States Constitutional liberties,
historians of seventeenth-
century Virginia almost unanimously, so far as I have
discovered, regard the “innovation of indentured
servitude” as an indispensable condition for the
progressive development of that first Anglo-American
colony. It is most remarkable that of the interpreters of
seventeenth-century Virginian history only one Philip
Alexander Bruce has ever undertaken a systematic
substantiation of that concept.
Here is a summary of Bruce’s argument:
The survival of the colony depended upon its being able to
supply exports for the English market of sufficient value to
pay for the colonys needs for English goods. The
economy of the colony was necessarily shaped by its
immediate economic interests. Tobacco alone would
serve both of those purposes. Since maize Indian corn
was not then appealing to the European palate, wheat was
the nearest possible export rival to tobacco. But wheat
required more land for the employment of a given amount
of labor for the production of equal exchange-value in
tobacco, and much more labor for clearing of the forested
land for its profitable exploitation; furthermore, wheat in
storage was much more vulnerable to rat and other
infestation and required much larger ship tonnage for
delivery than did tobacco of equal value.
In order to make profitable use of land acquired by
multiple headrights or the equivalent by other means, the
owner had to employ more labor than that of his
immediate family. Tenantry was not adaptable for this
purpose because landowners were not eager to rent out
newly cleared land whose fertility would be exhausted in
three years, and tenants were not willing to lease land that
was already overworked when they could take out patents
on land of their own at a nominal quit-rent of two shillings
per hundred acres.
Labor being in short supply, wage
laborers commanded such high wages that they too would
have good prospects of acquiring land of their own, and
thus of ceasing to be available for proletarian service.
Chattel bondage as the basic general form of production
relations was therefore indispensable for the progress of
the colony of Virginia.
It seems reasonable to believe that Bruce was aware that
tenantry became a significant part of the agricultural
economy in eighteenth-century Chesapeake. Allan
Kulikoffs study indicates that in southern Maryland and
the Northern Neck and Fairfax County in Virginia one-
third to half of the land was occupied by tenants.
Virginia, on new ground the first tenant was excused from
paying rent for the first two years of the lease. This
exemption for payment of fees and rent was “a most
advantageous arrangement,” writes Willard Bliss, so that,
far from being unfeasible, “tenancy was a logical
solution to planters problems.
The rise of tenancy that
began in Virginia early in the eighteenth century,
particularly in the Northern Neck, was a function of
plantation capitalism, which was by then recruiting its
main productive labor from African and African-
American bond-laborers.
The most directly profitable
exploitation of their labor was in the production of
tobacco, not in clearing new ground, pulling stumps,
ditching, fencing, etcetera. For that work, rent-paying
tenants were to be employed.
In Maryland, English and other European laborers who
survived their servitude were formally entitled to a fifty-
acre headright, but to acquire the promised land was
“simply impracticable.”
They generally became tenants
of landlords who needed to have their land cleared and
otherwise improved for use as tobacco plantation land, or
to build up their equity for speculative purposes.
Prince Georges County one-third of the householders
were tenants by 1705.
These facts would seem to cast doubt on Bruce’s
argument that the clearing of land could not have been
done on the basis of tenancy. The key in both the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was neither technical
difficulty nor any economic impossibility of getting tenants
to clear the land, but the owners calculation of the rate of
profit. In the seventeenth century the cheapest way to clear
land was not by using tenants, but by using bond-laborers;
in the eighteenth century, the cheapest way to clear land
was not by using bond-laborers, but by using tenants. It
was the work of Adam Smiths invisible hand,”
and, in
todays popular phrase, the logic of the “bottom line.”
But what was the bottom line” to the people on the
bottom, who were being degraded from tenants and wage
laborers to chattels? What good to them was an “invisible
hand” systematically dealing from the bottom of the deck
against the laboring class? Bruce answers with one word,
“progress”; yet even as he does so, he concedes that after
all bond-servitude was not inevitable, although he
contends the alternative would have been undesirable.
Without chattel bondage, he says:
[t]he surface of the colony would have been covered with a succession of
small estates, many of which would have fallen into a condition of absolute
neglect as soon as their fertility had disappeared, their owners having sued
out patents to virgin lands in other localities as likely to yield large returns to
the cultivator. [The] Colonys progress would have been slow. Virginia
without [chattel bond-] laborers from England and without slaves would
have become a community of peasant proprietors, each clearing and
working his ground with his own hands and with the aid of his immediate
However unpalatable such an alternative may have
seemed to Bruce, there were others who showed by word
and deed over a span of two and a half centuries in
Virginia that they would have assessed the matter
differently, had they been given the choice between the life
of peasant proprietors and that of unpaid chattel bond-
In New England an alternative practice was
followed, as will be discussed in Chapter 9.
Francis Bacon’s Alternative Vision:Of
Bruce takes note of Sir Francis Bacons essay “Of
Plantations,” dated 1625, the year after the dissolution of
the Virginia Company;
but while he does not attempt to
discuss it in detail, he obviously does not find it
Planting of countries is like planting of woods [wrote Sir Francis]; for you
must take into account to lose almost twenty years profit, and expect your
recompense in the end; for the principal thing that hath been the destruction
of most plantations, has been the hasty drawing of profit in the first years. It
is true, speedy profit is not to be neglected, as may stand with the good of
the plantation, but not farther.
To this end, it was essential, Bacon said, to keep control
out of the hands of the merchants, the most typical form of
bourgeois life at that time, “for they look ever to the
present gain.”
The labor of the colonists should be first
turned to the cultivation of native plants (among other
things, Bacon mentions maize) in order to assure the
colonys food supply. Bacon further advised, “Let the
main part of the ground employed to gardens or corn be a
common stock; and to be laid in and stored up, and then
delivered out in proportions.” Next, native products
should be developed as commodities to be exchanged for
goods that must be imported by the colony – but not,
Bacon warned, “to the untimely prejudice of the main
business; as it hath fared with tobacco in Virginia.”
Bacons thesis seems to have anticipated Bruce’s
argument, and to refute in advance any attempt to justify
the dominance of immediate needs and the plantation
monocultural base of colonial development.
The record itself the public and private
correspondence, the Company and colony policy
statements, laws and regulations, the court proceedings
and decrees presents much evidence of contradictory
views within the ruling councils during the Company
period. The Company and colony officials inveigh against
the inordinate attention given to tobacco growing, while
presiding over the ineradicable establishment of the
tobacco monoculture, using tobacco for money, squabbling
over its exchange-value, staking all on the “tobacco
contract.” The Company expresses concern over the abuse
of the rights of servants while pressing helpless young
people in England for service in the plantation. The
Company in London continues to send boatloads of
emigrants to Virginia without the proper complement of
supplies to tide them over till their first crops can be
harvested, while the Colony Council in Virginia demands
that settlers not be sent without provisions. The colony
officials complain that too many ill-provisioned laborers
are being sent, and yet at the same time, they deplore the
scarcity of servants our principal wealth,” and the
high wages due to that scarcity.
In puzzling out such apparent antinomies of sentiment,
one must make due allowance for the effect of partisan
conflicts within the Virginia Company. But as Craven
points out, indictments of the treatment of laborers and
tenants, or criticism of the tobacco contract with the
may have been to some extent inspired by factional
interests, but that does not invalidate them.
When the
dust had settled, the transformation of production relations
by “changing tenants to servants” had developed from a
proposal by the Virginia Colony Council into the
prevailing policy of the Anglo-American plantation
bourgeoisie as a whole, London “adventurersas well as
Virginia “planters.” In all the documents involved in the
transfer of the affairs of the colony to royal control, no
trace remains of the urgent concern with registration of
contracts, abuse of servants, etcetera, ideas that the
worried friends and kindred of those gone to Virginia had
pressed on the Company Court.
Some Knew It Was Wrong
Nevertheless, the substantial opposition within the
Company to the chattelization of labor provides strong
evidence that the options for monoculture and bond-
servitude were not “unthinking decisions.” The “quid pro
quo” rationale for chattel bond-servitude was denounced
as repugnant to English constitutional liberties and
common law,
and to the explicit terms of the Royal
Charter for the Virginia colony.
This concern was
reflected in the exceeding discontent and griefe [of]
divers persons coming daylie from the farthest partes of
England to enquire of friends and Kindred gonn to
In October 1622, the Virginia Company
established a Committee on Petitions, one of whose tasks
was to consider wrongs done to “servants” sent to
It beinge observed here that divers old Planters and others did allure and
beguile divers younge persons and others (ignorant and unskillfull in such
matters) to serve them upon intollerable and unchristianlike conditions upon
promises of such rewardes and recompense, as they were in no wayes able
to performe nor ever meant.
First among the “abuses in Carriing over of Servants
into Virginia” was the following:
divers ungodly people that have onely respect of their owne profitt do allure
and entice younge and simple people to be at the whole charge of
transportinge themselves and yet for divers years to binde themselves
Servants to them
The remedy was not to be found at that time by strict
regulation and control of emigration to Virginia, with a
written contract for every worker of which a copy would
be kept in Company files.
If, in those famine years,
1622–23, laborers had come to Virginia with a contract
sealed with seven seals, they would still have surely
starved if they could not pay twenty shillings for a bushel
of corn, unless they were able to find a master who would
let them work for mere corn diet and, perhaps, a place to
It was not the way it was supposed to be. Even those who
had never heard of the Statute of Artificers knew as much.
“Sold like a damd slave!raged Thomas Best, cursing
his lot.
Henry Brigg had come to Virginia having Mr
Atkins’s promise that Brigg would never serve any other
master. But now, in the spring of 1623, he wrote his
brother, who had been witness to the promise, “my Master
Atkins hath sold me & the rest of my Fellowes.”
Young Abraham Pelterre was favored to have a mother
in England with some influence with her aldermen. They
protested with some effect when they learned that
Abraham was being sold from hand to hand in Virginia
contrary to the proper conditions of apprenticeship.
knew it was wrong.
Jane Dickinson knew that it was not a thing that could
happen in England, and she asked the General Court to see
it her way. She had come to Virginia in 1620 with her
husband Ralph, a seven-year tenant-at-halves for Nicholas
Hide. Her husband was killed in the attack of 22 March
1622, and she was taken captive by the Indians. After ten
months, she and a number of other captives were released
for small ransoms. Jane’s master had died in the
meantime. Dr John Pott, who paid her ransom, two pounds
of glass beads, demanded that she serve him as a bond-
laborer for the unexpired time of her husband’s
engagement, saying that she was doubly bound to his
service by the two pounds of glass laid out for her ransom.
The only alternative, he told her, was to buy herself from
him with 150 pounds of tobacco
(at the prevailing price
of 18d. per pound, this would have been worth nearly
twice the £6 cost of her transportation from England).
John Loyde knew that in England if a master died his
apprentice was freed, or, perhaps, remained bound to the
masters widow. After paying his master £30 to be taken
on as an apprentice, and receiving his copy of the
appropriate papers for the arrangement, Loyde embarked
for Virginia with his master, taking with him the terms of
his apprenticeship in writing. His master died en route,
but the ship’s captain had taken his papers that would have
established his free status. Without them, Loyde was
subject to being sold by the ship’s captain into chattel
bondage. Loyde sued in court to recover the papers.
William Weston knew it was wrong. In November
1625, he was fined 250 pounds of good merchantable
tobacco for failing to bring a servant into Virginia for
Robert Thresher. The next month Weston was before the
General Court again, and it was testified that, when again
asked to bring servants to Virginia
Mr Weston replied he would bring none, if he would give him a hundred
pownde. Mr Newman [who wanted to place an order] asked him why. And
Mr Weston replied that … servants were sold here upp and down like
horses, and therefore he held it not lawfull to carry any.
John Joyce, bond-laborer, knew in his aching bones that
it was not right; and in August 1626 he sought to
reestablish by direct action the capitalist principle of two-
way freedom of labor relations. He did not take his case to
the General Court, however, preferring the mercy of the
wilderness. (Captured by the colony authorities, as noted
in Chapter 5, he had the distinction of being the first such
fugitive bond-laborer who is recorded as being sentenced
to an extension of his servitude time as punishment for his
offense. He had six months added to his term with his
master, and at the completion of that extended term he was
to serve five years more as bond-servant to the colony
authorities. It was all to begin with a brutal lashing of
thirty stripes.)
And so it came to pass that seventy-five years after the
institution of the labor relations principles of the Statute of
Artificers, when the good ship Tristram and Jane arrived
in Virginia in 1637, all but two of its seventy-six
passengers were bond-laborers to be offered for sale.
The following year, Colony Secretary Richard Kemp
reported to the English government, Of hundreds of
people who arrive in the colony yearly, scarce any but are
brought in as merchandize for sale.”
The Problem of Social Control Enters a New
There was another side to the coin of the option by the
tobacco bourgeoisie for the anomalous system of bond-
servitude as the basis of capitalist production in Virginia
Colony. In the sixteenth century, as has been discussed, the
English governing classes made a deliberate decision to
preserve a section of the peasantry from dispossession by
enclosures, in order to maintain the yeomanry as a major
element in the intermediate social control stratum essential
to a society without an expensive large standing army.
The military regime that the Virginia Company first
installed under governors Gates and Dale, for all its
severity, proved ultimately ineffective. That particular
variant of social control had to be superseded because of
defiance of the limitations on tobacco cultivation by
laboring-class tenants Rolfe’s “Farmors who
represented the potential yeoman-like recruits for an
intermediate social control stratum for the colony.
Following their instinct for present profit,” the
plantation bourgeoisie on the Tobacco Coast forgot or
disregarded the lesson taught by the history of the reign of
Henry VII and the deliberate decision to preserve a forty-
shilling freehold yeomanry.
Instead, convinced that the
tenant class was an “absurdity
from the standpoint of
profit making in a declining tobacco market, the
Adventurers and Planters decided to destroy the tenantry
as a luxury they could not afford.
Perhaps there was special significance in the fact that it
was a son of the yeoman class, Captain John Smith, who
sounded the warning for those who were forsaking the
wisdom of insuring the existence of an adequate yeomanry.
Condemning the traders in bond-labor, he said, it were
better they were made such merchandize themselves,
[than] suffered any longer to use that trade.” That practice,
said Smith prophetically, was a defect sufficient to bring
a well setled Common-wealth to misery, much more
Figure 1 Map of the Chesapeake region, circa 1700
This map of Virginia and Maryland was graciously copied for me by the Map
Division of the New York 1629). This engraving of the map by Francis Lamb,
although not dated, would seem to represent an up-abbreviated asC.”).
Virginia was not divided into counties (first called shires”) until 1634. The
New York formed in 1669, and does not mention any of the next three
counties, which were formed in 1691, it seems parallel to the lines of almost all
of the printed text), it shows details with great clarity. The Atlantic Ocean
came to the Chesapeake by sailing north from the West Indies. I myself have
labeled West Point, the region slavery in 1676 (see Chapter 11).
Public Library Research Libraries, whose map catalog identifies the
cartographer as John Speed (1542-dated” version of Speeds work, to judge,
for instance, from its identification of counties (“County being Public Library
catalog tentatively assigns 1666? to this version. But since it includes
Middlesex County, that this map should be dated sometime in the 1669–91
period. Despite its orientation (the North arrow is is here called The North
Sea, the designation presumably given to these waters by the English who
first in which four hundred English and Negroes in Armes” joined in the
demand for “freedom from their
Figure 2 List of governors of Colonial Virginia
An attempt has been made to give as nearly as possible the
dates of actual service of each of the men who acted as
colonial governor in Virginia. The date of commission is
usually much earlier.
President of the Council in Virginia
Edward-Maria Wingfield, May 14–September 10, 1607.
John Ratcliffe, September 10, 1607–September 10?, 1608.
John Smith, September 10, 1608–September 10?, 1609.
George Percy, September 10?, 1609–May 23, 1610.
The Virginia Company
Thomas West, Third Lord De La Warr, Governor.
February 28, 1610–June 7, 1618.
Sir Thomas Gates, Lieutenant-Governor. May 23–June 10,
Thomas West, Lord De La Warr, Governor. June 10,
1610–March 28, 1611.
George Percy, Deputy-Governor. March 28–May 19,
Sir Thomas Dale, Deputy-Governor. May 19–August 2?,
Sir Thomas Gates, Lieutenant-Governor. August 2?, 1611–
c. March 1, 1614.
Sir Thomas Dale, Deputy-Governor, c. March 1, 1614–
April?, 1616.
George Yeardley, Deputy-Governor. April?, 1616–May
15, 1617.
Samuel Argall, Present Governor. May 15, 1617–c. April
10, 1619.
Nathaniel Powell, Deputy-Governor. c. April 10–18,
Sir George Yeardley, Governor. April 18, 1619–
November 18, 1621.
Sir Francis Wyatt, Governor. November 18, 1621–c. May
17, 1626.
Royal Province
Sir George Yeardley. May?, 1626–November 13, 1627.
Francis West. November 14, 1627–c. March, 1629.
Doctor John Pott. March 5, 1629–March?, 1630.
Sir John Harvey. March?, 1630–April 28, 1635.
John West. May 7, 1635–January 18, 1637.
Sir John Harvey. January 18, 1637–November?, 1639.
Sir Francis Wyatt. November?, 1639–February, 1642.
Sir William Berkeley. February, 1642–March 12, 1652.
(Richard Kemp, Deputy-Governor. June, 1644–June 7,
The Commonwealth
Richard Bennett. April 30, 1652–March 31, 1655.
Edward Digges. March 31, 1655–December, 1656.
Samuel Mathews. December, 1656–January, 1660.
Sir William Berkeley. March, 1660.
Royal Province
Sir William Berkeley. March, 1660–April 27, 1677.
(Francis Moryson, Deputy-Governor. April 30, 1661–
November or December, 1662.)
Colonel Herbert Jeffreys, Lieutenant-Governor. April 27,
1677–December 17, 1678.
Thomas Lord Culpeper, Governor. July 20, 1677–August,
(Sir Henry Chicheley, Deputy-Governor. December 30,
1678–May 10, 1680; August 11, 1680–December 1,
(Nicholas Spencer, Deputy-Governor. May 22, 1683–
February 21, 1684.)
Francis, Lord Howard, Fifth Baron of Effingham,
Governor. February 21, 1684–March 1, 1692.
(Nathaniel Bacon, Sr., Deputy-Governor. June 19–c.
September, 1684; July 1,–c. September 1, 1687;
February 27?, 1689-June 3, 1690.)
Francis Nicholson, Lieutenant-Governor. June 3, 1690–
September 20, 1692.
Sir Edmund Andros, Governor. September 20, 1692–
December 9?, 1698.
(Ralph Wormeley, Deputy-Governor. September 25–c.
October 6, 1693.)
Francis Nicholson, Governor. December 9, 1698–August
15, 1705.
(William Byrd, Deputy-Governor. September 4–October
24, 1700; April 26–June, 1703; August 9–September
12–28, 1704.)
Lord George Hamilton, Earl of Orkney, Governor. 1704–
January 29, 1737.
Edward Nott, Lieutenant-Governor. August 15, 1705–
August 23, 1706.
(Edmund Jenings, Deputy-Governor. August 27, 1706–
June 23, 1710.)
(Robert Hunter was made Lieutenant-Governor April 22,
1707, but never took his office.)
Alexander Spotswood, Lieutenant-Governor. June 23,
1710–September 25?, 1722.
Hugh Drysdale, Lieutenant-Governor. September 25,
1722–July 22, 1726.
(Robert Carter, Deputy-Governor. July, 1726–September
11, 1727.)
William Gooch, Lieutenant-Governor. September 11,
1727–June 20, 1749.
(Reverend James Blair, Deputy-Governor. October 15,
1740–July?, 1741.)
William Anne Keppel, Second Earl of Albemarle,
Governor. October 6, 1737–December 22, 1754.
(John Robinson, Sr., Deputy-Governor. June 20–
September 5, 1749.)
(Thomas Lee, Deputy-Governor. September 5, 1749–
November 14, 1750.)
(Lewis Burwell, Deputy-Governor. November 14, 1750–
November 21, 1751.)
Robert Dinwiddie, Lieutenant-Governor. November 21,
1751–January 2–12, 1758.
(John Blair, Deputy-Governor. January–June 7, 1758.)
John Campbell, Fourth Earl of Loudoun, Governor. March
8, 1756–December 30, 1757.
Sir Jeffrey Amherst, Governor. September 25, 1759–
Francis Fauquier, Lieutenant-Governor. June 7, 1758–
March 3, 1768.
(John Blair, Acting-Governor. March 4–October 26,
Norborne Berkeley, Baron de Botetourt, Governor.
October 26, 1768–October 15, 1770.
(William Nelson, Acting-Governor. October 15, 1770–
September 25, 1771.)
John Murray, Fourth Earl of Dunmore, Governor.
September 25, 1771–May 6, 1776.
The State
Patrick Henry. July 5, 1776–June 1, 1779.
Thomas Jefferson. June 1, 1779–June 12, 1781.
Thomas Nelson. June 12, 1781–November 30, 1781.
Benjamin Harrison. November 30, 1781–November 30,
Source: William W. Abbot, A Virginia Chronology, 15851783, Richmond,
1957, this pagethis page
Figure 3 Virginia counties, and dates of their formation
Source: Martha W. Hiden, How Justice Grew: Virginia Counties, Richmond,
1957, this pagethis page
Road to Rebellion
Bond-labor: Enduring …
Together with the insubstantiality of the intermediate
stratum, the oppressive conditions of the bond-laborers
and their resistance to those conditions constitute the most
significant social factors that contributed to that pivotal
historic event called Bacons Rebellion. That resistance
was a challenge to the very economic basis of the society:
the chattel bond-labor form of master-servant relations.
Equally significant from the standpoint of the study of the
origin of racial slavery is the fact that the record of this
period of labor history shows no white worker
TheServant Trade: a New Branch of Free
The servant trade,” as it came to be called, that is, the
export of chattel laborers from Europe, sprang up as a
response to the profit-making needs of the tobacco
business, and it soon became a special branch of
commerce; these bond-laborers “provided a convenient
cargo for ships going to the plantations to fetch tobacco,
sugar, and the other raw products available,’ writes A. E.
Smith: “[T]he real stimulus to emigration was not the
desire of servants to go to America, but the desire of
merchants to secure them as cargo.”
Investors found the
trade attractive. In England, votaries of what today is
euphemized as “market principlessold English men and
women for £2 per head (or even less, sometimes) if they
had them already in captivity as convicts
or workhouse
In all, some 92,000 European immigrants were brought
to Virginia and Maryland between 1607 and 1682, the
great majority being sent to Virginia. More than three-
quarters of them were chattel bond-laborers, the great
majority of them English.
In 1676, it was Governor
Berkeleys estimate that about 1,500 European chattel
bond-laborers were then arriving in Virginia yearly, “the
majority English, with a few Scots and fewer Irish.”
Others were brought to the Chesapeake after the defeat of
the Catholic cause in 1689, and they were for a time
especially worrisome to the colonial authorities for fear
that they might “confederate with the Negroes,” as Francis
Nicholson warned when he was Governor of Maryland.
Volunteer emigrant bond-laborers were those who
boarded ship for America of their own conscious will,
although in most cases that will was shaped by extreme
hardship and defeat at home, or by self-delusion about the
prospect of prospering in the new land. Of those who
came thus voluntarily in the seventeenth century, some
arrived with written contracts, called “indentures,” setting
forth the names of their owners, the duration of their
periods of servitude, and perhaps some “consideration,”
or freedom dues,” that their owners were to give the
laborers upon the completion of their terms. In some cases
the indenture was between the worker and the particular
plantation owner whom he or she was to serve in the
colony. More frequently, the indenture was arranged with
a merchant, ship’s captain, or other middleman, who sold
the laborer to the highest bidder and then signed over the
indenture to the new owner.
As early as 1635 a standard
indenture form was in use with blank spaces to be filled in
with the names of the parties and witnesses.
The involuntary immigrant bond-laborers who came
from Europe may also be considered in two categories.
There were those who came under sentence as convicted
felons and political prisoners, including captives taken in
civil war or rebellion in England, Scotland
and Ireland.
In 1664 a committee on plantation labor supply problems
urged the Council for Trade and Plantations (subsequently
to be known by various names, and ultimately as the Board
of Trade) to have more systematic resort to this and other
forms of recruitment of plantation bond-labor. Convicts
should be sent to serve seven or fourteen years, said the
Committee, according to the seriousness of their offenses.
“Sturdy Beggers and Gipsies and other Wanderers” who
could not be forced into a settled way of life should be
sent to the plantations for five years under the conditions
of Servants.” From among the unemployed poor of the
towns, villages and parishes of England, some should be
“invited or compelled” to emigrate to serve as unpaid
bond-laborers “in Jamaica.”
The involuntary shipment of still others to the Anglo-
Americans colonies, lacking even the color of law,
depended on crimps and “Spirits” (so called because they
“spirited” their victims away from their native places)
who obtained their unwitting victims either by kidnapping
or by gross and deliberate deception.
The latter and
more common method was noted in an English pamphlet
published in 1649:
The usual way of getting servants, hath been by a sort of men nick-named
Spirits, who take up all the idle, lazie, simple people they can intice who
are persuaded by these Spirits, they shall goe into a place where food shall
drop into their mouthes.The servants are taken up and by them [the
Spirits] put in Cookes houses about Saint Katherines, where being once
entered, [they] are kept as Prisoners until a Master fetches them off.
The Council for Trade and Plantations report to which
reference is made above acknowledged the leading part
played by the “Spirits,” who “receive a reward from the
persons who employed them.”
Like the beaver and deer
skin trade that was proving so profitable in the colonies,
the English bond-labor supply system in the seventeenth
century had its subdivisions. William Haverland was a
hunter and trapper, and was accounted a most aggressive
His role was that of initial seducer and captor of the
laborer. Thomas Stone, one of Haverland’s prey, told of
the experience. One day late in November 1670, he was
accosted in a London street by Haverland whom he did not
know, but who represented himself to be a native of
Stone’s own county. By deceit coupled with brute force,
Haverland delivered the besotted Thomas to a ship’s
captain to be taken and sold as a plantation laborer in
John Steward and William Thiew, on the other hand,
were traders. Since the late 1650s Steward had been
buying from such men as Haverland such kidnap victims
as Stone, at a price of twenty-five shillings a head. Thiew,
another of Haverland’s customers during this period, in
just one year “spirited away 840 persons.
Besides the acquisition costs, there were other
expenses, for storage, maintenance and transportation,
which had to be borne by the entrepreneurs at various
stages of the supply process. The cost of holding and
maintaining a person for five or six weeks pending
shipment came to £3.
Clothes provided for the
prospective bond-laborer might cost £4, or possibly a
little more.
But in 1649 this item was reckoned at £3 7s.
and in 1631 the Essex overseers of the Poor layd
out in parill for two boys that were sent to Virginia, four
pownde seven shillings three pence,” which averages only
£2 2s. 9½d. each.
In cases where the merchant and
shipowner were one, the cost of transporting a bond-
laborer came to about £3; otherwise, the owner of the
laborer paid £5 or £6 for each workers passage.
The price per head of bond-labor delivered live in the
plantation colonies varied considerably in response to
fluctuations of supply and demand, but merchants could
generally count on a profit of from 50 to 200 percent on
the transaction.
Until 1683, captains of ships delivering
European bond-laborers received an additional bonus, a
fifty-acre head-right on each one, a claim that the shippers
almost invariably sold rather than entering into the
cultivation of tobacco themselves.
After that, the
Virginia practice was followed, limiting such awards to
those who used the bond-laborers to improve the land for
which they had received patents within a limited period of
Besides those regularly engaged in the servant trade,
persons of means traveling to the colonies for any reason
might be advised to take a few bond-laborers with them
for use or sale, according to best advantage. The parents
of young Thomas Verney, whom they were dispatching to
Virginia, were assured by a supplier that such highly
saleable human chattels could easily be secured. “If I
were to send forty servants,” he boasted, I could have
them here at a dayes warning.” (Was he perhaps connected
with such suppliers as the Essex Overseer of the Poor?)
The cost would be £12 per head, presumably including the
agents own fee. If Verney decided not to stay in Virginia
and use the head-rights to start up as a planter,” he could
dispose of these chattels at a good profit to be applied
against his own expenses.
The shipment of convicts, as “His Majestys
passengers,” to be plantation bond-laborers was an
especially profitable branch of the trade since it was
subsidized by the authorities in England. Although this
practice proceeded systematically on a national scale
under a law passed by Parliament in 1717, convicts were
sent to the Chesapeake colonies in the seventeenth century.
Those convicts who survived the voyage were sold by the
ship’s captain for his own or his employers account.
James Revel arrived in Virginia some time before 1680 at
eighteen years of age, having been sentenced to fourteen
years bond-servitude. He later wrote recollections of his
experiences, which began with the dockside marketing
process. After a seven-week trip, the convicts were put
ashore, where they were cleaned up to be made
presentable to the prospective customers. The men and
women were displayed separately, for Examening like
Some view’d our teeth, to see if they were good,
Or fit to chew our hard and homely Food.
If any like our look, our limbs, our trade,
the Captain then good advantage made.
As was sure to happen, the workings of “the invisible
hand” of market forces led to the idea of further
specialization. In 1683, Virginia capitalist William
Fitzhugh proposed the establishment of a Virginia
wholesale enterprise dealing in retailing ships’ cargoes as
a way of saving English shippers the loss of time and the
expense of selling cargoes in the colony. Writing to
business associates in London, Fitzhugh stressed the
importance of the rate of turnover of capital in the
formation of the annual rate of profit, saying, “a certain &
sure Market, and easie charge & a quick Dispatch is
the life and profit of every trade.”
Domestic Sources of Bond-labor
Throughout the colonial period the maintenance of the
plantation bond-labor supply was supplemented from
domestic sources. For reasons already examined, the early
notions of basing English colonial development on the
labor of the Indians was short-lived.
Nevertheless, some
Indians were employed on seventeenth-century tobacco
plantations. In the early decades the Indian bond-laborers
were mainly children, employed under rather strict
limitations involving parental consent.
But beginning
about 1660, Indian bond-laborers were drawn from the
general population, although the Virginia Assembly
decreed that they were not to serve “for any longer time
than English of like ages should serve.”
Their condition
was worsened under a law passed in 1670 which required
Indian bond-laborers to serve for twelve years, more than
twice the term of English bond-laborers, and which
required the Indian children to be bound until they reached
the age of thirty, that is, six years longer than the usual
servitude of underage English bond-laborers.
Early in
the period of Bacons Rebellion, in June 1676, the
Virginia Assembly authorized that “enemy Indians taken in
war be held and accounted slaves dureing life.”
policy was renewed the following year, after the defeat of
the rebellion, in order, it was said, to give the colonial
soldiers “better encouragement to such service.”
years later, planters were authorized to hold as slaves for
life Indians purchased from Indian tribes.
For a brief period, Indian bond-laborers played “a
considerable role” in the economy of the tobacco
colonies, but this was a phenomenon limited to the eighth
and ninth decades of the seventeenth century.
In 1691,
the Virginia Assembly passed a law that from that time
forward “there be a free and open trade for all persons at
all times and at all places with all Indians whatsoever.”
This same law was re-enacted in 1705 and again in
But it was only after more than a century of
hereditary bondage of the descendants of Indian women
bond-laborers that Virginia courts suddenly discovered
that this law, which made no distinction between friendly
and hostile Indians, as previous laws had always done,
and which made no exception as to social rank, was a
formal legal bar to enslavement of Indians in Virginia.
Virginia-born African-Americans as a source of bond-
The main domestic source of bond-labor in the plantation
colonies was by way of the imposition of hereditary bond-
servitude on African-Americans under the system of racial
slavery and white supremacy. Well before the end of the
colonial period the great majority of the bond-laborers in
the plantation colonies were American-born. In 1790,
there were more than twice as many African-American
bond-laborers in the continental plantation colonies as had
come there from overseas in the entire colonial period.
The plantation bourgeoisie had not achieved this
condition, however, in the seventeenth century; at that time
most of the plantation laborers were limited-term bond-
laborers, a category composed in its great majority of
European-American immigrants. As far as the difference
between limited-term and lifetime bondage is concerned,
that is a question that would have had no practical
significance in the early decades, when most of the bond-
laborers did not survive even their first year in Virginia.
Furthermore, the maintenance of what some historians see
fit to call a “dual [that is, black/white] labor market,”
assuming it could have been done, would not have been
(as the phrase is) “cost-effective” in the early decades.
One thing is certain: in the census of 1624/25, taken at the
end of the Company period, the colonys total population
of some 1,218 adults listed 507 “servants,” of whom 23
were “Negroes.”
Nevertheless, even before the yearning was made
explicit in laws of the early 1660s,
there was evidence
of a desire on the part of some employers to develop this
source of added unpaid labor time by subjecting African-
Americans to lifetime hereditary bond-servitude. There
were also early instances of legislative and judicial
inclinations in this direction.
After 1662 under Virginia
law and after 1664 under Maryland law, the plantation
bourgeoisie could begin to realize profits on the sale and
exploitation of laborers born in the tobacco colonies.
The production of a tobacco crop was a most labor-
intensive process. Draft animals were not in general use
during the seventeenth century.
At mid-seventeenth
century, when the number of productive workers in
Virginia was approaching 7,000,
there were no more
than 150 plows in the colony.
The implements were the
human hand
for sowing the seedbed and covering it, and
for transplanting the seedling to the “hills,” spaced at four-
foot intervals, and dug with a long-bladed hilling hoe; the
wide, sharp weeding hoe for keeping clear the ground
between the plants; the tobacco knife for cutting off the top
of the plant when the desired number of leaves had put
forth; the human hand for pulling the horn worms from the
plant, and for breaking the small shoots from the stalk to
conserve the plant’s energy and food uptake for the nine or
so leaves that would mature; the tobacco knife for cutting
the stalk at the appropriate time; the human back to bear
the cut stalks to the tobacco barn; a knife to cut the pegs
driven by hand-held tools into the stalks, before the stalks
were hung aloft to allow the leaves to cure in the air for
five or six weeks; the human hand again for stripping the
cured leaves from the stalks, and removing the stems of the
leaves, which had to be delicately handled to preserve
their marketability; hand tools and the coopers skill for
the making of hogsheads to specifications to be fit to
withstand the stresses of being rolled by workers down to
the dock for shipment. The process began with seeding the
beds in, say, mid-January, whence they were transplanted
to the tobacco field early in May. Continuous attentive
labor was required to bring the plant to perfection; in
August the stalks were cut down. During the intervals
between seeding and transplanting, during the five or six
weeks of air curing, and in the months of November and
December, there were other sometimes more laborious
tasks to be done, such as clearing new fields, cutting down
trees and pulling the stumps, burning brush, etcetera.
to the primitive technique of the process, in the fifty years
between the dissolution of the Virginia Company and
Bacons Rebellion the capitalist plantation owners relied
almost totally upon increased exertion by the laborers to
more than double the annual tobacco output per laborer,
from 712 to 1,653 pounds.
Main Forms of the Oppression of Plantation
The characteristic dependency of the proletarian under
capitalism took the most extreme form in chattel bond-
servitude. The ancient principle that “A mans home is his
castle” had no meaning for the bond-laborers. The woman
was denied whatever protection she might otherwise have
had as a “feme covert.” The limited-term bond-laborers
were forbidden the comfort and release of sexual
relationships, under heavy penalty. The owner was not
only their employer, but their landlord and victualer as
well. The extreme rural isolation of their situation, in
colonies devoid of the civilizing influences of village and
urban centers, limited to an extraordinary degree their
ability to appeal their grievances to public conscience and
legal remedy.
Edmund S. Morgans study of colonial Virginia found
little basis for the “kindly master” thesis. Nor is he so
ready to place the blame for the bond-laborers’ bad
conditions on objective factors of climate and frontier, as
some historians have done. Morgan largely blames
capitalist cupidity for the hardships of bond-laborers
This impression is confirmed by the exhaustive
studies of the record presented by Richard B. Morris’s
Government and Labor in Early America, and in the
Archives of Maryland under the illustrious successive
editorships of W. H. Browne, C. C. Hall, B. C. Steiner, J.
H. Pleasants and Aubrey C. Land.
Most of the evidence of abuse of bond-laborers by their
owners is taken from court proceedings wherein certain
individual owners of bond-laborers are shown to have
carried matters beyond what would seem to be the bounds
of sound proprietorship. At the same time the depositions
taken, decisions rendered, and orders issued in such cases
also serve to illuminate the day-to-day life of the bond-
laborers. That which in itself may have constituted a
seemingly self-defeating excess of rigor in particular
instances, served the general capitalist interest of
stimulating the bond-laborers to be more diligent at their
tasks, and to stifle their grievances. Such was the declared
intention of Captain Bradnox, himself a Kent County
Commissioner, who beat bond-laborer Sarah Taylor with
extreme force, then reviewed the lesson, saying, “Now
spoyle me a batch of bread again!
Courts and
legislatures occasionally found it expedient and proper to
order some amelioration. Regardless of the degree to
which the courts may have been moved by feelings of
humanity in such instances, however, it seems certain that
they had in mind the overriding interests of the plantation
bourgeoisie as a whole in discouraging the wanton
destruction of the labor force, and in minimizing the
reductions in the labor supply resulting when accounts
reached England of brutal treatment of bond-laborers.
The following brief sampling from the court records is
not intended to improve on Professor Morriss
presentation or to substitute for a reading in the Archives
of Maryland, but merely to document the theme of social
tension in the tobacco colonies arising out of the bond-
labor relation of production.
Increasing the length of servitude
Given an adequate supply of labor power, the maximizing
of capitalist profit, then as now, depended on raising the
productivity of labor per unit of labor cost. In the tobacco
colonies the owners did this by (1) extending the labor
time of each worker, and (2) intensifying the effort of each
A small minority of the bond-laborers arrived in the
tobacco colonies with written indentures specifying the
duration of their servitude. By far the greater number who
arrived in Virginia in the seventeenth century came
without indentures; the duration of their bondage was
specified by law under the rubric “custom of the country.”
At first the custom of the country was set at four years for
adult bond-laborers arriving in Virginia and Maryland;
then, in 1661 and 1666, respectively, the colony
Assemblies increased the custom of the country from four
to five years, and made it applicable to all “christian
The Maryland Assembly in 1666
justified its action by criticizing the former law for
providing but foure yeares service in which tyme itt is considered the Master
and owners of such Servants cannot receive that reasonable satisfaction for
the charges trouble & greate hazard which all masters and Owners of
Servants are and must of necessity be att with their Servants.
In that same year, the Virginia Assembly acted to eliminate
what it saw as an “inequality in the law, doing so in a
way that turned the owners possible loss into a gain.
Under the old law, if a bond-laborer was under sixteen he
or she was bound to serve until the age of twenty-four; but
if sixteen or over, the term was to be five years. The
Assembly, happily from the employers’ point of view,
raised the critical age to nineteen. Since all those under
nineteen were now to serve until they were twenty-four,
the masters by this law had claim to from one to three
more years of unpaid bond-labor than before from those in
the sixteen-to-eighteen-year range, while still retaining the
service until twenty-four of those “never so little under
sixteene” for whom they expressed such concern.
Special opportunities for securing extra servitude
Besides such steps toward the general extension of the
laborers’ terms of servitude, the bond-labor relation of
production afforded a number of legal opportunities for
securing extended service in particular cases, in the form
of penalties for a variety of infractions of the principles of
the system. These were special opportunities available to
the plantation bourgeoisie, which were not open to
capitalists operating in England. There, under that normal
capitalist labor system, the laborer who violated his or her
contract could not be compelled to a specific
performance, but could only be held liable for “pecuniary
damages as in the case of a breach of any other
As already noted, the Virginia General Court, as early
as 1626, imposed an extension of the term of bond-
servitude upon a recaptured runaway bond-laborer.
Courts continued to apply this principle on a case-by-case
until it was given the form of legislative enactment
that proportioned the extension of servitude to the length of
the laborers absence. In Virginia, the penalty was fixed at
two days for every one day of absence.
For a repetition
of the offense the runaway was to be branded on the
shoulder with a hot-iron R. In Maryland in 1641, the death
penalty was provided, but mercy and profit considerations
coinciding, this penalty was made commutable to seven
years added servitude.
In 1649, the Maryland penalty
was set at two days for each day of absence, but with the
additional penalty of payment for all costs and damages,
for which the employer might be compensated by a
deduction from the freedom dues, and by a further
extension of the time of servitude, or by a combination of
the two.
In 1666, Maryland set the penalty at ten days
extension of servitude for each day of absence.
It is
somehow not surprising that, with such an incentive,
masters frequently sought to extend the period of servitude
by alleging that the bond-laborer had been illegally asbent
from service, a charge that the laborer was in a weak
position to dispute before magistrates who were
themselves actual or potential beneficiaries of that same
Three cases from the record will illustrate how the
employers were able to make such laws serve capital
accumulation or, as the modern term has it, “economic
George Beckwith owned Henry Everitt, who had been
delivered to Maryland in 1666 at the age of thirteen.
Everitt, because of his age, was legally bound to serve
nine years, that is, until he was twenty-two. The young
worker proved to be a valuable piece of property, despite
having at various times failed to serve” for a total of six
weeks. Beckwith, understandably reluctant to part with
such an experienced laborer, made timely application to
the Provincial Court, on the eve of what was to have been
Everitt’s last year of servitude, and secured an extension
of Everitts time by ten times six weeks beyond the end of
the ninth year. The labor gained would bring Beckwith
sufficient return to pay the freedom dues of three bond-
laborers (who might perhaps prove more faithful than
Everitt), or enough to pay three-fourths the cost of
purchasing another thirteen-year-old bond-laborer.
In April 1673, David Driver brought into court two men
he owned, James Cade and Timothy Hummerstone,
alleging that they had run away for thirty-six days. The
court awarded Driver a year of the life and labor of each
of the bond-laborers in compensation for the five weeks
lost. For Driver this meant a net gain of almost one-fifth of
the total labor time originally due him.
On St Valentine’s Day 1679, the court showed where its
affections lay as between Thomas Doxey and Katherine
Came Thomas Doxey of St Maryes County & made Oath that his servant
Katherine Canneday rann away & and unlawfully absented herselfe from
his service att severall tymes One hundred and seven dayes, whereupon itt
is ordered that shee the said Katherine serve the said Thomas for running
away from him as aforesaid, tenn dayes for every one dayes absence
according to Act of Assembly in that case made and provided, which
amounts to One thousand and seventy dayes.
The costs of recapture, prosecution and corporal
Such proceedings involved costs, of course, as did
subsequent execution of court judgments on bond-laborers.
Among such costs were the fees paid to the “takers-up” of
Under a Maryland law of 1676, a payment of
a matchcoat or the value thereof was provided for “any
Indian or Indians which shall seize or take up any
Runaway Servant & bring him before some magistrate of
any County within this Province.”
In the middle decades
of the seventeenth century the legally established Virginia
schedule of fees for sheriff and clerk services included the
following items: for sheriffs, twenty pounds of tobacco for
each arrest, pillorying and whipping;
for clerks, eight
pounds of tobacco for writing or copying a court order;
and for secretaries, fifteen pounds of tobacco for the same
In Maryland, sheriffs were paid fifty pounds of
tobacco for whippings, and twenty pounds for each day a
prisoner was held in jail. In both Maryland and Virginia
such charges were at first paid by the county treasury, but
in 1662 and 1670 respectively, the provincial assemblies
acted to end the discerned gross inequities in such an
arrangement. Not only did it make the public bear the costs
of supporting criminals, said the lawmakers, it actually
was an encouragement to offendors” by rewarding their
misdeeds with idleness and free room and board.
Whether such costs occasioned by the capture and public
prosecution of bond-laborers were borne by the public
treasury or by the individual owners, they were by law
recoverable at the expense of the limited-term bond-
laborer in terms of additional servitude.
Denial of family life; women exposed to special
For the purposes of quick capital turnover, the importation
of unmarried laborers of working age was preferable: it
provided the immediate prospect of full utilization of the
maximum labor power of the workers; it was simpler in
distribution than family-group bond-labor; and, in
production, it maximized the employers access to the
laborers time, unimpeded by the involvement of laborers
in family connections and obligations. In short: marriage
was fundamentally incompatible with chattel status.
In normal English capitalist conditions, the right to
marry was exercised by persons regardless of social
class, except that apprentices needed the permission of
their masters. The family was the standard form of
maintaining, perpetuating and reproducing the laboring
classes in proportion to the requirements of capitalist
commodity production at the lowest cost and with the
highest returns for investors. The expenses of working-
class weddings, births, child-rearing and funerals were
provided in the wage costs of the employing classes no
less essentially than the costs of the day-to-day
maintenance of the economically productive population or
of the instruments of production. In the seventeenth-century
plantation colonies, however, the peculiar chattel bond-
labor relation of production carried with it different
implications for the lives of the bond-laborers. For almost
the entire duration of the seventeenth century, the
plantation bourgeoisie was able to secure a steady supply
of bond-labor for which it was obliged to pay only the
day-to-day subsistence and “operating” costs. All other
charges were subsumed in the purchase price, which the
laborer was bound to repay (many times over) by long
periods of unpaid labor.
Since bond-laborers were wageless and propertyless
(except for the few who brought personal items to
America, which in the nature of the case would have been
of little exchange-value), and since they had no rightful
claim to any portion of the days time for themselves,
parenthood on the part of bond-laborers entailed direct
and indirect deductions from capitalist revenues, for
child-bearing and child-rearing, costs that the employers
regarded as economically unjustifiable. The employing
class, as a matter of sound business practice, outlawed
family life among limited-term bond-laborers.
were forbidden to marry without the express permission of
their owners,
since, consistent with the principle of
coverture, a woman was subject only to the husband.
Still, bond-laborers were granted no exemption from the
laws against fornication.
While nominally laws against
“bastardy made human reproduction outside of legal
wedlock a crime for free women, for them in contrast to
bond-laborers marriage was an automatic defense
against that charge;
fornication and “adulterie” were
punishable by a fine for those who could pay it, or
whipping or two or three months’ imprisonment.
In providing penalties for bond-laborers who violated
the law in these respects, the bourgeoisie was typically
underscoring its concern for the maintenance of social
mores conforming to its own particular class character.
But the peculiar nature of the chattel bondage form of
labor relations permitted the plantation bourgeoisie to turn
that concern to cash account in very specific and
immediate ways, ways not available to employers in
When, in 1643, Virginia bond-laborers were first
forbidden by law to marry, it was provided that the
offending wife’s term of servitude should be extended to
double the time for which she was bound. The husband’s
term was to be prolonged only twelve months,
it being
assumed that the anticipated distractions of child care
would divert a minimum of his time from serving his
employer. The makers of this law, however, did not find it
necessary to mitigate the womans punishment in cases
where no child was born during her period of servitude.
Twenty years later, the womans legal punishment was
made the same as the mans, one year of extended
servitude just for marriage, childbirth and child-rearing
penalties being separately provided.
At the same time, it
was made a crime for a minister to perform the marriage
of a bond-laborer without the owners prior approval.
Violators were subject to a fine of ten thousand pounds of
tobacco, the equivalent of about five months of a
ministers salary.
An important consequence of this new
feature of the law was to make children of such marriages
“illegitimate,” as they would have been if no marriage had
taken place.
Under the Virginia law of 1662, a free man
marrying a woman bond-laborer without her owners
permission was obliged to pay a fine of 1,500 pounds of
tobacco, or to serve as a bond-laborer for one year to the
woman’s owner.
Under English law, fornication was punishable,
certainly in the most commonly prosecuted cases, those in
which pregnancy resulted.
In the plantation colonies,
early laws were enacted to the same purpose, providing
the penalty of a whipping or payment of a fine, as in this
1639 Maryland statute:
the offender or offenders shall be publicly whipped, or otherwise pay such
fines to some publique use as the lieutenant general shall impose.
Free persons were subject to these laws no less than
and “women and men were whipped
indiscriminately, women on the bare back apparently as
frequently as men.”
In due course, laws were made that
specified the number of lashes to be administered and the
amount of the fine. Although the whipping and the fine
were equally available forms of punishment under the law,
the whipping was actually inflicted only in cases of non-
payment of the fine.
But limited-term bond-laborers, as
proletarians owning nothing of the goods their labor
produced, were unable to pay fines. Owners were thus
presented with an opportunity, which they routinely
exercised, of establishing a claim to additional unpaid
labor time by paying the bond-laborers fine. The usual
ratio was six months extra service for the payment of a
fine of five hundred pounds of tobacco.
How “bastardy” laws compounded gender and class
Under the English common law principle of “coverture,”
the husband was the legal father of children of his wife.
Coverture, as already noted, had no application to women
bond-laborers, who by law were not allowed to have
husbands; their children were by definition “bastards.” In
England the first specific mention of “illegitimate”
children came in 1575–76, and it constituted the basic
English “bastardy law for at least three centuries. It fixed
responsibility upon the parents for reimbursing the parish
for the charges of keeping the child, by weekly or other
periodic payments, on pain of being sent to jail for
In the Anglo-American colonies, however, the
employers were made direct beneficiaries of the
“bastardylaws as they applied to bond-laborers, with the
labor of the mother accounting for the major share of those
benefits. In both Virginia and Maryland in the middle of
the seventeenth century, the mother was subject to
extended servitude for the owners “loss of service” on
account of the distractions resulting from child-bearing
and child-rearing. In 1662 the Virginia Assembly fixed the
added period of unpaid labor at two years.
Maryland Assembly enacted a similar law in the same
In addition to the obligation for “lost time,” the
mother was subject to be publicly whipped on her bare
back. The Virginia statute of 1662 specified that the
lashing continue only until the blood flowed,
but a
Maryland court in 1658 called for it to be continued until
the count reached thirty.
If the owner felt it was not to his advantage to risk the
incapacitation of his bond-laborer that might result from
such punishment, he would typically pay the fine.
equally, or even more, compelling motive to this
humanitarian gesture was the reward it brought to the
owner, as it did for example to the owner of Katherine
Higgins, whose case was typical of hundreds. On 26
January 1685, Higgins was found guilty of having become
a mother, and was sentenced to an added two and a half
years of servitude to her owner, half a year for the fine that
her owner paid to save her from whipping, and two years
for his trouble and expense in saving the parish any
expense for care of the newborn child.
Employers were
thus able to turn an anticipated loss of services” into a
net profit.
Examination of surviving seventeenth-century Virginia
county court records
reveals some three hundred cases
of such “bastardyjudgments against limited-term women
bond-laborers. At a rate of 1,500 pounds of tobacco per
year per worker, such of these women as worked in the
field during their added 30 months servitude would have
produced tobacco worth more than three times the cost of
their transportation to the colony,
that cost being the
supposed debt for which they were relegated to a social
status wherein they were denied the right to marry.
Occasionally an employer was also able to gain some
extra labor time from the father. If, as happened in a small
number of cases, the identity of the father was established,
he would be obliged to provide security to save the parish
harmless, that is, to provide a guarantee that the cost of
support of the infant would be repaid to the parish. If the
father were a bond-laborer, the church wardens took
charge of the child, paying the charges of the child’s
upkeep until it became of working age, or selling the child
to a private individual as a bond-laborer-to-be. At the
completion of the fathers original term of servitude, he
was obligated to make recompense for any charges
outstanding for the cost of the child’s early care. If he
could not pay, he could be taken up by the sheriff to satisfy
the debt by a period of bond-servitude.
But, unlike the
mother, the father could not be made to serve extra time
for the “loss of services” directly due to the pregnancy.
In a certain number of cases the owner himself was the
father, suggesting the grossest form of sexual exploitation.
The notorious Henry Smith of Accomack County fathered
children by two of his bond-laborers in the late 1660s.
Not long before November 1699, John Waugh of Stafford
County sold Catherine Hambleton away across
Chesapeake Bay, pregnant with his own child. The same
sort of sale of his own progeny had been made by
Nicholas Chapman of Norfolk County, in or shortly before
But unproven accusations were severely
penalized. When, in March 1650, a search of her body
led the court to disbelieve Sara Reinold’s accusation that
her owner had made her pregnant, she was sentenced to
“thirty-five Lashes on the bare back.”
In Maryland, Lucy Stratton, bond-laborer, was brought
before the Charles County, Maryland, Court in November
1671, charged with having borne a child. Stratton said that
her owner was the father, but the court credited the denial
of the owner, a wealthy planter named Turner. On the
grounds of having made a false accusation against her
owner, the woman was sentenced to and received thirty
lashes at the public whipping post. But Turner was indeed
the father, as he admitted shortly thereafter in offering to
“make satisfaction by marrying Stratton. Although it
might mean an extended term of servitude to refuse,
Stratton spurned the blessings of such a “coverture,”
calling her owner a lustful man whom she “could not
love much less make him her husband,” adding that she
“had suffered enough by him.”
The Charles County,
Maryland, Court, upon her petition, ordered Turner either
to pay child maintenance or to take the child and raise it as
his own. But on appeal to a higher court, Strattons suit
against Turner for support for the child was denied
because she had refused the marriage offer.
The social conscience of the plantation bourgeoisie
that is to say, the sense of the general interests of the ruling
class as a whole did exert some influence, even if it
might possibly run counter to the desires and interests of
some individual planters.
The supply of laborers was
not so plentiful in the seventeenth-century plantation
colonies, nor the number of women so great, nor social
control so secure, that men of the owning classes could be
allowed unrestricted indulgence of their sexual appetites
at the expense of women bond-laborers, even if these
owners might thereby gain a bonus of unpaid labor as a
result. In their respective sixth decades, therefore,
Virginia and Maryland adopted laws attempting to serve
the general interests of the owning class, while
safeguarding the individual owner against deprivation of
his rights. In Virginia a woman in such a case was, by a
law of 1662, obliged to complete her term of servitude,
thus protecting the owners right-by-purchase. On the other
hand, it was provided that the owner should not have the
benefit of the extra servitude which was to be imposed on
the bond-laborer for her misconduct. Still, the lawmakers
felt, it would be courting trouble to excuse the woman
from punishment, as that might tempt others in a similar
condition to make false allegations of paternity against
their masters as a means of escaping their due in legal
penalties. The Assembly found justice in a middle course
by providing that upon completion of the mothers original
term, she should be taken to the church wardens and sold
to some new owner for a term of servitude. The purchase
price went to the parish revenues, minus the costs of food
and clothing for the child until the child was old enough to
become a net producer for a private employer.
In the context of these arrangements, occasional losses
had to be accepted as a normal, indeed essential, part of
the process as illuminators of possible operational limits
of the system. Such appears to have been the case of
Isabella Yansley, of Ann Arundell County, Maryland.
On 3 March 1671, as it was later charged, Yansley hid
herself away, “without the company of any other women,”
gave birth to a boy, and caused him to die. The Provincial
Court found her guilty of murder, and by its sentence she
was hanged on 17 April. In England a woman facing
motherhood unwed might have resorted to the same
desperate course, and suffered the same fate for it. But, in
a tobacco colony, where the child of a bond-laborer was
to be a bond-laborer of the mothers owner until the child
was over twenty years of age, such an outcome
represented a loss of investment and possible future profit,
negating the benefit of the special fornication and
“illegitimacy” laws applied against bond-laborers.
The procedure for disposing of the potential and actual
labor-power of the children of bond-servants in Anglo-
America closely followed the pattern that had been
established for dealing with indigent children in Tudor
England. That system evolved under a series of laws
beginning in 1536 and culminating in the fundamental
English Poor Law of 1601.
First among the stated
purposes of the 1601 law was that of “setting to work the
children whose parents shall not be thought able to
keep and maintain them.”
In seventeenth-century
Virginia and Maryland, under-age Europeans arriving
without indentures were bound to serve according to the
law. In 1666 in Virginia if they were under nineteen years
of age, they were to serve until they were twenty-four. The
Maryland law made a more particular differentiation of
age levels, but merely to assure that children would serve
at least seven years; those arriving at age twenty-two
years old or older were bound for five years.
But the peculiar character of the bond-labor relation of
production gave these laws a greater practical scope than
laws regarding “indigent children in England. Since
bond-laborers were by definition propertyless and unpaid,
as parents they were, under 1666 laws, obliged to serve
added time as recompense to the owner or the parish for
the cost of maintenance of the child.
While the labor of
indigent children was programmed for exploitation in both
England and in the colonies, the profit to be gained
therefrom by the exploiters was of relatively greater
importance in the labor-scarce Chesapeake than in
England. Perhaps it is significant that in 1632, when the
per capita production of tobacco was some 700 pounds
per year, two women bond-laborers who became pregnant
on the voyage to Virginia were forthwith shipped back
but four decades later, by which time the output
per worker had more than doubled,
the arrival of a
woman in this predicament was more likely to be regarded
as an opportunity to profit not only from the extension of
the womens servitude, but also from the option on the
labor of her child under the provisions of the 1662 law
Nevertheless, despite the various expedients adopted
for recapturing the owners or the parishs expenses for
support of the children of limited-term bond-laborers,
those measures provided a relatively unprofitable way of
recruiting plantation labor power in the seventeenth-
century tobacco colonies.
The prospective period of
unpaid bond-servitude to be had from such children,
whether by their original owners or by other persons to
whom they were assigned, was limited. The child might
not survive until he reached the workable (tithable) age of
The bond-laborer father, once his term was
completed, could take possession of the child, making
settlement with the parish or the owner for the care and
maintenance of the child up until that time.
who remained with the mothers owner were bound to
serve only until they were twenty-one if boys, or eighteen
if girls. Bastards of European-American parents were
bound out by their parents to other men, but they became
free at the age of twenty-four if boys, at eighteen, if
If, however, the period of bastards unpaid servitude
could be increased sufficiently, the mating of bond-
laborers might be made into a paying proposition for the
owners. That was the principle behind the persistent
pressure from the side of the plantation bourgeoisie to
impose lifetime hereditary bondage on African-
Americans. In 1662, the Virginia Assembly discarded
English common law of descent through the father, and
instituted the principle of partus sequitur ventrem,
whereunder the child was declared “bond or free
according to the condition of the mother.”
That law was
specifically aimed at giving the plantation bourgeoisie a
predefined supply of self-perpetuating unpaid labor. Once
the owners had this advantage, the courts no longer
concerned themselves with prosecuting African-American
bond-laborers for fornication or “bastardy.”
Supplementary sources of unpaid labor were tapped under
a Virginia law passed in 1681, requiring a child of a
European-American mother and an African-American
father to serve until the age of thirty.
That was six years
of extra unpaid labor beyond what would have been
served by a child of two European-American bond-
laborers. That extra labor should have yielded the owner
9,000 pounds of tobacco, more than enough to buy another
limited-term bond-laborer.
Under a Maryland law in effect from 1664 to 1692, any
“freeborne” woman who married an African-American
lifetime bond-laborer was bound to serve “the master of
such slave during the life or her husband.” Presented with
such an opportunity, many Maryland owners deliberately
fostered marriages of European-American women and
African-American men bond-laborers in order to get the
benefit of the added unpaid labor time of their
The ruling class understood that the bond-
laborers’ sex drives were as irresistible and ardent as
those of others [and therefore t]here is no danger that
the considering of their progenys condition will stop
In 1692, the Maryland penalty was modified to seven
years bond servitude. If the woman were a bond-laborer,
the added seven years were to begin only after the
completion of her original term.
The penalty for
“fornication and “bastardy was especially severe (a
double fine in Virginia in 1662) when an African-
American/European-American couple was involved.
When the double penalty of the 1662 law proved generally
ineffective, the Virginia Assembly in 1691 passed another,
making any English woman in this circumstance, free or
bond, subject to public sale by the churchwardens of the
parish into bond-servitude for five years. For those who
were bond-laborers, this added servitude was to be
postponed until the completion of her current period of
Why? That was the question implicit in the petition of
European-American lifetime bond-laborer Mary Peters,
who petitioned for manumission having already served
eight years beyond the time she should otherwise have
served if she had not “been drawn by her master and
mistress into marrying a negro, and so being reckoned a
Why, wondered Ann Wall, a free European-
American woman who had borne two children of an
African-American father, when she was sentenced by the
Elizabeth County Court to five years’ bond-servitude
under “Mr Peter Hobson or his assigns” in Norfolk
County, and forbidden ever to return to Elizabeth City
County on pain of banishment to Barbados.
It was a
matter that European-American bond-laborer Jane Salman
could not understand; she fled from the jurisdiction of the
Accomack County Court that had ordered her to be taken
for sale by the church warden to another seven-year term
of servitude.
Why, indeed? An attempt will be made in Chapter 13 to
suggest an answer to that question.
Exploiting the presumption of bondage
Enterprising employers frequently found it possible to
retain laborers in bondage even though by law they were
entitled to be free. As far as propertyless persons were
concerned the presumption was bondage, as evidenced by
the enactment of pass laws, in Virginia in 1643 and in
1663, and in Maryland in 1671.
In general, these laws
made a laboring person subject to arrest as a fugitive,
unless he or she had a pass signed by an owner or other
officially designated authority.
Thus a laborer who had completed the full period of
servitude still bore the burden of proof of his or her
liberty. Without a certificate of freedom issued by the
county court, the time-expired laborer was subject to
arrest as a fugitive, and thereafter to additional servitude
under laws provided in such cases. In order to secure the
certificate of freedom, the laborer had to appear before the
county court with the owner, or with a written deposition
supplied by the owner, to establish the fact of the
completion of the term of servitude.
If, instead of
cooperating, the employer chose to attempt to keep the
laborer in bondage, the laborer might well face a daunting
Aside from the many difficulties the laborer
confronted in getting a petition for freedom before the
court, there were commonly other problems. The bond-
laborer who had come to Virginia or Maryland with a
formal indenture obligating him or her to serve for a time
less than that provided under the “custom of the country
had to produce in court the original paper to prove his or
her case. To preserve such a document against destruction,
loss or theft through several years of bond-labor was not
always easy.
Yet without it the laborer would have to
remain in bondage according to the “custom of the
country.” William Rogers came to Virginia under a three-
year indenture to Anthony Gosse, who sold Rogers to John
Stith, transmitting his half of the indenture paper to Stith.
Stith, learning that Rogers had somehow left his half of the
indenture contract in England, destroyed the paper Gosse
had given him, and claimed Rogers for five years
according to the custom of the country.
The ordinary custom-of-the-country bond-laborers
would perhaps be even more vulnerable to employers
attempts to extend their servitude beyond the legal limit.
If the laborer sought redress from the court, pending the
courts decision he or she would remain under the
absolute power of the owner, on a plantation from which it
was a crime to depart without the owners permission, a
plantation moreover equipped with a whipping post or the
equivalent for the administration of “moderate correction
by the master or his agent.
The owner thus had strong
forces of persuasion at his disposal for inducing the bond-
laborer to submit to an extension of unpaid servitude. The
employers chances of gains of this sort were perhaps
enhanced where the bond-laborer had been sold from one
employer to another, if the frequency of such cases in the
court records is any indication.
Even if, as in the cases
to be cited, the employer were not fully successful, he lost
little by trying; he even stood to gain incidental benefits.
The Joseph Griphen and Daniel Ralston cases illustrate
the denial of their right to a presumption of liberty in
Maryland. In 1659, Joseph Griphen was bought by two
Maryland merchants who shortly thereafter sold him to
John Hatch. In November 1666, at the end of seven years
of servitude, Griphen asserted his freedom by rowing
downriver in a canoe. Hatch had him hunted by hue and
cry, and brought back, alleging that Griphen had been
bought for ten years, not seven.
Daniel Ralston came to
Maryland in 1663 with a written indenture according to
which he was bound for four years, at the end of which
time he was to receive £10 sterling, plus a good suit and
other clothes, and two hoes and an axe. Three years had
passed when he ran away from his owner, Henry
Robertson. After several weeks Ralston was recaptured
and returned to his owner, and then he was sold again to
another owner, David Johnson. After Ralstons indentured
term was ended in July 1667, his new owner claimed
added service at the rate of ten-to-one for every day that
Ralston had run away from his former owner. Since
Ralston took action in court before his new owner did, the
owners claim was not allowed, although the principle of
the assignability of penalty time was not questioned.
Though the decision of the jury favored the bond-laborers
claim, the owner was allowed to keep Ralston in
servitude pending disposition of the appeal to the
Provinical Court, and the freedom dues allowance was
reduced to either £10 or the goods but not both, contrary to
the terms of the original indenture.
In June 1678, John
Hickes[?], identified in the record as a “Dutchman,” was
taken up as a runaway bond-laborer. Even though there
was no positive proof of the charge, the court in the
Virginia Eastern Shore county of Northampton ordered
him to “goe along with Capt. Foxcroft for thirty days
while the court sent for information across the bay
regarding Hickess status. If during that time the man
“absent[ed] himselfe” from Foxcroft, he was to be hunted
“by Hue and Cry as a Runaway Servant.”
The removal of the owner from the scene might
complicate the laborers bondage predicament, as it did in
the case that came before the Virginia Colony Council in
1675 on the petition of Phillip Corven, an African-
Originally, Corven had been an under-age
bond-laborer of widow Annie Beazeley of James City
County. When Mrs Beazeley died in 1664, she left a will
assigning Corven to her cousin, Humphrey Stafford, for a
term of eight years, until 1672, at which time Corven
“should enjoy his freedom & be paid three barrels of corn
and as sute of clothes.” Long before that day could dawn,
however, Stafford had sold Corvens time to Charles
Lucas of Warwick County. In his petition for freedom,
Corven charged that he had been forced to accompany
Lucas to the Warwick County court and there to
acknowledge a formal “agreement to remain a bond-
laborer to Lucas, his heirs and assigns for twenty years.
Three years of this extra bond-servitude beyond the
original eight years were actually secured by Lucas in
this way before Corven brought his petition before the
Colony Council. Corvens petition asked for his freedom
dues, and for compensation for the previous three years of
unpaid labor. The record of the final disposition of the
case has not been preserved. But even if Lucas lost on
every point, he would still have been the gainer in all
probability, despite the very low price of tobacco in those
years, if, as seems likely, Corven was employed in
tobacco and producing over 1,500 pounds of it per year;
also to be taken into account is the interest gained by
Lucas by the delay of any freedom dues.
It was no more than a normal risk of doing business that
such aggressive methods should occasionally miscarry, as
in the case of William Whittacre.
Whittacre bought an
African-American bond-laborer named Manuel from
Thomas Bushrod, who himself had previously purchased
the laborer from Colonel William Smith. Somewhere
along the line, whether by self or others deceived,
Whittacre came to believe that Manuel was a lifetime
bond-laborer. Thus believing, Whittacre paid £25 for the
worker, twice what he would have paid for a male
limited-term bond-laborer. To Whittacre’s utter dismay,
the Virginia Assembly subsequently adjudged Manuel to
be “no slave but to serve as other Christian servants do,”
and he was freed in September 1665. Whittacre
maintained his innocence in the affair and asked to be
exempted from taxation to compensate him for his loss.
But the Assembly, “not knowing any reason why the
Public should be answerable for the inadvertency of the
Buyer for a Judgment given when justly grounded as that
Order was,” rejected Whittacre’s petition.
Cutting labor costs when no wages were paid
Although the employers of bond-laborers could not hope
to increase profits by reducing wages, they did have labor
costs that they were always eager to reduce the cost of
acquisition of the laborer (the purchase price); the cost of
maintenance during the period of servitude; and, finally,
the cost of the freedom dues to be paid to workers who
survived to the end of their terms. The first of these
aspects, reduction of acquisition costs, has been
discussed. The owners were just as diligent in their efforts
to reduce the costs of maintenance and freedom dues.
In the seventeenth-century Chesapeake colonies no law
was ever enacted to provide a minimum level of food,
clothing, drink, bedding, housing, or other necessities.
The burden of legal remedy was entirely on the laborer.
She or he had to find the courage and means to present a
magistrate (who himself was certain to be an owner of
bond-laborers) with a bill of particulars against her or his
own master, citing evidence of insufficient diet, clothing,
or shelter. Ordinarily, the worst that the owner might have
to expect from such a proceeding was to be ordered to
provide “sufficientlyfor the laborer in the future. There
was also the chance that the laborer might be sentenced to
a lashing at the whipping post if the complaint were
judged lacking in merit, as happened to William Evans for
“saying that Mrs Stone starved her servants to death,” and
to Thomas Barnes who was judged to have “complained
causelessly against his Master Mihill Ricketts.”
the standpoint of the employers, this manner of dealing
with the question of the maintenance of laborers was
preferable to any arrangement involving statutory
“mandated expenditures” by legislation.
As for the day-to-day costs of maintenance of their
workers, the employers of bond-labor were able to reduce
that factor to zero. The cost of clothing and housing the
bond-laborers was more than compensated by the
accumulation of interest on the freedom dues, or even the
avoidance of the payment of this terminal allowance in an
assured percentage of cases.
But the most attractive part
of the labor maintenance picture, as viewed by the
employer, was the fact that the workers produced their
own food. Of course, a portion of the laborers time had to
be given to the work, but that could not be considered a
loss of labor, any more than waiting for a wet day to
replant seedlings or for stripping the stalks could be
considered a loss of tobacco. They were all necessary
natural processes occurring in the cycle of reproduction
and expansion of the owner’s capital.
It was in the owners interest, however, to reduce such
“waiting time,” and the expenses and risks incidental to it.
This was done by forcing the laborers to subsist on Indian
corn, even though the laborers desired the regular
inclusion of meat and milk products in their diet.
corn diet was cheaper. The same basic labor-training and
the same hand implements were usable in cultivating corn
as in cultivating tobacco. Corn was relatively easily
stored, and it could be prepared and eaten in several
The labor of producing and processing corn was
easier to supervise than, for instance, that of rounding up
cattle and hogs in the woods and thickets where they
ranged, free as the bond-laborer wished to be. Finally,
corn was not then a profitable export crop, whilst Virginia
meats became increasingly so.
In England the prices of
consumables rose generally throughout the seventeenth
but from the 1640s onward, food products in
Virginia steadily declined in price.
As a result
Virginia’s exporters were able to secure a part of the trade
to the sugar colonies in the West Indies. As early as 1657,
oxen worth only £5 in Virginia were being exported to
Barbados at a price of £25.
For all these reasons, the
owners in the tobacco colonies found it sound business
practice to feed their bond-laborers on corn, and
correspondingly to reduce the amount of meat in the
workers’ diet.
By 1676, it was officially reported that
in Virginia “the ordinary sort of people” had beef to eat
only in the summer, and then only once or twice a week; in
the winter they received “only the corn of the country, beat
in a mortar and boiled … [and] the bread [that] is made of
the same corne, but with difficulty by reason of the
scarcity of mills.”
In 1679, two Dutch travelers in the
northern Chesapeake tobacco country observed that “for
their usual food, the servants have nothing but maize bread
to eat and water to drink.”
Under normal capitalist conditions the employer makes
payments to the employee daily, weekly, or semi-monthly.
Under the system of limited-term bond-servitude, the only
payment the employer was expected (it was not required
by statute) to make to the laborer was in the form of the
freedom dues paid upon satisfactory completion of the
term of servitude, which usually lasted five years. This
gave the employer of bond-labor a special advantage over
the employer of wage labor. First, the wage-laborer has to
advance his/her labor to the capitalist on credit, so to
speak, for only a day, or at most a couple of weeks. But
the bond-laborer was compelled to advance his/her labor
to the capitalist for five years. The employer of wage
labor has to pay out wages six or eight times before he
gets his money (plus profit) back from the sale of the
laborers product. The employer of the limited-term bond-
laborer, by contrast, was able to turn over his capital five
times before the first penny of freedom dues had to be paid
out. The original price paid to purchase the laborer was
probably less than £12.
By the end of five years the
bond-laborer could be expected to have brought the
employer an income of nearly £40,
while the interest on
the deferred freedom dues payment would cover the
freedom dues cost, worth no more than £6.
Even at the minimum rate of a five-year return of £40 on
the workers labor, the owner would have recouped his
purchase price perhaps within a year and a half. Since the
£6 cost of freedom dues was equivalent to the product of
about nine months’ bond-labor, the last nine months of a
bond-laborers scheduled term might be one of
diminishing returns for the employer. Ordinarily the
owners were most vigilant to frustrate runaway attempts
by their bond-laborers, but in this critical nine-month
period it might actually be to the employers advantage if
the bond-laborer ran away, or died, since in such cases no
freedom dues would have to be paid. At that point,
masters possessing initiative and drive might seek to
manage matters to that end, in a sort of timely
“downsizing,” as it might be called today. This practice
was noted in the report submitted by George Larkin to the
home government in 1701:
When their time expired, according to custom they [the bond-laborers] are
to have a certain allowance of corn and clothes, which in Maryland I think is
to the value of £6, but in Virginia not so much, to save which a Planter about
three months before the expiration of a servant’s time will use him
barbarously, and to gain a month’s freedom the poor servant gladly quits his
pretensions to that allowance.
There is a normal rate of labor that can be continued by
the laborer on a regular schedule without shortening his or
her life span to less than what could be expected by an
economically secure person in a non-competitive
situation. However, historical experience has shown that
capitalist employers tend not to be satisfied by such a
performance rate on the part of their workers. The wage-
labor relation is specially adaptable to the needs of
capital because it links wages to production; and it
induces competition among the workers in performance of
their tasks. To the extent that improved instruments of
production are introduced into the labor process, the
intensity of labor is more imposed than elicited because
the rate of operations is removed from the workers
control. Under the bond-labor system, however, where the
normal incentives to competition among workers was
lacking, and where the implements of labor were limited
to the human hand and the tools it held, the employers
necessarily relied solely on close and constant
supervision to secure higher labor productivity.
was so whatever the crop, but such supervision was
especially critical in making tobacco. Due to “the
complete absence of machine processes, in the
transplanting, topping, cutting, curing and sorting [of
tobacco] care must be supplied by detailed oversight,”
wrote Ulrich B. Phillips.
Joseph Clarke Robert, in his
history of the North American tobacco industry, notes that
“The best quality of tobacco was the fruit of only the most
diligent supervision. To send to market a profitable
parcel required a sober crop master who kept a critical
eye on the usual laborer.”
In addressing his own
question, “Why did productivity per worker increase?,”
Russell Menard concludes from his study of the colonial
records that “the weight of the evidence suggests that the
increased yield per worker was entirely due to the rise in
the number of plants one man could handle.”
Fitzhugh was merely recording a bit of ancient bourgeois
wisdom in noting that tobacco’s profitability depended on
the maintenance of a high ratio of supervisory force to
laborers employed. “Six hands often make double as much
money at tobacco as at cotton or sugar,” he wrote, “but a
crop of tobacco that employes sixty hands, always brings
the farmer in debt.”
The monocultural economy added further importance to
intense supervision. There was only one money, and its
name was tobacco – the sole measure of value, standard of
price, medium of exchange, and basis of credit. The one
customary money function that tobacco, in consequence of
its perishability, was unable to perform, was to serve as a
means of hoarding.
Bruce cites a letter of William
Fitzhugh, written in June 1690, complaining “that he had a
large number of hogsheads [of tobacco] which it was
impossible for him to export in consequence of the
scarcity of shipping, their contents undergoing great
damage by the delay, and in some cases falling into
Although the bond-labor system held no positive
incentives for increased effort on the part of the workers,
it was peculiarly suitable for exerting “negative
incentives.” For a failure to perform satisfactorily, the
laborer faced the threat of corporal punishment by the
owner. To resist “correction or to flee and be caught
might entail even more severe treatment. While the bond-
labor form inhibited the development of improved
instruments of labor, still, the employer had at his disposal
the entire twenty-four hours of the laborers day, except on
Sunday. The owners power in the exercise of this
authority was reinforced by the fact that he was not only
the employer but also the laborer’s landlord and victualer.
The laborers “victuals consisted mainly of hominy,
which was prepared in a very laborious way. Shelled corn
was placed in a mortar formed by hollowing out the end of
a hardwood log cut to a suitable length. Then a laborer
wielded a sizable stick, formed as a pestle, to pound the
grains into hominy. The pestle might be attached to a low-
hanging flexible tree branch by a cord, to even out the
stress of the upward and downward motions of the
pounders arm. The pounded corn was then sometimes
sifted through a cloth to free it of the inedible husks.
This was the one major aspect of plantation labor that
perhaps presented the laborers with a positive incentive to
produce, for whatever their corn allowance they were
able to consume it only if the heavy chore of “pounding at
the mortarwere regularly done. Having this incentive at
his disposal, the owner of the bond-laborers found it the
part of efficient management to reserve this task for the
periphery of the work schedule, assigning it as a task to be
performed after the days work in the field or woods was
done, or perhaps on Sunday, nominally the laborers’ day
of rest.
The owners’ brutal pursuit of higher output per worker
Evidence of the earnestness with which the employers
were able to press their advantage in order to raise output
per worker is found throughout the colonial records.
Frequently cited instances have by repetition come to
constitute a body of esoteric lore among students of this
aspect of American history.
Spurred on by the all-or-nothing nature of a
monocultural economy, and subject to the vagaries of a
generally glutted market, Virginia employers pushed
matters to the limit to secure the highest possible return on
their investment in laborers.
According to a mid-
seventeenth-century account:
the months of June, July, and August, being the very height of the Summer,
the poore Servant goes daily through the rowes of Tobacco to worm it, and
being overheated, he is struck with a Calenture or Fever and so
Henry Smith of Accomack County Virginia strove to get
the maximum effort from his bond-laborers; he tasked his
workers heavily and punished them brutally for
deficiencies in their performance. He was not disposed to
make any allowances just because a worker was a woman
fed on a meatless diet. Some of Smiths strongest men had
weeded as many as three hundred and fifty cornhills in a
day. Jane (at first mention the name is “Annie”) Powell
had been worked in the snow barefoot, and had got by on
hominy and salt ever since coming to Virginia. But Henry
Smith, perfectionist that he was, could not be moved by
such considerations; one day in 1668, when Powell had
weeded three hundred cornhills, Smith beat her severely
with his whip fashioned from a bulls penis (“pizzle”), for
the deficiency of her work performance.
Increased labor intensity required greater time for rest
if the laborers physical condition were not to deteriorate.
But nothing was to be permitted to interfere with the
timely completion of the annual tobacco crop. According
to the record, the owners often found it a profitable option
to work their bond-laborers during time supposedly
allowed for rest, even at the risk of some attrition of the
labor force. Dankers and Sluyter, whose report on their
visit to the northern Chesapeake in 1678–80 has been
mentioned, found that the bond-laborers, though poorly
maintained, were “compelled to work hard” with too little
rest. Both African and European laborers, they wrote,
after they have worn themselves down the whole day, and gone home to
rest, have yet to grind the grain For their masters and all their families as
well as themselves.
When in 1657 bond-laborer William Ireland sought relief
from being required to beat at the mortar at night after
working all day in the field for his owner Captain Philip
Morgan, the Maryland Provincial Court sided with the
owner, although it said that such extra duty should be
exacted only at a Seasonable time in the yeare or in the
case of Necessity.”
The interpretation of these
limitations, for practical purposes, was left to the owner.
But when it was a matter of limiting bond-laborers’
resting time, the law was specific. Despite the inclination
of kind-hearted masters and English rural custom the
government twenty years earlier had resolved that,
“touching the resting of servants on Satturdaies in the
afternoon … no such custom [is] to be allowed.”
Some employers had strong reservations as well about
the value of resting servants,” even on Sundays, seeming
to think that it was necessary and proper to keep the
Sabbath day wholly occupied with bond-labor tasks. Such
was the recollection of one disgruntled and literate former
We and the negroes both alike did fare,
Of work and food we had an equal share;
But in a piece of ground we called our own,
The food we eat first by ourselves were sown.
No other time to us they would allow,
But on a Sunday we the same must do:
Six days we slave for our master’s good,
The seventh day is to produce our food.
The trials to which an employer might be put in attempting
to raise per capita production may be seen in the case of
John Little of Maryland. In the spring of 1657, no doubt a
“Seasonable time full of “necessity,” Little commanded
one of his bond-laborers, Henry Billsberry, to pound at the
mortar on a Sunday. In close company with an Indian
comrade, Billsberry fled out of bondage to Indian country.
Possibly the youthful laborers were reacting to what they
may have regarded as a compounding of injustice and
hypocrisy by their owner. For, when sent for in their
refuge, they returned reply that they had rather live with
the Pagans.”
Illness among bond-laborers was a frequent problem
for employers in their constant pursuit of higher output per
laborer. Besides the production loss, the cost of medical
treatment for the laborer was likely to be too high, at least
so high that, according to Bruce, “masters were tempted to
suffer a servant to perish for want of proper advice and
medicines rather than to submit to their [the physicians’]
Owners might be reluctant to excuse
laborers from work on account of illness, as a former
bond-laborer recalled:
At length, it pleased God I sick did fall
But I no favor could receive at all,
For I was forced to work while I could stand,
Or hold the hoe within my feeble hands.
The temptation of masters to which Bruce referred was
hard to resist, judging from the high death rate among
bond-laborers in the Chesapeake in the seventeenth
One Maryland employer surrendered to it with
such flawless ledger logic that diarists made special
mention of it:
a master having a sick servant … and observing from his declining condition,
he would finally die, and that there was no probability of his enjoying any
more service from him, made him, sick and languishing as he was, dig his
own grave, in which he was laid a few days afterwards, the others being too
busy to dig it, having their hands full attending to the tobacco.
It must be kept in mind that practically all the cases of
physical abuse of bond-laborers by their owners are
known to us only because the laborer risked bringing the
matter to a magistrate, who as we have noted himself was
necessarily an owner of many acres and numbers of bond-
laborers. Benedict Talbot and William Walworth charged
in court that their owner, Captain Hillary Stringer, had
“occasioned the death of their fellow bond-laborer
Ellinor Conner. The Accomack County court finding the
petition to be worse than groundless, a malicious
concoction, ordered Talbot and Walworth to make
satisfaction to their owner (presumably by added time of
servitude) for all the expenses to which he had been put as
a result of their accusation.
There were instances of
courts ordering that a bond-laborer be sold away from an
abusive master. But even on those extremely rare
occasions, the owners were not penalized other than by
being fined a relatively small amount of tobacco.
There is no way of knowing how many bond-laborers
died as a result of starvation, or overwork, or by physical
abuse by their owners or on their owners’ orders in
seventeenth-century Virginia and Maryland. Morris
catalogued descriptively half a dozen murders of bond-
laborers by their owners.
The law passed by the
Virginia Assembly in 1662 forbidding secret burials is
clear evidence that such occurrences, glossed with suspect
allegations of soul-damning “suicide,” or other variations
of blaming the victim, were of such frequency that they
might interfere with the general overriding interest in
maintaining the labor supply from the mother country. The
law remarked that
[T]he private burial of servants & others give[s] occasion of much scandall
against diverse persons, and sometimes not undeservedly so [and]
servants are fearful to make discovery if murther were committed [all
ending in] that barbarous custom of exposing the corps of the dead (by
makeing their graves in comon and unfenced places) to the prey of hoggs
and other vermine.
Occasionally an owners zeal for increased
productivity verged on counterproductive pathology.
Northampton County, Virginia, in the summer of 1640,
Thomas Wood was whipped by two men with rope ends
for objecting to being forced to beat at the mortar, an
onerous chore from which he claimed his indenture
exempted him. The next day he was found dead.
summer “was not the time of yeare for to be sick,” said
John Mutton to his bond-laborer Francis Burton, a
“seasoned hand” who was complaining of a headache.
Accusing Burton of “dissembling,” Mutton struck and
kicked Burton, who died within a few hours.
In May 1657, John Dandy, a large planter, a smith, and
owner of a water mill in Maryland, fractured the skull of
his young lame bond-laborer Henry Gouge with an axe for
reasons not given in the record. Gouge survived, although
the wound did not heal. Dandy angrily rejected his wife’s
suggestion that he look after the matter. One day two
months later, Dandy went to check on Gouge’s
performance of a task he had been assigned, and was
disappointed at how little Gouge had accomplished.
Fellow laborers nearby then heard Gouge cry out in pain
as if he were being beaten. He was never seen alive again,
but his body was recovered from Cole Kill a month later.
Though Dandy denied guilt, the history of the life-
threatening abuse he had dealt to Gouge, the two auditory
witnesses, the record of his death sentence for killing a
young Indian bond-laborer some ten years before (which
had been commuted to seven years service as the
executioner of all corporal correction sentences handed
down by the provincial courts), his attempt to flee to
Virginia because he said Maryland authorities had treated
him severely in the past, but above all the accusing blood
from the corpse when he touched it – doomed him. He was
convicted of murder and hanged.
Late in August 1664, Ann Arundel County, Maryland,
employer Joseph Fincher sought to secure a higher per
capita output by increasing the size of the load of tobacco
plants to be carried by a bond-laborer. When one of the
bearers, Joseph Haggman, protested that the load was too
great, Fincher tried to encourage him by threatening him
with a beating worse than ever a dog was given. Haggman
took up the burden, but he staggered under the weight of it.
Fincher, apparently provoked beyond endurance, reacted
by striking and kicking Haggman, perhaps by way of
making an example of him for the edification of other
bond-laborers. As it happened, Haggman died of this
treatment. Fincher was found guilty of murder on 22
December 1664 and hanged for it.
On 20 January 1665/6 Francis Carpenter, finding his
bond-laborer Samuell Yeoungman to be dilatory about
fetching firewood, broke a stick over the back of the
workers head as he bent to his task. Unable to recover,
Yeoungman died three weeks later. At trial, the jury found
Carpenter guilty of manslaughter but granted him benefit of
Henry Smith, whose brutality has already been noted,
treated all his many bond-laborers with severity, but
especially so John Butt, sixty years old and feeble. Ould
John,” as Butt was known to all, could never seem to do
his work to Smiths satisfaction, nor was he constituted to
withstand the beatings that Smith regularly used in order to
urge his workers on, even as he was starving them for
food. Butts condition steadily deteriorated, but he was
forced to work, eventually in chains. Still somehow his
performance could never come up to Smiths standard, and
Smith would accuse Butt of shirking and call him a
“dissembling rogue.” As fellow bond-laborers testified,
Smith “would very often Grievously beat the aforesaid
Ould John with a Bulls pizzle because he being aged was
unable to work.” Finally bone weary, utterly broken in
body and spirit, John Butt was left in isolation in the
winter-idle tobacco house. It was then that he told his
fellow bond-laborer Richard Chambers that “the blowes
given by his master would be his death,” and so they were;
Butt died, cold and alone, on the floor of the tobacco
house on 25 November 1666.
In the absence of further
record it appears that Smith was never brought to court for
this fatal mistreatment of bond-laborer Butt.
February was a time for clearing woodland that would
soon be needed for new tobacco ground. Much of the work
involved carrying logs. One Wednesday early in February
1681, James Lewis went to extreme lengths to impress
upon his bond-laborers his determination to have the
maximum individual effort from them. He became angered
when certain of his laborers volunteered to help Joseph
Robinson to carry a log which was too heavy for him to
manage, even though, as was later revealed, he had
nourished himself on a bit of meat stolen from the
employer’s closet. According to testimony presented to the
Maryland Provincial Court, Lewis seized the feeble bond-
laborer, “threw him down and Trampled Upon his Throat
with such Violence that within Two hours the said Joseph
dyed.” Then Lewis threatened Mary Naines, another bond-
laborer, to serve her the Same and Swore Dam him he
cared not a straw for the consequences. The employers
careless attitude was not disappointed in the event; though
eventually convicted of the murder, he was merely to be
“burnt in the hand,” a penalty that was more often a cold
formality than an actual hot-branding of the fleshy base of
the thumb.
In a number of other horrifying cases the record does
not link the brutality to supervisory concerns. In three
cases now to be briefly noted, it seems that perhaps pure
sadistic pleasure may have been the basic motive of the
perpetrators. In the summer of 1660, bond-laborer
Margarett Redfearne died after a severe beating by her
mistress, Anne Nevell. Nevell was found “not Guylty
despite testimony of witnesses to the abuse, and
Redfearne’s deathbed accusation of Nevell.
That same
year, bond-laborer Catherine Lake fell down and died
within an hour of being kicked by her owner, Thomas
Mertine (or Martine). After considering the evidence,
including the failure of the corpse to exude blood when
touched by the accused, in those times regarded as an
accusation of the killer, the jury of twelve men exonerated
The Maryland Provincial Court record of 27
October 1663 provides the graphic details of the
merciless beatings administered by Pope Alvey to his
bond-laborer Alice Sandford, which resulted in her death.
Alvey was convicted of murder, but by pleading “benefit
of clergyhe escaped punishment except for the ritualistic
cold-ironburning” of the flesh of his thumb.
Some scholars who have examined the same documents
that I have been citing in this chapter justify the chattel
bond-labor system despite occasional abuses by the
owners as a rational and on the whole benign adaptation
to the colonial environment.
They are naturally appalled
and horrified by the record left by Henry Smith, Pope
Alvey, Joseph Fincher and their like. But they seem to
ignore the essential relationship between the system of
chattel bond-servitude and the documented brutality and
hardship to which the chattels were subjected, whether in
the extreme cases of murder and rape or in the routine
cases of illicit extension of servitude and deprivation of
food and clothing.
Psychopathic cruelty can be found in every historical
era, and in the seventeenth-century Chesapeake court
records there are occasional references to the mentally
But in no case of murder or rape or other
unspeakable brutality by owners of bond-laborers was it
even suggested that the owner was acting irrationally. If
Smith, Fincher, Alvey were psychopaths, which is the
most generous allowance that may be made for them, one
must ask why that defense was never invoked in such
cases. The record does not tell us; perhaps it would have
struck too closely to the irrationality of the same system
that in England a century before had been rejected because
of its “extremity.”
For, psychopaths aside, the records show that the
employers of bond-labor were no more charitable toward
their workers than were the “spirits”, trepanners, “soul
drivers”, and run-of-the-mill merchants and ship captains
in the “servant trade.” Were not the “plantersdriven by
the same compulsion of their social character as
accumulators of capital?
Who, then would be more
likely to succeed in the tobacco-raising business: the
owner who, whatever the climate, made lighter demands
upon the “unadaptable” laborer, or the master who made
heavier demands? And who could have been more
vulnerable to those demands than the chattel bond-
Finally, of the general historians of the seventeenth-
century Chesapeake whom I have encountered, with the
exception of Allan Kulikoff, none give due attention to the
special oppression of women bond-laborers. These
workers were routinely sentenced to two and a half years’
additional bond-servitude for becoming mothers. Then as
now, patriarchy and male supremacism were in the
ascendant. But the denial of the right to marriage and
family, a unique feature of the Anglo-American bond-
labor system, in the context of the plantation bond-labor
system was not a social aberration; it was an
indispensable condition for the preservation of that
particular form of capitalist production and accumulation.
The chattel bond-labor system of the continental Anglo-
American plantation colonies was incompatible with the
status of coverture” because “coverture was an
insurmountable barrier to the imposition of chattel status
on the laborers. At the same time, by nullifying the “a-
mans-home-is-his-castle” principle, it denied the
plantation bourgeoisie the benefit of the patriarchy as a
system of social control over the laboring people.
This is a matter of more than general humanitarian
consideration. The family-barring oppression endured by
the chattel bond-laborers contributed in a doubly
fundamental way to the social tensions that finally rent the
social fabric asunder in Bacons Rebellion. Not only did
it directly sharpen the class antagonism of proletariat and
bourgeoisie; the very nature of the chattel bond-labor
system made impossible the development of a buffer
social control stratum normal to English society.
… and Resisting
W. E. B. DuBois, in his 1909 address to the American
Historical Association on post-Civil War Reconstruction
in the South, broke the silence regarding the role of bond-
laborers as a self-activating social and political force in
American history.
In time, thanks largely to the single-
minded efforts of Carter G. Woodson, together with his
associates in the publication of the Journal of Negro Life
and History, and then later the studies of revolts of
African-American bond-laborers, especially developed
by Herbert Aptheker, the attention of a number of other
scholars was directed to this aspect of our history. As a
result of the consciousness-raising effects of the war
against Nazism, and of the civil rights struggles of the
1950s and 1960s, there was an upsurge in interest in the
study of the seventeenth-century origin of racial slavery,
centering on issues that are noted in the Introduction in
Volume One of the present work. That interest has focused
on the colonial Chesapeake. But discussion of the bond-
laborers as a self-activating social and political force has
been almost completely neglected, with the exception of
the excellent article by Timothy H. Breen, A Changing
Labor Force and Race Relations in Virginia 1660–1710.”
Breens argument is especially distinguished by its
correction of the general tendency of historians to rely
“too heavily upon statute law as opposed to social
practice in interpreting seventeenth-century Virginia
Breen was also exemplary in the consistency
with which he noted the class character of the struggle of
the African-American bond-laborers in the eighteenth
century, and the overwhelming disadvantage to their cause
“without the support of poorer whites and indentured
The present chapter documents instances of self-
activation of bond-laborers as molders of their own fate.
In keeping with the basic concern of this work, emphasis
will be given to evidence of readiness of European-
American bond-laborers to join with African-American
bond-laborers in actions and plots of actions against their
bondage, and to the readiness of free persons to support
the struggles of the bond-laborers, both of which were
inconsistent with racial slavery. It is to be hoped that this
material will prepare the reader to appreciate the
historical significance of the role of bond-laborers in the
event called Bacons Rebellion, and the relation of that
event to the invention of the white race.
Where There Is Oppression, There Is
Where there is oppression, there is resistance, insufficient
though it may be. When resistance is enough it becomes
rebellion. Where the intermediate buffer social control
stratum becomes dysfunctional, rebellion breaks through.
So at least the records of the Anglo-American plantation
colonies seem to show, particularly those of seventeenth-
century Virginia.
Denied a livable life, bond-laborers would commit
suicide, hazarding hells fire; alternatively, they might
assault their owners. Starve them and they would steal
from their owners, or kill hogs, wild or marked, for
clandestine feasts, or on occasion they would rise in
defiant mutiny. Bloody their backs with lashes well laid
on,” add months or years to their servitude for “stealth of
oneself,” and they still would run away, singly orin
Double the penalty for European-Americans who
ran away with African-Americans; they would do so
anyway. Deny them the right to marry and the shield of
coverture, lash womens backs; they would seek solace in
“fornication,” and be damned to ye! Double the penalty for
European-American women who mated with African-
American men; they would do so anyway. Attenuate the
intermediate social control stratum; and at an opportune
moment, they would join en masse in armed rebellion.
Suicide and assault
One day late in October 1656, a chattel bond-laborer
known to the record only as Thomas, an Irishman and
owned by John Custis, shortened his term of servitude by
slashing his own throat and then throwing himself down a
There is no record of any note left or any notice he
may have given for his last decision. Had he been an
object in the Irish slave trade” that thrived in the wake of
the English conquest of his country?
Or was he perhaps
brooding on news, conveyed by his owner, of the “custom-
of-the-country law requiring Irish bond-laborers to serve
a year longer than English bond-laborers?
At the height of the 1661 tobacco crop season, a bond-
laborer, nameless in the record, willfully Cast himselfe
awayin a creek near his owners Westmoreland County
plantation. That was a year when tobacco prices were
falling to their lowest level yet, so that each laborer would
have to be made to produce twice as much as he/she had
produced a couple of years before, just so the owner might
stay even. Perhaps this circumstance added chagrin to the
moral outrage of the court’s order that this unfaithful
worker be “buried at the next cross path with a stake
driven through the middle of him.”
That same year, in
York County, where tobacco prices were no higher,
Walter Catford with spiteful disregard for the interests of
his owner and “for want of Grace tooke a Grind stone and
a Roape and tyed it around his Middle and Crosse his
thighs and most barbarously went and drowned himselfe
contrary to the Laws of the King and this Country.”
Bond-laborers of different temperament were disposed
to turn their anger outward. They were likely to disappoint
ruling-class expectations by individual displays of
violence against owners or overseers, and by destruction
of their owners property, despite the whippings and
extended bondage that the magistrates were certain to
impose when such cases came before them, or even the
death sentence that could be imposed by the General
Around the end of 1658, Huntington Ayres, wielding a
“lathing hammer,” murdered his owner and his owners
wife as they slept.
No suggestion as to the particular
motive for the murder is recorded; it seems to have been
considered simply the extreme denouement of the general
master-servant conflict. On 16 January 1671, on an Elke
River, Maryland, plantation, owner John Hawkins was
slain by axes wielded by a group of three of his bond-
laborers two European-Americans and one African-
American – and one European-American former bond-
laborer. As servants killing a master, they were charged
with “petty treason,” as if the motive were thereby
sufficiently implied.
The more common form of individual struggle was, in
the words of a law passed by the Virginia Assembly in
March 1662, “the audacious unruliness of many stubborne
and incorridgible servants resisting their masters and
That law prescribed an extra year of
servitude for any bond-laborer who should “lay violent
hands on his or her master, mistress or overseer.”
A hoe was the weapon of choice for Charles Rogers,
Norfolk County bond-laborer, in his assault on his owner
one August day in 1666.
It was the hoe too for bond-
laborer William Page in 1671 in Lancaster County in
September, a climactic period in the annual round of
“making tobacco.” Upon some disagreement with his
owner, Page struck at him with a hoe and defied him to
attempt to correct him. “God damn him,” he was reported
as saying, “if his master strock him he would beat out his
A year later in Northampton County, Portuguese
Nicholas Silvio apparently was sometimes absent without
leave pursuing a love affair with Mary Gale, a bond-
laborer on a nearby plantation, with whom he would soon
have a child. When his owner, Captain John Savage,
sought to call him to account, Silvio declined to respond,
saying “hee was not intended to worke night & day too.”
Thereupon, Captain Savage made the mistake of kicking at
Silvio, who then flew att his master and struck him 4
blowes and tore the Masters good holland shirt very
Provoked on some account one day in June 1765, bond-
laborer Nicholas Paine (or Pane) threw “five or six bricks
or brick batts at his owner, Colonel Thomas Swann of
Surry County, who saved himself by ducking behind a
gate. A fellow bond-laborer wondered how Paine dared
to do such a thing, and expressed awe at the sign of “the
depression of three bricks in the gate.” Paine’s only
comment was, “a plague take the damn gate[;] if it had not
bin for that [I] would have hit him.”
Although John Bradley had served as a bond-laborer
for eleven years – at a time when according to law no non-
indentured bond-laborer was supposed to serve more than
seven years
the Norfolk County Court in November
1654 rejected Bradleys petition for freedom. Perhaps as
a payback to the system for such abuse of his rights,
Bradley set fire to a cornfield three times in less than a
A similar flaming farewell was tendered by
bond-laborer John Parris before he ran away in the spring
of 1687.
Sometimes several bond-laborers would combine to
confront the owner or overseer. In February 1648, the
bond-laborers owned by John Wilkins told him in a
menacing manner and in rudest terms that they [would]
not any longer bee his servants.”
In the matter of diet
In 1662 the penalty for hog-stealing was two years’ added
servitude for each hog, and a law passed in 1679 made the
third offense punishable by death.
Yet there are many,
many cases of bond-laborers, often acting in small groups,
stealing and killing hogs to supplement their corn-and-
water diet.
Several such group efforts were made by
three European-Americans – John Fisher, Thomas Hartley,
and Roger Crotofte (variously spelled) – and two African-
American bond-laborers Tony and one not named in the
record all the property of John West, who owned more
bond-laborers than anyone else in Accomack County in
that year, 1684. The five would more often than not dress
and cook the stolen meat and feast on it inthe swamp,” or
other clandestine rendezvous. Usually they were able to
make the food last for several days. When a fellow worker
asked John Fisher about the possibility of being charged
by a court, Fisher replied that in that circumstance he
would run away and “send his master a very Loveing
Letter that his sheep, his hogg & turkeys were very fatt.”
In other instances bond-laborers sought to improve their
diet not by stealth, but by confrontation with the owning
class. One Thursday in March 1663 in Calvert County,
Maryland, Richard Prestons eight bond-laborers
“peremptorily and positively refused to goe to their
ordinary labour,” saying that their diet of Beanes and
Bread” had made them too weak to “performe the
imployments [Preston] putts us uppon.” Preston asked the
courts help, for fear that from the example of this unruly
eight, “a worse evill … should ensue by encouraging other
servants to do the like.”
In 1670, bond-laborers owned
by a Widow Hale got some alimentary relief when, upon
their complaint, the Lancaster County Court ordered that
Hale provide a milk cow for the use of the bond-
In 1661, bond-laborers owned by Major Thomas
Goodwin in York County had become “refractory about
their work because of their “hard usage” and being fed
“nothing but Corne and water.”
When magistrate Thomas
Beale came to Goodwins plantation to remonstrate with
the workers there about their defiance of authority, he
found 24-year-old freeman William Clutton, who well
remembered his own sufferings as a bond-laborer. Indeed,
he had declined to be Major Beale’s overseer precisely
because Beale fed his workers so poorly. Clutton told
Beale in the presence of the aggrieved bond-laborers that
they ought to be provided with meat three times a week
and with cows for milking. The workers, taking
encouragement from Clutton but realizing that their first
idea, for sending a petition to the king in England, was not
practicable, resolved to do battle for themselves not just
for a better diet, but for an end to their bond-servitude.
They would
get a matter of Forty of them together & get Gunnes & cry as they went
along who would be for liberty and free from bondage & that there would
be enough come to them & they would goe through the Countrey and Kill
those that made any opposition that they would be either free or dye for it.
The plot, frustrated by discovery, was investigated by
Magistrate Beale. Seeing in the event a tendency to the
“Disturbance of the peace of the Country & to the hazard
of mens lives,” Beale ordered the Magistrates and
Masters to looke into the practices & behaviour of their
Servants.” William Clutton was so widely respected that
after he promised to cease his agitation of the workers, his
good-behavior bond was returned to him.
Two years later the largest, most widespread
insurrectionary plot of bond-laborers was discovered in
Gloucester County, Virginia. Unfortunately, as a result of
the total destruction of Gloucester County records in two
fires, in 1821 and 1865, only a few scraps of the record
remain concerning this event.
The design was hatched by a number of Cromwellian
veterans who had been sentenced to be transported to
bond-servitude by the restored monarchy of Charles II. On
the first weekend in September the plotters gathered in the
house of Mr Knight (apparently a sympathetic free man) to
discuss a designe for their freedom”; each and all were
pledged to secrecy on pain of death. The revolt was to be
launched from their rendezvous at Poplar Spring at
midnight on the following Sunday, 14 September. The core
group, bringing with themwhat Company, armes, and
ammunicion [they] could gett,” would assemble at Poplar
Spring. Then, moving forth with the confidence of
veterans, they would seize arms, ammunition and a drum
from the militia’s store. They would goe from house to
house to houserallying bond-laborers to join in a grand
march to Governor William Berkeley and demand their
freedom. If the governor should refuse, they would “march
out of the Country.”
Their plan was betrayed to the authorities by a bond-
laborer named Berkenhead,
so that the militia authorities
were able to get to the Poplar Spring rendezvous ahead of
the rebels and arrest them as they arrived. But word
spread of the militia’s trap, and only a few of the rebels
were apprehended; of those, four were hanged.
The colony authorities were shaken by the revelation of
the insurrectionary threat to the rule of the plantation
bourgeoisie. The Virginia Assembly made the day of its
discovery, 13 September, an annual holy day, and granted
Berkenhead his immediate freedom and a reward of 5,000
pounds of tobacco.
Two other, more substantial,
measures were taken in reaction to this event. One was the
passage of a new law requiring owners of bond-laborers
t o prevent the workers from leaving the plantations to
which they belonged without explicit permission, on
Sundayes or any other dayes.”
The other, which will be
further noted in Chapter 11 was a proposal to tax by
landholding rather than by poll, thus disfranchising the
landless poor.
While the record makes no mention of
African-Americans in connection with the 1663 plot, it is
of interest to the present study that there is no indication of
any exclusionary tendency on the part of the plotters;
rather, their depositions suggest that they intended to
recruit every last bond-laborer to their freedom march.
Flight and “fornication”
Of the various ways that the bond-laborers found for
defying and resisting their oppressors, the two most
common forms were:
(1) continual attempts to free
themselves by running away (a common theme of studies
of the life and status of laborers in that period); and (2)
sexual liaisons – criminalized under the term “fornication
conducted in defiance of the ruling-class denial of the
bond-laborers right to be married (an aspect that, so far
as I know, has not previously been even acknowledged as
resistance to the owning class, except by Warren M.
Billings and by Joseph Douglas Deal III).
Running away
The official records regarding runaway bond-laborers,
with few exceptions, concern cases in which recaptured
fugitives are being arraigned or are listed in claims being
made for payment to the “takers-up” of such fugitives.
Occasionally there are grounds for believing that some of
the runaways succeeded in avoiding recapture. Owners
might refrain from bringing such cases to official attention
because of the distance to be traveled to see the
magistrate, or the inconvenient timing of court days, or the
incidental fees that might have to be borne by the owner if
the runaways were not caught; undoubtedly these factors
together were responsible for many flights never being
noted in the record.
For the great runaway year 1676–77,
there is a general hiatus in the records in consequence of
Bacons Rebellion, which was fueled by the adherence to
it of great numbers ofrunaway” bond-laborers.
In many instances bond-laborers sought to escape the
jurisdiction of Virginia authorities by fleeing to the
Indians, to Dutch colonial territory, to Pennsylvania, or to
the more newly formed neighboring Maryland and North
Carolina (known as Albemarle until 1691). Probably
fewer than half the runaways traveled alone. Many were in
groups of two or three, but there were instances of larger
undertakings. In Gloucester County (whose records, as
previously noted, have all been lost), the General
Assembly noted in 1661 that “servants and other idlers
[were] running away in troops.”
I have tabulated a total
of between 880 and 890 individual fugitives who were
subject to the attention of the county courts. In addition, an
indeterminate number were referred to by terms such as
“several and “groups,” or simply as “servants in the
plural without enumeration.
With regard to the central concern of this work the
question of the origin of racial oppression two facts of
transcendent significance are presented by the record of
runaways. First, considering the fact that no more than
about one out of every four or five bond-laborers was an
African-American even as late as the 1670s and 1680s,
there was a considerable degree of collaboration of
African-Americans and European-Americans in a common
endeavor to escape. In the records I have examined, such
collaboration was noted in fifteen separate instances
involving a total of some seventy or seventy-five
Second, there was a readiness of free persons
to assist bond-laborers in running away, as recorded in
fifteen instances involving fifty-eight people. In this
chapter, I accordingly cite principally instances that
represent these two aspects of the runaway phenomenon.
However, with respect to the subjective or ideological
element, these cases do not differ in the least from any of
the others; all represented a common front against the
chattel bond-labor system, free of any evidence of social
distinction or prejudice.
One form of resistance of women bond-laborers to their
double yoke of gender and class oppression was to run
away, usually in the company of men bond-laborers or
free sympathizers but in some cases without male
support. The generally greater vulnerability of women to
the perils faced in leaving the plantation in this new
strange country would seem obvious. Nevertheless,
despite the fact that they were a relatively minor
proportion in the population, among the runaways I have
noted from the records there were sixty-nine women,
including six African-Americans and two Indians.
By 1640, two years after Colony Secretary Kemp had
reported on the predominance of human merchandise
among Virginia immigrants, the Virginia General Court
was receiving daily complaints about “servants that run
away from their masters whereby much loss doth ensue
to the masters.” The problem had reached such proportion
that the Colony Council made the recapture of runaway
bond-laborers a public concern, and ordered that the
expense of recovering fugitives be borne not by the owner,
but by the public treasury of the counties involved.
Early in June 1640, three Virginia bond-laborers,
“Victor, a dutchman a Scotchman called James
Gregory [and] a negro named John Punch,” escaped
together to Maryland. Unfortunately they were pursued
and, at the insistence of the Virginia Colony Council, they
were brought back to face the Virginia General Court.
That same month, the Virginia Colony Council and
General Court commissioned a Charles City County posse
to pursue “certain runaway negroes.” The provision that
the cost was to be shared by all the counties from which
they had run away suggests that the phenomenon was
Since no further record seems to exist
regarding this particular undertaking, perhaps these
workers avoided recapture.
As if encouraged by such a possibility, seven bond-
laborers – Andrew Noxe, Richard Hill, Richard Cookson,
Christopher Miller, Peter Wilcocke (presumably English),
an African-American, Emanuel, and John Williams (“a
dutchman”) set off one Saturday night a month later in a
stolen boat, with arms, powder and shot. They, however,
were taken up before they could reach open water.
In October of that same year, a most dangerous
conspiracy was entered into by three free men John
Bradye, John Tomkinson, and Richard West – and six
bond-laborers Margaret Beard, John Winchester,
William Wooton, William Drummer, Robert Rouse, and
Robert Moseley – “to run out of the countryto “the Dutch
The plan was discovered before it could be
executed. The punishments meted out by the authorities
appear to reflect an increasing alarm that such escapes
would reduce the pressure that employers might bring to
bear on laborers in the course of their routine
employments. In addition to the thirty-stripe whippings,
extended periods of servitude, and the working in shackles
imposed in the case of Noxe et al., a number of those
charged with extensive conspiracies in this case were to
be punished also by being branded on the cheek and the
In the fall of 1645, an African-American bond-laborer
Phillip, owned by Captain Phillip Hawley, helped
runaway European-American bond-laborer Sibble Ford
hide from her pursuers for twenty days in a cave on
Hawleys plantation. His collaborator was European-
American Thomas Parks, who addressed the court
defiantly when he was arraigned for going about “to intice
and inveigle the mens Servants to runn away out of
their masters service.”
Two large-scale efforts to escape were made in
Accomack County in the mid-1660s. In August 1663, some
ten bond-laborers ran away together from Eastern Shore
plantations. Making use of a horse named Tom Hall and a
“good boat,” they headed for points north “the Dutch
plantation,” the Manhatans,” “New England.” Although
John Bloxam and Robert Hodge were retaken within a
week, it was four years before Miles Grace was caught;
but Thomas Hedrington and Robin Parker, and possibly
others, were still free. John Tarr was captured, but as
soon as he could he again escaped with three others;
though Tarr was again caught, the others succeeded in
eluding their pursuers.
An elaborate plot was discovered in 1670 in Accomack
County. It began with a group of some half-dozen bond-
laborers inspired by the report of four others who had
succeeded in escaping from another Eastern shore
plantation at Pocomoke. A first attempt was made in
October, that time being chosen because men of the local
“power elitewould then be in Jamestown for a meeting
of the General Assembly. However, because of a strong
contrary northwest wind that blew on the night chosen for
the escape, the men decided to stow the sails prepared for
the escape craft and postpone the effort, although Mary
Warren protested that “shee never saw such fooles in her
life to loose such a opportunity.” A second attempt was to
be made, and on a grander scale. A score of bond-laborers
from several Eastern Shore plantations, along with three to
five free persons,
were eventually pledged to the
enterprise. They were resolved to make good their
purpose by force against all that should oppose” them,
according to one of their number, 25-year-old bond-
laborer Renney Sadler. Depositions later given before the
magistrate revealed that the runaways had planned to tie
up one owner, Devorax Brown, and his wife,
disable the
horse from pursuing, and carry off a large gun for
installation on the small sailing vessel, a sloop, that would
carry them to freedom. The sloop was to be well stocked
with food prepared by a woman co-conspirator who had
access to the necessary provisions. Their aim was to sail
up Chesapeake Bay to “the dutch plantation” or “New
England,” with “black James,” reputed “the best pylot in
the land,” at the helm.
Perhaps because the plan involved
too many people and the preparation period was too long
for the preservation of the necessary secrecy, their
purpose was discovered in December and prevented.
In February 1672, European-American bond-laborer
William Richardson and an African-American bond-
laborer, not named in the record, ran away together. How
or why they became separated is not revealed, but only
Richardson was recaptured and arraigned eight and a half
years later; his partner was apparently never heard of
again in those parts.
In the summer of 1679, three
European-American bond-laborers, Mary Axton, Mary
West and William Siller, together with African-American
bond-laborer Thomas George, somehow managed to
escape from the James River plantation belonging to their
owner, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Milner, and row or
sail across Chesapeake Bay to Hogs Neck on the Eastern
Later that same summer in Lancaster County,
European-American bond-laborers William Adams,
Robert Bull and John Stookley and an African-American
bond-laborer, Tom, coordinated their efforts over three
different plantations to run away in a boat belonging to a
fourth plantation.
An African-American, whose name is
not supplied in the record, and his fellow bond-laborer
Hugh Callon in April 1683 collaborated in running away
from the plantation of their owner, Colonel Thomas
Brereton in Northumberland County.
American Thomas Callen [or Caller] and his African-
American comrade William Powell “stole themselves
away from their owner, Aron Spring of Elizabeth River.
They managed to get a boat in which they crossed
Chesapeake Bay and reached Maggoty Bay in
Northampton County; there they apparently became
separated. Powell was taken up in May 1687, but a year
later Callen still had not been recaptured.
a boat and two sheep, three laborers, Anthony Jackson and
Michael Connell, European-Americans, and Mingo, an
African-American, ran away from their owner, Charles
Egerton, some time before 5 August 1688.
While it is not possible from the record to fit all the
pieces together, there is no doubt that bond-laborers were
resolved on escaping from Mr Ralph Wormeley, Esquire,
their owner, of Middlesex County. In 1687 “John
Nickson with divers other ill-disposed servants and
others were charged with having plotted to procure
Gunnes powder and Shott and other Armes and to
Assemble themselves together with Design to withstand
and Oppose all persons that should endeavour to Suppress
them tending to the greate disturbance of his Majesties
Peace and the terrours of his liege people.”
Despite the
discovery of the scheme, it appears that after a delay of
some eighteen months the plotters succeeded to some
extent; having taken guns and ammunition, a number of the
rebels, including African-Americans Mingoe and
Lawrence, and European-American Richard Wilkins,
remained free for “a Considerable time,” in Wilkinss
case some twenty-eight months.
The name of Richard Ayrys African-American friend
is unknown to the court record; together they planned and,
“in the height of the [1688] crop season,” executed their
escape from Captain Richard Kenners plantation in
Northumberland County.
African-American Thomas
Roberts and Portuguese John Sherry, two bond-laborers
belonging to William Wise, fled from York County,
Virginia, on 18 August 1690 and stuck together all the way
to Philadelphia.
Free laboring people aid runaway bond-laborers
In the summer of 1669, the Widow Buckmaster and her
son Henry Crow refused to enlist in the hue and cry after a
runaway bond-laborer belonging to John Harris; instead,
they harbored the fugitive in their own house.
Stephens, a skilled seaman, was arraigned in Lancaster
County in March 1675 on the charge of devoting his
expertise to being the chiefe causer promoter and
instrumenter in the escape of three bond-laborers who
had not been heard of since.
Late in 1675, freeman John
Fennell accompanied bond-laborers William Beverly and
his wife and Jane Getting in running away from their
owner, William Carver.
At the June session of the
Accomack County Court, freeman Thomas Lehay was
found guilty of habitually assisting bond-laborers to run
away. He was ordered to post £20 sterling for his future
“good behaviour.”
Freeman Emanuell Rodriggus, an African-American,
was brought before the February 1672 session of the
Northampton County Court for having “unlawfully
entertayned” two runaway European-American bond-
laborers owned by Captain John Custis of Northampton
In mid-summer 1679, four African-Americans,
including one child too young to work, ran away in the
company of two free European-Americans, John Watkings
and Agness Clerk.
In November 1690, freeman Edward
Short was arraigned for “helping and assisting European-
American Roger Crotuff [Crotofte] and African-American
bond-laborer John Johnson to break out of the Accomack
county prison.
After Ann Redman, an African-American,
took her child and ran away from the plantation of
European-American Thomas Loyd in February 1696, she
was sought by hue and cry. Some twenty months later
Redman was seized from the home of European-American
Edwin Thacker, where she had found refuge.
I n Henrico County early in 1696, two African-
Americans, Betty and a man described only as being a
“mulatto,” ran away and were sheltered in the home of
Henry Turner. Somehow constable Edward Tanner was
able to arrest Betty and to confine her in his house. Betty
broke out at night, however, and returned to Turners
place. Tanner, with two assistants, came to Turners house
and sought to seize and bind the African-American man
(the “mulatto”), who naturally resisted, Tanner called
upon Turner to help subdue the man, but Turner
not only refused to assist [Constable Tanner], but forewarned[?] every body
from meddling with the said malotto, and when [Tanner] with Edward Ward
[his buddy] had gott the said Malloto fellow down and were going to binde
him, Henry Turner caught hold of the Rope and plucket it from them, and
threw it out of Doors, and taking up a hoe helve said that the fellow
(meaning the mallatto that was seized) should not be tyed there for he
[Turner] would defend him; which words so Encouraged the mallatto That
he took up a pistoll that lay by him and Kockt it, but Tanner and [one of his
helpers] layed hold of him and wrested the piston out of his hands, and again
endeavoured to binde him; but Henry Turner catching hold of the pistoll that
then was in [Tanners helpers] hand said he would lay him in the face if he
did not let goe; and the mallatto recovering his Gun and [standing] upon his
Guard [Tanner along with his two buddies] who endeavoured to
assist [were] forced to desist & goe their ways; all which [Constable
Tanner] conceives to be a matter of Evill Consequence.
Defiant solace
Deny them the right to marry and the shield of coverture;
they would fornicate” and be damned to ye. Double the
penalty for European-American women who mated with
African-American men; they would do so anyway.
As noted in Chapter 7, chattel bond-laborer status was
incompatible with marriage. Furthermore, despite the
various expedients adopted for recapturing the owners or
the parishs expenses for support of the children of
limited-term bond-laborers, natural increase was a
relatively unprofitable way of recruiting plantation labor-
power in the seventeenth-century tobacco colonies. In
these circumstances, it was simply good “bottom line
logic to outlaw sex by limited-term bond-laborers, calling
it “fornication,” for which cruel penalties were imposed.
(See Chapter 7 pages 1289.)
Male supremacism was a fundamental premise of
Anglo-American colonial life as it was in England. The
seventeenth-century records present depressing
confirmation of that fact. Crimes against and abuse of
women by men of all classes sometimes became the
subject of judicial notice, in cases including uxoricide,
rape, denial of access to food, eviction, sexual abuse,
economic exploitation, and battery. Altogether I have
noted 367 court cases relating to gender oppression. As
has been argued in Chapter 7, chattel bond-servitude,
which was the condition of the overwhelming majority of
women arriving in the tobacco colonies, gave an added
dimension to male supremacism, a distinctive blend of
class and gender oppression that accounted for 304 of the
cases characterized in the record as fornication and
“bastardy.” These more than three hundred court cases, in
which the rigor of the law was visited upon women bond-
laborer fornicators,” necessarily involved somewhere
around twice that number of persons. If the figure of 850
listed runaway bond-laborers is indicative of widespread
bond-laborer resistance to the system of chattel bond-
servitude, so must the persistent and pervasive assertion
by bond-laborers of the right to the solace of sexual
relations be regarded as rejection of the enforced sexual
abstinence imposed upon them as an essential
characteristic of that very system.
In 140 of those 304 cases, the identity of the male
partner is known.
In all, 17 were owners, 2 were
overseers. Of the remaining 121, 67, including 2 African-
Americans, were freemen, the great majority of whom had
been bond-laborers.
Some 54 were bond-laborers 31
European-Americans, 22 African-Americans, and 1
American Indian.
Leaving aside the instances of sexual relations
involving owners and overseers, in which the feelings of
the bond-laborers hardly needed to be consulted, what do
the general statistics and the particular case records
suggest about the motivations of the bond-laborers in the
other cases? The sex instinct of a bond-laborer was a
power that the plantation bourgeoisie could only hope to
curb by fear of legal retribution, glossed by preachments
on the virtue of abstinence.” Abstinence, however, was
one thing the bond-laborers had in plenty: “abstinence”
from decent food, clothing, and shelter, from possessions,
from receiving wages, from marriage and “coverture,”
from normal home life. At the same time, the record shows
what one might assume, namely that sexually exploitative
motives were common to persons of all social classes. In
the male-supremacist environment, such motives
accounted for the seduction, abandonment and sexual
exploitation of many women, particularly those most
vulnerable, the bond-laborers.
The predominance of freemen as partners in these cases
may be significant. Anne Collinss interest in freeman
Robert Pierce was particularly based on the hope to
escape her bondage by alliance with him. “I should never
have yielded to his desyres but hee told me he would free
me from my Master, whatsoever it would cost him & that
hee had Stocke Cattle Servants & a plantation [and] that I
should ride his mare & then your [Collins’s] Mistress will
think much.”
Despite the risks such bond-laborers ran in
“yielding to the desyres” of freemen, it is reasonable to
assume that Anne Collins’s motivation was a common one
for women bond-laborers. In such cases each woman
bond-laborer was conducting her own individual strategy
for throwing off chattel bondage, even though to do so
risked subjection to a husband. Although liaisons between
male bond-laborers and free women were rare, perhaps
men in those cases were also motivated by a hope of
gaining their freedom through such a connection. Yet truly
felt and mutual love and sympathy in resistance to the
bond-labor system might still have motivated sexual
partners even in cases where those feelings were confused
with hope for an improved social status.
We have noted that Lucy Stratton was one who did not
invest herself in such confusion. In contrast to Anne
Collins, Stratton spurned her owners offer of marriage
because she did not love him, and because his interest in
her was mere lust.
In making the distinction between
mere sexual male exploitation and love, she showed the
normal desire to be truly loved and cherished, sexually
and otherwise.
Being by law denied the right to dispose of property, as
lovers bond-laborers
had little to offer each other but
comfort and emotional support.
In 86 of the 140 male-
partner-identified fornication cases brought against
women bond-laborers, the men were free men, and thus
property considerations and social mobility expectations
might have been factors. Yet there were 50 instances of
such charges against women bond-laborers where the man
was a bond-laborer.
One does not find many avowals of romantic love in
seventeenth-century court records; love letters written by
the bond-laborers and the free poor persons of that place
and time must be extremely rare, if indeed any exist at all.
But one can imagine the sense of love and fear, elation and
despair, the passionate avowals and practical concerns
they might have expressed regarding experiences
described in court records. What love note could more
adequately testify to their mutual devotion, for instance,
than the decision of two lovers to risk together the perils
and penalties of flight from chattel servitude?
What observations were exchanged on love and
bondage between Penelope Sandford and Adam
Robinson? In June 1666, for becoming parents, those two
bond-laborers were sentenced to added servitude of two
and a half years and two years respectively. Yet they
persisted in their relationship, and a year later they were
ordered to be whipped as “incorrigibble fornicators
whom no goodness Mercy & admonition can reforme.”
What might their diary have said about that day when they
first decided that being together was worth the risk?
As the seasons changed in 1685, how did runaway
bond-laborers William Lloyd and Mary Seymore cheer
and advise each other in those nearly ten months before
they were recaptured, still together?
What would the journal of African-American bond-
laborer Warner and Mrs Welch have told of adventures
they experienced as they fled from Accomack County to
Pennsylvania some time before September 1685? What
opinions did they offer to each other on husbands and
masters? Returned by order of a Pennsylvania justice of
the peace, they were put in James City jail, and again
escaped briefly, before they were retaken and assigned to
be tried by a member of the Virginia Colony Council.
What might they have recalled for each other in all that
time about their respective backgrounds, and of the
universal language of love?
In Essex County, bond-laborer Robert Hughes and free
woman Ellinor sought to sanctify their relationship by
marriage in 1703. To their dismay, they were prosecuted
under the law passed against bond-laborers marrying
without their owners prior consent.
Hughes was
sentenced to an added year of bondage; Ellinor was
ordered to pay Hughess owner 1,500 pounds of tobacco
or else she, too, would have to serve that owner for a full
year as a bond-laborer.
What might the diary of one or
the other disclose to us on the conquering power of love
over bondage, and on the importance of defying the
hypocrisy of the law?
Among the 54 identified male bond-laborer partners in
the fornication cases examined, 22 were African-
Americans involved with European-American women.
This was a much higher percentage than the proportion of
African-Americans in the bond-labor force. Although the
record does not afford a reason for this disproportion, it is
a fact that the plantation bourgeoisie came to regard the
mating of European-Americans with African-Americans
as a serious problem for themselves.
In any case, it
appears to have been in keeping with the readiness of
European-American and African-American bond-laborers
to make common cause in the other respects described in
this chapter.
NoWhite Race
Through Acts of the General Assembly, the plantation
bourgeoisie early on expressed its disposition to deny
equal rights to African-Americans.
The evidence,
however, clearly indicates that this purpose of the ruling
class did not represent the desire or attitude of the
European-American bond-laborers as a whole, or indeed
of the common run of European-Americans in general. At
the same time, however, it is not surprising that the
explicitly anti-Negro tenor of these laws would find some
echo in the attitude of ruled-over European-Americans,
bond and free. I have found those instances to have been
extremely few, however, in comparison to the record of
solidarity of European-American and African-American
bond-laborers, and in comparison to the readiness of free
laboring-class European-Americans to make common
cause with African-American fugitives from bond-labor.
Here are the only such exceptional cases that I have turned
The General Assembly enacted a series of laws,
beginning in 1662,
directed specifically against African-
American women. In February 1669, bond-laborer Mary
Hughes, appealing in vain against being raped by her
owner, Henry Smith, said “he would make her worse than
a Negroe by whoreing her.”
In 1694, a deposition in a
slander case told of mutual accusations between two
European-American women of sexual misalliances with
various European-American men, and claimed that one
had said that the other was such a whore that she would
lye with a Negro.”
I n Accomack County one day in 1677, when tavern-
keeper George Boies refused credit to Indian bond-
laborer James, James promptly invited Boies to “Kiss my
Arse.” Next, Boies and James exchanged the compliments
of “Indian Dog and “English Dogg.” Boies attacked
James; another patron, bond-laborer (or possibley former
bond-laborer) Alexander Dun urged James to return the
blows against Boies, and James did so.
Some time prior to November 1681, European-
American bond-laborer David Griffin, avowed in the
course of an altercation with his overseer, an Indian
named James Revell, that “it should never be said that he
did yeild to an Indian Dog.”
On 5 November 1681, Frank, the African-American
“servantof Mr Vaulx, was sent by Vaulx to speak with
John Machart [or Macarty] about business.” Machart and a
friend he was with rebuffed Frank, saying “they were no
company for Negroes.” The following day at the Vaulx
house, where some six or seven men were drinking,
fighting occurred between Franks friend Peter Wells and
Machart, and then between Frank and Machart. It began
with offense being taken by both Frank and Peter Wells at
Macharts pretension of superiority. Just before the
fighting began, Wells said to Frank, God damn them he
was as good a man as the best of them.”
In 1691, when Hannah Warwick was charged with
refusing to do her work, the General Court made
extenuation on the grounds that “she was overseen by a
negro overseer.”
By contrast, in none of the hundreds of cases of the
oppression of bond-laborers and the resistance by them
have I found any instance in which European-American
bond-laborers expressed a desire to dissociate their
sufferings and struggle from those of the African-American
bond-laborers, the case of Mary Hughes being the
exception, and perhaps that of Hannah Warwick. It is to be
noted that in three of these six exceptional incidents of
hostility directed by non-ruling-class European-Americans
at non-European-Americans, European-American
bystanders were present; in two cases out of the three, the
bystanders actively dissociated themselves from such
In general, as this chapter has illustrated, despite the six
exceptions cited, the attitude of the laboring-class
European-Americans stood in sharp contrast to the
succession of enactments whereby the plantation
bourgeoisie pressed for the lifetime, hereditary bond-
servitude of African-American bond-laborers, and for the
circumscription of the rights, and the ultimate practical
proscription of free African-Americans.
Two fair conclusions would seem to follow: First, “the
white race” supra-class unity of European-Americans in
opposition to African-Americans did not and could not
have then existed. Second, the invention of the white race
at the beginning of the eighteenth century can in no part be
ascribed to demands by European-American laboring
people for privileges vis-à-vis African-Americans.
The Insubstantiality of the
Intermediate Stratum
Virginia Colony evolved under the direct rule of a tiny
elite which, in the fifteen years leading up to Bacons
Rebellion, included fewer than four hundred men,
probably numbering no more than two hundred at any one
time, owners of an average of 4,200 acres of land each.
The lowest-ranking members of this stratum were the
commissioners, deliberately limited by Act of
Assembly in 1661 to no more than eight per county,
acted collectively as the county court, and served
individually as magistrates, justices of the peace, in their
respective districts. The members of the county courts,
among whom the office of sheriff was rotated annually,
were appointed from time to time by the Colony Council
and Governor, upon the recommendation of the sitting
members of the particular county court.
Next came the
members of the Virginia House of Burgesses who were
invariably elected from among the members of the county
courts. Originally the vote was exercised by all freemen
but as the ranks of propertyless former bond-laborers
increased, in 1670 the General Assembly deliberately
excluded these latter from the right to vote.
At the top
were the Governor (appointed by Charles II, king of
England during this period) and the Virginia Colony
Council, made up of men appointed by the Governor with
the formal approval of the General Assembly, the term
used to describe the House of Burgesses and the Colony
Council together. The Governor and the Colony Council
constituted the General Court.
County court and magistrate orders were enforced by
the county sheriffs and constables, and through pursuit by
hue and cry. But hue and cry after runaway bond-laborers
was so generally neglected that in 1658 the General
Assembly ordered the imposition of fines on householders
and constables for such lapses in civic responsibility.
Two years later the General Assembly again faulted the
constables for neglect of their duty to hunt down
In 1669, the General Assembly not only noted
the plots made by bond-laborers to escape their owners
but also charged that “some planters,” instead of arresting
the fugitives, have given them assistance and directions
how to escape.”
The General Assembly then proceeded
to provide a reward, not only to encourage constables but
to enlist the general public in the capture of runaway
bond-laborers, by offering to any person one thousand
pounds of tobacco for each runaway recaptured. It was
intended that when bond-laborers became aware of soe
many spies upon them,” they would keep within the
bounds of their duty.”
The general subject of runaways
has been treated in Chapter 8; the point here is to
emphasize the absence of an effective social control
Every man between the ages of sixteen and sixty was
subject to service in the militia. Its organizational structure
derived from the political structure of organization of the
colony, the militia of each county being officered by local
members of the colony elite. An establishing order issued
by Governor Francis Moryson in June 1661 required each
county to mobilize three militia companies, to be made up
of “freemen and Servants of undoubted fidelity.” Because
the population was so widely dispersed that the entire
county regiment could not be mobilized for sudden
emergencies, a special unit called the “settled trayned
band,” was to be formed of one-eighth of the entire
regiment and divided into three companies, selected
because of the members’ proximity to the plantation of the
regiments captain.
The Governor and Colony Council
were obliged to confess the incompetence of the militia
for sustained service, citing two factors: the impossibility
of storing sufficient corn to sustain the militia on extended
duty, because of the infestation of the grain by vermin; and
the strenuous objections of the men against being diverted
from making their tobacco crop.
In summary, I quote Professor Morgan:
There was no trained constabulary. The county commissioners, who
annually chose the constables in each county, usually rotated the job among
men of small means, who could not afford the fines for refusing to take it.
There was no army except the militia, composed of men who would be as
unlikely as the constables to make effective instruments for suppressing the
insubordination of their own kind.
There was, then, in Virginia no intermediate social control
stratum based on a secure yeoman class such as had been
preserved in England.
The Deference and Reverence Deficit
In well-ordered class societies, ancient traditions of pomp
and circumstance play a vital part in instructing the masses
in subservience to “their betters.” “[R]everence,” wrote
Francis Bacon, “is that wherewith princes are girt from
But the claim to authority of the seventeenth-
century planter elite rested on raw acquisitiveness,
expressed first of all in their possession of mainly English
bond-laborers, and in their large handholdings based not
on ancient titles but on headrights purchased by import of
human chattels.
There were no storied manors in
Virginia to which they could say they had been born.
Furthermore, the fact that the elite planters were
necessarily as involved as the poorest of their neighbors
in the cheek-by-jowl competition each for his share in the
tobacco market was not calculated to promote a
deferential attitude toward the same elite planters as the
ruling circle.
Auxiliary institutions, particularly those of established
religion, render indispensable service in preserving and
protecting the awe in which ruling classes need to be held.
But that great pillar of reverence for authority the
established Church of England did not travel well to
seventeenth-century Virginia, where it enjoyed the status
of a mere subdivision of the London bishopric. Whereas in
England the parish minister, upon recommendation of
some eminent person or of a university, was appointed
with life tenure, in Virginia, parish vestries made up of
rich local planters had the nomination of the minister who
was then formally chosen by the Governor rather than by a
clerical authority. The result was that ministers, being no
more than hired hands employed from year to year at the
pleasure of the vestries, often lapsed into demoralization.
In cataloguing the sad conditions prevailing in Virginia in
the middle of the seventeenth century, an English clerical
critic asserted that the colonys ministers were “for the
most part, not only far short of those qualifications
required in Ministers but men of opposite qualities and
tempers by their loose lives, and un-Gospel becoming
Such a church “could not play its
traditional role of fostering obedient habits” among the
The Anglican church was enfeebled, and neither was
the political climate favorable to Puritans. Quakers were
outlawed in the seventeenth century; official hostility
towards them did not slacken until early in the eighteenth
In any case, ministers were so few and far
between that even if every one of them had been willing
and able to play the social buffer role, they would have
been an insufficient leaven for the colonys lump of
irreverence. In a colony of forty or fifty thousand widely
scattered people, there were only thirty-five Anglican
priests in 1680.
What is one to conclude, then, about the state of ruling-
class social control in the decade before Bacons
Rebellion, when Colony Secretary Thomas Ludwell was
fain to confess that Virginia’s small landholders were
restrained from rebellion only by faith in the mercy of
God, loyalty to the King, and affection for the
A Society Shaped by Monoculture
The basic cause of the failure of the plantation elite to
establish a viable system of social control in the
seventeenth century was, of course, the tobacco
monocultural economy itself. Rainbolt stated the case most
A colony where most men pursued the same occupation of tobacco planter
seemed ill suited to the emergence of a heirarchical social system. A
Province where most men lived in relative isolation on scattered plantations
prevented that constant scrutiny of inferiors by their superiors deemed vital
to the order of a society.
After the margin of profit had been stabilized by the
institution of the new chattel bond-labor relation of
production in the 1620s, the farm price of Chesapeake
tobacco averaged about 4d. per pound in the 1630s.
the next two decades, however, the average price was
reduced by almost half, to 2.2d. It is impossible to fix the
year when the falling tendency of tobacco prices reached
the critical level in regard to ruling-class social control,
but the decline of tobacco to an average of 1.2d. per pound
for the entire decade and a half beginning in 1660 was a
basic condition for the eruption in 1676 of the social
control crisis known to history as Bacons Rebellion.
Tobacco planters were trapped in a vicious spiral:
efforts by each planter to make up in volume for the
declining price forced all to do as each; as this drove the
price even lower, the planters fell ever deeper into debt.
In 1664 the planters of Virginia and Maryland went into
debt of £50,000 on their shipments to England.
But the
burden did not fall uniformly on the planters; indeed, it
tended to enrich the planter elite.
Warren M. Billings has analyzed the year-to-year
changes in the level of the indebtedness in six Virginia
counties for the period 1660–75
by tabulating the
amounts for which creditors sued for payment.
The total
debt of all planters in cases decided in the courts of those
six counties averaged 3,243,000 pounds of tobacco per
year. In those counties, with a total population of several
the thirty or so members of the plantation elite
accounted for 35.6 percent of the total credit, with the
debts owed to members of the elite class amounting to
twice as much as the amounts owed by them.
dissolution was especially portended by the fact that the
indebtedness gap between the elite and the general run of
planters tended to increase as time went on, by an average
of 375,000 pounds of tobacco every year during the
sixteen-year period.
The records suggest that the
deteriorating conditions of the non-elite planters in these
six counties were typical of Virginia as a whole.
This discrepancy between the elite and non-elite with
respect to the debt burden would seem to be a reflection of
a marked tendency toward concentration of land in the
hands of the former (see Table 9.1). Morgan finds an
extreme degree of land engrossment by headright for other
counties: in 1658, thirty persons owned most of the land
100,000 acres – on the south side of the Potomac; in 1664,
33,750 acres of headright land went to only thirteen
persons in Accomack County, and 15,050 acres of
Rappahannock land was claimed by only six persons.
These nineteen patents accounted for 30 percent of all the
headright acres patented in Virginia in that year, and
averaged over 2,500 acres each; eight patents in
Accomack, Isle of Wight and Rappahannock counties,
averaging more than 4,300 acres each, accounted for 23
percent of all headright land patented in Virginia in
These figures from various counties appear
consistent with and confirm the trend suggested by the
comparison of figures for 1626 and 1704 shown in Table
The most significant indicator of increasing
concentration of capital, however, is the number of
laborers per plantation. Kevin P. Kellys study of the
records of Surry County, on the south side of the James
River, revealed that there, small households dominated
throughout the seventeenth century, although “there was a
growing divergence between the large planters controlling
more than ten laborers, and the small, independent
Wertenbaker found that the Surry County ratio
of tithables to taxpayers in 1675 and 1685, considered
together, was 18 to 10, but by 1704 the comparable ratio,
of tithables to freeholders, was 39 to 10.
Randolph, Royal Inspector of Customs, reported to the
Lords of Trade and Plantations in 1696 that the chief and
only reason for the retarded development of Virginia
colony was that “Members of the Council and
others have from time to time procured grants of very
large Tracts of Land.” By the use of headrights, he said,
many of this elite group held “twenty or thirty thousand
acres of land apiece” which were left unplanted yet
unavailable to prospective planters.
Table 9.1 Increase in concentration of landholdings in
Virginia, 1626–1704
Holdings 1626 1704
100 acres or less
(a) % of total acres 24.9% 4.9%
(b) % of all holdings 54.0% 24.0%
(c) no. of holdings 126 1,316
(d) acres 8,610 112,100
(e) average size 68 85
101 to 499 acres
(a) % of total acres 41.4% 32.7%
(b) % of all holdings 36.9% 54.3%
(c) no. of holdings 42 2,971
(d) acres 13,140 742,000
(e) average size 313 250
500 to 999 acres
(a) % of total acres 22.5% 22.3%
(b) % of all holdings 7.7% 13.5%
(c) no. of holdings 14 738
(d) acres 7,800 504,300
(e) average size 557 683
1,000 acres or more
(a) % of total acres 10.2% 40.1%
(b) % of all holdings 1.6% 8.4%
(c) no. of holdings 3 461
(d) acres 3,582 907,900
(e) average size 1,284 1,969
Sources: John C. Hotten, The Original Lists, this pagethis page, patented
land in Virginia in 1626; 1704 Virginia Rent Rolls, printed in T. J.
Wertenbaker, The Planters of Colonial Virginia (Princeton, 1922).
Reflecting the results of such egregious engrossment of
headright land by importation of bond-laborers by the
plantation bourgeoisie, 60 to 65 per cent of Virginia
landholders, according to Wertenbakers estimate, had no
bond-laborers at all in the closing two or two and a half
decades of the seventeenth century.
A corresponding
pattern of differentiation is apparent in Russell R.
Menard’s comparison of estate inventories on the lower
western Maryland shore of Chesapeake Bay, in the 1658–
70 and 1700–1705 periods.
The proportion having
bond-laborers declined by nearly one-tenth (49.4 to 45.2
percent). The proportion of the total bond-labor force
represented by estates having only one or two bond-
laborers was reduced by more than one-third (18.3 to 11.0
percent). At the other end of the scale, in 1700–1705 the
proportion of estates with 21 or more bond-laborers was
nearly six times what it had been in the 1658–70 period
(rising from 1.1 percent to 6.2 percent of all estates), and
their share of the total number of bond-laborers had
increased to almost five times what it was in the earlier
period (from 6.5 to 31.6 percent of all bond-laborers).
The Dutch Wars and Doubtful Loyalty
Threats of Dutch seaborne incursions during the Second
and Third Anglo-Dutch Wars, in 1665–67 and 1672–74,
served to underscore the weakness of the elite’s social
control of the colony. In 1667, a Dutch warship succeeded
in entering the James River and capturing the Virginia
tobacco fleet of twenty ships. That same year, the Dutch
admiral de Ruyter audaciously sailed up the Thames and
the Medway, and detroyed or captured some of the finest
ships of the English navy. But there was a significant
difference in the two situations, so far as the ruling class
was concerned. England was in no danger of invasion and
occupation by Dutch forces aided by the rank and file of
the English people; in Virginia that prospect was
perceived as real.
On 11 July 1673, during the Third Anglo-Dutch War,
another Dutch naval force of nine ships conducted a raid
up the James River, defeated the English in a three-hour
battle, and captured eleven merchant ships laden with
Governor Berkeley and the Colony Council,
writing to the King and Privy Council in England, asked
that a large fort be constructed to command the entrance to
the James and the Chesapeake Bay, or else that the home
government provide regularly for a strong convoy for the
Virginia tobacco fleet, the expense to be recovered
through raised merchant freight charges. They based their
appeal on the non-functional state of the Virginia militia.
But the social control question, which is a central
concern of this work, is brought most starkly into focus by
the following passage of their letter, which describes
Virginia as
intersected by Soe many vast Rivers as makes more Miles to Defend, then
we have men of trust to Defend them, for by our neerest computacon wee
leave at our backs as many Servants (besides Negroes) as there are
freemen to defend the Shoare and on all our Frontiers the Indians. Both
which gives men fearfull apprehentions of the dainger they Leave their
Estates and Families in, Whilst they are drawne from their houses to defend
the Borders. Of which number also at least one third are single freemen
(whose labor Will hardly maintaine them), or men much in debt, both which
Wee may reasonably expect upon any small advantage the Enemy may
gaine upon us, would revolt to them in hopes of bettering their Condicon.
Fourteen such debt-ridden Surry County freemen attempted
the following December and January to organize a mutiny
against payment of the colony levy. Meeting first at
Lawnes Creek Church and next in Devils Field, they
declared their determination to stand together come what
might, “burn one, burn all.” Their effort was thwarted;
four were fined 1,000 pounds of tobacco, one 2,000
pounds, and all were put under bond for their future good
Although the Lawnes Creek Mutiny was thwarted, it
was both a validation of the fears of Berkeley and the
Colony Council, and a portent of the general mutiny of
1676, Bacons Rebellion. Objective “social and economic
conditions” themselves “conspired against an effective
control of the citizenry by the provincial leadership.”
Facing the Problem
Three means were available to the plantation bourgeoisie
to combat the economic root of social instability: (1)
regulate the production and shipment of tobacco to relieve
the ruinous effect of the glut of the market; (2) diversify
production in order to escape the desperate dependency on
tobacco monoculture; or (3) find a way to lower the cost
of labor per unit of output.
It was to be expected that contradictions would develop
between English monarchy and mercantilism, on the one
hand, and the colonial plantation bourgeoisie, on the other.
These clashes of interest, which in time would find fullest
expression as part of the American War of Independence,
first emerged in the context of the long crisis of tobacco
overproduction and low prices that began at the moment of
the Stuart Restoration in 1660.
Throughout the seventeenth century, the Anglo-
American plantation bourgeoisie preached the virtues of
diversification of the Chesapeake economy, while
reproducing decade after decade the economic morass of
tobacco monoculture. Warnings were sounded by Virginia
officials against basing Virginias economy on tobacco
alone; they urged that a variety of products be developed
to meet a variety of English market demands. The longest-
serving and most famous of Virginia colonial governors,
Sir William Berkeley, was himself the most articulate
denouncer of tobacco monoculture and the most
enthusiastic advocate of diversification. “Our Governors,”
said Berkeley, in a treatise of the early 1660s, “by the
corruption of the times they lived in, laid the Foundation
of our wealth and industry on the vices of
men [particularly] this vicious habit of taking
But, with encouragement and instruction from
the home government, said Berkeley, Virginia within
seven years could supply England with all its needs for
“Silk, Flax, Hemp, Pitch, Tar, Iron, Masts, Timber and
Pot-ashes,” that were then of necessity being imported
from other countries at great expense.
Over the years, various suggestions were made for
reducing production by limiting the number of leaves on
the plant, or the number of plants, or by limiting the time
allowed for transplanting seedlings and for regulating
the time of shipping the crop in order to maximize
favorable seasonal factors. Repeated proposals were
advanced for co-ordinating with Maryland and North
Carolina in limiting tobacco production, but they came to
naught. Merchant shipowners opposed this last idea
because, as they said in 1662, it would seriously interfere
with the shipment of bond-laborers and thus cause a
burdensome increase in the number of unemployed in
Other measures aimed at directly shoring up tobacco
planters profits by exemptions from export duties, by a
measure of relief from the provisions of the Navigation
Law, and by exempting Virginia-owned ships from export
duties on their cargoes.
Topographical factors, involving the heavy costs of
clearing away the ubiquitous forest, and the decentralizing
influence of geography (Virginia being a series of
peninsulas formed by navigable rivers), as well as clashes
of various economic interests, hampered programs aimed
at both diversification and the limiting of tobacco
With regard to diversification, furthermore,
there was a lack of capital in Virginia for ventures into
other lines of production, since the Virginia bourgeoisie
was chronically in debt to English merchants. The three
Dutch wars used up English resources that might
theoretically have been available for investment in
Virginia; later, the same drain of capital accompanied the
first phase (1689–1713) of the Anglo-French wars of
colonial rivalry. After the Restoration in 1660, the Crown
itself was so desperate for funds that, far from wanting to
embark on diversification experiments, it was determined
to maximize the tobacco trade, which was its most
lucrative source of income; integral with that, there was
the interest of the English tax-and-customs “farmers,” who
contracted to collect the kings customs on tobacco
imports. In 1671 the kings share from import customs
collections on Virginia tobacco was estimated to be
£80,000 per year; in 1682 the royal share of tobacco
profits was calculated to be £7 per year for every
plantation bond-laborer.
English merchants, who did
have capital they might have invested, were not interested
in taking unnecessary risks with it; and they were
adamantly opposed to encouraging the rise of a set of
competitive industries in Virginia.
On general principles the English mercantilists were
increasingly wary of deviations from the primacy of
tobacco production, and especially of those deviations that
might lead to the development of competition with goods
produced in England and to the consequent economic
independence of colonies. In April 1705 the
Commissioners of Trade specifically instructed the
Governors of Virginia and Maryland to “take care not to
suffer the People employed in the making of Tobacco to be
Deverted therefrom.”
In the eyes of English
manufacturers, such a development “would be of very ill
consequence” to English woolen exports and tobacco
shipping and imports, and would jeopardize the relation of
dependence in which a colony should be kept.
In 1707
Governor John Seymour warned the Board of Trade that
credit-starved Maryland planters, rendered “almost starke
naked” for lack of English-made clothing, were turning to
making their own linen and woolen goods. He too worried
about the “ill consequence to the Revenue arising on
tobacco” if people in that colony generally laid aside
tobacco-making in order to manufacture such goods as
they customarily purchased from England.
Gooch was confident that wages were so high in Virginia
that Virginia-made linen would cost 20 percent more and
woolen cloth 50 percent more than English textiles and
therefore would be unable to compete with English-made
goods as exports. But since they might reduce the market
for British manufactures within the colony, such local
industry should be discouraged. Acting on Goochs
information, the Board of Trade in London resolved to
find a way to “divert their [the colonists] thoughts from
Undertakings of this nature.”
Diversification efforts were not aimed at supplanting
the tobacco monoculture, but merely at protecting it. One
premise was common to all parties the Virginia ruling
elite, the English Crown, English merchants, and rival
provincial governments in Maryland and North Carolina.
However much they differed over principles, such as
those of the mercantilist Navigation Laws, or details
regarding the regulation of production and shipment, or the
number and location of centralizing port cities, they all
held to one inviolable principle the priority to be given
to the maintenance and enhancement of profit on tobacco.
Consequently, schemes for limiting directly the supply of
tobacco brought to the market were driven aground by the
prevailing winds of competitive pressure for the quickest
turnover of capital, coupled with the Crowns
determination to resist any diminution of its tobacco
revenues, which were based on physical volume rather
than selling price.
But even if, by a sudden rush of enlightened self-interest
to the heads of all parties, some more than evanescent
scheme for “economic reformcould have been instituted,
it would have been foredoomed by the insubstantiality of
the requisite buffer social control stratum. Virginia’s
“labor- and capital-scarce economy demanded efficient
marshaling of effort and resources,” requiring social
discipline that could not be imposed by the plantation
elite, having “large goals but small capacity to command,”
and “lacking strong supporting social and religious
The Third Possibility: Reducing Labor Costs
The English bourgeoisie finally secured direct access to
African labor at the end of the Second Dutch War,
concluded in the Treaty of Breda in 1667.
Five years
later, with the establishment of the Royal African
Company, England embarked on a career that within less
than forty years made English merchants the preeminent
suppliers of African bond-labor to the Western
Hemisphere. A rise in the demand for labor in England,
and a corresponding rise in the wage level there (soon to
be coupled with the great demand for cannon fodder for
the far-flung battle lines of England’s contest with France
in Europe and in America), reduced the supply of persons
available for bond-labor in the plantation colonies.
As it had been when the source of supply had been in
Europe, the African labor trade was a self-motivating
capital interest. Virginia Governor Thomas Lord Culpeper
was urged by King Charles II “to give all due
encouragement and invitation to Merchants and
others and in particular to the Royal African Company
of England.” Culpeper was further instructed to be on
guard against any interlopers” in that trade, which was
intended to be a monopoly of the Royal African
Replying a year later, Culpeper asserted that
the king alone made at least £6 per year from the labor of
each Negro bond-laborer in Virginia.
Now, finally, the plantation bourgeoisie was brought
within reach of the realization of the vision foreshadowed
in a number of laws already enacted, of enrichment
through the imposition of lifetime, hereditary bond-
servitude of Africans and African-Americans. In
seventeenth-century Virginia the buyer paid an average of
£14 and £13 respectively for men and women five-year
bond-laborers. The investment in seasoned” hands
depreciated, however, and at an increasing rate; at the end
of three years its value would be only £7 for males and £4
for females. The buyer of an adult lifetime bond-laborer
was making an average investment of £18 to £20, an
amount that depreciated over the remaining years of the
laborers life. Thus the retained value of the investment at
the end of three years would run in favor of the option for
lifetime bond-labor. If that lifetime lasted ten years, the
annual amortization on the investment would have been
less than £2, about 30 percent less than on two five-year
bond-laborers. There were ancillary benefits of
investment in lifetime bond-labor since there was no
outlay for freedom dues, and even at birth a child of a
lifetime bond-laborer was of some capital value.
anticipated reduction in labor costs would have been
desirable for the employing class at any time, but as the
end of the seventeenth century neared it appeared to offer
the bourgeoisie both a way of evading the unresolvable
contradictions between monoculture and diversity, and a
significant easing of the contention between English and
continental branches of the business with respect to profits
from low-priced tobacco. Culpeper stressed this latter
consideration in urging the Royal African Company to
moderate its prices for the sale of lifetime bond-laborers
in Virginia. “[I]n regard to the infinite profit that comes to
the King by every Black (far beyond any other
Plantation)and that Blacks can make [tobacco] cheaper
than Whites, I conceive it is for his Majestys Interest full
as much as the Countrys, or rather much more, to have
Blacks as cheap as possible in Virginia.”
But if a lack of “capacity to command” had made it
impossible for the plantation bourgeoisie to impose the
necessary social discipline on free and middle-rank
tobacco farmers, what hope could there be for imposing
social control on a society when masses of kidnapped
Africans were added to the ranks of the disaffected bond-
laborers already at the bottom of the heap?
A Reflective Postscript
With that question, the narrative portion of this chapter is
complete, but a reflective postscript is in order. For the
readers indulgence, I appeal to the example of Philip
Alexander Bruce’s speculation on the possibility of an
alternative path of development for the Old Dominion.
Those historians who intend not only to record and
interpret history, but also in so doing to affect its future
course are impelled to offer judgments that for them seem
to light the path ahead,
even though sooner or later other
historians are sure to find the light misdirected or
insufficient in one or more respects. Having studied the
record of the travail of the common people of seventeenth-
century Virginia, “The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia,” as
Professor Morgan has called it, I cannot but ponder if it
was possible for history to have followed a different,
happier course and, if so, what Virginia by such a course
would have become. It is a speculation, but I hope not an
idle one.
In 1625 Sir Francis Bacon cited Virginia as an example
to be avoided in establishing plantations, arguing that “the
base and hasty drawing of profitfrom tobacco worked to
“the untimely prejudice of the main business.”
Smith, son of the English yeomanry, soon warned that to
base production on chattel bond-labor was a disastrous
Received historiographical doctrine argues to the
contrary as follows. Virginia colony could only survive by
exports; tobacco was not only the most profitable prospect
for that role, but the only practicable one. Because of the
low price of tobacco and the high prevailing wages,
chattel bond-servitude was indispensable. The alternative
was “slow progress as “a community of small peasant
properitors.” Such a course would (the thesis concludes)
have been “utopian”; Virginia, indeed, was by nature
designed to be “A commonwealth of tobacco
Who is right? If the question were merely a
historiographical one, it would be as well to let it rest
with the dead past. But the issue is not dead; it is as vital
today as it was those nearly four centuries ago. The
equating of economic growth with the most rapid
accumulation of capital, which led Virginia to misery just
as John Smith predicted, has continued to this day to guide
the ruling class of the USA, who subordinate to that
principle all other interests, heedless of the misery that it
may leave in its wake.
“Two roads diverged … And that made all the
As Virginia was first getting high on tobacco, the Pilgrims
landed at Plymouth Rock to begin in New England a form
of internal economic organization that largely embodied
the principles advanced by Francis Bacon in that
In an appraisal of the condition of Virginia at
the close of the seventeenth century, James Blair, the
founder of William and Mary College lamented the fact
that “No care was taken at the beginning to seat that
Country [Virginia] in Townshipps, as in New England.”
The result, he continued, was that Virginia was “deprived
of the great Company of Citizens and Tradesmen that are
in other Countryes.”
Although both colonies were products of bourgeois
England, four sets of contrasting factors would determine
their respective patterns of social development:
1. the domination of landholding by large plantations in Virginia versus the
predominance of small farms in New England;
2. the Virginia monoculture, with its utter dependence upon export markets,
versus the mainly non-market-centered, and definitely non-capitalist, basic
New England economy;
3. the chattel bond-labor force of the Virginia Plantation system versus the
non-bond-labor of the small New England farms;
4. the Virginia family, which included all the persons belonging to one
plantation even if most of them were not kin of each other, versus that
typical New England family of a mother and father and their children.
The character of seventeenth-century Virginia society in
these respects has been adequately described here;
however, a brief elaboration of the New England case is
in order. The statistics cited by Moller regarding
contrasting seventeenth-century sex ratios in Anglo-
American continental colonies
are explained in terms of
the contrasting labor bases:
While in the New England immigration males outnumbered females three to
two, the ratio was six to one in the Virginia immigration. The Puritans,
broadly speaking, arrived by families The movement to Virginia, on the
contrary, consisted predominantly of male workers [i.e., chattel bond-
As we have seen, for every person brought into Virginia
in the seventeenth century, a patent on fifty acres of land
was bestowed on whomever had paid the cost of the
immigrants transportation. This custom, supplemented by
special land grants to favored individuals, was the basis
of the high degree of concentration of landownership in
that colony. In the very earliest days in New England, the
headright form of land grant was observed, but over the
colonial period as a whole by far the greater part of the
land disposed of was granted to communities of
Thus was formed in New England the very
“township” form of settlement whose absence in Virginia
was so much lamented by Commissary Blair. Under the
New England system of settlement by families, “Great
pains were taken to guard against excessive grants and
accumulation of large estates,” writes Egleston. “Land,
however abundant, was to be given by the community
authorities to those who could use it.”
New England
settlement was in the form of communities initiated by a
group of families securing, usually from the colony general
court, an allotment of land not occupied by other settlers.
These “proprietors” then distributed the land to colonists
by plots of ground, proportioned to their payment for
expenses of surveying, and other incidentals.
A tendency
toward concentration of land ownership did occur in New
England [t]hrough purchase, marriage, inheritance, [and]
proprietary rights with the result that later distributions
of land, particularly those of the eighteenth century,
showed more inequality;
but it was relatively
insignificant as compared to that in plantation Virginia.
Schemes and hopes of diversification of the Virginia
economy were frustrated, as has been noted, by a shortage
of capital for investment. Caught as the planters were
between a low-ranging elasticity of tobacco prices and the
inelasticity of royal customs and shipping charges, they
could not escape the discipline of the next years indebted
crop. Seventeenth-century New England settlers were not
faced with that difficulty because “the household mode of
production remained the dominant form of existence.”
By the middle of the eighteenth century, when a degree of
market development had occurred,
the New England
farmer might profit from a cash crop, perhaps wheat. But
where does a self-employed person, propertyless except
for an ax, possibily a plow, two or three animals, and
enough grain to get the family through to his first harvest
where, without credit resources, does such a self-
employed person get the capital for clearing land, building
shelter for the family and the animals, and storage sheds or
barns, and cutting new road?
[Such a] farmer may be compared to a business corporation which pursues
a conservative dividend policy. Instead of paying out all of current income to
stockholders, it puts a large share back into the business, thus increasing the
value of his capital … [thus] literally ploughing in his profits.
Such farmers made up the “communities of peasant
proprietors” that Bruce argued were necessarily excluded
from the march of “progress” in Virginia. Yet in New
England they proved from their seventeenth-century
beginnings to be perfectly viable and capable of eventual
evolution from natural (subsistence) production to simple
commodity production (the commodity beginning as the
property of the producer) to capitalist production (wherein
the product is never the property of the producer, but of
the capitalist employer).
Colonial Virginia has been assessed as dynamicand
New England as the “least dynamic of the continental
colonies. By the eighteenth century, when Virginia and
New England were about equal in population size,
Virginia’s exports and imports were six to ten times as
large as New England’s.
It is obvious that New
England’s climate and soil characteristics made the
general employment of bond-labor impracticable, even if
the land distribution system had formed plantations of a
size suitable for profitable capitalist operation, and some
staple had been struck upon that would not offend
competitors in Old England. But it does not follow that
Virginia’s climate and soil could not have been settled on
the basis of communities of small farmsteads. For New
England it was not a matter of choice; for Virginia it was.
So it was that New England, more than anywhere else in
North America, re-created rural England, while the
Virginia plantation bourgeoisie “cast away restraining
ideologies and institutions [and] developed a labor
process unknown in England.”
It was a conscious decision, not an unthinking one. In
opting for the “dynamics of monoculture and chattel
bond-labor, the members of the Virginia plantation
bourgeoisie knew they were rejecting the counsel of
perhaps the most illustrious member of the Virginia
Company. “It is true,” Bacon had said, “speedy profit is
not to be neglected as far as it may stand with the good of
the plantation, but no further.”
It was simply what
preacher Lionel Gatford warned them against in 1657
the triumph of “Private Interest” over “Publick Good.”
Now fifty years after the fateful option was made, having
ignored Sir Franciss precept and New England’s
example, the Virginia ruling elite found itself three
thousand miles from home with no yeoman buffer between
it and a people of whom “six parts of seaven at least, are
Poore, Endebted, Discontented and Armed.”
The Status of African-Americans
For more than a century now, scholars have studied the
records regarding the status of African-Americans in
Virginia and Maryland in the seventeenth century.
Although I in turn have made my own independent study of
these materials, persons familiar with the field will
recognize the majority of my references to the records.
What they and other readers will be challenged to do is to
test my interpretation of the facts. Therefore, it seems
appropriate at this point to review the basic definition of
racial oppression and to enumerate the particular forms of
that oppression as they were set forth in Volume One of
this work.
The hallmark of racial oppression in its
colonial origins and as it has persisted in subsequent
historical contexts is the reduction of all members of the
oppressed group to one undifferentiated social status, a
status beneath that of any member of any social class
within the oppressor group.
It is a system of rule designed
to deny, disregard, delegitimate previous or potential
social distinctions that may have existed or that might tend
to emerge in the normal course of development of a class
I n Chapter 8 and again in Chapter 9, I have argued
inferentially that the white race,” and thus a system of
racial oppression, did not exist and could not have existed
in the seventeenth-century tobacco colonies. In Chapter 8
that conclusion was based on evidence of class solidarity
of laboring-class European-Americans with African-
Americans, and the consequent absence of an all-class
coalition of European-Americans directed against
African-Americans. In Chapter 9 the thesis was linked
with the lack of a substantial intermediate buffer social
control stratum. In the present chapter a third ply of the
argument is to be developed primarily from the Virginia
records, directly bearing on the actual social status of
African-Americans in those decades. Since, so far as I
know, this analytical approach to the study of racial
oppression is different from that taken by other historians,
I offer the following brief elaboration in justification of it.
Some scholars concerned with the problem of the origin
of racial slavery have emphasized that the status of the
African-Americans in the seventeenth-century Chesapeake
cannot be fully determined because of a deficiency in the
records for the early decades.
Others, by reference to
Virginia statutes, assert that the differentiation of the status
of African-Americans and European-Americans can be
determined as beginning only about 1660.
I would
propose to dissolve this aspect of the debate over the
origin of racial slavery by recognizing that the historical
records of seventeenth-century Virginia compel the
conclusion that the relative social status of African-
Americans and European-Americans in that “Volatile
Society can be determined to have been indeterminate. It
was indeterminate because it was being fought out:
out in the context of the great social stresses of high
mortality, the vicissitudes of a monocultural economy,
impoverishment, and an extremely high sex ratio all of
which were based on or derived from the abnormal system
of chattel bond-servitude. The critical moment of that
social struggle arrived with Bacons Rebellion of 1676
which posed the question of who should rule. The answer,
which would be contrived over the next several decades,
would not only determine the status of African-Americans
but would install the monorail of Anglo-American
historical development, white supremacy.
The reduction of the almost totally English labor force
from tenants and wage-laborers to chattel bond-servitude
in Virginia in the 1620s was indeed a negation of
previously existing laws and customs, but it was imposed
by one set of colonists on another set of colonists. It was
not, therefore, an act of racial oppression (no more than
was the 1547 slave law in England
), but merely an
extremely reactionary sort of class oppression. As for
seeking to establish two distinct categories of servitude
limited-term and lifetime servitude the death rate was so
high for several decades
that there would have been no
practical advantage for employers in such a distinction.
In 1640, however, just such a distinction was
anticipated when the Virginia General Court, in a singular
instance, imposed lifetime bond-servitude on John Punch.
Punch, an African-American, and two European-American
fellow bond-laborers were arraigned for having run
But why did the appetite for profit not lead the
court to sentence John Punchs European-American
comrades to lifetime servitude also?
Winthrop D. Jordan directs particular attention to this
decree, and cites it as evidence for his belief that the
enslavement of Negroes was the result of an “unthinking
decision,” arising out of a prejudice against Negroes.
may be true that the court in this case was motivated by
such feelings, although any such conclusion rests totally on
inference; it is not a fact of the record. Other inferences
are possible. Under English common law, Christians
could not be enslaved by Christians; presumably, Scots
and Dutchmen were Christians; but Africans were not. As
a practical matter, England’s relations with Scotland and
Holland were critical to English interests, so that there
might well have been a reluctance to offend those
countries to whom English concerns were in hostage,
whereas no such complication was likely to arise from
imposing lifetime bondage on an African or African-
American. The court members in all probability were
aware of the project then under way to establish an
English plantation colony, using African lifetime bond-
laborers, on Providence Island;
and they surely knew
that some Africans were already being exploited
elsewhere in the Americas on the same terms. They might
have been influenced by such examples to pursue the same
purpose in Virginia. They were also aware that the
African-American bond-laborers arriving in Virginia from
the West Indies (or Brazil via Dutch colonies to the north
of Maryland
) did not come with English-style, term-
limiting indentures; the members of the General Court may
thus have felt encouraged to impose the ultimate term, a
lifetime, in such cases. Whether the decision in this
instance was a “thinking or an “unthinkingone, the court
by citing John Punchs “being a negro” in justification of
his life sentence was resorting to mere bench law, devoid
of reference to English or Virginia precedent.
What the
record of this case does show, so far as the ideas in
people’s heads are concerned, is a disposition on the part
of some, at least, of the plantation bourgeoisie to reduce
African-Americans to lifetime servitude.
As the proportion of bond-laborers who were surviving
their terms increased, some employers began to see an
appeal in extending the bond-laborers terms generally.
The “custom of the countryfor English bond-laborers in
Virginia, which had been set at four years in 1658, was
increased to five in 1662.
With the flourishing of the
Irish slave trade in the wake of the Cromwellian
laws were enacted to make Irish bond-
laborers (and, after 1658, “all aliens” in that status) serve
six years.
That provision was eliminated, however, by
the post-Cromwell law of 1660, in the interest of
“peopling the country.”
The 1660 law equalized at five years the length of the
custom of the countrywithout distinction of “aliens,” but
that same law for the first time restricted term-limiting to
those “of what christian nation soever (the Anglican
Church having been established in Ireland, Ireland now
qualified as a christian country”). Since the only
“christian nationswere in Europe, this clause was most
particularly, though not exclusively, aimed at persons of
African origin or descent. This exclusion of African-
Americans from the limitation on the length of servitude
imposed on bond-laborers reflected and was intended to
further the efforts made by some elements of the plantation
bourgeoisie to reduce African-American bond-laborers to
lifetime servitude. But even that, in and of itself, would
have been no more than a form of class oppression of
bond-laborers by owners, somewhat like the slavery of
Scots miners and saltpan workers from the end of the
sixteenth century to the eve of the nineteenth century, a
form distinguished however by its categoric denial of
social mobility to those in bondage.
This was a long way from the establishment of a system
of racial oppression; but its implicit denial to African-
Americans of even the lowest range of social mobility,
from bond-labor to freedom, contained a seed of a system
of racial oppression, although that seed could not be fully
developed without a strong intermediate social control
There are two sides to the coin of the General Court’s
order relating to John Punch; his sentence to lifetime
servitude is equally proof that he was not a lifetime bond-
laborer when he ran away. Indeed, by that act he was
demonstrating his unwillingness to submit to even limited-
term bond-servitude. The John Punch case thus epitomized
the status of African-Americans in seventeenth-century
Virginia. On the one hand, it showed the readiness of at
least some of the plantation elite to equate “being a negro”
with being a lifetime bond-laborer. On the other hand,
development of social policy along this line was
obstructed by several factors. First, there was what might
be called institutional inertia presented by English
common law, by the historic retreat from the slavery
gambit of 1547 in the wake of Kets Rebellion, and by the
deep-rooted principles of Christian fellowship. Second, of
course, there was the opposition of African-Americans,
both bond-laborers and non-bond-laborers, with the
general support certainly without the concerted
opposition of European-American bond-laborers and
other free but poor laboring people, determined by a sense
of common class interest.
For the period before 1676, the Virginia and Maryland
records, particularly those of Virginia, are rich with
examples of how the historically evolved legal,
institutional and ideological superstructure of English
society presented a countervailing logic to the General
Court’s equation regarding John Punch examples of a
recognition of normal social standing and mobility for
African-Americans that was and is absolutely inconsistent
with a system of racial oppression. Illustrative cases are
found most frequently, though not exclusively, in the
Northampton and Accomack county records.
In 1624, the
Virginia Colony Court had occasion to consider an
admiralty-type case, in the routine course of which the
court considered the testimony of John Phillip, a mariner,
identified as “a negro Christened in England 12 yeares
In a separate instance, a Negro named Brase and
two companions, a Frenchman and a “Portugall,” were
brought of their own volition to Jamestown on 11 July
1625. Two months later, Brase was assigned to work for
“Lady Yardley for forty pounds of good merchantable
tobacco “monthly for his wages for his service so long as
he remayneth with her.” In October, Brase was assigned to
Governor Francis Wyatt as a “servant”; no particulars are
recorded as to his terms of employment with his new
employer. There was no suggesting that, “being a Negro,”
he was to be a lifetime bond-laborer.
African-Americans who were not bond-laborers made
contracts for work or for credit, and engaged in
commercial as well as land transactions, with European-
Americans, and in the related court proceedings they stood
on the same footing as European-Americans. At the
December 1663 sitting of the Accomack County Court,
Richard Johnson and Mihill Bucklands disputed over the
amount to be paid to Johnson for building a house for
Bucklands. With the consent of both parties the issue was
referred to two arbitrators.
The Northampton County
Court gave conditional assent to the suit of John Gusall,
but allowed debtor Gales Judd until the next court to make
contrary proof, or pay Gusall “the summe & grant of fore
hundred powndes of tobacco due per speciality with court
Emannuel Rodriggus
arrived in Virginia
before 1647, presumably without significant material
assets, and was enlisted as a plantation bond-laborer.
Rodriggus became a dealer in livestock on the Eastern
Shore (as the trans-Chesapeake Bay eastern peninsula of
Virginia came to be known). As early as January 1652/3
there was recorded a bill of sale signed with his mark,
assigning to merchant John Cornelys one Cowe collered
Blacke, aged about fowre yeares being my owne
Thereafter, Rodriggus and other African-
Americans frequently appear as buyers and sellers, and
sometimes as donors, of livestock in court records that
reflect the assumption of the right of African-Americans to
accumulate and dispose of property, and that also assume
the legal parity of buyer and seller.
The Indian king Debeada of the Mussaugs gave to Jone,
daughter of Anthony Johnson, 100 acres of land on the
south side of Pungoteague Creek on 27 September 1657.
In 1657 Emannuell Cambow, “Negro,” was granted
ownership of fifty acres of land in James City County, part
of a tract that had been escheated from the former
In 1669, Robert Jones (or Johns), a York County
tailor, acting with the agreement of his wife Marah, for
divers good causes and considerations him thereunto
moveing bargained & sold unto John Harris Negro all
the estate rite [right] title & Inheritance in fiftie Acres
of Land … in New Kent County.”
A series of land
transactions lease, sub-lease, and re-lease was
conducted by Manuell Rodriggus with three separate
individuals over a ten-year period from June 1662.
Marriage and Social Mobility
In the colonial Chesapeake in the seventeenth century,
marriage might be a significant factor for social mobility.
The prevailing high death rate and the high sex ratio
resulted in a relative frequency of remarriages of widows
in the records.
Whatever a widow might own generally
became the property of the new husband. Phillip Mongum,
though only recently free, had begun an ascent in the social
scale that would eventually result in his becoming a
relatively prosperous tenant farmer and livestock dealer
(in 1672, he was a partner of two European-Americans in
a joint lease of a plantation of three hundred acres
When Mary Morris, a widow with children, and Phillip
Mongum were contemplating marriage early in 1651, they
entered into a prenuptial agreement regarding the property
she then owned. Mongum agreed in writing that her
property was not to be sold by him but was to remain the
joint heritage of Mary and the children from her previous
marriage(s): “one Cowe with a calfe by her side & all her
increase that shall issue ever after of the said Cowe or
calfe[,] moreover Towe featherbeds & what belongs unto
them, one Iron Pott, one Kettle, one fryeing pan & towe
gunnes & three breeding sowes with their increase.”
Mongum signed the agreement and bound himself to see to
its faithful performance.
Francis Payne’s second wife Amy was a European-
American. When Payne died late in the summer of 1673,
his will made Amy his executrix and the sole heir of his
“whole Estate real & personal moveables and
Within two years Amy married William
Gray, a European-American, whose interest was to stop
his own downward social mobility by looting Amys
inheritance from Francis Payne. In August 1675, Amy
charged in court that Gray had not only beaten and
otherwise abused her but had also “made away almost all
her estate” and intended to complete the process and
reduce her to being a public charge. The court did not
attempt to challenge Grays disposal of her inherited
estate to satisfy his debts; but it did keep him in jail for a
month until he satisfied the court that he would return a
mare belonging to Amy and promised to support her
enough to prevent her being thrown on the charity of the
Some time in 1672, an African-American woman
named Cocore married Francis Skipper (or Cooper),
owner of a 200-acre plantation in Norfolk County. She had
been lashed with thirty strokes the year before on the order
of the court for having borne a child “out of wedlock.”
Perhaps there was a social mobility factor in her marrying
Skipper. But they apparently lived together amiably for
some five years until his death, an event which she
survived by less than a year.
Historical Significance of African-American
Landholding by African-Americans in the seventeenth
century was significant both for the extent of it and
because much of it, possibly the greater portion, was
secured by headright. This particular fact establishes
perhaps more forcefully than any other circumstance the
normal social status accorded to African-Americans, a
status that was practically as well as theoretically
incompatible with a system of racial oppression. For the
reader coming for the first time to the raw evidence in the
Virginia Land Patent Books, or to the abstracts of them
done by Nell Nugent, or to the digested accounts presented
by historians of our own post-Montgomery boycott era
for such first-time readers the stories carry a stunning
impact. Thanks particularly to the brief but penetrating
emphasis on the subject by Lerone Bennett,
and to the
special studies made by Deal and by Breen and Innes, the
story of the Anthony Johnson family is readily available.
Another African-American in this category, Benjamin
Dole of Surry County, may yet find biographers. It is
especially noteworthy that the persons for whose
importation these particular patents were granted were
mainly, if not all, bond-laborers brought from Europe.
Since considerable attention has been devoted to these
African-Americans in the works referred to above, I will
simply list them:
Land patent granted to Anthony Johnson, on 250 acres
for transport of five persons: Tho. Benrose, Peter
Bughby, Antho. Cripps, John Gessorol[?], Richard
Johnson (Virginia Land Patent Book No. 2, p. 326, 24
July 1651).
Patent granted to John Johnson, son of Anthony
Johnson, on 500 acres, on Great Nassawattocks Creek,
adjacent to land granted to Anthony Johnson, for the
transportation of eleven persons: John Edwards, Wm.
Routh, Thos. Yowell, Fran. Maland, Wm. Price, John
Owe, Dorothy Reely, Rich Hamstead, Law[rence]
Barnes (Virginia Land Patent Book No. 3, p. 101, 10
May 1652).
Patent on 100 acres bounded by lands owned by
Anthony, Richard’s father, and by brother John
Johnson, granted by Governor Richard Bennett to
Richard Johnson, “Negro,” for the transportation of
two bond-laborers: William Ames and William
Vincent (Virginia Land Patent Book No. 3, p. 21,
November 1654).
Land patent dated 17 December 1656 granted to
Benjamin Dole, “Negro,” 300 acres in Surry County
for the importation of six persons (Virginia Land Patent
Book No. 4, p. 71, 17 December 1656).
It has been pointed out that headrights could be sold by the
original importers to other persons, and that such a patent
might therefore be granted to persons other than the
original owners of the bond-laborers. There is no way of
knowing whether the Johnsons and Benjamin Dole ever
were in possession of the bond-laborers whose headrights
they exercised, or whether they bought the headright from
other persons. In any case, the point being made here is not
affected. There was no suggestion that African-Americans
were barred from the privilege of importing bond-
laborers. Indeed, the enactment of such a ban in 1670
clearly implied that it was an accepted practice prior to
that time.
There is a case which for all of its uniqueness still
sheds light on the question of the social mobility of
African-Americans in seventeenth-century Virginia.
Anthony Johnson acquired, presumably by purchase, a
Negro bond-laborer named Casar. Casar stubbornly
claimed he was entitled to be free, that he had come to
Virginia around 1638, indentured for seven or eight years,
but that Johnson was attempting to hold him as a lifetime
bond-laborer. Under the threat of a lawsuit for unjustly
detaining Casar, and persuaded by members of his family,
in November 1653 Anthony Johnson agreed to abandon his
claim and set Casar free. Four months later, in March
1654, Johnson, having thought more deeply, secured a
court order returning Casar into the service of his said
master Anthony Johnson.” Twenty years later the family
had moved to Somerset County, Maryland, and Anthony
Johnson had died there, but Casar was still living as a
“servant” of Anthony’s widow Mary.
A Demonstrative Statistical Excursion
We know from the studies made by John H. Russell,
Carter G. Woodson, Luther Porter Jackson and others that
free Negroes in Virginia in the nineteenth century could
acquire land by inheritance, gift, or purchase, and that they
had the corresponding rights to dispose of it, although they
lived under a system of racial oppression. Seventeenth-
century data are not comprehensive.
The seventeenth-
century Virginia Land Patent Books are available for the
colony as a whole, but the preserved court records for
Northampton and Accomack are more nearly
comprehensive than those of the rest of the counties, and
richer in detail than the records of the Virginia Colony
Council and the House of Burgesses. The population of
these two counties appears to have constituted between 7
and 8 percent of the population of the entire colony during
the last third of the century.
These counties may not have
been typical of the colony as a whole in respect to the
prominence of African-Americans in matters that rose to
the level of attention in the public records.
there is no evidence to indicate that other county courts or
the central organs of government regarded proceedings in
Accomack and Northampton counties as worthy of special
notice. Nor have the works dealing with the Eastern Shore
suggested that the attitudes of official society and the
common run of European-Americans there differed
qualitatively from those held in the rest of the colony.
The contrast in the ratios of landholding between
African-Americans and European-Americans in
Northampton County in 1666, and in Virginia as a whole
in 1860, documents the difference between normal social
class differentiation and a system of racial oppression. In
Northampton County in 1666, 10.9 percent of the African-
Americans and 17.6 percent of European-Americans were
landholders. This disparity is no more than normal
considering that 53.4 percent of the European-American
landholders, but none of the African-Americans, came as
free persons. The concentration of ownership is also
normal, indeed an irresistible tendency of capitalist
production. It is not surprising, therefore, to find that the
ratio of farm ownership among European-Americans was
46 percent less in 1860 than was landholding in 1665. But
the fact that the proportion of the African landholding
population was 95 percent less in 1860 than it was in
1666 was the result not of normal capitalist economic
development but of racial oppression. Let it be noted in
passing that the proportion of European-Americans
owning land in Virginia in 1860 was less than the
proportion of African-American landowners in 1666. (See
Table 10.1.)
If the proportion of landholding among African-
Americans had declined, but only as much as the ratio of
landholding among European-Americans, an indicated
30,000 landholdings would have been in the hands of the
53,000 free rural Virginia African-Americans in 1860.
That would have represented an African-American
landholding ratio nearly six times the actual ratio of
European-American landholding in that year. The facts are
even more dramatic when put in terms of family units,
which averaged 5.6 persons per family in 1860. The
operation of 30,000 African-American farms by some
5,400 families would have required a considerable degree
of employment of European-American tenants and wage
laborers. That would have been incompatible with the
anomalies of social class relationships characteristic of a
system of social control based on racial oppression.
Table 10.1 African-American and European-American
landholding in the entire state of Virginia in 1860 and in
Northampton County in 1666
1666 1860
Landholders as percentage of:
African-American rural population 10.93% 0.54%
European-American rural population
(tenants not included)
17.55% 9.53%
Ratio of the frequency of landholding
African-Americans to that among
Americans (tenants not included) 62.23% 5.6%
a. Virginias population in 1860 was 1,595,906; African-Americans 548,607
(490,565 bond; 58,042 free); and 1,047,299 European-Americans. US
Census Office, Preliminary Report on the Eighth Census, 1860
[Washington, 1862], this pagethis page. The state’s population in 1860 was
91.5 percent rural. (Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census of the United
States, 1940, Vol. I [Washington, 1942], Table 8, p. 23.) The rural/urban
ratio is here assumed to be the same for the African-American and
European-American populations. This assumption may tend to exaggerate
the degree of landholding among African-Americans, since the rural
proportion of the African-American population was higher than that of the
European-American population. (See Richard Wade, Slavery in the Cities
[New York, 1964], this pagethis page.) A closer approximation, however,
would only add force to the point that landholding by African-Americans
was minimal in Virginia in 1860.
b. There were 92,605 farms in Virginia in 1860, of which 1,300 were owned by
African-Americans. (Bureau of the Census, Ninth Census of the United
States, 1870. Statistics of Wealth and Industry, Vol. 3 [Washington,
1872], p. 340. Luther Porter Jackson, Free Negro Labor and Property
Holding in Virginia in 1860 [New York, 1942], p.134.) The assumption is
made here that each owned farm had a separate owner. Since multiple
ownership was less frequent among African-Americans than among
European-Americans, a stricter count, if it could be made, would lower the
proportion of landholding among African-Americans less than it would the
landholding ratio among European-Americans. However, the alteration could
not significantly affect the argument of this table regarding the difference
between the 1666 and 1860 ratios of landholding.
c. In Northampton County in 1666, seven of the 64 African-Americans were
landholders, as were 145 of the 826 European-Americans. There were 422
tithables (54 African-Americans and 368 European-Americans), of whom
152 (7 African-Americans and 145 European-Americans) were landholders.
(See the Northampton list of tithables for 1666, in Jennings Cropper Wise,
The Kingdom of Accawmacke, on the Eastern Shore of Virginia in the
Seventeenth Century [Richmond, 1911; Baltimore reprint, 1967], this
pagethis page. Edmund S. Morgan’s figures vary slightly – 158 households,
434 tithables, and the African-American proportion of the total population a
suggested 13.2 percent [American Slavery, American Freedom, New
York, 1975, pp. 420, 425.])
My estimate of the total population (all rural, of course) of Northampton
County in 1666 is based on the following assumptions: Children under sixteen
years of age, the untithable portion of the African-American population,
constituted 15 percent of all African-Americans, thus among African-
Americans the ratio of total population to tithables would be 1.18. (Morgan
uses this 15 percent figure, though he calls it a ‘generous’ estimate [pp. 421,
and 422 n. 46.]. If this is indeed an overestimate of the untithable proportion of
the African-American population, it will be on the safe, conservative, side of
the argument being presented here concerning the greater dispersion of
landholding in 1666 as compared to 1860.) The figure of 2.11 for the ratio of
total population to tithables for Virginia is assumed to be true for Northampton
County. This figure is an extrapolation based on Morgans assumed linear rise
in the ratio from 1.65 in 1640 to 2.69 in 1699; in 1666, the ratio would be 2.11
to 1. The statistical analysis is as follows: total population (2.11 x 422) 890;
total African-American population (1.18 x 54) 64. The figures for the
European-American population 368 tithable (men) multiplied by 2.11 makes a
total of 826.
The same point can be made in terms of social mobility,
expressed as the ratio between the number of European-
American tithables and those landholders who were
former bond-laborers (identifiable through a search of the
abstracts of land patents in Nugents Cavaliers and
Pioneers). Of the total 145 European-American
landholders in Northampton in 1666, 58 are identifiable in
these patents. Of these, 27, i.e., 47 percent, had come as
bond-laborers. If this ratio is assumed to have been the
same for the entire roster of 145 European-American
landholders, then 68 were in that category. Since there
were 209 European-American (tithable) bond-laborers,
the social mobility ratio was 69 to 209, or 32.5 percent;
for the African-American tithables the ratio was 7 to 44,
or 15.9 percent.
The disparity of the two ratios seems understandable in
terms of two main factors. Some of the European-
American bond-laborers had family or other personal ties
on one side of the Atlantic or the other that afforded them
some support in getting started after the end of their terms
of servitude. Such ties were less likely to be available to
African-Americans, except possibly to those who came to
the colony from England. Second, the disposition on the
part of plantation owners to extend the bond-laborers
terms of servitude operated to extend the terms of limited-
term African-American bond-laborers for periods longer
than set by the custom of the country, thus reducing the
relative number of African-Americans who survived to
become socially mobile.
Yet even this relatively diminished rate of African-
American social mobility of 1666 was such as would have
been incompatible with a system of racial oppression. In
1860, the African-American proletarian population fifteen
years of age and over in Virginia numbered around
330,000. The social mobility rate of 15.9 percent on that
base would imply the existence of a class of African-
American Virginia landholders of 52,740, a number nearly
equal to the total number of free African-Americans
(58,000) in Virginia in 1860. That would have meant a
rate of landholding among free African-Americans nine or
ten times the landholding ratio prevailing among
European-Americans, a situation incompatible with the
character of racial oppression and hence of racial slavery
as a form of it. It may be concluded that the social mobility
rate among African-Americans in Northampton County,
Virginia, in 1666 was inconsistent with racial oppression.
African-American Owners of European-
American Bond-laborers
In some cases, African-Americans became owners, buyers
and sellers, of European-American bond-laborers. Francis
Payne, when still a bond-laborer, was owned by Mrs Jane
Eltonhead in right of her children from a previous
marriage. In May 1649 the two signed an agreement in
their own hands, according to which Payne was to have
the usufruct of the land he was working for her for two
crops, and then be free. The conditions were that Payne
was to pay 1,500 pounds of tobacco and six barrels of
corn out of the proceeds of the current crop.
Out of the
second crop he was to supply Eltonhead with “three
sufficient men servants between the age of fifteen &
twenty fower & they shall serve for sixe yeares or seaven
att the least.” Mr Eltonhead made the search for the bond-
laborers on behalf of Payne, and in March 1649/50 struck
a bargain with “Mr Peter Walker merchant for Towe men
Servants which is for the use of Francis Payne Negro
towards his free-dome.” In April, 1651, Eltonhead
acknowledged receipt from “Francis Payne Negro the
quantity of sixteen hundred & fifty pownds of Tobacco &
two Servants (according Unto the Condition betwixt him
& his mistris) also a Bill taken in of his mistris which she
passed unto Mr. Edward Davis for a mayd servant
In November 1656, Mrs Eltonhead, then living
in Maryland presumably widowed a second time,
acknowledged the receipt of 3,800 pounds of tobacco
from Payne, and formally freed Payne and his wife and
childrenfrom all hindrance of servitude.”
On 28 April 1653 the Northampton County Court
ordered John Gussall, “Negro,” according to the terms of
his contract with Montroze Evellyn, to pay 1,000 pounds
of tobacco and one sufficient able woman servant for
four yeares time.” If the woman bond-laborers were to die
“in seasoning the first yeare,” Gussal was to recompense
Evellyn with 1,200 pounds of tobacco.
Continuing Bourgeois Pressure for Unpaid
Labor Time
All the while the pressure continued to reduce African-
American bond-laborers to lifetime servitude. A law
passed in March 1661 specifying punishment for runaway
bond-laborers referred to any negroes who are incapable
of makeing satisfaction by addition of time.”
September 1668, free African-American women were
declared tithable on the explicit grounds that “though
permitted to enjoy their freedome … [they] ought not in all
respects be admitted to a full fruition of the exemptions
and impunities of the English.”
In October 1669, owners
who killed their Negro or Indian lifetime bond-laborers
under “correction were acquit from molestation on the
grounds that it would not be reasonable that an owner
would destroy his own property with malice
Three years later this immunity from
prosecution was extended to any person who killed “any
negroe, molatto, Indian slave, or servant for life” who
became the object of hue and cry as a runaway.
All the
laws were especially oppressive in their intentions
regarding African-Americans, of course. Insofar as they
made reference to African-Americans as lifetime bond-
laborers, they were a denial of the possibility of achieving
either any social distinction or the enjoyment of the legal
rights of marriage and family formation. But it is the 1668
law directed at free African-American women that most
explicitly anticipates racial oppression.
Contracts and last wills increasingly contemplated
raising the number of African-Americans in the category
of lifetime bond-laborers. As early as 1649, eleven
African-American bond-laborers from Barbados were
sold to Argoll Yardley “to have hold possess and quietly
enjoy [by] him his heirs, or assigns for ever.”
1653, Yardley contracted to provide John Machell “one
Negro girle named Dennis Aged 12 yeares next November
to serve him his heyres or Assignes for her lifetime.”
In his will, dated February 1656, Rowland Burnham
bequeathed his English bond-laborers to members of his
family for the limited terms they had been bought to serve;
the African-American bond-laborers were to serve
“forever” those to whom they were willed.
At the same time there was a growing desire among
owners of bond-laborers to make African-American
servitude hereditary, an impulse that found expression in a
depraved adaptation of the customary reference to
property in animal stock. In September 1647, Stephen
Charlton made a gift of a Mare colt, three Cows, and “A
Negro girle named Sisley aged about fowre or five
years them and their increase both male and female
The settlement of the estate of Edmund
Scarburgh in 1656 assigned to Charles Scarburgh “one
Negro man called Tom & Masunke his wife with all their
In his will dated 12 February 1656, Rowland
Burnham distributed some seventeen bond-laborers to
various beneficiaries, the ten English ones “for the full
terms of tyme they have to serve”; “the negroes forever.”
Among the African-Americans given to his sons was a
“woman called Joane with what Children she shall bear
from this date to them and their heirs forever.”
December 1657 Captain Francis Pott sold Ann Driggus,
nine or ten years old, with all her increase forever to
John Panell.
African-Americans Challenge Hereditary
As noted in Chapter 8, African-American bond-laborers
joined in direct action with other bond-laborers in
resisting their bondage by running away. They also were
aware of the need to challenge aspects of the bond-
servitude system that were or might be directly aimed
against them in particular.
Phillip and Mingo, two African-American bond-
laborers whom John Foster bought from Captain William
Hawley in January 1649, were trouble from the moment
the purchase was made. Concerned about the “fine print
of the Hawley-Foster contract, the workers engaged in
what today would be called a “slow-down strike,” making
Foster “fearfull that [they] would run awaye from him
altogether. Upon their insistence, Captain Hawley was
brought into the discussion. Acting as mediator, Hawley
“went downe to the seaboard side, And made a wrighting
to the Negros,” specifying that at the end of four years,
“they shalbe free from their servitude & bee free men; &
labor for themselves.” At some subsequent point the two
workers were to pay Hawley 1,700 pounds of tobacco, or
“one Man servant.”
Resistance might sometimes take the form of the buy-
out. In May 1645, Emanuell Dregus (Rodrigues) arranged
to purchase from his employer, Captain Francis Pott, the
freedom of two children whom he had adopted, eight-
year-old Elizabeth and one-year-old Jane, who were
bound until the age of twenty-one and thirty respectively.
Rogrigues may well have been aware of the sentiment
expressed by the General Court in the John Punch case,
and of the disposition of some owners to keep Negroes in
perpetual servitude, and he might, judging from his name,
have had memories of such a regime in some Dutch or
Portuguese colony. Although Pott appears to have been
personally sympathetic to him, Rodrigues nevertheless
preferred to have his children at his own disposal. Indeed,
as noted above, the time would come when Pott himself
would adopt the notion of hereditary bondage.
Perhaps the most frequent form of challenges to
discriminatory terms of servitude in the court records
were petitions for freedom presented by African-
Americans. Some were submitted by persons who had
come into Virginia as limited-term indentured bond-
laborers, others were based on promises made by
deceased owners wills or otherwise. The story of the
struggle of John Baptista, “a moore of Barbary,”
in 1649, when he was sold by a Dutch merchant, Simon
Overzee, to Major Thomas Lambert of Norfolk County,
Virginia. But for how long? That was the matter that
concerned John Baptista. There came a point at which
Baptista refused to continue in servitude saying that “he
would serve but fowre yeares” and that he intended to take
the matter to the Governor. He did so and in March 1653/4
the General Court ruled that he had not been sold for his
lifetime and ordered that Baptista serve Lambert for two
more years and then be free. Alternatively Baptista was to
buy back the two years by paying Lambert 2,000 pounds of
tobacco. Baptista was free of Lambert in less than a year
and had departed for Maryland with Overzee.
Dego took his owner, Minor Doodes, to court in
Lancaster County in March 1655/6. Apparently Doodes
was intending to leave the area and wanted to sell Dego as
a lifetime bond-laborer. A paper was presented signed by
Doodes, providing that if he sold Dego, it was to be for no
more than ten years.
African-American John (or Jack) Kecotan arrived in
Virginia as a bond-laborer in about 1635. Eighteen years
later his owner, Rice Hoe Senior, promised Kecotan that
if he lived a morally irreproachable life, he would be
given his freedom at the end of another eleven years!
Sadly, Hoe Senior passed away before the time had
elapsed, and the court ordered Kecotan to continue in
servitude with Hoe’s widow until her death. That
mournful event occurred sometime before 10 November
1665, leaving Rice Hoe Junior in possession of the estate,
including, he assumed, John Kecotan. But it being then
thirty years since Kecotan had started his servitude under
the elder Hoe, Kecotan petitioned the court for his
freedom. When Junior Hoe opposed the petition on the
grounds that some time during the elder Hoe’s lifetime
Kecotan had had child-producing liaisons with two or
more English women, thus violating the good-conduct
condition of the original promise of freedom, the Virginia
General Court ordered that Kecotan be freed, unless Hoe
could prove his charges at the next County Court. There
five men, apparently all European-Americans, supported
Jack Kecotans petition with a signed testimonial to his
character. Hoe produced two other witnesses for his side.
Apparently Jack Kecotan at some point secured his
freedom, at least enough that he and his co-defendant,
Robert Short, won a jury verdict in their favor in a suit
brought against them by Richard Smith.
In 1654 Anthony Longo was a hard-working farmer
living in Northampton County with his wife Mary, two
daughters and a son. He had long before demonstrated his
mistrust of the intentions of European-American owners of
bond-labor regarding the freedom of African-Americans.
“For certain considerationsLongo had achieved freedom
from his owner in 1635. Suddenly, five years later, in
August 1640, two months after the General Court in the
John Punch case sought to equate being a negro” with
lifetime bondage, Longo induced his former owner,
Commander Nathaniel Littleton, to affirm Longo’s
freedom in the Northampton County Court record.
had a contempt for government interference; and when he
was served a warrant to appear in court to answer charges
of obstructing a road by building a fence across it, he said
he’d go to court when he had got his corn crop in and not
before. He called the warrant server an “idle Rascall
adding, dismissively, “shitt of your warrant.”
When, as
mentioned above, in September 1668 the General
Assembly made free African-American women liable to
taxes, the Longo family was not one to submit quietly.
Longo took his grievance directly to Governor Berkeley,
petitioning to be eased of his great charge of children.”
As the eventual disposition of the petition shows, Longo’s
purpose was not to have his children taken away but to
protest the discriminatory tax on African-American
women such as those in his family. The County Court, in
apparent retaliation for Longo’s having “by his petition
complained to the Honorable Governor,” charged Longo
with being a bad parent, and accordingly sought to deprive
him of the children, cynically adding that Longo would be
“discharged of publike taxes.” The children were ordered
bound out to two of Longo’s richer neighbors until the
children reached the age of twenty-four, the girls to learn
“housewifery, knitting and such like; the boy
Longo petitioned the court to be allowed to
keep his children, and the order relating to the elder of the
daughters was rescinded.
Andrew Moore arrived in Virginia to serve as a
limited-term bond-laborer. In October 1673 he petitioned
the General Court for his freedom, contending that his
owner, Mr George Light, was keeping him in bondage
well past his proper time of service. He won a decision
ordering Light to free him with the customary allowance of
“Corn and Clothes,” and to pay Moore 700 pounds of
tobacco for his overtime.
Thomas Hagleton, like Moore, came from England.
He arrived in Maryland in 1671 with signed indenture
papers to serve for four years. In 1676, Hagleton
petitioned the Maryland Provincial Court complaining that
his owner, Major Thomas Truman, detained him from his
freedom. The court, citing the presence of witnesses
prepared to testify on Hagletons behalf, granted
Hagletons request for a trial of the issue.
European-American Nathaniel Bradford had become
wary of such challenges. In April 1676 he purchased an
African-American woman bond-laborer from Matthew
Scarburgh for 3,000 pounds of tobacco, to be paid in two
annual installments, presumably from the product of two
years labor. But the purchase agreement carried a
protective clause requiring Scarburgh to post bond “to
save [Bradford] harmless from any claime that she
hath liv’d in England or Barbados” as a basis for suing for
her freedom.
Evangelical Questions and Objections
The obstructive effect of the institutional inertia of
common-law principles and Christian religious scruples
with respect to racial oppression found both implicit and
explicit expression among the owning classes.
who explicitly addressed the issue were English ministers,
Morgan Godwyn (fl. 1685), Richard Baxter (1615–91),
a n d George Fox (1641–91). Godwyn, author of The
Negro’s and Indians Advocate and other works of the
same tenor, was an Anglican minister who served in
Virginia in Marston parish in the late 1660s.
Fox, the
first Quaker, wrote and spoke on the subject of the
treatment of African-Americans by Anglo-Americans, both
before and after his journey to the British West Indies and
the Chesapeake in 1671–74.
Richard Baxter, also a
Puritan, wrote a scathing denunciation of the commerce in
human commodities.
As they observed the extreme
brutality and callousness of the actual practice of
enslavement, their core theme of Christian equalitarianism
led them to challenge aspects of slavery, the slave trade,
the inhumanity of the treatment of the slaves, even to
advocate replacing perpetual servitude by limited-term
The well-known authority Thomas E. Drake has said
that these seventeenth-century preachers “sought the
liberation of Negroes’ souls, not their bodies.”
They did
not demand immediate general emancipation; rather, they
preached to the slaves the sanctity of submissiveness.
Nevertheless, the doctrine of a common humanity as
children of God, and of Christs blood as the universal
solvent of sin, as well as the jubilee tradition of the
people of the Book, limiting the time that even strangers
might be held in bondage – all that was an obstacle that the
plantation bourgeoisie knew it could not ignore.
Such an ideology was unsuited to the superstructure of a
colony founded on lifetime hereditary bond-servitude.
“[W]e cannot serve Christ and Trade,” said Godwyn, in
warning to those who sought enrichment through denying
the humanity of the plantation bond-laborers.
“From this
fundamental idea of the brotherhood of men through the
sacrifice of Christ,” writes Drake, “Fox reasoned that the
servitude of Negroes should end in freedom just as it did
for whites
; accordingly Fox urged Barbados Quakers to
“deal mildly and gently with their negroes … and that after
certain years of servitude they would make them free.”
These ideas if put into practice would negate the very
purpose of lifelong bondage by shortening the period of
servitude. Furthermore, such a practice would reduce the
supply of bond-labor in two ways. First, it would deprive
the owners to some degree of property in newborn
children. Second, the reduced profitability of bond-labor
resulting from shortening the period of servitude, coupled
with the moral crusade against the slave trade as “the
worst kind of thievery as Richard Baxter put it, would
have reduced the profitability of that branch of free
Furthermore, these equalitarian implications were
absolutely incompatible with racial oppression, which in
Anglo-America would take the form of “white
supremacy.” Morgan Godwyn, for all his assurances about
not prejudicing the interests of the owners of lifetime
bond-laborers, justified his campaign for Christianizing
African and African-American bond-laborers in terms that
had quite different implications. Godwyn denounced
plantation owners who opposed the admission of African-
American bond-laborers to Christian fellowship by
pretending “That the Negro’s, though in their figure they
carry some resemblance of Manhood, yet are indeed no
Men.” In terms of pure economic determinism, Godwyn
ascribed this denial of the humanity of Africans and
African-Americans to the inducement and instigation of
our Planters[] chief Diety, Profit.”
Calling such ideas
“strange to the People in England,” Godwyn argued the
case for a common humanity:
How should they [Africans and African-Americans] otherwise be capable
of Trades, and other no less Manly imployments, as also of Reading, and
Writing; or show so much Discretion in management of Business; eminent in
diverse of them; but wherein (we know) that many of our own People are
The ruling elite in the plantation colonies found such
notions so threatening that, despite Quaker disavowal of
any intent to incite Negro insurrection, respective colony
legislatures enacted stern measures against the sect. In
Barbados, where Negroes were a majority of the
population by the end of the third quarter of the
seventeenth century, elaborate systems of repressive
measures were instituted. Laws providing severe penalties
were enacted against those who allowed the attendance of
Negroes at Quaker meetings and schools.
In the
Chesapeake, laws were enacted generally proscribing the
Quakers, but without making any specific reference to
African-Americans or bond-servitude.
throughout the seventeenth century a majority of the bond-
laborers in the Chesapeake were European-Americans, the
spread of such doctrines as Quakerism might threaten to
unravel bond-servitude altogether, especially in light of
the fact that, from its inception in the 1620s, it represented
a violation of English master-servant principles. Of
course, the equalitarian implications of Christian doctrine
were not the invention of seventeenth-century
The rebels on Mousehold Heath in 1549 had
based their argument against bondage on the grounds of an
appeal to Christian fellowship.
Later in that same
century, Thomas Smith had made the point in his
Republica Anglorum that Christians might not hold
Christians in slavery, a principle drawn from ancient
Hebrew tribal law.
Elements of the Propertied Classes Oppose
Racial Oppression
In Virginia in the period before Bacons Rebellion,
actions taken by some of the plantation owners implied a
rejection on their part of the principle of racial
oppression, although explicit references to English
common law and Christian doctrine were omitted. Owners
of African-American bond-laborers frequently encouraged
them by allowing them to have livestock and small
cultivable plots, not just for their subsistence but for
disposal by sale. Such a practice was contrary to the
conditions of chattel bond-servitude in general, since it
implied the legal ability of the worker to make contracts
for purchase and sale.
Indeed in the instances cited
above of African-American cattle dealers, self-
purchasers, plantation owners, and tobacco sellers, those
persons first achieved social mobility through
encouragement by their European-American owners. In
other cases African-Americans were assured of places on
the first rung of social mobility by the expiration of their
limited terms of servitude, or under the terms of wills of
owners who died, which frequently provided them with
allowances of livestock. In order to resolve any doubts
about the ownership of certain “Cattle, Hoggs & poultrey,
with their increase” in the possession of African-
Americans Emanual Driggs and Bashawe Farnando, two
prominent planters, Francis Pott and Stephen Charlton,
attested that those animals had been “Lawfully gotten, &
purchased” from Pott when Driggs and Farnando were in
Potts employ, and that “they may freely dispose of them
either in their life tyme or att their death.”
Aside from other cases mentioned incidentally in other
parts of this chapter, here are half a dozen instances in
which European-American employers acted on the
assumption that African-American bond-laborers need not
serve for life, nor hereditarily, but only for limited terms.
On 2 December 1648, Stephen Charlton made a legal
record of his intention that “John Gemander his servant”
was to serve a limited term of ten years, and thenthe said
Negro is to be a free man.” On the same day, Charlton
“assigned” Grace-Suzana, a Negro childe,” to serve Mr
Richard Vaughan until the age of thirty and then “to be
freed from further servitude.”
On 16 April 1650 Richard
Vaughan made a court record of his intention that when
they reached the age of thirty, two Negro children owned
by him, three-year-old Temperance and two-year-old
James, should be free.
Stephen Charltons will, probated
on 29 January 1654/5, provided for freedom, on certain
conditions, for Jack in four years, and for Bridgett if she
paid his daughters 2,500 pounds of tobacco and cask, or
otherwise at the end of three more years.
Christopher Stafford died around the end of 1654 his will
provided that Mihill Gowen was to be free after serving
Stafford’s uncle four more years. The executrix of the
will, Stafford’s sister, Amy Barnhouse, “for divers good
causes (and apparently a year ahead of time) freed
Gowen and his baptized infant son William.
Francis Pott
died before he had a chance to include in his will his
intention to free “his Negroe Bashore.” His widow and
executrix married William Kendall, member of the County
Court. On 30 May 1659 Kendall, in accordance with
Potts wishes, “set the said Bashore at Liberty and
proclaim[ed] him to be free … for Ever.”
In the spring of 1660, Thomas Whitehead died; he was
survived by two children, Mary Rogers, the elder, and
James Rogers. Although Mary was still under age,
Whitehead appointed her his chief heir and the executrix
of his will. In a further provision he set free his African-
American bond-laborer named John to “be his owne man
from any person or persons whatsoever,” and gave him a
cow and a heifer, the house John lived in, and “ground to
plant upon and peaceably to injoy it his lifetime.’ He
also appointed John to be Mary Rogers[’] Guardyan &
Overseer of hir & what I have given hir till she is of age.”
Finally, if Mary and his son James died before coming of
age, the entire estate, which at that time included an
unnamed boy bond-laborer with two years yet to serve,
“shall returne to my Negro [John].” Whitehead correctly
anticipated that the court might not accept John as Marys
guardian, and named one Andrew Rider to serve in Johns
stead. There are indications that Rider was negligent in the
execution of the will. In September 1660, possibly on
Johns petition, the County Court “ordered that John Negro
servant to Thomas Whitehead deceased be and hereby is
declared Free & that hee have his Cattle & other things
belonging to him delivered to him.”
One other will seems worth notice here, although it was
not left by a member of the propertied classes. English
seaman George Williams would never see home again. He
died in October 1667 in Virginia, where he had been
tended and comforted by Manuel Driggus in his last days.
Like Joe Hill, he had little to divide, but that little he
bequeathed to Driggus “for his care and trouble in
tendinge mee in my sickness,” namely, eleven months
back wages due for his service on his ship, Loves
Increase, whatever tobacco he had laid by, his sea chest
and its contents, and all else he owned in Northampton
County. In keeping with the custom of the time, he made
Driggus, his largest creditor, the executor of his will.
The Case of Elizabeth Key
Elizabeth Key (the name is variously spelled) was born in
Virginia around 1631. She was the daughter of Thomas
Key, of Northumberland County, and of an African-
American woman, not named in the record, but who was a
bond-laborer owned by Key.
In 1636 the father,
intending to return to England to stay, sold his plantation to
Humphrey Higginson (the child’s godfather and a member
of the General Assembly), and bound Elizabeth to him for
a term of nine years. Under the terms of this assignment,
Higginson was “to use her more respectfully than a Comon
servant or slave.” Elizabeth was not to be sold to anyone
else. If Higginson survived and stayed in Virginia until the
end of the nine years, Elizabeth was then to be free. If
Higginson were to return to England before that time, he
was to take Elizabeth with him at his own expense and
return her to her father there. If Higginson died in Virginia
before the end of the nine years, Elizabeth was then to be
immediately free.
Thomas Key died before he could embark for England,
and Higginson, too, died some time before Elizabeths
nine-year term was completed. Instead of achieving her
freedom, however, she was held in servitude by the
administrator of the Higginson estate, a planter named
John Mottrom. Mottrom also died and in 1656 Elizabeth
Key, with the assistance of William Greenstead as her
attorney, brought suit for her freedom against those who
were now in possession of Mottroms estate. The grounds
taken by the defense imparted a far-reaching significance
to the case by claiming Key as a lifetime bond-laborer on
the grounds that such had been the condition of her mother.
In January 1656 a jury of twelve men found Elizabeth
Key to be rightfully entitled to her freedom. The overseers
of the Mottrom estate appealed the decision to the Virginia
General Court. The original record of the General Court
for that period was destroyed by fire in 1865. But a
transcript of it made prior to 1860 has the following entry
under the date of 12 March 1656: “Mulatto held to be a
slave and appeal taken.” Historians may be correct in
inferring that this is a reference to Elizabeth Key, and that
it indicates that the General Court reversed the decision of
t h e Northumberland County Court. That inference it
strengthened by the fact that a week later the General
Assembly, the normal court of appeal from General Court
decisions at that time, took the case under its
consideration. On 20 March a special committee of the
General Assembly, chosen to make a determination of the
matter, expressed the sense “of the Burgesses of the
present Assembly,” holding that Key was entitled to
freedom on two legal grounds that are of critical
importance for the present discussion of the origin of
racial slavery as a particular form of racial oppression in
continental Anglo-America. First, there was the ancient
common law principle of partus sequitur patrem,
according to which the condition of the child follows the
condition of the father. Since Elizabeth was the daughter
of John Key,
she should be free by the Comon Law
[that] the Child of a Woman slave begotten by a freeman
ought to be free.” Second, Key should be free based on the
Christian principle against holding Christians as slaves.
Elizabeth Key “hath bin long since Christened, Colonel
Higginson being her God father.” The Assembly ordered
that the matter be returned for consideration, noting that
Key should be given not only freedom dues, but also
compensation “for the time shee hath served longer than
shee ought to have done.”
One of the Mottrom estate overseers, George
Colclough, who was later to come into possession of one-
third of the estate by marrying Mottroms widow,
appealed to Governor Berkeley. On 11 June the Governor
ordered a suspension of further proceedings pending a
rehearing of the case by the Fall term of the General Court.
There is no record, however, of the General Court ever
having taken further notice of the case. The last word in
the litigation was had by the Northumberland County
Court; in effect it ignored the Governors order and
instead implemented the sense of the General Assembly by
ordering that Key be freed and compensated. The fact that
the judgment of the General Assembly effectively
prevailed is incontestably indicated by the following
series of developments. The March sitting of the General
Court ruled that, if a woman bond-laborer married a free
man with the consent of her owner, she became free
thereby. Key and Greenstead had developed a personal as
well as a professional relationship. The banns of their
marriage were proclaimed in the church, and since no one
could “shew any Lawful cause whey they may not be
joyned together,” they were married. It is apparent that the
administrators of the Mottrom estate were tacitly
acknowledging that they had no legal grounds to prevent
the marriage. The certificate of the marriage was recorded
at the same July Northumberland Court that finally ordered
Key freed. Lastly, when the Mottrom estate was finally
divided the following January, it included one Irish, four
English, and three African-American bond-laborers, but
Elizabeth Key was not among them.
Lacking further legal recourse, the Mottromites finally
let Elizabeth Key go, without, however, conceding the
principle involved. Rather, they still asserted their right to
“assign and transfer unto William Greenstead a maid
servant formerly belonging to the estate of Col. Mottrom
commonly called Elizabeth Key being nowe Wife unto the
sad Greenstead.” Thus the advocates of hereditary
bondage covered their embarrassment with the principle
of the feme couvert,” according to which the wife is not
at her own disposal but at that of her husband, and thus is
still not a free individual.
The Critical Importance of the Key Case
The case of Elizabeth Key presented a direct
confrontation, played out on a colony-wide scale, between
the desire among plantation owners to raise their rate of
profit by imposing lifetime hereditary servitude on
African-Americans, and an African-Americans right to
freedom on the basis of Christian principles and English
common law.
The jury that heard the case and the
General Assembly that reviewed it in 1656 acted on the
traditional English principle in finding that Elizabeth
Keys Christian baptism and rearing barred her from being
held as a lifetime bond-laborer. At the same time, they
took their stand on the common-law principle that the
social status of the child followed that of the father.
If the principles affirmed in the findings of the
Northumberland County jury and the special committee of
the General Assembly had prevailed, the establishment of
racial slavery would have been prevented. If African-
Americans were to be reduced to lifetime hereditary
bond-servitude and kept in that status, it was essential for
the exploiters of bond-labor to establish the principle of
descent through the mother. For, as an owner claimed
when another woman sued for her freedom a century later:
“If, in a case of a dispute about the property of negroes, it
is not sufficient to prove the mother to be a slave, there
will soon be an end to that kind of property.”
What was
involved here was not a mere matter of ancestry; it
represented an attack on the patriarchy, though limited, of
course, to the Negro family. In principle it was akin to the
attack on the Catholic Irish family under the Penal Laws of
the eighteenth century.
And, as in the case of that aspect
of the Penal Laws, it was not associated with any
equalitarian impulse on the part of the ruling class.
It was equally important, for purposes of maximizing
profits by reducing labor costs, to cut the knot that tangled
Christian baptism with freedom. Already a decade and a
half earlier the organizers of the ill-fated English colony
on Providence Island had said that only Negroes not yet
converted to Christianity could be enslaved, but that those
who had been converted could not.
The early response
of Barbados planters to proposals to Christianize the
Negroes there was that it would be the end of their system,
because they could no longer be accounted as slaves.
Notice has been taken of the quick reactions of the
General Assembly to aspects of the runaway problem, and
to the servants plot of 1663, and of the timely changes in
the terms of bond-servitude to be imposed on Irish bond-
laborers, which reflected the alteration from the
ascendancy of the Puritan Commonwealth to the
restoration of the crypto-Catholic Stuarts in England. Each
of these cases also involved considerations of labor costs,
but they did not impinge on the sacred and constitutional
principles of patriarchy and religious conversion, deep-
running principles not to be disposed of quickly. It would
be six years before the Virginia General Assembly in
1662 resolved “doubts that [had] arisenabout the status
of children of English fathers and African-American
women, by enacting thatall children borne in this country
shalbe held bond or free according to the condition of the
mother,” establishing the principle of partus sequitur
ventrem, directly contrary to the English common law
principle of partus sequitur patrem, descent through the
In 1667, eleven years after Elizabeth Key had
won her fight for freedom as a Christian, the General
Assembly again was able to receive “doubts that [had]
arisenby decreeing that “the conferring of baptisme doth
not alter the condition of the person as to his bondage”;
thus, as it was said, “masters, freed from this doubt, may
more carefully endeavour the propagation of
A widened lens brings significant rough coincidences into
focus. In January 1663, the year after the Virginia General
Assembly enacted the legal principle of descent through
the mother in order to make African-Americans subject to
hereditary bond-servitude, the English government re-
chartered the Company of Royal Adventurers to Africa,
for the first time listing the trade in human chattels among
its purposes.
In October the English bourgeoisie threw
open a challenge to Dutch domination of that trade by
sending a naval force to carry out extensive raids on Dutch
posts on the coast of West Africa. The issue thus joined
was to eventuate in the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665–
67); it ended with the Treaty of Breda which finally gave
the Anglo-American plantation colonies secure direct
access to African bond-laborers. In 1672, the Royal
Adventurers, who had been bankrupted by the long
struggle with the Dutch, were succeeded by the Royal
African Company, which was granted a monopoly as the
supplier of African laborers to Anglo-America.
The 1667 assurance given by the Virginia General
Assembly to the plantation bourgeoisie at large that they
need no longer fear the liberating effect of Christian
baptism coincided with the signing of the Treaty of Breda.
Three years later, in 1670, the General Assembly made it
illegal for African-American planters to buy “christian
bond-laborers, limiting them to the purchase of persons
“of their owne nation.”
Although the reasoning that led
to this enactment is not recorded, except that the issue
“hath beene questioned,” it was not intended as a way of
promoting the sales of African bond-laborers. Rather, it
was designed to promote the principle of racial
oppression. The purchase price for Africans was half
again as much as that for Europeans,
prohibitively high
for poor planters such as African-American planters
generally were. This restriction therefore was an effective
bar to advancement to the employer class.
In 1672 the General Assembly enacted a law “for the
apprehension and suppression of runawayes, negroes and
slaves” because, it said,
many negroes have lately beene and now are out in rebellion in sundry parts
of this country, and noe means have yet beene found for the
apprehension and suppression of them from whome many mischiefes of
very dangerous consequence may arise to the country if either other
negroes, Indians or servants should happen to fly forth and joyne with
Into this Virginia in 1674 or 1675, some 250 bond-
laborers were brought directly from West Africa in ships
under contract to the Royal African Company.
tobacco bourgeoisie generally certainly hoped to solve the
problem of perennially low-priced tobacco by importing
Africans as lifetime hereditary bond-laborers. The
tobacco bourgeoisie was also strongly urged by the
highest circles in the English government to patronize the
African labor trade, “Blacks being the principall and
most Usefull appurtenances of a plantation.”
But as the historian Bruce noted, “Those [bond-
laborers] snatched directly from a state of freedom in
Africa were doubtless in some measure difficult to
If it came to that, who would do the
“managing”? If the hopes of the rich planters and of the
Royal African Company were to be realized in a rapid
increase of the labor supply directly from Africa, how
would the ruling elite cope with the attendant increase in
problems of social control, of negroes out in rebellion?”
They could, of course, pass more stringent laws, but how
effective would they be? Leaving aside the demonstrated
moral and humane attitudes that ran counter to such denial
of English rights to African-Americans, there were
interests belonging to the field of political economy that
were directly or indirectly inconsistent with devoted
enforcement of repressive measures against African-
Americans. In the years 1672 to 1674, England was
engaged in the last of the three Anglo-Dutch wars. Even
some of the more prosperous Virginia planters, who might
have been able to afford to buy lifetime bond-laborers at
£18 to £20 each, were in a treasonous disposition, and
were saying openly, that they are in the nature of slaves”
because they were being denied free trade with the Dutch.
Their disaffection was so great, it was said, that Virginia
wasin danger, with their consent, to fall into the enemy’s
Of course that war would end, but the English
Navigation Acts directed against the Dutch trade would
remain; still, these more prosperous planters might be
expected to return to their allegiance and perhaps find
common interest in acquiring lifetime bond-laborers from
Royal African Company contractors. But, at the least, their
priorities diverged from those of their government to a
degree that was not for that moment propitious for
effective administration of laws. The poor majority of the
planters, and the landless freemen, could not afford to buy
lifetime bond-laborers, who would be forced to compete
with additional numbers of African lifetime bond-
laborers; they had better things to do than to help the rich
planters keep their newly arriving Africans. As for the
bond-labor majority of the producing classes, they were
so unreliable that of their number African-Americans and
all but a few of the European-Americans were denied the
right to bear arms even in face of the threat of a Dutch
Given the English superstructural obstacles and the
already marked resistance of African-Americans to
lifetime hereditary bondage that have been described in
this chapter, a rapid and large addition of African bond-
laborers to the population would certainly tend to reduce
the effectiveness of the already weak social control
stratum in enforcing the laws for the “suppression of
rebellious negroes.” It might indeed lead to the
appearance of quilombos in the Blue Ridge or the
Allegheny Mountains rivaling in scope the Palmares
settlement that withstood the assaults of Portuguese and
Dutch colonialists for nearly a century.
Rebellion and Reaction
Rebellion – and Its Aftermath
In 1624, Captain John Smith had warned that basing the
colony on chattel bond-servitude was bound to
“bring [Virginia] to misery.”
A half-century later, a
revolt that had been brewing since about 1660, when the
long period of very low tobacco prices began, fulfilled
that prophecy.
No other event of Anglo-American colonial history has
received so much attention from historians as Bacons
Rebellion, which convulsed the Virginia colony for nearly
nine months beginning in May 1676.
Over a period of
nearly three centuries, they have produced three main lines
of interpretation of that events historic significance. At
first, Bacons Rebellion was regarded as a bad thing
because of its lawlessness; rebel was ipso facto a
pejorative term, although extenuations were found by
reference to errors of government policy, official
corruption, and abuse of power. In the “Nationalist
period, between the American Revolution and the War
against Great Britain of 1812, a new look in the light of
new events led to a reinterpretation wherein Nathaniel
Bacon himself was seen as “the torchbearer of the
Revolution and the rebellion was regarded as a dress
rehearsal for the American Revolution; issues raised
against George III by the Continental Congress were seen
to vindicate Bacons rebellion against Charles IIs
Governor, William Berkeley. One well-known variation
on this theme eschews such hero worship and glorification
of rebellion but nevertheless regards the events as the
beginning of the shift in the locus of power from the royal
provincial authorities to an aristocracy of the “county
families with a sense of a new Virginia identity that a
century later they would assert by enlisting as “rebels.”
To the extent that Bacons Rebellion is seen as a reaction
against the effects of the Navigation Act and exorbitant
duties laid on tobacco sent to England, the parallel with
the American Revolution has validity. But that analogy
limps when it comes to Governor William Berkeleys
role, for he, the villain of the piece, was the most
articulate critic of the Navigation Laws. A more
fundamental objection is that the comparison is limited to
the matter of throwing off English domination and the
establishment of an independent republic, and
consequently ignores the factor of the extremes of
economic inequality that resulted from the system of bond-
When World War Two and then the modern civil rights
movement brought the thesis of equal rights and anti-
racism to the fore, Bacons Rebellion was once again seen
as a bad thing, but not because to “rebel” was unjustified,
but because the rebellion was regarded as not a real
rebellion at all, but merely a dramatic early event in the
“frontierphenomenon, whereby the path of white empire
took its westward way completely disregardful of the
rights of the American Indians. Wilcomb E. Washburn,
author of the standard presentation of this point of view,
concluded that the failure to take this frontier
aggressivenessinto account was due, at least in part, to
“the white historians immersion in his racial bias.”
All these various approaches, as well as that of the
present work, share a common disregard of the admonition
of the widely respected historian Wesley Frank Craven to
avoid attempts to read any lasting significance into
Bacons Rebellion.
My concern with the origin of racial oppression in
continental Anglo-America stresses the class struggle
dimension of colonial history. At the same time, it is
consistently informed by an equalitarian motif.
I thus have
a transient foot in both the second and the third of the three
camps, but only in passing through to a still different
interpretation. By the light of a consciousness raised by
the modern civil rights movement, I have examined the
records of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries,
with which scholars have long been familiar, and it is on
those records that my somewhat iconoclastic assessment
of the historical significance of Bacons Rebellion must
stand or fall.
Such being my focus, I have centered my attention on the
second, civil war phase of Bacons Rebellion April
1676 to January 1677 rather than the first, anti-Indian,
phase September 1675 to April 1676. In more explicit
justification of this emphasis, I offer the following four
The first of these is that the details of the anti-Indian
phase of the rebellion are all taken from accounts of the
English; the Pamunkey, the Susquehannocks and the
Occaneechee left no record of those events. Although the
English accounts do acknowledge particular English faults
in the conduct of the colonys relations with the Indians,
they all presume that the English were licensed by divine
providence, and/or the right of conquest (thinly disguised
perhaps by purchase” ortreaty), to reduce them to
subject, tributary status, and sooner or later to expropriate
Second, despite the policy of enslaving Indian war
captives, the basic Indian policy of the English ruling elite
was motivated not primarily by consideration of social
control over exploitable Indian bond-labor in Virginia, but
rather by a desire to exclude the Indians from English-
occupied territory. (To the English aggressors, the Indians
were regarded much as were the “wild Irish”, the “Irish
enemy outside the English Pale the small portion of
Ireland that was under English control prior to the
seventeenth century.)
Third, “white-race” identity was not the principle for
which freemen were rallied for the anti-Indian phase of
Bacons Rebellion. The “not-white and “redskin
classification of the Indian in Anglo-America would be
the outcome of the invention of the white race, a
transmogrification of the European-American that had not
yet been accomplished in 1676.
The fourth and final consideration is that Bacons
Rebellion was not primarily an anti-Indian war,
that was the tenor of the first call to arms voiced by
frontier plantation owners such as Nathaniel Bacon and
William Byrd, capitalists recently arrived in Virginia.
An analogy is provided by the American Revolution
which was not primarily an anti-Indian war, although
Thomas Jefferson, the Virginian author of the Declaration
of Independence, did indict George III for having
“endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers,
the merciless Indian savages” etcetera, etcetera, and
Congress arranged for the “extinction of Indian land
claims in order to grant 9,500,000 acres to Revolutionary
War veterans.
The “lesson of history” to be drawn from the anti-Indian
phase of Bacons Rebellion is clear and retains its
relevance today. The European occupation of Indian lands
shows that, from Columbus to Custer, the bourgeois eye
looks upon progress and genocide indifferently, as
incidental aspects of the process of the accumulation of
capital; the anti-Indian phase of Bacons Rebellion was
merely another example of that lesson. Its logic requires
that the United States government that brought the
American Indians to the verge of extinction make
restitution in some form that will at least end the legacy of
extreme poverty and discrimination that American white
supremacy has imposed on them. The struggle for justice
in this respect merges with the general struggle against
white-supremacist racial oppression.
Departing from theGreat Men
Interpretation of the Rebellion
The civil war phase of Bacons Rebellion offers relevant
insights into the course of the history of Anglo-America in
its colonial and in its regenerate United States form. The
usual treatments of the rebellion describe it largely in
terms of the contest between the Governor, William
Berkeley, and the Rebel, Nathaniel Bacon, even though
their differences are seen to involve policy questions of
great interest to the free population generally. Bernard
Bailyns analysis avoids the heroic interpretation; he finds
the significance of the rebellion in the struggle within the
elite, but he ignores the bond-laborers and the poor
farmers as well, except for the latters opposition to unfair
taxation and corruption and abuse of power by the
Governor and his faction. I do not intend a narrative
presentation, but rather merely to center attention on those
elements of the rebellion that relate most meaningfully to
the origin of racial oppression in continental Anglo-
Sir William Berkeley arrived in Virginia in 1642 as
Governor and served in that office until January 1677,
except for eight Cromwellian interregnum years, 1652 to
1659. To him, and to his appointed Colony Council, was
assigned the custody of the imperial interest, and he was
given great powers of patronage in establishing and
maintaining the provincial bureaucracy for carrying out the
appropriate official functions of that responsibility.
Beginning in the mid-1640s, in the time of the English
Revolution, and continuing during the first half-decade
after the restoration of Charles II to the throne in 1660, a
number of wealthy and well-connected newcomers
reactivated claims descended from Company period
“Adventurers”. These claims, Bailyn says, were “the most
important of a variety of forms of capital that might
provide the basis for secure family fortunes.”
These new
planters became established as dominant families in the
various counties. The political implications of this
decentralization of power, through the ascendancy of the
“county families,” were at least potentially contradictory
to English imperial interests, as represented by the
Navigation Acts which required Virginia planters to ship
their tobacco in English ships to England, so that the
Crown and English merchants, respectively, could rake in
the profit from the royal import duty on tobacco or from
re-export sales from England mainly to continental
This tension between the scattered county families and
the imperial interest accounts for the English governments
proposals for the establishment of a limited number of port
towns as the sole authorized sites for shipping tobacco.
These would facilitate enforcement of the Navigation Act
and assure full collection of the 2s. export duty per
hogshead of tobacco that supplied the Governors salary
and unaudited expenditures involved in the operation of
the provincial government, including the work of
collecting the royal quit-rents of 2s. per hundred acres of
patented land. This divergence of interests was also
expressed in the establishment in about 1663 of the elected
House of Burgesses as a separate section of a bicameral
Assembly and in the fact that for more than a decade the
Governor did not call a single general election of
burgesses. The result was the development of a political
differentiation within the colony elite, between the county
magnates, on the one hand, and the royally privileged inner
circle around the Governor and the Colony Council that
came to be called the Green Springfaction.
In 1676,
that divergence would produce a breach in the ranks of the
ruling elite through which would erupt profound social
Bacons Rebellion began in that year, not as a new
bond-labor plot for flight or rebellion, nor as a mutiny of
poor disfranchised freemen sinking hopelessly into debt
and the regressive system of taxes by the poll,
but rather
as a dispute within the ranks of the colony elite over
“Indian policy”. More specifically it was a dispute
between Governor Berkeley and owners of frontier
plantations where, beginning in June 1675, war had flared
between settlers and mainly Susquehannock Indians.
Nathaniel Bacon (1647–76)
who had been appointed to
the Colony Council by Berkeley in March 1675, just a
year after Bacons arrival in Virginia, was chosen by the
“frontier country planters the following April to lead
their aggressive anti-Indian cause.
The issue between Berkeley and Bacon was not
whether Indians were to be displaced by the advance of
English settlement they were in fundamental agreement
on that – but merely the priority to be given to it at a given
time, and thus the rate at which it was to be done. There
are those historians who feel bound to euphemize
Berkeleys “Indian policy,” and one of them presents
Berkeley as a “champion of the right of the American
Indians to hold undisturbed the land they occupied.”
such an assessment seems questionable in the light of the
record. In October 1648, “upon the humble representation
of the Burgesses to the Governour [Berkeley] and
Council,” it was enacted that, beginning in the following
September, English colonists were authorized by the
English colonial government to occupy land previously
guaranteed to the Indians under the treaty of 1646 “upon
the north side of Charles [later called the York] River and
Rappahannock river.” The justification for this
displacement of the native inhabitants was that English
planters needed those lands because their lands were
overworked and their cattle needed more range.
In June
1666, Berkeley urged the Rappahannock militia to
“destroy all those Northern Indians.” He was particularly
keen on the plan as being self-financing, because the
militiamen would be paid by capturing “women &
children.” But, he slyly suggested, if the Rappahannock
men did not think they could do the work alone, there were
plenty of others from other counties who would be willing
to serve in return for their “share of the Booty.” The
Rappahannock County court members (militia officers ex
officio) hastened to reassure the Governor that they could
do the job themselves, without outside help that they
needed only the “Incouradgement [of] the spoyles of our
At the end of June 1676, Bacon led an
onslaught on the friendly Pamunkey Indians, killed some of
them and took others as captives to be sold as slaves of
the English. According to a marginal note in one of the
official documents, “The Indian prisoners were some of
them sold by Bacon and the rest disposed of by Sir
William Berkeley.”
The tattered remnant of the
Pamunkey people fled from the land that the England had
assigned as their only legal place in the English scheme of
When requested to return to that
“reservation,” the Queen of the Pamunkey (a descendant of
Opechancanough) replied that she and her people had fled
for their lives, and that they would willingly return to their
assigned place when the Governor could assure them of
protection from murderous assault by the frontiersmen
who made no distinction of friendly Indians. Berkeleys
cold reply was that he was resolved not to be soe
answered but to reduce her and the other Indiansas soon
as he had settled accounts with Bacon.
For historians who have no investment in defending
Berkeleys reputation, this aspect of the Governors
behavior should pose no difficult threat; rather it appears
to be perfectly of a piece with his “Indian policy.” Among
the responsibilities of the Governor and the Colony
Council was the formulation and maintenance of an
“Indian policy that would assure the minimum diversion
from making tobacco. The essence of that policy was to
maintain advantageous political and economic relations
with the friendly neighbouring tribes, the Doegs, the
Pamunkey, the Nottoway and the Meherrin, who were first
subdued and then reduced to dependency as tributary
subjects of the king of England. They were to serve as a
two-way buffer, shielding the English from enemy tribes,
and capturing and returning runaway bond-laborers who
fled from servitude.
One such arrangement was designed
to frustrate “all Loitering English as [blank in manuscript]
which throughs [throws] themselves amongst” the Indians
“for harbour or to be conveyed unto remote parts with
intent to defraud their masters of their Time of Service.”
The “King and great menwere to bring any such runaway
to the Rappahannock County magistrates and be
immediately payed five armes lenths of Roanoake or the
value thereof.”
This agreement lends specificity to Governor
Berkeleys general policy, which alwayes and most
prudently Indeavored to p[re]serve [the neighbor Indians]
as being as necessarie for us as Doggs to hunt wolves.”
Furthermore, in exchange for English firearms, powder
and other goods, the tributary tribes supplied beaver and
other pelts that were an easy source of profit for the
plantation bourgeoisie, more particularly for those men
who were expressly licensed by the colonial authorities to
engage in the trade.
Both aspects of this policy found opposition among the
newer, “county family types. Upon observing that much
of the best tidewater land was already patented to earlier
claimants, some of these new investors saw better
prospects for exploiting bond-labor in opening up new
areas to settlement. At the same time, the conduct of the fur
trade monopoly was regarded as another instance of the
use of provincial authority to line the pockets of the
Governor and his faction. However, as Bailyn says,
“These dissidents represented neither the downtrodden
masses nor a principle of opposition to privilege as such.
Their discontent stemmed to a large extent from their own
exclusion from the privileges they sought.”
True, some planters were also only too eager to gain the
bond-labor of Indian war captives when that opportunity
presented itself.
Some, “rather than bee Tennants, seate
upon the remote barren Land, whereby contentions arrise
between them and the Indians.”
But the fact that one out
of every four of the freemen in Virginia were landless
seems to indicate that the common run of the people did
not see moving to the “frontier as a viable option for
achieving upward social mobility.
They indeed thought
it hard to be a Tennant on a Continent,”
but they saw that
the most direct, preferable, sensible and the safest course
out of their straitened circumstances lay not in “Indian
policy” but in a change in Virginia land policy.
remedy was, as stated in the proposal of James City
County to the English government commissioners sent to
investigate Bacons Rebellion, to tax land, and tax it so
heavily that the tidewater-land engrossers would find it
prohibitively expensive to hold onto idle land, which
would then become available to the land-hungry poor and
The validity of their view would be
acknowledged many times by those reporting to the home
government. William Sherwood deplored the activities of
the Land lopers, some [of whom] take up 2000 acres,
some 3000 Acres, others ten thousand Acres, nay many [of
whom] have taken up thirty thousand Acres of Land, and
never cultivated any part of it.”
Giles Bland, collector of
the Kings customs in Virginia, noted that “A poor man
who has only his labour to maintain himself and his
family, pays as much [taxes] as a man who has 20,000
acres.” Bland proposed that the richest sortbe taxed as
a means of getting them to “lay down parte of their Land to
bee taken up by such as will Employ it.”
This proposal for a land-tax incentive to induce a
redistribution of the land represented the popular sense of
the unfairness of the tax system. In the name of reducing
costs of government, the Governor and Colony Council
were authorized to impose annual levies, without
consulting even the House of Burgesses.
The privilege of
trading with the Indians was by law restricted to a few
appointees of the Governor. In addition to the colony
taxes, each tithable was subject to county and parish
levies, and occasional additional levies for particular
purposes. In 1673, during the Third Anglo-Dutch War, the
Governor and Colony Council imposed a targeted levy for
the construction of forts at points susceptible to Dutch
shipborne incursions. In 1675, the Governor and Colony
Council laid a special levy of 100 pounds of tobacco on
each tithable, to be collected in two annual installments, to
finance efforts to persuade King Charles to revoke two
grants, made in 1669 and 1673, whereby some eight of his
England-dwelling friends were endowed with the title to
all the remaining unpatented “public lands in Virginia,
including the Eastern Shore.
The Governor and the
Colony Council perceived these grants as prejudicial to
their control over the acquisition of fee-simple land titles
(held directly from the Crown) via the head-right system,
or otherwise. The men sent to make the case before the
government in England noted that the laying of this levy
was intensifying the already existent “mutinous
discontents” among the planters.
The same class discrimination prevailed in relation to
the fur trade with the Indians. Except for a few of the elite
no colonists were allowed to have any interest in the fur
In 1675, Nathaniel Bacon and William Byrd I,
both of whom were Berkeleys cousins by marriage and
members of the Colony Council, were given an exclusive
license by Governor Berkeley, under terms requiring them
to pay Governor Berkeley 800 beaver skins the first year
and 600 every year thereafter.
Yet popular resentment
over the fur monopoly was concentrated against Berkeley,
as being a protector of Indians “for the lucre of the Beaver
and otter trade &c.”
The generality of the planters were
excluded from this privilege; certainly the one-eighth or
more of the adult male population who were freedmen just
out of their time, and the half of the tithables who were
bond-laborers, knew that they could not expect to become
licensed in the fur trade. Richard Lee, a staunch supporter
of the Governor and member of the House of Burgesses,
was convinced that the zeal of the multitude in the
rebellion was due to “hopes of levelling, otherwise all his
[Bacons] specious pretenses would not have persuaded
them but that they believe to have equall advantages by
success of their design.”
Thomas Ludwell and Robert
Smith advised the king that “the present disorders have
their beginning from the poverty and uneasyness of
some of the “meanest” colonists.
The quarrel that erupted between factions of the
numerically small elite in 1676 over profit-making
opportunities did not lead to new conquests of Indian
territory for the expansion of English plantations.
“the challengers were themselves challenged”, says
Bailyn, by “ordinary settlers [angered] at the local
privileges of the same newly risen county magnates who
assailed the privileges of the Green Spring faction.”
result was a complete breakdown of ruling-class social
control, as the anti-Indian war was transformed into a
popular rebellion against the plantation bourgeoisie.
In May 1676, Giles Bland, administrator of his fathers
plantation interests in Virginia, and collector of the Kings
customs there, informed Secretary of State Joseph
Williamson in England that Virginia is at this point of
time under the greatest Destractions that it hath felt since
the year 1622.” A war with the Indians was impending; a
force of five hundred volunteers had gone forth to war on
Indians in general in defiance of the orders of the
Governor; and tax collections were threatened with
disruption. The main declared grievances of the rebels,
however, were directed at unfair taxation and peculation
in high places. Most serious of all, unlike the Lawnes
Creek Parish mutiny of 1674, which had beensuppressed
by a Proclamation, and the advice of some discreet
persons,” the present uprising was led by “Nathaniel
Bacon lately sworne one of the Counsell and many other
Gentlemen of good Condition.” Bland worried that the
enemie,” presumably some rival European power, would
“take advantage of these Disorders.”
A new House of Burgesses was elected (it was the first
election in fourteen years), a sort of official reconciliation
was staged with Bacon, and legislation was passed for
raising an anti-Indian army of 1,000 men and calling for
the Governor to commission Bacon as the “general and
commander-in-chief”. When Berkeley temporized about
signing the commission, several hundred armed men
formed in combat array before the Assembly meeting
house on 23 June, and by threatening the lives of the
members forced Berkeley to sign the commission.
in effect, power had been conceded to the armed rebels,
and the militia function had passed out of the hands of the
nominal authorities, causing “the Indian design to recoil in
a Civil War upon the colony.”
This last fact was
emphasized in July by the abject failure of the Governors
attempt to rally the Gloucester County militia to go against
the rebels. Neither Governor nor king could control the
situation sufficiently to prevent this extreme crisis.
far from being in control was Colonel Joseph Brigder,
chief of the colony militia, that he could not ride safely
on any road for fear of rebels,” even six months after the
supposed end of the rebellion.
So far from being in
control was the Governor that from July 1676 to January
1677 “the only shelter for the Governor and his party” was
Accomack, “separated Seaven Leagues distance.”
Francis Moryson, one-time lieutenant governor of the
colony and one of Virginia’s representatives in England in
October 1676, could only express his dismay that
“Amongst so many thousand reputed honest men, there
should not be one thousand” to fight against the
Later Moryson and his fellow commissioner
John Berry declared positively that of the fifteen thousand
possible combatants in Virginia there were not above
five hundred persons untainted in this rebellion.”
The majority of the fifteen thousand were bond-laborers
six thousand European-Americans and two thousand
In view of the seventeenth-century
Chesapeake record of resistance by the bond-laborers to
the unconstitutional and oppressive conditions of their
lives, how has it happened that, even in the course of
invaluable and illuminating research, with very few
historians have completely ignored this
section of the population as a significant, self-activating
shaper of history, and have instead relegated it to
monographs on “white servitude,”
or to treatment as a
mere economic category defined exclusively by market
choices of the owning class?
Call it the bourgeois
blindspot, that prevents them from seeing and accepting
the capacity for historic self-activation in “people of no
My placement of the bond-laborers and the bond-labor
relations of production at the center of the history of
Bacons Rebellion is not an exercise in self-indulgent
revolutionary romanticism; rather, it proceeds directly
from the record-based presentation of the history of
Virginia Colony in the preceding chapters. Without bond-
labor, there would have been no tobacco monoculture;
without tobacco monoculture the economy would not have
been dominated by an oligarchy of owners of large
plantations gained by headrights on imported chattel bond-
Freedom for the bond-laborers would have
revolutionized colonial Virginia from a plantation
monoculture to a diversified smallholder economy.
demand of the smallholders for a more equitable
distribution of tidewater land if fully realized would have
resulted in a predominance of family-sized farms without
capital to import bond-laborers, and a more diversified
economy. But, as the kings commissioners said in reply to
county grievances, the oligarchy would never agree to that
course of action. Indeed, that appears to have been the
basis of the divide-and-conquer strategy proposed to the
king by Virginia’s representatives in England. The
rebellion, they said, did not result from any desire of “the
better or more industrious sort of people,” and the best
hope for ending the insurrection lay in a speedy
separation of the sound parts from the rabble.”
At the highest levels of government in Virginia and in
England, the great question to which all others were
secondary concerned the preservation of chattel bond-
servitude. Five days after the Governor, Council and
Burgesses capitulated to armed threat by Bacons
supporters and made him commander-in-chief of an army
to go against the Indians, Philip Ludwell, Assistant
Secretary of the colony and member of the Colony
Council, wrote to Secretary of State Williamson confiding
the possibility of a complete overthrow of the system
fashioned by the tobacco bourgeoisie. For fear of having
their throats cut by rebels, he said, the Assembly was
granting Bacons demands “as fast as they come.” Ludwell
also expressed concern about “the Indians on our
Borders.” But his greatest fear was “our servants at home,
who (if God prevent not their takeing hold of this Great
advantage), must carry on beyond Remedy to
That was the great danger for, in the
words of Governor Berkeley himself, “The very being of
the Collony doth consist in the Care and faithfulness, as
well as in the number of our servants.”
For those very
reasons, it was the striving of the bond-laborers for
freedom from chattel servitude that held the key to
liberation of the colony from the misery that proceeded
from oligarchic rule and a monocultural economy.
The prospect of freedom for the bond-laborers was
more than a colonial concern; it bore heavily on domestic
English politics. Charles II was in financial straits, but
because he was at loggerheads with Parliament over other
issues, he was unwilling to risk calling it into session to
authorize revenue-raising measures. The collection of
domestic excise taxes, income from Crown lands, and
feudal dues, fell far short of the anticipated £1,200,000. In
1672, the government had been forced to repudiate its
outstanding debt despite the secret subsidy of £200,000 a
year supplied by Louis XIV of France.
In short, Charles
found himself very much dependent on the £100,000
annual duties he collected on imports of tobacco from
The losses caused by the Virginia rebellion,
which completely disrupted the operation of the tobacco
fleet of 140 ships, played a major part in compelling
Charles to call for the election of a new parliament in
This domestic crisis no doubt added to the anxiety
of the king and Privy Council as they prepared to send a
military expedition to quell the rebellion; they wanted to
know [w]hether there be not more servants than Masters,
and whether Bacon has not nor will not proclaim freedom
to them?”
Throughout Virginia in 1676 the county courts, where
refractory bond-laborers were routinely sentenced to
extensions of their servitude and lashes well laid on, were
grossly disrupted by the rebellion. The same was true of
the parishes in many of their functions, including their role
in the execution of court orders regarding bond-laborers
and their children. In Charles City County “the Courts of
Justice [were] totally interrupted, hindered, and
neglected” from the spring of 1676 until some time in
Social services (visiting the sick, burying the
dead, performing marriages, caring for orphans and the
indigent) normally performed by the minister, clerk and
vestry of Middlesex Countys Christ Church parish were
suspended “by meanes and Armed Force of ill Desposed
persons then in Rebellion.”
Westmoreland County Court
was adjourned begining in May 1676, and did not conduct
business again until the following April or May.
very circumstances that completely broke down the social
control system also resulted in the main source of records
regarding the day-to-day sufferings and struggles of the
bond-laborers lapsing for much of 1676 and 1677. The
editor of the colonial Virginia parish records concluded
that, “in those parishes directly and fundamentally affected
by Bacons Rebellion it was found advisable the year
following the Rebellion to destroy the existing parish
records, or at least to render illegible some part of those
However, it is not unreasonable to conjecture that bond-
laborers in Charles City County would glory in the
relaxation of social control.
At such a juncture of
history, would not a person like Ann Berrey have been
glad of her improved chance of a choice in the matter
before being gott with child” by her owner?
Might not
one such as William Rogers have been tempted to validate
his purloined indenture papers by simply walking away to
seek better terms of employment, leaving half of his
owners tobacco seedlings untransplanted?
In the
absence of a functioning Middlesex County Court to order
him to “return to his Service,” a bond-laborer would
surely have gloried in the opportunity to defy Major
Robert Smith, who sought to keep him in bondage by
denying the validity of his “printed paper.”
With the
whole country in a state of social dissolution, who would
have been there to capture a “Mulatto runaway boyand
return him to the parish minister who claimed him and on
whose orders he was whipped to death?
There would
have been no General Court or Charles City Council to
order the pursuit of “certain runaway negroes,” and nor
would there have been any posse to carry that order out.
Perhaps among desperately unhappy bond-laborers the
improved prospects for the outward expression of anger
reduced the inclination to suicide.
A few names survive
in the records of bond-laborers more disposed to turn their
aggression outward. The Governor himself said that his
own “servant,” a carpenter named Page, had joined the
rebellion and “for his violence used against the Royal
Party [was] made a Colonel,” and that another “servant,”
named Digby, was a rebel captain.
Bond-laborer James
Wilson was apparently a rank-and-filer, as were William
Baker, a souldier by his own voluntary act,” and John
Thomas, who served in the rebellion for nearly six
Bond-laborer Mary Fletcher ran away to the
rebel garrison that had taken over the house of Arthur
Allen in Surry County.
More significant than this random identification of
individual bond-laborers is the fact that nameless-to-
history bond-laborers intervened en masse in the rebellion
for their own particular interest freedom from chattel
servitude. English poet and Parliament member Andrew
Marvell reported on 14 November 1676 that a ship had
recently arrived from Virginia with the news that Bacon
had proclamd liberty to all Servants and Negro’s.”
letter written from Virginia in October seemed to suggest
that a class differentiation had occurred among the rebels:
“Bacons followers having deserted him he had
proclaimed liberty to the servants and slaves which
chiefly formed his army when he burnt James Town.”
According to another ship’s report, “most of the servants
flock to [Bacon], and he makes their masters pay their
The Virginia Assembly retrospectively
declared that “many evill disposed servants in these late
tymes of horrid rebellion taking advantage of the loosenes
of the tymes, did depart from their service, and followed
the rebells in rebellion.”
The Royal Commissioners
noted that “sundry servants and other persons of desperate
fortunes in Virginia during the late rebellion deserted from
their masters and ran into rebellion on the encouragement
of liberty.”
Among the captains of merchant ships whom the king
and Berkeley recruited for service against the rebellion,
perhaps the most active, and certainly the most
noteworthy, was Captain Thomas Grantham of the thirty-
gun Concord. Grantham arrived in York River on 21
Governor Berkeley came over from
Accomack and, in a shipboard conference, agreed on a
strategy whereby Grantham would attempt to go to the
rebels and to persuade them to surrender and receive the
Governors pardon. The main concentration of some eight
hundred men was around West Point, where the Pamunkey
and the Mattaponi rivers meet to form the York. Laurence
Ingram, who had assumed the rebel command after the
death of Bacon on 26 October, was an old friend of
Grantham, on whose ship Ingram had first arrived in
Whatever the particulars of the conversation,
an agreement was reached under the terms of which three
hundred of the rebels marched with drums and colors
down to Tindall’s Point where the Governor was waiting
aboard a ship. Through Ingram and the other rebel officers
a ceasefire was agreed upon pending the arrival of his
Majesties Shipps.” But such blind faith in the benevolence
of His Majesty was not to be expected from the rebel
rank-and-file; Ingrams arrangement with the Governor
“was broke by the Rebells in three dayes time,” and it
became clear, in the words of one Virginia account, “the
name of Authority had but litle power to [w]ring the
Sword out of these Mad fellows hands.” Authority failing,
Grantham “resalved to acoste them with never to be
performed promises” of pardon for the freemen and
freedom for the bond-laborers, English and Negroes, such
as had constituted the rebel army from the time of the
burning of Jamestown.
After a secret conference between Berkeley and Ingram
and his lieutenant Gregory Walklett, three hundred of the
rebels with only small arms at West Point did accept the
But three miles further up the country, the chief
garrison and magazine remained intact at Colonel Wests
house, armed with “five hundred Musketts and fowling
pieces, and a Chest of Powder, and about a Thousand
Weight of Bulletts and shott, and three great Guns.” Not
only were these rebels heavily armed, they were furious at
Grantham for abusing the ceasefire to secure the absolute
surrender of West Point. Grantham himself described the
historic encounter:
I went to Colonel West’s house about three miles farther, which was their
Cheife Garrison and Magazine; I there mett about foure hundred English
and Negroes in Armes, who were much dissatisfied at the Surrender of the
saying I had betray’d them, and thereupon some were for shooting
mee, and others were for cutting mee in peeces: I told them I would willingly
surrender myselfe to them, till they were satisfied from his Majestie, and did
ingage to the Negroes and Servants, that they were all pardoned and freed
from their Slavery: and with faire promises and Rundletts of Brandy, I
pacified them, giving them severall Noates under my hand, that what I did
was by the Order of His Majestie and the Governor Most of them I
persuaded to goe to their Homes … except about Eighty Negroes and
Twenty English which would not deliver their Armes.
Granthams testament has a significance that is beyond
exaggeration: in Virginia, 128 years before William Lloyd
Garrison was born, laboring-class African-Americans and
European-Americans fought side by side for the abolition
of slavery. In so doing they provided the supreme proof
that the white race did not then exist.
Virginia was not Ireland, the Atlantic was not the Irish
Sea. Reaction time from the burning of Jamestown to
knowledge of it in England to the arrival of the royal
expeditionary force in Virginia in late January and early
February was four and a half months. In the meantime, the
rebels having driven Berkeley into refuge on the Eastern
Shore, they moved quickly to crush him. They
commandeered a ship, installed cannon on it, and sent a
force with it to capture Berkeley. If the plan had
succeeded, the history of continental colonial America
might have taken a much different path. The English
expeditionary force of perhaps 1,350 soldiers, about one-
third of them raw recruits,
might not have been able to
win a timely victory. When interviewed by John Good
(like Bacon a Henrico plantation owner), Bacon argued
that “five hundred Virginians” could defeat 2,000
redcoats, by guerrilla strategy and tactics they had learned
from the native fighters, “we having the same advantages
against them that the Indians have against us.”
Are we not acquainted with the country, so that we can lay ambuscades?:
Can we not hide behind trees so render their discipline of no avail? Are we
not as good or better shots than they?
When John Good said that in the end the rebels would not
be able to withstand being cut off from the supplies of
necessities from the mother country, Bacon countered that
the French or the Dutch would be willing to fill the trade
vacuum. To Good’s doubts on that score, Bacon countered
with the prospect of extending the rebellion to North
Carolina and Maryland.
Bacon always had hope that if the king could be
apprised of the actual state of affairs in Virginia, he would
see justice in the rebel cause. Might not Charles II, mired
in a state deficit and heavily engaged in his struggle with
Parliament, have made a great effort to find some
accommodation with the propertied element aligned with
Bacon, so long as it could preserve the kings tobacco
revenue? How would “Governor Bacon have sounded,
with Berkeley being treated in the same way that Charles’s
father had dealt with his close friend and advisor,
Of course, Virginia’s fundamental problems
would have remained, but the rebel forces would have
been divided beyond repair. No such deal would have
been conceivable without the casting-off of the bond-
laborers and the poor freedmen; their demands were
incompatible with “all the principall Men in the Country,”
as Good termed them, and with the English Crown and
merchants as well.
The initiative that the rebels held at the time of the
Good interview was lost, however, with fatal
consequences, when the attempt to invade Accomack
miscarried and Bacon died of illness contracted by
exposure to the elements. The Governor then enlisted
armed merchantmen, whose strategy was based on the
principle that “in this plentiful watered Country, the water
commands the Land.” The rebels one bid for maritime
strength having failed, the initiative swung to the side of
the Governor and the king. By the middle of January, ten
days before the first English soldiers arrived, these
floating forts, by virtue of their mobility and the cannon
they carried, had been decisive in reducing the half-dozen
or more of the scattered garrisons.
The Royal
Commissioners reported, “About the 16th of January
[1676/7], the whole country had submitted to the
Governor”; a week later he called a meeting of the
General Assembly at his own house at Green Spring.
In the Aftermath of Rebellion
By sitting as judges in ordering the death sentences of nine
of the total of twenty-three rebels hanged,
the Royal
Commissioners, Governor-designate Colonel Herbert
Jeffreys, Major Francis Moryson,
and Captain Sir John
Berry, gave countenance to Berkeleys defiance of the
Kings proclamation of 20 October 1676. That
proclamation granted amnesty to rebels who took the oath
of obedience within the space of twenty days,” but
Berkeley dispatched these enemies without regard to the
The Royal Commissioners were also at one
with Berkeley with regard to repealing the measure,
enacted by the “Bacon Assemblythe previous year, that
had extended the vote to all freemen, propertied and
propertyless. The new General Assembly withdrew the
franchise from the propertyless “freemen.”
But with
regard to the most practical policy for capitalizing on their
victory, controversy dominated the relations between
Governor Berkeley and his most enthusiastic local
supporters, on the one hand, and the Royal
Commissioners, on the other.
Berkeley was not willing to make any allowances for
the rebellious disposition of the population of the colony,
even though he himself had noted it and related it to the
critical state of the tobacco monoculture economy. He
regarded the rebellion as an intolerable repudiation of his
stewardship, made the more infuriating by the king having
so cavalierly, so to speak, handed him his hat courtesy of
the meddling Royal Commissioners, and brought him home
under a cloud of suspicion to render account for the
breakdown of order in the colony. The Royal
Commissioners and the entire English government, on the
other hand, as Charles’s proclamation suggests were less
interested in vengeance than in the speediest revival of the
tobacco trade.
On 10 February 1676/7, commissioners Berry and
Moryson addressed a letter to James, Duke of York. They
were concerned to find that not one in thirty of the
colonists was innocent of involvement in the rebellion.
The populace was
sullen and obstinate and unless they receive timely reddress it is to be feared
that they will either abandon their plantations, discharging their servants and
disposing of their stock, and go away to other parts, or else most of them
will only make corn instead of tobacco, careless of their own estates and the
King’s customs.
They further warned that if the opportunity of a war
presented itself, the people of Virginia might throw off
their yoke and subjugate themselves to a foreign
Fundamental Destabilizing Factors Persisted
The social instability noted by the Royal Commissioners
was rooted in five long-range fundamental factors.
1. The train of overproduction, mass impoverishment,
and indebtedness produced by the tobacco monoculture,
which continued to dominate the lives of the great
majority of the population
Experienced observers consulted by the Lords of Trade in
1681 concurred in urging the continued presence of
regular English troops in Virginia, noting that “Virginia is
at present poorer and more populous than ever,” and that
“extreme poverty may cause the servants to plunder the
stores and ships.”
Colony Secretary Nicholas Spencer
ascribed that danger to “the low price of tobacco [having]
made them desperate,” and he was fearful that mere plant-
cutting “will not satiate their rebellious appetites.”
another letter on those riots, Spencer specifically alluded
to the evil of monoculture: “Tobacco, the sole manufacture
of the Country, [has] grown out of esteeme by its over
great quantities yearely made.”
In 1687, the price of
tobacco was so low that potential creditors were rejecting
it as collateral.
The following year Governor Culpeper,
noting that everything else was being neglected in favor of
tobacco growing, feared that “our great plenty will glutt
the market again.”
In March 1689, during the War of the
League of Augsburg (King Billys War) against the
French, 1689–97, Spencer ironically suggested that our
poverty is our best defence, for where thers noe Carcase,
the Eagles will not resort.”
In 1710, during the War of
the Spanish Succession (Queen Anne’s War), 1701–1713,
the price of tobacco was so low that in Virginia the people
were deeply in debt, yet there were few buyers for it.
modern scholar declares that for thirty-five years, from
1680 to 1715, such conditions “recurred with appalling
2. The plantation bourgeoisie’s failure to diversify
production, a subject treated in Chapter 9
In the House of Commons in 1671 it was estimated that
£80,000 of the annual Crown revenues came from Virginia
tobacco; ten years later Governor Culpeper asserted that
the Kings revenues from Virginia tobacco alone exceeded
all the revenues from all the other colonies combined.
In 1690, when the price paid for tobacco in Virginia was
less than a penny a pound, shipowners sold it in England
for 7d., of which 5d. was collected as the Kings share.
Every additional pound sterling of royal tobacco import
revenue was an argument for keeping Virginia engaged
exclusively in making tobacco. Opposition to
diversification was constantly voiced by English
capitalists, who (a) were enriched by trading in Virginia
tobacco and in bond-labor for the plantation colonies, and
(b) were jealous of any colonial productive enterprise that
might reduce colonial dependence on English export
supplies. Finally it was impossible for chronically
indebted Virginia to accumulate capital for the relatively
long-term investment needed to develop new lines of
3. The increase in the bond-labor population, eager as
ever for “an end to their Slavery”
The numbers of bond-laborers grew despite the reduction
of the exportable labor supply in England that resulted
from the demands for ship crews and cannon fodder in two
successive wars with France that lasted from 1689 to
1713 with only a four-year (1698–1702) interruption. It is
impossible to construct a statistical table of the numbers of
bond-laborers from year to year, but a reasonable estimate
can be made for the period.
As previously noted, three out of every four Europeans
who came to the Chesapeake in the colonial period were
imported as chattel bond-laborers.
In 1671, 8,000 of the
15,000 tithables in Virginia were bond-laborers according
to Governor Berkeley, who put the total population of
Virginia at 40,000.
Of the 30,000 Europeans who came
to the Chesapeake region between 1680 and 1699,
may assume that 24,000 were bond-laborers. In a roughly
equivalent period, 1674–1700, around 6,000 African
bond-laborers were imported.
In that same period,
1674–1700, the total number of Virginia and Maryland
tithables (taxables) rose from about 21,000 to about
The rebellion was over, but the rebelliousness of bond-
laborers was not. In 1698, Francis Nicholas, then
Governor of Maryland, reported to the Board of Trade the
arrival of 326 “Negro” bond-laborers directly from
Africa, and 70 more from Virginia and Pennsylvania.
Pending an exact count soon to be made, he estimated that
another 600 or 700 bond-laborers had arrived from
Europe, Chiefly Irish …, most if not all, papists.” If that
trend were to continue, he said, the two groups might join
forces in both Virginia and Maryland to make “great
disturbances, if not a rebellion.”
The following year,
1699, the Virginia House of Burgesses rejected the Board
of Trades idea of arming their “servants against the
possibility of a French invasion should war be renewed.
With the signing of the Peace of Ryswick, a lull in the war
with France had begun, but a by-product of the peace was
that too many ungovernable Irish veterans were being
shipped as bond-laborers to the Chesapeake. “If they were
armed we have just reason to fear they may rise upon
us,” said the Burgesses. Although of one mind with the
Board of Trade on the possibility of a French invasion, the
Burgesses feared the bond-laborers, “from the sake of
their freedom and the difference of the religion, a great
many of them (especially the Irish) and for other
reasons would rather be our enemies than contribute to
our assistance.”
Apparently deciding to wait no longer for foreign
invasion, African-American bond-laborers in two
adjacent southside counties, Surry and James River,
plotted an Easter rebellion in 1710 which was discovered
just on the eve of R-Day.
In 1712, Virginia governor
Alexander Spotswood declared that insurrections by
African-American bond-laborers and invasion by Indians
were dangers as serious as that of attack by sea had been
during the height of the war with France.
At a new large
plantation near the head of James River, the African-
American bond-laborers looked not to rescue by sea, but
to escape into the interior. They “formed a design to
withdraw from their master and to fix themselves in the
fastnesses of the neighboring mountains.” They did indeed
succeed in establishing briefly a settlement and began
planting their crops, and defended it with arms against the
4. The continued lack of an effective intermediate buffer
social control stratum
Berkeleys old Green Spring faction had been superseded
by the hegemony of the county families, on terms that
practically foreclosed the possibility of rebellion within
the ruling class and led to a growing consensus against
arbitrary administration by royal governors. But the
attenuated state of the presumptive buffer stratum was
demonstrated by the plant-cutting riots that occurred
between May and August 1682, starting in Gloucester and
then spreading to New Kent, Middlesex and York
Narratives of the event are familiar fare to students of
seventeenth-century Virginia history. The following brief
description first published in 1705 has been appropriately
cited by generations of historians:
despairing of succeeding in any Agreement with the Neighbouring
Governments [to limit tobacco production, the rioters] resolved on a total
Destruction of the Tobacco in that Country [Gloucester, New Kent,
Middlesex, and York counties], especially of the Sweet-scented; because
that was planted no where else. In pursuance of which Design, they
contrived, that all Plants should be destroy’d while they were yet in their
Beds, after it was too late to sow more.
Accordingly the Ring-leaders in this Project began with, their own first,
and then went to cut up the Plants of such of their Neighbours as were not
willing to do it themselves.
The riots did succeed in reducing the glut of tobacco for
that year by ten thousand hogsheads.
This, however,
was not Bacons Rebellion revisited; it was a spontaneous
outburst of small planters
over a single issue, and rather
than being directed at altering the government, it was
merely a form of direct economic action for a season.
Since the action was limited to the area specializing in
sweet-scented tobacco, it did not become a colony-wide
phenomenon. In consequence of that circumstance, indeed,
the militias from remote areas were employed to suppress
the riots.
But this was no way to run a social control system in a
civil society. Edmund S. Morgan makes the point
Although the plant-cutting rebellion had been successfully suppressed … [it]
is questionable how long Virginia could have continued on this course,
keeping men in servitude for years and then turning them free to be
frustrated by the engrossers of land, by the collectors of customs, by the
county courts, by the king himself.
It is unfortunate, at least in my opinion, that Professor
Morgan here introduces the idea that only desperate free
men might rebel, implying what he subsequently states
explicitly, namely that bond-laborers did not have
rebellion in them.
Virginia Governor Culpeper likened the tobacco-cutting
riots to the anti-enclosure riots in sixteenth-century
Indeed, the high debts and the low price of
tobacco were to the laboring-class free people of Virginia
like the hedges and fences that had shut out the
copyholders from their ancestral lands in England. But this
“downsizing of the poor planters in Virginia
contemplated no purposeful and controlled thinningof a
stand of social timber with the deliberate preservation of a
proportion of yeomanry out of social control
The invisible hand of free market forces
in seventeenth-century Virginia operated without such
conscious allowances, and the devil take the hindmost.
The English copyholder was competing with sheep for
land; the laboring free poor in Virginia were forced to
compete with unpaid chattel bond-labor. Sheep, however,
do not rebel, bond-laborers did, and their freedom was a
common class interest of the poor and landless free
population such as had joined hands with bond-laborers in
5. The practical unfeasibility of maintaining a system of
social control in Virginia by means of the English army
First of all, there were the logistical problems. English
government preparations for sending troops to Virginia to
suppress Bacons Rebellion were under way by the first
week of October,
but the five companies of English
troops that were despatched did not sail from England
until around the end of November, and it was mid-
February 1677 before the last of the troop-carrying
merchant ships arrived at Jamestown,
a month after the
end of the rebellion.
From the beginning the costs were a dominating
consideration. The king was to bear the cost of the
transportation and of victuals for the first three months.
The colony government was supposed to provide quarters,
but because Jamestown was in ruins the troops could not
be disembarked promptly, and the king had to pay
“demurragefor quartering them on board ship until they
could be put ashore. The troops were in the kings pay, but
the colony had to pay for their victuals out of the quitrents
assigned to them and from a special tax on wines and
liquors enacted for that specific purpose.
Three months after the troops reached Virginia, the
Lords of Trade and Plantations ordered Governor Jeffreys
to send all but one hundred of them back to England as
soon as possible. The cost factor was the primary
consideration, as indicated by the proviso permitting those
who so desired to stay in Virginia as “planters or
Although Governor Culpeper wanted three
200-man companies of the kings troops to be kept in
Virginia, the Lords of Trade and Plantations decided in
August 1678 to allow him only two.
Three years later,
in October 1681, Culpeper asked that two companies be
kept permanently in Virginia, advancing the financial
consideration that the presence of such a force in 1676
might have prevented the rebellion that “cost and lost the
king above a hundred thousand pounds.”
But the Privy
Council ordered that the two remaining companies be
disbanded by Christmas 1681, unless the colony paid the
cost of maintaining them.
Subsequently the home
government advanced money to pay the soldiers until
April 1682. In May 1682, colony officials reported to
England that the General Assembly, bitter because of the
unremedied glut of tobacco, refused to do the one thing it
was asked to do, namely to provide money for further
maintenance of English soldiers. Because of the
irregularity of their pay, some of the soldiers were
reduced to selling themselves into servitude in order to
survive. Consequently, just when they were expected to
put down the plant-cutting riots in Gloucester, “the only
time they [had] been needed since they came to Virginia,”
as Colony Secretary Spencer observed, they were “apter
to mutiny than serve His Majestie.”
The soldiers were
finally paid off and disbanded in June 1682 even as the
plant-cutting riots were still spreading.
In May 1683 the
Virginia Colony Council unsuccessfully asked that the
Crown pay for the maintenance of a garrison of sixty
soldiers in Virginia.
In October of that year, however,
the Privy Council did approve Governor Effinghams
request for the stationing of a man-of-war in Virginia, as a
guarantee to prevent “Disorder or Rebellion … to grow to
that head as it did in the year 1676,” and to “cure the
insolencies of rioters in the future.
Whether such a
guard ship was ever sent and, if sent, what role it might
have played as a social control measure seems so far to be
a blank page of Virginia history.
In January 1677 the Lieutenant Governor of Maryland,
Thomas Notley, watching with understandable anxiety the
unfolding events in Virginia, had sounded a warning.
“There must be an alteration though not of the Government
yet in the Government[;] new men should be put in power.
The old men will never agree with the common people,
and if that not be done, His Majestie will never find a
well settled Government in that Colony.”
Four months
later, Notley again made the point in a letter to Lord
Baltimore. If a new leader came forward ready to risk his
life in the cause, he said, “the Commons of Virginia would
Emmire themselves as deep in Rebellion as ever they did
in Bacons time.” The plantation bourgeoisie must find a
new strategy for social control, for
if the ould Course be taken, and if Coll. Jeoffreys [Herbert Jeffreys,
Berkeleys successor as Royal Governor of Virginia] build his proceedings
upon the ould foundation its neither him nor all his Majesties Souldiers in
Virginia will either satisfye or Rule those people.
But what sort of alteration in the Government” could be
fashioned that would “agree with the common people”
enough that it could rule them?
The Abortion of the “White Race”
Social Control System in the Anglo-
The English plantation bourgeoisie in the continental
colonies and in the Caribbean opted to base their ventures
on chattel bond-labor, at first European but – sooner in the
Caribbean, later in the continental plantation colonies
mainly African bond-labor. Then, in both cases sooner
in the Caribbean, later in the continental plantation
colonies the ruling class sought to establish social
control on the principle of racial oppression of non-
In the very beginning, it was theorized that the ranks of
European bond-laborers who survived their servitude
might furnish the Anglo-American equivalent of the Ulster
Scots or English-style yeomen as a middle class, with a
vested property interest (as fee-simple smallholders or as
secure tenants) and be the middle-class buffer between the
plantation bourgeoisie and the bond-labor force. But
circumstantial differences between the Ulster plantation
and those in English colonies in America produced
differences in the degree of dependence upon tenantry. In
Ireland the English bourgeoisie was faced with the fact of
the unassimilability of the Irish Catholic chieftains allied
with Spain and the fact that English land claims were
predicated on expropriation of those chieftains’ tribal
lands. In Anglo-America the plantation bourgeoisie was
practically immune from successful native challenge to its
continued possession of the land, and from an imminent
overthrow by African bond-laborers “broken from their
tribal stems.” The denial of any degree of social mobility
of Africans and African-Americans, the hallmark of racial
oppression, was an option not rooted in geo-political
considerations; rather it was driven simply and directly by
the greater rate of profit to be had by the employment of
lifetime hereditary bond-laborers provided a cost-
effective system of social control could be established.
The result was to give the term “plantation a new
meaning, implying monoculture and engrossment of the
land by capitalist owners of bond-laborers. This meant
that the early prospect for the establishment of an adequate
intermediate stratum of European (and European-
American), chiefly small freeholders or eviction-proof
leaseholders was not to be realized. Consequently,
different ways of maintaining ruling-class social control
would be required. The class struggle would produce
forms of social control in the Anglo-Caribbean colonies,
however, that diverged in historically significant ways
from that which was adopted in continental Anglo-
The Social Control Problem in the British
West Indies
In 1627, the English made Barbados a colony, using a
labor force at first made up principally of bond-laborers
brought from England, Ireland and Scotland.
The English
also made efforts to reduce natives of the Caribbean to
plantation bond-servitude; there are references to such
workers in the record.
The class-undifferentiated
Caribbean Indian tribes were not dominated by “casiques”
possessing authority to deliver tribe members into
European servitude.
Because of the Indians’ warlike
resistance, the English plans in this regard were by and
large frustrated before they could be made operational. A
pivotal point was reached in the mid-1660s. An English
colony established on St Lucia in 1663 was wiped out by
the native Indians by 1667. After retaking the island in
March 1668, the English concluded an agreement with
these Indians under which they were to be English
subjects, but with the right to come and to depart at
pleasure in the English islands.
“The Barbadians held
Indian slaves,” writes Richard S. Dunn, “but never very
Regardless of their nativity, bond-laborers presented
the owning class with serious problems of social control.
When the Ark, bearing the first Maryland-bound colonists,
stopped at Barbados on 3 January 1634, this fact of life
was starkly dramatized for the voyagers:
On the very day we arrived there we found the island all in arms, to the
number of eight hundred men. The servants on the island had plotted to kill
their masters and then handsomely take the first ship that came[,] and go to
After first being used primarily in tobacco cultivation,
Barbados by the 1650s had been transformed into a sugar
But the switch to sugar had done nothing to
sweeten the disposition of the workers. On Barbados by
1648, when around one-fourth of the bond-laborers were
Africans, it was reported that “many hundreds of Rebell
negro slaves were in the woods.”
The following year a
plot was formed by European chattel bond-laborers to
massacre their owners and seize control of the island.
Some indication of the extent of the plot may perhaps be
inferred from the fact that, after it was betrayed to the
authorities, eighteen plotters were executed.
In 1655,
Barbados received no less than 12,000 prisoners of the
War of the Three Kingdoms, in addition to felons and
vagabonds. Their numbers, combined with the draining
away of artisans from Barbados to Jamaica, caused the
authorities to be fearful of imminent mass rebellion by the
Between 1675 and 1701, there were four
major revolt plots in Barbados. In 1686, African and
European rebel bond-laborers joined forces.
In 1692, a
“Negro conspiracy to seize the English fort at
Bridgetown was discovered.
Historican Richard S. Dunn identifies “seven separate
slave revolts in the English islands between 1640 and
1713, in which blacks and whites were killed.”
“Rebellion, or the threat of it, was an almost permanent
feature of Jamaican slave society,” writes Orlando
Patterson; he concludes that, “[W]ith the possible
exception of Brazil, no other slave society in the New
World experienced such continuous and intensive servile
revolts” as Jamaica. Aside from the Second Maroon War
(1795–96) Patterson mentions large-scale revolts, or
discovered plots, in 1760, 1776, 1784, 1823 and 1824.
“The last and most ambitious of all the slave rebellions of
the island broke out two days after Christmas 1831,” he
writes; a roughly estimated 20,000 took part, with wide
support, and 207 were killed; over 500 more were
executed; 14 whites were killed, and property damage
mounted to over £1.1 million; over £161,000 was spent in
suppressing the revolt.
The Jamaica maroons
When the Spanish abandoned Jamaica in 1655, some
1,500 Negroes escaped to the mountains. They became the
Jamaica maroons who, from that time until 1796,
maintained a separate set of independent communities.
1656 the main part of the maroons, under the leadership of
Juan de Bolas, “surrendered to the English on terms of
pardon and freedom.” The others continued to be a thorn
in the side of the English colony, so much so that they
“intimidated the whites from venturing to any considerable
distance from the coast.” According to the account by the
English historian of the West Indies, Bryan Edwards, the
English governor offered, full pardon, twenty acres of
land, and freedom from all manner of slavery, to each of
them who should surrender. But they were better
pleased with the more ample range they possessed in the
woods, where there [their] hunting grounds were not yet
encroached upon by settlements.” In 1663 the English sent
a black regiment under Juan de Bolas, who was now their
colonel, but he was killed and the general effort was a
In this way they continued to distress the island for upwards of forty years,
during which time forty-four acts of Assembly were passed, and at least
240,000 1. expended for their suppression. In 1736, they were grown so
formidable, under a very able general named Cudjoe, that it was found
expedient to strengthen the colony against them by two regiments of regular
troops, which were afterwards formed unto independent companies, and
employed, with other hired parties, and the whole body of the militia, in their
This struggle, known as the First Maroon War, 1725–40,
was concluded under terms of a treaty signed at
Trelawney Town on 1 March 1738/9. Under its terms, the
maroons were guaranteed freedom, and possession of a
region of 15,000 acres in which they might cultivate non-
sugar crops and raise livestock, and the right to licenses to
trade their products with people of the English colony.
The maroons, for their part, agreed “That if any negroes
shall hereafter run away from their masters or owners, and
fall into Captain Cudjoe’s hands, they shall immediately
be sent back to the chief magistrate of the next parish
where they are taken; and those that bring them are to be
satisfied for their trouble, as the legislature shall
This latter provision is similar to previously
mentioned agreements between the English colonial
authorities in Virginia, Maryland and Carolina and various
tributary Indian tribes, requiring the Indians to return
runaway bond-laborers.
Objective Factors that Shaped Social Control
In relation to the question of social control and the
invention of the white race, the British West Indies
differed from the continental plantation colonies in five
significant ways.
First, because of the narrow absolute
limits of land area, and the relatively high capital costs of
sugar production, the West Indies was especially
inhospitable to non-capitalist farmers or tenants. Second,
in the West Indies the attempt to establish a white race”
social control system was seriously and critically
complicated by the substantial Irish presence. Third, the
central role of the English military and naval forces
regularly stationed in the West Indies constituted the most
important guarantor of social control. Fourth, the
predominance of persons of African descent in the
population of the West Indies made it impossible to
exclude them altogether from the intermediate stratum.
Fifth, the reliance upon persons of African descent in the
skilled trades and in the conduct of the internal economy
of the West Indies colonies led to the emergence of the
“free colored” as the predominant element in the middle
class. The remainder of this chapter will be mainly an
elaboration of these points.
1. Land area limits, capital costs
The plantation system, wherever it existed, was
characterized by the engrossment of the land by the
bourgeoisie. But the effect of that engrossment on the
prospective formation of an intermediate social control
stratum was much greater in the island colonies than in
continental plantation colonies. In the British West Indies,
in addition to the typical economic and political
difficulties facing the smallholder in a monocultural
economy, the absolute limits of land area played a
decisive part. In continental plantation colonies the barrier
to the formation of a stable yeoman class was not an
absolute scarcity of land, but merely the economic and
political disadvantages of competing as non-capitalist
entrepreneurs in a monocultural capitalist economy based
on bond-labor. At the end of the seventeenth century, some
51,000 people, 88 percent of the total population of
Virginia, lived in the Tidewater region, an area of 11,000
miles, representing a population density of 4.6 per square
Virginia at large, including the transmontane region
(not including Kentucky), had an area of some 64,000
miles. The total area of all patented land in Virginia in
1704 was equal to less than 40 percent of the area of the
Tidewater region alone.
Even in the most heavily settled
Tidewater area, the farms were so remote from each other
as to hinder mustering the militia, and to make it difficult
to assure effective collection of import and export
Barbados, the second-largest of England’s Caribbean
colonies, but with an area of only 166 square miles, was
inhabited by 70,000 people in 1694 and had a population
density of 423 per square mile.
By 1717, all but 6
percent of that island’s total area was under cultivation;
the great houses of the planter estates were not remote
from their neighbors but were “within sight of each
Jamaica was the exception; its 7,400 square miles made
up more than half the land area of the British West Indies
and had a population density of only 6.5 per square mile in
1698. Most of Jamaica was unoccupied, even in the early
nineteenth century.
Only half its land was under patent,
and only half of that was under cultivation.
At least until
the end of the First Maroon War in 1739, the colonys
frontiers were “no longer any Sort of Security [and] must
be deserted.”
But the main and sufficient reason for the
limited number of smallholders in Jamaica was one that
was common to the British West Indies generally the
relatively capital-intensive technology of the principal
economic activity, the production of sugar and rum.
Excessive emigration of freemen
In the seventeenth-century Chesapeake, most of the
limited-term bond-laborers never succeeded in completing
their terms and becoming landowners. Those who did so
needed only elementary individual hand-labor implements
to engage in the common tobacco economy, poor and
indebted though they most likely were destined to be. In
the West Indies, the capital requirement for becoming a
sugar planter for buildings, mills, boiling pots, sugar
pots, stills and, above all, for bond-labor were beyond
the means of the former bond-laborers.
The contrast in
estate values in the late seventeenth century in Jamaica and
Maryland is indicative. The average estate of the sugar
planters of Jamaica in the last quarter of the seventeenth
century was appraised at nearly £2,000, and the average
value of all estates was £531, of which two-thirds to
three-fourths might represent investment in bond-labor. In
Maryland in the same period there were no estates
appraised at as much as £2,000, and fewer than 4 percent
of the estates had a value of more than £500.
findings by highly regarded investigators suggest that in
the late seventeenth century the prospect of a bond-laborer
in Barbados surviving to become a landholder was only
one-half as great as that of a bond-laborer in Virginia.
From at least as early as the third quarter of the
seventeeth century, many of those who survived their
limited-term servitude in the English West Indies only to
be confronted by this unpromising prospect were opting to
leave their respective islands. Between 1660 and 1682,
some 16,000 or 17,000 people emgrated from Barbados,
most of them “landless freemen and small farmers.”
the last forty years of the seventeenth century the total
population of Barbados is estimated to have doubled, from
40,000 to 80,000, but emigration was so great that the
European population did not increase at all. Many of such
emigrants chose initially to pursue their careers in nearby
but it appears that nowhere in the British West
Indies did such European migration reverse the long-range
reduction of the European proportion of the population.
Richard S. Dunns table “Estimated Population of the
English Sugar Islands, 1669–1713” shows a steady
decade-to-decade decline in the European proportion of
the populations of Barbados, Jamaica, and the Leeward
Emigration became a major concern of the West Indies
colonial authorities, not on account of the loss of labor-
power it represented but because of the difficulty in
maintaining the militias for defense against rival colonial
powers, particularly the French, and for purposes of
social control of the bond-laborers. The European
population of Barbados in 1640 was around 25,000; of
these more than one-third were proprietors and 10,000
were “servants,” while the non-European bond-laborers,
including a few Amerindians, numbered 6,400. By 1680,
the total number of Europeans had fallen to 17,000, and
because of the cost of capital and land requirements for
sugar planting the number of “considerable proprietors”
was less than 500, and the number of European bond-
laborers in the island had shrunk to 2,000.
In the 1660s,
Barbados had a fighting force of only 7,000 men, of whom
only the large landholders were interested in the colony
enough to be ready to defend it; the rest were concerned
only with emigrating to find better prospects than they
could have in Barbados.
Harlows conclusion regarding
Barbados was generally applicable to the British West
Indies: it was the concentration of land into large estates
which was gradually depriving Barbados of her yeoman
class, and which eventually put an end to her development
as a white community.”
Social control was aimed at bond-laborers, whether of
European or African descent. But the limited-term bond-
laborers who, in the West Indies, were exclusively
European, were prospective enlistees in the social control
system as members of the militia, provided they survived
their terms of servitude. This was a scheme for class
collaboration of Europeans that required a new term of
social distinction, namely “white,” that would include not
only laborer and capitalist but also bond-labor as well as
free labor.
The alternative or redundant term
“Christian,” was sometimes applied to European bond-
laborers, despite complications that arose regarding the
Christian conversion of African bond-laborers;
or from
the belief that some Europeans, namely the Irish, though
Europeans had yet to be made Christians.
It became
customary also to use the term “servants” for the European
bond-laborers, potential militiamen, as distinct from
African lifetime bond-laborers, called “slaves.”
A succession of proposals, schemes and laws were
proposed, some of them adopted, that were explicitly
aimed at increasing the proportion of the militia-producing
European population in the English West Indies, or at least
maintaining it. Compulsory measures were undertaken of
which the most general type imposed fines on plantation
owners who failed to keep in their employ a quota of one
European, bond or free, for every so many African bond-
laborers; these were the so-called “deficiency laws.” The
ratio varied from place to place and from time to time.
Whatever the particular ratio, the home government
constantly expressed its concern that it be met. In 1682 in
Jamaica, the quota was one white bond-laborer to the first
five lifetime bond-laborers, “for ten slaves two whites,
and for every ten slaves over and above the said number
one white on penalty of £5 for every servant that shall
be wanting.”
In 1699, the Governor of the Leeward
Islands was instructed “to use his utmost endeavor that
each Planter keep such a number of white servants as the
law directed.”
The Nevis Assembly in 1701 passed “An
Act for encouraging the Importation of white Servants, and
that all Persons shall be obliged to keep one white Servant
to every Twenty Negroes.”
Other compulsory measures
were designed to limit emigration. For example, English
prisoners who had been sentenced to ten years’ servitude
in Barbados for the 1685 rebellion led by the Duke of
Monmouth were ordered to be freed from bond-servitude,
but they were forbidden to leave the island without royal
In the 1660s, the usual term of servitude in Barbados
was reduced to encourage bond-laborers to come to the
In order to get and keep European craftsmen in
Barbados, the island’s Assembly prohibited the
employment of Africans and Afro-Barbadians as coopers,
smiths, carpenters, tailors, or boatmen.
In 1695,
Governor Russell of Barbados remarked on the
deplorable condition of the European former bond-
laborers, who were “domineered over and used like
dogs.” Such treatment, he believed, would “drive away
the commonalty of the white people.” There were
hundreds of such unfortunates, he declared, that never
enjoyed fresh meat nor a dram of rum. That woeful lack
could be made up, he suggested, by reducing the property
qualification for voting at the annual elections in the
expectation that candidates for the Assembly “would
sometimes give the miserable creatures a little rum and
fresh provisions and such things as would be of
nourishment and make their lives more comfortable, in the
hopes of getting their votes.”
In 1709, a merchant trading
to Jamaica proposed to the Commissioners of Trade and
Plantations the settling of a colony of German Protestants
in that island, because the European militia was reduced
to 2,500 and there were 40,000 African bond-laborers to
be repressed. These settlers were to “be free so soon as
they set foot on shore in that island, and enjoy all
privileges;” they were to be granted five or six acres of
land in fee simple for every member of each family.
years later, the Lords of Trade and Plantations proposed
that all Protestant European immigrants be extended those
privileges on arrival in Jamaica.
Suggestions were advanced that, voluntarily or
otherwise, the great plantation owners should surrender
title to a small portion of their lands to European ex-bond-
laborers; but that notion came to naught because of a lack
of sufficient support from the prospective donors.
Ultimately a compromise was reached; the land would
remain in the ownership of the capitalist owners, but they
would allow a few acres to be occupied by European
tenants without any rent or other obligation except that of
service in the militia. Properly called “military tenants,”
these men represented the ultimate stage in the evolution of
“whiteness”; their contribution to the economic life of the
colony was neglible to nonexistent, and there was no other
rationale for their existence except the political one of
serving as a ready reserve for social control over bond-
laborers. For especially meritorious service in the war
against external or internal enemies, some such men might
be given ownership of an African bond-laborer. The
result, however, was not an enhancement of their
participation in the economic activity of the colony, but
merely provided a means of making the “military tenants”
more comfortable in their shiftless existence.
In token of their acquired status as “whites,” even
European bond-laborers were by law protected against
“excessive correctionby their owners, but by and large
such encouragement failed to convince European laborers
to come to and remain in the West Indies in the numbers
that were necessary for the establishing of a civil regime
of racial oppression.
In time the propertyless majority of
the European population of the British West Indies would
be assigned to a special category, socially and
economically marginalized as “poor whites.”
2. The Irish complication
The policy designed by the plantation bourgeoisie to enlist
laboring-class Europeans, as “whites,” in a social control
stratum against Africans occasionally encountered
manifestations of the contrary normal tendency of
European and African bond-laborers to make common
cause against their owners. Such events were a challenge
to the establishment of the new all-class, all-European
“white” identity.
It was the behavior of many of the Irish
bond-laborers that created the greatest breach in that
The Caribbean was a cockpit of European colonial
rivalry. Over a period of eighty years from 1667 to 1748,
the region was involved in four formal wars, in which
England was aligned against one or more Catholic
powers, primarily France, but also Spain.
This period
coincided with much of the tragic English conquest of
Ireland and Ireland’s subjection under the most extreme
period of the racial oppression under the anti-Popery
Penal Laws.
In this period, Catholic Irish bond-laborers,
who constituted a major proportion of the European bond-
laborers in the British West Indies, were often disposed to
ally their cause with any challenge to British authority,
whether that challenge were made by African bond-
laborers or by a rival colonial power.
In November 1655, following the Cromwellian
conquest, when the “Irish slave trade” was at its fullest,
the Barbados Colony Council was apprised that “there are
several Irish servants and Negroes out in Rebellion in the
Thicketts and thereabouts.”
Two years later, the
Barbados General Assembly warned that Irish men and
women were wandering about the island pretending to be
free, some of whom had “endeavoured to secure with
Armes: and others now forth in Rebellion.”
During the War of Devolution in which the French
captured and held St Kitts for two years, 1666–67,
decisive roles were played by “French Negroes,” who
burned six strong English forts on the island’s north coast,
and by the Irish on the island, who rose against the
English planters and joined the French.”
In 1667,
Governor William Willoughby of Barbados wrote to King
Charles II that of a possible fighting force of 4,000, “what
with Blacks[,] Irish & servants, I cannot rely upon more
then between 2 and 3000 men.”
In March 1668, it was reported that Barbados had
contributed so many men to help retake the Leeward
Islands from the French that it was “in an ill Condition, in
regard to the multitude of Negros & Irish Servants, which
is much superior to the rest of the Planters and
Citing five entries in the Great Britain Calendar of
State Papers, Colonial, Gwynne documents Irish
insurrections against the English in the battles for the
Leeward Islands in 1689.
Although the law enacted on
Nevis forbidding servants and slaves to “companyor to
drink together did not specifically mention the Irish,
it is
reasonable to believe they were among the usual suspects.
In the 1692 plot to capture the Barbados fort, Irish bond-
laborers undertook a special tactical role: by guile or by
force, they were to open the doors of the fort to the Negro
Two laws were enacted by the Nevis Assembly
on 21 December 1701: one “to prevent Papists, and
reputed Papists, from Settling in the Island,” and the
second for encouraging the Importation of white
As late as 1731, Governor Hunter of Jamaica
was contesting an act of conciliation of the Irish Catholics,
“of which our Servants and Lower Rank of People chiefly
Just as an eventual rapprochement was begun in Ireland
between the Catholic bourgeoisie and the British rulers in
the middle of the eighteenth century, so in the West Indies
the spirit of Protestant Ascendancy and “anti-popery
directed against the Irish abated.
But by then it was
irrelevant to the solution of the problem of ruling-class
social control in the British West Indies. By the end of the
seventeenth century the old system of defence by white
servants had broken down,” writes military historian John
W. Fortescue.
What he said with particular reference to
defense applies also to the failure of the attempt to
establish a system of social control in the Anglo-
Caribbean by an English-style yeoman militia of European
former bond-laborers.
3. “Sending an army to do it” – English military and
naval enforcement of social control
Contemplating the way in which control over the massive
bond-labor population was achieved in the British West
Indies, one is reminded of Sir John Davies’s dictum that
the conquest cannot be regarded as complete “if the
jurisdiction of ordinary Courts of justice doth not
extend” to all parts of the territory “… unlesse he send an
Army to do it.”
Because of the breakdown the system of
social control by European bond-laborers and former
bond-laborers, a new concept and composition for an
intermediate social control stratum that included persons
of African ancestry was contrived. Nevertheless, social
order depended on the constant presence of English
military and naval forces. “[I]t was customary,” writes our
historian, “for British troops to police the slave
population, in addition to fighting the soldiers of other
colonial powers in the West Indies.”
In 1680, Port Royal, Jamaica, with four forts manned by
two regular English army companies, was the most
strongly fortified place in all of colonial Anglo-America.
“Night and day,” writes Dunn, “one of the Port Royal
companies was always on duty, working twelve-hour
shifts.” Of the forts 110 big guns, 16 were located to face
any assault by land.
Throughout Queen Annes War,
1701–13, Jamaica was a garrison colony.”
For most of
the eighteenth century, at least two regular English army
regiments were stationed in Jamaica.
During the First
Maroon War two regiments sent from Gibraltar served
effectively to deter bond-laborers from joining the
On its frequent calls in Jamaica ports, the British
navy was counted on to assist in putting down revolts of
African bond-laborers.
Although in 1788 the Jamaica
militia of whitesand “free Negroes and free persons of
color numbered about 7,000 or 8,000, 2,000 regular
troops were maintained on the island to assure control
over one-quarter million Negro bond-laborers and 1,400
A British observer writing in about 1774
believed that the inhabitants of Jamaica relied too much on
the protection of the kings troops.”
In the final Maroon
War, 1796–1797, the number of regular British troops was
increased to 3,000.
In 1793, at the beginning of Britains
war against revolutionary France, the dispatch of 700
soldiers, more than half the Jamaica garrison, “drained the
island of troops that were to protect the inhabitantsjust at
the moment when the alarming news came that the French
Assembly had proclaimed freedom for all slaves in
French colonies.
At that time, “no fewer than nineteen
British battalions out of a total strength of eighty-one
were in the Caribbean or en route.”
A regiment of the kings troops was sent from England
to protect St Kitts after the island’s recapture from the
French in 1697.
The President of the Council of
Barbados in 1738 declared that the emigration from the
island had been so great that that island would have to
have a naval force to protect it.
There no doubt seemed
to be good imperial reason for the stationing of a 1,200-
man regiment on tiny Antigua, where a European
population of 5,000 (not half what it had been forty years
before), dwelt together with 45,000 “blacks, Mulattos, and
4. Afro-Caribbean majorities in the British West Indies
When former bond-laborers in Virginia tried to start
farming on their own, or small planters lost out to
creditors, they did not embark for another country; they
took their hoes and axes and headed for North Carolina or
Maryland, or to the Piedmont, or even farther westward.
Whatever the extent of migration may have been, the
European-American population of every continental
plantation colony, according to present best estimates,
grew absolutely decade by decade, from a combined total
of 71,847 in 1700 to 734,754 in 1780. Although the
European-American proportion of the population of the
plantation colonies declined from 84 percent to 59
percent, only in South Carolina had it been reduced to less
than half, to 46 percent.
In the British West Indies, on the other hand, Euro-
Caribbeans were a minority population before the end of
the seventeenth century. Barbados had a higher proportion
of European-descent inhabitants than any other colony in
British West Indies. Yet by 1713 in Barbados, and in the
Leeward Islands as well, Europeans made up only one-
fourth of the population; in Jamaica the ratio was only one
in nine.
In obvious acknowledgement of the absolute
impossibility that the militia-providing former bond-
laborers would ever become viable yeomen farmers,
various laws were enacted to preserve other petit
bourgeois opportunities for them, by excluding non-
Europeans from engaging in skilled occupations or
But in the end, the purpose of such
measures, which were absolutely essential to the meaning
of “white,” were nullified by the economic advantage of
the use of African bond-laborers in skilled and lower
supervisory occupations on the plantations,
and by the
valuable service to the internal market provided by
African bond-laborers, particularly the women.
In time, as a result of emancipation by self-purchase, by
testaments of free owner-fathers, and in reward for special
service, as well as by natural increase, a population of
free persons of some degree of African descent developed
throughout the West Indies. The same was true in the
continental colonies. There was a critical difference,
however, in the resulting proportion of the total free
population constituted by persons of some degree of
African ancestry. In the continental plantation colonies and
in the Upper South and Lower South states of the United
States in the period 1700–1860, free African-Americans
never constituted as much as 5 percent of the free
population. Their proportion reached its high point, 4.8
percent in 1830, but in the two ante-bellum decades it
declined appreciably, to 3.1 percent.
By contrast in
Jamaica, which had more than half the total population of
the British West Indies, and of the total free population as
well, free persons of color were 18 percent of all free
persons in 1768, 36 percent in 1789, and 72 percent in
The proportion in Barbados was 5 percent in
1786, 12 percent in 1801, and 34 percent in 1833–34.
the Leeward Islands toward the end of the eighteenth
century, one-fourth of the free population was of some
degree of African ancestry.
By the late 1700s, freedmen throughout the West Indies
were working in artisan trades. In Barbados the freedman
usually began as a hired unskilled worker, but quickly
sought skilled work for which there was greater demand,
and which had a higher prestige value.”
Sheppard notes that by late in the eighteenth century,
European freemen in that colony were able to practice
their trades only to a decreasing extent, and as hucksters
“they faced severe competition, as in other spheres, from
the free coloreds.”
In Jamaica in the first decades of the
nineteenth century, most of the freedmen were in skilled
trades, as “carpenters, masons, wheelwrights, plumbers,
and other artisans,”
while the freedwomen in Jamaica
usually became shopkeepers and sellers of “provisions,
millinery, confectionery, and preserves.” In Barbados in
1830, writes Professor Handler, “the Sunday market
was … an institution of fundamental importance to all
segments of Barbadian Society”; he cites the contemporary
observation that most of the produce sellers were free
colored people.
5. Afro-Caribbeans as the middle class of the British
West Indies
It seems to me that nothing could have prevented the
development of a normal class differentiation within the
African and Afro-Caribbean population of the British
West Indies as the freedmen came to constitute a
substantial proportion of the free population. That was not
the original intention when the sugar planters for reasons
of present profit began to recruit their skilled labor force
from the ranks of African bond-laborers and, by land
engrossment, made the flourishing of a European yeomanry
impossible. Although from time to time they made
legislative gestures toward reversing the trend, the need to
make the highest possible rate of profit emptied such
gestures of significance.
Just as the Irish Catholic bourgeoisie, disfranchised and
barred from owning land, found entrepreneurial outlets for
their acquisitive compulsion by becoming graziers and
so in the British West Indies freedman
enterprise both petit bourgeois and capitalist sprouted
through the cracks ofwhite” exclusionism despite the
dogged opposition of the “whitediehards who, like the
Orange Order in Britain, saw chaos in any concession to
the oppressed majority.
In the British West Indies generally, the free coloreds
included “shopkeepers, and owners of land and
slaves.” In the trade in non-sugar commodities with the
North American colonies, many free colored merchants
traded directly with captains of cargo vessels. In
Barbados, the energy and initiative of freedmen hucksters
in meeting bond-laborers on the way to market and ships
just arriving in the harbor enabled them to control the
supply of produce and livestock to the general public.
They were likewise involved in supplying the sugar
estates with essentials that could not be got from England.
Indeed, this proved a route to sugar estate ownership by
occasional foreclosure on a bankrupt creditor.
years after the repeal of the prohibition on freedmen acting
as pilots, they had nearly monopolized Jamaica’s coastal
In 1721 the Jamaica Assembly took a positive view of
such trends as it turned its attention to the problem of
unsettled lands becoming “a receptacle for runaway and
rebellious negroes.” It occurred to them to establish a
buffer zone between coastal sugar plantation regions and
the mountainous (and maroon-infested) interior, by
offering free homesteads to laboring-class settlers and
their families. Among the beneficiaries were to be “every
free mulatto, Indian or negro” who would take up the offer
and remain on the land for seven years. Each was to have
twenty acres of land for himself, and five acres more for
each slave he brought with him.
Perhaps some of those
homesteaders served in the “companies of free Negroes
and mulattoes” who were employed effectively in the First
Maroon War, ended with the 1739 Treaty of Trelawney
Town binding the Maroons to capture and return runaway
By the early 1830s, “free blacks and
coloreds” owned 70,000 of the total of around 310,000
bond-laborers in Jamaica.
When the militia system based on the European former
bond-laborers proved a failure, the sugar bourgeoisie
relied on the British army and navy to guarantee their
control, while at the same time recruiting free persons,
black and white, into the militias as an auxiliary. In
Barbados, as in Jamaica, by the 1720s freedmen were
required to serve in the militia, even though they were
denied important civil rights.
The British army and
navy, however, were subject to many demands because of
the almost constant worldwide round of wars with France
that would last for 127 years, from 1688 to 1815. In the
decisive moment the coming of the French Revolution
and the Haitian Revolution when all hung in the balance,
more extreme measures were required, for then the British
in the West Indies were confronted with “blacks inspired
by the revolutionary doctrine of French republicanism
and were forced to conduct operations against large
numbers of rebellious slaves in the rugged and largely
unknown interiors of their own islands” of Grenada, St
Vincent and Jamaica.
The internal and external dangers were so critical that
the British supreme commander in the Caribbean was
forced to conclude that “the army of Great Britain is
inadequate to defend these colonies” without an army
of black soldiers. Eight West India regiments were
formed, composed in small part by freedmen, and partly of
slaves purchased by the army from plantation owners; but
more were acquired directly from Africa.
“[i]t was clear that the continued existence of the West
India Regiments depended upon establishing the black
soldier as a freedman; indeed, in 1807 it was so declared
by act of the British Parliament: the bond-laborers who
entered the British army by that act became freedmen.
But the logic of the policy represented a major violation of
the principle of denial of social mobility of the oppressed
Many of these soldiers when discharged settled
on plantations as free persons.
In the meantime, thoughtful observers had begun to
advocate the advantages to be had from a positive attitude
toward freedmen in general. Consider the advice put
forward by four authoritative English writers: Edmund
Burke, in 1758; Edward Long, in 1774; the Reverend
James Ramsay, in 1784, and George Pinckard in 1803.
Indubitably, [said Burke] the security of every nation consists principally
in the number of low and middling men of a free condition, and that beautiful
gradation from the highest to the lowest, where the transitions all the way
are almost imperceptible What if in our colonies we should go so far as
to find some medium between liberty and absolute slavery, in which we
might place all mulattoes and such blacks, who their
masters should think proper in some degree to enfranchise. These might
have land allotted to them, or where that could not be spared, some sort of
fixed employment.… [T]he colony will be strengthened by the addition of so
many men, who will have an interest of their own to fight for.
[Mulattos, said Long,] ought to be held in some distinction [over the blacks].
They would then form the centre of connexion between the two extremes,
producing a regular establishment of three ranks of men. [If mulatto children
were obliged] to serve a regular apprenticeship to artificers and tradesmen
[,that] would make them orderly subjects and defenders of the country.
But even if they were to set up for themselves, no disadvantage would
probably accrue to the publick, but the contrary: they would oblidge the
white artificers to work at more moderate rates.
Reverend Ramsay, too, limited his proposal to mulattos.
The girls should be declared free from their birth, or from
the time the mother became free. Male mulattos should be
placed out as apprentices “to such trade or business as
may best agree with their inclination and the demands of
the colony,” and should be freed at the age of thirty. He
was persuaded that, “By these means a new rank of
citizens, placed between the Black and White races,
would be established.” They would be an intermediate
buffer social control stratum since they would naturally
attach themselves to the White race and so become a
barrier against the designs of the Black.”
George Pinckard had served several years as a surgeon
in the British expeditionary forces in the Caribbean, and
looked favorably on the prospect of gradual reform
leading to abolition of slavery in the West Indies. What
Pinckard suggested anticipated Charles James Foxs
prescription for social control adaptation in Ireland from
racial oppression to national oppression: Make the
besiegers part of the garrison.”
Pinckard argued for the
social promotion of a “considerable proportion of the
people of colour, between the whites and negroes.” The
installation of such a middle class would save Britain a
great expenditure of life and treasure. This middle class
would soon become possessed of stores and estates; and
the garrison might be safely entrusted to them as the best
defenders of their own property.”
In 1803, John Alleyne Beckles, Anglo-Barbadian
member of the Barbados Council, denounced the
limitations on property rights of freedmen. Such property
ownership, he argued, will keep them [the free colored]
at a greater distance from the slaves, and will keep up that
jealousy which seems naturally to exist between them and
the slaves …”
it will tend to our security, for should the slaves at any time attempt a
revolt, the free-coloured persons for their own safety and the security of
their property, must join the whites and resist them. But if we reduce the
free coloured people to a level with the slaves, they must unite with them,
and will take every occasion of promoting and encouraging a revolt.
Such ruling-class insights recognized the link between
concessions to the freedmen and the maintenance of
control over the bond-laborers, who in the late 1770s
outnumbered the total free population of Barbados by
nearly three and a half times, and outnumbered by nine
times that of Jamaica.
As members of the militia that
quelled the 1816 bond-laborer revolt in Barbados, “the
free coloureds were reckoned to have conducted
themselves ‘slightly better than the whites.”
In Jamaica
in the First and the Second Maroon Wars, the mulatto
militia justified the expectation that they would be a
“powerful counterpoise of men dissimilar from [the
Maroons] in complexion and manners, but equal in
hardiness and vigour,” capable of scour[ing] the woods
on all occasions; a service in which the [British Army]
regulars are by no means equal to them.”
As the struggle
to end slavery entered its critical stage, there were
freedmen who supported the cause of the bond-laborers,
but they were the exceptional few.
By the late 1770s, in Jamaica 36 percent of the free
population was composed of persons of some degree of
African ancestry; on the eve of emancipation, in 1833, they
were a 72 percent majority. In Barbados in 1786, only 5
percent of free persons were persons of African ancestry;
in 1833 they were 34 percent.
Although this increase in
the freedmen population brought added forces to the
intermediate social control stratum against the bond-
laborers, it conversely became a major factor in the final
crisis of the system of chattel bond-servitude, coming as it
did in the larger context of the Haitian Revolution (in
which the role of the free colored had been decisive) and
the rise of the abolitionist movement in England. The
“increasing wealth and numbers of the coloreds as well as
their importance in the militia made it more difficult for
the Assembly to deny them their rights.”
Of some 5,200 slaveowners in Barbados in 1822,
around 3,600 owned no land; of these the majority were
But due to “deficiency lawrestrictions, the
freedmen owners of bond-laborers for the most part
exploited their bond-laborers in non-agricultural
occupations. These same laws obstructed the employment
of freedmen wage workers. In 1830, two persons of color
were members of the Jamaican House of Assembly, but
they were still barred from giving testimony in court
unless they first produced proof of their baptism.
In 1816, a group of the coloreds” petitioned for
admission of all freemen to the “rights and privileges of
white subjects.”
This demand was the fulcrum by which
the combined forces on the side of abolition of slavery
the Haitian example, the example of the West India
regiments, the increasing rebelliousness of the plantation
bond-laborers (expressed in revolts in Barbados in 1816
and Jamaica in 1831), English religious humanitarianism,
and abolitionism were able to leverage the abolition of
slavery by act of Parliament in 1833. At the heart of the
matter was the fact that every concession made to the
freedmen to strengthen social control over the bond-
laborers represented an erosion of the rationale of white
supremacy upon which the system of plantation bond-
servitude was based. Eventually, the essential politics of
the Haitian Revolution had its innings in Jamaica. The
plantocracys resistance to further concession to the “free
coloreds” brought probably a majority of the freedmen to
the support of abolition, especially when slaveowners
among them were assured of being compensated by the
British government for the loss of their human chattels.
In continental Anglo-America, only the rivalry between
the plantation bourgeoisie and the industrial bourgeoisie
for national hegemony provided the civil war possibility
of emancipation as a measure for preserving the Union.
Emancipation in the West Indies, on the other hand, was
forced by the struggle of the bond-laborers and by the
demands of the “free colored” bourgeoisie and petty
bourgeoisie for full citizenship rights in the wake of the
Haitian Revolution.
The course of their struggles
paralleled events that ended religio-racial oppression in
Ireland. A century elapsed from the first recruitment of
Irish Catholic soldiers for England’s wars with the French
for colonial primacy to the disestablishment of the
Anglican Church of Ireland in 1869.
As in Ireland, so in
the British West Indies, it was by no means a smooth
steady evolution, but a procession by vicissitudes: from
the recruitment of free Afro-Caribbeans into trades,
commerce and professions countered by schemes for
bestowing privileges on the “poor whites” to induce them
to come and stay; from laws explicitly denying Afro-
Caribbeans civil rights, and the obstruction of individual
petitions for full rights by members of the Afro-Caribbean
petty bourgeoisie and bourgeoisie, to the enactment of the
“Brown Privilege Bill in Barbados in 1831.
most distinguishes the story of both the Irish and the
Anglo-Caribbean histories, on the one hand, from that of
continental Anglo-America, on the other, is that Catholic
Emancipation in Ireland, and the admittance of “free
colored” to full citizenship rights in the British West
Indies were the culmination of the growing economic and
political strength of the Catholic bourgeoisie in Ireland, in
the one case, and of the “free colored” population of the
British West indies, in the other. In the United States, on
the other hand, free African-Americans were never
acknowledged as a legitimate part of the body politic;
quite the contrary, their very right to remain in the United
States was officially and unofficially questioned, as, for
instance, in the persistent demands for the forced
exclusion of free African-Americans from the United
What is to explain the dramatic difference in the status
achieved by free persons of African descent in the Anglo-
Caribbean and in continental Anglo-America? And what
larger historical significance is implied in that variation?
That question brings us back to the Chesapeake and the
problem that faced the plantation bourgeoisie there in the
wake of Bacons Rebellion.
The Invention of the White Race – and
the Ordeal of America
What Virginias laboring-class people, free and bond,
were fighting for in Bacons Rebellion was not the
overthrow of capitalism as such, but an end to the version
of that system imposed by the plantation elite, based on
chattel bond-servitude and engrossment of the land. Their
idea regarding a proper social order was about the same
as that which would be expressed by Edmund Burke some
eighty years later: “the security … of every nation consists
principally in the number of low and middling men of a
free condition, and that beautiful gradation from the
highest to the lowest, where the transitions all the way are
almost imperceptible.”
If they had succeeded, the
outcome of their struggle would have improved
opportunities for social mobility within the colony. For the
bond-laborers that would have meant an end to unpaid
bond-servitude; for them and for the landless freemen,
victory would have meant improved opportunity to
become independent farmers. Most emphatically, they
were not content to be “Tenants to the first
Ingrossers, … to be a Tennant on a Continent.”
However, just as the overthrow of the tenantry in the
1620s had cleared the ground for the institution of chattel
bond-servitude, so the defeat of Bacons Rebellion
cleared the way for the establishment of the system of
lifetime hereditary chattel bond-servitude. The relative
position of the plantation elite became more dominant than
ever not only because of the continuation of their large
landholdings, but also because of their advantage in
bidding for lifetime bond-labor.
Virginia’s mystic transition from the era of “the volatile
society,” most dramatically represented in Bacons
Rebellion, to “the Golden Age of the Chesapeakein the
middle quarters of the eighteenth century is a much-studied
phenomenon. It was during that period that the ruling
plantocracy replaced the ould foundationthat Governor
Notley had warned them of, in order to “build their
proceedings” on a new one. Central to this political
process was, as John C. Rainbolt described it, “The
Alteration in the Relationship between Leadership and
Constituents in Virginia, 1660–1720.”
In no other period or province did the relationship between rulers and ruled
and the role of government alter so markedly as in Virginia between the
departure of Governor William Berkeley in 1676 and the administration of
Alexander Spotswood from 1710 to 1722.
The “art of rulingso manifestly deficient during Bacons
Rebellion was retrieved; the ruling planter elite had
learned to improvise a style of leadership appropriate to
the peculiar weakness of authority and the undisciplined
and frustrated citizenry of Virginia.”
Edmund S. Morgan discusses the transition in a
succession of chapters beginning Toward” – “Toward
Slavery,” Toward Racism,” “Toward Populism,”
“Toward the Republic” and concludes that the
subordination of class by “race” at the beginning of the
eighteenth century is the key to the emergence of the
republic at the end of it.
Commentary directed
specifically to the relationship of “race” and class” is
particularly relevant to the subject of the invention of the
white race.
In a paper read before the Virginia Historical
Society in December 1894, Lyon G. Tyler, son of
President John Tyler, and seventeenth president of
William and Mary College and editor of The William and
Mary Quarterly, noted that “race, and not class, [was] the
distinction in social life” in eighteenth-century Virginia.
The modern historian Gary B. Nash is more explicit: “In
the late seventeenth century,” he writes, “southern
colonizers were able to forge a consensus among upper-
and lower-class whites.… Race became the primary
badge of status.”
Why was social transformation given this particular
form; and how was it brought about? It will not do to say
that this “race, not class” phenomenon was the result of the
shift to Africa as the main labor supply source.
That same
shift occurred in the British West Indies without the
obliteration of class by race”. It will not do to ascribe it
to the play of free market forces fashioning a “divided
labor market” of skilled European-Americans and
unskilled African-Americans.
The privileges and
perquisites accorded to skilled workers do indeed express
“free market economy principles but race”
discrimination, in the form of the “deficiency laws” and
prohibitions established in all English plantation colonies
in the Americas against employing African workers in
skilled occupations, did not. It will not do to say that
persons arriving in the Americas already enchained were
not good candidates for rebellion.
Consider the history
of the maroons throughout the Americas, including British
Most important of all, it will not do to say that
the “race, not class” phenomenon was the result of the
reduction of African-Americans to lifetime hereditary
One need only recall the solidarity of
“the English and Negroes in Armes in Bacons
Rebellion, at a time when the great majority of African-
Americans were held as lifetime bond-laborers; or note
the fact that 23 percent of the African bond-laborers in
Jamaica on the eve of Emancipation were owned by
persons of one degree or other of African ancestry.
Rather it was only because “race” consciousness
superseded class-consciousness that the continental
plantation bourgeoisie was able to achieve and maintain
the degree of social control necessary for proceeding with
capital accumulation on the basis of chattel bond-labor.
That the plantation bourgeoisie and those engaged in the
labor supply trade favored the imposition of perpetual
bondage on the plantation labor force can be seen as
simply prudent business practice designed, in terms of
current jargon, to keep down inflationary labor costs in
order to promote economic growth and to make Anglo-
America competitive,” by utilizing opportunities in Africa
newly opened up by “the expanding global economy.” At
the same time, it was understood that, as always, success
depended on establishing and maintaining an intermediate
stratum for social control purposes. Why, then, were free
Negroes and mulattosto be excluded from that stratum
in the pattern-setting continental plantation colony of
In September 1723 an African-American wrote from
Virginia a letter of protest and appeal to Edmund Gibson,
the Bishop of London, whose see included Virginia. On
behalf of observant Christians of mixed Anglo-African
descent, who were nevertheless bound by “a Law or act
which keeps and makes them and there seed slaves
forever,” the letter asked for the bishop’s help and that of
the king and the rest of the Rullers,” in ending their cruel
Aspects of discrimination against African-Americans
also bothered British lawyer Richard West, the Attorney-
General, who had the responsibility of advising the Lords
of Trade and Plantations whether laws passed in colonial
legislatures merited approval, or should be rejected in
whole or in part as being prejudicial or contradictory to
the laws of England.
In due course, West had occasion to
examine a measure that was passed by the Virginia
Assembly in May 1723, entitled “An Act directing the trial
of Slaves, committing capital crimes; and for the more
effectual punishing conspiracies and insurrections of them;
and for the better government of Negros, Mulattos, and
Indians, bond or free.” Article 23 of that 24-article law
provided that:
no free negro, mulatto, or indian whatsoever, shall have any vote at the
election of burgesses, or any other election whatsoever.
The Attorney-General made the following categoric
I cannot see why one freeman should be used worse than another, merely
upon account of his complexion …; to vote at elections of officers, either for
a county, or parish, &c. is incident to every freeman, who is possessed of a
certain proportion of property, and, therefore, when several negroes have
merited their freedom, and obtained it, and by their industry, have acquired
that proportion of property, so that the above-mentioned incidental rights of
liberty are actually vested in them, for my own part, I am persuaded, that it
cannot be just, by a general law, without any allegation of crime, or other
demerit whatsoever, to strip all free persons, of a black complexion (some of
whom may, perhaps be of considerable substance,) from those rights, which
are so justly valuable to every freeman.
The Lords of Trade and Plantationshad Occasion to look
into the said Act, and as it carrie[d] an Appearance of
Hardship towards certain Freemen meerely upon Account
of their Complection, who would otherwise enjoy every
Priviledge belonging to Freemen [they wanted to know]
what were the Reasons which induced the Assembly to
pass this Act.”
Governor William Gooch, to whom the question was
ultimately referred, declared that the Virginia Assembly
had decided upon this curtailment of the franchise in order
“to fix a perpetual Brand upon Free Negros &
Surely that was no “unthinking decision”!
Rather, it was a deliberate act by the plantation
bourgeoisie; it proceeded from a conscious decision in the
process of establishing a system of racial oppression,
even though it meant repealing an electoral principle that
had existed in Virginia for more than a century.
But upon examination, Governor Goochs explanation
of the thinking that led to the decision seems grossly
disingenuous. His response to the criticism comprised four
points. (1) The immediate cause of the enactment of that
law, he said, had been the discovery of a revolt plot
among African-American bond-laborers in 1722,
“wherein the Free Negros & Mulattos were much
suspected to have been concerned (which will for ever be
the case) though there could be no legal proof of it.
(2) Another reason, said Gooch approvingly, had been to
make the free Negros sensible that a distinction ought to be
made between their offspring and the descendants of an
Englishman.” As we might say today, Gooch felt
threatened by “the Pride of a manumitted slave, who looks
upon himself immediately on his acquiring his freedom to
be as good a man as the best.” (3) Goochs perturbation
was all the greater when the prideful offender was
“descended from a white Father or Mother,” these being
mostly, he said, “the worst of our imported Servants and
convicts.” The law in question, he argued, served as a
way of “discouraging that kind of copulation.” (4)
Anyway, he said, the number of persons disfranchised by
the law was “so inconsiderable, that ’tis scarce worth
while to take any notice of them in this particular.”
Although Goochs letter has been noticed before by our
historians, it has never been subject to analysis. However
that neglect is to be explained, let it end here: for such an
examination gets to the heart of the motives of the Anglo-
American continental plantation bourgeoisie in imposing
not just a system of lifetime bond-servitude only on
persons of African descent, but a system of racial
oppression, by denying recognition of, refusing to
acknowledge, delegitimizing, so far as African-Americans
were concerned, the normal social distinctions
characteristic of capitalist society. Consider the points of
the Gooch thesis in that light.
(1) As noted in Chapter 12, in the Anglo-Caribbean
societies the security of the social order based on lifetime
bond-servitude of Africans and Afro-Caribbeans was
deliberately linked to the making of such a social
distinction among persons of African ancestry. In the early
1720s, at the same time that the Virginia Assembly was
emphasizing the exclusion of free Negroes from any place
in the intermediate social control stratum, in Barbados
free Negroes and persons of color, like other free persons,
were required to serve in the colony militia, and in
Jamaica the Assembly offered free Negroes and persons
of color free homesteads. In both cases the policies were
calculated to promote and maintain social control and the
security of those colonies.
Far from undermining the
slave system, the policy in the West Indies proved over
and over again to be an effective counterweight to bond-
labor revolt. It was correctly feared that to refuse to
maintain such distinctions was to court disaster.
Virginia there had been free African-Americans living as
landowners, owners of bond-laborers, livestock breeders,
and hired laborers at least three-quarters of a century
before Gooch ever left England. Although they sometimes
helped bond-laborers to escape, that offense was more
often committed by European-American free persons. Yet
no proposal was made to reduce the latter to villeins by
taking away their franchise.
(2) If poor free persons in England or in Anglo-
America displayed delusions of social grandeur in such a
degree as to discomfit their neighbors, hot ridicule and
cold reality would likely soon disabuse them of the notion.
The preservation of a civil society would not require the
disfranchisement of a whole demographic category in
order to preserve good order in such cases. The system of
racial oppression is not characterized by the distinction
maintained between one of the common run of laboring
people and the best of his neighbors,” i.e., the gentlefolk
of the leisure class. Rather, its hallmark is the insistence
on the social distinction between the poorest member of
the oppressor group and any member, however propertied,
of the oppressed group.
(3) It is to be noted that when Gooch expressed his
objection to sexual union between “whites” and African-
Americans, he referred only to instances in which the
former were people of mean condition.” He passed
over in silence the common practice of sexual exploitation
of African-American bond-laborers by their owners and
their owners sons.
Why this omission? There was a difference in the two
cases so far as the purposes of racial oppression were
concerned. In the second case, the mother being a lifetime
bond-laborer, the child would also be bound for life. The
father, as the owner or heir presumptive of the mother,
would not find it in his interest, and very rarely in his
heart, to acknowledge his child as his own. The mother
and the child were, by the laws forbidding their testimony,
incapable of making a claim against the owner. If the
owner did acknowledge paternity, he was subject to the
penalties for “fornication,” which were doubled in cases
of sexual congress between European-Americans and
African-Americans. If, out of an elementary sense of
human decency, he freed his own child, the child was
bound by law to leave Virginia within a certain time or to
be taken up and sold as a lifetime bond-laborer.
According to Gooch, the majority of the parents of
mulatto children were of the laboring class, and most were
bond-laborers. Although only those whose mothers were
African-Americans were to be bound for life, Gooch vents
his hostility towards all mulattos, whether bond or free,
whose mere presence presented a cognitive dissonance for
the system of racial oppression. But his emphasis is on the
laboring-class origin of those who, he says, made up the
majority of the mulattos. Was that because he saw in it the
seed of a revolutionary class solidarity such as had once
been enacted in Virginia by “English and Negroes in
Armes”? Whatever weight may be given to that
speculation, it is clear that Gooch regarded bonds of
mutual affection between African-Americans and
European-American laborers as an affront to the
“perpetual brand” of racial oppression.
(4) To dismiss the disfranchisement of African-
Americans on the grounds that they included few persons
who met the property qualifications was to reject the
premise set in Attorney-General Wests reference to the
rights of “every free man.” Furthermore, this argument
seems inconsistent with Goochs first point. If the number
of substantial African-American propertyholders was so
few that their disfranchisement was not worth noticing,
then concern over the prospect of their involvement in the
freedom-seeking exploits of bond-laborers would be
correspondingly diminished.
I have given such prominence to the Gooch letter
because it provides rare documentation of a discussion of
the issue of white supremacy among the ruling classes in
the eighteenth century in Virginia.
Although the Board of
Trade acknowledged Governor Goochs reply by saying
that it would let the matter rest,
historians of the origin of
racial oppression in Anglo-America should not be content.
I have sought to show that Goochs argument for fixing a
brand” on the free African-American is illogical, even in
its own terms.
How, then, is this categoric rejection of the free Negro
to be explained? The difference between the English
plantation bourgeoisies in the British West Indies and in
the continental plantation colonies cannot be ascribed to a
difference of degrees of white” consciousness. Down to
the last moment, and past it, the sugar plantocracy resisted
any attempt to undermine that consciousness, just as the
ruling class did in the continental plantation colonies. The
difference was rooted in the objective fact that in the West
Indies there were too few laboring-class Europeans to
embody an adequate petty bourgeoisie, while in the
continental colonies there were too many to be
accommodated in the ranks of that class.
The tobacco bourgeoisie assumed that bond-laborers
would resist in every way they could, including marronage
and revolt. Note has been made of the anxiety expressed in
1698 by Governor Francis Nicholson, then of Maryland,
over the prospect of great disturbances in which he
believed that the Irish bond-laborers would “confederate
with the negroes.”
In 1710 the Deputy Governor of
Virginia reported to the Board of Trade the discovery of
“an intended Insurrection of the negros which was to have
been put in Execution in Surry and James City Countys on
Easter Day.” Two of the freedom plotters were hanged in
the official hope that “their fate will strike such a Terror
in the other Negros, as will keep them from forming such
designs for the future.”
Alexander Spotswood arrived in
Virginia in 1710 to begin his ten-year tenure as Governor
in June of that same year shortly after the discovery of the
plot. Whatever reliance he intended to put upon terror,
experience had shown, he said, that “we are not to depend
on either their [the Negroes’] stupidity, or that babel of
languages among em; freedom wears a cap which can,
without a tongue, call together all those who long to shake
of[f] the fetters of slavery.”
Although the attempt of
African bond-laborers to establish a free settlement at the
head of James River in 1729 was defeated,
William Gooch feared that “a very small number of
negroes once settled in those parts, would very soon be
encreased by the accession of other runaways,” as had
happened with the negroes in the mountains of
In 1736, William Byrd II, a member of the Virginia
Colony Council, wrote to the Earl of Egmont, president of
the Trustees of the Georgia colony which had been
founded four years earlier on the principle of exclusion of
slavery. Byrd expressed his approval of the new colonys
policy, and his fear for Virginia’s future in view of the
rapidly increasing proportion of African-American bond-
laborers. He too had Jamaica on his mind, worrying “lest
they [the lifetime bond-laborers in Virginia] prove as
troublesome and dangerous as they have been lately in
Jamaica. We have mountains, in Virginia, too, to which
they may retire safely, and do as much mischief as they do
in Jamaica.” Open revolt might occur; there were already
10,000 African-American men capable of bearing arms in
Virginia, he noted, and he warned that “in case there
should arise a Man amongst us, exasperated by a
desperate fortune he might with more advantage than
Cataline kindle a Servile War.”
In 1749, Virginia
Council members Thomas Lee and William Fairfax
favored discouraging the importation of English convicts
as bond-laborers. They cited former Governor
Spotswood’s allusion to freedoms cap, and warned that
increasing the number of convict bond-laborers in
Virginia, who are wicked enough to join our Slaves in
any Mischief in all Probability will bring sure and
sudden Destruction on all His Majestys good subjects of
this colony.”
Nothing could have been more apparent
than that the small cohort of the ruling elite must have a
substantial intermediate buffer social control stratum to
stand between it and “great disturbances,” or even another
rebellion. Like the capitalist enclosers of the peasants’
land in sixteenth-century England, the men for whom the
plantation world was made needed an effective
intermediate yeoman-type social control stratum.
Whilst I have made no special effort to check for
occasions of the use of the term “yeomanin the colonial
Virginia and Maryland records, I do not recall having seen
it there; nor have I seen it in citations from the records in
secondary works. Thomas J. Wertenbaker transplanted it
from the agrarian history of the mother country where it
meant the laboring-class “forty-shilling freeholder” – even
though that designation had little practical significance to a
society where freehold farmers paid their debts and taxes
not in sterling money, but in pounds of tobacco.
historians have followed Wertenbakers lead in
synonymizing yeomanwith middle class.” But that has
not been of much help in arriving at a functional definition
of either “yeoman” or “middle class.”
Various standards of measurement have been used to
draw the lines of class distinction in the colonial
Chesapeake, such as land ownership, bond-labor
ownership, the number of pounds of one’s annual tobacco
crop, tax lists, and estate inventories.
Even within one or
the other of these particular parameter systems, one
historians “yeomancan be anothers “poor man.” In the
midst of the conceptual confusion, one does notice that the
yeoman band is wider in the eyes of those who, on the
whole, find that eighteenth-century Virginia was a
democracy and not an aristocracy; on the other hand, the
“yeoman” category tends to wash out in the studies of
those who tend to be more sensitive to the prevalence of
inequality in the Chesapeake tobacco colonies.
The present study is concerned with the question of
ruling-class social control and the choice of a system of
racial oppression in the Anglo-American plantation
colonies. The concept of “yeomanor “middle class in
this context is examined as an intermediate social control
category. For that reason, I take as the first criterion the
degree to which a “planters” interest was benefited by the
system of chattel bond-servitude. The lower boundary of
the middle class by this standard would lie between those
who owned lifetime bond-laborers (the number being
augmented by incidental functionaries of the system, such
as overseers, clerks, slave-traders), on the one hand, and
those who did not own bond-laborers, on the other.
In relation to the Chesapeake generally, Kulikoff states
that by the 1730s the social power structure was
dominated by the gentry, a leisure class comprising 5
percent of the Anglo-American men.
The “gentrycan be
regarded as the ruling class, and it was composed of
persons whose wealth, however gained, was such as to
relieve them of any economic need to work. From their
ranks came those who actually occupied the posts of
political authority.
“About half the [European-American]
men,” says Kulikoff, “were yeomen, and many of them
owned a slave or two, or hoped to someday.”
dependent on the gentry for credit to tide them over rough
spots or to expand their holdings, the yeomen reciprocated
by going along with the system of rule by the gentry.
Aubrey C. Land approached the study of class
differentiation in the colonial Chesapeake by way of
analysis of Maryland estate inventories,
which he
grouped by a scale of hundreds of pounds sterling:
£0-£100, £100-£200; £200-£300, etcetera. In the period
1690 to 1699, three-fourths of the planters were in the
£0-£100 category. The typical annual crop of such a
planter was from 1,200 to 3,000 pounds of tobacco.
“Between investment and consumption he had no choice.
He could not invest from savings because he had
none.” For him to buy either a limited-term or a lifetime
bond-laborer was very difficult.” Often, because of his
debts, the heirs of such a person were left penniless.
More than one-third of the planters in this category were
tenants on twenty-one-year or three-lives leases on wild
It is interesting to note the contrast between the
Scots tenant in Ulster, who retained property claim to the
improvements he made on the leasehold,
and the
Chesapeake tenant, who was obligated to clear the land
and make improvements, the entire value of which was
claimed by the landlord for expansion of a soil-exhausting
monoculture based on bond-labor. Although the proportion
of planters in £0-£100 group had declined by 1740, they
still made up more than half the total.
Such a planter
“was not the beneficiary of the planting society of the
Chesapeake … [and] it would stretch the usual meaning of
the term to call him a yeoman, particularly if he fell in the
lower half of his group.”
The £100-£200 category presents a dramatic contrast,
in that 80 percent of these estates included bond-labor.
Taking this category together with the others up to £500,
representing 21.7 percent of all estates in the 1690–99
period, by 1740 their proportion had increased to 35.7
percent. Of this larger, £100-£500 band of estates, lifetime
bond-labor accounted for between half and two-thirds of
the total value of an estate. In this £100-£500 category,
farms without bond-labor had crops of only from 1,200 to
3,000 pounds of tobacco. But with bond-labor the output
increased in proportion to the number of laborers.
In the interest of completeness of coverage, Jackson
Turner Main based a study on the Virginia tax lists for
But by treating various regions, from east to west,
as representative of successive historical stages of
plantation development, as well as by drawing to some
extent on historical regional data, Main concluded that the
general tendency of social evolution in Virginia [within
the white population] was toward “a larger landless class
and a larger class, too, of those who had almost no
In conclusion, Main declared:
… it is evident in the first place that landowners were in a minority.
Excluding the Northern Neck, about 30 percent of the adult [white] males
were laborers with very little property. About one tenth of the men had no
land but had a fair amount of other property and had access to land owned
by relatives. About one eighth were tenants. A little over one third of the
men were small farmers with less than five hundred acres.
To summarize, then, somewhat less than 50 percent of
the total adult white male population were landowners. Of
the total number of landowners, one-fifth were large
landholders, those with 500 acres or more. Those with
from 100 to 500 acres constituted two-thirds of the total.
Of these, one-fourth worked their land without the
employment of bond-labor. The one-tenth of the
landowners having up to 100 acres were even more likely
to do their own work. Thus while at least seven out of
eight landowners were also owners of bond-laborers,
around 60 percent of the adult white male population were
not employers of bond-labor but, rather, were put in
competition with employers of bond-labor.
Jackson T.
Mains study suggests the presence of a yeoman or
“middle” class in eighteenth-century Virginia of not more
than 40 percent of the adult white male population. That
seems compatible with Land’s conclusions regarding
Maryland estate evaluations.
Professor Kulikoff relates these relative class
proportions in the population to the central concern of the
present work, the question of ruling class social control,
by concluding that, “Once the gentry class gained the
assent of the yeomanry, it could safely ignore the rest of
white society.”
But, recalling the question raised by
Attorney-General West, why should African-Americans
“possessed of a certain proportion of propertyhave been
effectively barred from the ranks of this “yeomanry”? I
have great respect for Kulikoff’s work, from which I have
learned much, but I believe that this proscription of the
free African-American can be explained best precisely by
the fact that, despite its sway over the “yeomanry,” the
gentry could not “safely ignore the rest of white society
because their bond-labor system was antithetical to the
interests not only of African-American bond-laborers, but
also of all the rest of the population that did not own bond-
laborers. In their solidarity with the African-American
bond-laborers in Bacons Rebellion, the laboring-class
European-American bond-laborers had demonstrated their
understanding of their interests, and bond-laborers had had
the sympathy of the laboring poor and propertyless free
What was to be done? What was the “alteration in the
government, but not of the government
that would
exorcise the ghost of Bacons Rebellion? How was
laboring-class solidarity to be undone? Back to first
principles, never better enunciated by an English
statesman than by Sir Francis Bacon.
[I]t is a certain
sign of wise government,” Sir Francis advised, “… when
it can hold mens hearts by hopes, when it cannot by
satisfaction.” And, with acknowledgment to Machiavelli,
Bacon advocated “dividing and breaking of all factions
and combinations that are adverse to the state, and setting
them at distance, or at least distrust among themselves.”
In the world the slaveholders made, however, “hope
depended upon the prospect of social mobility into the
ranks of owners of bond-labor, and as we have seen there
was little opportunity for the non-owner of bond-labor to
make that transition to the “yeoman class. The cost of
lifetime bond-laborers presented a threshold that few non-
owners of bond-labor could reach. The monoculture
tended to glut the market and leave the small producer
who had no bond-labor in debt so that accumulation of the
capital necessary for this path to “yeoman” status was
drained away.
Instead of social mobility, European-Americans who
did not own bond-laborers were to be asked to be
satisfied simply with the presumption of liberty, the
birthright of the poorest person in England; and with the
right of adult males who owned sufficient property to vote
for candidates for office who were almost invariably
owners of bond-laborers. The prospects for stability of a
system of capitalist agriculture based on lifetime
hereditary bond-servitude depended on the ability of the
ruling elite to induce the non-“yeoman European-
Americans to settle for this counterfeit of social mobility.
The solution was to establish a new birthright not only for
Anglos but for every Euro-American, the “white” identity
that set them at a distance,” to use Sir Franciss phrase,
from the laboring-class African-Americans, and enlisted
them as active, or at least passive, supporters of lifetime
bondage of African-Americans. Edmund S. Morgan
introduces a catalogue of these white-skin privilege laws,
with the assertion that “The answer to the problem [of
preventing a replay of Bacons Rebellion] was racism,
to separate dangerous free whites from dangerous slave
blacks by a screen of racial contempt.” In this way, he
emphasizes, the [Virginia] assembly deliberately did
what it could to foster contempt of whites for blacks and
Bruce attests that [t]oward the end of the
seventeenth centurythere occurred “a marked tendency to
promote a pride of race among the members of every class
of white people; to be white gave the distinction of color
even to the agricultural [European-American bond-
]servants, whose condition, in some respects, was not
much removed from that of actual slavery; to be white and
also to be free, combined the distinction of liberty.”
Here, then, is the true answer to the issue raised by the
anonymous Virginian to the Bishop of London and by
Attorney-General Richard West and the Board of Trade to
Governor Gooch. The exclusion of free African-
Americans from the intermediate stratum was a corollary
of the establishment of “white” identity as a mark of social
status. If the mere presumption of liberty was to serve as a
mark of social status for masses of European-Americans
without real prospects of upward social mobility, and yet
induce them to abandon their opposition to the plantocracy
and enlist them actively, or at least passively, in keeping
down the Negro bond-laborer with whom they had made
common cause in the course of Bacons Rebellion, the
presumption of liberty had to be denied to free African-
H. M. Henry, though writing about South Carolina,
posed a question of general relevance.
The financial interests of the large planters are sufficient to explain why
they sought to perpetuate such a system of labor [racial slavery]. But why
should the non-slaveholders, who formed the majority of the white
population, have assisted in upholding and maintaining the slavery status of
the negro with its attendant inconveniences, such as patrol service, when
they must have been aware in some measure at least that as an economic
regime it was a hindrance to their progress?
The Virginia General Assembly showed how it was to be
done; it deliberately stuffed the racial distinction with
anomalous privileges to make it look like the real thing,
promotion to a higher social class. The distinction was
even emphasized for European-American chattel bond-
laborers, whose presumption of liberty was temporarily in
Any owner of an African-American, practically without
hindrance, could legally use or abuse his African-
American bond-laborers, or dispose of him or her by gift,
bequest, sale, or rental as a matter of course, but by a law
enacted in 1691, he was forbidden to set them free.
Examples of emancipation of African-Americans by final
will and testament have been cited from the record in
Chapter 10; never had such a will been challenged. But
when in 1712, under the terms of the will of John Fulcher
of Norfolk County, sixteen African-American bond-
laborers were to be freed and given land in fee simple to
live upon as long as they Shall live or any of there
Increase and not to be turned of[f] or not to be Disturbed,”
the Virginia Colony Council reacted by proposing to bar
even this door to freedom.
On the other hand, the revised Virginia code of 1705
took pains to specify unprecedented guarantees for the
European christian white” limited-term bond-laborers.
Before, masters had merely been required not to “exceed
the bounds of moderation in beating or whipping or
otherwise “correcting the bond-laborer, it being
provided that the victim, if one could get to the Justice of
the Peace and then to the next county court, shall have
remedy for his grievances.”
The new code forbade the
master to whip a christian white servant naked, without
an order from the justice of the peace,” the offending
master to be fined forty shillings payable to the servant.
Upon a second offense by a master in treatment of
“servants (not being slaves),” the courts could order that
the servant be taken from that master and sold at outcry.
Freedom dues for limited-term bond-laborers had never
been specified in Virginia law, but were merely referred
to in court orders by the loose term “corn and clothes.”
The 1705 code, however, noting that “nothing in that
nature ever [had been] made certain,” enumerated them
with specificity: “to every male servant, ten bushels of
corn, thirty shillings in money (or the equivalent in goods),
a gun worth at least twenty shillings; and to every woman
servant, fifteen bushels of corn, forty shillings in money
(or the equivalent in goods).”
Lifetime bond-laborers
were not to have freedom dues, of course, but they had
been allowed to raise livestock on their own account, and
to have them marked as their own. But in 1692, and again
in 1705 with greater emphasis, livestock raised by
African-American bond-laborers on their own account
were ordered to be confiscated.
The act of 1723 that was the subject of the
correspondence between Governor Gooch and the Board
of Trade was by no means the first evidence, in terms of
the law, of ruling-class desire not only to impose lifetime
hereditary bond-servitude on African-Americans, but to
implement it by a system of racial oppression, expressed
in laws against free African-Americans. Such were the
laws (several of which have been previously noted)
making free Negro women tithable;
forbidding non-
Europeans, though baptized Christians, to be owners of
“christian,” that is, European, bond-laborers;
free African-Americans the right to hold any office of
public trust;
barring any Negro from being a witness in
any case against a “white” person;
making any free
Negro subject to thirty lashes at the public whipping post
for “lift[ing] his or her hand” against any European-
American, (thus to a major extent denying Negroes the
elementary right of self-defense);
excluding free
African-Americans from the armed militia;
forbidding free African-Americans from possessing “any
gun, powder, shot, or any club, or any other weapon
whatsoever, offensive or defensive.”
The denial of the right of self-defense would become a
factor in the development of the peculiar American form
of male supremacy, white-male supremacy, informed by
the principle that any European-American male could
assume familiarity with any African-American woman.
That principle came to have the sanction of law. We have
earlier cited the Maryland Provincial Court decision of
1767 that “a slave had no recourse against the violator of
his bed.”
“The law simply did not criminalize the rape
of slave women,” writes Philip Schwarz. No Virginia
judge heard [such] a case.”
Free African-American
women had practically no legal protection in this respect,
in view of the general exclusion of African-Americans,
free or bond, from giving testimony in court.
The ruling class took special pains to be sure that the
people they ruled were propagandized in the moral and
legal ethos of white-supremacism. Provisions were
included for that purpose in the 1705 “Act concerning
Servants and Slaves” and in the Act of 1723 “directing the
trial of Slavesand for the better government of Negros,
Mulattos, and Indians, bond or free.”
For consciousness-
raising purposes (to prevent “pretense of ignorance”), the
laws mandated that parish clerks or churchwardens, once
each spring and fall at the close of Sunday service, should
read (“publish”) these laws in full to the congregants.
Sheriffs were ordered to have the same done at the
courthouse door at the June or July term of court. If we
presume, in the absence of any contrary record, that this
mandate was followed, we must conclude that the general
public was regularly and systematically subjected to
officiai white-supremacist agitation. It was to be drummed
into the minds of the people that, for the first time, no free
African-American was to dare to lift his or her hand
against a Christian, not being a negro, mulatto or Indian
(3:459); that African-American freeholders were no
longer to be allowed to vote (4:133–34); that the
provision of a previous enactment (3:87 [1691]) was
being reinforced against the mating of English and
Negroes as producing “abominable mixture” and
“spurious issue” (3:453–4); that, as provided in the 1723
law for preventing freedom plots by African-American
bond-laborers, “any white person found in company
with any [illegally congregated] slaveswas to be fined
(along with free African-Americans or Indians so
offending) with a fine of fifteen shillings, or to “receive,
on his, her, or their bare backs, for every such offense,
twenty lashes well laid on.” (4:129).
Thus was the “white race invented as the social
control formation whose distinguishing characteristic was
not the participation of the slaveholding class, nor even of
other elements of the propertied classes; that alone would
have been merely a form of the “beautiful gradation of
class differentiation prescribed by Edmund Burke. What
distinguished this system of social control, what made it
“the white race”, was the participation of the laboring
classes: non-slaveholders, self-employed smallholders,
tenants, and laborers. In time this “white race” social
control system begun in Virginia and Maryland would
serve as the model of social order to each succeeding
plantation region of settlement.
The effort bore fruit so far as danger from the
European-American bond-laborers was concerned. “[t]he
fear,” writes Winthrop D. Jordan, “of white servants and
Negroes uniting in servile rebellion, a prospect which
made some sense in the 1660s and 70s vanished
completely during the following half-century.” He
continues with a corollary: “Significantly, the only
rebellions of white servants in the continental colonies
came before the entrenchment of slavery.”
But that is
only half the story: the poor and propertyless European-
Americans were the principal element in the day-to-day
enforcement of racial oppression not only in the
Chesapeake but wherever the plantation system was
established. After 1700, according to Wertenbaker,
“Every white man, no matter how degraded, could now
find pride in his race.… Moreover, the immediate control
of the negroes fell almost entirely into the hands of white
men of humble means.”
In 1727, special militia
detachments known as “the patrol” were instituted “for
dispersing all unusual concourse of negroes, or other
slaves, and for preventing any dangerous combinations
which may be made among them at such meetings.”
student of criminal laws in Virginia relating to bond-
laborers states that “Patrollers were the ultimate means of
preventing insurrection.”
Historians who analyzed the
Virginia militia records of 1757–58 have reported that
“the muster rolls were apt to be filled mostly with the
lower class.” Many, they say, were “former indentured
In colonial South Carolina, even the
European-American bond-laborers were recruited into the
militia and the “slave patrol,” where “[their] role in
defense against Negro insurrection was more important
than as a defense against the enemy from without.”
At the
time of the American Revolution, a number of African-
American bond-laborers were freed by their South
Carolina Quaker owners. The law subsequently enacted to
prevent further emancipations proved ineffective at first
because only freeholders were authorized to collect
rewards for reporting violations. But in 1788
effectiveness was achieved by extending this civic
function to any freeman.” By this means, says our
historian, the State secured the co-operation of the
landless whites who were usually strangely willing to
have a fling at the slaves and who, no doubt, were anxious
to get the reward offered for such information.”
In a mode often akin to modern-day “featherbedding,”
deficiency laws provided jobs for European-American
workers simply for being “white.” In 1712, the South
Carolina Assembly, for example, passed a law stipulating
that, at any plantation six miles or more remote from the
owners usual abode, for every “Six Negroes or other
Slaves” employed, a quota of “One or more White
Personmust be kept there. Ten years later the quota was
one to ten, but that applied to the home plantation as well
as to those far removed.
Job preference for whites
was to be further guaranteed under a proposal of a
committee of the South Carolina House of Assembly in
1750 “That no Handicrafts Man [other than the owner]
shall hereafter teach a Negro his Trade.”
Georgia colony, founded by its trustees in 1732 on the
no-slavery principle, was territory irresistible to the South
Carolina plantation bourgeoisie anxious as its members
were to grow the economy,” as it might be put today.
They soon began to campaign for an end of this
government interference with free enterprise. In the course
of the controversy, a Savannah man objected that
abandonment of the founding principle excluding slavery
from Georgia “would take work from white mens hands
and impoverish them, as in the case of Charleston [South
Carolina], where the tradesmen are all beggars by that
means.” The promoters of the slavery cause countered by
saying that “the negroes should not be allowed to work at
anything but producing rice … and in felling timber.
Accordingly, the 1750 act repealing the ban on slavery in
Georgia included a “deficiency provision requiring the
employment of one white man Servant on each
plantation for every four Negroes employed. It further
barred the employment of Negroes except in cultivation
and coopering.
Although this system of white-skin
privileges had not been initiated by the European-
American laboring classes but by the plantation
bourgeoisie, the European-American workers were
claiming them by the middle of the eighteenth century.
South Carolina white workers were demanding the
exclusion of Negroes from the skilled trades.
Richard B.
Morris’s monumental study of labor in the continental
Anglo-American colonies found that the effort of white
artisans to keep free Negroes and slaves from entering the
skilled trades” radiated from Charleston to every
sizeable town on the Atlantic coast.”
In 1839, “white”
mechanics in Culpeper and Petersburg, Virginia,
demanded that Negroes be barred from apprenticeship,
and from any trade without a “white” overseer. A decade
later a similar petition from Norfolk showed a high degree
of political sophistication. Barring Negroes from
competing for employment, its sponsors said, would
guarantee against jealousy between slaveholders and
Within two decades slaveholding
would end, but the appeal to “white race” solidarity
would remain the countrys most general form of class-
The White Race and Theories of American
If the Virginia laws of 1705 represent ruling class
manipulation of the rank-and-file, the inescapable
implication seems to be that the social transformation that
they expressed to the system of racial slavery, racial
oppression, white supremacy must not have been in the
real interests of the majority of the people, the
smallholders, the tenants and laborers, those who did not
own bond-laborers.
There have been many historians who would not accept
this argument. Some would reject the premise, others the
conclusion; still others would reject both the premise and
the conclusion. There are those, the psycho-cultural cohort
in the debate over the origin of racial slavery in
continental Anglo-America, who see white supremacy as
having been genetically or culturally foreordained before
the English settlers sailed into James River.
made by others based on considerations of
demographics, blind market forces, Euro-Afro cultural
dissonance, and the fact that only persons of African
descent were held in lifetime servitude along with my
brief counterpoints are specified earlier in this chapter at
page 240.
But a major theme shared by some who reject the
premise and some who accept it concerns not the origin of
racial oppression but the assessment of white-
supremacism in relation to the foundation of the United
States as a republic. That theme may properly be called
the paradox thesis” of American history. The essential
element in this argument is that democracy and equality, as
represented in the Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution of 1789, were, by the logic of history, made
possible by racial oppression. The lineage of this thesis
goes back at least to 1758, when Edmund Burke argued
that “whites” in the southern continental colonies were
more “attached to liberty” than were colonists in the North
because in the South freedom was a racial privilege.
Virginia scholar Thomas Roderick Dew contended that
slavery made possible and actual “one common levelof
equality “in regard to whites.” The menial and low
offices being all performed by the blacks,” he continued,
“there is at once taken away the greatest cause for
distinction and separation of the ranks of society.”
Special interest, however, attaches to Edmund S.
Morgans espousal of this rationale. His book American
Slavery, American Freedom appeared in 1975 in the
afterglow of the civil rights struggles, sacrifices and
victories of the 1960s. Furthermore, his socio-economic
approach to the origin of racial slavery supplied the most
substantial response that had yet appeared to the “natural
racismthesis of Carl Degler and of Winthrop D. Jordan.
Historian H. M. Henry had asked: why should the non-
slaveholders, who formed the majority of the white
population have assisted in upholding and maintaining the
slavery status of the negro …?” Sixty years later, Morgan
posed essentially the same question. “How could
patricians win in populist politics?” That question,
Morgan says, “leads to the paradox the union of
freedom and slavery in Virginia and America.”
The essence of Morgans paradox, to the extent it is a
true paradox, is a renewal of the same euphemism of the
system of white-supremacism and lifetime hereditary
bond-servitude that characterized the opinions of Burke
and Dew. Unconsciously paraphrasing Edmund Burke,
Morgan says, “Virginians may have had a special
appreciation of the freedom dear to republicans, because
they saw every day what life without it could be.”
T. R.
Dew and others are recognized in Morgans approvingly
quoted observation of Sir Augustus John Foster, an
English diplomat who traveled in Virginia at the beginning
of the nineteenth century: Owners of slaves among
themselves are all for keeping down every kind of
superiority.” It is pure Dew again when Morgan shares
Fosters view that whites in Virginia, “can profess an
unbounded love of liberty and democracy[because] the
mass of the people who in other countries might become
mobs [in Virginia are] nearly altogether composed of
their” African-American lifetime bond-laborers.
The argument rests on the assumption that early in the
eighteenth century the mass of white Virginians were
becoming landowners” and the small planters began to
prosper, thus giving the large and small planters “a sense
of common identity based on common interests.”
feeling, says Morgan, was sufficient basis for the small
planters to put their trust in the ruling plantation
bourgeoisie and thus cease to be a danger to social
Sources cited by me such as Jackson Turner
Main, Gloria Main, T. J. Wertenbaker, Aubrey C. Land,
Willard F. Bliss, Russell R. Menard, and Allan Kulikoff
show that the economic assumption made here by Morgan
is open to serious question. Morgan, in a passing reference
to the growth of tenancy, devotes a reference note to Bliss
and Jackson Main, but that is the limit of his concern with
such studies, although they cast great doubt on his facile
conclusion that of European-Americans [t]here were too
few free poor to matter,”
a conclusion without which
his “paradox” unravels.
Morgan, in passages that I have previously cited with
approval, declared that the answer to the problem of
social control was a series of deliberate measures taken
by the ruling class to “separate dangerous free whites from
dangerous slave blacks.”
But if, as the country moved
“Toward the Republic” and after it got there, among
“whites” there were “too few free poor to matter,” why
did the social order not revert to the normal class
differentiation, Burke’s beautiful gradationfrom rich to
the less rich and so on through the scale, in which the free
Negroes could take their individual places according to
their social class? They could be expected, as James
Madison said, to function properly in that social station.
The “white race,” as a social control formation, would
have been a redundancy. Instead, there was a general
proscription of the free Negro, laws against emancipation,
even by last will and testament, and banishment for those
so freed. That, I submit, is unchallengeable evidence of the
continued presence of poor whites who had “little but
their complexion to console them for being born into a
higher caste,” yet served as an indispensable element of
the “white race,” the Peculiar Institution.
Morgans book was a trenchant contribution to the
socio-economic and “deliberate-choice” explanation of
the origin of racial slavery. In seeking to understand his
adoption of the paradox thesis, it seems helpful to
consider the following passage from his 1972 presidential
address to the Organization of American Historians:
The temptation is already apparent to argue that slavery and oppression
were the dominant features of American history and that efforts to advance
liberty and equality were the exception, indeed no more than a device to
divert the masses while their chains were being fastened. To dismiss the rise
of liberty and equality in American history as a mere sham is not only to
ignore hard facts, it is also to evade the problem presented by those facts.
The rise of liberty and equality in this country was accompanied by the rise
of slavery. That two such contradictory developments were taking place
simultaneously over a long period of our history, from the seventeenth
century to the nineteenth, is the central paradox of American history.
Morgan set out to meet the “challenge” of those who, in
his opinion, overemphasize slavery and oppression in
American history. Yet the effect of Morgans “paradox
thesis seems no less an apology for white supremacy than
the “natural racism argument. At the end of it all, he
writes, Racism made it possible for white Virginians to
develop a devotion to equality.… Racism became an
essential ingredient of the republican ideology that
enabled Virginians to lead the nation.” Then, as if shying
at his own conclusion, Morgan suggests the speculation
that perhaps “the vision of a nation of equals [was] flawed
at the source by contempt for both the poor and the
But what flaw? If racism was a flaw, then “the
rise of liberty would have been better off without it a
line of reasoning that negates the paradox. On the other
hand, if racism made the rise of liberty possible,” as the
paradox would have it, then racism was not a flaw of
American bourgeois democracy, but its very special
essence. Morgans paradox therefore contains in itself
the very challenge that he set out to refute. The “Ordeal of
Colonial Virginia was extended as the Ordeal of
America, wherein racial oppression and white-
supremacism have indeed been the dominant feature, the
parametric constant, of United States history.
The white frontier
Being made to compete with unpaid bond-labor
“practically destroyed the Virginia yeomanry,” writes
Wertenbaker. “Some it drove into exile, either to the
remote frontiers or to other colonies; some it reduced to
extreme poverty;some it caused to purchase slaves and
so at one step to enter the exclusive class of those who had
others to work for them.… The small freeholder was not
destroyed, as was his prototype of ancient Rome, but he
was subjected to a change which was by no means
fortunate or wholesome.”
The tendency toward concentration of capital
ownership is a prevailing attribute of capitalism. The
social impact of that tendency is illustrated in
Wertenbakers comment on the Virginia colonial economy
of the eighteenth century. But this was not the typical case
of increased concentration of capital based on the
introduction of new instruments of labor requiring
increasing relative investments in fixed capital. It was
caused by land engrossment in general, and by the
diminished supply of good lands in the older, Tidewater
area, but even more by the lower labor costs per unit of
output of those planters who had means to invest in the
high-priced lifetime bond-laborers. By the closing third of
the eighteenth century this process had produced a
situation in which at least 60 percent of the white adult
men in Virginia were non-owners of bond-labor.
Among that 60 percent were those encountered by the
Marquis de Chastellux as he travelled through Virginia in
spring 1782. For the first time in his three years in
America, “in the midst of those rich plantations,” he often
saw “miserable huts inhabited by whites, whose wan
looks and ragged garments bespeak poverty.” It seemed
clear to him that the cause of this poverty was the
engrossment of land by the plantation bourgeoisie.
impoverished included those landless European-
Americans previously noted who stayed in eastern
Virginia but with little but their complexion to console
Wertenbaker asserts, however, that the number of such
very poor was never large, because anyone with a little
drive and ambition could move to the frontier and start
life on more equal terms.”
Among those who moved
and moved frequently were those who opted for being
some on leases but, says Kulikoff, more
typically as tenants-at-will, working on shares with tools,
buildings and marketing facilities furnished by the
landlord. Share tenants moved on after a short tenure.
Squatters left land where they could not afford the
surveying and patent fees; two-thirds of the original
settlers of Amelia County, formed in 1735 mostly
squatters left the county between 1736 and 1749. In
Lunenberg County, formed in 1746, only one-fifth of the
laborers were able to establish households, whilst two out
of five of the householders left the county between 1750
and 1764.
Others moved directly to “new territories
taking out patents as fee-simple owners.
The result was an increasing number of would-be
planters moving to “the frontier,” wherever that meant at a
given time the Piedmont, the south side of the James,
North Carolina, the Shenandoah Valley, or beyond the
Cumberland Gap as tenants, as patentees of “new land,
or as unpatented squatters. Though the squeezing out of
such a poor planter to the “frontier negated the
assumption of a common interest with the gentry, he was
still “made to fold to his bosom the adder that stings him,”
the bondage of African-Americans.
Denied social
mobility, these would-be planters were to have the white-
skin privilege of lateral mobility – to the “frontier.” By the
same token they went as “whites”; resenting Negroes, not
their slavery, indeed hating the free Negro most of all;
ready now to take the land from the Indians in the name of
“a white mans country.”
Turner’s frontier-as-social-safety-valve theory
In 1893, Frederick Jackson Turner (1861–1932), one of
the giants of American historiography, presented a theory,
“a hypothesis,” of American historical development. He
likened it to the career of the ancient Greeks in the
Mediterranean world, “breaking the bond of custom,
offering new experiences, calling out new institutions and
Up to our own day American history has been in a large degree the history
of the colonization of the Great West. The existence of an area of free land,
its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward
explain American development.
Turner ended that essay with a portentous epitaph: “[T]he
frontier is gone, and with its going has closed the first
period of American history.”
In 1910 he continued his
theme: “The solitary backwoodsman wielding his axe at
the edge of a measureless forest is replaced by companies
capitalized at millions, operating railroads, sawmills, and
all the enginery of modern machinery to harvest the
remaining trees.” He then formulated what came to be
called the “safety-valve corollaryof the “frontier” thesis.
“A new national development is before us,” he said,
“without the former safety valve of abundant resources
open to him who would take.” He delineated the
consequent sharpening of class struggle between capital
and anti-capital, between those who demand that there be
no governmental interference with “the exploitation and
the development of the countrys wealthon the one hand,
and the reformers from the Grangers to the Populists, to
Bryan to Debs and Theodore Roosevelt – who emphasized
“the need of governmental regulation in the interest of
the common man; [and] the checking of the power of those
business Titans.”
It is not surprising,” he added later
that year, “that socialism shows noteworthy gains as
elections continue, that parties are forming on new lines.
They are efforts to find substitutes for the former
safeguard of democracy, the disappearing lands. They are
the sequence of the disappearing frontier.”
It is now more than a century since the disappearance of
the “frontier”, to which Turner ascribed a sharpening
struggle between the Titans” and “the common people.”
But his expectation of the emergence of a popular socialist
movement of sufficient proportions to “substitute” for the
end of the “free-land safety valve” was disappointed.
Turner died in the midst of the Great Depression in 1932.
Toward the end of his life, he felt “baffled by his
contemporary world and [he] had no satisfying answer to
the closed-frontier formula in which he found himself
The Great Social Safety Valve of American history
The white laboring people’s prospect of lateral mobility
to “free land”, however unrealizable it was in actuality,
did serve in diverting them from struggles with the
But that was merely one aspect of the
Great Safety Valve, the system of racial privileges
conferred on laboring-class European-Americans, rural
and urban, poor and exploited though they themselves
were. That has been the main historical guarantee of the
rule of the “Titans,” damping down anti-capitalist
pressures by making “race, and not class, the distinction in
social life.” This, more than any other factor, has shaped
the “contours of American history
from the
Constitutional Convention of 1787 to the Civil War, to the
overthrow of Reconstruction, to the Populist Revolt of the
1890s, to the Great Depression, to the civil rights struggle
and “white backlashof our own day. If Turner had taken
note of the Southern Homestead Act and its repeal, and the
heroic Negro Exodus of 1879, might he have given his
“frontiertheory an added dimension? Would he have then
taken into account the social safety-valve function of the
two other broad general forms of lateral mobility in the
nineteenth century – immigration into the United States and
farm-to-factory migration which like “free land” were
also cast in the mold of “racial” preference for Europeans
and European-Americans, as “whites”?
The Civil Rights Legacy and the Impending
Properly interpreted, Turners reference to the safety
valve” potential in anti-capitalist “reformmovements of
his day had its innings in the Keynesian New Deal which
at least some of its supporters hoped might be a road to
“socialism,” and some of its reactionary enemies regarded
as the real thing. The limitations of that line of reform,
which had become evident by 1938, were masked by the
prosperity of the United States role as the “arsenal of
democracy in World War Two, which ended with the
United States being the only industrial power left standing
and the possessor of three-fourths of the world’s gold
reserves. By 1953, other major powers had recovered to
pre-war levels; by 1957 the United States was beginning
to experience a chronic unfavorable balance of trade; in
1971 the United States formally abandoned the gold
standard for settlement of international balances of trade
and the “gold cover for the domestic money supply.
Finally, even the party of the New Deal has cast all
Keynesian pretense to the winds, proclaiming that “the era
of big government is over,” and boasting of ending
welfare” in any previously recognizable form.
Now, at the end of the twentieth century, the social gap
between the Titans and the common people is at perhaps
its historic maximum, real wages have trended downward
for nearly two decades. “Entitlements” and “welfare,” as
they relate to students, the poor and the elderly, have
become obscenities in the lexicon of official society.
There is less of a “socialist” movement today in the
United States than there was in Turners day, and anti-
capitalist class-consciousness is hesitant even to call its
name. The bourgeoisie in one of its parts mockingly dons
“revolution like a Halloween mask. “Class struggle” is
an epithet cast accusingly at the mildest defenders of
social welfare reforms, and the country is loud with the
sound of one class struggling.
Yet, there are unmistakable signs of a maturing social
conflict, such as that noted by Turner a century ago,
because of intensifying efforts to “balance the budgetat
the expense of the living standards of non-stockholders.
But there is a most significant variation. Unlike in
Turners time, the present-day United States bears the
indelible stamp of the African-American civil rights
struggle of the 1960s and after, a seal that the “white
backlash has by no means been able to expunge from the
nations consciousness. Perhaps in the impending renewal
of the struggle of “the common people” and the “Titans,”
the Great Safety Valve of white-skin privileges may
finally come to be seen and rejected by laboring-class
European-Americans as the incubus that for three centuries
has paralyzed their will in defense of their class interests
vis-à-vis those of the ruling class.
Appendix II-A
(see Chapter 1, note 64)
“For more than four centuries, the communities formed
by [African and African-American] runaways dotted
the fringes of plantation America, from Brazil to the
southeastern United States, from Peru to the American
Southwest.” Their existence “struck directly at the
foundations of the plantation system, presenting military
and economic threats that often taxed the colonists to their
very limits.”
Maroon communities, from Jamaica to
Cuba, from Brazil to Mexico, were more successful where
located in mountainous terrain, and continental mainland
situations seem to have been of extra advantage, as in
Panama, Colombia and Brazil, as compared to the more
limited room of small insular colonies.
“The major concern of the colonial government of Cuba
was the persecution of maroons and the destruction of
palenques, even after the first half of the nineteenth
“Mexico experienced its first widespread wave of
slave insurrections in the period 1560–80.… By the
1560s [T]he [Spanish colonial] bureaucracy and slave
owners, outnumbered by slaves in the mining regions,
were helpless in the face of such anarchy,” which found
Africans “allying with the Indians.”
The main maroon
settlement, in a mountain fastness located not far from
Vera Cruz, was led by Yanga, an African reputedly of
royal rank in his native Abrong kingdom. He was the first
Mexican maroon, having fled to the mountains in about
1580. An expedition sent against the maroons settlement
failed in its search-and-destroy mission. Instead, the
encounter resulted in a historically unique agreement,
“The only known example of a fully successful attempt by
slaves to secure their freedom en masse by revolt and
negotiation, and to have it sanctioned and guaranteed in
Another former African king, known to Cartagena (the
Caribbean coastal region of Colombia) as Domingo
Bioho, King Benkos, fled the Spanish plantations at the
head of thirty men and women comrades and established a
maroon settlement in a forest and marsh area of the
interior, where these original maroons were soon being
joined by individuals and small groups of runaways. After
standing off a posse of slaveholders that came after them,
the maroons finally established a palenque at a place to be
known as San Basilio. The Spanish, after failing in two
military expeditions against San Basilio, finally made a
pattern-setting peace with the maroons in 1619, based on
non-aggression principles.
In the mid-1560s in the Darien province of Panama,
maroons led by their elected king, Bayano, reputedly a
former African king, secured a peace treaty with the
Spanish colonial government.
These or such as these
were those who allied with Sir Francis Drake against the
Spanish as mentioned in The Invention of the White Race,
Volume One.
As early as 1575 there was a maroon settlement near
Bahia in Brazil; by 1597 it was reported that the
principal enemiesof the Portuguese colonists were such
mountain-based groups of runaway African bond-
Hundreds of such settlements would come into
existence in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The
greatest of these settlements, or group of settlements, was
Palmares, founded some ninety miles from Pernambuco in
northern Brazil, by Africans escaping from plantation
slavery around the beginning of the seventeenth century.
Palmares was not merely a refuge, a quilombo (African
word) from which to raid Portuguese and Dutch
plantations, but a Negro republic in Brazil, with its own
agrarian economy and elected ruler.
Despite repeated
colonialist military assaults, Palmares grew until by the
mid-1670s, by Portuguese report, it embraced some
99,000 square miles, an area about the size of Wyoming or
Nevada, with a population of from 15,000 to 20,000 in ten
major settlements.
The elected king of Palmares, called
Ganga Zumba [Great Lord], and most of the ruling element
were native Africans, although among the leaders named
in a 1677 Portuguese report there was one, Arotirene,
presumed to have been an Amerindian.
The Ganga
Zumba in 1677 claimed to have been a king in Africa.
Having endured for almost a century, Palmares finally fell
to the colonialist forces in 1694, after a siege of six
Appendix II-B
(see Chapter 2, note 6)
By the beginning of the fourteenth century, expansion of
agricultural production in England had led to a general
decline of agricultural prices. The landowning class then
sought advantage by demanding payment of rent in cash,
rather than in a share of the product of the free tenant. In
turn, these rent-paying tenants, if they wanted to expand
production, were obliged to pay their workers wages,
since the latter were under no feudal obligation to the
peasant proprietor or tenant. Thus capitalist relations of
production began to be introduced in English agriculture.
The bubonic plague that swept Europe between 1348
and 1351 struck England in August 1348, and within
sixteen months it had wiped out one-third to half of the
Inconceivable horror though it was, the
plague created such a shortage of labor that it became
extremely difficult for landowners to continue to exact
feudal labor dues from the villein, or to dictate the wages
of labor: The wages of labour were nearly doubled,”
writes Thorold Rogers, “and the profits of capitalist
agriculture sank from 20 per cent to nearly zero.”
The ruling classes sought to reverse this trend by
repressive measures, among the earliest of which was the
Statute of Laborers of 1350, designed to impose
compulsory labor at fixed wages under penalty of jail, hot
branding irons, and outlawry. The wage-laborers and
villeins struck back. The most common forms of resistance
were those of combining for mutual strength and simple
flight to other districts. Because this movement was so
widespread, and escape so generally successful,
repressive measures were insufficient remedy for the
landowners; they were forced to pay the higher wages and
to reduce rents if they were to prevent their crops from
rotting in the fields for lack of hands.
In 1381, the ruling classes sought to filch back part of
their higher labor costs by the imposition of a one-shilling
poll tax on every person above fifteen years of age (except
clerics and licensed beggars). It quickly became apparent
that they had misjudged the temper and mettle of the
people. The result was the Great Rebellion of 1381, more
popularly known as Wat Tylers Rebellion, in honor of its
The revolt was national in scope. It lasted only one
month, June, but in that time “half of England had been in
The ranks of the rebels were composed about half
of peasants and half of proletarians rural wage-laborers,
and journeymen and apprentices of London and other
towns. Most chroniclers estimate their number at from
forty to sixty thousand; but the only eyewitness account
states that at Blackheath one hundred and ten thousand
rebels assembled to confront the king with their demands.
They were a disciplined force, and armed; in their ranks
were thousands of longbow veterans of the Hundred
Years War, then in its forty-fifth year.
The lines of revolt converged on London, a metropolis
with a population of some 23,000 (males of fifteen years
of age and over). On 13 June a rebel army of ten thousand
entered London through gates opened by the welcoming
proletariat within; by that afternoon, the rebels were in
possession of London, without having had to strike a
single blow.”
Combining xenophobia with anti-
feudalism, they killed a large number of the Flemish
community of weavers whom the former king had
imported and installed in London. Young King Richard II
took refuge in the Tower of London with his armed guard
and his advisers. His position was so desperate that “he
was prepared to grant anything the rebels were
Through the voices of John Ball, the radical priest, and
Wat Tyler, their commander-in-chief, the “commons of
England” made their demands known: for an end to
bondage of villeins and laborers, the revocation of the
poll tax, and no more outlawry for resistance to forced
labor. Tyler addressed the king as Brother,” and in the
royal presence he declared, “there should be equality
among all people,” adding only courteously, “save the
Even as the king parleyed with the rebels and agreed to
their demands, he arranged for the assassination of Wat
But he did not dare to revoke the promises he had
made; not, that is, until the rebels had decamped from
London and dispersed to their homes. Then the king did
revoke his promises and sent forth his armed bands to
wreak vengeance on the deceived and demobilized rebels,
and to inaugurate a period of “pacification and
Some commentators seem disposed to disparage the
revolt as a factor in bringing feudalism to an end in
England. It is true that there were a number of factors
contributing to that end, but surely Wat Tylers Rebellion
was one of them. It barred the way to a raising of the rate
of profit by means of feudal dues on the peasantry. Even a
prime disparager conceded that in the following century
“tenants did not find it impossible to resist pressure from
their landlords.”
Shorter-range goals achieved included
the revocation of the attempt to force down wages to the
old levels under the provisions of the Statute of Laborers
of 1350. These ancient rebels would seem to merit the
enthusiasm expressed by Thorold Rogers five centuries
after their audacious rising: “The peasant of the fourteenth
century struck a blow for freedom … and he won.”
Appendix II-C
(see Chapter 5, note 46)
Perhaps the “cheap commodity strategy for capitalist
conquest of foreign countries was never more clearly
outlined than by William Bullock in his Virginia
Impartially Examined, which was published in London in
1649. Expressing the view that the Indians were too
numerous and strong to be coerced, and too self-sufficient
to be won to easy trust and dependence in their relations
with the English, Bullock suggested a subtle strategy,
which he defined and discussed as follows:
First, by making them sensible of their nakedness.
Secondly, by taking them off from their confidence upon nature, whereby
they may take care for the future.
Thirdly, that they may desire commerce.
Fourthly, that they may be brought to depend. And for themselves, I shall
propose that we gently steal through their nature, till we can come to pull off
the scale from their eyes, that they may see their own nakednesse; which
must be done in manner following.
Either by making them ambitious of Honour, or by making them ambitious
of Riches
First, I shall advise that slight Jewells be made at the publique charge of
thirty or fourty shillings price, and one better then [than] the rest, of some
such toyes as they shall most affect, which fitted with Ribands to weare
about their necks of their heads, as their custom amongst them is; shalbe
sent from the Governour of the Plantation in his own, and also in the name
of the People and the Governor to distinguish them by some pretty titles,
which should always after be observed; as also to make some of them
favourites, and to sollicite their preferement with their King, & this by
degrees will kindle the fire of Ambition, which once in a flame must be fed,
and then is the time to work.
For the second I shall advise, that their nature be observed what way it
most poynts at, and then to fit them with what they most desire, and if by
degrees you can bring some of them to weare slighte loose Garments in
Summer, or to keep them warmed in the Winter; which if you can effect,
the worke is halfe done …
The author acknowledged that his plan would entail
certain initial outlays by the English, but he assured his
readers that even this cost would be recompensed by
taking animal skins and provisions from the Indians in
barter. Once having got that far, the English need not fear
the coming of the rest.”
The poore Indian being cloathed, his sight is cleared, he sees himselfe naked,
and you’le find him in the snare
Bullock stressed that still the matter must be managed by
stages, because “you shall finde that for themselves they
will worke, but not for you.” Therefore as the English
bourgeoisie had done in their owne country, Bullock
proposed a sort of contracting system of work to be done
by the Indians in their own houses and villages. By steps
then they could be introduced as laborers within the
English colony. But they were not to be fully trusted “until
you see them be so sensible of their poverty, that they
come necessitated to worke.” (Virginia Impartially
Observed, [London, 1649], pp. 56–9.)
Appendix II-D
(see Chapter 7, note 197)
Some scholars are convinced that the bond-labor system,
despite acknowledged abuses, represented an
improvement for the laborers over the prospects they
would have had in Europe. Bruce
and Ballagh
that, except for the axemen noted by Bruce, the work was
easier than that of the English wage-laborer. McCormac,
lowering his sights a few degrees, says merely that at any
rate the lot of the limited-term bond-laborer was “better
than languishing in a debtors cell in England.”
Attention is also given to the condition of the European-
American bond-laborers in the eighteenth century, when
African-Americans came to constitute the majority of the
plantation bond-labor force. Gray asserts that in the
eighteenth century the conditions of the European bond-
laborers were alleviated.
On the other hand, Richard B.
Morris found that the increased employment of Africans
did not bring “any material improvement in the treatment
of immigrant European bond-laborers.
McCormac seems
to agree on this point with Morris, at least so far as
Maryland was concerned. There, he says, the life of the
European bond-laborer was better prior to the large-scale
arrival of African laborers beginning at the end of the
seventeenth century.
Despite the high mortality rate of the
first years, and although the burdens of the poor were
increased if they emigrated to the colonies as bond-
laborers, still, says A. E. Smith, both masters and bond-
laborers endured “the hardships of pioneer life,” and in
the end “America presented to the average man a far better
chance of attaining decent independence than did
If the bond-laborers plight was difficult, he
declares, the difficulties should not be ascribed to
bondage as such, nor to the evil disposition of the masters,
but to the general difficulties of the earliest colonial years
that made inevitable a harsh regime, in which little
allowance could be made for “shiftless or weak servants.”
Within such limits, he found that the degree of oppressive
treatment suffered by the bond-laborers depended largely
upon the luck of the draw in the matter of masters to whom
they were disposed. There were, Smith says, two basic
sources of the sufferings of limited-term bond-laborers,
and neither involved any disposition on the part of the
plantation bourgeoisie to take advantage of the chattel
bond-labor relation of production to exploit their workers
in ways which they could not have done free tenants and
wage laborers. These two fundamental causes of hardship
were, he says: (1) the climate of the plantation colonies;
and (2) the non-adaptability of non-farm laborers such as
constituted a large part, if not the majority, of the bond-
laborers drawn from England.
Russell R. Menard’s study
of early colonial Maryland led him to essentially the same
conclusion as that drawn by Smith regarding the general
state of master–servant relations. In the course of
challenging Edmund S. Morgans assertion that limited-
term bond-servitude prepared the way for the lifetime
bond-servitude eventually imposed on African-Americans,
Menard is at pains to contrast the two cases. “Indentured
servitude was not degrading,” says Menard. True, their
mortality rate was shockingly high, “nor were all servants
well treated”; but Menard dismisses the notorious cases
such as those of Henry Smith, John Dandy, and other
monstrously cruel owners as not typical.” Menard
stresses that “master–servant relationships were often
friendly and sometimes affectionate and that servitude
offered poor men a chance to gain entry into a society that
offered great opportunities for advancement.”
These apologies for the chattel bond-labor system have
not gone unchallenged. As for the contention that the life of
the bond-laborers was better than it would have been if
they had remained in England, that the work was not so
hard in the tobacco plantations as that performed by
agricultural laborers in England, there is more of
assumption than substance in it. Edmund S. Morgan, on the
basis of well-known English works on economic history,
effectively maintains that the relatively easy regime of the
farm worker in England utterly unsuited the English
laborer for the unremitting round of heavy toil on the
tobacco plantations.
Even McCormac’s extreme analogy
to the English debtors’ prison loses much of its force when
it is considered that the situation of the plantation bond-
laborers was like a debtors prison where the inmates of
any age were regarded as minors, so far as their rights
were concerned.
The more instructive comparison, that between the
laborers in New England and those in the tobacco
colonies in the seventeenth century, is almost totally
ignored by apologists for the chattel bond-labor system.
But the late Richard B. Morris, in his exhaustively
documented study Government and Labor in Early
America, found that the treatment of bond-laborers was
much more rigorous in the tobacco colonies than in New
England. The contrast of the all-or-nothing dependence on
the tobacco monoculture of the Chesapeake plantation
economy, and the small independent farms of the varied,
largely self-sufficient, New England economy was
fundamental to the difference in day-to-day social
In the New England and Middle colonies,
said Morris, the limited-term bond-laborers, who were
relatively few in number, enjoyed close personal
relationships with their masters, relationships that were
normal to their occupations in crafts and household
service; but in the plantation colonies, where the bond-
laborers were “employed primarily in field work under
the supervision of exacting overseers,” master–servant
relations were harsh.
Without wanting to indict the entire planter class,
Morris concluded: “Maltreatment of servants was most
flagrant in the tobacco colonies.” Not only did a large
number of drunken and dissolute owners treat their bond-
laborers with sadistic brutality, members of the Colony
Council and county courts “set a poor example to their
own communities in ruling with a rod of iron.… Such
masters preferred to discipline their servants themselves
rather than to bring them into court,” says Morris. While
only the most serious cases of maltreatment came to court,
they serve to reveal the fairly typical life of the
plantation bond laborer.
My own study of the record affords more support to the
views of Morris and Morgan cited here than to the
apologists of the bond-labor system.
Appendix II-E
(see Chapter 9, note 54)
The population of England and Wales, which had grown
by one-third in the first half of the seventeenth century,
grew by only one-tenth in the second half.
In this last half
of the century, the expansion of industrial production was
based primarily on the increase in the mass of labor
employed rather than on improved technology.
consequence of the expansion of industrial employment,
the “surplussed” agricultural workers found employment
more easily than they had prior to the English Revolution.
The English military demand for manpower experienced
two great surges at the end of the seventeenth and the
beginning of the eighteenth centuries. England,
traditionally a land without a large standing army,
conscripted scores of thousands of men for military and
naval duty in the War of the League of Augsburg (1689–
97) and the War of the Spanish Succession (1702–13).
Between 1698 and 1708, for instance, the number of
English-speaking troops under arms was increased nearly
fourfold, and the naval forces were nearly tripled.
sectors of the population that had been a ready supply of
plantation bond-laborers in England were needed
elsewhere, as is made clear by Trevelyans description of
the methods employed to draft recruits for the continental
armies of the Duke of Marlborough in the earliest years of
the eighteenth century:
armed raids of the press-gang [descended] on the folk of the port towns
and neighboring villages.… Criminal gangs were drafted wholesale; bounties
sometime amounting to four pounds for each recruit tempted the needy to
enlist.… [Since] the country was prosperous and work abundant … the
naval press was abused for the purposes of the land service.… Parish
constables were to be given ten shillings for every person suitable for the
press gang whom they produced before the authorities. Magistrates were
instructed to hand over to recruiting officers persons who could show no
means of supporting themselves.
Already in 1667, a member of the House of Commons, Mr
Garroway, had warned that emigration to Virginia would
“in time drain us of people and will endanger our ruin.”
In 1673, the author of The Grand Concern of England
Explained believed that the drain of emigrants from
England had been made even more critical by the “two
last great Plagues, the Civil War at Home, and the several
wars with Holland, Spain and France [which] have
destroyed several hundred thousands of men which lived
among us.”
Roger Coke argued that the drain of bond-
laborers and other emigrant workers to the American
plantations was seriously weakening England. His
treatise, published in 1671, warned, “… we have opened
a wide gap, and by all encouragement excited all the
growing youth and industry of England which might
preserve the trades we had herein, to betake them to those
of the Plantations.”
One of the most eminent voices
cautioning against too much emigration of English labor
was that of Sir William Petty. The “remote governments
of the American plantation colonies, according to Petty,
“instead of being additions are really diminutionsof the
national wealth of England. Far from favoring increased
English emigration to America, Petty would have had the
New England Pilgrims come home. “[A]s for the People
of New England,” he wrote, “I can but wish they were
transplanted into Old England or Ireland.”
Appendix II-F
(see Chapter 13, note 26)
In April 1699, a joint committee of nine three members
of the Colony Council and six members of the House of
Burgesses was ordered to begin a complete revision of
the Virginia laws.
Seven years later in June 1706, the
new code was enacted into law on royal instruction. In the
book of laws, however, the code is ascribed to October
1705, the date on which it was first passed by the
It contains significant provisions relative to
the establishment of racial oppression and the “white
race,” that are further noted in Chapter 13.
The instructions of the Commissioners of Trade and
Plantations that first ordered the revision of the laws
required that “if there bee anything in them, either in the
matter or Stile which may bee fit to be retrenched or
altered, you are to represent the same unto us, with your
opinion touching the said Laws.”
Does a record of those
opinions exist today? It seems reasonable to believe much
light would be shed on that subject by the record of
discussions and exchanges of dispatches and enclosures
the existence of which is a matter of record – that occurred
within the committee, and in meetings of the Governor and
Colony Council as well, and between the Virginia
authorities and the government in England if such
records could be found. What was said by members of the
Virginia committee or in the meetings held by the
Commissioners of Trade and Plantations in England, or in
the correspondence regarding those deliberations some
of which are specifically, but cryptically, alluded to in
records that do exist?
This entire present work has been a rejection of the
“unthinking decision thesis coined by Winthrop D.
Jordan. But where are the “thoughts” in this “revisall of
the Lawes”? Somebody in the array of lawmakers and
critics must have proposed that, after forty years, it was
time to change the requirement that masters not “exceed
the bounds of moderation in correcting servants, and that
if a servant were able to get to the justice of the peace and
then to the next county court, “the servant shall have
remedy for his grievances”; and, instead, to define
“moderate correction to mean that the master was not to
“whip a christian white servant naked, without an order
from the justice of the peace,” the offending master to be
fined forty shillings payable to the servant.
“reviser” must have thought it necessary to provide that
upon a second offense by a master in treatment of
“servants (not being slaves),” the courts could order that
the servant be taken from that master and sold at outcry.
Which member of the committee first took notice that in
regard to freedom dues, “nothing in that nature ever [had
been] made certain,” and urged that they be enumerated
specifically: to every male servant, ten bushels of corn,
thirty shillings in money (or the equivalent in goods), a gun
worth at least twenty shillings; and to every woman
servant, fifteen bushels of corn, forty shillings in money
(or the equivalent in goods)”? In this case we do have
evidence that the revisal was not an exercise in
somnambulism. The Virginia Colony Council at the last
minute proposed to amend the draft law, by providing a
differentiation of the freedom dues to be paid to men and
women bond-laborers.
But to whom did it occur to raise
the question and by what argument? And, incidentally,
who was it who successfully moved to strike out the
words “at least as proposed by the Colony Council,
before the specification of the freedom dues to be required
for women servants? What was the discussion that
preceded the decision to include a totally new provision
making any free Negro subject to a whipping of thirty
lashes if he or she raised a hand against anywhite”
I shall not intrude here the details of my search for such
substantive records, although I will gladly share that
information with any scholar who might wish to join the
hunt. A number of documents include references to
meetings of the Lords of Trade and Plantations convened
to consider the draft laws sent from Virginia for approval
or disapproval. They note, among other relevant matters,
the attendance of Virginia Colony Secretary Edmund
Jennings, at their Lordships request, to explain and assist
in the review of those proposed laws.
On 27 and 29
March 1704, Jennings did attend, and “presented to their
Lordships his observations on the Collection of Laws.”
Sir Sidney Godolphin (later Earl) Lord High Treasurer
advised Virginia governor Nicholson on 12 December
1704 that over a period of several months, Jennings had
diligently worked with the Lords of Trade and Plantations
to complete the work of Inspecting [and?] amendingthe
proposed revisions of the Virginia laws.
Reference is
also found to communications with Virginia governors
Nicholson and Nott, but there are no particulars
in those documents that might serve to reveal the thinking
processes that produced the new set of laws. Sir Edward
Northey first served as English Attorney-General from
July 1701 to October 1707. Where are the opinions, if they
exist at all, rendered by him regarding the proposed
revisal of the Virginia laws? A sizable number of
documents relating to the laws carry the notation “a Page
inserted in the file to indicate that [the particular
document] had been “removed and filed elsewhere.”
Where is “elsewhere”? Finally, do answers to some of
these questions remain to be discovered in some family
papers that my search at the Library of Congress did not
turn up?
A collateral matter no less puzzling is this: Why has no
historian I have studied even taken notice of this apparent
gap in the records of that critical period of Virginia
The argument made in the present work that the
invention of the “white race” social control system was a
deliberate course taken by the ruling plantation
bourgeoisie – would, I suspect, be strengthened by the
discovery of such records regarding the process of
framing the new Virginia code. But the thesis does not
depend upon such discovery.
Editors Appendix G
A Guide to The Invention of the White
Race, Volume II
Theodore W. Allen divides the thirteen chapters of The
Origin of Racial Oppression in Anglo-America into four
parts. Part One, “Labor Problems of the European
Colonizing Powers,” begins with an important chapter on
“The Labor Supply Problem,” in which Allen identifies
the two common challenges faced by the European
colonizing powers in the Americas on their path to what
they perceived as success”: 1) securing an adequate
supply of labor, and 2) establishing a system of social
control. In both respects, the Anglo-American plantation
bourgeoisie differed from other colonizing powers in
ways that proved decisive for the invention of the white
race” (this page). Spain and Portugal had no surplus
laboring population ready for export, but the population
density in Peru and Mexico afforded them an adequate
supply of labor. When Caribbean peoples were
exterminated and the enslavement of the Indians of Brazil
became problematic for the Spanish and the Portuguese,
they turned to Africa (this pagethis page). Engagé labor
from France was used in St. Domingue as plantation labor
at a very early stage, but this was high-wage labor of
limited availability. Holland had no labor surplus for
export; its main role was to supply plantation labor from
Africa for existing plantation colonies. In contrast,
England had a surplus of necessitous poorfor export to
the plantations that was cheaper than any alternative
source accessible to English plantation enterprise prior to
the 1670s (this pagethis page).
Allen explains, “The conjunction of the matured
colonizing impulse, the momentarily favorable geo-
political constellation of powers, the English surplus of
unemployed and underemployed labor, coupled with the
particular native demographic and social factors as the
English found them in Virginia, and the lack of direct
English access to African labor sources, produced that
most portentous and distinctive factor of English
colonialism: Of all the European colonizing powers in
the Americas, only England used European workers as
basic plantation workers.” He also stresses that the
uniqueness of labor in the Anglo-American plantation
colonies came not from its chattel-labor form, nor from the
fact that the supply of lifetime, hereditary bond-laborers
was made up of non-Europeans – these were common
throughout the plantation Americas. Rather, the peculiarity
was in the way it was controlled. Specifically, in the
social control system in continental Anglo-America: 1)
all persons of any degree of non-European ancestry were
excluded from the buffer social-control stratum; and 2) a
major, indispensible, and decisive factor of the buffer
social-control stratum maintained against the unfree
proletarians was that it was made up of free proletarians
and semi-proletarians” (this pagethis page).
I n Chapter 2, English Background, with Anglo-
American Variations Noted,” Allen offers an instructive
overview of the economic, social, and technological
developments that propelled England toward colonization.
He reviews the transition to capitalist agriculture; the
economic slaughter of the leasehold and copyhold
peasantry, despite their militant resistance; the
transubstantiation of the laboring class from peasantry to
proletariat; and the growth of a surplus population, which
would become a cause for ruling-class concern and a
theme for would-be colonialists. He discusses how, in
England, a section of the freehold peasantry, the
“yeomanry,” was preserved to serve as the rank-and-file
of the social control stratum a status that carried
privileges from which the propertyless, and poor people
in general, were excluded and he contrasts this with
Anglo-America, where propertyless European-Americans
were included in the social-control stratum and endowed
with all its privileges (this pagethis page).
In discussing the labor question,” Allen reviews the
legislative attempt (1547–50) to reduce a portion of the
propertyless class to slavery and the reasons for its failure
including: 1) Kets rebels’ demand that “all bondmen be
made free”; 2) the common-law principle against holding
Christians in bondage; and 3) cost/benefit considerations,
particularly the potential expense of administration and
maintenance of a dual labor system in a period of labor
surplus and falling wages. The balance was struck with
the passage of the Statute of Artificers (1563), which
remained the basic English labor law for more than two
and a half centuries. The statute established that there
would be no slavery, laborers would be paid wages,
apprentices would be bound for seven years, and other
workers would be bound by contract for one year at wages
set by the magistrates. The problem presented by the
massive indigent population was addressed by the Poor
Law of 1601, which would remain in effect for more than
three centuries. Overseers of the poor had to provide
employment in parish workhouses for the “deserving
poor at piecework wages. The system was supported by
the Poor Rate, a tax on persons of substance. The inmates
were free to leave the workhouses for better opportunities,
including marriage. Allen emphasizes that, harsh as they
were, the terms of these basic laws cannot be reconciled
with the system of multi-year, unpaid chattel bondage
imposed on English laborers in seventeenth-century
colonial Anglo-America (this pagethis page).
Regarding the oppression of women, Allen points out,
“There was to be no reformation in the Reformation.”
Every man was still entitled to a subject wife, ruling-class
men could still assume sexual privileges in relation to
laboring-class women, women of the propertied classes
were still hostages of their property, and the wages of
working women were set at about half that of men. Allen
again contrasts this with England’s seventeenth-century
Anglo-American plantation colonies where the mass of the
English laboring people were denied even the right to
marry and to form a traditional patriarchal family, and
where one sector of propertyless men was accorded
sexual privileges over all women of another sector of the
propertyless population (this pagethis page).
I n Chapter 3, on “Euro-Indian Relations and the
Problem of Social Control,” Allen discusses various early
attempts at European “social control in Haiti
(Hispaniola), Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Peru, and
Brazil, before turning to Virginia. Of all the Iberio-
American cases, Brazil most resembled the U.S., in that it
was a continental colony (not an insular one), it exhibited
little significant stratification, and it had a low population
density. Any attempt of the English plantation bourgeoisie
to subjugate the Indians would face the “Brazilian
problem, and in the early years the English simply did not
have the preponderance of military force required for this
task. Allen writes, “With regard to establishing social
control, the Anglo-American continental bourgeoisie faced
the Brazilian problem: a continental people without a
cacique class” (this pagethis page).
He details how the Powhatan population living in the
vicinity of Jamestown were well provisioned and even
had enough supplies that they could share with starving
colonists in the early years of the Virginia Company. In the
first decade or two, the English in Jamestown also lacked
the force that the horse-riding conquistadors used in
Mexico and Peru “against the indigenous peoples upon
whom they made war.” Virginia, like Brazil, was
inhabited by a non-stratified society and presented similar
difficulties for the European colonizing power: the native
population could not be surrounded or exterminated (as in
the island colonies), and they could not be brought under
the degree of administrative control required for the
normal pursuit of labor exploitation. Some eight or nine
decades later, the English on the southern seaboard were
better armed and adequately supplied with horses and
trade goods. By then, however, other developments had
foreclosed that option: the commitment to the soil-
exhausting tobacco monoculture, which tended to
destabilize relations with Indian tribal society along the
colonys expanding borders; the development of profitable
fur-trading relations with Indian tribes beyond the frontier;
and very importantly, the dependence upon neighboring
Indian tribes for the capture and return of runaway bond-
laborers (this pagethis page).
Allen points out that despite their early difficulties, “the
English had a fundamental potential advantage over the
Indians from the beginning due to the discrepancy in the
development of productive forces and productivity of
labor” (this page). Regarding Native Americans, Allen
discusses three important aspects of relations in this
period: 1) resistance by the Indian bond-laborers,
principally by running away, a resistance which merged
sometimes with that of African and European bond-
laborers; 2) the necessity to maintain friendly, or “treaty,”
Indians in the buffer role, in the first instance between the
Anglo-American colonies and the more remote “hostile,”
or foreign-allied, tribes; and in the second instance,
against the escape of African-American bond-laborers
beyond the Anglo-American “frontier”; and 3) with the
institution of the white racesystem of social control, the
key necessity of preserving white-skin privileges of
laboring-class European-Americans vis-à-vis all non-
European-Americans.” (this page) After the historic
transformation related to the invention of the white race
and the plantation bourgeoisies drawing of the color line,
the “fate of the Indians under the principle of racial
slavery and white supremacy would be “controlled by
twin parameters: non-enslavability and non-
assimilability (this page).
In Part Two, The Plantation of Bondage,” Allen opens
w i th Chapter 4, “The Fateful Addiction to Present
Profit,’ which discusses the “crucial significance” of the
Virginia Company to the eventual development of chattel
bond-servitude and, later, to racial slavery. He reviews
the three periods of the Virginia Company, beginning with
its original charter, which affirmed that all colonists “shall
have all liberties, franchises and immunities of free
denizens and natural subjectsof England (this pagethis
page). He also discusses the “starving time” (this page);
the non-existence of chattel bond-servitude in the early
years (this page); the turn to tobacco production, followed
by the crisis of overproduction (this page); the “first
alleged instance of a worker being treated like chattel
(this page); intermediate forms of bond-servitude, as in the
case of convicts, apprentices, “maids-for-wives,” and the
“Duty boys,” in which neither the Company nor individual
entrepreneurs had to pay wages (this pagethis page); sex
ratios and the impact of the chattelization of labor on
family formation (this pagethis page); the higher cost of
labor in Virginia as compared to England (this pagethis
page); and Captain Thomas Nuce’s plan “to chaunge the
Conditione of Tenants into servants.” Allen emphasizes,
“The typical form of labor in Virginia at the beginning of
1622 was that of the tenant,” most of whom were “Tenants
at halves.” But, by the spring of 1623, conditions had
changed significantly and Alderman Johnson would
declare that the Colony officers had all desired to reduce
their tenants to servants” (this page).
In Chapter 5, The Massacre of the Tenantry,” Allen
begins by explaining the bourgeoisie’s interest in lowering
labor costs and how the first requisite for a successful
offensive against the rights of the laboring classes was the
maintenance of social control (this page). He then analyzes
four special conditions that favored the aims of the colony
elite: 1) the appallingly high death rate, 2) the Indians’
resistance to aggressive English encroachment upon the
land, 3) intensified economic pressure on the laboring
people in England that predisposed more workers to
consider emigration, and 4) the “complete and utter
dependence of the colony upon England for supplies.” He
emphasizes that the dependence enhanced the power of the
bourgeoisie, including the Governor and Council
members, the plantation owners, the Cape Merchant, and
the free-tradingmagazine” captain (this pagethis page).
In discussing the emergence of the colony elite, Allen
explains how the “headright principle, which promised
compensation (often with a patent on 50 acres) per head”
for transporting, or agreeing to transport, people to
Virginia, tended to push the contradiction to the limit in
terms of maximum profit for the capitalist and minimum
provisions for the laborer.” Concentration of land
ownership also increased, and the elite used their
positions in government for special advantage and to start
“renting out” tenants (this pagethis page).
In August 1619, the colony authorities exchanged
“twenty-odd” African men and women for provisions for
the Dutch ship on which these new arrivals had come.
Their status was indeterminate as to conditions of
employment. Allen points out that this was “consistent
with a policy of reducing labor costs by inducing an
oversupply of laborers relative to the amount of food that
would be available to them” (this page). He also notes that
it was only in September 1619 that a contract was signed
which would have required a laborer to repay the cost of
one’s transportation from England to Virginia by an unpaid
term of servitude and that person did not go (this page). By
November 1619, the Colony Council caused more than
fifty of the Companys tenants-at-halves to be “rented out,”
in violation of their contracts and over the tenants
objections (this pagethis page).
Previously, the Governor of Virginia, Samuel Argall,
had been accused by the Virginia Company of a criminal
offense for “setting overtenants to his own personal use
without their consent. By 1621, however, the Virginia
Colony Council endorsed and sent to London a proposal to
reduce the status of tenants to “servants.” The Company
signified its concurrence with the proposal. Edwin
Sandys, Treasurer and Chief Officer of the Virginia
Company, called the tenants-at-halves status an absurdity
and said that what Virginia needed was a multitude of
apprentices” (this pagethis page, 81–82, 95).
On March 22, 1622, the Powhatan Indians under
Opechancanough, fearing that the English “would
dispossess them of this Country,” mounted what was at the
time “the strongest effort ever made to halt the Anglo-
American occupation of Indian lands.” On the first day
alone, one third of the Anglo population of North America
was killed. Within the next year, more would die from
privation than died in the initial assault. Of the survivors,
two-thirds were not fit for work (this pagethis page).
In the aftermath of the attack, and concerned about
additional attacks, the Colony authorities forbade game
hunting and the planting of corn near dwellings. The
settlement perimeter was constricted, inhabitants were
uprooted, half the landholders were dead and could offer
no places for tenants to stay nor wages for day-laborers.
Corn supplies were limited and a monopoly on corn was
established. The price of corn went up eight-fold in one
year, while the price of tobacco, the colonists only
money, was cut in half. Tenants faced insupportable debt
and reportedly could not feed themselves three months out
of the year. For the employed wage-worker, a tobacco
wage in real terms was two-thirds what it was in England
(this pagethis page).
The situation was different, however, for the Colony
elite, particularly for those who had cornered the market
in corn. They were the debt-holders of the impoverished
tenants, and they embarked on a scheme whereby workers
in general were reduced to unpaid, long-term bond-labor.
The laboring classes were dependent on the bourgeoisie
for corn, so they were compelled to submit to the
condition dictated by the plantation bourgeoise: the status
of bond-laborers.” By the spring of 1622, servants’
contracts began to appear that contained a new
unprecedented provision allowing the employer to dispose
of the servant to the employers’ heirs and assigns,” and
by 1623, efforts to reduce tenants to servants were
common (this pagethis page).
In Chapter 6, Bricks without Straw: Bondage, but No
Intermediate Stratum,” Allen makes the extremely
important point that “Pre-capitalist bond-labor was tied by
a two-way bond: the workers could not go away; but,
equally, the master could not send them away.” This two-
way bondage was a “relationship, which was essential to
feudalism” but inimical to capitalism.” In general, the
bourgeoisie would seek “to replace the two-way bondage
of feudalism with the two-way freedom of the capitalist
relation of productionin which the “capitalist was free to
fire the workers, and the workers were free to quit the
job.” In Virginia, however, the plantation bourgeoisie
dealt with this contradiction by establishing a one-way
bondage, in which the laborer could not sever the tie to the
capitalist simply by his own volition, but the capitalist
could sever the tie with the worker (this pagethis page).
Between January and June 1622, the Virginia Company
established a standard patent form regarding laborers
transported by the colony authorities that guaranteed
protection not only to the original patentee, but also to his
“heires and Assigns.” Within four years, the legal right of
masters to “assign or bequeath their laborers would be
formally established. Allen discusses certain early
incidents that in retrospect “appear as preconditioning for
the reduction of laborers to chattels,” and he finds that in
1622 and 1623 it was established as the general
condition for immigrant workers.” An analysis of a score
of entries in the records of that time shows how the chattel
aspect of bond-servitude was designed to adapt that
contradictory form to capitalist categories of commodity
exchange and free flow of capital. Overall, as Allen points
out earlier, by far the greater number of European
immigrants arriving in the southern colonies came as
bond-laborers” (this pagethis page).
Allen then describes how, despite the fact that “labor
relations was a settled question before the landing at
Jamestown,” the “Anglo-American plantation bourgeoisie
seized on the devastation brought about by the Powhatan
attack of 22 March 1622, to execute a plan for the
chattelization of labor in Virginia Colonyand how “from
that seeding came the plantation of bondage” (this
pagethis page).
Allen also offers rebuttals to arguments that he refers to
as “Historys False Apologetic for Chattel Bond-
Servitude,” including the quid pro quorationale and the
“unreflecting adaptation argument. The first position
suggests that there was a shortage of poor laborers in
Virginia and an abundance of them in England, so that
between English laborers who wanted employment and
plantation investors who wanted to replace costly tenants
and wage laborers aquid pro quo was agreed, according
to which the employer paid the £6 cost of transportation
from England and in exchange the worker agreed to be a
chattel bond-laborer for a term of five years or so.” Allen
responds that the “payment of passage” was “a convenient
excuse for a policy aimed at reducing labor costs” in a
manner “consistent with the free flow of capital.” He cites
the work of Abbot E. Smith, a specialist in this field, who
concluded that the “four or five years bondage was far
more than they [the laborers] justly owed for the privilege
of transport,” and he cites his own finding (based on
available production rates and costs of tobacco) that a
laborer in one year, “would have repaid more than seven
times his or her £6 transportation cost.” In response to the
second position, that bond-servitude was an adaptation
and was not very different from pre-existing forms of
English labor relations such as apprenticeships, Allen
points out that it was qualitatively different because it was
a one-way bondage in which laborers were reduced to
chattels (this pagethis page).
By 1638, Virginia Colony Secretary Richard Kemp
reported to London that Of hundreds of people who
arrive in this colony yearly, scarce any but are brought in
as merchandize to make sale of” (this page).
In Part Three, “The Road to Rebellion,” Allen begins
Chapter 7, “Bond-labor: Enduring …” with a description
of the pre–Bacons Rebellion period and how the
insubstantiality of the intermediate stratum, the oppressive
conditions of the bond-laborers and their resistance to
those conditions constitute the most significant social
factors that contributed to that pivotal historic event called
Bacons Rebellion.” The resistance challenged the
economic basis of society “the chattel bond-labor form
of master-servant relations and, significantly, “the
record of this period of labor history shows no white-
worker component” (this page).
Of the 92,000 European immigrants brought to Virginia
and Maryland between 1607 and 1682, more than three-
fourths were chattel bond-laborers, the great majority of
them English. In 1676, Governor William Berkeley
estimated about 1,500 European chattel bond-laborers
were arriving yearly, “the majority English, with a few
Scots and fewer Irish.” Allen discusses the coercive
nature of most transcontinental labor recruitment and that
few immigrants were whole-hearted volunteers, arriving
with written contracts for their services. Many were
kidnapped by a combination of deception and brute force,
some were ordinary convicts, and still others were
English, Irish, and Scots prisoners taken in rebellion and
exiled, under pain of death, by whatever authority
happened to rule in England at the time (this pagethis
Allen also explains that plantation bond-labor pool was
also supplemented from domestic sources. These
included, beginning about 1660, Indian bond laborers who
were drawn from the general population. For a brief time
in the 1670s and 1680s, Indian bond-laborers played a
considerable role in the economy of the tobacco colonies”
(this pagethis page). The main domestic source of bond-
labor in the plantation colonies was by the imposition of
hereditary bond-servitude on African-Americans under the
system of racial slavery and white supremacy.
However, in the seventeenth century, most of the
plantation laborers were limited-term bond-laborers, a
category composed mostly of European-American
immigrants. Life expectancy of bond-servants was low,
particularly in the early decades, when most didn’t
survive their first year. The census of 1624–25 showed a
total colony population of some 1,218, which included
507 “servants,” of whom 23 were “Negroes.” In the early
period, and increasingly so in the 1660s, there is evidence
of a desire of some employers to develop this source of
added unpaid labor time by subjecting African-Americans
to lifetime hereditary bond-servitude. Overall, Allen
points out that the capitalist plantation owners relied
almost totally upon increased exertion by the laborers to
more than double the annual tobacco output in the fifty
years from the dissolution of the Virginia Company to the
onset of Bacons Rebellion (this pagethis page).
Allen then spends twenty pages documenting the main
forms of oppression of plantation bond-laborers. In this
section, utilizing his command of primary sources, he
draws special attention to the “hardship and brutality to
which the chattels were subjected” and to “the special
oppression of women bond-laborers.” He treats such
topics as: increasing the length of servitude; special
opportunities for securing extra servitude; the costs of
recapture, prosecution, and corporal punishment; denial of
family life and womens exposure to special oppression;
how “bastardy laws compounded gender and class
oppression; exploiting the presumption of bondage; cutting
labor costs when no wages were paid; and the owners
brutal pursuit of higher output per worker (this pagethis
page). He also chastises historians who “justify the bond-
labor systemas an “on the whole benign adaptation to the
colonial environment and calls attention to “the
documented brutality and hardship to which the chattels
were subjected” (this page).
I n Chapter 8, “. and Resisting,” Allen documents
“instances of self-activation of bond-laborers as molders
of their own fate.” Again, he relies on his extraordinary
familiarity with primary sources to discuss such forms of
resistance as suicide and assault, stealth and insurrection
in response to inadequate diet, and “defiant solace” in the
form of fornication. He also discusses how “chattel bond-
servitude, which was the condition of the overwhelming
majority of women arriving in the tobacco colonies, gave
an added dimension to male supremacism.” It was a
“distinctive blend of class and gender oppression.” Allen
takes note of 367 court cases related to gender oppression
and offers some analysis of the 304 cases he found that
involved fornication or bastardy.” He also discusses
free laboring people assisting runaway bond-laborers. Of
profound importance is Allens finding that “there was a
considerable degree of collaboration of African-
Americans and European-Americans in a common
endeavor to escape” (esp. pp. 148, 154, 158).
Allen describes how, early on, the plantation
bourgeoisie expressed its disposition to deny equal rights
to African-Americans through Acts of the General
Assembly. Very importantly, however, he stresses, The
evidence clearly indicates that this purpose of the
ruling class did not represent the desire or attitude of the
European-American bond-laborers as a whole, nor indeed
of the common run of European-Americans in general.” At
the same time, however, he considers it “not surprising
that the explicitly anti-Negro tenor of these laws would
find some echo in the attitude of ruled-over European-
Americans, bond and free.” He found those instances to
have been extremely few, however, in comparison to the
record of solidarity of European-American and African-
American bond-laborers, and in comparison to the
readiness of free laboring-class European-Americans to
make common cause with African-American fugitives
from bond-labor” (this pagethis page).
Overall, Allen concludes that the attitude of the
laboring-class European-Americans stood in sharp
contrast to the succession of enactments whereby the
plantation bourgeoisie pressed for the lifetime hereditary
bond-servitude of African-American bond-laborers; and
for the circumscription of the rights, and the ultimate
practical proscription of free African-Americans.” He
then draws two “fair” and extremely important
First, the white race supra-class unity of European-Americans in
opposition to African-Americans did not and could not have then existed.
Secondly, the invention of the white race at the beginning of the eighteenth
century can in no part be ascribed to demands by European-American
laboring people for privileges vis-à-vis African-Americans. (this page)
I n Chapter 9, “The Insubstantiality of the Intermediate
Stratum,” Allen begins by discussing the fact that the
Virginia colony evolved under the direct rule of a very
tiny elite. In the fifteen years leading up to Bacons
Rebellion, it was “less than four hundred men, probably
numbering no more than two hundred at any one time,”
who were owners of an average of 4,200 acres of land
each. He describes the inadequacy of the militia for
sustained service due to lack of corn and the strenuous
objections of men to being drawn away from their tobacco
crop. He also discusses how, even by 1680, there was no
constabulary, no army except the inadequate militia, and
only thirty-five Anglican priests amid a population of
40,000 to 50,000. His point, he writes, “is to emphasize
the absence of an effective social control stratumand that
there was “in Virginia no intermediate social control
stratum based on a secure yeoman class such as had been
preserved in England” (this pagethis page).
Allen sees a basic cause for the failure of the plantation
elite to establish a viable system of social control in the
seventeenth century in the workings of the tobacco
monocultural economy. He then undertakes a statistical
analysis that shows a marked tendency toward the
concentration of land,” capital, and laborers on the
plantations of the colonial elite (this pagethis page).
He next discusses threats of Dutch seaborne incursions
during the Second and Third Anglo-Dutch Wars (1665–67
and 1672–74), and explains how the English bourgeoisie
finally secured direct access to African labor at the end of
the Second Dutch War, concluded in the Treaty of Breda
in 1667. Five years later, the Royal African Company was
established, which, within less than forty years, made
English merchants the pre-eminent suppliers of African
bond-labor to the Western Hemisphere (this pagethis
Allen writes, “Finally, the plantation bourgeoisie was
brought within reach of the realization of the vision
foreshadowed in a number of laws already enacted, of
enrichment through the imposition of lifetime hereditary
bond-servitude of Africans and African-Americans.” The
“anticipated reduction in labor costs would have been
desirable for the employing class at any time, but as the
end of the seventeenth century neared, it appeared to offer
the bourgeoisie both a way of evading the unresolvable
contradictions between monoculture and diversity, and a
significant easing of the contention between English and
continental branches of the business with respect to profits
from low-priced tobacco.” Virginia Governor Thomas
Lord Culpeper would later stress this in a letter urging that
the Royal African Company moderate its prices for the
sale of lifetime bond-laborers in Virginia.” “[I]n regard to
the infinite profit that comes I conceive it is for his
Majestys Interest full as much as the Countrys, or rather
much more, to have Blacks as cheap as possible in
Virginia” (this page).
Allen comments that it was “a conscious decision, not
an unthinking one” by Virginia’s plantation bourgeoisie to
opt for monoculture and chattel bond-servitude. However,
“a lack of capacity to command had made it impossible
for the plantation bourgeoisie to impose the necessary
social discipline on free and middle-rank tobacco
farmers.” In this setting, the Virginia ruling elite was
considering using African labor when it found itself three
thousand miles from home with no yeoman buffer between
it and a people of whom, according to Governor William
Berkeley in 1676, six parts of seaven at least, are Poore,
Endebted, Discontented and Armed” (this pagethis page).
I n Chapter 10, “The Status of African-Americans,”
Allen reviews his four-pronged definition of racial
oppression and points out that, in Chapters 8 and 9, he had
argued inferentially that “ ‘the white race,’ and thus a
system of racial oppression, did not exist, and could not
have existed, in the seventeenth-century tobacco
colonies.” In Chapter 8, that conclusion was based on
evidence of class solidarity of laboring-class European-
Americans with African-Americans, and the consequent
absence of an all-class coalition of European-Americans
directed against African-Americans. In Chapter 9, the
thesis was linked up with the lack of a substantial
intermediate buffer social-control stratum (this page).
In Chapter 10, he again utilizes Virginia records that
directly bear “on the actual social status of African-
Americans in those decades.” Allen’s position is that the
records “compel the conclusion that the relative social
status of African-Americans and European-Americans in
that Volatile Society can be determined to have been
indeterminate.” It was indeterminate because it was being
fought out in the context of the great social stresses of high
mortality, the monocultural economy, impoverishment, and
an extremely unbalanced gender ratio all of which were
based on, or derived from, “the abnormal system of chattel
bond-servitude.” The critical moment of that social
struggle arrived with Bacons Rebellion of 1676–77,
which posed the question of who should rule. The answer
“would not only determine the status of African-
Americans,” it would also install the monorail of Anglo-
American historical development, white supremacy(this
Allen points out that “The reduction of the almost totally
English labor force from tenants and wage-laborers to
chattel bond-servitude in the 1620s was indeed a negation
of previously existing laws and customs, but it was
imposed by one set of colonists on another set of
colonists,” and it was not “an act of racial oppression.”
Other efforts were made at establishing two distinct
categories of servitude, limited term and lifetime. Allen
discusses one of the better-known such cases, that of John
Punch. From his analysis of this case, he concludes that
while it showed a readiness of at least some of the
plantation elite to equate being a negro’ with being a
lifetime bond-laborer,” it also showed that the
development of social policy along this line was
obstructed by several factors. He cited “institutional
inertia presented by English common law, by the historic
retreat from the slavery gambit of 1547 in the wake of
Ket’s Rebellion, and by the deep-rooted principles of
Christian fellowship.” He also cited the opposition of
“African-Americans, both bond-laborers and non-bond-
laborers, with the general support certainly without the
concerted opposition of European-American bond-
laborers, and other free but poor laboring people,
determined by a sense of common class interest” (this
pagethis page).
Regarding seventeenth-century African-Americans, he
goes into great detail to examine how they exercised
marriage rights, exhibited social mobility, held significant
land-holdings, owned European-American bond-laborers,
and manifested many forms of resistance. He also
discusses Evangelical questions and objections, and
opposition from members of the propertied class to racial
oppression of African-Americans (this pagethis page).
One of his most important treatments concerns the case
of Elizabeth Key. The case “presented a direct
confrontation between the desire among plantation owners
to raise their rate of profit by imposing lifetime hereditary
servitude on African-Americans, and an African-
Americans right to freedom on the basis of Christian
principles and English common law.” Elizabeth, the child
of a European-American father and an African-American
mother, was scheduled to complete her term of servitude
when the estate to which she was bonded sought to impose
lifetime bond-servitude status upon her on the grounds that
this “was the condition of her mother.” This argument
contradicted the English common-law principle of partus
sequitur patrem the condition of the child follows the
condition of the father. A jury found Elizabeth Key to be
entitled to her freedom in 1656. That decision was also
sustained on the traditional English principle that her
Christian baptism and rearing barred her from being held
as a lifetime bond-laborer. Allen points out that if those
principles prevailed in all circumstances, they would have
prevented the establishment of racial slavery. In 1662, the
Virginia General Assembly took a different course and
established the principle of partus sequitur ventrem
(condition follows through the mother) (this pagethis
Allen concludes, “Given the English superstructural
obstacles and the already marked resistance of African-
Americans to lifetime hereditary bondage, a rapid and
large addition of African bond-laborers to the population
in the 1670s would certainly tend to reduce the
effectiveness of the already weak social-control stratum
(this page).
In Part Four, “Rebellion and Reaction,” Chapter 11,
“Rebellion and Its Aftermath,” Allen focuses on the
later, civil-war phase of Bacons Rebellion from April
1676 to January 1677. Bacons Rebellion began as a
dispute between the colonial elite, led by Governor
William Berkeley, and the subelite, led by Nathaniel
Bacon, over the rate of expropriation of Indian lands.
Allen explains that it was not primarily an anti-Indian war,
although that was the tenor of the first call to arms. But he
shows that the “lesson of history to be drawn from the
anti-Indian phase of Bacons Rebellion is clearly still
relevant the “bourgeois eye looks upon progress and
genocide indifferently, as incidental aspects of the process
of the accumulation of capital; the anti-Indian phase of
Bacons Rebellion was merely another example of that
lesson.” He adds that the U.S. government that
subsequently brought the American Indians to the verge of
extinction should “make restitution and “the struggle for
justice in this respect merges with the general struggle
against white supremacist racial oppression (this
pagethis page).
In his treatment of the civil-war stage of Bacons
Rebellion, Allen pays special attention to the bond-
laborer component of the rebels and their demand for
freedom from bondage. He highlights Captain Thomas
Granthams account of how he was confronted by “foure
hundred English and Negroes in Armes who were much
dissatisfied”; how “some were for shooting mee, and
others were for cutting me in peeces”; and how, in the
final stages of the struggle, he confronted “Eighty Negroes
and Twenty English which would not deliver their Armes
(this pagethis page, esp. 211, 214).
Allen writes that Granthams testament has significance
“beyond exaggeration.” In Virginia, 128 years before
William Lloyd Garrison was born, “laboring-class
African-Americans and European-Americans had fought
side by side for the abolition of slavery and “provided
the supreme proof that the white race did not then exist”
(this pagethis page).
In the wake of Bacons Rebellion, major destabilizing
factors persisted. Allen cited the train of overproduction,
mass impoverishment, and indebtedness produced by the
tobacco monoculture,” the plantation bourgeoisie’s failure
to diversify the economy, the increase in the bond-labor
population, the continued lack of an effective intermediate
buffer social-control stratum, and the unfeasibility of
maintaining social control in Virginia by means of the
English army” (this page).
Allens population analysis is of particular interest. He
points out that in 1671 some 8,000 tithable individuals
(roughly 6,000 European-American and 2,000 African-
American) out of a total of 15,000 in Virginia were bond-
laborers. The total population at that time was about
40,000. Approximately 30,000 European-Americans came
to the Chesapeake region between 1680 and 1700, and
Allen estimates that 24,000 were bond laborers. In “a
roughly equivalent period, 1674–1700, around 6,000
African bond-laborers were imported.” He emphasizes,
“Not only was the number of bond laborers increasing, it
was increasing as a total number of the tithables, and
doubtless of the population (this pagethis page, esp.
I n Chapter 12, The Abortion of the White Race
Social Control System in the Anglo-Caribbean,” Allen
explains that the English plantation bourgeoisie in the
continental colonies and in the Caribbean “opted to base
their ventures on chattel bond-labor, at first European, but
sooner in the Caribbean, later in the continental
plantation colonies mainly on African bond-labor.”
Then, in both cases, “the ruling class sought to establish
social control on the principle of racial oppression of non-
Europeans.” He emphasizes that the decision to deny “any
degree of social mobility to Africans and African-
Americans – the hallmark of racial oppression – “was
driven simply and directly by the greater rate of profit to
be had by the employment of lifetime hereditary bond-
laborers provided a cost-effective system of social
control could be established.” Ultimately, however,
“different ways of maintaining ruling-class social control
would be required” and the class struggle “would produce
forms of social control in the Anglo-Caribbean
colonies that diverged in historically significant ways
from that which was adopted in continental Anglo-
America” (this pagethis page).
Allen describes how in the British West Indies the
English made efforts to reduce natives of the Caribbean to
plantation bond-servitude, but the class-undifferentiated
Caribbean tribes were not deminated by “casiques and
they responded with warlike resistance. The English
occupied Barbados in 1625, and at first, it imitated
Virginia as a tobacco colony using bond-laborers, mainly
English and Scots. In the 1640s, with the aid of Dutch
capital, techniques, and markets, and Dutch suppliers of
African laborers, Barbados began its development as the
prototype of the British West Indies sugar-plantation
colony, of which Jamaica, captured from the Spanish in
1655, was to become the largest. However, even before
the transition to sugar, there was rebellion. In 1634, the
island was reportedly in a state of emergency over a bond-
laborer revolt plot. Between 1675 and 1701, there were
four major revolt plots, including a 1692 negro
conspiracy.” There were at least seven separate slave
revolts in the English islands between 1640 and 1713 in
which Europeans and Africans were killed. Thousands of
military prisoners were sent to Barbados as bond-laborers
along with ordinary felons and vagabonds. In 1649, they
devised a plot to take over the island. By that time,
runaway African bond-laborers had established maroon
settlements in outlying areas. In Jamaica, 1,500 African
bond-laborers left behind in the Spanish evacuation of
1655 established themselves in the central mountains.
These free, independent Jamaican maroons maintained a
separate set of communities until 1796 (this pagethis
Official notice was taken of the tendency of bond-
laborers to make common cause regardless of ancestry,
and this condition was general in the West Indies. Allen
quotes military historian John W. Fortescue that by the end
of the seventeenth century “the old system of defense by
white servants had broken down.” Allen adds, this
“applies also to the failure of the attempt to establish a
system of social control in the Anglo-Caribbean by an
English-style yeoman militia of European former bond-
laborers” (this page).
In “relation to the question of social control and
invention of the white race,” Allen explains, “the British
West Indies differed from the continental plantation
colonies in five significant ways.” First, “because of the
narrow absolute limits of land area, and the relatively high
capital costs of sugar production, the West Indies was
especially inhospitable to non-capitalist farmers or
tenantsand the capital requirements for becoming a sugar
planter were beyond the means of former bond-laborers.
In time, the propertyless majority of the European
population of the British West Indies would be assigned to
a special category, socially and economically
marginalized as ‘poor whites.’ Second, in the West
Indies, the attempt to establish a “white race social-
control system was seriously complicated by a substantial
Irish presence. Coming directly from the heightened racial
oppression in Ireland, the Irish bond-laborers in the
British West Indies were often disposed to ally their cause
with any challenge to British authority including
challenges “made by African bond-laborers.” Third, the
English military and naval forces were regularly stationed
in the West Indies. Fourth, the predominance of persons of
African descent in the population of the West Indies made
it impossible to exclude them from the intermediate
stratum. Euro-Caribbeans were a minority in the
Caribbean before the end of the seventeenth century. Fifth,
the “reliance upon persons of African descent in the
skilled trades and the internal economy led to the
emergence of the ‘free colored’ as the predominant
element in the middle class” (this page). By the 1830s,
“free blacks and coloreds owned 70,000 of the
approximately 310,000 bond-laborers in Jamaica (this
“What most distinguishes the story of both the Irish and
the Anglo-Caribbean histories from that of continental
Anglo-America,” Allen writes, “is that Catholic
Emancipation in Ireland, and the admittance of free
colored’ to full citizenship rights in the British West
Indies were the culmination of the growing economic and
political strength of the Catholic bourgeoisie in Ireland, in
the one case, and of the free colored’ population of the
British West Indies, in the other.” In the United States, in
contrast, “free African-Americans were never
acknowledged as a legitimate part of the body politic,”
and “their very right to remain in the United States was
officially and unofficially questioned” (this page).
He next seeks to offer an explanation for that dramatic
difference and its larger historical significance” (this
In Chapter 13, “The Invention of the White Race and
the Ordeal of America,” Allen explains that Virginia’s
free and bond laborers were fighting in Bacons Rebellion
for “an end to the version [of capitalism] imposed by the
plantation elite, based on chattel bond-servitude and
engrossment of the land.” They sought freedom from
bondage and improved opportunities to become
independent farmers.
However, just as the overthrow of the tenantry had cleared the ground for
the institution of chattel bond-servitude in the 1620s, so did the defeat of the
rebels in Bacons Rebellion clear the way for the establishment of the
system of lifetime hereditary chattel bond-servitude. The relative power of
the plantation elite increased because of the continuation of their large
landholdings and their advantages in bidding for lifetime bond-laborers. (this
After Bacons Rebellion, the ruling class turned to a
system of control in which, according to historian Gary B.
Nash, “among upper- and lower-class whites.… Race
became the primary badge of status.” Allen addresses why
that happened (this page).
He contests the argument that this “was the result of the
shift” to African labor as the main labor supply source and
points out that the same shift occurred in the British West
Indies with far different results. He contests the argument
that it “was the result of the reduction of African-
Americans to lifetime hereditary bond-servitude” and
cites the solidarity of “the English and Negroes in Armes
in Bacons Rebellionat a time when the great majority of
African-Americans were held as lifetime bond-laborers.”
He notes that “23 percent of the African bond-laborers in
Jamaica on the eve of Emancipation were owned by
persons of one degree or other of African ancestry(this
Allen counters that rather than this white race”
consciousness being the result, “it was only because
race’ consciousness superseded class-consciousness that
the continental plantation bourgeoisie was able to achieve
and maintain the degree of social control necessary for
proceeding with capital accumulation on the basis of
chattel bond-labor” (this page).
He recognizes that the “plantation bourgeoisie and those
engaged in the labor supply trade favored the imposition
of perpetual bondage on the plantation labor force as
simply prudent business practice” designed to keep down
labor costs and that it was also “understood
that success depended on establishing and maintaining
an intermediate stratum for social control purposes” (this
page). But, he asks, “Why, then, were free Negroes and
mulattos to be excluded from that stratum in the pattern-
setting continental plantation colony of Virginia?” (this
He notes how in May 1723 the Virginia Assembly
passed “An Act directing the trial of Slaves and for
the better government of Negroes, Mulattos, and Indian,
bond or free,” which provided that no free negro,
mulatto, or indian whatsoever, shall have any vote at the
election.” The reason for that act, according to Governor
William Gooch, was “to fix a perpetual Brand upon Free
Negros & Mulattos” (this pagethis page).
Allen responds emphatically, Surely that was no
unthinking decision! Rather, it was a deliberate act by
the plantation bourgeoisie; it proceeded from a conscious
decision in the process of establishing a system of racial
oppression, even though it meant repealing an electoral
principle that had existed in Virginia for more than a
century(this page). Goochs letter of explanation for the
decision was disingenuousto Allen who then refutes it
point by point. Allen emphasizes that the difference
between the English plantation bourgeoisie in the British
West Indies and the continental plantation colonies with
regard to the status of free persons of some degree of
African ancestry … was rooted in the objective fact that in
the West Indies there were too few laboring-class
Europeans to embody an adequate petit bourgeoisie, while
in the continental colonies there were too many to be
accommodated in the ranks of that class” (this page).
He further explains that the plantation bourgeoisie
“assumed the bond-laborers would resist in every way
they could, including maroonage and revolt,” and they
knew they needed “a substantial intermediate buffer
social-control stratum.” The ruling elite was a small
cohort and needed “a substantial intermediate buffer
social control stratum to stand between it and great
disturbances, or even another rebellion” (this page).
Allen reviews historical research by Jackson Turner
Main and Aubrey C. Land and finds that in eighteenth-
century Virginia somewhat less than 50 percent of the
total adult white male population were landownersand
of these “one-fourth worked the land without the
employment of bond-labor.” Thus, about 60 percent of
the adult white male population were not owners of bond-
laborers, but were put in competition with employers of
bond-labor” (this pagethis page).
Allen maintains that the reason for the proscription of
the free African-American can be explained by the fact
that, despite its sway over the yeomanry,’ the gentry
could not ‘safely ignore the laboring and non-bond-
holding European-Americansbecause their bond-labor
system was antithetical to the interests, not only of
African-American bond-laborers, but also of all the rest of
the population that did not own bond-laborers.” The
laboring-class European-Americans had shown their
solidarity with the African-American bond-laborers in
Bacons Rebellion,” “demonstrated their understanding of
their interests,” and had sympathy for their situation (this
page). How was suchlaboring class solidarity to be
The answer that the ruling class decided upon was
clear. “Instead of social mobility, European-Americans
who did not own bond-laborers were to be asked to be
satisfied with simply the presumption of liberty, the
birthright of the poorest person in England; and with the
right of adult males who owned sufficient property to vote
for candidates for office who were almost invariably
owners of bond-laborers.” The stability of the system of
capitalist agriculture based on lifetime hereditary bond-
servitude “depended on the ability of the ruling elite to
induce the non-‘yeoman European-Americans to settle for
this counterfeit of social mobilityand on their ability “to
establish a new birthright for not only Anglos but for every
Euro-American, the ‘white’ identity” (this page).
Historians have detailed how, toward the end of the
seventeenth century, there occurred a marked tendency to
promote a pride of race among the members of every class
of white people.” This was the real reason for the
proscriptions against free African-Americans. “The
exclusion of free African-Americans from the intermediate
stratum was a corollary of the establishment of ‘white’
identity as a mark of social status.” If, as Allen explains,
the mere presumption of liberty was to serve as a social status for masses
of European-Americans without real prospects of upward social mobility,
and yet induce them to abandon their opposition to the plantocracy and enlist
them actively, or at least passively, in keeping down the Negro bond-laborer
with whom they had made solidarity in the course of Bacons Rebellion, the
presumption of liberty had to be denied to free African-Americans. (this
The Virginia General Assembly showed how this was to
be done. It “deliberately stuffed the racial’ distinction
with anomalous privileges to make it look like the real
thing, promotion to a higher social class.” The distinction
“was even emphasized for European-American chattel
bond-laborers.” The owner of an African-American bond-
laborer “could legally use or abuse his African-American
bond-laborers, or dispose of them as a matter of
course,” but by a 1691 law it was forbidden to set them
free.” The revised Virginia code of 1705 “took pains to
specify unprecedented guarantees for the European
christian white’ limited-term bond-laborers.” Freedom
dues were enumerated with specificity and included “to
every male servant, ten bushels of corn, thirty shillings in
money (or the equivalent in goods), a gun worth at least
twenty shillings; and to every woman servant, fifteen
bushels of corn, forty shillings in money (or the equivalent
in goods).” In 1692 and in 1705, orders were issued to
confiscate livestock raised by African-American bond-
laborers. The act of 1723 not only imposed lifetime
hereditary bond-servitude on African-Americans, it also
sought “to implement it by a system of racial oppression,
expressed in laws against free African-Americans,”
including laws
making free Negro women tithable; forbidding non-Europeans, though
baptized christians, to be owners of “christian, that is, European, bond-
laborers; denying free African-Americans the right to hold any office of
public trust; barring any Negro from being a witness in any case against a
whiteperson; making any free Negro subject to thirty lashes at the public
whipping post for lift[ing] his or her hand” against any European-American
(thus to a major extent denying Negroes the elementary right of self-
defense); excluding free African-Americans from the armed militia; and
forbidding free African-Americans from possessing any gun, powder, shot,
or any club, or any other weapon whatsoever, offensive or defensive.
The denial of the right of self-defense would become a
major factorin the development of the peculiar American
form of male supremacy, white-male supremacy, informed
by the principle that any European-American male could
assume familiarity with any African-American woman
(this pagethis page).
The ruling class also “took special pains to be sure that
the people they ruled were propagandized in white
supremacism.” Provisions were included for that purpose
in the “Act concerning Servants and Slavesof 1705 and
in the Act of 1723 “directing the trial of Slaves and for
the better government of Negros, Mulattos, and Indians,
bond or free.” To raise consciousness and to prevent
“pretense of ignorance,” the laws mandated that parish
clerks or churchwardens read (‘publish) these laws in
full to the congregants.” Sheriffs were ordered to have
the same done at the courthouse door.” The general
public was regularly and systematically subjected to
official white supremacist agitation.” It was to be
“drummed into the minds of the people that, for the first
time, no free African-American was to dare to lift his or
her hand against a Christian, not being a negro, mulatto or
Indian ”; that “African-American freeholders were no
longer to be allowed to vote”; that “the provision of a
previous enactment was being reinforced against the
mating of English and Negroes”; that,
as provided in the 1723 law for preventing freedom plots by African-
American bond-laborers, any white person found in company with any
[illegally congregated] slaves, was to be fined (along with free African-
Americans or Indians so offending) or to receive, on his, her, or their
bare backs, for every such offense, twenty lashes well laid on. (this page)
“Thus,” writes Allen, the white race” was “invented as
the social-control formation whose distinguishing
characteristic was not the participation of the slaveholding
class, nor even of other elements of the propertied classes;
. What distinguished this system of social control, what
made it ‘the white race,’ was the participation of the
European-American laboring classes: non-slaveholders,
self-employed smallholders, tenants, and laborers.” In
time, “this white-race social-control system begun in
Virginia and Maryland would serve as the model of social
order to each succeeding plantation region of settlement
(this page).
Not only would there no longer be African-American
and European-American labor solidarity and rebellions,
now the poor and propertyless European-Americans
were the principal element in the day-to-day enforcement
of racial oppression.” The “white” slave patrols were
made up primarily of those from the “lower class.”
Although this system of white-skin privileges
had been initiated by the European-
American plantation bourgeoisie, the European-
American workers were claiming them by the middle of
the eighteenth centuryas when “white” workers in South
Carolina demanded “the exclusion of Negroes from the
skilled trades” (this page).
Allen writes, “If the Virginia laws of 1705 and others
cited represent ruling class manipulation of the rank-
and-file, the inescapable implication seems to be that the
social transformation that they expressed – to the system of
racial slavery, racial oppression, white supremacy must
have been contrary to the real interests of the majority of
the people, the small-holders, the tenants, and laborers,
those who did not own bond-laborers” (this page).
He then reviews the work of historians who counter that
conclusion with a different assessment of white
supremacism in relation to the foundation of the United
States as a republic. In particular, he discusses the
“paradox thesis of American history, which contends
“that democracy and equality, as represented in the
Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of 1789,
were, by the logic of history, made possible by racial
oppression.” He focuses particularly on Edmund S.
Morgans espousal of this rationale, for the reason that his
book, American Slavery, American Freedom, appeared in
1975 after the civil rights struggles and because his socio-
economic approach to the origin of racial slavery supplied
“the most substantial response that had yet appeared to the
natural racism thesis of Carl Degler and of Winthrop D.
Jordan (this pagethis page).
Allen sees the “essence of Morgans paradox in his
statement that “Virginians may have had a special
appreciation of the freedom dear to republicans, because
they saw every day what life without it could be.” This
argument, writes Allen, “rests on the assumption that,
early in the eighteenth century, the mass of white
Virginians were becoming landowners, and the small
planters began to prosper, thus giving the large and small
planters a sense of common identity based on common
interests.’ Allen points out that the work of historians
Willard F. Bliss and Jackson Main cast great doubt on
his [Morgans] facile conclusion” that there “were too few
free poor [white] to matter” (this pagethis page).
“If among whites’ there were ‘too few free poor to
matter,’ asks Allen, “why did the social order not revert
to the normal class differentiation in which the free
Negroes could take their individual places according to
their social class?” In this context, the white race’ as a
social control formation would have been a redundancy.”
Instead, however, “there was a general proscription of the
free Negro,” a fact that Allen contends “is unchallengeable
evidence of the continued presence of poor whites
who served as the indispensable element of the white
race,’ the Peculiar Institution” (this page).
Allen cites a passage from Morgans 1972 presidential
address to the Organization of American Historians in
which he writes, “The rise of liberty and equality in this
country was accompanied by the rise of slavery. That two
such contradictory developments were taking place
simultaneously over a long period of our history, from the
seventeenth century to the nineteenth, is the central
paradox of American history” (this page).
Allen contends that “the effect of Morgans ‘paradox
thesis seems no less an apology for white supremacy than
the natural racism argument.” Morgan goes even further
when he writes, Racism made it possible for white
Virginians to develop a devotion to … equality … Racism
became an essential ingredient of the republican
ideology that enabled Virginians to lead the nation (this
pagethis page).
Then, writes Allen, as if shying at his own conclusion,
Morgan suggests that perhaps ‘the vision of a nation of
equals [was] flawed at the source by contempt for both the
poor and the black.’ Allen responds, “What flaw? If
racism was a flaw, then the rise of liberty would have
been better off without it a line of reasoning that negates
the paradox. On the other hand, if racism made the rise of
liberty possible, as the paradox would have it, then racism
was not a flaw of American bourgeois democracy, but its
very special essence.” Allen concludes, “The ‘Ordeal of
Colonial Virginia’ was extended as the Ordeal of
America, wherein the racial oppression and white
supremacism have indeed been the dominant feature, the
parametric constant, of United States history” (this page).
Allen then reviews the work of Frederick Jackson
Turner, famous for his theory that “the existence of an area
of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of
American settlement westward explain Americans
development.” He also discusses Turners subsequently
articulated safety-valve corollary regarding the emergence
of a popular socialist movement of sufficient proportions
to “substitute” for the end of the free-land safety valve
and work “in the interest of the common man as a
“safeguard of democracy and how that expectation was
disappointed (this page).
Allen comments, “The white laboring people’s prospect
of lateral mobility to free land,’ however unrealizable it
was in actuality, did serve in diverting them from struggles
with the bourgeoisie.” But that was only one aspect of “the
Great Safety Valve, the system of racial privileges
conferred on laboring-class European-Americans, rural
and urban, poor and exploited” which “has been the main
historical guarantee of the rule of the Titans,’ damping
down anti-capitalist pressures, by making race, and not
class, the distinction in social life.’ ” He emphasizes,
“This, more than any other factor, has shaped the ‘contours
of American history from the Constitutional Convention
of 1787 to the Civil War, to the overthrow of
Reconstruction, to the Populist Revolt of the 1890s, to the
Great Depression, to the civil rights struggle and white
backlash of our own day” (this page).
He adds that Turners reference to the “safety valve”
potential in anti-capitalist “reformhad a successor in the
Keynesian New Deal.
The limitations of that line of reform, which had
become evident by 1938, were masked by the prosperity
of the United States in its role as the “arsenal of
democracy” in World War II, which ended with the United
States as the only industrial power left standing and the
possessor of three-fourths of the world’s gold reserves.
By 1953, other major powers had recovered to pre-war
levels; by 1957, the U.S. balance of trade began to shift
unfavorably; in 1971, the United States formally
abandoned the gold standard for settlement of international
balances of trade and the “gold cover for the domestic
money supply. Finally, even the party of the New Deal has
cast all Keynesian pretence to the winds, proclaiming that
“the era of big government is over,” and boasting of
“ending welfare in any previously recognizable form
(this pagethis page).
Allen then describes the situation in 1997 at the time of
publication of the second volume:
Now at the end of the twentieth century, the social gap between the Titans
and the common people is at perhaps its historic maximum, real wages have
trended downward for nearly two decades. Entitlements” and welfare,
as they relate to students, the poor, and the elderly, have become obscenities
in the lexicon of official society. There is less of a socialist” movement
today in the United States than there was in Turners day, and anti-capitalist
class consciousness is hesitant even to call its name.… Class struggle” is
an epithet cast accusingly at the mildest defenders of social welfare, and the
country is loud with the sound of one class struggling. (this page)
His next words, however, speak presciently to readers in
the twenty-first century as he describes “unmistakable
signs of a maturing social conflict because of
intensifying efforts to balance the budget at the expense
of the living standards of non-stockholders.” He
insightfully points out that America bears the indelible
stamp of the African-American civil rights struggle of the
1960s” and draws the strands of his historical research
and analysis together, offering these final words:
Perhaps by virtue of that legacy, in the impending renewal of the struggle of
the common people and Titans, the Great Safety Valve of white-skin
privileges may finally come to be seen and rejected by laboring-class
European-Americans as the incubus that for three centuries has paralyzed
their will in defense of their class interests vis-à-vis those of the ruling class.
(this page)
Editors Appendix H
Select Bibliography on Theodore W.
By Theodore W. Allen
Class Struggle and the Origin of Racial Slavery: The
Invention of the White Race (Hoboken, N.J.: HEP,
1975). Reprinted with an Introduction by Jeffrey B.
Perry (Stony Brook, NY: The Center for the Study of
Working Class Life, SUNY, 2006).
“Contradictions in Keynesian Economics: The Unstable
Economy: Booms and Recessions in the U.S. Since
1945,” Review of Victor Perlo, The Unstable
Economy: Booms and Recessions in the United
States (New York: International Publishers, 1973),
Guardian, April 11 & 18, 1973.
“Commentary on Istn Mészáross Beyond Capital,”
Cultural Logic Vol. 8 (2005).
“In Defense of Affirmative Action in Employment Policy,”
Cultural Logic Vol. 1, No. 2 (Spring 1998).
Interview by Chad Pearson, May 13 and 20, 2004,
available at
The Invention of the White Race Vol. 1: Racial
Oppression and Social Control (New York: Verso,
The Invention of the White Race Vol. 2: The Origin of
Racial Oppression in Anglo-America (New York:
Verso, 1997).
“Nixon’s Southern Strategy,” Review of Kevin Phillips,
The Emerging Republican Majority, Guardian ,
November 22, 1969.
“Notes on Base and Superstructure and the Socialist
Perspective for a Panel Presentation by Theodore
Allen on ‘Base and Superstructure and the Socialist
Perspective’ at the Conference on How Class
Works,’ to be Held at New York State University at
Stony Brook, June 10-12, 2004,” Socialism and
Democracy Vol. 21, No. 1 (March 2007).
“On Roedigers Wages of Whiteness, ” Cultural Logic
Vol. 4, No. 2 (Spring 2001).
Race’ and Ethnicity’: History and the 2000 Census,”
Cultural Logic Vol. 3, No. 1.
“Slavery, Racism, and Democracy,” Review of Edmund
S. Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom:
The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia (New York: W. W.
Norton, 1974), Monthly Review 29, No. 10 (March
“Summary of the Argument of The Invention of the White
Race,” Cultural Logic Vol. 1, No. 2 (Spring 1998).
They would have destroyed me’: Slavery and the
Origins of Racism,” Radical America Vol. 9, No. 3
(May-June 1975). Reprinted in White Supremacy: A
Collection (Chicago: Sojourner Truth Organization,
“White Supremacy in U.S. History,” A Speech Delivered
at a Guardian Forum on the National Question, April
28, 1973. Reprinted in White Supremacy: A
Collection (Chicago: Sojourner Truth Organization,
By Other Authors
Ignatiev, Noel, Review of The Invention of the White
Race, Vol. 1: Racial Oppression and Social
Control, by Theodore W. Allen,” Journal of Social
History 2005.
Ignatin (Ignatiev), Noel and Ted (Theodore W.) Allen,
White Blindspot & Can White Workers Radicals Be
Radicalized? (Detroit: The Radical Education
Project, 1969; and New York: NYC Revolutionary
Youth Movement, 1969).
Perry, Jeffrey B., “In Memoriam: Theodore W. Allen,”
Cultural Logic Vol. 8 (2005).
Perry, Jeffrey B., Theodore William Allen: Expert on
Bacons Rebellion,” History News Network, October
11, 2005.
Perry, Jeffrey B., Introduction,” in Theodore W. Allen,
Class Struggle and the Origin of Racial Slavery:
The Invention of the White Race (Stony Brook,
N.Y.: The Center for the Study of Working Class
Life, SUNY, 2006).
Perry, Jeffrey B., “The Developing Conjuncture and Some
Insights from Hubert Harrison and Theodore W.
Allen On the Centrality of the Fight Against White
Supremacy,” Cultural Logic (2010).
Scott, Jonathan and Gregory Meyerson, “An Interview
with Theodore W. Allen,” Cultural Logic Vol. 1,
No. 2 (Spring 1998).
Winston, Stella, “The Invention of the White Race,” video
interview with Theodore W. Allen in two parts,
available at
Abbreviations of Some Frequently Cited Sources
AHR American Historical Review
The Works of Francis Bacon, edited by
James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis and
Douglas Denon Heath, 14 vols. (London,
Blathwayt Papers, ca. 1675–1715, 41 vols.
on microfilm at Colonial Williamsburg.
Great Britain Public Record Office, Colonial
Office records.
“A Repertory of the General County
Grievances of Virginia … with the humble
opinion of His Majesties Commissioners
annexed” (October 1677).
Virginia County Court Records
(photocopies, microfilm and abstracts),
available at the Virginia State Archives,
[Henry] Coventry Papers Relating to
Virginia, Barbados and other Colonies,
microfilm prepared by the British
Manuscripts Project of the American Council
of Learned Societies and available at the
Library of Congress (originals at the estate
of the Marquis of Bath, Longleat House,
Wiltshire, UK).
CSP. Col.
Great Britain Public Record Office,
Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series:
America and the West Indies, 44 vols.
(London, 1860–1969).
Commissioners of Trade and Plantations.
Operated under various official
designations: Committee (of the Privy
Council) for Trade and Plantations (from
1660); Lords of Trade and Plantations (from
1675); and Board of Trade (from 1696).
Peter Force, Tracts and Other Papers,
related principally to the Origin,
Settlement and Progress of the Colonies in
North America, from the discovery of the
country to the year 1776, 4 vols.
(Washington, 1836).
Irish Manuscripts Commission, Analecta
No. 4
No. 4 (October 1932), “Documents Relating
to the Irish in the West Indies,” Aubrey
Gwynne SJ, collector, p. 266.
William Waller Hening, comp. and ed. The
Statutes-at-Large; being a Collection of all
the Laws of Virginia, from the First Session
of the Legislature in the year 1619, 13 vols.
(Richmond, 1799–1823; Charlottesville,
John C. Hotten, The Original Lists of
Persons of Quality; Emigrants; Religious
Exiles; Political Rebels; Serving Men Sold
for a Term of Years; Apprentices; Children
Stolen; Maidens Pressed and Others Who
went from Great Britain to the American
plantations, 1600–1700 (London, 1874).
In Historical Manuscripts Commission,
Eighth Report (London 1881), Part 1,
Minutes of the Council and General Court
of Virginia, edited by H. R. McIlwaine
(Richmond, 1924).
Volume 3 of Virginia Colonial Abstracts, 34
vols., compiled by Beverley Fleet
(Baltimore, 1961).
Records of the Virginia Company of
London, 4 vols. edited by S.M. Kingsbury
(Washington, DC, 1906–35).
Travels and
Travels and Works of Captain John Smith,
President of Virginia and Admiral of New
Works England, 2 vols., edited by Edward Arber
and A. G. Bradley (Edinburgh, 1910).
Virginia Magazine of History and
WMQ William and Mary Quarterly.
1 The Labor Supply Problem: England a
Special Case
1. See Klaus E. Knorr, British Colonial Theories, 15701850 (Toronto,
1944), Part I, Colonial Theories, 15701660.”
2. As mentioned in Volume One of The Invention of the White Race (p.
8), in the early 1630s the English planted a colony on Providence Island, some
350 miles north of Panama and 135 miles from the eastern coast of present-
day Nicaragua, but they were forced to abandon it in 1641.
3. E. E. Rich and C. H. Wilson, eds., The Cambridge Economic History
of Europe, Vol. IV, The Economy of Expanding Europe in the Sixteenth
and Seventeenth Centuries (New York, 1967), p. 304.
4. J. H. Elliott, Europe Divided, 155998 (New York, 1968), pp. 24, 289.
5. Between 1503 and 1660, according to records kept at Seville, Spain
received from America 16 million kilograms of silver and 185,000 kilograms of
gold, of which the Spanish Crowns share was 40 percent. (J. H. Elliott,
Imperial Spain, 14691716 (New York, 1964), pp. 17475.) This treasure
quickly passed from Spain to its creditors, most notably the Fugger family of
Augsburg and Antwerp, as payments on imperial debts, however. (Immanuel
Wallerstein, The Modern World-System, Vol. I, The Modern World-System,
Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in
the Sixteenth Century [New York, 1974], pp. 178–85. See also Henri
Pirenne, A History of Europe, From the Invasion to the XVI Century [New
York, 1955], pp. 524–6.)
6. Vieiras O Papel Forte is here cited from Robert Southey, History of
Brazil, 3 vols. (London, 1817); 2:225. (I)t was men of which Portugal was in
want,said Southey, not extent of territory. (Ibid., p. 224.)
7. Charles R. Boxer, The Portuguese Seaborne Empire, 14151825
(New York, 1969), p. 88.
8. Henry Raup Wagner, The Life and Writings of Bartolomé de Las
Casas (Alburquerque, 1967), pp. 22, 3843. Though Las Casas’s plan for
establishing a Spanish peasant colony in the Americas failed, his proposal for
using Negro slaves would soon lead to the royal licensing of the wholesale
shipment of African bond-laborers to the Americas, which would come to be
known as the Asiento. Some thirty-five years later, Las Casas regretted his
role in this development. Even though he felt he had made a well-intentioned
mistake that was generally approved by his contemporaries, he feared the
divine judgment that he had yet to face for his role in bringing such terrible
injustice on the Africans. (Bartolomé de Las Casas, História de las Indias, 3
vols, edited by Augustin Millares [Mexico City, 1951]; 3:474 [Capitulo 129].)
9. Charles Edward Chapman, Colonial Hispanic America (New York,
1933), p. 109. Special permission of the king or other qualified official had to be
obtained before anyone might go to the Indies.
10. In a comment that anticipated Adam Smith and Edmund Burke (See
The Invention of the White Race, Vol. One, pp. 33 and 71), Las Casas
decried the social anomaly of rabble who had been scourged or clipped of
their ears in Castile, lording it over the native chiefs.” (Edward Gaylord
Bourne, Spain in America, 14501580 [New York, 1907], p. 208.)
11. Luis Ivens Ferraz, The Creole of Sao Tomé,African Studies, 37:3–
68 (1978), p. 16. Most of these survivors married men and women who were
brought from the African mainland.
12. John Lynch, The Hispanic World in Crisis and Change 15981700
(Oxford, 1992), p. 8; Elliott, Imperial Spain, pp. 300–301.
13. Elliott, Imperial Spain, pp. 300301. Lynch, p. 8. In 1609, the
moriscos constituted perhaps one-third of the population of Valencia, where
they were chiefly agricultural laborers. (Elliott, p. 300.)
14. Ernest John Knapton, Europe, 14501815 (New York, 1958), pp.
15. Chapman, pp. 109–10. In an analogous situation, English governments,
whether guided by Puritan or Anglican principles, were untroubled by sectarian
scruples. Irish Catholics in significant numbers were sent to Anglo-American
plantation colonies in the seventeenth century, where their substantial presence
caused the plantation owners some anxiety. (See The Invention of the White
Race, Volume One, p. 74, and chapter 12 and 13 below.)
16. James A. Rawley, The Transatlantic Slave Trade: A History (New
York, 1981), p. 81.
17. Jan de Vries, Dutch Rural Economy (New Haven, 1974), pp. 87–8.
Rich and Wilson give the proportion as three-fourths (Economy of Expanding
Europe, pp. 467).
18. De Vries, pp. 120, 184 and 203–34. De Vries concludes this section of
his discussion by speculating that the absense of a numerous displaced and
unemployed agricultural population retarded Holland’s industrial development.
19. Rawley, p. 80.
20. De Vries, pp. 120, 184 and 203–34.
21. Charles R. Boxer, The Dutch Seaborne Empire: 16001800 (New
York, 1965), p. 58.
22. Boxer, Dutch Seaborne Empire, p. 58.
23. Ibid., p. 218. Although in 1630 the Dutch seized from Portugal the
northern region of Brazil and called it New Holland, they were driven out in
1654, in part because they were never able to induce adequate numbers of
Dutchmen to settle in the faraway colony to influence the ethnic makeup of the
settlement.” (Johannes M. Postma, The Dutch in the Atlantic Slave Trade,
16001815 [Cambridge, 1990], p. 19.)
24. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, Appendix C, p.
25. Boxer, Dutch Seaborne Empire, p. 219.
26. Jean Jacquart, French Agriculture in the Seventeenth Century,
translated by Judy Falkus, in Peter Earle, ed., Essays in European Economic
History, 15001800 (Oxford, 1974), pp. 16584; 165, 177.
27. Ibid., p. 180.
28. The failure of one line of agricultural development is discussed in
Sigmund Diamond, An Experiment in ‘Feudalism’: French-Canada in the
Seventeenth Century, WMQ, series 3, 18:334 (1961).
29. W. J. Eccles, France in America (New York, 1972), pp. 767. Léon
Vignols,La Mise en Valeur du Canada à l’Époque Française, La Revue
d’Histoire Économique et Sociale, 16:72095 (1928); p. 736.
30. Eccles, France in America p. 77. In 1680, Robert LaSalle, the noted
French explorer, reported that in Canada more trade goods were being
converted into beaver pelts than Indians were being converted into Christians.
(Vignols,La Mise en Valeur, p. 724.)
31. Hispaniola was the name first given by the Spanish to the island that
the native people called Haiti. At the end of the seventeenth century, France
took over the entire island and called it St Domingue. It reassumed the name
Haiti when France lost possession as a result of the Haitian Revolution (1800
1804). Spain finally reasserted its claim to the eastern portion of the island in
1844. Since that time the island has remained divided: Haiti in the west, the
Dominican Republic in the east.
32. Eccles, France in America, p. 148.
33. Ibid., p. 149.
34. For a further discussion of the French reasons for turning away from
the idea of supplying plantation labor from among the French population, see
W. J. Eccles, Canada Under Louis XIV (Toronto, 1964), especially pp. 528.
35. Eccles cites a 1681 finding that only one out of every twelve of the
engagé laborers were surviving three years out of service, and another that in
the eighteenth century only one out of every three African laborers were
surviving as long as three years of labor in the French West Indies. (Eccles,
France in America, pp. 149 and 151.)
For a more detailed treatment of the subject of engagé labor, see two
articles by on Vignols: Les Antilles Françaises sous l’Ancien gime
aspects économiques et sociaux: l’institution des engagés, 16261774, La
Revue dHistoire Économique et Sociale, 16:1245 (1928); and Une
Question mal posée: le travail manuel des blancs et des ésclaves aux Antilles
(XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles), Revue Historique, 175:30815 (Jan.–June 1935);
pp. 31011.
36. Charles Woolsey Cole, Colbert and a Century of French
Mercantilism, 2 vols. (New York, 1939), 2:19–20.
37. Eccles, France in America, pp. 76, 148. See also A. J. Sargent, The
Economic Policy of Colbert (London, 1899; 1968 reprint), pp. 478; and
Cole, pp. 212.
38. Elliott, Imperial Spain, pp. 1745.
39. William M. Denevan, ed., The Native Population of the Americas in
1492, 2nd ed (Madison, 1992), xxiii–xvi, xxviii (Table 1); Noble David Cook,
Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 15201620 (Cambridge, 1981). Both
Denevan (p. xxiii) and Cook (p. 2) note the irreconcilable extremes of the
estimates of the 1492 population of Hispaniola, which range from sixty
thousand to 8 million. Denevan, taking into account newly reported evidence of
a devastating epidemic of swine flu in 1493, agrees with studies that fix the
population at about 1 million. The 1514 figure is mid-range of a general
consensus. (Cook, p. 2.)
40. In 1574 there remained in Hispaniola only two Indian villages, and in
Cuba only nine, comprising 270 married Indian men. (Bourne, pp. 1978.)
Certain countervailing factors operated to limit the degree of destruction of the
indigenous population of Puerto Rico in this period. (James L. Dietz, Economic
History of Puerto Rico: Institutional Change and Capitalist Development
[Princeton, 1986], p. 6; Salvador Brau, Ensayos: Disquicisiones
Sociológicas [Rio Piedras, 1972], p. 15.) I am indebted to Bill Vila Andino for
directing me to these sources relative to the history of Puerto Rico.
41. Encomienda was the assignment of a given number of Indian laborers
to a Spanish employer. Repartimiento was the assignment of Indian laborers
by an encomendero to another employer. Indentured servitude was an
alternative form to the forced labor of the repartimiento. (See Charles Gibson,
Spain in America [New York, 1966], pp. 144–7.)
Repartimiento involved movement to workplaces outside of ones village;
however, it required twenty men to be travelling to and from the mines, to
maintain a supply of ten working in the mine. (T. R. Fehrenbach, Fire and
Blood, A History of Mexico [New York, 1973], p. 225.) The repartimiento
miners were forced to labor at a wage one-fourth that of free laborers.
(Lynch, pp. 306–7.)
Ultimately, the Indian agricultural laboring class in Mexico, though
nominally free, was reduced to peonage, a form of practical bondage by debt
to the owner of the hacienda. (Gibson, pp. 118–19, 147,156).
42. Denevan, ed., Table 1, p. xxvii. Woodrow Borah and Sherburne F.
Cook, The Indian Population of Central Mexico, 15311610 (Berkeley,
1960), p. 48. Cf. Noble David Cook, Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru,
15201620 (Cambridge, 1981), pp. 2–3.
The decline of the indigenous population of Mexico ended in the middle or
late seventeenth century, but by the end of the eighteenth century their number
was still less than it had been in 1492.
43. Markham, who spells the word mitta, identifies the term as a native
Peruvian Quichua word meaning time or turn. (Clement R. Markham, A
History of Peru [1892; reprinted New York, 1968], p. 157.)
44. Cook, pp. 11314, 246. Compare the slightly higher estimate of 11.7
million for the Indian population of the Central Andes” at the time of the
arrival of the Spanish. (Denevan, p. xxviii.)
45. Boxer, Portuguese Seaborne Empire, p. 88. Basic to the difficulties
of the Portuguese in Brazil was the fact that the unstratified, non-sedentary,
native social structure there in contrast to the class-differentiated sedentary
societies found by the Spanish in Mexico and Peru did not present
opportunities for co-optation of native social forms for colonialist purposes.
46. See Chapter 3 for further discussion of the Portuguese social control
problems in Brazil.
47. The Belgian historian Charles Verlinden, a preeminent authority on
slavery in medieval Europe, has contributed a series of studies showing the link
between medieval European and Ibero-American colonial slavery, noting both
parallels and divergences. He emphasizes the historical continuity that existed
between slavery in medieval European societies, including the Portuguese
plantation gambits in the Atlantic islands, on the one hand, and the labor supply
system in colonial Ibero-America, on the other. See Charles Verlinden, The
Beginning of Modern Colonization: Eleven Essays with an Introduction,
translated by Yvonne Feccero (Ithaca, 1970), especially pp. 3351, Chapter 2,
Medieval Slavery and Colonial Slavery in America.”
48. African bondmen and bondwomen, nearly fifty thousand of whom were
brought to Europe in the sixteenth century, worked mainly as domestic
servants, artisans and farmers, and enjoyed a considerable degree of social
mobility. (Verlinden, p. 47; Rawley, pp. 245.)
49. Verlinden, p. 38.
50. Basil Davidson, The African Slave Trade, Precolonial History,
14501850 (Boston, 1961), pp. 334.
51. A. J. R. Russell-Wood,Iberian Expansion and the Issue of Black
Slavery: Changing Portuguese Attitudes, 14401770, Journal of American
History, 83:1642; 27.
52. Philip D. Curtin, The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census (Madison,
1969), p. 116. See also Russell-Wood, p. 22; Boxer, Portuguese Seaborne
Empire, pp. 889; Rawley, pp. 245.
53. Verlinden, p. 39. It is interesting to note that among these Africans
brought to Portugal was the putative great-grandmother of Jesuit priest
António Vieira (16081697), the famous royal adviser and advocate of sparing
the Brazilian Indians of the Maranho region by substituting laborers bought and
brought from Angola. (“Não custa a crer tivesse vindo a bisavó de Africa,
trazida por escrava a Portugal.”) (Lúcio de Azevedo, História de Annio
Vieira, multi-volume [Lisbon, 1992], 1:14. See also: the Inquisition documents,
ibid., pp. 311–17; Mathias C. Kiemen, The Indian Policy of Portugal in the
Amazon Region, 16141693 [Washington, DC, 1954], p. 140.)
54. Verlinden, p. 40.
55. Wagner, p. 40. Chapman, p. 119. Rich Wilson, eds. p. 322.
56. Rawley, pp. 2627. Postma, p. 31. George Scelle, The Slave Trade in
the Spanish Colonies of America: The Asiento, American Journal of
International Law, 4:61261 (1910), pp. 614, 618, 622.
57. Basil Williams, The Whig Supremacy, 17141760 , revised 2nd ed.
(Oxford 1962), pp. 265 n. 1, 315.
58. Estimates considered include: W. E. B. DuBois, 10 or 12 million
(Herbert Aptheker, ed., The Correspondence of W. E. B. DuBois, Volume 1,
Selections, 18771934 [Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press], p.
124) and J. D. Fage, 11,360,000 (A History of West Africa, 3rd. edition
[Cambridge, 1969], pp. 82–3, 225). David Brion Davis puts the number at a
minimum of 15 million (Slavery in Western Culture [Ithaca, 1966], p. 9).
Rawley estimates the number at 11,048,000 (Rawley, pp. 4289). Philip D.
Curtin concludes that more than 8 million and fewer than 10.5 million Africans
survived the Middle Passage to arrive as bond-laborers in the Americas.
(Curtin, p. 87). Fage bases his estimate on Curtin, adding a percentage for
those who lost their lives during the voyage.
Discussing the overall impact of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa,
Davidson writes: it appears reasonable to suggest that one way or another,
before and after embarkation, it cost Africa at least fifty million souls
(Davidson, pp. 80–81). See also Walter Rodney, How Europe
Underdeveloped Africa (Washington, DC: Howard University Press, 1982),
pp. 95–8. (This work was originally published in London and Dar es Salaam,
1972.) Compare Rawley, pp. 425–7.
59. Rawley, p. 428.
60. Rawley, p. 424. I hope that my remarks are not inconsistent with
Rawley’s intention.
61. Curtin, p. 87.
62. The concluding stanza of “We Have Fed You All for a Thousand
Years, by An Unknown Proletarian, in IWW Songs, Songs of the
Workers, 27th edition (Chicago, 1939), p. 64. IWW stands for Industrial
Workers of the World.
63. See The Enslavement Process in the Portuguese Dominions of King
Philip III of Spain in the Early Seventeenth Century (1612), in Robert Edgar
Conrad, Children of Gods Fire: A Documentary History of Black Slavery
in Brazil (Princeton, 1983), pp. 1115.
English captain Thomas Phillips described the determined resistance of
captive Africans being assembled for shipment to Barbados in 1693 in his ship
the Hannibal. Though shackled two-by-two to prevent their mutiny, or
swimming ashore, they have often leap’d out of the canoes, boat, and
ship, into the sea, and kept under water till they were drowned, to avoid being
taken up by our boats, which pursued them; they have more dreadful
apprehension of Barbadoes than we can have of hell. (“A Journal of a Voyage
in the Hannibal of London, Ann. 1693, 1694 from England to Africa and so
Forward to Barbadoes, by Thomas Phillips, Commander of the said Ship, in
John and Awsham Churchill, comp., A Collection of Voyages and Travels
[Churchill’s Voyages], 6:171–239; 219.)
Compared with ships in Mediterranean or Baltic commerce, the slave ships
required a higher crew-to-tonnage ratio to hold down their rebellious cargoes.
(Kenneth L. Davies, The Royal African Company, [London, 1957], pp. 193
4.) In this brutal commerce, writes Basil Davidson, Every ships captain
feared revolt on board, and with good reason, for revolts were many. (Basil
Davidson, Africa in History [New York, 1968], p. 187.) It was for fear of
revolt that 120 Africans were suffocated below decks, in order that the
remaining 380 could be delivered to New Spain (Mexico), on a Portuguese ship
in about 1612. (Conrad, p. 15.) See, in the same work, pp. 3940, Document
1.7,A Slave Revolt at Sea and Brutal Reprisals [1845]”.
64. See Appendix II-A.
65. . the Moors, with their women and children were leaving their houses
as fast as they could, for they had seen their enemies(Document 1.1, The
Beginnings of the Portuguese-African Slave Trade in the Fifteenth Century, as
Described by Chronicler Gomes Eannes de Azurata, in Conrad, pp. 511; p.6;
the name of the chronicler is given as Gomes Eanes de Zurara in. biographical
66. In the nineteenth century, the liberation struggle tended to merge into
the general abolitionist and anti-colonialist struggles, especially in Cuba,
Venezuela, Mexico, Brazil and Uruguay. (In Richard Price, ed., Maroon
Societies: Rebel Slave Communities in the Americas (New York, 1973), see:
Jose L. Franco, Maroons and Slave Rebellions in the Spanish Territories, p.
48; Miguel Acosta Saignes, Life in a Venezuelan Cumbe, p.73; David M.
Davidson, Negro Slave Control and Resistance in Colonial Mexico, p. 99;
Roger Bastide, The Other [than Palmares] Palenques, p. 171. In Magnus
Mörner, ed., Race and Class in Latin America, (New York, 1970), see:
Carlos M. Rama, The Passing of the Afro-Uruguayans From Caste Society
into Class Society, pp. 21, 379; Richard Graham, Action and Ideas in the
Abolitionist Movement in Brazil, pp. 626.
The maroon settlements in the mountains in eastern Cuba lasted till the
beginning of the first War of Independence in 1868, when the maroons joined
en masse the ranks of the Cuban Liberation Army. (Franco, p. 47.)
67. See: C. L. R. James, Black Jacobins: Toussaint L’Ouverture and
the San Domingo Revolution (New York, 1963), p.411; Robin Blackburn,
The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery, 17761848 (London and New York,
1988), pp. 2456.
68. Edward D. Neill, History of the Virginia Company of London
(Albany, NY, 1869), p. 11. Wesley Frank Craven, The Dissolution of the
Virginia Company, the Failure of a Colonial Experiment (New York,
1932), pp. 28–9. Philip Alexander Bruce, Economic History of Virginia in
the Seventeenth Century: An Inquiry into the Material Conditions of the
People, based upon original records , 2 vols. (New York, 1895; Peter Smith
reprint, 1935), 1:1019. Alexander Brown, Genesis of the United States, 2
vols. (Boston and New York, 1890), pp. 5625.
69. Las Casas denounced his Christian fellow countrymen on this account.
Spanish encomenderos, given Indians of Hispaniola into their care to teach
them the Catholic faith, merely took care, said Las Casas, to send the men
into the mines, to make them drain them out gold.” (Bartolomé de Las Casas,
Brevisima Relación de la Destruicion de las Indias Occindentales, written
in 1539; first printed in 1552, excerpted in George Sanderlin, trans. and ed.,
Bartolomé de Las Casas: A Selection of his Writings (New York, 1971), p.
84.) The Indian cacique Hathuey, who had fled from Hispaniola to Cuba in
about 1511, explained to the people what he had learned of the Spanish
religion. Pointing to a small chest of gold and jewels, he said: Behold here the
God of the Spaniards.” (Ibid., p. 87.)
Francis Bacon, the famous English essayist and statesman and member of
the Virginia Company, generalized as follows: It cannot be affirmed (if one
speak ingenuously) that it was the propagation of the Christian faith that was
the adamant of that discovery, entry and plantation [of America]; but gold and
silver and temporal profit and glory. (Bacon, Works, 7:2021, An
Advertisement Touching An Holy War.”)
70. Robert Brenner, Agrarian Class Structure and Economic
Development in Pre-industrial Europe, Past and Present, no. 70, pp. 31–73
(February 1976); p. 69. R. H. Tawney, The Agrarian Problem in the
Sixteenth Century (New York, 1912), p. 195. George M. Trevelyan, A
Shortened History of England (New York, 1942), pp. 2068.
71. This fortress built by Nature for herself/ Against infection and the
hand of war …/… set in the silver sea, / Which serves it in the office of a
wall(Shakespeare, Richard II, Act 2, Scene 1). This sentiment perhaps was
even more appropriate to Shakespeares time than in the reign of Richard II
72. J. D. Mackie, The Earlier Tudors (Oxford, 1952), p. 450. Tawney, p.
195–6. Eric Kerridge, Agrarian Problems in the Sixteenth Century (London,
1969), pp. 12021,1268,132–3, 201.
73. Mackie, pp. 3745.
74. See Tawneys discussion of the stimulating effect of the confiscation
and redistribution of monastic lands on the pace of the conversion of arable to
pasture land (Tawney pp. 379–84).
75. C. S. L. Davies believes that the turbulence of the following couple of
years may have been worsened by the tardiness of their reabsorption into
civilian life. (“Slavery and the Protector Somerset: the Vagrancy Act of 1547,
Economic History Review, 2nd series, 19:533–49 (1936); p. 538.)
This retreat from France marked the withdrawal from the alliance with
Charles V, as whose ally the English had invaded France in September 1544. It
was the beginning of the Tudor island policy, which relied on the build-up of
the Royal Navy rather than on military campaigns in Europe to protect the
English position. (Trevelyan, p. 216.)
76. C. G. Cruickshank, Elizabeth’s Armies, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1966), pp.
1416. For the number of English soldiers in the Tyrone War (15941603), see
The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, Chapter 5.
77. Demographers corrected figures, based on London bills of mortality
for seven plague years in the period 1563–1665 (three in the sixteenth century
and four in the seventeenth century), totalled 292,598, only one-fifth of them in
the sixteenth century. (E. A. Wrigley and R. S. Schofield, The Population
History of England, 15411871: A Reconstruction [Cambridge, Mass.,
1981], pp. 812 [Table 3.9].)
78. Wrigley and Schofield, pp. 5315 (Table A3.3). The annual rate of
natural increase of the English population in the last six decades of the
sixteenth century averaged 0.76 percent contrasted with 0.36 and 0.57 percent
for the ten decades of the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries
respectively. (Ibid., p. 183 [Table 6.10].)
79. Lawrence Stone, taking issue with Tawney, asserts that, It was
relentless demographic growth rather than the enclosing activities of
monopolistic landlords which … was responsible for the rise of a landless
labourer class, of a semi-employed squatter population eking out a living in
cabins in the wastes and heaths, and of a small but conscious body of
unemployed vagrants. (Lawrence Stone, Introduction to the 1967 edition of
Tawney’s The Agrarian Problem in the Sixteenth Century.)
80. Joan Thirsk and J. P. Cooper, eds., Seventeenth-century Economic
Documents (Oxford, 1972), p. 200.
81. Sir John Clapham, A Concise History of Britain from the Earliest
Times to 1750 (Cambridge, 1949; Princeton, 1963), pp. 2512.
82. Thirsk and Cooper, eds., p. 1 (House of Commons, 26 February 1621).
83. Journals of the [English] House of Commons, I:711.
84. E. M. Leonard, The Early History of English Poor Relief
(Cambridge, 1900), p. 266.
85. John Eastcott Manahan, The Cavalier Remounted: A Study of the
Origins of Virginias Population, 16071700, PhD Dissertation, University of
Virginia, 1946; p. 28.
86. Leo Francis Stock, ed., Proceedings and Debates of the British
Parliaments Respecting North America, 5 vols. (Washington, DC, 1924),
1:64, Petition of the Virginia Company (26 April 1624).
87. A Letter of Advice Written to the Duke of Buckingham (1616), in
Bacon, Works, 13: 13–24, 21. Richard Hakluyt, A Discourse of Western
Planting (1584), in Collections of the Maine Historical Society, 2nd ser.,
2:37 (1877). R. I. (Richard Johnson), Nova Britannia (1609), p. 19. The
original sources are given here, but these quotations, along with twice as many
more to the same point, are found in Knorr, pp. 424.
The opposing minority did not challenge the colony-makers on the fact of
the surplus of common labor. Instead, they argued mainly from the following
three principles: (1) that a large population was essential to the strength of the
realm; (2) that colonies, once established, might become unwelcome
competitors in the markets supplied from England; and (3) that emigration
might seriously reduce the home supply of skilled workers.
88. A Consideration of the Cause in Question before the Lords touching
Depopulation, British Museum Mss., Cottonian Mss., Titus F, iv, ff. 3223 (5
July 1607). Reprinted in Kerridge, pp. 200203.
89. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, pp. 811, for my
criticism of Winthrop Jordans use of the term unthinking decision in his
psycho-cultural explanation of the origin of racial slavery.
2 English Background, with Anglo-American
Variations Noted
1. The religious issue in England, which culminated in the overthrow of the
Catholic King James II, and which paralleled the establishment of the racial
oppression of Catholics in Ireland, had its echoes in Maryland, which was
founded as a proprietary colony of Catholic convert George Calvert (c. 1580
1632). A number of Protestant rebellions, interlinked with class conflict, were
launched in the province, with varying degrees of success, against a succession
of Lords Baltimore, until 1715 when the third Lord, Charles Calvert, converted
with his family to the Protestant religion. The difference between the fate of
Catholics in Maryland and of those in Ireland is betokened by the fact that the
land holdings of Maryland Catholics remained intact, even in the 16911715
period when the Calvert proprietorship of the colony was revoked on religious
grounds. In Ireland, as has been discussed in Volume One, the Catholic
landowning class was systematically expropriated by Protestants under the
Protestant Ascendancy regime of racial oppression. Irish Catholics brought to
Maryland as chattel bond-laborers did become the occasion for expressions of
ruling-class alarm, principally because of the worry that they would join the
African-American bond-laborers in class solidarity.
2. See Part Two below.
3. Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
Nations (London: Ward, Lock & Co., n.d.), Book III, Chapter IV, p. 329.
Karl Marx, Thorold Rodgers, R. H. Tawney and Rodney Hilton present a
more sober view. Tawneys concluding eloquence on this point should not be
missed. (R. H. Tawney, The Agrarian Problem in the Sixteenth Century
[New York, 1912] pp. 4068.)
Eric Kerridge (Agrarian Problems in the Sixteenth Century [London,
1969], Introduction), however, thinks that Tawney sacrificed scholarship to the
social dogma to which Tawney supposedly adhered as a member of the Fabian
Society and the Labour Party. By portraying capital as relentless and
remorseless, as the violator of common-law rights of peasants, and as the
perpetrator of giant exploitation of man by man. Tawney as Kerridge sees it
led whole generations of history students into grievous error.”
For a sharp counter-criticism of Kerridge, see Lawrence Stone in the
Times Literary Supplement, 2 October 1970, pp. 11356.
4. A paraphrase of Tawney, p. 264.
5. Estimates range from 20 percent mortality (Josiah Cox Russell,
Demographic Patterns in History” Population Studies, no. 1, 1948) to
possibly half (J. H. Clapham and Eileen Power, eds., The Agrarian Life of
the Middle Ages [Cambridge, UK, 1944], Volume I of Cambridge Economic
History of Europe, p. 512).
The preamble of the 1349 Statute of Labourers posed the feudal lords
problem more adequately than the remainder of the law served to assuage it:
Because a great part of the people, and especially workmen and servants, late
died of the pestilence, many seeing the necessity of masters and the great
scarcity of servants, will not serve unless they may receive excessive wages.
(23 Edw. Ill, The Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to the forty-first
year of the reign of King George, the Third, inclusive [London, 1786
6. See Appendix II-B, on Wat Tylers Rebellion. Historians such as
Charles Dobson (The Peasant Revolt of 1381 [London, 1970], p. 30) question
the importance of the revolt as a factor in bringing an end to feudalism in
England. Yet Dobson concedes that in the following century tenants did not
find it impossible to resist pressure from their landlords.”
Thorold Rogers, on the other hand, declares that, the gradual emancipation
of the serfs [dates] unquestionably from the great Insurrection [of 1381].
The peasant of the fourteenth century struck a blow for freedom and he
won. (Thorold Rogers, Economic Interpretation of History [London, 1889]
pp. 31 and 82.) Rodney Hiltons Bond Men Made Free: Medieval Peasant
Movements and the English Rising of 1381 (London, 1973) presents an
equally sympathetic discussion of the revolt, but takes note of fateful shortfalls
in its accomplishments.
7. Rogers coined the term (p. 82).
8. W. H. R. Curtler, The Enclosure and Redistribution of Our Land
(Oxford, 1920), p. 117.
9. It is not easy to discover any economic reason why the cheap wool
required for the development of the cloth manufacturing industry should not
have been supplied by the very peasants in whose cottages it was carded and
spun and woven (Tawney, p. 407).
10. The peasants in Ket’s Rebellion put forward a program which, had
they won, would have given a severe check to the ascendancy of the
bourgeoisie. (See S. T. Bindoff, Ket’s Rebellion, 1549 [London, 1949],
Historical Association, General Series G. 12.)
11. Tawney, p. 318.
12. Ibid., p. 333.
13. For the most comprehensive treatment of this event, see Madeleine
Hope Dodds and Ruth Dodds, The Pilgrimage of Grace, 15361537 and
the Exeter Conspiracy, 1538 (Cambridge 1915), 2 vols.
14. J. D. Mackie, The Earlier Tudors (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952), p.
15. Dodds and Dodds, 1:220 and 2:225–6. Tawney, pp. 33435.
16. Tawney, p. 11.
17. Gilbert Bernet, History of the Reformation (originally published in
167981 and 1714; republished Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1865; 3 vols., cited in
George L. Craig and Charles Macfarlane, The Pictorial History of England,
being a History of the People as well as a History of the Kingdom, 4 vols.
(New York, 1843), 2:464. Edwin F. Gay, The Midland Revolt and the
Inquisition of Depopulation of 1607, Transactions of the Royal Historical
Society, Vol. 18 (1904): 195214; p. 203 n. 2. John Hales, The Discourse of
the Common Weal, edited by E. Almond (circa 1549) (London, 1893), p. viii.
[Raphael] Holinshed, Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland
(originally published 1577; London, 1808; AMES Reprint [New York, n.d.]),
3:96385 (Holinshed’s account of Ket’s Rebellion).
18. Tawney, pp. 335–7. Bindoff, Ket’s Rebellion , p. 9. The quotation is
from Bindoff. (Althoughprivatizing is my own anachronism, it seems
appropriate for this earlier process of the rich stealing the property of the
The government did make a notable concession in response to the demands
of the rebels, although it proved to be a time-limited and fundamentally
ineffectual one. Two years after Ket’s Rebellion, Parliament enacted a law (5
& 6 Edw. VI 5) requiring that as much land be established in tillage as was in
tillage in the first reign of Henry VIII (1509). This law was repealed a decade
later by 5 Eliz. 2. (E. M. Leonard, The Enclosure of Common Fields in the
Seventeenth Century, in E. M. Carus-Wilson, ed., Essays in Economic
History 3 vols. (New York, 1966), 2:22756; p. 242 n. 65.)
19. Edwin F. Gay, The Midland Revolt and the Inquisitions of
Depopulations of 1607, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society,
18:195244 (1904); pp. 212, 216 n. 3, and 240.
An interesting example of how in formulating a deliberate policy of social
control, ruling-class concessions were weighed against the danger of
encouraging rising expectations, is to be noted in a House of Lords
commentary following the Midlands anti-enclosure revolt of 1607. If indeed
depopulation was to be adjudged the cause of the revolt, the House of Lords
wondered Whether time may be fit to give remedy, when such
encouragement may move the people to seek redress by the like outrage, and
therefore in Edward the sixth his time was not pursued until two years after
the rebellion of Kett.” (Kerridge, pp. 200–203; p. 200, Document No. 27
[British Museum, Cottonian Manuscripts, Titus F. iv, ff. 322–3, A
Consideration of the Cause in Question before the Lords touching
Depopulation, July 6, 1607].)
20. Curtler, p. 117.
21. Robert Brenner, Agrarian Class Structure and Economic
Development in Pre-industrial Europe, Past and Present, 70(1976):3173; 63
n. 80.
22. D. C. Coleman, Labour in the English Economy of the Seventeenth
Century, in Carus-Wilson, ed., 2:291–308; 295 (originally published in
Economic History Review, 2nd ser., 8(1956), no. 3). Sir John Clapham, A
Concise History of Britain from the Earliest Times to 1750 (Cambridge,
1949; Princeton, 1963), pp. 21213. By no means the least burden of
complaint, writes Kerridge (p. 132), was that family farmers were deprived
of their livings and replaced by wage workers.
23. E. H. Phelps-Brown and Sheila V. Hopkins, Seven Centuries of
Building Wages, in Carus-Wilson, ed. 2:16878; pp. 177–8 (originally
published in Economica, vol. 22 [1955]). E. H. Phelps-Brown and Sheila V.
Hopkins, Seven Centuries of the Prices of Consumables compared with
Builders’ Wage-Rates” in Carus-Wilson, ed., 2:17896; pp. 1946. (originally
published in Economica, vol. 23 [1956]).
24. Peter Laslett, The World We Have Lost (New York, 1965), pp. 1415.
25. Francis Bacon, The History of the Reign of King Henry Seventh, in
Works, 6:124. Laslett, pp. 1415. Coleman, 2:295.
In 1688, Gregory King estimated that of the total English population of
5,500,000, nearly one-fourth, or 1,300,000, were just such cottagers and
paupers (Gregory King, A Scheme of the Income and Expense of the
several Families of England calculated for the year 1688,in Jan Thirsk and J.
P. Cooper, eds., Seventeenth-century Economic Documents [Oxford, 1972],
pp. 78081).
26. Phelps-Brown and Hopkins (“Wage-Rates and Prices: Evidence for
Population Pressure in the Sixteenth Century, Economica, 24(1957): 289
306) relate this question specifically to the wage earners, but I have taken the
liberty of giving it more general reference. The term “upheaval is not precise,
although the peasant revolts of 1536, 1549 and 1607 certainly qualify for that
term. But an upheavalsufficient to check the ascendance of the bourgeoisie
and its heedless and heartless expropriation and impoverishment of the laboring
people did not occur. It is in this broader sense that I wish the matter to be
understood in the discussion that follows concerning the establishment of
bourgeois social control.
Rodney Hilton, a historian who identifies emotionally with the peasant
rebels, traces their defeat in the sixteenth century to the fourteenth-century
failure of the rebels [behind John Ball and Wat Tyler in 1381] to end villeinage
and to extend the rights of free tenure [as against mere manorial copyhold
rights] to all tenants.” Such a thorough sweep, he maintains,would have
meant the end of manorial jurisdiction [and] it would have involved the
removal of all cases about land to the common law courts.… At one stroke the
material basis for deference and the respect for the hierarchy which had
dogged the English rural masses for centuries would have been removed.
(Hilton, pp. 232 and 224).
The longsixteenth century might be taken to mean roughly 1500–1640.
For a discussion of this concept, see I. W. Wallerstein, The Modern World-
System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-
Economy in the Sixteenth Century (New York, 1974), pp. 679.
27. These gradations related to the degree of security of the tenant’s claim
to the land. See Tawney, Chapter III; Kerridge, Chapter 2; and Mildred
Campbell, The English Yeoman Under Elizabeth and the Early Stuarts
(New Haven, 1942), Chapter IV.
28. The term forty-shilling freeholder” was first defined by Thomas
Littleton, in his treatise on Tenures, near the end of the fifteenth century.
Strictly interpreted, it would mean a person free of personal labor obligations to
any lord, and holding a hereditary lease on lands yielding at least forty shillings’
annual income. While the land-income qualification remained constant, the
term came to be not so strictly applied in other respects.
29. See Tawney, pp. 34044. It was an essential feature of Tudor policy
to foster the prosperity of the yeomanry, from whose ranks were recruited the
defenders of the realm (Ephraim Lipson, The Economic History of England,
3 vols. [London, 1926, 1931, 1931]; 1:141).
30. Francis Bacon, History of the Reign of King Henry VII, in Francis
Bacon, Works, 6:28245; pp. 935.
31. Ibid., 6:95.
32. Though the producer intends only his own security [and] only his
own gain, he is led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no
part of his intention (Smith, The Wealth of Nations, Book IV Chapter 2, p.
354). But where does ones self-interest lie? In this yeoman-preserving policy,
the English ruling class was drawing a distinction between the self-interest of
the individual exploiter and the overriding self-interest of the exploiting class as
a whole.
33. Bacon, History of the Reign of King Henry VII, in Works, 6:94.
34. Ibid., p. 219.
35. Campbell. Chapter IX, For the Common Weal, is the general basis
for this paragraph on the public functions of the yeomen.
36. Thomas Smith, De Republica Anglorum, Discourse on the
Commonwealth of England (1583; 1906, edited by L. N. Alston; reprint New
York, 1974), pp. 434.
37. Bindoff, p. 216. Joseph Clayton, Robert Kett and the Norfolk Rising
(London, 1912), p. 217.
38. Gay, p. 216.
39. The Statute of Artificers, in The Statutes at Large from Magna
Charta to the forty-first Year of the Reign of King Goerge, the Third,
inclusive (London, 1786–1800).
40. The wage level, whether high or low, operates as an essential
mechanism of social stability. The limits of its fluctuation, however, are set by
the premises of the bourgeois social order itself. The formulation of this basic
principle has not been improved upon since Sir Bernard de Mandeville first set
it down in his Fable of the Bees, or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits. With
an Essay on Charity and Charity-Schools, and A Search into the Nature
of Society, 6th edition (London, 1732), pp. 1934:[T]hose that get their
Living by their daily Labour have nothing to stir them up to be serviceable
but their Wants, which it is Prudence to relieve but Folly to cure. The only
thing then that can render [them] industrious, is a moderate quantity of Money;
for as too little will either dispirit or make [them] Desperate, so too much
will make [them] Insolent and Lazy.’
41. 25. Edw. Ill, Stat. 1, c. 1 (1351); 37 Edw. Ill, c. 6 (1363); 12 Richard II,
c. 3–9 (1388); 13 Richard II, Stat. 1, c. 8 (1390); 6 Henry VI, c. 3 (1427); 8
Henry VI, c. 8 (1429); 23 Henry VI, c. 12 (1445); and 11 Henry VII, c. 72
(1495). In The Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to the forty-first year
of the Reign of King George, the Third, inclusive (London, 17861800).
See also W. E. Minchinton, ed. Wage Regulation in Pre-Industrial England
(republished, New York: Barnes and Noble, 1972). This collection comprises
works by R. H. Tawnet originally published in Vierteljahrschrift fur Sozial-
und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, XI (1914), pp. 30737 and 53364; R. Keith
Kelsall, Wage Regulation under the Statute of Artificers” R. Keith Kensall,
and, A Century of Wage Assessment in Hertfordshire, 16621772, originally
published in English Historical Review, vol. 57 (1942):11519.
42. Phelps-Brown and Hopkins, in Carus-Wilson, ed., pp. 171, 177, and
43. Rodney Hilton, ed., The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism
(London, 1978), p. 27.
44. 1 Edw. VI, 3. In The Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to the
forty-first year of the Reign of King George, the Third, inclusive.
45. C. S. L. Davies, Slavery and the Protector Somerset: the Vagrancy
Act of 1547, Economic History Review, 2nd ser., 19:53349 (1966); 535–6.
The 1547 act, says Davies, was aimed at a wider target than those bands of
wandering beggars which terrorized the Tudor countryside. The latter were a
useful excuse to make palatable a policy of enforced employment, and, by
implication at least, to reduce still further the workers limited ability to
bargain (p. 536).
46. 1 Edw. VI, 3, Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to the forty-
first Year of the Reign of King George, the Third.
47. 3 & 4 Edw. VI, 16, Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to the
forty-first year of the Reign of King George, the Third.
48. Cited in Lipson, 1:149.
49. Cited in ibid.
50. Davies, pp. 5478.
51. Tawney, p. 11.
52. John Cheke, The Hurt of Sedition (1549; republished, 1569), in
Holinshed, 3:9871011.
53. Davies, p. 546.
54. F. W. Russell, Kett’s Rebellion in Norfolk (1859), p. 48; cited in
Tawney, p. 337.
55. Bindoff, while calling it the only resounding denunciation of villeinage
ever heard in Tudor England, still thinks that it had no reference to the slavery
provided by the 1547 law; he considered this rebel programmatic point as
merely high-flown symbolic verbiage borrowed from the German peasant
uprising of 1512 (Bindoff, pp. 1213).
Diarmuid MacCullogh rejects Bindoffs speculation. He believes that the
anti-bondage demand was narrowly directed against Thomas Howard, late
Duke of Norfolk, who was much disliked for mistreatment of and refusal to
manumit bondmen (villeins) on his East Anglia estates (Diarmuid MacCullogh,
Kett’s Rebellion in Context, Past and Present, 84(1979):3659; p. 55).
56. Davies, p. 547. The original voice was that of one Fitzherbert,
Description of England, which Davies cites from E. R. Cheyney, The
Disappearance of English Serfdom, Economic History Review, vol. 15:2037
(1900); 24.
57. Davies, p. 548.
58. Davies is here citing Charles Lyell, A Second Visit to the United
States, 2 vols. (New York, 1849), 2:72. Davies’s reference is by way of the
citation in Kenneth Stampp, The Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante-
bellum South (New York, 1956), p. 399. I cannot explain why Stampp’s page
reference differs from mine.
59. Davies, p. 544, citing ms. Cecil Papers, 152/96. But a century after the
repeal of the 1547 law, it yet provided the model for the first Barbadian slave
code. (Rev. George Wilson Bridges, The Annals of Jamaica, 2 vols. [London,
1827], 1:507. Cited by Lewis Cecil Gray, assisted by Esther Katherine
Thompson, History of Agriculture in the Southern United States to 1860, 2
vols. [Washington, DC, 1932], 1:347.)
60. R. H. Tawney, The Assessment of Wages in England by the Justices
of the Peace, in Minchinton, ed., Wage Regulation in Pre-Industrial
England, pp. 4753.
61. 5 Eliz. 4, An Act touching the divers Orders for Artificers, Labourers,
Servants of Husbandry and Apprentices.” Good modern discussions of this
statute are to be found in Minchinton, ed. and in S. T. Bindoff, The Making of
the Statute of Artificers, in S. T. Bindoff, J. Hurstfield, and C. H. Williams,
eds., Elizabethan Government and Society (London, 1961), pp. 5694.
62. Bindoff,Making of the Statute of Artificers, p. 72.
63. The studies made by Phelps-Brown and Hopkins would indicate that
the statute did not affect the trend in nominal or real wages. (See Carus-
Wilson, ed., 2:16896, especially pp. 17778 and 193–96.) But Tawneys study
of magistrates’ records led him to believe that it is probable that the practice
of assessing wages tended to keep them low by setting up a standard to which
the master could appeal, [but, he adds] it is also probable that it was evaded
without much difficulty by the exceptionally competent journeyman, or by the
master who was in difficulties through a shortage of labor” (Tawney,
Assessment of Wages, pp. 923).
64. 53 Geo. 3, c. 40, Statutes of the United Kingdom, p. 191, Act to
Repeal the Statute of Artificers.” Reprinted in Joel H. Wiener, ed., Great
Britain, The Lion at Home, A Documentary History of Domestic Policy,
16891973, 4 vols. (New York: Chelsea House Publishers in association with
R. R. Bowker Company, 1974), 1:913.
65. The testimony of Sir Thomas Smith, who had himself been a major
architect of the Statute of Artificers (see Davies, pp. 5423), provides a
catalog of degrees of servitude and freedom of labor as they had evolved in
the sixteenth century: Thus necessitie and want of bondmen hath made men
to use free men as bondmen to all servile services: but yet more liberally and
freely, and with more equalitie and moderation, than slaves and bondemen
were wont to be used. This first [apprenticeship] and Latter [wage-labor]
fashion of temporall [limited-term] servitude, and upon paction [mutual
agreement of employer and employee] is used in all such countryes, as have
left off the old accustomed man[n]er of servaunts, slaves, bondemen and
bondwomen, which was in use before they received the Christian faith. (De
Republica Anglorum, p. 139 [lib. 3, ch. 9].)
66. For instance Rogers (p. 38); Tawney (“Assessment of Wages, p. 49),
and Marxists such as A. L. Morton (A Peoples History of England , 2nd
edition [London, 1948], p. 173).
67. Matthew Bacon, A New Abridgement of the Law, 5 vols., 5th edition
(Dublin 1786), p. 359, paragraphs 468. The remedy, when any Man
covenants to do a Thing, and that cannot be, then [he is] to render
Damages for not doing of it.”
68. Michael Dalton, The Country Justice (1619); edited, with an appendix,
by William Nelson, London, 1727), p. 179.
69. Under certain unusual circumstances such as the death of a master
or the removal of his master to another place the apprentice, if he were
willing, might be put with another master, but the apprentice could not be
compelled to accept the assignment against his will. (Dalton, pp. 222, 245; John
Strange, Reports of Adjudged Cases in the Courts of Chancery, Kings
Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, second edition, 2 vols. [London,
1782], 2:266–7.)
70. In 1648 a promotional pamphlet for colonizing in Virginia was written
by Beauchamp Plantagenet entitled, Description of the Province of New
Albion. It was printed in Peter Force, ed., Tracts and Other Papers Relating
Principally to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies of
North America from the Discovery of the Country to the Year 1776, 4 vols.
(Washington, DC, 183646); vol. 2, no. 7.
71. A number of modern historians, such as Edwin F. Gay, W. H. R.
Curtler, and Eric Kerridge, stoutly maintain that the actual extent of the
economic dislocation occasioned by the Agrarian Revolution was exaggerated
in the original accounts, and subsequently by uncritical historians. To the
present writer these objections seem narrowly based. However that may be,
the fact remains that real wages declined from decade to decade throughout
the sixteenth century and into the first decade of the seventeenth, when they
were only 44 percent of what they had been in the first decade of the sixteenth
century (Phelps-Brown and Hopkins, … Prices of Consumables,2:1945). It
is impossible to believe that such a catastrophic decline in real wages could
have occurred without massive unemployment.
72. Tawney, p. 273, citing Historical Manuscripts Commission, Marquis of
Salisbury, Part VII (November 1597, Notes for the present Parliament).
73. These laws included 14 Eliz. 5 (1572) and 39 Eliz. 4, 5 and 17.
74. Preamble to 14 Eliz. 5 (1572), cited in George Nicholls, A history of
the Country and Condition of the People, 3 vols. (supplementary volume by
Thomas Mackay) (1898; 1904; Augustus M. Kelley reprint, 1967), 1:157.
75. Nicholls, 1:178, citing John Stow, Survey of London and Westminster
(1598), book V, chapter 30.
76. Richard Hakluyt, A Discourse of Western Planting (1584), in
Collections of the Maine Historical Society, 2nd ser., 2:37 (1877).
77. Nicholls, 1:178.
78. Sir Henry Knyvet, The Defense of the Realme (1596; Oxford, 1906),
p. 11. Cited in Klaus E. Knorr, British Colonial Theories 15701850
(Toronto, 1944), p. 43.
79. Nicholls, 1:188.
80. It was repealed by the National Assistance Act of 1948, Geo. 6, c. 29,
Public General Statutes (1948), declaring that The existing poor law shall
cease to exist.” Reprinted in Wiener, ed., 4:35539.
81. Nicholls, I:18992.
82. E. M. Leonard, 2556, citing State Papers, Domestic, Vol. 185, No.
83. Tawney, pp. 275–6 and 280.
84. I cite but two examples: First, A Virginia law passed in April 1962
provided that all horses, cattle, and hoggs belonging to any African-
American or other lifetime bond-laborer were, in default of the claim of the
bond-laborers owner, to be “forfeited to the use of the poore of the parish”
through the good offices of the churchwardens. (Hening, 3:103.)
Second, under the provisions of a Maryland law of 1717, any free African-
American who married a European-American, or any European-American
marrying a free African-American, was to be taken and sold by the county
court into a seven-year term of servitude, the proceeds of the sale to be
applied to a [whites only] Public School.” (Thomas Bacon, comp., Laws of
Maryland at Large [Annapolis, 1765], Chapter XIII, Section V.)
85. Male domination the practice and the doctrine is a social institution
of such immemorial origin that both the makers and the recorders of history
may have mistaken it for a natural condition, and thus outside the scope of their
concerns. Except for those investigators specifically committed to exposing
and abolishing the wrongs that women, as women, have been forced to bear,
our historians have generally ignored the function of male supremacy as a
basic element of ruling-class social control.
86. The unmarried adult woman (“feme sole”) of the propertied classes
was a partial exception, she having some limited individual rights with regard to
property. But even so, because of the generally subordinate social status of
women she would find her position extremely vulnerable if she attempted to
capitalize on her property independently.
87. Of the 216 persons executed for treason for participating in the
Pilgrimage of Grace, only one, Margaret Cheyne, Lady Bulmer, was burned at
the stake. Many women had been involved in the ill-fated rebellion, and some
of them more directly and deeply than Cheyne. But Henry VIII preferred to
make examples rather than to carry through large-scale executions, and Lady
Bulmer was vulnerable. She and her husband were true lovers; some of their
children were born before she and John were married; and they remained
faithful to each other to the end. According to the Dodds, Henrys aim was
an object lesson to husbands, which should teach them [women] to dread their
husband’s confidence(Dodds and Dodds, 2:214 and 226).
Anne Boleyn, convicted of treason on charges instigated by her husband,
Henry VIII, in 1636, after she had twice miscarried in an attempt to bear him
his much-desired male heir, was treated with greater mercy than that shown to
Margaret Cheyne a year later. Instead of being burned alive, Anne Boleyn
was beheaded. A specially skilled executioner with his special French sword
was brought from Calais for the occasion. Anne Boleyn privately insisted on
her innocence to the end, but she abstained from doing so publicly for fear of
bringing down the wrath of her husband on her daughter, Elizabeth, the future
queen. (William Douglas Hamilton, ed., A Chronicle of England During the
Reign of the Tudors from AD 1485 to 1559, by Charles Wriothesley
[hereafter referred to as Wriothesleys Chronicle ] 2 vols. [London: Camden
Society, 1875 and 1877]).
But Henry’s purpose was constant. When Anne Seymour, whom he
married the day after Anne Boleyn’s execution, pleaded with him to desist
from his expropriation of church abbeys, a course that had brought on the
beginnings of the Pilgrimage of Grace, Henry warned her against meddling in
his” affairs, and cowed her into silence by a direct reference to the fate of
her predecessor (Dodds and Dodds, 1:108).
88. Unless otherwise noted, the comments made here on social
relationships under feudalism in England are based on the following readings:
(1) Paul Vinogradoff, Villainage in England (London, 1927), especially
Chapter II,Rights and Disabilities of the Villain,and Chapter V, The Servile
Peasantry and Manorial Records”; (2) idem, The Growth of the Manor, 2nd.
edition (London, 1911), especially Book III, Chapter III, Social Classes”; (3)
H. S. Bennett, Life on the English Manor (London, 1948), especially pp.
240–44; (4) a legal discussion of the status of the serf vis-à-vis that of the
lifetime bond-laborer in continental Anglo-America, set forth in a decision by
Judge Daniel Dulany, of the Maryland Provincial Court, 16 December 1767;
printed in Thomas Harris and John McHenry, Maryland Reports, being a
Series of the Most Important Cases argued and determined in the
Provincial Court and the Court of Appeals of the then Province of
Maryland from the year 1700 down to the American Revolution (New
York, 1809), 1:55964, especially 56061.
89. Once, during the days of the final paroxysms of English feudalism, an
agent of the Duke of Norfolk (in order to promote a prosecution of interest to
the Duke) entreated a certain widow whose testimony was to be required to
be my Lords wewe [a form of the Anglo-Saxon word widewe (widow)] by
the space of an whole year next following, and thereto he made her to be
bound in an obligation. (“R. L. to John Paston, 21 October 1471, in John
Warrington, ed., The Paston Letters, 2 vols. (London: Everyman, 1956), pp.
11819. The editor notes that, The widow of a feudal tenant was called the
lord’s widow.
In Roman times, the Latin term nativus” was applied to the personally
unfree, the born slave. In feudal England, its etymologically evolved form
naif” was reserved for the serf woman, thus emphasizing her doubly servile
role, by virtue of class and gender. A man of the laboring classes, whether free
or serf, was simply termed villein.
90. At one point during the Pilgrimage of Grace, in 1536, non-gentlemen
rebels sought to put this sort of upper-class concern to their own purposes, but
in a way was equally informed with callous and cruel male supremacism.
Having the Earl of Cumberland besieged in Skipton Castle in Yorkshire, these
rebels threatened to use the Earls two daughters and his daughter-in-law as
shields in assaulting the castle; and if they failed in that, they said, they would
violate and enforce them with knaves unto my Lords great discomfort
(Dodds and Dodds, 1:210, citing James Gairdner, ed., Letters and Papers of
Henry VIII, [London, 1888], vol. XII [1], 1186).
91. Henry VIII justified it as a necessity for the purity of the succession,
when he had his second and fifth wives charged with adultery, and
executed. (Wriothesley’s Chronicle , 1:xxxviii [Hamilton’s introduction]). This
was but a royal example; the same basic principles applied (though not with the
same latitude of remedy) wherever women and inheritable property were
present in conjunction.
92. Lawrence Stone, The Crisis of the Aristocracy, 15581641 (London:
Oxford University Press, 1967), pp. 200–205.
93. 1 Edw. VI, 3, The Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to the
forty-first year of the Reign of King George, the Third . See also Davies, p.
94. Documents relating to the assessment of wages for the East Riding of
Yorkshire in 1593, Lancaster in 1595, and Rutland in 1610. (James E. Thorold
Rogers, A History of Agriculture and Prices, 7 vols. in 8 [London, 1886
1902], 6:686–93.
95. Francis Bacon, The Case of the Post Nati of Scotland (1608), in
Works, 7:64179; pp. 644–6.
96. In An Advertisement Touching An Holy War, an uncompleted
dialogue written about 1618, Bacon has one of his characters pose a case
which in his view would justify holy war: Now let me put a feigned case (and
yet antiquity makes it doubtful whether it were fiction or history) of a land of
Amazons, where the whole government public and private, yea the militia itself,
was in the hands of women. I demand, is not such a preposterous government
(against the first order of nature, for women to rule over men) in itself void,
and to be suppressed?” The speaker then goes on to link such a government
with two others whose very existence would justify holy war for their
destruction: for those cases, of women to govern men, sons the fathers,
slaves freemen, are much in the same degree, all being perversions of the laws
of nature and nations.(Works, 7:33).
Bacon understood: And therefore Lycurgus [the great Spartan state-
builder], when one councelled him to dissolve the kingdom, and to establish
another form of estate, answered, ‘Sir, begin to do that which you advise first
at home in your own house;’ noting, that the chief of a family is as a king; and
that those that can least endure kings abroad, can be content to be kings at
home (“Case of the Post Nati of Scotland, Works, 7:6334).
97. Dodds and Dodds, 2:216.
98. J. C. Jeafferson, ed., Middlesex County Records, 4 vols. (London,
188692), 1:liiliii. Wynstones social station is inferred from the fact that he is
not accorded any distinguishing term of address.
99. I must not commit the error for which I have criticized Jordan and
Degler, by making sweeping assertions about the English mind. All I mean
here is that I have not come across records of any contemporaries of Bacon
and Wynstone repudiating male privileges.
100. Virginia laws imposed a year of extra servitude for a male bond-
laborer and two years for a woman bond-laborer for marrying without the
consent of the owner, and laid a heavy fine on any minister who performed
such a marriage. (Hening, 1:2523 [1643]; 2:114 [1662].)
A Maryland man, together with his wife, was forced by impoverishment to
enter into a seven-year term of bond-servitude. One day in 1748 when his wife
was bound up to undergo a whipping by her overseer, the husband endeavored
to loosen her bonds, avowing that he would untie her “If it cost me my
life for she is my lawfull Wife.” He himself was severely beaten and the
whipping proceeded. When he appealed to the county court for redress, his
appeal was rejected. (Prince Georges County Court Records, Book HH, 165–
8, CR 34717, Maryland Hall of Records.)
101. In a previously mentioned decision (see The Invention of the White
Race, Volume One, pp. 89, 90) handed down by the Maryland Provincial Court
in 1767, Judge Dulany made this point clear in differentiating between the
status of the English villein and the lifetime hereditary bond-laborer in Anglo-
America.If a neif married a freeman, he said, she became free, it being the
necessary consequence of her marriage, which placed her in the power of her
husband [even though this] without doubt was an injury to the lord. But
slaves are incapable of marriage …,he said, and consequently we do not
consider them as the objects of such laws as relate to the commerce between
the sexes. A slave has never maintained an action against the violator of his
bed.(1 Harris and McHenry, Appendix, pp. 560, 561, 563.)
To debauch a Negro woman they do not think fornication they still
have the feeling that the blacks at large belong to the whites at large.
(Statement of Colonel Samuel Thomas, Assistant Commissioner, Bureau of
Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands for Mississippi, appended to the
Report of Major General Carl Schurz to President Andrew Johnson, 27 July
1865, onConditions of the South, 39th Congress, 1st Session (186566),
Senate Executive Documents, Vol. 1, p. 81.
As noted in The Invention of the White Race, Volume One (p. 148), a
major motive of the Negro Exodus of 1879 was the necessity to escape the
gross imposition of the white male privilege against black women in the South.
See 46th Congress, 2nd Session (187980), Senate Report 693, Report and
Testimony of the Select Committee of the US Senate to Investigate the
Causes of the Removal of the Negroes from the Southern States to the
Northern States; Part II, pp. 177–8; part III, pp. 382–3.
3 Euro-Indian Relations and the Problem of
Social Control
1. Of sixty-eight mentioned by name, thirty-eight were Council Members,
and Gentlemen (Travels and Works of Captain John Smith, President of
Virginia and Admiral of New England , 2 vols., edited by Edward Arber and
A. G. Bradley [Edinburgh, 1910], 1:934. In subsequent references, this work
will be abbreviated Smith, Travels and Works.)
2. I came to get gold, not to till soil like a peasant!” Cortés replied when it
was first suggested that he might receive a large grant of land in Cuba.
(William H. Prescott, History of the Conquest of Mexico and History of the
Conquest of Peru [New York: Modern Library, n. d.], p. 130.)
3. Until 1622 each side [Virginia colonists and Powhatan Indians] tried to
gain control over the other one.” (Christian F. Feest, Virginia Algonquians, in
Bruce G. Trigger, ed., Northeast, Volume 15 of Handbook of North
American Indians, William C. Sturdevant, General Editor, 20 vols.
(Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, 1978), 15:256.)
Waterhouse, Martin and Smith were speaking in the immediate aftermath
of the massive attack made by the Powhatan Indians on the English settlement
on 22 March 1622. (See Chapter 5.)
4. Edward Waterhouse, A Declaration of the State of the Colony …”
[1622], in Susan Myra Kingsbury, ed., Records of the Virginia Company of
London, 4 vols. (Washington, DC, 1906–35); 3:54179; 562–3 (hereafter
abbreviated RVC). Waterhouse appears to have been right about the decline of
Spanish silver and gold. The peak of receipts of bullion at Seville was reached
in the early 1590s. (See J. H. Elliott, Imperial Spain, 14691716 [New York,
1964], p. 175.)
5. See Gonzalo Aquirre Beltrán, “The Integration of the Negro into the
National Society of Mexico, in Magnus Mörner, ed., Race and Class in
Latin America (New York, 1970), p. 18.
6. RVC, 3:5589.
7. John Martin, The manner howe to bringe the Indians into subjection
without makinge an utter exterpation of them …” [1622], in RVC, 3:704–7;
8. Smith, Travels and Works , 2:579 (1622). A decade before he got to
Virginia, Smith had been captured in battle against the Turks in Hungary and
served in Turkey as a slave, eventually escaping through Russia. (Ibid., 1:360.)
9. Smith, Travels and Works, 2:9556.
10. Anthropologist William M. Denevan remarks that he and other scholars
in that field more and more find a causal relationship between size of
population and cultural change and evolution.(William M. Denevan, ed., The
Native Population of the Americas in 1492, 2nd edition [New York, 1992],
p. 235.) Though I am not an anthropologist, it seems to me that comparisons
such as that between Portugal and Hispaniola suggest a more indirect
relationship between population density and complexity of social structure; that
both increasing population density and class differentiation are functions of the
development of the productivity of labor. If the productivity of labor is such as
to provide a storable surplus, population density may be higher and, moreover,
a possibility of the seizure of power may exist through control of the surplus
product by a segment of the society; then, and only then, is a basis for class
differentiation present. Without the wheel and domesticated animals, the level
of disposable surplus in Portugal would have made it as impossible as it was in
contemporary Haiti for a parasitic leisure class to emerge. This is not meant to
be the basis for a wider comparison; Noble David Cook points out that
intensive agriculture with terracing and irrigation, like that of ancient Peru and
in some places in the modern Far East, makes possible a higher level of labor
productivity (generally expressed in calories per unit of cultivated area) than
that achieved in some other places cultivated with domesticated animals and
wheeled equipment.
11. Bartolomé de Las Casas, Brevisima relación de la Destrución de las
Indias (written in 1539; first printed in Spain in 1552), edited by And Saint-
Lu (Madrid, 1982), p. 72.
12. Las Casas commented sarcastically, that the Spanish encomenderos,
who were supposed to care for the souls of the island natives, merely took
care to send the men into the mines, to make them drain out golde” (ibid.,
p. 84).
13. Charles Gibson, Spain in America (New York, 1966), pp. 512.
14. Las Casas, pp. 812.
15. Salvador Brau, La Colonizacion de Puerto Rico, Desde el
descumbrimiento de la Isla hasta la reversión a la corona española de los
privilegios de Colón, 4th edition (San Juan de Puerto Rico, 1969), pp. 14263,
16. Salvador Brau, Ensayos: Disquicisiones Sociológicas (Rio Piedras,
1972), p. 15. Dietz, Economic History of Puerto Rico, p. 6. Las Casas
reported that the natives of Hispaniola also resisted the Spanish by inter-island
flight (Las Casas, p. 83).
17. Comprising the present-day Mexican states of Vera Cruz, Oaxaca,
Guerrero, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Morelos, Mexico, Hidalgo, Distrito Federal,
Michoacán, Jalisco, Colima, and Nayarit, plus small portions of Zacatecas,
Querétaro, and San Luis Potosi (William T. Sanders, The Population of the
Central Mexican Region, the Basin of Mexico, and the Teotihuacán Valley in
the Sixteenth Century, in Denevan, p. 87.
18. Denevan, p. xxviii, Table 1.
19. The Central Mexican Symbiotic Region, as it was termed by
demographer William T. Sanders, comprises the present-day Distrito Federal
and the states of Mexico and Morelos, plus southern Hidalgo, southwestern
Tlaxcala, and the western third of Puebla (Sanders, in Denevan ed., p. 87). For
population and population density figures, see ibid., pp. 13031, Table 4.9. To
convert square kilometers to square miles, divide by 2.59.
20. Woodrow Borah and S. F. Cook, The Population of Central Mexico
in 1548, p. 7. The Aztec Empire was an alliance of three city states in the
Valley of Mexico, composed of Tenochitlan (Mexico City), Tezcoco, and
21. Borah and Cook, pp. 57, 6667.
22. Gibson, p. 149. In another work, Gibsons glossary defines cacique as
an Aztec Indian chief or local ruler.” (Charles Gibson, The Aztecs under
Spanish Rule: A History of the Indians of the Valley of Mexico, 1519
1810 [Stanford, California, 1964], p. 600). According to the dictionary,
cacique originated as a Haitian word. Clement R. Markham, writing of the
caciques of Peru, tends to this view, but he allows the possibility that it derived
from the Arabic term for chieftain, sheikh, which the Spanish adapted for
Hispaniola. (Clement R. Markham, A History of Peru [1892; reprinted, New
York, 1968], p. 156.)
Socially subordinate to the Aztec caciques, but still free, were the
commoners, the land-owning but tribute-paying macegual class. The social
attributes of this class their relatively substantial numbers, their wide
distribution, and their direct contact with the serf-like mayeques were
characteristics typical of a buffer social control stratum. But I do not know
whether they actually functioned as such. (See Borah and Cook, pp. 8, 60.)
23. Gibson, Aztecs Under Spanish Rule, pp. 7880.
24. Gibson, Spain in America, p. 149.
25. Ibid., p. 149.
26. Ibid., pp. 150–51.
27. Markham, p. 156.
28. See ibid., p. 157; Lynch, The Hispanic World in Crisis and Change,
pp. 33031.
29. James Lockhart, Spanish Peru, 15321560: A Colonial Society
(Madison, 1968), p. 210.
30. Markham, pp. 145–6, 152. At the ceremonial banquet in Lima, Sayri
Tupac fingered the richly fringed table covering, saying, All this cloth and
fringe were mine, and now they give me a thread of it for my sustenance and
that of all my house. Returning to his own ancient capital, Cuzco, he
languished in melancholy and died not long after. (Ibid., p. 146.)
31. The sheer population decline eventually diminished the importance of
these executors of the colonial labor supply system. Between 1650 and 1680,
say Borah and Cook, much of the Indian nobility [in Mexico] vanished into
the general mass of commoners which had become too small for supporting an
upper [Indian] stratum. (The Population of Central Mexico in 1548, p. 65.)
I do not intend to pursue the matter of the history of the replacement of this
Indian cacique class as the intermediate stratum, beyond referring to the
finding of T. R. Fehrenbach that in Mexico this role came to be played by
descendants of European fathers and non-European mothers. (T. R.
Fehrenbach, Fire and Blood: A History of Mexico [New York, 1973], pp.
238, 240.)
32. Borah and Cook, pp. 5960; Lynch, p. 305. One would hope that
Fehrenbach intended to allow room for an ironic interpretation of his
characterization of the Chichimec resistance as merely the savage
strugglesagainst advancing civilization.” (Fehrenbach, p. 217.)
33. Markham, pp. 936.
34. After the defeat of the rising, the Spanish beheaded the young Tupac
Amaru on 4 October 1571, after instructing him in the Christian religion and
baptizing him. (Markham, pp. 1523.)
35. Five years after Bacon’s Rebellion, Virginia Governor Thomas
Culpeper made that point in his appeal to the English government for the
continued maintenance of two companies of soldiers in Virginia to prevent a
renewal of rebellion. There is a vast difference [he wrote] between Virginia
and Jamaica, Barbados and all other Island Plantations, by its situation on the
Terra Firma. They have little to fear whilst England is Master of the
Sea [In island colonies] there is no shelter or hopes for Rebels to escape
long unpunished. (Culpeper to the Lords of Trade and Plantations, 25 October
1681. In Great Britain Public Record Office, Colonial Papers, CO 5/1355, pp.
407–9; 407.)
36. Charles R. Boxer, The Portuguese Seaborne Empire 14151825
(New York, 1969), p. 86.
37. Richard Graham, The Jesuit Antonio Vieira and his Plans for the
Economic Rehabilitation of Seventeenth-century Portugal (São Paulo,
1978), p. 29.
38. Mathias C. Kieman, The Indian Policy of Portugal in the Amazon
Region, 16141693 (Washington, DC, 1954), p. 181.
39. Graham, p. 30. Justification was found for holding still other Indians
captured injust wars” (ibid.).
40. Boxer, p. 88.
41. Kieman, p. 184.
42. See ibid., pp. 1816.
43. A similar effort was made, but ultimately failed, in Spanish Florida,
where, writes Robert L. Gold, the [Franciscan] mission rather than the
encomienda became the institutional structure upon which colonial power
rested.” “The indigenous peoples, and territories of Florida, he continues,
were integrated within a system of missions which offered the Spaniards the
typical opportunities of expansion, exploitation and proselytization.Robert L.
Gold, Borderline Empires in Transition: The Triple-Nation Transfer of
Florida [Carbondale and Edwardsville, Illinois, 1969(?)], pp. 6–7.
44. Annio José Saraiva, História e Utopia, Estudos sobre Vieira
(Lisbon, 1992), pp. 567.
45. See Stuart B. Schwartz, Indian Labor and New World Plantations:
European Demands and Indian Responses in North-eastern Brazil, Journal
of American History, 83:4379 (1978); 457. It was a society characterized
by [a] communal or reciprocal attitude toward production and consumption, a
domestic mode of production, a society on [in?] which status was not derived
from economic ability (p. 47).
46. In the following argument, I have relied upon the analysis by Helen C.
Rountree and the criteria she has adapted from Mary R. Haas defining strong
rulership (Helen C. Rountree, Powhatan Indians of Virginia: Their
Traditional Culture [Norman, Oklahoma, 1989], especially Chapter 6, Social
Distinctions”); upon Feest, in Handbook of North American Indians,
15:25662; and upon Philip Alexander Bruce, Economic History of Virginia
in the Seventeenth Century, 2 vols. (New York, 1895; reprinted 1935), 1:149,
157, 168, 175, 178.
47. This thesis is anticipated in The Invention of The White Race, Volume
One, pp. 1213, 234, 6970, and Appendix G. It must be understood that the
distinction made here between societies with and without the intermediate
stratum is different from that between kinship and non-kinship societies.
Kinship societies may in some cases be class-stratified, even though the two
patterns of social division kinship and class are contradictory to each other.
(See the discussion of Irish tribal society in Volume One.)
48. Maurice A. Mook, The Aboriginal Population of Tidewater Virginia,
American Anthropologist, 46:193208 (1944); pp. 2067. Mook considers
valid John Smiths estimate that the indigenous population numbered 5,000
within a sixty-mile radius of Jamestown. (Smith, Travels and Works , 1:360.)
This was the most densely populated area of theSouth Atlantic Sloperegion,
wherein the total Powhatan Confederacy numbered some 8,000, in an area of
0.89 inhabitants per square mile, compared with 0.43 per square mile for the
entire region. Other scholars present somewhat different estimates, on the
basis of different population numbers and territorial extent, ranging as high as
just over two persons per square mile. (Rountree, p. 143 and Feest, in
Handbook of North American Indians, 15:256.) The most important primary
sources in this regard are John Smith, Map and Description of Virginia
(1612) and William Strachey, Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia (c.
1616), in Smith, Travels and Works.
It should be noted that, from the vantage of a consciousness raised by the
civil rights struggles of the 1960s, anthropologists and historians have critically
reexamined the scholarly European-American estimates of the population north
of the Rio Grande prior to the contact with the exotic diseases of the
Europeans. They have persuasively argued that the actual numbers were some
ten times greater than those given by earlier authorities. For examples of the
earlier ethnography see: James Mooney, The Powhatan Confederacy, Past
and Present, American Anthropologist, 9:12830; idem, The Aboriginal
Population North of Mexico, in Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections,
LXXX, No. 7 (1928), edited by J. R. Swanton, pp. 1–40; and A. L. Kroeber,
Cultural and Natural Areas of Native North America, University of
California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, XXXVIII
(Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1939). For examples of recent critical
examinations of the subject, see: Francis Jennings, The Invasion of America:
Indians, Colonialism and the Cant of Conquest (Chapel Hill, 1975);
Sherburne F. Cook, The Significance of Disease in the Extinctions of the
New England Indians, Human Biology, 45:485–506 (1973); and Henry F.
Dobyns, Estimating Aboriginal American Population: An Appraisal of
Techniques with a New Hampshire Estimate, Current Anthropology, 7:395
416 (1966).
49. It pleased God, after a while to send those people which were our
mortall enemies to releeve us with victuals, as Bread, Corne, Fish, and Flesh in
great plentie otherwise wee had all perished. Also wee were frequented by
diverse Kings in the Countrie, bringing us store of provision to our great
comfort.” (George Percys Discourse [1608?], in Philip L. Barbour, The
Jamestown Voyages Under the First Charter, 16061609 , 2 vols.
[Cambridge, 1969], 1:145.)
50. Rountree, p. 143.
51. The possibility of a Mexican-style encomienda and hacienda form of
sedentary labor reserve never arose. But if it had, it would surely have proved
unsuitable for the constant westward-rolling cycle of clearing and transplanting
characteristic of the tobacco monoculture to which the Chesapeake colonies
were committed almost from the moment, around 1618, when the bourgeoisie
got the first whiff of its profitable possibilities. Of Mexico and Peru, Gibson
says: Native agriculture was little affected by European techniques or crop
innovations …” (Spain in America, p. 142.)
52. Though veteran soldiers were important in the Company period of
Virginian history which ended in 1624, the colony was by no means primarily a
military force. They certainly had no cavalry. When Hernado Cortes sailed
from Cuba to invade Mexico, his forces included 110 mariners and 553 soldiers
(including 32 crossbowmen and 13 men with firearms) plus 200 Cuban Indian
auxiliaries. The force brought 10 heavy guns, four lighter pieces, well furnished
with ammunition, and sixteen cavalry horses. (Prescott, pp. 145, 157.)
53. Wesley Frank Craven, The Dissolution of the Virginia Company, the
Failure of a Colonial Experiment (New York, 1932), pp. 1678.
The argument of technological superiority at that time was a weak one;
despite guns and large ships, the Europeans could not wrest a living from a
terrain which, by English standards, supported an exceptionally large
population. (Nancy Oestreich Lurie, Indian Cultural Adjustment to European
Civilization, in James Morton Smith, ed., Seventeenth-Century America,
Essays in Colonial History [Chapel Hill, 1959] pp. 3360; 39.)
54. The appearance of the English was probably far less alarming [to the
Indians] than 350 years of hindsight indicate it ought to have been (Lurie, p.
55. There was never any real chance of holding the English back after
1646 …” (Helen C. Rountree, Pocahontas’s People: The Powhatan Indians
of Virginia through Four Centuries [Norman, Oklahoma, 1990], p. 89.)
56. Treaty of Peace with Necotowance, king of the Indians, 5 October
1646 (Hening, 1:3236).
57. See The Invention of The White Race, Volume One, pp. 368.
58. Ibid., pp. 523.
59. Hening, 2:1516 (11 October 1660).
60. Hening, 2:346, 404, 440; Hening, 4:10, 102.
61. Almon Wheeler Lauber, Indian Slavery in Colonial Times within the
Present Limits of the United States (New York, 1913), pp. 108–9, 123–5.
62. See tabulations of peltry exports from Carolina and Virginia and the
prices of various trade goods in the early eighteenth century in Verner W.
Crane, The Southern Frontier, 16701732 (Durham, North Carolina, 1928),
Appendices A and B.
63. The native tribes were encouraged [by South Carolina traders] to
make war on one another and to sell their prisoners to the colonists.” (Lewis
C. Gray, assisted by Esther K. Thompson, History of Agriculture in the
Southern United States to 1860 [Washington, DC, 1932; 1958 reprint]. p.
361.) See also: Lauber, pp. 170–71; 183–4; 184 n. 1; 286; Gary B. Nash, Red,
White and Black: The Peoples of Early America (Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey, 1974), pp. 11617; Chapman James Milling, Red Carolinians (Chapel
Hill. 1940), p. 87.
64. A section of the Cherokee Indians complained in 1715 that if they
complied with English Yamassee War policy by ceasing to make war on the
Creek tribe, they should have no way in getting Slaves to buy ammunition and
Clothing (Crane, p. 182).
65. Nash, p. 152.
66. See note 61.
67. Ibid., pp. 283–9.
68. No separate comment on the second thesis is attempted; it will be
briefly noted in the context of the discussion of the third thesis. (See note 122.)
Lauber’s fourth thesis seems consistent with the argument I am presenting.
69. Stuart B. Schwartz, Indian Labor and New World Plantations:
European Demands and Indian Responses in Northeastern Brazil, Journal of
American History, 83:4379 (1978); pp. 768.
70. Kiemen, p. 183. See also Graham, pp. 2831, 3435; the quoted
phrase, used in a letter written by Vieira to Portugals King John in May 1653,
is at page 28. Charles Edward Chapman, Colonial Hispanic America: A
History (New York, 1933), p. 80.
71. Lauber, pp. 173–4.
72. The preamble of the first (1712) South Carolina slave law justifies its
enactment on the ground of the barbarous, wild, savage natures” of Negroes
and Indians. Richard Hildreth, The History of the United States of America
from the Discovery of the Continent to the Organization of Government
under the Federal Constitution, 14971789, 3 vols. (New York, 1848),
Alexander Stephens, who became the Vice-President of the slaveholders’
Confederacy, declared that the Confederacy was founded on the great truth,
that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the
superior race is his natural and normal condition. (Savannah Georgia
speech, 21 March 1861, quoted in Michael P. Johnson, Toward a Patriarchal
Republic: The Secession of Georgia [Baton Rouge, 1977] p. 125.) See
Volume One of The Invention of the White Race, p. 287 n. 15, for other
73. William C. Sturtevant, Creeks into Seminoles, in Eleanor Burke
Leacock and Nancy Oestreich Lurie, eds., North American Indians in
Historical Perspective (New York, 1971), p. 101. Nash, p. 117.
74. Lauber, p. 171.
75. Ibid., pp. 169, 174.
76. Ibid., pp. 126–7.
77. Bruce, 2:385, 386; Nash, p. 112.
78. Bruce, 1:5723.
79. Lauber, pp. 108, 187. Governor Berkeley reported that there were
2,000 black slaves” in Virginia in 1671. (Samuel Wisemans Book of Record,
167677, Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepysian Library, document 2582.)
He did not offer an estimate of the number of Indian slaves. Lauber does not
seem to be justified in implying that Berkeley included Indian slaves in the
2,000 figure. (Lauber, p. 108.)
80. Indeed, Lauber says, it would seem that the supply was sufficient to
nourish the system of Indian slavery indefinitely …”; he adds, however, that
the Indian tribes were generally remote from the English settlements.” (Ibid.,
p. 283.)
81. Ibid., pp. 124–7.
82. The total population was 9,580, of whom only 41 percent were free
persons (1,360 men, 900 women and 1,700 children). In addition to Indians, the
bond-labor force included 4,100 Negroes (1,800 men, 1,100 women and 1,200
children), 43 percent of the total population, and 120 whites”, 60 men and 60
women. (Governor and Council of South Carolina to the Commissioners of
Trade and Plantations, 17 September 1709. CSP, Col., 24:4669.)
83. Lauber, p. 106. Crane, pp. 11213. I have not sought to check their
respective sources to account for the substantial discrepancy between Lauber
and Crane regarding the number of African-Americans (Lauber 4,100; Crane:
84. Lauber, pp. 124–7.
85. Ibid., p. 106. Lauber in this instance was referring to South Carolina
but, as has been noted, the same policy was followed in other colonies.
86. Ibid., pp. 169, 174. Crane, p. 113.
87. Crane, p. 113. Lauber, 245.
88. Nash, p. 155.
89. There is at least one record referring to Carolina chiefs as cassiques”
(Crane, p. 137). The cited sources are (1) CO 5/288, p. 100, Report of the
Committee, Appointed to examine into the Proceedings of the People of
Georgia [1737], and (2) Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society,
5:456, n. But in terms of the colonial power social control function, there was a
fundamental difference between the Carolina chiefs and the Mexican and
Peruvian caciques; the Carolina chiefs were in no position to recruit from their
own tribes bond-laborers for the colonizing power.
90. The space advantage could be limited in special circumstances, as in
the case of the Appalachees and, later, the Seminoles, on the Florida peninsula;
and that of the Wampanoags cut off by the English-allied Mohicans of New
York in the 167576 Metacom War. See Nash, p. 127; and Sturtevant, p. 75.
91. Milling, p. 86. The Delaware were by then under the hegemony of the
Iroquois. (Ibid.) See also Nash, p. 118.
92. The Creeks moved away from the English in 1717. (Sturtevant, p. 101.)
The Tuscarora plan to migrate to Pennsylvania failed in 1711 because they
were not able to get timely approval from the Quakers there. (Nash, p. 147.)
93. A portion of the Wampanoags merged into the Mohicans after defeat
in the Metacom War, 1675–76; and the Delaware tribe was formed by a
number of remnants of other tribes. (T. J. C. Brasser, The Coastal
Algonkians, in Leacock and Lurie, eds., p. 75; The Natchez, after defeat by
the French in the Lower Mississippi in 1730, in small bands sought refuge with
other southeastern tribes.” (Nash, p. 109.)
94. The phrase was used by Ulrich Bonnell Phillips in contrasting the
situations of Indians and Africans vis-à-vis the Anglo-American plantation
colonists. (Ulrich Bonnell Phillips, Life and Labor in the Old South [Boston,
1929], p. 160)
95. Crane, p. 113.
96. William S. Willis,Divide and Rule: Red, White and Black in the
Southeast, Journal of Negro History, 48:157–76 (1963); p. 162.
97. Ibid., p. 161.
98. Ibid.
99. Ibid., p. 162.
100. Lauber, pp. 172, 172 n. 1. Kenneth Wiggins Porter, Negroes on the
Southern Frontier,Journal of Negro History, 33:5318 (1948) pp. 5962.
Sturtevant, pp. 100, 101. Crane, pp. 255–6, 274. Willis, p. 159.
101. Crane, pp. 247–8.
102. Porter, pp. 678.
103. Crane, pp. 162–5.
104. Willis, p. 158.
105. For a highly informative dissertation on Indian policy of the English
colonial governors and legislatures of New York and Maryland, and the
involvement of Indian tribes in the rivalries of England, France, Holland and
Sweden in the seventeenth century, see Francis Jennings, Glory, Death, and
Transfiguration: The Susquehannock Indians in the Seventeenth Century,
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 102:5–53 (1968).
106. Crane, pp. 254, 2723, 275. [I]t certainly is of the Highest
Consequence that they [the Cherokees] should be engaged in Your Majestys
Interest, for should they once take another party, not only Carolina, but Virginia
likewise would be exposed to their invasion (Commissioners of Trade and
Plantations to King George I, 8 September 1721 [CO 324/10, pp. 367–8]).
The thesis that history repeats itself finds expression in the pithy
colloquialism What goes around comes around. History’s cruel revisit to the
Cherokees, the most “English of all tribes, is briefly noted in The Invention of
the White Race, Volume One, pp. 334, 37, and 243 n. 44.
107. CO 324/10, pp. 367–8. (8 September 1621).
108. Bruce, 2:11516. Porter, pp. 59, 63. Willis, p. 169. Sandford Winston,
Indian Slavery in the Carolina Region, Journal of Negro History, 19:430
40 (1934); p. 439.
109. Nash, p. 294. He goes on to say, however, that the bounties offered
often evoked little response on the part of the Indians(ibid.).
110. Willis, p. 163. See also Winston, p. 439.
111. Hening 1:3256; a similar “agreement” was imposed in South Carolina
following the 171112 Tuscarora War. (Winston, p. 439.)
An April 1700 treaty between the English colony of Maryland and the
Piscataway Indians provided that [i]n case any servants or slaves run away
from their masters to any Indian towne in Oquotomaquahs territory, the
Indians shall be bound to apprehend them and bring them to the next English
Plantation; any Indian who assists fugitives shall make their masters such
compensation as an Englishman ought to do in the like case.” (CSP, Col ,
18:15052; 9 April 1700 Minutes of the Maryland Colony Council, a treaty
between the Governor of Maryland and Oquotomaquah, Emperor of
112. CSP, Col., 18:15052.
113. The critical significance of nearness” informed an order issued by
the South Carolina Proprietors in 1680, purposing to prohibit colonists from
engaging in the Indian slave trade within 200 miles of Charles Town; two years
later the exclusion zone was widened to 400 miles (Crane, pp. 138–9). The
settlers on the ground, for whom at that time the Indian slave trade was the
principal source of income, were able to evade and nullify such formal
restrictions. But their disregard of the nearness” principle would eventually
become a major consideration in the ending of Anglo-American enslavement
of Indians.
114. Milling, pp. 867.
115. In the extremity of its situation, the South Carolina Provincial
government sent emissaries to Virginia to appeal for three hundred white”
volunteers. These recruits were to be paid 22s. 6d. per month. In addition, for
each volunteer who came, the South Carolina Provincial government undertook
to send one African-American woman to Virginia. (Milling, pp. 144, 1467,
South Carolina Governor Charles Craven reported to the English
government that he had enlisted about two hundred Afro-American men, who
with a party of white men and Indians are marching toward the enemy, the
Yamassees. (CSP, Col, 28:228 [23 May 1715].) Noting the irony of the
situation, Kenneth Porter commented on its uniqueness:So far as I can
discover, in no other part of the British colonies in North America were slaves
so employed. (Porter, p. 55.)
116. Crane, p. 138.
117. CSP, Col. , 13: 3312, Proprietors of Carolina to Governor Colleton,
18 October 1690.
118. Indian employees within the colony played an important part in the
surprise Indian attack of Good Friday 1622. At the same time, the English
credited an Indian employee with giving the English warning of the attack
(RVC, 3:555).
119.Colonial Papers, folder 30, item 29 (27 October 1709), Virginia
State Archives, Richmond.
120. Hening 4:78. Morgan Poitiaux Robinson, Virginia Counties, Those
Arising from Virginia Legislation (Richmond, 1916), p. 95.
121. William Byrd II of Westover to Mr Ochs, ca. 1735. Virginia
Magazine of History and Biography, 9:225–8 (1902); 226. This periodical
will hereafter be abbreviated VMHB.
122. Laubers second thesis regarding the decline of Indian slavery
involves not a reduction in the number of slaves but rather an official ethnic
reclassification. Upon the birth of a child of an Indian bond-laborer whose
other parent was an African-American, the Indian identity ended. Any such
child was classified as a Negro, or mustee, a corruption of the Spanish term
mestizo. Lauber considers this erasure of the Indian identity simply a matter of
the dominance of African genetic traits. (Lauber, p. 287.)
Lauber might better have considered the cases of African-American male
bond-laborers who escaped to Indians beyond the boundaries of the colonies,
and who in most cases seemed to have disappeared into Indian society
where they took Indian wives [and] produced children of mixed blood (Nash
p. 296). Two disappearances, but in one case the Indian identity
disappears; in the other, the Negro identity disappears. The disappearance of
the Negro identity is by the normal assimilation of the immigrant. But the
disappearance of the Indian identity does not involve immigration from one
people to another. Rather, the official stripping-away of the Indian identity may
be better understood in relation to the following three social control
considerations: (1) it was a way of breaking the children from the Indian tribal
stems, with the enhanced propensity for running away that such ties entailed;
(2) it was a cheap way of formally accommodating the policy of
discontinuance of the enslavement of Indians without losing any bond-laborers;
and (3) it served to preserve and strengthen the system of white-skin privileges
of the European-American colonists, first of all the presumption of liberty.
4 The Fateful Addiction to Present Profit
1. The periodicity is noted in Wesley Frank Craven, The Dissolution of
the Virginia Company (New York, 1932) p. 47; Philip Alexander Bruce,
Institutional History of Virginia , 2 vols. (New York and London, 1910),
2:229; Philip Alexander Brown, The First Republic in America (Boston and
New York, 1898), Table of contents; and by others.
2. RVC, 3:9899 (Virginia Company. Instructions to George Yeardley, 18
November 1618, RVC, 3:98109). The document is also available in
Jamestown 350th Anniversary Booklet, No. 4, The Three Charters of the
Virginia Company of London, 16061624 , with introduction by Samuel M.
Bemiss, pp. 95109, and in Virginia Magazine of History and Biography ,
2:15465 (July 1894). The title of this journal will hereafter be abbreviated
VMHB. See also: Brown, p. 309; Lyman G. Tyler, Narratives of Early
Virginia, 16061625 (New York, 1907), Proceedings of the Virginia
Assembly, 1619, pp. 249–78; Craven pp. 5254.
3. The well-known facts in this introductory paragraph are conveniently
presented in William W. Abbot, A Virginia Chronology, 15851783 ,
Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklet No. 4 (Williamsburg, 1957),
pp. 1–11.
4. Brown, pp. 332 and 650. See also 2:6336.
5. A corollary of the germ theory is found in the idea sometimes
advanced that the history of the Company period offers a vindication of the
free enterprise economic system as against the supposed collectivism of
the efforts made during the first two phases of the Company period, namely up
to 1618. A. E. Smith is one who subscribes to this view. In his standard
general work in the field of white servitude, as it is called, Smith sees the
failure of the early efforts of the Virginia Company as due to a “kind of
collective farming approach: The colony was saved because private
individuals took over the activities formerly reserved for the company, and
made the profits of the free planters themselves the basis of the settlement’s
life”. (Abbot E. Smith, Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and Convict
Labor in America, 16071776, [Chapel Hill, 1947; New York, 1971] p. 14.)
Considering the dearth of material on the origin of chattel bondage during
the Company period, however, Smiths brief discussion of it (pp. 616) is still
6. Philip A. Bruce, Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth
Century, 2 vols. (New York, 1895), 1:5867.
7. James C. Ballagh, A History of Slavery in Virginia (Baltimore, 1902),
pp. 312.
8. Eric E. Williams, Capitalism and Slavery (Chapel Hill, 1944), p. 19.
9. Lerone Bennett Jr, The Shaping of Black America (Chicago, 1975),
pp. 4041.
10. For example: Charles M. Andrews, The Colonial Period in American
History, 4 vols. (New Haven, 1914–1938); Wesley Frank Craven, The
Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, 16071689 (Baton Rouge,
1949); idem, Colonies in Transition, 16601713 (New York, 1967); and
idem, White, Red and Black, The Seventeenth-Century Virginian ; Carl N.
Degler, Out of Our Past (New York, 1959 and 1970); Winthrop D. Jordan,
White Over Black, American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 15501812 ,
(Chapel Hill, 1968); Richard L. Morton, Colonial Virginia , 2 vols. (Chapel
Hill, 1960); Edward D. Neill, Virginia Carolorum (Albany, NY, 1886);
Herbert L. Osgood, American Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, 3 vols.
(New York, 19041907); Thomas J. Wertenbaker Patrician and Plebeian in
Virginia (Charlottesville, 1910); idem, Virginia under the Stuarts (Princeton,
1914); and idem, The Planters of Colonial Virginia, (Princeton, 1922).
11. By Russell R. Menard, in his works Economy and Society in Early
Colonial Maryland (New York, 1985), especially pp. 191201, 2345, 268–9,
286, and From Servants to Slaves: The Transformation of the Chesapeake
Labor System, Southern Studies, 16:35590 (1977); and by David W.
Galenson in his White Servitude and the Growth of Black Slavery in Colonial
America,” Journal of Economic History, 41: 3947 (1981), in his White
Servitude in Colonial America: An Economic Analysis (New York, 1981),
and in Traders, Planters and Slaves: Market Behavior in Early English
America (New York, 1986).
As historians, Menard and Galenson are economists rather than political
economists. The class struggle between laborers and employers does not enter
at all into their discussions; indeed Menard spends a lot of time establishing the
absence of class struggle, especially between poor and rich, bond-laborer and
owner among European-Americans. They seem to presume that all the
employer had to do was to decide that a given category of laborers was more
advantageous to employers’ interests, and that all else automatically followed.
On this basis Menard challenges Edmund S. Morgan’s attempt to suggest that
racial oppression of the Negro was a deliberate decision by the ruling class.
Menard and Galenson offer their presumption under the rubric of the divided
labor market.” Job discrimination in early colonial times is rationalized by
Menard and Galenson as a function of the common language of the English
master and servant and the skills that the English workers brought with them to
America. This discrimination was undergirded, Menard says, by cultural
barriers and the depth of racial prejudice.” (Economy and Society, p. 270).
Menard and Galenson appear not to be disposed to look at the white
identity objectively.
12. Cited here from Hening, 1:64; 95. This work will hereafter be cited as
Hening, [vol. no.]: [page no.]. See also: Jamestown 350th Anniversary
Booklet, No. 4, The Three Charters of the Virginia Company of London,
16061624, with an introduction by Samuel M. Bemiss; and Brown.
13. Hening, 1:103.
14. See Table 5.1.
15. Charles E. Hatch Jr, The First Seventeen Years, Virginia, 1607
1624, Jamestown 350th Anniversary Booklet, No. 6 (Williamsburg, 1957), p.
16. Brown, pp. 126–7.
17. Coppie of A Letter from Virginia, Dated 22nd of June, 1607. The
Councell there to the Councell here in England;” printed in Alexander Brown,
The Genesis of the United States (Boston, 1890) 1:1068; 107.
18. Bruce, Economic History, 1:588 n. 1.
19. Answers to a 1624 Royal Commission on the reformation of Virginia
(Smith, Travels and Works, pp. 615–20; pp. 616, 618).
20. Brown, First Republic (“John Rolfes Relation, [1616]), pp. 135, 144.
Evarts B. Greene and V. D. Harrington, American Population before the
Federal Census of 1790 (New York, 1932), p. 135.
21. See Thomas Niccolls’s complaint, p. 68.
22. Referring to the 1609 charter, Alexander Brown says: this charter, it
seems, was drafted by Sir Edwin Sandys, possibly assisted by Lord [Francis]
Bacon Genesis, 1:207.
23. Sir Fernando Gorges (1566–1647), an early venturer in American
colonization schemes, took note of the predisposition of English mercenaries
displaced by the (160324) peace with Spain to find employment of their
talents in Virginia. The Spanish spy Molina reported from Virginia in 1613
rather disparagingly on the quality of the English soldiers there, while noting
the great assistance they have rendered in Flanders in favor of Holland,
where some of them have companies [of soldiers] and castles (Brown,
Genesis, 2:649). From 1607 to 1627, from Captain Edward Maria Wingfield to
S ir George Yeardley (second term), every head of the Virginia colony
government, except Francis Wyatt (a kinsman by marriage of the Sandys
clan), was a veteran of mercenary service in the Netherlands. They were, as
was said of Yeardley, truly bred in that university of Warre, and Lowe
countries” (Brown, Genesis, 2:1065). Some also served against the Turks, and
others against the Irish in the brutal plantation of Ulster. (See Brown, Genesis
vol. 2, Brief Biographies” of Delaware, Thomas Dale, Thomas Gates, George
Percy, John Ratcliffe, John Smith, Winfield and Yeardley.) Gates and Dale
each served in Holland, both before and after their terms as governor in
Virginia. When Gates went to Virginia, he brought his company from the
Netherlands to Virginia (by way of England) under the command of George
Yeardley (Brown, Genesis, 2:895). Such references leave no doubt that such
men constituted the chief supply source for the Governors and Captaines for
peace and war” which the Company was sending to Virginia in this period.
(The quoted phrase is fromBriefe Declaration of the State of Things in
Virginia,by the King’s Council for Virginia [1616] [Brown, Genesis, 2:775–9;
775]. As governors” they would oversee the laboring people; as captains”
they would organize war against the Indians or against Spanish or other
European intruders. It would seem that their role corresponded to that of the
Servitorsin the plantation of Ulster. (See The Invention of the White Race,
Volume One, pp. 11819.) See especially Darrett B. Rutman, The Virginia
Company and Its Military Regime, in Darrett B. Rutman, ed., The Old
Dominion: Essays for Thomas Perkins Abernathy (Charlottesville, 1964),
pp. 1–20. Sir Richard Moryson, whose participation in the conquest of Ireland
by starvation in the Tyrone War (1594–1603) has been noted in Volume One,
urged using Irish veterans in Virginia.Indeed three veterans of the Tyrone
War (see Volume One) did serve successively as governors of Virginia in the
161016 period, namely, Acting Governor Sir Thomas Gates (promulgator of
the Laws Divine, Moral, and Martial, a draconian set of laws derived from
European military codes in which he was well versed), Governor Lord De La
Warre (Delaware) and Acting Governor Sir Thomas Dale. (See: A Memorial
Volume at Virginia Historical Portraiture , Alexander Willbourne Weddell,
ed., [Richmond, 1930], pp. 66, 68, 79, 80; Darrett B. Rutman, Virginia
Company” pp. 67; idem, A Militant New World, 16071640 [New York,
1970, a reprint of the authors PhD dissertation, University of Virginia, 1959],
pp. 1349.)
24. [T]obacco not militarism was to prove the ‘sovereign remedy’ for
Virginia’s ills,writes Rutman (Militant New World, p. 231).
25. Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Company, p. 33.
26. Ibid., p. 34.
27. Nova Britannia: Offering Most Excellent fruits by Planting in Virginia.
Exciting all such as be well affected to further the same, By R. I. (Robert
Johnson probably, London alderman, rich merchant, and Deputy Treasurer of
the Virginia Company from 1616 to 1619), London, 1609; printed in Force
Tracts, Vol. I, No. 6, p. 23.
28. A Letter from the Councill and Company of the honourable Plantation
in Virginia to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Companies of London, London,
1609; printed in Brown, Genesis, 1:252–3. The term inmate, as used here,
simply meansinhabitant.”
In their crusade to end welfare as we know it, our modern-day
conservatives will doubtless find reassurance in this ancient expression of
bourgeoistraditional values”.
29. See Bruce’s comment on the laborers of Charles Hundred: The
probability is that the emancipated laborers of Charles Hundred became
tenants” (Economic History 1:220).
30. Ralph Hamor, A True Discourse of the Present Estate of Virginia
(London, 1615); cited in Brown, First Republic pp. 205–11; p. 205.
31. Bruce, Economic History 1:21315, 21920. Bruce says: It is
impossible to give the proportion between those who received and those who
did not receive this privilege(p. 214 n. 2).
32. Deputy-Governor Sir Thomas Dale promulgated this code in mid-1611.
It was published in London in 1612. See William Strachey, comp., For the
Colony of Virginian Britannia, Lawes Divine, Morall, and Martiall, edited
by David H. Flaherty (Charlottesville, 1969). See Tyler; H. R. McIlwaine,
Minutes of the Council and General Court of Virginia pp. 14, 62, 85, 93,
117, 16364 (hereafter abbreviated MCGC; Rutman, Militant New World, p.
33. John Rolfe, Relation of Virginia (London, 1616), reprinted in part in
Brown, First Republic, pp. 2269; p. 227. The bracketed emendations are
Brown’s. The term familie, as used here and generally in documents cited in
this present work, includes the household of persons, and not merely the blood
and marriage kin.
As late as 1622, the official catalogue of social statuses comprised
Gentlemen, Freemen, Tenants, Hired Servants, and Apprentices
(RVC, 3:658 [Governor Francis Wyatt’s proclamation against drunkenness, 21
June 1622]). The absence of an indentured servant” category presumably
reflects the fact that the plantation bourgeoisie’s option for chattel-bond
servitude was just then being made.
34. Speaking specifically of laborers in this middle period, L. D. Scisco
states: “they were really hired employees and were treated as such. [P]rivate
property in labor was absent. (“The Plantation Type of Colony, American
Historical Review, Vol. VIII, No. 2 [January 1903], 26070; pp. 261.) This
periodical will hereafter be abbreviated AHR.
35. Newes from Virginia, by Robert Rich (London, 1610), in Brown,
Genesis, 1:42026; pp. 4256. The author of Newes from Virginia was an
interested party and an enthusiast, of course; but so was the author of another
promotional pamphlet, titled Leah and Rachel, published to the glory of
Virginia and Maryland half a century later. In the later tract, however, there is
no promise of day wages for the laborer, but rather the prospect of long-
term, unpaid, chattel bond-servitude, at the end of which the worker would find
that the right to land was but an old delusion.” (“Leah and Rachel, or, the
Two Fruitfull Sisters Virginia and Maryland: Their Present Condition,
Impartially Stated and Related,by John Hammond [London 1656]; printed in
Force Tracts, III, No. 3, esp. pp. 1011.)
36. Rolfe, p. 229.
37. Bruce, Economic History, 1:220.
38. Edwin Sandys, Report to the June 1620 Court of the Virginia Company
of London, in Edward D. Neill, History of the Virginia Company of London
(Albany, NY, 1869), p. 180.
39. Bruce, Economic History, 1:221, 2278.
40. Native Virginia tobacco could not complete with the product of the
Spanish colonies in the world market. John Rolfe induced a friendly ship
captain to smuggle Trinidad and Venezuela tobacco seeds into Virginia. When
planted in Virginia they produced the sweet-scented” product that tobacco
users found as appealing as the Spanish-American product. The first shipment
to England was made in 161516. George Arent, “The Seed from which
Virginia Grew, WMQ second series, 19:1239 [1939], pp. 125–6.
41. Bruce, Economic History 2:566. Here Bruce was assuming the
indefeasibility of the capitalist principle of the bottom line, as it might be
called today. When that assumption was brought into question by social
upheaval later in the seventeenth century, class struggle was revealed as an
even more fundamental determinant of Virginias fate. However, when
considered simply in terms of the historical impact of innovations in capitalist
production techniques in Anglo-America, the discovery” of tobacco as a
profitable Virginia crop in 1616 can only be compared with the invention of the
cotton gin in 1793 (see The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, pp.
42. Bruce, Economic History, 1:226.
43. Ibid., 1:2223.
44. Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Company, pp. 334.
45. Brown, Genesis, 2:776, 777–9.
46. Bruce, Economic History, 1:2256. Bruce comments: Beginning his
control of the affairs of Virginia with the strict enforcement of the regulation
that every cultivator of the ground should plant four acres in grain, he [Argall]
ended with this regulation in entire abeyance.”
47. Brown, First Republic, p. 254. A year later Argall was trying to get
the price of tobacco raised vis-à-vis the magazine supplies (ibid., p. 279).
48. Ibid., p. 278.
49. Ibid., p. 279.
50. Neill, History of the Virginia Company, p. 117.
51. Brown, Genesis, 2:55051.
52. Ibid., 2:939; “William Lovelace biographical note. Argall came to
Virginia the possessor of a new patent for 400 acres as the transporter of eight
53. Letter of the Virginia Company to Deputy Governor Argall, 22 August
1618”; in Neill, History of the Virginia Company , pp. 11419; p. 115. Argall
was liable to criminal prosecution for his acts. In a letter to Lord Delaware
regarding Argall, the Company said, the adventurers are hardly
restrayned [,] the Kings Court in progress[,] from going to the Court to
make there complaynte and to procure his Majestys command to fetch him
[Argall] home (ibid, p. 119).
54. Ibid., p. 115.
55. Recent historians have seemed more inclined to suspend judgment
regarding Argall’s actions. For examples of the earlier condemnatory view, see
Brown, First Republic, and Bruce, Economic History; for the revised view,
see Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Company, and Morton.
56. The Trades Increase, by R. I. (Robert Johnson) (London, 1615);
extract in Brown, Genesis, 2:766. Briefe Declaration of the present state of
things in Virginia, and of a Division now made of some part of those Lands in
our Actuall possession, as well to all such as have adventured their moneyes
there, as also to those that are Planters there” (London, 1616) (ibid., 2:7759).
57. My use of headright here is anachronistic, since that laconic term
was not in vogue until some time later than 1616.
58. Brown, Genesis, 2:779.
59. Events were to show that absentee landlordism was not practicable.
Rutman notes that these so-called ‘particular plantations’ were soon to
disappear altogether from Virginia, their owners having first lost money in their
undertakings then lost interest” (Rutman, Militant New World, pp. 307–8).
60. RVC, 2:350 (Virginia Company. A Delcaration of the State of Virginia.
12 April 1623). In the four years 1619 to 1622, the number of adventurers,
London investors in Virginia plantations, increased by ten times the previous
number, and each of the ventures involved at least 100 men (ibid.).
61. Bruce, Economic History, 1:5079. The patents lapsed, however, for
failure to settle the lands with the required numbers of tenants (ibid., 1:5056).
62. Minutes of the Quarterly meeting of the General Court of the Virginia
Company of London, 2 February 1619; reprinted in Neill, History of the
Virginia Company, pp. 129–30.
63.Newes from Virginia,in Brown, Genesis, 1:42026; p. 426.
64. See Table 5.1.
65. Pocahontas’s actual native name was Matoaka. She was christened by
the English Rebecca. She and Rolfe were married around the middle of
April 1614. Their Virginia-born son was named Thomas. (Brown, First
Republic, pp. 203, 204, 225).
66. Rolfe, p. 226.
67. The three southern plantation colonies of the seventeenth century were
Virginia, founded in 1607; Maryland, founded in 1634; and South Carolina,
founded in 1670. Virginia was first also in the volume of exports. Tobacco was
first in time and importance, and it held the leading place throughout the
colonial period. The commercial cultivation of rice in South Carolina did not
begin until the end of the seventeenth century. (Lewis C. Gray, assisted by
Esther K. Thompson, History of Agriculture in the Southern United States
to 1860, 2 vols. [Washington, DC, 1932] 1:578.) As in substance, so in form:
Virginia was the pattern-setter for the institution of racial slavery in the
southern colonies and in the development of the social and legal structure of
white supremacy to reinforce the institution. The discovery of the great
resource for profit in raising tobacco,writes Ulrich B. Phillips, gave the spur
to Virginias large-scale industry and her territorial expansion [and] brought
about the methods of life which controlled the history of Virginia through the
following centuries and of the many colonies and states which borrowed her
plantation system (in Ulrich Bonnell Phillips, The Slave Economy of the Old
South: Selected Essays in Economic and Social History, edited by Eugene
D. Genovese [Baton Rouge, 1968], p. 8). Emphasizing the pattern-setting role
of Virginia in legal institutions of white supremacy and racial slavery, Phillips
says: the legislation of Virginia was copied with more or less modification by
all the governments from Delaware to Mississippi and Arkansas (ibid., pp.
Maryland was a proprietary colony of the Catholic Calverts, with
manorial land ownership, where in contrast to Virginia the headright
principle of land acquisition never applied to the importation of African
laborers. These circumstances appear to have been the cause of the large
proportion of limited-term bond-laborers held by small planters there.
(Menard, pp. 129, 189.)
South Carolina was different in that the rice plantation economy did not
emerge there until after the pattern of racial slavery (including the system of
white-skin privileges of European-American workers) had been firmly
established in Virginia and Maryland. The general employment of European-
American bond-laborers in plantation field labor in South Carolina came late,
was relatively less important than it was in the other two early plantation
colonies, and was short-lived.
Unless one accepts thenatural racism theory of the psycho-cultural
school, these Maryland and South Carolina distinctions vis-à-vis Virginia have
no contrary implications for the thesis being developed in the present work,
namely that the chattelization of English plantation labor constituted an
essential precondition of the emergence of the subsequent lifetime chattel
bond-servitude imposed upon African-American laborers in continental Anglo-
America under the system of white supremacy and racial slavery.
68. Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Company, pp. 446.
69. Ibid., pp. 4757.
70. Neill, History of the Virginia Company, p. 180.
71. Morgan, The First American Boom, WMQ 28:16998 (1971).
72. For deriving these ratios the following sources were used: export
figures from Gray pp. 21–2; population figures from Brown, First Republic,
pp. 226, 309, 464.
73. Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Company, p. 59. RVC, 2:350.
74. Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Company pp. 176–9, 301.
75. Ibid., p. 178. In 1619, the Virginia Assembly was established as the
first elected legislative body in Anglo-America. At its first meeting, the
Assembly decreed tobacco to be the money of the colony, making it clear in
the following order to the Cape Merchant of the Colony: you are bound to
accept the Tobacco of the Colony, either for commodities or upon letters, at
three shillings the beste and the second sort at 18d the pund, and this shallbe
your sufficient discharge.Tyler, p. 260.
76. Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Company , p. 190 n. 33, 301. See
also Table 4.1.
77. VMHB, 2:15465 (1894); pp. 155, 159. RVC, 3:99, 104 (“Instructions to
Yeardley, RVC, 98–109 18 November 1618).
78. Smith, Travels and Works, 2:571.
79. RVC, 3:584 (Virginia Colony Council letter to Virginia Company in
London, January 1621/22).
80. RVC, 3:479 (Virginia Company of London Instructions to Virginia
Colony Governor and Council, 24 July 1621, 3:46884); 3:489 (Treasurer and
Company in London to Virginia Colony Council, 25 July 1621, 3:485–90).
81. Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Company, pp. 14950.
82. Ibid., p. 184.
83. RVC, 3:98108.
84. A Briefe Declaration (by the Virginia Company), Brown, Genesis
85. Force Tracts , III, no. 5, pp. 1415. Cf. Craven, Dissolution of the
Virginia Company, p. 56; Bruce, Economic History, 1:231.
86.Instructions to Yeardley, RVC, 3:108.
87. Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Company, pp. 100102, 191.
88. Ibid., p. 189.
89. Gray, 1:259.
90. Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Company , pp, 23032. Sandys
had accepted the Company’s dependence on tobacco” (ibid., p. 178).
91. At a meeting of the Virginia Company Court in July 1621, Samuel
Wrote, member of the Kings Council for Virginia, called attention to the
unreality of the high official price of tobacco in Virginia, and deplored the fact
that It hath not been possible hitherto to awaken out of this straunge dream.
(Virginia Company of London, Court Book I, cited in Gray, 1:260.)
92. The king got one-third of the crop and that transported to England free
of charge, plus a duty of half a shilling on the other two-thirds. Furthermore, at
a time when the Virginia crop sent to England would reach just 60,000 pounds
the Company was required to agree to the English import of not less than
80,000 pounds of Spanish-produced tobacco, an amount approximatley equal to
the crops being sent from Virginia at that time. (Craven, Dissolution of the
Virginia Company , pp. 2334. Bruce, Economic History, 1:269–70. See
Gray, 1:22, for the 1622 Virginia tobacco export figure.)
93. See, for example: King James I, Counter Blast (1610); Gray, 1:25,
180–81, 231. It was easier to decide upon such limitations [on tobacco-
growing] than to make them efffective in Virginia.” (Craven, Dissolution of
the Virginia Company, p. 176.)
94. CSP, Col., 1:117, Governor John Harveys Report to the Privy Council,
29 May 1630. The price recovered to 6 pence a pound in 1635, but from then
to 1660 the price averaged no more than 2¼ pence. A major crisis of
overproduction in 1638 brought prices down to extremely low levels, says
Gray, and even with recovery prices ranged between 1½ pence per pound until
the mid-1660s. (Gray, 1:26.) See also Russell R. Menard’s tabulations of prices
paid for tobacco in the Chesapeake (Economy and Society in Early Colonial
Maryland, pp. 444–50, Tables A-5 and A-6).
In London in 1634, Virginia tobacco was so low in price that it would no
longer bear the old duty of twelve pence a pound; nor even the nine pence to
which the duty had been reduced in 1623.” (Aspinwall Papers, Massachusetts
Historical Society Collections, Series 4, IX [Boston, 1871], p. 71.)
95. Brown, First Republic, pp. 562–3. See also Bruce, Economic History,
96. Gray, Vol. 1, Chapter XII. See Chapter 9 of this volume for further
treatment of the diversification of the Virginia economy.
97. This is another insight to be had from the frequently quoted comment of
the Secretary of the Virginia Colony, John Pory, in 1619: Our principall wealth
consisteth of servants” (Pory to Sir Dudley Carleton, 30 September 1619
[RVC, 2:21922; 221]). In 1618 a method was suggested of airing tobacco
leaves by hanging them on strings rather than laying them on loose hay. When
they could get the needed string from England, the colonists used this method
which, by preserving tobacco, raised the productivity of labor. Aside from this
innovation, however, there was to be but little technological advance in tobacco
raising, and that would come slowly. (Brown, First Republic, p. 260. Craven,
Dissolution of the Virginia Company , p. 181. See Pounds of Tobacco Per
Laborer, 1619–1699, Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial
Maryland, p. 462.)
98. Brown, First Republic, pp. 248–9.
99. Ibid., p. 348.
100. Minutes of the meeting of the Virginia Company Court, 17 November
1619 (RVC, 2:271). See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, p.
118, for the shipment into exile of mainly Ulster Irish rebels in 1610. George
Hill notes the 1619 proposal of the English Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for
shipping away Irish woodkernes. (George Hill, An Historical Account of
the plantation in Ulster at the Commencement of the Seventeenth Century,
16081620 [Belfast 1877], p. iii, n. 2.)
101. They were forbidden to return except by express permission of the
Privy Council as provided in a General Order of 24 March 1617. Acts of the
Privy Council of England, Colonial Series, Vol. I, 16181638 (London,
1908), pp. 1213, 19, 22, 52, 55, 56. See also Bruce, Economic History 1:603
4: At this time, there were three hundred crimes in the calendar from which
capital punishment was inflicted. It seemed to be too harsh a punishment to
impose deaths for the smallest offense. Transportation was a compromise on
the part of the English judges with the more humane feelings of their nature.”
102. This man was put to death in Virginia in 1623 for the theft of a cow
worth £3 sterling. The cow was the property of the once and future governor
Yeardley who himself had stolen with impunity fifty-four men from the
Virginia Company, his employer, two years previously. (MCGC, 4, 5.)
103. Brown, First Republic, pp. 273–4.
104. RVC, 2:27071 (General Court of the Virginia Company of London
meeting, 17 November 1619).
105. RVC, 2:271.
106. Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial, 1:289 (31 January 1619/20).
Prior to 1750, the legal year began on 25 March. Therefore dates falling
between 1 January and 24 March inclusive appear in the records in the form
shown here. Where one year only is indicated, it is to be understood according
to the modern calendar.
107. Brown, First Republic, p. 375.
108. RVC, 2:271.
109. Gray, 1:366. Bruce, Economic History, 1:62930.
110. This is the average of estimates in the record as made by: John Rolfe,
in 1619, 250 pounds (Smith, Travels and Works , 2:541); John Pory, in 1619,
two rare cases” averaging about 1,054 pounds according the 1619 price of
42d. in London (RVC, 3:221); William Spencer, recalling his experience in
1620, which works out to an average of 538 pounds (RVC, 1:256, 268); William
Capps, in 1623, 500 pounds (RVC, 4.38); and Richard Brewster, also in 1623,
700 pounds (RVC, 2:524). Russell Menards estimate of 712 pounds per
worker for the period 1619–29 appears to be based on his figures for this same
five-year 161923 period. (Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial
Maryland, pp. 460, 462.) Although my average figure of 712 per pounds per
worker is exactly the same as Menards, they were not derived altogether
from the same sources.
111. Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial Maryland, p. 444,
Table A-5, “Chesapeake Tobacco Prices. 16181658.” The average is
calculated from fourteen citations (all but two being for 1619 and 1620) mainly
from the Records of the Virginia Company ; I did not count those tagged as
overstatements. Averaging by the year, the price paid in Virginia for the
161923 period was 20d. (Ibid. p. 448, Table A-6.)
112. Ibid. This is the average of fifteen instances of London wholesale
113. RVC, 3:264 (William Weldon, letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 6 March
114. Ibid.
115. See discussion and notation in Chapter 6, under the heading Bond-
servitude was not an adaptation of English practice.”
116. Records of Magistrate’s Court, Netherstone, Somerset, England, 19
October and 13 November 1618, Correspondence, Domestic, James I, vol.
103, Nos. 42, 42, I, 87 and 87 I; reprinted in VMHB, vi (189899), pp. 22830.
117. Neill, History of the Virginia Company , p. 121. Brown, First
Republic, p. 292.
118. Brown, First Republic, p. 376. The late Professor Richard L. Morton
made the erroneous statement that “the women who were sent to be wives” in
Virginia were not sold like merchandise, and that the enterprisers did not intend
to make a profit on the transaction. (Colonial Virginia, 1:71.)
119. Virginia Company Court, 22 June 1620, RVC, 3:115. See also David
Ransome, Wives for Virginia, WMQ 48:318 (1991).
120. RVC, 3:313.
121. Brown, First Republic, pp. 459, 461. Actually a few of these women
arrived in January on the pinnace Tiger.
122. Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Colony , pp. 1912. Of these
five subsidiary joint-stocks launched in 1621, only the matrimonial business
returned a profit (RVC, 2:15).
123. Virginia Company in London to the Virginia Colony Council in
Virginia, 12 April 1621; in Neill, History of the Virginia Company, pp. 233–9;
124. Ibid., pp. 241–50.
125. Ibid., p. 235.
126. MCGC, p. 54.
127. Neill, History of the Virginia Company, p. 235.
128. Ibid.
129. Manchester Papers, in Historical Manuscripts Commision, Eighth
Report (London, 1881), Part I, Appendix, p. 41 (hereafter referred to as
Manchester Papers).
130. Ibid.
131. MCGC, pp. 1545 (11 October 1627).
132. Brown, First Republic, p. 627.
133. MCGC, pp. 117, 142 (11 October 1626 and 4 April 1627).
134. Herbert Moller, Sex Composition and Correlated Culture: Patterns of
Colonia America, WMQ 3d ser., 2:11353 (1945), p. 114. Historical
Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970 (Washington, DC,
1975), Series Z-121131 (p. 1171).
135. Moller, p. 115, citing J. A. Goodman, The Pilgrim Republic (Boston
and New York, 1920), pp. 1824.
136. Rutman, Militant New World, p. 355.
137. Moller, pp. 11617. John C. Hotten, The Original Lists of Persons
of Quality, Emigrants; Religious Exiles; Political Rebels; Serving Men
Sold for a Term of Years; Apprentices; Children Stolen; Maidens Pressed
and Others Who went from Great Britain to the American plantations,
16001700 (London, 1874), pp. 35138. Hereafter noted as Hotten, Original
138. Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial Maryland, p. 145.
139.The Puritans, broadly speaking, arrived by families, although they had
a considerable surplus of men. The movement to Virginia, on the other hand,
consisted predominantly of male workers” (Moller, p. 118).
140. Allan Kulikoff, Tobacco and Slaves: The Development of Southern
Cultures in the Chesapeake, 16801800 (Chapel Hill, 1986), p. 34.
141. Bruce, Economic History, 1:53889; Morgan, p. 176; A. E. Smith,
pp. 1416.
142. Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Colony, p. 311.
143. John Smyth of Nibley Papers, documents in the New York Public
Library, calendared in the New York Public Library Bulletin, 1:6872 (1897),
and 3:276–95 (1899).
144. A Lyste of the men nowe sent for plantacon under Captayne
Woodleefe …” (September 1619), RVC, 3:197–8.
145. Ibid. See also Capt Woodleefes Bill, Setpember, 1619, New York
Public Library Bulletin, 3:221 (1899), p. 221.
146. Berkeley, Thorpe, Tracy, and Smith. Agreement with Richard Smyth
and Wife and Others(1 September 1620), RVC, 3:3934.
147. A. E. Smith, p. 14.
148. RVC, 3:210–11 (Indenture between the Four Adventurers of Berkeley
Hundred and Robert Coopy of North Nibley, 7 September 1619). Among
thirteen other men engaged for Berkeley Hundred in that same month, there
were two other Coopys Thomas and Samuell but I do not know whether
they were kin.
149. RVC, 3:210–11.
150. A. E. Smith, Colonists in Bondage, p. 15.
151. Part of Drafts of a Statement touching the miserable condition of
Virginia [May and June, 1623] by Alderman Robert Johnson (RVC, 4:174).
This was the opening blast of the campaign that was to end in the following
year in the revocation of the Virginia Company charter. Johnson was a rich
London merchant, who had over the years held positions of great authority in
both the East India Company and the Virginia Company. See note 27.
152. Broadside published by the Virginia Company in 1622, prior to the
receipt of the news of the Indian attack a of 22 March of that year; in Brown,
First Republic, p. 486.
153. Ibid.
154. Virginia Governor and Council to Virginia Company of London
(January 1621/22), RVC, 3:5858; 586.
155. Thomas Nuce to Edwin Sandys, 27 May 1621 (RVC, 3:457).
156. RVC, 3:588. The actual enclosure seems not to have survived in the
records, but the essential substance is clear from references to it in documents
that have been preserved. It is curious that historians have chosen to ignore
Nuces proposal, while at the same time noting (Craven, Dissolution of the
Virginia Colony , p. 173, Morgan, First American Boom, p. 172) a letter
written seven months earlier in which he states that his tenants are depressed
by the prospect of a seven-year term of service,which course, I am of
opinion you should alter” (Nuce to Edwin Sandys, 27 May 1621 [RVC, 3:456–
7]). The facts are that the conditions of the tenants were altered to those of
chattel bond-labor; that Nuce specifically recommended that tenants be
replaced by servants”; and that he was unwilling to pay the wages of free
wage workers. Therefore, the imputation of benign motives to Nuce should not
divert attention from his apparent role in promoting the change in the conditions
of labor that took place in the 1620s in Virginia.
157. Virginia Company of London to the Virginia Governor and Council, 10
June 1622; (RVC, 3:646–52; 647).
158. Virginia Company of London to the Virginia Governor and Council, 7
October 1622 (RVC 3:68390; 684).
159. Idem, 20 January 1622/23 (RVC, 4:917; 16).
160. RVC 4:178. The word used in this instance was, pencons.” This word
is nowhere else to be found in the records, but it seems to suggest a servant
who lives with the employer, or at least one whose meals are provided by the
employer. Indeed, references to this proposed change from tenantry all
translate the term as servant. Although the term servant” has various
applications in the records of the time, it is not necessary to explore that matter
here; it is clear that the purpose was to reduce the cost of labor, and to levels
below the wages then current in Virginia.
5 The Massacre of the Tenantry
1. See pp. 56, 61.
2. Back projection of the average annual crude death rate, 16191625,
inclusive of a 4.16 percent spike for 1625. (E. A. Wrigley and R. S. Schofield,
The Population History of England, 15411871: A Reconstruction
[Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1981], p. 352.) This modern study confirms the
reliability of the estimate of 2.5 percent made by Sir William Petty more than
three centuries ago in his An Essay concerning the Multiplication of
Mankind together with another Essay in Political Arithmetick concerning
the Growth of the City of London (London 1686), reprinted in part in Joan
Thirsk and J. P. Cooper, eds., Seventeenth-century Economic Documents,
(Oxford, 1972), pp. 7614.
3. Edmund S. Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom: the
Ordeal of Colonial Virginia (New York, 1975), p. 120. Idem, First
American boom: Virginia 1618 to 1630, WMQ, 28: 169–198 (1971), p. 185.
4. The answere of the Generall Assembly in Virginia to a Declaration of
the state of the Colonie in the 12 years of Sir Thomas Smiths Government,
exhibited by Alderman Johnson and others” (RVC, 4:458, 20 February
1623/40). Edward D. Neill, History of the Virginia Company of London
(Albany, NY, 1869), pp. 40711.
5. RVC, 3:74.
6. See Chapter 1, pp. 1011.
7. [House of] Commons Journals, I, p. 711.
8.Instructions to Yeardley, VMHB, 2:15465.
9. Wesley Frank Craven, The Dissolution of the Virginia Company
(New York, 1932), p. 60.
10. Alexander Brown, The First Republic in America (Boston and New
York, 1898), p. 427.
11. This conclusion is based on an analysis of the following two documents:
the Virginia Muster of 1624/25 in Annie Lash Jester and Martha Woodruff
Hiden, eds., Adventurers of Purse and Person: Virginia, 16071625
(Princeton, 1956); and The Virginia Rent Rolls of 1704;” in T. J.
Wertenbaker, Planters of Colonial Virginia . See further in Chapter 9, Table
12. See McIlwaine, MCGC, pp. 723, 83, 1367, 154.
13. Neill, p. 408.
14. RVC, 3:30740; 31314 (“A Declaration of the State of the Colony and
Affaires of Virginia. By his Majesties Counsell for Virginia,22 June 1620).
15. RVC, 3:2267 (Virginia Colony Council, 11 November 1619, The
putting out of the Tenants that came over in the B. N. [Bona Nova], with
other orders of the Councell”).
16. Letter of William Weldon to Sir Edwin Sandys, 6 March 161920
(RVC, 3:2625; p. 263).
17. See Smith, Travels and Works, p. 541. RVC, 3:586 and 4:38.
18. Smith, Travels and Works, 2:542.
19. RVC, 3:226 (The Governor and Council in Virginia The putting out of
the Tenantes that came over in the B. N. [Bona Nova] …, 11 November
20. RVC, 3:263 (William Weldon. Letter to Edwin Sandys, 6 March
21. RVC, 21922; 22021 (Letter of Colony Secretary John Pory in
Virginia to Sir Dudley Carleton in England, 30 September 1619).
22. RVC, 1:584–604 (Record of the Meeting of the Virginia Company of
London Court, 30 January 1621/22).
23. RVC, 3:241–8; 243 (Letter of John Rolfe to Sir Edwin Sandys, January
1619/20). Rolfe does not describe these new arrivals as Africans” but as
Negroes. The fact that some of these new workers bore Christian names
(Maria and Antonio, for example) and the fact that the ship on which they
arrived came to Virginia from the West Indies, suggests that at least some had
spent time in the Caribbean, or might even have been born there.
24. Those who read Edmund S. Morgans First American Boom and
Chapter 4 of his American Slavery, American Freedom, may realize how
much I am indebted to his insights. Credit must go to Morgan for opening the
way to a reexamination of the history of the Company period, particularly the
critical years 161924, from the standpoint of the consideration of the internal
contradictions of the colony, those between the few rich and the common run
of the people. After a year-by-year review and analysis of colony’s food
supply situation, Morgan concludes: Yeardleys complaints, his purchase of
the Negroes, and his disposal of the men from the Bona Nova at a time when
the colony was reporting an unprecedented abundance, suggest that the
problem was not altogether one of whether supplies existed, it was a question
of who had them and who could pay for them. In a year of plenty the governor
and Council were unable or unwilling to make use of fifty men without supplies
when other Virginians were able and willing to do so. The great shortage of
supplies, to which we attribute the failure of the Sandys program, was not an
absolute shortage in which all Virginians shared and suffered alike. It was a
shortage that severely afflicted the Company and its dependants, but it
furnished large opportunities for private entrepreneurs and larger ones for
Company officials who knew how to turn public distress to private profit.”
(“First American Boom, p. 175).
25. RVC, 2:375; RVC, 4:186; 234. Morgan, First American Boom, p. 182.
26. Smith, Travels and Works , 2:571. RVC, 3:581–7; 584 (Virginia Colony
Council to Virginia Company of London, January 1621/22).
27. Virginia Company of London to Deputy Governor Argall, 22 August
1618 (Neill, History to the Virginia Company, pp. 11417; p. 115).
28. Virginia Company of London to Lord Delaware, 22 August 1618 (Neill,
History of the Virginia Company pp. 117–29; p. 119). Delaware died en
route to Virginia. Argall returned to England aboard a ship specially sent by his
patron, the Earl of Warwick, not waiting for instruction or permission from the
London authorities.
29. RVC, 1:601 (13 February 1622). RVC, 1:579 (30 January 1622). The
Virginia Company Court granted Weldon a patent for the transportation of one
hundred persons which, at the allowance of fifty acres each, implied for him a
private plantation of five thousand acres.
30. RVC, 3:485–9; 489. Virginia Company of London to the Governor and
Council in Virginia, 25 July 1621 (Neill, History of the Virginia Company , pp.
223–33; p. 230).
31. RVC, 3:584–5 (Virginia Colony Council to Virginia Company of
London, January 1621/22).
32. RVC, 3:219–23; 221 (John Pory to Sir Dudley Carleton, 30 September
1619): the Governor here [Yeardley], who at his first coming, besides a great
deale of worth in his person, brought onely his sworde w[i]th him, was at his
late being in London, together with his lady, out of his meer gettings here, able
to disburse Very near three thousand pounds to furnish himselfe for his
[return] voiage.
33. An incomplete indication of Yeardleys success at self-enrichment is to
be found in his Last Will, dated 12 October 1627 (New England Historical
and Genealogical Register, 28: 69 [1884], p. 69). Yeardleys estate,
consisting of goods debts, servants ‘negars, cattle …” and including his
thousand-acre plantation on Warwicke River, was valued at six thousand
pounds by his uncle in a petition to the Privy Council in 1629.
34. Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Company. pp. 176–8.
35. Weldon to Sandys (RVC, 3:263).
36. RVC, 3:581–8; 586 (Council in Virginia to Virginia Company of London,
January 1621/22).
37. In 1622, tenants who had been brought to Bermuda by Captain
Nathaniel Butler included in a letter of grievances the charge that they had
beenforced to send all their tobacco into England unto their undertakers
[employers], undivided, in spite of the fact that their contracts provided that
they were to divide their yearly tobacco” and to be accountable for the
moiety [half] only (Manchester Papers, p. 38).
38. MCGC, p. 46 (Last day of January 1624/25).
39. It was the Powhatan Uprising that both unleashed the company’s self-
destructive urges and accelerated Virginias evolution (J. Frederick Fausz,
The Powhatan Uprising of 1622: A Historical Study of Ethnocentrism and
Cultural Conflict, Ph.D Dissertation, College of William and Mary, 1977, p.
40. Alexander Brown, The Genesis of the United States (Boston, 1890),
41. Neill, History of the Virginia Company , pp. 96–105. Philip Barbour,
Pocahontas and Her World: A Chronicle of Americas First Settlement in
which is Related the Story of the Indians and the Englishmen
Particularly Captain John Smith, Captain Samuel Argall, and Master
John Rolfe (Boston, 1970), pp. 169–70.
42. Richard L. Morton, Colonial Virginia 2 vols. (Chapel Hill, 1960), 1:74.
43. RVC, 3:556 (“A Declaration of the State of the Colony and … a
Relation of the Barbarous Massacre, after April 1622, 3:54180).
George Yeardley was accused in England of having provoked the Indian
attack of 22 March by treacherously attacking an assembly of the friendly
Chickhominy Indians with whom he had asked to parley. Thirty to forty of the
Indians were killed. The perfidious act made them all fly out & seek revenge,
they joined with Opichankano” (RVC, 4:118 [Sir Nathaniel Richs Draft of
Instruction to the commissioners to investigate Virginia affairs, 4:6–8]).
44. RVC, 3:555 (Edward Waterhouse A Declaration of the state of the
Colony and … a Relation of the Barbarous Massacre, 1622).
45. Brown, First Republic, p. 467 n.1.
46. See Appendix II-C.
47. RVC 3:613; 4:1112. In the summer of 1622 the Virginia Governor and
Council did contemplate moving out, but to just across the Chesapeake Bay.
The Company in London strenuously condemned the notion, and by the
following January the Governor and Council were disowning the idea. RVC:
3:613 (Virginia Colony Council to Virginia Council in London, 3:60915, 13
April 1622). RVC: 3:3667 (Treasurer and Council for Virginia to Governor
and Colony Council of Virginia, 3:36673, 1 August 1622). RVC, 4:11–12
(Virginia Colony Council to Council for Virginia, 4:9–17, 20 January 1622/23).
48. The first English colony was established in 1587 on Roanoke Island on
the North Carolina coast by an expedition organized by Sir Walter Raleigh (a
second attempt). When the first relief ship returned to the spot in 1591, there
was no trace to be found of the colony, except the eternally mystifying scrawl
Croatan.” It is assumed that the colonists were adopted into an Indian tribe of
the region. (See Hamilton MacMillan of Robeson County, North Carolina, Sir
Walter Raleighs Lost Colony, with the traditions of an Indian Tribe in North
Carolina indicating the fate of the Colony” (1888), cited in Brown, Genesis,
1:18990. During a military trial in 1864, according to MacMillan, an Indian
named John Lowrie asserted he was descended from this merger, and
complained that neverthelesswhite men have treated us as negroes.
49. RVC, 3:146 (Treasurer and Council in Virginia to George Yeardley,
3:1468, 21 June 1619). RVC 3:496 (Virginia Company in London to Virginia
Colony Council, 3:4928, 12 August 1621).
50. See Morgan, First American Boom, pp. 1723, 175.
51. RVC, 3:555.
52. At the end of October 1618, the Company, in order to reduce
overcharging for goods at the colonys supply store (called the magazine”),
forbade any mark-up on goods beyond the allowance of 25 in the hundred
proffitt” (RVC, 3:167).
53. The precariousness of property claims in the conditions of epidemic
death prevailing at that time in Virginia, and the danger of fraud in disposition
of property of deceased persons there is to be seen in the letter addressed by
the Company to the Colony Governor and Council, 7 October 1622, in which
they noted greevances for wrongs by unjust factors and partners in Virginia,
and of claymes to lands and foods by the late death of friends(RVC, 3:689
[Virginia Company to the Governor and Council of Virginia, 3:6839]).
54. RVC, 3:537 gives the population as 1,240 (Notes from Lists showing
Total Number of Emigrants to Virginia [1622]). See also Brown, First
Republic, pp. 467, 624.
Regarding the number of lives lost in the colony, Brown writes, The exact
number may not be certainly known [at first] the company published a list
of 347; but it was almost necessary to make the list as small as possible at that
time.… The Company afterwards placed the number at ‘about 400, and
Edward Hill put it at ‘400 and odd.’ Hill was a Virginia planter living in
Elizabeth City. (Brown, First Republic, 467, 624; and Philip A. Bruce,
Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century , 2 vols. [New
York, 1895] 2:71.)
55. RVC, 3:61115 (Virginia Colony Council to Virginia Company of
London, April (after 20) 1622). RVC, 4:13 (Virginia Colony Council to Virginia
of London, 4:917, 20 January 1622/23).
56. RVC, 4:58 (Richard Frethorne letters, 4:5862, Spring 1623).
57. RVC, 4:22 (George Sandys to Mr Ferarr).
58. RVC, 3:613.
59. RVC, 4:525 (Virginia Company of London, Discourse April (?)
60. RVC, 3:614
61. RVC, 4:233 (Letters arriving in England on the Abigail, 4:22829, 19
June 1623).
62. RVC, 4:61 (Richard Frethorne letters to his father and mother, 20
March and 2 and 3 April, 1623, RVC, 4:5863).
63. RVC, 4:41, 59. Brown, Genesis, 2:8023, 826.
64. RVC, 4:58.
65. RVC, 4:41 (Frethorne to Bateman, 5 March 1622/23).
66. RVC, 4:62.
67. RVC, 4:236.
68. Ibid.
69. RVC, 4:2312. Great Britain Historical Manuscripts Commission Eighth
Report and Appendix (London, 1881), Part I; Appendix (Duke of Manchester
Papers), p. 41.
70. RVC, 3:639.
71. RVC, 4:525 (Virginia Company Discourse of the Old Company, April
1625, 4:51961).
72. This is an inference drawn from the rate of profit specified to be
secured on the supplies subsequently sent on the relief ships the George, the
Hopewell, and the Marmaduke (RVC, 4:263–4).
73. RVC, 4:612.
74. RVC, 4:107, 116, 230.
75. RVC, 4:120 (Letter from Captain Kendall in Somers Islands to Sir
Edwin Sandys, 14 April 1623).
76. RVC, 4:105 (Sir Francis Wyatt to John Ferrar, 7 April 1623).
77. Brown, First Republic, p. 559.
78. RVC, 3:639 (28 March 1623).
79. RVC, 4:21516 (Draft for a Report on the Condition of the Colony,
June or July 1623).
80. Butler was a leading opponent of the Edwin Sandys headship of the
Virginia Company, and might therefore be expected to be biased. But
Alexander Brown, an early and staunch historiographical supporter of Sandys,
believes that Butler’s report was on the whole factual (First Republic, p. 506).
81. In seeking to counter this point in Butlers report, Sandys’s supporters
conceded that such public dying might occur in Virginia. But they were
confident that it did not take place under hedges, because, they asserted, there
is no hedge in Virginia(RVC, 2:382). Next case!
82. Brown, First Republic, pp. 444, 506, 627. Professor Morgan revises
the total population figures upward from those given by the records for 1623–
24 and 162425, by 20 percent and 10 percent respectively. He does not
suggest any revision of the 1622 figure. (American Slavery, American
Freedom, pp. 101, 404.)
83. Besides the specific references to the record for the period up to 1626
in this paragraph, see Chapter 4, note 94.
84. RVC, 4:46 (17 March 1622/23).
85. RVC, 2:523. Brown, First Republic, p. 563.
86. RVC, 2:519–20 (Virginia Company of London Court, 21 April 1624).
87. RVC, 4:453 (30 January 1623/24); 4:570 (4 January 1625/26).
88. RVC, 4:2712. (“A proclamation touching the rates of Comodities, 31
August 1623.)
89. RVC, 4:14.
90. RVC, 4:271.
91. The census of Virginia Colony for 162425 (March 1625) showed 432
male adults who were free in a total population of 1,227. Of the non-free
adults, 298 were in the service of an elite bourgeois group of fifteen employers.
(Hotten, Original Lists, pp. 2615.) See also Morgans analysis and tabulation
in First American Boom, pp. 1889.
92. RVC, 2:339 (Virginia Company of London Court, 24 March 1622/23).
93. RVC, 3:614. Brown, First Republic, pp. 474–5.
94. It seems not unlikely that there was a shortage of English trade goods,
since the production of glass beads had been halted at this time in the colony
for lack of suitable sand (RVC, 4:108).
95. RVC, 4:910 (Virginia Colony Council to the Virginia Company of
London, 20 January 1622/23). For references to Mountjoys strategy of
starvation in the Tyrone War, see Volume One of The Invention of the White
96. RVC, 3:614.
97. RVC, 4:186 (“Rough Notes in Support of the Preceding Charges of
Mismanagement of the Virginia Company, May [after May 9] or June, 1623,
4:1837); 4:234 (letter of Edward Hill to his brother Mr Jo. Will, 14 April
98. RVC, 4:186.
99. RVC, 4:105. Brown, First Republic, p. 513.
100. RVC, 2:375 (“The Unmasked face of our Colony in Virginia as it was
in the Winter of the yeare 1622, 2:3746).
101. RVC, 4:6–7.
102. Ibid.
103. RVC, 4:9–10. These Colony Council members were Yeardley,
Tucker, George Sandys and Hamor.
104. Ibid.
105. RVC, 4:37 (Letter of William Capps to Dr John Wynston, March or
April, 1623).
106. RVC, 4:14.
107. Brown (First Republic, p. 627) says that 11,185 bushels was
regarded as a minimum supply in March 1625.
108. Smith, Travels and Works, 2:615.
109. Brown, First Republic, pp. 625–6, 627.
110. RVC, 4:89, 92, 231.
111. RVC, 4:234.
112. RVC, 4:14.
113. RVC, 4:453.
114. RVC, 3:612 (Virginia Colony Council to Virginia Company of London,
April [after 20 April] 1622, 3:61115).
115. RVC, 3:656 (Sir Francis Wyatt, A commission to Sir George Yeardley,
6 June 1622).
116. Brown, First Republic, pp. 617–20.
117. See Morgan, First American Boom, pp. 189.2.
118. RVC, 3:613.
119. RVC, 2:945 (Virginia Company of London Court, 17 July 1622).
RVC, 3:689 (Virginia Company of London to Governor and Council in Virginia,
3:68390, 7 October 1622).
120. RVC, 2:124 (Virginia Company of London Preparative Court, 18
November 1622, 2:12431).
121. Brown, First Republic, pp. 617, 618, 620, 623, 627. Brown adds,
however, that he does not know the particulars of the disposition of the large
corporate holdings such as Southampton Hundred. John C. Rainbolt argues
that English heirs of Virginia Company land claims parlayed [these holdings]
into estates of several thousand acres” in the third quarter of the century. (“An
Alteration in the Relationship between Leadership and Constitutents in
Virginia, 16601720, WMQ, 27:411–34 [1970]; 413). Bernard Bailyn, in his
essay on the evolution of the Virginia social structure, provides the details,
showing that mid-seventeenth century claims on Company period inheritances
constituted the most important, of a variety of forms of capital that provided
the fortunes on which were based the oligarchy of slaveholding families of
Virginia of the eighteenth century (Bernard Bailyn, Politics and Social
Structure,in James Morton Smith, Seventeenth-century America, Essays in
Colonial History [Chapel Hill, 1959], p. 99).
122. I have assumed that the death rate was at least as high among
workers as among employers.
123. RVC, 4:185 (May or June [after 9 May] 1623).
124. RVC, 3:658 (Proclamation of Governor Sir Francis Wyatt for the
suppression of drunkenness, 21 June 1622). The quintuplex of social classes
set forth in this Virginia order perfectly mirrored the categories as established
in England at that time: noblemen, freemen, yeomen, artisans, and farm
laborers. See Sir Thomas Wilson, The State of England, Anno Dom. 1600,
Publications of the Camden Society, 3rd ser., Vol. 52, Camden Miscellany,
Vol. 16 edited by F. J. Fisher (London, 1936), p. 17.
125. See Morgan, First American Boom, pp. 17175. The use by
Professor Morgan of the mining camp”, boom-town metaphor seems
somewhat questionable on the grounds of one-sidedness. Lewis C. Gray used
the same argument (see Gray, assisted by Esther K. Thompson, in the History
of Agriculture in the Southern United States to 1860 [Washington, DC,
1932; reprinted 1958], 1:256). I am no student of that aspect of social history,
but was it characteristic of the gold and oil boom towns in the American West
and in Alaska, for example, to have two-thirds of the people die of starvation
and starvation-related disease in a one- or two-year period? In a boom town,
do not wages rise, even though the lucky, grasping few may fare better? In
Virginia in the 1620s, the position of the laboring people deteriorated not only
relatively but absolutely.
126. RVC, 4:378 (William Capps, Letter to Doctor Thomas Wynston.
March or April 1623). But that same April, Governor Wyatt said that on the
best ground a pair of tenants could make 2,500 pounds, and that because of
guard duty his sixteen tenants produced only 1,000 pounds per capita. (RVC,
4:1046 [Wyatt to John Ferrar, 7 April 1623].)
127. RVC, 4:175 (“Alderman Johnson(?), Parts of Drafts of a Statement
Touching the Miserable Condition of Virginia,4:17487, May or June [after 9
May] 1623).
128. RVC, 4:13 (Virginia Colony Council to the Virginia Company of
London, 4:917).
129. RVC, 4:74 (George Sandys to Sir Samuel Sandys, 30 March 1623,
130. RVC 3:105 (Sir Francis Wyatt to John Ferrar, 7 April 1623, 4:1046).
131. From 1606 to 1624, the average value of wheat in England was only
five shillings a bushel(Bruce, 1:256). As noted above (page 91), the price of
corn in Virginia was twenty shillings per bushel in 1623.
132. VMHB, 71:410 (1963), citing Harleian Ms. 389, f. 309, unsigned letter
to Joseph Mead, 4 April 1623.
133. RVC, 3:221 (John Pory to Sir Dudley Carlton and Edwin Sandys, 30
September 1619).
134. Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom, p. 119.
135. See Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to
1970 US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census (Washington, DC,
1975), series Z-125128.
136. Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom, p. 119 n. 50.
Morgan refers to A. J. and R. H. Tawney, An Occupational Census of the
Seventeenth Century, Economic History Review, 5:2564 (193435).
Although Morgan omits page references, his comment seems to be supported
by the Gloucestershire figures showing 19,402 men between the ages of
twelve and sixty (p. 31), and, in agricultural and domestic occupation, only
sixteen employers with ten or more employees (tables VI and VII, pp. 52 and
137. VMHB, 71:409 (1963). See also RVC, 4:104.
138. RVC, 3:618 (Edwin Sandys Letter to John Ferrar, 30 April, 1622
[before news of the 22 March Indian attack had arrived in England]).
Historians (Craven, Dissolution of the Virginia Company , pp. 1523, and
Morgan, First American Boom, pp. 171 and 183, for example) have
considered it a “blunder” on Edwin Sandyss part to have persisted in the
policy of sending thousands of ill-provisioned emigrants to Virginia. If so, it was
a blunder that flowed from flawless bourgeois logic: an oversupply of
dependent and ill-supplied laborers was an objective necessity for securing a
general reduction of labor costs and thus keeping tobacco profitable enough to
attract capital investment.
139. RVC, 4:220–22 (9 June 1623).
140. Colony Secretary George Sandys was one of the purchasers
(Manchester Papers, p. 39 Letter from G. S.” [George Sandys?] to Mr
Ferrer” [Ferrar]).
141. MCGC, pp. 19–20 (16 August 1623). Tylers opinions are from
testimony against him in the General Court.
142. MCGC, pp. 224 (10 October 1624).
143. MCGC, p. 105 (7 and 8 August 1626).
144. MCGC, p. 117 (11 October 1626). For her part, servant Alice
Chambers was ordered to receive unspecified “worthy punishement.”
145. MCGC, pp. 1357 (13 January 1626/7). The Order by which the
[thirty-six] Tenants of the Company are distributed to the Governor & [8 other
members of the] Councill shows eighteen assigned to Governor Francis
Yeardley, and three to most of the others. The Colony Council order regarding
the Duty boys” was issued on 10 October 1627 (p. 154).
146. Bruce, 2:43.
147. By the end of 1624, the Virginia Colony Council was reporting to the
Virginia Company that there was much corn in the colony, but that they were
short of laborers (RVC, 4:5078, 2 December 1624).
148. So characterized by George Sandys in a letter to his brother Samuel in
England, 30 March 1623 (Manchester Papers, p. 39).
149. RVC, 4:106 (George Sandys to John Ferrar in England, 8 April 1623).
See also Bruce, 1:47–8.
6 Bricks without Straw: Bondage, but No
Intermediate Stratum
1. See Oliver Ellsworths comment cited in The Invention of the White
Race, Volume One, p. 286 n. 3.
2. Labor might also have been recruited from among the native population
if terms were made sufficiently attractive, or as a result of the destruction of
the original native populations economy of the area by the bombardment of
cheap commodities, or by the expropriation of the lands and resources. But this
alternative and reasons for its ineffectiveness were discussed in Chapter 3.
3. RVC, 3:592–8 (Virginia Company, The Form of a Patent, 30 January
1621/22); 3:62934 (Virginia Company, The Form of a Patent for a Planter
Only, 22 May 1622).
4. This principle of granting land patents at the rate of fifty acres for each
person brought into Virginia would later be known as the headright system.
See Chapter 4, pp. 589.
5. See p. 72.
6. RVC, 3:507.
7. RVC, 3:586; 4:558.
8. RVC, 2:105, 3:699, 4:14 (7 October and 2 November 1622; 20 January
9. RVC, 4:22 (March 1622/23).
10. See p. 86.
11. RVC, 4:235 (12 April 1623).
12. RVC, 4:466–7. MCGC, p. 12 (9 March 1623).
13. RVC, 4:467 (9 March 1622/23).
14. MCGC, p. 40 (3 January 1624/25).
15. MCGC, p. 109 (28 August 1626). Hotten, Original Lists, p. 237.
16. MCGC, p. 90 (20 January 1625/26).
17. MCGC, pp. 1312 (20 January 1626/27).
18. RVC, 4:5–6 (between January and April 1622/23).
19. MCGC, p. 83 (19 December 1625).
20. MCGC, pp. 1367 (13 January 1626/27).
21. Alexander Brown, The First Republic in America, (Boston and New
York, 1898), p. 627.
22. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 38:69 (January
23. See Theodore K. Rabb, Enterprise and Empire (Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1967).
24. The liberties of Englishmen the privileges and immunities of the
free-born English subject [include] personal liberty signifying the
freedom to dispose of ones person and powers of body and mind, without
control by others who are not representatives of the ultimate supreme
authority. (John Codman Hurd, The Law of Freedom and Bondage in the
United States, 2 vols. [Boston, 1858; Negro Universities Press reprint, 1968]
25. RVC, 3:6834 (“Virginia Company. A Letter to the Governor and the
Council in Virginia, October 7, 1622, RVC, 3:683–90).
26. In the Gloucestershire occupational census of 1606, the only such
existing record for seventeenth-century England, tabulations of employers and
their servants in agriculture or domestic employment show that servants
constituted 27 percent of the total; 4 percent were of the leisure classes, 11
percent were yeomen, and 58 percent were husbandmen (A. J. Tawney and
R. H. Tawney, An Occupational Census of the Seventeenth Century,
Economic History Review, 5:25–64 [193435]; see Tables VI and VII, pp. 52
and 53). In Virginia in the era that followed the economic massacre of the
tenantry, the great majority of the laboring population were to be not even
husbandmen, but chattel bond-laborers.
27. The reader is referred particularly to my Introduction to The Invention
of the White Race, in Volume One.
28. With the honorable exception of Edmund S. Morgan, those historians
who have concerned themselves with the origin of chattel bond-labor of
European-Americans have repeated this rationale as an article of faith.
See, for example, Marcus W. Jernegan, Laboring and Dependent
Classes in Colonial America (New York, 1931), p. 46; Lewis C. Gray,
assisted by Esther K. Thompson, History of Agriculture in the Southern
United States to 1860 (Washington, DC, 1932; reprinted 1958), 1:342; Philip
A. Bruce, Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century: An
Inquiry into the Material Conditions of the People, based upon original
records, 2 vols. (New York, 1895; reprinted 1935), 1:587. Winthrop D. Jordan
is content to say it was indentured servitude that best met the requirements
for settling in America (White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the
Negro, 15501812 [Chapel Hill, 1968], p. 52].).
29. Abbot E. Smith, Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and Convict
Labor in America, 16071776 (Chapel Hill, 1947; New York, 1971), pp. 8–
9. Bruce, Economic History, 1:262.
30. It is also analogous to the argument advanced by coalmine owners in
the twentieth century, with the support of even United Mine Workers officials
in McDowell County, West Virginia in 194041. Resolutions passed by several
United Mine Workers locals demanding portal-to-portal pay were dismissed as
utopian. What!” opponents cried. Do you think the coal operators are going
to pay you for just sitting in the man-trip? But in that case the general
relationship of class forces was such that after Pearl Harbor we miners got
our just due in this matter.
31. (English) Statutes at Large, 23 Ed. Ill (1349).
32. A. E. Smith, p. 305. Smith was here generalizing about the entire
history of white servitude.”
33. See pp. 656.
34. Documents relating to the History of the Early Colonial
Settlements, principally on Long Island, with a Map of its Western Part,
made in 1666, translated and compiled from this Historical Records by B.
Fernow (Albany, 1883).
35. Voyages from Holland to America, AD 16321644 , Collections of
the New York Historical Society, 2nd ser., vol. III, part 1, translated and edited
by Henry Murphy (New York, 1857). There is no indication of de Vriess
feelings regarding the buying and selling of African bond-laborers in which the
Dutch were then principal merchants.
36. See especially pp. 224.
37. Under English common and statute law, the failure of a servant to fulfill
his or her contract could be remedied by pecuniary damages only, not by
compelling a specific performance.” (Hurd, 1:138). The English courts
resolved as follows. By 27 Henry VIII, legal compulsion to performance of a
contract was ended; failure to perform as contracted could only be remedied
by the recovery of damages from the party failing to meet the contractual
obligation. (Matthew Bacon, A New Abridgement of the Law, 5th edition, 5
vols. [Dublin, 1786], 5:359, Covenants to stand seized to Uses, paragraphs
The distinction between the penalty of adding time to the bond-laborers
term of servitude in colonial Virginia and the provision of English law is
underscored in a Virginia manumission agreement requiring a to-be-freed
laborer to pay to his emancipator 6,000 pounds of tobacco over a three-year
period, but with the proviso that the worker could not bee restrained of his
liberty for default of payment, but is left to the course of the Law as all other
free subjects are in case of debt.” (Northampton County Records, 166880,
pp. 1589 [1678]).
38. Paul H. Douglas begins by equating plantation bond-servitude and
apprenticeship. But he then honestly presents the chief differencesuntil, in
spite of his intentions, his premise is in tatters (Paul H. Douglas, American
Apprenticeship and Industrial Education [New York, 1921], pp. 289).
Louis P. Hennighausen says that though white servitude” was sometimes
called apprenticeship, it was slavery (Louis P. Hennighausen, The
Redemptioners and the German Society of Maryland [Baltimore, 1888], p.
1. Cheesman Herrick found that in Pennsylvania, What ordinarily passes as
the apprenticeship system differs from that now under discussion …”
(Cheesman Herrick, White Servitude in Pennsylvania [Philadelphia, 1926;
Negro Universities Press reprint, 1969], p. 108). There is no reason to think the
conditions and status of bond-laborers were more favourable in Virginia in the
seventeenth century than they were in Maryland in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries.
39. Thomas Jefferson, Reports of Cases Determined in the General
Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740; and from 1768 to 1772
(Charlottesville, 1829); Gwinn v. Bugg, p. 89.
40. John Strange, Reports of Adjudged Cases in the Courts of
Chancery, Kings Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer , 2 vols. (London,
1782); 2:1266–7. See also: William Salkeld, Report of Cases Adjudged in the
Court of Kings Bench , (Philadelphia, 1822) 6th edition, 3 vols., 1:67–8;
and Michael Dalton, The Country Justice (1619; edited with an appendix, by
William Nelson London, 1727), p. 191. (I am grateful to Director Frederic
Baum and the staff of the Library of the Association of the Bar of the City of
New York for making these old books available to me.) In a marginal note,
Dalton says that by London custom (allowance for which appears to be made
in the Statute of Artificers [5 Eliz. 4] section 40 T.W.A.) an apprenticemay
be turned over to another.But the consent of the apprentice was presumably
still required. With regard to such transfers of an apprentice to another master,
according to Lipson, only rare exceptions were made, and these involved
extraordinary and particular review and agreement by the wardens of the trade
(Ephraim Lipson, Economic History of England, 3 vols. (London, 1926),
The distinction between assignability and non-assignability, between chattel
and non-chattel indenture to bond-servitude, was explicitly instanced in an
order of the Charles County Maryland Court of 28 January 1661. The court
approved an agreement between widow Ane Ges binding out her step-
daughter (called daughter-in-law” in those times) to one man for six years,
and her three-year-old son, for fifteen years, to another man, specifying in
each case that the child was bound to the man, his heirs, Executors,
administrators but not Assignes (Archives of Maryland, 52:1823). For
Virginia examples of such specific provisions, see: Rappahannock County
Records, 165664, pp. 2756 (1683); Northumberland County Records,
16781698, pp. 250, 826 (1685; 1698).
41. This characterization is given by Gray in his History of Agriculture in
the Southern United States to 1860 (1:344), in concluding his discussion of
the origin of indentured servitude” (1:3424). On this point, Gray appears to
have misappropriated the authority whose title he cites but does not quote.
Indeed, that authority seems to contradict Grays assertion most directly, as
follows: [T]he relation of master and servant in indented servitude was
unknown to that [English apprenticeship] law, and could neither be derived
from nor regulated by its principles. it had to depend entirely for its sanction on
special statutes, or on the action of tribunals which had no precedents before
them. (James Curtis Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia: A
Study of the System of Indentured Labor in the American Colonies
[Baltimore, 1895; 1969 reprint], p. 46).
Awareness of the distinction between colonial indentured chattel servitude
and terms of employment in the home country is revealed in the exceptional
indentures that were conditioned upon non-assignability. See, for example,
Virginia County Records, Rappahannock County Records, 165664, pp.
275–6 (18 February 1662/3; Lancaster County Records, 1660–80, p. 353 (8
March 1675/6); Northumberland County Records, 167898, pp. 250, 826 (1
January 1684/5 and 15 June 1698).
42. Tobacco seeds were first planted in England in 1565 (Encyclopedia
Britannica, 15th edition (Chicago, 1997), 11:812, Tobacco.”). The short-lived
1547 slave law (1 Edw. VI, 3) was repealed in 1550.
43. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, p. 19, and p. 239
n. 96, for the names of half a dozen champions of theparadox” thesis.
44. Bruce, Economic History 1:5269; 2389; 25462; 41112; 5856;
2:43, 4851, 415–17.
45. The patentees first seven years in possession were free of quit-rent
(Hening, 1:228).
46. Allan Kulikoff, Tobacco and Slaves: The Development of Southern
Cultures in the Chesapeake, 16801800 (Chapel Hill 1986), pp. 132–4.
Authorities agree that elsewhere in Virginia tenancy was much less practiced,
although the tax records provide no category for tenants. (Ibid., p. 134;
Jackson Turner Main, The Distribution of Property in Post-Revolutionary
Virginia, Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 41:24158 (195455); pp.
245 n. 12; 248 n. 21. The name of this publication was later changed to
Journal of American History.)
47. Willard F. Bliss, The Rise of Tenancy in Virginia, VMHB, 58:427–41
(1950), p. 429.
48. Ibid., p. 427. Cf. Carville V. Earle, The Evolution of a Tidewater
Settlement System: All Hallow’s Parish, Maryland, 16501783 , University
of Chicago Department of Geography Research Paper No. 170, 1975. Slaves
did not cause tenancy and the decline of the yeomen, says Earle (p. 226).
49. Russell R. Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial
Maryland (New York, 1985), p. 72.
50. Ibid., p. 76; Kulikoff, p. 133; Gregory A. Stiverson, Poverty in a Land
of Plenty: Tenancy in Eighteenth-century Maryland (Baltimore, 1977), p.
51. Kulikoff, p. 133.
52. Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth
of Nations (1812 reprint of 3 vols. in 1 by Ward Lock, & Co., London, n.d.
[19th century]), p. 354.
53. Bruce, 1:586. A. E. Smith likewise rejects the possibility of any
alternative to chattel bond-servitude, seeing it as being too expensive, for
purposes of colonization without rearranging society in some utopian fashion
(Colonists in Bondage, p. 305). Craven describes the bond-labor system as
merely a part of Virginias being “allowed to follow what was perhaps her
most natural development as a commonwealth of tobacco plantations” (Wesley
Frank Craven, The Dissolution of the Virginia Company; the Failure of a
Colonial Experiment (New York, 1932), p. 334).
54. Incidentally, while it is true enough to say, as Bruce does, the The
system of large estates was the result of tobacco culture alone, large estates
are by no means necessary for the raising of tobacco. Indeed, tobacco is
especially suitable for cultivation on small farms. (Fernando Ortiz,
Contrapunteo Cubano del Tabaco y Azucar [Havana, 1940], pp. 82–3, 466;
Eric Bates, The ‘Tobacco Dividend’: Farmers Who are Kicking the Habit,
The Nation, 13 February 1995, pp. 1958. Bates quotes a farm activist” as
saying that, If it weren’t for tobacco, we wouldn’t have small farms” [p.
55. Francis Bacon, Works, 6:935.
John C. Rainbolt (From Prescription to Persuasion, Manipulation of
Eighteenth Century Virginia Economy [Port Washington, NY, 1974])
examines circumstantial factors that frustrated efforts at diversification of the
Virginia economy. Although the title refers to the eighteenth century,
Rainbolt’s main attention is directed to the 16501710 period, well after the
commitment to tobacco had become a settled question in practical terms, and
the guiding principle of colonial Virginia government had been firmly
established: to secure the highest quickest profit for the Virginia planters,
shippers, servant-trade merchants, English Crown interests, tax-and-customs
56. Bruce, Economic Histroy, 1:512.
57. Being of the aristocracy himself, Bacon favored control by noblemen
and gentlemen. But this would seem to lapse from Bacon’s wonted
attachment to empirical data. The Earl of Warwick, a prominent member of
the Virginia and Bermuda companies, was so passionate for present gain that
he directed his main adventurers to piracy (Wesley Frank Craven,The Earl of
Warwick A Speculator in Piracy, Hispanic American Historical Review,
10:45779 [1930]). And by 1622 the arch-aristocrat King James I had come to
a view of the matter quite opposite to that held by Bacon. Said the king:
Merchants were the fittest for the government of that Plantation [Virginia]”
(RVC, 2:35).
58. In regard to the rate of expansion of the colonys population and the
colony’s relations with the native population, Bacons words seem like good
advice wasted: Cram not in people, by sending too fast company after
company; but hearken how they waste, and send supplies proportionably; but
so as the number may live well in the plantation, and not by surcharge [excess
population] be in penury.Then, in logical corollary to this doctrine of slow and
controlled population expansion, Bacon urged that: If you plant where savages
are, do not only entertain them with trifles and jingles; but use them justly and
graciously, with sufficient guard nevertheless: and do not win their favor by
helping them to invade their enemies, but for their defense it is not amiss.”
Bacon was successively Solicitor-General, Attorney-General, Lord Keeper
of the Seal, and Chancellor during the period of the completion of the plantation
of Ulster by the English. In that light, it is especially interesting to find Bacon
saying in this essay: I like a plantation in a pure soil; that is, where people are
not displanted to the end to plant in others. For else it is an extirpation than a
59. James and Charles, father-and-son Stuart kings of England, decreed
the encouragement of the sale of Virginia tobacco in England at the expense of
English-grown tobacco (royal Proclamations of 29 September 1624 and 9 May
1625: reprinted in Ebenezer Hazard, Historical Collections, 1:198ff, 203ff).
This act brought a net gain to the English balance of trade, in which English-
grown tobacco was a negligible factor.
60. See Cravens comment on Nathaniel Butlers Unmasking of Virginia
(Dissolution of the Virginia Company, p. 255).
61. The practice was loudly condemned in England and bitterly resented
on the part of the servants, but the planters found their justification in the
exigencies of the occasion …’ (Ballagh, p. 43).
62. See p. 51.
63. RVC, 2:125.
64. RVC, 2:110–13.
65. RVC, 2:129.
66. RVC, 2:124–5, 12831 (Report of the Committee on Registering of
Contracts between men of the Company and their Servants, 18 November
67. RVC, 4:235 (12 April 1623).
68. RVC, 4:235 (12 April 1623). Atkins was also the employer who sold
Thomas Best.
69. MCGC, p. 109 (28 August 1626).
70. RVC, 4:437 (30 March 1624).
71. RVC, 4:128–9 (26 April and 3 May 1623).
72. MCGC, pp. 756, 82.
73. MCGC, p. 105 (7 and 8 August 1626).
74. Martha W. Hiden, Accompts of the Tristram and Jane, VMHB,
62:42747 (1954); p. 437.
75. Richard Kemp, Secretary of Virginia colony to Francis Windebank,
English Secretary of State, 6 April 1638; in CSP, Col., Vol. 18). Hurd, 1:136, n.
76. See pp. 1719.
77. See pp. 556.
78. See pp. 1718.
79. See p. 96.
80. Smith, Travels and Works , 2:618 (Reply to the questions of the royal
commission for inquiring into the state of conditions in Virginia in 1624),
emphasis in original. Looking back two and a half centuries later, Scharf, a
most eminent historian of his state, seemed to confirm Smiths prediction of
misery and its root cause: Unquestionably, tobacco made Maryland a slave
State, and much poorer than she would otherwise be (J. Thomas Scharf,
History of Maryland from the Earliest Period to the Present Day , 3. vols.
[Baltimore, 1879; 1967 reprint], 2:48).
7 Bond-labor: Enduring
1. Abbot E. Smith, Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and Convict
Labor in America, 16071776 (Chapel Hill, 1947), p. 39. Smith makes this
generalization for the entire period 1607 to 1776.
2. Smith, pp. 99, 102, and 103.
3. Essex [County, England] Overseers of the Poor, 1631 accounts
(extract), Broadside, Transportation of the Poor to Virginia, 1631, courtesy
of Francis L. Berkeley, Manuscripts Division, Alderman Library Manuscripts
Division, University of Virginia, Charlottesville.
4. Wesley Frank Craven, White, Red, and Black: the Seventeenth-
century Virginian (Charlottesville, 1971; New York, 1977), pp. 5, 1416, 85
86. Cravens count of some 66,000 head-rights granted in Virginia between
1625 and 1682, plus his estimated 6,000 free immigrants for the period prior to
1625, minus some 1,400 head-rights granted for persons of African ancestry,
gives a European immigration total for Virginia of between 70,000 and 71,000.
A. E. Smith, working with head-right records for Maryland, estimated the
European emigrants to that colony in the period 1633 to 1680 at 21,000,
practically all of them bond-laborers (Colonists in Bondage, pp. 323–4). See
also: Russell R. Menard, Immigration to the Chesapeake Colonies in the
Seventeenth Century, Maryland Historical Magazine, 68:3237 (1973);
idem, Economy and Society in Early Colonial Maryland (New York, 1985),
pp. 117, 128; Eugene I. McCormac, White Servitude in Maryland 1634
1824 (Baltimore, 1904) p. 30; James Horn, Servant Emigration in the
Seventeenth Century, in Thad Tate and David L. Ammerman, eds., The
Chesapeake in the Seventeenth Century: Essays in Anglo-American
Society and Politics (Chapel Hill, 1979), pp. 5195; p. 54.
5. Governor William Berkeleys answers to questions submitted by the
Lords of Trade and Plantations: Hening, 2:51117; 515 (1671). The same
questions, together with answers stated in the third person plural, appear in
Peypsian ms. 2582, Magdalene College, England, Samuel Wisemans Book of
Record, 16761677 (available on microfilm of the Virginia Colonial Records
Project, survey report 578, pp. 108–11, microfilm reel 6618). They are signed
by John Hartwell as being a true copy.” The date of the answers in the
Hartwell copy is not given. Since Samuel Wiseman was the Secretary of the
Royal Commissioners who arrived in Virginia in January and February 1677 to
investigate the causes of Bacons Rebellion and to propose remedies in its
wake, it would appear that the answers were sufficiently current for the Royal
Commissioners’ purposes.
6. CO 5/714, Nicholson letter to the Lords of Trade and Plantations, 20
August 1698.
7. Robert Powis, a minister of the Church, lost out in the bidding for
Eleanor Clure. But in a drinking merriment, in order to frustrate the high
bidder, he married Clure to a third party, Edward Cooper. Months later, by
way of penalty against Powis for his abuse of office, the court deducted 300
pounds of tobacco from a judgment of a debt of 3,200 pounds owed him by
Cooper. It appears that Clure herself was not asked to testify. (Norfolk County
Records, 16561666, pp. 125, 151 [16 February 1657/8; 15 June 1658].) As a
general note on the marketing process, see also Smith pp. 1718.
8. A Relation of Maryland (London, 1635), Ann Arbor University
Microfilms, Inc., March of America Facsimile Series, 22; p. 53.
9. The military force dispatched from England in October 1651 to reduce
Virginia to obedience to the Cromwellian Commonwealth also brought one
hundred and fifty Scotch prisoners, taken in the recent battle of Worcester, and
sent over to be sold as servants” (John Thomas Scharf, History of Maryland
from the Earliest Period to the Present Day , 3 vols. [Baltimore, 1879; 1967
reprint], 1:209).
10. Of the total of some 250,000 limited-term bond-laborers that came to
the continental colonies from 1607 to 1783, 35,000 to 50,000 were convicts;
most of them, however, were sent following passage of a law (4 Geo. I 11) in
1717 for the further preventing robbery, burglary, and other felonies, and for
the more effectual transportation of felons and unlawful exporters of wool,
and at the same time supplying the great want of servants who by their labor
and industry might be the means of improving and making more useful the said
colonies. By that time the term servants” was reserved for European-
Americans bond-laborers.
A Council of State of the Commonwealth in 1653 authorized Richard
Netherway of Bristol to export one hundred Irish tories who were to be sold
as slaves in Virginia.” (Philip Alexander Bruce, Economic History of
Virginia in the Seventeenth Century: An Inquiry into the Material
Conditions of the People, based upon original records, 2 vols. (New York,
1895; reprinted 1935), 1:609, citing Interregnum Entry Book , vol. 98, p. 405.)
Perhaps the order was interpreted to include potentialtories”: in October
1654, two Maryland investors bought eight Irish boys, four of whom were so
little that it was suggested that the buyers should have brought cradles to rock
them in.” (Archives of Maryland, 41:478). See also The Invention of the
White Race, Volume One, p. 74, for reference to the Irish slave trade.” See
also John W. Blake, Transportation from Ireland to America, 165360, Irish
Historical Studies, 3:26781 (194243), especially pp. 271, 273, 280 in relation
to Virginia.
11. Certain propositions for the better accommodating Forreigne
Plantations with servants, CO 324/1, ff. 27583; f. 275.
12. The number of kidnapped British laborers in the entire colonial period
has been estimated at between ten thousand and twenty thousand. (Albert
Hart Blumenthal, Brides from Bridewell, Female Felons Sent to Colonial
America [Rutland, Vermont, 1962], p. 76.)
13. William Bullock, Virginia Impartially Examined (London, 1649), pp.
14, 47.
14. CO 324/1. A much larger portion of our colonial population than is
generally supposed found itself on American soil because of the wheedlings,
deceptions, misrepresentations and other devices of the ‘spirits.’ (Smith, p.
15. CO 389/2, items I, J, and K.” These were affidavits taken in
proceedings before Justice William Morton in England in January 1671.
Haverlands aggressiveness is noted in the testimony given by Thomas Stone
and by Mary Collins who, it seems, was also a spirit. According to her,
Haverland was reckless and disdainful of the law in the practice of his
profession. He replied to hints of possible trouble with the authorities in
unrestrained language: He did not care a turd for my Lord Chief Justice
nor his warrant and that he would wipe his arse with the Warrant.” Speaking
of a Dorsetshire Justice of the Peace who was said to be seeking Haverland,
Haverland swore God damn him He would have the life of [the Justice
of the Peace] Mr Thomas or hee should have the life of him [Haverland], and
shooke his sword and Swore God damn him, his sword should be both Judge
and justice for him (CO 389/2, itemI”).
16. CO 389/2, itemsI,J, and K.
17. CO 389/2, item K, Haverland affidavit, 30 January 1670/1.
18. Bullock, p. 47.
19. Smith, p. 36.
20. Bullock, pp. 356.
21. Francis L. Berkeley (see note 3) cites that entry as evidence that
persons dependent on the parish were transported to the colonies.
22. Smith. In 1668, sixty-nine bond-laborers were shipped from England to
Thomas Cooper, Maryland merchant or planter, at a charge of about £3 10s.
23. Ibid., p. 36.
24. Ibid., pp. 412.
25. The principle was reinforced by Royal Instructions, as in Queen
Annes directions to Francis Nicholson, who was then Governor of Virginia:
[N]one shall acquire a [head] Right meerly by importing or buying servants.
The patentee was required to employ the bond-laborers in work on the
headright land within three years. (CO 5/1360, p. 268. 16 October 1702.)
26. Apparently young Verney opted for the latter course; he was back in
England in less than a year. Verney Papers , Camden Society Publications,
56:16063 (1853).
27. James Revel, ’The Poor Unhappy Transported Felon’s Sorrowful
Account of His Fourteen Years of Transportation at Virginia in America (circa
1680), cited by John M. Jennings, VMHB, 56:18994 (1948). There is no way
of tracing the lineage of this poem to an actual identifiable author; its first
publication was in the form of a chapbook, or popular pamphlet, sold by street
peddlers in London in the middle of the eighteenth century. Its authenticity is
indicated by certain place names, topographical references and travel routes,
that were not familiar in England. Jennings refers to authorities such as
Jernegan, Ballagh, and Bruce in concluding that, in any event, the work
presents a realistic picture of conditions in Virginia in the middle of the
seventeenth century. Jennings is able to deduce that the author would have
had to have come to Virginia somewhere between 1656 and 1671. I would
further hazard that, since the poem does not allude to Bacons Rebellion, Revel
would have completed his term of servitude before that unignorable event.
That fact would seem to fix the date of his arrival in the colony between 1656
and 1662. The poem is reprinted in Warren M. Billings, ed., The Old
Dominion in the Seventeenth Century, A Documentary History of
Virginia, 16061689 (Chapel Hill, 1975), pp. 137–42. This particular passage
is found there at pp. 1389.
28. Richard Beale Davis, ed., William Fitzhugh and his Chesapeake
World, 16761701 (Chapel Hill, 1963), pp. 1289.
29. See Chapter 3, especially pp. 4045.
30. Hening, 1:396 (1656); 1:410 (1655); 1:4556 (1658); 1:481–2 (1658);
1:546 (1660).
31. Hening, 2:143 (1662).
32. Hening, 2:283.
33. Hening, 2:346.
34. Hening, 2:404 (February 1677).
35. Hening, 2:492–3. This 1682 law resulted in the importation of many
more Indian slaves than has usually been recognized. (Edmund S. Morgan,
American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia
[New York, 1975], p. 330.)
36. Bruce, 2:129. Economic History. James C. Ballagh, A History of
Slavery in Virginia (Baltimore, 1902), pp. 356.
37. Hening, 3:69.
38. Hening, 3: 69 n.
39. William W. Hening and William Munford, Reports of Cases, Relating
Chiefly to Points of Practice, Decided by the Supreme Court of Chancery
for the Richmond District, 2nd edn., Hudgins v. Wrights, (1806), 1:13343;
p. 137. But the court refused to extend the presumption of liberty to African-
Americans as Judge George Wythe had urged. That privilege, the court stated,
relates to white persons and native American Indians” but not to native
Africans and their descendants” (pp. 134, 143).
40. Lewis C. Gray, assisted by Esther K. Thompson, History of
Agriculture in the Southern United States to 1860 (Washington, DC, 1932;
reprinted 1958), 2:1025; Table 39 gives the number of African-American bond-
laborers for four colonies/states (Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South
Carolina, and Georgia) as 632,000. Philip D. Curtin, The Atlantic Slave Trade:
A Census (Madison, 1969), p. 72, estimates the number of African bond-
laborers brought into the thirteen original colonies to have been around 275,000.
41. Replying to an inquiry about the mortality rate made by the
Commissioners for Foreign Plantations in 1676, Governor William Berkeley
said that,whereas previously not one in five escaped the first year,” the
situation had so improved that not one in ten unseasoned hands die now.”
Samuel Wiseman’s Book of Record, pp. 10811. Cf. Hening, 2:515.)
The average annual death rate in England in the 1670s was less than 3
percent. (E. A. Wrigley and R. S. Schofield, The Population History of
England, 15411871: A Reconstruction [Cambridge, Mass., 1981], p. 532.)
42. Russell R. Menard: Economy and Society in Early Colonial
Maryland (New York, 1985), pp. 254, 268–9; idem., From Servants to
Slaves: The Transformation of the Chesapeake Labor System, Southern
Studies, 16: 35590 (1977); David W. Galenson, White Servitude and the
Growth of Black Slavery in Colonial America, Journal of Economic
History, 41:3947 (1981); idem, White Servitude in Colonial America: An
Economic Analysis (New York, 1981); idem, Traders, Planters and Slaves:
Market Behavior in Early English America (New York, 1986), pp. 1626.
43. Annie Lash Jester, comp. and ed., Adventurers of Purse and Person:
Virginia, 160725 (Princeton, 1956; 2nd edition, 1964), pp. 170. The
discussion of the muster by Irene W. D. Hect,The Virginia Muster of
1624/25 as a Source for Demographic History” (WMO, 30:6592), is of
invaluable help to students of that period. Her use of the phrase Negro
servants or slaves” in the or slaves” part does not reflect the record that she
has produced and discussed.
44. Hening, 2:170 (1662). Archives of Maryland, 1:533 (1663–64). See
further in Chapter 10.
45. MCGC, p. 466 (June 1640). Hening, 2:26 (1661). Helen Tuncliff
Catterall, ed., Judicial Cases Concerning Emerican Slavery and the Negro,
5 vols. (Washington, DC, 192637 Octagon reprint, 1968), 4:189.
46. Hening, 2:170 (1662). Archives of Maryland, 1:533 (1663–64). See
also: Whittington B. Johnson, The Origin and Nature of African Slavery in
Seventeenth Century Maryland, Maryland Historical Magazine, 73:23645
(1978); p. 237.
47. Gray, 1:203.
48. Morgan, p. 404.
49. A Perfect Description of Virginia, in Force Tracts, Vol. 2, No. 8, p.
14. A study of twenty-two estate inventories recorded in Surry County,
Virginia in the years 1686 to 1688, found not one plow listed. (Kevin P. Kelly,
Economic and Social Development of Seventeenth-century Surry County,
Virginia,PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, 1972; p. 138.)
50. Tobacco historian Robert says that in order to remove buds more
efficiently in order to limit the number of tobacco leaves drawing on the plant’s
nutrition, Some of the yeomen who worked their own crops allowed their
thumb nails to grow long and then hardened these nails in the flame of a
candle.” (Joseph Clarke Robert, The Story of Tobacco in America [New
York, 1940], p. 14 n. 3.) I have not seen any evidence of this practice among
bond-laborers; perhaps they did not see any advantage for themselves in such
an improvement in the instruments of production.”
51. Gray, 1:21517. Bruce, 1:43943. Joseph Clark Robert, The Tobacco
Kingdom: The Plantation, Market, and Factory in Virginia and North
Carolina (18001860) (Durham, North Carolina, 1938), pp. 34–55. Ulrich
Bonnell Phillips, Life and Labor in the Old South (Boston, 1929; 3rd edn.,
1967), pp. 11215.
52. Russell R. Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial
Maryland (New York, 1985), p. 462. Menard’s summary of extensive data
that he presents on the previous two pages for the period 1619 to 1698 cites
mainly, but not exclusively, Maryland data only from 1635 on. There is no
significant discrepancy between the increase of product per worker in Virginia
and Maryland. See also Gray, 1:21819.
53. Morgan, pp. 126–9, 2812. Morgan also attaches much importance to
the unadaptability” of English laborers for colonial labor. (He seems to imply
that Africans were better suited by their previous labor experience.) But
whereas Smith attributes the inability to adapt to those who had not been
agricultural laborers in England, Morgan finds the typical rural English worker
to have been unsuited for plantation labor. He even gives this typical emigrant
worker a sobriquet, The Lazy Englishman, linking his unsuitability for
plantation labor to that of The Idle Indian (Ibid., Chapter 3, especially, pp.
54. Archives of Maryland, 54:234.
55. Hening, 1:257; 2:113. Archives of Maryland, 2:147–8. I have used the
term adult bond-laborers” to cover the various cases in which the non-youth
ages range from sixteen for Irish and aliens, in 1643 and 1658, respectively,
and then for all bond-laborers in 1662 in Virginia, to twenty-two in Maryland in
56. Archives of Maryland, 2:147–48.
57. Hening, 2:240.
58. John Codman Hurd, The Law of Freedom and Bondage in the
United States, 2 vols. (Boston, 1858; Negro Universities Press reprint, 1968),
1:1389. Under the Statute of Artificers of 1562, a laborer who failed to fulfill
the terms of a contract for a particular job might also be put in jail for one
month. (See pp. 223.)
59. MCGC, p. 105.
60. MCGC, pp. 4668.
61. Hening, 1:440. (1658).
62. Archives of Maryland, 1:107–8.
63. McCormac, p. 52.
64. Archives of Maryland, 2:524; Runaway servants were usually
rewarded with a severe whipping by their masters …” (Proceedings of the
County Court of Charles County, 16581666, and Manor Court of St
Clement’s Manor, 165972, Archives of Maryland , 53:xxxiii (editorial
65. Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 16661674,
Archives of Maryland, 60:xxxv-xxxvi (editorial comment).
66. Ibid., 2:149; 65:xxxiii.
67. At that time the average product per worker was 1,553 pounds of
tobacco per year, and the price of tobacco was exceptionally low at 0.9d. per
pound. The price of male bond-laborers with four years or more to serve was
then 2,100 pounds of tobacco. (Menard, Economy and Society in Early
Colonial Maryland, pp. 249 (Table VII–2), 448 (Table A–7); 462 (Table A–
14). The product of sixty-two weeks of labor would equate to nearly 1,800
pounds of tobacco.
68. Archives of Maryland, 65:92
69. Archives of Maryland, 69:1545.
70. For Virginia laws, see Hening, 2:273–4 (1663), 2778, (1669) and 283
(1672). See also Archives of Maryland, 54:502, 527, 524, for examples of
court awards to captors of runaway bond-laborers.
71. Archives of Maryland, 2:523–8.
72. In authorizing the expenditure of 1,000 pounds of tobacco for
construction of the apparatuses for these forms of punishment, the
Northumberland County Court gave most particular specifications: The said
pillory is to be supplied with two Locust posts, the plank of which it is made to
be white oake two inches and a halfe thick [not recommended for the short-
necked], Eight foot in Length, and at least Seaven foot and a halfe high from
the holes [for the hands and the head of the victim] in the pillory to the Ground,
with a bench of Convenient height to stand upon[.] The stocks to be made of
white oake ten foot long and three inches and halfe thick with a bench to sitt
upon[.] The whip[p]ing post to be of Sound Locust at least Eight foot above
the ground and three foot and halfe within the ground, to be eight-square
[octagonal] and at least eight inches in Diameter” (Northumberland County
Records, 167898, p. 424 [15 February 1687/8]).
73. Hening, 1:265–7, 463–5; 2:1436.
74. Raphael Semmes, Crime and Punishment in Early Maryland
(Baltimore, 1938), pp. 378. Semmes comments: A man must indeed have
been in wretched circumstances if life in one of the jails seemed attractive.
See also Hening, 2:278–9.
75. Hening, 2:278–9 (1670). Archives of Maryland, 10:292.
76. Good surveys of this aspect of the status of bond-laborers are to be
found in: Smith pp. 270274; Bruce, 2:359; Economic History (Baltimore,
1895) and James C. Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia , pp.
Smith generalizes: Legal marriage without the consent of the masters was
always forbidden” (p. 271). Bruce appears to empathize with the owners:
Secret marriages among the servants of the colony seem to have been a
common source of serious loss to masters (2:37).
77. If a master consented to the marriage of a woman bond-laborer
belonging to him, the woman was freed from him (MCGC, p. 504 [12 March
78. The record seems to reflect the fact that defiance of this law was more
likely where the bond-laborer was attempting to marry a free person, since it
almost necessarily involved absconding from the owners plantation. In 1656,
the Lancaster County Virginia Court judged the marriage of a bond-laborer
John Smith to be no marriage and ordered him to be returned constable-to-
constable to his owner (Lancaster County Records, 165257, p. 285). The
following year, the fine for ministers conducting such marriages was by law
increased from 1,000 pounds of tobacco to 10,000 pounds (Hening, 1:332, 433).
For other examples of such illegal marriages, see: Norfolk County Records,
163746, p. 51 (1640); Norfolk County Records, 164651, ff. 147147a
(1650); and Essex County Records, 17031708, p. 3 (1703).
79. Hening, 1:252–3 (1643). Archives of Maryland, 1:97 (1640). See also
John Leeds Bozman, The History of Maryland from Its First Settlement in
1633 to the Restoration in 1660, 2 vols. (Baltimore, 1837), 2:135.
80. Forlorn bond-laborer Sarah Hedges was unsuccessful in her invocation
of this defense because the man she said was her husband, a seaman, did not
return with the next shipping. (Norfolk County Records, 165666, f. 423
[17 April 1665]; Norfolk County Orders, 166675, f. 2 [10 May 1666].) For
successful invocations of this immunity, see: Accomack County Records,
169097, pp. 173–173a (21 November 1695). See Also Northampton
County records, 165764, ff. 163, 166 (23 March 1662/3; 28 April 1663).
81. See Hening, 3:74, 139, 361.
82. Ibid., 1:253.
83. Ibid. 2:11415.
84. A ministers salary was £80 by law (ibid., 2:45 [1662]). Ten thousand
pounds of tobacco would have equated officially to £34 (ibid., 2:55).
85. When the English takeover of New Netherlands began in 1664, the so-
called Laws of the Duke of Yorkwere promulgated for the former Dutch
territories. These were compiled from those already in effect in earlier Anglo-
American colonies. One paragraph of these laws declared that marriages of
bond-laborers done without owner consent shall be proceeded against as for
Adultery or fornication.” Children of such unions were to be “reputed as
Bastards.” (Cheesman A. Herrick, White Servitude in Pennsylvania
Indentured and Pennsylvania Labor in Colony and Commonwealth
[Philadelphia, 1926. Negro Universities reprint, 1969], pp. 28, 287.)
86. Hening, 2:114–15.
87. Bozman, 2:135n.
88. Ibid.
89. The Maryland Provinical Court in 1657 sentenced a free woman and
free man to twenty lashes each for having lived in a notorious and Scandalous
Course of life tending to Adultery and Fornication.” The mans punishment
was remitted upon the payment of a fine of five hundred pounds of tobacco.
(Archives of Maryland, 1:5089, 588.)
In April 1649, in an instance that apparently involved no physical
punishment, a Virginia county court ordered that “William Watts & Mary,
Captain Cornwallis’s Negro Woman each of them doe penance by standing
in a white sheet with a white Rodd in their hands in the Chapell of Elizabeth
Rivers in the face of the congregation on the next Sabbath day that the
minister shall reade divine service and the said Watts to pay the court
charges.” (Norfolk Wills and Deeds, 164651, p. 113a.) I have noted half a
dozen early Norfolk County cases in which this white sheet, white rod
penance was imposed on fornicators.
90. Archives of Maryland, Vol. LIII, Proceedings of the County Court
of Charles County, 165866; editor’s comment, p. xxx.
91. Bozman, 2:135n.
92. Hening, 2:115 (1662); 3:139 (1696).
93. For Virginia instances in which thecoverture defense was used
(once unsuccessfully and once successfully) see Henrico County Record
Book No. 1, 167792, p. 164 (1 August 1684); and Accomack County
Records, 169097, f. 153 (18 June 1695).
On the other hand, the Virginia Assembly in 1662 ordered the erection of a
ducking-stool for punishment of women whose utterances might make their
poore husbands subject to law suits under the coverture principle. But it
appears that there were reasons for which unmarried women as well could be
subjected to this sometimes fatal treatment. In 1663, Elizabeth Leveritt, a
husbandless bond-laborer, was sentenced to endure the ordeal of watery
suffocation for being impudent” to her owner. In an order that was unique so
far as my study of the seventeenth-century Chesapeake records goes, the
same court ordered that her owner be similarly tortured for failing to maintain a
proper discipline over Leveritt. (Accomack County Records, 16631666, f.
94. 18 Eliz. I, c. 3. George Nicholls, A History of the English Poor Law
in Connection with the state of the country and Condition of the People, 3
vols.; (supplementary volume by Thomas Mackay), (1898; 1904; Augustus M.
Kelley reprint, 1967), 1:1656.
95. Hening, 2:115, 167. In 1691, the added time was reduced to one year
when the parents were European-Americans (Hening, 3:13940).
96. Archives of Maryland, 1:373–4.
97. Hening, 2:115. Bruce, 2:356.
98. Archives of Maryland, 58:28. The editors of this volume
(Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 16581666 and
Manor Court of St Clement’s Manor, 16591672) state that “Both men and
women were whipped indiscriminately, women on the bare back apparently as
frequently as men (p. xxx).
99. Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia , p. 48. Smith, p.
100. York County Deeds, Orders, Wills Etc., 168487 , f. 7 (26 January
101. Commenting on the common occurrence of sentences of two or three
years for mothers in such cases, A. E. Smith notes that the actual time off for
child-bearing rarely lasted for more than a month or six weeks. [I]t is plain
that the maidservant generally served far more extra time than she can
possibly have lost through her misdeeds [let that judgementalism pass];
sentences of two and even three years are quite common, though childbirth
can rarely have incapacitated a woman for more than a month or six weeks.”
(Smith, p. 271.)
102. See Chapter 8, note 37, regarding the extent of these records.
103. Rating tobacco at 10s. per hundred pounds, and the cost of
transportation of European-American bond-laborers at £6 each.
104. Output per worker in pounds of tobacco increased in every decade
from 1619 to 1699, and it is estimated to have been more than 1,500 pounds in
the 1660s. (Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial Maryland, p.
426, Table A14.) Though the price of Chesapeake tobacco fluctuated, it was
officially rated at about ten shillings a hundred pounds, 1.2d. per pound, during
the last four decades of the seventeenth century. (See Morgan, p. 204 n. 29.)
105. Smith, p. 271. Hening, 2:168.
106. Accomack County Records, 166670, f. 176, 3 February 1669/70.
Accomack County Records, 16971703, f. 78, 17 November 1699. Norfolk
County Records, 167586, p. 44, 22 November 1677.
107. Norfolk County Records, 164651, f. 140, 26 March 1650.
108. Archives of Maryland,, 53:xxviii-xxix, pp. 2830.
109. Ibid., 53:xxix, p. 37.
110. For instances of this aspect of gender-class oppression, see: Norfolk
County Records, 16511656, ff. 35 and 46 (1653); Lancaster County
Records, 16551666, p. 82 (1659); Charles City County Records, 1655
1665, p. 523 (1664); Norfolk County Records, 16661675 (part 2), f. 74a
(1671); Norfolk County Records, 16751686, ff. 44 and 99 (1677, 1679);
Accomack County Records, 16971703, ff. 7878a, and 129a-130 (1699,
1702); Surry County Records, 167191, pp. 454–55 (1684). In four of these
cases, the owner sold away his own child in the womb of the pregnant bond-
These acts were treated as “fornication, which entailed a fine of 500
pounds of tobacco on each party. If the woman bond-laborer was unable to
pay her fine, she was to suffer 20 or 30 lashes at the whipping post on her
naked back, or alternatively, if the owner paid her fine, she was bound to
serve six months for that, and two years more for the expense her pregnancy
and the child would be to the master (Hening, 2:115; 3:74, 159). In Virginia
after 1662, as is noted below, the extra two years was to be served under a
different master, to whom she was to be sold by the churchwardens (Hening,
111. Hening, 2:167. In Maryland in 1694 a woman in this situation was
required to swear in her pains of Travaille that the owner was the father.
This oath, which the bond-laborer could swear falsely only at the peril of hells
eternal fire, would be taken as proof only if it seemed to the male judges to be
consistent with all other evidence and testimony. (Archives of Maryland,
112. Archives of Maryland, 60:xxxvi, 9–11. The court record identifies
Yansley as a Spinster, most likely a reference to her occupation, not to her
unmarried status. The editor of this volume of the Archives of Maryland, says
that Yansley was presumably” a bond-laborer.
113. George Nicholls, 1:11419, 1215, 189. The laws were 22 Henry VIII
c. 10, 27 Henry VIII c. 25, and 43 Eliz. c. 2.
114. Nicholls, 1:189.
115. Hening, 2:240. Archives of Maryland, 2:147–8. See also Semmes,
pp. 857.
116. Hening, 2:115, 168.
117. Hening, 1:552.
118. Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial Maryland, pp.
460–61, 462. It is to be noted that European-American women were not
tithable unless they were working in the ground”; but the records indicate that
many, perhaps most, were engaged directly in the cultivation of tobacco fields.
119. See the cases of Bridgett (last name omitted in the record) and
Wilking (?) Jones: Norfolk County Records (part 2, Orders), 166675, pp.
94, 101 (June and August 1673); Norfolk County Order Book, 167586, p.
108 (2 March 1679/80). For the 1662 law, see Hening, 2:11415.
120. When the plantation bourgeoisie was able to reduce its labor force to
mainly lifetime, hereditary servitude, in the eighteenth century, the birth of the
children did becomecost-effective,as the bourgeois term is.
121. Hening, 1:361 (1649); 3:256. Under a law passed in 1680, imported
children of African origin were not to be tithable until they were twelve years
of age, those coming from Europe not until they were fourteen years old
(Hening, 2:479–80).
122. Hening, 2:168 (1662).
123. Ibid., 2:298 (1672).
124. Ibid., 2:170.
125. Hening, 3:87.
126. In the opinion of Whittington B. Johnson, This course of action was
probably forced upon slaveowners because there were so few African
females in the colony; it brought the owner potential monetary gain
(Johnson, p. 242.)
127. This calculation was propounded in an opinion delivered by Judge
Daniel Dulany, himself a slaveholder, in a historical appendix to a decision
delivered by him on behalf of the Maryland Provincial Court on 16 December
1767. (Thomas Harris Jr and John McHenry, Maryland Reports, being a
Series of the Most Important Cases argued and determined in the
Provincial Court and the Court of Appeals of the then province of
Maryland from the Year 1700 down to the American Revolution [New
York, 1809], 2 vols., 1:55964; 563.)
128. Archives of Maryland, 1:533 (1662); 13:546–9 (1692).
129. Hening, 2:170. Ballagh, History of Slavery in Virginia, p. 57.
130. Hening, 3:87.
131. CSP, Col, 13:644 (Minutes of the General Assembly of Maryland, 21
May 1692).
132. Elizabeth City County Records, 168499 (transcript), p. 83 (30
December 1695).
133. Accomack County Records, 17039, ff. 107-a, 118 (3 February and
2 June 1708).
134. Hening, 1:1534; 2:195; 273. Archives of Maryland, 2:5234. For
some Virginia cases arising under such laws, see Norfolk County Records,
166575, p. 42 (1670), and ibid., 167586; Middlesex County Records,
167380, f. 135 (1678); and Accomack County Records, 167882, p. 173
135. Hening, 2:11516 (1662).
136. The situation reported by an emissary of the London government in
1701 surely was not of recent origin. A great many, he said, choose to sit
down loosers rather than go to the Law. (Report of George Larkin to the
Lords of Trade and Plantations, CO 5/1312, 22 December 1701.)
137. Richard B. Morris, Government and Labor in Early America (New
York, 1946), pp. 312–13.
138. Charles City County Court Orders, 16551658, in Beverley Fleet,
comp., Virginia Colonial Abstracts , 34 vols., (Baltimore, 1961), vol. 10, p.
441 (8 February 1663/64).
139. McCormac, p. 44.
140. Ibid., p. 66. Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia , p.
59. Hening, 2:268 (1668).
141. Archives of Maryland, Vol. 60, Proceedings of the County Court
of Charles County, 16661674, pp. xxxv-xxxvi.
142. Ibid., pp. 4547. The matter is presented in fuller detail in the record.
143. Ibid., pp. 108–9.
144. Northampton County [Wills] Order Book , No. 10, 16741679, p.
145. Calendar of Virginia State Papers and Other
Manuscripts Preserved in the Capitol at Richmond, 16521859 edited
by W. P. Palmer, S. McRae, H. W. Flourney, et al., 11 vols. (Richmond,
18751893); 1:910.
146. Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia , H. R. McIlwaine,
ed., 13 vols. (Richmond, 1915); 2:345. Library of Congress, Jefferson Papers,
Series 8, Vol. 7 (Miscellaneous Documents), p. 232 (24 October 1666).
147. Smith, pp. 2378. This was not so in Barbados in the late decades of
the seventeenth century, where by law the European bond-laborers were
guaranteed five pounds of meat a week and four pairs of shoes every year,
along with corresponding quantities of other items of wearing apparel (Smith,
p.237). This contrast is rooted in the relative difficulty of keeping European
bond-laborers in the West Indies as compared with the continental plantation
colonies. (See Chapter 12.)
148. Accomack County Order Book I, 16321640, p. 68 (1 February
1635/36); Accomack County Deeds & Wills [Orders], 16661670 , p. 48
(17 February 1667/8). See also Smith, p. 250.
149. Gray, 1:366. Smith, p. 250.
150. For the customary diet in England, see E. H. Phelps-Brown and Sheila
V. Hopkins, Seven Centuries of the Prices of Consumables compared with
Builders’ Wage-rates, Economica, 23:296307 (1956). Although the
tabulation skips from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, it indicates a trend
of increase in the importance of meat and dairy products in the English diet.
While the grains-and-peas proportion declined slightly, beef replaced herring in
the diet, and by 1725, out of every 100 pence [the equivalent of less than ten
days builders’ wages] spent on consumables” (food, drink, fuel and light, and
textiles), the meat and dairy products portions accounted for 37½ pence and
included 33 pounds of beef, 10 pounds of butter, and 10 pounds of cheese.
(See ibid., Tables 1 and 2.) How nearly this approximated the wage workers
diet is not revealed, however.
See pp. 151–2 for bond-laborers’ struggles over diet.
151. Aubrey C. Land,The Planters of Colonial Maryland, Maryland
Historical Magazine, 67:10928 (1972); p. 124.
152. Bruce, 1:486. Gray, 1:209.
153. E. H. Phelps-Brown and Sheila V. Hopkins, Wage-rates and Prices:
Evidence for Population Pressure in the Sixteenth Century,Economica,
24:289306 (1957); table 4,England” column 1.
154. Bruce, 2:20511.
155. Gray, 1:209.
156. Cf. Bruce, 2:8. Bruce cites York County records for 16571662 to
argue that in 1661 bond-laborers were given meat three times a week. But he
seems unable to find grounds for his speculation that, It could not have been
many years before this allowance was extended to each day in consequence
of the enormous increase in the heads of hogs and horned cattle.Perhaps he
might have cited from the same volume of York County records the rebellious
complaint of bond-laborers that they were dieted on only corn and water,
whereas they were supposed to get meat three times a week. (York County
Deeds, Orders, Wills, Etc , f. 149 [6 January 1661/2]. Besides the folio
number given here, there is page number 297 inscribed by the Virginia State
Library, and a typescript page 384 of the same record. Bruce cites p. 384.”
Could he have been using the typescript; and did he mean 1662 instead of
1661?) See references to this bond-laborers’ plot in Chapter 8.
157. Questions proposed by his Majestie and Councell for which I return
this humble plain and true answer.” [Henry] In Coventry Papers Relating to
Virginia, Barbados and other Colonies , microfilm prepared by the British
Manuscripts Project of the American Council of Learned Societies and
available at the Library of Congress (originals at the estate of the Marquis of
Bath, Longleat House, Wiltshire, England, hereafter to be cited as Coventry
Papers.) The present citation is Vol. 77, f. 332. The report is not dated, but
was obviously written in the fall of 1676. Henry Coventry was a Secretary of
State with primary responsibility for the colonies.
158. Jasper Dankers and Peter Sluyter, Journal of a Voyage to New
York and a Tour in Several of the American Colonies in 167980 ,
translated and edited by Henry C. Murphy, Long Island Historical society
Memoirs I (Brooklyn, 1867), p. 191.
The report of George Larkin to the Lords of trade and Plantations in
December 1701 revealed that in Virginia and Maryland the owners still held to
the principle of getting pennies by saving them at the expense of the bond-
laborers food allowance: a man had really better be hanged than come a
servant into the Plantations, most of his food being homene and water. I
have been told by some of them that they have not tasted flesh meat in three
months.” (CO, 5/1312).
159. Gray, 1:3656.
160. Using Menards tabulations for the period 166079 inclusive for
Maryland, the average output per worker was 1,603 pounds of tobacco, and
the average price was 1.18d. In five years the labor of each bond-laborer
would thus have brought to the owner an income of £39 8s. (See Menard,
Economy and Society in Early Colonial Maryland, pp. 449 and 462.) In
Virginia before 1660, according to Thomas J. Wertenbaker, the average
annual income from the labor of one able worker was not less than £12
(The Planters of Colonial Virginia [Princeton, 1922], p. 71). Morgan says
that Virginia tobacco prices were probably somewhat higher” than those in
Maryland, and he notes that in official transactions in Virginia in the last four
decades of the seventeenth century, tobacco was rated at 10s per hundred
pounds (1.2d per pound). (Morgan, p. 204 n. 20.) See also L. C. Gray’s
discussion of tobacco prices, 1:2628.
Semmes states that an owner made an annual profit of about fifty pounds
sterling, citing, among other facts, the claim by a member of the Maryland
Colony council that on average the bond-laborer would produce to his master,
at least fifty pounds sterling clear profit into purse, most commonly far more.”
(Semmes p. 80; the quoted phrase is cited from Letters of Robert Wintour”,
unpublished manuscript in the collection of Dr Hugh H. Young, of Baltimore,
161. CO 5/1312. See notes 136 and 158 above. A quarter of a century
before, the Virginia Assembly noted the practice among owners of pressuring
bond-laborers who were nearing the end of their terms to agree to extend their
servitude. (Hening 2:388–9.)
162. ‘… The observed increase in productivity probably resulted from
making servants work harder” (Joseph Douglas Deal, Race and Class in
Colonial Virginia: Indians, Englishmen, and Africans on the Eastern
Shore during the Seventeenth Century (New York, 1993), p. 115).
163. Phillips, p. 126.
164. Robert, Tobacco Kingdom, p. 18.
165. Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial Maryland, p. 239.
166. George Fitzhugh in De Bow’s Review, 30:89 (January 1861), cited in
Phillips, p. 126.
167. Consequently, early in the season, when ready tobacco might not be
available, exchanges were sometimes made completely or partially by direct
barter, as in the following cases found in the Maryland court records. In April
1663, Elizabeth Holbrooke, a bond-laborer belonging to John Williams with four
years to serve, was exchanged for One yearling heyfer, with her encrease.”
In March 1667, John Godshall acquired a parcel of land called Hogge
Quarter” for a Servant named Thomas Porch in hand paid.” When Thomas
King the following year bought five hundred acres of land on the north side of
Nangemy Creek from Thomas and John Stone, he paid Seven Thousand
Pounds of Tobacco and Caske and two Servants” (Archives of Maryland,
49:7 [1663]; 60:147, 168–9 [1668]). The Lancaster County Virginia records for
that same month reveal that Thomas Williamson had taken out a mortgage
on a male bond-laborer, one Samuel Pen[?], on whom the mortgage holder,
Thomas Williamson, was seeking foreclosure. (Lancaster Orders, Etc.,
16661680, p. 34 [13 March 1666/7].)
168. Bruce, 1:447.
169. Land, p. 124.
170. Referring particularly to the 166080 period, when tobacco prices
were much lower than in previous decades, Edmund S. Morgan writes that the
small self-employed farmer was apt to be debt-ruined in times of especially
low tobacco prices, but a man with capital or credit to deal on a large scale
could thrive through it all by prudent market operations, and by working his
men [and women] a little harder” (Morgan, p. 191).
171. Bullock, p. 11. See also A Perfect Description of Virginia, Being a
Full and True Relation of the Present State of the Plantation, Their
Health, Peace, and Plenty (London, 1649) in Force Tracts, II, No. 8, p. 6.
A century later the much-quoted William Eddis found that in Maryland, as
a general rule, European bond-laborers were strained to their uttermost to
perform their allotted labor” under the watchful eye of the rigid planter [who]
exercises inflexible severity in matters of supervision.
172. Accomack Court Orders, 16661670, ff. 6062 (16 June 1668).
The name of this entrepreneur is notorious to the fellowship of scholars of the
seventeenth-century Chesapeake.
173. Dankers and Sluyter, p. 216.
174. Archives of Maryland, 10:521 (22 September 1657).
175. Archives of Maryland, 1:21.
176. James Revel,The Poor Unhappy Transported Felon’s Sorrowful
Account …, VMHB, 56:18994 (1948). Reprinted in Billings, p. 140.
177. Archives of Maryland, 10:4845 (10 March 1656/7).
178. Bruce, 2:33.
179. Revel, p. 140.
180. According to the author of A Description of the Province of New
Albion, And a Direction for Adventurers with small stock to get two for
one, and good land freely, written in 1649, only one out of nine Virginia
immigrants was dying in the first critical year in the colony, but in the first three
decades, five out of six died in the first year of bondage, called theseasoning
time. (Force Tracts, II, No. 7, p. 5.) Governor Berkeley reported to the Lords
of Trade and Plantations in 1671 that the bond-laborers then generally survived
the first “seasoningyear, but that “heretofore not one of five escaped the first
year” (CO 1/26, f. 198. Hening 2:515).
The Virginia records led Thomas J. Wertenbaker to conclude in 1922 that
in the 163560 period one-third or more of the bond-laborers died in the first
year of their servitude, but that conditions improved so much that by 1671 the
proportion was only one out of five (Wertenbaker, pp. 40, 80). Abbot E. Smith,
in 1947, without giving specific dates, wrote thus of the bond-servitude of
European immigrants: kill them it usually did; at least in the first years, when
fifty over seventy-five of every hundred died without ever having a decent
chance at survival(Smith, p.304). Walter Hart Blumenthal, in 1962, believed
that of the bond-laborers coming to the tobacco colonies between 1620 and
1680, 35 percent of the women and 50 percent of the men died within five
years after landing. (Blumenthal, p. 23). Wesley Frank Craven, in 1971, noted
the high death rate among the earliest Virginia immigrants, but believed that
subsequently the first year … was usually not fatal (Craven, p. 26).
The odds against a chattel bond-laborer surviving the first year are
indicated by the fact that a new laborer with five years to serve was
commonly sold for less than a seasoned hand who had only three or four years
to serve (Morgan, pp. 1756). Russell Menard believes that the inflow of
immigrant laborers did not rise steadily after 1644 as Morgan (p. 180) argues,
but that it rose and fell in response to the rise or fall of tobacco prices
(Economy and Society in Early Colonial Maryland, pp. 11926). But, he
says, the mortality rate among new arrivals must have been frightening(ibid;,
p.191; see also Table IV–4, p. 137).
Both Morgan and Menard call attention to the disparity between the
mortality rates of New England and those in the tobacco colonies. That
disparity explains why New Englands population growth in the seventeenth
century did not depend upon immigration, while in Maryland and Virginia
population growth did. Among the factors making for the difference was that
while some 80 percent of the immigrants to the Chesapeake were chattel
bond-laborers, only a small percentage of New England immigrants were in
that category. (Morgan, p. 180; Menard, pp. 12930, 140, and Tables IV–3
and IV–5, pp. 135 and 141.)
181. Dankers and Sluyter, p. 217.
182. Accomack County Wills, Deeds, & Orders, 16781682 , p. 260 (18
August 1681).
183. Accomack County Order Book I (Orders, Deeds, Etc., No. 1),
16321640, p. 104 (3 July 1637). Norfolk County Wills & Deeds B, 1646
1651, p. 117a (19 April and 31 July 1649).
In 1692 the Provincial Assembly of Maryland enacted a law providing that
owners who grossly abused any English Servant or Slave, or denied them
provisions, or forced them to work beyond their strength, for the first and
second offense were to be. fined, and if the offense were then repeated, the
bond-laborers were to be free from their servitude.’.’ Accordingly, Thomas
Courtney, who most barbarously dismembered and cutt off both the Earsof
a Molattoe girl, a limited-term bond-laborer, was merely ordered to set her
free. There was no further recompense” to the girl. Furthermore, that did not
mean she was to be freed from servitude, but merely from servitude to
Courtney. (Archives of Maryland, 13:4517 [4 June 1692]).
184. Morris, pp. 485–7.
185. Hening, 2:53.
186. Although I am working directly with the colonial records as cited,
almost all, or nearly all, of the cases mentioned here are also mentioned in
Morris, pp. 485–8 and 491–96 (the Henry Smith case).
187. Northampton County Orders, Deeds, Wills, Etc., No. 2, 1640
1645 (3 August 1640). I have had to interpolate somewhat in describing the
indenture, because of damage to the manuscript.
188. But the inquest jury said, ’how hee came by his death wee know not.”
(Northampton County Order Book, 16541664, pp. 21–2 [29 June 1658].)
Burton may have had no reason to feign a headache. In a subsequent autopsy,
a physician found that Burtons heart [had been] very defective and his
Lungs imperfect blacke and putrefied. (Ibid., p. 25 [same date].) For other
examples, see: Charles City County Records, 16551665, p. 357 (3
February 1662/3; bond-laborer found starved to death, his body showing stripes
from a whipping administered by the wife of his owner). Northampton
County Order Book, 16571564, pp. 140, 142 (10 July and 24 August, 1662;
owner posts good behaviour” bond, which is returned to him three months
later). Lancaster County Orders, Etc., 16661680, f. 10. (2 September
1666; bond-laborer dies very shortly after” being switched by owner for
feigning” illness; court finds owner innocent.”) Northampton County Order
Book, 16641674, p. 130. (28 June 1672; owners agent kicks, a young
African-American boy to death, depositions are taken from fellow bond-
laborers but no further court action is recorded.) See also: Surry County
Records, 167191, p.219. (12 September 1678; inquest finds owner to have
caused the death of his woman bond-laborer; the court nullifies that finding.)
Middlesex County Order Book, 16941705, pp. 234–42, 300, 458. (1
August and 2 October 1699; account of the whipping to death of a Mulatto
runaway boy at the specific orders of his owner, Samuel Gray, a minister;
there is no record of any penalties.) The minister remained one of the boys”
of the county elite; he served as a member of the first Board of Visitors and of
the Board of trustees of the College of William and Mary. (Richard L. Morton,
Colonial Virginia, 2 vols. [Chapel Hill, 1960], 1:346 n. 15.)
189. Archives of Maryland, 3:146, 1878; 10:522, 53445. Seven years
later, a member of the indicting grand jury, John Grammer, killed one of his
bond-labors with a hundred lashes, but the grand jury declined to indict him.
Archives of Maryland, 49:307–12.
190. Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 16631666 Archives of
Maryland, 49:290, 3047, 311–14. Finchers last words before sentence of
death was pronounced are a curiosity; after three months in jail he displayed
none of the choler he had shown when in authority: “If I deserve it I must die
(p. 313).
191. Archives of Maryland, 54:39091; 57:6065. To be granted benefit
of clergy, a person found guilty was merely shown a bible and asked if he
could read it as a cleric. If the answer was yes, the defendant was let go
with a formalistic branding of the base of the thumb. This routine was a
vestigial relic of medieval times when only persons of clerical status were able
to read the Bible and when priests were to be tried only in ecclesiastical
courts. Carpenter was assessed 2,998 pounds of tobacco for sheriffs fees,
and 1,000 for the surgeon who opened the skull of the victim at inquest.
(Ibid., 54:410.)
192. Smith appears in the record as a successful planter and as a
thoroughgoing pathological brute. He scorned his wife, and beat her until she
finally had to return to England to save her life. He sexually assaulted two of
his women bond-laborers, so that they ran away. (Retaken, they were ordered
to serve additional time double the days of their absence from Smith.) Another
bond-laborer, mother of a child by him, charged that Smith had killed it.
Accomack County Orders, 16661670, pp. 67 (December 1668); 112 (4
February 1668/9); 129, 1317 (17 March and 2 April 1668/9); 168 (25 January
1669/70); 176–9 (3 February 1669/70). MCGC, p. 217 (166870), cited by
Morris, p. 496 n. 145.
193. Archives of Maryland, 69:xvixvii, 413. Morris, p. 486.
194. Archives of Maryland, 41:47880.
195. Ibid., p. 385.
196. Ibid., 49:166–8, 230, 2335.
197. See Appendix II-D.
198. For cases in which special judicial consideration was given to
psychopathic persons accused of crime, see Hening, 2:39 (1661) and
Northumberland County Records, 167898 (1 November 1683).
199. See p. 22, above.
200. You may be a model citizen, perhaps a member of the Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and in the odor of sanctity to boot; but
the thing that you represent face to face with me has no heart in its breast.
That which seems to throb there is my own heart-beating. Thus spake
Marx’s wage-worker in 1869. It was just as true for the relations of labor and
capital in the plantation bond-labor system. (See Karl Marx, Capital, Vol. I,
Chapter X, The Working Day, Section 1.)
8and Resisting
1. W. E. B. DuBois, in Annual Report of the American Historical
Association for the Year 1909 (1911), a forerunner of his Black
Reconstruction, published in 1935.
2. Timothy H. Breen, A Changing Labor Force and Race Relations in
Virginia 16601710, Journal of Social History, Fall 1973, pp. 3–25.
3. Ibid., p. 7.
4. Ibid., p. 17. It will be apparent that this chapter draws on many of the
same records cited by Breen. However, as I have indicated briefly in the
Introduction of this work (The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, p.
20), I question Breens attribution of the disappearance of solidarity of
European-American and African-American laborers against the plantation
bourgeoisie after 1676 to exclusively objective factors (such as tobacco prices
and the arrival of non-English-speaking laborers directly from Africa). I also
object to certain assertions requiring the reader to share his undocumented
speculations about the attitudes of the European-American workers (he called
them whites”) (pp. 7, 17). Finally, I attempt in this work to give some attention
to the role of male supremacy and the resistance to it in the. history of the
period embraced in the title of Breens article. This aspect appears to have
been ignored, but not only by Breen.
5. Servants responded to their lot in different ways. Some ran off at the
first opportunity; other stole from their owners or attacked them; still others
found momentary solace in drink or casual sexual liaisons. Planters viewed
such behavior as a clear and constant danger to an orderly society and to their
own economic well being. And why not? As a group the servile population
accounted for half of Virginias settlers. (Warren M. Billings, The Law of
Servants and Slaves in Seventeenth-Century Virginia, Virginia Magazine of
History and Biography, 99:4562 [January 1991]; p. 50.)
6. In the words of the Virginia Assembly in 1661 (Hening, 2:35).
7. Northampton County Records, 165557, p. 26. This first John Custis
was the great-grandfather of Daniel Parke Custis, whose widow, Martha
Dandridge Custis, married George Washington. (Edward Duffield Neill,
Virginia Carolorum, the Colony under the Rule of Charles the First and
Second, AD 16251685 [Albany, NY, 1886], p. 209.)
8. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, p. 74, and Chapter
7, note 10 of this volume.
9. Hening, 1:411 (March 1655). After the restoration of the crypto-Catholic
Charles II to the throne in England, the distinction was repealed in 1662, but
the new law was not retroactive (Hening 2:113–14).
10. Westmoreland County Records, 166162, p. 52.
11. York County Records, 165762 , f. 122. For other cases of bond-
laborer suicide, see: Archives of Maryland, 53:5012; Northampton County
Records, p. 106 (1651); York County Records, 165762, f. 67. (1659); York
County Records, 166572, p. 115 (1666); Accomack County Records,
167678, p. 29 (1677); Accomack County Records, 167690, f. 122 (1678).
Perhaps there was a class predisposition to want of Grace”; I have found
no seventeenth-century record of a suicide by a Chesapeake owner of bond-
12. York County Records, 165762, f. 46.
13. Archives of Maryland, 65:28. A second African-American bond-
laborer was among the group of those originally charged, but the jury found
him not guilty. Nevertheless, he was ordered to act as hangman of the other
The editorial definition of petty treason is the killing of a master by his
servants, of a husband by his wife, or of a high ecclesiastic by one of his
inferiors” (p. xvii).
14. Hening, 2:118.
15. For a number of such Virginia violent hands” cases, besides those
detailed here, see: Accomack County Records, 166670, pp. 14, 38 (1666,
1667); York County Records, 166572 , f. 52 (1666); Northampton County
Records, 166474, pp. 69–70 (1669); Northumberland County Records,
166678, f. 93 (1670); Lancaster County Records, 166680, p. 200 (1671);
Middlesex County Records, 167380, f. 6 (1674); Northumberland County
Records, 166678, f. 197 (1674); Accomack County Records, 167678, pp.
2021 (1676).
16. Norfolk County Records, 166675, p. 7 (1666).
17. Lancaster County Records, 166680, pp. 200–201.
18. Northampton County Records, 166474, pp. 133, 134, 1378, 219,
(1672, 1673).
19. Surry County Records, 167184, ff. 82, 97. You had to be there!
20. Hening 1:257 (March 1643).
21. Norfolk County Records, 165156, pp. 101, 105, 114. No reference
is made to Bradleys age. The next law on this subject (Hening, 1:4412)
required non-indentured, custom-of-the-country bond-laborers who were
under fifteen years old at the time of their arrival to serve until they were
twenty-one. But that law was not enacted until 1658.
22. Northumberland County Records, 167898, p. 389.
23. Northampton County Records, 164551, ff. 132–3.
24. Hening, 1:244 (1643), 350 (1647); 2:129 (1662), 441 (1679). To kill a
marked hog would logically make one subject to prosecution; but why did the
ruling class insist on these severe penalties for killing and eating wild hogs?
Was it a way of emphasizing to bond-laborers their general dependence on
their owners for their diet”? Was it aimed at discouraging runaways who
might hope to maintain themselves on wild pork? Governor Francis Nicholson
articulated that concern: the stock of cattle and hogs” running in the woods
and about the frontiers, he said, would supply them [runaways] with
victuals.” (CSP, Col. , 16:391, Nicholson to Commissioners of Trade and
Plantations, 20 August 1698.)
25. For typical examples, see: Northumberland County Records, 1652
65, f. 351; ibid., 166678, f. 151; ibid., 167898, p. 6; Lancaster County
Records, 166680, ff. 142, 215, 230, 352; Middlesex County Records,
167380, f. 36; ibid., 168094, pp. 5, 31; ibid., 16941705, p. 98, 28990.
26. Accomack County Records, 167690, pp. 38990 (7 November
27. Archives of Maryland, 49:8–10 (31 March 1663). The sentence of the
court was that six suffer 30-lash whippings, to be administered by the other
28. Lancaster County Records, 166680, f. 158 (13 July 1670).
29. In regard to the components of the English diet at that time see page
321, n. 150.
30. York County Records, 165762 , ff. 85 (24 July 1660); 143 (24
January 1661/2); 149 (25 January 1661/2); 150 (10 March 1661/2). A part of
this record is printed in VMHB. 11:346 (19021903).
31. Library of Congress, Virginia (Colony) Collection microfilm, reel 4,
depositions taken 13 September 1663. These materials have been printed in
VMHB, 15:3843 (19078). See also Robert Beverly, History and Present
State of Virginia (1705); John Burk, The History of Virginia from its First
Settlement to the Commencement of the Revolution, 3 vols. (Petersburg,
Virginia, 1822), 1:1357; and Charles Campbell, History of the Colony and
Ancient Dominion of Virginia (Philadelphia, 1860).
32. Perhaps this was the Birkenhead mentioned in the Interregnum Record
Book for 28 June 1653, who was scheduled to speak with a committee
concerning matters of importance and togive in names of such other
persons as to be summoned before the Committee (Great Britain Public
Record Office, Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 37:445).
33. Hening, 2:204 (16 September 1663).
34. Hening, 2:195.
35. Hening, 2:204.
36. A great portion, quite possibly half, of the seventeenth-century Virginia
court records no longer exist. Of the lost seventeenth-century county records,
a major part was destroyed by fires set when Robert E. Lees Confederate
army retreated from Richmond in the first days of April 1865. However, says
an archival specialist, an awful lot of [the] dates of destruction have nothing at
all to do with the Civil War, many of the records having been lost in other
wars, and in floods and non-wartime fires. Some few seem not to be
accounted for at all. (Robert Clay, of the Virginia State Library Archives, in
The Callaway Family Association Journal, 1979, pp. 48–56; see p. 51 for a
list of Burned Record Counties.) This is simply a limitation to which historians
must be reconciled, aware as they must ever be of the risks of attempting to
generalize on the basis of incomplete information.
Of the approximately 1,675 total of all the years of existence of all the 27
Virginia counties that at some time existed in Virginia between 1634 (the
beginning of county formation) to 1710, county court records of varying extents
are available in photocopy and on microfilm as well as in abstracts from the
records, at the Virginia State Archives in Richmond, comprising some 1,275
county-years. In the preparation of this study, I have examined the records
covering some 885 of these county-years, including some made in four
counties that were extinguished during that period: Accawmacke, Charles
River, and Warrosquoake in 1643; Rappahannock in 1693. (See Martha W.
Hiden, How Justice Grew, Virginia Counties: An Abstract of Their
Formation, Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklet No. 19
[Richmond, 1957], especially charts 19, pp. 835.)
37. Billings, p. 50, J. Douglas Deal, Race and Class in Colonial Virginia:
Indians, Englishmen, and Africans on the Eastern Shore During the
Seventeenth Century (New York, 1993), p. 126.
38. There were paradoxical cases, as noted in Chapter 7, when the owners
might find it to their advantage to encourage flight of bond-laborers in the
last month or so of their bondage to avoid payment of the customary corn and
clothesdue at the end of their terms.
39. Due to the late unhappy rebellion, the Assembly said in amending the
statute of limitations in October 1677, all judiciary proceedings were impeded
and hindred for the greatest part of the last year. (Hening, 2:419–20). The
records of the Provincial Court of Maryland tell of the flight of eight African-
American bond-laborers from that province to Virginia during the time of
Bacon’s Rebellion. (Archives of Maryland, 49:355–6.)
40. Hening, 2:35.
41. Governor Berkeley to Lords of Trade and Plantations (Hening, 2:515):
according to Berkeley there were bond-laborers in Virginia. 6,000 European-
American and 2,000 African-American. Governor Culpepers estimate, 12
December 1681, put the numbers at fifteen thousand servants, of whom
3,000 were African-Americans (CSP, Col., 11:157).
42. When takers-upof runaways applied to be certified by the General
Assembly for compensation, the list of the captives gave no indication of
whether two or more had acted in concert.
43. MCGC, p. 467 (17 October 1640). In the end the costs were to be
repaid by extensions of the servitude of bond-laborers recaptured.
44. MCGC, p. 466. The owner would have preferred to dispose of them in
45. MCGC, p. 468.
46. MCGC, p. 467 (22 July 1640).
47. MCGC, p. 467 (13 October 1640). By The Dutch Plantation they
may have meant present-day Delaware.
48. Ibid.
49. Northampton County Records, 164551, f. 2 (11 November 1645).
In this and subsequent notes, the dates given are those of the court
proceedings; where the dates of the events described are significantly different
from the date of the court record, those dates will be given.
50. Accomack County Records, 166670, ff. 31–3. Although the
depositions in this case were taken in August 1663, they were not entered in
the record until 16 July 1667.
51. Two, and possibly three, of the women were married, from which fact
I infer that they were probably not chattel bond-laborers. By the same
reasoning, I conclude that the conspirator husbands of two of them were not
chattels. In all probability they were former bond-laborers.
52. They were, respectively, the son-in-law and daughter of Colonel
Scarburgh (Deal, p. 119).
53. Black James, was associated in the accounts withCornelius a
dutchmans wife.” James is not further identified. It is worth noting, however,
that among the tithables of Lieutenant Colonel William Kendall in 1668 in
neighbouring Northampton County were Cornelius Arreale and James
Negro.” (Northampton County Records, 166474, p. 55.)
54. Accomack County Records, 167173, pp. 937. Although the
depositions were taken in December 1670, they are entered in the record on 23
April 1672, more than two years later. Possibly they were used in evidence
against one of the plotters, Isack Medcalfe, who at the later date was
appealing for leniency in the matter of the extension of his time of servitude.
55. Middlesex County Records, 167380, f. 226 (4 October 1680).
56. Accomack County Records, 167872, p. 95 (16 July 1679).
57. Lancaster County Records, 166680, ff. 4878 (10 September
58. Northumberland County Records, 167898, p. 176 (18 April 1683).
59. Accomack County Records, 168297, p. 131 (2 April 1688).
60. Norfolk County Records, 168695, p. 108 (17 February 1688).
61. Middlesex County Records, 168094, pp. 30910 (14 October
62 Middlesex County Records, 168094, pp. 5267 (9 October 1691);
535 (23 November 1691); 539 (4 January 1691/2. See also Rappahannock
County Orders, 168692, p. 335 (3 February 1691/2).
63. Northumberland County Records, 167898, p. 443 (17 October
64. York County Records, 168791, p. 527 (26 January 1690/91; the date
of their flight was 18 August 1690). One might speculate that these men had
hoped for a better lot in Quaker country.
65. Norfolk County Records, 166675, f. 37 (18 August 1669).
66. Lancaster County Records, 166680, ff. 211–18 (10 March
67. Norfolk County Orders, 167586, f. 10 (15 December 1675). The
Beverleys apparently represented the exceptional case of a bond-labor
68. Accomack County Records, 16971703, f. 67 (24 June 1699).
69. Northampton County Records, 166474, p. 123 (28 February
1671/2). A previous entry of the same date, concerning Rodriggus’s wife,
indicates that Rodriggus was employed by planter Mr John Eyre (or Eyres),
though not as a bond-laborer.
70. Norfolk County Orders, 167586, p. 99 (16 August 1679).
71. Northampton County Records, 169097, p. 4 (19 November 1690),
Presumably this is the same Crotofte of the clandestine feasts (see p. 151).
Has he survived as a bond-laborer after all these six years? But who is this
John Johnson? Presumably he is neither the son nor the grandson of Anthony
Johnson, the patriarch of Pungoteague Creek. And what were the respective
offenses for which they were in jail?
72. Richmond County Records, 169499 (4 August 1697). When Loyd
sued Thacker for the long loss of Redmans services, Thacker, citing the 1662
Virginia law of descent through the mother, successfully contended that
Redman was a free person, the child of an African-American father and a
European-American woman.
73. Henrico County Records, 16941701, pp. 100101 (1 April 1696).
74. In view of the fact that the woman was legally obligated to reveal the
name of the father of the child, and in some instances was jailed until she
complied, it is a mystery that the majority of the court records of such cases do
not provide the name of the child’s father. Does that mean that the owner was
being protected? The person who paid the bond-laborers fornication fine
generally claimed the six months of servitude due from her on that account.
Sometimes that claim was not explicitly asserted in the record. Although it
might be surmised that in some such cases the fine-payer was the father, I
have left them out of account.
In some of these 140 cases where the identity has been given only as a
negro, the social status is assumed to be that of a bond-laborer. For the rest,
when a person is not explicitly identified as a bond-laborer, it is assumed that
he/she is a free person, because bond-laborers were identified as servants of
an owner. It is possible to identify the male partners social status in fewer
than half the fornication case records; no conclusions can be drawn as to the
free-to-bond proportions among the male partners in the other cases.
75. This inference is based on two facts. The overwhelming proportion of
the seventeenth-century male inhabitants of the Chesapeake arrived as bond-
laborers. Second, of these 121 men, only one is termed Mr,the lowest order
of honorific address.
76. Four of the women three Europeans and one African-American
were free persons involved with male bond-laborers. Of the total of 139
women (one was involved with two different bond-laborers), eight were
African-Americans, the rest were European-Americans.
77. York County Records, 165762, f. 148 (25 [?] January 1661/2).
78. See p. 131.
79. Two Middlesex County Court decisions applied this principle in
declaring invalid two separate contracts executed by bond-laborers Rebecca
Muns and of Martha Carroll (Middlesex County Records, 167380, ff. 54,
83 [10 April 1676, 19 November 1677).
80. Friedrich Engels dwells on this subject in relation to the proletariat,
arguing that true monogamous relationships are best achieved where property
considerations are absent (Friedrich Engels, The Origin of the Family,
Private Property and the State [New York, n.d.], p. 59]).
81. Four of the women, including one African-American, were free
82. Accomack County Records, 166667, pp. 59, 150.
83. York County Records, 167784, p. 535.
84. Accomack County Records, 168297, pp. 70, 95 (1 and 7 September
85. Hening, 2:114 (1662).
86. Essex County Records, 17031708, pp. 3, 10 (August and September
87. This point will be elaborated on in the discussion of Gernor Gooch’s
letter to the Commissioners of Trade and Plantations of 1736, in Chapter 13.
88. The general subject of the status of African-Americans in the
Chesapeake colonies will be treated in Chapter 10.
89. Hening, 2:84 (March 1662); 170 (December 1662); 267 (September
90. Accomack County Records, 166670, p. 112 (4 February 1668/69).
91. York County Records, 169497, pp. 9–13.
92. Accomack County Records, 167678, pp. 545. (18 June 1677). Dun
is identified as a bond-laborer of John David in the 1675 list of tithables.
93. Accomack County Records, 167882, pp. 271, 2956. How much
was Griffins attitude different from that of two bond-laborers who nearly beat
to death a James a Scotchman whom their owner had appointed to be their
overseer? Northampton County Records, 166474, p. 61 (1 March 1668/9).
94. York County Records, 167784 , pp. 360, 3624 (2 December 1681).
It is not absolutely clear whether thehe in Wells’s remark referred to
himself or to Frank. What is not in doubt is that Wells and Frank were on the
same side in the affair. All the persons mentioned in this account were
European-Americans, except Frank.
95. Conway Robinson, Notes from the Council and General Court
Records, 16411672,p. 279, April 1669, in VMHB, 8:243 (1900–01).
96. If, as Winthrop Jordan has remarked, the language of the laws against
miscegenation was ‘dripping with distaste and indignation, it was the language
of the most politically active of the planter class. We have no evidence that
during most of the seventeenth century, most whites shared it.… The ideology
of racism may have been present in the culture of the elite as early as 1600,
but nonslaveowning whites in the Chesapeake seem to have absorbed it only
gradually, with the growth of slave society in the late seventeenth and early
eighteenth centuries” (Deal, p. 181.)
9 The Insubstantiality of the Intermediate
1. Warren M. Billings, ‘Virginias Deploured Condition, 16601676: The
Coming of Bacons Rebellion, PhD thesis, University of Northern Illinois,
June 1968, p. 128.
2. The county (originally shire) form was adopted in August 1634
(Hening, 1:224). Martha W. Hiden, How Justice Grew, Virginia Counties:
An Abstract of Their Formation, Jamestown 350th Anniversary Booklet No.
19 (Richmond, 1957).
3. Hening, 2:21 (March 1661).
4. Hening, 1:402 (March 1665/6). The county courts were courts of origin
for all civil cases involving damages and costs amounting to less than 1,600
pounds of tobacco, and for all criminal cases except those in which the
penalties included dismemberment or death (Hening, 2:66).
5. Hening, 2:280. The right of all freemen to vote had had its legislative ins
and outs. In 1658, the last law on the matter (Hening, 1:475) enacted before
that of 1670 had restored the right that had been taken away in 1655 (Hening,
6. Hening, 2:59.
7. Hening, 1:483.
8. Hening, 2:21. As encouragement to the constables, they were to be
rewarded by the owner of each runaway recaptured and returned.
9. Hening, 2:2734.
10. Ibid. A year later the General Assembly, upon reflection on the
prospective cost of the law and its susceptibility to local collusion, reduced the
amount of the reward to 200 pounds of tobacco, payable for fugitives taken up
more than ten miles from their owner (Hening, 2:277). See also Hening, 2:283–
4, regarding fraudulent claims.
11. Charles City County Records, 165565, pp. 279–81, 2848.
12. CO 1/30, pp. 11415 (16 July 1673). This document may also be read
in VMHB, 20:134–40 (1912).
13. Edmund S. Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom: The
Ordeal of Colonial Virginia (New York, 1975), pp. 247–8.
14. Sir Francis Bacon, Essay No. 15, Of Seditions and Troubles” (1625) in
Works, 6:40612; p. 407. Bacon draws this reference from Isaiah, 45:1.
15. In the period 166076, seven out of ten of the colony elite had been in
the country for no more than twelve years (Billings, p. 130).
16. Lionel Gatford, Publick Good Without Private Interest (London,
1657), p. 3.
17. John C. Rainbolt, From Prescription to Persuasion: Manipulation of
Eighteenth-century Virginia Economy (Port Washington, NY, 1974), pp. 19
20. William S. Perry, ed., Collections Relating to the American Colonial
Church (Hartford, 1870), 1:11, 15; Philip Alexander Bruce, Institutional
History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century , 2 vols. (New York and
London, 1910), 1:131, 194–207; George M. Brydon, Virginia’s Mother
Church and the Political Conditions under Which it Grew (Richmond,
194752), 1:passim.
Apparently disregarding the mammonistic implication of the observation,
one doctoral student commented in a footnote that “tobacco was to prove
almost the coalescing factor in Virginia that religious fanaticism was to prove
in New England” (Darrett B. Rutman, The Virginia Company and Its Military
Regime, in Darrett B. Rutman, ed., The Old Dominion: Essays for Thomas
Perkins Abernathy [Charlottesville, 1964; Arno Press, 1979], p. 231). In
justice to Rutman, it must be noted that the book and the author had grown
very far apart” in the interval between its writing and its publication (see the
author’s prefatory Apologia, dated 1978).
18. Hening, 2:48, 180–83, 198; 3:298.
19. Rainbolt, p. 19. Historical Statistics of the United States from
Colonial Times to 1970, p. 1168. Yet in 1692, when Commissary James Blair,
head of the Anglican Church in Virginia, requested funds to found a college in
order to train up soul-savers for gospel-starved Virginia, English Attorney-
General Hedges expostulated, Damn your souls! Make tobacco!” (Charles
Campbell, History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia
[Philadelphia, 1860], p. 346; Campbell citesFranklins correspondence”). This
was reminiscent of the comment of a Barbadian slaveholder about 1680, that
sugar planters went not to those parts to save Souls, or propagate Religion,
but to get money (Morgan Godwyn, The Negros and Indians Advocate
[London, 1680], p. 39 marginal note). Godwyn repeated the observation five
years later in his Trade Preferr’d before Religion and Christ made to give
place to Mammon (London, 1685), p. 11. Nevertheless Blairs proposal for a
college was given financial support by the English government, and when it
opened its doors in 1697, it was named after the then reigning English
monarchs, William and Mary.
20. Thomas Ludwell to John Lord Berkeley (Sir William Berkeleys
brother), 24 June 1667 (Cited in Philip A. Bruce, Economic History of
Virginia in the Seventeenth Century, 2 vols. [New York, 1895], 1:394.)
21. Rainbolt, p. 6. Rainbolt examines circumstantial factors that frustrated
efforts at diversification of the Virginia economy. Although the title of his book
(From Prescription to Persuasion: Manipulation of Eighteenth Century
Virginia Economy) refers to the eighteenth century, Rainbolts main attention
is directed to the 16501710 period, yet well after the commitment to tobacco
had become a settled question in practical terms, and the guiding principle of
colonial Virginia government had been firmly established: to secure the highest
quickest profit for the Virginia planters, shippers, servant-trade merchants,
English Crown interest, tax-and-customs farmers.
22. I fully accept the conclusion reached by Edmund S. Morgan, in a
general note on tobacco prices, that no reliable or regular series of annual
prices current can be constructed for seventeenth-century Virginia(Morgan,
pp. 1356, n. 7). Morgan refers to Russell R. Menard’s work in assembling the
available data. I have chosen to draw upon Menards figures for present
purposes, referring particularly to his summary of Chesapeake farm prices
(Russell R. Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial Maryland
[New York, 1985], pp. 4489). I feel justified in this course because I have
found much of the same data by my own research, and because Menards
picture of decade-to-decade trends is supported by other economic historians,
such as Philip Alexander Bruce and Lewis C. Gray, and by Morgan himself.
23. Wilcomb E. Washburn is a dissenter from this generally accepted view.
Washburn acknowledges the prevalence of desperate poverty among the
people and their unwillingness to accept their fate passively,but at the same
time he considers poor planters mutinies as insignificant (Wilcomb E.
Washburn, The Governor and the Rebel: A History of Bacons Rebellion
in Virginia [New York, 1957], pp. 31, 187 n. 63). Moreover, Washburn denies
that Bacons Rebellion can be ascribed to the existence of class conflict within
the colony. Rather, he regards the rebellion as merely a manifestation of
frontier” hostility to Indians (ibid., p. 235 n. 3).
Readers of Volume One of The Invention of the White Race will know
how much I appreciate Dr Washburns research and argument regarding the
white-supremacist treachery toward, and repression of, American Indians
under Anglo-American and United States Indian policy.” But his sensitivity to
racism seems curiously limited in the dismissive terms with which he treats
the participation by African-Americans in Bacon’s Rebellion. As bond-laborers
they were not motivated by anti-Indian interests, but by a determination to be
freed form their bondage. (Ibid., p. 88. See Chapter 11.)
24. Bruce, Economic History, 1:391.
25. Accomack (for all the years except 1660, 1661, and 1662), Lancaster,
Lower Norfolk, Northampton, Northumberland, and York (all years except
1663 and 1664). (Billings, pp. 168–73.)
26. Ibid., p. 159.
27. Edmund S. Morgan shows a total population of 3,628 in these six
counties in 1674. (Morgan, pp. 41213.)
28. The total of all debts was 51,870,000 pounds of tobacco; those owed to
the elite amounted to 12,225,000 pounds; those owed by the elite totalled
6,227,000 pounds.
29. In three years the amount owed by the elite exceeded the amount
owed to them, in the amount of 585,000 pounds; in the other thirteen years, the
account stood the other way by 6,596,000 pounds.
30. Edmund S. Morgan, Headrights and Head Counts, VMHB, 80:361
71 (1972); p. 366. The same information is largely recapitulated in Morgan,
American Slavery, American Freedom, pp. 2212.
31. Although Menard did not find a similar pattern of concentration of land
ownership in three Maryland counties in the 1659–1706 period, he does not
regard those findings as adequate for drawing a general conclusion regarding
the matter. He comments on the rise in tenancy in this period, noting that an
increasing number of people were falling into a landless status, a condition that
would eliminate them from land ownership statistics altogether (Menard, pp.
32. Kevin P. Kelly, Economic and Social Development of Seventeenth-
century Surry County, Virginia, PhD thesis, University of Washington, 1972,
p. 137.
33. Thomas J. Wertenbaker, The Planters of Colonial Virginia
(Princeton, 1922), p. 58.
34. CO 5/1539, pp. 20–22 (margin date, 6 October 1696). By way of
remedy, Randolph recommended a strict collection of the one shilling per fifty
acre quit-rent and the limiting of future land patents to 500 acres.
35. Wertenbaker, p. 59.
36. Menard, p. 316.
37. CO 1/30, pp. 11415 (16 July 1673). This document may also be read
in VMHB, 20:134–40 (1912).
38. Ibid.
39. Surry County Records, 167184, pp. 4043 (3 and 20 January
1673/4); 167191, pp. 412 (6 January 1673/4). Extensive excerpts from the
record are printed in Warren M. Billings, ed., The Old Dominion in the
Seventeenth Century, A Documentary History of Virginia, 16061689
(Chapel Hill, 1975), pp. 263–7.
The proportion of propertyless freemen remained high. An exchange
between the Surry County Court and Governor Effingham provides a rare
example of precision regarding this economic differentiation among the free
population. Surry County submitted the names of a total of 314 men for the
militia at the end of 1687. Effingham returned the list and asked that the names
of those who were Free men [but] not free holders, or Housekeepers be
struck out. As a result, the roll was reduced by 114, or 36 percent,
presumably propertyless freemen. (Surry County Records, 167191, pp.
597–601; 619–23.)
40. Rainbolt, p. 12.
41. Sir William Berkeley, A Discourse and View of Virginia (London,
1663), p. 5.
42. Rainbolt, p. 46.
43. Historians have frequently taken note of the recurring enthusiams for
diversification of the Virginia economy and of efforts to curtail tobacco
production; the most thorough study of the subject is John C. Rainbolt’s From
Prescription to Persuasion (see note 17, and note 21 on the period mainly
See also the special study of the subject by Sister Joan de Lourdes
Leonard, Operation Checkmate: The Birth and Death of a Virginia Blueprint
for Progress, WMQ. ser. 3, 24:4474 (1967).
44. Leo Francis Stock, ed., Proceedings and Debates of the British
Parliaments Respecting North America, 5 vols., (Washington, DC, 1924);
1:374. House of Commons, 7 March 1671. CSP, Col. , 11:318. Petition of
sundry merchants possessing estates in America to the Lords of Trade and
Plantations, received 7 November 1682.
45. Rainbolt, pp. 154, 155, 159.
46. CO 324/9.
47. Calendar of Virginia State Papers and Other Manuscripts, Vol I,
16511781 (Richmond, 1875), edited by William P. Palmer; pp. 137–8.
48. Archives of Maryland, 25:2667.
49. Representation of the Board of Trade relating to the Laws made,
Manufactures set up, and Trade Carried on in His Majestys Plantations in
America, 1734; manuscript in the Rare Book Room of the New York Public
Library, Research Libraries.
50. See, for example, the justification of An Act for Portsas a design to
stop the import or export [of] goods and merchandises, without entering or
paying the duties and customes due thereupon.” (Hening, 3:53–4 [1691]. In the
end, the consequences of the prolonged struggle to achieve a diversified
economy were thoroughly incongruous with the initial motives behind the
effort. Designed as a solution to the economic ills of the tobacco economy, the
various schemes often only disrupted the economy still more (Rainbolt, p. 171).
51. Eighteenth-century developments lie largely beyond the scope of the
present work, but in the context of this discussion of diversification, brief
mention is required of the increase in the relative importance of grain
cultivations in the Chesapeake beginning in about 1740. This shift was not the
result of any general diminution of demand for tobacco exports; indeed,
tobacco exports to Britain, including that portion destined for re-export,
followed a generally rising trend between 1740 and the War of Independence.
(Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970
[Washington, DC, 1976], Series Z-441, Z-442, Z-449.) Rather, it resulted from
two principal causes. The exhaustion of the soil under tobacco cultivation was
such that under the custom of field rotation, twenty acres per hand was
required to maintain tobacco production on three acres. That compelled either
the acquisition and clearing of new land or a reduction of the size of the labor
force, both of which tended to reduce the rate of profit. Second, there was a
rise in demand for grains, particularly wheat, in Europe, as well as in northern
colonies and the West Indies. This shift hardly qualified, however, as
significant diversification of the economy of the region. Despite the limited
increase in the value of grains in total exports, tobacco still accounted for three
times as much as wheat and corn together in the period 1768–72 (Klingaman,
Significance of Grain, pp. 274–5, cited in full below); and the profits of the
Chesapeake bourgeoisie remained absolutely dependent on exports of one
major and one or two minor crops. (This paragraph is based on the following
sources: Lewis Cecil Gray, assisted by Esther K. Thompson, History of
Agriculture in the Southern United States to 1860, 2 vols., [Washington,
DC, 1932], pp. 166–9; David Klingaman, The Development of the Coastwise
Trade of Virginia in the Late Colonial Period, VMHB, 77:2645 [1969],
especially pp. 3031; idem, The Significance of Grain in the Development of
the Tobacco Colonies, Journal of Economic History, 29:26878 [1969]
especially pp. 270–75; Allan Kulikoff, The Economic Growth of the
Eighteenth-century Chesapeake Colonies, Journal of Economic History,
39:27588 [1979], especially pp. 2846.)
Yet instead of promoting the rise of a domestic market by investing in
developing improved instruments of production and raising the productivity of
labor, the plantation bourgeoisie spent their revenues to increase their
standard of living, improve their land, and expand the size of their labor force
(Allan Kulikoff, Tobacco and Slaves: The Development of Southern
Cultures in the Chesapeake, 16801800 [Chapel Hill, 1986], p. 118).
The capitalist exploiters of bond-labor seemed to sense their dilemma
before Marx and Engels made it manifest: The bourgeoisie cannot exist
without constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production and thereby the
relations of production …” In 1690, Dalby Thomas pointed out that
diversification of production in the colonies would lead the plantation
bourgeoisie to part with their black slaves” (Dalby Thomas, An Historical
Account. Rise and Growth of the West Indies Colonies and great
Advantages they are to England in Respect to Trade [London, 1690], in
Harleian Miscellany, 12 vols., 9:432.) Obversely, among reasons cited by
General James Oglethorpe in the eighteenth century for excluding slavery from
the projected colony of Georgia was his conviction that it would result in a
market-glutting monocultural economy rather than a diversified one (Diary of
the Earl of Egmont, entry for 17 January 1739, cited in Elizabeth Donnan,
Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade [Washington, DC,
1931], 4 vols; 4:592.)
52. Rainbolt, p. 169.
53. In 1663, the English seized a number of labor-exporting locations in
West Africa. The Dutch made a generally successful counterattack later that
year, but the English did manage to maintain their hold on one major fort there,
at Cape Corso, or Cape Coast Castle, and their position there was confirmed
by the Treaty of Breda. (Sir George Clark, The Later Stuarts, 16601714,
2nd edn. [Oxford, 1956], p. 332.) Those disposed to deal with the almost
arcane diplomatic language of the relevant documents may read them in
Frances Gardiner Davenport, ed., European Treaties bearing on the History
of the United States, 5 vols. (Washington, DC, 1929; volume 2, documents 53
and 57.
54. See Appendix II-E.
55. CO 5/1356, p. 47 (King in Council to Culpeper, 27 January 1681/82).
The Royal African Company was headed by the Duke of York, Charles’s
brother, who reigned as James II from 1685 to 1688. But a number of the
leading shareholders had a dual interest as employers of plantation bond-labor.
(Kenneth L. Davies, The Royal African Company [London, 1957], pp. 646.)
56. CO 5/1356, p. 138 (Culpeper to the Lords of Trade and Plantations, 20
September 1683).
57. See Gray, 1:36971. I apologize for the tone of these lines, but that is
how the bourgeoisie weighs investment choices. The Royal African Company
in 1672 posted a price of £18 each for bond-laborers to be delivered in Virginia
(Davies, p. 294).
58. CO 5/1356, p. 138. In the years 1680 to 1688, capitalists in both
commerce and agriculture were naturally concerned that nearly one-fourth
(23.5 percent) of their investment was lost in the Middle Passage. A half-
century later they could congratulate themselves that these losses were down
to 10 percent. (Davies, p. 292).
59. Reference has been made in Chapter 6 to Bruce’s exposition of the
question, and to his conclusion that the Virginia colony was destined by nature
for tobacco monoculture.
60. Sir Francis Bacon advised historians to leave observations and
conclusions to others (Advancement of Learning, Book II, in Works, 3:339),
but he himself could not forgo the opportunity, as when he interpreted the
events of the reign of Henry VII.
61. Bacon, Essay Number 33, Of Plantations, in Works, 6:457–9; p. 458.
62. See p. 109.
63. Philip Alexander Bruce, A. E. Smith and Wesley Frank Craven are
among those who propound this thesis. See Chapter 6, pp. 103–6, and p. 312
note 53 for full citations.
64. New England’s genocidal policy with regard to the native population,
however, was far from that advocated by Bacon in his essay.
65. Michael G. Kammen, ed., Virginia at the Close of the Seventeenth
Century: An Appraisal by James Blair and John Locke, VMHB, 74:14169
(1966); p. 155. Kammen says that while the opening lines were written by
John Locke, the most influential member of the Commission of Trade and
Plantation and a strong support of Blair, this work has to be Blairs
composition(p. 147).
66. See p. 69.
67. Herbert Moller, Sex Composition and Correlated Culture: Patterns of
Colonial America, WMQ, 3d ser., 2:11353 (1945) p. 118.
68. Melville Egleston, The Land System of the New England Colonies,
Johns Hopkins University Studies in History and Political Science, Vol. 4
(Baltimore, 1886), pp. 15, 212, 26.
This practice was the basis of the six-mile square township form of
allotment of public land established by the Continental Congress in 1785 that
prevailed in states formed out of the Northwest Territory. It is relevant to note
that, The southern members did not believe in the township system of
settlement.” (Payson Jackson Treat,Origin of the National Land System
under the Confederation, in Vernon Carstensen, ed., The Public Lands;
Studies in the History of the Public Domain [Madison, Wisconsin, 1968], pp.
69. Egleston, pp. 445.
70. Percy Wells Bidwell and John L. Falconer, History of Agriculture in
the Northern United States, 16201860 (Washington, 1925; 1941 reprint),
pp. 4950.
71. Ibid., p. 54.
72. In the first three decades of the Massachusetts colony, before
individual royal land grants were discontinued in favor of community land
grants, just over one hundred individual land grants were made. Six were
extremely large, ranging from 2,000 to 3,200 acres each; the rest averaged less
than 400 acres each. But the greatest part of New England land distribution
throughout the colonial period was made out of community land grants by the
communities themselves. (Egleston, pp. 1920.)
73. Gary B. Nash, Colonial Development, in Jack P. Greene and J. R.
Pole, Colonial British America: Essays in the New History of the Modern
Era (Baltimore, 1984), p. 238. An economic historian, referring to the
northern colonies” generally throughout the colonial period, writes:In the
absence of a market strong enough to enforce specialization and necessitate
acquiring anything by purchase, people produced for themselves.” (Robert E.
Mutch, Yeoman and Merchant in Pre-industrial America: Eighteenth-century
Massachusetts as a Case Study,Societas, 7:279302; 282.
74. Recent academic discussions of the subject of the transition to
capitalism in continental Anglo-America have directly and indirectly shed
important light upon this aspect of the question. The discussion centers on the
extent to which households in non-plantation areas were engaged in exchange
of products, even to the extent of interregional exchanges. The time period that
gets most attention begins about the middle of the eighteenth century.
Regardless of how one may view the controversies that arise in this regard, for
our present purpose all of these studies serve to show that communities of
family households, largely independent of export/import exchanges, were
characteristic of these areas. For a bibliography on this discussion see Allan
Kulikoff, The Transition to Capitalism in Rural America, WMQ 46:120144
This debate seems to have been induced by the long-running debate on the
transition from feudalism to capitalism as it occurred in Europe. I find
discussion conducted under this heading useful for drawing conclusions
regarding the degree of dependence on, or independence of, the New England
colonial economy with respect to the export/import trade. But as Kulikoff
points out (pp. 126–7), there is a fundamentally different significance to be
attached to the class struggle interpretation of the revolutionary transition from
feudalism to capitalism in Europe, on the one hand, and the evolution from
subsistence farming to capitalist production (neither the producer nor the
consumer being the owner) in non-plantation areas of rural continental Anglo-
75. Bidwell and Falconer, pp. 823.
76. One informative narrative of this transition is Hannah Josephson, The
Golden Threads: New Englands Mill Girls and Magnates (New York,
77. Gary B. Nash, Social Development, in Greene and Pole, eds., pp.
236, 243.
78. Ibid., pp. 236, 247.
79. Francis Bacon, Of Plantations.”
80. Governor William Berkeley to Thomas Ludwell, 1 July 1676. In
Coventry Papers, microfilm reel no. 63.
The outbreak of Bacons Rebellion, says Thomas J. Wertenbaker, was the
outcome of policies that “practically eliminated the middle class (Thomas J.
Wertenbaker, Bacons Rebellion, 1676 , Jamestown 350th Anniversary
Historical Booklet No. 8 [Williamsburg, 1957], p. 55. Cf. Charles M. Andrews,
Narratives of the Insurrections, 16751690 [New York, 1915], pp. 1112.)
10 The Status of African-Americans
1. Works particularly concerned with this aspect of seventeenth-century
Chesapeake history include: Philip Alexander Bruce, Economic History of
Virginia in the Seventeenth Century , 2 vols. (New York, 1895), especially
2:1219; James Curtis Ballagh, A History of Slavery in Virginia (Baltimore,
1920; reprinted 1968); John H. Russell, The Free Negro in Virginia, 1619
1865 (Baltimore, 1913); Susie M. Ames, Studies of the Virginia Eastern
Shore in the Seventeenth Century (New York, 1940); James H. Brewer,
Negro Property Owners in Seventeenth Century Virginia,WMQ, vol. 12
(1955); Ross M. Kimmel, Free Blacks in Seventeenth-century Maryland,
Maryland Historical Magazine, 71:1925 (1976); Whittington B. Johnson,
The Origin and Nature of African Slavery in Seventeenth Century Maryland,
Maryland Historical Magazine, 73:23645 (1978); Tomothy H. Breen and
Stephen Innes, Myne Owne Ground”: Race and Freedom on Virginia’s
Eastern Shore in the Seventeenth Century (New York, 1980); Douglas
Deal, A Constricted World: Free Blacks on Virginias Eastern Shore,in Lois
Greene Carr, Philip D. Morgan and Jean B. Russo, Colonial Chesapeake
Society (Chapel Hill, 1988); Joseph Douglas Deal, Race and Class in
Colonial Virginia: Indians, Englishmen, and Africans on the Eastern
Shore During the Seventeenth Century (New York, 1993).
2. See pp. 32 and 34 of The Invention of the White Race, Volume One.
3. [E]xcluded from many civil privileges which the humblest white man
enjoyes” that was the contemptuous description of free Negroes as
expressed by a meeting of white men in Northampton County, Virginia, in
December 1831. (Luther Porter Jackson, Free Negro Labor and Property
Holding in Virginia, 18301860 [New York, 1942] p. 13.)
4. Winthrop D. Jordan, White over Black: American Attitudes Toward
the Negro, 15501812 (Chapel, Hill, 1968), p. 44.
5. Oscar Handlin and Mary F. Handlin, Origins of the Southern Labor
System, WMQ, 3d series, No. 7:199222 (1950), pp. 21112.
6. Freedom, like slavery, acquired social meaning not through statute law
or intellectual treatises, but through countless human transactions that first
defined and then redefined the limits of that [the African-American
condition]. (Breen and Innes, pp. 312.) I merely wish to stress that the
essential character of those human transactions” was the struggle between
the contending social classes.
7. See pp. 1922.
8. See Edmund S. Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom: The
Ordeal of Colonial Virginia (New York, 1975) Chapter 8,Living With
Death, especially pp. 158–63. was easier to incorporate the negroes in [the existing] system than
to put them in a class apart.” (Helen Tunncliff Catterall, ed., Judicial Cases
Concerning Slavery and the Negro, 5 vols. [Washington, DC, 192637],
10. See p. 154.
11. Each of the three was to receive a whipping of thirty lashes. The terms
of servitude of each of the two European-Americans were to be extended by
four years.
12. Jordan, p. 75. For a criticism of Jordans views, see the Introduction to
Volume One of The Invention of the White Race.
13. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, pp. 80, 346 n. 34.
But as pointed out, there was a sharp difference among the officers of the
Providence Island venture regarding the enslavability or non-enslavability of
Christians by Christians.
14. Breen and Innes, pp. 7072.
15. The first Negroes who arrived in Virginia, says Phillips, were not
fully slaves in the hands of their Virginia buyers, for there was neither law or
custom establishing the institution of slavery (Ulrich Bonnell Phillips,
American Negro Slavery: A Slavery of the Supply, Employment and
Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime [New
York, 1918], p. 75.)
16. Hening, 1:257; 2:113.
17. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, pp. 73–5. Recall
Sir William Pettys assessment made in 1672 of the values of human chattels:
Irish men and Negro men at £15 each. Economic Writings of Sir William
Petty, 2 vols. (London, 1691; Augustus Kelley reprint; New York, 1963);
In 1653 a license was granted to one Richard Netherway of Bristol,
England, to export one hundred Irish men to be sold as slaves in Virginia.
(Great Britain. Public Record Office. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, vol.
IV; Interregnum Entry Book, Vol. 98, p. 405. Cited by Bruce, 1:609).
18. Hening, 1:411. Although this law was enacted in 1655, its provisions
were made to apply to such surviving Irish bond-laborers as had arrived since
the beginning of 1653. Recaptured runaway bond-laborer Walter Hind was
ordered,according to the act for Irish servants, toserve continue and
complete the term of six yeares from the time of arriveall, and make good the
time neglected. (Charles City County Deeds, Wills, Orders, Etc., 1655
1665, p. 223. [3 February 1659/60].)
19. Hening 1:5389.
20. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, Appendix H.
21. The one brief, wavering exception was Anthony Johnson, as is noted
below, p. 183.
22. The Accomack and Northampton records have been treated in great
detail by other historians, most recently by Breen and Innes, and by Joseph
Douglas Deal (Race and Class in Colonial Virginia ). For that reason I shall
select only a few individual cases recorded in those two counties for brief
elaboration; I will attempt to cover the rest by suitable generalizations
accompanied by full footnote references for the convenience of those who
may desire to study the records directly.
23. MCGC, p. 33.
24. MCGC, pp. 668, 712, 73.
25. Accomack County Records, 166366, p. 54. The Northampton
County Court found for Francis Payne in a suit arising out of his contract to
build a house for Richard Haney. (Northampton Country Records, 165764,
p. 173, 28 August 1663.)
26. Northampton County Records, 165154, p. 215 (3 January 1653/4).
Speciality meant a bond or a contract. In August 1647, Mr Stephen Charlton
was awarded a judgment for a debt against Tony Longo, to be paid out of the
next crop. (Northampton County Records, 164551, p. 111.)
27. The name (variously rendered in the records as Manuel and Rodriguez,
Rodriggus, Drigges, Drigs, etcetera) suggests a personal history with the
Iberians or with the Dutch leaving Brazil.
28. Susie M. Ames, Studies of the Virginia Eastern Shore in the
Seventeenth Century (Richmond, 1940), p. 97.
29. Northampton County Records, 165154, p. 148; court record dated
12 September 1653.
30. Since all the entries listed in this note are from Northampton County
Records, the volume years will serve to locate the citations. 164551, p. 26:
sale of calf by John Pott to John Johnson, 6 May 1647. Ibid., p. 38: sale of a
heifer by Francis Payne to slow-paying Marylander Jospeh Edlowe, 28 July
1651. 165154, p. 133: 8 February 1652/3. 165766, p. 30: sale of a cow and
a heifer by John Johnson to Edward Marten, 30 May 1659. Ibid., pp. 4950:
gift of a heifer by Emanuel Driggs to Sande, son of a bond-laborer, 28 May
1659. Ibid., p. 47: signing over by Anthony Johnson of five calves to his son
John, 30 May 1659. Ibid., p. 62: sale of a mare colt by Francis Payne (the
name is variously spelled) to Anthony Johnson, 31 January 1659/60. Ibid., p.
88: sale by Emanuell Drigges of a gray colt to Alexander Wilson, 15 May
1661. Ibid., pp. 1378: sale of a mare by Manuel Rodrigues to Willim Kendall,
11 March 1661/62, 16641674, p. 146: dispute in court between John
Francisco and John Alworth over the sale of a filly, 19 September 1672.
31. The gift was recorded January 1657/8. Northampton County
Records, 165764, pp. 2, 7.
32. Nell Nugent, Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land
Patents and Grants, 16231666, 2nd edn. (Baltimore, 1963), 2:11 18 April
33. York County Records, 166572 , p. 237–8 (28 August 1669); the
court record is dated 12 April 1670.
34. Northampton County Records, 165766, p. 116, 236 (4 June 1662,
28 December 1665); and Northampton County Records, 166880, pp. 3, 34
(4 December 1668; 28 December 1672).
35. See Morgans discussion in American Slavery, American Freedom,
pp. 16672.
36. Mongum first appears in the record in July 1650 when he and two other
men Demigo Matthews[?] and a European-American plantation overseer,
Robert Berry are said to have reported a plot of the Nanticoke Indians to
attack the Eastern Shore settlements (Northampton County Records, 1645
51, f. 217). See also Northampton County Order Book, 167479, p. 273.
For the joint tenancy, see Ralph T. Whitelaw, Virginias Eastern Shore , 2
vols. (Richmond, 1951), 1:228; 2:216. The name is variously spelled; I have
decided to use the Mongum form throughout, except when direct quotations
have an alternate spelling.
37. Northampton Country Records, 165154, pp. 323. The agreement
was witnessed by Thomas Gilbert and Richard Buckland on 5 March 1650/1; it
was entered in the court record on 22 December 1651. Joseph Douglas Deal
reads the name as Merrisand notes that she does not again appear in the
records. She is not to be confused with the African-American named Mary, a
second[?] wife of Mongum, who is listed in available Northampton tithable
records beginning in 1665 and on through 1674. It seems that Breen and Innes
confuse the two “Marys.” (see Breen and Innes, p. 83.)
Another such disclaimer in contemplation of marriage was subscribed by
parish minister Francis Doughty of Northampton County Court before his
marriage to Ann Eaton, whereby he did disowne and discharge all right, to her
estate and to her children. (Richard Duffield Neill, Virginia Carolorum: The
Colony under the Rule of Charles the First and Second, AD 16251685
[Albany, NY, 1986], p. 407.)
38. Northampton County Records, 166474, pp. 22021. The will was
dated 9 May 1673 and probated 29 September 1673.
39. Northampton County Records, 167479, p. 59 (29 August 1675).
See also ibid., pp. 58, 70, 72.
40. The couple came to the notice of the court when Skipper (Cooper) was
ordered to pay levies tythes for his wife (shee being a negro)”; and again
when they were suspected of shielding the father of her child from the hue and
cry. (Norfolk County Wills and Deeds “E” 166575, Part 2, Orders , ff,
75, 767.) See Norfolk County Deed Book, No. 4, 167586, pp. 14 and 30,
regarding the times of their deaths. See Nugent, 2:232, for the landholding of
Skipper (Cooper).
With regard to other intermarriages of African-Americans and European-
Americans, it is to be inferred that the Mary Longo who married John
Goldsmith in Hungars parish on 13 October 1660 was an African-American,
since the only Longos found in Northampton County records at that time were
African-Americans; and that Emannuel Driggus’s first wife, Elizabeth, the
mother of Thomas Driggus, was a European-American. (See Stratton
Nottingham, Accomack, p.452; and ibid., cited by Deal, Race and Class in
Colonial Virginia, pp. 271, 284.) See also the marriage of Elizabeth Key and
William Greenstead, below.
41. Lerone Bennett Jr, The Shaping of Black America (Chicago, 1975),
pp. 1416, 247.
42. Breen and Innes make this point in relation to Anthony Johnsons
patent, saying that none of the names, except Richard Johnson, appear on
subsequent Northampton tithables lists. They identify this Richard Johnson as
the same Richard Johnson who later appears as Anthony Johnsons son. But
how could Anthonys son, presumably born in Virginia, qualify for a headright?
Was Richard Johnson, Negro, Anthonys biological son, or possibly a Negro
from England whom Anthony adopted?
43. Northampton County Records, 165154, f. 226; 8 March 1653/4.
Some doubt remains, however, about Johnsons final decision, since his original
signed agreement to free Casar was entered in the record of 26 September
1654. (Ibid., 16541655/6, f.35-b) Archives of Maryland, 54:76061. See
also Clayton Torrence, Old Somerset on the Eastern Shore (Richmond,
1935), pp. 757.)
In 1638, George Menefie, a member of the Virginia Colony Council, laid
claim to 3,000 acres of land for the importation of sixty bond-laborers, including
twenty-three unnamed Negroes I brought out of England with me.” (Virginia
Land Patent Book, No. 1, 162334, abstracted in Nugent, 1:118.) Possibly
Casar was one of that number.
44. See p. 326, note 36.
45. See Morgan, pp. 412–13, Table 3,Population Growth by County.”
46. Deal is one who emphasizes that a larger proportion of Eastern Shore
blacks were free than was probably the case elsewhere in Virginia (Race
and Class in Colonial Virginia, p. xi).
47. Northampton County Records, 165154, ff. 11819, 1745 (13 May
1649). Court record date 30 December 1652. Estimates of tobacco production
per capita in the Chesapeake at mid-century range between 1,500 and 2,000
pounds. See: A Perfect [or New] Description of Virginia , in Force Tracts,
II, No. 8, p.4, two thousand waight a year’; William Bullock, Virginia
Impartially Examined, (London, 1649), p. 9; Russell R. Menard, From
Servant to Freeholder: Status Mobility and Property Accumulation in
Seventeenth-century Maryland, WMQ, 30:3764 (1973); p. 51.
48. Northampton County Records, 165154, ff. 118–19, 1745. Note
that Payne and the Elton-heads were all literate. Breen and Innes appear to
have misread the year of the deal with Walker (Breen and Innes, p. 74).
49. Northampton County Records, 165455/6, p. 100-b. Northampton
County Orders, No. 7, 165557, p. 19. A bond of £200 was pledged by Mrs
Eltonhead to insure the Payne family against any challenge that might be made
to their free status. At the current price of about 2d., this would be the
equivalent of 24,000 pounds of tobacco.
50. Northampton County Records, 165154, f. 178.
51. Hening 2:26. The same phrase was used in a law on runaways passed
a year later. (Hening 2:11617).
52. Hening, 2:267.
53. Hening, 2:270.
54. Hening, 2:239.
55. Norfolk County Records, 164651, pp. 11516. A year earlier the
termforever” was used in referring to the “conveyance” of three bond-
laborers from the widow of George Menefie to Stephen Charlton. But since
the phrase heirs and assigns is missing, the term may merely refer to the
conveyors relinquishment forever” of all claims to these workers.
(Northampton County Records, 165154, p. 28.)
Argoll was the son of Francis Yeardley, the Governor of Virginia
mentioned in Chapters 4 and 5.
56. Northampton County Records, 165154, pp. 1656.
57. Lancaster County Records, 16541702, pp. 469.
58. Northampton County Records, 164551, p. 120.
59. Northampton County Records, 165557, p. 8.
60. Lancaster County Records, 16541702, pp. 469.
61. Northampton County Records, 165557, f. 78. At his death three
years later, Pannell bequeathed Ann Driggus and her increase to his
daughter. (Ibid., 165766, pp. 82–4.) Ann Driggus was the daughter of
Emannuel Driggus (see note 27).
62. Northampton County Records, 16541655/6. ff. 25-b, 54-a. Some
time before 29 August 1654, Phillip and Mingo did pay off the 1,700 pound
obligation. (Ibid., f. 27-a.) For an earlier event involving Phillip, see p. 155.
63. Northampton County Records, 164551, p. 82.
64. He was so described at the Virginia General Court on 10 March
1653/4, the record of which is preserved apparently only in the record of the
Baptista case as it was continued before the Maryland Provincial Court in
1661. (Archives of Maryland, 41:499.)
65. Norfolk County Records, 165156, ff. 8, 68, 75, 137, Archives of
Maryland, 41:499. For further information on Baptista’s involvement with
courts see: Norfolk County Records, 165666, pp. 2267, 233, 244;
Archives of Maryland, 41:460, 485, 499500; and Beverley Fleet, Virginia
Colonial Abstracts, No. 31, Lower Norfolk County, 165154, pp. 1213.
66. Lancaster County Records, 165566, f. 370.
67. Charles City County Records, 165565, pp. 601–5, 61718.
Beverley Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts , 34 vols. (Baltimore, 1961;
originally published in 1942); 13:54–7, 656.
68. Northampton County Records, 164045, p. 16 (3 August 1640).
Littleton himself was a member of the court.
69. Northampton County Records, 165455/6, ff. 60b61a (1 November
70. Accomack County Records, 166667, p. 151.
71. Ibid.
72. Ibid. p. 154 (26 August 1669).
73. Robinson Transcripts, Virginia (Colony) General Court Records ,
Virginia Historical Society, Mss. No. 4/v 81935/a 2, p. 161. Printed in MCGC,
p. 354.
74. In 1658 John Bland, a rich London merchant, recruited bond-laborers
for his Virginia plantation from among inmates of Chelsea College jail; two
mulattoes offered to go rather than remain eternally in prison. (Neill, p. 365 n.
75. Archives of Maryland, 66:294.
76. But it was apparently assumed that the Virginia law of 1662 (see p.
197) was sufficient guarantee that no claim could be made on the grounds of
having been baptized a Christian, and that therefore Scarburgh did not need to
post any bond against that contingency. (Accomack County Records, 1676
78, p. 7.)
77. Winthrop D. Jordans chapter titled The Souls of Men: The Negros
Spiritual Nature is a mine of informative bibliographic references on the
relation between Christian principles and racial oppression, as revealed in the
opinion of English and Anglo-American preachers and theologians during the
colonial period. The works cited are with three or four exceptions products of
the eighteenth century. (Jordan, pp. 179215.) The chapter is made an integral
part of his history of American attitudes, which, as is noted in the
Introduction to the present work, is anchored in Jordan’s presumption of a
psychological need for Anglo-Americans to know they were white.” (Jordan,
p. xiv. The page citation in The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, p.
236 n. 41, was erroneously given as p. ix.)
78. Morgan Godwyn, The Negros and Indians Advocate, Suing for
their Admission into the Church, or a Persuasive to the Instructing and
Baptizing of the Negros and Indians in our Plantations, That as the
Compliance therewith can prejudice no Mans just Interest, So the wilful
Neglecting and Opposing of it, is no less than a manifest Apostacy from
the Christian Faith. To which is added, A brief Account of Religion in
Virginia (London, 1680); idem, A Supplement to The Negros and Indians
Advocate: or, Some Further Considerations and Proposals for the
Effectual amd Speedy Carrying on of the Negros Christianity in Our
Plantations (Notwithstanding the Late Pretended Impossibilities) without
any Prejudice to their Owners (London, 1681); idem, Trade preffer’d
before Religion, and Christ made to give place to Mammon: Represented
in a Sermon Relating to the Plantations. First Preached at Westminster
Abby, And afterwards in divers Churches in London (London, 1681). For
Godwyn in Virginia, see Neill, pp. 342–5.
79. George Fox, Gospel of Family-Order, Being a Short Discourse
Concerning the Ordering of Families, Both of White, Blacks and Indians
(London, 1676); idem, A Journal or Historical Account of the Life, Travels,
Sufferings, Christian Experiences, and Labour of Love in the Work of the
Ministry of that ancient, Eminent and Faithful servant of Jesus Christ, 2
vols. (London, 1694).
80. Richard Baxter, A Christian Directory, or, a Summ of Practical
Theologie and Cases of Conscience (London, 1673).
81. Thomas E. Drake, Quakers and Slavery in America (New Haven,
1950), p. 3.
82. It is not my intention to undertake a treatment of this historical
phenomenon, but merely to point to it as one of the elements of the institutional
inertia that obstructed the imposition of lifetime hereditary bondage on Africans
and African-Americans. It seems only fair to note that Quaker slaveholders
late in the eighteenth century finally acceded to the logic of their doctrine and
stopped owning or dealing in lifetime bond-laborers. (See Drake, pp. 68–84. In
this way they were following the leadership of the Mennonites who had
refused to engage in such traffic and exploitation from the beginning of their
settlement in the colonies.
83. Godwyn, Trade preferr’s before Religion, p. 11.
84. Drake, Quakers and Slavery, p. 6
85. George Fox, Journal, 2:131. Cf. Drake, Quakers and Slavery, p. 6.
86. A century later, English enemies of the African slave trade such as
James Ramsay and William Wilberforce were pointing to the possibility that
ending that inhuman traffic would be of benefit to the bond-laborer already at
work in the West Indies. (Elsa V. Goveia, Slave Society in the British
Leeward Islands [New Haven, 1965], p. 25.)
87. Godwyn, The Negro’s and Indians Advocate, pp. 3, 12.
88. Ibid., pp. 1314.
89. Joseph Bess, A Collection of the Sufferings of the People Called
Quakers for the Testimony of a Good Consience , 2 vols. (London, 1753);
see the section on Barbados, especially pp. 305–8.
90. Hening, 2:48 (1662), 18083 (1663). Under the terms of the 1663 law,
Quaker Meeting was outlawed altogether, and violators were to be fined 200
pounds of tobacco for the first offense and 500 for the second offense, to be
satisfied by seizure and sale of the offenders assets, with the Quaker
community made collectively responsible for any unsatisfied amount. For the
third offense, the penalty was to be banishment from the colony to a place
chosen by the Governor and Colony Council. Other provisions were aimed at
preventing Quaker preachers from coming into Virginia by imposing a fine of
5,000 pounds of tobacco upon householders who hosted those preachers.
91. the freedom and equality of man [was] involved in the true
profession of Christ.” (Ballagh, p. 46.)
92. See p. 21.
93. See Chapter 2, n. 65; Leviticus, 25:8–10.
94. The Virginia General Court ruled in 1772 that Indians were free by
virtue of the 1691 Act for a free trade with Indians.” (Hening 3:69.) The
court, relying on ancient English legal precedent, held that allowing the right of
free trade carried with it all incidents necessary to the exercise of that right,
as protection of their persons, properties, &c, and consequently takes from
every other the right of making them slaves. (Thomas Jefferson, Reports of
Cases Determined in the General Court of Virginia, From 1730 to 1740,
and from 16681772 [Charlottesville, 1829].) The ruling was made in relation
of Robin, an Indian being held as a slave, who sued for his freedom. The
opinion was written by George Mason.
95. Northampton County Records, 165154, f. 114 (12 January 1652/3).
The clerk noted in the margin that the statement, which was dated two weeks
earlier, had been signed by Pott but not Charlton.
96. Northampton Country Records, 164551, ff. 15051. Hardly
rejecting slavery outright, notes Douglas Deal, Charlton nevertheless
displayed some uneasiness about the custom of owning and selling Africans for
life.(Deal, Race and Class in Colonial Virginia, p. 254.)
97. Northampton County Records, 164551, f. 205. Richard Vaughan,
Stephen Charltons brother-in-law, seems to have been wholeheartedly
opposed to owning Africans and slaves for life. (Deal, Race and Class in
Colonial Virginia, p. 254.)
98. Northampton County Records, 165455/6, f. 54-b. Yet as noted
above (p. 188), Charlton specified hereditary bondage for Sisley in a
transaction in 1647.
99. York County Records, 165762, f. 16.
100. Northampton County Records, 165766, f. 47.
101. York County Records, 165762, ff. 82, 85, 89.
102. Northampton County Records, Deeds and Wills, No. 8 (166668),
p. 17. Although the fact is not noted in this document, Driggus is elsewhere
identified as a Negro”; whether Williams may have been one of England’s
Negro seamen is not indicated.
103. The facts presented here regarding the Key case are drawn from
Northumberland County Court Records, 165258, ff. 667, 85, 87 and
124–5; 165265, ff. 40, 41, 46, 49; 165866, f. 28; and from MCGC, p. 504.
Credit for bringing this case into the discussion on the origin of racial slavery is
due to Warren M. Billings for The Cases of Fernando and Elizabeth Key: A
Note on the Status of Blacks in the Seventeenth Century, WMQ, 30:46774
(1973), and for his presentation of material from the record of the Key case in
his edited work The Old Dominion in the Seventeenth Century: A
Documentary History of Virginia, 16061698 (Chapel Hill, 1975); pp. 165–
9. All the documents cited here by me, except one, are to be found in the latter
work, though with certain errors of transcription. In Anthony Lentons
deposition (p. 146), a passage is made unintelligible by the inadvertent omission
of fifteen words, and the name Mottrom is given where it should have been
Key.On the same page, a June and a July record entry are presented as if
they were one entry and for a single day.
Regrettable as these editors errors may be, they do not detract from the
force of the evidence he presents, evidence that led him to challenge Winthrop
D. Jordans argument that racial slavery was the result of anunthinking
decision. To the contrary, says Billings in “The Cases of Fernando and
Elizabeth Keys, the laws passed by the Virginia Assembly in 1662 and 1667
(for descent through the mother, and uncoupling freedom from Christian
conversion see p. 197) were deliberately calculated to undercut the meager
rights of black laborers(WMQ, 30:4734).
However, his concluding allusion to white alarm as the motive for the
course of events that ended in racial slavery seems too facile, and not based on
his evidence. Furthermore, it would seem to undermine his own challenge to
Jordans entire thesis, which is based on the presumption of an immemorial
white alarm.
104. As indicated by the fact that he had paid the fine for getting her
Mother with Child.”
105. The planters, writes Billings, were beginning to look upon slavery
as a viable alternative to indentured servitude. (Billings, The Cases of
Fernando and Elizabeth Key, 30:471.) I belong with Billings in favoring the
economic interpretation of history. But his phrase the planters” suggests a
unanimity among the plantation owners, whereas the great significance of the
Elizabeth Key case is precisely that at that moment some planters” had basic
reservations that, had they prevailed, would have prevented the eventual
imposition of racial oppression in Anglo-America.
106. From the brief of the appellant in the case of Eleanor Toogood v. Dr
Upton Scott, held in October 1782 in the Maryland Provincial Court. (Thomas
Harris Jr and John McHenry, Maryland Reports, being a series of the Most
Important Cases argued and determined in the Provincial Court and the
Court of Appeals of the then Province of Maryland from the Year 1700
down to the American Revolution [New York, 1809, 1812] vol. 2; 2638; p.
37.) One shrinks from the callousness of this language, but it proceeded in the
circumstances of the time from the same market principles” that still, today,
leave no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than
callous ‘cash payment.’ (Marx and Engels, The Communist Manifesto, in
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Selected Works in Two Volumes (Moscow,
1955), 1:36.
107. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, pp. 867.
108. See ibid., pp. 8, 80, 236, n. 34.
109. See ibid., p. 80, 81.
110. Hening, 2:170.
111. Hening, 2:260.
112. Kenneth G. Davies, The Royal African Company (London, 1957), p.
113. Hening, 2:28081.
114. See p. 172.
115. Hening, 2:299.
116. Susan Westbury,Slaves of Colonial Virginia: Where They Came
From,” WMQ,, 42:228–48 (1985); pp. 22930. In the absence of further
records, Westbury makes this conjecture based on bills of exchange and the
price prevailing at that time. These workers may be among those referred to in
the following record:A List of Ships freighted by the Royal African Company
Since January 1673/4.” The account shows a total of 5,200 persons taken from
Africa, of whom 300 on the Swallow and 350 on the Prosperous were
supposed to be being sent to Virginia, the others being destined for Jamaica,
Barbados and Nevis. (CO 1/31, f. 32.)
117. CO 324/1. Certain Instructions and Additional Instructions to Colonial
Governors, Comissions and Orders in Council.” The date is between 1662 and
1774, according to Charles. M. Andrews, Guide to the Materials for
American History to 1783, in the Public Record Office of Great Britain , 2
vols. (Washington, DC, 1912–14); 1:226.
118. Bruce, 2:59. This comment, however, was made in the context of
Bruces opinion that in general African-American bond-laborers were not
defiant or rebellious.
119. Sir John Knight to the Earl of Shaftesbury, 29 October 1673 (CSP,
Col., 7:530).
120. Sir Henry Chicheley to Sir Thomas Chicheley, 16 July 1673 (CSP,
Col., 7:508).
121. See Appendix 2-A. That was precisely the prospect that concerned
William Byrd II of Westover. Byrd noted that On the back of the British
Colonys on the Continent of America about 250 miles from the ocean, runs a
chain of High Mountains. He urged that steps be taken to prevent the
Negroes taking Refuge there as they do in the mountains of Jamaica and
making allies with the French against the English as did many of the Indian
Tribes. (William Byrd II of Westover to Mr Ochs, ca. 1735, VMHB, 9:225–8
[1902]; 226.)
11 Rebellion and Its Aftermath
1. See Chapter 6, note 80.
2. The reader is referred to: (1) the excellent bibliographic essay done by
the late Jane Carson for the Jamestown Foundation, Bacons Rebellion,
16761976 (Jamestown, Virginia, 1976); (2) John B. Frantz, ed., Bacon’s
Rebellion: Prologue to the Revolution? (Lexington, Massachusetts, 1969), a
volume of extensive excerpts from source documents, supplemented by
selections from the writings of ten of the principal historians of the colonial
period, analyzing the causes and assessing the significance of the rebellion; (3)
the entries for Nathaniel Bacon, the rebel, and Bacons Rebellion in The
Virginia Historical Index , compiled by Earl G. Swem, an exhaustive
bibliography compiled of materials published in the Calendar of Virginia State
Papers, Henings Virginia Statutes , and five principal historical magazines
published between 1809 and 1930. Finally, an indispensable guide to primary
source materials is John Davenport Neville, Bacons Rebellion: Abstracts of
Materials in the Colonial Records Project (Jamestown, 1976).
3. See Bernard Bailyn, Politics and Social Structure in Virginia, in James
Morton Smith, ed., Seventeenth-century America, Essays in Colonial
History (Chapel Hill, 1959).
4. Wilcomb E. Washburn, The Governor and the Rebel (Chapel Hill,
1957). The quoted phrase is at p. 162.
Washburns challenge to the uncritical glorification of Bacons Rebellion
supplied an overdue corrective to the white-chauvinist frontier democracy
myth, but he made the case in the form of an uncritical assessment of
Governor Berkeley. As a result, there seems to be no room in Washburns
account for the mass of poor freemen, freedmen and bond-laborers, relief of
whose sufferings was of no more concern to Berkeley than it was to his peers,
despite his invocation of those sufferings to pursue easement of the rigors of
the Navigation Act. So far as any self-activation on their part is concerned,
Washburn sees only frontier aggression. It is regrettable that Washburn, in
his laudable purpose of exposing the counterfeit of frontier democracy, did
not so much as look at the Virginia County Records. If he had done so, he
might not have canonized Berkeley as he did, and he might not have so
completely ignored the bond-laborers and their own independent cue and
motive for rebellion unrelated to Indian policy.” He particularly failed to give
any historical significance to the bond-laborers’ participation in the rebellion.
He mentions Negroes being among the rebels, for which he deserves credit;
but he attaches no thematic significance to the fact. (See ibid., pp. 80–81; 88;
209 n. 23.) Francis Jenningss research into the records regarding the Indians
of the eastern section of the continent and his forceful, sympathetic treatment
of them are a truly seminal contribution. (See particularly his The Invasion of
America: Indians, Colonialism, and the Cant of Conquest [Chapel Hill,
1975].) In an earlier article, Jennings defended Washburn’s The Governor
and the Rebel as the best work on Bacons Rebellion, free of the common
fault of relying on Virginians’ self-serving depositions.” Apparently he, too,
did not interest himself in a study of the Virginia County Records and he
certainly takes no account of the bond-laborers; he is content to characterize
the rebellion as nothing other than an action of militant back settlers” led by a
demagogue for the sole purpose of seizing attractive real estate from
Indians. (Francis Jennings, Glory, Death and Transfiguration: The
Susquehannock Indians in the Seventeenth Century, Proceedings of the
American Philosophical Society, 102:1553 [1968]; pp. 345.)
5. Craven believes it is an anachronistic error to interpret that event in
terms of democratic principles that are standards of a much later time:
Bacons Rebellion belongs to the seventeenth century …, he writes, and
historians should leave it there (Wesley Frank Craven, The Colonies in
Transition, 16601713 [New York, 1968], p. 142).
6. John B. Fiske, writing in the populist era at the end of the nineteenth
century, presented a class-struggle interpretation of Bacons Rebellion, but one
short on equalitarianism. He draws the line at the rabble who [had] little or
nothing to lose, [and who] entertained communistic notions” typical of the
socialist tomfoolery of such times. His single reference to the bond-laborers
is as servile labor, without any political personality of their own. (John B.
Fiske, Old Virginia and Her Neighbors , 2 vols. [Boston and New York,
1900], 106.)
7. I am, of course, indebted to Edmund S. Morgan, Timothy H. Breen, and
Lerone Bennett Jr, who before me ventured somewhat along this line. See my
Introduction to Volume One of The Invention of the White Race, pp. 1621.
8. Those who are interested in the details as they are presented by English
and Anglo-American chroniclers will want to follow the bibliographies and
sources as listed in note 1. Among works noted there, a good selection for the
reader with a critical eye would surely include: the section on Bacons
Rebellion in Charles M. Andrews, Narratives of the Insurrections, 1675
1690 (New York, 1915) pp. 1628, 47–59; Richard L. Morton, Colonial
Virginia, 2 vols. (Chapel Hill, 1960) particularly Chapter 13 of Volume One,
Indian War – The Background of Rebellion; and Washburn, particularly
Chapter 2,Background to Rebellion, and Chapter 3,The Occaneechee
9. Alden T. Vaughan writes: [C]olor prejudice happened to
Indians though not until two centuries of culture contact had altered Anglo-
American perceptions The perceptual shift from Indians as white men to
Indians as tawnies or redskins was neither sudden not universally accepted
until the eighteenth century. (Alden T. Vaughan, From White Man to Redskin:
Changing Anglo-American Perceptions of the American Indian, American
Historical Review. 87:91753 (October 1982); pp. 918, 930.)
10. In July 1676 a petition apparently initiated by the local Gloucester
County elite and asking Governor Berkeley for protection against Bacon,
invoked the specter of their wives & Children being exposed to the cruelty of
the mercyless Indians.” (Sherwood, Virginias Deploured Condition, Or an
Impaniall Narrative of the Murders comitted by the Indians there, and of
the Sufferings of his Majesties Loyall Subjects under the Rebellious
outrages of Mr Nathaniell Bacon Junior, dated August 1676,
Massachusetts Historical Society Collections 4th ser. 9:16276 (Boston,
1871); p. 173. The text of the petition and Berkeleys reply are printed in the
same volume, pp. 181–4.)
11. Andrews, p. 110–11.
12. Jerry A. O’Callaghan, The War Veteran and the Public Lands, in
Vernon Carstensen, The Public Lands: Studies in the History of the Public
Domain (Madison, Wisconsin, 1968), p. 112.
A similar analogy is presented by the English Revolution which began in a
fury at the massacre of Protestants in an uprising of the Irish in the fall of
1641, but ended with the overthrow of the monarchy in England. (Brian
Manning, The Outbreak of the English Civil War, in R. H. Parry, ed., The
English Civil War and after, 16421658 [Berkeley, 1970], p. 4.)
13. Bailyn, p. 99. In this paragraph I have followed Bailyn’s impressive
treatment of the etiology of the division in the ranks of the Virginia colony elite.
14. As already mentioned (see note 4), however, that the Navigation Act
was not an issue as such in Bacons Rebellion, although Nathaniel Bacon did
speak of the Dutch trade as an alternative to dependence on England.
(Dialogue with John Good, around 2 September 1676, CO 5/1371, ff. 121vo–
122. It appears at this location on reel 32 of the microfilm prepared by the
Virginia Colonial Records Project. Thomas J. Wertenbaker [The Planters of
Colonial Virginia (Princeton, 1922) p. 17, n. 22] and Washburn [Governor
and the Rebel, p. 235 n. 22] both cite CO 5/1371, pp. 23340. I cannot
account for this confusion of page or folio numbers. In the Coventry Papers, I
found it at 77:3478, as did Washburn. The text is printed in Fiske, 82–6. Ever
since 1663, Governor Berkeley had complained of the unfairness of the
Navigation Act under which 40,000 people [were] impoverished to enrich little
more than 40 [English] merchants, who being the whole buyers of our tobacco,
give us what they please for it.” (Sir William Berkeley, A Discourse and View
of Virginia (London, 1663), p. 6. Berkeley to the Lords of Trade and
Plantations, 1671, CO 1/26, f. 77, cited in Wertenbaker, pp. 956.)
15. So called after the name of Berkeley’s home plantation.
16. In 1645, the Virginia General Assembly declared that taxation
exclusively by the poll, or head, had become insupportable for the poorer sort
to bear, and enacted that all levies were to be paid on visible estates, in
which the poll tax was to constitute only 30 percent of a composite list of such
taxable properties (Hening, 1:3056). Meeting as a committee of the whole,
the General Assembly adopted a resolution favoring the enactment of
legislation providing for taxation on landholdings rather than by the poll
(Hening, 2:204). Though this sentiment was regularly expressed, taxation
continued to be by the poll throughout the seventeenth century.
In 1656, on the no-taxation-without-representation principle, all freemen,
propertyless as well as propertied, were given the right to vote (Hening, 1:403),
but in 1670 the Assembly repealed the 1656 provision and restricted the
suffrage to landholders or householders” because former bond-laborers were
judged not to have interest enough to tye them to endeavour of the public
good(Hening, 2:280). In 1661 and 1662, in the name of reducing the costs of
government, the Governor and Colony Council were authorized for a period of
three years to impose annual levies without consulting the House of Burgesses
(Hening, 2:24, 85).
17. These frontier” plantation owners were the vanguard of the emerging
county familyfaction. The flare-up was in the context of English aggression
and Indian defensive response. The particular incident, according to English
accounts, was the result of a barter between an English planter named
Mathews and some Doeg Indians, residents of Maryland on the other side of
the Potomac. The Indians fulfilled their end of the bargain on time but
Mathews did not, and the Indians acted to settle the account by taking some of
Mathewss hogs, The Susquehannock Indians (who had moved from
Pennsylvania to Maryland on Maryland’s invitation, or else because of
pressure from the Iroquois Seneca) became involved when five of their
chieftains were murdered while parleying with the English under a flag of
truce, an act of treachery that was condemned formally even by the Maryland
and Virginia officials. (Andrews, pp. 1619, 47–8, 105–6. Jennings, Glory,
Death, and Transfiguration, pp. 27, 34.)
18. Bacon is sometimes called Nathaniel Bacon Junior to distinguish him
from his older cousin of the same name who was also a member of the Colony
Council. The birth year of Bacon the rebel, 1697, is inferred from the date of
the death of his mother, Elizabeth. (New England Historical and
Genealogical Register, 37:191 [1883].) Wertenbaker so interprets the record
(Thomas J. Wertenbaker, The Torchbearer of the Revolution: The Story of
Bacons Rebellion and Its Leader [Princeton, 1940] p.215). June Carson
apparently accepts 1647 also, since she says Bacon was twenty-seven when
he arrived in Virginia in 1674. Carson; p. 24.
19. Bacon arrived in Virginia in the spring of 1674; he was appointed to the
Colony Council on 3 March 1675; and he assumed the role of leader of the
anti-Indian campaign in April 1676, and was for the first time declared a rebel
by Governor Berkeley. (Jane Carson, Bacons Rebellion, 16761976
[Jamestown, 1976], Chronology,pp. 4, 6.)
20. Wilcomb E. Washburn, Governor Berkeley and King Philips War,
New England Quarterly, 30:36377 (1957); p. 377. But Washburn cites
Berkeleys assertion that the English who were driving the Indians out of their
land had this privilege by his Majesties Grant.” (Ibid., p. 375, Berkeley to
Secretary Joseph Williamson, 1 April 1676.)
21. Hening, 1:323–4, 353–4.
22. Rappahannock County Records, 166368, pp. 57–8. When
Berkeley himself came into possession of a thirteen-year-old Indian girl as an
item of booty from the estate of a Bacon rebel, he gave her to the Master of
a ship who bath caryed her for England.” (CO 5/1371, f. 243.) Cf. Warren M.
Billings, Sir William Berkeley Portrait By Fischer: A Critique,WMO, 3d
ser., 48:598–607 (1991), p. 602; andDavid Hackett Fischers Rejoinder,
ibid., 60811; p. 610.
23. all but five which were restored to the Queen by Ingram who was
Bacons Generall.” (Andrews, p. 127.) Andrews. cites CO 5/1371, A True
Narrative of the Rise, Progress, and Cessation of the Late Rebellion in
Virginia, Most Humbly and Impartially Reported by His Majestyes
Commissioners appointed to Enquire into the Affaires of the Said Colony”
(July 1677).
24. Andrews, pp. 1237.
25. Sherwood, p. 168.
26. See also p. 43.
27. Rappahannock County Records, 165664, p. 13. The date of the
agreement is missing, but by interpolation it appears to have been in 1656 or
1657. Roanoake (or Wampompeake) was a medium of exchange made by the
Indians. It was made of polished shell beads strung or woven together, and
was sometimes exchanged as the equivalent of English money at the rate of
five shillings per six feet (Encyclopedia Britannica, Wampum or Wampum-
Peage”). See also Hening 1:397.
28. Assistant Colony Secretary Philip Ludwell to Secretary of State
Williamson, 28 June 1676, VMHB 1:180 (1893).
29. Hening, 2:20, 114, 140. See also p. 60.
30. Bailyn, p. 103.
31. County Grievances, CO 5/1371, ff. 149–9. Sixteen counties and one
parish submitted a total of 204 grievances. Only two counties called for the
enslavement of Indian war captives. Surry County requested that the Indians
taken in the late Warr may be made Slaves” (f. 156), and James City County
asked that “Indian slaves that were taken in the late Indian Warr be
disposed to a Publick use and Profitt” (f. 150vo).
The names of the authors of the grievancesare not supplied. It is certain
that none of them were bond-laborers.
32. Sherwood, p. 164.
33. Thomas Ludwell and Robert Smith, Virginia representatives in England,
writing to the king, 18 June 1676, Coventry Papers, 77:128. Cited in Edmund
S. Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial
Virginia (New York, 1975), p. 221.
Few of the indentured servants, coming over after 1660, writes
Wertenbaker, succeeded in establishing themselves in the Virginia
yeomanry.” [P]robably less than fifty per cent [of the bond-laborers] could
hope even in the most favorable times [i.e. prior to 1650] to become
freeholders, he concludes, and by the time of Bacon’s Rebellion, the
probability was reduced to about one out of twenty. (Wertenbaker, Planters of
Colonial Virginia , pp. 8083, 9798.) Menard finds a parallel experience in
Maryland whereOpportunities declined after 1660, when, the indications are,
only 22 to 29 percent of the freemen became landowners. (Russell R. Menard,
From Servant to Freeholder: Status Mobility and Property Accumulation in
Seventeenth-Century Maryland, WMO, 30:374 [1973]; pp. 57, 623.)
34. County Grievances, CO 5/1371, ff. 150vo151. James City County
grievance number 10.
35. The grievances of three counties (Lancaster, Isle of Wight, and
Nansemond) expressed a desire for a general anti-Indian war. Every list of
grievances included at least one complaint about taxes, the amount, the manner
of their imposition, and their misappropriation, and the exemptions granted to
some favored few. James City, Warwick and Isle of Wight wanted land taxes
be imposed instead of poll taxes. The request by Rappahannock County and
Cittenborne Parish that landholders be forced to pay their quitrents was, in
terms of logic, linked with the desire for a break-up of the large landholdings.
(CO 5/1371, County Grievances, ff. 150vo–151, 151vo, 153, 156vo, 157,
36. Ibid. In replying to each separate proposal of this tenor, the
commissioners acknowledged that the unlimited liberty of taking up such vast
tracts of Lande is an apparent cause of many mischiefs, and that the
proposed remedy was desirable. But, they said that such a radical step was
impractical because of the certain opposition of the great landholders. They
proposed a more modest revision, whereby the poll tax would be retained but
for every 100 acres over a thousand the owner would pay an added levy equal
to that for one tithable. (CO 5/1371, ff. 150vo151, 160, 161vo.)
37. Sherwood, p. 164.
38. CO 1/36. Received in England in June 1676 by English Secretary of
State Joseph Williamson. See note 49.
39. Hening, 2:85. See also note 15.
40. Morgan, pp. 2445. Hening, 2:518–43, 56983. The second of these
two grants, covering all of Virginia south of the Rappahannock, was limited to
thirty-one years. (Hening, 2:5712.) In 1684, Thomas Lord Culpeper sold his
rights back to the king. (Ibid., 2:521.)
41. Noted by Francis Moryson and Thomas Ludwell in their urgent appeals
to the king for a revocation of the massive grants he had made to his friends.
(Hening, 2:539.)
42. From 1661 until the declaration of war against the Indians in March
1676, the Governor had the licensing of traders dealing with the Indians,
authority that Berkeley could exploit for his own enrichment. Then all those
licenses were revoked, and each of the counties was authorized to designate
five or fewer traders, with the provision that no powder, shot, or arms might be
sold to Indians. Under a law passed in 1677, all restrictions on trade with
Indians were removed. (Hening, 2:20, 124, 140, 3368, 402.)
43. Washburn, Governor and the Rebel, p. 29, citing Coventry papers,
Vol. 77, ff. 6, 8.
44. Sir John Berry, Francis Moryson and Herbert Jeffreys, A True
Narrative of the Rise, Progress, and Cessation of the Late Rebellion in
Virginia, Most Humbly and Impartially Reported by His Majestys
Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Affaires of the Said Colony
(October 1677), VMHB, 4:117–54 (1896); p. 121.
This suspicion was voiced in popular irony: Bullets would never pierce
Bever Skins. (Thomas Mathew, The Beginning, Progress and Conclusion
of Bacons Rebellion in Virginia in the Years 1675 and 1676 , in Andrews,
p. 20.)
45. Lee to Secretary Coventry, 4 August 1676 (Coventry Papers, 77:161).
46. VMHB, 1:433 (1893).
47. I take the formation of new counties as a rough index of colony
expansion. Counties were first established in Virginia in 1634. In the nineteen-
year period 1651 to 1669, ten new counties were formed. It was twenty-two
years before the next county, King and Queen, was formed in 1691. (Martha
W. Hiden, How Justice Grew Virginia Counties: An Abstract of Their
Formation, Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklet No. 19,
[Richmond, 1957], pp. 835.)
48. Bailyn, p. 105.
49. CO 1/36, ff. 11112. The only date recorded is that of the receipt of
the letter, June 1676; the time of transatlantic transmittal was usually over a
50. Major Isaac Allerton, one of the coerced burgesses, to Secretary
Coventry 4 August 1676 (Coventry Papers 77:16061). Hening, 2:380.
51. A Review, Breviary and Conclusion drawn from the narrative of the
Rebellion in Virginia by Royal Commissioners John Berry and Francis
Moryson, 20 July 1677, in Samuel Wiseman’s Book of Record, 16761677
Pepysian Library ms. no. 2582. In Neville, pp. 318–24. Wiseman was the clerk
to the Royal Commission sent to investigate the rebellion and to suggest
52. Wilcomb E. Washburn, The Effect of Bacons Rebellion on
Government in England and Virginia, United States National Museum
Bulletin 225 (1962), pp. 13740; p. 139.
53. Samuel Wiseman’s Book of Record, p. 107 (16 July 1677). In Neville,
p. 332.
54. CO 5/1371, Proceedings and Reports of the Commissioners for
Enquiring Into Virginian Affairs and Settling the Virginian Grievances, f. 180
(15 October 1677).
55. Moryson to Secretary of State William Jones, October 1676 (CO
5/1371, ff. 8vo13vo). Francis Moryson was a royalist veteran of the English
Civil War and the son of Richard Moryson and nephew of Fynes Moryson
who were engaged in the Tyrone War under Mountjoy in Ireland. (See The
Invention of the White Race, Volume One, especially pp. 615 and Appendix
56. Berry and Morsyon to Thomas Watkins, Secretary to the Duke of
York, 10 February 1676/7. Samuel Wisemans Book of Record. See Virginia
Colonial Records Project, Survey Report 6618, for microfilm number. The
letter is also printed in Coventry Papers, 77:389.
57. Hening, 2:515. In Virginia in 1676, at age sixteen or over, all men,
African-American women, and Indian women bond-laborers were tithable.
There seems to have been no intersection of the two sets all possible
combatants and tithables in which bond-laborers were not the majority.
58. Eric Williams stressed the bond-laborers’ struggle as the key factor in
the general history of the British West Indies. (Eric Williams, Capitalism and
Slavery [Chapel Hill, 1944], pp. 2012.) C. L. R. James does the same in
Black Jacobins, his full-blown history of the Haitian Revolution. Morgan, in
his main work on colonial Virginia, does not ignore the bond-laborers, but in
effect disparages their aptitude for rebellion, especially so far as African-
Americans are concerned. (American Slavery, American Freedom, pp. 296–
7, 309.) Breen alone has, in passing, noted the bond-laborers’ role in Bacons
Rebellion. (Timothy H. Breen, A Changing Labor Force and Race Relations
in Virginia, 16601710, Journal of Social History, Fall 1973, pp. 10–12, 17.)
See the fuller discussion of this aspect in The Invention of the White Race,
Volume One, pp. 1521.
59. See, for example, the pioneering works done for Johns Hopkins
University on “white servitude” in continental Anglo-America, including: James
C. Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia (Baltimore, 1895); and
Eugene Irving McCormac, White Servitude in Maryland, 16341824
(Baltimore, 1904).
60. See, for example, Russell R. Menard, Economy and Society in Early
Colonial Maryland (New York, 1985) and David Galenson, White Servitude
in Colonial America: An Economic Analysis (New York, 1981).
61. In the Royal Commissioners’ report, the Lancaster County Grievances
nos. 11 and 12 call for laws for the encouragement of servants.However,
no particulars are supplied and the Royal Commissioners simply say the
petitioners should seek remedy by the Assembly. (CO 5/1371, f. 156vo.)
62. CO 1/3, ff. 3562/8/6 (October 1676), Proposals most humbly offered
to his most sacred Majestie by Thomas Ludwell and Robert Smith for
Reducing the Rebells in Virginia to their obedience.” Printed in VMHB 1:433–
63. CO 1/37, f. 37 (Ludwell to Williamson, 28 June 1676).
64. Northampton County Records, 116880 , p. 11, in a proclamation
concerning the apprehension of runaway bond-laborers dated 30 December
65. G. N. Clarke, The Later Stuarts, 16601714 (Oxford, 1934), pp. 5–8,
823. David Ogg, England Under the Reign of Charles II, 2 vols. (Oxford,
1934), 1:745; 2:342, 346, 446, 449.
66. CO 1/34, f. 200 (Petition of Virginias representatives to the King, June
[?] 1675). CO 1/36, ff. 11112 (letter from the collector of customs, Giles
Bland, in Virginia to Secretary of State Sir Joseph Williamson, received in
England in June 1676).
Besides the loss of tobacco revenues, the government spent £80,000 in
quelling the rebellion. (Governor Alexander Spotswood to the Board of Trade,
4 June 1715, referring toJournals of this Colony in 1676 [CSP, Col, pp. 199–
67. So one might conclude from a letter from Mr William Harbord to the
Earl of Essex, dated 17 December 1676, in which reference is made to
revenue losses due to both Bacons Rebellion and King Philip’s War in New
England: [I]ll news from Virginia and New England doth not only alarm us but
extreamly abates the customs so that notwithstanding all the shifts Treasurer
can make this Parliament or another must sitt.(Clements Edwards Pike, ed.,
Selections from the Correspondence of Arthur Capel, Earl of Essex,
16751677, Camden Society Publications, 3rd ser. [London, 1913], p. 87. My
attention was directed to this letter by Washburn’s citation of it in Governor
and the Rebel, p. 214, n. 5.) This crisis, to which the rebellion in Virginia so
materially contributed, marked the beginning of party politics that was to lead
to the so-called Glorious Revolution and the end of the Stuart monarchy. For
the tobacco fleet number, see Ogg, 1:75.
68. Coventry Papers, 77:332. The document, which was apparently
addressed to Secretary of State Williamson, is not dated, but it was probably
written in October 1676 during preparations for sending troops to Virginia.
69. Charles City Records (Order Book) 167779, 9 August 1677.
70. The Vestry Book of Christ Church Parish, 16631767 (in
Middlesex County), edited by C. G. Chambelayne (Richmond, 1927), p. 25.
71. Westmoreland County Records, 167589, p. 68.
72. Petsworth Parish Vestry Book, 16771795 (Gloucester County),
edited by C. G. Chamberlayne (Richmond, 1933), p. 17. Chamberlayne
suggestively noted that Nathaniel Bacons death occurred at the home of
Thomas Pate, the churchwarden of Petsworth Parish.
73. Such conjecture would not suit John Finley, apparently. He steadfastly
refused to be freed from servitude by the rebels, preferring to remain their
close prisoner for the space of twelve weeks. That’s what he said, in support
of his owners action for trespass against a rebel officer. His faithfulness
presumably exempted him from the added year of servitude imposed on bond-
laborers absent from their owners during the rebellion. (Charles City Order
Book, 167779, pp. 179–80 [13 September 1677].)
74. Charles City County Records, 165566, p. 5234 (18 October 1664).
75. See p. 135.
76. Middlesex County Records, 167380, f. 135 (2 September 1678).
77. Middlesex County Order Book, 16941705, pp. 23442 (1 August
and 2 October 1699).
78. See p. 154.
79. See p. 149.
80. The Names and short Characters of those that have bin executed for
Rebellion submitted by Berkeley to the Royal Commissioners, in Samuel
Wiseman’s Book of Record. (See Neville, pp. 27475.)
81. Neill identifies Wilson as a servant,and says the death sentence was
passed on him on 11 January. (Richard Duffield Neill, Virginia Carolorum:
The Colony under the Rule of Charles the First and Second, AD 1625
1685 [Albany, NY, 1886] pp. 373, 377.) York County Records, 167784 , f.
88 (24 April 1679). Accomack County Records 167882, p. 158 (17 March
82. Fletcher was in court on four occasions between 17 February and 9
July 1677, and it appears that the beatings and kicking she suffered from her
owner(s) followed her return from several months as a rebel. Even though she
was sentenced on 4 July to two added years for bearing a child, and another
five months for the time she was with the rebels, she embarked on a campaign
of wearyingher owner until he should sell her to someone else. As part of
this wearying process, she resisted a whipping in the following manner, when
(her owner) began to strike her shee layd hold of him and flung him downe.
(Surry County Records, 167184, ff. 121, 131; ibid., 167191, 133, 152.)
83. Manscript of a letter from Andrew Marvell, poet and member of
Parliament, to his friend Henry Thompson, 14 November 1676. I am grateful to
the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, California, for
supplying me with a photocopy of the letter.
84. New York Public Library, George Chalmers Collection, I, folio 49. The
Bacon forces burned Jamestown on 19 September 1676. The letter was dated
19 October.
Why would Bacon want to free bond-laborers? Of 25 condemned rebels
whose estates were inventoried, 14 were listed as owners of bond-laborers.
The largest individual holding was that of Bacons own 11 bond-laborers 1
Irishman, 2 African-American men, 1 African-American woman and her one-
year-old mulatto daughter, and 5 Indians, ranging in age from four to sixteen
years of age. (CO 5/1371, f. 219vo-246ro; Bacons list, 227vo-230vo.) Neither
Bacon nor anyone else has left a record concerning his motives in this respect.
One obvious reason is that he was fighting for his life it was indeed victory,
or death by drawing and quartering that he needed the bond-laborers on his
side, and that they would not go along without a promise of freedom.
85. Thomas Holden(?) to Secretary Joseph Williamson, 1 February 1677, at
the end of a three-month return voyage from Virginia. (CSP, Dom., 18:530.)
86. Hening 2:395 (February 1677).
87. Samuel Wiseman’s Book of Record, entry for 11 March 1676/7. For an
abstract of this document see Neville, p. 328; or Virginia Colonial Records
Project Survey Report 6618 (old designation C-7) at Virginia State Archives.
By royal proclamation dated 26 October 1676 regarding the bond-laborers
of rebel owners who failed to accept the king’s offer of pardon and surrender
by the middle of November, those bond-laborers, if they enlisted in Berkeleys
forces, were to be freed from the Said offenders. (Coventry Papers,
77:263.) Berkeley’s offer was limited and did not promise liberty, but only
liberty from Baconite owners.
88. Coventry Papers, 77:3012. Unless otherwise explicitly noted my
section on Grantham’s encounters with the rebels is based on this document.
89. CSP, Dom, 19:115.
90. This History of Bacons and Ingrams Rebellion, Massachusetts
Historical Society Proceedings, 9 (1867), pp. 299–342. Reprinted in Andrews,
pp. 47104; pp. 93.4.
91. Berkeley wrote a letter to Walklett on 1 January thanking him for his
letters so full and discreet and your Actings so judicious, urging Walkett
to go further and try to capture another rebel leader especially hated by
Berkeley. He closed by saying that Mr Ingram and Capt. Langston are with
mee and wee shall dine togther within this quarter of an hour, where wee will
drinke your health and happy success.(Coventry Papers, 78:177.) Walklett
and Langston had been commanders of horse troops under Bacon. (Andrews,
pp. 345, 87.) Herbert Jeffreys, one of the Royal Commission to Virginia and
successor to Berkeley as Governor there, declared that the rebels would not
have been so easily reduced had not the said Walklett and one Ingram then
general, surrendred their armes to Sir William Berkeley and disbanded their
forces whereby the country came to a speedy settlement.” (Coventry Papers,
92. Their bitterness was no doubt particularly caused by loss of West Point
as a strategic location almost impregnable to heavily armed merchantmen or
English naval attack by virtue of the difficulty of the Channell and the
Shoaliness of the water [that would] prevent any Great Shipps from
pursuing and where alsoe the Narrowness of the River and
Commodiousness of the place Contribute soe much to our Advantage that we
may with the Greatest facility given an effectuall Repulse to all the force that
can their [there] Attack us. Such was the assessment submitted by experts
whose opinions were sought by the Virginia Governor and Colony Council
regarding defense against a possible French invasion in 1706. I have assumed
that at the time of Bacons Rebellion thirty years earlier both the rebels and
Grantham similarly appreciated its strategic advantage. (See Colonial
Papers, Virginia State Archives, Richmond, folder 17, item 29.) Bacon, with
the instinct of the true strategist, had already selected West Point as his
headquarters and his main point of concentration.” (Wertenbaker,
Torchbearer of the Revolution, p. 184.)
93. Grantham said that most of these four hundred rebels accepted his
terms,except about eighty Negroes and twenty English which would not
deliver their Armes. Grantham tricked these one hundred men on board a
sloop with the promise of taking them to a rebel fort a few miles down the
York River. Instead, towing them behind his own sloop, he brought them under
the guns of another ship and thus forced their surrender, although they yielded
with a great deal of discontent, saying had they known my resolution, they
would have destroyed me.
94. CO 1/38, f. 31. Andrews gives the number as more than 1,100
officers and men.” (Andrews, p. 102.)
95. CO 5/1371, ff. 119vo–a23. Report submitted to Governor Berkeley, ca.
30 January 1676/7, by John Good, a Henrico plantation owner on or about 2
September 1676. See note 14.
96. Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, sentenced for treason and
beheaded 12 May 1641.
97. Aside from the garrison at West Point, and two others near West Point
(the Brick House at King’s Creek, under William Drummond and Richard
Lawrence, chief co-leaders of the Bacon movement, and the four hundred at
the chief garrison at Colonel West’s house, scene of Granthams most historic
encounter, three miles north from West Point), they were located at: Green
Spring (now Williamsburg), on the north side of the James River; Arthur
Allen’s expropriated house (since known as Bacon’s Castle), further down and
on the south shore of the James, about twenty-five miles northeast of the
scene of Nat Turners Rebellion in 1831; the expropriated house of Bacons
cousin, a Berkeley adherent, at Kings Creek on York River; and further down
at the place later made famous as Yorktown, scene of Cornwallis’s surrender;
and two other locations expropriated from prominent Berkeleyites, one in
Gloucester County and another in Westmoreland. (Locations as given in
Wertenbaker, Torchbearer of the Revolution , pp. 1846). The total number
in all those places is not known; it appears that the one thousand in and around
West Point comprised the majority of the rebel troops.
98. Andrews, p. 140. The Royal Commissioners’ narrative was dated 20
July 1677. (Neville, p. 220). The cessation of fighting on one river is noted
laconically in the 29 January entry in the journal of the Young Prince:
Blowing, ‘thick weather. Wind at SW. The cundry being reduced so went
about our owne businesse as per the Governor[’s] Proclamation.(CO 1/37.)
99. Neill, pp. 373, 374. CO 5/1371, ff. 219vo246ro. CO 1/39, ff. 645.
Two other condemned rebels cheated the gallows by dying in prison before
they could be executed.
100. Francis Moryson was the son of Sir Richard Moryson and the nephew
of the chronicler Fynes Moryson. The uncle and the father are mentioned in
Volume One in connection with the Mountjoy conquest of Ireland. (See The
Invention of the White Race Volume One, pp. 625 and Appendix F.)
However, the view taken there differs from that of Charles M. Andrews, who
unreflectingly credits Sir Richard with a long and honorable career in
Ireland.” (Andrews, p. 102.)
101. Coventry Papers, 77:263. This proclamation is also to be found at
Hening, 2:4234, where the date is given as 10 October. But the defeated
rebels were given no chance to swear such an oath.
102. Hening, 2:280 (1670), 356 (1676), 380 (February 1676/7). The Bacon
Assemblys extension of suffrage to freemen was strongly condemned by the
Royal Commissioners in response to a Grievance of Rappahannock County
and by the Colony officials in Maryland” (5/1371, f. 152vo; Remonstrance by
the Governor and Council of Maryland, Maryland Archives, 15:1378).
103. For a defense of Berkeley in his quarrels with the Royal
Commissioners, see Washburn, Governor and the Rebel, Chapter 8.
Excepting Washburn, historians have customarily characterized Berkeley’s
demeanor as simple vindictive fury linked with the spoils-to-the-victors
program. Some of them add references to the old Governors notorious
irascibility, and to a possible sensibility about the great age disparity between
Berkeley and Lady Frances, his wife. Paradoxical though it may seem,
perhaps his attitude is better understood as foreshadowing the ultimately
ascendant colony-centered, rather than “empire-centered, position on which
the Virginia ruling elite eventually united.
104. Charles II is reported to have reacted to news of Berkeleys vendetta
by noting that that old fool has hanged more men in that naked country than I
did for the Murther of my father. (Andrews, p. 40.) The same point was
made by Royal Commissioners Berry and Moryson. Letter to Mr Watkins, 10
February 1676/7, abstracted in Neville, p. 246.
The reliability of the attribution is not established, but the accuracy of the
observation is. Charles II hanged a total of thirteen, not counting Cromwell and
Ireton, whose dead bodies were exhumed for hanging. (“Regicide,
Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th edition, [Chicago, 1997], 26:1035.
105. Samuel Wiseman’s Record Book, abstracted in Neville, pp. 2456.
106. CSP, Col., 11:134 (31 October 1681).
107. CO 5/1356, f. 71, Spenser to Sir Leolin Jenkins, 8 May 1682.
108. Blathwayt Papers, ca. 16751715, 41 vols. on microfilm at Colonial
Williamsburg; vol. 15, Spencer to Blathwayt, 29 May 1682. William Blathwayt
was Secretary to the Lords of Trade and Plantations. I am indebted to the
New York Historical Society Manuscripts Library for the use of its microfilm
set of the Blathwayt Papers.
109. VMHB, 2:16, 136–7, 141, 142 cited in Morton 1:327.
110. Culpeper to Blathwayt, 20 March 1682/3 (Blathwayt Papers, Vol. 17).
111. Spencer to Blathwayt, 1 March 1688/9 (Blathwayt Papers, Vol. 15).
112. Dudley Digges to Blathwayt, 23 October 1710 Blathwayt Papers, Vol.
113. Allan Kulikoff, Tobacco and Slaves: The Development of Southern
Cultures in the Chesapeake, 16801800 (Chapel Hill and London, 1986), p.
114. CSP Col., 11:130 (Culpeper to the Lords of Trade and Plantations, 25
October 1681).
115. Dalby Thomas, An Historical Account, Rise and Growth of the
West Indies Colonies and great Advantages they are to England in
Respect to Trade (London, 1690), in Harleian Miscellany, 12 vols.; 9:425.
116. It was evident, says Professor Richard L. Morton, that
diversification of industry as a remedy for overproduction of tobacco would
take years But a remedy was needed at once” (Morton, p. 300). But I
would respectfully suggest that, of all the Anglo-American colonies, none had
had more time than Virginia; time was not the problem, but rather the
plantation system based on bond-labor.
117. In 1708, Virginia Colony Secretary Edmund Jennings said that of a
total of 30,000 tithables, there were slightly more than 12,000 bond-laborers,
although the number of European-American bond-laborers was
inconsiderable because so few have been imported since the beginning of
the war” (CSP Col., 24:156). But the Virginia and Maryland laws and official
records show that in subsequent years their presence was anything but
118. See p.119.
119. Hening, 2:515.
120. Kulikoff (p. 39.)
121. Ibid., p. 40.
122. Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial Maryland, p. 433.
123. Kulikoff, p. 42, Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial
Maryland Appendix II.
124. In Virginia in 1699 there were 21,888 tithables in a total population of
57,339, a ratio of 1:2.62, or 38 percent (CSP, Col., 19:6356; Cf. Morgan
p.414). In Maryland in 1712 the total population was 46,073. Of that number,
European-American men werre 11,025, and the number of Negroes” was
8,830, making a total of 19,855, On that basis, the ratio of tithables to total
population in Maryland would be 1:2.42, or 43.1 percent. An uncertain number
of European-American women in Maryland worked in the crop and were
therefore tithable. (See CO 5/717 [15 July 1712] and 5/716, Governor Seymour
to Board of Trade, 21 August 1706). These total population figures from the
records correspond closely with the figures for 1700 and 1710 for Virginia and
Maryland respectively as presented in Historical Statistics of the United
States, Colonial Period to 1970, series Z 13, 14.
125. CSP, Col., 16:39091 (20 August 1698).
126. CSP, Col., 17:liv, 261.
127. CSP, Col., 25:83 (24 April 1710).
128. CSP, Col., 27:70 (15 October 1715).
129. CSP, Col., 36:41415 (29 June 1729).
130. Louis B. Wright, ed., The History and Present State of Virginia ,
(Chapel Hill, 1947), p. 92. This edited work is a revised edition of the 1705
work, published in 1722.
131. Culpeper Report on Virginia in 1683, VMHB 3:22238; p.222. A
hogshead at this time probably contained 475 to 500 pounds of tobacco. Cutting
as many plants in an hour “as well would have imployed twenty men a
Summers tendance to have perfected, in Gloucester alone these plant-cutting
rioters destroyed 200 plantations in the first week of their campaign. (CO
5/1356, p. 70, Colony Secretary Spencer to Secretary Leoline Jenkins, 8 May
132. Perhaps Governor Culpeper was exaggerating somewhat in saying,
scarce one of them was worth a Farthing (“Report on Virginia in 1683,
VMHB, 3:231).
133. Morgan, p. 286, citing CO 1/48, ff. 261, 263, 275, and CO 1/49, f. 56.
134. Morgan, pp. 2912.
135. Ibid., pp.3089. See also my comment on Morgans book in the
Introduction to Volume One of the present work.
136. VMHB, 3:22238; p. 230.
137. See the discussion of Sir Francis Bacons essay on the history of the
reign of Henry VII in Vol. I, Chapter 2, pp. 1718.
138. The Colony Council had roughly estimated that one-third of free men
in 1673 were either unable to make a living or were else mired in debt (see pp.
139. Samuel Pepys, Secretary to the Admiralty, to Secretary of State
Henry Coventry, 7 October 1676 (Coventry Papers, 77:2334).
140. Admiralty Papers, 51/134, Log of HMS Bristol, entry for 15 February
141. CO 389/6, p. 200.
142. CO 5/1355. Culpepers request, 13 December 1677; Lords of Trade
and Plantations reply, August 1678.
143. CO 5/1355, p. 408, Culpeper to the Lords of Trade and Plantations, 25
October 1681.
144. CO 5/1356, ff. 23, 22 November 1681.
145. CO 5/1356, 8 May 1682.
146. CSP, Col, 11:498.
147. CO 5/1356, pp. 1834.
148. CO 5/1356, pp. 2478.
149. Archives Maryland, 5:152–4. Proceedings of the Council 1671
1681. Governor Notley to [name not given in the record], 22 January 1676/77.
150. CO 1/40, f. 186, Notley to Charles Calvert, Lord Baltimore,
Proprietary of the Province of Maryland, 22 May 1677. It appears from the
copy of this document made by the Virginia Colonial Records Project that this
folio once was numbered 88, by which number Wertenbaker refers to it.
(Thomas J. Wertenbaker, Virginia Under the Stuarts [Princeton, 1914], p.
137, n. 58.) I thank Cecily J. Peeples for last-minute checking of the records
relating to this and half a dozen other facts at the Virginia State Archives.
12 The Abortion of theWhite Race Social
Control System in The Anglo-Caribbean
1. Speaking of those forms of the bourgeoisie whom he had studied most
closely, Professor Dunn renders this documented judgement: The sugar
planters were always businessmen first and foremost, and from a business
standpoint it was more efficient to import new slaves of prime working age
from Africa than to breed up a creole generation of Negroes in the Caribbean.
Some of the slave masters found it hard to resist the temptation to get rid of
the young and old by systematic neglect and underfeeding.” (Richard S. Dunn,
Sugar and Slaves: The Rise of the Planter Class in the English West
Indies, 16241712 [Chapel Hill, 1972; W. W. Norton reprint, 1973] p. 321.
2. Strictly speaking, it is only after the formation of Great Britain by the
Act of Union of England and Scotland in 1707 that the Anglo-Caribbean
islands are referred to as the British West Indies. But aside from the effect of
the opening of trade between Scotland and the English islands, this is a
distinction that may generally be ignored in the present discussion.
The British West Indies comprised a dozen island colonies, annexed over a
period of 178 years: from Barbados (1625) to St Lucia (1803); from the
Bahamas (1718[?], 1729[?]; see Michael Craton, A History of the Bahamas
[London, 1962], p. 120) in the northwest to Trinidad (1797) in the southeast;
from formerly Spanish Jamaica captured by the English (1655) with its 4,470
square miles, to Nevis (1628), with 50 square miles. Some were captured from
Britain one or more times by the French: for example, Nevis, St Kitts (St
Christopher), Antigua, Montserrat, Grenada, and Dominica. Though I
generalize regarding certain common characteristics of these colonies, I am
aware that each has its own distinctive history and traditions. At the same time
I believe that the Anglo-Caribbean colonies were characterized by a common
history of a ruling-class social control policy that led to the establishment of a
tripartite social structure that included persons of some degree of African
ancestry in the intermediate buffer social control stratum, a social structure
that differed fundamentally from that established in continental Anglo-America
at the beginning of the eighteenth century.
3. Almost simultaneously, English colonies were begun on St Kitts (St
Christopher), St Eustatius, Tobago, Antigua, and Montserrat. In 1655 the
English began settling in Jamaica, which they had captured from Spain. All
were essentially monocultural enterprises; the principal product was sugar;
minor products were tobacco, cotton, aloes and indigo. The main labor force
was made up of chattel bond-laborers.
4. Coventry Papers, 85:11 cited in Dunn, p. 74. See the testimony of
Captain Henry Powell regarding his efforts to employ Indians in his Barbados
plantation. Papers relating to the early History of Barbados, Timehri, new
ser., 5:535 (1891) (cited in Dunn, p. 227). The Laws of Jamaica,
Comprehending all the Acts in Force Passed between the Thirty Second
Year of the Reign of Charles the Second and the Thirty-third Year of the
Reign of King George the Third Published under the Direction of
Commissioners appointed for that Purpose, 2 vols. (St Jago de la Vega,
Jamaica, 1792), pp. 12930. 8 Geo. I, c. 1 (1721), An Act to encourage the
settling the north-east part of this island, refers to every free mulatto, Indian
or negro.
5. When Dunn says p. 74 that Indians could not be turned into acceptable
agricultural laborers” I take him to mean bond-laborers. Dunn himself cites
the record of Guiana Indians who in 1627 voluntarily came to Barbados with
Captain Henry Powell to cultivate land as free people there and to help to
promote trade with the mainland. (Ibid., p. 227.) Twenty years later, Powell
returned to Barbados and found that those Indians and their families had been
involuntarily integrated into the chattel bond-labor system. He petitioned the
Barbados Assembly to set these poor people free that have been kept thus
long in bondage.(Timehri [1891], 5:535.)
6. Historical Manuscripts Commission, Vol. xiv, part 2, Portland
Manuscripts, III, p. 268; and CO 1/22, no. 55. (cited in Vincent T. Harlow, A
History of Barbados 16251685, [Oxford, 1926; Negro Universities Press
reprint, 1969] pp. 152, 192).
7. Dunn, p. 74.
8.A Briefe Relation of the Voyage Unto Maryland, in the Calvert
Papers, Number Three (Baltimore, 1899) p. 32. This account, of which there
are two slightly differing versions, one in Latin, the other in English, is credited
to Father Andrew White. A translation of the Latin version is found in Peter
Force, Tracts and Other Papers Relating Principally to the Origin,
Settlement and Progress of the Colonies in North America From the
Discovery of the Country to the Year 1776 (Washington, 1836, 1947
reprint), vol. 4, no. XII (referred to throughout as Force Tracts). The Force
Tracts version uses the word slaves” instead of “servants.
9. The Dutch invaded Brazil in 1624, and by 1637 had seized half of the
Portuguese administrative areas of settlement (capteaneos) there. Dutch-held
Pernambuco alone accounted for one-third of Brazils plantation and sugar mill
enterprises, and imported more than half the African bond-laborers brought to
Brazil. A rebellion of Portuguese, in which free Afro-Brazilians played a major
part, succeeded in finally ousting the Dutch in 1654. Already for the better part
of a decade before that final evacuation, Dutch plantation owners had been
liquidating their Brazilian operations and leaving the country. A significant
number of them settled in Barbados with their capital and technology, and with
access to credit and markets in Holland. (Johannes M. Postma, The Dutch in
the Atlantic Slave Trade, 16001815, [Cambridge, 1990] pp. 14, 16, 17, 19
20. R. K. Kent, Palmares, An African State in Brazil, in Richard Price, ed.,
Maroon Societies: Rebel Slave Communities in the Americas, pp. 170, 171,
174. E. E. Rich and C. H. Wilson, eds., The Economy of Expanding Europe
in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries [Cambridge, 1967], [Volume IV
of the Cambridge Economic History of Europe], p. 334. Harlow, p. 84.)
10. Harlow, p. 325.
11. Ibid., p. 305.
12. Barbados governor Daniel Searle to John Thurloe, Secretary of the
Council of State, 18 September 1655 (A Collection of the State Papers of
John Thurloe , 7 vols. [London, 1742], 4:39–40.)
13. CSP, Col. , 12:155 (Minutes of the Barbados Colony Council, 16
February 1686).
14. CSP, Col. , 13:733–4 (Barbados Governor Kendall to the Lords of
Trade and Plantations, 3 November 1692). The investigation found that the
ringleaders” were mainly overseers, artisans and domestic servants, who
could exploit their relatively greater freedom of movement for organizing the
15. Dunn, p. 256.
16. Orlando Patterson, The Sociology of Slavery: An Analysis of the
Origins, Development and Structure of Negro Slave Society (London,
1967), pp. 266, 271–3.
17. R. C. Dallas, History of the Maroons, 2 vols. (London, 1803), pp. 23
18. Bryan Edwards, The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British
Colonies in the West Indies 3 vols. (West Indies, 4th edition, 3 vols. London
1807) 1:52235, and 53745 reprinted in Price, ed., pp. 23032.
19. Dallas (History of the Maroons p. 60) says fifteen hundred acres,
less than two and a half square miles, but such an area would seem absurdly
small to provide farming land sufficient for even the one section of the
maroons signing this particular treaty. I have substituted the figure given by
Patterson: 15,000 acres. (Patterson, pp. 27971, citing the Jamaica Journal of
the House of Assembly, 3:458.)
20. Dallas, pp. 5865.
21. The basic economic, demographic and sociological facts on which the
following five points of differentiation rely are long established and are well
known to every student of the history of the West Indies. The original colonial-
period sources are familiar to all, and the vast bibliography of secondary works,
although they differ in interpretation and emphasis, presents a general
consensus regarding those facts.
22. I have used Morgans estimate of the total population, but excluded
Henrico County (partially above the Fall Line) and the Eastern Shore counties
of Northampton and Accomack. (See Edmund S. Morgan, American Slavery,
American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia (New York, 1975),
Table 3, pp. 41213.) The Tidewater area is given in standard encyclopedias.
23. The 11,000 squares miles of the Tidewater area is equal to 7,040,000
acres. The quitrent rolls for Virginias twenty counties in 1704 show an area of
some 2,780,000 acres. (Thomas J. Wertenbaker, The Planters of Colonial
Virginia [New York 1922], Appendix,Rent Rolls of Virginia 1704–1705.)
24. See pp. 164, 170. See also Virginia laws (Hening, 2:5369 (1691), and
404–19 (1705), aimed at centralizing customs collections in specific port
locations because otherwise royal customes and revenues [were] impossible
to be secured (2:53). See also John C. Rainbolt, From Prescription to
Persuasion (Port Washington, NY, 1974), pp. 6, 113.
25. For seventeenth-century Barbados population figures, see Harlow, p.
338; and Sheppard, p. 33. I have used Harlow’s figure here. I have made no
attempt to investigate the decline of the total Barbados population suggested by
the estimate of only 62,324 in 1748 contained in Jerome S. Handler and Arnold
A. Sio, Barbados, in David W. Cohen and Jack P. Greene, eds., Neither
Slave Nor Free: The Freedman of African Descent in the Slave Societies
of the New World (Baltimore, 1972), p. 338.
26. Hilary Beckles, Black Rebellion in Barbados: The Struggle Against
Slavery, 16271838 (Bridgetown, Barbados, 1984), p. 62.
27. The 1698 population of Jamaica is given as 47,400 in Cohen and
Greene, eds., p. 338.
28. Philip D. Curtin, Two Jamaicas: The Role of Ideas in a Tropical
Country (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1955), p. 69. Unlike Barbados and the
Leewards, where all the land suitable for sugar cane was soon taken up and
overproduction exhausted the soil, Jamaica was never quite fully exploited
before sugar and slavery declined.” (Michael Craton, Sinews of Empire: A
Short History of British Slavery [Garden City, New York, 1974] p. 46.)
29. Dallas, p. 1xix. Dallas’s proportion of unused land is consistent with
Curtins, but his absolute number of acres exceeds the area of Jamaica by
some 40 percent.
30. Patterson, p. 270 (citing CO 137/18).
31. Dunn, pp. 17071, 197, 266–7. Hilary Beckles, White Servitude and
Black Slavery in Barbados, 16271715, pp. 15758.
32. Dunn, pp. 171 (Table 18), 197, 266 (Table 24), 267 (Table 25).
33. According to Beckles, it was less than 3 percent in Barbados.
Wertenbaker puts the Virginia proportion at between 5 and 6 percent.
(Beckles, White Servitude and Black Slavery, p. 158; Wertenbaker, p. 98.)
34. Sheppard, p. 33.
35.Lacking means of sustenance, 30,000 Europeans streamed out of
Barbados alone during the latter half of the seventeenth century but the
majority remained in the Caribbean relocating over and over again in Jamaica,
Guiana, the Windwards, and Trinidad. (David Lowenthal, West Indian
Societies [London, 1972], pp. 2930.)
In February 1679, however, only a minority appeared to have chosen other
West Indies islands. Of 593 persons granted leave to depart Barbados in 1679,
233 were going to North America, 205 to England, 154 to other Caribbean
islands, and 1 to Holland. It appears that somewhat over half of these were
former bond-laborers. (Dunn, pp. 11011.)
36. Dunn, p. 312.
37. Craton, p. 44.
38. Harlow, 1745.
39. The novelty of this form of social identity is to be noted in the
comments of George Fox and Morgan Godwyn. During a visit to Barbados in
1671, Fox, founder of the Quaker religion, addressed some members of a
Barbados audience as you that are called white.” (George Fox, Gospel of
Family-Order … [London, 1675], p. 38.) About the same time, Godwyn found
it necessary to explain to his readers that in Barbadoswhite” wasthe
general name for Europeans.” (The Negros and Indians Advocate
[London, 1680], p. 83.) Even a century later a historian, writing in Jamaica for
readers in Britain, felt it necessary to supply a parenthetical clarification:
white people (as they are called here). (Edward Long, The History of
Jamaica, or, General Survey of the Antient and Modern State of the
Island, with Reflections on its Situation, Settlements, Inhabitants, Climate,
Products, Commerce, Laws, and Government, 3 vols. [London, 1774],
40. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, p. 80.
41. In ordering the forced exile of 1,500 to 2,000 Irish boys to Jamaica to
serve as bond-laborers, Henry Cromwell, Olivers son and deputy in Ireland,
wrote to Secretary Johne Thurloe, who knows, but that it may be a measure
to make them Englishmen, I meane rather, Christians.” (H. Cromwell to John
Thurloe, Secretary of the Council of State, 11 and 18 September 1655. Papers
of John Thurloe 4:234, 40.)
The free persons of color in Barbados made known their determination that
Christian should not be regarded as a mere euphemism for white.When
the slave consolidation act” of 1826 was passed making it a crime for a slave
to assault any white person, the free persons of color protested that it
deprived them of a protection that they had had as Christians since 1688.
(Jerome S. Handler, The Unappropriated People: Freedmen in the Slave
Society of Barbados [Baltimore, 1974], p. 98.)
42. English Attorney-General Edward Northey, in the normal course of his
duty of reviewing laws passed in the colonies, objected to a Nevis Assembly
enactment providing for punishment by death or dismemberment for slaves
who attempted to escape their bondage. In particular he argued that white
slaves” who had been kidnapped and sent to bondage in the West Indies,
should not be so treated merely for trying to regain the freedom of which they
had been unjustly deprived. Joseph Jory, representative of Nevis in London,
clarified matters by saying that white servants are not to be taken as slaves.
Whereupon Northey withdrew his objection (though he did say that the
application of such penalties against Africans should be approved for only a
limited time, and then be subject to review as to their effects.) (CSP, Col. ,
23:126 [1 May 1706].)
43. A reminder given by the Commissioners of Trade and Plantations in
1709. (CSP Col., 24:454.)
44. CSP, Col., 17:423.
45. Acts of Assembly Passed in the Island of Nevis from 1664, to 1739,
inclusive ([London?], 1740) pp. 379. Alan Burns (History of the British
West Indies [London, 1954], p. 217) says that the general rule was one
European man to every ten Africans.
46. CSP, Col. , 13:348 (Lords of Trade and Plantations to Barbaros
governor Kendall, 20 November 1690). This provision apparently was designed
to prevent a repetition of the exodus of pardoned rebels from Jamaica that had
been followed by a rebellion of five hundred African bond-laborers there on 29
July 1690. (CSP Col., 13:315–17 [31 August 1690].)
47. Harlow says that after 1660 in Barbados the former five-to-seven
years of servitude required of English bond-laborers was reduced to three or
four years. The motive was the plantation owners’ fear of “the slave menace.”
(Harlow, p. 301.) Representatives of the Barbados plantation bourgeoisie
asked the king to allow one or two thousand English bond-laborers, though but
for 2 yeares service for the charge of their passage. (Irish Manuscripts
Commission, Analecta Hibernia, No. 4 [October 1932], Documents Relating
to the Irish in the West Indies, Aubrey Gwynne SJ, collector, p. 266 [16
September 1667]. Hereafter these materials will be referred to as “Gwynne,
Analecta Hibernia, No. 4.”)
48. Dunn, p. 242, citing CO 30/2/114–25 (Barbados MSS Laws, 164582).
49. CSP, Col., 14:446–7.
50. Journal of the Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, 2:634 (17
August 1709). CSP, Col., 24:45052 (24 August 1709).
51. CSP, Col., 28:154–5.
52. Sheppard, p. 38. Philip Rowell of Christ Church Parish in Barbados
was an exception; sometime around 1680 he gave five of his time-expired
bond-laborers six acres of land and two lifetime bond-laborers each in order
that they might avoid the common fate of beggary or dependency on parish
charity. (Beckles, White Servitude and Black Slavery, p. 159.)
53. Sheppard, pp. 389, 44, 63. This unique slim volume is indispensable for
the study of the subject of race in Anglo-America. In Barbados, where the
poor whites” were the majority of the European population, the story of the
military tenants” epitomized the marginalization of that entire class in the
system of social control. If our American sociologists were to examine this
phenomenon, they might find a new application for their term underclass.” An
order of the Jamaica Colony Council Assembly provided that a European
bond-laborer disabled in military service shall have an able negro delivered to
him forever, for his maintenance.” (CSP, Col., 7:474 21 March 1673.)
54. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, points 1 and 2 of
operative principles of social control in a stable civil society constituted on the
basis of racial oppression, pp. 1345.
55. Europeans made up a higher proportion of the population in Barbados
than in any other British West Indies colony. For the specific reference to the
majority being “poor whites” in 1680 and a century and a half later, see
Sheppard, pp. 31, 63, 68. Follow the declining social career of the poor white”
majority through Sheppards Chapter 4, From Indentured Servants to Poor
Whites (17041839)”; Chapter 5, Disbandment of the Military Tenants
(1839)”; and Chapter 6, The Problems of Degeneration.” Beckles’s study of
Barbados parishes found that “From the mid-1680s on [through 1715, the
terminal year of his study] the majority of freemen were categorized by
vestries as ‘very poore’. (Beckles, White Servitude and Black Slavery, p.
Concluding her study of the Redlegs” of Barbados, Professor Sheppard
supplies a comment that may yet prove to have a wider application: As soon
also as poor whites were forced, through the removal of any special status, to
mix on equal terms with their black peers, then much of their former arrogance
began, albeit slowly, to disappear.” (Sheppard, p. 120.)
56. The Nevis Assembly showed sensitivity to this challenge. In 1675 it
made it a crime for servants and slaves to company or drink together.” (CSP,
Col., 9:236. Also cited by C. S. Higham, The Development of the Leeward
Islands Under the Restoration, 16601688: A Study of the Foundations
of the Old Colonial System [Cambridge, 1921], pp. 174–5.) Another Nevis
law, passed in 1700, made it a crime for any white Person to converse or
keep Company withNegroes or other slaves.(Acts of Assembly Passed in
the Island of Nevis from 1664 to 1739, inclusive [London, 1740], p. 28.) A
marginal note here saysObsolete, but re-enacted in 1717.
57. The Barbados Colony Council felt this Irish whiteness gap so keenly
that in 1690, while urgently asking for white servants, they excluded Irish
rebels …; for we want not labourers of that Colour to work for us; but men in
whom we may confide, to strengthen us.” (CSP, Col. , Vol. 13, Item 1108,
cited in Sheppard, p. 35.) Perhaps they meant green.
58. The War of Devolution, 166768; the War of the League of Augsburg
(known in England as King Billys War), 1689–1697; the War of the Spanish
Succession (known in England as Queen Anne’s War), 17011713; and the
War of the Austrian succession, 174048, for which Englands War of
Jenkin’s Ear, against Spain, was a prelude.
59. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One.
60. Gwynne, Analecta Hibernia, No. 4, p. 233.
61. Ibid., pp. 236–7.
62. Ibid., pp. 243, 245. According to an English eyewitness, during one
engagement on St Kitts, the Irish in the rear of the English forces fired into the
ranks of the English ahead of them. (Ibid., p. 244.) Compare this with
Mountjoys policy of putting the Irish allies in the front ranks. (The Invention
of the White Race, 1:64.)
63. Gwynne, Analecta Hibernia, pp. 2656.
64. Ibid., p. 267.
65. Ibid., pp. 278–9.
66. CSP, Col., 9:236 (26 May 1675). See note 56.
67. CSP, Col. , 13:733 (Governor Kendal to the Lords of Trade and
Plantations, 3 November 1692).
68. Acts of Assembly Passed in the Island of Nevis from 1664, to 1739
inclusive, pp. 359.
69. Gwynne, Analecta Hibernia, No. 4, p. 282.
70. See ibid., pp. 2825.
71. See Fortescues Preface to CSP, Col. , Sol. 16 (27 October 1697 31
December 1698), p. viii.
72. Sir John Davies, A Discovery of the True Causes why Ireland was
never entirely Subdued nor brought under Obedience of the Crowne of
England, Until the Beginning of his Majesties happie Reign (London,
1612), pp. 6–7. Cited in The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, p. 65.
73. Roger Norman Buckley, Slaves in Redcoats: The British West India
Regiments, 17951815 (New Haven, 1979), p. 124, citing Great Britain
Public Record Office, WO [War Office] 1/95, Brigadier General Thomas
Hislop, Remarksenclosed to the Duke of York, 22 July 1804.
74. Dunn, p. 181.
75. Ibid., p. 4.
76. Patterson, p. 49.
77. Ibid., p. 282, citing CO 137/19, Governor Hunter to the Board of Trade.
78. Ibid., citing CO 137/20, ff. 165, 184, 1923.
79. Dallas pp. 9–10.
80. Long, 1:147–8.
81. Dallas, 1:1xvii.
82. Ibid., 1:19–20. Buckley, p. 9 (citing C. L. R. James, Black Jacobins
Toussaint L’Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution , [New York,
1963] pp. 1289, 139142; and Thomas O. Ott, The Haitian Revolution,
17891804 [Knoxville, Tennessee, 1973], pp. 6572, 823).
83. Buckley, p. 8.
84. CSP, Col., 16:viiviii.
85. Sheppard, p. 42.
86. John Luffman, A Brief Account of Antiqua, together with the
Customs and Manners of its Inhabitants, as well White as Black (London,
1789), pp. 15, 87, 172. This work is a series of letters addressed by Luffman in
Antigua to a correspondent in London during the period 178688.
87. The 1700 total is for Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, and North
Carolina; the 1780 total includes Georgia, which was founded as a colony in
1732. Taking the continental plantation colonies/states as a whole, from 1700 to
1860 European-Americans were never less than 60 percent of the total
population. (Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to
1970 US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census [Washington, DC,
1975], p. 1168, Series Z 119. Cohen and Greene, eds., p. 339, Table A-9
United States, Upper and Lower South, 17901860.)
88. Dunn, p. 312 (Table 26). In Barbados by 1768 they were fewer than
one out of six. (Sheppard, p. 43.)
89. CSP, Col., 7:141 (Barbados planters in London, 14 December 1670). p.
90. Dunn, pp. 198, 319. On Barbados sugar estates already in 1667, an
English observer noted that skilled Negro bond-laborers were being substituted
for European tradesmen, while European workers were toiling at field work.
(Harlow, History of Barbados, 16251685, p. 309, citing CO 1/21, No. 170.)
91. Douglas Hall, Jamaica, in Cohen and Greene, eds., pp. 2023. Hilary
Beckles devotes an entire absorbing chapter to Afro-Barbadian women bond-
laborers in retail trade, Marketeers: The Right to Trade.” Again and again
laws were enacted designed to deny these women trading rights, but the laws
proved ineffective. (Hilary McD. Beckles, Natural Rebels: A Social History
of Enslaved Black Women in Barbados [New Brunswick, 1989] Recurring
references to the ineffectiveness of the prohibitory laws are found at pp. 77,
79, 84, 867.) For the same activity by black women bond-laborers in Antigua,
see Luffman pp. 138–41, Letter XXII, 28 March 1788.
92. Cohen and Greene, p. 339.
93. Gad J. Heuman, Between Black and White: Race, Politics and the
Free Coloreds in Jamaica, 17921865 (Westport, Connecticut, 1981). p. 7.
94. Handler and Sio, pp. 218–19.
95. Elsa V. Goveia, Slave Society in the British Leeward Islands at the
End of the Eighteenth Century (New Haven, 1965), p. 312.
96. Handler and Sio, pp. 240–41. In the West Indies, the terms freedman
or freedwoman strictly speaking implied that the person had once been a
bond-laborer. Free black, or Negro, was reserved for persons of presumed
undiluted African descent. Free colored, or sometimes mulatto, was used
to describe a person of mixed African and European ancestry. Such
terminological differences implied important social distinctions in the West
Indies. In continental Anglo-America they were not important. Except where
the context requires a distinction, or where a quotation must be preserved
intact, I shall feel free to use the term freeman or freedwoman to mean
any non-bond-laborer in the West Indies who is of one degree or another of
African ancestry.
97. Sheppard, p. 44. In continental Anglo-American colonies, by contrast,
free African-Americans were excluded from trades by white” workers, but
they could do little to discourage the employers from employing African-
American bond-laborers in skilled occupations. See Charles H. Wesley, Negro
Labor in the United States (New York, 1927), pp. 6973. See also Frederick
Douglasss eloquent analysis of this peculiarity. (Frederick Douglass, Life and
Times of Frederick Douglass [1892; New York, 1962], pp. 179–80.)
98. Heuman, p. 9. The quoted phrase is intended to apply to the British
West Indies generally. (Hall, p. 202.)
99. Handler, pp. 12930. George Pinckard, Notes on the West Indies:
Written during the Expeditions under the Command of the late General
Sir Ralph Abercromby, 3 vols., 2nd ed (London, 1803), 1:36970.
100. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, pp. 93, 260 n.
52, and the references there to Lecky and Sullivan.
101. Hall, pp. 202–3. Handler, 126–7.
102. Heuman, p. 28.
103. There was a discrimination in favor of whites, who were offered
thirty acres. Laws of Jamaica (8 Geo. I, c. 1, 1:12930.) This combination of
concession and discrimination parallels the Bogland Act of 1772 in Ireland
granting Catholics expanded rights to lease, but not to purchase land; and the
Southern Homestead Act of 1866 in the United States allowing African-
Americans only half the 160 acres allowed to whites under the Homestead
Law of 1862. (See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, pp. 93,
104. Burns, History of the British West Indies, p. 441.
105. Heuman, p. 84. For the total number of slaves, see Hall, p. 194.
106. Handler, pp. 6872.
107. Buckley, pp. 11, 1718.
108. Buckley, pp. 13, 535. Between 1795 and 1808 the British army in the
West Indies purchased 13,400 Africans for military service, of whom 8,924
were purchased in Africa.
109. Buckley, pp. 13, 3031, 41, 127.
110. In 1673, the Barbados authorities had tried to have the best of both
possibilities. While increasing the exploitation of the African bond-laborers
unrelentingly, even as they reduced their rations, the authorities sought to
strengthen the militia by recruiting and arming militiamen from among these
same bond-laborers. But that proved a prelude to a plot for a general African
rebellion in 1675. (Dunn, pp. 257–8. Sheppard, p. 34.)
111. Buckley, p. 124. Of the African-born soldiers, who generally did not
want to return to Africa, some were settled in Trinidad and Honduras, the
others, willingly or otherwise, were sent to Sierra Leone. Those who had been
inducted from the West Indies, along with the youngest of those brought from
Africa, remained in the West Indies. (Ibid., p. 35, citing CO 318/55.)
112. Edmund Burke, An Account of European Settlements in America, 2
vols. (London, 1758), 2:118, 130–31.
113. Long, 2:3334.
114. James Ramsay, An Essay on the Treatment and Conversion of
Slaves in the British Sugar Colonies (London, 1784), pp. 2889. Ramsay
(173389) served as an Episcopal priest in the West Indies on two separate
occasions, but his espousal of Christian charity toward the bond-laborers
earned the hostility of the planters. On his final return to England he published
the Essay, and became associated with the abolitionist movement. (Dictionary
of National Biography.)
115. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume one, p. 112.
116. Pinckard, 2:532 (emphasis in original). Pinckard’s design seem to have
worked out very satisfactorily for the British ruling class, at least as late as the
second decade of the twentieth century. Sir Sidney Olivier, after serving as
Governor of Jamaica from 1907 to 1913, was convinced that this [mulatto]
class as it at present exists is a valuable and indispensable part of any West
Indies community, and that a colony of black, coloured, and whites has a far
more organic efficiency and far more promise in it than a colony of black and
white alone.… The graded mixed class in Jamaica helps to make an organic
whole of the community and saves it from this distinct cleavage.(Sir Sidney
Olivier, White Capital and Coloured Labour new edition, rewritten and
revised [London, 1928], pp. 656.)
117. Beckles, Black Rebellion in Barbados, p. 83, citing Minutes of the
Council, 1 November 1803, Barbados Archives.
118. Handler and Sio, pp. 218–19. Table 7–1. Heuman, p. 7.
119. Sheppard, p. 61.
120. Long, 2:335. See also A. E. Furness, The Maroon War of 1795
Jamaican Historical Review, 5:30–45 (1965).
121. Handler, p. 205. Handler was writing about Barbados.
122. The Jamaica figures are from Heuman, p. 7. Handler and Sio, pp.
218–19, Table 71.
123. Heuman, p. 30.
124. Handler, pp. 148, 150. These were not merely normal owners” of
members of their own families, as might be the case in the United States. See
Carter G. Woodson, Free Negro Owners of Slaves in the United States in
1830 (Washington, 1935); Luther Porter Jackson, Free Negro Labor and
Property-Holding in Virginia, 18301860 (New York, 1942), p. 22.
125. Heuman, p. 29.
126. See Robin Blackburn, The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery (London,
1988), Chapter XI, The Struggle for British Slave Emancipation, 182338,,
especially pp. 4218, 432–7, 439, 4478, 451–2, and 4549.
127. Hall, Jamaica, pp. 207–8.
128. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, Chapter 4.
129. Handler and Sio, p. 238. The event that tipped the scales in favor of
ameliorative legislation was a slave revolt which broke out on the night of April
14, 1816.” (Ibid., p. 234.)
In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries the Jamaican
legislature passed hundreds of bills granting well-educated and well-to-do
coloured individuals the perquisites of whites. (Foreword by Philip Mason to
David Lowenthal, West Indies Societies [London, 1972], p. vi.)
13 The Invention of the White Race and the
Ordeal of America
1. Edmund Burke, An Account of European Settlements in America, 2
vols. (London, 1758); 2:118.
2. CO 5/1371, 150vo151 (James City County Grievance No. 10).
3. John C. Rainbolt, The Alteration in the Relationship between
Leadership and Constitutents in Virginia, 16601720, WMO, 27:411–34
(October 1970); p. 412.
4. John C. Rainbolt, From Prescription to Persuasion (Port Washington,
NY, 1974), p. 97.
5. Edmund S. Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom: The
Ordeal of Colonial Virginia (New York, 1975), chapters 1518, the closing
section of the book.
6. social peace gradually arrived, according to several studies, as race,
not class, separated the privileged from the unprivileged. (A. Roger Ekirch,
Exiles in the Promised Land: Convict Labor in the Eighteenth Century
Chesapeake, Maryland Historical Magazine, 82:95122 [Summer 1987]; p.
7. Lyon G. Tyler, Virginians Voting in the Colonial Period, WMQ, ser. 1,
6:78 (1897–98). Tyler may also have been the author of a piece by
Lafayette,No Feudalism in the South, in which it is stated that, The great
distinction in Virginia was color not class. Tylers Quarterly Historical and
Genealogical Magazine, 10:735, p. 74.
8. Gary B. Nash, Colonial Development, in Jack P. Greene and J. R.
Pole, eds., Colonial British America: Essays in the New History of the
Modern Era (London, 1984), pp. 2445.
9. Nash says that this all-class white” unity was the result of the
plantation bourgeoisie relocating their reservoir of servile labor
from … England and Ireland toWest Africa.(Nash, p. 244).
10. Russel R. Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial
Maryland (New York, 1985) and David W. Galenson, White Servitude in
Colonial America: An Economic Analysis (New York, 1981) are of
particular interest in this regard. Neither seems to have taken into account the
racial quotas, deficiency laws, and laws passed in the plantation colonies to
bar Negroes from skilled trades enactments that had nothing to do with a
free market” search for skilled workers, but everything to do with maintaining
the southern labor system.” See Galensons generalization of the argument
(pp. 166–8). Menard combines the assertion that African slaves could not
compete with indentured servants for the few good jobs that did exist,with a
reference to cultural barriers and the depth of racial prejudice(p. 269). This
seems at best redundant to the argument that the skilled labor shortage was the
determinant of the transformation of the labor system”; or tautological, if it is
meant to explain racial discrimination in employment by reference to racially
discriminatory ideas in employers heads; and at worst it is a reversion to the
natural racism rationale for racial slavery. A very recent review by Menard,
however, seems to indicate a readiness to take a new look at the white race.”
(Menards comments appeared in Journal of American Ethnic History,
spring 1996, pp. 57–8.) Incidentally, while my point of view and interpretation
differ from those of Menard regarding historical subjects of common interest, I
have never presumed to characterize his work as tendentious,; and I am at a
loss to know why Menard thinks I have done so.
11. Slaves had none of the rising expectations that have often
prompted rebellions in human history. (Morgan, p. 309.)
12. Orlando Patterson finds that the newly arriving Africans, who had been
born free, were especially difficult to control. Though displaced from their
native lands, their tribal stems retained a marked degree of vitality. In Jamaica
in the last quarter of the seventeenth century, it was precisely they who were
the most resistant, as shown in insurrections mounted by them in 1673, 1682,
1685 and 1690. Orlando Patterson, “Slavery and Slave Revolts: A Historical
Analysis of the First Maroon War, 16651740, Social and Economic
Studies, 19:289325 [1970], reprinted in Richard Price, ed., Maroon
Societies: Rebel Slave Communities in the Americas [Garden City, NY,
1973], pp. 24692; 255–8.)
13. Thomas Roderick Dew (180246), Professor of History and Political
Law at William and Mary College and the thirteenth president of that
institution, set forth this inversion of the cause and effect of white solidarity
and racial slavery. Because of the imposition of lifetime hereditary bondage on
African-Americans, he said, there is at once taken away the greatest cause
for distinction and separation of the ranks of [“white”] society.” (Thomas
Roderick Dew, The Pro-Slavery Argument [Charleston, South Carolina, 1852;
Negro Universities reprint, 1968], p. 461.)
14. See p. 235.
15. Thomas N. Ingersoll, ed., ‘Releese us out of this Cruell Bondegg’: An
appeal from Virginia in 1723, WMQ, 3d ser., 51:77782. The author of this
letter did not reveal his or her name for fear of being put to death if identified.
There is some reason to believe, as Ingersoll points out, that the letter was a
collective effort. The date of the letter is 8 September 1723, but there are
indications that it may have been composed over a period of days.
16. West served as counsel to the Board of Trade from 1718 to 1725. Soon
thereafter he assumed the office of Chancellor of Ireland, but survived there
only a year. George Chalmers, comp. and ed., Opinions of Eminent Lawyers
on Various Points of English Jurisprudence chiefly concerning the
Colonies, Fisheries, and Commerce, 2 vols. (London, 1814; Burt Franklin
Reprint, 1971, from the original edition in the Brooklyn Public Library), p.
17. Hening, 4: 1334.
18. Chalmers, 2:11314.
19. Alured Popple, Secretary to the Board of Trade, to Governor William
Gooch of Virginia, 18 December 1735 (CO 5/1366, pp. 134–5). Although West
made his report in January 1724, it was eleven years later that the objection
came to the attention of the Board of Trade, who then instructed Popple to ask
for an explanartion from Gooch. There is as yet no accounting for the boards
long delay in taking up the matter with the Virginia government. (See Emory
G. Evans, ed., A Question of Complexion, VMHB, 71:411–13 [1963].) Is it
possible that Bishop Edmund Gibson played some part in getting particular
attention paid to the question after receiving the African-American appeal for
freedom sent from Virginia in 1723? (See p. 241, n. 15).
20. CO 5/1324, ff. 19, 22. The Gooch quotations in the following paragraph
are from this same document.
21. Along with Catholics who refused to conform to the Protestant way,
and others not being Christians, Negroes were incapable of in law, to be
witnesses in any cases whatsoever” under terms of the Virginia code of 1795
(Hening, 3:298). It may be speculated that Goochs choice of words here
implicitly referred to that law. But Gooch must have been aware that in 1723,
and again in 1732, this loophole was closed by making it possible for African-
Americans to give evidence in trials of other African-Americans for rebellion
or other capital offenses. (Hening, 4:127 [1723], 327 [1732]).
22. The contrast between the denial of middle-class status to persons of
any degree of African descent and the middle-class role of mulattos and free
blacks in the Caribbean was occasionally dramatized in the Virginia courts. In
1688, on the cusp of King Billys War, John Servele (the name is variously
spelled), a molatto born in St Kitts of a French father and a free Negro
mother and duly baptized there, through a series of misadventures was sold
into Virginia where he was claimed as a lifetime bond-laborer by a succession
of owners. In consideration of testimonials from the Governor of St Kitts and a
Jesuit priest there, and the fact that Servele had already served more than
seven years, the Governor and Council ordered that Servele be released and
given his corn and cloathes” freedom dues. (Norfolk County Records,
168695, (Orders), pp. 107, 115, 17 September and 15 November 1688.)
Another man, Michael Roderigo, a native of St Domingue, likewise a victim of
misadventures that ended with him being sold as a lifetime bond-laborer in
Virginia, took advantage of a lull in the Anglo-French warring to petition the
Virginia Colony Council for his freedom. In support of his claim as a Christian
and a free subject of France, he proposed to call as a witness a Virginia
plantation owner who hath bought slaves” from him in Petit Guaves, St
Domingue. (Virginia Colony Council proceedings, 22 February 1699/1700.
Library of Congress, Virginia [Colony] Collection, 8075775.)
23. It would be another half-century before James Madison, speaking as a
member of the Virginia Council of State, would propose, though
unpersuasively, that freedmen were readily absorbed into the system of control
over bond-laborers. Replying to the idea of inducing whites” to join the fight
for freedom by giving each one an African-American lifetime bond-laborer,
Madison suggested a more direct approach to recruitment: would it not be as
well, he said, to liberate and make soldiers at once of [those] blacks
themselves as to make them instruments for enlisting white Soldiers?” He
reassured doubters that this course would constitute no danger to the institution
of slavery, experience having shown that a freedman immediately loses all
attachment & sympathy for his former fellow slaves.” (William T. Hutchinson
and William M. E. Rachle, eds., The Papers of James Madison, 9 vols.
[Chicago, 1962]; 2:198201, 20911; the cited passage is at page 209
[Correspondence with Joseph Jones, 24 and 28 November 1780]. See also
Journal of the [Virginia] House of Delegates, 17771780 [Richmond,
1827], pp. 56, 64, 65, 67, 98, 100, 105, 113, 116, 119, cited by Robert E. Brown
and B. Katherine Brown, Virginia 17051786, Democracy or Aristocracy?
[East Lansing, 1964], p. 68).
24. Instead of creating problems, the union of a white man and a Negro
woman was sometimes considered a judicious mingling of business with
pleasure.” (Brown and Brown, p. 68). Thomas Jeffersons considered opinion
on the subject of breeding women was that a child raised every 2 years is
of more profit than the crop of the best laboring man.What [such a] mother
produces, he wrote, is an addition to capital, while his labors disappear in
mere consumption. (Jefferson, letters to William Yancey, 17 January 1819,
and to W. Eppes, 30 June 1820; cited in William Cohen, Thomas Jefferson
and the Problem of Slavery, Journal of American History, 16:518 [1969].)
25. Hening, 3:878 (1691).
26. See Appendix II-F.
27. In regard to the Reasons you have offered in behalf of the Act we
shall let that Act lie by.” (Board of Trade to Gooch, 15 October 1736 CO
5/1366, p. 137.)
28. CSP, Col., 16:390–91.
29. CO 5/1363 Jennings to Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, 24
April 1710. See also Virginia State Archives,Colonial Papers’ collection,
folder 20, items 11, 13, 14.
30. Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 16191777 , edited
by H. R. McIlwaine and J. P. Kennedy, 13 vols. (Richmond, 190515); volume
for 1702 to 1712, p. 240. Cited by Brown and Brown, p. 70.
31. See p. 219.
32. CSP, Col. 36:114, Gooch to the Board of Trade, 29 June 1729.
33. American Historical Review, 1:88–90 (1895, Documents” [No.1]).
Byrd to Lord Egmont. One may speculate that his reference to a man of
desperate fortune was in memory of Nathaniel Bacon, whose rebellion
Byrds father had first urged on, and then abandoned when the English and
Negro bond-laborers enlisted in it.
34. Legislative Journal of the Council of Colonial Virginia , 3 vols.,
edited by H. R. Mcllwaine (Richmond, 1918), 2:103435 (11 April 1749). An
estimated 30,000 convict bond-laborers were sent to America in 190 shiploads
between 1717 and 1772. Of these cargoes, 100 went to the Chesapeake, 53 to
Maryland and 47 to Virginia. (Arthur Price Middleton, Tobacco Coast: A
Maritime History of Chesapeake Bay in the Colonial Era [Newport News,
1953], p. 152.)
35. Thomas J. Wertenbaker, Patrician and Plebeian in Virginia, or the
Origin and Development of the Social Classes of the Old Dominion (New
York, 1910, 1958, 1959). Idem, The Planters of Colonial Virginia (Princeton,
1922; New York, 1959). The Middle Class, to whom Wertenbaker devotes
Part Two of the former work, is called the Virginia yeomanry in the latter
(pp. 137, 160).
See Chapter 2 above for a discussion of the forty-shilling freeholder.”
36. One historian drew the line between those who inherited any wealth at
all and those who inherited none: Herein lay the contrast between the two
classes often but erroneously confused, the poor whites” and the yeomen.
(Ulrich Bonnell Phillips, Life and Labor in the Old South (Boston, 1929), p.
346). Another, Edmund S. Morgan, states that a man qualified as a yeoman if
he owned land, (Morgan, p. 377.)
37. Robert E. and B. Katherine Brown reject such a definition of interests.
After observing unselfconsciously that, Slavery was profitable, it enabled a
man to live with a minimum of physical labor, they conclude with the self-
standing assertion that: Protection of slave property was of constant and vital
concern to all classes of the white population.[Slavery] definitely set off the
white man as the master in society, and it did create a lower class which
could be exploited by the master race.(Brown and Brown, p. 77).
38. Allan Kulikoff, Tobacco and Slaves: The Development of Southern
Cultures in the Chesapeake, 16801800 (Chapel Hill, 1986), p.262. Taking
estates in personalty as the index, Aubrey Land says that the great
planters … never formed more than a fraction of the total community of
planters, something like 2.5 percent in the decade 16901699 and about 6.5
percent half a century later.” (Aubrey C. Land,Economic Behavior in a
Planting Society: The Eighteenth-century Chesapeake, Journal of Southern
History, 33:469–85; pp. 472–3.
39. These latter constituted the self-perpetuating ruling bourgeois elite.
The wealthiest planters and planter-merchants, writes Kulikoff, dominated
local [County Court) benches and provincial legislatures from the 1650s to the
Revolution.By 1705, three-fifths of Virginians who owned two thousand or
more acres of land were justices or burgesses. (Kulikoff, p.268.)
In Virginia over the period 1720 to 1776, 630 men held seats in the House
of Burgesses. Of this number, 110 dominated the proceedings of the House by
virtue of their committee positions in that body. Of that 110, three out of four
each owned more than 10,000 acres of land. With regard to the extent of their
holdings of lifetime bond-laborers, eleven held more than 300 each; 25 held
from 50 to 300; 25 held from 50 to 300 each; and 22 others held more than ten.
(Jack P. Greene,Foundations of Political Power in the Virginia House of
Burgesses, WMQ, ser. 3, 16:485506; pp. 4858.) A tabulation of the
population and the voting in seven Virginia counties in the period 1783–90
shows a total population of 80,893, including 45,111 whites”. Free white”
males sixteen years of age and over numbered 11,084, of whom 4,242 were
owners of the 25 acres required of qualified voters. (Charles S. Sydnor,
Gentlemen Freeholders: Political Practices in Washingtons Virginia ,
Chapel Hill, 1952, pp. 141–3.)
40. Kulikoff, p. 268, While this definition of yeoman is more elastic than
my standard for middle class”, and Kulikoffs above half” may be on the
high side of the estimates by Land and Main given below, it has the virtue of
being related to ownership of lifetime bond-laborers.
41. Ibid., p.262. See also the half-dozen authorities cited by Kulikoff there.
With regard to the yeomens credit dependency on the gentry, see ibid., pp.
42. Aubrey C. Land, Economic Base and Social Structure; The Northern
Chesapeake in the Eighteenth Century, Journal of Economic History,
25:63954 (1965); p. 641. Although this study is limited to Maryland, Land
believes that differences between the areas [of the Chesapeake] are not very
great” in respect to the thesis he presents.
43. Ibid., pp. 642–3.
44. Ibid., p. 648. See also my comments on eighteenth-century tenancy on
pp. 1045.
45. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, pp. 1223.
46. Land, Economic Base and Social Structure, p. 653.
47. Ibid., pp. 643–4.
48. Ibid., p. 644.
49. Ibid., pp. 644, 654.
50. Jackson Turner Main, The Distribution of Property in Post-
Revolutionary Virginia,Mississippi Valley Historical Review , 41:24158
(195455). (The name of this publication was later changed to The Journal of
American History.) See also Jackson T. Main, The Social Structure of
Revolutionary America (Princeton, 1965), esp Chapter II, The Economic
Class Structure of the South.”
51. Main, Distribution of Property, p. 258.
52. Jackson Turner Main, Distribution of Property, pp. 241, 2423, 248.
The Northern Neck, the area between the Potomac and the Rappahannock
rivers, had double the proportion of landless, and of these most were laborers,
not tenants. (Ibid., p. 248.) See also Gloria L. Mains study of probate records
of Virginia and Maryland, Inequality in Early America: The Evidence from
Probate Records of Massachusetts and Maryland, Journal of
Interdisciplinary History, 7:55981; 570–2, 580.
Brown and Brown, p. 31 n. 142, refer to the contrast between their view
and that of Jackson T. Main with regard to laboring-class expectations.
However, they do not make any effort to challenge Mains thesis. But also
compare D. Alan Williams, The Small Farmer in Eighteenth-century Virginia
Politics, Agricultural History, 43:91101 (1969).
53. Not more than 49 percent of the total adult white male population were
landowners. The large-owner one-fifth, plus three-fourths of the middle-size
landowners’ two-thirds share of the total number of landowners, would make
up a total of 70 percent as the approximate proportion of landowners who
were also owners of lifetime bond-laborers, and that would represent less than
35 percent of the total adult white male population. Main does not even suggest
any statistically significant employment of bond-labor by owners of one
hundred acres or less. Taking into account Main’s mention of the ownership of
bond-laborers by non-landowners, I have attempted to make a generous
discount for that factor in setting the proportion of non-owners of bond-labor at
around 60 percent of the total adult white male population.
54. Kulikoff, p. 262.
55. Governor Notley’s words of advice. See pp. 2212.
56. The coincidence of names is not accidental. This Nathaniel Bacon and
Sir Francis had a common ancestor; Nathaniels great-grandfather and Sir
Francis were first cousins. It is also interesting to note that Nathaniel Bacons
grandfather, also named Nathaniel, was an artist and a republican writer during
the time of Cromwell. (“The Bacons of Virginia, New England Historical
and Genealogical Register, 37:189–98 [1883]; p. 197.)
57. Francis Bacon, Essay No. 15, Of Seditions and Troubles, in Works,
6:40612. The slavocracys most eminent theoretician well understood the
premise of that strategy. The dominant party, he said, can only be
overturned by concert and harmony among the subject party. (Thomas
Roderick Dew, An Essay on Slavery [Richmond, 1849], p. 103.)
58. Morgan, p. 328. Ira Berlin appears to endorse Morgan on this point.
Chesapeake planters, he writes, consolidated their class position by
asserting white racial unity.” (Ira Berlin, Time, Space, and the Evolution of
Afro-American Society on British Mainland North America, American
Historical Review, 85:4478 [1980]; p. 72.
59. Philip Alexander Bruce, Social Life in Virginia in the Seventeenth
Century, An Inquiry into the Origin of the Higher Plantation Class,
Together with an Account of the Habits, Customs and Diversions of the
People (Richmond, 1902), pp. 137–8.
60. H. M. Henry, Police Control in South Carolina (Emory, 1914), pp.
190–91. Henry asks rhetorically whether the poor whites cooperated with the
slaveholders because they perceived that a threat was posed by African-
Americans to their personal security and that of their families. (Ibid.) He
does not attempt to sustain this speculation. If they were worried on that score
why would they encourage the expansion of the system by providing security
for the large planters?
61. Hening 3:87–8. In such cases the emancipator was required to pay for
the exiling of the freed person within six months, or else to pay a £10 fine
which would be used to pay for the freed persons transportation out of
Virginia as arranged by the church wardens of the parish.
62. Norfolk County Wills, p. 26. Executive Journals of the Council of
Colonial Virginia , edited by H. R. McIlwaine (Richmond, 1928), 3:332. The
Colony Council justified this unprecedented infringement of testamentary rights
on the grounds that the increase in the number of free Negroes would
endanger the peace of this Colony” by encouraging the freedom aspirations of
others held in bondage.
63. Hening, 2:11718 (1662). In Maryland, also in 1705, laws were passed
to guaranteewhite” servants against abuse and against being detained in
servitude beyond their time, and declaring that Negroes [were] Slaves during
their Naturall Lives nor freed by Baptisme.” (CO 7/15, pp. 14, 15. Report of
Governor John Seymour, 3 July 1705, to the Board of Trade on laws passed in
Maryland that year.) Bond-laborer Margaret Godfrey sought in vain to claim
the protection of her white status by defiantly telling her overseer, If you
whip me it will be worse for you for I am not a Slave.The overseer, with the
express leave of the mistress, cut Godfrey’s clothes from her body and beat
her severely two successive times. Her offense had been to plead for humane
treatment for her severely injured husband. The Godfreys petition for relief
was rejected by the Court. (St Georges County Records , HH, pp. 1658
[June 1748]. Maryland State Archives, Annapolis.)
64. Hening, 3:448 (1705).
65. Hening, 3:449
66. Hening, 4:351.
67. Hening, 3:103, 459–60. As noted in Chapter 12, throughout the British
West Indies it was customary for even bond-laborers to earn money by
marketing goods produced on plots of land allowed them whereby they might
buy themselves out of bondage. Hilliard d’Auberville proposed, among other
measures to control the bond-laborers of St Domingue, to give them wives,
encourage them to raise cattle, hold them with ties of property.” (Hilliard
d’Auberville, Considérations sur l’état présent de la colonie française de
St Domingue, 2 vols. [Paris, 177677]; 2:5962. Cited in Gwen Midlo Hall,
Social Control in Slave Plantation Societies: A Comparison of St
Domingue and Cuba, [Baltimore, 1971], p. 83.)
68. Hening, 2:267 (1668).
69. Hening, 2:280–81 (1670).
70. Hening, 3:251 (1705).
71. Hening, 3:298 (1705); 4:327 (1732).
72. Hening, 3:459 (1705).
73. Hening, 4:119 (1723).
74. Hening, 4:130 (1723). A provision was made for free African-
Americanhouseholders”, and any free African-American who lived on a
frontier plantation and was able to secure a license from a justice of the
peace, to keep one gun and the powder and shot needed for it.
75. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, p. 89. The white
man’s pursuit of black women frequently destroyed any possibility that comely
black girls could remain chaste for long, writes Blassingame. According to
autobiographies of former bond-laborers, the home of a bond-laborer was
considered by many white men as a house of ill-fame. (John W.
Blassingame, Plantation Life in the Ante-Bellum South [New York, 1972], p.
76. Philip J. Schwarz, Twice Condemned: Slaves and the Criminal Laws
of Virginia, 17051865 (Baton Rouge, 1988), p. 159.
77. A white man may go to the house of a free black, maltreat and abuse
him, and commit any outrage upon his family, for all of which the law cannot
reach him, unless some white person saw the act committed. Thus observed
Mr Wilson of Perquimon County, speaking at the 1835 North Carolina State
Constitutional Convention of 1835. (John S. Bassett, Slavery in the State of
North Carolina [Baltimore, 1899], bound as one of a number of studies in
Bassett, Slavery in the United States, Selected Essays [New York: Negro
Universities Press, 1969], p. 42.)
78. Hening, 3:44762, 4:12634 (emphasis added). The citations of these
laws that follow are from Hening.
79. Ulrich Bonnell Phillips spoke of the methods of life which controlled
the history of Virginia through the following centuries and of the many colonies
and states which borrowed her plantation system.” This was Dixie, where,
he said, the white folk [are] a people with a common resolve indomitably
maintained that it shall be and remain a white mans country. (Ulrich
Bonnell Phillips, The Slave Economy of the Old South: Selected Essays in
Economic and Social History, edited by Eugene D. Genovese [Baton Rouge,
1968], pp. 8, 274. The dates of these pronouncements were 191011 and 1918,
80. Winthrop D. Jordan, White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward
the Negro, 15501812 (Chapel Hill, 1968), p. 123. I find Jordan’s observation
accurate and very pertinent, but I have appropriated it for an argument that he
does not support. His “unthinking decision approach to the origin of racial
slavery rejects Morgans (and my) attribution of deliberate ruling-class
manipulation for social control purposes.
81. Wertenbaker, Patrician and Plebeian, p. 212.
82. Hening, 4:202.
83. Schwarz, p. 13.
84. Brown and Brown, p. 48.
85. Warren B. Smith, White Servitude in the Colony of South Carolina
(Columbia, 1961), p. 30. The American Revolution wrought no difference in
this respect. Seventy-five years later “[p]oor white men habitually kept their
eyes open for strange Negroes without passes, for the apprehension of a
fugitive was a financial windfall [W]hite workingmen on the Baltimore and
Susquehanna Railroad caught several Maryland bondsmen who had escaped to
within five miles of the Pennsylvania border. The workingmen returned them
to their owners and collected the reward.(Kenneth M. Stampp, The Peculiar
Institution: Slavery in the Ante-Bellum South [New York, 1956], p.153.)
86. Basset, Slavery in the State of North Carolina, pp. 2930.
87. Smith, pp. 3031. Other variations of the same quota principle were
88. Ibid., p. 35.
89. Elizabeth Dorman, ed., Documents Illustrative of the Slave Trade to
America, 4 vols. (Washington, DC, 1935), 4:595 (1739), 605 (1742).
90. Ibid., 4:610. See also Klaus G. Loewald, Beverley Starika and Paul S.
Taylor, eds., Johann Martin Bolzius Answers a Questionnaire on Carolina and
Georgia, WMQ, ser. 3, 14:218261 (1957); pp. 227, 242.
91. Irish-Americans [arriving in the United States in the ante-bellum
period] were not the originators of white supremacy; they adapted to and were
adopted into an already existing ‘white’ American social order. ( The
Invention of the White Race, Volume One, p. 199.)
92. Ulrich Bonnell Phillips, The Slave Labor Problem in the Charleston
District, Political Science Quarterly, 22:41639 (1907); reprinted in Phillips,
Slave Economy of the Old South, p. 198.
93. Richard B. Morris, Government and Labor in Early America (New
York, 1946), p. 182.
94. James Hugo Johnston, Race Relations in Virginia and
Miscegenation in the South, 17761860 (Amherst, Massachusetts, 1970), p.
58, citing Archives of Virginia, Legislative Papers , petitions: 9789, Culpeper,
9 December 1831; 9860, Dinwiddie, 20 December 1831; 177707, Norfolk, 12
November 1851). It would seem relevant to note that the first two of these
petitions were submitted in the wake of Nat Turners Rebellion and during the
Virginia House of Delegates debate on slavery. (See Theodore William Allen,
‘… They Would Have. Destroyed Me’: Slavery and the Origins of Racism,
Radical America, 9:4163 (1975); pp. 589.)
95. For this aspect of the question, see the Introduction in Volume One of
The Invention of the White Race, pp. 414, The Psycho-cultural
96. Edmund Burke, Writings and Speeches, 12 vols. (London, 1803).
97. Dew, Essay on Slavery, p. 99.
98. Morgan, p. 376. The general term Virginians is used by Morgan to
mean white” people in Virginia. In the concluding Chapter 18 the term
appears some twenty-two times, but only twice is it modified bywhite”.
Morgan’s imposition of this white assumption on the reader, objectionable in
itself, more importantly conforms with his treatment of the African-Americans
as mere background to the rise of “liberty and equality.”
99. Ibid., p. 380.
100. Ibid., p. 364.
101. Ibid., pp. 366, 369.
102. Ibid., p. 386.
103. See page 240.
104. Hutchinson and Rachle, eds., The Papers of James Madison, 209.
105. Letter from Civis, an eastern Virginia slaveholder, in the Richmond
Enquirer, 4 May 1832.
106. Edmund S. Morgan, Slavery and Freedom, The American Paradox,
Journal of American History, June 1972, pp. 5–6.
107. Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom, pp. 386, 387.
108. Wertenbaker, Planters of Colonial Virginia, p.160.
109. See pp. 2457, particularly the summary on p. 247.
110. Marquis de Chastellux, Travels in North-America in the Years
1780, 1781, and 1782, translated by an English gentleman who resided in
America at that period, 2 vols., 2nd edn. (London 1787; 1968 reprint), 2:190.
111. See p. 255.
112. Wertenbaker, Patrician and Plebeian, p. 211.
113. [T]here existed a numerous supply of potential tenants from that
group of small planters who, in consequence of the trifling quantity of poor
tobacco produced on their overworked land in the east, could not successfully
compete with a large amount of excellent tobacco grown on the fresh land of
the great planters. Faced with impoverishment they looked to the more fertile
lands of the Piedmont and Valley as a means of bettering their condition.”
(Willard F. Bliss, The Rise of Tenancy in Virginia, VMHB 58:427–442
114. Kulikoff, pp. 150, 152, 153, 296, 297–8. See also pp. 1045.
115. George W. Summers of Kanawha County, speaking in the Virginia
House of Delegates, during the debate on slavery, following Nat Turners
Rebellion (Richmond Enquirer, 2 February 1832).
116. [T]he ‘warlike Christian men recruited by Virginia to defend its
borders in 1701 were the direct ancestors of the dragoons whose Colts and
Winchesters subdued the Sioux of the Great Plains a century and a half later.”
(Ray Allen Billington, America’s Frontier Heritage [New York, 1966], p. 40.)
The interior quotation is from an Act passed by the Virginia Assembly in
August 1701, designed to encourage English frontier settlers (Hening, 3:207).
117. Frederick Jackson Turner, The Frontier in American History (New
York, 1920; 1947), p. 38.
118. Ibid., p. 1. A century has passed since that first essay, and Turners
frontier thesis continues to be meat and drink for historiographical evaluation
and disputation. But a marked tendency has been apparent to limit the
frontier” concept, reducing it to a Western regional subject, which of course
risks abandonment of the cross-regional and national emphasis he [Turner]
sought to establish for the field (William Cronon, cited in John Mack
Farragher, The Frontier Trail: Rethinking Turner and Reimagining the
American West, American Historical Review, 98:106–17 [1993], p. 117).
Since the 1960s, critics have shown a welcome sensitivity to Turners neglect
of Indians, Mexicans and Chinese or, worse, his chauvinistic attitude toward
them. Finally, in 1995, a reference was made to Turners pervasive
whiteness, the significant fact that his own racial identity was a completely
foreign concept to him (Patricia Nelson Limerick, Turnerians All: The
Dream of a Helpful History in an Intelligible World, American Historical
Review, 100:697716 [1995], p. 715).
119. Turner, p. 38.
120. Ibid., pp. 280–81.
121. Ibid., p. 321.
122. James C. Malin, Essays on Historiography (Lawrence, Kansas,
1946, p. 38, cited in Harry Nash Smith, Virgin Land (Cambridge, 1950), p.
123. The free-land safety valve theory at one time was the subject of
extensive debate among economic, labor and land historians. Its limitations,
even in its own white-blind terms, as an explanation of the low level of
proletarian class-consciousness were forcefully pointed out decades ago by
such historians as Carter Goodrich, Sol Davison, Murray Kane, and Fred A.
Shannon, whose names are prominent in the extensive bibliography of the
safety valve controversy. Subsequently it could only be defended in a greatly
watered-down form of the original Turner formulation. See Ray Allen
Billington, The American Frontier Thesis: Attack and Defense (Washington,
DC, 1971, pp. 20–25, and idem, America’s Frontier Heritage, pp. 318, 292
124. I borrow here the title of a well-known work of William Appleman
Williams, The Contours of American History (New York, 1988; originally
published in 1966).
125. See The Invention of the White Race, Volume One, pp. 1457, 152–
7, 1846, 195–7, 198–9.
Appendix II-A
1. Richard Price, ed., Maroon Societies: Rebel Slave Communities in
the Americas (New York, 1973), pp. 1, 3.
2. Jose L. Franco, Maroons and Slave Rebellions in the Spanish
Territories,in Price, ed., p. 47, 48.
3. David M. Davidson, Negro Slave Control and Resistance in Colonial
Mexico, 15191659, in Price, ed., p. 91.
4. Ibid., pp. 967.
5. Aquiles Escalante,Palenques in Colombia, in Price, ed., pp. 779.
6. Price, ed., pp. 20, 33; Franco, p. 41.
7. Roger Bastide,The Other Quilombos,in Price, ed., pp. 191–2.
8. R. K. Kent, Palmares: An African State in Brazil,in Price, ed., p. 172.
9. Ibid., pp. 179, 185, 187.
10. Ibid., pp. 177, 178–80, 183, 185.
11. Ibid., pp. 180–81.
12. Price, ed., Introduction, p. 20.
13. Kent, p. 172.
Appendix II-B
1. No one, then or since, could know within any great degree of exactitude
the proportion of the English population destroyed by the plague. The lowest
estimate seems to be 20 percent. (Josiah Cox Russell, Demographic Patterns
in History, Population Studies, No. 1, 1948; cited in Cambridge Economic
History of Europe, 4:612.) The same economic historians say the toll was
one-third to half of the population. James E. Rogers, in The Economic
Interpretation of History (London, 1889), says it was one-third (p. 263).
George M. Trevelyan says three-eighths of the people perished (A Shortened
History of England [New York, 1942] p. 192).
2. Rogers, p. 22.
3. H. S. Bennett says that, even before 1348, once the serf made up his
mind to run away, it was difficult to restrain him.” (H. S. Bennett, Life on the
English Manor [London, 1948], p. 306.) See also Charles Oman, The Great
Revolt of 1381 (Oxford, 1906), pp. 8–9.
4. This discussion of the revolt of 1381 is based mainly on Oman, The
Great Revolt and R. B. Dobson, The Peasants Revolt of 1381 (London,
5. Oman, p. 1.
6. Ibid., p. 56.
7. Ibid., p. 64.
8.Anonimal Chronical”; cited by Oman, pp. 200–201.
9. Dobson, p. 25.
10. Ibid., p. 30.
11. Rogers, p. 82.
Appendix II-D
1. Philip A. Bruce, Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth
Century, 2 vols. (New York, 1895; reprint, 1935), 2:15.
2. James C. Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia, A Study
of the System of Indentured Labor in the American Colonies (Baltimore,
1895; 1969 reprint), pp. 756.
3. Eugene I. McCormac, White Servitude in Maryland, 16341824
(Baltimore, 1904) p. 75.
4. Lewis C. Gray, assisted by Esther K. Thompson, History of
Agriculture in the Southern United States to 1860, 2 vols. (Washington,
DC, 1932) 1:506.
5. Richard B. Morris, Government and Labor in Early America, (New
York, 1946), p. 484.
6. McCormac, pp. 61, 72–5.
7. A. E. Smith, Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and Convict
Labor in America, 16071776, p. 204. In considering Smiths conclusions
cited here, one must keep in mind that his book dealt with bond-servitude in all
Anglo-American colonies during the entire colonial period of the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries, whereas the present work is concerned with bond-
servitude in the continental colonies, and particularly the seventeenth-century
tobacco colonies, Virginia and Maryland.
8. Ibid., pp. 254, 258–60.
9. Russel R. Menard, Economy and Society in Early Colonial Maryland
(New York, 1985), pp. 190–91. David W. Galenson, a University of Chicago
economics professor, brings bottom-line logic to bear: it would be surprising
if severe physical abuse had been very common, for it would have interfered
with the servants’ work capacity, to the detriment of their masters’ profits.
The Rise and Fall of Indentured Servitude in the Americas: An Economic
Analysis, Journal of Economic History, 44:1–126 [1984]; p. 8. Galensons
argument on this point is essentially the same as that made by South Carolina
governor Hammond and by George Fitzhugh in justification of slavery in the
ante-bellum period. (See Volume One, p. 163.)
10. Edmund S. Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom: The
Ordeal of Colonial Virginia (New York, 1975) pp. 638.
11. Russell R. Menard, commenting on his own finding of a wide gap
between life expectancy of immigrant Marylanders and men born in New
England in the seventeenth century, does suggest that “This wide regional
variation in mortality might prove a useful reference point for scholars
concerned with differences in the social history of New England and the
Chesapeake colonies. (Economy and Society in Early Colonial Maryland,
p. 140.)
See Chapter 9 for further discussion of the New England contrast.
12. See Gloria L. Main, Inequality in Early America: The Evidence from
Probate Records of Massachusetts and Maryland, Journal of
Interdisciplinary History, 7:55981 (1977),
13. Morris, pp. 2823.
14. Ibid., p. 482.
Appendix II-E
1. Leslie A. Clarkson, The Pre-industrial Economy of England, 1500,
New York, 1972, pp. 267.
2. Eleanora Mary Carus-Wilson, ed., Essays in Economic History, 3 vols.
(London, 1962), 2:299.
3. Clarkson, pp. 267.
4. George M. Trevelyan, Blenheim, pp. 113, 216, 218.
5. Ibid., pp. 216–18.
6. Leo Francis Stock, ed., Proceedings and Debates of the British
Parliaments Respecting North America, 5 vols. (Washington, DC, 1924),
1:343, n.
7. Cited in Klaus E. Knorr, British Colonial Theories, 15701850
(Toronto, 1944), p. 72.
8. Roger Coke, A Treatise Wherein is demonstrated that the Church
and State of England are in equal danger with the trade of it, p. 16. Cited
in C. H. Hull, ed., The Economic Writings of Sir William Petty (London,
1899; 1963 reprint), 1:242, n.
9. William Petty, Political Arithmetick, in Hull, ed., pp. 293, 301–2.
Appendix II-F
1. Hening, 3:181.
2. Hening, 3:229481.
3. CO 5/1356 (emphasis added). These instructions were addressed to
Governor Effingham in 1684.
4. Hening, 2:11718 (1662); 3:448 (1705).
5. Hening, 3:449.
6. Virginia State Archives, Colonial Papers, folder 17, item 13.
Amendments proposed by the Council to the Bill entituled and concerning
Servants and Slaves. [17 May 1706].
7. Hening, 3:459.
8. CO 391/16, f. 357, 12 March 1703/4.
9. CO 391/8.
10. Virginia State Archives, Colonial Papers, folder 15, item 17. See also
CO 5/1361, f. 46, 28 November 1704.
11. CO 391/7.
12. See CO 5/1312, Part 1, ff. 303, 30511; and part 2, ff. 1–4, 202, 205–6,
228; and CO 5/1313, ff. 83, 249–55.
Abbot, Elizabeth
Abolition 12.1, 13.1, nts.1n66
absentee landlords nn59
Accomack County 8.1, 8.2, 9.1, 10.1, nts.1n22: plot 8.3,
“Act concerning Servants and Slaves” (1705) 13.1: and
establishment of racial oppression and “white race”
app6.1; as ruling class manipulation 13.2
Act “directing the trial of Slaves … and for the better
government of Negroes, Mulattos, and Indians bond or
free” (1723) as deliberate act of racial oppression 13.1,
Act for Trade with Indians (1691) n94
Act of Assembly (1661)
Act of Union of England and Scotland (1707) n2
act repealing ban on slavery in Georgia (1750)
adultery 7.1, nts.1n91, nts.2n85, nts.3n89
Adventurers 4.1, 4.2, 6.1, 11.1, nts.1n60
African-American bond-laborers: abuse of 7.1, nts.1n183,
nts.2n188; barter by nts.3n167; bastardy laws and 7.2;
joint struggle with European-American bond-laborers
against bondage 8.1, 10.1, for freedom in Bacons
Rebellion 11.1, 13.1, nts.4n93; denied right to bear
arms 10.2; Elizabeth Key case 10.3; evangelical issues
10.4; John Punch case 10.5; livestock confiscated 13.2;
marriage 7.3, nts.5n77, nts.6n126; not motivated by
anti-Indian interests 11.2, nts.7n23; number of 7.4, 11.3,
nts.8n40; owners prohibited from setting free 13.3,
nts.9n61; plots 11.4, 13.4; rebelliousness of nts.10n118,
12.1; reduction to lifetime bond-servitude: preceded by
chattel bond-servitude of European-Americans
nts.11n67, pressure to reduce to 7.5, 10.6, challenged
10.7, 10.8, 10.9; in skilled positions nts.12n97; threat of
alliance with French nts.13n121, with Indians 3.1;
Virginia-born 7.6; Washburn ignores nts.14n4; “white
identity” and keeping down 13.5
African-Americans: arrival in Virginia 5.1, nts.1n23,
nts.2n24, nts.3n15; barred from bearing witness 13.1;
buyers and sellers 10.1; in center of economic history of
hemisphere 1.1; challenge hereditary bondage 10.2;
class character of 8.1; in contracts and wills 10.3, 10.4;
in court 10.5; denial of rights 13.2, nts.4n39, nts.5n62;
and social mobility 10.6; excluded from militia 13.3;
excluded from trades nts.6n97; exclusion of, as
corollary of “white” identity 13.4; forbidden from
owning: Christians 13.5, “horses, cattle, and hoggs”
nts.7n84; free 12.1, 13.6, nts.8n46, nts.9n2, women
declared tithable 10.7, 10.8, 13.7, nts.10n40; and gun
licenses 13.8, nts.11n74; and intermarriage nts.12n84,
nts.13n40; and importation of bond-laborers 10.9;
laborers’ rights undercut nts.14n103; landholding,
historical significance of 10.10; law against free female
“anticipates racial oppression10.11; loss of voting
rights 13.9; not motivated by anti-Indian sentiment 11.1,
nts.15n23; opposition to racial oppression of, by
elements of propertied class 10.12; as owners of
European-American bond-laborers 10.13; prohibited
from buying Christian bond-laborers 10.14; racial
oppression of, in laws against free 13.10; and social
control 9.1; social mobility of, incompatible with racial
oppression 10.15, 10.16, app7.1; social status: normal
10.17, relative “indeterminate” 10.18; in trades
nts.16n97; Virginia seeks “to fix a perpetual brand on
Free Negros & Mulattos” 13.11, 13.12; women, union
with white men nts.17n24. See also African-American
bond-laborers; African bond-laborers; Africans; Afro-
Caribbeans; Bacon’s Rebellion; free African-
Americans; free Colored; racial oppression; racial
slavery; social control in Anglo-American plantation
African bond-laborers: eighteenth-century English
preeminent suppliers of 9.1; in the Americas 10.1,
nts.1n58; Asiento 1.1, nts.2n8; attempt at free settlement
in Virginia 13.1; in British West Indies 3.1;
discrimination against, in skilled occupations 13.2;
Dutch principal merchants buying and selling (1630s)
nts.3n35; Europe nts.4n48; number of 1.2, 10.2, 11.1,
nts.5n48, nts.6n58; and prospect of escape nts.7n121;
rebellions of 11.2, 12.1, 13.3, nts.8n46, nts.9n116; and
social control 10.3, 12.2, 12.3; status of 10.4
African laborers: prohibitions against, in skilled
occupations 12.1, 13.1; shift to, as main supply 13.2;
trade in 9.1; from West Africa 1.1, 10.1, nts.1n11,
nts.2n53, nts.3n9
Africans: allying with Indians app1.1; ancestry and
headrights nts.1n4; British army purchase for military
service nts.2n108; children, tithable nts.3n121; and
intermediate stratum 12.1, 12.2; rebelliousness of
nts.4n12; resistance 1.1, nts.5n63
Afro-Brazilians 3.1, app1.1
Afro-Caribbeans: Emancipation struggle and parallels
with Irish 12.1; excluded from skilled occupations at
first 12.2; “free blacks and coloreds” as majorities in
British West Indies promoted as intermediate buffer
social control stratum 12.3, 12.4; different status than
African-Americans 12.5; as slave owners, shopkeepers,
and recipients of free homesteads in Jamaica 12.6;
traded for enslaved Indians 3.1
Allen, Theodore W.: egalitarian motif itr.1, 3.1, 11.1;
origin of racial oppression 11.2; records research
app6.1, nts.1n36. See also The Invention of the White
Amaru, Tupac
American Revolution 9.1, 11.1, 11.2
Andros, Governor
Anglican Church 9.1, 12.1, nts.1n19
Anglo-American plantation bourgeoisie: decides on attack
on laborers and tenants 4.1, 5.1, 5.2 passim; and on
plantation of bondage 6.1; base venture on chattel bond-
labor and social control on racial oppression 12.1; and
capitalism based on chattel bond-servitude and
engrossment of land 13.1; choose monocultural
economy 4.2, and perpetual bondage 13.2; costs 7.1,
nts.1n8, nts.2n10; decide to tenants and laborers 4.3,
6.2, and plantation of bondage 6.3; desire to extend
servitude 10.1, nts.3n13; desire to impose lifetime
servitude on African-Americans 10.2, 10.3, 10.4;
develop South Carolina after pattern of racial slavery
established nts.4n67; elite, 9.1, 13.3, nts.5nn28,
nts.6n39; enrichment of 9.2; free Negroes and
“mulattos” excluded from intermediate social control
stratum 13.4; and general interests of ruling class 7.2;
impose bond-labor status 5.3, 6.4; indebtedness of 9.3,
nts.7nn28; sought extreme dependency of laborers 5.4;
“white race” social control policy 2.1
Anglo-American plantation colonies: “too many” laboring
class Europeans in continental colonies to be in petty
bourgeoisie, too few in West Indies 13.1; social
structure differs fundamentally from Anglo-Caribbean
Anglo-Caribbean plantation colonies 3.1, 3.2, 12.1, 13.1,
13.2; ruling class social control with people of African
descent in intermediate buffer social control stratum
Anglo-Dutch wars 9.1, 10.1, 11.1
Anglo-French wars 9.1, app5.1
Angolans, enslavement of
Antigua 12.1, nts.1nn2, nts.2n91
Apalachees 3.1, nts.1n90: as slaves of Creeks 1.1
apprentices 2.1, 4.1, 5.1, nts.1n69: chattel bond-servitude
distinct from 6.1, nts.2n38; could not be sold 4.2; Duty
Boys 4.3; issues of transfer and non-assignability
nts.3n40, nts.4n41
Argall, Governor Samuel 4.1, nts.1n46, nts.2n28: accused
of diverting tenants to private use 4.2, 4.3, nts.3n53,
nts.4n55, nts.5nn81
army 2.1, 12.1, 12.2, app5.1
Asiento de negras 1.1, nts.1n8
assigns 4.1, 6.1, nts.1n40
Atlantic slave trade
Bacon Assembly 11.1, nts.1n102
Bacon, Sir Francis nts.1n96, nts.2n99, nts.3n57, nts.4n14,
nts.5n60, nts.6n64: dividing and breaking combinations
13.1; monarchy and male domination 2.1;Of
Plantations,” an alternate vision 6.1; rate of expansion
of colonys population and relations with native
peoples nts.7n58; relationship to Nathaniel nts.8n6;
reverence 9.1; role of profit and glory in Virginia
nts.9n69; role of “yeomanry 2.2; slavocracys
“theoretician nts.10n7; Virginia example to be avoided
9.2; Virginia Company member nts.11n69
Bacon, Nathaniel 11.1, nts.1n10, nts.2n14, nts.3nn91,
nts.4n33: advocates guerrilla tactics 11.2; background
of nts.5n2, nts.6n18, nts.7n19, nts.8n72, nts.9n56; and
onslaught on Pamunkey, sells prisoners 11.3; proclaims
liberty “to all Servants and Negro’s11.4, 368–9n84;
and rebellion 11.5, demands of 11.6
Bacons Rebellion (1676–7): African-
American/European-American collaboration in 11.1,
13.1, 13.2, nts.1n23, nts.2n93, nts.3n33; aftermath 2.1,
10.1, 11.2; analogy to American Revolution 11.3, to
English Revolution nts.4n12; anti-Indian phase 11.4,
11.5, nts.5n23, nts.6n35; basic English ruling elite
policy to exclude Indians from territory rather than
enslave war captives 11.6; begins as dispute within
ruling elite over “Indian policy11.7; bibliography on
nts.7n2, nts.8n8; bond-laborers in 11.8, nts.9n83,
nts.10n87, nts.11n33, number in 11.9, nts.12n97,
intervene en masse in 11.10; captured rebels nts.13n99,
nts.14n103; civil war phase 11.11, 11.12; colonists
involvement in 11.13;common run of the people”
sought change in land policy, not “Indian policy11.14,
11.15, and call to tax land 11.16, nts.15n35; Craven on
nts.16n5; destabilizing factors of 11.17; declaration of
war nts.17n42; defeat in, clears way for lifetime
hereditary chattel bond-servitude 13.3; and domestic
crisis 11.18; and elimination of middle class nts.18n80;
elite factions in 11.19; fears of overthrow of system
11.20, of involvement of other forces 11.21, nts.19n92,
nts.20n97, of servants 11.22; Fiske on nts.21n6; and
freedom from bondage nts.22n84, nts.23n87; grievances
of rebels in 11.23; and kings amnesty proclamation
11.24, nts.24n101; Navigation Acts not an issue in
nts.25n14; outbreak of nts.26n80; post-Rebellion
destabilizing factors in 11.25; reaction time of
expeditionary force in 11.26; revenue losses in
nts.27n67; and runaways 8.1, nts.28n39; social factors
contributing to 7.1; Virginia Assembly law enslaving
Indian war captives for life 3.1, 7.2; Washburn on
nts.29n4; Wertenbaker on nts.30n80
Bahamas n2
Bailyn, Bernard 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, nts.1n121, nts.2n13
Ball, John app2.1, nts.1n26
Ballagh, James C. 4.1, app4.1, nts.1n27
Baltimore, Lord 11.1, nts.1n150
Baptism: and freedom 10.1; no basis for freedom nts.1n76
Barbados: African bond-laborers in 12.1, recruitment into
militia of nts.1n110; African-American bond-laborers
from 10.1; Afro-Barbadians in trades 12.2, women in
retail trades nts.2n91; Afro-Caribbean majorities 12.3;
attempts to reduce natives to bond-servitude in 12.4;
banishment to 7.1; Brown Privilege Bill 12.5; and
Colony Council 12.6, nts.3n57; Dutch in nts.4n9; early
settlement of 1.1; emigration: from 12.7, of Europeans
nts.5n35, of freemen 12.8; estate size in 12.9; European
bond-laborers 12.10, nts.6n147, join forces with
African bond-laborers 12.11; fear of “slave menace
nts.7n47, little to fear from rebels on an island nts.8n35;
free coloreds 12.12, 12.13, 12.14, nts.9n41, in
intermediate buffer social control stratum 13.1; free
persons of African ancestry 12.15; free Negroes
required to serve in militia 13.2; freedmen 12.16,
nts.10n53; General Assembly warns of Irish 12.17,
Indians nts.11nn4; Irish bond-laborers 12.18, rebels
excluded nts.12n57; landholding 12.19, nts.13n33;
“military tenantsnts.14n53; Negro bond-laborers
substituted for European tradesmen nts.15n90; planters
opposition to baptism of Negroes 10.2; plantation
owners in nts.16n47; plots by bond-laborers in 12.20;
population of 3.1, nts.17n25, nts.18n28, density 12.21;
prisoners 12.22, nts.19n46, of war 12.23; Quakers and
Christianity in 9.1, 10.3, 10.4; rebellions in 12.24,
nts.20n46; “Redlegsnts.21n55; repressive measures
10.5, nts.22n90; revolt (1816) 12.25, nts.23n129; ruling
class social control by including people of African
descent nts.24n2; Scottish bond-laborers in 12.26; slave
law in England as model for slave code of nts.25n59;
slaveowners in 12.27, nts.26n124, desire to get money
nts.27n19; and Sunday markets 12.28; transformed into
sugar plantation economy 4.1; unfitness rationale 3.2;
vagabonds 12.29;whites” in nts.28n39, nts.29n41,
nts.30n57, nts.31n91, nts.32n97, “poor whites”
nts.33n53, nts.34n55
bastards 2.1, nts.1n85: bastardy laws 7.1
Beckles, Hilary nts.1n33, nts.2n53, nts.3n91
Beckles, John Allayne
benefit: “of clergynts.1n191; of planters 13.1; of ending
the “slave” trade, for West Indian bond-laborers
nts.2n86; majority of Virginia planters do not 13.2
Bennett, Lerone, Jr. 4.1, 10.1, nts.1n7
Berkeley, Governor William: and Bacons Rebellion
11.1, 11.2, 11.3, nts.1n91, aftermath 11.4, 11.5;
complains about Navigation Acts nts.2n14; defiance of
kings proclamation 11.6; denouncer of monoculture
9.1; departure (1676) 13.1; and Elizabeth Key case 5.1;
flees Jamestown 11.7; gives Indian girl to shipmaster
nts.3n22; hangings by nts.4n104; historians on
nts.5n103; and “Indian policy” to “destroy Northern
Indians and maintain relations with neighboring tribes
11.8; licenses Indian trade nts.6n42; on mortality rate
nts.7n41, nts.8n180; on number of bond-laborers 7.1,
nts.9n41, less than one-fifth of English chattel laborers
survive “indentures” 3.1; offers freedom to bond-
laborers of Baconite owners nts.10n87; rebels plan to
demand freedom from 8.1; on threat of insurrection 9.2
Berkeley Hundred 4.1, 5.1, nts.1n148
Bermuda 1.1, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1
Berry, Sir John 11.1, 11.2, nts.1n103
Billings, Warren M. 8.1, 9.1, nts.1n103, nts.2n105
Blair, James 9.1, nts.1n19, nts.2n65
Bland, Giles 10.1, 11.1
Board of Trade 7.1, 9.1, 11.1, 13.1: and Gooch case 13.2,
Bolas, Juan de
Bolívar, Simón 1.1, 11.1
Bona Nova 5.1, nts.1n24
bond-labor: acquisition costs of 7.1, 7.2; African 10.1,
12.1; Afro-Barbadian women nts.1n91; assault by 8.1;
“assign6.1; attempts to reduce Caribbean natives to
12.2; bastardy laws and 7.3, nts.2n80, chattel form 7.4;
chattelization of European-Americans essential
precondition for lifetime bond-servitude app4.1,
nts.3n67; Chesapeake, majority European-American in
seventeenth century 10.2; common class interest with
poor and landless free 11.1; common in surplus
producing societies 6.2; denied arms 10.3, 11.2;
domestic sources 3.1, 7.5; Dutch and 6.3, nts.4n35;
employment of European-Americans in South Carolina
came later and was short-lived nts.5n67; ending “slave”
trade would benefit West Indian bond-laborers
nts.6n86; “enduring6.4 passim; English 12.3;
European 12.4; European-American, abandon
opposition to plantocracy 13.1; feudal pre-capitalist,
was two-way bondage 6.5; Fiske on nts.7n6; freedom:
Bacons Assembly extends to nts.8n102, implications of
11.3, in West Indies if enter British army (after 1807)
12.5; general conditions of app4.2; historians ignore
11.4; illness among 7.6; increase of 11.5; Indian 3.2,
7.7, no “transportation charges3.3, war captives 11.6;
inevitability argument 6.6; Irish 11.7, 12.6,
“confederate with the negroes13.2, boys forced exile
to Jamaica nts.9n41; kidnapping for use as 7.8, 9.1,
nts.10n2; lifetime of 10.4, nts.11n74, nts.12n101; and
“loss of services” 7.9, nts.13n95, nts.14n101; majority
of planters and landless freemen could not afford 10.5;
majority of “white” adult males not owners of 13.3,
13.4; marriage of exceptional nts.15n67; murder by
owners 7.10, nts.16n188, nts.17n189, nts.18n192;
“negative incentives” imposed on 7.11; number of 4.1,
11.8, 11.9; opposition to 6.7; oppression of 7.12, 7.13;
owners of African ancestry 13.5; owners profit on
nts.19n160; percent becoming landholders nts.20n33;
positive incentive to produce 7.14;quid pro quo
rationale 6.8, 6.9; rebelliousness of 11.10;resisting
7.15 passim; Scottish 12.7; “seasoning time
nts.21n180; as self-activating shapers of history 11.11;
servant trade 7.16, merchants stimulate 7.17; social
control problem 6.10; struggle, key to history of West
Indies nts.22n58; tithable nts.23n57; tobacco plantations
and nts.24n54; unpaid, to meet bourgeoisie’s desire to
lower labor costs 6.11, as surrogate for unemployed
labor reserve 6.12. See also chattel bond-servitude
bond-labor, lifetime hereditary 7.1, 10.1, 10.2, 12.1, 13.1,
nts.1n101: African-Americans challenge 10.3; and
Christianity nts.2n82; economics of 9.1; path cleared by
defeat in Bacons Rebellion 13.2; not cause of “race not
class” 13.3; plantation owners desire to raise profit by
imposing on African-Americans 10.4, 10.5. See also
hereditary bond-labor
bond-labor, limited-term 5.1, 7.1, 7.2, 10.1, 13.1, app4.1:
extension of nts.1n161, nts.2n37, nts.3n18; indistinct
from lifetime bond-labor 7.3, nts.4n9; large proportion
held by small planters in Maryland nts.5n67; outlaw sex
for 8.1
bond-labor system: antithetical to interests of African-
Americans 13.1; basis of extreme inequality 11.1; and
bond-servitude 1.1, nts.1n38, nts.2n7; chattelization to
meet bourgeoisie’s desire for free flow of capital 6.1;
costs: maintenance 7.1, of workers 7.2, prosecution and
punishment 7.3, recapture nts.3n42, nts.4n8, nts.5n10,
transportation 4.1, 6.2, and repayment by extension of
servitude nts.6n43; historians on app4.1; inhibits family
formation 4.2; and interest of planters 7.4, 13.2; and
monoculturul economy 12.1
bond-laborers (colonial Anglo-America): abuse of 7.1,
app4.1, nts.1n188, nts.2nn191; acquittal of killers of
Negro or Indian lifetime 10.1; adult nts.3n55; armed
rebellion 8.1; Bacons Rebellion 11.1, nts.4n83,
nts.5n87, nts.6n33, number in 11.2, 11.3, nts.7n97;
Berkeley estimates less than one-fifth of English,
survive “indentures” 3.1; children of 7.2, nts.8n120;
Christian 10.2, 13.1; commodity in barter nts.9n167;
convicts 7.3, nts.10n27, nts.11n34, transportation costs
7.4, nts.12n22, nts.13n104; English in Maryland
nts.14n94, nts.15nn110, nts.16n52, nts.17n180;
European nts.18n117; European-American 10.3,
app4.2, solidarity with African-American 8.2, 8.3,
10.4, 13.2, 13.3; extended length of service 6.1, 10.5,
nts.19n18; importation of, by African-Americans 10.6;
Irish 13.4, nts.20n18; main forms of oppression of
bond-laborers 7.5; majority of population nts.21n75;
missing in Washburn nts.22n4; mortality rate of
nts.23n180, nts.24n183; murder by masters 7.6; number
of 11.4, nts.25n4, nts.26n10, nts.27n180, nts.28n117;
plots of 8.4, nts.29n156; self-activation of 8.5; social
control strategy and free Negroes and “mulattos” 13.5,
13.6; and social mobility nts.30n33; striving for
freedom 11.5; supervision of nts.31n171; tobacco
bourgeoisie assumes resistance of 13.7
bondmen: Duty Boys 4.1; intermediate bond-servitude
forms 4.2; “maids-for-wives” 4.3, 4.4;that all
bondmen be made free” 2.1
bourgeoisie: and accumulation of capital 4.1, 11.1; and
African bond-labor 12.1; blindspot of 11.2; chooses
chattel bond-labor 12.2; deliberately fosters middle
class 2.1; English, uniqueness of 1.1, repression by 2.2;
eye 11.3; Marx on nts.1n51; and social control 1.2,
11.4, nts.2n26; and two-fold problem of labor supply
and social control 1.3
bourgeoisie (Anglo-American plantation) nts.1n51,
nts.2n9: and birth of children nts.3n120; desire to use
African-Americans as lifetime hereditary bond-laborers
10.1, 10.2; draws color line 3.1; elite nts.4n39;
establishes one-way bondage 6.1; failure to diversify
11.1; fear of resistance 13.1; initiates white-skin
privilege system 13.2; logic, and oversupply of laborers
nts.5n138; power enhanced by dependence of colonists
5.1; pressure for unpaid labor time 10.3; and racial
oppression 12.1; seeks to create extreme dependence of
laborers 5.2, 5.3
branding 2.1, 7.1
Brazil nts.1n66: African labor in 1.1; Dutch in 1.2,
nts.2n23, nts.3n9; Indian labor: non-enslavable 3.1,
forced 3.2; indigenous society of nts.4n45; Portuguese
in 1.3, 3.3; runaways and the Quilombo of Palmares
app1.1; social control in a continental colony issue
similar to Virginia 3.4
Breen, Timothy H. 10.1, nts.1n22, nts.2n36, nts.3n7: class
character and self-activation of African-American
bond-laborers’ struggle 8.1, nts.4n58; use of term
“whites” and attribution of lost solidarity to exclusively
objective factors nts.5n4
Brigder, Colonel Joseph
British West Indies: African bond-laborers in 3.1; contrast
with continental colonies 12.1, nts.1n35; emancipation
1.1, freed by serving in army 12.2; involvement in
England’s wars with Catholic powers 12.3, British
army and Africans nts.2n108, nts.3n111; markets of
nts.4n67; Negro population of 3.2; ruling class social
control policy nts.5n2
Brown, Alexander 4.1, 4.2, nts.1n54, nts.2n80, nts.3n121
Brown Privilege Bill
Bruce, Philip Alexander 7.1, app4.1, nts.1n46, nts.2n27,
nts.3n156: on African and African-American bond-
laborers 10.1, nts.4n118; on chattel bond-servitude and
“progress4.1, 6.1, app4.2, nts.5n53, nts.6n59,
nts.7n63; on promotingpride of race” among “white
people” 13.1; on possible alternative path 9.1; on
tobacco: cultivation nts.8n54, in Virginia history 4.2,
9.2, nts.9n41, nts.10n59, perishing 7.2, prices nts.11n22
“buffer” role 3.1, 8.1
buffer social control stratum (Anglo-America): absent
until Bacons Rebellion 9.1, 11.1; English plantation
variation is in recruitment to and exclusions from 1.1;
Indians in Virginia serve as two-way buffer 3.1, 3.2,
11.2, subsequently excluded fromwhite race” system
of social control 3.3; peculiarity of system established
was in “control aspect 1.2
buffer social control stratum (Anglo-Caribbean): ruling
class policy puts people of African descent in
intermediate stratum n2
buffer social control stratum (Spanish colonies):
exterminates Indians and lacks intermediate stratum in
Hispaniola, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, uses socially
demoted caciques in Mexico and Peru 3.1
Bullock, William
Burke, Edmund 12.1, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3
Butler, Nathaniel 5.1, nts.1nn80
Byrd, William, I 11.1, 11.2
Byrd, William, II 13.1, nts.1n121, nts.2n33
Cabot, John
caciques 3.1, 12.1, nts.1n69, nts.2n31, nts.3n89; absence
of 3.2, 3.3, 3.4; definitions of nts.4n22; socially
demoted by Spanish to buffer social control stratum 3.5
Canaobo, Chief
Cape Corso n53
capital: accumulation 1.1, 11.1, and misery 9.1, social
control necessary for 13.1; “breeding women
(Jefferson) as addition to nts.1n24; costs 12.1;
concentration of 9.2, 13.2; drain of 9.3; interest and
African labor trade 9.4; relation to labor nts.2n200;
venture 4.1
capitalism: ascendant 2.1; based on chattel bond-servitude
and engrossment of the land 13.1; development in
Europe app2.1; in England 1.1, 2.2; predicated on need
for unattached labor-power 6.1; and tenantry 6.2;
transition to 2.3, nts.1n74
capitalist: bond-labor owner as 12.1; and crisis of
overproduction 4.1, nts.1n94; as exploiters of bond-
labor nts.2n51; plantation owners reliance on increased
exertion by laborers 7.1; plantation bourgeoisie
establish a one-way bondage between labor and
capitalist 6.1; plantations as capitalist enterprises 6.2;
production 9.1, nts.3n74; relations of production in
England app2.1; society, social distinctions in 13.1
Caribbean Indians
Catholics 3.1, 10.1, nts.1n1
Charles I, King of Spain 1.1, 1.2, nts.1n41
Charles II, King of England 11.1, 12.1, nts.1n9: and
Bacons Rebellion 11.2, 11.3; on Berkeley nts.2n104;
brother heads Royal African Company nts.3n55;
financial difficulties 11.4; profit from African and
African-American lifetime bond-laborers 9.1
Charles V n75
Charlton, Stephen 10.1, 10.2, nts.1n26, nts.2n55, nts.3nn95
chattel bond-laborers: common throughout plantation
Americas 1.1: as percent of European immigrants 7.1;
number of 7.2, 11.1; unpaid bought and sold 2.1. See
also bond-laborers
chattel bond-servitude nts.1n35: absent in England 6.1,
condemned nts.2n61; capitalism and plantation elite
13.1; extreme form of proletarian dependence under
capitalism 7.1; historys false apologetics for 6.2;
inimical to democratic development 6.3; not an
unreflecting adaptation of English precedents,
repudiates master-servant relationship 6.4, distinct from
nts.3n41; overthrow of tenantry clears way for 13.2,
tenants reduced to 4.1, nts.4n156; resented by servants
nts.5n61; resistance to 8.1; Smith on origin of nts.6n5;
and social control 13.3; in Virginia 9.1. See also bond-
chattelization: commitment to, begins 6.1; of English
plantation labor, a precondition for lifetime nts.1n67;
plantation bourgeoisie plan for 6.2; transfer to another
without consent 5.1
“cheap commodity” strategy
Cherokees 3.1, nts.1n64, nts.2n106: buffer role 3.2
Chesapeake: class distinction 13.1; convicts 7.1, 7.2;
European immigrants 7.3; forms of oppression 7.4, 7.5,
7.6, 7.7, 7.8, racial oppression 13.2; “Golden Age”
13.3; marriage and social mobility 10.1; master-servant
relationships app4.1; monoculture 9.1; Quakers 10.2;
resistance 11.1; ruling class favored by balance of
forces 6.1; social instability 11.2; status of African-
Americans 10.3; tenantry 6.2. See also Virginia
Chichimecs, relatively class-undifferentiated
Chickhominy Indians n43
Christians: baptism 10.1, 12.1; fellowship 10.2; freedom,
uncoupled from nts.1n103; Las Casas concerned with
genocidal exploitation by 1.1; nations 10.3; principle
against holding as slaves 10.4, 10.5, nts.2n13; and
racial oppression nts.3n77; religious orders 3.1;
servants 7.1; warlike nts.4n116
Christians (term): equated with Englishmen nts.1n41;
euphemism for “white” nts.2n41, used for European
bond-laborers 12.1
civil rights struggle 8.1, 11.1: and impending crisis 13.1
class: analysis 13.1; antagonism 7.1; conflict and
resolution 2.1, nts.1n23; collaboration 12.1;
consciousness 13.2; differentiation nts.2n10; distinction
4.1, 5.1, 10.1, 11.1, 13.3, 13.4; exploitation and
suffering 5.2; family denial and sharpening of
antagonism of 7.2; five officially recognized classes in
spring of 1622 5.3; forces, general relationship of
nts.3n30; solidarity 10.2; and special conditions for
profiteering 5.4; stratification nts.4n47; struggle 1.1,
2.2, 3.1, 11.2, 12.2, 12.3, 13.5, 13.6, nts.5n11, nts.6n41,
interpretation nts.7n74, nts.8n6, nts.9n6; “transitions
2.3; and wage payment in England 2.4; yeomanry 2.5;
English bourgeoisie foster a lower middle-class stratum
class oppression: compounded by “bastardy laws” 7.1;
lifetime servitude as 10.1; and oppression of women
2.1; and Poor Law 2.2, 7.2; reduction of almost totally
English labor force to chattel bond-servitude in 1620s
an extremely reactionary form of 10.2; resistance to 8.1
passim; slavery of Scots miners as 10.3
cloth industry
Colbert, Jean Baptiste
“color, not class n7
Columbus, Christopher
Commissioners of Trade and Plantations 3.1, 9.1, 12.1,
app6.1, nts.1n65
commodity production, simple 9.1, nts.1n73, nts.2n74
“common people” 9.1, 13.1
Company of Royal Adventurers to Africa
conscious decision: to opt for monoculture and chattel
Constitution of 1789
convicts 1.1, 4.1, 13.1: include captives taken in civil war
or rebellion 7.1; thirty-five to fifty thousand brought to
continental colonies as bond-servants nts.1n10, thirty
thousand brought (1717–72) nts.2n34, Privy Council
orders to transport as “servants” 4.2; profitability in
shipment as bond-laborers 7.2; in Virginia 4.3; Spanish
and Portuguese 1.2
Coopy, Robert E. 4.1, 6.1, nts.1n148
corn 5.1, 5.2, 7.1, nts.1n147, nts.2n51
Cortés, Hernán nts.1n2, nts.2n52
cotton gin n41
“counterfeit of social mobility,” “white” identity as
Craven, Wesley Frank 6.1, nts.1n53, nts.2n4, nts.3n63: on
Bacons Rebellion 11.1, nts.4n5; on death rate
nts.5n180; on Sandys sending ill-provisioned laborers
to Virginia nts.6n138
Creek Indians 3.1, nts.1n92
crisis: following attack (1622) 5.1; making one, serve
another 5.2; of overproduction 4.1, 9.1
Cromwell, Oliver 12.1, nts.1n9, nts.2n104
Cuba 1.1, 1.2, nts.1n40, nts.2n66, nts.3n52: in need of
social-control stratum 3.1
Cudjoe, Captain
Culpepper, Governor Thomas Lord 9.1, 11.1, 11.2,
nts.1n35, nts.2n41
“cultural barriers” n11
Curtin, Philip D. n40
“custom of the country7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 10.1, nts.1n21:
unpaid chattel status as 2.1
Dale, Governor Thomas 4.1, 6.1, nts.1n23
Davies, C.S.L. 2.1, nts.1n75, nts.2n45
Davies, Sir John
Deal, Joseph Douglas III 10.1, nts.1n22, nts.2n37,
nts.3n96: on growth of racism nts.4n96; “larger
percentage of Eastern shore blacks were free” nts.5n43;
on sexual liaisons as resistance 8.1
death penalty 7.1, 7.2, nts.1n100, nts.2n103
death rate 10.1, nts.1n2, nts.2n122: one-sixth of new
immigrants alive (in 1625) 5.1; one-third of colonists
die in one day (1622) 5.2; “dominion of death” (1622)
5.3, 5.4, nts.3nn53; two-thirds die in one- to two-year
period nts.4n125
Declaration of Independence
defiant solace
“deficiency laws”: for social control in West Indies 12.1,
12.2, 13.1; in South Carolina and Georgia 13.2
Delaware tribe nts.1n90, nts.2n93
deliberate ruling-class social control policy: conferring of
privileges 13.1, nts.1n11; English governing classes’
sixteenth-century decision to preserve section of
peasantry as intermediate social control stratum 6.1;
House of Lords and nts.2n19; laws “deliberately
calculated to undercut … black laborers” (Billings)
nts.3n103; Morgan on 13.2, 13.3, nts.4n11; “to fix a
perpetual brand on” (Gooch) and to establish system of
racial oppression 13.4; Virginia Assembly’s decision to
promote “racial contempt” and establish “anomalous
privileges” 13.5; “white race” as app6.1
Dew, Thomas Roderick 13.1, nts.1n13
diet: Bruce on nts.1n156; in England nts.2n150; of
European bond-laborers in Barbados nts.3n147; bond-
laborers’ corn 7.1; and hog-killing penalties nts.4n24;
in Virginia 8.1
disease 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1: impact of epidemic
European 1.1, nts.1n48
diversification 9.1, 9.2, nts.1n116, opposition to 11.1
“divided labor market13.1, nts.1n11
Doegs 11.1, nts.1n17
Drake, Sir Francis
Drummond, William n97
DuBois, W.E.B. 8.1, nts.1n1
“ducking stool n93
Dunn, Richard S. 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, nts.1n1
Dutch 9.1, 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, nts.1n23: East and West Indies
1.1; invasion of Brazil nts.2n9; plantation owners in
Barbados nts.3n9; posts in West Africa 10.3; trade
nts.4n14; Virginia susceptible to incursions by 11.2
Duty Boys 4.1, 5.1
economic interpretation of history n105
Edward VI. See English monarchs
Effingham, Governor
Eighty Years War (1568–1648)
emancipation struggles 1.1, 10.1, 12.1, 13.1, 13.2
emigration 1.1, 4.1, 5.1, 12.1, app5.1
encomenderos 3.1, nts.1n69, nts.2n12
encomienda 1.1, 3.1, nts.1n41, nts.2n43, nts.3n51
engagés 1.1, nts.1n35: survival rate 3.1
Engels, Friedrich n80
England: army, unfeasibility of maintaining in Virginia
11.1; civil war 1.1, 2.1; contest with France 9.1; cloth-
making industry as transformer of economic life to
capitalist basis 1.2; differs from other colonizing
powers and venting of surplus “necessitous people
1.3, 1.4, nts.1n87; enclosures 2.2; English
Expeditionary Force 11.2; English Revolution 11.3,
app5.1, nts.2n12; expropriation of peasants 2.3; feudal
ruling class 6.1, social relations under nts.3n88;
industrial production expansion app5.2; kidnapped
laborers nts.4n12; “Master of the Seants.5n35;
mercantilism 9.2; military and naval presence 12.1,
12.2; monarchy 1.5, 9.3; Parliament 12.3; servile labor
from nts.6n9; tobacco revenues 11.4
English common law: actions against racial oppression
without reference to 10.1; African-American bond-
laborers and 7.1; and bond-servitude 6.1, 9.1, 10.2,
10.3, nts.1n37; fornication penalties 7.2, 13.1; non-
assignability 6.2, nts.2n40, nts.3n41; partus sequitur
patrem 10.4, 10.5; partus sequitur ventrem 7.3
English people: immunities of nts.1n24; “would sell their
own fathers6.1
English monarchs: Edward VI (1547–53) 2.1; Henry VII
(1485–1509) 1.1, 2.2, 6.1, nts.1n60; Henry VIII (1509–
47) 1.2, 2.3, 2.4, nts.2n87, nts.3n91, nts.4n37; James I
(VI of Scotland) (1603–25) 1.3, 1.4, 4.1, 4.2, app7.1,
nts.5n57, nts.6n59; James II (1685–89) 11.1, nts.7n1,
nts.8n55; George III (1760–1820) 11.2, 11.3
European-American bond-laborers: collaboration with
African-American bond-laborers in Bacons Rebellion
11.1, 13.1, nts.1n93; collaborative actions against their
bondage 8.1, readiness for 8.2; in contracts and wills
10.1; costs of 7.1, 7.2; most did not survive terms 3.1;
number of 11.2, nts.2n117; owned by African-
Americans 10.2; voluntary and involuntary 7.3. See also
European-Americans: Chesapeake 10.1; collaboration
with African-Americans 8.1, 8.2, 13.1; and
disappearance of labor solidarity nts.1n4; and “divided
labor market” explanation for “race not class
challenged 13.2; elements opposed to racial oppression
10.2; evangelical questions and objections 10.3; fleeing
to Indians 5.1; intermarriage nts.2n40; laborers had no
desire for privileges vis-à-vis African-Americans 8.3;
landholding 10.4, increasing concentration of 9.1, 9.2;
opposition to lifetime bond servitude 10.5; owned by
African-Americans 10.6; owners of African-Americans
10.7, 10.8; population 12.1, nts.3n87; right to bear arms
10.9; sexual liaisons with African-Americans 8.4, 13.3,
13.4; status reduction from tenants and wage-laborers to
chattel bond-servitude 10.10; transmogrification into the
“white race” 11.1; treatment of app4.1, disparate
Europeans: colonizing powers and colonial labor supply
1.1; emigrants nts.1n35; fathers, non-European mothers
nts.2n30; and Medieval slavery 1.2; number of
immigrants in Virginia and Maryland 7.1; occupation of
Indian lands 11.1; in West Indies propertyless
marginalized as “poor whites” 12.1
Fairfax County
family: barring oppression 7.1; formation inhibiting bond-
labor system 4.1, in Virginia and Maryland 9.1; life,
denial of 7.2, nts.1n76
farm-to-factory migration
felons 7.1, nts.1n27
feudalism: bourgeoisie replaces two-way bondage of,
with two-way freedom 6.1; end of app2.1, nts.1n6,
nts.2n87, nts.3n89; lines drawn by 2.1
“to fix a perpetual brand” (Gooch)
Florida 3.1, 3.2, nts.1n43, nts.2n90
food scarcity: and dependence on Indians 5.1, on English
5.2, 5.3
fornication: African-Americans involved with European-
Americans 8.1; Dutch laws in New Netherlands
nts.1n85; extra time for 5.1; as form of resistance 8.2,
8.3, 8.4; cases involving “a negro” nts.2n74; as gender
and class oppression nts.3n110; and Maryland laws
Fortescue, John W.
forty-shilling freeholders 2.1, nts.1n28, nts.2n35
Foster, Sir Augustus John
“foure hundred English and Negroes in Armes”
Fox, Charles James
Fox, George 10.1: “you that are called whitents.1n39
France: colonization efforts different from England 1.1;
plantation colonies 1.2, nts.1n31; wars with 9.1, 11.1,
12.1, 12.2
Francis I, king of France
“free colored” (or “free black” or mulatto): in British
West Indies as majorities, shopkeepers, and slave-
owners 12.1; contrast roles in British West Indies and
Virginia 12.2, nts.1n22; definitions of (in West Indies)
nts.2n96; demands for full citizenship after Haitian
Revolution 12.3; in Jamaica own 70,000 of nts.3,000
bond-laborers and offered free homesteads 12.4, 13.1;
number in Barbados and Jamaica 12.5; plots (1722)
“free enterprise” n5
free laborers, solidarity with bond-laborers 8.1, 8.2
“free land”: diverts from struggles with the bourgeoisie
13.1; “safety valve” theory nts.1n123
“free market economy” principles
freedmen and freedwomen: in British West Indies 12.1;
definitions of nts.1n96; and social control 12.2
freedom: and class struggle nts.1n6; dues 7.1, 13.1, app6.1
freemen: definitions of (in West Indies) nts.1n96;
excessive emigration of 12.1; and social control 9.1;
and voting rights nts.2n5, nts.3n16
French 11.1, nts.1n93: possible invasion by nts.2n92
“French Negroes”
Frethorne, Richard 5.1
frontier 11.1, nts.1n23, nts.2n17: “frontier democracy,”
white chauvinism of nts.3n4; as-social-safety-valve
theory (Turner) 13.1, nts.4n118
Fugger family n5
fur trade 11.1, nts.1n42
Gates, Governor Thomas 4.1, 6.1, nts.1n23
gender oppression 4.1, nts.1n183: number of cases 8.1;
and class oppression 7.1, 8.2, 8.3, nts.2n110. See also
male supremacy; women
genocide 3.1, 11.1
George III. See English monarchs
Georgia colony: act repealing ban on slavery (1750)
included “deficiency” provision 13.1; founded on no-
slavery principle 13.2, 13.3, nts.1n51
“germ theory n5
Gibson, Charles
Gibson, Edmund 13.1, nts.1n19
Gloucester County: elite nts.1n10; militia 11.1; plot 8.1;
records 8.2; riot 11.2, nts.2n131
Godolphin, Sir Sidney
Godwyn, Morgan 10.1, nts.1n19, nts.2n39
gold 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 13.1, nts.1n3
Golden Age 2.1, 13.1
Gooch, Governor William: exclusion of free African-
Americans from intermediate social control buffer
corollary of establishment of “white race” 13.1; “fix a
perpetual Brand upon Free Negroes & Mulattos” letter
13.2, background to 13.3, nts.1n19; on Virginia linen
Grantham, Captain Thomas 11.1, nts.1nn92, nts.2n97
Gray, Lewis C.: on bond-servitude app4.1, nts.1n41; and
Morgans “boomnts.2n125; number of African bond-
laborers brought to the thirteen colonies nts.3n40; and
tobacco prices nts.4n22
Great Charter (1618) 4.1, 4.2
Great Rebellion (1381) 2.1, 2.2, 6.1, app2.1
Green Spring faction 11.1, 11.2, 11.3
Grenada 12.1, nts.1n2
Haiti (Hispaniola) 1.1, 3.1, nts.1n31
Haitian Revolution 1.1, 12.1: James on nts.1n58
Hakluyt, Richard 1.1, 2.1
Handler, Jerome S.
hanging 7.1, nts.1n103
Harlow, V. T. 12.1, nts.1n47
Harvey, John 5.1, nts.1n94
Hathuey n69
headrights: basis of high concentration of land-ownership
5.1, 9.1, 9.2; captains of ships and 7.1; could be sold
10.1; Governor and Colony Council seek to protect
11.1; and importation of bond-laborers 6.1, 9.3;
increased class differentiation 4.1; in Maryland did not
apply to importation of African laborers nts.1n67;
number of nts.2n4; principle of 4.2, nts.3n57, nts.4n4,
Henrico 5.1, 8.1
Henry VII. See English monarchs
Henry VIII. See English monarchs
Henry, H. M. 13.1, 13.2, nts.1n60
Holland 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 6.1, 10.1, nts.1n23
homesteads 12.1, 13.1, 13.2, nts.1n103
Honduras n111
“household mode of production
Hunter, Governor
identity: stripping of Indians and African-Americans’
nts.1n122; “white,” established 13.1; exclusion of free
African-Americans as corollary 13.2; “white race” as
new all-class, all-European social 12.1, nts.2n39
immigration 5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 13.1, nts.1n180
incubus of “white-skin” privileges paralyzed will of
European-American laborers
indebtedness: and deteriorating conditions of non-elite
planters 4.1; a cause of Bacons Rebellion 11.1;
Virginia’s chronic 11.2
indentures 4.1, 7.1, nts.1n148, nts.2n41
Indian labor: abandonment of as plantation bond-labor
3.1, 7.1; invention of the white race and non-
enslavability and non-assimability of 3.2; retrospective
thoughts by colonists on 3.3; and social control 3.4
Indian policy: Act of 1723 for “better government
of … Indians13.1, 13.2; in the Americas 3.1;
apprehension of runaway slaves nts.1n111; buffer role
of 11.1; encouraged to make war on one another 12.1,
nts.2nn63; English buying and selling of 3.2;
enslavement of captives 3.3, 11.2; “frontier
aggressiveness” and 11.3; genocidal policy toward 3.4,
11.4, nts.3n64; Jennings on nts.4n105; motivated at first
not by desire to maintain social control over exploitable
Indian bond-labor but to exclude from territory 11.5;
laws authorizing enslavement of 7.1, nts.5n72,
nts.6n122, nts.7n75; legal bar to enslavement of 7.2;
need for friendly Indians in buffer role 3.5; non-
enslavability and non-assimilability 3.6; presumption of
liberty extended to nts.8n39; shipping out of colony 3.7;
and social control 3.8, 3.9; treaties (1646) 3.10, 3.11,
11.6; as tributary subjects 11.7; under Berkeley 11.8
Indians: alleged “treachery” of 5.1; allies with French
nts.1n121; attacks 3.1, 12.1; (1622) 3.2, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4,
nts.2n3, nts.3n118, nts.4n39, nts.5n43; as bond-labor
7.1, 8.1; Brazil nts.6n45, non-enslavability in 3.3; in
Canada 1.1; captives, English buying and selling of 3.4;
Caribbean 12.2; in center of economic history of
hemisphere 1.2; in Central Andes nts.7n44; colonists
fear of unity with African-Americans 3.5; colonists
adapted into tribe nts.8n48; “completely broken from
their tribal stems” (Philips) 3.6, nts.9n94; “control
aspect rather thansupply aspect decisive for decline
of enslavement 3.7; Cuba nts.10n40, nts.11n52, deaths
in 5.5, nts.12n43, nts.13n54; (1644) 3.8; declared free
in Virginia nts.14n94; depopulation of 3.9, 3.10;
displacement of 11.1; as employees within Virginia
colony nts.15n118; English fomenting war on 3.11;
enslaved in Barbados 12.3, in Europe 1.3, in Virginia
nts.16n79, nts.17n31; and European rivalries
nts.18n105; extermination of 3.12; flight to 5.6, 8.2; free
12.4; hostile 7.2; identity stripping and social control
nts.19n122; inter-tribal rivalries 3.13; insurrection of
nts.20n12; Jennings on nts.21n4; as labor source 1.4;
lands, occupation of by Europeans 11.2; in Maryland
nts.22n105; massacre of nts.23n12; in Mexico
nts.24n41; in New York nts.25n105; non-enslavability
in Brazil 3.14; “not white” and “redskin” classification
as outcome of the invention of the white race 11.3,
nts.26n9; parallel with Irish 11.4; peace made with
more distant, friendly 5.7, 7.3; population in Tidewater
Virginia nts.27n48; presumption of liberty nts.28n39;
provide corn to colonists 5.8, nts.29n49; in Puerto Rico
nts.30n40; rebels shipped into exile nts.31n100;
resistance of 3.15, 5.9; runaways 8.3, return of 7.4; St.
Lucia 12.5; trade with 3.16, nts.32n42; as chief means
of securing Indian bond-laborers 3.17; “Trail of Tears
3.18; treaties (1646) 3.19, 3.20, 11.5, (1700) 3.21;
Turner’s “whiteness” and neglect of nts.33n118;
uprising (1622) 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, nts.34n118; Vaughan
on nts.35n9; Washburn on nts.36n23. See also Amaru,
Tupac; Apalachees; Arotirene; Aztecs; bond-labor;
Borinqueños; caciques; Canaobo; Caribbean Indians;
Carolinas; Cherokees; Chichimecs; Chickasaws;
Chickhominy Indians; Creek Indians; Debeada;
Delaware tribe; Florida Indians; Guayabana; Huacao;
Inca; Inca Manco; Maguana people; Matoaka; Meherrin;
Metacom; Nanticoke Indians; Narragansetts; Natchez;
Occaneechee; Pamunkey; Piscataway Indians;
Powhatans of Viginia; Pungoteague Creek; Roanoake;
Robin; runaways; Sioux; Susquehannock; Titu
Yupanqui; Tuscaroras; Wampanoags; Yamassees
Ingram, Laurence 11.1, nts.1n23, nts.2n91
institutions 5.1, 9.1, 10.1, nts.1n82
insurrections: Barbados 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4; intended,
“of the negroes” in Virginia 13.1; Brazil 12.5; Irish in
the Caribbean 12.6; in Jamaica 12.7, 12.8, 12.9,
nts.1n46, nts.2n12; Leeward Islands 12.10; Mexico
app1.1; St. Kitts 12.11, St. Lucia 12.12. See also
intermediate stratum: absence of 6.1, 9.1, 9.2, 10.1;
normal to English society not possible under chattel
bond-labor system 7.1; difference between societies
with and without nts.1n47; early prospects for 12.1; free
Negroes and “mulattos” excluded from 13.1, 13.2,
included in 13.3; insubstantiality of 7.2, 9.3
invention of the white race 8.1, 11.1, 13.1, 13.2 passim
The Invention of the White Race (Allen) on: attitudes of
European-American workers nts.1n4; Bennett nts.2n7;
bond-laborers’ struggles nts.3n58; Breen nts.4n4,
nts.5n7; champions of the “paradox” thesis nts.6n43;
criticism of Jordan nts.7n12; difference between
societies with and without intermediate stratum
nts.8n47; difference between status of English villein
and lifetime bond-laborer in Anglo-America nts.9n101;
European-American and African-American solidarity
nts.10n4; “Irish slave trade” nts.11n10; male supremacy
nts.12n4; Morgan nts.13n7; Oliver Ellsworth nts.14n1;
“operative principles of social control in a stable civil
society constituted on the basis of racial oppression
nts.15n54; shipment of Irish rebels nts.16n100; study
origin of racial slavery 8.1; social safety valve of
American history nts.17n125; treatment of Cherokees
Ireland 11.1, 12.1, nts.1n9: and end of religio-racial
oppression parallels 12.2
Irish: Irish-Americans not originators of white supremacy,
were adopted into it nts.1n91; bond-laborers 10.1, 10.2,
12.1, 12.2; boys to Jamaica as bond-laborers nts.2n41;
in British West Indies 12.3, 12.4; Catholic chieftains
12.5; Catholics right to lease not purchase in Ireland
nts.3n103; “confederate with the negroes” 13.1;
extended length of service for nts.4n18; insurrections
12.6; “Irish slave trade” 8.1, 10.3, nts.5n10; men to be
sold as slaves in Virginia nts.6n17; rebels shipped
away nts.7n100; troops and English nts.8n62;
ungovernable veterans shipped to Virginia as bond-
laborers 11.1
Iroquois Seneca n17
Isle of Wight County 9.1, nts.1n35
Jamaica: Assembly 12.1; authorities fearful of rebellion
12.2; black regiments in 12.3; coloreds 12.4, and
“perquisites of whites” nts.1n129; English begin
settlement using chattel bond-laborers nts.2n3;
European immigrants from Barbados nts.3n35;
Europeans population decline 12.5, 12.6; exodus of
pardoned rebels followed by rebellion of African bond-
laborers nts.4n46; “free blacks and coloreds
ownership of bond-laborers in 12.7, 13.1; population of
free people of color in 12.8; freedmen into trades and
freedwomen shopkeeping in 12.9; garrison colony
12.10; German Protestants and 12.11; Gooch fears
runaways as in 13.2; and Haitian Revolution 12.12;
homesteads free to “every free mulatto, Indian, or
negro” 12.13, 13.3; insurrections plots revolts and
rebellions 12.14, 12.15, 12.16, nts.5n46, nts.6n12, Port
Royal 12.17; Irish in 12.18; island colony different from
Virginia in controlling rebels nts.7n35; land not fully
exploited in nts.8n28; landholding 12.19; maroons
12.20, 13.4, app1.1, nts.9n121; militia 12.21; mulatto in
nts.10n116; “perquisites of whites” for “coloured”
nts.11n129; population density of 12.22; proposal for
unemployed in England, Scotland, and Ireland to serve
as chattel bond-laborers in 7.1; ruling class social
control policy with persons of African ancestry in
intermediate social control stratum nts.12n2; “whites,”
discrimination in favor of nts.13n103
James I (VI of Scotland). See English monarchs
James II. See English monarchs
James, C. L. R. n58
Jamestown 3.1, 5.1, nts.1n48: burning 11.1; founders 2.1;
settlement 1.1
Jefferson, Thomas: “breeding women for “profit
nts.1n24; onmerciless Indian savages11.1
Jeffreys, Governor Herbert 11.1, 11.2, nts.1n91
Jennings, Edmund app6.1, nts.1n117
John IV, king of Portugal
Johnson, Alderman Robert 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, nts.1n151
Johnson, Anthony 10.1, nts.1n71, nts.2n30, nts.3nn42
Johnson, Richard 1.1, 10.1, 10.2, nts.1n42
Jordan, Winthrop D.: authors criticism of app6.1,
nts.1n12, nts.2n77, nts.3n103; Deal on nts.4n96; on
indentured servitude nts.5n28; John Punch case 10.1;
“natural racism thesis13.1; presumption of an
immemorial “white alarmnts.6n103; “unthinking
decision6.1, 10.2, nts.7n80; on “white servants and
Negroes” and rebellion 13.2
Kelly, Kevin P.
Kemp, Richard 6.1, 8.1
Ket’s Rebellion 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 10.1, nts.1n6, nts.2n10,
nts.3n18, nts.4n19
Key, Elizabeth, case of: deliberately calculated to
undercut rights of black laborers nts.1n103; history and
critical importance of 10.1; significance is some
planters had “reservations” that would have prevented
imposition of racial oppression nts.2n105
Keynes, J. M.
kings share from customs on tobacco 9.1: profit on each
Negro bond-laborer 9.2
kinship society n47
Kulikoff, Allan: casts doubt on Morgans economic
assumption 13.1; on class proportions 13.2, nts.1n39;
and special oppression of women 7.1; on tenants in
southern Maryland and Northern Neck Virginia 6.1; on
yeomanry 13.3, nts.2nn40
labor: African 1.1; in Brazil 1.2; chattelization of 6.1;
colonial supply 1.3, and England’s uniqueness 1.4;
costs 7.1, 9.1, 10.1; in Cuba 1.5; demand for 9.2;
England and 1.6, 6.2; English plantation variation in
recruitment to and exclusions from social control buffer
1.7; France and 1.8; Haitian Revolution and 1.9, 1.10;
in Hispaniola 1.11; Holland and 1.12, 1.13, 6.3; “labor
question” conflict and revolution 2.1; laws, negation of
10.2; in Mexico 1.14; in Peru 1.15; Powhatan and 3.1;
regulation 2.2; relation to capital nts.1n200; shortages
6.4, 9.3, app2.1, plague-induced 6.5, app2.2; and Spain
and Portugal 1.16, 1.17; supply problems 1.18, 6.6, 9.4,
app2.3; surplus 2.3, 5.1, nts.2n138; tenant decisive
element in cost of 4.1; time, unpaid 10.3; Virginia
plantation bourgeoisie create a labor process unknown
in England 9.5
labor productivity: average production of tobacco
laborers 7.1, 7.2, 7.3; increase in nts.1n162; increasing
population density and class differentiation as functions
of nts.2n10; intense supervision and 7.4; in Maryland
and Virginia nts.3n52; owners pursuit of higher 7.5;
statistics on nts.4n110, nts.5n67, nts.6n104, nts.7n160;
tenants nts.8n126
laborers: African 1.1; British, kidnapping of nts.1n12;
European-American no desire for privileges vis-à-vis
African-Americans 8.1; conditions of (c. 1622) 4.1;
desire to reduce tenants to servants 4.2; deterioration of
position of nts.2n125; in Goucestershire nts.3n136:
economic pressure on, deliberately exploited by Colony
Council and General Court 5.1; growing dependency of
5.2, 5.3; hired nts.4n33; jailing of nts.5n58; letters of
5.4; majority chattel bond-servants nts.6n26; in Mexico
app7.1; non-proletarian reduced to proletarians 5.5;
Nuce’s plan for getting “hands at Cheaper rates” 4.3;
peonage nts.7n41; plantation 1.2, 9.1; primarily tenants
4.4; suffering of (in 1622) 5.6; unemployed 1.3, 2.1,
nts.8n71, obliged to work 2.2; unpaid 1.4; white 13.1
Lamb, Francis
land: area limits 12.1; engrossment 9.1; grabbing 5.1;
grants 11.1, nts.1n72; ownership 4.1, 5.2; reclamation
4.2; tax 11.2, nts.2n35; tenure 4.3; titles 4.4
Land, Aubrey C. 7.1, 13.1, 13.2, nts.1n38, nts.2n42
land tenure principles (1618)
landholding: African-American, historical significance of
10.1; concentration of 5.1, 5.2, 9.1, 9.2; desire to break
up nts.1n35; landholders with and without bond-
laborers 9.3; taxation on 8.1, nts.2n16, nts.3nn35
landless: disfranchising of 8.1, one-fourth of freemen 11.1
landlords, absentee nn59
landownership: African-American 10.1; concentration 5.1,
9.1; elite 9.2; by less than 4.1 percent of white males
13.1, nts.1n53; manorial nts.2n67; Virginia Company
inducement to poor in England 4.2
Las Casas, Bartolomé de 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2, nts.1n10;
proposal for using Negro slaves nts.2n69, nts.3n12,
nts.4n16; role in development of Asiento nts.5n8
Lauber, Almon Wheeler 3.1, nts.1n68, nts.2n80, nts.3n122
Lawes Divine, Morall, and Martiall 4.1, 5.1
Lawnes Creek Mutiny 9.1, 11.1
laws: against African-Americans 10.1, against African-
American women 8.1; against marriage nts.1n85;
against miscegenation nts.2n96; against mating of
English and Negroes 13.1; allow Virginia and Maryland
to profit on sale and exploitation of laborers 7.1;
bastardy 7.2, nts.3n80; deficiency 12.1, 13.2, 13.3,
nts.4n10; deliberately calculated to undercut rights of
black workers nts.5n103; descent through the mother
7.3, nts.6n72; Dutch nts.7n85; for apprehension of
runaways 10.2; foreshadowing lifetime hereditary
bond-servitude 9.1, negation of 10.3; Gooch on 13.4,
13.5, nts.8n19; Maryland nts.9n89; Pass laws (1643 and
1663) 7.4; Penal 10.4, 12.2; prohibiting gross abuse of
“English Servant or Slave” nts.10n183; racial
oppression in laws against free African-Americans
13.6; reduction of tenants and wage-laborers to chattel
bond-servants negating previous 10.5; related to sex
nts.11n101; revision of Virginia’s app6.1; requiring
owners to prevent bond-laborers from leaving 8.2;
slave nts.12n72. See also Statute of Artificers
leaseholders, eviction proof
Leeward Islands 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, nts.1n28
“liberties, franchises, and immunities”/”liberties, rights,
and immunities4.1, 5.1, nts.1n24 liberty: “and
equalitynts.2n98; presumption of 13.1
Logan, Rayford W.
London Common Council
Long, Edward
“long sixteenth century n26
Lords of Trade and Plantations 11.1, 13.1, app6.1
Louis IV, king of France 1.1, 11.1
Ludwell, Philip
Ludwell, Thomas 9.1, 11.1, nts.1n41
Lunenberg County
McCormac, E. I.
Machiavelli, N.
Madison, James 13.1, nts.1n23
Maguana people
“maids-for-wives4.1, nts.1n118, nts.2n121
Main, Gloria
Main, Jackson Turner 13.1, 13.2, nts.1nn52
male supremacy: cases related to “defiant solace8.1, to
“fornication and denial of right of self-defense 13.1,
nts.1n101; fundamental premise of Anglo-American
colonial life as in England 8.2; as instrument of ruling-
class social control 2.1, nts.2n85; and male privilege
nts.3n99; and rape 7.1, nts.4n101; resistance to nts.5n4;
special oppression of women 7.2. See also gender
Mao Tse-tung
maroons app1.1, nts.1n66: in Jamaica 12.1, 12.2, 12.3,
12.4, app1.2
marriage: of bond-laborers nts.1n67; as defense against
bastardy 2.1, nts.2n80; denial of 2.2, 7.1, nts.3n76;
difference between villein and lifetime hereditary bond-
laborer in Virginia regarding nts.4n101; intermarriage
7.2, 7.3, nts.5n126, nts.6n40, penalty for nts.7n84; laws
against nts.8n85; “maids-for-wives4.1, 4.2; if master
consents woman bond-laborer freed by nts.9n77;
relative frequency of 10.1; “slaves incapable of
app7.1; and social mobility 10.2
Marvell, Andrew
Marx, Karl nts.1n200: and Engels
“bourgeoisie … revolutionizing the instruments of
production and thereby the relations of production
nts.2n51; “market principles” and “naked self-interest,”
Maryland: analysis of estate inventories 12.1, 13.1;
Archives of 7.1; Bacon suggests extending Rebellion to
11.1; bond-servitude in app4.1; class differentiation in
13.2, nts.1n42; debt 9.1; early settlement 1.1; estate size
12.2; European immigrants 7.2; forms of oppression in
7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6; governor 9.2; Indians and runaways
8.1, nts.2n111; involuntary laborers brought to 7.7,
nts.3n10; law allows profit on sale and exploitation of
laborers 7.8; law prohibiting gross abuse of “English
Servant or Slave” nts.4n183; mortality rates nts.5n180,
nts.6n11; Negroes slaves for life in nts.7n63; pass law
(1671) 7.9; productivity nts.8n110, nts.9n52; population
of nts.10n124; Provincial Court 10.1, 13.3; rebellion
8.2; and runaways 12.3; social control system 13.4,
13.5; status of African-Americans in 10.2, 10.3, 10.4,
nts.11n24; statute of 1639 7.10; tenants in 6.1; tithables
nts.12n124; tobacco prices nts.13n94, nts.14n111, fall
of 4.1, 9.3; “white” servant guarantees nts.15n63;
women nts.16n124
Massachusetts 3.1, 3.2, nts.1n72
Menard, Russell R.: apology for bond-labor system
app4.1; bond-laborer statistics 9.1; doesnt take into
account “racial quotas” and “deficiency lawsnts.1n10;
farm prices nts.2n22; inflow of immigrant laborers
nts.3n180; life expectancy gap between immigrant
Marylanders and New England-born nts.4n180,
nts.5n11; questions Morgans assumptions 13.1; sex
ratios 4.1; tobacco prices nts.6n94, nts.7n111, nts.8n22;
tobacco worker productivity rates 7.1, nts.9n110,
Mennonites n82
mercenaries: former English, employed in Virginia 5.1,
nts.1n23; Spanish 1.1
Mestizos n122
Metacom (“King Philip”) 3.1; Metacom’s War nts.1n90,
Mexicans n118
Mexico: Aztec Empire nts.1n20; Basin 3.1, nts.2n17;
caciques nts.3n22, nts.4n89, as principle social control
buffer in 3.2; class-differentiated sedentary society
nts.5n45; encomienda and repartimiento 1.1, 3.3,
nts.6n41, encomienda and hacienda forms of labor
never arose in Chesapeake nts.7n51; liberation
struggles in nts.8n66; maroons in app1.1; population of
nts.9n19, reduction of 1.2, 3.4; social control in 3.5;
Spanish in 1.3, 3.6; slave insurrections in app1.2
middle class 13.1, nts.1n35, nts.2n40: fostered by English
bourgeoisie 2.1
Middle Passage n58
Middlesex County 6.1, 11.1
migration 1.1, 3.1, 13.1. See also emigration; immigration
military: anti-Indian army 11.1; dictatorship 5.1; English,
in British West Indies 12.1, 12.2; first ineffective in
Virginia 6.1; regime 3.1, 3.2; “tenants12.3
militia: free African-Americans excluded from in Virginia
13.1; freedmen: included in Barbados 13.2, required to
serve in Jamaica 12.1; in British West Indies 12.2;
European, in Jamaica 12.3; incompetent, in Virginia
9.1; “military tenants” and acquired status as “whites”
12.4; special detachments known as “slave patrol13.3
ministers 9.1, nts.1n7, nts.2n78, nts.3n84
missions n43
mita laborers 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, nts.1n43
Mohicans nts.1n90, nts.2n93
monasteries, dissolution of
Monmouth rebellion (1685)
monoculture: barriers to development of yeomanry 12.1;
and dependence upon export markets 9.1; and
diversification nts.1n51, economy based on 10.1; and
engrossment of land 12.2; and intense supervision 7.1;
and lack of viable social control 9.2; society shaped by
9.3. See also tobacco
Moors 1.1, 1.2
moradores 3.1, 3.2
Morgan, Edmund S.: author indebted to nts.1n24, nts.2n7;
blames capitalists for hardships 7.1; finds “boom
metaphor questionable nts.3n125; challengesquid pro
quo” rationale of chattel bond-servitude for
transportation 6.1, nts.4n28; concentration of
engrossment of laborers by plantation elite 5.1,
nts.5n136; contradictions between few rich and
common people nts.6n24; deliberate ruling-class
manipulation for social control 13.1, nts.7n58, nts.8n80;
disparages bond-laborers aptitude for rebellion 11.1,
nts.9n58; on lack of intermediate social control stratum
9.1; “Lazy Englishman” of nts.10n53; limited-term
bond-servitude prepared way for lifetime bond-
servitude app4.1; on monocultural economy nts.11n170;
mortality rate among new arrivals nts.12n180; “Ordeal
of Colonial Virginia” 9.2; “paradox thesis13.2, rests
on assumption that “the mass of white Virginians were
becoming landowners” and small planters prospered
givingsense of common identity based on common
interest13.3, critique of 13.4; population figures 9.3,
10.1, nts.13n82, nts.14n27; trade of victuals for first
African workers inconsistent with food shortage,
consistent with reducing labor costs by oversupply of
laborers 5.2; on Sandys sending ill-provisioned
laborers to Virginia nts.15n138; tobacco prices
nts.16n22; Virginia’s transformation 13.5, and criticism
of 13.6; yeoman nts.17n36; “white” assumption of
Morris, Richard B. 7.1, 7.2, 13.1, app4.1, nts.1n186
mortality rate: engagés nts.1n35; England nts.2n75,
nts.3n5, nts.4n41; Maryland nts.5n180, nts.6n11;
Mexico and Peru 3.1; New England nts.7n11; St.
Domingue 1.1, 1.2; Virginia 3.2, 5.1, 10.1, nts.8n41,
Moryson, Francis 9.1, nts.1n41, nts.2n100: on hanging of
Bacons rebels 11.1, nts.3n104; on number of rebels
Mousehold Heath (1549) 5.1, 10.1
mulattoes: abuse of nts.1n183; 12.1, nts.2n188; act
concerning 13.1, 13.2; contrasting role in Caribbean
and Virginia 12.2, nts.3n22; in English jail recruited for
bondage in Virginia nts.4n74
nf n89
Nanticoke Indians plot n36
Nash, Gary B. 3.1, 3.2, 13.1, nts.1n9
Nat Turner’s Rebellion nts.1n97, nts.2n94
Natchez n93
“nativus” n89
“natural racism” thesis 13.1, nts.1n67, nts.2n10
Navigation Acts 9.1, 10.1, 11.1, 11.2, nts.1n14
Negro Exodus of 1879 13.1, nts.1n101
“Negroes.” See African; African-Americans; Afro-
Nevis 12.1, nts.1n2, nts.2n42; Assembly (1701) 12.2,
nts.3n42, nts.4n56
New Deal
New England 2.1, 3.1, 6.1, 9.1, app4.1, nts.1n72:
comparison with Virginia 4.1, 9.2, nts.2n180, nts.3n72;
Indians 3.2, 3.3, genocidal policy toward nts.4n64
New Kent County
Niccolls, Thomas 4.1, 5.1
Nicholas, Francis
Nicholls, George
Nicholson, Governor Francis 7.1, 13.1, app6.1, nts.1n25,
North Carolina (former Albemarle) 3.1, 8.1, 9.1, 11.1
Northampton County 7.1, 8.1, 10.1, 10.2, nts.1n22
Northern Neck 6.1, nts.1n52
Northey, Sir Edward app6.1, nts.1n42
Northumberland County Court
Notley, Governor Thomas 11.1, 13.1
Nott, Governor
Nuce, Captain Thomas 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 6.1, nts.1n156
Nugent, Nell 10.1, 10.2
Oglethorpe, General 3.1, nts.1n51
Opechancanough 3.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 11.1
origin of racial oppression 8.1, 10.1, 11.1, 13.1
origin of racial slavery debate 8.1, 10.1
Overseers of the Poor 2.1, 2.2, 2.3; “white” 13.1
Palmares 10.1, app2.1
Pamunkey 11.1, 11.2
paradox thesis 13.1, nts.1n43
“particular plantations
partus sequitur patrem 10.1, 10.2
partus sequitur ventrem 7.1, 10.1, nts.1n72
pass laws
passage: cost of 6.1; fiction ofdebt” for 6.2
patents 5.1, 7.1, 9.1, nts.1n45, nts.2n25: and African-
American landholding 10.1; and extreme land
engrossment 9.2; mentions “heires and Assigns” 6.1
patriarchy 7.1, 10.1. See also male supremacy
patrols 13.1, nts.1n85
paupers 2.1, nts.1n25
“peculiar institution”: peculiarity of system in “control
aspect 1.1; white racial oppression and racial slavery
as 1.2
Penal Laws 10.1, 12.1
Penalties 4.1, 4.2, nts.1n37
“pencons5.1, nts.1n160
peonage n41
Pequots 3.1; Pequot War (1636–7) 3.2
Pernambuco app2.1, nts.1n9
Peru 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, nts.1n45, nts.2n10, nts.3n30,
nts.4n51, nts.5n89
Pétion, Alexandre
Petty, Sir William app5.1, nts.1n2, nts.2n17
“petty treason
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell 7.1, nts.1n94, nts.2n67, nts.3n79
Pilgrimage of Grace (1536) 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, nts.1n87,
Pinckard, George 12.1, nts.1n116
Piscataway Indians n111
plague 2.1, app2.1, app5.1, nts.1n1
plantation bourgeoisie: English 12.1; French 1.1;
resistance to concessions to “free coloreds” 12.2; Spain
and Portugal 1.2. See also Anglo-American plantation
plantation labor: in the Americas 1.1, 1.2. See also
African bond-laborers; African-American bond-
laborers; bond-labor; European-American bond-
Plantation of Ulster: n58
plantations: company selling lands for 4.1; large 9.1; non-
company 4.2; large 9.2; “plantation” given new meaning
12.1; three southern system nts.1n67
plots: Accomack County 8.1, nts.1n51; African-American
and European-American 8.2, 13.1, (1722) African-
American bond-laborers 2.1, 13.2, and “Free Negros &
Mulattos13.3; bond-laborers 8.3, 8.4, 12.1, nts.2n156;
Gloucester County 8.5, 11.1, nts.3n36, nts.4n31; in
Jamaica 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, nts.5n46, nts.6n12; Nanticoke
nts.7n36; Poplar Spring 8.6; in 1663 10.1
Plymouth 1.1, 3.1
Pocahontas 4.1, 5.1, nts.1n65
poll tax 6.1, nts.1n16, nts.2nn35
Poor Law (1601) 2.1, 7.1
Poor Relief
population: African in Europe 1.1; Americas 1.2;
Barbados 3.1, 12.1; British West Indies 3.2; Central
Andes, nts.1n44; Cuba, 1.3; density in Barbados,
Jamaica, and Virginia 12.2; European in the Americas
12.3, nts.2n87; England 1.4, app5.1, nts.3nn77,
nts.4n25; Hispaniola 1.5, nts.5n10; Holland 1.6; Indian
1.7, nts.6n48; Mexico 1.8, nts.7n42, nts.8n19, nts.9n31;
Peru 1.9; Portugal nts.10n10; South Carolina nts.11n82;
Spain 1.10; Virginia 5.1, 5.2, 11.1, nts.12n82,
nts.13n91, nts.14n23, nts.15n22, nts.16n39, in 1622 5.3,
nts.17n54, nts.18n136; Wales app5.2; “white”
Portugal: capitalists 3.1; colonization differs from England
1.1; comparison with Hispaniola nts.1n10; interest in
Africa 1.2; labor-supply problem 1.3; looked to native
laborers 1.4; plantation owners in Brazil 3.2; received
captive Indian bond-laborers 3.3; turn to African labor
Pory, John 5.1, 5.2, nts.1n97, nts.2n110
Powhatans 3.1, 5.1, nts.1n3: uprising 6.1, nts.2n39
prices: bond-laborers 7.1, nts.1n22, nts.2n57, nts.3n17,
nts.4n43; corn nts.5n131; food 7.2; grain 1.1; Irish men
nts.6n17; laborers 7.3, nts.7n67; lifetime bond-laborers
9.1, 10.1; Negro men nts.8n17; tobacco 4.1, 5.1, 5.2,
9.2, 11.1, 11.2, nts.9n112, nts.10n67, nts.11n160,
nts.12n170, nts.13n22, nts.14n55; trade goods
nts.15n62; wheat nts.16n125; wool 1.2
Prince George’s County
prisoners: English former, in Barbados 12.1, nts.1n46;
Irish 4.1; mulatto nts.2n74; political 7.1; Scotch nts.3n9;
shipped into exile nts.4n101; transported to Virginia
4.2, 7.2, nts.5n74
“privatizing n18
privileges: anomalous 13.1; “brown 12.1; male, as
indispensible element of bourgeois social control 2.1;
yeoman 2.2, 2.3. See also racial privileges; “white-skin
Privy Council 4.1, 6.1, 11.1
production: capitalist 9.1; costs 4.1; forces 5.1;
instruments of nts.1n51; relations of 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 9.2,
nts.2n51, transformation of 6.1; simple commodity 9.3,
nts.3nn73; tobacco 7.1, 7.2, nts.4nn110, nts.5n51,
nts.6n47; transformation of 4.5, 6.2
profit: addiction to 4.1 passim; blind drive for 2.1; in
bond-servant trade 7.1; bourgeois class and tendency of
rate to fall 4.2; of Chesapeake bourgeoisie nts.1n21,
nts.2n51; expected 5.1; and intermediate bond-servitude
forms 4.3; inviolable principle 9.1; profit-making
pressure 5.2; and overproduction crisis 4.4; plantation
owners desire for and lifetime hereditary servitude
10.1; rate of 12.1, nts.3n51; sex ratio and economic
base 4.5; tenantry and wage labor 4.6; tendency of the
rate of, to fall 4.7; tobacco nts.4n67, nts.5n21
proletarians 1.1, 1.2, 5.1, 5.2, 7.1
Providence Island 10.1, 10.2, nts.1n2, nts.2n67, nts.3n13
Puerto Rico 3.1, nts.1n40
Punch, John 8.1, 10.1, 10.2
Pungoteague Creek
punishment: of African-American runaways 10.1; cut off
ears nts.1n183; “ducking stoolnts.2n93; imposed by
plantation bourgeoisie on bond servants 5.1, 7.1
passim; lashes nts.3n89; of owner nts.4n93;
psychopathic cruelty never invoked 7.2, nts.5n198;
structures nts.6n72; Virginia laws indicates not an
“unthinking decision app6.1; in West Indies nts.7n42;
“white sheet, white rod” nts.8n89. See also bond-labor;
bond-laborers; whipping
Puritans 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, nts.1n139
Quakers 10.1, 12.1, nts.1n92, nts.2n82
quid pro quo rationale 6.1, nts.1n28, nts.2n30
guilombo 3.1, 10.1, app2.1
quit-rent n45
quotas 12.1, 12.2, 13.1, 13.2, nts.1n10
“race, not class,” explanations for 13.1, 13.2, nts.1n6
“race” consciousness
racial oppression: in Anglo-America 2.1; and Christian
principles nts.1n77; deliberate act by plantation
bourgeoisie 13.1, app6.1; definition of 10.1; denial of
social mobility of African-Americans 10.2; did not
exist in seventeenth-century tobacco colonies 10.3;
differences in labor supply and control bearing on 1.1;
dominant feature of United States history 13.2;
England’s use of European labor and 1.2; exclusion of
free Negroes and “mulattos” from intermediate stratum
13.3, 13.4, 13.5; from, to national oppression 12.1;
hallmark of 10.4, 12.2, 13.6; intermediate social control
stratum needed 10.5; in Ireland 2.2; and landholding
10.6; law directed at African-American women
anticipates 10.7; law prohibiting African-Americans
from purchasing Christian bond-servants to promote
10.8; made to look like promotion to a higher social
class 13.7; Morgan suggest that, was a deliberate
decision of ruling class nts.2n11; not in real interest of
majority of the people 13.8; opposed by some elements
of propertied classes 10.9; Protestant Ascendancy and
nts.3n1; racial slavery as 10.10; revision of Virginia
laws (1705) and establishment of the “white race” and
app6.2; social mobility rate incompatible with 10.11;
struggle against white-supremacist racial oppression
11.1; system in Anglo-American continental colonies
was a choice 13.9; white supremacy as 10.12
racial slavery: fate of Indians under 3.1; inversion of
cause and effect of “white solidarity” and nts.1n13;
labor supply and control and 1.1; not in interest of
majority of people 13.1; origin 8.1, 10.1, “origins
debate nts.2n103; reduction to chattel status and 6.1,
10.2; Virginia as pattern-setter nts.3n67
“racism13.1, 13.2, nts.1n96
Rainbolt, John C. nts.1n121, nts.2n55, nts.3n21, nts.4n43:
on failure of plantation elite to establish social control
in seventeenth century 9.1; ruling elite improvises new
style of leadership 13.1
Ramsay, Reverend James 12.1, nts.1n86, nts.2n114
rape 13.1, nts.1n101
Rappahannock (County) 8.1, 11.1: militia 11.2, nts.1n35
Ratcliffe, John n23
rebellion: by African-American bond-laborers and
descendants 1.1; Anglo-Caribbean 12.1; different
opportunities on “Terra Firma” and “Island Plantations
nts.1n35; Dutch Wars and doubtful loyalty 9.1; and
dysfunctional social control 8.1; English bourgeoisie
meet, with armed repression 2.1; fear of, from
Barbados to Jamaica 12.2; Great Rebellion (1381) 2.2,
2.3, 6.1, app2.1; Hispaniola 3.1; Indians 3.2; Ket’s
Rebellion (1549) 2.4; Lawnes Creek Mutiny 9.2;
Mexico app1.1; Midland (1607) 2.5; peasants 2.6, 2.7,
5.1, nts.2n6, nts.3n26; poor planters mutinees nts.4n23;
Monmouth (1685) 12.3; Nat Turner’s nts.5n97,
nts.6n94; Pilgrimage of Grace (1536) 2.8, 2.9, 5.2,
nts.7n87, nts.8n90; Peru 3.3; Portuguese in Brazil
nts.9n9; prisoners in 12.4, nts.10n46; Puerto Rico 3.4;
revolts 13.1, nts.11n26; Tupac Amaru as symbol for
3.5, nts.12n34; Wat Tyler’s 2.10, 6.2, app2.2, nts.13n4.
See also Bacons Rebellion; Barbados; insurrections;
repartimiento 1.1, 3.1, nts.1n41
resistance: African-Americans 10.1; attention given to 1.1;
Indians: in Canada 1.2, in Hispaniola nts.1n16,
Nanticoke plot nts.2n36; harboring runaways 8.1; self-
activation of bond-laborers 3.1, 8.2; to poor diet 8.3;
runaways and sexual liaisons as 8.4; sexual relations
and “defiant solace” as 8.5; suicide and assault as 8.6;
throughout Americas 3.2. See also bond-laborers;
insurrections; rebellion
Rogers, James E. Thorold 4.1, app2.1, nts.1n6
Rolfe, John 4.1, 4.2, 6.1, nts.1n40, nts.2n65: describes
new arrivals as “Negroes,” not as “Africansnts.3n23;
on many complaints against “buying and selling” of
tenants 5.1; on production relations in Virginia (1614–
16) 4.3
Royal Adventurers
Royal African Company 9.1, 10.1, nts.1n55, nts.2n57
Royal Charter
Royal Commissioners 11.1, nts.1n98, nts.2n103
royal decree on rootless people (1593)
ruling class: contradictory views 6.1; general interest 7.1;
gentry as 13.1; and rapid accumulation of capital 9.1;
and social control nts.1n2
runaways: communities formed by African and African-
American communities app1.1; African-Americans 8.1,
nts.1n39, nts.2, special penalty for 10.1; assistance of
free persons 8.2, former bond-laborers nts.3n51,
planters 9.1; captors of nts.4n70, nts.5n42, nts.6n8,
nts.7n10, nts.8n85; Caribbean 12.1; collaboration
between African-American and European-American
bond-laborers 8.3; destinations 8.4, 8.5; extended length
of service for captured 5.1, 7.1, nts.9n18; failure to hunt
9.2; fear of 13.1; and Indians 7.2, 8.6, 8.7, 12.2,
nts.10n11, two-way buffer role under Berkeley 11.1;
Jamaica maroons and 12.3, app1.2; number of cases
8.8, 8.9; problem 10.2; and resistance to oppression
8.10; rewards involving 9.3, 12.4, nts.11n8, nts.12n10;
serf nts.13n3; servant nts.14n5; Virginia law “for the
apprehension of runaways.” 10.3; women 8.11,
Russell, John H.
social safety valve
St. Christopher
St. Domingue 3.1, nts.1n31, nts.2n22, nts.3n67
St. Eustatius n3
St. Kitts (St. Christopher) 12.1, nts.1nn2, nts.2n62,
St. Lucia 12.1, nts.1n2
St. Vincent
San Basilio app2.1
Sandys, Edwin: on “absurd condition of tenants at halves”
5.1, nts.1n148; Alderman Johnson critic of 5.2; and
basis for rise of elite 5.3; and Butler’s report nts.2nn80;
and first African-Americans 5.4, nts.3n23, nts.4n24; and
intermediate bond-servitude forms 4.1, 4.2, 5.5;
instructions (the “Great Charter”) by 4.3; and need for
“apprentices” 5.6; policy creates oversupply of
dependent laborers nts.5n138; Virginia Company
executive 1.1, 4.4; and Virginia Company bankruptcy
Sandys, George 5.1, 5.2, nts.1n140: accepted payment of
bond-labor assignment for debt owed 6.1, nts.2n140;
and colonists for whom Company had no provisions
5.3; corn-getting from Indian ventures 5.4, nts.3n103
São Tomé 1.1, nts.1n11
Sayri, Tupac 3.1, nts.1n30
Scots 10.1, 13.1
self-defense, denial of right of 13.1, nts.1n101
Seminoles nn90
serfs n6
“servants”: concentration of, and headright system 5.1;
difference in penalties for failure to fulfill contract in
England and Virginia nts.1n37; encouragement of
nts.2n61; extra servitude 6.1, 7.1, 8.1; hired 5.2; killing
a master 8.2, nts.3n13; Bacon “proclam’d liberty to”
11.1; as “merchandize for sale” 6.2; “our principall
wealth consisteth of” (Pory) nts.4n97; over half of
Virginia’s settlers nts.5n5; plot (1663) 10.1; Royal
Instructions on nts.6n25; “Servant Trade” 7.2; as term
for Europeans and European-Americans 12.1, nts.7n10;
“were sold here upp and down like horses” (Weston)
servitors n23
sex ratios 4.1, 4.2, 9.1, 10.1, 10.2
sexual relations: assault nts.1n192; between European-
Americans and African-Americans 8.1, 13.1, nts.2n76;
denial of 7.1, 8.2; exploitation 13.2; liaisons 8.3,
nts.3n5, nts.4n76
Seymour, John
Sherwood, William
Sioux (Great Plains) n116
“six parts of seven at least, are Poore, Endebted,
Discontented, and Armed” (Berkeley)
skilled trades, Negroes barred from n10
Slav: as word for “slave”
slavery: absent in early Virginia nts.1n15; and class
struggle nts.2n6; consolidation act nts.3n41; ending
trade would benefit bond-laborers nts.4n86; Georgia
exclusion nts.5n51; Medieval European 1.1, nts.6n47;
patrol 13.1. See also chattel bond-servitude; laws
“slaves”: became customary to call African lifetime bond-
laborers 12.1; for life nts.1n63; lack of rights regarding
sex nts.2n101; revolts 12.2, fear of nts.3n63;
“Sold … like a damd slave” (Best) 6.1; used against
Indians nts.4n115
Smith, Abbot Emerson nts.1n22, nts.2n101: on bond-
servitude in all Anglo-American colonies app4.1,
nts.3n7; “first … indenture” 4.1; “four or five years
bondage was more than they justly owed
for … transport6.1, nts.4n32; and “germ theory
nts.5n5; stimulus for bond servant trade not desire to
emigrate but profit-making needs of tobacco business
7.1, nts.6n1; survey of outlawing of family life among
bond-servants nts.7n76; thesis on chattel bond-servitude
9.1, nts.8n53, nts.9n63
Smith, Adam
Smith, Captain John 3.1, 4.1, 11.1, nts.1n3, nts.2n23:
denounced buying and selling of workers 6.1, 9.1;
prediction of “misery9.2, nts.3n80; as a slave in
Turkey nts.4n8
Smith, John (bond-laborer) 9.1, nts.1n78
Smith, Henry 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.1, nts.1n192
Smith, Robert
Smith, Thomas 10.1, nts.1
social classes: five in 1622 in Virginia 5.1, as in England
nts.1n124; Gloucestershire contrasted with Virginia
after massacre of tenantry nts.2n26
social control: deliberately fostering a lower-middle-
class stratum 2.1; differences between Anglo-Caribbean
and Anglo-America 12.1; operative principles for
stable civil society based on racial oppression
nts.1n54; problem enters new context 6.1; rejection of
England’s pattern in sixteenth century 2.2; where
intermediate buffer social control stratum becomes
dysfunctional rebellion breaks through 8.1
social control in the Americas 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, nts.1n10
social control in Anglo-American plantation colonies:
absence of 9.1, 11.1; buffer, intermediate stratum 3.1;
class struggle and resistance to 1.1; conditions
favorable to maintenance of, in interest of tobacco
bourgeoisie 2.1, 5.1, 9.2; continental-vs.-insular factor
nts.1n35; “control” aspect rather thansupply” aspect
decisive for decline of Indian enslavement 3.2; crisis of
and Bacons Rebellion 9.3; deference and reverence
deficit 9.4; differences with Anglo-Caribbean 12.1,
12.2, nts.2n2; different from England 2.2, 6.1; Dutch
Wars and insurrection 9.5, 9.6, 10.1, 10.2; failure to
establish under tobacco monocultural economy 9.7; free
Negroes and “mulattos” excluded from 13.1, included
in 13.2; invention of the “white race” social control
formation a deliberate course taken by ruling plantation
bourgeoisie 12.3, 13.3, 13.4, app6.1; lack of “capacity
to command” 9.8; male privilege and 2.3; military
regime in early Virginia 6.2; need to maintain 1.2, 5.2;
“peculiarity” of 1.3, 2.4; plantation bourgeoisie’s
deliberate decision to destroy tenants 6.3, achieved
social control necessary for capital accumulation based
on chattel bond-servitude 1.4, 5.3, 10.3, 13.5,
disregarded forty-shilling freehold yeomanry concept
6.4; problems 6.5, 10.4; “race consciousness
supersedes class consciousness as key 13.6; ruling
class social control and choice of system of racial
oppression 9.9, 12.4, 13.7; social distinctions and 13.8,
denial of 10.5; social gap and 13.9; social instability,
means to combat 9.10; social mobility and 10.6, 10.7,
13.10, 13.11, nts.3n33, vs. counterfeit of 13.12;
unfeasibility of use of English army 11.2; in Virginia
9.11; white-skin privileges “incubus” that paralyzed
will of European-American laborers and 13.13
social control in the Anglo-Caribbean: abortion of “white
race” system in 12.1 passim; Afro-Caribbean majorities
12.2, as middle class 12.3; factors shaping 12.4,
nts.1n2, nts.2n21; free Negroes and “mulattos” role in
13.1; Irish bond-laborers and complications 12.5;
Jamaican maroons 12.6; land area limits and capital
costs 12.7; military and naval enforcement 12.8;
problem in British West Indies 12.9; social contact
prohibited nts.3n56
social control in England: armed repression 2.1; balance
of class policy and drive for maximum immediate profit
2.2; defeat of rebel forces nts.1n26; deliberate ruling
class decision to preserve portion of peasants as petit
bourgeois yeomanry (“forty-shilling freeholder”) 2.3,
6.1; male domination and 2.4; mercenaries used absent
standing army 2.5; Poor Law as 2.6; propertyless
classes and 2.7, 2.8; slavery law (1547) exceeded
grasp as system of social control 2.9; yeoman and 2.10,
social control and Euro-Indian relations: Brazil 3.1,
nts.1n45; “buffer” stratum absent 9.1, ambivalence of
3.2; English buying and selling Indian captives 3.3;
Haiti, Cuba, and Puerto Rico 3.4; Mexico and Peru 3.5;
native sources of plantation bond-labor, abandonment
of 3.6; Powhatans of Virginia 3.7; resistance to
enslavement 3.8;unfitness” sour-grapes rationale 3.9;
white supremacy and 3.10
social status: African-Americans 10.1 passim,
indeterminate 10.2; normal in seventeenth century 10.3;
exclusion of free African-Americans from intermediate
stratum corollary ofwhite” identity as mark of 13.1;
1622 nts.1n233
social structure: difference between Anglo-Caribbean and
continental Anglo-America nts.1n2; stratified, class
differentiated nts.2n45, nts.3n10; importance of claims
on Company-period inheritances to nts.4n121; tripartite
nts.5n2; unstratified nts.6n45
solidarity disappearance of nts.1n4, in Bacons Rebellion
South Carolina: absence of cassique class in 3.1,
nts.1n89; Assembly depends on Indian buffer tribes 3.2;
European-American bond-laborers recruited into
militia and “slave patrol13.1; and Georgia 12.1;
Indian bond-laborers and enslavement 3.3, 3.4, 3.5,
nts.2n89; population of nts.3n82; preamble to slave law
nts.4n72; “white” volunteers from Virginia nts.5n115;
and why non-slaveholders support racial slavery 13.2;
white workers demand exclusion of African-Americans
from trades 13.3
Southampton, Earl of
Southampton Hundred 5.1, nts.1n121
Southern Homestead Act 13.1, nts.1n103
Spain: colonization differs from England’s 1.1; emigration
policy: laborers not going to America 1.2, moriscos
ineligible 1.3, special permission required nts.1n9;
England aligned against 12.1; expulsion of Moors 1.4;
King Charles I begins Asiento (1518) 1.5; population
decline 1.6; use of foreign mercenaries 1.7
Spanish colonial rule: access to gold and silver 1.1,
declines, turn to agriculture 3.1; accessibility of some
natives and genocidal labor policy 1.2; beheading of
Tupac Amaru nts.1n34; Bolivar seeks to break from 1.3,
nts.2n5, nts.3n3; imposed forced labor on Indians 3.2,
3.3; inaccessibility to some natives due to resistance
1.4; Indian captives from Anglo-America bond-laborers
in West Indies 3.4; social control Hispaniola, Cuba, and
Puerto Rico no intermediate social stratum 3.5; social
control Mexico and Peru adapt pre-existing structure
and preserve buffer function for caciques 3.6; tobacco
from, sent to England nts.4n92
Speed, John
Spencer, Nicholas 11.1, 11.2
“Spirits” 7.1, nts.1nn14
Spotswood, Alexander 11.1, 13.1, 13.2
St. Domingue 1.1, 3.1, nts.1n31
starvation 7.1, 8.1, nts.1n125, nts.2n188
Statute of Artificers 1563 (5 Eliz. 4, 1563) 2.1, 6.1,
nts.1n58: basic English master-servant law for over
13.1 years 2.2; in direction of tenantry and wage
laborer 6.2; had to be overthrown for lifetime
hereditary chattel bondage 4.1; unmarried, unpropertied
women lowest labor status under 2.3
Statute of Laborers (1350) app2.1, nts.1n5, nts.2n61,
nts.3n63, nts.4n65
Stephens, Alexander n72
stratification: Anglo-American continental bourgeoisie
faced “Brazilian” problem of continental people
without cacique class 3.1; nts.1n47
sugar 1.1, 12.1, 12.2, nts.1n1
suicide 8.1, nts.1n11
Summers, George W.: “fold to his bosom the adder that
stings” n115
supplies: dependence of colonies on England for 5.1, 5.2;
shortage of nts.1n24
Surry County 8.1, 9.1, 10.1, nts.1n49, nts.2n31; plots 9.2,
9.3, 11.1, 13.1
Susquehannock 11.1, nts.1n17
Tawney, R. H. 2.1, nts.1n74, nts.2n3
technological advance nts.1n97: superiority nts.2n52
tenants: brought to Bermuda nts.1n37; Captain Nuce’s plan
to reduce to servants 4.1; in Chesapeake 13.1, 13.2,
nts.2n11; clearing land cheaper with in eighteenth
century, cheaper with bond-laborers in seventeenth
century 6.1; decision to destroy 6.2; definition of and
terms of service (1618) 4.2; differences of dependence
on in Ulster and in English colonies in America 12.1;
and laborers majority of English in Virginia (1616) 4.3;
lateral mobility to “frontier13.3; massacre of 5.1, 6.3,
13.4, nts.3n26; military 12.2; number of 5.2, 6.4,
nts.4n46, majority of colony 4.4; overthrow of 13.5;
productivity of 5.3, nts.5n125; and poor whites 13.6;
reduced to chattel bond-servants 4.5, 5.4, 10.1,
nts.6n156; renting out of 5.5; Scots in Ulster
(seventeenth century) 13.7; “slaves” did not cause
decline of yeomen nts.7n48; tenant class rejected from
standpoint of making profit 6.5; tenants-at-halves
typical 4.6, 5.6; tenants-at-will 13.8; terms of 4.7, 4.8,
5.7; transfer of 5.8; without work 5.9
testamentary rights 13.1, nts.1n62
testimony, denial of and loophole n21
“they would have destroyed me .” (Grantham) m93
tithables: bond-laborers included nts.1n57; European-
American women excluded nts.2n118; free African-
American women included 10.1, 10.2, nts.3n40,
nts.4n57; Indian women included nts.5n57; number of
10.3, 11.1, nts.6n117, nts.7n124
Titu Yupanqui
“to fix a perpetual brand on Free Negros & Mulattos”
(Gooch) 13.1, 13.2
“too few free poor to matter” (Morgan)
“too few” laboring class Europeans in West Indies, “too
many” in continental colonies
tobacco: addiction 4.1; “Boom 4.2, nts.1n125; capitalist
profiteering on nts.2n170; contract 4.3; crisis of
overproduction 4.4, 9.1, 11.1, nts.3n94, nts.4n28;
cultivation nts.5n54; discovery of nts.6n41;
diversification 9.2, 9.3, nts.7n94, nts.8n43, nts.9nn50,
frustrated nts.10n55, nts.11n21, nts.12n51; duties
collected in England 11.2; first shipment nts.13n40;
historical importance 4.5, 7.1; intense supervision 7.2;
king gets one-third of crop nts.14n91; limitations on
nts.15n93, nts.16n51; Maryland nts.17n67; and “misery
nts.18n80; as money nts.19n67; monoculture 4.6, 9.4,
9.5, 10.1, nts.20n59, Berkeley critic of 9.6, Chesapeake
colonies committed to nts.21n51; shapes society 9.7;
party 4.7; plantations and bond-labor nts.22n53; planter
elite enrichment and planters’ debt 9.8; price of 4.8,
9.9, nts.23nn91, nts.24n94, nts.25nn103, 9.10, declining
prices of 6.1, 11.3, nts.26n170; production 4.9, 7.3,
9.11, nts.27n97, nts.28n50, nts.29n51; restriction of
planting 5.1; revenue, loss of nts.30n66; riots, tobacco-
cutting (1682) 11.4; and small farms nts.31n54; South
Carolina nts.32n67; Spanish-produced nts.33n91;
stringing nts.34n97; Virginia nts.35n40, nts.36n67,
transportation: costs of laborers 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, nts.1n103;
of indigent prohibited by Louis XIV 1.1
Treaty of Breda (1667) 9.1, 10.1, nts.1n53
Trelawney Town treaty (1738–39) 12.1, 12.2
Trevelyan, G.M.
Trinidad nts.1n40, nts.2n2, nts.3n35, nts.4n111
Tucker, Captain William 5.1, 6.1, nts.1n103
Tupac Amaru 2.1, nts.1n34
Turner, Frederick Jackson 13.1, nts.1n118, nts.2n123
Turner, Nat, n115
Tuscaroras 3.1, nts.1n92, nts.2n11
Twain, Mark
Tyler, Lyon G.
Tyrone War (1594–1603) 2.1, 5.1, nts.1n75, nts.2n23,
Ulster/America analogies: plantation 4.1, 12.1; Scots 12.2
“unthinking decision 1.1, 9.1, 13.1, nts.1n89: Jordan and
6.1, 10.1, nts.2n103, nts.3n80
Vagrancy Act of 1547: anti-”vagabond” enslavement of
unemployed laborers 2.1; model for Barbadian slave
code nts.1n45; not racial oppression 10.1; resistance to
2.2, nts.2n55; retreat from 10.2; repeal 2.3; special
disability on women 2.4
vagrancy/vagabonds 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1
“venting” surplus ofnecessitous people”
Verlinden, Charles n47
“villeinnts.1n89, nts.2n101
Virginia Assembly: Captain Nuce’s plan to 4.1; denial of
equal rights to African-Americans 8.1; deliberate
conferring of privileges 13.1; discards English common
law of descent through the father 7.1; domestic source
of bond-labor 7.2; established under “Great Charter
(1618) 4.2; forms of oppression 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6; free
African-Americans denied role in intermediate social
control stratum 13.2; percent bond-laborers to
landholders nts.1n33; mark-up on goods from England
4.3; population of nts.2n124, nts.3n22; and rebellion
8.2, 8.3, 11.1; tithables nts.4n124; and Elizabeth Key
case 10.1; voting 13.3
Virginia Colony: abuse of rights 5.1; at least 4.1 percent of
adult white men non-owners of bond-labor 13.1;
authorized to impose levies nts.1n16; Bacons
Rebellion (1676) and 11.1, 11.2, nts.2n34; breech in
ranks of ruling elite 11.3; buying and selling of Indians
3.1; and Captain Nuce’s proposal 5.2; colonists
abandonment of plantations 5.3; colonists lack
preponderance of military force 3.2, nts.3n53,
nts.4nn53; colony-centered position nts.5n102; colony
elite: description of 9.1, nts.6n13, desire for capitalism
based on chattel bond-servitude and 13.2, emergence of
5.4, nts.7n15, 11.4, division in ranks of nts.8n12, 5.5,
engrossment of land by 12.1, extreme economic
pressure on laborers deliberately exploited by 5.6,
factions 11.5, 11.6, number of 9.2, small capacity to
command 9.3; comparison with Maryland and South
Carolina nts.9n67; comparison with New England 9.4,
sex ratio comparison 4.2; as continental colony 3.3;
contract tenants 4.3; contradiction between few rich and
common people nts.10n24; contrast with Caribbean
12.2, nts.11n35, nts.12n22; corn planting restriction 5.7;
counties 6.1, nts.13n25, nts.14n31, nts.15n35,
nts.16n47; county courts 9.5, nts.17n36, nts.18n4; debts
in nts.19n28; decentralization of power 11.7;
dependence on England for supplies 5.8, 5.9; dependent
upon trade with Indians 3.4; desperate poverty
nts.20n23; division of former tenants 6.2; emancipation
by Quakers 13.3, by will 13.4; emigrants to 4.4,
nts.21n138; English: immigrants 4.5, laborers
nts.22n53, capitalists oppose diversification in 11.8,
settlement in 1.1, 12.3; establishment 3.5, 4.6, nts.23n1,
nts.24n67; exploitation of presumption of bondage 7.1;
fears of 9.6; “featherbedding13.5; five chieftains
murdered nts.25n17; flight to Indians 5.10; forms of
oppression 7.2; general conditions 9.7, 9.8, nts.26n27,
that shaped social control policy 12.4; governors of 6.3,
nts.27n23; grain production in nts.28n51; historical
resources 10.1, 10.2, app7.1, nts.29n43, nts.30n26,
nts.31n2, nts.32n4; hunting ban 5.11; and ill-
provisioned laborers 6.4; impoverishment 10.3, 11.9;
intermarriage nts.33n40; Irish men to be sold as slaves
in nts.34n17; labor conforming to English system 4.7;
laboring people’s difficulty 5.12, 6.5; laborers,
shortage of nts.35n147; lack of effective intermediate
buffer social control stratum 11.10, 13.6; land
allocation 5.13; laws against mating of English and
Negroes 13.7; Maroon potential in nts.36n121; master-
servant relationships app4.1; militia 9.9; and
Navigation Acts 11.11; non-free adults nts.37n91;
officers 5.14; as pattern-setter for institution of racial
slavery nts.38n67; poor majority unable to buy bond-
laborers 10.4; population density 12.5; preachers
prevented from coming to Virginia nts.39n90; procure
large tracts of land 9.10; proposal onchanging tenants
to servants6.6; punishment app6.1; renting out tenants
5.15, 5.16; similarity to Brazil 3.6; Sioux of Great
Plains subdued by descendants of nts.40n116; social
control problem 11.12; survival in 3.7; tenants 5.17;
threat of Dutch invasion and insurrection 9.11;
Tidewater 12.6; tobacco as money in 5.18, nts.41n67;
wealthy newcomers 11.13; “white” volunteers for South
Carolina nts.42n115. See also Chesapeake
Virginia Colony Council 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 11.1, nts.1n43:
divides up former Company tenants among themselves
6.1; and Governor consider moving across Chesapeake
(1622) nts.2n47; members participate in revising law
(of 1705) with provisions relative to establishment of
racial oppression and “white race” app6.1; proposal
from, for “changing tenants to servants” develops into
prevailing policy of Anglo-American plantation
bourgeoisie 6.2
Virginia Company: to “assign6.1, no provision for 4.1;
bankruptcy of 4.2; a capitalist failure 4.3; Charters
(1606) 4.4, 4.5, (1609) 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, (1612) 4.9, 4.10;
Committee on Petitions 6.2; competition with
plantations for labor and capital 4.11; condemned
“renting out of tenants” 5.1; contradictory views 6.3;
corn planting restriction 5.2; contrasting treatment of
Argall and Yeardley 5.3; end of 4.12, 326n151; expects
investors to make 2.1 percent profit 5.4; Francis Bacon
member of 9.1; labor relationships (1616) under 4.13;
reports much corn, but shortage of laborers (1624)
nts.1n147; future in commodity production 3.1; and
Governor Argall 4.14, 5.5; homeless boys and girls
4.15; Indian captives 3.2; Indian uprising as death blow
to 5.6; intermediate bond-servitude forms 4.16, 4.17;
internal factional disputes 4.18; investors 3.3; laborers
4.19; landholding 12.1; laws, revision of app6.1;
liquidation 6.4; military force nts.2n52, regime 6.5;
officers: diverting tenants to private use 4.20, Company
land apportioned among 5.7; opposed to chattelization
6.6; periods of 4.21, nts.3n1, nts.4n3, nts.5n24: First
(1607–10) 4.22, Second (1610–18) 4.23; Third (1619–
24) 4.24; pledge to send servants instead of tenants as
seed of “plantation of bondage6.7; quest for settlers
4.25; statuses of bond-laborer, apprentice, and “white
servitude” nts.6n38; tenants 5.8, 5.9; transport of
emigrants 4.26
Virginia General Assembly 4.1, 5.1, 9.1, nts.1n10,
nts.2n16: authorizes apprehending and selling Indians
3.1; disposition to deny equal rights to African-
Americans 8.1; Elizabeth Key case 10.1, withdraws
franchise from propertyless “freemen 11.1
Virginia General Court: abuse of rights of laboring people
exploited by 5.1; authorizes option to buy bond-laborer
6.1; chattel bond-servitude not outgrowth of
apprenticeship, Court member Mason explains
apprentice not assignable 6.2; crass partiality of, put
tenants at extreme disadvantage 5.2; Elizabeth Key case
10.1; extreme economic pressure on laborers
deliberately exploited by 5.3; imposes extended time on
runaways 6.3, 7.1; John Punch case 10.2, 10.3; part of
governance of colony 5.4, 9.1; and runaways 8.1; says
Indians were free nts.1n94; woman brought to be wife
became servant of former fiancé 4.1
Virginia Governor 9.1, 11.1, nts.1n47, nts.2n53, nts.3n16:
instructed not to have laborers diverted from tobacco
(1705) 9.2; embraced Captain Nuce’s proposal 5.1;
privilege of trading with Indians restricted to
appointees of 11.2
Virginia House of Burgesses 5.1, 9.1, 11.1, nts.1n16,
nts.2n39: members involved in revising law (of 1705)
relative to establishment of racial oppression and
“white race” app6.1; and Bacons Rebellion 11.2;
legislation for anti-Indian army 11.3; and social
instability 11.4; and status of African-Americans 10.1
“volatile society
voting: denial of 13.1, 13.2; property qualifications 12.1;
rights 13.3, 13.4, nts.1n5, nts.2n16
wage-labor 2.1, 4.1: wage-laborers 1.1, app2.1, nts.1n26
wages: absence of 6.1; comparative 4.1; decline in real
nts.1n71; downward trend of real 13.1; high 9.1; of
labor 2.1, 4.2, app2.1; levels 9.2, nts.2n40; right to be
paid under Poor Law 2.2
Wampanoags 3.1, 3.2, nts.1n93
War of Devolution (1666–7)
War of the League of Augsburg 11.1, app5.1, nts.1n58,
Warre, Governor de la 4.1, nts.1n23
Washburn, Wilcomb E. 11.1, nts.1n67: defends Berkeley
nts.2n102; denies class conflict role and emphasizes
hostility to Indians; nts.3n23; ignores bond-laborers
nts.4n4, nts.5n17
water suffocation n93
Waterhouse, Edward 3.1, nts.1n3
Wat Tyler’s Rebellion (1381): historians on nts.1n6,
nts.2n26; laboring classes and 6.1; peasant “struck a
blow for freedom …” (Thorold Rogers) app2.1,
app7.1n6; role in ending feudal order 2.1; tradition of
wealth “consisteth of servants5.1, nts.1n97; indexes 5.2
Weldon, Captain 5.1, nts.1n29
Wertenbaker, Thomas J. 4.1: equates yeoman with
“middle class” though term originally referred to
laboring class in England 13.1, nts.1n80, nts.2n35;
competition with unpaid bond-labor “practically
destroyed the Virginia yeomanry 13.2, nts.3n180,
nts.4n80; findings challenges Morgans assumption
13.3; immediate “control of the negroes” put into “the
hands of white men of humbler means” (after 1700)
13.4; prospect of bond-laborer becoming landholder in
Virginia at 1.1 to 1.2 percent nts.5n33, nts.6n33
West, Richard, Attorney-General 13.1, 13.2, 13.3,
nts.1n16, nts.2n19
West Indies nts.1n51: Africans purchased by British Army
in nts.2n108, nts.3n111; mulatto in nts.4n116; rise in
demand for wheat nts.5n51; terms “freedman,”
“freedwoman,” “Free black,” Negro, “Free colored”
and “mulatto” in nts.6n96; West Indian Regiment 12.1.
See also Anglo-Caribbean; British West Indies
West Point 6.1, 11.1, nts.1n92, nts.2n97
Westmoreland County
Westo War (1708)
whipping 7.1, 7.2, 8.1: to death 5.1, nts.1n188; in England
2.1, 2.2; examples of 7.3, nts.2n188, nts.3n189; men and
women nts.4n98; resistance to nts.5n82; for refusing to
go to work nts.6n27; for runaways in John Punch case
nts.7n11; Virginia code (1705) prohibits whippinga
Christian white servant naked” 13.1; of women 7.4,
10.1, for fornication 7.5
“white”: assumption nts.1n98; Christians as nts.2n41;
“consciousness” 13.1; exclusionism 12.1, 13.2; a new
term 12.2;historian’s” bias 11.1; identity, established
13.3, exclusion of free African-Americans as corollary
of 13.4; “man” and abuse of free black family nts.3n77,
and pursuit of black women nts.4n75, union with Negro
woman nts.5n24; “mans countrynts.6n79; “people
nts.7n98; poor 12.3, contrast with yeomen nts.8n35; not
looked at objectively nts.9n11; presumption of liberty
extended to “white persons and native American
Indians” not to African-Americans nts.10n39;
“servitude” nts.11n5, nts.12n32, nts.13n38, nts.14n59;
60 percent of males in Virginia non-owners of bond-
labor 13.5; “slaves” nts.15n42; “solidarity” and
inversion of cause and effect of and racial slavery
nts.16n13; supremacism 13.6, propagandized in 13.7;
unity, all-class nts.17n9; “Virginians” as nts.18n98;
volunteers nts.19n115
“white sheet, white rod” n89
“white-skin privileges3.1, 13.1: incubus of 13.2, system
of initiated by plantation bourgeoisie 13.3
“white race”: new all-class, all-European social identity
12.1, nts.1n39; did not exist and could not have existed
in seventeenth-century tobacco colonies 8.1, 10.1, 11.1;
deliberate course by ruling plantation bourgeoisie
app6.1; identity 11.2, and exclusion of free Negro 13.1;
Indian labor and 3.1; invention of, and social control
3.2, 3.3, 12.2, app6.2; and presumption of liberty
nts.2n39; privileges 3.4, 13.2; and racial oppression in
1705 Act and revisals of Virginia law with provisions
relative to establishment of app6.3; social control
system 3.5, 13.3, and abortion of in West Indies 12.3
passim; solidarity 13.4; and theories of American
History 13.5
white supremacy: civil rights and impending crisis 13.1;
deficiency laws 12.1, 13.2, 13.3, nts.1n10; development
of social and legal structure of nts.2n67; emancipation
of African-Americans 13.4; fate of Indians under 3.1;
frontier-as-social-safety-valve-theory (Turner) and
13.5; and landowners 13.6; and male supremacy 13.7;
mechanics 13.8; monorail of U.S. history 10.1; not in
real interest of majority of people 13.9; and paradox
thesis 13.10; as racial oppression 10.2; sexual union
between “Whites” and African-Americans 13.11; social
control formation 13.12; social distinction 13.13; social
mobility and 12.2, 13.14; social order and 13.15; and
tenancy 13.16; Virginia as pattern-setter nts.3n67; white
frontier 13.17; yeomanry 13.18; “white mans
“white worker”: demand exclusion of Negroes from
skilled trades 13.1; record of period shows no “white
worker” component 7.1
“whiteness,” certificates of
“whites”: acquired status as 12.1; Christians as nts.1n41;
denied social mobility 13.1; in Jamaica 12.2;
“perquisites ofnts.2n129
Williams, Eric E. 4.1, nts.1n58
Willoughby, Governor William
wives 4.1: buying of, as “property inhibited free flow of
capital 4.2; coverture 2.1, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 10.1, nts.1n93;
intermarriage nts.2n40; “maids-for-wives” 4.3
women: European-American not tithable unless “working
in the ground” nts.1n118, nts.2n124; “feme covert” 2.1,
10.1; “feme sole” nts.3n86; feudal nf doubly
oppressed by class and gender nts.4n89; hanged
nts.5n87; Jefferson on “breeding women nts.6n24; of
laboring class compelled to work 2.2; “maids-for-
wives4.1, nts.7n118, nts.8n121; oppression of 2.3,
2.4, 7.1, 7.2; on white man and Negro woman nts.9n24,
nts.10n75, nts.11n77
women bond-laborers: African-Americans tithable 10.1,
10.2, nts.1n40; denied right to marry 2.1, 7.1, nts.2n76,
nts.3n78; double penalty for mating with African-
American 8.1; extra servitude for marrying nts.4n99;
freedom for, if allowed to marry nts.5n77; importation
of 4.1; Maryland European-American crop workers
tithable nts.6n124; mortality rate of nts.7n180; and oaths
nts.8n111; in Pilgrimage of Grace nts.9n87; sexual
liaisons 8.2; shipping of 4.2; special oppression of 7.2;
3.1 percent die within five years of landing nts.10n180;
in 1624/5 Virginia census 4.3; whipping of 7.3, 10.3,
nts.11n98, for fornication 7.4, resistance to whipping
Woodson, Carter G. 8.1, 10.1
Worcester, Battle of n9
Wyatt, Governor Francis 5.1, 5.2, nts.1n23, nts.2n126:
“Negro named Brase” assigned to as a “servant 10.1;
on tenant productivity nts.3n126; tenants starving, some
“rented out5.3; Yeardleys tenants turned over to him
Yamassees 3.1, 3.2, nts.1n64, nts.2n115
Yamassee War (1715) 3.1, 5.1
Yeardley, George 6.1, 13.1, nts.1n103: accused of
appropriating tenants for private use 4.1, 5.1, nts.2n102,
of having provoked 1622 Indian attack nts.3n43;
exchanged victuals for “20 and odd” African laborers
(1619) 5.2, nts.4n24; and food scarcity 5.3, 5.4, 5.5,
5.6; purchase ofNegroesnts.5n24; as governor
(1619–21) 4.2, 4.3, 5.7; and rise of Colony elite 5.8;
tenants of Virginia Company assigned to nts.6n145;
mercenary service in Netherlands nts.7n23; violation of
tenants’ contracts 5.9; wealth of nts.8nn32, most
prosperous person 5.10
“yeoman”: African-Americans barred from ranks of 13.1;
in Anglo-America plantation colonies different than
Ulster Scots or English-style 12.1; category 13.2;
competition with unpaid bond-labor “practically
destroyed” in Virginia 13.3, nts.1n180; deliberately
fostered lower-middle-class stratum 2.1; few former
bond-servants nts.2n33; historians on nts.3nn35,
nts.4nn40; Main suggest “yeoman” or “middle” class of
3.1 percent of adult white male population 13.4; non-
owners of bond-laborers 13.5; non-yeoman, ruling class
induces to settle for counterfeit of social mobility of
“white” identity 13.6; privileges 2.2; as social control
stratum missing in Virginia 9.1, 13.7; state makes
political decision for social control to preserve
proportion of peasants to serve in militia and police
functions 2.3, nts.5n29, nts.6n35; term not found in
colonial Virginia and Maryland records 13.8;
understood as intermediate social control category 13.9;
Wertenbaker equates withmiddle class” though term
originally referred to laboring class in England 13.10,
York County